#please ao3 come back to me!!!!!
aphvanity · 2 years
ao3 being down feels like running through a green meadow with a childhood friend who disappears in the mist. i’m alone now. there’s nothing but the wind biting my cheeks and my shoes filled with just enough dirt to mold to my feet. the grass gets greener the longer i look at it and i wish the mist was closer to me so i could be in it, but no matter how much i reach out it always remains faraway in my vision. i just want to feel the mist wrap around me as it consumed my friend but instead i am just another grass in the wind and the air is a little too cold to be refreshing
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hailsatanacab · 10 days
Your Favourite Author's Favourite Fic
in no way is this me sneakily trying to get fic recs out of people, but here's my new tag game!
Rules! When tagged, reblog with the fic you've written that you love the most
Not the fic with the most kudos, or the most comments, or the most hits, but the fic that you're the most proud of. I'm talking about the story that kept you up at night, the one that you still think about, the one that you wish more people would read
So, it's time to show off! I strongly encourage - in fact, I demand - that you give yourself some compliments, a well-deserved pat on the back, and tell us all the reasons why it's your favourite!
Then tag five people and make them go through it, too 🥰🩷
I'll tag @wolfjackle, @tourettesdog, @gilbirda, @die-erlkonigin6083, and @thewritingowl to get us started, please and thank you!!
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jay-wasreblogging · 6 months
Fanfic authors be like
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Everytime my ao3 takes just a liiiiiittle bit longer to load then usual I feel like throwing up crying screaming dying
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Like, she didn't even warn me.
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What do you mean I find the perfect fic to read during the witching hour and ao3 decides to have a mental breakdown and take a break? I am distressed
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starregulus · 22 days
ao3 is down 😭😭😭😭
how am i supposed to survive my first day of uni tomorrow without my daily bed time story of the sillies
the entire semester is basically ruined 😔
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onlydrawnbad · 10 months
Do you ever read 570,000+ word, 130+ chapter fanfics that were started nearly 8 years ago and have current year updates, and as you get to the end of certain chapters along the way, you keep going "wow, I would have hated to be here in 201x and have to wait for THAT cliffhanger, those poor readers, those sad, desperate historical souls" and you're just so glad for yourself because you know you don't have to stop until chapter 139, and you arrogantly assume that's probably just extended epilogues or something (because you were previously conditioned by another fic to believe that), so everything will be fine?
Only to get to chapter 139 and SCREAM OUT LOUD because you jinxed yourself right into THE NEWEST WAVE OF CLIMATIC PLOT CHAPTERS WHERE ALL THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN and now you, too, have become the reader you felt such pity for?
Wait, you don't?
THEN GO OVER THERE AND DO WHAT I DID SO I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE IN MY HUBRIS. It comes with art. So. Much. Wonderful. Comic. Art.
I would like to stress (as I have done before) that I have never played this game. Not once. I had never even heard of it originally. Yet this is now the second absolutely massive Sans x reader/OC fic I have read in this fandom. Everything I know about Undertale, I learned because one day on a whim I decided to read a 480,000+ word, 170+ chapter fanfic because I liked the way @tricktster used words on some tumblr post (don't ask me which one, I've forgotten). I have re-read that fic at least once a year, if not more, for multiple years in a row because it's like a favorite book to me now.
If anyone needs me, I'll be comfort-reading it, again.
And then probably going back and re-reading JoAT, because oh my god that fic. I'm just so in love with it for a million reasons.
(Yes, it took me this long to see there was another glorious treasure in plain sight under @capnhanbers despite following @mod2amaryllis and it's just really embarrassing to be confronted by that kind of obliviousness, okay? Can I blame it on how, multiple times now over the years, I've gone months and months without looking at this app unless it notified me of something specific?)
I swear, I have never read fic in any other fandom where it was this easy to immerse myself in it with nothing more than some light googling along the way (the first time with CoBC), and the googling was just because I'm me and I like to know all the things. In both cases, you don't have to come to the table with anything other than an interest in supernatural-elements stories (monsters, magic, etc) and a love for snappy dialogue and funny (dad) jokes and HEART-WRENCHING FEELS and watching the author having a life journey in the notes.
(And yes, sure, an open mind about a skeleton monster and a human having magical sex, but if you know you're in a rated fic about monsters and humans, you must know that's going to be a thing.)
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jadewestwriter · 6 months
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andrastes-cheeks · 22 days
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scraptumblers · 22 days
I’m losing my mind AO3 is still down, god help my soul.
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I wasn't ever planning on posting here again but I was innocently scrolling on Twitter when the latest merch set punched me in the face and I just can't stay quiet about it.
Is on.
Your head????
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infinitemilk · 22 days
twitter being banned:
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Ao3 down for maintenance
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sillspore · 22 days
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mausi14362 · 20 days
I just wanted to kudo a fic
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solowinged · 3 months
day 125 without AO3: I have resorted to cycling between every other social media I use in the effort to feel something. I close YouTube and seconds after I open it again. The children crave blorbo content and I feed it what little homebrewed amv scenarios I have in my head. I fear the time for me to pick up a pencil and write out my ideas fast approaches. I would sooner eat my own heart out. I will not make to the end of the day.
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