#please help I have a problem with drawing jay
froggityboingerrr · 7 months
Wow look, it’s Jay Walker, a character I’ve never ever drawn before ( LIE!!!!! )
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senascoop · 18 days
☁︎ . , WHAT'S AFTER LIKE? . . 엔하이펜 ☁︎
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ꣀ꣒ things #ENHYPEN does to embarrass you
mean enhypen ! × embarrassed female ! reader : : fluff + established relationship : : m.list
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. , LEE HEESEUNG ☁︎ 이희승 !
Heeseung is just, well, Heeseung—playful, sweet, and a little too good at embarrassing you. He adores your laugh, finding it both cute and amusing, and he can’t help but imitate it at every chance he gets. At the dinner table with your mutual friends, he lets out a loud, exaggerated "Hahaha!" that perfectly mimics your unique laugh. Your eyes widen, cheeks flushing red as everyone’s attention turns to the two of you. “Heeseung, stop,” you mutter, nudging him lightly with your elbow, but he’s already caught up in his antics, repeating the laugh with a cheeky grin. He laughs even harder, clearly enjoying how flustered you are. “I can’t help it, babe. Your laugh is just too cute!” he teases, squeezing your hand under the table.
read rest of the members below !
. , P.JS/JAY ☁︎ 박종성 !
Jay’s made it his mission to finish your sentences in the most dramatic way possible, especially when you’re in the middle of a conversation with others. You’re out with friends, recounting a story about your recent mishap at work. “And then I said to my boss—” you start, only for Jay to cut in with a deep, overly dramatic voice, “—‘I CAN HANDLE IT, NO PROBLEM AT ALL!’” You shoot him a look, but Jay just grins, clearly pleased with himself. Your friends burst into laughter, while you try to compose yourself, cheeks heating up. “Jay, seriously?” you groan, but he just winks at you, unfazed. “What? I’m just helping you tell the story with a bit more flair,” he says, nudging your shoulder.
. , S.JY/JAKE ☁︎ 심재윤 !
Jake loves his nicknames for you—maybe a little too much, especially when he knows it makes you blush in front of others. You’re shopping at the mall together, casually browsing through racks of clothes when Jake spots you struggling with a decision. “What do you think, babe?” you ask, holding up two dresses for him to see. Jake smiles, but instead of answering, he decides to turn up the embarrassment level. “Hmm, I don’t know, my little sugar plum fairy princess,” he says loudly, drawing curious glances from the people nearby. Your eyes widen, and you quickly glance around. “Jake, keep it down!” you hiss, feeling your face heat up as you try to shush him. But Jake is having none of it. “Why, my precious snuggle muffin? You know I love when you’re all flustered,” he teases, giving you a cheeky grin.
. , PARK SUNGHOON ☁︎ 박성훈 !
One of his favorite tactics is showing off old, less-than-flattering photos of you—usually the ones you wish would just disappear. It’s a casual gathering at your place, with some of your mutual friends. You’re busy preparing snacks when you suddenly hear Sunghoon's voice from behind you, “Hey guys, look what I found!” Your heart sinks as you turn around to see Sunghoon grinning, holding up his phone with an old photo of you. It’s one from a few years ago—a particularly awkward phase where you were experimenting with a questionable hairstyle and had a goofy expression. “Sunghoon, no!” you protest, rushing over to grab the phone from him, but he’s too quick, holding it just out of your reach. “Aw, come on, isn’t she adorable?” he teases, flipping through a few more equally embarrassing photos, much to your horror. Your friends are laughing, but it’s all good-natured fun, even if you feel your cheeks burning.
. , KIM SUNOO ☁︎ 김수누 !
You’re out at a café with Sunoo and a group of your mutual friends. Everything is going smoothly until Sunoo decides it’s the perfect moment to share a story about your shared inside joke. “So, remember that time we were at the amusement park and you were too scared to go on the roller coaster?” Sunoo starts, grinning as he looks at you. “You said you’d rather face a herd of wild animals than go on it!” You feel your face flush as the group bursts into laughter. It’s a funny story, but it’s one that you thought was private and only for the two of you to laugh about. “Sunoo, stop,” you say, trying to cover your face with your hands as you feel the heat rise. “It’s not that funny.”
. , YANG JUNGWON ☁︎ 양정원 !
Jungwon has a knack for turning the simplest moments into grand gestures, often leaving you blushing and slightly embarrassed. You’re at a café with Jungwon, enjoying a quiet date. As the barista brings over your coffee, Jungwon suddenly decides to make a big show of his affection. He stands up, grabs your hand, and exclaims, “I just have to say, my favorite person in the world is sitting right here with me!” The other patrons glance over, some smiling, others trying to stifle their laughter. You can feel your face heating up as Jungwon continues, “She’s the most amazing person, and I’m so lucky to be with her.” Despite your attempts to shush him or pull your hand away, Jungwon just keeps going, completely oblivious to your growing embarrassment.
. , N.RK/NIKI ☁︎ 리키 !
Niki finds immense joy in teasing you, and he takes it to another level by making one of your most awkward selfies his phone wallpaper. You’re lounging in Niki’s room, casually scrolling through your phone, when you glance at his phone resting on the coffee table. You turn to Niki, who’s lounging on the sofa, scrolling through his own phone. “Niki,” you begin, your voice filled with disbelief. “Why is my most embarrassing selfie your wallpaper?” He glances up, trying to stifle his laughter, but the mischievous sparkle in his eyes is unmistakable. “What? That old thing?” he replies nonchalantly. “I thought it was hilarious!” Your cheeks flush with heat as you cross the room to grab the phone, but Niki grabs it first, holding it out of your reach. “Come on, it’s just a funny picture,” he insists, his grin widening. “Every time I see it, I think of how cute you look even when you’re being silly.”
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tag list :: @moonpri, @iconchae
© senascoop | tumblr
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4wkjun · 7 months
daddy sim | sjy
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Chapter 5: Congratulations. ➥ Contains: angst if you squint, mentions of abortion, crying, swearing. ➥ Word count: 2.9k ➥ Taglist: @animnaim
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June 16th, 2022 Thursday
You and Jake did something quite unusual for the first time in a while: you missed the class. Not that you didn’t want to be absent every once in a while — every student does, especially as the semester comes next to the end —, it’s just that the two of you had so much going on that you couldn’t afford to miss stuff daily.
Jake held your hand as you waited for the doctor to call you inside. You booked an appointment as soon as you could, in the first clinic available you found — that one being almost forty minutes away from your place.
“Your hands are so cold”, Jake said quietly, holding both of your hands between his. “Is it nervousness or just the air conditioner?”
“I don’t know”, you responded with a faint smile. Jake pouted, caressing your hands.
The both of you stayed quiet, not needing to say anything for the next ten minutes.
“Where’s y/n?”, Jay asked confused as he placed his backpack on the empty stool. Chaewon bit her bottom lip, nervous about lying right into his face.
“I don’t know”, she shrugged. “She didn’t answer my texts, maybe she overslept.”
“I hope she’s fine.”
“She probably is”, Chaewon sighed. She really hoped for that.
“Choi y/n?”, the doctor called standing in the hallway.
Your hands got even colder as you and Jake got up, following her almost mechanic voice. The fake sympathy behind the doctor’s and nurse’s tone always made you uncomfortable.
“Please, follow me”, she smiled.
You did, Jake’s hand never leaving yours. The doctor’s office was ridiculously white for your liking, every piece of furniture bright enough for your eyes to burn. Everything about that place made you want to run away.
“Please, take a sit”, the doctor pointed towards the cushioned chairs in front of her glass desk. “I’m Dr. Shin Minju, it’s really nice knowing you.”
“Our pleasure”, you mumbled — the most polite way you could.
“Ok, Choi y/n and...?”
“Sim Jaeyun”, Jake responded. “I’m her boyfriend.”
“Good”, Dr. Shin smiled. “How can I help you today?”
You sighed, not expecting the doctor to be that direct.
“I think I might be pregnant”, you said reluctantly. Dr. Shin nodded, writing on her computer.
“Have the two of you performed unprotected sex?”
“No, we always used condoms”, you blushed.
“No other methods along?”
She only hummed, nodding.
“I’m gonna need you to fill out a form with your medical and family history, use of medication, information about possible travels, and your lifestyle. I need you to be 100% honest.”
“No problem”, you mumbled.
Dr. Shin handed you the clipboard with three sheets of questions. Your eyes got big because you were not expecting anything that detailed during your first appointment — especially because you weren’t 100% sure about the pregnancy with only a pharmacy test. It took you around ten awful minutes of awkward silence to finish the form.
“Everything seems to be normal, except for your unregulated periods, ms. Choi”, she hummed after quickly eyeing the pages. “We’re gonna need a few exams to be sure about your pregnancy, some of them not being as nice as expected.”
“As “not nice”, you mean...”
“A transvaginal ultrasound and some blood drawing.”
You wanted to whine, but instead, you only nodded and tried to look fine. The Dr. didn’t have to know that you were completely scared at that moment.
“I’m gonna need you to relax, ms. Choi”, Dr. Shin muffled behind her mask.
You were lying down on the stretcher, your legs ridiculously far apart from each other for your liking and Jake as a statue right next to your head. His hand was cold against yours — which was unusual, since Jake was always burning hot —, showing you how nervous he truly was.
The Dr. didn’t give you a heads-up before actually starting the exam, making your eyes shut close as she moved the transducer inside of you. That didn’t hurt but was pretty uncomfortable. Jake gave you a peck on the forehead, just to remind you that you were not alone.
“Yup, I do see a gestational sac, ms. Choi”, she muffled. Her tone was happy and you held your tears. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you”, Jake answered. His happy tone made you turn your head towards his direction.
His eyes were fixated on that grayish screen — even though he could not understand what was what —, his smile big. His hand squeezed yours and you noticed his eyes shining as two pearls.
Wait, what?
“We’re still gonna have to perform a few exams and tests just to be sure the both of you are gonna be fine for the next weeks. The most usual way to calculate the gestational age would be by using the date of your last period, however, since that may be a little confusing in your situation, we’re gonna use the size of the sac to have a little bit of a better expectation around your due date.”
“Is the due date the day the baby should be born?”, Jake asked, genuinely curious.
“No, it is the date the mother should be 40 weeks pregnant”, she responded in her mechanic voice, taking shots of the screen. “Ms. Choi, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m just... A little shocked”, you admitted.
Dr. Shin nodded, removing the transducer and then her gloves. She waited until the machine printed the tiny ultrasounds and handed them to Jake.
“I’m gonna give you some privacy so you can change into your original clothes again”, she smiled. “I’ll wait for you next door so we can discuss the possibilities.”
“Thank you”, you said with a faint smile.
Jake pecked your cheek before leaving the room with the doctor.
“Ms. Choi, do you have any intentions of keeping this fetus?”, she asked as soon as you sat yourself down next to Jake. Your eyes got big and Jake’s heart felt tight.
“I guess I do”, you responded quietly.
“You guess you do?”, she asked, sharp as a knife. “You know, here in South Korea, abortions are legal. You don’t have to keep the fetus if you don’t want to.”
Jake stayed quiet. You remembered his words last night, where he gave you signals about wanting to keep it. But he didn’t really say the words.
“Do you want to keep it?”, you asked Jake even quieter.
“I do, love”, he almost whispered back. “But we don’t have to. It’s not just about me.”
You sighed and shook your head with a subtle smile.
“We’re gonna keep it”, you told the doctor — you sounded more confident in your head, but that’s ok.
“Sure”, she smiled. “There is no limit for you to terminate the pregnancy, though”, she added. “I just need you to be sure about what you want, ok?”
“Yeah, we’re gonna keep it”, you repeated.
“Has she texted you?”, Yunjin asked Chaewon as they waited in line to buy their food.
“No. You?”
“No”, Yunjin sighed. “I’m worried. Do you think she did something stupid?”
“Not really”, Chaewon sighed as she walked a little closer to the cashier. “Maybe she found a doctor.”
“That fast?”
“Desperate times, I guess.”
Yunjin nodded, pouting. She looked around to make sure your friends weren’t around.
“Do you think she’s gonna keep it?”
“I don’t know”, Chaewon turned around to face Yunjin. She looked worried. “I think she’d only abort it if maybe Jake said he doesn’t want a baby.”
“Do you think he wants a baby?”
“I don’t even think y/n wants a baby.”
“What do you mean “why?”, girl?”, Chaewon laughed without humor. “We’re young and broke. Besides, she told me yesterday she’s afraid of moving way too fast with Jake.”
“We are broke, Jake’s family has money”, Yunjin reminded. Chaewon nodded with a pout.
The line moved again and she placed her tray on top of the counter. The cashier smiled in a fake way as Chaewon handed her a crumpled bill. Yunjin followed her right after, rushing towards Chaewon so they could sit with their friends.
“Let’s talk about something else, huh?”, Chaewon whispered. “They don’t know and they won’t know by us.”
“Sure thing.”
“Babe?”, Jake called as you sat at the bus stop.
“Did you tell the doctor you want to keep it because of me?”
Your eyes fixated on the road, your mind running miles.
“No”, you concluded. “I think I want to do this.”
“But... Now? With me?”, Jake asked. You pouted, still not looking at you.
“You don’t want it, do you?”, you asked him with your teary eyes.
“What? Y/n, of course, I want to”, Jake reassured quickly, squatting in front of you. He held your face with his both hands, forcing you to look at him. His eyes were upset when you found them. “There is a lot in our minds right now, hm? I don’t want you to feel like your life is over because of me, love. If you want to take this step and start a family, I’m all in. If you don’t, I’m still all in. I’d take anything you decide to give me.”
“What if I ruin your life?”
“Not possible.”
“Jake, I mean it”, you whined. The tears won the battle, falling down your cheeks. Jake’s thumbs were fast to catch them.
“So do I. I’m trying my best not to say creepy stuff like “I want to grow old with you” because you only gave me a real chance around a month ago”, he scoffed. “But that’s the truth, y/n. Hopefully, you’re falling for me right now, but I’m a sucker for you for the longest time.”
You threw your hands around Jake’s neck, hugging him close. He almost fell to his knees down the cement floor, surprised by the sudden action.
“I love you, Jake”, you whispered. “I’m not saying it because of this whole mess, I really mean it.”
Jake’s heart suddenly got warmer, filled with love and happiness.
“I love you even more, pretty”, he responded. He smiled, softly pushing you away from his grip. “I promise I’ll try my best to make you the happiest woman alive.”
June 18th, 2022 Saturday
“Hi, you reached Kanemoto Seoyun”, your mom’s robotic voice chanted across the phone. You sighed. Of course, voicemail. “Please tell me how can I help you after the beep.”
“Hey mom, it’s me... Y/n. I need to talk to you, could you please call me as soon as possible?”, you mumbled. “I know you’re having a lot to deal with in Tokyo, but I wouldn’t reach out for you if it wasn’t important, so...”
You sighed. Not knowing how to finish that awkward sentence, you just hang up. You threw yourself onto the couch, shutting your eyes close. It took you two full days to gain courage enough to call your mom, it sucked that she wasn’t available for you at the moment. Jake was at the gym, so thankfully he didn’t watch as you humiliated yourself for a second.
You stopped to think about the last two days. You told Chaewon and Yunjin it was indeed the truth — you were pregnant — and they seemed actually a little excited. You watched as Jake’s world turned into a bright yellow in pure happiness as he kneeled in front of you and kissed your tummy non-stop after a few hours. You realized you were shocked, not fully understanding the meaning of the word “pregnant”. You knew — at least your rational side — that you were creating a whole body inside of yours, a whole new life with expectations, needs, and desires, but your mind wasn’t ready for it. You knew, but it didn’t feel true.
Lots of new concerns ran across your head now. You were worried about what Jake’s family would think of you — Jay said something about them being religious —, you were worried about giving this baby everything your mom never gave you — love and attention being the top two! —, you were worried about not being able to educate a human being, and the worse of it, you were worried Jake was gonna back out anytime soon. You could handle it with him, but never by yourself. You grew up without your father since he passed away in a motorcycle accident when you were three, and honestly, your mother was miserable until she found her new husband — Kanemoto Kyouhei, a real estate agent who recently transferred to Seoul and sadly fell onto your mom’s spell. Poor bastard.
Tired of your thoughts, you wandered around the house doing random chores while Jake was out. You took every dirty piece of clothing out of Jake’s bedroom floor and shoved it inside the washing machine, vacuumed the floors, and did the dishes. You felt so close to the edge, so lost. Gosh, you could use some help.
“Hi, love”, Jake greeted as he entered the house. He threw his phone and keys on the sideboard and put his shoes away, smiling at you. “You good?”
“Yeah, why?”, you asked, rinsing a cup.
“You should probably rest”, Jake shrugged.
“Babe, you’re pregnant”, Jake declared as the most obvious thing on earth. You placed the cup on the dish drainer and looked at him, confused.
“Yeah, but I’m not sick.”
“I read online you won’t be able to sleep well as time goes by”, he explained, walking towards you. He turned you around so you could face him and pecked your lips. “You should enjoy while you can, hm?”
You smiled, shaking your head. It was amazing how Jake’s presence made you comfortable, without a single worry in mind. Before you could answer, Jake squatted down and lifted your shirt, exposing your — still pretty flat — stomach. He gave it the sweetest kiss, caressing the skin right after.
“Hi, baby. This is your daddy, remember me? I talked to you last night”, he whispered. “Your mom pretends to be tough, but she’s fragile. Please, give her an easy time as you grow, ok?”
You caressed his scalp, smiling. Even though your lips were curved up, your eyebrows curved down and tears fell out of your eyes.
“Why am I crying?”, you whined, crying harder.
Jake laughed, getting back up to hug you.
June 19th, 2022 Sunday
“Hi, y/n”, your mother greeted through the phone. You sighed before saying it back. You slowly closed your bedroom’s door, not really wanting Jake to listen while you were on the phone with the woman who gave you life. “I’m sorry for taking so long to return your call, things got hectic around here...”
“That’s fine, mom”, you responded. “I assumed you were busy...”, you said while sitting down on the edge of your bed.
“Thank you for being understanding”, your mom sighed — almost sounding truly relieved. “So, how’s everything going?”, she asked. Cut to the chase.
“Things are... Good. Unusual, but good”, you shrugged. Your fingertips started playing around with your sheets and you took a mental note to change them. “Jake and I are together”, you told her.
“Together as...?”
“As a couple, mom.”
“Oh”, she said. And then stayed quiet for almost a minute. “Are you happy?”
“I am”, you said truthfully.
“That’s great, then.”
“Yeah, it is...”, you agreed. “But...”
“But what?”, she cut you off, her voice not as nice by now.
You didn’t answer, incapable of elaborating an answer. The tears showed up again and you opened your mouth to breathe without letting her know you were about to have a breakdown for the nth time.
“Mom, I...”, you sighed. The lump in your throat spoke volumes and your mom sighed.
“God, tell me you’re not pregnant, y/n”, she scolded. You let a sob out, confirming her suspicion. “Oh, no.”
“It was an-”
“Of course, it was an accident, are you insane?”, she nearly yelled. Your heart sank because you were not about to say it was an accident. You were gonna tell her it was an unexpected situation, but everything would be just fine. “Are you gonna marry him?”
“What?”, you sobbed, confused. “I don’t know...”
“For Christ’s sake, y/n. Can’t you get enough of your sins?”
“Sins?!”, you whined. “What are you talking about?”
“Gosh, I knew I shouldn’t allow you to live alone with a boy. That’s my fault”, she groaned. You tried to take a deep breath, shaking your head.
“Look, I gotta go. I know you’re not happy with it — and I wasn’t expecting any different —, but I just can’t have this conversation right now.”
And without another word, you hung up and turned your phone off. You silently walked into Jake’s room, only to find him with his glasses almost falling off the bridge of his nose as he looked down to check his students’ last exams. He looked up at you, only to frown in preoccupation as he realized your face was washed out in tears.
“What happened, love?”, he asked, slowly pushing his chair away from his desk. He tapped his thigh and you walked towards him, sitting on his lap. His arms crossed around your body, caressing your lower back.
“I just called my mom”, you muffled against his shoulder.
“I’m assuming she didn’t love the news”, he said — trying to be funny. You nodded. “I’m sorry, babe. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“Stay with me”, you responded in a low tone. Jake kissed your shoulder and held you tighter.
“I would never go anywhere without you.”
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spiderrcakezzz · 2 months
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I present: My Sparklecare self-insert Nea! <3 🧁♡
(Me rambling abt pup utc <33)
Okay firstly: Nea is alright to kin as of now, but please respect my wishes if I choose to change this later on! ♡  I can't make any promises that I'll still feel like this in the future :P
🧁 • Nea's likes: stuffed animals, Twyla (their girlfriend), drawing, making OCs, Tiniest Ferry Shop, cute things, receiving attention & praise, physical affection, making others happy, kandi, video games, laughing off negative/hard emotions.
Dislikes: feeling second best/inferior to others, loud noises, being yelled at, seeing those they care about getting hurt, taking care of themself (Nea sometimes considers it a waste of time), stumbling over their words & feeling like they're talking too much, being unable to help.
🌈 • Nea is ⅓ cat, ⅓ cake anthry, and ⅓ dog! :3 (hence why they have 1 dog ear & 1 cat ear, and only half of their body has cat/cake or dog features).
They worked as a nurse at Sparklecare for ~1 year before being demoted to a patient, due to Nea unfortunately getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot. Nea wanted to help others when they first applied for the job, and they already had an interest in things like medicine, so becoming a nurse at The Best hospital in CountryTownCountry seemed like a good idea to them.
🐕 • Personality traits (ones not listed in the card) :
Apathetic: due to Nea primarily using apathy as one of their defense mechanisms, they can sometimes not care about what happens around them, including about the people around them.
Nea is sometimes distant or partially emotionally disconnected from others, and unsympathetic to others problems (<- That doesn't mean Nea won't try to help, though. They're still empathetic). This occasional lack of concern for basically everything can also cause them to act self-destructive in one way or another. They'll always feel bad/guilty about it afterwards, though.
Simple-minded: Nea can be naive at times and not really immediately understand things (atleast not as deeply) that others do, causing them to not help but feel sorta out of place. They think pretty literally most of the time, and though this trait has been kinda helpful in solving some of Nea's problems over the years, it can also make Nea seem childish/silly in a way.
🍨• They're on good terms w/ most patients in the hospital! <3  Some patients they're on the best terms w/ is their girlfriend Twyla Light (my partners self-insert :3), Mel N. Colly, Uni, Hemera (for the most part), Jay, Carrie, and Raye N. Bowe (one of my friends self-insert)! ♡♡ (Oh and Nea is also in a qpr w/ nurse Doom atm, but Shh you didn't hear it from me)
The least best terms is Barry. That's It . Nea respects him for his intelligence and such, but Nea would be lying if they said they didn't find Barry kinda annoying. (Pup does sorta(???) like him bcuz Uni likes him, and Nea trusts Uni, but Nea doesn't entirely like Barry on pups own accord :P)
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arachnidcakery · 3 months
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Officially introducing 🥁 🥁 ,, My SPH self-insert, Nea! <33 💖🍨🌸♡
(And me rambling abt pup utc, as promised! ♡)
Okay firstly: Nea is alright to kin, as of now! :3 Even tho they're supposed to be a self-insert, I'm sorta disconnected from them and just see them as an OC I project onto, so you can be open abt being kin w/ Nea, if you want ! (But please respect my wishes if I choose to change this later on; I can't make any promises that I'll still feel like this in the future :P) .
Alright, so!  Starting with the basics:
🧁 • Nea's likes: stuffed animals, Twyla (their girlfriend), drawing, making OCs, Tiniest Ferry Shop, cute things, receiving attention & praise, physical affection, making others happy, kandi, video games, laughing off negative/hard emotions.
Dislikes: feeling second best/inferior to others, loud noises, being yelled at, seeing those they care about getting hurt, taking care of themself (Nea sometimes considers it a waste of time), taking everything seriously, stumbling over their words & feeling like they're talking too much, being unable to help.
🌈 • Nea is ⅓ cat, ⅓ cake anthry, and ⅓ dog! :3 (hence why they have 1 dog ear & 1 cat ear, and only half of their body has cat/cake or dog features). They worked as a nurse at Sparklecare for ~1 year before being demoted to a patient, due to Nea unfortunately getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot. Nea wanted to help others when they first applied for the job, and they already had an interest in things like medicine, so becoming a nurse at The Best hospital in CountryTownCountry seemed like a good idea to them.
🐕 • Personality traits (ones not listed in the card) :
Apathetic: due to Nea primarily using apathy as one of their defense mechanisms, they can sometimes not care about what happens around them, including with some of the people around them. Nea is sometimes distant or partially emotionally disconnected from others, and unsympathetic to others problems (<- That doesn't mean Nea won't try to help, though. They're still empathetic). This occasional lack of concern for basically everything can also cause them to act self-destructive in one way or another. They'll always feel bad/guilty about it afterwards, though.
Simple-minded: Nea can be naive at times and not really immediately understand things (atleast not as deeply) that others do. They may sometimes try to act like everyone else they see as smarter than them, but can't help often feeling sorta out of place. They think pretty literally most of the time, and though this trait has been kinda helpful in solving some of Nea's problems over the years, it can also make Nea seem childish in a way.
🍨• They're actually on good terms w/ most patients in the hospital, I think! <3  Some patients they're on the best terms w/ is their girlfriend Twyla Light (my partners self-insert :3), Mel N. Colly, Uni, Hemera (for the most part), Jay, Carrie, and Raye N. Bowe (one of my friends self-insert)! ♡♡ (Oh and Nea is also in an unofficial qpr w/ nurse Doom atm, but Shh you didn't hear it from me)
The least best terms is Barry. That's It . Nea respects him for his intelligence and such, but Nea would be lying if they said they didn't find Barry kinda annoying. (Pup does sorta(???) like him bcuz Uni likes him, and Nea trusts Uni, but Nea doesn't entirely like Barry on pups own accord. Particularly bcuz of Barry's mistreatment of Uni).
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pealeii · 2 months
please talk to me about ninjago bro no one gets it like you do 😭😭😭😭 who’s your favourite ninja (there is not a correct answer but there definitely is an incorrect one 👁️👁️). also what headcanons do you have for them
okay its tooo hard to think of a fav ninja but as a kid kai was my fav so i still have a soft spot for him (also i partially relate to him. his full potential arc? oof.) i literally love them all its so hard to choose but i love cole and nya. BUT I ALSO LOVE JAY AND ZANE TOO LIKE I’M SO INDECISIVE HELP?????
headcanonsssss welllll cole (obviously) is BUILT like he’s just a huge guy. chub and all. aroace probably and latine DEFINITELY. has a man bun and a septum and snakebite piercings. and my TRUTH is that jay is chubby. was just arguing with my brother abt it. oh and he has freckles obviously. i’m a lloyd/nya/kai being siblings truther duh and them being asiatic is also important . to me.
i think my hottest take is like I don’t ship anything. to me the found family is so important and takes precedent like. i have no problem with ppl shipping stuff there are just certain fandoms I don’t rlly ship in and this is one of them
i’m just ranting at this point 😭😭
uhhh idk how far you are so i’m putting season 4 and onward under the cut
LOVE skylor. i draw her with as poc with red dredlocks and snakebite peircings (get it >:)) and a lil gold snake earring on her left ear
also i LOVED clause as a kid and he’s still one of my favs???? just so interesting
AND I LOVE FLINTLOCKE SOOOO MUCH OUGHHHHH he’s one of my favorite characters HELPPP
also ronin is a very interesting character i kinda wish they did a little more with it in possession. like especially the last half of the season
darreth. just darreth.
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alitteraladhdmess · 8 months
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It’s mainly ROTTMNT and some,,,other stuff. I play DnD! Ask me questions and chill:)
RIP Secret draw box!!🫶🏽
Please don’t ask me for donations. I can’t help you.
Wanna talk to some of my characters from Night Eyes au? Find them in this blog @thenightfallen (don’t actually- i lost the log in)
Like my art but not the reblogs? My side blog can help with that! Complete organization of just my art:) Right here baby~ @overstimmed
Please be nice to people, they have a life just as you and I will give a warning and/or block you for being mean to innocence
I do like gory stuff and depict it in some of my drawings. Posts with gun violence, graphic imagery, physical abuse, self harm, suicidal thoughts, and murder will be flagged with red.
More mild things such as blood, mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts, triggering mental illnesses, emotional abuse (not saying this isn’t as bad as other types of abuse), and dead bodies will be flagged orange. I may add color to posts that have fluff. If I do it’ll probably be green.
If you have a problem with something that I make, whether that’s a drawing or something I wrote in my book, keep it to yourself unless it’s a genuine issue. No one cares and you whining about it won’t change anything, respectfully.
More v
TTUS - Tethered To Us (the turtle tots were infused with a shadow crystal and now have cool creatures attached to their souls)
BFO - Bloom From Oblivion (post movie events where the turtles are put into the doomed timeline)
NEYE - Night Eyes (doomed timeline where Donnie is the soul survivor)
VCLS - Voiceless (comfort au, mute Donatello and good future)
2BY2 - 2 by 2 (Tmnt iteration and based off rottmnt)
♥️literaladhdart♥️ - self explanatory, used for all art
Jay txt - general stuff (including reblogs, non art content, content not including rottmnt)
(Color coded for who the au is mainly focused on, no color is focused on everyone)
Tethered To Us: masterpost
Bloom from Oblivion: masterpost
Night Eyes: masterpost
Voiceless: masterpost
2 by 2: (unannounced)
Little Persephone: masterpost
mini comics
Sister Comics
Part 1 / Part 2
Art requests
Currently closed to new requests
(Don’t bother me)
The same as my general blog rules^
Please keep requests inside my fandom. I love all the cool new characters I’m seeing but I’d rather draw my turtleyboos. And it’s easier to make good art with characters that I know how to draw;)
That being said ask for what you want and I’ll get to you when I can
Mutual Appreciation!!
(Don’t take ranks as competition or anything bad pls, it’s just a fun thing based on how/how often I interact with my moots)
Rank 5 moots: @ghosty-0w0
Rank 4 moots: @cupofcappuccy
Rank 3 moots: 😪
Rank 2 moots: @b00tyyyshker9000 @minty-cofffee @amat3ured1t0r @justmesadlysry @andistarbee @animal-lover-forever @bettertwin9000
Rank 1 moots: @theycallmehummus @disastertwins25 @rayryebread @nerdywebber @saintofthevoid @tiredallthetimeforreal @seasidefanasties @turtles-hurtles-with-gurtles @turtlepanic @crow-the-fox @starlingyarg @kraang5 @kerosene-doc @psychwardsystem @livewire11211 @littlemissartemisia @kinky-asexual @ignominious-scoundrel
Sry to anyone who doesn’t like the tagging
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newwritergirl · 4 months
On the brink | Part 4
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When a case hits too close to home, is Jay able to keep it together or is he going to lose everything.
Summary: With Lily in the hospital because of Jay, the team has to wrap up the case without the two partners. But the most important question is, are they able to overcome this disaster?
Trigger Warnings: OCC, OC Lilian Grace Harper, asthma, past child abuse, protective Intelligence, Jay fucks up his friendship, canon divergence!
Word Count: 2.4k +
A/N: Here is the next chapter of my first Chicago PD fic, thanks for reading. This is more on the slower side but don't be afraid there's some more drama on the way :) thanks for reading
Will has to keep his rage in check after Ruzek told him what had happened earlier. He can't believe that his brother hurt the only woman who was always by his side, no matter what. She caught him after his bad heartbreak with Erin, she helped him during some bad episode of PTSD, she's his best friend and she could have been so much more, but he fucked up, royally. He has to help his brother to fix the broken pieces of this friendship but when he enters the treatment room and looks at Lily, shaking and absolutely broken in the hospital bed he doesn't know if they will be able to fix this ever.
With cautious steps to not startle the strawberry blonde further he draws closer until he takes a seat beside the bed.
"Hey, Lils. You're okay. Everything is going to be okay." Will grabs her hands and gives her a gentle squeeze.
"Will…" A heartbreaking sob is leaving her mouth. "I couldn't help him. I- I should've have tried harder…"
But the red haired doctor interrupts his friend immediately. "Lily, look at me, please. There's nothing you could've done. We both know Jay. He's a stubborn asshole. HE should be the one apologizing to you. He hurt you physically and I'm probably right when I assume that he also hurt you mentally the last weeks."
"But…" Lily tries to intervene.
Will stands up from his position on the uncomfortable hospital chair to sit down beside the shaking woman on the bed, gathering her smaller frame into his chest.
"No buts, Lily. He's to blame. I know he's your best friend and you would do everything to protect him, but this is on him. But we will fix this, HE will fix this. You're going to be okay."
The car ride to the young woman's house was quiet. With her raging headache and aching lungs she tries to concentrate on her breathing. Adam on the other hand occasionally casts worried glances in her direction. He doesn't want to leave her alone after being injured, with a concussion and after her bad asthma attack but he's needed at the precinct, with her and Jay down, cause Voight sent him home.
"Sunshine? Please stop worrying. We got the prick, it's over." Adam reassures her. At least they can close the case, the Jay-problem is the only thing they have to work out and Adam will move heaven and hell to get the two back on track. Out of the corner of his eyes he can see her nodding tiredly.
"I talked to Voight, you're off for the next days. Will is going to check on you later or tomorrow. But please call one of us if you're getting worse. Our doc wasn't too keen to discharge you that early."
A nod is all he gets from the woman beside him. Lily is clearly under shock. Not that she got injured in the line of work, she misses her partner. She needs Jay's closeness and she can't help it, she blames herself for the outcome of this whole dilemma. That's what she is, always protective of the people she is close with, blaming herself for their mistakes. She's the best cop in their unit, Adam thinks and softly strokes her left hand which limply laying in her lap.
"We gonna be okay, sunshine!"
The silence in her house is so loud with all the thoughts running in her concussed head. Memories of her childhood, insults of the guys in her old unit, happy moments with Intelligence, cuddly Sundays with Jay, everything is morphing into a painful chaos raging inside her brain.
Curled into a small ball on her couch she's staring into space when a loud knock is bringing her out of her thoughts. She doesn't want to open the door. She doesn't want to see anyone. Why can't they just leave her alone like everyone did in her past? She closes her eyes to shut the world out. But another round of knocks now louder are echoing through her silent living room. Lily pulls the blanket over her face, not ready to face another human being.
What has he done? He destroyed everything. The only person on this earth despite his brother who is family for him is hurt because of him. Lily is hurt and he doesn't even know how she is doing. How severe her injuries are. Is she still at the hospital? Is she alone at home or is Adam still with her? Jay fists his light brown hair into his hands when he hears keys jiggling in the lock and his front door slowly being opened. He looks up from his bent forward position on his couch. There are only two people who have a spare key to his apartment and one of the two is probably still in the ER because of him.
"Thought you wouldn't open the door if I would've knocked. Got something to eat for us." Will announces as he enters his brother's living room, taking off his thick coat and boots before making his way over to the brunette detective. Jay doesn't answer the red haired man, he sure as hell knows what happened today. Maybe even treated his partner in the ER.
"Cat got your tongue?" Will says as he lets himself plop down beside his brother.
"What do you want, Will? I got a shitty day and want to be alone" Jay replies annoyed not in the mood for the shit his brother is probably going to give him.
After Will finished his shift at Med he thought about going straight to Lilian but he wanted to talk to his brother first, after all Adam messaged him that the young female detective is safe and sound at home and resting, so he wanted to give her a bit more time to let the whole situation sink in and maybe sleep off her shock.
On the way to Jay's house he had to downscale his rage against his brother. He understands that this case hit too close to home for him. Ruzek told him a bit about the last days and that today was just the sad peak. He needs to talk some sense into him, Jay needs to fix this and that fast.
"Yes I know. That's why I'm here. Lily has a minor concussion, had to glue a laceration on the back of her head. She had a bad asthma attack but Ruzek was able to help her administer her spray at the scene before bringing her to Med."
Will saying his partner's name makes Jay immediately looking up. She has a concussion because of him? She even had an asthma attack because of his previous actions. Despite the huge tension in the last days he noticed that she looked sick. He knows the signs and under normal circumstances he would've forced her to take a break, but he was in his own head for too long. The dead veterans were more important than his partner, his best friend, the woman he loves.
"Is she still at Med?" The brunette man asks with a shaky breath.
"No. She wanted to go home. I was not happy to let her go, her lungs didn't sound as clear as I like them to be, but she insisted. Adam took her home, texted me a while ago that she's resting." Will tells Jay while showing him the message of the other detective.
"Jay, Ruzek told me. Are you fucking out of your mind? Lily is the best that ever happened to you. I thought…" But the redhead can't continue his speech when the man beside him suddenly jumps up and starts to pace in front of the coffee table.
"You think I don't know that?" Jay shouts at the older man who's patiently sitting on the couch. He knows what he did and he hates himself for that and not only for what happened today. His behavior the last days is disgusting him now. When Lily only wanted to help, to cheer him up and be there for him, what did he do? He pushed her away both figuratively and literally.
"Jay, stop it. JAY!" Now it is Will’s turn to shout at his brother. As much as he is pissed at the other man he is also there to calm him down and help him to face his demons. Jay stops pacing and for the first time since Will's unannounced arrival he looks at his brother, a tear slipping down his cheek.
The red haired doctor pulls the detective into a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay, man. You'll fix this. WE are going to fix this. But first of all, let us eat, before the take out gets even colder. Then we gonna talk about a plan how to fix this mess."
"IF I can fix this." Jay breathes in defeat.
"Look at me." Will grabs his brother's shoulders in a tight but not painful grip. "Lily loves you, you know that. She blames herself more than she blames you. She needs you just as much as you need her."
Jay needs some seconds to respond. After he dropped his gaze he now looks his older brother deep into his warm brown eyes. "That's the problem, Will. She is way too good to be true…"
"I know that you're at home, Lilian. Open the door or I will kick it down." The raspy voice of her sergeant can't be ignored that easily and Lily knows he will keep his threat and destroy her front door if she won't open it in the next seconds.
On shaky legs and a heavy head she makes her way to her front door. The cool air hitting her when she's greeted by a worried looking Hank Voight. In an attempt to make him some room she takes a step back but a wave of dizziness is hitting her hard. Two strong hands immediately grab her forearms to steady her swaying body.
"You good, kid?" Voight rasps in a soothing voice. After shutting her door with a thud he leads his youngest detective to her couch where she camped out the last hour.
"Lilian, you good?" He repeats his question clearly growing more worried each passing second the woman in front of him is not talking to him.
"Hank… Yeah, sorry. Just a bit dizzy. Got a tiny little concussion. Nothing too serious." She looks up at the older man crouching in front of her still holding her steady with her arms in his gentle grasp.
"I should've killed Halstead…" He mumbles as he makes his way over to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for Lily.
She didn't know how thirsty she was until the cool liquid hit her tongue.
"Why did they discharge you when you're clearly not fit?" Voight asks rather annoyed as he takes a place beside Lily on the couch.
"I insisted, I wanted to be home, Hank. Will - Dr. Halstead is going to check on me." The strawberry blonde answers in great hope she can convince the older man that she's not as bad injured as he might think.
"Halstead? So now we're trusting that other Halstead guy when his brother is the reason for you being at Med in the first place?" Hank said in an annoyed slightly aggressive tone.
"No, no, no. It's my fault…" But her attempt to defend her partner is interrupted by a violent coughing fit. The urge to cough takes her by surprise causing her to bend over slightly in her seated place on the couch. She can feel her sergeant's worried eyes glaring into her hunched over form.
"Easy, kiddo. Do you need your spray?" The Intelligence Sergeant asks ready to jump up into action.
Lily shakes her head no and tries to calm down her painfully fast breaths. When she's calm enough to form a coherent sentence the young woman looks up at her boss beside her in an attempt to get the elephant out of the room. "How's Jay? You need my statement, don't you?"
Of course his first reason to drive to the house of his female detective was to check on her and see for himself that she's doing okay after being discharged. But he also needs her statement of the incident. He needs to know how he should handle the whole situation. He could suspend Halstead for his stunt, have his badge, let him go on patrol for the next weeks. But he wants to talk to Harper first.
"It - it was an accident. I slipped, that’s what will stand in the report." Lily looks up from her trembling hands in her lap. "I don't want Jay to get into trouble. I guess you already had his ass, back at the station."
"Lilian, he crossed a boarder. In my unit, we look out for each other. He didn't have your back. He hurt you…" The older man knew beforehand how Lily wants to handle this. Her protectiveness over people she's close with is nearly indestructible.
"Yes, he hurt me. But he's my partner, my friend. The closest thing I have, had to a family. Even if this is not going to work out anymore, I don't want to destroy his career. Please Hank." Her eyes are filled with unshed tears, the whole situation slowly sinking in. Will they fix their work and private relationship? A long time ago she vowed to herself that she will never be a victim of abuse again. But it was just the difficult case they had, Jay would never hurt her.
She feels Voight's hands on her shoulder squeezing slightly giving a bit comfort in that confusing situation. Her head starts to pound painfully and her glazed over eyes are the last straw for the sergeant to know that he needs to leave his young detective.
"Rest, kiddo. We can talk in the next days. Call if you need anything."
When she's finally alone again the adrenaline wore off, her whole body starts to ache and the cold is back in her bones. Too weak to make her way to her bedroom she lays down on her couch, snuggling into the soft cushions and into the thick blanket her partner gave her for her birthday last year.              
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boyfridged · 1 year
hey! this is just a random question so please don't feel pressured to answer, if you're uncomfortable! basically, i was thinking about writing a story about jason and alcoholism. i wanted to explore it in a way, because i wanted a little bit of catharsis in exploring my own relationship with my preferred form of escapism, but also because i read quite a classist take on jason and catherine, and how he's 'doomed by the narrative' to never escape the cycle, and i kind of wanted explore how that's not the case, and especially how damaging it is to refer to addiction as something that is 'dooming' someone. however, i am quite new at writing more complex stories. i was wondering if you had any advice as to how i could avoid classism in such a story/if that is even possible?
oh dear, it's been a month and i was somehow convinced i replied to this ask! although, honestly, i don't think you need much help here. you are already aware of all the implications of writing a story about such a difficult topic.
i think there exists a certain freedom of self-expression, self-insert, and even plain indulgence in fanfics & headcanons that should not be held to the same standard as canon is. what i mean is that if dc gave jason an alcohol problem i would be dismayed because there is not a considerable array of characters with a similar background as his, and so associating addiction with it to such an extent (after already retconning willis to have issues with alcohol) is questionable. so i guess one thing i would probably avoid is such a portrayal of willis, but i'm not in your head and it's fully possible you would handle it respectfully and with the sensitivity that lobdell obviously does not possess.
but i think first and foremost you have to simply trust yourself with it. it's your experience. and i'm assuming jason is a character that is dear to you too. maybe this experience would not be more appropriate to be explored with a different character if it were a published comic book, or maybe it would fit jay just fine and you would be able to draw out the nuance like no one in dc has ever bothered to. but as i said, you're not really working within a complicated framework of an editorial puzzle wherein you have to take that all into account. there are certain cliches that might be normally avoided for the sake of creating a more nuanced and wider array of representation, but these cliches might ring true for your life, for instance; and you are free to include it all in your story. it's just the recognition of the dangers of stereotyping that should come through.
also, what you described as your source of inspiration already sounds exceptionally good! addiction is a health issue first and foremost, and challenging its status in storytelling (and common consciousness) as a piece of fate's machinery and a "fatal flaw" is so important. it'd be especially interesting to see it explored not just against jason's (past & cultural) socio-economic background but also irt his later trauma & the mode of social existence as a vigilante/superhero (which i guess was attempted with roy once.)
if/when you write it (or if you have already written it, since it's been a while) and if you're planning to post it, i'd love to read it!
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kdvnco · 2 years
Cuddling the Enha boys!
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genere! : fluff
pairings! : heeseung x reader, jay x reader, jake x reader, sunghoon x reader, sunoo x reader, jungwon x reader, niki x reader
warnings! : mention of heeseung slaping your booty (😭)
Hee loves when you lay between his legs. Your head resting on his chest while he uses his phone with one hand, and massage your scalp with another. He loves the feeling of you laying on top of him, so one of his favourites gotta be when your whole body is on top of him and your face burried into his neck. He feels so intimate when doing, so he prefers this over anything. As a joke i feel like he would love to slap your bum sometime... Idk he just looks like it.
[rest utc!]
Cuddles mostly end up in a nap, but it's not a problem till you stay close to him. He loves a comfortable silence while starring at your 'slowly drifting to sleep' face. He loves to hold your hand, never letting it go. So you both just stare at each other while your fingers and legs are intertwined and maybe have some small converstations. He can't help but smile all the time, and sometimes kiss the back of your hand.
Jake cannot shut his mouth! He loves talking to you while you lay your head on his chest and holding your hand. He often asks you about your day or anything really, while he smiles and plays with your fingers, or grips them tightly between his, or really just drawing circles on the back if your hand. He also loves cuddling when sitting up! You put a leg over his and get close to his side, hugging him between your arms and sneaking one up higher into his hair. He also kisses alot.
This man is kinda awkward. The first times cuddling with him were initiated by you instead. He got so red in the face when he was laying on his back, using his phone, then you suddenly sneaked your head on his chest. Taking his awkwardness into consideration he prefers positions which doesn't involve facing you. He's just one shy baby, please excuse him :(, but by time he gets used to it and loves keeping you near him. His favourites are definetely spooning you or laying on his chest while he's doing whatever. This way he can ease the awkwardness more.
He loves various positions! He likes to face you, hold you in his arms, or just cares you tummy while kissing the back of your neck. For spooning, it just depends on his mood. He loves when you hold him in your arms, making him feel safe and all warm when he's tired or just in need of affection, but he likes showing of his masculinity by having a strong grip on your waist! He's also a big talker! He loves telling you about his day or his plans, but he never dispieses a comfortable silence.
Won always would've love the idea of cuddling, but it was just kinda weird to him to bring it up,so he stayed silent for a while. One day when he was especially tired he didn't bother to greet you just plopped his head right in your lap. That's not much of cuddling, but he loved when you caresed his hair. You both grew to like cuddling so now he loves when your limbs are tangled up, and he's resting his head on top of yours, hugging you close to him.
He's very young. He's not used to intimate relationships like this so everything was a first for him. He was always awkward with physical affection, but he's trying to warm up into it and not think it's embarassing. When you brouth up the idea of cuddling he just flushed. He layed down on his bed and just stayed in a stiff position. By time he got used to it and he loves when you lay next to him, and keep your head on his arm.
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allelitesmut · 3 years
Losing His Bite
After CM Punk overhears her talking shit about him backstage, he corners her and shows her just how much he hasn’t lost his edge.
Pairing: CM Punk x OFC
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut (minors dni), rough sex, spanking, daddy kink, choking, fingering, edging
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“Best in the World, my ass.” I muttered under my breath, only to be met with an elbow from Anna Jay. We were sitting in the last row of folding chairs, lined up in front of the practice ring, watching along with a decent portion of the roster as CM Punk sparred with a rotating cast of wrestlers from Dark. “I’m sorry, but this is every week now. He’s such a pretentious dickhead.”
“He is gonna hear you!” She hissed back at me, her eyes flitting back to the ring. I rolled my eyes with a scoff.
“Please. He’d have to shut the fuck up for more than thirty seconds to hear anything anyone says.” I crossed my leg over my knee, leaning back in my chair. “And we all know he likes hearing himself talk too much for that.” My eyes lingered on him, rolling out of a feeble attempt at a pin. He paused, taking a moment to coach his current sparring partner, Fuego del Sol, through the moment.
“What exactly is your problem with him? He’s just trying to help.” Anna pressed, leaning in to me so her voice wouldn’t be heard by the people around us. Punk hit Fuego with a running knee strike in the corner and the noise echoed around the open space.
“She’s just bitter that he offered critiques on her last match.” Tay teased with a raised brow. I huffed; that was entirely beside the point. I could take criticism. I just didn’t need it from him.
“I just don’t see what right he has to tell all these people that have been wrestling for years what they should be doing. He’s barely wrestled in seven years.” I could feel my voice raising slightly but struggled to contain myself. “He walks around here like he’s a masterclass on wrestling when, honestly, even seven years ago, calling himself the Best in the World was a stretch. But now? It’s straight up laughable.” I was drawing attention from the row in front of us and Anna cut me a pointed look, pressing her lips together to hide her amusement.
“Okay, well I’m gonna continue watching as long as he wants to keep giving these little performances. The man is sexier than he’s ever been.” Tay clicked her tongue behind her teeth with an indulgent grin. I choked back a laugh, shaking my head. As much as I hated to admit it, she wasn’t wrong. The man had aged like a fine wine - the white in his beard absolutely worked for him.
“Fine, yeah, I’ll give you that. He’s got that whole ‘spank me, daddy’ thing going…” I begrudgingly admit, and Anna let out a too-loud laugh, earning a few looks from those around us. “But that’s half the problem. You just know he would disappoint. The man doesn’t have the bite that he used to. There’s no part of me that believes he could or would actually manhandle me the way I’d want.”
“Oh come on! That man is a certified expert and you know it. I’ve got no doubt he could make you beg for it with one hand tied behind his back.” Tay prodded and I rolled my eyes. Anna pushed her tongue against her cheek, one brow raised in serious consideration.
“Maybe a decade ago. Maybe. But it’s just like his wrestling. Back then, the only thing that really made him interesting was the way he wasn’t afraid to publicly tell Vince to go fuck himself. But look at him now, sitting side by side with Tony with a huge smile on his face. He doesn’t have a disrespectful bone left in his body. The only thing he is these days is a certified lap dog.” That comment garnered me a few snickers and I started to wonder if I wasn’t getting a bit too loud. Glancing up at the ring, Punk wasn’t wrestling anymore but still seemed decently distracted by a conversation with Fuego. “Lap dogs aren’t making anybody beg.” I tried to control my volume again and Anna waved me off.
“I don’t know. You don’t get cocky enough to call yourself the best in the world without something to back it up. Like it or not, the mans got big dick energy.”
“Oh please. That’s overcompensation if I’ve ever heard it. I’ve been promised the ‘best in the world’ by the three least memorable fucks of my life.” I swear, I really was trying to keep my voice down but either I was out of self control, or our conversation had just drawn a dedicated audience, because that time several people laughed out loud. Punk’s eyes lingered on me for a few moments, his expression sharp but almost amused, and a warmth bloomed in my belly. He traced his tongue along the edge of his teeth before finally letting his focus drift back to Fuego.
“I get the feeling that sleeping with him would be pretty damn unforgettable.”
My eyes were glued to him, his tee clung tight to his chest and wrapped around his biceps, perfectly outlining the incredibly toned body beneath it. Tony Khan had made his way out to the ring and was encouraging people to get ready as it was nearly time for doors to open. Punk clasped his hands over his head, stretching back just enough for his shirt to ride up, and expose a bit of skin along the cut of his hips. I licked my lips subconsciously and barely noticed the way Anna elbowed Tay, drawing her attention to me.
Pretentious dickhead or not, he really was fine as hell. So much sexier than he had any right to be.
The crowd dispersed at Tony’s suggestion so I parted ways with the girls, and made my way back to the locker room to get changed into my ring gear. Pausing in front of the mirror, I fluffed my hair and adjusted my top before heading back out into the hall.
The moment I turned the corner, my arm was yanked back from behind and I was plastered against the brick wall. The cool bricks were rough against the bare skin of my back. My breath caught in my throat when my eyes peeled up to see Punk inches from my face, his hands pinning me in on either side of my head. His face was twisted into an amused smile, a predator thrilled to be toying with his prey.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I breathed out, aiming for confident but falling short. He smelled like mint and sandalwood and it was scrambling my brain.
“You’ve got a big mouth, sweetheart.” His voice was low and cocky, acutely aware of the effect his closeness was having on me. I raised my brows back, feigning ignorance. He had to have heard me earlier. Shit. I just hoped he hadn’t heard too much. “What? Nothing to say now?” I straightened my back, attempting to salvage whatever courage I had.
“Pretty sure I already said everything I had to say.” I challenged in defiance. His tongue smoothed against the inside of his bottom lip, breathing out incredulously. I held his gaze and tried to ignore the way the heat of his body seeped into every inch of me.
“You think I’ve lost my bite, hmm?” His eyes were intense on me, amusement fading with every second. Well fuck, if he heard that, he’d been listening for way longer than I’d hoped. I fought not to let my face falter.
“If you ever had any.” I shot back, pressing my luck, and his buttons. A half step brought his body flush against mine and I struggled not to let my eyes wander down to his arms, taut, on either side of my head. His head dipped down, lips brushing against my ear, and a shiver rolled down my spine.
“I can promise you, sweetheart, I’ve still got plenty of bite.” His teeth raked over my earlobe and I forced a whimper to die at the back of my throat. “And I don’t appreciate bratty girls disrespecting me in front of the locker room.”
I probably should have apologized. I’d been unnecessarily rude and I knew the right thing to do was apologize. But the rapidly warming parts low in my belly desperately wanted to know what he did with bratty girls that disrespected him.
“It’s not disrespectful to tell the truth.” I licked my lips, trying to combat the way my mouth had gone dry. He leaned back enough to meet my eyes again.
“I’m pretty sure you don’t have the experience to know whether or not I’m capable of sufficiently manhandling you.” His lips curled up teasingly. “Not yet, anyway.” I flushed, pressing my thighs together at the insinuation, hoping to provide some friction. The way his cock was beginning to press against my stomach, I knew I wouldn’t need to push much harder.
"I don't need experience to know you'd leave me unsatisfied." My words, heavily coated in a guise of disinterest, had every ounce of amusement draining from his face. His eyes narrowed on me, a sharp breath blowing out his nose. I was playing with fire now.
"You'd better watch yourself, brat. You only get one warning." His voice was cold now, dropped to a tone that made me ache down to my core.
“Or what? You don’t have the balls to do shit about it, old man.” I jut my chin up, lips pressed into a confident smirk. The last of his patience snapped in an instant, bringing his rough, tattooed hand to my throat, squeezing just below the line of my jaw. My lips fell open in a desperate pant. He fumed, grinding his teeth together as he held my gaze. His breath was hot against my face, my panties flooding from his palpable anger.
A few loaded beats passed in silence, his eyes laser focused on me, pupils blown. before he dove into me. His lips met mine in an angry, frenzied kiss that was all teeth clashing and gasps for breath. My hand flew up to tangle in his hair and I angled my hips into his. He used his free hand to forcefully push my hip flat against the wall and grind into me. Bending his knees, he rolled his hips hard, hiking me up the wall until my legs wrapped around his waist. He bit down hard on my lower lip and I moaned into him, rocking back against his growing erection.
When we pulled apart, my lips were swollen and my chest heaved, struggling to bring in steady breaths. He smoothed his thumb up and down the hollow of my throat, almost affectionately, and his eyes raked up and down my body.
“Come with me.” He demanded but didn’t give me much of a choice as he lifted me off the wall and wandered down the hall with me. I clung hard to him, lips fluttering down over his stubbled jawline. He paused, pressing me back against the wall as we turned another corner and my head fell back, his teeth grazing against my pulse point. “How’s this for bite?” He snarled, let me back onto my feet before dragging me after him around yet another corner.
“Where are you taking me?” My voice was practically a moan. He glanced back at me, mischief etched into every line of his face.
“I’m going to show you just how disrespectful I can be.” His tongue swept across his lips and my core clenched at the promise in his voice.
Finally we came to a stop and he pushed me back against a door, lips colliding with mine as he fumbled with the doorknob. I stumbled backwards as he got it open and he followed me inside, kicking the door closed behind us.
Taking a second to glance around, I saw a make-shift office space - a small desk with a computer and leather office chair. Punk didn’t pause, taking my hand and leading me after him as he took a seat in the chair. Yanking hard at my hand, he drew me closer. I went to sit on his lap but he stopped me, leaning back in his seat and pulling down hard, causing me to stumble and fall so I was face down, draped across his lap.
Whimpering, I squirmed, realizing what he was up to. His hand laid flat across the small of my back, pinning me in place, his free hand smoothing over the swell of my ass.
“What was it you said earlier, brat?” He teased, fingers squeezing hard into the thick flesh of my ass before he delivered a sharp smack. I yelped, wriggling in his lap. “‘Spank me, daddy’? Why don’t you count to ten for me, then let me know how much of a ‘disappointment’ I am.”
I swallowed hard as his fingers curled into the waist of my wrestling shorts, ripping them down hastily along with my panties. He rubbed a hand over the bare skin of my ass before giving it a firm swat, testing my limits. I whined and he tutted his disapproval.
“One.” I squeaked out and he soothed over the reddened skin.
“Good girl. I knew you could listen.” He cooed derisively before delivering a smack that was considerably harder than the last. Heat seared through my skin and my yelp echoed around the room. “Come on, babygirl, don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten the only rule.”
“Two.” I whimpered and he responded with another swift smack. “Three.” I ground into his leg, my fingers curling around the edge of his thigh. He soothed over the heated skin with his palm and my muscles relaxed just in time for him to pull back and deliver the most painful blow so far. I cried out, my legs flailing behind me.
“Aww, too much for you, kitten? Do you need daddy to stop?” He chided and I didn’t have to see his face to know the smug look he was wearing. I bared my teeth, shaking my head. No chance I was going to let him get that satisfaction.
“Four.” I hissed, and he chuckled. He smoothed his fingers over the swell of my ass and over my thighs before moving back up to give me three rapid fire smacks to the other ass cheek. I hummed wildly to try to distract from the burning that had spread across my entire ass. “Five, six, seven.”
I could feel the moisture rolling down my thighs, my arousal mounting and making me dizzy. His erection was pressed demandingly against my stomach.
“Taking your punishment like a good girl. Almost there.” His rubbed small circles over my ass and I squirmed in his lap. When he raised his hand again, I flinched and he gave a taunting laugh, pausing with his hand hovering above me. He waited for me to relax again before spanking me once on each cheek.
“Eight, nine.” I gasped out through gritted teeth. Raking over my lip, I readjusted on his lap and prepared for the final blow. The skin of my ass was practically pulsing with red hot pain. He hooked an arm under my hips, yanking me back up into position and blowing a cool breath over the sting. Letting me settle back down, he drew his hand up and brought it down for one last unforgiving smack. I whimpered, burying my face into the leather of the chair. “Ten.”
“There, see? You can behave.” He soothed over the welts that were forming on my ass and I wriggled. “Now tell me, was that a disappointment?” His hand slipped down between my thighs, two fingers delving into my slick folds, embarrassingly soaked. “Doesn’t feel like a disappointment.”
He didn’t wait for a response, rubbing tight circles around the sensitive skin. I let out a needy moan, already wound tight enough to burst. I rocked my hips back against his fingers and he buried them deep inside me. As he worked up a rhythm, pumping his fingers in and out, he used his other hand to wrap around my neck, pulling me toward him and making me arch my back. He laid sloppy kisses by my ear while I desperately bucked toward my release.
“That’s it, baby. Ride my fingers. Make yourself cum on my hand. Make a mess for me.” His voice was a dirty rasp, growled between nibbles at my earlobe. I couldn’t think straight, working myself on his fingers as my eyes rolled back. He shifted his hand just enough to bring his thumb down on my clit and I cried out, pressure swelling low in my gut.
“Fuck, daddy, please!” My cries were muffled when he surged forward to meet my lips. His fingers hammered into me as I shook in his lap, spiraling over the edge and squeezing tight around his digits.
He worked me through the aftershocks of my orgasms but didn’t give me time to breathe before hoisting me to my feet and backing me against the deck. Guiding me onto the desktop, he leaned in and nudged my legs apart, stepping between them. I didn’t hesitate to wrap them around him and he pressed the tips of his fingers against my lips. He urged them into my mouth with a satisfied groan.
“Do you taste what I can do to you?” He rocked his hips into my bare core and I moaned around his fingers. Sliding them out of my mouth, he used them to grip my jaw. “Does it feel like I’m over compensating?” I shook my head, biting down on my lower lip. “Tell me what you want.” He demanded, hand slipping around into my hair while the other pushed my top up over my breasts.
“Fuck me, daddy.” It wasn’t a request, my hands already fiddling with his belt. His lips curled into a cocky grin before he leaned in, wrapping his lips around my exposed nipple. I moaned out, yanking down his zipper, nearly frantic as I reached into his boxers and pulled out his throbbing cock.
Stroking him a few times, I shoved his jeans to the ground, my head falling back when he bit down at my peaked nipple. His tongue swirled around it and I angled him toward my entrance. He rolled his hips up, pushing inside me and stretching my walls. I raked my nails down his back, digging into taut muscle, with a broken cry.
“Fuck, you feel so good, sweetheart.” He groaned, his face buried in my chest. Rocking in and out of me, he urged me down until I was flat on my back. He wrapped a hand around my throat, squeezing the sides. I desperately gripped around the desk for any hold I could get.
My tits bounced with every hard thrust he gave me, spearing straight through my core. He grunted loudly in time with his hips and it only drove me crazier. The decreased oxygen made my brain fuzzy, my cries becoming breathy and needy.
“That’s it, pretty girl, squeeze my cock.” He snarled, releasing my throat and sending a rush of air to my brain that set dots prickling through my vision. He gripped my waist with both hands and moved to a brutal pace, rocking up into my sweet spot. My walls began to clench around him as my insides coiled up tight. “Do you need to cum, baby?” I cried out, unable to form any coherent thoughts, and he didn’t slow down.
“Please, please, I need it, please!” I arched my back up off the desk and he hooked my leg, lacing his arm under my knee, allowing him to bottom out in me. He slowed to a rough, deliberate pace and I whimpered, my orgasm ebbing.
“If you want to cum, I want to hear it.” He demanded, punctuating it with a hard thrust that made me cry out. “Tell me I’m the best in the world.”
My head fell back in frustration, the last stubborn piece of me desperately clinging on. He drove up into me pointedly and I screamed out.
“Fuck!” I arched up, hands sending papers fluttering to the ground.
“Say it.” He worked back up to a faster pace and I struggled to control myself. “Come on, kitten. Say it.” He repeated, his finger jamming on my clit and making me moan out.
My brain was little more than a fog now, every muscle in my body tensing, my toes curling in my boots.
“Just say it and you can cum. That’s all it takes.” He coaxed and I shuddered, my legs shaking. His fingers moved faster against my clit until I was dangling by the thinnest thread. When I didn’t respond, he slowed his pace again, my orgasm fading from my grasp again, and I made a whiny, manic sound that I’d never heard leave my mouth before. “I can do this all night, sweetheart. Just say those magic words and I’ll give you what you need.”
He started working me up close again, hiking my leg from his elbow, up onto his shoulder. Pumping his hips hard into me, he slipped his hands under my lower back, angling me so he could brush against my sweet spot every time. My head spun as he circled my clit, gasping for breaths between moans.
“Say it, baby.” He used his free hand to grope at my breast and I trembled from head to toe.
“Fine! Fine! You’re the best in the world, daddy! Fuck, please, just let me cum!” I screamed out and he grinned.
“That’s my girl. Now let go.” He pinched my nipple and hammered harder into me as my walls pulsed.
It didn’t take longer than a few more moments before he sent me toppling over the edge, my vision dissolving into a blur of spots. I shook hard, arching off the desk and squealed. He coaxed me through it until my brain simmered back into place. He pumped a few more times before pulling out and releasing thick ropes of cum across my stomach with a groan.
Slowly, he eased my leg down off his shoulder, leaning in to pepper kisses over my chest. I let my head fall back and laced my fingers through his hair. When my eyes finally fluttered back open, they roamed over the papers that were strewn across the desk. My sight came into focus and I saw a variety of different sheets, sketching out the line up for the next month of Dynamite matches and the reality of where we were hit hard.
“Is this Tony’s office?” I gaped, sitting up straight, and Punk smirked, tongue laving over his lip.
“I’d recently been accused of not being capable of disrespecting my boss. I couldn’t let that go unanswered.” He fished through the top drawer of the desk, pulling out a few napkins. Helping wipe his mess from my stomach, he let his eyes flick back up to meet my own with an indulgent grin. An arousing sense of unease settled in my gut at the thought of having fucked on my boss’ desk.
He offered a hand out to me, helping me to my feet, and instantly dragged me flush against his chest. His hand tangled in my hair, pulling me to his lips for a fiery kiss that left me breathless.
“Hope I cleared up your doubts.” His half step back gave me the space to pull my ring gear on. I ran my tongue slowly across my lip, batting my lashes.
“Something like that.” I retorted and he shook his head with an amused smile.
“Well I’m happy to prove it to you again any time, sweetheart.” He reached out, running a hand through my thoroughly mussed hair. I attempted to shrug noncommittally, but my thighs clenched at the thought and he could see right through my attempt at playing it cool.
“I might take you up on that.” I conceded and he smirked, giving my hair a light, parting tug before opening the door for me.
“Good. Now get out there and kill it in your match. Don’t forget the advice I gave you last week.” He winked, knowing well that he was pushing me, and I glared at him. Swatting my ass, he ushered me out and I winced, my ass stinging from my punishment. “And maybe avoid any moves that land you on that sweet, welted ass.”
“Funny.” I rolled my eyes as we stepped out and he closed the door behind us. He was still a pretentious dickhead but, god, fuck me if I wasn’t already dreaming about letting him prove himself again.
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heecyon · 3 years
Enhypen's little angels: First Day of Preeschool
Lee Heeseung
“You sure you have everything, buddy?”
“Every single material?”
“You sure you aren't forgetting anything?” Heeseung heard a huff from his wife, and turn on his heels to look at her.
“Seojoonie will be fine, trust me, I'm pretty sure he's ready.”
“But he's too small to go to school, can't he just stay with us another year?”
“Love, he's old enough to go to school, he's ready to go out there and learn. He needs this, we can't neglect his education.” He sighed at Mina's words, looking down at the child with bread cheeks.
“Come on buddy, let's go to school.” Seojoon nodded and grabbed his father's hand, with the other he grabbed his mother's pinky.
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Park Jongseong
“Mommy, do I have to go in?” Mila saw the amount of kids running around in the classroom, while her petite form hide behind her mother's legs.
“Does she have to go in, Love? I don't think this is a good idea, she's way to scared.”
“Jay, I know she's scared, and I don't want to let her go too, but we can't skip this just because she's scared, that way she'll never go to school.” Bella scolded him a little, before looking at the scared child behind her.
“My love, I know you are scared, but look at the bright side, you'll make new friends, have lots of fun.”
“But I don't need friends, I have you and daddy and always have lots of fun.” She said with her eyes turning watery while looking at her Jay.
Jay and Bella looked at each other, while he rubbed the little one's shoulders trying to comfort her.
“You know what, baby? When I pick you up from school, we'll go for your favourite ice cream and when we get home we'll cuddle all you want.” Jay said brushing his nose on her cheeks making her giggle.
“Pinky promise?” She said extending her pinky.
“Pinky promise.”
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Shim Jaeyun
“Papa, Papa!” Jacob ran to his father's arms, making Jake let out a little yelp.
“There's my handsome boy! Did you have fun? Did you behave?” The kid nodded when his homeroom teacher walked over to them.
“You have a very well-behaved boy, Mr. Shim. He participated a lot at class and made a few friends, he's a really sweet child.” Jake smiled at the teacher's words, feeling so happy and overwhelmed.
“Do you want to show your dad the drawing you made for him?”
“Yes, Miss Choi!” the kid ran to his seat grabbing the paper before running back to his dad and giving his dad the drawing he made for him.
He draw three human sticks in the paper which represented, Jake, Teagan and little Jacob.
“You did a great job baby, you are so cute, Let's go home.”
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Park Sunghoon
The small family reached the school salon as Jin Ae saw the pretty decorated classroom, and a lot of students running around happily, others where being comforted by their teacher because of how much they missed their parents.
Jin Ae entered the class, she knew where she was going to seat, left her pink backpack on top of her seat and ran again to her parents side.
“Shoo! Shoo! Leave!” She said pushing her parents out of the classroom.
“Are you kicking us out, darling?!” Sunghoon asked as he smiled sadly.
“Yes, I am!” “You can go home now.”
“But what about our kiss, darling?” Hyeyoung said as she expected a kiss on the cheek.
Jin Ae kissed her parents cheeks, before going back inside her classroom.
Hyeyoung heard a snif before seeing that her husband was tearing up.
“Sunghoon are you ok?” He shook his head while more tears rolled down his cheeks.
“I guess I'm just emotional today.”
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Kim Sunoo
“My babies!”
The twins ran into Sunoo's embrace, and then he placed various kisses on his children's head.
“Tell me everything about your day, was it amazing? did you have loads of fun?” Young-Jae nodded.
“It was fun until JaeJae starting stealing all of my new friends?”
“Well you were being really boring, so I helped them.” Jae gave a flashing smile to his sister showing his milk teeth.
“That was so rude!” She slapped her brother's arm, making Jae hiss.
“No! What did I tell you about slapping, Young-hee?” Sunoo grabbed his daughter's tiny arms.
“But I'm the oldest!”
Sunoo's gaze turned serious for a moment and Young-Hee had no problem, but looked down at her feet.
“I shouldn't slap my brother, because it's bad and rude.” She lowered her voice.
“Now cheer up my babies, let's go eat pizza!”
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Yang Jungwon
As he reached the studio he couldn't help, but remember the cute kiss on his cheeks that Seung-hye left there.
“This your happiness kiss so you won't be sad.”
It felt like it was yesterday that he could finally pick her up in his arms after being several weeks in NICU, it felt like yesterday he could finally see her at least a little bit healthy, it felt like yesterday that she was so tiny.
“Have a good day at school, please take care. Appa loves you!” The feeling of finally seeing that she'll soon grow up was consuming his heart.
“Jungwon-ah, are you okay?” Heeseung and Sunoo approached him as the rest of the members put their eyes on him.
“Seung-hye is growing up and I didn't even notice.” He said with tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Aw! Jungwon, it's normal to feel this way, she's your daughter and want to spend how much time you can with her.”
“Yeah, Sunno-Hyung, but I didn't know I would miss her this much.”
His members heart softened seeing how his leader was so emotional.
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Nishimura Riki
“Hinata-San, please stop rambling and let me do your hair.”
“No!” Hinata ran upstairs to go to her room.
“Niki! Come help me with your daughter!” Niki ran to look for his daughter, finding the little girl seating at the edge of the bed with wet and blushed cheeks.
“Tiny... What's going on? I thought you were excited about school” He said patting his daughter's head.
“I was, but I know that you will leave me forever.” He frowned at his daughter's words, confused on what she was talking about.
“Who told you that, tiny?”
“Nobody, it's just that I noticed because you are taking me away.” Hinata pouted and with that Niki giggle a little bit before calming down.
“Hinata, you are just going there for a few hours and then will go back to pick you up.”
“Huh?” The girl was poorly confused, well absolutely confused at what was happening.
But then she pouted again and touched her lips, thinking.
“But who am I supposed play with if you are not there? Who am I gonna cuddle?” She said getting closer to Niki and hugging his waist making him smile.
“I'm pretty sure you are going to make loads of friends... As for the cuddles...”
“They're just for me and mommy exclusively.” He tickled her making her laugh, and then a cute smile formed throughout the rest of the day for the little one.
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
roommates jaydick with sex toys leading to discovering someone has a size kink *wink wink*
Mannnnnnnnnn- Here we go
Tags: Dildos, Ovipositors, Breeding kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink- Jason get's awakened:tm:
‘Egging’ me on
Dick looks good- too good.
Jason can feel his palms start to sweat. The sight of his roommate face down on his bed is hotter than it has any right to be. They were way crossed the line at this point. So far he doesn’t even know if they’ll ever be able to get back.
The breathy whine Dick lets out goes straight to his cock. His hands are covered with lube and sticky gelatin. A mess from prepping Dick’s hole and the neon blue, near alien tentacle dildo.
“ Fuck- Jay give me another. “
There are only two eggs left. He didn’t think that they would make it this far. Two or three sounded generous. But here Dick was begging for more. Even though his ass was already stretched with four melting eggs.
He dips his fingers back into the bowl and pulls out one of the cool eggs. In his hand, it quickly goes to room temperature. He almost wants to ask him if he’s sure he can take it but after coming this far he knows the answer already. He wonders if this egg will make Dick cum like the second one did.
It takes him a few tries to get the lubed up egg into the base of the toy. All while Dick shivers and tries to keep still. He finally catches the right angle and he pushes. It draws a greedy moan from his room mate.
The egg isn’t inside, not yet but he wants to hear Dick beg for it before he squeezes the end of the toy and shoots it against his prostate.
“ God Dickie, how are you not full already?”
He can’t help the hint of a growl to his voice. Without asking he reaches for the final egg. The amount of sticky gelatin on Dick’s thighs makes him think one is almost already completely melted.
“ Come on Jay- squeeze it in. I want it- want your eggs- Fertilize me. Breed me!“
If that wasn’t the most pleasing thing his cock has ever heard. Jason wraps a slick hand around himself to try to regain some semblance of control. His grip on the second egg slips and it falls back into the bowl. He can’t be bothered with it though. Not when Dick is begging so prettily to be stuffed. Quickly, he wipes his hand off on Dick’s plush ass to get off most of the lube. Then grips the slippery base best he can to work the thick, rigid dildo back and forth.
The noise that Dick lets out is loud enough to echo in his ears. He picks up pace, dragging out the silicon the little he can before pushing it back against the eggs with care. He was going to make Dick cum just like this. Cum without a hand on his dick. Then while he’s spurting all over the sheets he’ll shoot the last egg in his greedy ass.
“ Yes- yes fuck Jay fuck me. Fuck me harder make me your incubator. “
Jason is so hard it’s almost funny.
This shouldn’t be turning him on but God it is. He licks his lips imagining really knocking Dick up with his kids. They weren’t anything, the two of them, not yet and maybe not ever but still he was caught in the fantasy.
His fingers slip on the lube and the base the dildo presses up and hard. It’s all Dick needs and soon he’s letting out the filthiest, most debauched moan and cumming with a full-body spasm. It’s beautiful, it’s mesmerizing. It almost makes Jason cum.
Dick’s hole flutters around the tentacle, twitching and tensing as he rides out orgasm. Jason doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything so hot before. The extreme contour his roommate can put himself in shames even porn stars. His mouth goes dry and desire lights him from the inside out.
A shaky hand presses over his, with a trembling touch Jason finally inches out the dildo out of Dick’s wrecked hole. God he hopes Dick will at least give him a handy or something, he doesn’t think he can last much longer. The gape of that sensual little rim winks at him and Jason just wants to get his tongue inside.
He puts the dildo aside to clean up. At least that was the goal before Dick’s foot pressed against his obvious bulge. His eyes snap up at playful blue so quickly that he finds himself lost.
“ C’mon Jay fertilize them. “
Fuuuuuuckkkkkkk- Jason snaps.
“ yea- just yea let me just- “
His hands are a mess. He knocks over the bowl and it's gonna be a bitch to clean up later. It doesn’t matter though. Not when he’s hard enough to cut glass, his cock suffocating in his joggers. He tugs the draw string, eager and hungry for that wet sticky hole.
They had some condoms earlier but now that Dick is on his back legs spread, stomach and chest a mess of cum, ass dribbling melting gelatin? Well Jason feels like Dick’ll have no right to bitch about the creampie when he’s already going to have to clean out the eggs anyway.
“ Shit Dickie, You're gonna be my pretty little incubator? Gonna let me fertilize your eggs and make you fat with my cum? “
He can’t believe this is how they’re finally going to fuck. The sex toy thing had been casual nothing more. Now that he’s getting his chance though he wastes no time in pushing the front of his pants down.
Wide blue eyes blink pretty, pink lips slightly agape. Dick’s eyes fall to his cock.
Jason flushes embarrassed. He’s hung. He knows that. But he isn’t too much bigger than the dildo. He thought that Dick would be able to handle it since he’s already stretched but maybe he should not have assumed. He uses his thumb to slide that sexy rim open. It’s so flush from the stretch. Nice and wet too. God if Dick doesn’t want him to fuck him hopefully he can at least get his tongue in there. He’s never eaten ass before but he’s sure Dick tastes good inside.
“ ut… in “
Jason misses what Dick says. Too lost in the heat of Dick’s ass. He looks up and Dick looks absolutely wrecked. Jason blinks sitting up. Which doesn’t seem to be the right thing. One long leg slides over his hips fast enough to stop him from moving. It makes Jason’s breath hitch, cock bobbing from the show of strength.
“ Put it in. Put it in- fuck need it. Need that monster cock Jay. Fucking huge put it in c’mon c’mon c’mon- “
Slamming into Dick is like sliding into a hot bath after a good workout. It makes him loose and relaxed in all the right ways. The head of his cock slides right against an egg. Sticky gelatin melting from the heat of his cock. Dick fucking screams from the feeling.
“ Fuck- Fuck Jason can’t breathe so big- “
He’s pretty sure his roommate is exaggerating but it's hard to tell with how red in the face he is. Jason struggles to right himself. Balls painfully tight against his body as desire and arousal rip through him.
“ So tight- how are you still so tight- “
Dick is sucking him in. His ass is loose enough to move but still tight enough to be pleasurable. He drags those thick hips toward him, bringing Dick up onto his lap. There’s a slight bulge in his stomach where the eggs rest inside. When his hand comes down on it Dick moans like a whore.
“ Fucking- slut- “
He doesn’t mean it but the words just come out. Gone is the sweet and friendly boy that makes himself available to listen to his problem. That tutors younger kids in math- that likes cooking while they sing show tunes.
All that’s left is a whore crazy and desperate for dick and Jason’s gonna give it to him.
He doesn't recognize the blissed-out expression. Dick’s mouth stuck in a silent scream. The crunch of those thick black eyebrows is adorable as he gets fucked out. Almost as if all he wants is to stay a good little cock sleeve for Jason to use.
It’s fucking with his head, turning him into a deviant. He shudders as hot gelatin melts around his cock. It’s so sticky and sloppy Jason is glad he put down a towel.
“ Fu...ck me. “
Dick’s voice is blown out. Jason isn’t surprised at all. Not with how loud he was screaming earlier. He presses his hip forward, cock twitching in that warm wet heat. Dick whines clearly over-stimulated. It’s so sexy that he can’t help groaning, low and deep.
He fucks Dick hard and fast. Every single inch of his thick cock spreads out the man’s ass. It’s so lewd and filthy. Every bump of Jason’s cock against the eggs sends Dick higher and higher to another orgasm. He’s never seen someone cum three times in a row before. Though the last time there had been barely a dribble.
The clench of Dick’s ass is going to make him cum. Which the man must notice because he starts begging and pleading with these little fucked out noises that make Jason stupid.
“ Fucking monster cock- Gonna get bred. “
Jason tries to kiss Dick but his mouth is too slack for anything more than them to rub their tongues together. Jason wipes his mouth, legs, thighs and back burning from exertion. The legs around his waist tighten, keeping him trapped in that warm wet clutch.
“ You like that baby? Like getting fucked out by this monster cock? Want me to fertilize your eggs. “
Dick straight up keens like a girl. So loud and wanting Jason’s see’s white. He fucks harder. The entire bed shakes with the action. The twin's frame bangs against the wall. The headboard is only half as loud as Jason’s hips smacking against Dick’s ass. Fuck his roommate is going to be sore tomorrow. Well, guess they won’t be making their English oral.
“ Fuck- Yes want it daddy want you to fertilize me- “
No shit fuck no god damn it-
Jason comes like a bottle rocket. His thrust lose pace. His body shudders as he breeds his roommate's ass like a stallion. Like a stud paid to fill up bitches like his own little cum dump. It feels like Dick comes too. His ass clenches as gelatin and cum squirts out around his dick.
There’s barely a drop from his cock. The gorgeous boy on his dick cumming dry.
Jason collapses. His vision is spotting, going from white, black and full-colour as he creams Dick. He’s pretty sure he sees God at some point. Dick holds him deep inside to make a mess of his ass.
The two of them gasp and gulp down air. Their bodies shut down from the intense session.
“rr..y me -”
Jason groans as Dick murmurs against his sweaty hair. The body underneath him was boneless. Shit, all kinds of shit are awakened in him now. How the hell is he going to ever have a relationship?
Dick tries talking again but breaks off into a dry chuckle.
Jason curses reaching for a water bottle off to the side. He’s too heavy to move but luckily he doesn’t have to go far. He brings the water to Dick’s lips and helps him drink slowly. Once Dick has gotten his share. Jason drains the rest of it.
Shit, he must have burned all of today's calories. Coach was going to kill him.
His eyes slid back to his roommate. He can’t believe the utter disaster the guy is in. He did that. He’s the one who made Dick such a mess.
“ What were you saying before Dickie? “
The boy groans, still against the sheets as he collects himself. Jason doesn’t even know how he’s still conscious after four orgasms.
“ -aid marry me. “
Jason's heart skips a beat like he’s five years old and not in college. He blinks down at the prettiest man he’s ever seen and suddenly feels restless, his cock twitches in interest but after that round, he’s sure he won’t be back up anytime soon.
He bites his lips, suddenly timid.
“ Yea? “
Dick smiles, eyes still closed. He was such an enigma. So beautiful, smart and lovely but somehow friends with Jason. If someone told him on his first day at Gotham university he’d be balls deep in the hottest guy in the school he would have punched them right in the face.
Now he’s just in awe.
“ Yea. “
Shit, he’s- fuck he doesn’t know what to say now. His face is in flames. Every part of him fidgets with nervous energy as his roommate rests. The quiet is more comfortable than awkward and Jason is thankful because otherwise, he’d say something stupid like- I love you.
Dick groans as he struggles to sit up. Ass wet and lush on Jason’s softening cock. He slides out of that delicious heat and finds himself missing it immediately. Dick looks like he’s been mauled. He was absolutely covered in cum, gelatin, lube and drool and Jason doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful in his life.
Mischievous blue eyes glitter at him.
“ C’mon help me up so I can lay these eggs on you. “
Jason’s heart lurches out of his chest.
104 notes · View notes
Fic: Again
Frankie x Lady masterlist
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Frankie Morales x Jay ‘Lady’ Ray (ofc)
Warnings: Post-pregnancy body issues, Frankie's tummy issue makes a surprise appearance, cunnilingus, squirting, PiV sex, cum play, lactation kink because Frankie is a freak, breastfeeding actual baby.
Summary: Frankie and Jay reconnect sexually after having their first baby.
Words: 5,315
A/N: Frankie and Lady want to tell their godmother @apascalrascal thank you for putting up with them <3 I actively chose to make this a good experience for these two, but please know that post-partum sex may not be this unproblematic. Stuff you used to like may not do anything for you, and old stuff that you didn't like may feel completely different. Your clit has probably changed places. So just be careful and communicative, and don't mistake this for some kind of manual.
“Jay, are you about done in there, I really need to piss!”
Jay tears her gaze from the bathroom mirror and wraps herself in a bathrobe before unlocking the door.
“Sorry,” she mutters when Frankie hurries in and unzips his jeans. He breathes a sigh of relief as the rippling sound rises out of the toilet bowl. Jay busies herself pretending to look for something in the cabinet.
“The hell were you doin’ in here anyway?” Frankie asks her as he tucks himself in, flushes, and closes the lid. He gets next to her in front of the sink and washes his hands. Jay shrugs.
“Drying myself after the shower. Is the baby asleep?”
“Just put her down.”
Jay nods and reaches for the bottle of body lotion, squirts out a little, and starts to rub it into onto her arms. She hopes Frankie will just leave and let her moisturize the rest of her body which, after the pregnancy, is a bit of a touchy subject for her. It’s not that she’s ashamed of it, or doesn’t like it, she just hasn’t come to terms with its limitations. How is looks is the physical manifestation of how it’s restricting her at the moment, and she is decidedly not happy about that. Being completely nude in the harsh light of the bathroom’s fluorescent light suddenly feels uncomfortable. She was never uncomfortable in her body around Frankie before, and that makes her even more ill at ease.
Critically, she examines her hair, in need of a trim yet again, and frowns at her own reflection.
“Lookin’ good,” Frankie says softly, drawing his fingers through her overgrown pixie cut. She gives him a doubtful look in the mirror.
“It looks like shit.”
“Nah, it’s okay.”
“Frankie, I know you’re trying to be nice, and I appreciate that, but it’s a mess and you know it.”
“Well, that’s easily handled. Want me to help you shave it?”
“Thanks, but I’m too tired. Maybe tomorrow.”
”Okay.” Frankie’s hand, lage and warm, lands on Jay’s shoulder. ”But I’d still like for you to stop looking at yourself like that in the mirror, baby.”
Dammit. He noticed. Of course he did. Jay sighs and gives him a small smile through the reflective glass in front of them.
“It’s just… different,” she says carefully.
“Well, duh, you had a baby. That tends to do stuff to the body.”
“Thank you, that cleared everything right up for me,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You idiot. I’m the first person to know what pregnancy does to the body. I was the one who carried her for nine months.”
“And you did an amazing job,” Frankie assures her, angling his head so he can kiss her neck. “Come on. Lemme see it.”
Jay sighs and reluctantly opens the robe, letting it slide onto the floor. Frankie’s eyes widen a little.
“Well, fuck,” he breathes. That makes her feel a little better, but it’s still not the physical appearance of her body per se that bothers her. She looks at herself in the mirror and recognizes the lines in the face and the sunken eyes of someone who has been in the field for too long. She’s used to sleep deprivation, knows how to function and make quick life or death decisions without having eaten or rested. Those things are not a problem for her. What she wasn’t prepared for was the onslaught of emotions at the birth of her daughter, and how the pregnancy and subsequent healing restrained her from using her body how she used to. To not be able to train with Benny, unleash herself on a boxing bag, or run until she tastes blood is new to her, and it’s making her frustrated. That’s harder to handle than her milk-filled tits and pudgy belly.
“You look so fine,” Frankie tells her as he reaches for the lotion bottle. He squirts out some lotion into his hand and starts to rub it into her back. Jay knows he’s not lying to make her feel good.
“It’s not a question of how I look, you know that.”
“I know, amor. Give yourself a little time, you’ll be back kicking Benny’s ass in no time.”
Jay smiles when Frankie pays extra special care to her lower back, his fingers brushing down her ass.
“More lotion.” She grabs the bottle and administers a little more in the palm of his hand, then squeals in surprise when he slaps his hands to her butt cheeks.
“Sorry,” he smirks at her in the mirror before squeezing her butt gently and lowering his lips to kiss her shoulder. Jay scoffs but accepts the amendable kisses up her neck. A warmth starts to grow inside her and she is reminded yet again of the fact that they haven’t had sex since before Alma was born a month ago. The period of healing and dealing with the baby, also lovingly known as the Recruit, has taken its time, and it’s such a stark contrast to the pregnancy hormones that made her crave daily orgasms. There just hasn’t been time or energy for that lately.
“Yeah?” The familiar scrape of his mustache against the lobe of her ear is arousing.
“I miss you,” she tells him in a low, husky whisper. Frankie slides his hands over the hills of her hips to the deflated skin of her belly, where Jay’s hands come to rest over his.
“I know. I miss you, too. But we got all the time in the world, okay?”
“I guess. It’s just weird. We’ve never been together for so long without having sex.”
“We’ve been a little preoccupied with a baby,” Frankie reminds her with a soft smile.
“No shit.”
“And the doc did talk about redefining intimacy.”
“Don’t.” Jay’s voice turns sharp. Her usual OB-GYN wasn’t available during her last check-up so she had been paired up with someone she decidedly did not like. When bringing up the subject of penetrative sex, the doctor had clearly not understood what she wanted and instead suggested that she and Frankie “bond over the baby” and “focus on cuddling” and that very few women wanted sex so soon after having a baby. Jay’s frustrations grew at being misunderstood: it was not that she didn’t want to have sex, she just didn’t know when it was okay to have sex again.
“Sorry,” Frankie apologizes with a kiss to the side of her head. “She was a bitch.”
Jay mutters something under her breath, loath to think about the doctor anymore. She gives Frankie’s hands a little squeeze before releasing them, and sits down on the toilet lid to moisturize her legs. Frankie strips quickly and disappears into the shower. She catches a glimpse of his semi, and it makes her clench her teeth remembering what it felt like to be stretched out on that cock. Her heart misses a beat. Maybe it’s getting to be the right time to reconnect sexually?
The damp heat of the bathroom drives her away, however. She’s left standing right outside the door, wondering if Frankie’s going to beat off in the shower. For a moment, she wants to go back in, watch him do it, wants to witness his big, veiny hand wrapped around that thick cock, wants to see his face scrunch up when he cums, hear him grunt when he spurts thick ropes of semen on the tile wall…
Desire sparks anew in her and her nipples knot. When she cups her breast, almost absent-mindedly, the strain in the tissue releases slightly with the milk that starts to drip.
Jay tiptoes to the bedroom and grabs a spit cloth that she folds and places it inside the bathrobe to catch up the leakage. Moving quietly around Alma’s crib, she stops for a moment to stare down at her darling daughter. The little thing is so perfect, so small, so adorable! She’s definitely daddy’s girl: dark, soft curls, brown eyes, golden skin. She looks nothing like Jay, although Frankie is already suggesting that the baby has her mommy’s temper. This is, of course, nothing but slander.
Dressed in a clean t-shirt and pajama pants, Jay goes to the living-room and throws herself down on the couch to watch TV. A little later, Frankie joins her, throwing one arm over her shoulders. She leans her head against him, inhaling the fresh, soapy smell on his skin, and her mind returns to the gutter.
“Did you jerk off in the shower?”
“Wh-what?” His stutter is adorable.
“You heard me.”
She angles her head so she can see his face, and notices that his gaze is flickering before landing on her hand, resting lightly on his thigh.
“I… yeah, I did. Why?”
It's a good question. She doesn't really have an answer. Maybe she just needed the mental image to torment herself with.
“Just curious, I guess.”
Frankie turns his head to look at her, that frown, older than his years, between his eyebrows. He's not buying it.
“Spill it, babe.”
Jay's hand brushes up his thigh and over the crotch of his sweatpants.
She scoots up, her other hand climbing his arm and shoulder, finding the back of his neck and pulling him in for a slow, lingering kiss. He tastes minty from the toothpaste and she senses from how his neck muscles flex that he's holding back, letting her lead. The kiss deepens and she feels him twitch underneath her hand and the thick cotton fabric.
"I miss you," she tells him for the second time that night, emphasizing the middle word, and Frankie grunts in return.
"Me too. That's why I jerked off in the shower."
"Did you leave any juice for me...?" Jay's hand is now moving inside his pants, finding to her great pleasure that he's going commando, as he often does when wearing sweatpants.
"Amor... no me tomes el pelo." His whispered plea comes as a punch to the stomach and makes the ache flare up between her legs, spread up through her spine, tighten her milk-heavy breasts.
"I'm not," Jay assures him in a low moan before kissing him again. It's not like they haven't touched at all during the four weeks that Alma has been outside the womb: they touch each other a lot, every day. But this kind of touching hasn't been on the menu since the arrival of the Recruit. The urge is burning brightly now, and Jay is not going to wait any longer. She realizes that there was nothing the doc could have said to make her ready for sex again: it had to come from herself.
Frankie's stiffening in her hand, his cock a familiar shape for her fingers to close around: soft, smooth skin straining over a hard core, unbendable, veiny, thrilling. Frankie leans back, closing his eyes. He gives the tiniest little moan, and Jay swallows it with her kiss as she cups his balls and kneads them gently.
"God - fuck - Jay..." Frankie's voice is tight as he opens his eyes and grabs her hand. "I like where this is going, but shouldn't it be me who does this to you?"
Sweet, wonderful Frankie, always thinking of her pleasure first. Jay brushes her lips over his with a small sigh.
"I want to feel you, baby."
"And I want to taste you." He pulls her against his chest and strokes his hand down her back. "But if you're uncomfortable - "
"I don't want you to feel obligated - "
He scoffs. "You think I'd ever feel obligated to eat you out? Do you know me at all?"
Jay sits back, smiling as she regards him. His dark hair tousled and still slightly damp from the shower. His kind, brown eyes, now hazy with need for her. His full lips separated to let his quick breaths in and out. She knows every line and scar in that face. And she knows his heart.
“Okay," she admits. “I'm projecting. I guess I'm insecure about what I look like down there. It's not like I've been able to have a look at the train wreck."
Frankie lets out a laugh but bites back on it just as quickly, realizing this is not a laughing matter.
“I'll have a look for you, if that's okay?”
“Knock yourself out.” She tries to sound unperturbed, but the truth is that she's nervous. Frankie has been nothing but supportive and shown no sign of thinking less of her changed body, but leaking tits is one thing and the idea of a vagina stretched beyond recognition is quite another. She realizes of course that there's nothing wrong with her vagina. Still, letting Frankie near that area again is a little nerve-racking.
He kisses her softly, one hand sliding up her thigh. The muscles flex briefly at the touch and Jay finds herself naming each one in her head. Rectus femoris, sartorius, gracilis that runs on the inside of the thigh, all the way up to…
“Relax,” Frankie asks her softly, bringing her back from the anatomy textbook. “I got you.”
“I know, baby.” She dives headfirst into it by kissing Frankie and pulling him down over herself as she lies back on the couch. The first threshold is already crossed and now she's in a hurry. She lets go of him to wiggle out of her pants and get the t-shirt off.
“Cálmate,” Frankie admonishes her with a little smile as he helps her get rid of the t-shirt. “We got all night.”
“You'd think so but someone's probably going to wake up before we know it, and demand to be fed,” Jay reminds him, but she's mirroring his smile. Frankie lowers his mouth to one of her nipples.
“Speaking of being fed…”
“Go ahead," she allows, knowing how much he likes suckling her milk-filled tits. The kink manifested during her pregnancy, but he hadn't asked for a taste since Alma made her debut and needed the milk. Still, Jay had secretly been wondering if it was also a question of Frankie being put off by her tits now being used for actual feeding.
He clearly wasn't.
Pulling gently on her nipple with his lips before lapping up the sweet, white liquid that leaks out, Frankie heaves a deep, satisfied sigh.
"I've missed this," he confesses in a low murmur before closing his lips around the nipple and setting a steady rhythm as he slides one hand down Jay's side and between her legs. Finding her clit, he begins to gently tease it.
"Fuck, Frankie...!" Jay gasps as pleasure jolts through her, totally new yet familiar at the same time. He murmurs in reply and pulls gently on her nipple before releasing it.
“So sweet and tasty,” he lets her know. “Let's try that again, a little lower.”
He kisses his way down her postpartum belly and looks up at her.
“Is this okay?”
"You know it is.” She reaches for his thick hair, that hair she has loved to touch and tousle and rest her hand in since she first touched it. A curl falls over his forehead and she brushes it back.
“Go on,” she asks him in a whisper, and Frankie continues his quest until he reaches his destination, gently dragging his soft lips and sharp nose along her slit.
“Looks the same,” he reports back to her. “A little hairier than usual.”
“Is that a problem for you?”
“You know it's not, amor.” He presses his nose against her and inhales deeply. “Smells the same, too. Wonderful.”
“Like napalm in the morning, huh?” Jay presses between clenched teeth, waiting with baited breath. “More, baby, please. What do I taste like?”
“Hmm…” His tongue slides in between her lips, gathers the slick from inside her, and drags it up to her clit where he latches on for a slow but intense suckle. Jay grabs onto what she can find – the arm and back rests of the couch – as her back arches with the pleasure shooting up her spine.
“Like, I don't know, something biblical. Milk and honey.” He peeks up at her. “Except I never ate a pussy that actually tastes like milk and honey.”
“For fuck's sake, Frankie, are you going to talk about it or eat it?” Jay complains, but she sounds more whiny than angry.
“I'm not allowed to wax poetic about the flavor of your incredible vulva?” He's fucking with her now, she doesn't even need to see his shit-eating grin to know that.
“I swear to God, Morales...” she warns him, using his last name to underline that he's just one asshole move away from getting into trouble.
“You're the one who wanted to know what it tastes like,” he points out before mercifully using his mouth for what she needs, instead of teasing her. Jay sinks into the couch cushions, eyes falling shut and lower lip caught between her teeth to keep the loudest noises at bay. The Recruit is a sound sleeper, and the crib is in the bedroom, but there is no need to risk waking her up.
Any trepidations she might have had before melt away when Frankie, with great skill and purpose, brings her to a shuddering orgasm. He doesn't let her come down but slides a finger inside her for a soft massage in her slick pussy.
“This okay?” He glances up at her but she doesn't see it: her eyes are squeezed shut and her head thrown back as she moves lazily against him.
She keeps a firm grip of his hair and claws at the couch with her other hand, another whine escaping her when Frankie adds a second finger.
“So pretty and wet for me, amor, I fucking wish I could fuck your wet pussy,” Frankie whispers against her heat before going back to lapping and sucking. She feels another build-up and Jesus fucking Christ, it's going to be a big one, it's going to destroy her for sure, she's going to explode, it's going to tear her open and apart and –
“Frankie,” she whines helplessly, desperate for the devastation but simultaneously holding back, why she doesn't know, maybe because it's been a while, maybe because she's somehow still worried something's going to break –
“I got you,” Frankie promises in a growl before attacking her clit again. He reaches for her t-shirt and stuffs it against her before pinning her down. Jay dimly hears a wet sound as the blood roars in her ears and she comes undone with a held back shout that turns into a sob. She's vaguely aware of a slurping sound and Frankie's no longer fucking her with his fingers, but his broad tongue is still hot against her core.
“Did I squirt?” she blurts, rendered stupid from pleasure. Frankie chuckles, his voice low yet excited.
“Fuck yeah you did. So fucking hot.” She wants to say something, commend him for being so quick with the shirt to spare the couch, but she’s scattered all over the room. Frankie’s still licking her softly, cleaning her up, and she lets him until it’s too much and she has to push him away.
“You okay?” he queries as she presses her thighs together and covers her face with her hands, taking a deep breath.
“Yeah,” she manages to exhale. When she finally removes her hands and blinks her eyes open, she finds Frankie looking at her with equal amounts of arousal and fondness.
“You look so good like this," he lets her know. “Ruined. By me.”
She smiles faintly, still piecing herself together yet feeling a renewed need for him.
“C’mere, baby.”
His lips taste of her and it’s like their first time all over again: her slick on him, in him, her pussy beating in exhaustion yet firing up to take his cock. She feels his erection through his sweatpants and when she brushes her thigh against it, Frankie breaks the kiss with a moan.
“Jay, I’m gonna cum in my pants if you do that.”
“What a waste when you could cum in me.”
He searches her face, a small frown on his, and she can tell he’s looking for the right way to ask her if she’s offering penetration. His eagerness shines through plain as day, and Jay has to give him a teasing smirk.
“Yes, Morales, you can fuck me.”
He groans at that. He never got used to her calling him Morales in sexual situations.
“You serious?”
“I feel fine. And – “ she pulls him down so she can trace her lips along his unshaven jawline “ – I want your big, beautiful cock in me.”
His jaw moves when he swallows, and the hand that’s on her waist takes a tighter hold of her.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.”
He drops his forehead to hers and takes a deep breath.
“Fuck, Jay… I want you so much. Lemme… lemme get the condoms.”
He’s about to get up from the couch when Jay catches him by the arm and pulls him back.
“We don’t need rubbers, I had an IUD put in, remember?”
“But infection – “ Frankie hesitates. Jay had found the condoms a couple of weeks ago and when asking Frankie about them, he had sheepishly admitted to preparing for whenever she felt ready to have sex again. He had read online that infections were common in postpartum sex, and condoms were recommended. He did it out of consideration, but knew it could be misconstrued as him only thinking of getting laid.
Jay had laughed at him and warned him that once they were at it again, she'd probably make his dick fall off from overuse. The words had made him equally horny and scared.
“If you really want to wrap it I’m not gonna stop you, but Frankie, I’m sure we don’t need them," Jay tells him now, a little impatient. Frankie deliberates for a second before staying on the couch and letting her pull him down over her.
"I need you," she murmurs before kissing him. "Come to me, baby."
He sighs deeply against her lips before sitting up and wrapping her legs around him. Taking himself out of his pants, he slowly starts to push the thick head of his cock against her slick hole, sliding in easier and quicker than expected. Jay hisses at the familiarity of the initial resistance, before her muscles give way for him to slip inside.
“That's it, baby... just like that...”
The whine that Frankie produces is heavy with held back excitement. Jay grabs his hands and squeezes.
“I know, baby, I know.”
“You feel so fucking good,” he gripes.
“So do you. I missed you cock, baby.”
“Dios mío...” He lays down over her and captures her lips with his, the kiss muffling her moan when he starts to roll his hips against hers. He keeps it slow and soft, but Jay’s hands find his flat buttocks through the sweatpants, and pull down the pants even more so that she can grab handfuls of flesh, and press down.
“Harder,” she asks him breathlessly, “please, baby, harder.”
Frankie grunts, taken with her begging, and speeds up as he bows down over her chest. He caresses the curve of her breast before gripping the tight flesh to angle it for his mouth to reach. A white jet of milk shoots out from the nipple, straight into his eye.
He pulls back and out, both eyes scrunched up, one hand coming up to rub the liquid away. Too carried away by his ministrations, Jay doesn't know immediately what happened, but as soon as she catches up she starts to laugh. He groans at how her muscles squeezes him with each chuckle.
“You okay?” she smiles, gently wiping her thumb over his eye. Frankie looks a little sheepish when he smiles back.
“Here I was, blinded only by your beauty, but turns out you’re capable of blinding me for real as well.”
Jay scoffs, unimpressed by cheesy words like that.
“Are you quite done?” She tightens around him, reminding him what was going on.
“Kiss it well first,” he demands, lowering down over her. Rolling her eyes, Jay dutifully touches her lips to his eyelid, catching a faint, sweet taste. Her lips continue down his cheek to his lips.
“Vision intact?” she whispers.
“Vision intact,” Frankie confirms and kisses her, his tongue probing between her lips as he slides his cock back into the slick warmth of her pussy. “Not that I need to see to do this…”
“You talk too much, baby.”
Frankie catches her drift and snaps his hips roughly against her, his worries about hurting her temporary forgotten. Lower lip caught between her teeth, Jay throws her head back and reaches down between them to touch herself. For each thrust into her core the pressure rises, the sensations draw closer to a peak. Frankie’s teeth scrape along her collarbone.
“Fuck, baby… not gonna last…”
“Can you time it?” she moans, a shudder running through her. “I wanna cum with you, baby.”
“No promises,” Frankie groans, “you feel so fucking good, I’ve missed this so much…”
He hooks one arm around her thigh, forcing it up, knowing from experience that it usually works for her, and lowers his face to her breast, carefully licking around the nipple, all the while fucking her with steady, deep strokes. When her milk starts to flow, he latches on and sucks. Pleasure, sharp as a knife, cuts through her, almost painfully. She whimpers as her bundle of nerves start to heat up, crackle, and devastate her.
“Cumming,” she announces in a choked moan, “fuck, Frankie, don’t stop, I’m cumming, I’m – ”
The orgasm tears through her and through the contractions she feels the strong spurts of Frankie’s climax as he growls, the primal sound emanating from deep within his chest and ending up stifled into the cushion, right next to her neck.
He stays buried in her, his still hard cock filling her deliciously as he relaxes and lets her take on his weight. His heartbeat is palpable against her chest, his short breaths are burning hot on her cheek, his skin is electric against hers. The physicality of it, the full-body contact, not just inside but on the outside… Jay can’t imagine a time when she wouldn’t feel at home in this. Catching her breath, she lazily runs her fingers through his soft hair, her first conscious thoughts focusing on how much she loves his hair. She has loved it since their first time.
With a groan, Frankie eventually hoists himself up onto his forearms and kisses her with a sweetness and innocence that makes it hard to imagine what transpired only moments ago.
“I love you.” The words are simple, yet heavy with emotion. Jay smiles softly.
“I love you too.”
Frankie straightens his back and sits back onto his heels, his shrinking cock slipping out of her. His eyes widen a little as he watches his cum ooze out of her slick hole. With two fingers, he catches the trickle and smears it over her labia.
“So fucking hot,” he breathes, glancing up at her. “You’re gonna make me want to go another round, baby.”
“Didn’t you mom ever tell you not to play with your food?” Jay teases, but she’s not opposed to going again.
“Watch your mouth, or I’ll eat it until you’re begging me to stop,” he smirks, staring down between her legs again as more cum is pressed out by an aftershock that makes the skin on Jay’s thighs prickle over. He slides two fingers into her and collects his spend, only to smear it over her stomach.
“I just showered!” she protests feebly.
“Sorry, I can’t help it. So sexy.” Frankie grins, before he seems to remember something, and his expression turns rueful.
“God, I’m a selfish prick,” he groans, rubbing one palm over his face. “Didn’t think to ask if you’re okay.”
“Don’t worry,” Jay assures him with a smile, “I’m absolutely golden.”
“You sure? I went a little harder than I meant to.”
He seems happy with that, and traces his hand down her hip. Jay cocks her head to the side and considers him for a moment.
“So all this – “ she gestures vaguely downwards, meaning her body “ – it doesn’t bother you?”
Frankie stares at her like he doesn’t understand, then shakes his head, not as in No but in disbelief.
“Babe, if you think I’d be bothered by a bit of a belly, I’d be the biggest hypocrite in the world,” Frankie scoffs, but his gaze starts to flicker. “You’re the one who was pregnant, but I’m in much worse shape. Sympathy pounds.” He tries to laugh it off by patting his lower belly that started to round the minute he left the army. Working out was never something he enjoyed, whereas Jay always flourished at the gym.
“Frankie.” Jay pulls herself up to a sit, her legs still around his hips. She cups his cheek, feeling that familiar, beloved prickle of facial hair against her skin. Her other hand goes to his stomach.
“This,” she says in a low voice, pressing gently into the soft flesh, “is you being alive. Being with me. Having a good life. I don’t care about anything else.”
With a lopsided smirk she adds: “Besides, what was it you said when I was pregnant? ‘More for you to love’? That goes both ways, baby.”
Frankie blinks, and she sees his throat muscles flex when he swallows.
“Don’t start bawling on me,” she warns him, but leans forward for a kiss at the same time.
“I love you,” he tells her before their lips meet. “You’re so amazing.”
Kissing slowly at first, Jay’s hands find their way into Frankie’s hair, and his fingers ghost down her sides, rounding her hips and landing on her buttocks, pulling her closer. Their lips grow more demanding, their tongues more hurried, and when Jay tears herself away from Frankie and starts to scatter kisses down his neck, a small sob is heard from the bedroom.
Within moments, Alma is crying at maximum volume, demanding attention and nutrition. Jay hums in disappointment, snagging a bit of neck skin between her teeth before releasing it and looking up at Frankie.
“Can you imagine that for a moment, I totally forgot about that little cock-blocker?”
“Amor, when I’m inside you, nothing else exists.” Frankie kisses her forehead and disentangled himself from the embrace of her legs. “I’ll get her, you make yourself comfortable.”
He pulls on his underwear and disappears, and Jay hears him softly speak to the crying baby:
“Ok chiquita, un segundo por favor…”
He returns with the baby cradled against his chest, and hands her over carefully to Jay, who helps her latch on. The milk flows freely, and Alma grew quiet.
“Okay?” Frankie asks, sitting down. Jay nods, leaning against him.
“We’re good.”
“Is there still enough left for her?” He sounds concerned, but Jay just smiles.
“More than enough.”
“Does it… feel the same… like when I…”
She looks up at him, a little surprised at his hesitant tone. His brown eyes look troubled.
“No,” she tells him firmly. “It’s not the same. This is… mechanical. It feels good to relieve the pressure and weight, but it’s not like when you do it at all.”
He nods slowly. “I just want you to be comfortable.”
“I am. Except you’re sitting on my foot.”
His face cracks up in a smile as he shifts. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, baby,” she promises him. “I’ll always be honest with you, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
“Yeah, we will.” He passes his hand over her overgrown crew cut, and kisses her forehead. “We’ll make it.”
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jaynovz · 2 years
7, 17 for weird questions? <3
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Creating scenes and moments out of whole cloth, making the intangible somehow tangible through just the power of words. When everything is just... clicking along so well and flowing and you come out with something that's so fucking choice that you just sit back and smile at it for a moment, so PLEASED with yourself that you’re vibrating with joy.
That part is pretty awesome. <3
Close second place-- The community of other writers, getting to concept/spin out ideas. A unique creative experience that cannot be matched.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhh!! -zoomy eyes- BREAK UP BOYS.
Okay so anyone who has been around me/my blog for five seconds in the last six months already knows that I've been working nonstop on this Gigantic Novel of a Black Sails mod au lmao.
But just in case:
Minor celebrities Artist!Flint and Actor!Silver meet and fall in love in NYC during winter. At first they seem like a perfect match, each singular to the other in their own way; the relationship intensifies into a whirlwind the likes of which neither has ever had before, reaching dizzying heights of emotion and vulnerability.
However, problems lie beneath the surface of the delirious bliss; a fraught tale laden with mistakes, miscommunication, and betrayal plays out, both sides at fault. Inevitably, they have a devastating break up.
Nearly a year later, they meet up again at a holiday party, their reunion engineered by mutual friends. The same cycle of intensity, love, and hurt begins again, even worse than before. 
Can they learn from their mistakes and compromise? Will they ever be free of each other or are they in an endless time loop? Is there a true ending? 
Hmmm, well it’s not DONE YET, so I can’t tell you. 
This story is called the All Too Well verse b/c the idea spawned from my absolute OBSESSION with Taylor Swift’s 10 min version of the song which was released in Nov 2021. Much of the story is adapted from the lyrics, but a huge amount of it is Jay Original as well. Which lyrics I use are landmines/surprises as we go :P
The story is written non-linearly, with two timelines, the present and past interspersed as we build towards The Break Up Fight, which the entire story revolves around.
Fun things that probably won’t make it in... hmmm... well Silver’s backstory lmao, especially the details of how he lost his leg. But because of the nature of the Snake Lad I actually... shouldn’t tell you that. I’m sorry!!
But I wrote Flint a new backstory from scratch, which is emerging a little at a time and so I can talk about it in a bit more detail: 
He grew up VERY poor in upstate NY, on a dairy farm. He and Anne are siblings in this and their parents died when they were both pretty young. They’ve been raised by their grandparents on this family farm, both being taught the ropes of how to maintain it. He’s been drawing since childhood and mentioned in chap 4 that he “grew up sketching a lot of cows.” 
There was a lot of pressure on him as the oldest to take over the farm from his aging grandparents, which caused friction. He compromised by instead moving to the city and getting a job where he could send money back to help out. Flint had a very successful career as a PI for about ten years, continued painting in his off time. Then finally was able to go to art school, started painting full time. He had a lucky break and has been a pretty big name in modern art for the last decade.
There’s more~~ There’s always More. But I wanna keep some secrets and also I have rambled on quite a lot lmao. Also you can read Break Up HERE as the drama develops.
Thanks for the questions and for letting me plug my story!! <3
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discocactusblogs · 3 years
Heather- Jason Todd x Chubby Reader Pt.1
{Author's Note: _____ is a blank to put your name}
"Girl, just tell him!" Barbara whispered and nudged me towards my best friend, Jason Todd aka Robin, the boy wonder.
I had found out about him being Batman's sidekick when we were 13, shortly after he became Robin.
"Easy for you to say! Look at you! You're gorgeous! You're fit and thin and redheaded! Just look at me… I'm...not so fit... I'm chubby. I'm a plain bagel. I'm not ugly but I'm not exactly pretty either." I sighed and gestured to my chubby body.
" ______, I know what I'm telling you. Just tell him." She sighed. "Besides, you're gorgeous too! And very intelligent and mature for a fifteen-year-old!" Barbara smiled, holding up a banana like a wand.
"As if. What guy my age sees a girl and goes, 'What a lovely personality?' Get real Babs, no one wants a plain bagel." I shrugged.
"Welp, I gotta get going or I'll be late for work. But trust me, he won't turn you away." She turned away, obviously knowing something I didn't.
"Hey _____!" Jason spoke as he walked up to me from the curb of the grocery store, I had gone to buy some fruit my mom had told me to get.
"Hey Jay." I sighed with a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Are you okay? It's kinda cold today… Where's your jacket?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"My jacket!" I gasped. "I forgot it at school!"
"School's closed now. They just locked the gate." He replied with a shrug.
"My mom's going to kill me. That's the only jacket I have!" My eyes watered, knowing my mother was going to be furious with me when I got home.
"Take mine then. I have others at home." He unzipped his hoodie.
"N-no. It's fine. I can get it Monday from school." I spoke softly while staring at the ground.
He draped his jacket over my shoulders. "I said, take it. Besides, it looks better on you than me. It goes well with your hair color. Here, let me hold your stuff so you can get it on." He smirked, knowing I wouldn't refuse if he spoke sternly with me. He took the bag from my hands and I looked at him. "Zip. It. Up." He frowned.
"Yes sir." I put my arms in the jacket and zipped it up. He was bigger and bulkier than I was, so the jacket fit me rather loosely and was down to my mid thighs but it was comfortable and warm. Much warmer than the jackets and sweaters I had before.
"Hm… keep it. I know your dad hasn't been working a lot lately. It gets pretty cold so you can keep that one. Bruce got me some others at home. Just don't tell anyone, got it? I only share with you because I've known you since we were kids. You took care of me so I'm taking care of you." He looked at me, handing back the bag of fruit. "Now, don't think I'm getting soft or being a gentleman. You're still carrying your stuff." He smirked.
I smiled and chuckled. "Thanks." I took the bag and walked down the street with him.
"Hi Jason!" An annoying voice called out from the ice cream shop.
"Hm? Oh, hey Heather." Jason turned around and seemed slightly irritated.
"Are you going to the pep rally tonight?" Heather asked with fluttering eyelashes. She was Jason's girlfriend.
Dark hair, slim figure, bright eyes, how could I compete with that?
"Uh, no." He replied flatly.
"Why not, I'm going to be performing!" She countered.
"I'm just not feeling it. I don't like pep rallies." He shrugged. "Not my thing."
"Okay then. Wanna get some ice cream?" She asked.
"Go ahead and go home ______, I'll catch up later." He looked apologetically at me and walked across the street.
I nodded and kept walking.
I watched as Heather smiled and hugged him.
It hurt.
He was dating her and she was so sweet. Everyone loved her so, I can see why he did too. She always had a smile on her face.
I kept walking, tears stinging my eyes. There's no way I could ever be like her. He liked her more and would run to her at the drop of a hat.
Arriving at home, I stepped inside. "Hey mom! I'm back!" I set the bag on the counter.
"Oh good! Make sure you do your homework!"
"Yes ma'am!" I sigh and go up to my room, closing the door.
Out of instinct, I called my friend, Valerie.
"A simple solution to your problem is to play spin the bottle or something." She teased.
"Why would he ever kiss me? I'm nowhere near as pretty as Heather!" I clutch the sleeves of the hoodie before taking it off and throwing it onto my bed.
"He gave her his sweater." My eyes watered as I told her what had happened at school that day.
"The black one or the fake polyester one?" Valerie asked.
"The black one."
"Oh dear. I'll be right over." She hung up.
"Is it wrong to wish she were dead?" I chuckled softly when Valerie came through my bedroom door.
"Yes. It's your jealousy and I'm gonna chop off your legs if you continue on this path, Anakin." Valerie smirked.
"Dude, I was kidding." I turn in my swivel chair.
"Yeah, it was a failed attempt at a joke. I'm sorry about Jason. If it makes you feel better, Bradley dumped me." She looked at the ground.
"Here's the plan, I drive the car and Jason shoves him into the road and we make it look like an accident." I spoke whilst drawing out the plan.
"Don't worry about it."
"Worry about what?" Jason walked in.
"Oh, you came!" Valerie smiled.
I looked at her, what a traitor.
"So, I heard you gave Heather your sweater!"
"This one?" He held up said object. "Eh, we broke up. She liked someone else and so did I." He sat on a beanbag chair.
"Wait what? But you really liked her and she's so nice!" I exclaim in shock.
"Relax ______, it was mutual." He chuckled. "There's actually something I came to talk to you about." He seemed nervous, his cheeks tinting red and so were the tips of his ears.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'll go get water." Valerie got up, stretched and went downstairs.
"I don't know how to say this. This is difficult for me but… I'm sorry. I don't want to be your friend anymore." He sighed.
My eyes widened. "W-what?"
"Yeah. I'm...tired of it." He stood up.
"But Jason, you're my best friend!"
"I know. Hey, do you know what material this shirt is?" He checked his shirt.
"Jason, now's not the time-"
"I don't know! Cotton, maybe?!" I was growing panicked and my eyes were stinging with tears.
"Wrong, it's boyfriend material. And so is that hoodie." He smirked.
I stood in silence.
"What?" He asked.
"Jason Peter Todd, are you...asking me to be your girlfriend????" I stood, mouth agape in shock.
He smirked and nodded. "Sure thing buttercup! I... love you." His face turned beet red.
"Why? I'm not pretty. I'm not slim or fit or anything-"
"Because you're smart, and cute, you're kind and brave. You're so cool too and geek out with me. We both nerd out over science stuff and books. What's not to love???" The look on his face was one of pure confusion, as if the answer was as clear as day.
"Jason, I love you too." I spoke in a hushed whispers as a few years fell from my eyes.
"Don't cry! Why are you crying???"
"I'm just happy! I've liked you for so long!"
"So have I but I'm not crying!"
"I didn't think you'd like me because I'm chubby!"
"What?! You think I'm that shallow? I'm offended!"
"Jay and ______ sitting in a tree~" Valerie teased from the doorway.
"Val!" We exclaimed in unison, Jay pulling me into a side hug.
"Fine! I'mma head out!" She grabbed her backpack and left.
A few days later, Jason was going to leave for a mission that I didn't want him to go on. I knew how dangerous it was for him to go alone.
"I'm leaving...for Bosnia. Bats needs my help." He looked at me sadly.
"Jay, please. Don't go. What if something happens?" I pleaded, clutching onto him tightly.
It was only a few days ago that he confessed to me and we were trying to figure out where to go with our relationship, which led to this argument.
"I'll come back. I promise." He kissed the top of my head. "Love ya." He smirked. His forest green eyes shone in the sunlight like an emerald.
He seemed so confident that he would be okay.
"Jason, no! I have a bad feeling you're not coming back!" I pleaded harshly, grabbing his wrist and asking him to stay.
"I'm just going to meet my birth mom, I'll be fine!" He assured me. "Here, hold onto my jacket for me." He took off his leather jacket and handed it to me.
I nodded with tears escaping the corners of my eyes. "I love you Jason…" I said as I watched him hop into the car and leave. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw him.
I kept that jacket with me at all times after that.
A few weeks went by without a word from Jason and the pit on my stomach only grew, the only thing keeping me sane was the scent of his cologne on his jacket that lingered still.
Finally, I mustered up the courage to go to Wayne Manor and ask if anyone's heard from Jason. It was then my heart shattered into pieces.
"Miss ______, I am so terribly sorry. I thought someone had already told you… Master Jason died last week." Alfred sat me down at the kitchen counter for tea.
My eyes widened and the porcelain teacup fell from my hand, shattering onto the tile floor. Tears flowed from my eyes like a cerulean waterfall. "No one told me!" I shouted, falling to my knees to clean up the mess with blurry eyes.
"Miss ______, I can get it." Alfred stopped me, only to realize I was bleeding from a deep cut from a glass shard on the top of my hand, a cut that would leave a scar for years to come.
"He can't be dead… he promised he would come back." I whispered, not even flinching from the cut.
"Here, allow me to tend to that." Alfred took out the first aid kit and cleaned the wound, giving it a few stitches.
"How…?" I asked, flinching from pain.
"... The Joker. Master Bruce didn't make it in time." He replied, the sorrow evident in his tone.
I nodded and thanked him for the help and the tea.
"Send a car to take her home." I heard Bruce from the doorway.
"Right away, Master Bruce." Alfred excused himself.
"His funeral is this Saturday if you'd like to come." Bruce turned away from me.
"I'll be there. Time?"
"See you then."
When the funeral finally took place, the reality of Jason's death set in. He wasn't coming back like he promised. I left a rose on his casket and bawled as I watched them lower the casket with my best friend and love of my life, into the dark, cold ground and with it, my heart.
"You promised." I whispered to myself, looking away from the scene. It was then I decided I wanted to be a nurse to help heal people.
Five years later, my dream of being a nurse was nearly achieved. I was two years away from graduating and I went to visit Jason every day on the way home from work. I still lived with my parents since I was a student at the local university, thanks to Bruce.
When I approached the door, that's when I saw it. A single rose on the bench outside the door along with a cryptic letter. 'Hang in there.' it said with a happy face at the end.
I was stumped but the notes and roses kept happening at least once a week and they soon came every day. At least, until the night that would change my life forever.
(Part Two)
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