#please wear proper gear and protection whenever you are riding a motorcycle. this is just for the drawing!!! stay safe
pippynsworld · 4 months
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Soap's first ride as a backpack.
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: Gotta Get ‘Em While They’re Down
Daltonfic Big Bang 2020: Week 3, Day 3, Wevid 
Based off @hufflebecks‘s Motorbike Bros concept & the Weebly Fact: “Wes got into a motorcycle accident once- it was an attempted hit and run.” 
David spent most nights studying these days. Between checking in on Katherine’s recovery, beating Siegerson’s GPA, and his extra-curriculars, he couldn’t really participate in Windsor shenanigans anymore. It made him sad to see his housemates off having fun, but it was Senior Year, he couldn’t mess around.
What hurt him the most was that even in his studying blitzes before, he had Wes by his side as a good natured distraction. They’d bounce ideas off each other, throw trivia, and toss ideas for editing notes. Now? Wes had early acceptance to ASA College, and David was still trying to get Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to respond to his letters. But that’s what David got for shooting high he guessed.
Now, whenever he saw Wes, his best friend would wave in passing before heading out with his motorbike club. Yeah, they hung out on weekends, but it still felt like he was being replaced. Why did Wes even own a motorbike? Yeah his dad had taught him to ride a vespa on family trips to Naples, but they lived in Ohio right now- it wasn’t exactly cosmopolitan.
David sighed, he shouldn’t be so harsh. Maybe it was good they spend time apart; after all, they wouldn’t be going to the same college, let along even in the same part of the country. It stung though. He missed his friend. If only he wasn’t so busy.
Buzz buzz. David’s cellphone went off from its spot on the shelf. He’d put it away to limit distractions. Why wasn’t it off? Oh, wait, all calls except his parents, Katherine, and Wes were sent to voicemail.
He stood up, reaching and unplugging his phone. The caller ID said Wes.
“Hello?” David asked. He checked the time. It was 10pm, why was Wes calling him now? He was supposed to stay at the Blakes after their day of riding. Maybe he needed a ride back? Typical of the Day Students to just assume boarders could sleep wherever because they typically had two homes.
“David? It’s David right?” A girl answered.
“Who is this?” Was this a new girlfriend? Had Wes not told him? He felt his heart sink. Wouldn’t have Wes told him.
“Jackie Blake. We’re at the hospital with Wes.”
“What!” He didn’t even ask, just exclaimed; jumping up out of his seat and looking for his car keys. “Is he hurt? Which hospital? How far is it from Dalton?”
She sounded relieved. “We’re at Mansfield Hospital, it’s an hour north from where you are. I’m glad you picked up. Todd said you’re the only one who’d have his parent’s numbers.”
“Is he okay?” David repeated, throwing his coat on as he struggled to keep his phone to his ear.
“Yes and no.” Jackie’s tone was more cautious this time. “We were on our way back from the ride when a pickup truck decided they’d cut our lead on the pack; Wes’d decided to set the pace, and I guess? They just didn’t like motorbikes?”
David swallowed. A third time: “Is he…?”
“We need his parent’s permission to get him into surgery. They think a rib punctured his lung when he was knocked off the road.” Jackie’s voice stuttered. “They just kept going. Like they hadn’t throw him across the freeway.”
“Surgery?” David swore to himself. He knew the motorcycle club was a bad idea. Shit. Wes’ parents would die of heartbreak if this was how their boy went out. “I’ll text you their numbers. But, introduce yourself first. They need to know who’s telling them Wes is hurt.”
“Okay…” Jackie said slowly. There was a ping from her end of the phone as David sent it. He was at his car now, ready to hang up and put in the directions to Mansfield.
She spoke again, quieter. “I’m sorry we didn’t get the licence plate. Colby stopped us all and had us put out flares so we could get him off the road. Dustin wanted to chase after them but-”
“Don’t worry.” David said, “just tell his parents. It will all be okay.”
“Okay.” She said quietly.
“I’m getting in the car now. I’ll talk to you soon.” David said, hanging up before she could say something else that would make him madder at the situation.
It wasn’t Jackie Blake’s fault. It wasn’t her brother Colby’s fault. Most of the Motorcycle Bros (as they called themselves) were fairly good people from what Wes described to him. It didn’t mean he couldn’t feel guilty he let Wes go out there. He’d already seen Katherine in the hospital because of one foolish driver; to see Wes? A target of a hit and run because of some stupidity about bikers? No. He didn’t want to accept it.
The road opened up before him, darkening fast in the early evening sunset. The lights were coming on one by one, making the road feel quieter than it was. He didn’t want to play the radio in case he got a call from Wes’ phone again, or from the Hughes, or anyone. He had to stay alert in case speakerphone went on.
It didn’t though. He made it to the hospital, probably passing the place the driver ran Wes off the road. He didn’t want to think about it, but he was.
David found the front desk, trying to look presentable, and not like he’d just sped an hour up the I-71. He approached the desk, ready to ask about a Hughes, Wes please- but a familiar face caught him by the arm.
“Hey, David. Are you alright?” Todd asked, still wearing the ridiculous jacket Wes commissioned for their little club. It was scuffed, covered in mud, but the smear of brown against Todd’s gloves made David swallow any jealousy he felt.
“I’m fine.” Of course he was. He wasn’t the one in hospital.
“He’s still in surgery, but the hospital isn’t busy tonight so they let us into the cafeteria even though its closed. We’re waiting for someone from the Hughes to show up; they said it will still eb a couple hours, but I guess,” Todd paused. He was leaning David off the entrance, presumably towards the sitting area. “None of us could just go home. Not, well… his motorcycle is still in the ditch and, it wouldn’t feel right riding without him.”
“This wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t gone out with you guys.” David found himself saying bitterly.
Todd eyed him. He didn’t say anything for a moment; their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. “I’m sorry you feel this way. But statistically, you know without us this just would have happened sooner.”
“You guys make it easy with your little bike gang.” David said, fiddling with the keys in his pocket. Wes was in surgery, and he was out here, chatting. It didn’t feel right. There had to be something he could do.
“Wes can have more than two groups of friends.” Todd said quietly, checking the door before opening it. “But now is not the time to fight. Sadie and Colby know more about the medical situation because they had to relay information to the doctors and the Hughes. We all care about Wes, but think about it- only you have his parent’s number. Don’t be mean because he’s not devoting his life to you.”
David kept quiet, the door opened to the large hospital cafeteria. The whole group was there, sans Wes. Some still had their jackets on; others like honorary member Casey Lambert, had taken it off in a haze of frantic pacing. Colby, Dustin, and Jackie were whispering between each other, while Sadie comforted a crying Allison.
“It’s okay, he’ll be fine.��� Sadie said, loud enough for David to hear as they came in. She was holding Allison against her chest. David had seen Allison enough in passing while visiting Katherine at Royal to know she was a loud, confident girl. She didn’t seem like the type who cried much.
“I- I was supposed to ride with him. This is my fault.” Allison cried, sniffing between words into Sadie’s t-shirt. “Maybe he wouldn’t have been hit if I was on the back of his b-b-bike.”
Sadie petted her hair, “Allie, honey, you know he would have just sped faster. You two are speed demons. Shh, shh, this is no one’s fault except that evil truck who hit him.”
“I should have go-gotten the plate, or I could have-”
“Allie, honey don’t do that. No, no. Come on sweetie.” Sadie said, holding her tighter. “We’ll be back on the road soon, don’t worry. He’ll get out of surgery and everything will be fine.”
Sadie looked up, meeting David’s eyes. She pressed her mouth together and averted her gaze. Colby noticed the company Todd brought and got up quickly. He dodged around the table to hold his hand out to David, an awkward greeting.
“Hey, I’m sorry we gotta meet all proper like this- but, uh, I’m Colby from Lancaster?”
“I know who you are.” David said quickly. “Todd said you know what’s going on with Wes?”
Colby scratched the back of his neck nervously, “Yeah, uh. Shit. I. Okay. So his parents okayed the surgery, after that I was cut out of the conversation because of confidentiality; but before that I saw the whole thing. Fucking car comes out of the left lane, clips Wes’ wheel and sends him into the ditch. It was mostly a skid, but he flipped once so between the road burn and the fall I think he’s got a broken leg, a couple ribs, and like… there was a lot of blood along his whole? Side? I guess?”
Todd nodded, “Yeah his side. We’re usually in full protective gear, so if anything his face is the one thing that’s fine. The chin strap didn’t budge thank any gods who were listening. But, well, padding only does so much against gravel.”
“The doctors say he should be fine. But its his lung they’re worried about. He’s got two, but like? Internal bleeding… fuck.” Colby didn’t seem to know how to order his thoughts. “It was deliberate. And, his parents said something weird, like, ‘we’ll take care of it’, like they would just be able to pick out of hundreds of fucking pickup trucks which one got Wes on a random road in Ohio. They must know some cops or something….”
“Or something.” David said solemnly. So they didn’t know; or they didn’t know David knew, so they were pretending. Colby seemed like he couldn’t keep a secret though; so, maybe Wes didn’t trust them with that kind of information.
“Is he going to be out soon?” David asked.
“Not sure.” Colby said. “Sit down, its going to be a while.”
It was a while. Four hours in fact. One to take him apart, and three to put him back together. The group was told they wouldn’t be able to stay at the hospital overnight, but Victoria Hughes arrived banked by two large, bulked up men, all except David were told to leave.
He was grateful, he was. He promised to keep the Motorcycle Bros in the loop, but right now Wes was his priority. Answering confirmation texts from Casey Lambert were not going to be on his to-do list.
Wes didn’t wake up that night. Or the next morning. Victoria left for a few hours, switching off with David at his bedside. The large men by his doorway stood silent watch. It was a long time before David felt safe enough to let himself sleep.
He was shaken awake sometime in the evening; a fragile grip tugging at his pant leg. “Davey?”
“Wessy.” David smiled sleepily before he even opened his eyes.
Wes groaned. David couldn’t help but laugh. “You called me Davey, fair is fair,”
“I’m high on painkillers, let me live.”
David opened his eyes to his best friend, tired and exhausted, but alive. Thank you, God; he was alive. He resisted the urge to hug him, conscious that underneath the hospital gown was probably a whole mummy’s worth of bandages. Instead, he gripped the hand on his trousers tightly. He wasn’t going to let go until Wes asked.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” David said, weight behind his words.
“Yeah, bit gnarly.” Wes smiled.
“You’re a dork.”
“Yeah, and?” Wes rolled his head against the pillow, scraped scabs visible under his neckline. “How long have you been here?”
“Last night. Victoria is here too. She brought the goons.”
“Probably Alejandro and Pino; they’re nice guys.” Wes said, stifling a yawn. “Sorry to keep you up, it wasn’t even the fun kind.”
“I don’t mind, you’d do the same for me.” David squeezed his hand. Wes squeezed back.
“You know it.” Wes said, tiredness seeping into his voice.
David couldn’t help it though, his next words just came out. “What were you thinking? Going out riding? Leading the pack? They’re…”
“They’re the only reason I’m alive.” Wes corrected. “If I’d been alone? Shit.”
“I know, but you’re on the road with-”
“David not every traffic accident is Katherine!” Wes said, sitting up and wincing. “God. You remember when I skidded off the road in sophomore year; that was my own stupidity. This time? I could have just stayed in that ditch for a week and no one would have found me. It’s the side of the I-71 on a weekday, no one cares. Besides, its not like you’d come out riding with me.”
“Its dangerous Wes.” David insisted.
“God, David; is this about me spending time with them and not you?” Wes asked, nailing the issue on its head.
“It’s not.” David lied.
“I’m not stupid. I know you.”
He did.
“I just-”
“I’m sorry I haven’t been spending time with you; but have you considered you haven’t made it easy?”
“I know, you want to get into a good school. I don’t care because I’m running the family business no matter what my grades are.” Wes sighed, “David. Has it occurred to you I miss you too?”
“But you spend all your time with-”
“Only when you blow me off to study!”
“We used to study together.”
“We used to have all our classes together.” Wes pointed out. “I’m going business, you’re going medical. Why would I still be in Biology or Physics? Why would you be in Accounting?”
David said nothing.
“For someone so smart you can be a real idiot.” Wes said, pulling David’s hand closer. “But okay, if you promise to stop being just a territorial idiot, I’ll make a special David Only Day- not just movie nights, but just us.”
David snorted, “You’re just saying that cause you’ll be on bedrest until you’re better.”
“You saw through my evil plan! Oh no!” Wes said dramatically, raiding his hand as many degrees it could go until it hurt.
They would be fine. But it would take work. Luckily, both of them knew how to make the impossible out of probabilities.
David then realized, “Hey wait are you dating-”
“They’re all taken and it’s unfair.” Wes said. “I know!”
“Oh that’s rough man.”
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helmwelt-blog · 7 years
How to Buy a Properly Sized Motorcycle Helmet
o determine which motorcycle helmets to buy is a sophisticated question if you are going to purchase a brand new bike and if that is your first time than for certain, you will wind up being confused. Many individuals may need had bikes however then they might not have bothered to bye motorcycle helmets for themselves and now for some reason they are pressured to as a result of authorities rules.
Before you purchase motorbike helmets, you have to make sure that you know the explanation for purchasing the headgear.
There are two major causes one is for the rider's security and the other is because it's modern to wear helmets with designs on them. When you're seeking a helmet that appears good moderately than shopping for a helmet that is for safety purpose then the price of the helmet is method cheaper.
In case you are one among the many individuals who truly does not care how their helmet appears than you should go in for novelty helmets? The novelty helmet has padding in it however the one drawback is that it doesn't have inner liner but these helmets are not that protected, they are only for the sake of it. This headgear is likely one of the most cost-effective helmets and it also is gentle in weight so additionally it is going to be simple so that you can carry.
If you're one among the many crowd who are fascinated to buy a helmet which is for the protection purposes than looks then you should go in for the DOT rated helmet. There may be only a minor distinction between the DOT rated helmets and novelty helmets, however when it comes to security it issues loads. The DOT helmets have the inside liner and they're really secure for the rider. The novelty helmets and even the dot helmets are available in varied colors and sizes. As of late you also discover lots of designer wear helmets out there for the motor bikers it's a completely different style to hold one of the best helmets in town.
In case you are really in the fashionable side then you may go in for the excessive security commonplace helmets. These helmets are for tough and hard use and it covers the pinnacle of the driver fully thus making it really safe for the rider to drive it. Now it depends on you regarding which motorcycle helmets fits you the perfect.
There isn't a doubt that in relation to security gear you get what you pay for. If you are beneath the false impression that cheap safety gear is each bit pretty much as good as costly security gear then you could not be extra improper and it is unfortunate that too many new riders learn the way incorrect they're after it's too late. They determine how badly they need security gear after they NEEDED the safety gear. I can let you know from experience, that the pain of buying the suitable gear, is far less than the ache that an excellent dose of road rash will go away you with.
I don't suppose anyone would argue that in terms of bikes the number one piece of security tools is your motorbike helmet. The proper bike helmet can make all of the distinction on this planet in the event of a crash. The truth is, it can be the difference between walking away and being carried away and that is a IMPORTANT distinction, I think we would all agree.
There are a variety of things it's best to consider when choosing the best helmet for you but the key actually is FOR YOU. It doesn't matter what your buddy buys or what the man down the road with the Hayabuse is sporting, what matters is what works for you. You should find a bike helmet that you will be pleased with and that matches your head, in any other case you'll be tempted to NOT wear it. That is a mistake.
A number of the components that you would wish to contemplate would be:
? Helmet Fit - Does it really feel good in your head
? Liner - Is the liner detachable and washable? Trust me...it can get funky.
? Visor Operate - Is the visor easy to operate? How about with gloves on?
? Helmet Weight - sometimes the lighter the helmet the much less fatigue it will transfer to you.
? Safety - Does it meet SNELL or DOT standards or each?
? Highway Noise - Is it too loud? A loud helmet can give you a headache over time.
? Price - Certain price is a factor. Store where it fahrradhelm can save you cash. eBay has some nice offers.
? Design - How does it look? Proud to put on it on bike evening? A helmet you want, is a helmet you'll put on.
These are just a few of the things it is advisable to take into account when buying bike helmets so ensure you give some consideration to all of them. Bear in mind two things with regards to security gear, you get what you pay for and if you prefer it, then you'll wear it. So be sure you make investments the suitable sum of money and purchase a motorcycle helmet that you'll love wearing and revel in being seen in.
If you're in search of discount motorcycle helmet decisions, it could be good to search for them at helmet specialty outlets and shops. But be very sure that every discount motorcycle helmet that you simply probability upon should be as much as safety standards. Do not buy bike helmets just by the value provided but in addition by the level of safety that it might probably present. There are discount bike helmets which might be up to the job, it's only a matter of discovering them.
You have to keep in mind that a motorbike helmet is a very important element of the motorbike using experience. They aren't used merely for aesthetic causes however for safety reasons as effectively. A bike helmet enhances your driving expertise to a fun and secure degree. A badly chosen helmet may not suit you or be just right for you properly, thereby lessening your using expertise.
Selecting a bike helmet might be difficult for most people. Even essentially the most experienced riders can have a troublesome time discovering one that they would find appropriate for their needs. One of many key points faced by most riders is the match of the bike helmet. Riders have completely different helmet shapes and varieties to check out. Not all of them could possibly fit suitably for everybody.
There are full face helmets that supply full head and face protection for riders but might not be capable of fit properly for some riders. Then there are also open faced helmets in addition to half helmets that supply a more snug match for most individuals but provide less protection if used within the absence of goggles and sunglasses which might help shield the eyes.
One other key cause for choosing a motorbike helmet is the fashion and enchantment. Aesthetic value is what makes some helmets extra fashionable than others. The expertise being used in designing them may even develop into the reason why such helmets are most popular by most. Attractive colours and striking graphic designs may also provide helmets with good saleability. Price is also vital to some individuals when choosing a helmet.
For those who cannot find a good helmet that will best fit or enchantment to your tastes, you may at all times have one customized made. This fashion, not solely will you be getting the helmet appears to be like that you want, you can also have them custom made to be extra comfy to offer you a more enhanced riding experience. It doesn't matter what helmet you choose, just make sure that you all the time put security and safety on high of your checklist whenever you do your decisions.
Do you personal a motorcycle? For those who do, what kind of bike do you've got? Is it a giant bike, filth bike, bullet bike or just a scooter? Before you buy your bike gears like these helmets, leather jackets, gloves and etc, it's good to guantee that they'll match the style of bike you've got. Each of those motorcycle gears are designed depending on what sort of motorcycle you've gotten. There are helmets which might be specially made for filth bikes or those motocross riders.
There are additionally helmets which can be designed for bullet bikes and so on and so forth. So, if ever you just own a scooter since you aren't into big bikes and dust bikes, then the perfect helmet that you can have is the DOT helmets. DOT helmets are perfectly designed for these individuals who own a scooter. However before you buy them, listed below are among the options that you must examine to make sure that it's worth your cash.
Security: always examine if the supplies are of high quality. Also, make it possible for they go all of the DOT safety necessities. It's good to verify that the fabric is sturdy and top quality so you may be assured with the security. These helmets ought to defend you from getting harm or get into any severe harm to your head, although you can also put on it for vogue. There may be at all times a risk in riding a motorbike that is why security is at all times emphasised.
Style: I've talked about earlier that carrying helmets usually are not just for safety and safety but in addition for vogue purposes. There are helmets which might be trendy especially helmets for ladies. They arrive in several colors they usually even have these female accent print deigns. You possibly can actually visit the closest auto shop in your house and try to verify what they have for you. If ever you possibly can't find what you are in search of, then you may try to search them within the web.
Consolation: if you're already sure with the safety options of the DOT helmet that you simply need to purchase and in addition with its design, these options can be useless if you're snug. If you find yourself shopping for motorbike helmets, do not hesitate to try it on your head, so you can really feel if it is snug or not. Does it suit your head right or not? Just remember to get the best size for better fit and luxury.
Though most individuals don't truly think about them as essentials and can the truth is purchase them final, motorbike helmets are some of the necessary accessories when you've a motorbike. The truth is, state laws have included the sporting of motorbike helmets. This, lawmakers say, will be able to prevent main accidents ought to accidents occur. Helmets defend the person from suffering from head injuries which can be probably harmful and even fatal. Passengers are even requested to wear helmets particularly when cruising at high speeds.
Under are some ideas that will aid you buy the appropriate motorbike helmet.
1. Does it meet the DOT normal?
Earlier than shopping for a helmet, make it possible for what you've gotten chosen meets with the standards set by the Department of Transportation?s Federal Motor Automobile Security Commonplace 218. You possibly can determine this by searching for the symbol of the DOT on the helmet.
Additionally, you will discover a label inside the helmet that provides you with important information about the helmet such as the producer?s name, the year and the month the helmet was manufactured, the model number, the size of the helmet, the supplies used for its construction and of course some information about the company. Make sure that both the emblem and the label is present.
2. Is it high quality-made?
Helmets ought to be constituted of a firm polystyrene layer or Styrofoam layer that may assist protect your head from harm. The layer ought to be an inch thick and may weigh about three pounds. It should be simple constructed with none of the gildings that can only cause damage in your head reminiscent of spikes or other protruding decorations. Chin straps with sturdy rivets must be also be present as this can help maintain the helmet in place.
3. Does it suit your style?
A helmet need not be out of favor just because it is thought of as a security gear. It will also be an avenue the place one could make a vogue assertion. Strive looking for nice illustrations on the outer shell of the helmet. Some individuals even have the illustrations customized-made.
four. Does it supply full safety?
Helmets that shield the whole face will in fact serve you in good stead during collision. The plastic face shields will also defend you from the wind, the mud, rain, insects and street particles that are thrown up by passing vehicles. If you do not want helmets with the shield on them, buy a separate goggles that may help defend your eyes. One factor that it is best to know is that windshields are usually not sufficient to protect you.
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