#please give us everything
dickfuckk · 1 year
Hoping for bloopers/outtakes etc when the entire series is finished 🤞
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love the whole idea of vaggie and charlie only kissing on screen AFTER vaggie's true nature has been revealed bc that makes the whole reveal more impactful like charlie still loves and cares for vaggie despite knowing she's an angel and they finally no longer have any secrets between them so they can kiss while being wholly genuine to themselves yk
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
i wish they hadn’t done luke’s “when did you two turn into an old married couple line?” line. (it’s kind of a weird line on its own imo. a little heavy handed and also weird coming from a 17/18/19 yr old, whatever age luke is in the show). but also in general i don’t like that they’re speed running the percabeth romantic feelings. annabeth recognizes later (in MoA i believe) that she’s had a crush on percy since she was twelve, but she’s older when she realizes that and can actually recognize romantic feelings as such.
but the beauty of percabeth is that they are best friends first! so just let them be friends! let them tease each other and support each other and be silly and reckless and goofy and bickering together as friends. also they’re twelve. WHY do we need to view them through a romantic lens right now? they’re kids and maybe they have a little crush, but that shouldn’t be the key component of their relationship.
their romantic relationship was built off a solid, years-long friendship. the show needs to stop rushing that and just let them be friends.
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[Image Description: an 11-panel comic page on paper in which Laurice Deauxnim/Larry Butz and Maya Fey from Ace Attorney sit side-by-side. Laurice has tight posture and an uncomfortable look on his face, while Maya is looking around in an uninterested manner; a large textbox labeled "Waiting for Nick" points at the two of them. Laurice looks over at Maya with a sidelong glance, grimacing. Laurice turns away, asking: "...Do you hate me?" Maya bursts out: "WHAT? Why would I hate you?!" ["What" is in all caps to indicate volume.] Laurice flinches away from the outburst. Laurice begins to explain, saying: "Elise", but cutting himself off and shaking his head, starting again with a downcast expression: "Your mom was my mentor." ["Your mom" is underlined to indicate emphasis.] Maya leans forward on her hands and tilts her head in confusion. Laurice continues, waving his hand in the air: "Like, she taught me how to be a better person, to— to grow up, y'know?" Laurice looks back at Maya, his palm toward her, with tears in his eyes, and says: "But you... She was your mom, and you never got that." ["mom" is underlined to indicate emphasis.] Maya looks at Laurice with concern, as he says: "I wouldn't blame you, if you hated me." End Image Description]
I think they should be allowed a Real Conversation, actually
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(And some close-ups, bc I forgot just how energy-intensive making a comic page is, and I ended up working really hard on this messy, self-indulgent little comic)
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numberonepartyboy · 6 months
i believe in anger issues manager jay. when the ninja get to the administration he gets interrupted by his underling and just. electrocutes them to shut up and then talks like nothing had happened. when he gets rescued by others he almost fries out kai bc he made a stupid joke and everyone sees how much he changed. also he's a bastard.
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rockingtheorange · 8 months
Alex's guitar topic:
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So, you're telling me we have Alex playing the guitar in the credits, then again it's in his room all the time and he's spent a night around a campfire (the most guitaristish location) but we got no clips of Taylor playing it???
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Bullshit, I say. GIVE US THE CLIPS!
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silver-horse · 3 months
guys I felt genuine fear in my stomach while reading this tweet...
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tinyangrynerd · 2 months
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Picked up the game again to finally dip my toes into the recent dlc. And i forget how much of a cluster fuck my 1st savefile is. Not that it's in a bad state, but it's just too much happening, too much everywhere. And i got nowhere to put new stuff. And it made me very stressed and angy.
Also pls..... the Bars....
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meganechan05 · 25 days
The Kings Of Chikyuu
A tribute to the saviors of the distant planet <"Highlight" by KIRA ft. Hatsune Miku>
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theanoninyourinbox · 4 months
For the hypokits scourge and brokenstar? Where both are good in shadowclan and have kits… one of them being squirrel (noooooo this has nothing to do with my au)
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spill the au beans, or are you a coward/affectionate
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omaano · 1 year
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“You’ve come for your turn early,” the stranger says, turning to look at Boba as if Gregor does not exist. Gregor flashes Boba a grin, all too-sharp teeth, as the stranger steps away, shaking off the attractive glamour as if it’s nothing. Gregor seems as delighted as Boba is troubled to realise that their would-be customer is more cunning than he seems.
Mereel & Family Booksellers by binz, shiplizard
Allow me to recommend one more awesome Bobadin fic - since @sidhebeingbrand and @toughbreaks were kind enough to let me illustrate their fic for my "Jaster lives" square for @bobadinweek's Bobadin AU bingo card... with a bit of cheating - my love for which only grows and grows with time (and trust me, it does get better with every re-read! ). Fantastic and delightful world building with Victorian era and fae magic, and beautifully written characters where every single one of them vibrate with life. (Boba gets to suffer his 99 siblings, Jango is forced through some emotional catharsis kicking and screaming, and Din is trying his best to be a dad of a fae child. It's just the best, okay?) I'll eventually want to make one more drawing for chapter 2, I just realized during my latest re-read that I imagined the whole scene wrong ^^;
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cursedspells · 1 year
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cr: awwpera
these skin details. i love these ultra hd close up shots.
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wundrousarts · 9 months
headcanon that edgy Nevermoorian teens make cringy wundersmith ocs with wildly inaccurate lore and there’s a whole forum dedicated to role playing them. Morrigan finds said forum.
This is actually what the group from the blurry Silverborn snippet is, tbh.
JK, but I was inspired. Enjoy.
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Text version of the chat:
MaximillianMårtensson: Finally, I’ve mastered all 9 of the Wretched Arts….. tch *shadow clouds his face, and he starts to chuckle* Lyd1aDr1sc0ll: i mastered all 10 :3 Xx_EsterOtten_xX: SKILL ISSUE. I’ve mastered 12 🔥💯💪 GigiGrand: hi i;m famous singer gigi grand MaximillianMårtensson: // STOP. Xx_EsterOtten_xX and GigiGrand are typing…
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grimalkinmessor · 8 months
The way that I—
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beastwhimsy · 2 years
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image description in alt text
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froginninjago · 2 months
Day 108: They aren't happy anymore
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I told you I'd make you something detailed. I know this doesn't follow the fic exactly with the scenes, but let me have a bit of creative liberty please? (I already took some with the house because I don't remember it)
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