#please tell me this entire season won't just be this ugh
sortanonymous · 6 months
Life as a Truex fan these past 22 race weekends
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mmpookie · 9 months
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Also teehee the dots are connecting with mythology again UGH it's so smart with what they pulled off I loved this closing arc for pollux
or I mean castor???
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I'm not stretching right???
Also did they ever clarify what castor's fate of misfortune was? Unless I missed it, it's gotta be referring to his death right? Deffo gonna reread the story for when my arcana twilight withdrawals kick in to reanalyze EVERYTHING bc that will be fun
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I've would also love to shout out how much of Arky's role of guiding us out of the Boundry can be paralleled to the greek god Hermes and what he symbolizes BUT BRO
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Ok so at the end I was like NERVOUS bc there was the chance they could have MAYBE pulled off two different endings depending on whether summoner personally wanted to stay or go back to Mid Earthium- which would have been a cool opportunity that Storytaco could have pulled,, but I guesss instead they did the thing where the choices triggered the same response, but this time in the sense that the rest is left to your imagination:
*you turn around = you stay back at the Boundry with the boys (this is because if you turn around the portal magic thingy won't work)
*or you listen to arcturus = keep walking until you arrive back home (earth)
Personally I chose to turn around bc ,one, the story never really gave me TOO much reason to want to go back home- however it was back there- and two I WAS YELLING THROUGH THE SCREEN NOO I DONT TO LEAVEEE 😭😭 THE WHOLE TIME
Also the voice we hear at the end says
"Can you hear? I have a story I desperately want to tell."
And I?? Can't exactly tell what it means?..OTHER THAN A TEASER FOR MORE CONTENT?? MAYBE PONTENTIALLY?? But if it's actually obviously something else I missed please tell me 😭
Anyways end of lecture:
Pollux and vega ending arc top tier.
Arcturus hmm I wish they didn't gloss over the void arc so quickly 🤔
If they could have fitted it in there I would have loved if they had just a BIT more of a satisfying conclusion for spica and alpheratz yknow? :( just me??
And finally. I can be slow,,, so if there's anyone out there that can explain Sirius's whole spiel with polaris and everything with the time travel.,,,,,,, I really would appreciate it bc I'm still trying to understand 😭
(Story taco if you're reading this please make more story I love these characters too much ☹️)
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shummashum · 6 months
The third romanceable character in S6, Hiro Tachibana! As he is the last character of this season, there'll definitely be secrets that run through the season and the mastermind of everything. I'm looking forward to seeing how the story progresses.
Since neither Zeus nor Klaus had anything that could be called a "backstory," he must inevitably have one… But honestly I have no idea what secrets he's hiding. Still, one thing worth noting is; until now, his expression was either expressionless or lost in thought, except for a few instances. Aaand I'm kinda sure his blank face will be twisted by all kinds of emotions as the story progresses, so I'm really looking forward to that.
Hiro Tachibana Ch1 [1~5]
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uh what's this silence
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uh… guys? guys?? what are you doing now
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eh eh,,, why are you so angry from the beginning,,,,,, I said something about face twisted stuff above but still this is 1-1 you know I just started reading the story you know?!
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um could you please restrain yourself a little seeing you like that makes me feel a little suffocated eh please? shall we try something called calming down take a deep breath take a deep breath
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but well he became unfamiliar the Hiro Tachibana I knew was not the type of guy to show emotions like this hard was he triggered by something or what
Hiro slowly approached Zeus, who made no sign of moving, step by step…
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erm… is this the development of 1-1? uh… harsh he became a twin pop or whatever
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and the scene went black
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and everything went back to normal then what on earth was that 1-1 non-existent memories? or a preview of future?
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When she was about to leave the classroom, a magic note flew into her view and landed in her hand.
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now it's everyday life they're really slaves, aren't they what I said that Prefects are postgrads and professors' slaves was just a joke
Anyway, she met Al and Cae on the way, and asked them if they also had come here after receiving an emergency call.
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oh… that that was mentioned at the end of Klaus' Happy Ending that I'm back blabla
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sword slash… there are many things that come to mind that was existed at the bookshelf that contained the stolen books, and at the case displaying the cameo in the Ministry's library too then does our BBW dude also have the ability to cut through the dimension
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but I got a feeling that BBW won't be the culprit in all the cases from S6 onwards, all routes are sequential… there'll be a separate villain that involved not only S6 but the entire flow of the story, at least I think so I'm not sure though
At that time, Zeus and Hiro appeared.
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they… look fine what was that scene, really?
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no not right hand right foot
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that series of words that blue haired nocturnal idiot used those when introducing himself in the preview
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uh I wanna think about muffin jokes but the only muffin I know is
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this so I can't ugh
well we need to increase your intimacy level! so I'll tell her to bake muffins for you
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he smiles way more often than I thought? well since this much time has passed, those two would have become friends to some extent
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cc-critter · 4 months
My top 10 Anime
I am so glad you asked...
I have watched my fair share of Anime and I wanted to share my Top 10 Anime of all time. Now it is hard to rule out recency bias so I am allowing myself one Anime I have watched recently but beyond that here are the rules I set for myself:
I have to have watched it to completion or to the most current season/episode.
I have to be able to explain the story, characters and "arcs" if they have them
Bonus Points if it is tattooed on me lol
My Top Ten Animes:
10. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
This is my Recency Bias. I think I cried in every episode and I won't apologize. This was one of the best shows I have seen this year and It gave me everything Violet Evergarden had but better. Violet Evergard was in my top ten before this show.
9. Tokyo Revengers
I know that people give this show AND the manga crap but I would jump in front a train (lol) for Ran Haitani and I don't care that his character development is mid. I love his pigtails and would ride them. Thank you
8. Fruits Basket (2001 and 2019 - lets be real)
I stand by the fact that I can fix Yuki. This series has so much depth, GREAT voice acting and the 2019 remake gave me hope that OHSHC may one day get the same level of love it deserves.
7. HoriMiya
The Manga- way better. I am not going to argue that. But this show is stupid cute and I love shows about love. So ya know, sue me. Plus can we talk about how GOOD Miyamura looked with long hair and piercings? Ughhh
6. Ouran High School Host Club
Kyoya Ootori please step on me.
5. Sailor Moon
My first Anime Tattoo and proud. I use to play this as a kid and I would switch between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. If I could go back I would for sure be Sailor Uranus or Neptune... Lets be real
4. Hunter x Hunter (2011)
It is One Piece but Killua is objectively more gangster. It is missing the flair of the entire One Piece Series. Negative points for Hisoka.. Plus ten for Chrollo tho... It is a classic you can't argue with that.
3. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
This is by definition Anime made by Women for Women lol. This walked so JJK could run. Give it the respect it deserves. And oddly enough Frieren bumped it from top anime of all time. Which is insane. Oh and um Mustang I would let you light me up as much as you needed. Thank you.
2. Attack On Titan
lol no. It is such a well thought out universe. I appreciate the story telling. Art is amazing. Levi. Voice acting is out of this world. Just - divine.
1. One Piece
Law. ( I do have a law tattoo hehe) Do I really need to explain? The World building? The portrayal of modern day issues? The women? THE MENNN? The longevity? Ugh amazing. Another fun fact - i walked down the Aisle to "Binks No Sake"
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barkspawn · 2 years
Can you do prompt no 8 with Sebastian please🥺
Hello, hello. Remember I said I couldn't decide between two scenarios? It was for this one. So, since you're an anon, I'll post that one just after this one! :)
As long as people are patient, I'll keep taking requests <3
Amelia had picked up painting in the past few months after finding an old easel and some paintings of her grandfather's. Sebastian had moved in a season and a half ago following their wedding. Robin had offered to upgrade the house as a wedding present, though Sebastian admitted to Amelia that his mom wanted to upgrade it 'so we'd be ready for any additions to the family.'
Amelia had picked up painting in the past few months after finding an old easel and some paintings of her grandfather's. Sebastian had moved in a season and a half ago following their wedding. Robin had offered to upgrade the house as a wedding present, though Sebastian admitted to Amelia that his mom wanted to upgrade it 'so we'd be ready for any additions to the family.'
Amelia and Sebastian talked only briefly about having children. He was not-so-subtly anxious that he'd be a bad father, but Amelia saw that he would make an incredible father. 
He started his frog sanctuary and they had adopted another dog from Zuzu. It wasn't the plan but she saw the look in Sebastian's eyes when he saw the little corgi in the window. She had gone back the next day to surprise him. 
If he held as much love for their pets, she knew that he'd be an incredible father. 
She spent the entirety of last Saturday hiding in the community center bouncing between crying and pacing. She wanted desperately to be excited but she was terrified both of how she would be or how Sebastian would react. 
She had gone to Harvey after being nauseated for the entire week. He didn't seem too concerned until his face paled looking at her results. 
How was she going to tell Sebastian when he expressed how anxious he was? She stared at the little shapes on the sonogram… and she planned. 
She had four days now to get herself together and actually found herself growing excited to be a mother. She had grown a little ravenous recently, both for food and for her husband. Needless to say, he certainly wasn't complaining. 
She stood out beside the house, facing her fields with the easel and canvas in front of her. She really only had black, white, and gray paints, which was all she needed. She had the tiny, glossy sonogram taped to the front, just below the canvas. 
Sebastian walked out to bring her a glass of iced tea for the third time, planning to attempt a peek at the painting. Before he could, she walked around, taking the glass and standing on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. 
"Are you painting the farm?" He smirked, endlessly curious about his wife's newest project. 
"No. And stop guessing!"
"Is it Miso and Loaf?"
She laughed at that, "no, and you know I won't tell, love."
"Is it me?" He smirked, teasing, "am I nude?"
She rolled her eyes and sighed, "no, love. Though maybe next time."
"Ugh," he groaned, pulling her body against his, "am I even close?"
"Not even a little bit."
He gave a small sigh, glancing behind her and considering sneaking around the cabin to peek. She poked his chest, catching on quickly.
"Don't even think about it, Ainsley. It's a surprise."
He laughed and made a show of rolling his eyes, bending to kiss her forehead, "fine, but I miss you, so take a break soon."
She smiled up at him before turning back to return to the canvas, "I'm actually almost done, so I'll be inside in maybe an hour. Or I'll just call you out to show you."
He shot her an incredulous look before turning back toward the house.
She was right: it only took maybe 25 minutes to finish the painting. She stood, sonogram in hand as she compared the two. Honestly, for not having painted in so long, she was proud. She could see and understand each part of the scan. She gave herself a solid 15 minutes to gather her courage and text him to come outside. 
It felt like seconds after she sent it that he was out the door, rubbing his hands together. 
"Alright, Ainsley," he teased, his smile wide. Thankfully, he didn't see her slip the real sonogram into her pocket, "I actually get to see it now?"
She beamed, knowing she'd never get tired of hearing that. She held her hands out for him to take, which he complied with immediately. 
"Close your eyes," she stopped him directly beside the painting, guiding him in front of it once he closed his eyes, "okay, you can look."
Her voice felt too small and she hoped he didn't notice. Their fingers had laced together, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. He opened his eyes, his thumb stilling as he did so. He stared at it for what felt like hours before she squeezed his hand.
"It's an ultrasound, right?"
"Yeah," she paused, "well, a sonogram."
"It's… done really well, love," he tore his eyes from the painting and looked down at her, his eyes undeniably a little panicked, "does… is this… are you saying you want to try to…?"
Her heart sank a little at the low, unsure tone he had. She couldn't stop her eyes from stinging, tears threatening to fall. She wasn't usually someone who cried, so when Sebastian saw that she was tearing up, his panic increased tenfold. She didn't know how to tell him it was her actual sonogram. She didn't know how he didn't know or if he just pretended it was random. 
His eyes widened and he pulled her into a tight hug, "fuck, Amelia, I wasn't saying we can't, I just.. I worry you know?"
Tears had spilled over as he held her, staring at the painting with his head resting on hers, "Yoba, I've never seen you cry and I really don't kn-"
She pulled back and pulled out the actual sonogram, pressing it into his hand. He stared down at it for what felt like hours, focused between the little white blobs and her name at the top. 
Ainsley, Amelia 
Amelia studied his face like there would be a test on his reaction. Finally, his eyes moved from the paper up to her, still wide and definitely panicked. 
"This.. is it real? It's you?"
She bit her lower lip and nodded, all previous confidence she had fading. They just stared at one another for a moment before he looked back down to the sonogram, then up to the painting. 
"You replicated it perfectly," he spoke. His voice was low and a bit shaky. He lifted a shaking hand and pointed to the larger of the white shapes, "is this…?"
"The head."
He exhaled, trailing his hand down to the blob below, "this the body then.."
She nodded, her eyes not leaving his face for a moment. His eyes met hers once more, surprising her with the glaze over his eyes, but more so with the break in his voice, "I'm really gonna be a dad?"
She nodded slowly, startling a bit when he laughed, reaching to wipe tears from her face. He pulled her into a tight embrace before almost immediately pulling back. She could feel his hands shaking as he held her arms  "wait, i.. are you okay? I didn't even ask.."
"You're not upset?" She interjected, her own voice unstable. His hands moved to cup her face in his hands, leaning in so his forehead rested against hers. 
"I'm going to be honest," he sighed, "I'm fucking terrified. But that's not going to change that it's happening. That you and I are having a baby."
It felt weird to say, unusual to even think it was even possible. 
"All I know for certain is how much I love you and the fact that I will love this child more than I even can fathom at this moment."
Amelia couldn't stop herself from kissing him if she tried, his shirt balled up in her fists. He made a surprised noise before melting into the kiss, forcing himself to pull back after a second, much to her dismay. He kept her close as he looked over at the painting again, pointing over to another random white area. 
"What's that?"
She gave a small shrug before he pointed to the other round. White lump before looking at her. The question implied. 
"Seb, Harvey said that.." she paused, trying to find the words that won't freak him out, "he said that it might be another head.." she was practically whispering, "it's too soon to tell. It's pretty much a little bean right now.." 
The sudden flood of emotions left him dizzied. His mouth hung open as he stared. He looked downright terrified. 
"They're beans…?" He asked, knowing the sentence was probably not what she was expecting. 
"I.. yes. Well one app says a bean and another says a grape," she rambled, his eyes falling to her abdomen, still not showing at all, "I'm about nine weeks which would make me due…" she paused, doing quick math in her head, "around your birthday.."
His eyes shot back up to hers, eyebrows raised, as he did some of his own math, his voice quiet, "around the flower dance?"
She paused before laughing, remembering specifically when he was talking about, "maybe? It's not the only time we had sex though around that time.. you moved in like a month and a half before."
He let out a laugh, shaking his head, "well, I'm going to pretend it was then for now," he smiled, a small smirk playing at the edge of his lips, "one of the more memorable times, in my opinion."
She laughed, stepping forward to wrap her arms around his waist and slipping her hands into his back pockets, "I'll say. It's not often we fuck while the entire town is around the corner and could catch us at any moment."
He laughed then, bending to steal a kiss and lingering, "maybe it should be more often."
She pulled back and curled her lip, "Seb,  I'm about 75% sure the wizard was watching," she shuddered dramatically, "the way he looked at us when we came back to the dance freaked me out."
Sebastian laughed again, pausing for a long moment before he spoke again, his voice still timid though his face seemed to be filled with adoration, "so we're gonna be parents? You and me?"
She smirked, reaching up to touch his face, "I sure as hell hope it's you and me. Otherwise, it'd be immaculate conceptio-"
He cut her off with another kiss, deepening it for a long moment before pulling back, taking advantage of her surprise, "don't make fun of me. I just found out I'm going to be a father and I'm a little bit of every emotion right now," he stole one more quick kiss, "surprisingly, I'm really excited more than anything."
Her expression faded into a wide smile, "you're not scared anymore?"
"Don't be silly, I'm terrified," he chuckled, slipping his hand in hers before heading toward the front door, "it's getting cold, we need to get you inside."
She bumped his hip with her own, teasing, "oh, you're gonna be that kind of dad," she smirked, "overprotective of me the whole time?"
"Of course I am," he furrowed his brow, opening the door for her before following her inside, "babies are fragile and your body's working overtime to grow a kid."
She held her hands up in surrender, walking backward toward the bedroom before smiling mischievously, teasing, "does this mean I should start calling you daddy?"
He walked past her, slipping his hand into hers, a sour look on his face. 
"Absolutely not."
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
wired autocomplete interview , andrew garfield
note, this was totally inspired after watching his wired autocomplete interview. questions for the autocomplete interview are in italics. if you're interested in his interview, check out this link. also, haven't seen nwh yet, so please no spoilers!! i'm begging!! pair, andrew garfield x reader summary, y/n and andrew do a wired autocomplete interview together (+ an extra interview at the end). warnings, two curse words (hoing? a curse word?) word count, 3381 words
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(gif not mine)
"Hi, everyone, I'm Y/N Garfield." You waved.
"And I'm Andrew Garfield."
"And today, we're doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview." You let out a breath, "That was a mouthful."
"Good job." Andrew gave you a hi-five.
"Thank you." You laced your hands in front of you, "Have you ever Googled yourself?"
"Of course I have. Have you?"
"Who hasn't?" You joked.
"Sometimes it hurts."
"Sometimes? All the time." You corrected.
Andrew was handed the first board, "Is Y/N Garfield..." You pulled back the first piece of paper.
Is Y/N Garfield married?
You winced, "Are all these questions gonna be about my love life." You sighed, "Yes, I'm married." You nodded.
Is Y/N Garfield alive?
"What?" Andrew laughed.
"Um... I think so." You nodded, "I mean, in my last movie, I did die, but I'm very much alive. I'm glad people are asking Google that question." You laughed.
Is Y/N Garfield in a new show?
"Yay! I am." You clapped your hands. Andrew watched a proud smile on his face, "So, it's not new, but I am joining the cast, and I'm very excited. My kids are really excited too. Everyone stay tuned for The Mandalorian, season 3, I'll be there."
"We're all very excited. The entire Garfield Family is very excited." Andrew leaned up and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
Is Andrew Garfield a nice guy?
You laughed, "I don't know, am I a nice guy?" He looked over at you.
"A great guy." You nodded.
"You decide, man. You decide. I don't know. You tell me. Am I a nice guy? Sometimes. Like, if I'm walking down the street, I'm having a nice day, and you say, "Yo," and I'm like, "Yo." That's nice. But then, sometimes, I'll be like, "I don't want to say yo. I'm tired." Or, like, something just happened that made me sad. I just want to be a person, man. So, yeah. Yes and no." He ranted.
"Perfect." You gave him a thumbs up.
Is Andrew Garfield in "Uptown Funk"?
"I wish."
Is Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man again?
He looked like he was going to say "yes", but stopped himself, "Oh, you almost got me. No. No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. Crying out loud." He hesitated for a long moment, "But I'm really excited to see what they're gonna do with the next movie. Because I just love 'em. And both Sydney and Sebastian are excited to see it."
Is Andrew Garfield alive?
"What do you think? What do you see? What do you feel?" He grabbed the board from you and flipped it.
What's Y/N Garfield doing now?
"Well, right now, I'm here with Wired doing this interview, and I think after this Andrew and I are gonna go get some sandwiches then go home to see the kids."
"Sounds about right." He nodded.
"So, that's what I'm doing. Super glad you all are asking Google these questions."
What has Y/N Garfield been in?
"Oh, geez, I can't think of this off the top of my head." You furrowed your brows as you thought, "Um, a lot of things is what I know. Early on in teenage Y/N's career, she was in an episode of Law and Order and ER. All the basics."
"What movies?" Andrew asked.
"Well, we were in Spider-Man together." You nodded, "A few Hallmark movies that we don't need to talk about. A little movie called Letters to Juliet. Ugh, I feel so bad. I can't answer a question this big on the spot."
He laughed, "If you want to know more, check out her IMDb page."
What happened to Y/N Garfield?
"Geez, that's deep and really philosophical. I can go into heavy detail, but I won't. The short answer is I met a man, and we fell in love and gone were my "hoing" days."
"Hoing days." Andrew burst out laughing, along with the crew.
"What? It's true." You laughed with them.
"Whatever." He shook his head.
What is Y/N Garfield net worth?
"Gonna disregard the improper grammar. The answer is I honestly don't know. Maybe I should Google it." You shrugged.
What color are Y/N Garfield eyes?
"Again, bad grammar." You shook your head, "Do you know what color my eyes are?" You asked, covering your eyes, facing Andrew.
"Of course I do. What kind of husband would I be?" He rolled his eyes, "Their Y/E/C."
"That's a question you should know. If you didn't, I think we would've had some problems."
What is Andrew Garfield's accent?
"This one." He laughed, "It's an English one. I was born in Los Angeles, but I was raised in England. South of England, specifically. Banstead, Surrey. SM7 1DY is my postcode. Or was."
What was Andrew Garfield's first movie?
"Lions for Lambs." A ridiculous first movie to do, because Robert Redford was directing and starring. Next on the call sheet was Meryl Streep. And then after Meryl Streep was Thomas Cruise. And then, after that, it was this little child called Andrew Garfield that had never made a film before. And that's ridiculous." He shook his head.
What was Andrew Garfield nominated for an Oscar?
"That is bad grammar." You noted.
"But it's fine, 'cause it's a search engine. It doesn't have any feelings. Although, maybe the people that created the search engine should have a think about that." He ranted.
You smiled, "I was nominated for an Oscar for a film called "Hacksaw Ridge." I played a character called Desmond Doss. He was a conscientious objector in World War II, in Okinawa. And it's a true story. And he rescued the lives of 75 people off of this death-defying battlefield ridge and lowered them down on a rope."
"It's superhuman. I remember, on day one of the battle scenes of that, I thought, "I'm gonna do all this for real. I'm gonna drag these guys to the end, I'm gonna let 'em down." After the first guy, I literally had to lay down for two hours. It is ridiculous how this guy did it. It was absolutely insane. And he was built, he was as, you know, he was skinnier than me."
What "Harry Potter" movie is Andrew Garfield in?
You both laughed, "I don't know. Pretty sure none. I'm flattered to be considered a Marauder. A fan cast, if you will, of a young Remus Lupin in the Marauders. That's a sweet thought and I appreciate your consideration." He nodded.
What does Andrew Garfield think of Tom Holland?
"I find these questions funny because it's not like there's any animosity between any of them." You laughed.
"Yeah, she's right. I really like him. I think he's a wonderful person. I met him once at the BAFTAs, one year. We had a lovely talk. He was very sweet. He's a Kingston boy. We're neighbors, pretty much. He's from Surrey. And then, you know, as an actor, I just think he's absolutely wonderful. I'm just super grateful that he's the one filling out the suit. I love those films. I think they've just done an incredible job with it."
Does Y/N Garfield have children?
"Yes, I do. Well, we have two." You gestured to you and Andrew, "A son and a daughter. Sebastian is the oldest and Sydney is the youngest."
"And a few dogs," Andrew added.
"Of course, can't forget the dogs."
Does Y/N Garfield sing?
"Yes, I can. Whether or not it's good is up for debate."
"Yes, she can sing. And she's very good at it." Andrew cut in.
"I wouldn't expect an album anytime soon."
Does Y/N Garfield have tattoos?
"Very odd question. No, I don't. I wouldn't be opposed to getting any in the future."
Does Andrew Garfield sing in "tick, tick... BOOM!"?
"So Andrew Garfield does sing in "tick, tick... BOOM!" Yes. Thank you. I worked very, very closely with an amazing vocal coach, Liz Caplan, and all of Lin Manuel Miranda's amazing musical direction team. They enabled me to open my voice up to the point where I could honor Jon's songs and feel confident enough to belt them out, as he always did when he was doing his one-man show and otherwise. So it was a privilege to be able to learn a skill that I've always wanted to attain and do it in service to Jon Larson."
"He actually does have albums out, so go check them out." You joked.
Does Andrew Garfield have social media?
"Not officially, no. I have a couple of creeper accounts." He laughed, "Just to follow news, you know. But, no. I'm far too sensitive to do it myself."
Does Andrew Garfield know how to skate?
Skateboard, yeah. I used to skateboard when I was a kid. That was my first real love, actually, when I was 13, 14, 15. Listening to Rage Against the Machine, the Beastie Boys, with trousers far too big for me, with my butt hanging out."
"And my big claim to skateboarding fame, for anyone who knows about that famous skate spot in the South Bank of London, there's a set of seven steps. And I once kickflipped that set of seven, when I was 15 years old. And then I broke my wrist, dropping, for the first time, on a vert ramp."
Does Andrew Garfield like lasagna?
"I get the reference. And I don't appreciate it." You laughed along with the crew, "No, I love Garfield. And I used to love reading Garfield comics. And I do love lasagna. But it's not related to the cat. But, you know, having that as a reference is good because sometimes, when people ask what my name is for a reservation for a restaurant or something, and I have an accent that's British, and when I'm in America, a lot of the time, people are like, "Huh?" And I'm like, "Oh, Garfield. Like the cat." And they go, "Oh, like the cat. Cute." And I'm like, "Yeah. It is cute."
"Super fun." You flashed the camera a thumbs up.
Where does Y/N Garfield live?
"Um... I sure hope the answer to this question isn't out there on the internet." You laughed nervously.
"Next question." Andrew jumped in quickly, laughing along with you.
Where did Y/N Garfield go to college?
"I went to Boston University. Was super fun. those were my "hoing days." You winked.
Why Andrew Garfield?
"Don't ask me that because I will talk for hours. And I will fall into an existential funk. And I will find my way through it. And I will realize the meaning of life, but I won't be able to express it. And it will be a whole waste of time for you, but not for me. So I don't want to subject you to that."
"I've been subject to many of those long talks."
"She has." He noded.
Where is Andrew Garfield?
"I'm searching. I'm always searching. I'm always trying to figure that out." He spoke.
What is Andrew Garfield?
"What is he?" He laughed, before ripping off the second part of the question.
What is Andrew Garfield phone number?
Everyone in the room burst out laughing, "Wait, I want to follow that bad grammar. If I put an apostrophe s there. What is Andrew Garfield's phone number?" He corrected, then looked back over to the camera with a raised brow, "Come on."
"Are these things really on the internet?" You chuckled.
Y/N Garfield high school
"I went to a high school in the small town I lived in. I don't know if I want to say it on here." You shook your head, "But yeah, 9th-12th grade. Graduated. I was prom queen, somehow was class president, and I graduated in the top 5 of my grade."
"Whoo-hoo!" Andrew cheered.
Y/N Garfield wedding dress
"What about it? I mean that very nicely, I just don't understand this question or statement." You shrugged.
Y/N Garfield husband
"His name is Andrew, he's pretty cool."
"I like to think I'm very cool."
"All right, yes. You're very cool." You corrected.
Y/N Garfield Instagram
"Yeah, I have Instagram. Feel free to follow, yngarfield on Instagram. Plus, there's Andrew content on there." You added.
Andrew Garfield organ movie.
"It sounds like the title of, like, my sex tape or something." Andrew laughed, causing everyone else to laugh, "It's like a bad translation of, like, what my sex tape would be called. It's been translated from, like, another language and it's, like, been printed on a t-shirt."
Once he stopped laughing, he finally got out what he wanted to say, "Andrew Garfield organ movie. I think you're referencing "Never Let Me Go." Which is not a sex tape. And far from it. Switching streams here, it's just an amazing story and I would love for you guys to watch the film."
Andrew Garfield long neck.
"It's true. I am not gonna debate that. It's a reality. I notice it every day. I look in the mirror and I'm like, "Oh, there you are, you long neck bastard." You shook your head with a smile.
Andrew Garfield Justin Timberlake impression.
"I did that on SNL, and I don't know if he enjoyed it. I wish I could be Justin, when I was a kid. I wanted to be able to dance and sing like him. And he brought sexy back. That is no mean feat for one person to do."
"I love Justin. I loved working with him in "The Social Network." And, you know, I had to kind of keep my cool because, you know, I am such a fan. He was so supportive of me during all that filming. He was just such a supportive dude. Like, especially during that laptop smashing scene, he came up to me afterward and he just, I won't say what he said to me, but he was just so lovely."
"And it was like, "I'm gonna remember this moment..." I'm talking about it now. "I'm gonna remember this moment forever because you're someone who I so admire as an artist. And, like, the fact that I grew up listening to your music and now you're telling me I did a good job on something. It's like, damn. That's really special." Those are the special moments that I hope I never take for granted."
Andrew Garfield Ryan Reynolds.
"Oh, I think this is a reference to the kiss. The Golden Globes kiss." You both laughed, "It was a really fun moment. I said to him, "If you win, kiss me instead of Blake, your wife." Because Blake was on the other side. He was like, "Amazing. Let's do it." And then, he was like, "What if, even if I don't win?" I'm like, "Yeah. Let's just kiss."
"So, yeah, that was fun. It was nice to do it. I liked it. Yes, he did get lost in my eyes. I felt it. And then I realized that what we had done was a mistake. Because for me, it was just a prank. Like a fun thing. But obviously, you know, this has happened to me before, where people catch feelings and I don't."
"Maybe just stick to kissing your wives." You joked.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He nodded with a laugh.
How old was Y/N Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man?
"Um... how old am I?" You closed your eyes, rubbing your temples. Andrew laughed, "I was, eh, like 24-25."
"Was it really that long ago?"
"It was." You nodded.
How tall is Y/N Garfield?
How long have Y/N and Andrew Garfield been together?
"Well, we started dating during the second Spider-Man and got married like 5-6 years ago, so all in all, like 7 years."
How tall is Andrew Garfield's feet?
He looked down at his foot, "It's a size 10."
How to get Andrew Garfield hair?
He blew out a breath of air, "Propecia. No, I'm just kidding."
"Don't say that." You hit his arm with the board with a chuckle. He shrugged with an innocent look on his face.
How did Andrew Garfield became famous?
"I don't believe I am famous." He answered.
How old was Andrew Garfield in "Doctor Who"?
"Young. A little whipper snapper. 22, 23."
How long was Andrew Garfield president?
You laughed, "It's John Garfield. John Garfield? No, who was the president?"
"James Garfield." You corrected.
"James Garfield. John Garfield was a great actor. James Garfield. I'm not, I was never president." He laughed.
Does Y/N Garfield have kids in real life?
"What's up with all the relationship and life questions." You laughed, "Yes, I have kids. Next question."
Is Y/N Garfield pregnant?
"No. That seems offensive." You narrowed your eyes, "Why are your questions so much more interesting than mine?"
"I don't know." He shrugged.
What did Andrew Garfield win a Tony for?
"Angels in America." I played the character Prior Walter in the masterpiece that is "Angels in America," by Tony Kushner." He explained.
Does Andrew Garfield do his own stunts?
"When they allow me. And now that I'm a bit older, and my knees are a bit creaky, it's a tricky thing. But, yeah. I love it. Especially with the Spider-Man stuff, I loved it. It was probably my favorite part of that. 'Cause I used to be a gymnast when I was a kid. And it was, like, part of what made me love the character so much. And, yeah, it's so fun. So fun." He nodded.
How many Andrew Garfield movies are there?
"I have no idea." He shrugged, "Not many. I haven't made many movies comparatively to other people, because I'm a picky son of a gun. I'm either called to a film or I'm not. And "tick, tick... BOOM!" is one of those rare ones where I feel very, very called to it."
Andrew Garfield Lin Manuel Miranda.
"tick, tick... BOOM!" is in theaters now. Netflix soon, too. Have a good time with it. I think you will."
"Everyone go watch it."
"We're gonna go now, eat some sandwiches, and watch Frozen for the 300th time. Hope you enjoyed this video." You smiled.
Thanks so much, WIRED." Andrew spoke, "No. Thanks so much, WIRED. Thank you. Thank you."
"My next guest is something of a legend in the Marvel world, playing. Casey McLeod on The Amazing Spider-Man, and here to talk about her new role in The Mandalorian, the series, please welcome Y/N Garfield." Jimmy Fallon annoucned.
The curtain opened, and you stepped out to applause, "Hi." You smiled, walking the short distance from behind the stage to the small table in the middle of the studio.
"Hi, how are you?"
"I'm good, I'm good. And you?"
"Doing all right." He nodded, "Doing even better now that you're here." You laughed, "So, The Mandalorian."
"Yep." You nodded.
"What's it been like?"
"It's a little surreal. I watched Star Wars movies growing up, I watch them with my kids now. It's just all so surreal."
"Your kids, can we talk about them for a second?"
"Of course." You nodded, beaming proudly.
"So, you have two?"
"Yes, two. A boy, Sebastian, and a girl, Sydney."
"Do they know mommy and daddy are big actors?"
"I mean, we've shown them Spider-Man before, but they were both a little confused as to why daddy's kissing someone who wasn't mommy." You laughed along with the audience, "But, yeah I think they're starting to understand what we do and why we leave so often."
"So, they've both seen Spider-Man, what did they think of it?"
"They loved it. Again, confused, but they loved it."
"And that's where you and Andrew met, correct?"
"Yeah, we met on the set." You nodded.
"Speaking of Spider-Man..."
"Oh no." You sighed.
He laughed, "You already know."
"Of course I do." You nodded.
"Are you in No Way Home?"
You stared at him and opened your mouth, "No, I'm not." You shook your head.
He burst out laughing, "Are you sure?"
"What do you mean "Am I sure?" Of course, I'm sure." You laughed.
"Is Andrew in No Way Home?"
"No." You shook your head, "He's not. Neither of us are."
He laughed, shaking his head then looking over to the camera, "When we come back, Y/N and I are gonna play a game of Box of Lies."
okay, i know this was kind of boring, but i hope you enjoyed :)
tagging some friends: @ghostyjosty @2manytabsopen @dvesinthewind @brandtsclarke @joelsfarabees
add yourself to my taglist!
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🐈 Beings Nekoma's Manager 🐈
🦉 Miss Manager dating Akaashi Keiji 🦉
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Nekoma x Female Manager; Akaashi Keiji x Nekoma's Female Manager
How will the cats of Nekoma High react to their precious Manager dating Fukurodani's setter?
Warnings: kissing (is that a warning, idk), floof
A/N: Once again, this is an amazing request from my bestie Karasuno Anon 🤩 Working on Inarizaki's x Manager: Making their Manager Cry this week!
We all knew this day would come eventually
You are honestly just too gorgeous for your own good YN
No matter how hard the cats of Nekoma tried, they couldn't keep the boys at bay
They managed to succeed to keeping you all to themselves until training camp
Season 2 training camp 🙃
It was your first big training camp as team manager 🙌🏻
Ugh you are so prepared YN
You had towels ready, water bottles filled to the brim
You had inflated all of the volleyballs and had the practice jerseys washed and laundered
There was literally nothing stopping you
That is... until you run face first into a certain someone 👀
You were walking back with the basket of freshly laundered practice jerseys
They were even folded!
Look at you go you laundry conqueror 💪🏻
A certain setter to be precise 😌
You happened to round the corner when you met a sudden wall of volleyball player
Someone call Date Tech
"Oh my gosh I'm so very sorry Akaashi!"
Smile at him YN and the mans is already dying inside 😫
He's so confident on the outside but we know how's a blubbering mess on the inside
He's a Sag and we hide it well
"No worries YN! Hey let me help you with those"
Takes the basket from you and walks you back to Nekoma's practice gym
Before you can even reach the gym, Yamamoto and Kuroo come bursting out the doors and run straight into you
Yamamoto growls as Kuroo takes the basket and pulls you by your arm
Like they can smell a boy is in your presence 🙄
Kuroo and Yamamoto have a 7th sense and it's all you YN
Smack him YN
"Oww YN!"
Smile at Akaashi and thank him
I mean the bar is pretty low YN but we appreciate the effort
Drag your two clowns with you
As you walk away, a certain someone watches you with a smirk on his devilish face 😏
The week goes by pretty fast
Akaashi starts hanging around you which means Bokuto hangs around you which in turn means Kuroo hangs around you
Kuroo is so protective its unreal
Seriously just pinch him YN it's ok he deserves it
The last night, Akaashi asks you to go for a walk
You have to sneak out YN
Even then, Fukunaga spots you
He's the most stealthy of the entire team
BUT hear me out, he won't tell anyone he saw you
He's got your back YN 😌
On your walk, Akaashi asks for your phone number and kisses you 🥺🥺
Please it was so romantic 😭😭
Like not a long kiss just a cute little peck
When he walks you back, it's hand in hand 🥰
Thus begins the start of your budding romance with the setter of the powerhouse school known as Fukurodani
You spend most of the summer texting and hanging out
You have to sneak around but not like hard
You do have a life outside the team YN it's ok
Right before the last training camp of summer and the prelims, Akaashi asks you to be exclusive
Ahhhh you bagged a good one YN
He asks you super casually
I think Akaashi is romantic but like he's romantic in a way where he doesn't go over the top
Like maybe he asks you on an outdoor excursion or to the zoo 🥺
Ok definitely the zoo
Anyways, you now have a boyfriend 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
The utter bliss you have is just intoxicating
Nothing can go wrong...
Oh wait? That's right
You are the manager of NEKOMA and dating the setter of FUKURODANI 👀
I do not envy you one bit YN
Good luck 👍🏻
At first, you figure you will just come out with it to the team
Being upfront and honest is always best right?
Not with these crazy boys 🤪
Maybe it's best just to keep the secret a little while longer
I mean what harm can come right?
You tell Akaashi you haven't told the team yet
He does not blame you
When training camp comes along, you are so excited because you get to see Akaashi everyday for an entire week 🥰
He's told everyone except Bokuto because he knows Bokuto has a big mouth
And Bokuto knowing means Kuroo will know as well
You catch him staring at you often and you do the same
Like ogling 🤩
Its freaking adorable
You sneak off when you can to be together
You decide it's best if you don't eat together because it would be a dead giveaway
Thankfully you can practice with him since Kuroo drags you everywhere
One night, you and Akaashi sneak off
Kai, Kenma and Fukunaga are walking back from dinner
They round the corner and see this
You and Akaashi 👉🏻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
You both stop and stare when you see them 😳
Kai 👉🏻😐😀
Fukunaga 👉🏻😳
Kenma 👉🏻😶🤨
Well the jig is up
"Guys please I can explain"
Kenma puts his hand up
"Dont worry YN, your secret is safe with us"
Sigh of relief
Unfortunately for you, the relief last about .02 seconds
Precisely the amount of time it takes Bokuto and Konoha to round the corner
On for the love of God 🤦‍♀️
Good thing you and Akaashi are still in an embrace and holding hands
Thank god you two are subtle 🙄
Bokuto is stunned
Like remember when Hinata did that faint on Fukurodani at Season 2 training camp?
Yeah that kind of stunned 😲
Konoha just shakes his head
Well it was nice while it lasted
Bokuto screams
Literally everyone comes running
Nekoma and Fukurodani mostly
Bokuto can be a bit... dramatic?
Literally Akaashi is just rolling his eyes
When Kuroo, Yamamoto, Lev and Yaku pull up, Kuroo and Yamamoto's eyes immediately lock on your hands
The hand that are currently being held by Akaashi
Brace yourself
"What. Are. You. Doing. Holding. Our. Managers. HANDS?"😤
Please defuse this YN
"Guys knock it off! Akaashi and I are dating. It's ok!"
Did you just say "dating" and "ok" in the same sentence??
Yamamoto faints
Kuroo is seething
Yaku is impressed
Like seriously I think he wants best for you and like as annoying as he thinks Akaashi is, he knows he's nice to you
"TEAM MEETING NOW" Kuroo yells
You just sigh and hug Akaashi giving him a small smile
Kuroo is still glaring at Akaashi as you shove past him
YN is pissed 😡
You storm into the gym and turn around to reem kuroo
Kuroo is ready, he's jealous mad
"YN seriously?? An Owl?? You're a cat! Cats eat owls!"
"No they dont"
Shut up Kenma 😆
Kai and Yaku totally back you up
Kuroo is being unreasonable
Yamamoto is still passed out in the hallway
Everyone left him, he's fine
"I just- we just want what's best for you YN" he stutters
"Oh Kuroo, you know how much I love you guys! Nothing will ever ruin that"
"Yeah I guess so" 🙄😑
"So you're OK with me dating Akaashi? Just know I'm not breaking up with him"
Yaku and Kai 👉🏻👀
Kenma 👉🏻🥱 📱
The rest of the team 👉🏻😰
Kuroo 👉🏻 "fine I guess so but IF HE HURTS YOU.."
Run and give him a huge hug YN 😭
Kuroo instantly softens
The air in the entire gym clears
Whew 😮‍💨
"Wait is Yamamoto ok?"
Jesus YN run to the mans
You need to get the smelling salts
Akaashi's got it covered YN
Yamamoto wakes up and says he had the weirdest dream
You look from Kuroo and Akaashi and smile
He has no clue 🤣
Maybe we should keep it that way 😅
Taglist: @loevngyuno
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luimagines · 3 years
In lieu of what happened yesterday with Wolfie... may I raise you with Bunny Legend?
He despises the form. Why, of all the things he could have been, had to be a bunny? A tiger or even a dog would have been better than that a fluffy, weak... pink mammal! It's not fair that Twilight get a cool one instead of him, which is completely stupid since he is one of the oldest, and far more seasoned in salt of the group. On top of that, how dare he stealing your attention like that!? How is he supposed to make a move if Twilight is always hanging around you as Wolfie? He wants you to be the only one to hear how he feels about you...
...And, maybe, is also because he is terrified of you turning him down, the ache in his heart would be worse than a stab with Twilight watching him get rejected...
But this is why he have been named as the "Veteran" and not something else; he has dealt with a lot of situation before with far less objects at his reach to help him, but he always manages to get through it. He's very cunning and is quick to think on his feet...
...Or at least, almost all of the time he is. Erring is most common when you aren't at your most calm, isn't it?
Legend admits that he acted out of desperation: you had him at his wits end! But it's hard to feel frustrated with himself when you are nuzzling your face on top of his head, little squeaks of happiness and a high pitch voice while you baby talked to him, gussing about his very soft fur and really cute vest. You even called him handsome! You never do that when he is in his human form, you don't even spare him a glance when he rolls his sleeves, making a big of a show of flexing his arms, stretching out and pushing out his chest and arms back, all so you can see how muscular he, too, is. But the only thing you do is oogle at Twilight-- as if he isn't enough of a menace to him-- and that idiot of Mr. Captain when they wrestle together, shirtless. He just wants your pretty eyes on him, those plump lips, cherry from how you are bitting them, shamelessly devouring the two men with your gaze...
...Ugh, just pay attention to him, okay!? He will shower you with all the love and adoration you deserve and more! So please, direct that intensity to him, and only him.
A poke to his furrowed brows broke him out of his mind. Legend cautiously looks up at you. He mentally kicks himself as he is met with your worried eyes, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel any type of negative emotions, so that glint spurred him on rubbing his furred cheek on your free open palm, wanting to change the expression out of your face. It seem to work, you opened your eyes more and even giggled a little before scratching under his chin with two of your fingers.
"Got lost for a second there, buddy?" You whisper. Even if your tone was soft, the vibrations travelled from your chest pressed against the back of his small form engulfing it in a warm and pleasant feeling.
Legend closed his eyes and let all of his weight rest on you, not that you minded, of course. Being the sunshine that you are, you giggled cutely once more and tugged him closer to you, to the point of almost being curled around him. It was a rare sensation; he felt protected for once instead of being the one providing said feeling, he must admit that it was quite comforting, but Legend will forego ever feeling like this again in exchange of you being safe forever, you will always be his priority.
"Hmm..." you pecked his head. "Y'know, you remind me of someone that I like a lot"
His long ears fell flat on either side of his head as his heart stilled.
Like a lot...?
You... already have someone that you hold dear?
You seem to miss how his body grow stiff between your arms as you continued in drowning him in affection. What used to be a delightfull experience, now, it hurts him more than any wound he have ever sustained in his life, more than any burn from fire lizards or the cold, prickly bite of exhaustion of his tired body as he dragged himself through every and more corners of Hyrule.
Your hands played with the small tuff of fur on his head, but Legend's mind was far too gone to properly feel the touch. In its place, his heart dropped and shattered, somehow still beating as he felt the fastening Thumping in his stomach. How foolish and naive of him, to ever believe that he got an opportunity with you. Even the people that you two are travelling with can barely stand him, and they are supposed to be the same person.
Is he really that despicable?
"It's actually funny."
Funny how stupid he is, isn't he?
"He came back a few nights ago, very upset."
Well, that guy clearly doesn't now a thing about suffering. He isn't the one getting his heart demolish while in the arms of the love of his life like him.
You pinched the tip of his left ear and softly lifted it up. "He came back with his hair the same shade of pink that you have! In my opinion" you lean down a Little, as if you were about to share a secret "He looks very cute like that. A shame He will never let me say that to his face..."
Pink? Like the rose tinted glasses he have been wearing all this time-- Uh? Hair?
Are you... Please, don't give him hope like that. He can't take another loss in his life, because if you don't mean it, he would be devastated for good.
He felt your body shifting a little before you let go of him to instead hook your hands under his armpits, slowly lifting him up then turning around his body so now the two of you can be face to face. His tiny nose twitched as you leaned in a poked the tip of your own nose to his pink one, rubbing a little before you leaned back again. Legend layed his pawns on top of your chest, eagerly following your movements when he saw you opening your mouth to continue, he didn't want to miss anything that you are about to say:
"He is a big dork, with an even bigger ego. Very handsome too and... Ugh, Legend, why you have to be such a cactus all the time?" You finished with a tinge of frustration in your voice.
In a normal scenario, he would have argued about that last statement, but he couldn't because of two good reasons: one, he is still in his dark world form, it would be very weird if this bunny you found in the Forrest acted as if it was personally insulted by your words. And second...
You actually like him.
Him, With all of his flaws and bad attitude, you still found and assigned a space in your heart for only him, Legend.
Just as how down he got, his spirit raised up again with vigor, his heart soared from the dark pit of grief that held it a couple of minutes ago taking its rightful place at the peak of the shrine dedicated to your whole being. He didn't even noticed that his skin was ice cold until a burst of heat shot from his feet to the tip of his ears that acted as a catalyst as he threw himself towards your chest, his body felt light as a feathe, he tried his best to fight off the desire to laugh or shout out this waves of overwhelming energies.
Oh, how your chuckles were like the tunes from the most rich instrument in the entire universe being played by the goddesses themselves, more revitalizing than any potion or fairy pond.
"Do you think I should say something, buddy?" You returned his hug.
Legend furiously nodded his head, not think if it will appear weird that he could understand you. You squeezed the tiny bunny between your arms before putting him at arms length:
"Thank you, buddy. Somehow, now I have the confidence to talk to that prickly bitch--"
...Uh oh.
Even the common noises of the Forrest fell silent at his outburst.
Legend didn't had a second to try and amend his mistake as, suddenly, his vision was thrown into a spiral; everything looked blurry and the wind on his fur was a clear indicator of how hard you launched him away from you. He felt slightly proud at you quick reaction time but...
...No amount of fur can soften the crash on the hard forrest floor, just his luck that he didn't fell on the conveniently batch of dry leaves right beside him. It hurt, not as how bad his heart was hurting, but painful nonetheless.
He just really hopes you won't tell the group about the weird, pink bunny that can talk, or else he won't ever heard the end of it from Sky and Twilight.
AND IT'S DONE CKSKFJEJCUC IT TOOK ME A LOT OF TIME JUST TO SAY "Legend tried to pull a Twilight and got yeeted out of existence"
I think that Legend has self esteem problems! With what happened in A Link to the past, it's hard to overcome a whole nation hating your guts when you only wanted to help.
You really just said "If no one will provide me with Legend simpage, I'll do it myself"
I'm grinning so much right now. I ended up biting my lip a bit harder than I intended to because I almost screamed at the end when he finally spoke up.
The whole time I was like "But Legend can speak? Why is that not- Oh that's why."
Also, describing how Legend tries to peacock as he stretches to catch the Reader's attention *chef's kiss*.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Gang of Secrets!
I'm very late today at writing this because life ;-; You know it's a bigger episode when they start off with a problem. Ladybug doesn't want to detransform so she's desperate to find reasons to remain Ladybug. I love how the entire time, Chat Noir knows something's wrong and wants to get her to talk about what it is, but she just tries to pretend she's fine. If anything, Chat Noir would probably be the best person to talk to considering everything he's dealt with too both with Kagami and his responsibility as Chat! She could mention that she was seeing someone but they broke up because of her secret, and she could tell him how much being the Guardian's having an affect on her. All perfectly well and good without exposing any identities or things like that with questions for details asked. Instead she puts up a front with him and pretends she's okay in front of him and it's just so sad. :/ I understand why she doesn't, probably because she doesn't want him to know how much she's struggling. But ugh my heart hurts for her. Chat: I know where we can go where we won't have to talk! Ladybug: Yes, take me there Chat! *in the theater* Ladybug: You lead me into a trap. I MEAN HE'S NOT WRONG THOUGH! Not many places you can go where it's okay or encouraged to not talk without there being an awkward silence. But that cracked me UP. Also that casual attempt to wrap his arm around her lolol still hasn't give up, I see. I also find it simultaneously hilarious and extremely depressing that Ladybug's ranting like that in the theater because of a romance movie. When your heart is broken, that's probably the last thing you want to be doing. And Chat Noir yanking her down asking that she be quiet 😂 Literally just rants her entire love life out for everyone including Chat to hear in that theater. CHAT NOIR, YOU BETTER BE LISTENING BECAUSE SHE'S TALKING ABOUT ADRIEN HERE "She takes a long time to tell him and stutters and blah blah blah" lol sound familiar, sunshine? If anything please have him recall this later and be like, wait, didn't Ladybug say girls stutter around a guy when she likes him? BAM. Then he's off on his path towards Marinette. I can dream. Ladybug: And how do you know if he loves her? IMPOSSIBLE. Adrien: No, Marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me. *eyetwitch* But at the end of the day. This is Marinette ranting to Adrien about how she had to give up on Adrien and then couldn't make things work with Luka because of her secret. Ooof. And poor Chat having to apologize for everyone because Ladybug's disturbing them XDD THE GIRL SAVES EVERYBODY'S LIVES PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY AND THEY'RE PISSED SHE'S RUINING A MOVIE THEY CAN JUST REWATCH? 😂 She's clearly having a hard time right now, c'mon people! Chat can tell she has a broken heart. This boy is so sweet. He wants her to at least admit that and talk about it so she can feel better but you know, Ladybug's stubborn. I WANT TO GO SWIMMING LET'S GO SWIMMING CHAT, WOO HOOOOOO! Ladybug acting like Chat to hide her pain just like how Chat acts like Chat to hide his pain. YOU KNOW WHAT, IT'S FINE. :') It doesn't matter how much pain she's dealing with, those pictures mean too much to her to remove them. x3 Thanks Juleka for showing us how sad Luka is now, that's very helpful. Marinette's been going into the bathroom at school to cry, and then had planned stupid looking glasses to hide her tears so people wouldn't have to know she's cried because wearing a ridiculous pair of glasses that's embarrassing is better than being asked what's wrong. Because the pain I feel for her wasn't already enough. Ugh I adore Trixx. Trixx being the voice of reason when Tikki's not there, trying to help and letting her know that Tikki may need to rest too when she's so upset it doesn't cross her mind. And the tears in her eyes when she apologizes to Tikki for not thinking of her like she should. ;-; SO MUCH PAIN. OH DANG Alya was literally a second away from seeing a detransforming Marinette lol But she did say DETRANSFORMATION or well in the English dub it'll be "Spots
off" I love Rose, she's really sweet. and considerate But she also shouldn't be touching things in others rooms like that. I never liked it when my friends went around my room touching stuff. Also didn't help that a couple of them stole from me... but it's just not a cool thing to do. Would've probably ended up much better had she not had to desperately hide an exposed Miracle Box. But then we wouldn't have had what happens so it's all good c: Marinette saying she doesn't want to be friends with the girls anymore
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It hit Alya deep. Everyone else is like *le gasp* but her eyes all shrunken like that, you can tell it really got to her hard.
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This entire exchange right here. Alya's glance at her in the first picture is piercing, like I can feel that OOF feeling in my chest when I see it. The new music dramatizes it so well that a lot of people probably didn't pay attention to it the first time around. Can we just appreciate how these animators got all these emotions so right and did such a good job animating everything for us? And those that work on the music too? Everything's so spot on. Marinette's red-rimmed eyes is so well done. "No, it can't end like this!" Awww Alix getting super upset too x3 I honestly think Alix could be the next one.... you know what I mean BUT I'll wait until the end to talk about it. Trixx pulling a Plagg and rescuing Marinette! x3 I seriously love Trixx, I really do. I know the other Kwami's got mad, but if he hadn't done that it would've been disaster, probably. And the episode wouldn't have ended how it did! And Plagg knowing it was Trixx who caused the Eiffel Tower to be all weird xD Why do I get the feeling the relationship between Trixx and Plagg would be like that of Chat Noir and Rena Rouge? And I want to point out, we got 7 whole seconds of Adrien again! Aren't we lucky? The last time we got so little of Adrien in an episode was when we had his parallel episode Lies. I don't think that'll happen this time but I do hope it means more Adrien later on. Ladybug: They're after Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chat Noir: Okay but remember everybody likes her (so don't go thinking she's a bad person for causing their akumatizations) Yes, I read between the lines. Ladybug being able to get through to Lady Wifi and have her deakumatize herself was absolutely amazing! I know Chloe was the first to fight off being akumatized but once you're akumatized it's obviously extremely hard to break. That says a lot about Alya. "Because you're an incredible friend, Ladybug." One, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Two, did you notice the little jerk of her head, gesturing to Ladybug like that when she said it?? It's the little details guys that make this so good. 😍 "Chat Noir, nooooo!" Guys, we got our tiny little Marichat scene! It's not actually real, but still! (okay but why do I also get this really weird feeling like something like this may end up being real later?) Alya giving Ladybug that hug 😭 Marinette has such good, supportive friends. I love them all. x.x YES THANK YOU. Alya's finally realizing there are more things going on with her than just boys. One of the things that's always irked me since Chameleon is that any issue Marinette has, be it with Lila or otherwise, she always assumes it has to do with Adrien. Of course, at the time she didn't know she was Ladybug but she should've still listened and realized there's something else up. But now she finally is noticing and I love how she was going to respect her regardless and not push. Pushing has always been one of Alya's characteristics, but she knew whatever it was was something too big and serious to push her on. "Marinette, I'm your best friend, and I always will be." 😭😭😭 This episode brought me so close to tears so many times. Marinette admitting she's keeping secrets, lying to everyone. Admitting that that's why she draws a line between her and Adrien, and why her and Luka didn't work out. Alya saying however heavy it is, they'll carry it together (MY HEART) And then Marinette saying "If I tell you, things between us will never be the same. It's going to destroy everything, change it all." It sounds like this girl is thinking about Chat Blanc and oop there's the sound of my heart breaking again. So much paaaain. "Je suis Ladybug." YESSSSSSS Why they had to leave it off on a cliffhanger But YESSSSSSS First, the expressions she had flash on her face, the gasp 😮, then the expression like she's trying to get her mind to process. Then if you notice, Marinette gives a little nod, as if letting her know that it's true. Then the way her eyebrows furrow and pulls her into the hug as she understands all that she has on her shoulders as that music plays. I'm getting
emotional just writing this. 😭 This episode is just so amazingly good in so many ways, I don't think I can actually cover it all. I'm very impressed. I've loved nearly every episode this show has put out, even those that a lot of people seem to hate. But this one, I don't see how this could actually be hated if you're trying to think of everything that happened from Marinette's point of view, her thoughts, feelings, struggles, depression. I will say, personally I hoped Chat Noir would learn who Ladybug is first. He's been such a good partner, very thoughtful, always putting his life on the line. He's also been dealing with a lot of the same struggles. I felt like he deserved to know first. However, this isn't about who deserves what, it's about what Marinette needs. It's not that she doesn't want to tell him who she is! Don't misunderstand. There are many times throughout the past 3 seasons where she wants to or regrets not being able to. But now, Chat Blanc's in her mind. She knows what could happen if she tells him with Hawk Moth still there, so she can't do it. So instead, she tries to pretend in front of him that she's fine even though talking to him about everything would help and fix so much. In her mind, that's not an option. I just hope that when he finds out she told someone else first, he doesn't think that she doesn't trust him enough to tell him. Next I thought maybe Alix. That way it'd be more understandable to Chat that she'd know, after all future Bunnyx clearly knows and said to Ladybug that she chose her because she's capable of keeping secrets (notice how Alya said that to Ladybug in the alley? I bet Alix will find out in the near future. Maybe not this season, but she'll find out.) But that's for another time. But now Alya knows! Her best friend, the one to have her back and will no doubt have it even more so now! Watch out, Lila. Alya doesn't hold back so I can imagine how vicious she could be to her (and I can't wait). And that brings up a very interesting thought. Alya will realize Adrien has been the only one to have her back in Lila situations. Why would he do that, hmm? When everyone else was so sure Lila's an angel and Marinette must be bad for saying anything negative about her. Journalist Alya, incoming! There's also the matters of Alya bringing up Marinette's feelings for Chat Noir because duh, everybody can see how much she loves him! There are even photos of them kissing, one of which happened in front of Alya's own eyes! Though affected by an akuma, they all know that kiss didn't happen because of it. And of course, Alya has brought up twice in the show so far that Adrien and Chat Noir could be the same person. And last time Alya said that neither of them could be Ladybug and Chat Noir. Except, she's now found out that Marinette is Ladybug. So maybe Adrien could after all be Chat Noir. I look forward to seeing how their new dynamic is. I wonder how this affects their relationship with the other girls. And I'm most curious about how Nino and Adrien may react to this change. I thought during Truth and Lies both that their best friends were going to find out about their breakups. Gang of Secrets was Alya finding out. Even though I feel like another parallel episode is just wishful thinking, I can't help but think it may be a possibility. Nino and the boys are going to wonder what's up with Adrien too. They're going to wonder why he's not with Kagami anymore so suddenly. So what if i the end, Chat Noir ends up telling Nino? I could see it, if this takes place shortly after Gang of Secrets, where she tells Chat that she's confided her identity in a very close friend and somehow they agree that he can tell someone too that he trusts to make it fair. It'd be an amazing way to exercise Ladybug's trust in Chat Noir too. Then we'd have both Alya and Nino in on it, keeping their best friend's secrets for them without knowing about the other one. Oh that'd be so beautiful! And also let them keep their Miraculouses too after the charms are given to them and Alya has the ability to break
free after being akumatized. I adore Rena and Carapace so much I'd be ecstatic if they kept them. 😭 Anyway, so much potential can come out of this episode and I honestly cannot wait until episode 4!!
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bamboobrat · 3 years
succession s3 e4 recap: no fine wines in prison 3/3
ugh, ok... me not enjoying this episode very much might just be proof that i am watching this show for the pretty milfs first and the plot second, but you know what... call me out for it all you want. i wanted more gerri. i wanted more karolina. hell, i wanted more shiv where she wasn't being treated like absolute shite the entire time.
i am shameless (not really) and i am not sorry (really).
also, in this episode they just walk and talk and walk and walk and walk and walk... what is this, an aaron sorkin project?!
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covid ruined my love for walks. i hate them now.
karl is trying to eat his lunch in peace and shiv interrupts, which makes foodie-karl very, very upset!!
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love the whole foodie arc that karl has got going on. much better than the whole brothel thing.
tom is becoming increasingly more stressed out about the prospect of going to prison, because, as the title of this recap indicates, THERE ARE NO FINE WINES IN PRISON.
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and what if he forgets to burp the toilet wine, what then, shiv????
logan tells adrien brody that kendall is a good kid. they share a long moment of silence once again. i'm convinced that although logan is incredibly manipulative and terrible, he actually thinks he is not and he thinks he loves his kids.
this episode is for brian and matty to also throw their lil hats in the ring for emmy noms. i'm so excited for award season, the best season of them all.
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logan seems to enjoy walks just as much as i do (he doesn't) and has a wee episode. part of me was convinced he was going to have a heart attack and we were all going to end up back at the hospital as if this was some kind of succession hedgehog day, but no... it was just the sun (or.... dare i say, the son).
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shiv threatens the nazi, which we can all enjoy, pointing out that the roy family has no shame, really.
look at this tucker carlson-like mf.
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roman stops by gerri's office to ask if she fucked laurie during lunch. they decide not to publish the face tattoo pictures and keep it as their little secret.
i am instantly reminded of what i always want to tweet, but won't because, unlike the roys and contrary to some people's beliefs, i do actually have some shame left in me: i want gerri to murder my v.....
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shiv's threats worked and ravenhead is going off on the president on ATN. this brings us to the happiest i've ever seen logan ever:
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LOOK. AT. IT. happy grandpa times.
kendall finds out that adrien brody is not on his side after all and has decided to go with....
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but honestly, this little clip is not enough for me. you tell me arian moayed is guest starring in this episode and THAT'S IT?!
ken is sad to see his boyf hooking up w someone else.
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i'm sick of the episodes ending on his sad face. give me something else please.
predictions for next week: so, we know the annual shareholder meeting is happening... and we know gerri is wearing red. i guess i don't care about anyone else at this point (SUCCESSION WRITERS GIVING US SCRAPS) so i'm just going to predict and put into the universe that this will be a heavy roman x gerri episode. c'est tout.
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anonil88 · 4 years
Wandavision Ep. 9 (series finale) liveblog
Obviously there are spoilers below read at your own wishes im including a gif to give you more time to scroll away
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The picture is the family together in fight stance omg omg let me hit play
We back right where we left off.
Yea she wants to absorb your power sis, nah fuck that Agatha you can fuck right off.
I can see the cgi in the window and car.
Oh fuck this white mother fucker. Vision please come save your wife. Ayyy my guy!
I mean is he her ex? Or just her exes body.
Multi boss battle time!
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This has to be Peter from X-men just being manipulated.
Wanda really did create an entire man the only thing missing is the body.
Um we are missing a few scenes here. When did they capture Jimmy?
You handcuffed a magician? Stupid.
Cliff? Who's that?
So they are about to have a boss battle amongst civilians lmfao. They probably won't even notice what's happening.
On the nose entry of the Darkhold.
It's not her destiny to destroy the world at all. Even in the comics she fights and fights that destiny time and time again.
Oh no, angry puppets. Run Wanda run!
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Mrs? Ralph is that you?
Oh it is Ralph they casted Evan Peters to tease us all about x-men im guessing.
That is fucked up to tease us with that.... I'm just saying that is fucked up.
She doesn't even know how she has done this, she really thought she was doing the right thing.
Ugh this feels like when grief gets overwhelming.
No WANDA NOOO, oh shit she really doesn't know how to control it fully at all.
Get out everyone get out!
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Wtf is Agatha planning?
Oh no Vis! His soul, if only he gets closer to her.
No the boys....if only she could find a way to tether them to her and not the world she created.
She is going to try and suck wanda dry oh my lord.
Haha family stance too cute. A family that fights together, stays together? Maybe.
Ooo are together gonna fuse?
She is a hero and learning very very fast.
Ayyy boys
Monica lets goo! Take that Hayward.
Hayward is an entire bitch. Fuck him.
Oh they are gonna have a logic battle or a battle of the brains. Exactly you are both vision now kith.
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Who will this new vision be? Not quite how I expected it to happen with an awakening but yay, the rebirth of vision!
But, will he stay alive at the end of this? This new vision not Wanda's remade husband.
Let's go red wiggly woos and nightmares. Destroy you with your worst fears or your regrets.
A witchhunt really?
No wanda not like this. Agatha is a liar and has shown that why would you trust her?
We all thought vision would die but what if it's Wanda? Oh no.
Me to Agatha Harkness:
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Oh? Did she unknowingly cast another spell?
Ah ha that's why she was hitting the barrier so wanda is a visual learner.
I hope she gets that Darkhold book and reads it.
She is writing her own damn story. I know that's right.
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Ngl you can see they ran out if cgi budget this episode BUT I love this cute redone style of the comic book outfit. The new ones not the old ones.
Also she doesn't need you, she has a guy named Dr. Strange that she can call.
Awe this is so sweet but I know that this will end. I love that we see her vision and her boys happy all together because we do not get to see that in the comics really like all at the same time.
They are now friends in the comics that share kids, yaknow divorced parents that stay friends but can't make a relationship work.
At least for a couple moments we get a happy power family in house 2800, that get some last sweet beautiful moments.
They will live forever in her heart.....and cough eventually reincarnated cough. Their sound are very real.
I hope she saves that photo at least.
She healed and found out more about herself and who she loved, thats beautiful.
So he's not gonna tell her that he gave her vision the other back?
Awwww they are so in love and marvel doesn't even let them be happy in the comics.
I mean you literally will say hello again his body with his memories is flying outside right now.
Aww vision.
Emo wanda has returned in aesthetic. Starts playing BMTH or PTV
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She's like I'm sorry, oh and she said it.
Oooo with the hood and cape on yesss. She is pretty much a rejected member of society and "herodom" now who runs off to discover herself after a really fucked up situation and then a messy engagement similar to comics. Kind of like how Peter is set up to be in the mid credit scene at the end of far from home.
Wanda really said:
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Midcredit scene reaction!!
Is Jimmy gonna be director?
Yes a skrull! Talos heard? How? Yay Monica is going to space like she always wanted!!
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Thats the lake from the other movie right? Uh all these wait is Thor around? Oh wonderful I love this oh yes give me Wanda educating herself with this book. And she has learned sustained working projections without creating another hex, I love that for her. Two places at once. WE GOING TO THE MULTIVERSE, which i don't think she will be a villain for.
For a finale this was just okay like not great but good enough to pass because after all this is Marvel not Starz or HBO (GOT aside). I understand now why the executive or was it director said this would be a dissapointment. A lot of people had so many theories running but even with my own theories i haven't been conflating them as definites. The only one i did was Monica's scientist and now Pietro being just Ralph revealed. After seeing last weeks episode I just said imma just fully enjoy this last episode and didn't pay mind to many of the new theories.
Anyways I'm not super disappointed this was just an okay finale. So was Legends of Tomorrow's last season finale which I still found some enjoyment in. But, I'm not as excited for Falcon and the Winter Soldier because I can tell from this episode we are going back into movie marvel action with little depth.
I really enjoy the non-officially but official MCU shows like Jessica Jones or Agents of Shield because they often do both. The depth and the action which this show did with a much larger budget. I get there are probably plot holes in this episode for time or filming restriction reasons but still like dang it. Well this has been fun thanks for whoever reads these haha.
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floralovebot · 3 years
Ugh I hate the angry black woman trope so much especially on Aisha. I mean a black character can be angry, have emotions you know, I won't deny it. But Aisha isn't one of them. In later seasons rainbow ruined her character and make her literally gym addict angry girl. I mean why doesn't she can be competitive and passionate about sports without scolding people around her when people doesn't do some move or something. It is not too hard to write the girl we loved before. (I'm talking about world of winx disaster. Aside from whitewashing which is a real damage to her, wow didn't give her real personality and fantom decided to embraced her as she is in wow not the whole show.)
Exactly!!! I think the later seasons are slightly better than wow just because she was able to retain parts of her original personality and they didn't go as hard on certain stereotypes,, but jesus christ wow was such a fucking shit show. i remember when it came out and people in the fandom seemed to only want to talk about the whitewashing and nothing else. and when fans did talk about aisha's personality, it was always in the All Of Them way yknow? like people rarely ever talked about Aisha specifically and how racist her portrayal was, it was always "all of them have different personalities".
GOD i could write an entire essay about Aisha's wow personality because dude. they literally used every single racist stereotype about black women they could think of. oh she's super sporty and more into "manly" athletics? and she doesn't talk to the other winx about their interests only about her sports? also she's super angry all the time and takes it out on everyone around her? Oh And she's super stubborn and doesn't know how to compromise with anyone? And she hates the random white man and everyone else is pointing it out and telling her to knock it off? And she has patience issues and the big Moral Lesson she has to learn is about not being irrational? yeah yeah yeah i mean gosh please tell me more 🙄
every time i get upset about wow aisha i think about s2 aisha when she was teaching other students a dance routine 🥺 and she was being so friendly and supportive and she was just happy to be around other people and allowed to do what she wants. or when people insist on Aisha Hates Stella, i think about how they have so much in common and how often they would bond over being princesses and the hardships that brought them 🥺 or when people say aisha is only close to musa/flora, i think about how literally every single one of them refused to let her go to andros alone when valtor was attacking 🥺 and when people harp on aisha Hating Men and Being Independent, i think about how sky was one of the first people she bonded with and how she genuinely enjoys hanging with the specialists 🥺
idk.. aisha is just such a wonderful and varied character. like even if she isn't your favorite, there's no reason why people should think she's the most boring winx or why no one thinks about her plot lines. there's no reason why posts about her constantly get less notes than other (white) characters or why white fans think she's one dimensional. i see it all the time! art and gifsets and graphics and fanfics.. every time i Do see a post about aisha, it consistently gets less attention from the fandom. or content creators won't even make anything about her in the first place. and then when anyone brings it up it's always "oh i like her, she's just not my favorite!" and "i have a hard time relating to her" "i just don't remember anything about her despite her being a main character since s2 and having multiple plots dedicated to her"
white fans consistently sideline characters of color, especially black women, in fandom and when anyone (literally just us poc 🙄) tries to speak about it, it's just a constant stream of "it's not about race" "you guys are always so negative" "why are you accusing people of being racist" "i'm not racist i just dont like *insert every single character of color in a franchise". it's very telling.
#wow was such a disappointment#and its worse because despite the racism most people still like it. including me!#like. for what it was. it was Decent. and it was something that held us over until s8 came out#(before we knew what s8 would be like 🙄)#and the story and overall aesthetic of wow were actually Not That Bad#i would have Loved to see wow in a more authentic and Not Racist way#if they had took the time to idk. Not Be Racist. i honestly think it wouldve been amazing#i genuinely like wow more than most of the later seasons#and i think the whole. it didnt make enough money and thats why it was cancelled thing. couldve been avoided if they. Werent Racist.#it was super bumming to see the winx club fandom constantly supporting it then too#and we would always shout. watch it on a different site. dont watch on netflix. dont give them views.#dont say you cant stand whitewashing and racism and then go directly support racist dribble.#and obviously most people didnt listen and now the same thing is being repeated with fate#there's just.. never enough outcry from white fans#and its So Funny to me whenever they do the 'i just dont have the energy to talk about it oh its so draining' thing cause#they literally can only think about themselves when they say that#they have the privilege of being able to Not think or be affected by racism#so when they take breaks or ignore whats happening its like. yeah. yeah You can do that.#but not us? never us. we're never allowed to just. Not Think About Racism. its so ingrained in society and it affects us everywhere#including fandom! white people just dont understand how draining it is for us#fandom is supposed to be an escape. a place where people who like the same thing can come together and enjoy it together#hard to do that when youre constantly seeing racism from every corner. harder when white fans constantly ignore it#...... *BIG SIGH*#oof man anon im kind of glad youre here cause ive been wanting to talk about this for Years#glad to know Someone else cares about her 🥺#big sad today#anon! if you see this! tell me whats your favorite thing about aisha 🥺#i need some Good Vibes and id like to think about Her happily rn#personally! something that i think is super underrated about aisha is how intelligent she is#answered
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [obviously it's actually ages later so she clearly isn't coming back but it's also enough time that we can pretend we're fine and joke about it and that she might not reply until even later cos christmas so we feel safe to just be like nbd lol] Jimmy: *g2g Jimmy: or piss off would've worked an' all Jimmy: far as a christmas classic goes Janis: yeah, they was up Janis: you know how it goes from there Janis: didn't reckon comparing notes was gonna be any more thrilling than living it, yeah? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [a picture of Bobby timestamped to show how early he actually was up like yep] Janis: Ouch Janis: how buzzing was he then Janis: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 scale Jimmy: off it Janis: 👍 Jimmy: Where was his best mate on the scale? Janis: pretty solid and manic 😆 Janis: bit of a wobble when she had to eat her lunch and stop playing with all the shit she got Janis: but what's 😂 without some 😭 Jimmy: #same obvs Jimmy: might just be Ian's cooking making me 😭 though Janis: I'll let her know Janis: feel well reassured and #seen Janis: Sharon didn't show? Jimmy: I know, mate we're all 💔 by her empty chair Jimmy: my mum neither, funnily enough Jimmy: pisstaking lack of miracles about Janis: We did see Jesus and Santa out on it so Janis: lads aren't on top form Jimmy: if he hadn't drank the 🥛 she might've appeared, needing a bit for her ☕ Jimmy: SUCH a selfish dickhead Janis: spin the trope on it's head Janis: clever Janis: could've been picking up more 🚬 too Jimmy: she left them behind, as NYE resolutions go 🚭 is a bit cliche but Jimmy: you crack on, Debbie Janis: far as parting gifts go Janis: so so at best Jimmy: Dunno I were chuffed with it Janis: of course, birth of 😎 boy Jimmy: weren't like I could follow in her footsteps out the door Jimmy: piss poor #originstory that Jimmy: have to fake it Janis: #relatable Jimmy: Duh Jimmy: when ain't we on the same page? Janis: have to 🤞 they'd never put this shit to paper Janis: poorly written fanfic and a netflix original that tanks, fine Jimmy: what could be more #goals? Jimmy: ✔✔ Janis: nothing, obviously Jimmy: 🖋🩸 it is then Janis: can sell my soul no problem Janis: good luck cashing that one in boys Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: any organs going Jimmy: won't be doing receipts, goes without saying Janis: careful how you word that one Janis: get a bit #metoo Jimmy: open to a bit of castration, since you asked Janis: Christmas does remind you of why not to have kids, right Jimmy: if nowt else Jimmy: can't all be Libis 💔 Janis: if you wanna chat to her form an orderly queue behind your brother, like Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: 2nd choice AGAIN Janis: who else put you 🥈? Jimmy: who HASN'T, babes 😭😭😭 Janis: oh, always the bridesmaid Janis: very you Jimmy: bit weird in this context, don't reckon we can marry off kids or spread about that I wanna wife up Libi so I were avoiding it but Janis: if the baby pink/lilac dress fits darling Jimmy: baby pink like my 😳 OBVS Jimmy: can't have a clash Janis: bad enough you're the oldest and fattest, christ Jimmy: way to drag me by my unflattering weave, hun Janis: Hate for you to make a show of yourself Janis: say these things for your own good 😘 Jimmy: tah Jimmy: I get waiting til your nan is more pissed but don't forget to secure my child bride for tomorrow 😘 Janis: They said yes already Janis: leaving out your intentions, obviously Janis: not that keen to get rid of her Jimmy: we're all chuffed she ain't gotta go in the boot Janis: radio and sweets should suffice in shutting her up Janis: for a bit, anyway Janis: no miracles occurring here either Jimmy: again #same Jimmy: so much in common, me and her Janis: sorry but no one is gonna ship this one Jimmy: PROPERLY starcrossed, what a dream Jimmy: off you fuck, tah Janis: rude Janis: and you won't be able to kidnap her without my help so at least keep me on side 'til then, moron Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: know where she lives and how to shut her up so Janis: yeah, but you don't know how to call off her KILLER dog Janis: checkmate, asswipe Jimmy: I'll have a google, be alright Janis: get your face ripped off, please Janis: get rid of the need for any of this Jimmy: SO romantic, you Jimmy: I'll miss you Jimmy: but bit rude if you ain't allowed to get married without a face Jimmy: bet the tories sorted that Janis: like fuck Janis: your outside'll just reflect the monster within Janis: easier to 🔎 even for the idiots about this way Janis: she'll get saved in no time and you'll get to be behind bars like you wanna ⛓💘 Jimmy: LITERALLY can't deal with these compliments rn tbh Jimmy: or that happy ending Janis: 💦 comes but once a year Jimmy: get your 🧠💭💕 off 🎅 it's OVER, Jodie Jimmy: he's already forgotten you Janis: he's literally all I've got Janis: fuck you Jimmy: delete your 📞 history and move on Jimmy: you've got the 🎁🎁 lads are good for nowt else Janis: I believe, thanks Janis: unlike you you bitter cow Jimmy: UGH, get a grip, babes Janis: 🤢 this is far too much like talking to actual Gracie Jimmy: won't insist on a 🏆 Jimmy: nowt challenging about doing a decent impression of any of 'em Janis: bit rude you've faked being impressed before now then Jimmy: for me, I'm a well better actor than you, girl Janis: if you reckon that then my job here is done Janis: all the 🏆🏆 for me Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: yeah, that kinda day Jimmy: you gonna turn this one around for me an' all? Janis: is that what you want? Jimmy: isn't that what you want? Janis: if you're saying I reckon I always can, like a saviour complex, then nah Janis: but if you're just asking if I still want to see you, then, yeah Jimmy: if either of us would have a complex like that, it's gotta be me as a white lad, come on Janis: alright Janis: I'll come Jimmy: alright Janis: I know today is shit Janis: we don't need to pretend otherwise Jimmy: didn't reckon we were Janis: yeah Jimmy: ? Janis: It is a stupid question Janis: but aside from the obvious, are you alright? Jimmy: are you? Janis: Yeah, pretty much Janis: so what's wrong? Jimmy: how much of the obvious are we putting aside? Janis: that the kids would be a bit gutted about your mum and the food and craic from your dad would be a bit shit Janis: in a nutshell Janis: so go on Jimmy: I'll live Janis: you don't wanna tell me, do you Jimmy: nowt to tell, it's shit, you already said it Janis: okay Jimmy: if you can believe in 🎅 you can take my word for it Janis: I am Janis: okay means 👌 Jimmy: 👍 Janis: we don't need to have an entire 👌👍 back and forth Janis: I'll 💬 when I'm close and you can keep being alright Jimmy: you started it, mate Jimmy: don't be a spoilsport Janis: go on then Janis: have your fun, it ain't mine Jimmy: 🗨  to me dickhead Janis: talk back to me Jimmy: I am Janis: not properly Janis: it's gone funny again Jimmy: what do you want me to say? Janis: I don't know Janis: just what you want Jimmy: I never said I were any good with words Janis: I'll survive Janis: let's just be Janis: like normal, business as usual Jimmy: I thought you were gonna write business casual, like there's an Ian approved dress code Jimmy: 🤏 gutted Janis: I have forgone the glitter and fur Janis: though I doubt he'd be as buzzing as shit nan, couldn't risk that faux pas again Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: he'd be chuffed to bits if you were wearing that, no funny business Janis: for the throwback of it all or Jimmy: you're right, loads of people have 👀 the 📷 Jimmy: you CAN'T Janis: if he slid into the gals DMs with the goss you could 🚨 Jimmy: ootd not outfit of the DAYS Jimmy: 👮🚔 Janis: oi, arrest him, not me Janis: you never said you were strictly fashion 👮 Jimmy: fine, if you don't wanna drive off into the sunset with me Jimmy: offering you a getaway car here Janis: the cars with me Jimmy: if Libi's not in the boot I ain't interested, soz Jimmy: you were told Janis: 🙄 Janis: you'll have to wait and see Janis: and be disappointed Jimmy: if you're wearing that pisstake of an outfit again, yeah Janis: I told you I ain't Janis: never again Janis: 🔥 Jimmy: did you? Janis: yeah Janis: [pictures of a jolly xmas fire with that melting all over the shop lmao] Jimmy: bit rude of you not to invite us Janis: I would if I could Janis: there's plenty more to burn Jimmy: 🎄 jumpers for a start Janis: exactly Janis: see if 💀#2 wants to put her diary on Jimmy: we could do it here 🤞 the whole house'd go up Jimmy: have to move then Janis: that would be win win Janis: death or a fresh start Jimmy: not enough drama for Bill but never is Jimmy: can't win with his 👻 Janis: he'd have you picking who to save Janis: always so EXTRA Janis: take a day off, Billy Jimmy: dead easy answer Janis: Sister can save herself, fuck the dog, so the kid? Jimmy: it's obvs you so the 🎭 can go ON and ON and ON 💔🎻😭 and owt else Janis: ugh Janis: my hero Jimmy: Bill makes the rules, babe Jimmy: @ him 👏👏🌹 Janis: lemme think of a sonnet first Janis: got to win him back 'round Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: don't offer to help then Janis: lazy Jimmy: why would I want you in his good books? Janis: what's good for me is good for you Jimmy: you can only have the one 👻 boyfriend at a time Jimmy: it ain't nowt but 👎 for me to get dumped for a more 🥇🎨🖋 🎭 Janis: I've only got the one Janis: ain't nothing but the writer Janis: and his ideas usually get ignored anyway Jimmy: ❌ Jimmy: oh Bill Janis: you don't have to feel bad for him Janis: is trying to steal me Jimmy: can't blame him for having a go Janis: far as  🧛 fake girlfriends go Jimmy: 🥇🏆💪 far as muses go Janis: I wasn't expecting half as many of the pub crawl pics to come out Janis: and that's not sounding surprised again Janis: just that the 🥴😵 wasn't too real Jimmy: you're that dickhead who looks #goals even with the 📸 on Janis: you make me look good Janis: #talent Janis: #skillz Jimmy: it's nowt to do with me Jimmy: you just look Janis: yeah well Janis: we're #goals by default 'cos you're not ugly yourself Janis: half of 'em probably think they're doing charity work or something 🦐🦑 Jimmy: tis the season Jimmy: 💀👑 must be 💔 she can't get back on it Janis: looks great on a CV Janis: but daddy hasn't thought about that Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: kicking himself when he realises she's already too thick for Trinity Janis: God ONLY knows where she'll end up now Jimmy: 🤞 for the north OBVS Janis: 🤔 Janis: Leeds? Janis: I'll float the idea to her Jimmy: fit right in, her Jimmy: no need to ever leave Janis: SO happy for her and her new Northern life Jimmy: chuck you an oscar in a bit Janis: you got me another prezzie? Janis: you shouldn't have 🤗😘 Jimmy: can't help myself Janis: 🎅 energy Jimmy: just wanna be the 🎅 you deserve 💕 Janis: awh, don't make us cry Jimmy: 🚗 or 🏃? Janis: 🚗 Janis: why not Jimmy: alright 🚫😭 Janis: Considerate Janis: all you know I'm already ten sheets to the wind Jimmy: I'd know Janis: alright 👮 Jimmy: give yourself away ages before I got you to do any blowing, pisshead Janis: piss off would I Jimmy: weren't a challenge Janis: didn't say it was Janis: not bringing a bottle, obviously Janis: don't wanna make friends with him do I Jimmy: could've given it to me Janis: if it's a requirement I'll keep driving, dickhead Jimmy: if it were a requirement I'd have said before now Janis: then shh Janis: I might've got you something Jimmy: weird coincidence, that Janis: you did? Janis: almost like it's a holiday or something Jimmy: Dunno, sounds fake to me, that, mate Janis: what did you get me then Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: 😣 Janis: mean Jimmy: come here and open it Janis: if it's your dick in box I'm gonna be a 🤏 unimpressed Jimmy: 🎀 Janis: gift wrapping skills leaving nothing to be desired Janis: got it Jimmy: [a picture of this wrapped gift like how rude look how beautiful it is] Janis: don't be a tease again Janis: I'm already driving fast as I can Jimmy: only be a tease if didn't give it you Jimmy: actually for Libi, soz like Janis: she's had enough Janis: take it even if it's another cuddly toy Jimmy: I ain't giving you no clues Janis: not even if I 🥺 Jimmy: go on Janis: [does but obviously it's very pisstakey] Jimmy: 👏👏🌹 Janis: is that a clue Jimmy: might be Jimmy: might just not fancy you 💀💀💀 from the lack of attention before you get here Janis: very possible Janis: so like me Jimmy: can't take the risk Janis: all the 💪🥇 heroics for you Jimmy: tah Jimmy: nowt to do with being a dickhead who needs you to do owt Janis: 'course not Jimmy: #notallsantas Jimmy: but crack on through the 🌨 to bring me my Jimmy: 🎁 Janis: does this mean I'm an elf Jimmy: you're poor exploited rudolf and I'm your dead keen missus Jimmy: we've switched Janis: 😱 Jimmy: crack on and save me an' all Jimmy: would call this house a prison if I were a dramatic sort of reindeer lass Janis: I doubt you're being treated to such stunning musical numbers whilst you sit and rot though Janis: actually be right there, like Jimmy: you gonna sing for us? Janis: also how you know I'm not that drunk Janis: no karaoke now Jimmy: not even if I 🥺 Janis: 😏 Janis: we'll see Jimmy: [obvs does because always that bitch] Janis: [just assuming your xmas injury is not visible?] Jimmy: [I'm gonna say no so that the bubs won't know when we go to skerries because that's feelsier] Janis: [I vibe] Janis: okay, pretty convincing Jimmy: always sounding so 😱 you Janis: I might've forgotten what you looked like Jimmy: either that's bollocks or what you said a bit ago about my #goals face were Janis: you decide Jimmy: 👌 Janis: maybe I'm just saying it's been ages Jimmy: not denying that Janis: then take the compliment Jimmy: if we're telling each other what to do, shut up and drive Janis: 1. you always try and tell me what to do 2. what do you think I'm doing, you shut up Jimmy: 1. when do I? 2. pissing about Janis: literally constantly, no way I could narrow it down to a few examples Jimmy: convenient, that Janis: well bossy Janis: #bossbabe Jimmy: OI 👏 do 👏 you 👏 wanna 👏 buy 👏 the 👏 shite 👏 off 👏 my 👏 facebook 👏 OR 👏 WHAT? Janis: Honey, you're in a pyramid scheme Janis: and the lipsticks are shit 💁 Jimmy: 💰 on that being what pub crawl Sharon or Karen 💋 me with Jimmy: might've woken up with no face and your #ultimatekinkunlocked Janis: never gonna sell 'em so she may as well get some wear out of 'em Jimmy: #entreprenher Janis: 🤢 Janis: #dirtyoldcow Jimmy: 🐑 or nowt for this lad Jimmy: and she weren't even blonde! Janis: honestly, who does she think she is Janis: walking 'round like she's 👸🏼 Jimmy: *👰🏼 Jimmy: I'm a good catholic boy now 🚫💍🚫💋 Janis: 🤞 you've just made my nan drop down dead somewhere Jimmy: merry christmas, my dear Jimmy: 👍✔⚰ Janis: best present ever 😍😍 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: what did you get anyway Janis: fun was watching everyone struggle to get me anything without hint or direction Jimmy: mine were Ian not bothering to surprise us with 🐱🐭🐹🐰 or 🐢🐍🦎 to go with the 🐕 no dickhead asked for Janis: Such a read of poor Twix Janis: never again Jimmy: the one favour she's done us Janis: * I read 😇 Jimmy: he wants to bring her tomorrow Jimmy: 🤞🚫🐕 allowed Janis: plenty of places we can go that are only fake dog friendly Janis: but likewise, loads we can go where she can as well Jimmy: where do you want to? Janis: where do you wanna Jimmy: that's not an answer Janis: I don't care, s'not about me Jimmy: or me Janis: well we can't just let them decide or fuck knows what hell we'd end up in Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: have a 💭 Janis: you too Janis: or you'll blame me if it's crap Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: but alright Janis: 😒 is permanent I know Jimmy: while I've still got a face any road Janis: we'll see how far the chemical burn can drive your rating down Jimmy: it won't with you, nowt else matters obvs Janis: won't run my rating down, or won't change my # of you? Jimmy: hang on, your rating ain't the same as your #s?! 😱 Janis: oops, I meant scale of #1-#10 Jimmy: don't matter, we're 💕 face or no face Janis: if you wanted sympathy, a well good breakup where I look like a total bitch Janis: and you don't need to fake no terminal illness Jimmy: be a bit rude Janis: could work Janis: though the sympathy sex DMs might get out of control for the gals that can stomach it Jimmy: you're really not convincing me this is even a 🥉 plan Janis: I was just thinking of myself, ngl babes Janis: the only lads who would bother me would be the ones that like mean girls, so at least I could still piss on 💀👑's parade and steal all her victims Jimmy: 👍 Janis: is that a 🤝? Janis: 👍 Jimmy: if it were I'd have said it were Janis: ugh Janis: fine Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: do it whilst you still can Janis: melty face Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: oh you Jimmy: highlight of my day, that Janis: I know that's saying fuck all so Jimmy: 🎻🎻'll say it for me Jimmy: should probably 😭 while I can an' all Jimmy: brb Janis: where you going? Janis: I'll be there soon Jimmy: not telling you where I 😭 Janis: 🙄🙄😑 right Janis: carry on Jimmy: I'll dry my eyes before you get here, nowt to worry about Jimmy: back to 😎🚬 business as usual Janis: thank god Janis: not the kind of 'pleased to see me' I'm after Jimmy: 🔧🔨🪓🔪 I know Janis: be well rude if you'd forgot Jimmy: haven't had chance to smack myself round the head with any of 'em yet, you're alright Jimmy: nowt but a dream Janis: don't worry Janis: about to be a reality Jimmy: 🤞😍🤞 Janis: something like that Janis: am I coming in or are you coming outside Jimmy: what kind of question is that? Janis: I dunno Janis: answer it and I'll see Jimmy: why would you wanna come in? Jimmy: the obvs answer to that one is you wouldn't Janis: Yeah, but mission piss off your dad is in full swing, hence I asked Janis: but alright Janis: obviously I'm not pulling up right outside your house in his car so come over park Jimmy: 🏃 Janis: [chilling outside this car not at all looking like you're about to do a drug deal or something] Jimmy: [chuck this 🎁 at her immediately because we're excited and also it's a distraction from how forlorn he clearly is] Janis: [poke and prod and shake it like you can work out what it is] Jimmy: [a look like open it then] Janis: [a look like don't rush me but obviously does and I cannot overstate how actually #SHOOK we'd be like idk what you're gonna say gal] Jimmy: [jimothy just gonna assume you don't like it, thanks for the self doubt Ian] Janis: ['mine's a bit shit now' like it's just a lighter but also you got that engraved we see you] Jimmy: [gesture for that gift like I'll be the judge of that thank you] Jimmy: [we know he's buzzing and is gonna use it immediately] Janis: [handing it over like you're not that bothered but clearly are, lowkey just looking through as much of the book as we can rn] Jimmy: [please do gal because he was joking about 😭 a min ago but he'd actually be emosh af rn cos the greatest gift we have ever received honestly] Janis: [when you don't even have to explain that you had it done before he did it 'cos literally last night and it's Christmas, we're all a bit emosh and overwhelmed now lmao, slayed it too hard] Jimmy: [not putting the lighter away even after his lit both of your 🚬 -which would be a moment ™ rn in each other's grill while overwhelmed af- because we're just gonna keep tracing that engraving with our fingers lowkey forever] Janis: [the amount of times we keep going to say something, like, literally no one has ever got us a gift this good, or how much we like it, or literally any of it, but we cannot 'cos it's too much so just standing here dying and smoking] Jimmy: [hard same though, they are both very much in the same boat, but add loads of blinking for him so he don't sob nbd] Janis: [when nothing is safe rn, can't speak, can't make out, just like !!! so hard, do a feelsy lean like you okay 'cos can't verbalise so] Jimmy: [obvs gonna do a feelsy lean back which hopefully won't hurt you too much boy because idk how we're hurting you this time] Janis: [yeah just let me know when it would be obvious 'cos not oblivious but don't wanna act like she's psychic and just gonna know immediately lol] Jimmy: [can you remember what injury I did when ice bath because I remember that but not what was fucking him up at the time] Janis: [it was just general body shots/potential for a broken rib moment, I think?] Jimmy: [that sounds accurate because nhs direct were like 🚭 so of course I did] Janis: [it just makes sense for where you would hit someone if you weren't going for a face moment, so potential you might of flinched then, I guess, so we're ? and out of our feels like what was that] Jimmy: [yeah like we're hiding the fact it hurts every time we breathe in so we don't have to forfeit the 🚬 and shit on your gift giving but the feelsy lean is our undoing, literally could've just not done it boy but we know you had to] Janis: [like honestly well done for getting that far it's only 'cos it was so dramatically emotional, the lowkey speed we're putting together what Bobby said, the obvious fact you were driving Ian's stolen car, like okay, so at least we don't have to ask the question, just gently holding his face 'cos can't even hug him or anything 'can I see?' like lemme assess the damage] Jimmy: [at least you would have a bit of time left to downplay how bad it is by looking at her like I'm fine before the bruises expose you because hasn't been long enough for them to fully be !!!!] Janis: [a look like, so show me then, but not as cunty as that sounds lmao] Jimmy: [I look around at the weather like do you want me to freeze to death because I love that we're communicating in looks still lol] Janis: [turning around like oh look, a car] Jimmy: [go sit in it because the weather isn't just an excuse clearly if you're gonna get snowed in tomorrow] Janis: [turn that heating on gal 'bit rude you weren't gonna seduce me' but your tone making it obvs you don't reckon you're gonna succeed at lightening the mood rn but you're alright with not making him talk about it too] Jimmy: ['bit rude of you to reckon I weren't' and a look around like is this not the perfect place to seduce you in because we will downplay this situation until the day we die so it's all nbd and we're SO FINE] Janis: [likewise looks around and shrugs 'suppose it's no less romantic than the park' and then looks out at said park and just chills in the silence for a bit] Jimmy: [we're looking too cos the mems and then eventually we're like 'come here then' as if we're gonna just hook up in this car as standard, sir your injuries] Janis: [does not] Jimmy: [nudges her like excuse you but you know that's gonna make you flinch if the feelsy lean did so then we're just annoyed for letting that happen again] Janis: [sighs, 'never promised I was gonna kill you today' like simply not in this state, and then is looking around again for something, before taking off our hoodie and getting out to assemble this snow pack] Jimmy: [OTT fake sigh to hide how big our genuine sigh would have been as if she doesn't know and then we're just watching her do this like ? before it becomes obvious what she's doing 'got loads of frozen sprouts at ours' because who in his fam would wanna eat them but we're not stopping her because we're hiding this from Bobby at least even if Cass knows] Janis: [just giving this to him like put it where you need it most 'you could go lay in it but you nah'd that idea before we even started' again, gentle pisstaking rn] Jimmy: [does obvs so you're gonna see anyway gal 'no I never, you never said that were your plan' likewise with our gentle pisstaking as if this is a normal day] Janis: [gestures like be my guest 'not a requirement I've gotta be on top of you' but we're looking the best we can without dramatically examining him right now and we're not happy with what we seeing, obviously] Jimmy: ['weren't a requirement for me to get my tits out either but that's what you were after a bit ago' as if she was asking him to flash her instead of trying to investigate whether he's alright or not, I lol] Janis: [IRL 🙄 at you boy 'you gonna try and tell me you're not that sort of girl now'] Jimmy: [crosses himself in the most pisstakey manner cos he's still him, however much pain he's in] Janis: [lols 'great, fake waiting 'til fake marriage now'] Jimmy: [is like 🤫 but way hotter than that emoji is obviously and then kissing her as if it's their secret] Janis: [the casual restraint we must show so it doesn't end up going too heavy here, but still, you can kiss as his face isn't injured rn, points to the heavens like, he's always watching babe] Jimmy: [a look up to said heavens like we're so #into that idea of a pervy voyeuristic god] Janis: [😏 'all about the #fans, you'] Jimmy: [shakes his head like a nerd 'don't sound like me'] Janis: [noise like hmm okay hun, after a little more silence, 'where were the kids?' we mean when Ian beat him up but up to you if he follows this train of thought] Jimmy: [shaking his head again before he can stop himself but obvs this time seriously like they didn't see anything because he does know what she means and my vibe is that whenever this happened Cass would've kept Bobby busy when the arguing started but because jimothy isn't ready to get into this whole story even though she's already worked it out he's gonna pretend he doesn't know what she's going on about and that was simply a confused headshake 'what?'] Janis: ['where are the kids now, like?' like what they up to, how'd you sneak out vibes, not 'cos you wanna pretend that's what you said all along but you understood if nothing else that he heard you and he doesn't wanna talk about however he understood what you said so we changing the subject] Jimmy: [nods in the direction of his house literally over the road 'can probably see 'em pissing about with all the shit he's bought from here' because we know that's the only parenting Ian does honey] Janis: [nods because we understand this type of parenting too, even if that isn't actually all that ruster do but you know 'gonna take weeks to get rid of all the fucking wrapping paper at ours'] Jimmy: [flicks his lighter she got him on and off 'you'll have a right laugh doing that' because we know she loves the one we gave her too] Janis: ['another good idea' and going to switch out his snow pack 'is it helping a bit?'] Jimmy: ['full of 'em, me' because we can't even with people taking care of us because when does that ever happen but it is helping so we've gotta add 'but you do alright yourself an' all'] Janis: [shrugs like it's the literal least we can do 'cos we think other people would probably have something to say or whatever rn and we don't 'you had any painkillers yet?'] Jimmy: [mimes drinking but that's clearly a pisstake because you'd know if he was drunk rn and is about to say something but actually does 🥱 because hasn't had any sleep which would hurt so thank god for this snow actually working so it's bearable] Janis: [back at it with this snow pack like we're anticipating that, before rummaging round in this car looking for some pills, gonna say there's none, at least he lives more central than you gal, looking at him like hmm 'you should go lay in the back' like get comfy whilst I run to the shops 'shame Helena isn't actually a dealer, though'] Jimmy: ['bit weird if you drove all this way to watch me sleep, Joanne' but does go to get comfy because why not tbh but because he's him he's pulling her along with him like I only will if you come and lie with me 'or in the boot' imagine if she just popped up like hey LOL] Janis: ['what are you gonna do about it?' said like a usual challenge but it simply is not, speaking of the boot reaching over now she's also in the back for the obligatory random coats and picnic blankets etc so she can cover him up so he doesn't get cold whilst having to be covered in snow as well, just tucking him in and shaking our head like oh you 'so soz I didn't kidnap any bitch for you and tie her up back there'] Jimmy: [tries to start a playfight but we simply can't so we're grumpy and forlorn but we're pretending we're gutted about the lack of kidnap only and making it OTT and fake as per 'you'll have to do' and acting like we're gonna tie her up with something but snuggling into her because we are buzzing she's here in these shit times] Janis: [just snuggling for a while, trying to make him as comfortable as possible all things considered 'I've got to get some pain relief in you before you crash' and dramatically tearing yourself away like you won't be 10 minutes or so] Jimmy: [checking his imaginary watch like no no I don't have time to crash it's alright because you simply don't want her to go even though she's literally gonna be 10 minutes lol] Janis: [pouting unintentionally 'cos likewise don't really wanna leave him like you could take the car but don't wanna drive it all over this town unnecessarily like they run license plate checks often enough to not be silly with it 'I'll get drink too, if I can, if you want' like every little helps] Jimmy: [gotta just run his thumb over that pouty lip like that's not the most distracting thing ever because if we say something we'll just be like DON'T GO!! too dramatically to even pretend is fake so we can't even talk, so soz that he can't answer a question ever at the best of times but managing to get out 'if you want' as if she's the one who needs it oh jimothy] Janis: [testing you so hard right now soz gal, 'it'll keep us warm' because you have to be at least slightly suggestive back before running] Jimmy: speaking of kidnap, my sister's coming tomorrow an' all Jimmy: can chuck the 🐕 at her soon as it starts doing our heads in Janis: 👍 Janis: we won't have to do something completely 4-6 shit then and we can blame it on her on the sly Janis: sorted Jimmy: Dunno what or where they'll all be bothered about Janis: well I have been 🤔 like you said Jimmy: go on Jimmy: what's your 🥇💡? Janis: we can kick it cliche and go to the beach Janis: but not here Janis: nan and granda got a caravan in Skerries and Libi would love showing you and Bobby around no doubt Jimmy: *#goals Jimmy: if Libi's 😁 our kid will be Janis: awh Janis: thank god they don't go to our school Janis: too much competition Jimmy: he's been going on about her all day Jimmy: don't even need #s Janis: had to wrestle my phone off her 'cos she was trying to call him midway through lunch to see if he had to eat carrots too Jimmy: the answer's he don't have to eat owt he don't want, she'd have been 💔 Jimmy: just tells Ian he's allergic to whatever it is if he starts Jimmy: he'd be well good at fake dating, oscar's in the bag Janis: honestly, coming for your job at CG next Janis: when he can reach the counter Jimmy: he can have that, they've been on at me to work tomorrow Janis: seriously Janis: who needs overpriced caffeine that badly boxing day Jimmy: what dickhead needs it any day? Janis: true Janis: but especially now Jimmy: Pete needs the 💰💰 for new 🎸 strings or some bollocks, I've told him to crack on Jimmy: 😘 Janis: he'll remember you when he's made it big Jimmy: 🤞 he'll write a song about me Jimmy: you can sing it Janis: that's cruel and unusual punishment Janis: obviously want a song written about me, not to sing about you 💔 Jimmy: you'll have to earn yours an' all Jimmy: he's no slag Janis: it is easy though Jimmy: to write a song or inspire one? Janis: to inspire one Janis: even without shifts to swap Jimmy: inspire me then Jimmy: might 🖋 you one Janis: right now I'm a bit busy getting you drugs and alcohol Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: what are you gonna do let 💊 🥃 inspire me instead? Janis: Can you even write? Janis: I'll know if you cheat and let Bill's 👻 do it for you Jimmy: even the thickest northerner would know if Bill's 👻 had a go Jimmy: all his thees and thous Janis: that's how they talk in the countryside though Janis: I've been forced to read Wuthering Heights, tah Jimmy: bit rude you ain't written me a sonnet, living out there in the middle of nowt with all them fit 🐑 all about to act as a muse for you Janis: if it don't fit on a lighter, how am I gonna get you to see it? Jimmy: carve it into my 😎 Janis: a good idea 'til you're legally blind and I've got to train the dog more than sit and stay Jimmy: if anyone could though, mate Jimmy: obvs you Jimmy: train it to walk us into traffic and that's another job done Janis: nah Janis: shit way to die Janis: where's the fun in it for me? Jimmy: never said there were, it were you saying you were busy Janis: come on Janis: never too busy for you, darling Jimmy: walked into that like I were blind Janis: you are sleepy Janis: won't be too disappointed in you Jimmy: should've let you meet Ian, that's step mum talk if I've ever heard it Janis: financially ruining him with the divorce is just the tip of the iceberg of shit I'd be more than willing to do Janis: #fakedatethefakeboyfriendsrealdad? Janis: might be the logical next step Jimmy: if that's the tip, can't wait to hear what you're willing to do on the rest of that iceberg Janis: nothing if not dedicated to the cause Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: I did forget how many places would be shut though Janis: there'll be somewhere Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: come back Janis: no you need some Jimmy: I'll live Janis: how about at yours Jimmy: 💊 ✔ 🥃✔ Jimmy: not gonna get any 🏆 off Helena or her customers but Janis: yeah but, can you go in Janis: or am I Jimmy: I get it, you wanna crack on with your iceberg strategy Janis: 🛳 Jimmy: I better crack on an' all and paint you before I 🥶🌊 Janis: you better still be under those blankets Jimmy: [a picture like 👀 peeping out from those blankets] Janis: you're adorable Jimmy: come back Janis: okay Janis: but I am gonna make you feel better somehow Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: knew you couldn't resist me, Jules Janis: never said I could Janis: but you've got to resist me Jimmy: don't challenge me Jimmy: not like that Janis: Sorry Jimmy: 🎻💔😭 Janis: I know, baby Janis: so devastating Jimmy: worst christmas EVER Janis: 🥺 Janis: you would feel differently if you'd picked yourself up a 🐶 Jimmy: that'd be worst christmas ever and ever amen Janis: STOP PRAYING Janis: it's so weird Jimmy: make me Janis: 😈 Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: [show back up, lowkey grumpy you forgot it was Christmas day but we're happy to see him, checking he's comfortable and probably doing the snow pack again] Jimmy: [snuggle her because she must be cold and that's obvs the only reason okay] Janis: [get yourselves situated lads] Jimmy: [opening his mouth to say a million things like thanks, I missed you, I was only joking it's not the worst christmas ever but we don't know how to say any of them so we're just not] Janis: [putting your finger on his mouth like he said anything at all there 's'alright' like it so isn't for either of you rn but you're trying god bless Jimmy: [hitting her with some intense eye contact like I hope you can read my mind rn because all those things I wanna say are so important] Janis: [at least you can kiss] Jimmy: [you both very much need to, I couldn't be that evil] Janis: [or something is gonna come out here, I can't be held responsible lol] Jimmy: [literally same so shh for a bit please] Janis: [emotions are running hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh and not jus me character bleeding] Jimmy: [they are and that's why it's gonna be so fun that they get snowed in and so heartbreaking when she leaves] Janis: [oh the delicious drama] Jimmy: [speaking of leaving neither of you are gonna wanna go home even more than usual] Janis: [like you barely have to, just to make sure Cass and Bobby are ready and you've got to get Libi gal but yes, still] Jimmy: [damn you kiddos, we know they'd just go now if not for y'all] Janis: [when you can't leave your siblings, so sad, so rude] Jimmy: [literally didn't ask to be parents rn but we are out here becoming a family unit] Janis: [god bless, at least you're all gonna have a good time on this trip] Jimmy: [we'll make sure you do, lads, casual domestic bliss] Janis: [but seriously, is there anything else we dare to say or do rn before making you separate] Jimmy: [we should probably separate you but I don't want to lol] Janis: [at least you can message when you're separated so you'll have to say something and not just snugg] Jimmy: [give her your hoodie or jumper before she goes because she's sacrificed hers for you and you easily can sacrifice one of your layers because you only have to go across the road when you can bring yourself to] Janis: [cute selfie you don't need to take to prove you're still wearing it like 5 minutes later lol] Jimmy: [one back of him taking some painkillers, I imagine they're on his sticky out tongue in a sassy manner like we're calling her out for worrying about him when he's OBVS FINE but we're sending the pic actually so she won't worry because we care] Janis: take more than the recommended dose, tah Janis: but only double, no 💀 Jimmy: I get it, no self induced coma unless you're there to take advantage Janis: if Sandy ain't gonna Jimmy: how many oscars has she got? you should've have 'em off her Janis: has she got any? Janis: you're her biggest fan, you tell me Jimmy: it's you bringing her up Janis: sounds fake Jimmy: you'd know about that more than me Janis: Why would I? Jimmy: you're going for her oscars Janis: on my own Janis: I think not Jimmy: don't reckon they'll cut one in half for us Jimmy: and as long as I've got the #fans convinced I why would I need owt else? Janis: long-winded way of saying you'd be 🥈 Jimmy: what you thought I were done giving you 🎁s Janis: don't cheapen the actual gift, dickhead Janis: also if you aren't, gonna have to do the classic see-what's-lying-about-to-wrap so Jimmy: nowt cheap about 🥇 Janis: is if you reckon you're giving it me Janis: got to earn it or what's the point Jimmy: don't you reckon you have? Janis: don't you? Jimmy: what for? Janis: for our 💘story Janis: what else? Jimmy: not today I've not Janis: yeah you have Janis: anyway, no cunt works christmas Jimmy: you have 🚑 Janis: that's not 💘 Janis: I wanted to see you Janis: then you was fucked up, what am I meant to do? Janis: anyone would Jimmy: 🏃 Jimmy: that's what loads of people would do Janis: nah Janis: not a pussy Jimmy: 💔🧛 there weren't no 🩸 though Jimmy: next time 🤞 Janis: you might be pissing it Janis: but I'm not thrilled about that Janis: lack of a piss fetish aside Jimmy: I'll leave out the selfie one way or the other Janis: 💡 Janis: don't wanna get banned, babe Jimmy: sounds fake, that Jimmy: love a ban, me Janis: fine Janis: can you not just do an appropriately placed 🍆 sticker Jimmy: depends how massive the sticker'll go, babe Jimmy: no promises Janis: 😏 Janis: idiot Jimmy: 🚫🩸🧠 Janis: that old excuse Jimmy: no need to tell the fans it's 'cause I'm pissing it out Janis: 🤫 Janis: though no need if you plan on going live next time you need a slash Jimmy: only if the 💊🥃 really inspire me Janis: 🙄 Janis: soz we're not going away on a bender Jimmy: have to rely on you for my 🎨 then Janis: nice of you not to demote me Jimmy: here Jimmy: [whatever today's doodle the final one of this advent is] Janis: it's the last one Jimmy: don't have to be Janis: you gonna keep doing it 'til 💀💔 Jimmy: why not? Janis: not very goals if you get wrist strain Jimmy: I'll spread it about it's not 🍆 related, don't worry Janis: tah Jimmy: 😘 Janis: you'll run out of ways to draw me before long Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: ✏🖌💪 Jimmy: Oi you forgot 🖋🖍 Janis: 🖋 is Bill's 🖍 is Bobby's Jimmy: bit rude Janis: you're being the hog Janis: learn to share Jimmy: gave him the last roast potato ages ago Jimmy: just the kind of brother I am 🏆 Janis: show off Jimmy: keep your jealousy in check, I'd have given it you if you'd been here Janis: had a plate load myself, don't you worry Jimmy: sleep easy now, tah Janis: that makes one of us Jimmy: I get it, you're 😁 for tomorrow Jimmy: you and our kid both Janis: more like Libi won't leave me alone now for the same reason Janis: she basically does acrobatics in her sleep so that'll be well fun Jimmy: 💔 we can't chuck the two of 'em in a room in a bit and leave 'em to it Jimmy: 'cause he'll be as bad Janis: you're gonna have to sleep on his floor Janis: hard surface will help in the long run Jimmy: dunno how I'm explaining that Jimmy: 🦷🔦🦷 brb just checking for monsters mate, don't 😱😭 or owt Janis: duh, say you wanna go camping Janis: then he'll inevitably wanna join you and you can have the bed to yourself when he crashes Jimmy: make up your mind, Janet Jimmy: hard surface you said Janis: just rather you didn't get booted Janis: either or on where you end up Jimmy: weren't in my #ultimategoals Janis: obviously, I ain't there Jimmy: what you trying to make me 😭😭😭 for? Janis: not my ultimate goal either Jimmy: that'd be turning the 🚗 round Janis: 'course Janis: what could be more cinematic Jimmy: nowt, which is why I said it Janis: shame you don't write the scene directions Jimmy: yeah Janis: he's such a cockblock Jimmy: SUCH a slag for the tension Janis: bit rude 'cos he had them married, fucked and dead in the space of like 3 days in the OG Jimmy: what's he trying to say about us? the dickhead Janis: maybe he's trying to be more #relatable to a modern audience? Janis: he's seen the ❤s and the views Jimmy: next go round he'll do it so they never meet IRL Janis: 😱 oh god Janis: I'd kms immediately Jimmy: there you go Jimmy: job done in even less than 3 days Janis: at least I get to 👀 at you Janis: an actual fake boyfriend that doesn't exist is well 🎻 Jimmy: the 🎨 would be SO shite Janis: probably 'cos I'd have to do it myself Jimmy: nah 'cause I wouldn't be in it Janis: 😂 Janis: bighead strikes again Jimmy: Oi that's a point Jimmy: you never did sing to me Janis: shh Jimmy: go on Janis: I can't just sing at you Jimmy: why? Janis: 1. it'd be weird 2. contrary to popular (your) belief, I don't think I'm well mint at everything Jimmy: 1. you're making it weird 2. you never will with that attitude, dickhead Janis: 😑 Jimmy: *3. please Janis: let a good song come on the radio first Jimmy: as excuses go 🏆 Jimmy: know how you feel about interrupting Mariah Janis: [voice recording of us singing along to whatever festive song is on rn like there] Jimmy: 👏👏🌹 Jimmy: but none for me 'cause I never thought through how much that'd make me miss you Janis: it's hardly a lullabye but Janis: you wanted it Jimmy: dunno what's more of a pisstake 1. you not reckoning you're good at owt 2. that there's actually nowt you aren't 3. how bad I still want you here Janis: I just know what I'm good at, properly Janis: most people can sing if someone teaches you how to breathe right Janis: but the last part is mutual Jimmy: you gonna give me the bulletpoints or what? Janis: of what I'm good at? Jimmy: can't teach me to breathe properly from there, might as well Janis: I don't think nows the time for breathing exercises, like Janis: and you've seen or you'll see what I'm good at Jimmy: don't want you to crash the 🚗 girl Jimmy: why I said the breathing bit can wait Janis: 😏 Janis: but Jimmy: but Janis: I miss you Jimmy: it wasn't long enough Jimmy: tomorrow'll be Jimmy: you'll be telling me to piss off by the end Janis: maybe Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: not that being a MASSIVE dickhead is, obvs Janis: obviously Janis: but you're literally competing with children so who am I gonna get sick of faster Jimmy: goes without saying won't be the 🐕 Janis: you brought her up Jimmy: missing me less already look Janis: dickhead Janis: you bringing her then? Jimmy: 🤞 Ian'll murder her if I don't Janis: that's a yeah Jimmy: how is it? Janis: you don't want her murdered Jimmy: the blame for it, but that'll be @iantaylor8 Jimmy: chuffed to bits for him to have it Janis: maybe she'll 'run away' tomorrow then Jimmy: went to live with mum, nowt to worry about kids 👍 Janis: an update on the farm classic Jimmy: 🗨 bollocks is what he's good at Janis: not going for the easy gag of saying it's where you got it from Jimmy: 🎯 Janis: should I bring Killer? Jimmy: do you want to? Janis: not really Janis: but she'd flip shit if you brought Twix Janis: don't wanna get them on the rocks already 💔 Jimmy: you're alright, I'll leave her here Janis: 👌 I'll tell her Jimmy: 👌 Janis: might have to call you up when she refuses to take my word for it Jimmy: if she has a go at me in sign she can say whatever she likes Jimmy: haven't taught her nowt that'll 💔 me Janis: we all know 💩head is pretty devastating Janis: don't need to put a brave face on Jimmy: #notallsantas Jimmy: how many times, babe Janis: how dare I forget how special you are Jimmy: SO rude Janis: Baby Jimmy: I'll forgive you, just that kind of 🎅 Janis: the kind that misses out on an opportunity to have me make it up to you? Janis: psh Jimmy: the kind that knows you will Janis: purposely won't now Jimmy: alright, then I'll have to make you Janis: look forward to seeing you try Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: let's hope so Janis: I wanted to be nice to you but now I can't on principle Jimmy: 🥺🥺🥺 Janis: stop it Jimmy: when you start being nice to me Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: you better not lose the lighter Jimmy: 😱😱 AS IF Janis: or give it away to any fucker in the smoking area Jimmy: well generous, me Jimmy: that'll DEFINITELY happen Janis: 😠 Jimmy: it's not the last roast potato, you're alright Janis: 👌 Jimmy: it is Jimmy: whatever you give me is safe with me Janis: alright, we did fairytale of new york last night Jimmy: weren't likely to forget how 🥇 I did the accent Janis: you don't take Irish and it shows Jimmy: said nowt about chucking that lighter at your head Janis: well I've got a full play to hit you with so think on, Shane Jimmy: stop flirting with me Janis: rude Jimmy: I'm trying to tell you I like my 🎁 dickhead Janis: so do I Jimmy: good Janis: Libi said tell Bobby to remember Snow Janis: it was a bit threatening tbh but leave that out Jimmy: forget Snow, forget this friendship, mate 👋 Janis: what can I say Janis: she's got priorities Jimmy: takes after you, gonna chuck me if I chuck this lighter Janis: least no fucker else is gonna reckon she's my kid Jimmy: they'll hear me 🗨 and reckon they're all mine Janis: the reality is they'll probably think they're yours and your sisters Janis: soz 🤢 Jimmy: grim up north Janis: not gonna make your sister buzzing for the day out so 🤫 Jimmy: not gonna add her into this 🗨 Jimmy: she might not wanna now the 🐕's not Janis: @ all of 'em Janis: cheek Jimmy: 💔 Janis: least you wanna spend time with me Janis: have to do Jimmy: you gonna be nice to me then? Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: are you gonna be nice to me or what Jimmy: dunno what you mean Jimmy: never not nice to you Janis: 🤔 Janis: not really an answer, that Jimmy: be nice to me, you can have the same back Jimmy: how's that? Janis: when am I not nice to you is the question Janis: but alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: see, no answer Janis: I'm too nice to you Jimmy: or I were being nice by 🔥 the receipts Janis: ha Janis: go for it, not like I'm delusional like the gals and think I'm SO lovely to EVERYONE Jimmy: should've introduced them to Ian Jimmy: that's his #vibe today Janis: long as he promises to murder them Janis: ideal Jimmy: won't be able to help himself, obvs Jimmy: they make up for not being bottle blonde by looking 45 Janis: I'll tell Grace to put the right wig on Jimmy: bit of patience 💀👑 and 💀#2's will have all fallen out Janis: less evidence clean up Janis: considerate of them Janis: really are #saints Jimmy: hang about for that tutorial, you'll be well in Janis: 'scuse you Janis: I wore something girly and I've got a man Janis: literally the requirements apparently Jimmy: soz, you're right Jimmy: I were thinking about the learning experience that is Tammy's tiktoks Janis: 😂 Janis: if you think I'm dancing for you as well Janis: another thing coming Jimmy: have to do everything myself round here Janis: you love it Jimmy: one of us has to be #goals Jimmy: if you won't, it's up to me Janis: oi Jimmy: what? Janis: you take the piss Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Janis: 🙄 Janis: not long ago you didn't like me walking, never mind 💃 Jimmy: and how mardy were you Jimmy: can't have it both ways, Jennifer Janis: you know why Jimmy: never said I didn't Janis: yeah Jimmy: I'll carry you about tomorrow if you're missing it Janis: no you won't Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: spoilsport Janis: you're gonna take it easy Jimmy: 🛏⛓'s meant to be my kink not yours Janis: s'called roleplaying Janis: try it Jimmy: UGH FINE Janis: I promise you'll have a good time Jimmy: yeah? Janis: serious Jimmy: alright Jimmy: then I promise not to piss about Janis: okay Janis: are you alright? Jimmy: are you? Janis: yeah Janis: are you Jimmy: now I've seen you Janis: I mean it Jimmy: me an' all Janis: you and your lines Janis: make me 😳 Jimmy: Oi, I just said it weren't a line Janis: but Jimmy: you heard Janis: I wish I could've stayed Jimmy: do the counting for us Jimmy: til we can go Janis: I'm on it Janis: 🖕✌🤟 Jimmy: that were it Janis: well smart, like Janis: not to brag Jimmy: won't start you a # if you don't want Jimmy: I get it, loads of pressure Janis: what girl don't want a # for Christmas? Janis: #sospoilt Jimmy: [obvs does give her complimentary #s enjoy that the fans] Janis: [flirt on those socials 'cos we don't know what to really say atm] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be fake and extra because the feels are high rn] Janis: [you simply must lads, also hint about this trip like you've had it planned forever] Jimmy: [just wait for how romantic and #goals we can make it when we're snowed in lads, little do you know] Janis: [hohaha] Jimmy: [thank god we have this flirting sesh because I've had to tone what I was gonna say down so many times lol like not yet boy] Janis: [a hard same] Janis: fake you is fun Jimmy: 🤏 of a twat, I get why you like him Janis: give him my number, yeah Jimmy: didn't sound like you were shy around him, reckon you can do that yourself Janis: reckon he'll be well about me making you do it though so Janis: tah Jimmy: massive twat were what I meant to call him Jimmy: 👍✔ Janis: 😏 Jimmy: you know how Bill's 👻 feels about a love triangle Janis: technically a love square but fuck fake me Janis: no one is here for her Jimmy: bit rude to the fans Janis: she's just a boring version of me Janis: deny it Jimmy: never said I was one of her fans Janis: 😱 Janis: *sends screenshot* Jimmy: *backtracks so hard I need more 💊s to sort me out but it's alright there's nowt more goals than a lad with no spine* Janis: we 👏 love 👏 a 👏 doormat 👏 Jimmy: works for mates an' all, dunno why I were acting like I were special there Janis: fake you is well special Janis: #facts Jimmy: 😇 him Janis: gotta be a reason the DMs are so full Jimmy: there's LOADS Jimmy: could go on and on Janis: 🤤 Janis: don't let me stop you Jimmy: he is, well humble that lad Janis: SO shy Janis: scaring him with my thirst Jimmy: bit awkward but can't help it you Janis: it's cool, I can pretend I'm shy too Janis: what's more goals than pretending you have a totally different personality to catch you a man Jimmy: duh Janis: you'd know all about that 😎🚬 Jimmy: I've had a girlfriend, yeah Janis: 💔 Janis: what she pretend to be then? Jimmy: a lass who weren't a total nightmare Janis: if you're gonna pretend to be anything Janis: fairplay Jimmy: did work for a bit, give her that Janis: not the first or last to fall for it Jimmy: obvs Janis: just saying Jimmy: weren't saying you should shut up Janis: well Janis: no need to chat about it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: wasn't what I mean anyway, for starters Jimmy: you meant I weren't 😎🚬 which for starters is bollocks Janis: okay 🤓 Jimmy: you Janis: Hardly Jimmy: more chance that you're a 🤓 than me Jimmy: and loads more receipts Janis: is there fuck Jimmy: deny it all you like, girl Jimmy: I can't even read Janis: ~express~ yourself in other ways don't you Janis: I don't Jimmy: bollocks do you not Janis: only when you force me to sing Jimmy: didn't take much 🥊 Janet Jimmy: barely twisted owt of yours Janis: 'cos you couldn't, soft boy Janis: be embarrassing to watch you try Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you'd be 😳 but we both know why Janis: not what we're talking about Jimmy: is it not? Janis: you know it's not Jimmy: sounds fake Janis: never said you weren't good at that Jimmy: I'm just saying you express yourself in as many different ways as me Janis: that's just Jimmy: what? Janis: 🤷🤐 Jimmy: tah for clearing that up Janis: that's just between you and me, is what I was going to say Jimmy: weren't gonna send a tweet, you're alright Janis: shut up Jimmy: that's just between me and everyone else Janis: something like that Jimmy: that's exactly what it's like Jimmy: I've got nowt to say to any of them Janis: Me either Janis: never have, really Jimmy: I like talking to you Jimmy: don't matter what about Janis: it's alright, ain't it Jimmy: that a question or what? Janis: we're mates? Janis: that's a question for you Jimmy: do you wanna be mates? Janis: we act like it Janis: don't we Jimmy: not what I asked but Janis: yeah but you always ask questions never answer so I'm allowed to as well Janis: don't you think we do? Jimmy: I dunno what you're on about, I answer questions Janis: 😂 Janis: you don't Jimmy: bollocks Janis: go on then Janis: answer my question Janis: without asking one Jimmy: hang on, which one, are we mates or do we act like it? Janis: can you manage 2? Janis: since you do it all the time, shouldn't be a struggle Jimmy: there's nowt I can't handle, dickhead Janis: ... Janis: I'm waiting Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: dunno why I wanna be mates with you Janis: Charming as that is Janis: still counts as an answer, so I'll take it Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: I dunno what's more charming than I don't like talking to anybody but you Jimmy: or why you'd reckon I'd say that but not wanna be mates Janis: well you're confusing and I'm thick too sometimes Jimmy: you alright now? Jimmy: 'cause having to play 20 questions would be taking the piss a bit Janis: you don't take the piss and we will be fine Jimmy: I'm not taking the piss Jimmy: I can ask a mate if they're alright, can't I? Janis: you're making me sound like I'm well high maintenance and hysterical Jimmy: how am I? Janis: acting like I asked you 1000s instead of 2 Janis: but I am fine, despite you being a bit of a dickhead Jimmy: just said playing the games would be a pisstake when you ain't even sleeping over, nowt else Janis: that mean no midnight snacks? 💔 Jimmy: 😱😱 no Janis: we've made such a mistake Jimmy: 💔😭🎻 Janis: quick, pop on a romcom Jimmy: rather you popped back in the 🚗 Janis: me too Janis: can't really head off in the dead of night or it will be obvious it's a kidnapping Jimmy: we'll go back for her in a bit, I'll live Janis: I could come back Janis: what about if your brother wakes up though Janis: you can't kip in the 🚗 Jimmy: *should Jimmy: I'll let you in Janis: yeah? Janis: 👌 Jimmy: you gonna wait for everyone to be 😴 or what? Jimmy: I can't have your fit nan fuming at me Janis: for starters, ugh Janis: but I can just come back over Janis: though I probably should give them some ~quality family time~ before I do, keep them somewhat on side Jimmy: I don't care if you don't Jimmy: but if Libi wanted some bollocks from home that meant we needed to pick her up from there it'd be a top idea for you to stay here and a 🥇💡 for you to spread that about Janis: 😈 Janis: I knew I kept you around for a reason Jimmy: bit late to kidnap Star and chuck her back at your nans, she's too high profile now, every dickhead has seen her Janis: you are to blame for that bit Janis: but that's easy Janis: kids are idiots, or suggestible, if you wanna be nice about it Janis: I'll make her remember something she absolutely NEEDS Jimmy: you're not as thick as I look Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you aren't either but I won't spread that about Janis: reputation and everything Jimmy: gotta stay #relatable to the fans, babe Janis: #attainable some would say Jimmy: they can have the cancer I've got coming my way if they're that bothered Jimmy: not having you off me though Janis: I don't want nobody else Jimmy: none of them dickheads are good enough for you Janis: I don't care about that Janis: I just want you Jimmy: have me then Jimmy: I'm doing nowt but waiting here Janis: it's well inconvenient that I keep remembering you're hurt Jimmy: I'm alright Janis: don't worry, there's plenty we can do without injuring you further Janis: and I won't make any jokes about stamina Jimmy: don't YOU worry Jimmy: you heard, I'm alright Jimmy: nowt I can't handle, I said Janis: alright Janis: sorry Jimmy: ❌ Janis: just trying to help, not overreact though so yeah Janis: ✔ Jimmy: you did help Jimmy: tah for that, I should've 🗨 Janis: nah Janis: it's nothing Jimmy: not nowt to me Janis: whatever kind of dickhead you are Janis: no call for that Jimmy: it were my own fault, no denying that Janis: still Jimmy: you're a top mate on the first day of being one Jimmy: take your 🏆 Janis: the fact neither of us has got any others right now is really showing Janis: but fuck it Jimmy: I don't want any others Janis: me neither Janis: load of cunts Jimmy: up north, here and wherever else Ian tries to drag me next Janis: you wanna be penpals, yeah Jimmy: 🖋🩸 Jimmy: and 😭 obvs Jimmy: sweat's more your shout, being SUCH an athlete Janis: I'll send you some 🧦 Jimmy: 😍😍🤤 Janis: maybe I should charge, you're right Jimmy: got in there just in time for mates rates Janis: lucky you Jimmy: 🤞😁🤞 is right Janis: you're ridiculous Jimmy: what so you don't want my 💌? Janis: you ain't gonna write to me Jimmy: it ain't my fault I can't, Jasmine Jimmy: I'll send you daily 🎨 Janis: why are we talking about this? Jimmy: you asked Janis: oh so now you can't stop with your answers Jimmy: make up your mind, my dear Janis: shut up Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: better Janis: if we're gonna talk about anything, let's talk about now Jimmy: alright Janis: well, more specifically, in a bit, when I'll be there Jimmy: go on then Janis: what? Jimmy: 🗨 something Jimmy: that'd be how a conversation works Janis: ugh Janis: just Janis: I wanna see you Jimmy: it feels like ages since you were here Janis: I know Janis: but I don't know why Janis: it always feels like that Jimmy: I think you answered it when you said you wanna see me Janis: yeah Janis: no lie Jimmy: I get it, you know Janis: yeah, you aren't that good an actor Janis: I can tell Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I mean, I asked for this when I picked you, but I didn't ask for this Janis: what's that supposed to mean? Jimmy: what I said Jimmy: it ain't always piss easy being in over my massive head, even if I manage to make it look it Janis: you ain't Janis: the plans going exactly to plan Janis: this is just Janis: fun, yeah Jimmy: dunno how pissed I were when I last said it but you are that, and do make owt less shit Janis: you too Janis: so let's keep doing it Jimmy: I weren't saying I don't wanna Janis: Obviously Janis: I'm coming over for a reason Jimmy: alright, don't take the piss Jimmy: I had a point somewhere, I just dunno what it were Janis: I ain't Janis: you're cute Jimmy: that sounds well pisstakey, girl Janis: but you are Janis: and I like you as a mate Janis: but no shit I wanna fuck you too Jimmy: gutted you don't wanna write to me, you're actually really good with words Janis: a pisstake Janis: but warranted Jimmy: I mean it, it were like you read my mind then and 🖋 it down Janis: as long as we're on the same 📑 I don't give a fuck how stupid it sounds Jimmy: about how cute I am? OBVS Janis: deal with it nerd Janis: you're adorable Jimmy: long as you keep it between us, call me what you like Janis: I wouldn't give me free rein like that Jimmy: as challenges go, I've accepted worse Janis: 😏 Janis: won't be calling you nothing though, gotta be well 🤫 ain't we Jimmy: whisper to me then Janis: I'll try Jimmy: you're alright, I won't make you promise Janis: I don't really wanna get kicked out Janis: and whispering leads too easily into Janis: more Jimmy: I'm not chucking you out and no other dickhead can Janis: be mildly amusing 'cos he don't know I'd just be going to sleep in his car but Jimmy: you'll be staying here, he's still being fake nice to me Janis: weird Jimmy: might be if I didn't know exactly why Janis: ? Janis: or is a stupid question Jimmy: he weren't visited by any 👻s if that's what you're asking Jimmy: have to keep his guilty conscience and pending sexual harassments rolling onto the new year Janis: Good to know that treatment is exclusively for bosses who don't pay enough or give Christmas eve off Janis: Soz to all the Sharons, you're gonna have to keep on grinning and bearing it, babe Janis: trust him to be the 'cries when he's finished' cliche Janis: cunt Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: but Sharon can come for your oscar and man tomorrow when she's got him and the place all to herself so she'll be chuffed to bits if no other other dickhead is Janis: 😬 Janis: gutted to be doing him any kind of favour, obvs Jimmy: leaving the 🐕 will 💔 them Janis: nothing like dog shit to ruin the mood Jimmy: or piss or 😭 Janis: she will be devvo if she ain't invited to join in Jimmy: 🤞 she'll be gutted enough to piss off Janis: you're so rude Janis: piss off and find you, you blatantly mean Jimmy: if that were my type I wouldn't have been after rescuing at the pub Janis: are we talking about Sharon or the dog? Jimmy: either or Jimmy: both a bit easy going with their 👅 Janis: and neither cuts their own fringe so what's the point eh Jimmy: exactly Janis: 🤓🎨😍 Jimmy: won't catch either of them in overalls that's OBVS me out Janis: 😂 don't Jimmy: them lasses probably would have a go at 🚬 with a 🖍 Janis: your brother is already cooler than you, I'd keep it quiet Jimmy: you're right, they'd kidnap him Jimmy: which is only #goals when I go on about it Janis: that's dubious at best but sure Jimmy: 😏 Janis: if you ever offered to kidnap me, maybe Janis: the 💘 is 💀 Jimmy: you come too willingly, nowt I can do about that Janis: rude Janis: try making me not wanna Jimmy: you're already on your way here or will be in a bit Jimmy: picked the wrong day to play hard to get Janis: plenty of time to turn around Jimmy: don't mean I wanna give you loads of chances Janis: fair, calling me easy again was a bold enough choice to count for multiple goes Jimmy: only compliment you've ever taken to 💘 Janis: ha Jimmy: any time you'd rather I go on about what hard work you are Jimmy: just say Janis: you poor #lads just can't win, is that what you're saying? Jimmy: it'll do Janis: 😏 Janis: just know what to say and exactly when to say it, christ Janis: not hard Jimmy: 👍 Janis: real lads do have the shitty end of the deal, tbh Jimmy: wouldn't know Jimmy: only a fake lad Janis: right Janis: got the little shorts and hat and everything Janis: cute Jimmy: what? Janis: Pinocchio Janis: the look Jimmy: Dunno him or where he gets his ootds Janis: oh Janis: awkward this isn't a homage Jimmy: bit awkward for you that he ain't my mate 'cause his dad is just your type 👴💕 Janis: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: we're all 💔 I don't have #lads to go to the pub with Janis: you ain't Janis: last time I brought it up you made that clear Jimmy: that'll by why I were in character 🤥 for you Jimmy: nowt if not supportive of your kinks, me Janis: 😱 Janis: can't believe you don't respect how important the #gurlgang is Jimmy: you can be 😱 after you've respected the 🤥📏 tah Janis: you and size Jimmy: doing you a MASSIVE favour is just the kind of lad I am Janis: wow, so thankful Jimmy: 🎁's just keep coming Jimmy: 💘'll never 💀💀💀 while I'm offering my face as a seat Janis: you might suffocate though Janis: 😳 Jimmy: top of my list for how I wanna 💀💀💀 now Jimmy: gutted I never thought of it sooner Janis: easily done Jimmy: ✔ Janis: don't ✔ like that's not a mental image that could make me crash, dickhead Jimmy: it were you who were going on about turning the car round and that like that weren't gonna make me say owt I could so you wouldn't Janis: as if I was going to Jimmy: now you won't Janis: I wasn't going to Janis: but any chance to 💀💀💀 you Jimmy: any chance to let you Janis: nothing more 💘 than that Jimmy: is that a challenge or what? Janis: you want it to be? Jimmy: do you want it to be? Janis: in what world am I going to say no? Jimmy: dunno, might be a world where you don't want your big head setting off the airbag Janis: I can handle it Jimmy: [🔥🔥 sext obvs like any chance to also kill you] Janis: I Jimmy: you Janis: no, you Jimmy: you heard Jimmy: it's your fault Janis: it feels like yours Jimmy: not to me Janis: I'm alright taking the blame for how you feel Jimmy: you can handle that an' all, yeah? Janis: you don't think I can? Jimmy: never said that Janis: Good Janis: because I can and I want to Jimmy: take it then Janis: [show up gal] Janis: I'm here Jimmy: [let her in and do that trope where you just kiss her immediately and against the door when you've closed it and while you're taking off her coat] Janis: [such a romcom forever] Jimmy: [can't and won't ever resist] Janis: [we're here for it shameless rn] Jimmy: [the question is are we saying that everyone is still up and about rn or are they asleep?] Janis: [hmm 'cos either is viable depends what vibe we want to achieve here] Jimmy: [yeah and there are pros and cons to either] Janis: [it'd be rude but potentially plot-driving/fun to have her first interaction with Ian because she hasn't yet] Jimmy: [bonus points if he's like asleep on the sofa or something because what a christmas mood and they wake him up either deliberately or accidentally] Janis: [what a dad, too full and drunk] Jimmy: [literally too perfect of a cliche not to take advantage of] Janis: [you're probably not gonna want to on purpose rn because we're in a #mood but Cass should blatantly still be up even if Bobby ain't and be like DAD JIMMYS GF IS HERE 'cos lord knows she's bored rn] Jimmy: [JJ just trying to have their makeout sesh, but I'll forgive you Cass we know you're upset because your mum isn't here and you know Jimothy and Ian have brawled because even if you didn't hear or witness it that's the only time Ian is ever nice to him so] Janis: [and you're 12 so 'nuff said on all counts] Jimmy: [mhmm, soz you gotta deal with Ian's fake niceness though Janis because that's not a mood] Janis: [ew, at least shit nan is honest is nothing else, lmao, just trying to take Jimmy's lead of the vibe he wants like are we being rude or fake nice back or what 'cos nothing in it for you beyond helping him out so] Jimmy: [would not have the strength to be fake nice to you if Bobby is not around rn because only doing it ever for his sake so have fun trying to keep it up Ian when we're just getting the bae a drink from your stash and doing our best to leave you unacknowledged like we're the deaf one] Janis: [at least we can be our usual charming selves then] Jimmy: [like we can't be rude enough he'll say you can't take the kids with you tomorrow hence we're just not saying anything because temptation to just tell him to fuck off always] Janis: [just some sly shade, easily done, also I hope you didn't come looking like a hoe 'cos assumptions that are lowkey a bit racial already being made without doing that] Jimmy: [we all know he isn't gonna like you no matter what gal, we'll get out of there as soon as we can honestly] Janis: [how dare you, but no, we would not want you to like us, we know your game hun] Jimmy: [it'll be fun af when we lowkey move you in and it's just 24/7 piss off Ian time] Jimmy: [but for now take the bottle and run lads] Janis: [soz that didn't work Cass but you know] Jimmy: [Jimothy needs this rn, soz you don't have your bf yet but you'll understand when you do] Janis: [you'll get your whole squad soon] Jimmy: [we'll all be living our best lives but for now we're just trying to survive the festive season so] Jimmy: [it makes me happy to know that Janis' arrival will have wound Twix up so you won't be able to just go back to sleep Ian] Janis: [go take that poor dog for a piss sir] Jimmy: [because we are not doing it, we're going upstairs good day] Janis: [buh-bye] Jimmy: [boy just downing however much drink was in his glass as he goes cos fml and also we've spent an age pretending we're not physically hurting which is not a mood either] Janis: [actually needed, so you can't say nothing Ian] Jimmy: [hopefully you left all your presents downstairs cos your room isn't very big and we don't need them everywhere] Janis: [and Bobby is in his bed, we gotta lay that boy down like get comfy] Jimmy: [the biggest sigh in the world, imagine] Janis: [copying him but laying down next to him carefully so we don't squash him] Jimmy: [going to write on her but we don't know what to say so we're just 👀] Janis: [doing an impression of nice Ian to try and make him lol Jimmy: [you know it's spot on but that just reminds him what a dick Ian is so we just shake our head like ffs but obvs not at you gal] Janis: [yeah, mistake to make hen but we don't know what to do, little horizontal feelsy lean like !!!] Jimmy: [we're doing it back even if it hurts because we don't care, the feelsy lean is sacred] Janis: ['he's such a twat' the reassurance he doesn't need but we're saying it so seriously] Jimmy: [can't help genuinely smiling because you know Ian is the kind of person who everyone thinks is just such a standard dad and we obvs didn't think the bae would fall for it but there's always gonna be a part of us thinking he's right and we're wrong so the relief] Janis: [we all know the kind, just parenting you, psh, but we smiling back 'cos love to see it] Jimmy: [😍 because she's cute and we're in love] Janis: [gotta kiss him soft] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be soft because we know you both like it] Janis: [a good excuse because we are not trying to injure you boy forreal, but the restraint is a killer lmao] Jimmy: [the perfect excuse for you to show her how good you are with your hands even if you don't remember/are pretending you don't remember that bit of the drunken christmas eve convo because you can keep your distance a lil bit more but still kill her] Janis: [enjoy trying not to die gal, 'cos whilst making Ian overhear you is funny, waking the kid is not so shh] Jimmy: [at least he's deaf so you've got less chance than if you were at mcvickers house and Libi was just like oh hey, speaking of the caravan when you're snowed in is gonna be hilarious casually no privacy ever] Janis: [that's true, how do you wake up a deaf person except for rudely shaking them like HELLO also how do they know when there's a fire/any other kind of alarm, questions I have but are not entirely relevant rn, won't make Cass hate us that much already lmao, 'cos honestly, need an ally in you when Skerries alone] Jimmy: [I've seen vibrating ones that they can like put under their pillow and shit which is slightly less rude than just being like OI but yeah, we can win Cass over during this unexpectedly longer trip than we thought we'd be on] Jimmy: [but for now have a drink and recover gal] Janis: [a good idea, ang would like that] Janis: [lowkey pouty like you can't immediately return the favour but you simply cannot soz] Jimmy: [doing the pouty lip bite thing won't help but we simply must nevertheless] Janis: ['that's illegal'] Jimmy: [a lil lol which we're pretending doesn't hurt because we're fine] Janis: [obviously we notice 'cos in what world aren't we 'should really bandage you up' and looking like do you have any in or do we need to get that tomorrow] Jimmy: [🤨 because it's such a foreign concept that anyone actually cares about us that we can't hide our genuine surprise/confusion and then we have to go look because we're like this is awkward how dare she care about me, let's say there is so you can chuck them at her] Janis: ['that's what you need to do' like he's just thinking it's bullshit advice, unravel some of that bandage after it's thrown at you 'it'll heal faster' and gesturing for him to take his top off 'can be a mummy for a bit, ghost boy'] Jimmy: [obvs gonna throw his top at her as well because always] Janis: [pretending it's so gross like ew] Jimmy: [equally as obvs then getting all up in her grill like if you thought that was gross you'll HATE this] Janis: [the pretence of being #horrified is so thinly veiled, but focus gal, gotta bandage him up as tightly as you can so it's more comfortable for him, the casual intimacy, bye, pretend we do not notice] Jimmy: [what a mcvickers-esque moment] Janis: [truly] Jimmy: [do a ✔ on her in the same place as the bandage is like okay job done and because you do feel better for it and most importantly just shamelessly wanna touch her bare skin whenever we can] Janis: [dramatically stop breathing for a sec 'yeah?'] Jimmy: [kiss her as dramatically to show her you can without it hurting as much as it did before] Janis: [can't even fake mad about it] Jimmy: [interrupt this makeout sesh for long enough to casually pour some of whatever this bottle is into her mouth because it's always a saucy mood and she has earned it by nursing you back to health] Janis: [too much of a mood frankly we're so about it, also nice throwback to literally last night what is time] Jimmy: [gonna have to let y'all hook up because this boy has no chill but just be really careful please] Janis: [just let him lead and you should be fine] Jimmy: [gotta be soft so that's a whole new mood in itself because you have not yet] Janis: [feeding him drink in the same manner after but that likewise feels really soft 'cos basically doing it like it's medicine at this point like you gotta, then removing whatever clothes you got left on to get in bed] Jimmy: [shameless snuggling will ensue because we will play tetris if needs be until we find a position that's comfortable for you both to be in] Janis: [drawing the ✔ on him when we're settled but also a ❓] Jimmy: [taking her hand and turning it into a 👍 and then giving it a lil thank you squeeze before adding his own ? to ask if she's alright too] Janis: [snuggling down as a response] Jimmy: [a happy sigh compared to the dramatic one earlier] Janis: ['Jimmy-' but stopping 'cos don't know what you think you're gonna say hen] Jimmy: [the softest 'what?' ever] Janis: [just looking and LOOKING for a hot sec 'merry christmas'] Jimmy: [obvs we're saying it back even though we know that's not what she was gonna say] Janis: [you better stop] Jimmy: [will draw 😁 on you is it a pisstake/ are we this buzzing that the bae is here and tomorrow we can leave/do we wanna just touch her always/is it all of these] Janis: [gonna say we got lost on that one so we're just like what are you talking about boy/tickled like oi] Jimmy: [doing it again more slowly and deliberately so it'll tickle more and she might get it so we don't have to do it with our face if she doesn't lol] Janis: [just loling like staph 'I'm either gonna fall out or fuck you up here' but not mad, obvs] Jimmy: [hold onto her so she can't fall out and that's ofc the only reason] Janis: [random but have we ever said whether the caravan is 2 or 3 bedrooms?] Jimmy: [I don't think we've ever specified but I assume it's on the bigger side because mcvickers own it and all the fam ever] Janis: [let's go with 3 then, a double and 2 singles, makes sense, usually have a way to make beds in the lounge too] Jimmy: [I'll try and remember that for all the other people and gens it affects lol] Janis: [write that down boo lol]
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amayapowell · 6 years
Powell Family Camping Trip
Chris drives down a dark narrow dirt road with the thick canopy of the forest surrounding either side of you and the full moon illuminating the lake in the distance as night starts to settle in around you.
“I’m so excited. I’ve never been camping.”
Chris laughs at her giddiness and takes her hand.
“I don’t think a cabin technically counts as camping.”
“Hey, there’re trees, a lake, marshmallows, a fire…This counts!”
He smiles, giving the back of her hand a kiss as he continues down the dark, gravely road.
“Well, I plan on giving you the most semi-authentic camping experience I can. I just hope we can sneak in a little Powell time.” He gives her a suggestive look while wagging his eyebrows.
“Love…this entire weekend is going to be full of Powell time”. She says with air quotes.
“Yes, but I mean these Powells.” He motions between them. “Not those Powells.”
She smiles back at him, a playful glint in her eyes. “I love when you call me a Powell.”
“And just think…in six months it’ll be official.” She leans over to the driver side to plant a kiss on his lips, temporarily blocking his view from the road as it opens up to a sleepy little cabin.
“Oh my gosh. An actual log cabin. I love it! How did your mom find this place?”
“Well don’t stop the kisses.” He says with a smile. “I don’t know. It belongs to someone she knows.” He gives her one last kiss on the nose before coming to stop on the gravel road. “You go on inside, I’ll get the bags.”
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The cabin was nestled in lush verdant, surrounded by the smell of fresh pine. The front porch illuminates the old-timey rocking chairs and checkers table, setting the scene of a simpler time. She opens the front door and her senses are overwhelmed with cinnamon and Sinatra when she hears a familiar voice echoing from the kitchen.
“You guys made it! Amaya, you look so beautiful. Is that a pregnant glow I see?” Barb gives her a hopeful grin from the kitchen; wiping her floured hands down the front of her ‘Is that a tent, or are you just happy to see me’ apron.
Amaya laughs pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you, Barb, you look beautiful too. And no, not the last time I checked.”
“Well, it’s a long weekend.”
Amaya’s eyes widen and her jaw drops at the inappropriate insinuation coming from her future mother in law.
“What’s this glow I’m seeing on you though?”
Just then a tall, distinguished, handsome grey-haired man comes out from a back room behind them, holding a bottle of rum.
“Well, now I get it.” She gives her side a nudge, noticing that there’s now a clear blush to her face.
“Amaya this is-“
“Mom why is there only one car outside? Where’s AJ and Kyle?”  Chris interrupts their conversation, pushing the large wooden door open with his shoulder; freeing his hands to carry in their bags.
“Too cool to go camping with their mom. Kyle and his friends went skiing in Aspen.”
“That’s right and AJ’s with her boyfriend’s family in-…” Amaya tries to finish her thought.
“Boyfriend? Why am I always the last to know everything in this fam-…Who’s this?”
“Chris, Amaya, this is Rhett Adler.” Chris hugs his mom, skeptically eyeing the stranger being introduced to him.
“Addy, this is my first born and his wife Amaya.”
“Wow. It’s so nice to finally meet you both. Barbs told me so much about you.”
“Can’t say I can say the same.”
Amaya sharply elbows his side before reaching out to the handsome stranger. “Soon to be wife. It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Adler.”
“Please, call me Rhett. He bends down to kiss the back of her hand.
“Rhett…as in Butler?”
“My parents have a flair for the dramatic. And the pleasure is all mine. You are just as beautiful as Barb has described.”
“And just as charming as the original it seems…thank you, Rhett.”
Rhett turns his attention towards Chris and extends his hand enthusiastically.
“Chris man, I’m a huge fan! That was a hell of a game against The Astros at the end of the season. I’m originally from Texas so your mom and I were butting heads a little during that game.”
“Hum.” Chris sharply huffs, folding his arms; leaning up against the kitchen island, giving a backward nod in response.
Rhett lowers his extended hand when he realizes that it wasn’t going to be reciprocated and instead claps him on the back before walking back to Barb, resting his arm around her shoulder and kissing her temple.
“So! Dinner should be done in about 30. In the meantime, can I get you guys a drink? Or maybe you’d like to freshen up a bit? Your rooms just at the top of the stairs to the right, all ready for you.”
Amaya tries to ease the tension since Chris’ ridged expression didn’t look like it was going to ease up anytime soon.
“That sounds perfect! I think we’ll unpack and then I will absolutely take that drink.”
Chris grabs their bags and trudges up the old creaking staircase, looking back in their direction as Amaya follows; nudging him in the back to keep his forward motion. Meanwhile, Rhett turns his attention back to his leading lady.
“Well, that went well.”
She laughs into his hug.
“He’ll be fine. We all knew he’d be the stubborn one. Give him a little time. If not, he won’t get any cobbler.”
“Wow, you are one tough cookie, Barbra Powell. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“And don’t you forget it. Now hand me the rum for the apples.” She says while playfully smacking his rear.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Amaya putts their things away, eyeing Chris over her shoulder; while he silently stares out the window.
“What’s the matter with you? You’re acting like a baby.”
“I don’t like this guy.”
She laughs at how cute and protective he is. “You just met him. And you barely did that.”
“I can tell. And what the hell kind of name is Rhett anyway?”
“Christopher Powell...you’re jealous.”
“100 percent. You’ve been the man of the house for all these years and now you’re worried someone’s coming in and taking your place.”
He turns angerly back at her; resting his hands on his hips.
“That is not it at all. And you know it. But my mom is way too vulnerable. Especially after all my dad’s shenanigans. She’s not ready for a relationship or what the hell ever this is.”
She walks over to him, slipping her arms around his waist through his arms, leaning her body back slightly to look up at him. “Your moms a grown woman. She can take care of herself. She knows when and what she’s ready for. Besides, she deserves a little a lovin’ after all these years.”
“Ugh…please don’t.”
“You’re such a mama’s boy.” She says through her laughter, while he looks down at her, not at all amused by her ribs. “And I love it.” She raises to her toes to place a little peck on his lips.
“Your mom doesn’t love you any less, even though there’s a new man in her life. Besides. You’re the man of a new house, where no one will ever take your place.”
His arms are now around her, as he sighs resting his forehead against hers, groaning through his pouted pressed lips.
“Come on. You need to go back out there and be nice.” He lets his heads fall backward, whining at the mere thought.
After dinner, the four of them bundle up, gather their s'more fixin’s and sit around the fire pit, listening to Rhett strum lazily on his acoustic guitar.
“Rhett, Barb thank you so much for dinner and dessert. It was perfect. Barb I finally understand what Chris’ been raving about with that cobbler all these years. As your soon to be daughter, I hope I can get the recipe.”
“You don’t have to hope dear.” She looks down into her red wine glass, swirling it around as if she was carefully considering her next words. “You know what you have to to give me for it.”
“That’s extortion.”
“Such is life.” Bard shrugs carelessly.
“Wow. Well, now we know that I won't’ be the only one sass will be inherited from if we ever have a daughter.” Amaya laughs and shakes her head, turning her attention to their host. “Rhett, I am absolutely in love with your cabin.”
“Thank you. My grandfather built it as a wedding present for my grandmother and our family’s been vacationing here ever since.”
“That is the cutest, most romantic thing I have ever heard.”
“Oh, he’s pretty sugary.”
Amaya notices Rhett wink in Barbs direction and smiles at their cute exchange.
“I hope you’re mentally taking down some of these romantic notes over there Mr. Powell.” 
“Speaking of romance. How’s the wedding planning coming you two?”
Amaya looks over at Chris reaching for his hand, the thought at least breaks through his rigid expression, allowing him to crack a smile as he leans down kissing her hand in his.
“It’s going great. I think we’re pretty much done. Food and decorations are all chosen. We’ll be in New York next week; before we head home to meet with a local bakery to try some cakes. Aaannd I will have my final fitting in the next few months.” 
Still absorbed in his own thoughts of the situation playing out before him, Chris was oblivious to the less than subtle conspicuous look Amaya and Barb shared before him, but Rhett wasn’t going to let fly.
“What was that look for?”
“What look hun?”
“Uh oh Chris. I think you and I are going to have to ban together and batten down the hatches. These two together look like trouble to me, am I right?”
Chris remained stolid. His stare, cold as the air around them, slowly dragged up the neck of his beer bottle, fixated on this stranger trying to make a joke about the two most important woman in his life. And he wasn’t laughing.  Amaya couldn’t help but feel the tension continue to tighten, right along with the grip of Chris’ hand. 
“Anyway Rhett, what do you do for a living?”
“Nothing fancy like you two, that’s for sure. During the school year, I’m the high school shop teacher and outside of that, I help run the family carpentry business.”
“Well, I think I’m going to need to know how to get on the family discount plan. This place gives me so many ideas for our back yard. Maybe even our own vacation spot, huh babe?”
“I think if you give this woman some grandbabies soon, you’ll be on the lifetime preferred list. It’s all she can talk about. After the wedding that is.”
“Don’t I know it.”
The three of you share a laugh, but Chris keeps a stone face. Still determined, Rhett continues to try and break through. 
“Yeah Chris, the sayin’ is true. ‘Happy wife. Happy life.’ You’ll find out soon enough.” Rhett says followed by a deep, raspy Southern laugh.
“Not possible. This man could not make me happier if he tried.”
“Well on that note, I’m going to go grab some champagne to celebrate all this love in the air. Can I get anyone anything while I’m up? Chris, another beer?” Amaya squeezes his hand as a warning, but he only musters out a single word response.
“He’d love one...thank you, Rhett.”
“Right. Back in a jiff!”
As soon as the screen door slams shut behind him, in one quick motion, Amaya swats his shoulder against the least insulated spot of his worn plaid vest, giving him a final warning.
“Be. Nice.” She chided through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.
“You’re being awfully rude son.”
“Sorry.” He answers in a snide tone, taking the last swig of his beer.
“Chris. This man has invited you into his home. And more importantly, he’s important...to me. So you better think long and hard about how you’re going to change your demeanor before he gets back.”
WIth his frustration finally reaching its peak, Chris stands ready to defend his actions.
“Mom, I will not sit around and pretend to be happy while this-” Before he could continue his retort, he’s cut off by the sound of  Rhett’s footsteps returning down the graveled pathway with a heavy sigh.
“Honey, I’m sorry I think I forgot the champagne at home.”
“Who’s home?”
Barb and Rhett eye each other before responding.
“Well, I guess now’s as good a time as any to tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“That Rhett and I have moved in together.”
“That’s so great you guys, congratulations!”
“Moved in? Mom, what do you even know about this guy? I hardly think you’re ready to date someone, let alone move in with them.”
She can only stare incredulously back at his abrasion. Amaya too stares blankly back at Chris but chooses not to address him.
“Rhett…why don’t you and I grab some more firewood? I think my fiancé some apologizing to do.”
Chris’ eyes widen, silently pleading to her. ‘Don’t go.’ While hers respond in just as much of a loud silence. ‘Don’t look at me. You made your bed.’
Rhett offers his arm to Amaya and they walk away to a nearby shed.
“Christopher Joseph Powell. I understand that this is a bit of a shock for you. But don’t you forget that I’m the mother in this situation, no matter how old you are. And you don’t presume to tell me what you think I can and cannot do, or who you think I should or shouldn’t do it with.”
“But mom!”
“No, but mom! I’m a grown woman and this man makes me happy. Something I didn’t think would happen again after your father. And with your brother and sister gone, that house got really lonely; really fast. I’m finally ready to live my life again. And like it or not, I don’t need your permission to do so.”
Still shocked by his mother’s admission, Chris slowly walks over to his mother.
“I’m sorry. Really. I just didn’t expect to ever see you with anyone else.”
“I know.”
“All I want is for you is to be happy though.”
“I know that too. I also know that it’s going to take some getting used to. But...you have no say in the matter. So, you might as well get used to it and mind your manners...otherwise, you’ll be grounded for the rest of the weekend.”
Chris chuckles.
“Don’t think for a minute that I won’t do it either.” She walks up to him, placing her hands on either side of this stubbled face. “Talk to him. Get to know him. He’s a good guy.”
“And what do Kyle and AJ have to say about all this?”
“They love him. Kyle’s the one who introduced us actually.”
“What?! Really, why am I literally that last to know everything.”
“Probably because we all know that you’ll act like this.”
She swats him on the behind before pulling him into a hug.
“I love you Chrissy Pooh Bear.”
She laughs as the two of them pull away to Rhett and Amaya approaching in the distance. Chris walks over to Rhett, hands in his pockets and head hung guilt.
“Rhett I’m sorry for the way I acted. Really, man. You clearly make my mother happy, I guess.” He says looking back at his mother who’s now hugging Amaya’s side. “So that’s all that matters to me.” Chris finally extends his hand.
Rhett sets his pile of wood down at the fire pit and reciprocates the gesture. “Apology accepted. That’s all I want is to make her happy.”
“I umm, I saw the fishing poles inside. Do you fish?”
“Every time I’m here. Actually, the catfish are great this time of year. Maybe we can do a little sunrise fishing and catch tomorrow night’s dinner for these lovely ladies?”
“I’d like that.  And I’d really like to get to know you better. Even if you are an Astros fan.” The four of you laugh.
“I’d like that too.”
After they shake hands Amaya walks over to her future husband, reaching up to pull him down for a warm kiss.
“That’s the man I love.”
“Well, she threatened to ground me.”
She heartily laughs out loud. “Is that all it takes? I’ll keep that in mind.”
After relaxing by the fire and listening to Rhett strum his guitar for a while longer, they all head inside as it starts to flurry. Preparing for bed, Amaya and Chris curl up together in their plush comforter admiring the light snowfall through the window; by the warm firelight of their room.
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“That was a very nice thing you did for your mom.”
“I guess I was acting a little childish.”
“Really Chrissy Pooh Bear?”
Annoyed, he leans in tickling her sides only to end up pulling her in for a kiss.
“I guess I’m going to just have to get used to the fact that my mom has a…”
“A boyfriend?”
“Ugh…I don’t think I ready to say that yet.”
“A pretty sexy boyfriend at that.”
“Please do not call him sexy.”
“Why not? I can’t wait till you get a little more grey in this beard.” She says combing her fingers through his scruff.
Chris rests his hands beneath his head staring up at the ceiling. “If that’s what woman go for these days, I’m gonna shave tomorrow.”   
“You’re a sensitive soul Christopher Powell, who knew?”
“Yeah...yeah. Try not to spread it around will you, I have a rugged reputation to upkeep.”
He rolls over to his side to pull her in closer to him, laying her down further and kissing her neck in the process. Causing her to let out a soft moan in the process.
“Ummm…as nice as that feels, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Warming you up Mrs. Powell. How am I doing?”
“Don’t think you’re going to sweet talk me, after that whole display tonight. I can definitely tell what you’re trying to do. But we are not doing that. Not when your mother and her boyfriend are in the next room.”
“Please do not mention my mother and her boyfriend when I’m trying to get you in the mood?”
“Christopher Powell, we are...mmmm...absolutely, noaaahhht doing this.” Her words leave her mouth in a breathy airy whisper, encouraging him to continue despite her verbal protests. Taking the hint, slowly he continues his attempts to convince her as the fire slowly dims their room.
“Your body is telling me otherwise.”
“My body can’t think for itself.”
“That’s one of my favorite things about your body. Now let me show you another favorite.”
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Drama Bomb”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Alicia Chan, John West
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
More drama for your mamas...and daughters.
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The episode begins with the beginning of a school play based on the food pyramid from the 90's, with everyone dressed up as a food item. Not only do we see the return of Robin Snyder in a sort of voiced role, though we never quite get to hear just her voice, we get to see all of our favorite students. And by favorite students, I mean just Barry. Go, Barry, you spinning bowl of chicken noodle soup, you.
Unfortunately, the kid's talents are not showing here, as they're all painfully off-key. Even the last episode that focused on play's idea of Blossom and Jared being the main stars of Townsville Elementary's drama class has seemingly been thrown out, as at least Blossom gets an intentionally bad singing voice as well. Instead, it's Bubbles that's the big star, as she gets to properly sing the big ending song about how treats are good when they're part of a...something. She couldn't figure out the last word in her song, much to the joy of the drama teacher.
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A Star Is Blossom still has to be canon, because this episode also features Ms. Moss, the drama teacher that just can't believe she's working with such children. The joke, of course, being that these children are, in fact, children. At least, most of them are obviously children, at least one of them are pretty questionable.
She at least has a good reason for this sudden bout of perfectionism: the stakes have changed. After Buttercup, who is in the play as a T-Bone steak, does the obvious joke with that, she reveals that Citysville's greatest playwrite is coming to this elementary school, and if this play was good, they could go on tour with this amazing play about fruit!
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We cut right from the failed rehearsals to the final version of the play, which is, according to a sign gag and not anything in the play itself, The Five Food Groups: A Hero's Journey. Even after watching this episode several times, I'm not sure what the "A Hero's Journey" is supposed to signify. I would guess it's supposed to refer to this plot about the Tomato, played by everyone's favorite brick, in his journey to identify whether he is a fruit or a vegetable, but where does Bubbles' song fit in all of this?
Then again, it's more likely one couldn't even make out what these kids are singing, as they're off-key and can't seem to sing in-time either. Of course, this is all intentional, but it's still bad enough to be hard to listen to. Ms. Moss hopes that Belle Lakes wouldn't notice, maybe possibly giving her a slight break since these are just elementary school students.
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That's not the case, as she's bored watching this drivel. Finally, a character I can relate to. But hey, at least that lady right next to her is loving it! Also loving it is good ol' Sitcom Dad, who is taking pictures with this smartphone. You'd think someone who is bad at computers would use some sort of old-timey camera. Good thing the Professor shouldn't fit that description!
This reception doesn't please Ms. Moss at all. If she doesn't do anything quickly, this performance will bomb! That last word gives her an idea.
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Ms. Moss continues her affinity with using mystic objects from mystic sources, though this item is a little less fantastic than the play that summons butch viking women. In this case, it's a Drama Bomb that was given to her after she graduated at an academy for master thespians, which, for some unexplained reason, is made up entirely of people in cloaks. When this bomb explodes, it makes anyone caught in the blast 10 times more dramatic!
She happens to have this bomb in a glass case that says "In Case Of Lack of Talent", and I'd say that should have been broken 114 times by now. She calls for a brief intermission, gathering all the students, and then throwing the bomb at them. Covering everything in pink glitter, the bomb's effects appear to be negligible...at least, for a few seconds.
Buttercup: Ugh, what was that?
Blossom: I don't know...it's...
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Blossom and Buttercup: Magical!
Ms. Moss quickly comes in to say this is all brilliant, and tells them to go to their places with a really ugly zoom-in to her mouth. No real explanation other than "see, Ms. Moss is cuckoo!", I'm not going to show it, and you're welcome.
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Thanks to the power of that Drama Bomb, that opening song from before turns into a big, artsy, and dramatic song in the style of the Cell Block Tango scene from Chicago. The unique coloring, the similar style of the song, and it even goes right down to how the food items in the pyramid looks like they're in jail cells. Honestly, I actually like this choice in visuals.
As for the audio, it's interesting to say the least, if not that memorable or catchy. It's still the same voice actors and voice actresses singing the songs here. I was 100% thinking they were going to pull out some actual singer to dub in for these characters, but it's just the regular actors actually trying to sound good. Less ideal, but less awkward than the alternative.
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There is this shot with Blossom and you-know-who embracing that's just randomly in there, even though thankfully this is not a play where Blossom and Jared are the love interests. At least, as far as the viewers can tell, anyway. It does make sense in the play, since it's either two vegetables or a fruit and a vegetable, but I cannot forget all of that baggage from those fantasy scenes from Season 1 and 2.
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Belle Lakes starts to get overjoyed at this. That lady right next to her is also still liking this, though the lack of change in her expression is worrying me. And, of course, Sitcom Dad is still sneaking around, taking smartphone pictures. Now that they're supposedly talented now, there's not even a joke here other than the Sitcom Dad creeping out that one guy. I wouldn't blame him.
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Blossom and Buttercup are confused, as they can't help themselves but dramatically enter rooms, make dramatic poses, and speak with dramatic lines. Well, Buttercup is just dabbing and speaking as if Bart Simpson got an even worse cold than usual, but I can see what she's trying to do. At least Blossom's Shakespeare-esque lines are fitting here, and she says them relatively well.
Suddenly, the cellphone hotline rings, and Blossom asks what evil besieges the poor Mayor, and...
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...it turns out that this episode features Discount Jojo as the villain again, stealing the dome from Town Hall as a decoration! I would say that this continues a streak with episodes with main villains voiced by Roger L. Jackson, but Ms. Moss is a far bigger threat here.
The Puffs attempt to leave, only to be stopped by the power of the Drama Bomb. As Ms. Moss explains, the show must go on, who cares if Townsville becomes a burning crater in the ground. She doesn't exactly say that last line, but she might as well say it.
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They don't really turn Discount Jojo's crime spree into a B-plot. We just get this one scene where Jojo is so confused that, no matter how many crimes he makes and how long he makes his laughter, the Powerpuff Girls aren't stopping him. I guess I could see some humor in how Jojo is worried that the usual rhythm of things just isn't happening, it reminds me of that scene from that one episode of Batman: The Animated Series.
Joker: Without Batman, crime has no punchline.
It was done far better there, but I'm not going to hate on the reboot for not living up to those impossibly high standards. No dramatic lines from Jojo here, as much as it would be oddly fitting for this episode, but he does ask what could possibly be so vital that it would prevent the Powerpuff Girls from giving him a slideshow beatdown?
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This at least decently transitions to the scene where Blossom dramatically exclaims that it's vital to know if the tomato is a vegetable or not, and even the Tomato does not know. By the way, if you're wondering where the Chicago styling is here, they pretty much forget about it beyond that one scene.
Also pretty much gone is any semblance of a followable plot in this play. I'm not expecting anything Shakespearean to show up in this reboot with or without that Drama Bomb, but there's no real connection between this tomato plot and Bubbles' final song.
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Speaking of which, Bubbles is still moping that she can't figure out what that last word in the song is. This scene comes up way too often; it feels more like filler. I could at least appreciate them being over-dramatic, but other than that, it's just "waaah, I can't figure out my liiiines!"
In the end, they say they will do it together...as a whole! This word actually ends up being that word Bubbles was supposed to rhyme with "bowl". I mean, what else could it be? Treats are better than eating coal? You got to pay the troll toll? This show needs some quality control? Would have went with that one.
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Essentially singing the same song as her attempt at the end song from the rehearsal scene from the beginning, since it was the only relatively good thing about it, I guess, she finally nails the end song with the help of her sisters. Belle really loved this play, and the uphill rollercoaster with Sitcom Dad still keeps going up without any real conclusion. What does conclude is the spell from the Drama Bomb, signified with some sparkles. The Powerpuff Girls are glad that they're finally free.
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However, in the end, Ms. Moss learned absolutely nothing, as she promises to use a drama bomb on every play on this day forward, and then rolls out of the room. How she's going to get more of them will never be explained. The Powerpuff Girls seemingly pay it no mind that future plays might indirectly cause the destruction of Townsville, and decide, now that the show has ended, to finally take on Discount Jojo.
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This isn't a bad way to end this episode. Such a old-school beating, not only does it end with a bruised Discount, it even comes with the classic line:
Blossom: Not so fast, Mojo Jojo!
If it actually had Bubbles and Buttercup saying Mojo and Jojo respectively, it would have been perfect, but I shouldn’t compare this show to that show’s impossibly high-to-this-show standards, either. The episode ends with a line that fits in with the rest of the episode, which is more than what I could say about some episodes.
Bubbles: And...scene!
I would have preferred a dramatic line read from Tom Kenny and hearts, but alas.
Does the title fit?
Name of the object, though it does cause drama in pretty much any way I can think of.
How does it stack up?
I'm a little in the middle with this episode. There isn’t much to the episode beyond some dramatic line reads, some better than others. However, it has some nice shots, and the songs, the ones that aren't meant to be terrible, are at least passable. It’s watchable, but I wouldn’t lie and say that yawning playwrite didn’t represent me at some points.
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Next, Watch It, did they botch it?
← Checkin' Out ☆ Watch It! →
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Three, Episode Four: Unleashed
I like that the Darach's whole virgin thing extends to queer sex too rather than the whole "only straight sex counts as sex" thing.
Who names their dog Beretta? >_>
Scott, that guy's totally flirting with you.
I like that they seed the whole True Alpha thing like this, even if it's just little references so it doesn't come out of nowhere later.
I'm sorry, you're telling me that hot guy was a virgin? I find that hard to believe on an MTV show.
Even though the show only has like 5 regulars, it has a fairly solid recurring cast of like 8 or so between all the adults and stuff.
Jennifer puts up a solid front for someone who knows all about this stuff.
This entire locker room scene is fucking gold.
"I don't need you all turning into fatasses in the off-season!" Cut to Danny and Isaac shirtless. Yeah, no problems there.
Cross country also made me want to murder people, and I didn't have werewolf powers, so I feel Isaac's pain right now.
Despite being in 3 of the 4 episodes so far, I think these are actually Ethan and Aidan's first speaking parts.
This is also like the third day school has been screwed up because of murders/weird shit going on.
It's a shame they do all this work with Cora only for her to disappear between seasons because Adelaide booked Reign.
Ennis's first speaking role too I think, but he's only been in 2/4 episodes so far.
Please don't wreck Derek's new apartment already!
Or impale him, that's a tad rude too.
God I love Deucalion. I won't stop saying that, he's so cool.
Oh Marin's still at the school. So why do they need a new careers advisor? Did he die and I didn't notice?
Ugh, Mister Harris. I'm SURE they kill him this season.
"What are you doing?" "I'm kicking my own ass!" Stupid twins.
Subtlety, thy name is not Stiles.
I knew Kyle wasn't a virgin, there was no way, not with a face like that on an MTV show.
Deucalion saying "liability" over and over is a nice call...forward? to season 5 when he talks about it with Theo.
Boyd :(
Ooph, the Isaac panic attack scene is painful.
"Every day's Dead Baby Day, yay!" *facepalm*
Through the halls of the school?! Amazing, brilliant, very clever, perfect. Supernatural prank wars are the best.
I AM THE DEMON WOLF. Yes, yes you are, you beautiful villain, you.
Those fucking tree roots, man. Such a clever reveal later in the season.
So the Darach's musical cue isn't actually diegetic lmao, that's nice.
Ah yes, time to die, Mister Harris. Good riddance.
Naked time! I say again, stupid twins. Fucking FrankenWolf is so silly, I love it.
They didn't even go back and pick their shirts up lmao.
Darach! They said the thing!
Derek's bad parenting skills return. Of all the people to push away, Isaac is the last one he should, even if Derek doesn't actually want to do it.
So presumably Harris was telling the Darach all the backstory on the people she needed to murder, since he says she still needs him. Still, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Oh, they got Eaddy Mays back for literally one word of dialogue lmao.
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