#please consider this your birthday present even tho it is your request <3
mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 1
"Happy Birthday"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Idia: K. Here it's come again this year, the birthday we haven't all been waiting for. Yaaay… Clap. Clap…
Idia: Sigh. Can't believe it has to be in person, all tablets forbidden~ Could be in a pinch depending on who the presenter is…
???: Excuse me.
Riddle: I, Riddle Rosehearts, will be your presenter. Idia-senpai, Happy Birthday.
Idia: Urrrrkk! Th-Thanks… I mean, I guess this isn't a total loss, 'cause it's not one of those rowdy party people…
Riddle: We may interact often, but it is rare for this chance to have a conversation together. Allow me to start the interview right away.
Idia: So good that Riddle-shi doesn't need any kind of small talk to get things rolling. Yeah, get to it, please.
Riddle: Alright, then here is the first question.
Riddle: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Riddle: If need be, there is no need to consider any limits to your magical abilities…
Idia: I-I-I- I don't want to go anywhere. My room is my favorite place to be.
Riddle: That's what I thought you'd say. At least you don't deviate from expectations…
Riddle: However, you must adhere to the interview rules to respond to each question. I shall wring your response out of you one way or another.
Idia: Geez… What, is this interview titled "Get Threatened By Your Underclassman On Your Birthday" or something?
Idia: Hrrn… Somewhere I want to go… Ah.
Riddle: Have you thought of something?
Idia: I may want to go to Hydra Valley.
Riddle: Hydra Valley… That is the canyon with the sheer cliffs in the Kingdom of Heroes, is that right?
Idia: Yeah, yeah. That place was said to be the lair of a huge 9 headed monster.
Riddle: I'm surprised. I never expected you of all people to go to such an extreme location.
Idia: Hey, no one said I was gonna climb it. There's a different reason I want to go to Hydra Valley…
Riddle: Could you elaborate?
Idia: That was where they shot a scene from the movie I've loved since I was a kid.
Riddle: So, essentially… You're wanting to see where they shot the scene with your own eyes.
Idia: Yup. Back then, they didn't have the CG and drone capabilities that we have now, so they said that the actors and film crew had to actually climb the cliff.
Idia: And even the camera mage had to film while flying on a broom, so…
Idia: It looked so amazing on the screen then, so I bet it would be even better in person… One of those "wanting to taste the forbidden fruit" kinda thing, maybe?
Riddle: I do understand that one can expand their knowledge of something by experiencing it firsthand. I do hope it happens for you one day.
Idia: I mean, looking at my own flight skills, pretty sure it's basically impossible.
Idia: And if I want to go by other means, I prolly won't have enough time or energy…
Idia: Which means, for shut-ins like me, it's gotta be getting the 360-degree panoramic VR experience!
Idia: It'd be even greater if I can recreate the smell and wind, too.
Idia: …Maybe one day I'll build a device that'll do that and do a quick speedrun of that canyon myself.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Good evening 😌
I‘m the biggest simp for Viago and I’m so happy you added him to your writing list. Currently imploding, thanks!
Dying for Viago x male reader content so I’ll give you a smooch for this. Viago meets the reader one night and originally planned on making him his dinner but he finds himself enjoying the conversation he’s having with the reader too much. They agree to hang out again, go on cute nightly dates because they both have horrible sleep schedules (wink) and eventually develop massive crushes on each other.
The reader finds out about his vampire situation when Viago blurts it out while they’re getting midnight snacks for the reader. They both kinda just stand there for a few seconds until Viago grabs the reader and plants an awkward but very sweet kiss on his lips. 😌
Thanks :>
Willing for Something New | Viago x Male!Reader
Well, hello there! Jjdsflsdjfldsh, that makes me very happy to know. :') Thanks so much for this entirely too sweet request, ah! Viago. <3 I really hope you like what I've done with it! Also, sorry for working in quite a bit of German. I had to take my chance, djkshjfhs (I'm German)! Didn't write in his accent, though.
summary; See above.
notes; Human!Male!Reader; Talk about Food; Falling in Love; Social Awkwardness; First Kiss; Fluff.
German Translations: Tut mir leid = I'm sorry Ja = Yes Nein = No Ich bin ein Vampir = I'm a vampire (Ach,) scheiß drauf = To hell with it/Fuck it
When you’d been brought to him as your dinner, Viago felt eager to drink your blood after making it a beautiful, unforgettable evening for you. You smelled delicious, you were handsome and, oh, so nice. It’d be a shame to kill you, but you would also be one of his best dinners he’s ever had. 
Well, so he had thought, at least. 
As it turned out, he couldn’t stop talking to you. Your conversation was interesting and fun, so different from what he was used to. And besides that, it was so easy to talk to you. Time passed by like nothing else.
You spent time with each other all night long, until you had looked at the clock out of curiosity and realised that it was almost five o’clock in the morning, thus leaving in a hurry with promises of seeing him again.
He let you go. He wanted to see you once more. Suddenly, you were not his dinner anymore. Viago had no idea what had been so different about you to make that happen, but he didn’t mind it as much as he thought he might. 
The next time you saw each other, it was the same thing all over again. He had had all intention of drinking your blood; but at the end of your little get-together, he let you go home and fed from a stranger on the streets, who he presumed wouldn’t be missed. Certainly not his best choice for dinner, but it had to suffice.
After that, you met up several more times. Because you barely ever slept at times that humans usually would, it was never a problem for you two to meet at night when he could go out, which was very convenient for him, but also agonising to have it to be so easy to see you again.
Every single date ended with him letting you go home and his hunger for you waning, turning into a different sort of yearning. He desired you. He wanted to be with you. He thought he might have been developing feelings for you. 
And that terrified him a little. 
After all, he’s been in love before. It hadn’t ended so well, had it? She’d found someone better than him, another human, leaving him heartbroken for decades. Why would he cause himself the same pain by falling in love with you? Another human, who was bound to break his heart. 
But - and call him anything derogatory that you want - he thought you might have actually liked him back. So has Katherine, though. Until she hasn’t. 
Yet he was willing to keep going and see where it would all end up with you two.
This night, you had been spending time at his home again, where you hadn’t been since the very first time you’d met. He should have thought about it beforehand. You liked to snack when you spent time with each other. Midnight snacks. He knew them well, but they looked different for him. Unfortunately, he hadn’t thought about buying you something beforehand. He felt ashamed of himself for being so inconsiderate. 
“I’m really sorry about not having anything at home. Tut mir leid,” he told you, wincing, “We can go to the nearby store and buy you whatever you like!”
Smiling at him, you put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, “Hey. It’s no problem. I could have taken something with me from home. It’s not that urgent, Viago. I can deal with no snack.”
He shook his head decidedly, “Nein, we’re going! I insist.”
You chuckled softly and rolled your eyes at him, “Fine, then.”
Thus, you two made your way to the convenient store that was near his house. It was nice to get out for the night. He liked seeing the people that were still up at late hours. He thought it was interesting. 
“Say, Viago, what is your favourite snack? Or do you really not like to eat any at all? Because when I first offered you something, you didn’t want any of the things I had at home. Made me wonder. ‘Cause I’d like to be able to provide that for you, too, when you visit, you know?” you asked him after you’ve been walking in comfortable silence for a few minutes.
“Hm,” Viago hummed, looking for a plausible answer that wouldn’t reveal to you that he was a vampire and couldn’t eat human food, “I, um, I just don’t like to eat any snack, ja. All I need is one meal a day!”
“Just one?” you looked at him in disbelief. Had he said something wrong? It’s been so long, he didn’t know what was normal for humans to eat and how much. “That’s probably not healthy. It’s recommended to eat three meals a day, plus some snacks. Although not the ones I’m eating, probably,” you explained, laughing at the end.
“Oh, ja! That’s what I meant. Three meals,” Viago corrected, nodding for emphasis.
“Ah, okay! Got really worried there for a second,” you chuckled and he, too, let out a short, awkward laugh. That was close. 
At the store, you quickly found the snack aisle and picked out your favourites even faster. Sometimes, Viago felt a little jealous of your ability to eat and taste all these delicious variations of food that humans have come up with over the last few centuries. He wished he could know what some things - new ones especially - tasted like, and while he technically could, it would make him puke out his guts and he wasn’t fond of potentially ruining his clothes in the process, or worse, any of his furniture.
“You may not like snacks. But do you want anything else to eat while we’re already here?” you asked with a gentle smile, once your hands were full of bags of various snacks.
“I’d rather not, but thank you,” Viago said, shooting you an awkward little smile in return. Why did you have to be so persistent about his eating habits now?
You frowned, looking thoughtful and slightly concerned. 
“Viago, are you okay? I mean, if you have some sort of condition that’s fine and you don’t have to tell me. I’m just worried, I guess, sorry.” You shrugged, seeming so uncertain for what might have been the first time since he’s met you. 
“Ich bin ein Vampir!” he blurted out before realising what he’s said and in which language, too. He could still save himself. But as soon as that registered, his next words were already out, “Sorry! I- I am a vampire. I can’t eat human food anymore.”
Panicking internally, Viago looked at you with wide eyes. You were still standing in the snack aisle. No one was nearby, he knew, and even if there was, he was only concerned about your reaction now. Only you were making him feel so terrified of what he’s just told you. 
You showed no reaction at first. You simply stared at him, snacks still in a tight grip, and with your mouth slack. 
He waited.
Would he ever see you again after this?
What should he do to get you to react?
It was agonising.
“Ach, scheiß drauf,” he muttered before moving in and planting a short, sweet kiss on your lips, licking over them for a split second when he parted from you. You were delicious even so.
You looked even more shocked now, but a smile slowly stretched your lips at last. What a relief!
“What was that for?” you inquired softly.
“I, uh, I’m not sure. I mean- I like you. A lot. But I don’t know why I felt like doing this now. Other than making you finally react. Maybe I also just wanted you to know that only because I’m a vampire you don’t have to be scared of me. I would never hurt you, Y/N,” Viago stumbled his way through an explanation, searching for the reason for this kiss as much as you were. It sounded plausible enough. It could have been the truth. He really didn’t know. It was as though in his (presumably) last moment with you, he wanted to at least have kissed you once. 
Chuckling, you leaned in and pecked his lips. 
“I thought I had imagined all of this. I’m glad I didn’t,” you murmured.
“And the fact that I am-”
“I don’t care. Actually, I think that’s pretty cool! But yeah, I don’t care. I really like you, Viago. So, if you’ll have me…” You trailed off, leaving him to answer you.
“Always,” he said, “I’d love to be with you.”
No matter what his past love has taught him, he was willing to try again.
In response, you kissed him once again, longer this time, more passionate as well. 
When you leaned back, you grinned at him. 
“Let’s get outta here,” you told him before walking off to the check-out. He followed you on shaky legs. 
The things you did to him, he would never understand. But he liked it. He thought this could be an exciting new thing for him.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Izumi Mitsuki: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for gathering while you’re busy! I was thinking of gathering requests for Mitsuki-san’s “RADIO STATION “Twelve Hits!”
T: This time too, to manage the chat and check the contents, us managers will also participate. Please take care of it!
3: Please take care of me!!
10000: I’m looking forward to Mitsuki-kun’s radio. Please take care of me.
Okazaki: Please take care of Re:vale too.
Anesagi: Me too. You always help TRIGGER.
1: Finally, it’s a time where Nii-san will become a personality. I’m looking forward to it.
3: Thanks, Iori! Your’s was the best so I’m gonna work hard so I don’t lose!
1: Maybe because I was conscious of how Nii-san speaks. I referenced you as a way to talk that’s easy to listen to and how to change the subjects.
2: Aaah, me too me too.
3: Even you said you referenced me, it was slacky lolol
2: [Pudding-peeking-out-from-behind-door Stamp]
T: So then, I was thinking of asking for requests from youngest to oldest. Tamaki-san, please take it away!
4: Kay.
4: I want Mikki to put us in a ranking.
3: Ranking?
4: The ranking of us here, from how Mikki sees us.
4: Like a ranking of who seems to have the easiest time changing a lightbulb on a tall ceiling, or a ranking of who can dance the most.
7: Tamaki! You’re just trying to be the top!
4: Fufun.
1: Then, add a ranking of who’s the smartest.
7: Iori too! Then, I wonder if I have something too?
4: Anything’s fine but I just wanna be something Mikki’s no.1! I mean, I wanna be everyone’s the best too but!
3: What is that Tamaki! Saying something cute!
3: But if you’re talking about changing a lightbulb on a tall ceiling, Tsunashi-san is also quite tall tho? And his dance is super sexy!
4: [Crying Kinako Stamp]
10: Me?! I’m embarrassed. Can I become Mitsuki-kun’s number one?
8: As expected of Izumi-ani, you get it huh. Our Ryuu can’t lose!
9: It’s Ryuu’s dancing. Of course.
Anesagi: Of course!
10: Everyone…! I’m happy!
6: That’s not good. Rankings supposed be equal and fair. How about Mitsuki choosing who has the most beautiful face?
3: Nagi lololol You’re super confident huh lololololol
6: :-)
4: I’ll reject that! Do a ranking of who likes Ousama Pudding the most
100: You are so straight! (∩´∀`)∩☆
1000: Even without doing a ranking, you’re number one. ^ ^
T: Let’s keep what ranking it will be till the time he picks that request! Lol
T: Next is Iori-san please!
1: From me, I’ll choose “food review.” It’s difficult because the radio doesn’t have images but, with Nii-san’s speaking skill, you could tell them about how delicious it is and how it looks, with only your voice.
1: Since your birthday is close, let me prepare a special sweet. It’s a strawberry chocolate mousse, inside of a bunny-shaped mug.
1: spec
1: It said “special” in a food magazine.
3: Heeh! That seems delicious! I wanna try eating it!
3: If I don’t pick that request, please guide me to that shop. Let’s eat it together and let me hear your opinions too!
1: Right. If Nii-san says that, I’ll join you.
7: Iori’s hugging his smartpho
1: Manager, let’s move on to the next request.
7: Iori! Don’t take my phone suddenly!
T: S-So then, to continue, Riku-san, would you let us hear your request?
7: Yes! I’ll choose “psychology test!” There’s a smartphone app so you can do it easily!
3: Yeah yeah, it’s popular among our group now. We occasionally do it in the greenroom lately!
7: The test of “which part of your body are you confident about” earlier was interesting huh!
3: The thing that Yamato-san answered “upper arm” to huh. lol
2: Mitsu, stop engulfing me with that.
T: What did Mitsuki-san answer?
3: So you’re gonna ask that huh! It’s embarrassing to say it myself. Lol Manager what do you think?
*T: Eyes maybe?
3: I get told my eyes are big a lot huh. Does Manager think my eyes are nice?
3: Too bad! Wrong!
7: Was lips the right answer?
3: No no! It was my mouth! I mean, it’s just a psychology test you know lol
Anesagi: You’re confident about your lips huh, not bad.
3: It’s not lips, but my mouth is pretty big so I thought my smiling face is nice….!
T: On the radio, it would be fun if you could try many psychology tests!
T: So then, how about Kujou-san next?
9: Okay. From me, it’s “Free Talk.” How about a talk where you pick up on keywords from IDOLiSH7’s many songs.
9: Izumi Mitsuki is known for his speaking skill right? Also I thought their fans would be enjoy it if they could listen to your memories about the songs.
3: Uwaa….. Kujou is…
3: I, was somehow touched...
9: What, suddenly.
3: About you praising my speaking skill too, but I’m really happy that you considered our fans too!
6: GOOD JOB, Kujou-shi. Everyone is impatient to hear the episode about our songs.
9: It’s a rare opportunity, so something that makes everyone happy would be nice right. That’s all.
3: Shit. I’ve become more of a fan lol
7: As expected of Tenn-nii, you fascinated Mitsuki too!
3: Well, I’m fan of all of TRIGGER tho!
5: I get it.
1: N-Nii-san?
3: Next time, maybe I’ll bring Kujo’s fan to the concert!
8: Oioi, bring my fan too tho?
10: Please bring my fan too! lol
3: I’ll bring three of them lololol
T: I’m also looking forward to TRIGGER-san’s next concert!
T: Next is Nagi-san please!
6: From me, it’s a present to Mitsuki.
3: Present? Not a request?
6: It’s a play for Mitsuki, by me. I’ll make a great play while thinking about Mitsuki, so please say it to all the listeners.
3: You said a great play, but you’re gonna take the trouble to make it even though we don’t know if I will choose it?!
6: It’s for Mitsuki and Mitsuki’s fans. I’ll present it to you with all my love.
3: Seriously?! Somehow the play that Nagi will make moves me!
3: Thanks! I’m looking forward to it!
6: ;-)
Anesagi: I often see plays as my hobby. In that way, I’m looking forward to it.
Okazaki: I see! You have a nice hobby!
Anesagi: Thx.
T: So then, Sougo-san, please give your request!
5: From me, “I want him to send a comment to the listeners who will start their new life.”
5: Because there will be lots of people who’s worry about beginning a new life. I want him to tell them from the radio.
3: That’s a very nice, Sougo-ish request huh!
5: Because I always receive an energy when Mitsuki-san pushed my back. I think that from hearing Mitsuki-san’s cheerful voice, the people who will start their new life will feel powerful.
5: Because Mitsuki-san’s voice has power.
2: Aaah, I somehow get it. Like not just that his voice is loud (lol).
6: Because Mitsuki faces people straight as himself, so his feelings dwell in his voice. It’s a very beautiful voice.
5: I’m happy hearing Mitsuki-san’s cheerful voice.
3: Uwaaah! What is it, everyone praising me...
3: I mean, I could talk to you anytime even if it’s not a radio!
3: But, I’m happy.
3: To be told that is somehow a little...
100: Mitsuki, you’re crying aren’t you?
3: Weeell, I’m happy… Heheh.
100: Mitsuki’s honesty is cute huh!
1000: And me?
100: Yuki is handsome and cute. (*´∀`*)
3: Aaah, sorry, can we take a quick break?
3: I was gonna get a tissue but my tissue box was empty.
5: I’ll bring some of mine.
3: Sougo~~~~~~!
T: I’m also happy that Mitsuki-san is being loved...!
T: Shall we take a ten minute break? And again afterwards, please take care of it.
3: So you’re gonna ask that huh! It’s embarrassing to say it myself. Lol Manager what do you think?
T: Your legs?
3: I run quite fast, so in that meaning, I think I’m confident about it?
3: Too bad! Wrong!
3: So you’re gonna ask that huh! It’s embarrassing to say it myself. Lol Manager what do you think?
T: Your upper arms maybe?
3: It’s not my upper arms! Because that’s Yamato-san lol.
3: Too bad! Wrong!
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thechocoboos · 7 years
Headcannons: Chocobros on Animal Crossing
(I can’t believe this is the subject of my first writing piece on here fml)
***the bros share a town
Boi’s been playing it since the original on the gamecube, it always made him feel less lonely (#relatable)
Now he just plays it to chill
Not as big of a fan for New Leaf as he was with previous games, but still plays it cause it’s the only one the bros like
His favorite aspect is interacting with the villagers. He attends every single birthday in town, sends more letters and presents than you and I ever did, and oh jeez god help the other bros when his favorite villager leaves
Gets way too attached to villagers and takes what they say to heart. The Grumpy villagers on the gamecube version once made him cry
L O V E S the dogs, you bet your bottom bell this boi bought every single dog amiibo card
The soul reason he plays New Leaf? Isabelle.
Lowkey has PTSD from Tom Nook; this boi here never fully paid off his loans
Struggles with making money ingame, can’t afford half the furniture he wants
Hands the game to Noctis when he needs money (Noct is king of the bell bringers)
Is scared of Resetti (once made Prom cry)
Bones moved out without telling Prom. He cried for 3 weeks.
Admittedly likes dressing his character up in goofy costumes, his favorites are the hero outfits
Not so great at decorating or designing the town but he tries
Prefers leaving his towns more natural with loads of trees and flowers spread out randomly (pfft not with Ignis around tho)
Sends presents and cute lil letters to the bros
Saves literally every single letter he gets
This boy LIVES for the holidays, he makes notes about what the villagers want from Jingle, what they’re scared of for Halloween, and he collects things way in advance for Thanksgiving
Saw Prom playing it one night, got curious and stole it for a few days
“Hey Noct, have you seen my 3DS?”
“No, maybe it fell in the Regalia?” Noct you asshole
At first, he didn’t see the appeal, but once he found out about fishing, the boy became obsessed
Got sick of playing as Prom’s character, so he made his own
Doesn’t care much for decorating his house, but that’s where he displays his fish. Only upgrades it to hold more fish.
What little furniture he has is mismatched and thrown down in the most random ways
“Hey Noct, what’s up with the flower chair facing the wall?”
“I dunno.”
Noctis single handedly supplies the museum fish, but nothing else
He somehow paid off all his loans and became a bellionaire in a week (Prom thinks he used the duplication glitch (he did) but can’t prove it) 
Basic clothing except one thing; he wears the crown nonstop
Usually ignores any requests the villagers give him, unless it involves fishing
Actually, he usually ignores the villagers, too
Sometimes sends Prom items that he really wants in letters
“Dear Blondie, Here From Noctis”
Whenever Prom wants money, Noctis takes over as Prom’s character and badaboom badabing Poor Prom is a Rich Prom
Ignores letters for the most part and deletes them; except the ones from mom and dad, he saves every single one (they make him smile and feel warm and fuzzy and sometimes sad)
Whenever he misses his parents he likes to look at the letters from his character’s ingame parents
Lowkey likes to dick around on the other bro’s files; once fucked up Ignis’ house so bad the man was practically a frozen brick to Noct for a week
“Hey Specs, what’s for dinner?”
“There might have been memory cake, but it appears my kitchen has disappeared.” the bros had to make their own ramen that night
No one expected him to like it so much
Or at least, the bros think he likes it?
Tutted at how bad Prom was with being mayor, and ended up playing “merely to correct the town’s issues”
Next thing ya know, he’s playing as Mayor Prompto more often than Prom, boi basically stole Prom’s character (Prom made a new one)
At first he was just fixing up the town: weeding, changing the flag, adding public works projects…
Then he became obsessed. He made paths, gardens, clothing, umbrellas… This man donated every single missing bug, painting, sculpture, and fossil to the museum
He continually said “I’m merely returning the town to decency”
Yeah no
Boi upgraded his house, furnished it and turned it into a legit house with a kitchen, living room, couple of bedrooms, a flippin’ bathroom, he even turned the basement into a rumpus room
Needless to say, he got the highest HHA score out of all the bros
You know those really nice, aesthetically pleasing AC towns you see on tumblr? Yeah, his is one of them. That’s right, it’s his town now. Even Noct’s crown can’t deny who really cares for the place
Sneakily moves out villagers and brings in the food related ones (Prom cries every time)
Outside of decorating and mayor-ing and creating cool af clothes, the man doesn’t do too much
He only ever really talked to the animals to get PWPs and change his nickname to Ignis
His overarching goal is to get every single achievement badge (help the poor bb)
He has no idea what he’s doing
His thumbs are a bit too big to rest comfortably on the buttons, so he always presses the wrong ones and picks up Ignis’ flowers and paths (Ignis is never happy)
His character clumsily runs around town, destroying Ignis’ flowers and wearing down the grass
Never really pays attention to much in game, is just confused most of the time
Didn’t even pay the down payment until Prom said something
“Haven’t you paid Nook yet?”
“Done what to who?”
Once he finally gets the hang of things, he furnishes his house and turns it into a massive gym
Is lowkey a dick to most of the villagers, he always hits them with nets and tells them the most negative things he can (which isn’t much considering it’s animal crossing)
Whenever Iris is around, he likes to let her play on his file; she always fills his house with lovely furniture and teddy bears then dresses his character up as a girl, just to bug him
Sometimes he keeps it like that
Honestly he plays the game the least, he never sees the overarching point of it but says it’s sometimes relaxing (yea pal that’s the point)
Makes his character look as tough and badass as possible
Sometimes, when the other bros pull a prank or a being lil shits, he plays their characters and changes their outfits into the dumbest things ever or moves things around in their houses (he also steals Noct’s fish and puts them in storage)
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Happy Birthday to Me?
August 19th is my birthday and I have reached the point in my life where birthdays are rarely celebrated and gifts are few and generally crappy. It falls on a teacher workday 9 times out of 10 so I’m stuck in boring meetings, and it’s generally just not a happy day for me.
Well screw that.
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I’m turning 27 years young in August of 2017 and I’m putting a call out to my tumblr friends and spnfamily asking for the kind of presents you guys know I love best--fanfics, gifsets, fanart, aesthetics, etc. :) 
Everyone’s invited to participate!
Some incentives, a birthday wish list, and tags below the read-more.
Hi everyone! 
I know you are all very busy, so if you are considering doing something for my birthday
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I have a few notes though:
I love surprises, so please don’t tell me what you’re planning! I tried to give you a review of my faves and preferences below, so go by that if you want to make it personal, but really, I’m good with almost anything (again, see the list below). If you have a question, you can message me or ask on anon, and I’ll answer, but I hope you keep it vague!
Post and tag me @whispersandwhiskerburn, or send to my inbox on August 19th, my birthday!
Incentives: This is a voluntary thing that I’m hoping some friends are willing to do, but I plan on doing the following for participants:
A masterlist of all submissions with a promo
A personal thank you from me to you
My top 3 favorite submissions get an *I O U* fic request from me--where they can send in a request for a fic, and I will write it for them.
Birthday Wish List and About Me
I realize some of you wonderful people want to give a gift that I will enjoy, so here’s some stuff on me that you are welcome to ignore. Seriously. I will just be happy to get SPN stuff from friends online as hardly no one I know in the real world knows much about Supernatural. So,you do you. And thank you. 
My name is Angel (for real, not because of the show or anything), I’m a teacher, and I am a huge fangirl--but of the show. My bestie @waywardjoy likes to call me the Queen of Canon because I go out of my way to line up my fics with the canon-verse of SPN. Anything you give me that is canon will be ultra appreciated, but I’m good with AU as well--I’m just not a big fan of RPF. I love the actors and the convention videos, but I feel weird about putting them into fiction (personal preference) so please don’t do that for my birthday gift. 
I believe quality creative pieces bring out emotions in the audience. That’s how I identify whether or not something is good. With that in mind, fluffy stuff, sexy smutty stuff, and even heart-wrenching angst are all completely fair game. I just appreciate the good stuff. :) *No non-con or abuse please!* I’m not much of a shipper, but I’ll read it if you write it for me. :)
I highly recommend any fic gifts that include a reader use Y/N instead of “Angel” even though that is my name--I read so much fic that it’s no trouble for me to substitute my name, and I love sharing, so I want lots of people to love your fic, not just the ones who share my first name. :) On that same note, your gift doesn’t have to be birthday themed, I’m sure we’ll all enjoy your creation on days that don’t celebrate our birthdays.
I am a confirmed Dean!girl for life. 
Cass is probably my next fave.
Then Sam. 
I am bisexual, and my girl crushes on this show are many. Charlie, Billie, Meg 2.0, and Jo Harvelle make the top of that list.
Need some inspiration or a starting point? Here’s 10 ideas that you are welcome to ignore or use.
~~The reader(or Sam) brings Castiel a guinea pig as a pet ~~ The reader teaches Dean how to ride a motorcycle ~~ Dean and Sam get beat in poker by the Reader ~~ One of the Winchesters learned how to dance to surprise the Reader who loves to dance ~~ The boys meet a hunter and flashback to a date at a county fair where they competed at a shooting gallery as teenagers ~~ Dean gets into a race in the Impala against another classic car with an intriguing driver~~ Dean meets a fangirl of the Edlund books who is all about Dean ~~ A pool game ends in a fight and one of the boys accidentally knocks out a bystander~~ An EMT insists on checking out the boys after the victim is already under care and then identifies the creature who did the damage ~~ While on surveillance and unable to escape Dean has to put up with the Reader and Sam talking healthy smoothies and salads. 
Thank you all!        I love you bunches. :)
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This link will take you to the masterpost I made of all of my celebration challenges!
To my Forevers, the ones who keep me writing, in the hopes that they will participate or spread the word:  
@2wonderinsighlents, @adaliamalfoy, @alcpegasus22, @andrastesflamingtitties, @angelofwinchester17, @alexastacio, @anokhi07, @ariethegreat98, @arryn-nyxx, @autopistaaningunaparte, @avasmommy224, @babypieandwhiskey, @bennyyh, @benjerry707, @bringmesomepie56, @bucky-thorin-winchester, @but-deans-back-tho, @captainemwinchester, @carry-on-ms-believer, @casownsmyass, @cfordwrites, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @dancingalone21, @d-s-winchester, @deafgirlsarecooler, @deandoesthingstome, @deanfuckingwinchesterrr, @deanscherrypie, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester, @deliciouslyshadowymilkshake, @demonangelimpala, @demondeansdomme, @end-lessnights, @faith-in-dean, @fandommaniacx, @feelmyroarrrr, @fiveleaf, @graceforme86, @i-is-for-inspiring, @ilostmyshoe-79, @impala-dreamer, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes, @jencharlan, @jensen-gal, @jotink78, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @katnharper, @kittenofdoomage, @kristaparadowski, @lipstickandwhiskey, @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @love-kittykat21, @loreleilara, @lunarsaturn88, @luv4jensen, @lynnebla, @marilynnlew, @millaraysuyai, @mogaruke, @moonstonemystyk, @mrsbatesmotel53, @mrsjohnsmith, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mzpearlz, @nicolesyneah25, @nightmaredean, @notnatural-supernatural, @paintrider13-blog, @pinknerdpanda, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @rizlowwritessortof, @roxy-davenport, @rushernparadise, @salvachester, @seenashwrite, @septicxsoulxdarkxmind, @scorpiongirl1, @skathan-omaha, @spnrvt, @supernatural-jackles, @supernaturalyobsessed, @theafinnerup, @thegreatficmaster, @vote-for-pedro, @waywardjoy, @wevegotworktodo, @wi-deangirl77, @wonderange, @withoutaplease, @writingbeautifulmen, @xtina2191, @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou, and @yume-deaimashou If you want to be removed from or added to my forever tag list, send me a message/ask! Only 18+ please!!
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