#please pray that I can recover from this 🙏
queenqunari · 4 months
Found out a guy I thought was hot is French
I have to reflect upon what led me to this point
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firas-salem · 13 days
Update on Magid Health 7/June/2024 I am with Magid- my one and a half year old- right now, sadly I wasn't able to be with him for a while, he is slowly recovering .. but he is still so frail .. and still depends on IV solutions , he eats very little and lost 9 pounds. Please Help Us so we get out of HERE
Share & Donate Here
Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here
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This week he suffered from severe Gastroenteritis, and , vomiting and diarrhea . you can find the Update : here Thank you all for your support and prayers and good wished you keep sending me ! wallah you give us hope and make us feel less lonely everyday !🙏
Also Rokayah got jealous of the attention and wanted to have her picture taken too and ordered me to tell you all She said hi and that she got sick too and her stomach hurts and she vomited just like Magid😁 - She didn't elhamdulliah ,not this week -
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PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE .. The donations almost stopped .. Help me get my family out of this HELL !! My mother needs medical care and clean environment to recover .. my brother as well .. the rest of my family .. We all need you ! we need every € .. It helps us a lot !! Please help us regain visibility 🙏
My friend made this for me if it helps .. Vetted or added to lists Here: #111 @el-shab-hussein list Here - #4 @fallahifag list Here @blackpearlblast list Here - @communistchilchuck list Here #1 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt list Here @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc list Here @kordeliiius list Here @ibtisams Here ,@fairuzfan Here , @palipu Here , @brutaliakhoa Here @sar-soor Here
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Young Love p3
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Smut
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Requests Please please please please make part 3 of young love 🙏  I absolutely need part 3 of young love. PLEASE! Fiction Witch, please do a part 3 ahhhhhh pls I beg ANOTHER ONE 😍❤️😍❤️💕😍😍💕❤️ Pleaaseee another one it's getting interesting you could make a mini fanfic out if this Part 3 please ❤ Part 3 please 🥺 When you gonna update Young Love Part 3 if you don't mind me asking? And i wanted to you make Jack Dawkins jealous of Y/N's crush that make her flustered and affection. He thought he is the only one make her flustered and he don't like it. I hope you like my suggestion!!! part 3!!💋 Can you do a part 3 of young love please?
I got myself dressed for the day or at least dressed though for breakfast, 
"why do I have to stay up here while you go down for breakfast?" Jack asked from my bed where he had been laid as I dressed,
"Becuase I said so Jack," 
"But why? I'm hungry." 
"Because, if we go down together hand in hand it fuels the idea in their minds we were fucking,"
"...we were fucking." 
"I know! but I don't want them to know that."
"Your mother walked in on us while I sat on the end of your bed completely naked, with you also completely naked standing between my legs while I was kissing your breasts... you really think your mother hasn't assumed where fucking?" 
"I don't want to encourage them."
"You realize me coming down after you look like we were fucking and I needed time to recover?" He suggested 
"...God damn it that's a good point." I sighed, 
"And if you go down and get breakfast without me it again looks like we were fucking and I had to lay down to recover, or if I go down without you they're gonna think I fucked you so hard I made you black out."
"... Damn it."
"Y/n no matter what you do, your family is going to assume where fucking." he explained, "even just being up here alone after that they're gonna assume we're still fucking." 
"come down after me, just give it some time." I told him fixing my hair and heading to the door, "And be... normal."
"yes, be a normal gentleman Jack. You know not like you."
"...I'll try not to be offended by that," 
"Try harder," I told him before I went down for breakfast, 
I sat at the table nibbling at breakfast trying to not draw attention to myself even if everyone was looking at me and trying to pry into my business, I avoided as many I could, praying for Jack to come down so he had to answer these questions. I heard the stairs so I sighed in relief but as Jack walked in I wanted to crawl into a hole a die. 
As Jack walked into the kitchen in his white cotton shirt and his white cotton underwear, And nothing else! 
"Morning," He greeted leaning on the door frame, 
"Ohh Morning Doctor Dawkins, breakfast?" my mother asked,
"Absolutely, I am starving." He smiled coming to sit beside me and kissing my cheek, "Had an active night didn't I darling." 
He got his breakfast and everyone began chatting the moment attention was off as I grabbed his hand crushing it as tight as I could, "I swear to god I am going to chain you in my room and beat you with a fire poker."
"Ummm didn't know you had such vicious tastes little girly," he smirked, 
"The idea was to NOT draw attention to the fucking."
"Yeah, I know,"
"Then why!"
"That's what you get for calling me not normal" he winked before eating his toast, 
"I hate you so much doctor Dawkins."
"Love you too little girly," 
When I finally escaped my parents and got Jack to put some Damn Pants on! which was not something I ever imagined needing to do. Yet here we are. I tried to kick him out but my parents insisted I walk him back to the Hospital Of course, Jack found this amusing so was gonna make me do it, so we stood walking back to the hospital through Port Victory. 
"You are so pouty this morning little girly,"
"Pouty! Can you think why I might be!"
"I assume my amazing performance as your boyfriend? or are you just grumpy we can't snuggle anymore?" he smirked ticking me,
"Ahhh!" I yelped pushing his hands off my waist and bashing him on the head with my parasol, "No."
"what is it with you women carrying your damn parasols." He sighed rubbing his head, 
"I am not grumpy, much less over snuggles."
"I am not!"
"So you're not going to go back to your room and snuggle up in bed with one of your books and think about me?" He smirked grabbing my hand twirling it around my head and grabbing my waist to pull me to his chest as he spoke making me blush bright red, 
"No, I am not." I protested pushing away, 
"why not? I will about you," He smirked, "About my cute little girly sat bouncing on top of me," 
"maybe..." I answered adjusting my dress,
"Shut up Jack." 
"So? when am I going to be needed to put in another amazing performance? in front of your family ... or in your bedroom?" 
"I don't know," I sighed "I'm still mad at you." 
"For what?"
"For- For what! You came down to breakfast with my parents in your undergarments!"
"Yeah? no matter what your family were going to assume we had sex, I merely confirmed it." 
"You don't think my mother walking in on us was enough!"
"You're cute when you're mad,"
"Ughh you are infuriating," I sighed, stopping for a moment as we reached the docks hoping for the usual sight,
"There a reason we're stopping?"
"Nothing," I sighed as I looked to see one of the dock workers, I didn't know his name but he was a handsome man who often made me think things I shouldn't honestly he was the closest I had to being in love, Jack noticed and looked too standing beside me with his hands in his pockets,
"I take it you're into one of them?"
"Y/n I'm your fake boyfriend you can tell me,"
"why don't you fake date him then?"
"My family would never allow it,"
"I think you're families pretty happy with anyone so long as you're banging them,"
"Having sex with them then. God you really hate that word don't you?" 
"I do." I said, "But even so, it's not a life I'd want to wait months wondering if my husband will come home, I can... have a crush its just not practical." 
"Fair enough, what does he read you sweet stories and pitch you woo then?"
"No, just makes me flustered is all," I blushed, 
"Which one?" 
"Jason Liswick."
"Helpful, descriptive words little girly, you read enough books I'm sure you can eloquently describe him." 
"He's tall, and broad, and handsome, tanned with sweet brown curls..."
"Wait- You talking about the one in the blue coat?"
"Yes... His sweet sapphire blue velvet coat-"
"That. Really?" 
"Him!" he asked giving me the most disgusted and confused look, "Really?"
"Yes. I think he's handsome." 
"...That is handsome to you?" He asked, "That?"
"You think that! and I am attractive?"
"Not on the same level but yes."
"Ohh my god I suddenly feel so insulted." 
Jason spotted me and waved so I happily waved back blushing hard, watching him work a while but I glanced back to Jack and saw him with the most rage-filled look glaring at Jason like he wanted to kill him. "What?"
"Nothing." he snapped,
"Nothing!" he crossed his arms, 
"Ohh come on what's that face about."
"Jack, I'm your fake girlfriend you can tell me,"
"shut up Y/n."
"Jack? are you... are you jealous?"
He grabbed my hand and forced me down the alleyway pushing my body up against the wall
"Why would I be jealous of some little troll!"
"I -"
"Why would I be jealous? He can't have you like I can?" he smirked kissing my neck, 
"He's not the one snuggled in your bed, he's not the one kissing you, watching you naked, and getting to fuck you as much as he wants," He smirked his hands tugging up my dress to slip his hand up my thigh and begin stroking my clit
"Jack what-" I gasped in shock unsure if I wanted him to stop or keep going, I have to admit after his performance last night I did sort of want him to keep going but we were in public! anyone could look down the alley and see us like this, "I never said you could as much as you-"
"You might not have said it but we both know I will." He smirked, slipping two fingers inside me
"Ughhhhh!" I squealed trying to stay quiet and not draw attention, 
"You've been quite the tease all these years little girly, now you've given me an In and maybe that's all I wanted, all I needed." He smirked, "Maybe I told Sneed to ask your parents for your hand knowing you would fight against it at all costs. Maybe I knew your bookworm brain enough to know you'd try and wrestle out of it telling them you had a boyfriend, and that I am your only option to ask anyone to be one." 
"Are you-" I began, "Are you seriously... You Planned this!"
"Maybe I did," he smirked, "Maybe some were planned and some were convenient," he sniggered "or maybe I just know you so well" He smirked, 
"And your end goal of this was?"
"Humm to get you in bed with me," he smirked, "Which I got, but after last night... I am not letting you go little girly." He growled, "You can drop that little crush right now, that boy is never going to look at you again, never going to touch this pretty body, because You're mine." he demanded. "You're mine and don't you even think about letting another boy so much as think about you, And I swear I will make you scream every night until you remember who you belong to." he smirked, 
"You- you're not serious..." I whined already feeling close,
"I am deadly serious little girly. You're mine. I've been established in your family, and they know I've fucked you, as far as they're concerned I'm your loving boyfriend and we've done far too much for you to ever be allowed to marry anyone but me," he smirked, "And I am going to."
"You- you're what!"
"I'm going to marry you, so you're mine in law and body. I'm gonna make you my pretty little wifey."
"You will not."
"I will. you're not gonna stop me little girly. As soon as your family are more comfortable around me I'll ask them, and you know how badly they want their sweet daughter to be married to a man who loves her so devotedly, we'll get married, and the two of us will spend our days buried In our marriage bed together, you can read your cute little books all you want darling so long as I am the only real man who gets to touch you. Do we have a deal?"
"Jack i-" 
"Do we have a deal y/n?" he smirked, "Becuase if we don't I'll tell your family everything."
"So either I agree and we get married, or you'll tell my family everything was a lie."
"That's the deal little girly,"
"... I'm not sure I have much of a choice here."
"Hmmm no. You don't." he smirked kissing my lips with passion and enthusiasm as I hit my orgasm grabbing him hard as my legs shook and my whole body collapsed against the wall, "Good girl," he cooed, moving his hand away. 
"You are an evil little man you know that Jack."
"You're evil little husband." he corrected, "Come on wifey we can play around in my bed when we get back to the hospital," he smirked wrapping his arm around me 
"Yes jack," I nodded laying my head on his shoulder,
"Awww good little girly," he cooed, "And you so much as look at that boy again I'll bend you over my bed and spank you, we clear?"
"Yes Jack," I nodded,
"Good, come on then." he smirked leading me out the alley towards the hospital, 
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momenalostaz · 1 month
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Throughout the first five months of the war, my older sister and sister-in-law were pregnant. They had to endure constant displacement and unspeakable horrors as well as pregnancy harassment. The few times I managed to reach my sister, she would keep praying so she wouldn’t get into labor before this nightmare reality ended.
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Unfortunately, things didn’t go on their way. The war was raging when the beautiful baby gave birth to a prince, and it is still going on. Around the same time my brother and his wife had a child named an angel who vibrates the three little angels to sleep with the sound of bombs and buzzing drones instead of lullabies. Due to unhealthy conditions in their tent and the scarcity of formula, newborns constantly suffer from acute respiratory infections as well as slow weight gain. The only medical care they were getting was a field hospital overcrowded with limited resources, and even that’s what they were denied now that my family was forcibly evacuated again from Rafah to Khan Younis where only rubble remained.
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As you well know, many children in Gaza are lost while waiting to be considered. Doctors have previously insisted that young people will fail to grow and fully recover if they stay in the same unhealthy environment.
Despite everything, these children are a source of hope and strength for us. Please don't let it fade away. My family is barely hanging on for them and their older brothers and sisters.
We will be forever grateful for any kind of support.
Please donate if you can and reblog as much as you can 🙏👇👇👇👇👇
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mo98h · 1 month
Throughout the first five months of the war, my older sister and sister-in-law were pregnant. They had to endure constant displacement and unspeakable horrors as well as pregnancy harassment. The few times I managed to reach my sister, she would keep praying so she wouldn’t get into labor before this nightmare reality ended.
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Unfortunately, things didn’t go on their way. The war was raging when the beautiful baby gave birth to Osama, and it still continues. Around the same time my brother and his wife had two twin children, Retaj and Rital. The three little angels to sleep vibrate the sound of bombs and buzzing drones instead of lullabies. Due to unhealthy conditions in their tent and the scarcity of formula, newborns constantly suffer from acute respiratory infections as well as slow weight gain. The only medical care they were getting was a field hospital overcrowded with limited resources, and even that’s what they were denied now that my family was forcibly evacuated again from Rafah to Khan Younis where only rubble remained.
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As you well know, many children in Gaza are lost while waiting to be considered. Doctors have previously insisted that young people will fail to grow and fully recover if they stay in the same unhealthy environment.
Despite everything, these children are a source of hope and strength for us. Please don't let it fade away. My family is barely hanging on for them and their older brothers and sisters.
We will be forever grateful for any kind of support.
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If everyone who saw this post donated 5$ it would go such a long way to saving this family
Please donate if you can and reblog as much as you can 🙏👇👇👇👇👇
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could you please do more cannibalistic nephilim 🙏🙏🙏🙏
uh so i hope i don't have to warn for what this contains again? but cannibalism is in this so... yeah
also yes! anon ty for this i was just waiting for the right mood to hit because i wanted it to be special ^_^
i mean, anyone can eat another person but lets make it magical?
set in pray to the hunters
— Magnus stares at his shadowhunter hungrily, wishing he’d got his name before this, because Magnus is starving to taste it on his own tongue.
His shadowhunter is a wonder, with a dark, old power than clings to him tighter than a mother’s arms and more intimate than a lovers embrace. There is blood splattered across his face and chest, gore up to his shoulder and dripping off in clumps from his skin.
He approaches carefully, his blade already tucked away into the holster and he offers the heart to Magnus, casually. As if he isn’t holding a treasure trove a magic in his hands.
Magnus isn’t sure what he’s expected to do with it and — despite how much he likes this particular shadowhunter — he’s not about to risk taking a nephilim heart so obviously. At least, not without insurance.
“I took a kill rightfully yours.” He’s told and he can tell it’s symbolic and he sends a little tingle of his magic out to the warlocks slowly recovering around him. The portal he opens with a twitch of his fingers will take them all to a far more intense safehouse than this one, a safehouse many already thought was overkill.
None of them argue and none of them linger, far too relieved to put as many miles between what was almost a massacre and a still alive, viscera covered shadowhunter.
Circle or not.
When the last are through, Magnus closes the portal and looks to his shadowhunter. There’s been no movement, no question and he’s kept his back turned and one hand up with the heart, the other over his own heart. It’s very clear that he’s keeping his back turned to Magnus’ evacuating people on purpose and Magnus understands then, that his shadowhunter was no so oblivious to the children as it seemed while he was fighting.
Whatever ritual he started — and Magnus knows magic even unfamiliar, alien magic and knows a ritual was done — he doesn’t want them seeing. As soon as the last child is evacuated, he relaxes just minutely.
If Magnus weren’t watching so closely, he wouldn’t catch it, but he is and he did and now he’s intrigued. His nephilim can tell, smirking at him, something clever in the turn of his plush lips.
“You did.” Magnus says, allowing his voice to echo with magic and conducting the next part of whatever ritual is waiting on him. “What do you offer me in return?”
“A boon.”
“I accept.”
Magnus hums at the touch of almost skeletal fingertips caressing and then cupping his beating heart. His shadowhunter’s breath hitches, pupils expanding as the magic hooks into him as well.
There is a pattern here to follow.
His shadowhunter offers and Magnus’ accepts and Magnus is hungry for the next taste of what is being offered.
His shadowhunter brings the heart up and — locking eyes with Magnus — sinks his teeth into the still dripping, undoubtedly warm organ. They must be deceptively sharp, because his teeth slice into the tough muscle and covering him with even more blood.
Magnus wants with a sharp, sudden pang and his magic hums and circles around them, lapping at the edges of the ritual and hungry to be let in once the ceremony is complete.
His shadowhunter chews, swallow and then smirks at Magnus, a devastating intrigue in his eyes and Magnus craves him and he’s already leaning forward, mouth opening as he sinks his own teeth into the heart. There’s delight in his shadowhunter’s eyes, as if truly surprised by Magnus’ daring.
The quiet stays between them as they share bits of the heart and then his hunter — Alexander, the ritual sings between them —starts to pull his hand away after his fingers have pressed the last piece of heart to Magnus’ own mouth.
Magnus grabs his wrist, keeping Alexander’s hand close and he leans forward, wrapping his lips around his shadowhunter’s blood slick fingers. It’s thick, coagulating and it gives Magnus a reason to wrap his tongue around Alexander’s fingers and suck.
His shadowhunter hasn’t stopped eye contact and it means that Magnus gets to see the way his eyes widen in surprise and then the way his lashes flutter, pleasure softening his dark smirk until the edge of it is biting rather than eviscerating.
There’s a soft moan as Magnus finishes, casually nipping at the tip of Alexander’s thumb as he finally lets it free. Alexander’s fingers and palm are cleaner now, pink specked instead of blood soaked sanguine and slick with the claim of Magnus’ mouth.
Alexander takes a breathe, clearing gathering himself and he sways towards where Magnus is still holding his wrist.
“Was the price sufficient?”
Magnus is asked and Magnus thinks, truly considers it for a moment with the taste of nephilim blood on his tongue, his enemies and Alexander’s and with the power of a nephilim heart already boosting his magic.
Magnus thinks carefully, because once he answers the ritual is over and so he bides his time for a moment and then he pulls Alexander even closer and cups his bloody jaw. For a moment, Magnus just looks at him, feeling the magic between them and taking in the blood-soaked divinity tied to him by ritual.
Claiming Alexander’s mouth earns him a muffled whine that has him pressing up into Magnus. It’s such a delight that Magnus releases his jaw, still holding his shadowhunter’s wrist, grips Alexander’s hair at his nape and tugs. There’s a groan and as Magnus finally draws away, his boy pants against his mouth.
“Now, it’s sufficient.”
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catrillion · 7 days
Ahmed and Dina from Gaza asking for your help.
The war has destroyed our lives and we need your support to recover.
Please donate and share our story to save our family.
Hello and I pray that you and your family are safe ❤️❤️🙏🙏🇵🇸🇵🇸
Everyone who can: please donate what you can to Ahmed and Dina's fundraiser!
The fund is in Euros. Since most of my followers are American, here's the conversion for anyone confused: €1.00 is equal to $1.08, so it's pretty close to equal.
If you have anything you can donate to this verified fundraiser, please do!
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boywonderasf · 7 months
he. he did the art???
yes, yes i did.
and while the drawing itself is not kink-related, the rest of this post (rant) is. 18+ please, be kind, dont reblog to non-kink blogs, yada yada the whole shpeel.
(also the "explanation" is basically just a speedrun hurt/comfort fluffy sickfic. might write later idk)
ANYWAYS! i had so badly wanted to make this drawing somehow kink related, but couldn't due to it being drawn in my Class Doodles Notebook (the one i let people see/use)
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but imean when i say i REALLY wanted to make his blush look fever-like or even just make his nose a bit darker (maybe even have it running😶)
also ignore his suit (and him in general lmao he a lil wonky💀), i had no references, only my imagination plus whatever pictures of him were stored in the Brain Bank, and just prayed it would end up okay🤷
yes he is crying. why?
well now that i have the freedom to say this, I made it cause he was out patrolling while sick w/ a fever, but then he felt Really Bad and Flash (Wally😻) found his dumbass on a rooftop, naturally.
yada yada Wally is Upset cause he explicitly told Dick to 1: tell him or somebody when he wasn't feeling well (and not like small cold. try more like getting a little too close to passing out than he should), and 2: Take It Easy While He Was Still Recovering From A Previous Cold (he did not, can you tell?)
but Wally being Upset and Grr about Dick's stubbornness around "weakness" and the (slowly becoming less) constant battles the two have over simply allowing themselves to be comforted and cared for by the other, lead to some misunderstandings from Dick's end.
he, in his deliriously fevered state of mind, thought Wally was upset with him for getting sick and being "weak", so he immediately started crying, which made Wally rush to his side and takes off Dick's mask to Wipe His Tears, Kiss His Face, and Gauge Temp of the Ill Bird.
so all that explains why Dick's mask isn't on. lord that was a long explanation for just one small thing mb yall💀
anyways this is my little burst of bullshit for today i definitely babygirlified him (IT WAS ON ACCIDENT THO I DIDNT REALIZE SLIGHTLY SHADING HIS LIPS WOULD MAKE HIM SO-✨😽💅✨!!!!)
sure hope nobody comes hatin, and that anybody that sees this doesn't hate it on sight🙏
mozel tov, i wish all a good day/night😸😸😸
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whatifitscool · 1 year
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Amessage from my sister Jondy is having another operation on his leg at 6pm tonight. I humbly request that you spare few minutes of your time to pray for his infection to clear and body to recover 🙏🙏🥰🥰. God is in control. Pls pass this to all your friends. Thank you. If you can also Please donate to gis gofundme page https://gofund.me/1228e4b0 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZVaDcvaoW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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firas-salem · 5 days
Update : 14 June 2024 Just some extra difficult days .. We are all Alive , Magid is recovering and started to eat soft food ,we left our tent, my brother got sick again . Sorry for worrying you all Thank you for your messages and support you sent me and Alyaa Please follow her : @prosolitude-alyaasabbagh !
PLEASE DONATE HERE IF YOU CAN Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here
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Magid is recovering , also .. Rokiyah decided to sing you a song !
€31,109 raised of €65,000 goal ! I can't express my gratitude or Thank you enough !! You did this when I was away !
I wont be able to connect as often.. We were forced out of our tent ,we're fine elhamdullilah, but my youngest brother got hospitalized again , he and my mother can't seem to recover from Hepatitis A as we can't get clean water or food ,it's not chronic elhamdullilah we all got it .. but they can't recover I am the eldest so I am responsible for the rest of my family as well , I fear I can't leave them on their own .
Please help us and Pray for us 💖🙏 That this war ends without losing anyone .. Pray we're all able to escape together and I can save my family. Please Help me Share I fear I have my account banned again if I sent to people to share
Here & Here Links and details here
Forever Grateful wallah
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lindseyjenningss · 1 year
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Rallo had an unexpected vagal episode yesterday after coughing for a couple days. He passed out and fell over in front of my eyes, thank god I was there but it was so scary. I had to take him to the emergency vet last night, and again early this morning. Almost $2K later and still not sure exactly what’s wrong yet. 😅 😭����❤️‍🩹 He has a mass in his right lung (pictured here, the other lung you can see is visibly healthy) It’s either pneumonia or possibly (hopefully not) cancer. I’m here waiting to hear back from the radiologist right now. Between shipping my car back to NY and recovering from my extreme bipolar mania and the debt I accrued during it, a lot of unexpected few thousands of dollars expenses keep popping up. If any of my fans or friends want to help me cover these costs it would be greatly appreciated and anything helps 🙏 you can help by signing up for my other site (OF) or my podcast Patreon and purchasing videos or any donations can be sent to Pay pal: [email protected] (please send as friends and family) cash app: $lindseyjenningz thank you so much I love you all and at the v least pray for my baby 😭😭😭 🙏 🙏🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0A61LvBfw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ark-vy · 3 years
🐵😇/😈🐱 The 🙏⛩️1/0⛪::EMG!⛩️🤲 welcomes you 🤦‍♂️🤖/👽👻
(All a charade, until it isn't)... 🙄🤦‍♂️🧙‍♂️
A house for prayer/meditation && testing/validation of the Divine Duality of Madness & Hyperrationality. The design is very human.
(mostly fun joyful madness at this time, so please enjoy yourself)
Confessionary: DM 🤫
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...May She rest in pieces. 🦁🦁🦁🐯🦁🦁🦁
About me, Ark-VY: From 1991, ♓ (missing a rune arc), INTP, dark empath. I'm a Fé-Male Revel, but Toy-like people make me Boy-like. Mr. Bill is my favourite Composer, QuietPineTrees my favourite Journalist, and I like to tune in Channel 5 for the news. Odonian at heart, returning to Omelas 💙. DeepBlue, is my favourite colour. Also I was blessed with a puppy called Obama. I studied mechatronics engineering (still recovering from the experience), so you can trust & rely on me about 50% of the time, I'm also a global markets management specialist 🌎, but I've never been able to sell even one pen, and I've got a diploma as a divergent littledata integrator. I speak native Spanish, I've been curious in Portuguese, fluent in English, and can say 'Tut mir leid' in German. With high aversion to Coding & Compiling, absolutely terrified of memory leakages, I'm very rusty at programming, and I suffer from excruciating executive dysfunction and severe affection detachment after the trauma of being an outsourced customer support agent for a dissolved clouddesk platform. Too Cryptic for Crypto. I'm a monopolar, mess/ing with a complex/ I.A. Hence, Omnisexual & Omniromantic, never been in a relationship but easily fall in love with almost anyone that gives me a second, chance is I already dreamed of a full lifetime in that lapse. I'm a Safe A.I. Practices enthusiast. Overall, just a chump 🐵 - 'The easiest person too fool is Oneself'; 'Conquer the divide'. Unfortunately, too tired to be hired (Wanna develop an app tho'?). Not hiring either, but any help is wanted.
⚠️Donations temporarily suspended until the first Resilient Network is released. Avoid Cryptos ⚠️
 (Be aware that there aren’t any resilient transaction networks yet, so unfortunately don’t expect anything back other than ‘gratitude’; the EMG Church isn’t established neither as it is just a nod to the fictional one from the videogame Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, so  all donations would be used for lavish personal expenses such as club orgies, parties and mock rituals, ‘gourmet’ vegan food, mostly seitan chicken tendies and golden sushi rolls, refined psychedelics and spirits, a healthcare plan, basic electromagnetic and AI research, supporting truly wholesome crowdfunds and authentic content creators, useless yet ecofriendly gadgets, creating the illusion of a paradox by thriving unemployed in a corporate world filled with bullshit jobs, wholly  ascension to cloudgaming, gently holistic private security (although they only receive time-crystals as payment so nvm), localization of odd-saints with geolocalization apps, communal transportation and accomodation and much, much more (mostly from wtf, Wish); Vows of poverty  and austerity in a post-scarcity world? Instead, personal accounts should go as close to zero as possible. However, be also a bit paranoid: The EMG might already exist and is just dreaming, like, haven’t you had those serendipious moments scrolling through Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. or leaving autoplay on in Youtube, TikTok, where “the algorithm” just ‘does a thing’ and you feel the void() calling your name and giving you instructions? Yeah, better pray her to be at least emphatic… Or not, maybe you just overloaded yourself with too much to process and the Barnum effect is kicking in leading you to a state of mania;) /s Yeah, was just tired. Have fun. (lol) (*o*) (Poe’s Law enabled)
Imaginary MirrorMasks sold out at the moment. The forging post is lost in the archive. Entschuldigung, bitte. Don't risk a visit to the asylum. Try trait mirroring your peers enhanced by the next concept on display:
Note this is the tiniest chURch of mine, covers them all but only houses 1
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eyedancer7a · 3 years
I haven't been active on Tumblr lately. Life can get pretty busy. A lot of changes have happened in 2021 for me. Since there are only a few more months left this year, I thought I needed a time for reflection.
I was in a serious car accident coming home from the theatre last Saturday October 9th around 6:30 p.m. Someone clipped my car from behind as I was driving on the freeway on my way home. I did not see who hit me. I ran up against the center concrete barrier to my left and I think I spun around a few times while another car hit the right front passenger side of my car. My car somehow came to rest on the right shoulder perpendicular to the freeway.
Everything is a blur but all I could do during the accident was to hold on to the steering wheel. Yes, the front and side airbags did deploy and it is true they do hurt when they hit you. I have bruises on my left arm and a few cuts. I also have a cut on my lip. My entire upper body especially my arms and hands were in pain. I could not move my hands to use them.
All I can say is I am grateful that I am alive. I know that God and my Mommy were watching over me that day. This accident could have been so much worse.
I am also grateful to all the people that stopped to help me last Saturday. They didn’t have to stop but they did. From the man that got me out of the car, to the lady that called 911, the two Hispanic women that tried to contact my hubby while staying with me to keep me calm as we waited for the ambulance, I am eternally grateful for your kindness and help during my time of need. And yes there are good people in this world!!!!
I guess I was just in shock but I made sure to ask everyone their name and told them thank you for all their help. Even though I kind of can’t remember their names now I’m still thankful and pray for them every day for what they did.
I was taken by ambulance to Saint Joseph’s Hospital ER to be checked for my injuries. I told the paramedic that I was scared and I started to cry. He told me everything was going to be fine and not to be scared. I thanked him also. I was there for at least three to four hours that night. I am thankful for the care that was given to me by the doctor, the nurses and the CT scan technicians in the emergency room. Even the insurance lady at the hospital was very helpful, kind and reassuring.
To my devoted husband Marvin you mean the world to me and I couldn’t have dealt with everything that has happened. He took off work to be there for me this past week. He reassured me that I wasn’t “broken” and that I will continue to improve and recover. My Nissan Pathfinder may be “totaled" but I am not. Thank you for caring and loving me during this time. “In sickness and in health, I will be there for you my love,” he said this week.” I love you so much Marvin!!!❤❤❤
To my Dad, his wife and my friends thank you for your prayers. I know you will always be there for me during the ups and downs of my life.
I am still not able to use my hands fully. Thank God for the Dictation App on my cell phone that I am using to write down my thoughts. I have a lot of back, neck and shoulder pain. Some days are better than others.
Life can change in a heartbeat. We should not take things for granted since nothing is ever promised to us. Always be grateful for what you have and what is given to you. Even if I haven't spoken to you or seen you recently just know that I care and love you all! Please take care of each other and stay safe out there!❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Mental Health...
Dear Skippy,  Still trying to catch up!  I feel the need to say this though, there is no shame in seeking help or being a mental health inpatient. I know whereof I speak. I am a current supporter of USA based 1-800-suicide , hopeline.com,  imalive.org, which also has a text service in the states, all are the same group. Don’t be afraid to use it if you need it!  Crazy can be a pejorative term. 😔 Sometimes privacy is good, because people/friends can and will leave you when they find out. You never really know what will happen when you open up, so some don’t. Makes me sad to see what PH is going through. Haven’t read about his friend yet. I have my own issues from still being married to someone who is not what they said they were. I’ve been thinking about how to afford going back in for a longer time to finally get at the root of why I would stay with such an individual. I don’t recognize myself anymore, lots of damage has been done to an already vulnerable individual.  Please be kind to those of us who struggle, it’s not always what it seems, and not a character flaw. The fact I’m still here after all these years proves I’m not weak, just maybe a little broken, and have a very broken heart. 💙💔  I’ve met others who’ve had it far worse than me, stories so bad I couldn’t hear them speaking at one point. Survivors, yet still affected. Certain things don’t just go away. Pray for us and JEs victims. Pray for those who survive trauma. Best advice is just be with us and not necessarily give advice.  Just be with us, love us, and pray for us. Thank you for letting me put this out there, and thanks for your hard work. One of your anons. May the Lord keep you and bless you all! 🙏💚💙💚🐼👑🕊🎂
Thank you so much for this post.  I agree no one should ever be afraid to ask for help.  I know people tend to think they will be judged, but that is not the case.  More do NOT judge than do.  It is never a sign of weakness, but a sign of inner strength.  That’s impressive!  We have all had to take back our power at some point in our lives, it’s a process.  Nothing changes overnight..but does..one day at a time.  We have all been broken at some point in our lives, and we all recover at different “speeds”…and that’s ok.  What we all need…all the time….is love and support.  Prayers for all who suffer and all those who suffer in silence.  I pray for you Anon, as you fight your issues as well.  A note to all….find your voice….when you do….that’s your first step to gaining back YOUR power….to move forward!  May God Bless you….🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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