#please date me anytime like maybe tomorrow
russo-woso · 6 months
Could you write one where r is a awfc player and dating Leah, they fight before training and Leah leaves first, and r gets in a car accident
Also please a happy ending
Thnx :)
Why you? | Leah Williamson
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Warning injury, hospitals
“Baby, I’ve got a surprise for you.” Leah told you, wrapping her arms around you whilst you made you and Leah breakfast.
“What?” You asked, excitedly, looking at leah with a grin.
“I’ve booked us a table at our favourite for tonight. Just you and me.” Leah revealed and your smile turned to a frown.
“Le, I promised Less I’d show her around London after training. She’s new. She doesn’t know anything about London. She wanted me to show her around and I couldn’t say no.” You explained to Leah resting your hands on Leah’s hips, rubbing your thumbs over them.
“You never spend time with me anymore. This is so unfair, Y/N. I feel like our relationship is only one sided at the minute. Do you even still love me?” Leah asked and your heart raced at the thought of Leah thinking you didn’t love her.
“Le, of course I love you. Please don’t think I don’t.”
“Well it doesn’t feel like it. I just… I love you so much, Y/N but you’re spending more time with Alessia then you are me.”
“Because she’s new. She doesn’t even know how to get to her house, Leah. I promise we’ll go out tomorrow night.” You repeated your reasons but Leah shook her head at you.
“Tell her to get someone else to do it. Im going to training. I’ll see you there.” Leah said, and grabbed her keys before heading out the house.
You felt terrible. That’s the only word you could think of to describe how you felt.
Leah thought you didn’t love her anymore. And that thought killed you.
You loved Leah more than anything in the world, and she didn’t know that.
Later on that morning, you jumped into your own car, that you barely ever drove because you’d go in Leah’s car, and set off to training by yourself.
“Alessia, hi.” You said as she picked up her phone.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m just driving into training. You okay?” She asked, as you continued to travel through the busy streets of London.
“Yeah, all good. I’m so sorry but can I cancel tonight? Leah surprised me with a table at our favourite restaurant and I’ve barely had anytime to spend with her and I just feel so bad. I’m so sorry.” You justified and you heard Alessia laugh.
“Why are you saying sorry? You’re allowed to spend time with girlfriend. We can organise for another day. Maybe Leah can come with us next time.” Alessia suggested and you hummed in agreement.
“Yeah, maybe. Anyway, thanks less. Oh, and if you see Leah at training before I get there can you please tell her that I love—” You started to say but finished it with a scream as you saw a car speeding at you head first.
Alessia didn’t know what had happened.
One minute you were talking to her, before a deafening crashing sound appeared in her ear, and then silence.
“Y/N? Y/N, are you okay? Fuck.” Alessia panicked, thoughts racing round in her mind.
“Where’s your missus, Leah?” Katie asked, her thick Irish accent being able to be heard from a mile away.
“We had an argument this morning. I was jealous of how much time she was spending with Alessia. I booked us a table at a restaurant and it turns out she’s taking Alessia round London to show her the best spots. She’s just being kind and caring and I got fucking jealous. I’m the worst girlfriend.” Leah’s hands flew to her face, covering it as she mentally screamed at her childishness, feeling guilty for how she treated you.
“Leah!” Alessia ran into the gym, out of breath as if she’d just ran a marathon, tears running down her face. “It’s Y/N. I was on the phone to her and she cancelled because she said she felt bad for not spending time with you but she screamed and a loud crashing sound was heard and then the phone went silent. I think…I think.” She couldn’t finish her sentence, all worked up and her breathing uneven.
And within just seconds, Leah’s phone rang.
Unable to process what Alessia had just told her, Leah hesitantly picked up her phone and answered it.
“Hi, is this Miss Williamson?” A voice on the other end asked.
“Yes. Is everything okay?”
“Hi, you’re the first point of contact for Miss Y/L/N in case of an emergency. Y/N was involved in a car accident. She’s on the way to the hospital now.” The woman explained and Leah’s hand covered her mouth to stop a scream from escaping.
“Which hospital?” Leah managed to get out, her voice cracking.
“St Albans City hospital.”
With that information, Leah put the phone down, immediately running to the car leaving everyone confused.
“My love, I’m so sorry.” Leah sobbed as she sat down in the chair next to your bed.
The doctors had put you in a medically induced coma because the pain would have been too much for you.
You had a cast on your left leg, stitches on your face, a neck brace around your neck and wires all over your body.
“Why you? Why did this have to be you? If only I hadn’t of been jealous. I’m so sorry I did this to you.” Leah continued to cry, her tears dropping onto your bed.
Leah grabbed your hand cautiously, rubbing it.
“I’m so sorry I got angry at you. You were just being a good friend to Alessia. I’m so sorry I made you think that you didn’t love me. I’m so sorry I got jealous. I thought I was losing you Y/N, yet it’s brought me here where I could lose you forever. Please don’t leave me. I can’t live without you, baby.”
After hours of just looking at you, constantly apologising for you being in this situation, Leah was told that she had to go home.
At first she refused, she refused to leave your side, but after being assured that you were in good hands, she left.
She got no sleep that night, stressed and worried that she’d get a phone call saying that you’d passed.
At some point though, she drifted off to sleep, her mind taking her to a place where she could relax.
The following morning, Leah walked through the hospital room doors, expecting to see you fast asleep in a coma.
What she didn’t expect was to find you sitting up eating breakfast.
“Baby, hi!” You exclaimed, you voice hoarse and quiet.
“Y/N.” Leah breathed out, tears finding her cheeks once again as she walked towards your side, her arms gently wrapping round your body.
“Hi, le. I’m sorry about yesterday. I should’ve spent more time with you. I canceled with Alessia but then I couldn’t make it either way.” You apologised and Leah shook her head at you whispering light no’s at you.
“No, no, don’t say sorry. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I was jealous of Alessia. I’m so stupid. I was being a child. I made you end up in here. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so so sorry.” Leah cried and you brought her in for a hug.
“Le, please don’t cry. I’m okay. Look, I’m okay. I know my face is all fucked up and my leg is in a cast but I’m okay. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I love you so much, Y/N. I couldn’t lose you.” Leah stated as you cradled her head.
“I love you too, Le. I love you so much. Oh and Le, before I forget, I booked us a takeout slot for dinner tonight at the restaurant. I want to spend time with my girl.” You told her and a giggle escaped her lips.
“You get woken up from a coma and the first thing you do is book an order?” Leah asked, not believing your story.
“It’s true.” The doctors said, coming in to check you were okay.
“At least this time I know I’m definitely free.” You joked, lightening your the room even more.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Le. So so much.”
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melrodrigo · 1 year
A little scorpion goes a long way - W.A.
Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Summary: You bring back an old friend.
Warnings: ooc wednesday, R being a simp
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: I’m bored, here’s a little Wednesday oneshot like promised!
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Learning at Nevermore Academy had its perks and downsides, but one of your favorite things about the school was how little they cared about students’s powers.
You had no face? You’re just another student at Nevermore. You’re a freak emo girl? Doesn’t matter. You could revive things from the dead? Who cares?
You; were apart of the latter group. It’s not that you were so powerful to the point you could bring actual human beings to life, but enough to save a dying plant or two. Only, anytime you did it, there would always be ass-kicking consequences.
You’d always have a terrible headache and a killer cold after. Skin all colorless, resembling the look of a character from a Tim Burton movie.
When you had first met your now girlfriend of 11 months Wednesday Addams, she had shared a heartfelt story about her pet scorpion, Nero, and how he had gotten killed by some idiot normie kids.
It was heartbreaking. You swore then and there that as soon as you got the chance you’d try and find the scorpion and bring it back to life.
It also just so happened that yours and Wednesday’s one year anniversary was coming up, pegging the perfect opportunity for such a gift.
It was really hard to try and discreetly ask Wednesday where she had buried her pet scorpion without sounding suspicious.
So you didn’t.
Instead, you called up her father. It wasn’t any less scary, since he was still an Addams, and the father of your girlfriend, but at least you knew he was a bit softer than the rest of the family.
“Hellomr.addamscouldipleaseaskyouifyoyreawarewherewednesdayburiedherpetscorpionforagift?” You stumbled out, completely unintelligible.
“Hello? Who is this?” Came his booming voice from the other side of the phone.
A long paused sounded, you trying to calm down and wipe your sweaty palms against Wednesday’s sheets.
“Hey Mr.Addams, it’s YN. Would you happen to know where Wednesday buried her pet scorpion all those years ago? I need it for a gift im making her.” You said, as slowly as you could, but it still came out as a bit of a ramble.
He barked out a laugh, and your face flushed bright red. You thanked the lords that you decided to do this on the phone instead of in real life.
“Of course darling, it’s right in our backyard. Would you like me to send it to you? Me and Morticia need an idea for date night anyway. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled with grave digging!”
You let out a relieved sigh and a slight chuckle, shaking your head at the Addams Family antics.
“Yes, that would be amazing, thank you Mr. Addams.” You breathe in relief.
“Please, call me Gomez.”
There was a pause of uncertainty on your end before answering, “Of course….Mr.Gomez.”
A sound uncanny to a door swinging open had you turning around hurriedly, and hanging up before Mr. Gomez could even utter another word.
Wednesday stood there, looking unbothered; eyes half lidded until they locked with yours.
“What’s wrong with you? Why do you look like that?” She asked, eyes narrowed. You smiled a little at her tone, because it wasn’t one of annoyance, but rather of worry. Maybe you were turning her a bit soft after all.
You smile shyly, striding up to Wednesday but stopping just short in front of her, giving her time to pull away if she wanted.
When she didn’t, and in fact, leaned a little closer; you closed the distance and gave her a peck on the cheek.
“I’m amazing.” You breathed against her cheek, lips moving toward her neck.
She titled it up a bit, giving you more access to wander around as you please. Rigid hands found your waist, and she squeezed them slightly.
You pull away grinning.
“Oh no, you’re not getting it yet. Plus, tomorrow’s our anniversary, don’t you want it to be extra romantic?” You teased.
She let out a huff and crossed her arms, clearly displeased.
“I dont see what difference one day has.” She mumbled under her breath, still staring you down.
“As romantic as that is, I have to go.” You tell her, squeezing her finger once. All she does is give you a curt nod and returns to her desk.
A thing you learned later that day was that Gomez Addams was a man of his word. Not even a couple hours later, a package had arrived for you.
Inside the little shoe box was a photo of the couple grave digging, smiling wider than you’ve ever seen them; and the corpse of a certain infamous scorpion.
“Nero! Ha!“ You exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. You inspected the little scorpion, it was tiny enough; should be no sweat to bring it back.
You were extremely wrong.
Considering the thing was dead for almost 10 years; it took an absurd amount of energy out of you.
God if you thought bringing plants back to life was hard, this thing was something you’ve never seen before. Strong and vicious, shooting a sharp pain through you as you connected the back of the scorpion to the palm of your hand.
At one point you seriously thought you were going to pass out. Sweat formed at your face and your vision was starting to get a little blurry.
And to add salt to the wound, the moment the scorpion was brought back, it decided to jump the person who had so graciously brought it back to life.
Leaving multiple scars on the side of your neck, before you could wrestle it away from you and into the pet box you had bought the week before.
Holy shit. I need a rest.
With your vision blurred and head pounding a million miles per second, you collapsed onto the bed, letting the world encompass you in a dark black haze.
You’re awaken the next day by an uninterested looking Wednesday, (that might just be how she always looks) hovering over you in the bed. You roll over in the bed to get a better view of her.
“Oh hey, Wends.” You greeted, trying to get up and talk to the girl properly, but letting out a groan as you clutched the side of your stomach in pain.
You pulled the sheets down to check your side, looking for the cause of your pain. What greeted you was a huge dark blue bruise that spread from the top of your rib cage to your waist.
“Huh. That’s weird.” You mumble.
You didn’t notice Wednesday’s eyes widening at the sight, since you were a bit busy poking at the wound.
She quickly slapped your hand away, and pushed you back down into the bed. Silencing you with a press of her pointer finger on your lips.
“Don’t move.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Wednesday move so quick, even back when she was looking for the hyde all those months ago. You stared at her in awe as she rummaged through your belongings, and pulled out a first aid kit.
Nevermore had employed one in every students dorm, seeing as to there were plenty of mini medical emergencies that would occur on a daily basis.
“Thing. Go get my Magical Beings 101 textbook. It’s located on my desk.”
Thing quickly hurried off, no doubt due to the harsh tone Wednesday used.
“I’m fine, Wends. Really. I’ll be up and running in a couple days.” You said as you reached over, trying to stroke her hand.
Surprisingly, she didn’t pull away, but instead gripped it tighter. She was silent for a moment, no sound except for your heavy breathing.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice? I know you used your powers YN. What I can’t seem to figure out is what for. Why are you so ill?” She asked, eyebrows furrowed.
And if you thought your heart couldn’t get any bigger, you were wrong. The way Wednesday was looking at you, all worried glances and intense eyes, you think you could pass away right then and there.
She cared.
As you tried to get up, ignoring the way Wednesday surged forward to stop you, quickly pushing you back into the bed. You didn’t put up much of a fight.
“This is gonna suck, and I wanted to save it for a more romantic setting, but I don’t think I’m leaving bed today.” You stated, while Wednesday was still eyeing you like you would get up again.
“Could you pass me the box under my desk Wends? But you have to promise to close your eyes.” You murmur, bat your eyes at her.
At that Wednesday rolled her eyes, and you were a little relieved to see a familiar Wednesday expression.
“And why is that?” She inquired.
“My brain is too meshed to come up with an excuse. It’s for our anniversary, but please don’t look, I wanna see your reaction.” You admitted, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
With a huff, Wednesday moved to your desk and closed her eyes, which took a while for her to actually find the box and bring it out.
“Over here.” You say, in case your voice would help her sense of direction better.
“I’m dating an imbecile who thinks I’m an imbecile.” Wednesday mutters under her breath, not aware that you had heard.
Wednesday walks over and stops in front of you, as you pat the surface on the bed next to you.
She gets the hint, and after some reluctance sits down and waits peacefully.
It’s a little domestic, and your heart starts beating faster.
You take the box from her hands and try your best to cover the clear part, then look over to Wednesday.
“Okay, you can open them now.” You say.
Wednesday’s eyes are flicked open in an instant, her peaceful face turning back into her usual resting glare.
She squints at the box, and tilts her head. You push it forward on the bed a little, gesturing for her to open the lid.
She does, and when she peers inside, her eyes widen. She dips her hand in the box and whispers, “Nero, flip.”
When the scorpion walks up to her and does a little turn of it’s body, you guess it could be called a flip, Wednesday gasps.
“It is you.” She says, sounding star struck.
And then as if just remembering you were there, she looks at you, with more emotion than you’ve ever seen before.
You feel your knees get a little week, even though you haven’t even been standing. Wednesday looks in awe.
“Happy Anniversary Wends. I didn’t know where I could find Nero so I called up your dad, I hope that’s oka-“
You’re cut off by Wednesday engulfing you in a fierce hug, and she would never admit it, but you swear you felt something damp on your shoulder.
You let the moment be, don’t tease her about it. Caressing her back a little as she leans just slightly into you.
“You’re an idiot.” She whispers, and you shiver at the sensation of her lips on your bare skin.
“Yeah I know, but you love me.” You say with a cheeky grin.
Wednesday doesn’t say anything back,but you don’t mind. Words had never been her way of expressing love, and having her here, teary eyed and smiling; albeit a tiny smile, was confirmation enough she felt the same.
You didn’t end up getting to do the things on your list for your anniversary, but in a way, what you ended up with was much better.
The rest of the day was spent with Wednesday in your arms, and a tiny scorpion in hers.
It was getting sort of uncomfortable, the position you were in, but you didn’t dare move away.
When Enid had walked in, looking for her disappearing roommate, and spotted you two asleep in each other’s arms. She bit back a squeal and snapped a quick photo on her phone.
You later asked for the photo and set it as your lockscreen.
It was a real pain bringing Nero back, but considering everything, you would definitely do it again.
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serejae · 2 months
(written + smau at the end)
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pairing : myungjae x fem!reader | genre : angst fluff | w.c 1309
a/n: cause if one day u wake up and find that ur missing me and ur heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet and you'll see me waiting for u on he corner of the street (if u understand kiss me).
10 things i hate about you + the notebook references
wrote this while i was sick so if u hate u hate sick ppl | @onedoornet
taglist @lilriswife4life @cherrytaesan @tubatu-lovie @woonsbot @guiltysungho @taylorluvation @kage-yaa @lionhanie @dearly-somber @nicholasluvbot @nujeskz @unhakki @lblossom21 @kirbyyluvs @seunghancore @nctrawberries @i03jae @icewons @miidorei @hanbinniesmango @dongminz @helpsplease @sol3chu @letwiiparkjay @woorcve @brachioswrld
riwoo and taesan laid on jaehyuns bed watching him spin on his chair
“i dont know what to do…do i just give up?? she already has jeong-“
“gosh please dont say his name.” taesan grumbled
“i cant stand hearing him one more time without seeinf his feet in my face.” taesan looked up at the ceiling. riwoo sat up looking at jaehyun
“sorry, but theres no point in chasing after yn anymore” jaehyun put his head in his hands
“what do you mean theres no point? you did all this work just to end up back at no where?” riwoo stood up and walked towards jaehyun
“maybe this was just some dumb lesson that this will be a mistake ill have to live with for the rest of my life”
riwoo saw the tears start to form in jaehyuns eyes and sighed
“jaehyun do like yn or not?”
jaehyun nodded
“and was she worth all this trouble?”
“she is but jaehyun-“
“STOP IT!” taesan yelled
“jeong jaehyun” riwoo started
“STOP” they both looked over at the black haired boy sprawled out on the bed
“he isnt half the man you are and he certainly isnt the man for yn. go.
go get your girl.”
jaehyun jumped to his feet and ran out the house
“is he gonna run to her house…?” taesan propped himself up
“love is love taesan”
the whole day moved in slow motion. between your thoughts on the date tonight, to the night with jaehyun. suddenly the clock fast forward and now it was 6:30. you were already ready, but not dressed as you were currently walking back and forth debating on going to the bathroom and washing your face and just going to bed and canceling the date.
just then the doorbell rings, mentally cursing yourself, the clock reads 6:37. why was jeong jaehyun so early? making your way to the door you peer it open slightly
"give me 5-"
myung jaehyun stood out there and he seemed stressed, widening your door he walked in.
closing the door behind you, you stared at his back as he turned away.
"i knew you were debating on going on the date, yn...
go on the date.
go on the date with him"
you stayed silent and jaehyun turned around to you, walking up to you he grabbed your hand into his.
"do you miss me?" he asked staring into your eyes hoping for a clear answer
"i'm not sure how i feel...
i feel like that i like you but i dont know jaehyun"
he nodded and smiled slightly
"go with him"
"but you didnt-" you said eyebrows furrowed not wanting to betray jaehyun as he didn't go on his date
"i knew what i wanted yn, i wanted you, it's always been you. go on the date and if tomorrow, one day, one month, one year
fuck, just anytime if you even feel it in your bones that you miss me, come back to the place where we met and I'll be there. you don't have to know what you want. you don't have to feel like you want to forgive me or a relationship, but as long as you want me I'll be there for you to come back to. i'm not going anywhere
I'll wait as long as i need until you want me again."
the bell rang making you look over at the clock, 7:01. you turn back to jaehyun and see him nod. running back to your room you quickly get dressed and grab your things.
"i'll leave after you, i promise to lock your door"
smiling at him you open the door away from myung jaehyun.
it wasn't that the date was unenjoyable, it wasn't for you. jeong jaehyun didn't prioritize you. he didn't prioritize your opinions, feelings, or wants. he constantly talked about himself, his goodlooks, his trophies, his life, he just wasn't who you saw yourself waking up to every day. tapping the glass cup that was in front of you you ignored everything he said
while he was talking you heard something from the other table that made you dilute whatever jeong had to say.
"i think we should end things"
"what? are you serious?! after everything we've worked through and done together? youre just gonna throw it away?"
"its not that its just me. i just think this relationship will distract me from my job"
"hey...i'll be there for you, through the good and the bad. we never know until we try."
"i have no doubt youre going to be there for me, your that kind of person and that's why i love you, but I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."
"and you think ending things won't hurt me? even if its on good terms it might as well end on bad terms...
can you live without me?"
you see the other person shake their head
"then if you break up with me you're going to miss me either way. and come back, so why make it harder for yourself and mess up now when you don't even know? maybe we can work through it, i want this to be something that makes our relationship stronger, not harder.
cause thats what love is
and i love you, so much."
"yn?" jeong jaehyun asked
"yeah?" you said being knocked out of lalaland
"did you even listen to me talk about the history of football?"
"i- uh....
i need to go."
good thing you hadnt ordered anything yet because you took off running ignoring your name being called from jeong, you knew you had one place to go and one place to be
"wow shes a fast runner" jeong jaehyun said as he watched you run
"can you get out of my house"
woonhak groaned for the 47th time as jaehyun paced back and forth in his living room as he edited the new clips.
"so you told yn to go on the date with the other jaehyun and then you ran here just to walk around ?” woonhak asked resting his head on the couch pillow and staring at jaehyun peeking from the window
"i'm waiting for some...one" he said as he fixed the blinds trying to find the perfect angle "why are your blinds so stiff?" jaehyun complained
"i never open my blinds" woonhak shruged "so why are you waiting for yn at MY house?"
jaehyun looked over at woonak and spoke "we met here, when you introduced her to me that day."
"okay so why do you have to meet her here NOW?"
"you dont get true love do you?"
"i dont get maniacs"
"if she changes her mind this is the first place she will go-"
thats when woonhaks door gets banged on
jaehyun runs to the door and opens it, you jump to wrap your arms around him to which he wraps his arms around you
"can you live without me?" you asked as you look up at jaehyun
he shook his head
"good, cause i want you. and we're going to have to work though this together if you want me too...
i want this whole breakup thing to make our relationship stronger, i want us to last and I'm willing to fight for us because i want you and me to be the ideal image for romance, even during times when it gets hard for us. i just need you to not leave when it does..."
he nodded and smiled a bit
"i wont leave you anymore...
have you been listening to my music?" jaehyun called you out recognizing the lyrics
you let out a laugh "way to ruin the moment but maybe..."
you both turn to see woonhak filming with his phone
"oh i'm so passing this class!
okay i'm serious get out, both of you. also lock the door on your way out."
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
home is wherever you are tonight
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paring: cc!wilbur soot x fem!reader
summary: its your birthday, a day you dread every year due to bad memories, and wilbur manages to change your mindset.
authors note: this has been sitting in my drafts since march and i forgot about it oops. this is completely self indulgent. Ive dreaded my birthday for the past five years because of personal reasons… i thought maybe writing a non-shitty fake birthday would make me feel better so, it did lol. enjoy!! :)
warnings: self indulgent, mentions of childhood trama, negative past events, mentions of toxic family, fluff, Wilbur being the cutest-best boyfriend, hurt-comfort, yes the title is a lyric from a lizzy mcalpine song.. unedited!
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The day had come. the day you dreaded every year for as long as you could remember. it was your birthday.
Most people would be elated about turning another year older, to celebrate but not you. Instead, it filled you with utter disinterest and resentment. To you, it was just another day on the calendar.
Ever since you could remember you’ve just hated your birthday. Each year just felt like they got worse and worse with the number of times You had been let down. Whether it was by family drama or people just forgetting. It was the same every year. So when you finally moved away from your toxic relatives you pretty much forget about it. Only remembering when you'd get a text from your parents to wish you a happy birthday. At least they remembered now that you were gone...
You were relieved when no one at work had brought it up. you never really talked to your coworkers about your personal life, you weren't that type of person. Still, you were grateful the only attention you got today was from one of your peers Matt, asking about the printer in the office not working right.
When you walked into your flat, what you weren’t expecting was too see your boyfriend standing near the door waiting for you.
“why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?” Wilbur asks in a slightly offended tone.
The front door hasn’t even shut yet and he’s caught you completely off guard with his question. Your heart drops in your stomach.
“hello to you too,” you snort, putting your bag down and sliding your jacket off. "And how'd you even know?" Avoiding the question. Cause that will make this better.
he sighs.
“Answer the question please, love,”
You’re toeing off the uncomfortable shoes you were required to wear at your job as you blankly bink back at him.
You can tell by the frowned expression on his face that he wasn’t just gonna let you drop this anytime soon. His arms are crossed over his sweater, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows as his curls fall around his eyes.
“maybe because it's not a big deal,” you shrugged. Wilbur stops you with a hand on your shoulder before you can escape to your shared room. It wasn't forceful but gentle, his eyes asking you to stay, talk, anything. You just wanted to go to bed and sleep until your shift tomorrow and just forget about this whole day.
"What do you mean by that?" he asks. "I don't particularly like my birthday but still celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones."
There it was.
You wanted to avoid this.
"Look, I don't want to pressure you into talking about this, you can tell me when you're ready. I can tell how uncomfortable you got when I asked you outright why you didn't say anything about it being your birthday, I'm sorry..."
You could tell he was just confused and who could blame him. You had only been dating for about a year and finally moved in together last month. He didn't want to pressure you into anything you weren't ready for, which was one of the many things you adored about him. Always so patient and thoughtful about your feelings and well-being.
There was no avoiding it now as he asked the question. Your heart beating in your ears.
“Why don’t you like your birthday, love?”
“well…” you began, but you could feel the lump in your throat forming as you thought carefully how to put it. You clear your throat and take a deep breath. “I just, have a lot of trauma revolving around today,”
Wilbur has moved slowly towards you now, almost like you were a spooked animal and he was trying to calm you. He listened carefully as you spoke slowly.
“my parents fought a lot growing up, and even on my birthday they just didn’t seem to care, even for one day, so i mostly spent my birthdays alone.”
The look in his eyes says it all. He feels so heartbroken for you. You collapsed into his chest and he wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you firmly and you felt the weight in your chest fading.
"Well listen, I got you your favorite type of cake, a good bottle of wine, not that cheap shit, the really nice one we liked. we're gonna sit on the couch and eat, and you can tell me all about your day." he pauses only to bring your face out from his chest to look you in your eyes. "and then, we're gonna cuddle and I'm gonna tell you how much I love and appreciate you."
With that, he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs and kisses your nose softly. You swear that press of his lips was what made you cave. You began to break down in front of him.
Wilbur's hands seem to be the only thing keeping you upright at the moment. If he wasn't holding you, you were sure you would have fallen to your knees by now. You sob silently as you take his wrists in your hands but don't remove them from your cheeks. The intensity of the long work day and all the recurring memories this day brought you every year, combined with Wilbur's sweet gestures and words made you break.
You felt everything come down on you all at once, yet there Wilbur was, always waiting for you at the end of the day. Always there to comfort you and support you. So these weren’t sad tears no, they were happy tears. Finally, you found someone who cherished you and cared for you enough.
@trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @highstonedcat
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broz0neglitters · 6 months
Can we get stuff for branch and a female reader pls?
Yes, Of course I got u bestie! I don’t know if you want Smut/NSFW But I'm doing it anyways if you want a non smut/nsfw version maybe like dating just let me know :^) anyways hope you enjoyed!
ɪᴛ's ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ʙᴇ ᴍᴇ
Branch x female reader Smut/NSFW ˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜
Tumblr media
Warning: Smut & P*rn mention
-Branch is a p*rn addict he watches it 24/7
-He will jerk off to every single picture that he has of you when you're not around
-He's likes it rough so be ready to not feel your legs afterwards
-He would ask you to watch P*rn w him so you can rub his cock for him he likes its when you do when he cums all over your hands he would want you to lick it
-He could be gentle at first but then he will go to town on you
-His cock is average not to big or too small
-Branch is a Lady part and breast type of guy so when ever you're cooking or doing something he would grab either your breast or your lady parts
-He's a private person do he'll definitely keep his hands to himself in public but once you both are in his bunker he will be all over you
-He will dominate you during sex he will sometimes let you take the lead if he's very tried
-He wants you to ride on his dick like there's no tomorrow
-he likes it when you choke on his cock
-He's like cockwarming he would ask you to do it 24/7 even when you both aren’t in the mood to fuck
-He's a netflix and chill typa person you two would watch only 25 min of the movie then you guys would be fucking during the whole movie
-He likes to cum on your body,face and mouth and he would never cum inside you because he knows you’re not ready for a baby unless you are or ask him too
-he'll even finger fuck you when you're sleeping cus he wants to hear your moans
-He loves it when you moan and cry/beg for him he wants you to be as loud as you can no one can hear you
-he isn't loud but he'll grunt when you suck on his cock/rubs it
"If anyone gonna fuck you good it's gonna be me baby girl so you better moan out my name." Branch said while going to town on you once he hits your sweet spot you can't help but moan so loudly that you thought people could hear you
Y/N: Branch, please go faster it's feels sooo good! you said moaning
-when he fingers you he likes to see the faces that you make "dose that feel good baby girl you like it when I get to your sweet spot huh baby girl." he said
-he's rough at fingering you so there’s no telling him to slow down at this point you can't even say anything because you were moaning on how good it feels
-He will lick your cunt like a hungry horny dog
-he'll leave hickeys almost everywhere of your body
-Just like clay cum is super thick but milky
-Your legs won't be as numb despite branch being a rough fucker but he'll still carry you if you needed too
-his after sex care are the best he'll give you tea and any snacks/food you want to eat
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it anyways fill free to request me at anytime :^) *it might take a while to get back to you as I mentioned before I would just write it on my own without any requests plus I've school and real life stuff so be patient with your request your requested are heard loud and clear <3 ---------------- Like and Follow are very much appreciated 🦋☁️🩵
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Ken Wakui knew what he was doing when he said Rindou is the second best boyfriend in Tenjiku.
Hear me out, he's all sharp edges, scathing retorts and LITERALLY DISJOINTS PEOPLE'S BONES. But with you... Those sharp edges melt like chocolate during a hot summer day. Before you two started dating, he would throw giant parties, inviting a whole crowd just for the sake of having you in his living room. And from his DJ booth his eyes would not stop crawling back to you, you know just in case someone tries some funny things.
And when you start dating, well he doesn't need those parties anymore. Because you're there, in his bedroom, even, and he's making you listen to the mix he made thinking about you ( but you would never know that). And he stopped going to school, but the path to that highschool knew his feet each and everyday. And Rindou is a hothead, drinking the risk at its roots, but still makes sure you wear his helmet perfectly before taking you on a ride on his bike.
Rindou's the type of boyfriend to spend money like there's no tomorrow, but the only time of the year when he saves some in when your birthday's near, his best girl deserves the prettiest, shiniest, newest golden necklace around her neck.
Yes, Wakui, you're right, Rindou's such a good boyfrien-
-" Look at you, such a fuckin' slut f'me "
Oh... Yeah aha aha... 👉👈
Human's nature is a second skin, and maybe the rough edges were just covered underneath some cotton candy dreams. Because the night comes, the light leaves, and the purple eyes of Rindou turn indigo under the desire, seeing you in your lingerie all waiting on his bed. Shit, the door wasn't even locked, Ran could've walked in, any of his friend's could've walked in. This thought makes his blood boil.
-" you like it when I fuck you like this, don't you ?"
At some point, everything hurts, the ties around your wrists tying you to his bed, his hand squeezing around your throat, his relentless thrusts abusing your poor pussy like it owned him some money, but again, pain and pleasure come from the same root and you've lost count on how many times you've came around him.
-" Fucking answer me. " His hand around your throat tightened, making your mouth form a perfect O shape. " You like it when my cock's ruining this tight pussy ? "
-" Rin'... Don't... Please don't make me say it !"
Shame laced orgasms were waiting at your door, but he likes it, the idea of corrupting you, you in your short pink skirts and your perfect girl's next door reputation.
-" Oh yeah you do. Baby loves being stuffed like... Shit, like my pretty little whore "
Another harsh thrust of him would have you arching your back, and his other hand would pull your hair back to have you looking at him.
-" Keep those fucking addicting eyes o'mme. Fuck, babe. Can't ya see how this pussy's hugging me ? You're such a slut for me... Only me, yeah ?"
His hand squeezes tighter around your throat, bringing your attention back to him.
-" This " you cried as his finger tapped over your over stimulated cunt. "Sweet thing's only for daddy's cock, hm ?"
Animalistic thrusts, ragging breaths, soul devouring desire, all until you're coming undone under him, and your fucked up face is enough. He barely has the time to withdraw before his cum is all over your breasts, some even reaching the necklace wearing his name around your neck.
Rindou reaches for his phone on the nightstand, while his other finger shoves some of his seeds in your mouth, barely leaving you anytime to protest.
-" Smile f'me, lemme keep your pretty face for when I miss the fuckin' love o'mma life. "
Yes, yes Ken Wakui, you're right. Rindou is the perfect boyfriend.
Keeping the picture of his girlfriend, tied to his bed, coated in his cum, finger shoved deep in her mouth as a lock screen.
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crushedgraham · 1 year
Hey there! Can you do a D.va x fem!reader smut where Dva rides her soft masc gf in her gamer chair? Maybe a little specific but anyways lol
D.va x Soft Masc gf
Being specific always helps! I hope you enjoy :D
It was late and Hana’s screams could be heard bouncing off of the walls of your shared apartment. You groan, tossing your phone aside onto the cushion next to you. Hana had been streaming for well over 8 hours now even though she had promised to keep it short. You had been looking forward to spending time with her since she’s been so busy with missions and working on her mech. Now, 8 hours later, you feel pretty disheartened. She had missed the plans and meals you had prepped for her free day.
You lean your head back, shutting your eyes with a sigh. You love Hana but dating a celebrity can be a pain in the ass sometimes. You wait another 10 minutes but her shouts don’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.
Defeated, you throw a blanket loosely over your waist and you clutch a pillow to your chest wishing it was Hana. But right as you're about to fall asleep, you hear soft thumps of footsteps and a quiet:
“Oh Jagi…”
You sleepily open your eyes just enough so you can see Hana standing over you in one of your shirts (that looks a lot more like a dress on her).
“Mm, you finally done?”
Your voice is low and scratchy from exhaustion which makes you miss the small blush on her cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m sorry baby I got caught up trying to beat this new game”
“It’s fine, jus’ wanna hold you”
Her eyes soften and she whispers a soft “Of course”, before grabbing your hand and leading you to your shared bedroom. Your eyes are set on the haven of your comfortable bed but Hana’s hand leads you to her desk, the paused screen from her game still glowing on the large monitors. At this point, exhaustion has settled deep into your bones and you’re too tired to protest when she pushes you to sit in her gaming chair. Though you’re content to just sleep in that chair when Hana straddles your lap, arms wrapping around the back of your neck to place little kisses across your face.
“‘M sorry, I know you had a lot planned today…I promise to make it up to you”
Her breath brushes against your ear and you shiver a little. Your hands run down her waist to rest on her hips, holding her close.
“We can just do it tomorrow, it’s no big de-”
She cuts you off with a gentle press of her lips against yours (you can taste the remnants of doritos and mountain dew on her lips, romantic right?). One of her hands slides up the back of your neck to tug lighty at the roots of your hair and she tugs at your bottom lip with her teeth at the same time. You groan against her lips, all the fatigue melting away from her little touches. Ignited with lust, you surge upwards to deepen the kiss - your tongue glides against her lip before slipping into her mouth to run along her own.
Hana’s hectic schedule has kept the two of you away from each other sexually for an ungodly amount of time. The built up sexual frustration leads to a greater neediness in both of you. Her hips grind down against yours and she whimpers against your lips when she feels the familiar bulge in your sweats.
Your hands reach underneath the large shirt to come in contact with thin panties. You pull away from Hana’s swollen lips to chuckle,
“No shorts even when you’re streaming?”
“Shut up and fuck me”
You giggle some more as she kisses you again while fumbling with the waistband of your sweats, trying to push them down as fast as possible. You let her struggle for a bit before raising your hips to help her out. She ruts her soaked panties against the underside of your strap, desperate for any kind of friction she can get.
“H-hahh…Need you Jagi please..!”
“Such a needy bunny, I wonder if you could cum like this?”
You grin devilishly when she lets out an annoyed whine into the crook of your neck.
“No! …Mngh…N-need you inside!”
As much as you want to make her beg for it, you’re just as desperate to be inside of her. You quickly slide her panties to the side and you slide in easily. The moan she lets out is angelic, she nuzzles into your neck with tightly shut eyes. Hana starts rolling her hips desperately: front to back then down and up and repeat. You let her have her fun, content to just listen to her moans and watch her fuck herself on your cock.
“Fuck! I need m-more, please Jagi please!”
Your hips snap up at the sound of her pleas which makes her bite roughly into your shoulder to conceal her loud moan. You set a rough pace, picking her up and down by the hips to meet your thrusts like a little doll. Her moans and the squelching of her wet pussy mix together louder than her screams from her stream, thank god for her sound-proofed set up.
And when you shift so that the tip of the strap brushes against her g-spot? Her pussy’s gushing, slick coating the insides of her thighs and making a mess of your sweats. Hana grips onto your shoulder and bicep like her life depends on it, tears mixed with mascara running down her flushed cheeks - making her look so pretty and fucked out.
“S-so..Ah! hah..Close!”
Your hand leaves one side of her hip to reach between your bodies to rub over her swollen clit. She chokes out a sobbed moan, and her thighs shake from the overwhelming pleasure.
“Cum for me bunny, be my good girl and cum for me.”
Fuck. That’s the final push she needed, she cums on command - her sensitive cunt twitching and cumming on your thick strap. She mewls quietly from the aftershocks and she slumps against your body tiredly.
“You okay?”
You murmur while kissing her hairline, your hands already massaging her thighs knowing they were going to be sore in the morning. Hana nods and makes a small noise of approval. You stand up with her in your arms and you set her down on the bed.
“I’ll be right back okay? Just gotta get some things for you”
She grunts in disagreement while holding you close, she wraps her legs around your waist to trap you in her embrace.
“Don’t leave me…”
“I’m not going anywhere, Hana”
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
5+1 Things Recs Part 1
I want you, I need you (oh baby oh baby) by @rmd-writes
From the first time Henry saw Alex leaning against their dorm, he's thought that he's one of the most beautiful men he's ever seen.
This is five times Henry was interested in Alex, and one time he actually did something about it.
Some Element of Mystery by @xthelastknownsurvivorx
Alex has to face it. He has proof. The evidence is irrefutable. His very attractive roommate is a stripper. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it means that sleeping in the same room as him just got that much harder (ha). ... What he knows is this: 1. Henry works a night job, usually smells like alcohol when he comes home, and is weirdly cagey about what he does. 2. Henry is a highly-skilled pole dancer. 3. Pez let it spill while drunk that Henry knows how to give a lap dance. Henry, red to his ears, confirmed it. 4. Alex accidentally saw Henry's very extensive collection of sexy underwear on laundry day. 5. Henry always pays Alex back in wrinkled small bills from his job, apparently on account of how customers "handle" them.
Or, five times that Alex thought Henry was a stripper, plus one time Henry corrected him.
self-awareness (and lack thereof) by aftgray
Alex is not as observant as he’d like to be. His crush on Henry goes unnoticed to no one but himself—and perhaps Henry, who is too busy suppressing feelings for his apparently straight roommate. Pining ensues.
5 times Alex liked Henry and had no clue, +1 time he knew.
David is quite literally the whole reason Alex and Henry meet and eventually stop being idiots and realize they’re in love
take me out, and take me home by weather_stained
They’ve only been living together for two months, since Alex moved to the city for law school. Henry's Brooklyn apartment was a short commute to NYU, and the price was unbeatable, so he agreed to move in without even meeting the man in person. He was nervous, at first, to share close quarters with a stranger, but it’s worked out shockingly well; Henry is kind and considerate, and they mostly leave each other alone.
He’s also quite obviously gorgeous, and Alex doesn’t know why there isn’t a string of men coming and going from Henry’s room at all times, or perhaps one steady man. Inexplicably, Henry seems to have been single since Alex moved in in August. 
AKA:5 times Alex doesn't realize Henry's in love with him, and 1 time he gets a clue.
sex ed in 6 steps by @coffeecatsme
“Please tell me you used a condom, Fox,” Alex drawls out, leaning against the wall, and Henry chokes on his next breath.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re gonna tell me all about this tomorrow, but for the love of God, tell me you used a condom and we won’t have mini Henrys on campus anytime soon.”
Or, 5 times Alex thinks Henry's straight and 1 time he finds out the truth.
Or, 5 times Alex jokes about Henry's sex life and 1 time he gets to be a part of it.
Shards of Glass by Sebastian (taydrawrs)
Alex fights the frustration welling up in his stomach, gritting his teeth so hard his jaw hurts.  The thing is, this isn’t the first time he’s lost out on a date because they’ve been threatened by what he shares with Henry.  He doesn’t know what it is about their relationship that seems to scare people off, or make them think they’re not welcome around the duo.  He feels more emotionally connected to Henry than to anyone else, but swears he doesn’t treat Henry any differently to how he would treat any other friend.
Except for the cuddles on the couch.
And the pet names.
And maybe he’s a little touchier with Henry than he is with Nora or his lacrosse teammates.
And okay, maybe he openly flirts with Henry more than necessary, but it’s so fun seeing Henry blush and seeing his cool façade crumble to dust in front of him, and it’s even more fun when Henry is feeling a little silly and flirts back.
5 times Alex and Henry get mistaken for a couple, and one time it’s not a mistake.
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
It's my birthday today, and my brain has decided that my gift will be a flare in my depression, which means I've been writing something incredibly self indulgent. But I guess you all get a treat too so it's all good. <3 <3
Here's a lil something set in the Double Exposure universe but you don't need to have read the fic to understand it. Atem is having one of those days, and Yugi is more than happy to help him.
(Not explicitly stated but themes of dealing with depression under the cut)
“You don’t seem like yourself today.” Mahad said from beside him. 
“Hm.” He acknowledged his friend but didn’t really feel like saying much more. 
The truth was that he didn’t feel like himself either. He didn’t understand why he had to feel this way sometimes but unfortunately he was used to it. He’d been fine when he woke up beside Yugi that morning, excited when Yugi kissed him goodbye and he hurried to the car to join Mahad and start his day, content to do as he was asked on set and enjoyed himself…
Then suddenly some time after lunch his mood had taken a turn for no reason other than his brain deciding he just wasn’t going to be happy that afternoon. He only hoped that hadn’t shown in his shoot. 
He sighed and pulled his hood over his head as they exited the building, trying to hide behind Mahad instead of letting people see him. Recently he’d been taking more time to talk to fans who decided to wait for him and he’d at least humour the paparazzi, but today he didn’t feel like it. 
Mahad seemed to take the hint that he wasn’t in the mood for talking and remained silent…until they were in the car. 
“You don’t have to talk about anything else.” Mahad started. “But just answer one question, where are you spending the night?” 
He hesitated for a moment, quickly weighing up what would be best, to go to Yugis and wait for him to return home in the place he found so much comfort in or to go back to the hotel with Mahad and spend his time in a soulless room. 
His hand felt for the key in his pocket that Yugi had given him only a few days ago. He hadn’t used it yet, but Yugi had told him he was welcome in his home anytime, even if he wasn’t in.
It was the one place Atem could hide from the world. 
“Yugis, please.” He said quietly. 
Mahad nodded and continued to drive. 
Swallowing a sigh he looked out of the window, staring at nothing in particular, but taking in the city all the same as he allowed his thoughts to wander. Yugi would still be working given the time and that suited him perfectly. He’d have Yugi's wonderful home to sit quietly in for an hour at least. 
He was already looking forward to snuggling into Yugi's sofa with the overstuffed soft cushions, pulling the fuzzy blanket he always kept folded on the back of the sofa over him and just being surrounded by Yugi until he felt better. 
Maybe he’d even get a quick shower too, he had some clothes at Yugis which he could change into and Yugi had told him he was welcome to do as he pleased when at his so he doubted he’d mind Atem helping himself to a shower. 
Tears stung his eyes and he fought the urge to scream because he didn’t even know why. There was nothing that had upset him today, the date held no significance, people had been nothing but kind to him but still…he wanted to curl up into a ball and cry anyway. 
Days like these came more often than he’d ever admit yet he was still to find a way to deal with them now he couldn’t drown his sorrows and ignore his feelings…
He didn’t realise where they were until the car stopped, then he recognised the house they were parked outside and he felt relieved to know that he didn’t have to be outside any longer, didn’t have to be in public. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow unless you let me know otherwise.” Mahad said softly. “Call me if you need anything.” 
“Thank you.” He nodded, then jumped out of the car, pulling the key out of his pocket and making his way to Yugi's front door. 
The Kuriboh charm hanging on the key smiled up at him as he turned the lock and despite how he was feeling, the little charm made him smile because it was just so…Yugi. 
He closed the door softly behind him and then leaned forward, his palms flat against the surface and his forehead pressed to the smooth wood. 
For a moment he just breathed. 
In…out, slow and deep and he felt himself relax gradually. He felt the pressure of the day fall from his shoulders and he leaned heavily against the door, feeling as if he could finally drop the act, there were no expectations on him now, no need to fake smiles.  
He was home now, he could just…be. 
“Welcome home.” Yugi's voice startled him and he jumped upright, blinking rapidly to try to fight back the tears which threatened to fall as he turned to face his boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry.” He said quickly. “I thought you were working…I would have knocked if-” 
“It’s okay.” Yugi smiled at him and he so desperately wished he could find it in himself to return it easily but he felt his own smile was forced, he knew it didn’t quite reach his eyes and he could tell Yugi knew something was up. “I gave you that key for you to use anytime.” 
He nodded, bending to take off his boots as Yugi moved over to him slowly. He took his time with the laces, not wanting to face Yugi just yet. 
Of course he loved his boyfriend, of course he was glad to see him but he just…didn’t want to have to talk to anyone. Deep down he knew it would probably help, but he just couldn’t bring himself to speak right now. 
Yugi never judged him, aside from Mahad, Yugi was the one person that he could allow himself to be vulnerable in front of, the one person who he didn’t mind losing himself around because he knew that no matter how far he fell, Yugi would bring him back. 
Still though, he tried to keep most of it to himself. Old habits die hard and he’d been hiding his feelings for way too long now to simply…stop doing it. 
He had long finished with his boots but he remained on the floor, trying to talk himself down before daring to look back up.
A gentle hand on his knee was the first thing that alerted him to the fact Yugi had joined him on the floor, he glanced up at him, then looked back down at the wood floor, following the grain with his eyes, not trusting himself to look at his boyfriend just yet. 
“You don’t have to speak.” Yugi said quietly. “But I’m here.” 
He nodded. 
“It’s not…” He sighed. “It’s silly.” 
“No.” Yugi's hand moved to take one of his, pulling it away from his boot and intertwining their fingers together. “What’s silly is that you thought you had to go through this alone.” 
He looked at their joined hands, biting his lip as he tried to think of something to say. Nothing came to mind though. 
“You trust me, right?” Yugi asked softly, his other hand coming to rest against his cheek, thumb brushing against his skin slowly as his face was gently lifted until he was looking at Yugi.
“Yes.” He said. Yugi gave him a small smile. 
“Nothing I say can make what you’re feeling go away, but perhaps I can help make it a little better…Come with me.” Yugi said. 
He nodded and let Yugi pull him to his feet, let him lead them back to the bedroom and felt the excitement stir in his stomach, but shook it off when Yugi walked past the bed and opened one of the drawers Atem kept some of his own clothes in too. 
“Get comfortable.” Yugi said, handing him the only pair of sweatpants he owned and an oversized t-shirt. He took them, clutching them to his chest as he nodded, then Yugi reached out to place a hand against his cheek again, smiling at him. “When you’re ready come find me, I’ll be making tea.” 
He leaned into Yugi’s touch, already feeling a little better having his boyfriend so close to him. When he stepped back Yugi gave him another sweet smile then he turned and left the room. 
He stood there for a moment longer, hugging the soft clothes that smelled of Yugi to his chest and trying not to let himself go just yet, trying not to give into the way he wanted to just crumble to the floor, curl up on himself and cry until he couldn’t anymore. 
Slowly he placed the clothes on the bed and he began to change. Shedding the clothes he’d spent all day in made him feel a little better, less restricted, less…judged. 
Once he was fully changed, he felt a little lighter. He left the bedroom and walked toward the kitchen, Yugi looked over his shoulder and smiled at him when he walked in, then beckoned him over to the counter where he was standing. 
Yugi held out an arm and he accepted the hint gladly, leaning against his boyfriends side and sighing happily when he was pulled into a tight hug. He smiled as he watched Yugi finish their drinks and this time it felt a little more natural on his face. 
They didn’t remain there for long, Yugi nudged him gently and he moved away enough to let his boyfriend turn to face him. 
Yugi joined their hands and looked into his eyes for a moment, a soft smile on his face. 
“You know, you don’t have to be so brave when you’re with me.” Yugi told him. 
He looked back into those beautiful eyes so full of patience and love, the eyes which had never judged him, never expected him to be anything more than he was, never wanted more from him than he was willing to give…and he broke. 
The tears fell quickly, his shoulders shook and he took a shaky breath. He was pulled back into Yugi's arms immediately and he crumbled further. He leaned heavily against Yugi, forcing his boyfriend to lean back against the counter to hold them both up, but feeling Yugi's arms around him, hearing his soft words in his ear and having hands run slowly over his back was all the comfort he needed. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, pressing his face to Yugi's neck. “I don’t even know what’s wrong with me.” 
“Atem, it’s okay.” Yugi said softly. “Nothing is wrong with you, it’s just one of those days, but I’m here for you. Let me love you.” 
“I’ll try.” He sighed, his tears had stopped, but he remained hidden in Yugi's arms, safe from the world.
“You’re such a wonderful person.” Yugi said, hands running down his back slowly. “You always make me feel so good…I wish you’d treat yourself the same way you treat me.” 
“I’m trying.” He said, hands tightening on Yugi’s shirt and holding him closer. 
It wasn’t the first time Yugi had said something like that to him and it probably wouldn’t be the last, and he really was trying, but years of self hatred didn’t just disappear overnight and Yugi knew that. 
“I know, and you’re doing amazing.” Yugi said softly, Atem felt his lips against his temple, a soft kiss followed even softer words. “Now, I’ll happily hold you for as long as you need me to, but we should move to the sofa instead of standing here in the kitchen.” 
He nodded, Yugi was right, it couldn’t be comfortable for him to stand here with his back against the counter, Atems weight crushing him against the hard surface. 
“I might take that offer for the rest of the night.” He said with a quiet laugh. 
“Oh no, what a shame.” Yugi said sarcastically. “I’ll be stuck under a gorgeous model for the rest of the night, I really hate my life.” 
The words made him giggle and Yugi laughed softly too. 
“I’d hate to make you suffer.” He teased. 
“Hm.” Yugi slid a hand up to his face to cup his cheek again. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. So take a cup and we can get comfortable.” 
Reluctantly he forced himself out of his boyfriend's arms and picked up one of the two mugs Yugi had been filling when he joined him, walking to the living room and settling down on one half of the sofa. 
Yugi took a seat next to him, holding an arm out to him as he leaned back into the cushions. He was all too happy to fall back into Yugi’s warm embrace. 
Whilst they sipped their drinks, Yugi put one of Atems favourite movies on and held him close, he never spoke, didn’t try to force Atem to tell him anything and never asked him to do anything more than he was in that moment. 
It was just what he needed. 
As much as he had intended on dealing with his feelings by crying in the shower for a while then sitting in complete silence alone, he was glad Yugi had been home and that he didn’t have to spend time alone with his thoughts. 
Once his cup was empty he shifted to lay down, Yugi moved with him and wrapped his arms around him, laughing as Atem buried his head under his chin. 
“I’m glad you were home.” He said quietly. 
“My late meeting was cancelled, so I decided to do the rest of my shift from home.” Yugi told him. “I’m glad I could be here for you.” 
“Today has been tough.” He said after a moment of silence. 
“I understand.” Yugi said, a hand ran through his hair and soothed his thoughts. “It’s not easy, but you made it through the day, and for that, I am so proud of you. Now though, you don’t need to be anything, you don’t need to do anything, just stay here with me.” 
Those words made him blush and he hid his face in Yugi's neck, smiling to himself. 
“Thank you.” He murmured. 
“Is there anything you’d like to talk about?” Yugi pressed gently. 
“There’s nothing to say.” He said honestly. “My mind is just…” He trailed off, not sure how to finish that sentence. 
“I understand.” Yugi told him, sliding his fingers through his hair again. “If there’s anything you need, or anything I can do for you, just let me know.”
“I will.” He said, a content sigh left his lips when Yugi began running his hands slowly down his back, fingers slowly trailing down his spine and then back up, slipping into his hair before repeating the path again. 
He felt himself relaxing further into Yugi, enjoying the way that their bodies fit together, how easily he melted into Yugi's embrace, the way Yugi’s touches made him feel even though they were only small. 
His eyes closed and his breathing began to slow a little, but he fought to stay awake, they should get up soon and make some dinner or order something or-
“You can go to sleep, I don’t mind.” Yugi said quietly, lips against his temple and a hand running slowly through his hair again. “I won’t leave you.” 
“Promise?” He asked although he knew the answer. 
“I promise.” Yugi said, kissing his head softly. “I’ll never leave you.” 
“I love you.” He whispered, closing his eyes and resting his head against Yugi's shoulder, placing a soft kiss to the collar bone exposed to him. 
“And I love you.” Yugi replied, his voice so soft, Atem barely heard it. “More than anything on this earth.” 
He sighed happily and melted into Yugi’s arms even more, breathing in the scent of Yugi’s skin and his home, feeling safe, warm and content to remain here for the rest of the night.
If you wanna read the (complete) fic along with some amazing artwork in which these two idiots fall in love, check it out here on Ao3
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I am really tired of being in a bad mood!! I wish I were having a fun week at work doing the job I love instead of wasting all this time! I hate being stuck in a negativity spiral but I’m just so socially overstimulated and annoyed I can’t quite manage to wrench myself out of it. going to gently cajole myself into saying five good things:
I bought several pairs of cute pants today that I hope will alleviate some of my clothes anxiety esp as we transition into fall. I kinda maybe need to start making myself go on dates again and removing the outfit anxiety will make that a little bit easier on me.
I got to have hot pot for dinner with liz and alex because now they live five minutes away from me and I can have dinner with them anytime I want 😭😭😭😭😭 we giggled a lot and also the food was so good
I didn’t want to walk the dogs when I got home because it was so dark and wet out but I felt bad for leaving them alone for so long today. we just took a short walk around the neighborhood but I felt better
I had a really nice time talking with my work bff today when we were both skipping one of the sessions. she’s just interesting and funny and fun to talk to! we have clicked since day one despite our age difference and I feel like we’re probably going to become actual friends and not just work friends. we were supposed to coordinate our hybrid schedules so only one of us would be in our shared office at a time but we agreed that we like sharing the space so much we want to keep coming in on the same days. anyway it’s just nice to have somebody you like hanging out with at work.
I had a couple intense downswings into Very Bad Feelings today that felt out of proportion to the situations at hand. this was not a good thing in itself haha but it did feel like the kind of volatility I associate with PMS. my tracking app thinks I should be starting my period tomorrow or the next day and I am just like. on my knees praying we are about to start things up again. I think the weather is going to be nice again but today it was an intensely gloomy rainy day that really felt like The First Day of Fall and idk I just like the symbolism of my period arriving as a way to mark the end of this weird intensely unhappy summer and (hopefully) the beginning of a different season of my life. who knows! please beam START BLEEDING energy in the direction of my uterus thanks!
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pixeldistractions · 1 year
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And please, God, let me have this, Maria prayed sometimes. Granted, she was well aware that praying for a man was probably far beneath an almighty being’s concerns. But this, specifically, she needed this. What she felt for Jordan was special and gentle and pure, and she’d been alone now for years because no man she’d ever met could match what she felt for this one.
“You don’t talk about him much,” Jordan said.
“Oh, talk about who?” Maria was still lost in delightful reverie.
“Your husband.”
Funny how Maria didn’t want to think about her dead husband at all when she was with Jordan.  
“What was he like? Like, what kind of guy was he? I mean, unless it makes you sad to think about or something.”
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Jordan seemed genuinely interested to know, so she told him. “Oh, no, it’s okay. It’s not too sad anymore. Well, he was an officer in the Air Force. He was only a couple of years older than me, but he always seemed so grown up. Like, he was probably even grown up as a little kid. He liked classical music and tennis and crossword puzzles. Um, he wasn’t super religious or anything, but he always went to church, like it was something he felt he need to do. He volunteered. And he was really good at saving money.”
Jordan nodded. “The kind of guy who has all his shit together.”
Maria shrugged. “I guess he did. He didn’t need me for anything.”
“Don’t say that,” Jordan said. “People have all kinds of needs.”
“Okay, maybe he enjoyed hearing me play my violin.” 
“You never told me you play violin.”
“I guess because I don’t play much anymore. It was a long time ago. I’m out of practice now. I lost track of it when we got married, then I had Johanna, then the war and everything… and now here I’ve come to my final resting place.”
Jordan laughed. “Yikes.”
“Well, I’m a single mom, you know. Who wants all that baggage?”
“She’s a kid, not a prison sentence.”
“Are we talking about the same kid? That kid over there with rabies?”
Johanna clicked away at the keyboard. On her game, a tiger roared.  
“Even that kid,” Jordan said.
“Well, anyway, I don’t even remember how to date. It’s rough out there. Stephanie invited me to this wedding as a guest, plus one. I don’t even know who I’d ask. I don’t even know people, except my lesbian neighbors on one side, and the elderly couple on the other side. And the people here at work. Unless, maybe, you’re not doing anything tomorrow night...”
He smiled kindly. “I’m on the roster as staff.”
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“Oh, right,” she said. “Damn. You should have been nicer to Stephanie.”
“Next time, for sure.”
“Stephanie’s next wedding?”
“Ha ha. I mean, you know, anyone’s.”
What on earth? Did he just say he’d go to a theoretical someday wedding with her? It made her heart race and her mind bend into twists trying to figure it out.
“Sorry, the kids were distracting you,” she said. “I bet you have a lot of work to finish.”
Not work to finish with Ingrid, she meant.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I need to find something for lunch anyway.” 
“I’ll make you some lunch. I was going to whip something up for Johanna anyway. It’s the least I can do. For looking out for my little feral animal. Thank you.”
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He took a seat at the counter next to Johanna. She was playing a computer game about matching animals to their habitats. “Hey Jo Jo, what kind of animal are you?”
“I’m a wolverine, grrr!”
Jordan laughed. “I believe you.”
— from “my sweetheart #3: feral” (7/7)
Next ->
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just-jess-78 · 10 months
I texted him this morning and asked if he could please find someone to stay until he leaves to go back to Texas for work. It’s too uncomfortable and after this weekend that is only going to amplify it. My son has finals in three AP classes this week. I can’t even shower straight…I used body wash in my hair tonight and tried to lather up with conditioner. Yesterday I meant to pour my coffee in the sink but poured right in the floor. I realized today after meal prepping for the week that I hadn’t ate since Tuesday night. I hate uncertainty and I hate feeling like he could walk in anytime he wanted to. It scares me.
Anyway that was at 6:30 this morning. My plan she would still be in bed with him and he would tell her what I said and then how would he explain coming home to his wife when she doesn’t want him there and knows he has a friend he can stay with. Ehhh…gotta think like em sometimes. He just texted back at 10:24 and said “sounds good I’ll be there around 1ish” I’m assuming to get his stuff. I can’t even explain how much better I feel knowing that he’s not going to try crawling his ass in bed with me again.
I want to put his stuff on the porch but I’m not really mad enough to let the whole neighborhood see that shit. If he’d have hit me with this in about ‘98 I would have already poured bleach on every single Sunday Swagger shirt he owns.
I hate that I have to see him again. Maybe I should leave while he’s here. But then again why the fuck would I let a stranger come in my house and leave. He feels completely unknown to me. I have no idea who he is.
I hope he’s enjoyed his little weekend because there isn’t enough money in the world to make me trade places with him right now. I never want to have to fucking date and do all that bullshit again. I know that might change and I’m not saying that I’m giving up on love but they will just need to show up and want to hang out because that’s all I have in me.
That’s how I’ve always ended up with people that I’m 100% not compatible with. I’m single, I start getting invited to do shit and I agree because I feel like I can’t say no ALL the time. So I’m already in an atmosphere where people are doing none of the things I do. Talking about none of the things I like talking about but yet I walk out with a husband 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of.
They’re going to have to catch me at the bookstore or the record store or on a ski lift somewhere in the mountains because if I have to go to the club to find it then it can go ahead and call Tyrone too because I don’t want it.
Next step…make through 1ish tomorrow and then it’s “Arrivederci, mother lover” and maybe then I’ll be able to eat and think and plot better. Muahahaha
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
So the other two are asleep, apparently. I should probably be sleeping too, but there was just something that… bugged me. I don’t know. Something about the hieroglyphs. Anyways, that caused me to drink motherfucking COFFEE at like 8 PM.
…Is Mauna even done decoding them yet..?
Maybe I should go check. It’s been a couple of days, and considering how much Mauna remembers about the Dawn of Fire, she’s probably done alre-
(The lights in Crysta and Ritika’s kitchen suddenly switch on, revealing Mondo by the doorway with a VERY sleepy expression on his face, sans the beanie.)
sprigg wtf are you doing up this late
and why the fuck do you have a cup of coffee
I dunno. Go back to sleep.
You heard me.
do your shit ig
(Mondo turns off the lights and leaves the kitchen, leaving Sprigg alone.)
…I have to go visit Mauna. I should probably go get my bag first…
Wait. I don’t even fucking know where Mauna lives here.
…Maybe I should ask Moperetta. It probably knows where Mauna is, and GALVANA forbid she be on Tribal Island. That’s practically DAYS away from here.
(Sprigg leaves the house with an empty bag, looking for Moperetta. They eventually spot her sitting on a rock, looking up at the Aurora Monstralis.)
… hm ? oh , sprigg . are you looking for anything ?
Well, yeah. I’m looking for Mauna again.
Also, uh, how did the thing with her go?
oh , it went quite wonderful , actually ! we are going on our first actual date tomorrow , probably in the evening so the aurora monstralis is more visible . i think she is in her room at the castle , i will take you there .
Okay, thanks.
anytime . follow me .
(Sprigg follows the MUCH taller Moperetta to the Light Island castle, all the way to the dimly-lit library.)
hello ? um , mauna ? sprigg needs you for something .
Oh , hey ! Mopsies !
( mauna please do not call me that in public i told you hhhhhh )
(Oh , sorry !)
( no , no , no . it is okay .)
(Whew .)
Um , Moperetta ! Sprigg ! It is nice to see you again. Sprigg , what do you need me for ?
I was just going to ask if you were done decoding the hieroglyphs yet.
Oh ! Yeah , that . Actually , I am done with it already ! I wrote the translation on a note next to the glyphs so you would not forget .
(Mauna gives Sprigg the book with the hieroglyphs, with part of the note sticking out so that they could easily find it.)
Anytime !
(Now what does this say…?)
(Sprigg opens the book to the page with the glyphs. They begin to read it.)
Strange. Usually, the night sky is full of stars, but I have not been able to observe any today, or in the last few weeks. Plixie’s glass has been cracking more than usual lately, Loodvigg has been so irritable to the point that not even Scaratar, the love of his life, could help, and Vhamp has been releasing more steam than usual… perhaps something is wrong. And from here, I can see that the Continent has been rumbling quite a lot…
Starhenge’s gears have been slowing down more and more, too. Some of the blocks floating around it have dropped into either the sea, the Outer Islands, or the Continent. Luckily, no mortal Monster so far has been harmed. Not even I can decipher what is going on…
…I feel like I must get to the bottom of this, but I must complete what I am building with Vhamp, just in case. Perhaps Starhenge will collapse soon…
Wait, what?! G.V.?!
If I am correct , those must be the initials of the fabled Galvana …
and all of this time , i have thought the celestials were just some old wives ’ tale !
Holy shit. Hoooooly SHIT. I have to go show this to Toorie and Mondo. See you guys if we ever come back to this Island!
Farewell , Sprigg !
goodbye ! safe travels !
(Sprigg hurriedly rushes out of the castle library, with the book and translation in their bag.)
… So what are we going to do now ? I mean , nobody else is awake and the Aurora Monstralis is out …
… um .
AAAAND THE PLOT THICKENS!!! anyways uhh sorry for not posting about the story much,,, also yeah the Celestials are basically considered an old wives’ tale or a myth along the non-Natural, Ethereal or Fire monsters (like the Seasonals or the Magicals) in this AU lolz
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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♡ Twitterpated ♡
Chapter 2 (Rayman x Oc)
<3 <3 <3
Minnie sat in her quaint little apartment on the couch. Everything was very neat and tidy, mainly due to the fact that she shared a living space with Lilou.
Her frog friend made a habit of being very organized. She had a hard time working on designs and costuming concepts in a messy living space. Minnie on the other hand could be quite scatterbrained and often neglected doing a lot of things.
But it was alright, because they balanced each other out in this way.
She pulled her little pink throw blanket over herself as she clutched her phone in her other hand, having an internal battle with herself.
Raymans number had already been entered into her contacts, and she had already written out the message that she wanted to send.
Hi! It’s Minnie <3
Thank you so much for letting me be on your show, I’m very grateful…and also thank you for the chocolate milk. Hehe.
I’d love to have coffee or dinner with you <3
All she had to do was hit send, but her heart was thudding against her chest almost as if it was telling her not to.
“Ugh! I have to do this! It would be really rude of me to not text him, so stop trying to convince me otherwise!”
With that, she finally sent it.
“Who are you yelling at, crazy girl?” Lilou entered the room wearing a half-finished beret.
“My stupid heart. It’s beating out of my chest right now over sending this message…But I finally did it, so she can just keep quiet and mind her business.”
Minnie turned her phone off and shoved it in between two couch cushions.
Then it made a little ‘ping’ sound.
“Something tells me she’s not going to keep quiet anytime soon,” Lilou winked and grabbed a pair of scissors off of the coffee table before turning on her heel and walking out of the room.
Minnie hurriedly turned her phone back on and read the message on the screen.
The pleasure was all mine, Minnie.
I’d say we could have dinner tomorrow night, but truthfully, I don’t know if I wanna wait that long.
How’s coffee tomorrow at 11? We can meet at the cafe near the diner you work at.
Her heart was doing little cartwheels in her chest once again.
She could hardly fathom how this insanely popular celebrity could want anything to do with her.
Minnie imagined that it most likely had something to do with them being the same species, but it would be incredibly shallow if that were the only reason he was really interested in her, so there was probably something else that she just couldn’t see…right?
Who knows. Minnie was a sucker for romance and she did believe in love at first sight, so maybe they both just got lucky.
I would love that <3 I’ll see you tomorrow…
<3 <3 <3 <3
“Mon ami…please, for the love of all that is good, let me dress you for this date and do not go out looking like that.”
Lilou brushed past her roommate and went straight to her closet, leaving her uncomfortably standing in front of her full length mirror feeling a little shameful.
“Why? What's wrong with this outfit?”
“It’s not the outfit. You are a warm spring ingénue and right now you are wearing cool winter siren. It is just not you. I will pick something nice for you.”
Minnie sighed and flopped down onto her bed.
“I love playing dress up with you, Lilou, but I really have to hurry. I don’t have much time left before-”
“Shh shh shh. I already have it picked for you. Here.”
She laid the clothes and shoes out on the bed.
“You can thank me later.”
After changing into her new outfit, Minnie did a little twirl and looked at her reflection. The dress went perfectly against her skin tone and matched with the cute little beret she had just finished working on yesterday.
It definitely was very…ingénue. It highlighted all the best parts of her appearance.
She never misses with an outfit, does she?
<3 <3 <3 <3
Minnie walked out of her apartment building and saw that there was a guy standing next to a cab that was parked near the sidewalk.
She felt somewhat disturbed.
“You Minnie?” He loudly asked, not really helping with the eeriness.
“Uhm…Why? Who’s asking?” She backed away a little bit, nervously peering at the man through her bangs.
“Rayman sent me to pick you up and bring you to a cafe.”
“Oh…ok,” Minnie thought to herself for a moment before deciding to do something smart for once in her life, “could you hold on for a second?”
The man nodded patiently. He was either being paid very well or he was a very convincing serial killer disguised as a taxi driver.
She went back inside her apartment building's lobby and pulled her phone out of her little purse and called Rayman.
It rang twice before the familiar voice picked up.
“Hey, Minnie! I’m on my way to the cafe now. Is everything alright?” He sounded like his usual cheerful self and it gave her butterflies.
“Mhm…uhm…There’s a guy outside saying you sent him to pick me up, is that true?”
“Oh, yeah! I’m so sorry I didn’t think to tell you first. I hope it didn’t freak you out too bad. I figured it’d be better than making you walk or drive yourself.”
Drive? Ha. Ha. Ha. I wonder what he’d think if I told him I still don’t have a license at my age.
“Ehe…Yup, definitely. That was very sweet of you…I’ll see you soon, ok?”
“See ya soon, pretty girl.”
Minnie quickly hung up, screaming internally as she made her way outside, her kitten heels clicking against the pavement.
“Ok! I’m sorry for the wait. We can go now.”
<3 <3 <3 <3
Minnie made her way into the cafe and began looking around for Rayman, but she didn’t see him anywhere.
“Oh, excuse me, Miss? Are you Minnie?”
A barista approached her and spoke with a hushed but friendly tone.
Minnie nodded, a bit taken aback at the fact that the barista knew her.
“I’ll show you to your seat, you can just follow me,” She smiled and motioned for her to follow before walking to the back of the cafe.
Usually cafe's don't work like this, but she guessed this was some sort of special treatment.
Minnie followed her shyly, realizing that she must be going to a more secluded area so that the two could have some privacy without being bothered by other people.
They reached a little closed off spot at the very back of the cafe where no one else was, and she saw Rayman sitting in one of the chairs and looking at a little menu.
He was definitely dressed more casually than how he dressed when he was on TV, but he still looked very put together.
“Here you are, miss! We will send someone to take your orders in a minute,” The barista kindly smiled and headed back to resume her tasks.
“Oh, ok, thank you…”
“Wow, that color looks very pretty on you.”
Minnie turned her attention back to Rayman. She felt too embarrassed at the compliment to walk to her seat or sit down.
“Thank you, Lilou picked it out for me…She said I’m a ‘warm spring ingénue’ apparently,” Her eyes wandered a bit and she played with her hair as she tried to calm her nerves.
“Huh, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before, but whatever it means I guess she’s onto something.”
He waited for her to come over and sit, but he figured she was waiting for an invitation.
“Well come on, sit down with me, I won’t bite unless you ask me to,” He laughed softly, floating his hand across the table to pull out the chair so she could sit down.
She carefully took a seat and looked down at the tiny menu in a poor attempt to ground herself. It felt like her head was spinning.
“I hope it didn’t offend you that I sent someone to pick you up. I know some people prefer their own driving over another persons, but I figured it’d be nice to just relax, you know?”
Minnie clenched her hands into fists, wondering how she should go about this conversation.
If this really turned into an actual relationship he would have to find out eventually.
Maybe just not right now.
“Yes, definitely. I’m really grateful that you sent someone actually. I like being able to just relax…thank you.” She gave him a small smile.
Rayman eyed her cautiously with a little smirk on his face.
“You know…I’d actually love to hear about the kind of car you have. I bet you drive something cute like a little Volkswagen beetle.”
Absolutely. Diabolical.
“Uhm…It’s something like that…I forgot the brand.” Minnie hid her face in the menu, pretending to read it.
Rayman slowly put his finger on it and lowered it down so he could look at her.
“You don’t drive, do you?”
Her stomach dropped.
“H-How do you-?”
He motioned to her with his hand, “Come on, you've got ‘passenger princess’ written all over you, don’t be silly. I could’ve told you that from the moment you were on that stage with me last night.”
She quickly slapped the menu down against the table feeling incredibly flustered, “If you already knew then why were you just messing with me?!”
Rayman’s smile got wider, “So she does get angry,” he teased.
She wasn’t angry, just thoroughly self-conscious.
“I wasn’t messing with you, Minnie. I just wanted to know if you trusted me enough to tell me the truth,” He shrugged, “I think it’s sweet that you don’t wanna drive. You don’t need to worry about it anyway, I can cover that for you anytime.”
She sat back in her seat, her face flushed and burning.
“...I wasn’t angry. It’s just that people have always made fun of me for not having a license yet and I thought maybe…you’d…you know,” She trailed off, focusing on the little coffee clipart that decorated the menu.
“What? You thought it’d be a dealbreaker or something?” He chuckled, “That’s ridiculous. You should figure out what you want before they come back.”
Minnie looked up at him and he winked at her.
She quickly looked back down.
French vanilla latte. Chocolate croissant.
<3 <3 <3 <3
“I’ve never actually been to this cafe before even though I work so close by. I just didn’t ever get the chance to come here,” Minnie spoke quietly, then took a sip of her latte.
“Well I’m glad I could be the first one to take you. Speaking of which, what do you wanna have for dinner later?” Rayman mirrored Minnie, lifting up his cup of black coffee to drink it.
The girl across from him choked. She pulled the cup away from her mouth and she replaced it with her hand, trying to hide her aggressive coughing fit.
“Woah, did I strike another nerve or something?”
“You’re…taking me…to dinner too?” She said in between coughs.
“Well, I thought I’d have it brought to my apartment since it’s more private. Usually the crowds get crazier at night and I figure it’s easier to be at home than to be out in public.”
Minnie shook her head as she finally got her coughing under control, “You want to see me again later?”
Rayman looked kind of surprised, “What? Is there some rule that we can only be together once a day?”
Minnie couldn’t find the right words to respond with.
“Look, I like hanging out with you. I know we just met, but,” he seemed to transition from his playful demeanor to a more serious one as he sighed, “You feel very familiar to me. I know that probably sounds weird, but it does get kind of hard being surrounded by a bunch of people who are nothing like you all the time. So when I finally met you it just felt like…”
“Like home?”
Minnie understood very well what he meant. She knew it went deeper than just the fact that they looked alike, but there was a comfort in the familiarity.
The world was kind of hard to live in. There was a lot of tension between humans, hybrids, and aliens even though people tried to act like there wasn’t.
It felt like they finally had some sort of retreat with each other.
“Yeah. Like home.”
0 notes
lobyuslucas · 7 months
"And That's How I Met My Chocolate Pie" (Omori x Undertale) (Sunny x Chara)
"And That's How I Met My Chocolate Pie" (Part 1/4) the day Chara and Sunny met each other, serving as more lore for the idea of ​​Indie Fortress (Team Fortress 2 with Indie games) (YES THIS IS A FANFIC, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a link to the context, I got some attention around this idea and I'm not going to stop anytime soon:
It all starts in a small bar, in a local place near Sunny's new house. Sunny, around 22 years old, goes to the bar to see if alcohol can solve any of her trauma problems, but Sunny refuses to drink.
Chara is traveling through some universes, having a cup of hot chocolate in that same bar, as she has known that bar for a long time. Chara always stays in the corner of the bar looking at all those people with blossoming romances and vigorous friendships while she is alone at the tables in that bar. Soon after she sees Sunny, she finds someone like him at the bar interesting, being someone different than any random drunk or a grown man asking a girlfriend out on a date.
So, Chara, aged 24, decides to risk social interaction, approaching Sunny and asking for another cup of chocolate
Chara: "hey… new here?"
Sunny:" yeah… looks like I'm the only newbie around the place… the only weirdo who doesn't drink"
Chara:" Nah… don't pay attention to these clowns, they're just alcoholics with no one to fill the void inside. I just come here to have a coffee, maybe eat something and then leave this place"
Sunny: "maybe I'm here to fill the void within myself… and forget the void I left in others"
Chara takes a deep dive into her cup, noticing someone with peculiar problems… like her.
Chara:" trust me buddy, alcohol will only dig deeper into your depression. I'm not a psychologist but I have years of experience, and I confirm this because I've already tried… and it's horrible"
Sunny:" I know… but it seems like all this won't go away, even if you do what's right. Even if they forgive you, you feel like they will always hate you, they will always see you as a filthy pest"
Chara: "It's like you have faithful friends one day, and after one false step, they all leave your life… isn't it?"
Sunny: "damn sis, that's exactly it… I mean… you also have problems in the friendship circle"
Chara: "did you just call me sis? That's…weird…but okay, I guess that's how friendships begin"
Sunny:" but hey, you also have great friends… or something like that. I have a lot of stories to tell about my friendship cycle"
Chara and Sunny talk from afternoon until night and then say goodbye, but they agree to meet up later
Chara: "you talk like that about your friend, Basil, he reminds me of Asriel, my brother"
Sunny: "anyway… I'll see you tomorrow… maybe?"
Chara: "Yes, of course, please"
Chara leaves the bar with a look of interest, perhaps it was the beginning of something magical, but she will only be able to confirm this the next day.
END OF PART 1 Regardless of disapproval, I will do more, and my hyperfocus will work until I can no longer
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever had a computer virus before? Yeah my first laptop (technically a hand-me-down from my dad) was a massive breeding ground for viruses. The worst one was a virus where it would randomly type out chunks upon chunks of Vietnamese text. I also knew when a virus had already started hanging out every time my Google homepage would change to a random ass search site.
Are you dependent upon anyone? Yeah, my parents, technically. In the Philippines if you’re 24 like me and live on your own, your parents are either millionaires and pay for your shit or are dead. Salary is shit here and doesn’t do nearly enough to sustain you.
Are there any book characters you'd like to portray? Nope.
Who did you last text? It was my mom telling her we had already arrived at her workplace and are ready to pick her up anytime.
Is there anything on your bed right now? Just me, this laptop, and my laptop charger.
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? I went around two Fridays ago to pick up paper cups and a bunch of chips in preparation for the Busan concert.
What way would you like to die when it's your time? Just in my sleep and painlessly, please. Does anybody actually prefer to die while in excruciating pain?
What are you most afraid of in the world? People with bad intentions. And I certainly don’t mean that in a simple “there will always be people who’ll betray you” kind of way. We’re talking catcallers, gropers, harassers, molesters, kidnappers, murderers.
Have you ever been caving? Nah. I had the chance once but I wore the worst possible pair of footwear I could put on that day, which was flip-flops.
Do you do well in math related things? Depends on the topic. I’m quite strong in some areas, like statistics and algebra – but equally as awful in others, like trigonometry.
What is your favorite fruit? Avocado, if I absolutely had to pick.
If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? My sister.
Do you have any tattoos? Nopes.
Are you planning on getting any in the near future? Maybe when Jin gets sent off to enlistment. The urge to get inked definitely felt more nagging after the announcement.
When was your last date? Around two years ago, maybe three. I’m not sure when that ex and I last went out.
When did you get Facebook? It was in 2012, when I was 14.
Are any of your family members in jail? Used to. I think she was allowed to leave not too long ago. Idk though for sure - I never keep tabs on that side of the family.
What was your first pet's name? Apart from our goldfish, we had Tobi the bunny. Are you good when it comes to computer issues? Not at all, I’d rather take my laptop to a repair shop once it gets wonky.
Are there any people at your job who absolutely hates you? I don’t think so. I do my job quite well and I don’t think I’ve ever done anything to piss the crap out of anyone.
What was the last book you read? I don’t read anymore.
Have you ever read any books in one day? Sure!
What was the last thing you bought? Dinner for my family. We got Ippudo last night.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Work, then I’ll have to bring Cooper and Agi to the nearby dog hotel since we’ll be staying overnight at a hotel during the weekend to celebrate my sister’s college graduation. I have a longgg weekend ahead so I imagine I’ll also be drinking a fuck ton of coffee tomorrow night to make the most of the time.
Is there any jewelry you wear constantly? Nopes.
Are your fingernails painted at the moment? They are not.
Do you prefer cool, warm or neutral colors? I lean towards warm and neutral these days and have been trying to populate my wardrobe with more browns, olives, off-whites, etc. Have you ever taken art classes? Yep – back in college I took an art studies class.
What's the most boring movie you've ever seen? The Revenant. I don’t think I lasted any more than five minutes of it. Do you know how to work a cash register? I’ve never actually tried, but I probably wouldn’t be able to use it smoothly on the first try.
Fact or fiction novels? If you meant non-fiction, I’d go with that.
Have you ever suffered from depression? Yes.
Do you think you're a clingy person? Not anymore, really. If there’s anything my previous relationship taught me, it’s that clingy is bad. I like being independent these days.
Have you ever been in a physical fight before? I’ve been in physical brushes, but not full-on fights. I’m sad to say it’s been with my mom a few times; who wants to get physical with their own mother, ever?
How often would you say you disagree with your parents? Not very often anymore because I’ve since learned to just shut up if ever I disagree with them on something. The three of us are quite hard-headed and pretty firm with our beliefs and convictions, so pushing each other’s arguments never helped us.
What color shirt did you wear yesterday? Orange and white.
Do you have a job? Yup.
If so, do you like it? The thing I like to tell people is that as much as I whine about my job these days, I actually like and enjoy the nature of it. It’s the workload in my workplace that I absolutely despise. If the structure was just organized such that I don’t need to work 12-15 hours every night, I’d actually like it a bit more.
Have you ever been called a slut before? Nah, I haven’t really done anything to be referred as one, even jokingly.
What's something you've been craving? I feel like I’m always craving/in the mood for sushi.
Have you ever slept with your window open? Yeah, when I used to be in school because I was shy about eating up the electricity bill. Now that I earn my own money I have the aircon on every night and haven’t had the windows open in months, like I’ve always wanted haha.
Can you play violin? Nopes. It’s the second instrument I wish I knew how to play, just next to piano. What was the last desert you had? Pain au chocolat MY FAVORITE
Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet? Nopes.
Do you know anyone you talk to on Facebook but won't talk to in person? Well yeah, lots of people. There are many on my friend list that I only know vaguely, so while I could say hi to them I wouldn’t actually approach them for a full conversation or anything like that.
What color are your mother's eyes? Dark brown.
Do you have a best friend? Yep.
If so, how long have you been best friends? 17 years for Angela and around 3 years for Andi.
Do you cry easily? Yeah, I guess you can say that. I can cry very quickly over ads and just this afternoon I bawled like three times watching Jin’s The Astronaut.
Have you ever been into a court room? Does a session hall count? I’ve never been in those smaller court rooms that I see in movies and shows but I once got to visit the session hall of the House of Representatives for a journ class. I remember during the time of our visit the topic of discussion was on the legalization of marijuana, hahaha. Other countries might find it super mundane but considering where I’m from that was a pretty mind fucking blowing session to get to be a part of.
How many necklaces would you say you own? Zero. Am not too big on jewelry.
Do you plan on being strict towards your children? Not so much, but then again it would also have to depend on how well they can look after themselves.
Do you own any tie-dye shirts? No, not a big fan of the look.
What would you say is your favorite day of the week? Saturday.
Do you ever wear lipstick? Never. It doesn’t suit me.
Do you own a pool? Nope.
Do you have a Tumblr account? I think so. What website are we on again?
Would you say you're overweight? Nah, I’ve always been on the skinny/slim side.
How many colors are in your hair? Right now just one, since I had my hair dyed purple last weekend. It’ll be at least a week or so before my roots grow out again.
Do you flirt with a lot of people? I don’t flirt, never been my style.
Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? Yeah, surprisingly so. It was honestly hilarious to found out I was being pinned as someone who’d start shit when I’d realistically be the first person to dodge the first sign of drama; but at the same time I was also just very pissed at that person for dragging my name and made it a point to never talk to them again.
How old are you? 24.
Do you attend church regularly? Unfortunately yes.
Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? Not my whole life, but I have found solace in a few songs that I resonated with at certain points in my life. 
What time did you wake up this morning? It was around exactly 8, I think. Then I spent the next hour napping on and off until I had to get up for real by 9 to start work.
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? Pretty early actually, around 6. My sister’s college graduation is tomorrow and she has to be at her venue by 7:30; and since it’s all the way in Manila we have to start driving out super early. What kind of car do you drive? I have a Mitsubishi Mirage.
What kind of car would you like to have? I’d love a Mini.
Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? Sure! I never actually get their Blizzards, though; I’ve always been more of an Oreo frappe fan.
If so, what's your favorite thing to eat from there? ^ Oh, I was one step ahead of you haha.
How old did you turn on your last birthday? I turned 24.
Ever felt like falling apart? Yes.
Have you ever been in an ambulance? Haven’t been.
Do you tend to worry a lot? Yeah but most of my worries and anxieties these days are work-related, which I’d count as a good thing. Otherwise there aren’t many things I’m consistently concerned about in my personal life.
How old were you when you lost your first tooth? I was 6 and it was in the middle of class, haha. Very memorable experience.
Do you remember your first time on the internet? I do, actually. I had just come home from school and my dad surprised me with an internet connection, and I remember the first website I wanted to see in real life being YouTube.
Which website do you email from? Gmail.
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