#please zoom in it is a lot of cool details.
reachartwork · 2 months
the process
a lot of people like to ask me about my process and how ai can be "creative" because they're under the impression that it's just kind of a big slot machine. you pull a lever and art uncontrollably comes out. well, let me show you my process
this is going to be a long thread tagged with #long post, blacklist that if you want to skip it.
so how it starts like most art is that i have an idea. in this case, earlier i made a post about witch-knights "surfing" on swords, so i'm going to try and make that - a witch-knight flying through the air atop one of her swords.
it starts with this picture.
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i think this picture is dogshit so i discard basically all of it to try and find something closer to my original intent. there's a couple of uninteresting regenerations so it's clear i have to go back to the drawing board and teach the machine what it is i'm trying to do
let's start with a witch-knight on a broom. it's definitely not great but it gives us a better pose that i can work with.
i start by erasing the broom and replacing it with a skateboard - the machine understands skating better for what i need it to do.
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there's a ton of small, subtle errors in this image and it overall looks like dogshit but the most important part right now is blocking and the overall pose structure - i need her "surfing" a large, lengthwise object, in the sky. i start by erasing pieces of the skateboard
now we have a sword, which is good. but the sword itself looks... bad. i'll spare you the abortive attempts at selective regeneration of the sword and just show you what happened when i rolled it back a couple of times from this pose and let it regen entirely.
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again, tons of small little shitty errors, but this is something i can work with. i do another regen for a less shitty sword. her boob armor gets replaced with, like, generic scale mail.
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this image has a great sword and decent pose but like... everything else is kind of futzy and i dont like it. instead of trying to pick and choose i just throw it back into the oven for a second. much better! but now she's going to cut herself on the sword, oh no!
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again, i'll save you the agonizing thirty minutes of trying to get it to understand where the foot should go. unlike before i didn't really have a choice except to muscle through. there! now she's surfing safely :)
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so it's done, right? well, i mean, i could post this. and it would probably do okay. but *i'm* not satisfied with it. there's stiffness. dozens of minor errors. the eyes look weird when you zoom in. let's start by fixing her hat, and then maybe her hands?
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but she's missing fingers on her left hand so let's go ahead and fix that too. and i don't really like the tip of her sword and the ocean looks really flat and boring. so, VERY CAREFULLY, i have to etch out the parts of the sword and her body i have to keep, and also write an entirely new prompt to tell it "i want an ocean w/ rolling waves please :)"
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this is better but not great. i try again - serendipitously, it makes this really cool variant with a shadow over the water, but i know working with that will take more wrangling so i'm considering it an evolutionary dead end and discarding it for now.
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i proceed to spend 30 minutes trying to make the ocean look better but it's really not working imo. i'm gonna go back to the shadow version and see how that works
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i'll spare you the other 8 minutes - i'm satisfied with the following picture. the sword isn't *perfectly* straight, her eyes aren't perfectly textured, the scale mail is... weird, in texture, but anything else would be greasing the wheel and i think beyond the machine's ability to do fine detail.
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i've also attached the starting picture for comparison - it has better, "higher quality" clouds and ocean but i personally cared more about the pose and the sword surfing - the background is mostly tangential. could i get back ocean and clouds of that quality with another two hours of painstakingly cutting and re-generating bits of the background without destroying any of my existing work on the pose? probably. but i don't want to.
total time spent on this piece from start to finish was one hour and twenty one minutes. and now you know!
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chiiroptereh · 2 months
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[Please zoom in, there's a lot of detail! And a massive file size...ouch]
Hi guys, long time no post! Been working on Art Fight and life stuff, but I've got something kinda fun for you.
This is a compilation exploring how a mortal Bill may interact with our world if there were still some kinda Euclidean instincts buried in there. Y'know, before the Book of Bill ruins all my headcanons >:P (EDIT: IT HAS BEEN READ. YAHOOOOOO)
Also quite an experimental piece as you can probably tell. Lots of details on both said headcanons and the art stuff under the cut, but I invite you to study the colorful texture yourself beforehand and think about what it might be representative of, just for fun because I got some really cool answers from my friends when asked :]c
TL;DR: the headcanon is that Euclideans have exceptional eyes for geometry. They find things like symmetry, tessellating patterns, graphs and fractals very aesthetically pleasing. If pushed into our 3D world, they feel comforted by the familiarity flat objects/spaces bring, as well as high-contrast patterns. Shadows especially are a familiar dimensional reduction that may bring them much comfort.
Bill would surely not be happy about these inclinations, constant reminders of a past long gone, but I'm not sure he's even aware of them here :P I think his ego gets in the way to the point where he just views these interests as common sense, which, of course, us lame humans just don't understand because we aren't nearly as cool as him. Of course he likes perfectly symmetrical leaves and staring at the kitchen floor, it's called taste, look it up!
And yet, he can't seem to shake the strange sense of melancholy he gets from viewing his own shadow.
~ End of TL;DR, long version below! ~
🔺 Headcanon Development
So, the catalyst of this idea was in relation to my friend and I's AU ( @love-triangles-au ). TL;DR, Bill's brought back mortal, meets another triangle named Y.V. (it's his hand holding the paper in the piece, actually), at some point they fall in yaois together, you know how it is. And, in writing a pair of triangles (or, more broadly, writing from the perspective of a different species), something I've had to consider was that you really can't get much further removed from a human being than sentient geometry.
The anatomical aspect was mostly figured out (see my piece on Bill's eye-mouth), but I wanted to consider what psychological differences might be at play. I wanted them to be weirder, more alien, double-so for Bill. At first I explored these possibilities through the lens of Bill and Y.V.'s relationship, specifically the question "what might a triangle find appealing about another triangle?"
Well, really the only things that came to mind were straight lines and symmetry, anything related to the geometric form of such a creature. That's more-or-less where that ended until the thought struck me that there's no reason this aesthetic appreciation couldn't extend to the rest of the environment, and then further when I realized, "wait, this is a species that is designed to live in a 2D environment. Like, they should seriously be really weird. I need to push this like 200% more."
So...yeah! I did some thinking and brainstorming with others and came up with a pretty long list of things a Euclidean in our world may be inclined to enjoy or find some level of comfort in. It's worth noting again that in this piece specifically this is a mortal/powerless Bill, so he can't really escape this Earthly environment. IF he's aware of these instincts at all (and that's a big "if"; when have you last been cognizant of your own instincts let alone known where they were stemming from?) I think he'd have snuffed them out in immortality and/or purposefully gone against them; he doesn't take kindly to being told what to do.
In order from left-to-right, top-to-bottom, here's an explanation for each!:
Flat objects such as paper are something he may find particularly engaging. It's basically 2D!
Tessellations are especially fascinating, and our world has them everywhere in the form of tile floors. Symmetry and such a predictable pattern...as the infinity of the starry sky might for us, the infinite potential of tessellations might invoke a similar sense of awe in him. Add on the maximum contrast of black on white kitchen tiles and the forms are only even better defined! A sensitivity to contrast would be very helpful for a 2D being navigating their environment.
Fields are flat and open, much like Euclydia itself. Laying flat may make him feel a little more at home.
More tessellation in the honeycomb of hymenopterans (bees, wasps and friends)! It helps that pain is hilarious.
The city is an absolute treasure trove. Rectangular buildings, precise architecture, square sidewalks and straight lines abound...he may as well be looking at a rainbow or an art gallery! I think a Euclidean's brain is very fine-tuned to mathematics, especially in regards to trigonometry. What may appear to be a straight painting might appear obnoxiously crooked to him.
Zebras are high-contrast :]
Another flat surface, another relaxing space <3
I think graphs are about as high as high art gets to most Euclideans.
I've touched on shadows before, and for good reason; truly they must be something borderline magical to the Euclidean and perhaps bitterly nostalgic.
This one kinda speaks for itself. Dweeb.
🎨 The Artsy Stuff
Lately I've been trying to find ways to fit more color into my work, as color is perhaps one of my favorite things in the world. My wardrobe is rather garish; my dad jokes that you could see me from space. My fursona is obnoxiously bright for a reason -- I feel my soul is a very colorful one!
I also realized recently that I don't actually know the exact style that speaks to me. I could talk about the phenomenon of the "style crisis" that many artists have all day, but in my mind the best cure for this feeling is to go against it entirely and begin stealing as much as possible.
So, I've tried to keep an eye out for more sources of inspiration everywhere I go, physical and digital. I've tried to train my mind into making a habit of considering, "can I do anything with this?" everywhere I go, and it recently paid off!
The glittery rainbowy texture you see plastered all over Billiam is this one, a photo-manipulated set of fruit stickers. I must confess I've been obsessed with this image for the past 72 hours, and this seemed like a good excuse to try it out!
I worried throughout the process if it might be so abstract that it loops back around to being horribly deliberate, if that makes sense -- like each sparkle was not a piece of a whole but rather an object in itself -- but it seems like that hasn't been a problem, so I'm grateful for that :Dc
I hope it can dazzle and delight you as it does me, but as long as you find it fascinating at the very least then I consider it a success! I really enjoyed hearing my friends' interpretations while workshopping it, and got tons of amazing answers from opal to kaleidoscope to fossilized bone marrow! I truly believe that the best art has some room for interpretation and it really excites me to be surrounded by that kind of creative energy that follows said pieces. That definitely adds to my pride in this work. It's weird, it's colorful, it's detailed and yet ambiguous. I'm feeling pretty autistic about it
Alright, I think that's about it. Thanks for listening!
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kozachenko · 7 months
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[Click image for better quality]
Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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spiceofvy · 1 year
Sexting with SKZ
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cw: gender neutral reader, sub-ish reader (Minho, Seungmin), accidental sexting (Changbin), consentually saving nudes (Hyunjin), Phone Sex (Hyunjin), slight exhibitionism (Jisung), edging (Seungmin), degradation (Seungmin), Sexting in public (Changbin, Minho, Jisung)
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Chan: Contrary to popular belief he will not sext in the studio, just because he gets so caught up in his work that he doesn't realize his phone is ringing. You could send him 20 nudes in 5 minutes and get no answer all evening. Only for him to text you 4 hours later "sorry for the late answer, hope you had a good time… do you still want me to come over?" He is also not the type to initiate, he is always a bit unsure if you're in the mood or not, so he rather stays safe and leaves that to you. Which doesn't mean that he isn't really excited to reciprocate. The best time to start is right before dance practice begins, he will be hot and bothered the whole time, and check his phone during every water-break. After some more messages, he will cut practice short and fuck you at home. Scolding you for taking his attention away from his work.
Minho: He is such a romantic, thinking a lot about his word choice, crafting the best message he could think of: "Send nudes." If you're lucky it's followed by "please." He is absolutely shameless, no matter where he is, he will look at your nudes, zoom in. But if anyone dares to even glance at his phone, they will never come back. He accepts no disrespect towards you. He texts short answers, some basic praise, and simple orders. Just enough to not make you feel like you're being ghosted. He doesn't mean to come off as cold but behind his confident demeanor he is a bit unsure about himself. So don't expect any pictures in return, they won't come, your only reward is knowing that he is looking, watching, and savoring every little detail about you. But don't worry when he's back home he will show you just how grateful he is.
Changbin: He starts sexting you without actually meaning to. He sends you a picture from the gym, just a little update and you react like every good partner would and praise him for his progress. So he asks for a picture of you, but the way he words it makes it sound very… sexual. And so you send him a picture of you back, just a little bit more on the teasing aide and he will throw his phone through the gym, suddenly shy with what you send him and scared that someone could see his precious partner in such a way. But of course, he wouldn't ghost you, sending you paragraphs about everything he would find pretty about you. As you slowly send him more and more it shifts from praise to promises of what he could do to you. His face beet red. He is so shy. But this whole interaction is such a confidence boost for both of you.
Hyunjin: Our little artist is the kind of person to save your nudes (after asking for consent of course) to use them later as inspiration. Without your face obviously. You are his muse and even on the days when his inspiration is at its lowest seeing you; with or without clothes can always motivate him to paint. When receving the photos he will write some very flowery words about you in return. Also, the photos he sends back? Works of art. Every single one of them. Effortlessly beautiful. We all know that he is a very visual person, but to go all the way he needs to hear you, and how you react to him. But also see you. So Videocall it is. He acts very calm and cool but seeing you plead for him, writhing for his attention, does so much to him. Half of the fun for him comes from your desperation for him. He enjoys being sought after like a prince. And he will treat you like royalty in return.
Jisung: Just like Minho Jisung just straight up asks for nudes. Even in public. This guy doesn't care who's beside him, he misses you, and your body. But just like Minho, he is also very much willing to hunt anyone who tries to look at the pictures for sport. That's how far the similarities go though because with Jisung as soon as he is riled up enough he will do 90% of picture-sending. Starting with some subtle teasing, some selfies with his arms or chest in focus showing off his work at the gym, before it turns more and more scandalous. Until it's straight off full-body nudes. Extra points if other people are around. More than once he started sending you pictures of his bulge in his pants with Chan and Changbin still in the studio with him. Being extra sneaky while trying to show as much as possible to you without being caught. Ending it all with a shaky video of him jerking off in the public bathroom of the building.
Felix: With Felix, you never know his true intentions when he texts you. "What are you doing?" "Where are you right now?" "Are you with friends?" And boom there is: "Want some nice pictures?" Either ended with ;) or :). Depending on that he will either send you some snapshots of his last shoot or straight-up porn of himself. Nice boy who always asks for consent but has 0 shame when it comes to showing his body to you. Videos of him presenting his pretty body and playing with himself, while whispering the sweetest nicknames he could think of for you. Pictures of him with glazed eyes and bitten lips, hand wrapped around himself. And when you return the favor? He will spew the most beautiful nasty praises you can imagine. But he won't touch himself to completion, won't cum. Those pictures and videos are just foreplay for what plans he has for you tonight.
Seungmin: With Seungmin sexting is always a multi-day experience. It's usually the last couple of days before he gets home after traveling. Filled with edging some degradation and the sweetest praise. Not many pictures from either side. But lots and lots of orders, he knows exactly how he wants you to behave, when and how you touch yourself. Routine check-ups on you, asking if you are doing what he wants from you. Calls where he talks about everything but not the dirty promises he made to you just 5 minutes earlier on text. He makes sure you're okay, that you're eating enough, and don't overwork yourself with his sweetest voice. But as soon as the call is over he starts his game again. Slowly but surely pushing you to desperation. And when you finally beg and plead to him to finally let you cum, he still doesn't. You have to wait until he's home again to finally get released.
Jeongin: Oh poor guy has no Idea how to do this properly. What to say, what kind of photos you would like (all of them. Honestly. You appreciate any picture of him) but he is somehow a natural. The Selfies he sends you? Like straight out of an underwear shoot. The way he talks to you? The perfect amount of sweetness and filth to get you blushing. He won't ask for specifics, he's very easy to please, Just a sneak peek of your underwear? His imagination is already running wild. Full-on nudes? He will probably trip over his words when trying to compliment you. Always sexts you in private, locked in a bathroom stall, in his dorm room. Somewhere he can feel safe. But wherever he is, he will probably return to you earlier than planned, because what he just saw, got him pretty riled up.
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catmaidetho · 8 months
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i have SO many thoughts about etho's build so far. oh my god. etho talks briefly about his choice of main building blocks in his video & talks a little about color theory but i want to reallly take a microscope to this because its like. insane. zoom in on this shit. LOOK AT IT. this is such an amazing display of color theory and just aauughgUHGUFCVB
this build is like. insanely colorful. there's two different shades of blue (three if you count water), two different shades of red, two shades of brown, there's bright green, there's even two shades of pink??? like if i just listed off the blocks that etho had used for this build you'd go "huh. i think that's two completely separate palettes just smushed together." but then you LOOK AT IT in action and it all works.
every color is, to some degree, everywhere. you've got the white terracotta acting as a really muted pink in the walls, the mangrove beams braced with spruce, warped planks for the roof; and then you've also got the bright red in the nether wart and the sweet berries and bright green in the gardens and blue in the pitcher plants, and the warped planks in the pond w the coral and lily pads??? there is not a single area of this build not jam-packed with color and detail and its SO FUCKING COOL.
you can really, really tell that he learned a lot about color theory when he was building the monstrosity and how to detail and it's all on show here and its so pretty. like seriously.
also can we please give etho a round of applause for building (the start of) a roof. good job man i know that's hard
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 15 days
Lynn's Bionicle Media Looking-At Thing Part 2: Power Pack, or: "That One Time I Had To Download Alcohol 120% Just To Run A Random Bionicle Promo Disc"
Also please note that this is pre-lawsuit, so they throw around the T-word a lot. Be warned.
I was going to record a video for this, but OBS didn't like this one so it'll just be screenshots. Not that it matters, since most of the CD isn't animated.
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When you start the program, a cool little intro animation plays showing a zoom into the island of Mata Nui, specifically the northern part where Po-Koro is.
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You are then plonked into Po-Koro. You can pan the camera left and right. Here's a stitched-together image of the entire view:
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Now for the individual things, starting from the left and going right.
Onewa overview
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A picture of Onewa that you can click different parts of to learn more about him.
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Bionicle trailer thingy
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For some reason, the map of Mata Nui shows a trailer that seems to be original, and I wish I could get a recording of it, but alas, I can't.
Pohatu overview
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The Onewa overview, but for Pohatu.
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The Toa icons along the bottom play their respective promotional animations but doesn't change the viewed Toa, which is good because I don't want to use up this post's image limit with 24 screenshots of each Toa's overview, mask and tool.
Golden Kanohi Treasure Hunt
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A simple quiz that, presumably, was part of a contest. Can you solve it?
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Hafu overview
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Ah yes, the man himself, who was included with physical releases (which I don't have; I'm using the version from Biomedia). This overview is different compared to Onewa and Pohatu's, as it lacks the icons along the side, and reveals extra details when you click things.
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Bionicle: Quest For The Toa gameplay demo
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Ok so this is. A weird one. From the name you'd expect, like, a short playable demo for Bionicle: Quest For The Toa (which uses its original name because 2001), but it isn't; instead, it's a gameplay showcase that appears to have been recorded from a GBA via camcorder.
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Mask room
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And finally, the mask room. You can click the masks to read about them. Also the word "Miru" is spelled wrong.
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And finally, the most important feature...
The exit button
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This quits out to this screen:
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Anyway I've reached the image limit, which does mean I can't include the fact that the Hau's description claims that it can't protect against surprise attacks.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So I finished FFXV ages ago, but I've been thinking about it lately bc you know, I elaborated the chocobros' story far further than it was meant to go and got way more attached to them than I should have. So here're some things that the game did really well and some of the things it didn't. (you don't have to agree w anything here; I'm not trying to corrupt y'all w my opinions; I just feel like talking)
Let's start with the bad to get it out of the way:
CINDY. I swear to everything holy her character had the potential to be So Cool if she hadn't been so overtly over-sexualized. Like, I'm a woman-liker too and I get it, lady mechanics are hot af, but you know what else is attractive? Safety in the workplace. Cindy's outfit was not something any mechanic would be caught dead wearing. Yeah, it was designed to be sexy, but do you know how many burns she would've accumulated from the hot oil and metal she works with? There's a reason mechanics typically wear clothing zipped up when they're actually working on something. If anything, Cindy's character design just made me uncomfortable. Her character itself? Great. No qualms there. Her design? Please acquire more than two square feet of fabric I'm begging you. I just feel like Cindy deserved to be so much more than fan service.
Luna's brief time on-screen. Yet another potentially incredible and deep female protagonist who got short change from this game. People joke a lot that Luna wasn't at all an important character because the game never really treated her like one. She was MEANT to be important, clearly, but it felt like she existed just for her tearjerking death scene? Like there was SO MUCH overlooked potential to bring her into the storyline as more than Tragic Love Interest In White, and yet?? Idk it frustrated me.
The emotional aspect of the game felt rushed. There were a lot of emotional scenes covered throughout the plotline ranging from King Regis's death to the deal with Prompto at Zegnautus Keep. I feel like the game TRIED to cover them realistically and show the characters' grief, but it didn't quite get there. It was just sort of an "Oh, how sad. I'm so upset and angry. Hm, what's that? My friends believe in me without truly understanding and I can kill someone to ease my pain? Oh okay I'm better now." I get that realistic healing cycles are kinda hard to portray within a set timeframe, but having some lingering effects of the blatant trauma inflicted would've been nice. You don't recover from shit like that in a week's time.
Character personalities tended to be one-sided. Noctis was edgy, Prompto was happy-go-lucky, Gladio was tough-guy, and Ignis was... nevermind, Iggy was great--- HE had some on-screen depth. Personally, I've developed these characters myself far more than what the game gave us, but I wish we'd gotten more canon depth beyond their surface-level traits. I love them with my whole heart and they deserve genuine complexity.
Now the things I actually really enjoyed:
The graphics were on-point. The amount of detail put into character design and into monsters was insane. You could zoom in and see individual textures on skin and hair and feathers, bringing a level of realism to the game that I personally enjoyed.
All of the Latin and Norse mythological references!! As a Latin nerd, I found little gems everywhere in this game. Esp in the names--- (Noctis Lucis Caelum = Of-the-night Sky-of-light (the genitives in there make the literal translation kinda a mouthful ik) Gladiolus Amicitia = Sword-flower Friendship (the gladiolus is an actual flower that gets its name from the Latin word gladius, meaning sword, for its sword-like shape) Ignis Scientia = Fire Knowledge; Prompto Argentum = Ready Silver (the word prompto is actually in the dative (possibly ablative), making the literal translation nonsense, but if they'd made his name Promptus, it would've sounded awkward, so I can see why they picked the dative/ablative form of the adjective for stylistic reasons and I put the rough translation instead)) WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF PARENTHETICAL INFO WHOOPS
Ardyn's character. I'm not saying this bc I'm one of the fans who fawn over him---Ardyn is DEFINITELY NOT MY PREFERRED FLAVOR OF MAN, but character-wise, he made an excellent antagonist. He was witty, slick, and classy in an I'm-gonna-outstep-you-like-it's-hopscotch sorta way. He was a poetic villain done well, which made him an antagonist you could both sympathize for and absolutely detest given the situation. He was both the master manipulator and the pawn one space away from the edge of the board. He can sway a crowd, but you know deep in your gut just by the cunning greed in his eyes that You Cannot Trust The Man. He was definitely Not a good person (tragic backstory isn't an excuse), but he was a good villain.
I loved the bond between the chocobros?? This is probably bc I'm a sucker for the found family trope, but their interactions were so amazing to me?? Like, not even the cutscene stuff. Just their little sidebar conversations during fights or while you're walking around or driving the Regalia. They're Roadtrip Buddies™ and I think that's excellent.
THE FOOD. By god, the food in this game looked absolutely scrumptious and I would like to partake. The Daggerquill Soup? Give it to me I'll pay you. The Creamy Crustacean Omelet? Stop it right now I'll eat that so fast it'll be a criminal offense. Like I know I touched on the graphics earlier, but broski I was not kidding. I guess I know why the game took so long to make it to the market bc the detail that went into these recipes is absolutely mouthwatering.
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🚨Mature Content ahead, minors DNI, plz stop reading and move along!🚨
Jey Uso x Mixed female (alternating 1st person pov)
Here we go! I’m so nervous lol - but I am working hard towards my goal of completing several novels I have started. One is about a pirate queen saving her granddaughter, another about a grim reaper who enlists the help of a psychic to find a dangerous spirit that escaped.
Reading fanfiction has always been fun for me, I love reading, writing the wwe so this has been a really fun exercise to get some practice and take a break from the harder/darker plots lines I am writing. This fic here is absolutely a fluffy, smutty and unedited piece that I wrote for fun but I welcome any and all feedback yall have. I figure why not combine something fun with growth?
***A note: this is strictly a fun work of fiction and exercise to help me grow as a writer! I feel very strongly about leaving people to their privacy so and this is very AU/fiction heavy based on a television character, not the actual person. I know he has kids and even has one of them with him sometimes but it just makes me uncomfortable to include anyone actually under the age of 18 and not a character in their own right in the fic. For this reason I just made up a name and age for the kiddo. Thanks for understanding! (Oh, also, I assume most of yall reading this know what Jey looks like so I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing him)
Summary: It’s April (timeline is not perfect forgive me) of 2020 and eighteen year old Aurora “Rori” Begay is the new nanny for Jey Uso. Feelings ‘inappropriate’ for their relationship as employer and client begin to bloom in both of them but they keep it to themselves. When her mom’s abusive boyfriend attacks her one night, Jey comes to her rescue and everything changes.
Idk where this is headed but all I can tell you is there will be smut and an HEA. Mentions of physical abuse and attempted SA but not discussed in great detail. Please take care of yourself, I will include a little warning before something that might be triggering if you wanna skip it.
This is part 1 (first 2 chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
*I’m so fucked.*
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please!”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I just lay there breathing hard.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could get some of this pent up want out but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hi! Its time for a Recalled update! :D
Ive been following this comic for a while and i really enjoy the concept for it, I highly recommend you go and check it out over at @recalled11.
It's an interesting take on the links meet idea and i love the art style and the character designs.
Now, this is a rambly post, no I'm not sorry. Please sit with me, grab some popcorn and some hot chocolate or a hot drink of choice. Prepare to sit for like 30 minutes :D
Also prepare for blorbo hype cause he's here too :D
Lets get started!
All panels belong to @recalled11 thanks for the permission! :D
Alright here we go!!!
First off, it must must be said.
These backgrounds are incredible. like, oh yes oh hell yeah *chefs kiss* I love them.
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So at first i was a little confused about the glowing eye, i was looking back at the other pages and back to here and thinking about if it's just a Wild thing. Which would make sense right?
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Then they throw this curve ball
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Man's like, bionic? eye is doing work for us and I'm here for it. the blue glow as well, yes. Just yes.
Also with this panel. We know each of the arrows while a Link is holding it points to a Link. The same goes for Zelda.
And i've been brainstorming who is who.
So, If I've got this right, based off what i could figure out in panels where the compass appears.
Mainly this one
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From directionless 2
White (Blue white?) - Wild
Green - Time
Blue - Captain
And now
Yellow - Sky
Let me know if you think it's different! :D
Moving on!
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The detail in this is making me so excited, I'm wondering what it means when an arrow acts like this. Is it travelling towards the compass? It is exclusive to just Sky's point? Little thunderbolts spark from it.
Maybe im reading too far into this but the others dont do this, so Im definitely intrigued by this!
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I love a full-body shot of anyone, and I love how Wild looks! The little poncho and the details with the scaring!
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Now I've not found any official names for the loftwings yet, I personally use Crimson and Luna. And will differ to these unless told otherwise. But if there are official names please please tell me! :D
Also is this the camera attachment? A zoom feature? I figure we are gonna see more of wilds ability as we go through but I'm thoroughly enjoying finding out what he can do!
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This is the correct reaction when you see a GIANT BIRD flying at you at speed. The people of Wild's world have been through so much at this point the assumption of another monster first its absolutely fair.
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When I tell you I had happy clappy hands at this panel I mean my phone fell to the floor with more than a thud.
There's a lot to unpack here, first the reigns with that little gold detailing from the clasp. The saddle? Is it a saddle for loftwings? The leather straps around Link's loftwings.
And Sky's design!
If you know me you know that SKSW is my fave game and that SS link if my fave in pretty much every AU that i encounter. This one is no exception
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I'll go into detail later, when we have the detailed screenshots. But just look at my boy!
Also the goggles were a nice touch! It just makes sense for them to wear them, they fly so damn fast imagine the dust.
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Captain is a fight first ask questions later, man is ready to go!
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Crimson is out here getting half pages and he deserves every inch of space he gets. Such an extra boy and i love him. The details with the feathers flying from both of them too. I love it. I love them
Loftwings my beloved!
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Shout out to Zelda for landing Luna not right in the way of everyone, Sky please. Your scaring the adults. The kids think it's cool and want a ride.
But the detailing on the feathers and the eyes even from this far is just incredible.
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Crimson please, your scaring the adults. Im here for just the amount of people in lookout landing who sprung to its defense.
While wild is just up here chilling out, This is a totally normal Tuesday!
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this reminds me of my chill cat and it makes me love Zelda's loftwing even more. Just a birb chilling.
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And this reminds me of my other cat. Loud noises!
Are loftwings in this universe just giant cats? Two types, Chill and crazy.
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The real mvp right here. He is ready to fight the big bird.
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From a later panel, we can see that the one at the back here is Captain. This means he not only drew his sword he was straight-up ready to fight by this point. He is fast!
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Sky my beloved, god I love his design so much.
Also captain's face, He's seen the green tunic and is like. Well, its another child to add to our collection better put the sword away before he does something.
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Yes malon, yes they are! And they are wonderful! :D
Time looks worried, is Time afraid of birds? My understanding of oot is that he and the owl were friends?
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My fave panel, the best boy with best birb.
Crimson totally knows this is a comic and breaks the forth wall to smile at the reader as well as the others in lookout landing. I love the details here. I love him so much.
He know's he is stunning and will flaunt it every opportunity he gets
Also Sky and Sun having matching sailcloths? I am in love. I love them both.
I'm gonna mention the feathers now too. I love the details of them having their loftwing feathers in their hair as like a head dress. That's such a cool idea i love it!
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These two panels had me laughing I wont lie.
First off, Sun responds to Hylia. That is the face of someone who's heard their name. Second off, Flower is a mood. running out of bed with a sword, questions later style.
The detail on Zelda's loftwing too. Such a pretty creature. So well-behaved.
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Also, Zelda(flower) asking captain what's happening and the link responds rather than one of her captains.
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I really like captain, He's a chill guy. while Sky is just confused. Really cool of captain to be the one to introduce first, he seems to be the one who will be the main referral when it comes to authority. I assume he will be the one who introduces first for all of them.
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Time for me to be excited about their designs.
Skyloftian goggles, I love it. It just makes so much sense.
I love Sun, Her dress, the way she's got an sailcloth wrapped around her shoulders like that, the way she's got loftwing feathers not only behind her ears but at the end of her longest braid too. I'm very excited to see more with her.
And Sky! where do i start without going on a twenty minute rampage about him. The way he's got his sailcloth around one shoulder like that. I assume to make it easier to use if he ever needs to use it to land. The loftwing feather hanging off his belt. (Which I notice Zelda doesn't have. Is this just a him thing?)
I can't get over the headdress with the loft wing feathers. Is that a skyloftian thing? Is it ceremonial? Is it because they wanted matching headgear?
I want to know more about Skyloftians in this universe.
Also totally not Sky being an absolute cinnamon roll. Beloved. I love him.
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Time and Malon are an absolute mood. time just existing in a state of confusion. And Malon being excited about loftwings. Me too malon, Me too! Let Malon ride one of the loft wings as soon as possible.
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Captain behaving like a dad already. Gives me 'Where is the wild child' vibes. Which is funny, cause Wild is older than him.
Oh and I will mention the scars on Sky's face, I love the scars that they all have. It's all so detailed. Sky's lightning, Captain's burns. And the two cuts on his face.
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The fact that this is an expression at all, let alone one that the rest of them are not going to understand cause you know, No remlits on the surface. Poor cinnamon roll man is confused.
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Again chill dude with all the friends, i love Captain so much. He's just here to help you out.
Oh man, I enjoyed this update, this was good. I love Sky he is wonderful.
Im sure she can and im very excited to see what's next!
thanks for listening to me ramble for so long. I'm gonna get something to eat and you should too.
See you later! :D
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fatbiatchforever · 1 year
Out of Time (Pt. 5)
This is super long but I had to. Everything felt like an absolute necessity. Sorry guys.
Were you embarrassed by the kind of role model you were becoming for your son? YES! But, honestly, you needed the alcohol to keep your mind from spiraling out of control. That's why Riley's birthday was a blur at the end.
You were cleaning the kitchen when the phone rang, "Yo."
"Hey Y/N."
"Oh, hey Cass! What's up?"
"Can we come over? We got this new game and it's soooo cool. Xander needs to play it."
You laughed, "Come over. Why are you even asking?"
"She said yes! Can we go now?" Cass shouted.
You heard the phone being passed around till Sam was on the line, "Heyyyyyy."
"Hey, what's happening?"
"They want to come over."
"Okay, come over then."
Sam lowered his voice, "There's a tiny detail that I'm not sure about."
"So I have some work to care of-"
"Ok, I can look after Riley and the boys."
"I got them a baby sitter."
"Right, but I need to leave right now. So, the baby sitter would have to drop them off."
You were getting a tiny bit agitated at this point, "Sam, I'm failing to see the problem over here."
"You know the baby sitter."
"Great, I have company while the kids have fun. What's the issue?"
"The company. I don't think you'll be a fan."
"Sam! Really?!"
"Y/N, I tried. The boys wouldn't stop bothering me. You should have known something was wrong when Cass asked if he could come over!" Sam whisper yelled, "We're not civilized like that!"
"I can't believe you! How the," you lowered your voice, "fuck did you get Bucky to babysit?"
"It's an emergency. He offered and I said yes! I didn't know the boys would start this. If you think about it, it's their fault."
"You. Are. Unbelievable. He's there right now, isn't he?"
"I'm going to kill myself."
"I'll give the phone back to Cass. Just say something came up and you can't do today."
"But he would know."
"Nah, Cass believes everything."
"No, Bucky!"
"What about him?"
"Cass announced I said yes. Since you're speaking in a lower voice, he knows we're talking about him and probably listening to our conversation because of that damn serum. He would know I'm saying no because of him."
"And it matters?"
"Yeah! I don't want him to think I can't face him."
"But you cannot?"
"Excuse me! I can!"
"Then it's settled. Bucky will be there with the kids in few."
You were dead serious, "Sam,"
"If I get to know that all of you are planning something behind my back, I swear on my kid, that shield will split your head in two. Am I clear?"
"Sweet Jesus! We're not planning anything."
You wanted to smash the phone on the counter. You knew you would have to face him again. Especially, since he's back now. But the thought of him coming to your home felt like a lot.
"Xander," you walked inside his room, "Cass, AJ and Riley are coming over. Could you please clean up a bit?"
He stood up and jumped, "Yes! I can show them my new toys ma!"
You sat on the ground and looked at his drawing book, "Uhuh. What are you drawing?"
He picked it up and weaseled his way into your lap. You laughed and moved your hands so he could sit comfortably, "You're lucky you're cute."
He pointed to the drawing, "That's me. And that's you." 
"I'm a super hero and I'm strong enough to pick you up and save you from the monsters."
"You look handsome." You kiss his hair and hug him tighter. 
Xander whined, "Ma, you're messing the drawing!"
"Oops. I love this. You're my favorite superhero for sure."
"Really?" He turned his cute, small face towards yours.
"Hell yeah! And it's only fair my favorite superhero's artwork is displayed right. Xander, could I please display this marvelous piece of art on our fridge?"
With that he zoomed off to the kitchen. You followed him into the kitchen, where you found him standing infront of the refrigerator.
"Any idea where?"
"In the middle." He pointed. You took the paper from him and placed the drawing in the middle, "Perfection."
"Perfection." He repeated.
"Xander, your room. Please?"
The bell rang. 
You felt it in your stomach. You frowned internally as Xander happily ran to the door. You dragged your feet to the door and looked down at him,
"Saved by the bell."
You opened the door and that feeling intensified by million. But this time it was different. It was like you had butterflies. Similar the ones you had the first time you met him. Maybe because he looked the way you met him the first time. The short hair, the stubble, the dark blue shirt with his leather jacket, the faded black skinny jeans and that small smile on his face. Riley and the baby bag were additions that made him look soft and some might say even hotter. Not to mention, he was looking at you too. That made your stomach form infinite knots. 
You cleared your throat and looked down at Xander leaping on the boys to give hugs. 
"Hey guys!"
"Hey Y/N!" Both of them replied. Riley cooed in his arms.
"Oh my god!" Xander screamed.
You looked at him, "What?"
Yep, you're four year old son had finally recognized his favorite superhero. Was it a big fuck you when Xander deemed Bucky his favorite out of every avenger? Yes, Sam took it the hardest though. Now that Bucky looked similar to every toy he has out there, it would be a miracle if he didn't get tackled by kids.
Bucky looked shocked but you knew he would enjoy it. It annoyed you a bit. Why was he put on a pedestal when you were there since day one? You didn't leave. 
You knew that wasn't fair, but you weren't in the mood to be rational.
Xander moved really close to Bucky and looked up, "Can I fight aliens with you?"
"Xander, let them breathe, huh?"
Bucky smiled, "We can talk about it."
Xander shrieked again and turned to you, "YES! I'm going to smash everyone."
"Okay hulk. Boys, come in."
All three ran to Xander's room.
"Heyyyy Riley." You took her and bounced on your hips, "You're literally cutest kid ever."
She giggled as you continued to bounce her on your hips. You looked at him again. He was smiling till he noticed you looking at him and cooled it down.
"Hey, sorry for bothering you."
"They're welcome anytime."
Bucky nodded and handed you the bag, "Call me when they're done and I'll pick them up."
"I don't have your number."
You internally groaned again, "Do you want to come in and wait?"
He wasn't expecting that, "uhm," you could see the struggle on his face, "I, Uhm- okay."
You walked in with Riley. You turned back to watch Bucky awkwardly step in and close the door.
You whispered, "Do you like him? It's okay if you don't Riri."
You handed Xander's figurine to her and placed her on the counter.
"Do you want anything to drink? Coffee?"
Bucky stopped ogling every corner of your living room and looked at you, "You drink coffee?" 
"Nooo." You laughed, "Do you really think I can take that?"
"With a cup of sugar and a drop of coffee, I still see you complaining." He stood behind the counter. Exactly behind Riley, you noticed.
"Mhm, so is that a yes?"
"Yeah." Bucky pulled Riley closer to him, so you could move.
"You don't drink coffee but you have a coffee machine?"
You grabbed a mug, "Adrian. He "gifted" it to me. A lousy excuse for him to have coffee when he's here."
You looked back at that Oh. As if he was annoyed by what you said.
Riley's cries grabbed both of yours attention. The panic on Bucky's face stifled a laugh in you. You picked Riley up and smelled the problem.
"Damn. Let's get you out of that."
You looked at confused Bucky, "Could you get me the bag?"
He shook his head and grabbed the bag instantly.
"There should be this flower mat kinda thing. Could you lay that out?"
You laid Riley on the mat, "On the side, there's a blue troll. Hand me that please?"
He looked at you for confirmation before passing it to you.
"Here you go Riri." 
"Get me the wipes and the powder."  
Bucky handed you everything as you asked him to. You did steal few glances at him. He looked at everything you were doing so intently. Doing everything you asked of him. You knew where this was going and you stopped yourself from feeling all of that.
"And voila. Riri is a happy baby again."
Bucky stepped in to hold Riley as you threw the diaper away.
"Thanks do- Y/N."
FUCK NO! He wasn't.
"For being there. To change her diaper."
"Oh, I had the fortune to change a lot of diapers on my own. So, I know the drill."
Bucky looked away, "Right."
"You were great. I'm sure you'll get it soon."
"Yeah, if I have you right beside me every time."
Your eyes spoke panic and his spoke panic. But, comfort. What he said radiated comfort. Fuck, this radiated comfort. Four years ago Y/N would have swooned at how domestic this was. But that was four years ago Y/N. Right?
Both of you looked away and looked at the source.
"Can I show you my kick move?" Xander asked.
"Xander, let-"
"Of course."
"Let's go."
Bucky turned to you. You took Riley from him, "Thanks. He loves you and he's just excited."
After Xander tried to convince Bucky to let him come to his next fight, everyone hurdled in front of the TV to play the new game. Riley was crawling around as the boys taught Bucky how to play.
You knew all of this wasn't right. But, it felt like old times- watching AJ and Cass teach Bucky to play their new games. This was even better because, UGH you didn't want to admit, but seeing Bucky interact with Xander was... cute. And not to mention Riley occasionally trying to steal Bucky's attention was extra cute.
You were having an internal fight. Whether you should allow yourself to feel or not?
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Here's your coffee."
Bucky sat down and took a sip. That smile again.
"Come on."
"It's different."
"I added a spoon of sugar. Do you need more?"
"No. I mean, it's different when you make it. In a good way."
Your cheeks heated up, so you turned back to look at anything else.
"So, how's life back?"
"I found a place."
"The while is getting longer then."
You took the plate out and the rolls from the fridge.
"When you moving in?"
"I moved in."
"Damn." You placed two on the plate, "You've got everything, right?"
You clicked on 30 seconds and turned back.
"More than a mattress and a tv?"
He huffed, "Yes Y/N." 
"Good good."
You took the plate out and dumped heaves of cream cheese. He liked it like that. You kept the plate in front of him, "Cinnamon rolls anyone?"
The boys didn't even bother replying to you.
"That's a no."
"They're missing out. You made this?" He ate as if someone would take it away from him in next ten seconds.
You smiled, "Yeah."
"I missed your baking."
You laughed, "Thanks." 
Then, it settled. What he just said.
"Can I ask you something?"
You nodded.
"How old is Xander?"
You could see the gears turning in his head. You laughed, "I popped him out the minute you dipped."
Bucky immediately tensed up, "Y/N."
"Oh, NO. Nope. No, I adopted Xander."
"Why? I mean,"
You shrugged, "I was where I wanted to be work wise and I felt like I was ready for my family. So, I looked into the process. A year later, I had my kid. When I started it, I never thought something would happen. But having him in my arms was the most realest thing I've ever felt."
Bucky smiled, openly at that, "He's amazing."
"Yeah. My best impulsive decision ever."
"Are you, Uhm, you know." 
You raised your eyebrows, "I don't."
"What? Tell me."
"Are you with someone?"
"Nope. Are you?"
"Cool cool cool cool cool. Why?"
He shrugged and looked back to check on Riley, "No reason."
"Are we ever going to talk about what happened?"
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purpleglitch · 1 year
I ramble for too long about my art (The post)
(Drawings here)
Thanks again to Nunki and Nov so much for pulling me out of art block 😭💕 I had so much fun drawing all of this and experimenting with poses and colors, etc. that I wouldn't have tried before this!! i'm so sorry this took like 2 months to finish there was lots of stuff going on but I finally finished it and i'm very happy how it all turned out. I made this post just to go through my thought process LMAO
DAY 1: Early SMP Days
This one was inspired by the "he asked for no pickles" meme and how in an early dsmp stream c!dream (in full enchanted netherite armor) asks c!george (half iron/diamond armor) to protect him with a crossbow while they go to l'manburg
At first this one was gonna be a quick drawing but then i got too invested into drawing the armor that it got out of hand and suddenly i had spent 2 days on that 💀
Also all the other drawings were gonna be like this one, a bit simple than what i usually do, but i got too invested x2 and ended up rendering(?) more the rest of drawings
C!dream is c!george's baby, like the cc's dynamic 👍
DAY 2: Objects of Affection
THE SHIELD DEMONS GOT ME 👹👹👹👹 also c!gnf keeps the mask even though it's a bit broken :3
C!gnf is a bit dirty because he doesn't shower, also he sleeps on the grass sometimes, he doesn't get sunburnt because XD protects him from that, also c!sapnap is the one that finds him like that and brings him back to kinoko
I think this is the drawing with most layers only because it was for setting the lighting
This one set the bar of how many details can i put on the next drawings haha got too silly and flew too close to the sun
DAY 3: Worship/Devotion
Inspired by religious imagery in renaissance paintings, they're very pretty and detailed and ohgggg i thought that aesthetic fit XDNF's dynamic ^_^
When I finished the drawing i added a canvas texture so it looked like the mentioned paintings' texture
The pose was so complicated but thankfully i hid all the weird anatomy under capes and hair(?) 🤭 and I have a mirror right next to my computer so i used myself as reference for the hands
The halo around c!gnf's head could be a reference to the headcanon of georgeeeHD existing and being another dsmp deity or also hinting at george's "destroying the smp" stream and how powerful and crazy insane he is!!! also the reflection of XD's halos on his eyes, they worship each other i think, xdnf makes my tummy hurt /pos
DAY 4: Visions/Dreams
Inspired by my weirdcore demons :3 i love that aesthetic so much
I did the error pop up on this custom generator!!
Saved a lot of time by making c!dream faceless since it would be covered by the pop up anyway, but it can also be symbolism for c!gnf not remembering his face or something crazy
I again used myself as reference for the hands i'm so cool and epic
Also I used a tutorial on how to make the vhs effect/chromatic aberration on paint tool sai and added grainy texture on the background for more spice :3
DAY 5: Reunion/Post-Nuke
I reused an old sketch of c!dnf side profile for this one, hashtag work smart not hard 😎 except i polished it and changed some stuff and now it looks way better than the old version
The concept was happy reunion, they're happy to see each other!! c!dnf good ending, i say in tears.
c!gnf touching the c!dritties :3 jk he's feeling his heartbeat, he can't believe he's real!!!
I had so much fun drawing the blood on the bandages and c!dream's scars, please zoom and admire them, it took so long,,,,
DAY 6: Roleswap
My demons..... my beloved rs au..... the posts i made some while ago were based on this drawing, i have a tag on my blog now for that au
RS!dnf wear matching chains!! also the concept for this drawing was that someone interrupted their make out session :3
Symbolism moment!! I like to draw characters with nail polish of the color it represents them, in this case green for dream and blue for george, but for this au, their colors are swapped: green for george and blue for dream, it symbolizes how their roles (king/knight) on that story are different and don't match with the canon. storywise, they're so in love they wanted to keep each other on themselves somehow so they exchanged nail polish colors
DAY 7: CC Roleplay/Cosplay
Sisyphus would be proud of me (<- almost gave up before drawing this), unironically i got demotivated when i finished day 6 so i took a break and then i went insane with this one
The concept was c!dnfies wearing cc!dnf outfits, dream specifically has so many outfit options but I ended up choosing the famous "dteam in madrid" outfit plus a cat beanie, and I couldn't find a fortnite jesus poster for george's shirt so i just found a silly cat pic and yeah ^_^
Thank you random twt user for the idea 👍
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And that's it! I probably forgot to say some stuff more but i started to get anxious this post would be too long. Again thank you so much guys for being supportive over the wips i showed you and also being insane about c!dnf too 😭 <3
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raw-karnage · 1 year
hey! just wanted to say your art is super cool. do you have any tips, tricks, or tutorials you follow, use, or made that could help an artist that wants to get into digital art? i really struggle with that medium.
Hi Anon 💛 first of all thank you 🥺🫶
About your question, I think the way you tackle digital art is different for everyone, and depends on what you want your art to look like.
★ Definitely the thing that has helped me the most is experimenting every time. By always approaching things differently, you'll find multiple ways to solve the same problem, and will develop skills faster.
★ Also, with digital art it's very easy to get lost in details because you can zoom in a lot, undo and redo as you please. Try to avoid that. Do not zoom in specially on early stages. And jump around on your canvas so you have fresh eyes when going back to rework another part of your painting.
For painting I don't really use tutorials anymore, I mostly rely on observation. Unless I'm really stuck with rendering something! I've never made a tutorial but now I'm curious 🧐 anyways I hope this is helpful somehow 🙏
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sydneylikesgd · 2 days
DIOMA by Subwoofer
This level is a perfect example to me of how watching a video of a level is totally different from actually playing it. I first saw DIOMA as a showcase on Viprin's channel, and I thought it was a pretty cool space-themed level, nothing to write home about; then I played the level.
Subwoofer is the first creator I've seen to perfectly nail camera control. There is not a single thing I would change about it in DIOMA; utility-wise, it's perfect--no component of the default camera has been sacrificed, making the level, dare I say, very sightreadable. At the same time, however, it is used in great effect to amplify intense moments--it pulses in sync with impactful notes and tilts forward/back to emphasize speed. In general, the music sync with is exceptional, except for the final cube section, which is by far my least favorite part of the level. It's just straight up off-sync. Like, I guess Subwoofer wanted all the jumps to be buffers, as many orbs in sequence like that can be inconsistent, but this results in the requirement to click much earlier than the beat. It just feels really bad to play, and watch, to be honest.
There is much to enjoy about DIOMA, however. I'm always a sucker for parallax, and the particles coming off of the blocks in the first part that travel towards the vanishing point just look really cool. Beyond that, the first few parts do a great job of selling the feeling of being inside a research computer. The story of the level as I see it is the best efforts of great scientists failing to save the planet from this cataclysmic black hole disaster. It seems as though they were the ones who started the problem in the first place--every part before the big city part present as the inside of a technologic laboratory. It seems as though the black holes the scientists are studying got released into the world in some horrible accident. Regardless of what Subwoofer had in mind, I find the story, setting, and theme very compelling. It is not a generic space-themed level.
The escape into the city is a huge turning point in the level, in design and gameplay. The interior of the laboratory feels somewhat restrictive and linear, and afterwards the level becomes much more open, utilizing gamemodes with more freedom of movement, allowing for a real feeling of openness.
My favorite specific element of the level is the light blue, sort of holographic blocks in the laboratory part. They do a great job of tying the laboratory to the previous cyberspace areas. From a zoomed out perspective, DIOMA is a very interesting level that packs a lot of pleasing and compelling details. It has fantastic design and beautiful effects, but the gameplay, despite my earlier praises, is still boring at times.
It seems as though I'll only start repeating myself more if I continue with this review, so I'm going to end it here. The reason I felt the need to make this review in the first place is because it taught me how important actually playing a level is before forming an opinion on it.
Level ID: 109958348 Video: https://youtu.be/t9dAzXBeodU
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simmetrycal · 1 month
bile of betrayal ˚ · .
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part three of the mystery girl series! raymond has nobody to blame but himself for what transpires.
word count: 11.2K (jesus christ)
(18+) MINORS DNI or i'll snipe ya mama.
cw: smut, m!receiving handjob/oral, slight objectification, infidelity, angst, divorce
a/n: has it been like a month? yes. am i EXTRAORDINARILY sorry? yes i am! anyhow please enjoy, i spent so much time on this. (excuse typos they seem to be inevitable with me)
the pitter-patter of the rain sounds light now, especially compared to the huge drops humming on the roof earlier. it’s only a soft noise, enough to help one sleep.
though, not raymond— it woke him.
he tried turning so at least one of his ears could muffle the tapping noise with the pillow. but as he turned he got a glimpse of the pink haired girl in his bed.
it wasn’t a dream although it may have been a miracle. he let his eyes close for a moment of relief. she really is in his bed right now. she really did come home with him after the party. she’s in his actual house, lying just inches away from him. she didn’t leave or disappear.
if she had, it’d make raymond question if she even came over in the first place. if maybe he was crazy and imagined it out of some obsessed delusion.
raymond gets up to use the restroom, careful not to wake vanessa. he grabs his phone and peeks outside the blinds— it’s still pitch black out.
4:07, his phone reads. as he walked, raymond’s eyes grew wide, seeing the tens of messages jia left for him. three images and nineteen texts.
oh my fucking. god.
the photos were of raymond and vanessa in the driveway, then walking to the house, then going through the door. all were black and white screenshots from the security camera footage that records the front of their home whenever there’s movement.
raymond carefully inspected the photos further behind the door of the bathroom in an absolute panic, zooming in to see if any of them were convicting enough. he stood there, gripping his phone in one hand and the counter with the other under the bright, harsh light.
one of them, the last one, had just slightly showed raymond’s hand on vanessa’s back, guiding her in the house. but the pictures are dark, and perhaps jia hadn’t noticed.
jia definitely noticed. she absolutely would examine every little detail of the footage. he’s obsessive and anxious like that.
raymond rereads her texts, to which there were a lot of. all consisted of “raymond, who is that woman?” or “answer me”, “who is she?”
his mind immediately began thinking of every possible excuse and explanation.
she’s just a work friend.
or.. she’s a friend’s cousin.
she needed a place to stay for the night.
her car broke down.
she’s ash’s.. something— someone.
it’s thundering outside.
no, all of these are stupid.
but he can’t just tell her the truth.. can he?
raymond wishes he could. in fact, he wishes he could take a photo of him and vanessa up close and personal in their bed and send it as a response to jia.
but no, that would completely ruin his life.
just call her, come up with something raymond thought as he ringed her.
it continues to ring and ring and ring but it simply goes to voicemail. “this is jia taylor, leave a message.”
it almost hurts to hear her voice in the recording. almost. but not quite.
if raymond couldn’t reach her he should at least text back. text back something.. nonchalant.
ew, it was terrible but he forced himself to hit send.
“it’s nothing to worry about, honey. i’ll explain when you’re home.”
the honey was pushing it but he had to make sure he kept it cool. to not raise her suspicions any higher.
but raymond was anything but cool as he shut his phone off. he let go of the cold counter and tried to take a deep breath. we’ll play it off as a silly misunderstanding, but for now, there’s nothing left to do. at least, that’s what he tried to convince himself of.
he left the bathroom. he was trembling on the inside, coming back to bed to the woman he was cheating on his wife with.
that’s right, he needed to admit this to himself.
this is cheating.
jia is still his wife.
and he is lying to the both of them.
so.. why is he erect?
why is his cock hard at the moment he fell back into bed with vanessa. as he holds her again and looks all over her with lidded eyes?
the blush hair. the tattoos. the lips. the body.
the shirt that is his and is riding up her thighs, exposing her red lace underwear. the color matches her nails.
raymond bites down hard, his hand coming to his mouth to cover any unexpected sound he might make as he looks at her.
he averted his gaze. this is inappropriate. he cannot be looking at her like that especially when she’s laying in his wife’s spot!
just turn around, maybe it’ll go away.
“it” being his rock hard erection.
but raymond can’t get comfortable, he tosses and he turns and he just can’t lay right. not even after a few minutes. half an hour. one hour. he was looking nowhere but the ceiling or occasionally the rainy window the whole time, internally begging for his hard-on to pass.
fuck this.
he begins to sit up, covering his tent with his hand. god knows if she’s looking— that’d be so embarrassing. he double checks that she’s still sleeping.
raymond contemplates going to the bathroom again. this time for a different reason— its early enough to act like he’s simply getting ready for work. perhaps he can turn on the shower and let his wild imagination help him release the pent up energy he had in his cock. his hand is always enough, and he got quite used to masturbating when he and jia cut sex with each other out of their lives.
he considers it. running his hand down and ever so slightly touching the tip over his pants.
he accidentally lets out a small, breathy groan and his brows furrow. why is it so sensitive?
raymond closes his eyes and gives in again. it feels.. better than it normally does? why?
his hand comes to the shaft, gripping it with a gentle squeeze.
if he kept going, he’d probably cum soon.
snapping him out of the daze is vanessa stirring beside him. he fixes himself right quick, before looking down at her.
she yawns and blinks awake, confusedly taking in her surroundings. she sees raymond and appears to blink awake a bit more.
she gives him a little smile but is confused as to why he’s sitting up. perhaps he just woke up right before her.
raymond inhales, watching her find her glasses on the bedside table. “how’d you sleep?” he asks her in his deep, husky morning voice. it comes out more vibrate-y than he expects.
“great,” she says, putting them on. “really great, actually.”
“i’m glad.”
“how about you?”
“..perfect,” he lies, acting like he didn’t just spent the past hour tossing and turning because he saw her.. red.. panties— which are still in view.
he makes the mistake of looking down for a split second and her cheeks become the color of her hair, immediately covering herself.
“i’m so sorry, i’m usually, uh, more decent.” she gives an embarrassed laugh. god- it’s fucking sexy.
get ahold of yourself, raymond.
“it’s no worries.. at all.” raymond cleared his throat and looked away, his tent becoming a smidge more obvious at the recent glance he got at her.
she notices it. oh, she so clearly notices it— hiding her smirk is difficult.
“so what’s that?” she asks, knowing it’ll make it worse.
“uh,” raymond shakes his head and fixes the blanket. “nothing.”
“are you sure?”
“you don’t need any…. assistance?”
fuck. raymond’s eyes shut, his cheeks becoming red. how is he getting this flustered over such a tiny act?
of course, it’s nothing to be too ashamed of. both of them aren’t stupid- they know exactly what kind of flirtatious, sexual chemistry they have. last night would have never happened if they weren’t aware of it.
he doesn’t know what to say- so he stays silent.
“it seems like you might.” she practically whispers. “just.. nod, if you do. if not, i’ll lay off.”
raymond’s slow, no eye contact nod comes before he can even think about it. it was a knee jerk reaction.
she pushes away the blanket and slides herself closer to him, sitting right by his thigh.
the sight is more embarrassing now that the covers are gone.
still, there’s his sweatpants and boxers in the way.
she slowly, seductively shimmies both down, leaving his sensitive, leaking cock to spring out.
raymond’s beyond embarrassed. this is so.. out of place for him. he has never been embarrassed like this sexually. but it’s so, so good.
no one’s ever seen his cock except jia. (and ash from that one time he jumped over the median between the urinals as a joke. needless to say raymond hid from him for a week.)
but now, vanessa’s seeing it. and she’s ogling, her lips parted just barely, then she glances at raymond.
“you’re big..”
he’s about as red as his throbbing cock. all his confidence from last night? completely out the window.
without breaking eye contact, she licks her hand slowly. then brings it down, sliding it to the base.
raymond groans through his teeth, looking almost upset. but it’s simply because he’s trying his absolute hardest not to cum immediately.
she picks up on this, her comment laced with fake concern. “are you angry?” she knows he isn’t. vanessa knows how badly raymond is fighting the urge to just cum in her perfect hands— how much he’s concentrating displayed all over his expression.
his cock twitches as she continues her somehow heavenly handjob, collecting more precum from his tip and sliding her hand back to the base.
how is she so good at this?
vanessa gives it the gentlest squeeze before her palm comes up flat on the head— surprising raymond with his embarrassing sudden orgasm.
it was way too early, he had to have lasted less than a minute with her.
“fuck-“ he snaps forward, almost bumping into her head. “i’m sorry, that was so quick.”
she giggles and spreads him cum all over his cock, it drips, trailing down to his balls.
he huffs and continues to apologize, but she’s still staring after minutes. there’s an elephant in the room and it’s raymond’s dick.
“you’re.. still hard.” she says, amazed.
raymond ignores it, “it’ll probably go away soon.”
“are you.. sure?”
no, the reality is.. he wants more.
he wants her mouth.
all. over it.
“because.. i can still help you, if you need.”
“i can’t ask you to do that.” he says, taking her cum covered hands, wanting to clean them.
raymond thinks his own cum must be a burden, a gross mess. jia made him feel that way.
to his astonishment, she brings them up to her lips, raymond still holding them. her tongue comes out and she does the unthinkable.
she licks it.
raymond shuddered and smiled, his cock twitching again. he let go of her, convinced that perhaps she didn’t mind doing this for him.
he’d make it up to her. no matter what.
raymond sat back and let out a shaky breath when vanessa got comfortable leaning down. her ass was in perfect view, red underwear on display behind her.
as if that wasn’t enough, her face was perfect. lips pink and ready, eyes needy and looking into his. no makeup on. she really is perfect raymond thought. and perfectly coming down to his cock.
he involuntarily bucked his hips into her hand right as she guided it to her mouth.
an actual, full groan left raymond when she put the whole head in her mouth. his hand found its way to her pretty pink hair, careful not to push her head down.
he didn’t want to be that guy.
but.. maybe in the future with her if she likes it. wait. what was he thinking? future? he’s getting way too ahead of himself.
her spit runs down the shaft, mixing with his own cum. the sight was absolutely sinful.
what did i do to deserve something like this? i doubt i even do.
raymond never wants this moment to end, it’s utter bliss.
she let herself be sloppy with it. lapping her tongue up and down, unable to fit the whole thing in her mouth though she tried anyway.
the feeling of his tip hitting the back of her throat, making her gag, could have been enough to keep raymond satisfied for the rest of his life it felt like.
the sound, though it shouldn’t have turned raymond on so, was so erotic.
the feeling was so unlike anything he had ever experienced. the insane attraction he feels towards vanessa combined with her heavenly fucking mouth drooling over raymond’s cock, this was too much.
fuck, it was way too much for him. way way way too much. he isn’t used to treatment like this.
“pull off or i’m gonna..” he heavily breathed, “cum in your mouth.”
he felt the smile the muscles in her mouth made but she ignored him, continuing lapping up his dripping cock and balls.
“vanessa,” he muttered. she only smiled more at the sound of her name escaping his lips in such a lewd manner. “stop,” he tries.
no avail.
“seriously, you should g…” he could barely finish his sentence and sure enough in a few seconds raymond tightened up, trying to fight it so he can prolong the feeling but ultimately releasing it all into her mouth with waves of pleasure. his pelvis convulsed with the ropes of cum that shot out.
he lets his head drop on the pillows behind him in utter bliss, riding out the high with vanessa’s hands still stroking his sensitive, twitching member. this must be what pure euphoria feels like— at least in raymond’s case.
how the fuck did he cum not just once but twice in such quick succession? this has never happened. he screwed his eyes shut and part of him worried that when he opens them, everything will be gone.
jia has never once made raymond cum like this. not at all in the 8 years they’ve been together, and certainly has he never felt this from his own hand.
and they have never, not even once, done more than one round in one sitting. in fact, raymond can’t recall jia even wanting to have sex more than twice in one week.
not that raymond ever really had that big of a problem with it. he’s a gentleman of course but..
now.. with this. vanessa making him cum twice? him still being rock hard and unable to be satisfied because she’s still in this goddamn bed with him? in her underwear? in her red.. lace.. underwear.. oh how he desperately wants her pussy. he craves it.
raymond gets up, not caring about the cum making a mess all over the sheets, and gets on top of vanessa in a hurry. he practically tackled her onto her back, showering her in kisses.
she immediately smiles into it, eager to continue and matching raymond’s energy.
“someone can’t get enough,” she says between raymond’s needy, messy kisses.
she allows him to kiss further down her neck, relishing in his hands coming to her hips, gripping them tightly like she’s in a rush to leave.
but she isn’t. vanessa want nothing more than to have raymond show her how he feels. she’s wanted this since the moment they met in the dog park.
perhaps because she’s attracted to him. or perhaps she hasn’t felt this in some time now— someone liking her for who she was, single mother covered in tattoos and all.
not a lot of people liked it. most men were intimidated by it. raymond included but he sees the situation in another light.
he wants her.
and she wants him.
raymond loses his confidence again, still horny enough to burst but shy enough to not go crazy and rip his own t shirt off her. god it looks so good on her body. much better than it does on him.
“take it off, raymond,” she says, locking eyes with him.
it’s all he needs.
he does as he’s told with haste, lifting the fabric over her head and discarding it anywhere. he barely threw it though when his eye fell onto her gorgeous tits.
they’re. huge. and her nipples are pierced. of course her fucking nipples are pierced, how could raymond be surprised?
her spider tattoo on her chest led down to a dripping flower between the cleavage. the design was intricate and flowy. beneath her heavy breasts were two underboob tattoos with the same intricate and flowy manner, it looked to be leaves and vines.
god it was all so beautiful. so artistic and personal and sexy.
he had to grab his cock and look away, hold it tightly and force himself not to cum just by looking at her tits.
what the hell was wrong with him? why is he this horny? it was absurd!
it was difficult to say the least, he nearly let it all go again just at the sight, but he managed. he exhaled and returned, seeing her smirk at him.
she took his hands and led them herself after noticing how frozen and bewildered he was. she led them to her breasts but only for a moment— he’d go too crazy if it was any longer. he instantly misses the way his fingers brushed past the cold metal of her piercings.
his cock felt downright painful.
vanessa slid them down further til they got to her panties. before she let him take them off she guided his hand to feel the bottom.
it was wet. so wet, and hot.
˚ · .
“ash, did you remember to take your adderal?” chantelle says to him from the seat in front of his. ash is currently in the back of a company suv with raymond to his right, headed to a scholarship convention.
the company does this sort of thing each year before the fall semester, and it’s always at a different location.
he kicks chantelle’s seat a bit and tells her no, to which she puts her purse on her lap to look for his extras. she hands one to him and he takes raymond’s water and downs it.
“hey,” raymond snatches it back, wiping the top with his shirt. “that’s disgusting.”
“you’re disgusting,” ash retorts.
such children, chantelle must be thinking.
raymond tsks and looks out the window at the city passing by, but ash continues his antics in being annoying. he paws at his big bicep after a few minutes of silence.
“are you mad at me?”
“no, get off.” raymond shrugs him off but ash won’t relent, shaking him obnoxiously.
“leave me alone.”
“are you pent up?”
“what the fuck,” raymond whisper shouts. why would ash ask that in a silent car?
besides, it’s been two months since vanessa and raymond started having sex. in fact, they secretly see each other multiple times a week, often at night.
he was the opposite of pent up— he was free.
ever since that morning, everything changed. and raymond knew it would, especially when he was so beyond late for work because he had to take vanessa back to her car that was stranded at ash’s house, come back home to a disgusting bed, clean that up, then put back all the photos of him and jia on the walls, take her stuff out of the closet and place it back where it goes, and on top of that he had to get ready for work.
raymond didn’t clock in until lunch that day, for the first time ever.
though, he wouldn’t have had it any other way. he had something for practically the first time in his life, true sexual pleasure.
and something had to be said about the excitement. it was liberating.
when jia came home that monday night, raymond managed to smooth things out with the whole front camera situation. he explained how vanessa was a friend of a friend that needed a place to stay.
jia was sour about it for a week, constantly bringing up nagging questions and being insecure about it. raymond shouldn’t have gone about it the way he did- but he soothed her worries by telling her it was absolutely nothing, and not a single thing happened that night. he told her he slept on the couch anyway.
he knows he should have confessed, come clean to her and tell her everything. it would solve a lot actually, and then maybe jia would finally sign off on the divorce papers instead of just saying she’ll get around to it later.
raymond laid awake one night, her by his side sleeping with her back towards him. he wonders how she’d react to him telling her he’s been having an affair.
that vanessa is his new sex parter and had been for a few weeks at that point.
but perhaps it was more than just sex. perhaps he really did care about what vanessa talked about when they’d go get late night dinners. they got to know each other in a new way and raymond noticed he started telling her things he’d never even mutter to jia.
things about himself. his worries, his feelings, his love for things, his thoughts, his family. things jia only knew fractions of.
and raymond would always listen intently to vanessa’s words. anything she talked about, ever. he was there. especially when she mentioned her son, eli, who raymond was growing fond of.
raymond and vanessa spent a couple hours at the phone store together after work a few days after the party with vanessa’s broken, waterlogged samsung. he insisted on taking her there to buy her a new one, afterall, it was his fault in a way that she was at that party. and absolutely his fault that they were by the pool.
he ended up choosing a brand new iphone for her, which she insisted wasn’t necessary but caved when raymond placed a hand on her back.
he was her first new contact, and later that day she called him at dinner. raymond abruptly left his seat across jia to head into the laundry room and take the call. jia was annoyed but she just went right back to watching her show whilst eating.
raymond was pleased to hear her voice, smiling to himself as he leaned against the ongoing dryer, listening to her ramble about how to work an iphone and how it’s so different than an android.
it’d be a lie to say raymond wasn’t grinning ear to ear during that.
he explained a few things to her and proceeded to ask about her day before he heard eli whining in the background. she had to go but promised to call him later.
of course, he waited.
perhaps too long. perhaps he should’ve just gone to bed with jia that night and put his status on do not disturb instead of being on the phone with her later like teenagers while he cleaned his whole downstairs.
he tried to hold back certain words incase jia was listening, talking like how he would to any friend, but sometimes he’d accidentally let out a few things that friends might not tell each other. things like “i’m sure you wear it well,” and “oh yeah?”. but he made sure to stay quiet and be alert to any noises coming from upstairs.
at some point jia did come down but only for a moment. she went to the kitchen and grabbed a ziploc bag and headed right back upstairs. raymond paid no mind to her actions at all.
days turned weeks and weeks turned months of raymond and vanessa getting up to.. nefarious activities.
“have her back here by midnight mister!” venus always called out on the doorstep. she was vanessa’s friend and work colleague who often babysat whenever collin or eli’s grandmother couldn’t. raymond will never forget the sight of them chasing vanessa’s big doberman when she ran out of the house.
venus was nice but they reminded raymond of ash in the most uncanny way. the high strung energy, the constant meme quotes flying out their mouth, gosh they’d get along way too well if they ever encountered one another.
when nobody could watch eli, raymond would hire a short notice sitter simply for the sake of taking vanessa to his car or to a hotel room.
he’s spent so much money on hotel rooms recently but he doesn’t give a shit.
he couldn’t bring her home anymore, what with jia never leaving the house.
she would ask where he was when he’d get back but it was always a work related excuse. “the marketing team is in shambles again, i’m working both them and finance,” he’d tell her exasperatedly. it wasn’t a full lie— ash did end up convincing raymond to be the marketing director for two weeks.
it was more like 6 weeks to jia though..
another finance member, hans, took over raymond’s position temporarily but only for a few days before he had no idea what he was doing. so raymond was juggling the two positions at the same time.
hans is smart, but absentminded sometimes. raymond thinks he’s a total twink and he is; he’s young-looking and skinny and has neat platinum hair. raymond is also aware that he and agnes have some sort of work/personal life rivalry. though, he’s good at his job, so it’s none of his business what hans gets up to outside of this office.
raymond by all means doesn’t have to stay after work most days but he found himself telling jia he absolutely needed to. sometimes he “had to stay” until really late, late hours of the night.
when they arrived at the venue raymond stepped out of the suv, grateful to be away from ash’s cloud of bond 9 cologne and his candy covered fingers. he watched ash run up to the doors in his nice suit and rapidly push the hand sanitizer button.
at least he’s self aware.
he accidentally got hand sanitizer on his pants, but they were a deep black and it was hardly visible. his pants matched his shirt and he wore a shiny dark blue tie.
it wasn’t often that ash wore black button ups, everyone was super used to seeing him in his usual white shirt and black blazer combo with the black tie. it was a nice change of pace— it’s no denying he’s extraordinarily attractive, everyone thought it. even if some don’t admit it.
raymond looked like his normal self with his slicked back blonde hair without a strand out of place and his blue strapped lanyard always around his neck. only this time his shirt was a pleasant shade of green— a color he used to hate until recently..
“raymond, please go get set up with everyone else,” chantelle says, tapping her foot against the concrete when she notices he’s simply standing there.
this wasn’t raymond’s first time at a convention but it was his first time attending one of this scale. the civic center was absurdly massive and there were people at every entrance, vendors bringing in tables and equipment and merchandise.
so many of the company’s warehouse employees were helping setting up, raymond felt bad for having never even seen them before.
ash seemed to know all of them and ray was jealous about that. of course he knew all of them. of course he was going over to dap them up and give them a helping hand even though that wasn’t his job. of course he knows all their names. actually its so far away from his position it’s almost scoff worthy.
but raymond would never scoff. he wishes it was him helping the warehouse workers bring in the merchandise because he’d be more helpful that way. ash always beats him to it, the good deeds.
he’s too much of a good person. raymond has a hard time finding any reason why ash would ever want to be friends with him.
“raymond,” chantelle said through her teeth, covering a microphone attached to a headset. “get in there, now.”
raymond quickly headed through the big doors after chantelle’s second warning and helped set up. everything needed to be perfect, as it was not only a scholarship event but also a demonstration for incoming shareholders and investors.
wayne, ash’s father and head chairman, should be here in an hour, but even the thought of him being around made raymond sweat.
he’s never around him, let alone ever talking to the guy. ash is sort of the buffer between the company employees like raymond and the practically untouchable board of directors. perhaps that’s why he’s liked so much— because he actually comes downstairs to everyone and communicates. none of the other twelve chairpeople ever do that.
especially the elusive wayne solace.
raymond took in the sight of the inside of the civic center. it was huge and modern and the roof was all glass to let in skylight. there was even a giant growing tree in the middle. huge double escalators on either side of the main part of the building, going up to who knows how many floors.
so many people bustling around setting up for the convention, including ash.
after some time it was all finished and put up, looking more like a whole attraction rather than a booth. some companies simply had a few folding tables, with merchandise spread along it and a backdrop behind them.
solace enterprises’ backdrop wasn’t made of cloth, but rather a custom wall with the logo engraved. there were hanging banners and lights and a ridiculous amount of company swag. things like pens, mugs, hats, apparel, keychains, etcetera, all with the logo engraved. they even have dark blue balloons.
none of that was the real attraction though, the attraction was the huge solar panels that solace enterprises specialized in.
ash was by no means an engineer but he was proud to talk about everything he learned and knows about renewable energy and what the company does.
raymond on the other hand isn’t involved at all, he simply comes to work everyday for what he’s getting paid to do, which is organize funds, and can go days without even thinking about solar power.
as ash talked to patrons, raymond stood on standby, waiting for ash to cue him in for any finance questions. which did sometimes happen with potential investors. though, most of the time it was students coming by signing up for the scholarship raffles and taking the free merchandise.
it made ash smile when anyone would immediately wear any of the apparel and use one of the pens to sign up for the sweepstakes.
what was interesting about this event was that the scholarship raffles require no essay, just a name, school, and contact information on the back of the ticket. it was different than the usual scholarships solace enterprises gives out for more unique and hard working students that provide a well written essay about their academic and personal careers. those are worth more money and are available to apply for all year round.
ash isn’t allowed to know the financial secrets them though, orders from wayne. how most of the reason why they offer scholarships in the first place is so that they don’t have to pay a certain percentage in taxes. it’d crush ash if he found out it wasn’t because wayne cares about young scholars receiving aid.
raymond chatted with his admin, hans, about strictly work. even though hans tried making everything about his own life. he wasn’t being distasteful though, it’s just raymond had absolutely no interest becoming friends with the littler man.
he didn’t notice any commotion until hans did, reading his face and following his eye line. he was watching wayne make himself through the convention, talking to security people on his way up.
he was outwardly kind but everyone knew on the inside he didn’t care about much. including ash. and including his employees.
he shook everyone’s hand politely but greeted ash in an unprofessional way. but as it was, they were father and son, so all was well. he ruffled his hair up and smiled his wrinkly, silver fox smile.
“hey there champ,” he says, taking in ash. it looks like he hasn’t seen him in maybe a week or longer. “good job on running things here, you’re turnin’ into me!”
ash smiled, appreciative to be getting praise by his father, who isn’t the best. “yeah, don’t worry dad im holding down the fort.” he says proudly, placing his hands on his hips.
“thank you buddy i appreciate it, but i’ll take it from here.”
ash seemed to deflate a tiny bit, he liked meeting new people and shaking hands and telling investors about solar energy.
but, realistically he probably wasn’t getting the company many new shareholders with the way he talks. it’s very light and cool and not as serious as wayne makes it. wayne was good at convincing people to do lots of things he wanted.
ash wandered over to raymond, who still needed to be on standby but ash didn’t care. he wanted to get chillidogs and nothing was going to stop him. he dragged raymond away towards the exit with him, knowing hans could handle any finance questions anyone might have.
they didn’t come with their cars so the two walked to the nearest hot dog stand in the crisp fall air.
raymond never opposed to come, in fact he was grateful to be away from it all. there were so many people inside and around that building that it made him feel suffocated. the breeze outside helped him relax.
raymond thought ash was mad as he watched him walk in front of him with his hands shoved in his pockets, being silent. it wasn’t until ash turned around to ask raymond if he even likes chilli dogs before he realized that ash seems like he doesn’t even know what being mad is.
it’s like ash is physically unable to get angry.
ash watched raymond stop in his tracks. “what? they’re not that gross, sonic eats them all the time! hey you’re kinda like shadow don’t you th-“
“shut up.” raymond said, pointing towards a building across from them.
it was a tattoo shop. the tattoo shop. the big sign above it read Bleeding Ink.
“oh my gosh is that where she works?” ash says, but it doesn’t seem to reach raymond, who was already looking both ways to cross the street. they weren’t even at a crosswalk, but he didn’t care.
ash, confused, chases after him. “well, wait for me!”
it stunned raymond that he didn’t ever know where the place of this was. he only picked her up from her house usually and when she told her where she worked it may or may not have flew over his head while he was looking.. elsewhere.
at one point he was at work desperately trying to remember the name of the shop so he could look it up but no luck. though, seeing the sign say the name of the place he instantly remembered. but come to think of it he could have asked chantelle, she’d been here prior.
he opened the door to the shop with ash close on his heels, hearing a bell jingle above them.
the energy hit them like a bus. it was calm and warm and smelled like incense and cleaning solutions.
“welcome in,” a voice said unamused from behind the counter.
“hey!” ash said before raymond could shut him up. his lips were a thin line as he pulled ash back from the counter.
“oh my god,” the voice said, peaking up in interest. “well, well, well.”
raymond didn’t recognize the man, in fact he knew nobody in the tattoo shop, vanessa didn’t introduce him to a single person in her life, except for eli of course but it happened to be so because of the dog park. and in a way he knew venus as well, but he was unsure if the fellow tattoo artist worked here or they knew vanessa from another shop. he hoped to see at least one other familiar face.
“if it isn’t hot-shot raymond and,” the man gazed his brown eyes over ash, who was standing around like a lost puppy. “you must be asher.”
“just ash is fine!” he corrects, coming over to look through the binder of designs on the counter absentmindedly.
raymond shook his head at ash being so carefree with anyone randomly knowing who he was before ever meeting them. like, didn’t that at least alarm him in any way?
“how do you know my name?” raymond asks, watching as the tanned man with interesting off-white tattoos across his face.
he chuckles, almost sinister. “i know more than you think.”
fuck, what if he knows about jia? no, he can’t possibly, he’s kept it a secret from vanessa.
he means to tell her.. at some point. vanessa deserves to know.
but for now raymond can’t get enough of that bachelor feeling, and for the first time in his life he has someone he wants. truly, wants.
he plans to tell vanessa soon, because if it gets any further and she finds out on her own, raymond knows it’ll be bad.
the man made his way to the back, leaving raymond concerned (and ash rather unconcerned).
raymond can hear what he’s saying still, just in earshot.
“hey nessi,” he says and a tattoo machine stops behind the corner. raymond’s heart lurches. “you have a special guest.”
“im in the middle of something ethan,” her voice is like sweet whiskey to raymond’s alcoholic ears. he missed her and it’d only been mere days since he last had her in his arms.
“you’re gonna wanna see who it is.”
raymond immediately fixes his shirt, tucking it into his pants in the back and runs a hand through his hair. ash sees this and rolls his eyes with a smirk. as he looks over, he sees a man in further in the room to raymond’s right. he’s got a mask on but he could tell he had piercings out the wazoo. his left eyebrow has a similar one to raymond and he could see more jewelry coming up on his nose bridge.
ouch. ash scrunched his own nose, imagining the pain it must’ve been for that guy. but jesus, was he hot.
they made eye contact as he disinfected a large needle, which made ash sick to his stomach. this making him realize he might have a phobia of this kind of thing.
still, he couldn’t pry his gaze away from the man with piercing eyes.
that was, until vanessa hurriedly came out from behind the corner when she heard that raymond was here, ripping off a pair of black rubber gloves.
raymond saw her looking absolutely beautiful coming up to him with excitement and couldn’t contain his smile. he took her hands and looked her up and down.
fucking teenagers ash thought, rolling his eyes for a second time. so corny. he decided to keep staring at the piercing man, just to distract himself.
“what are you doing here?” she said, trying to not grin when raymond held her hands. she said hi to ash briefly as well.
“we’re in the area, there’s a convention.”
“oh at the civic center?”
“mhm,” ash mumbles in response, waving to his hot distraction. he considered winking to the guy.
he waves back and ash disappears in his direction after closing the design book. “yup.” he muttered.
“how are you? how’s eli?” raymond asks vanessa. it’d been some time now that he’s not seen her son.
“im doing well, and so is eli. in fact he’s here right now,” vanessa says, spinning around to look for the kid.
as if he heard her a man came from behind another corner. he was large and burly and was caring eli atop his shoulders, holding him by his little feet. eli giggled as he held onto the lumberjack-looking man’s ears.
his face lit up when he saw raymond, happy to see someone familiar.
“raymin!” he pointed his little finger at him. the big man set him down and laughed, seeing how eli ran up to raymond and hugged his leg with great force.
“hey buddy! how are you?” raymond smiled genuinely, to ash’s surprise.
he doesn’t normally see raymond like this.. so parental. so loving.
then ash looked at the kid, his jaw falling to the floor. “that kid looks exactly like keiran west,” he says loudly without hesitation.
keiran west is ash’s favorite popular male actor. he was in movies like creed and john wick, always playing the best tall, tanned, action characters.
in fact ash likes him so much that he watches every interview and sees every new picture of him. he even follows fan accounts! he knows that face well.
this boy, vanessa’s son, had strangely the exact same mug, only very young. almost like keiran had been transformed into a five year old.
the room when silent when ash blurted it out. the man named ethan’s eyes grew wide and he looked at vanessa.
the attractive gentleman near ash with the piercings shrugged, playing it off. “i guess so.” it seemed to set the energy back to normal and raymond continued talking with vanessa.
they were there for quite some time before vanessa remembered she was working on a client, scrambling around to apologize to the person and offer them a discount for the wait.
she quickly said her goodbyes to raymond but not before he asked her when the next time he’d see her again would be.
“well, we’ll be at ‘the run for breast cancer’ marathon tomorrow night!” she says.
oh! jia’s doing that— she’s running in it. actually, lots of people are. including ash, chantelle, possibly her girlfriend as well.
“i’ll be there,” raymond says without thinking, mesmerized by the way that she’s hurrying back to her section of the studio. he shamelessly watches her ass move in her tight mom jeans, making her look so irresistible.
“got a staring problem pal?” ethan says, coming back to man the counter. raymond’s confused, watching the tattooed guy judge him. he says nothing as he takes ash and heads out.
once far enough from the door he speaks. “some coworkers she has,” raymond said against the cold air, muttering something in cantonese that ash couldn’t understand.
“what do you mean?”
“that guy behind the counter, so weird.”
“eh! i wasn’t paying attention.” ash says as he tries catching a falling yellow leaf.
“yeah, i got that much. you were preoccupied.”
“not my fault that guy was sexy. ya know, i actually talked to him a little and he said to come back soon.”
“me?” raymond turned in shock.
“no, dingus. me!”
“oh.. why?”
“well duh, he clearly wanted a piece of this pie.” the body roll ash did that followed was uncalled for.
˚ · .
that next day, october first, the breast cancer awareness marathon was in motion to begin.
raymond was at home getting prepared with jia, helping her tie her sneakers. she sat on the couch in front of him with her foot gently in his lap.
he tightly tied her laces nice and secure. giving her legs a supportive squeeze when he was done.
“thank you,” she says, looking at her apple watch and messing around with it to prepare it for her run.
“of course honey,” he responds dryly, ready to leave the house with no drama.
but tonight there really was no drama. not a single rude connotation came with their words to each other tonight, which was highly unusual. and jia was nicer than she normally was.
most likely because the two were intimate last night. raymond’s heart wasn’t in it but jia was none the wiser.
she thanked him for the dinner he made as they stood in the kitchen that night. after his welcome, she initiated a small kiss, not really knowing why. perhaps it was the ambience or because it used to be in their routine. he hardly kissed her back, he only stood there and let it happen.
though after changing his mind, raymond did the unthinkable.
he kissed back, hard. giving a second thought about it and not letting jia even respond, he felt her body. his hands traveled downward to grip her rather curvless rear end.
what was wrong with him?
this was his wife, his partner whom he swore his life to. what the hell was he doing falling in love with another woman? why is he devouring jia while thinking of vanessa? why does he find arousal in fucking his wife knowing he’s about to see the woman he has actual feelings for the next day? god this was all so complicated. none of his thoughts were on the same page, hell they weren’t even in the same books.
why am i doing this? he wonders to himself in his head with a grumble. despite it all, he moves to leave marks on her neck and chest, moving jia’s loose shirt to expose more.
it seems as though he’s been so sexually active that he needs to prove himself in a way. a toxic, unlawful, and probably narcissistic way.
the small devil on his left shoulder has brutally murdered the angel on the right, if one ever existed. his subconscious has become blurry and he’s about to cross lines he shouldn’t. sexually please jia how you’ve been pleasing vanessa.
but why?
“r-raymond!” jia muttered, her eyes cloudy and shocked at his actions. he stopped for a second and looked at her, no trace of an expression. just a look.
she glances away, fixing the hem of her plum colored shirt on her shoulder. “you’re awfully handsy tonight,” was all she could say. this was highly unusual for the two.
raymond closes his eyes and lets her go, feeling a bit guilty. “would you like me to stop?”
jia made deep eye contact with him, not giving him answer just yet. like she was contemplating it.
then, she shook her head shyly. “no.”
that was all it took for raymond to bend her over the dining table and yank her long skirt down to her ankles. the cold air made her flinch and flush red with embarrassment. this was awfully strange and new considering their pre-established sad, dry sex life.
he was indifferent sliding his cock into her. mind hazy and only thinking of someone else. he even almost let vanessa’s name slip out- catching himself right as the “v” sound hummed from his lips. he played it off as a groan, jia was oblivious.
he let his mind wander to his earlier sight of vanessa in those blue jeans walking away. he wished he could hook his fingers around the belt loops and pull her back towards him.
to jia, this was new and exciting and kinky. raymond fucking her forcefully that is. she liked it more than she ever anticipated. besides, it was first time they’d touched each other in months. long, cold months.
come morning time, she made their bed, which she never did- it was always raymond doing that. she cooked breakfast, again, contrary to raymond always cooking. and she walked bruce. a occurrence that was beyond rare nowadays it seemed.
she looked to be enjoying herself recently, ever since she came back from macao. raymond has too but for other reasons. perhaps them both being happy on their own has made the relationship easier to bear. not to mention was happened in the kitchen before they went to bed.
raymond even kissed her gently today. it was extremely short and meaningless, but she was still his wife, and he was pleased with what she did today. jia didn’t kiss back, she only stared at him when he did and looked away with haste.
“hey raymond,” she started, getting up off the brown couch. jia was about average height, so raymond was maybe a foot taller than her.
“hm?” he says, looking down.
“um,” she cleared her throat and put a step of distance between them. “i have something to ask you.”
“what is it?” he asked, furrowing his brows, unsure of her unknown request. he was hoping it had something to do with their seemingly forever-lasting divorce process.
“i um.. i have tickets for a cruise. like- one of those caribbean ones. it’s for a few days. my parents gave them to me when i visited them in macao. they said it could maybe be good for us..
.. maybe we don’t have to separate.”
aw fuck.
˚ · .
“she really said that?” ash says while stretching, bending down to touch his toes.
ash was surprisingly extremely flexible, despite being 6’2. he can easily put his knuckles on the ground. must be all the yoga he does.
he has two little pigtails in his hair fastened with hot pink rubber bands. he’s also wearing a plain white shirt and pink short-shorts, and shoes with pink laces. his marathon number is 777.
raymond nodded, leaning against a shady tree from the sunset, keeping watch for jia who was supposed to emerge from the bathroom any minute now.
“and what’d you say?”
“i told her i’d think about it.” he said with a sigh.
“ahh. good call, i’d say. but what do i know.” ash stood up tall and reached for the spindly pine branches above him. “i don’t have good luck with things like this.”
soon enough chantelle and oaklynn jogged up to join them. both coming over to stretch with ash like he asked and get pumped up before the race.
“hey chantelle, hey possum,” he smiles but loses it when oaklynn gives him a slap to his firm back.
“i told you not to call me that.” she says, pointing in his face. raymond wanted to laugh, this woman had to have been around 4’11 or just five foot because they all towered over her. but she was feisty, he’ll give her that.
chantelle and her girlfriend were wearing matching outfits. pinks and oranges representing not only breast cancer awareness but also lesbian pride.
“oh my gosh, did i tell you my windshield cracked again?” ash says to chantelle, helping her gather all her long skinny braids into one hold so she could tie it up.
“oh, god forbid your precious audi is slightly damaged. i’ve got like four cracks in my camry that will probably never get fixed.”
“you know ash,” oaklynn pipes ups. “jericho gave you the address of the shop for a reason.”
“do i get a family discount if i bite the bullet and just go?”
“..um no.”
“worth a shot,” ash says, finishing up his stretches with a dumb yoga pose. well, raymond thinks it’s dumb but chantelle and oaklynn join him in it. all getting in the zone with tree pose.
jia comes out of the bathroom nearby wearing her number and gives her purse to raymond, to which he slings over his arm.
“you ready?” he asks her.
she nods and looks over the grassy warm up area. there has to be hundreds if not maybe almost a thousand people about to participate.
there were many pink balloons and streamers over the large start line. lots of sponsors and vendors were also by the track.
it was more of a road than a track though, it was just closed off from traffic for the festival.
once jia said her goodbye’s and thank you’s for the good luck wishes, she was off to gather up with the other runners.
“raymond tell them what you told me,” ash says once she’s out of earshot.
“um.. she wants to go on a cruise.”
“what do you guys think? with being in a happy relationship and all- what’s your take?” ash adds.
“you like vanessa right?” chantelle asks, putting her hand up to block the sun.
“a lot.” raymond practically laughs, but his face isn’t the slightest bit amused.
“kay, well then, tell jia isn’t not going to work out. the sooner you divorce her the sooner you can tell vanessa everything.”
“better yet- steal the tickets and use them with her instead.” oaklynn giggles, rather unhelpful.
discarding her comment, raymond responded. “i can’t hurry this divorce up any faster, trust me, i tried. she just wont sign the papers.”
“you can always take her to court.”
“oh god,” raymond huffed and looked at ash like he was crazy. “im not taking my wife all the way to court— we’re not that bad. besides, she’s been trying to make ammends.“
“what do you mean?”
“i mean she was so nice this morning.. she’s been acting different. like she did when we first met.” he said the last part sort of quietly.
ash looks around, he’s unsure of why raymond is pretending like he doesn’t have anything to do with this. jia can’t be pulling all the weight.
“look i may be stupid, but im not stupid. you guys banged didn’t you?”
how did he know?!
“..quit saying bang, especially in public.”
ash laughs at that, it’s obvious that he’ll never drop it. between chuckles he waves to chantelle and oaklynn who say they’ll see him down there. they knew to give ash and raymond a moment to talk.
“ray,” ash puts a firm hand on his shoulder, switching to a more gentle tone. “you know you have to figure this out, right? for yourself, and for her.”
the words were odd coming from ash— a true bachelor who doesn’t usually dish out relationship advice in a helpful way.
but he was right. and what makes it even more true is the fact that raymond doesn’t know if he means “her” as in jia, or “her” as in vanessa.
though it applies to both.
he can’t behave like this and he knows it. but standing here under this tall pine tree in the shade, unable to speak to anyone he wants to speak with, raymond feels at a loss.
ash says nothing but gives him a serious look and nod before disappearing down the knoll to find chantelle and oaklynn.
everything really started to settle in when he left. his words holding greater meaning the more he pondered.
a cold wind came through dancing along raymond’s skin, giving him chills. for a sunny evening it sure is cold out.
“raymond!” a familiar voice came from behind him, bringing him out of his speedway of thoughts.
he turns to see the faces of the few people who dont seem to resent him.
vanessa walked up the hill with her sons hand in hers, a genuine and beautiful smile on her cheeks.
her blush hair was in a ponytail and her number was 778, meaning her spot was going to be right behind ash. eli’s was 779.
they both wore pink matching shirts and looked so cute, so coordinated. collin wasn’t far behind, and surprisingly he wasn’t wearing his mask. it looks like he was joining them, his number at 780. he also wore a white cap hat that said fuck cancer in embroidered pink letters.
nobody seems to ever talk about how collin and raymond look oddly similar, even now when they’re shaking hands and talking. it’s like collin is raymond but moodier.
“raymin, where’s your number?” eli asks when he receives a fist bump from crouched down raymond.
“oh i don’t have one buddy, im not running.”
“why not?”
that was a good question. why isn’t he running? the three of them looked at him for his answer.
“um.. i’m not very fast.” he tells the kid. it was sort of a white lie but not really— raymond tends to avoid cardio when he’s at the gym, sticking to just his weights.
“well you can run with mommy because i am rweally fast! you would never keep up!” eli starts running circles around raymond before getting tired extremely quickly and falling on the cool, dark green grass. ray laughs at this and it sounds hearty and warm.
this is all he wants. he wishes he could forget all the burdens of his current life and just take vanessa and eli with him to a new house. a new neighborhood. give them all new things and spend time with them in this way.
eli and his mom were breaking through raymond’s tough outside shell and that was scary. this was getting so personal.
and he’s absolutely sure of one thing. if this continues and she finds out about jia, he’ll lose everything. and jia is here at this same event, somewhere down in that crowd. hell, he’s literally holding her purse!
it’s time raymond tells her before it’s too late. and now is as good of a time as any. well collin being here is embarrassing but there’s nothing raymond can do about that. it really is now or never.
he stands up, taking vanessa’s hands in his like he did the other day at the shop. “listen, i have something to tell you.”
now. or. never.
she nods, unsuspecting of any news that could shock her. collin is silent though, standing nearby like a cobra ready to strike. ready to sweep vanessa and eli away from raymond at the drop of a hat if he so much as makes one wrong move.
but all of a sudden a park wide intercom comes on, asking for the attention of all runners, gathering them to the starting line as one last call.
raymond sighs, eli is already running down the hill, collin going after him to make sure he doesn’t trip and tumble down the whole thing.
“i guess you can tell me after,” she says sweetly, laughing as she watches her son get on his belly to roll down the grassy hillside.
vanessa’s hands detach from raymond’s as much as he doesn’t want it to happen. he wishes he could hold onto her forever.
“good luck!” he calls after all of them, feeling a pit in his stomach.
the one chance he had. blown.
god forbid anybody run into jia.
it felt like eternity. every minute, no, every second that passed by the anxiety raymond had grew worse. it consumed him. so much so that he wishes he participated just to walk all the nerves off. actually there was many reasons why he wanted to participate all of a sudden.
to get more advice from ash, to keep jia away from the people he knows, to run with vanessa and eli like one pretend little family.
gosh, it was agony waiting by the finish line. and cold too, damn cold. the sun was long gone and all the lights came from the huge florescent light posts everywhere.
raymond was pacing, his nerves gnawing at him. the frigid air bit through his clothes but it was nothing compared to the chill of dread sitting in his chest.
he kept glancing at the crowd, waiting for another familiar face. earlier, very fit marathoners came by first, ripping through the giant pink paper. if it wasn’t a charity run, they’d be the winners. about ten people came across before ash did.
11th place was nothing to shy away at. especially when there was maybe a thousand people in the race. it was nothing short of incredibly impressive.
the wait by the finish line seemed like forever since ash dapped him up and began heading back to his car. he told raymond good luck as if he was the one in a 10K run and not sweaty, tired ash.
and then, he saw her—vanessa—running towards the finish line, with eli and collin close behind. it was a shock they didn’t finish later, what with traveling with a 5 year old.
she was laughing, her face flushed with the exertion but glowing with joy. hers and eli’s faces were red and cute and it twisted something in raymond’s heart to see her like this, so full of life, so innocent of the truth he was hiding.
but just as his eyes locked onto vanessa, he spotted jia a little further back, jogging with steady determination. she looked up, her gaze sweeping across the crowd, and in that instant, raymond knew what was about to happen.
vanessa crossed the finish line first, slowing to a jog as she caught her breath. eli bounded up to her, chattering excitedly about the race. collin hung back, watching raymond with a critical eye. and then, jia crossed the line too, just a few paces behind.
he felt like he was going to hurl, the bile of betrayal threatening to come up. the moment of truth was inevitable. jia, catching her breath, looked up and saw raymond standing by the finish line, holding her purse. her eyes lit up with recognition, but then they narrowed slightly as she noticed vanessa standing just a few feet away.
jia’s pace slowed as she approached raymond, her gaze flitting between him and the woman standing nearby. raymond could see the confusion starting to cloud her features.
vanessa was still catching her breath, oblivious to the tension building in the air as she focused on eli, who was tugging at her hand asking if they could go for ice cream afterwards.
“raymond!” jia’s voice was filled with exhaustion and relief as she reached him, her hand brushing against his arm as she moved to take her purse back. she leaned in for a kiss on his cheek, her lips brushing his skin before she stepped back, glancing again at vanessa and eli.
out of all the times for collin to start making her laugh it was now, and raymond didn’t know the guy was funny at all. he didn’t catch what he exactly he said but it was something about eli never being tired.
ray’s heart pounded in his chest as vanessa’s laughter filled the air, a sweet melody that normally brought him peace but now felt like a ticking time bomb. vanessa finally looked up, her eyes meeting raymond’s, and her smile widened. but as she caught sight of jia beside him, her expression faltered, confusion clouding her features.
eli, noticing the shift in atmosphere, looked between the adults, his earlier excitement dimming. “mommy, who’s that?” he asked innocently, pointing his little finger at jia.
vanessa opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out as the realization hit her like a freight train. her eyes darted to raymond, silently demanding an explanation.
jia, catching the look exchanged between vanessa and raymond, felt her stomach drop. the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and the picture they formed was one she couldn’t—didn’t want to—believe. it all made sense now. the front door’s security camera footage, the single pink hair she found in their bed which he put in a ziploc bag, taking bruce to the park all the time, the late nights at the “office”.
her voice was shaky when she finally spoke, “raymond, who is she?”
raymond was frozen, his mind racing to find a way out, any excuse, but the weight of the truth pressed down on him, suffocating. the world around them seemed to blur as both women stood there, waiting for answers, while the crowd continued to celebrate the runners finishing the race.
“raymond, please tell me this isn’t what it looks like,” vanessa hushed, her voice barely above a whisper. she knew though when she saw jias wedding ring.
jia’s eyes were wide, demanding the truth she already feared. “raymond?”
he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. the words he needed seemed lost somewhere deep inside him, unreachable in this moment of raw exposure. vanessa took a step back, clutching eli’s hand tighter, as if trying to shield him from the inevitable fallout.
collin, who had been observing from a distance, stepped forward, his expression a mix of anger and protectiveness. he didn’t say anything, but his presence alone was a warning to raymond—whatever came next, it wouldn’t be pretty.
the silence stretched, thick and suffocating, until raymond finally managed to find his voice, though it was barely more than a whisper. “vanessa… i…”
but he couldn’t finish the sentence, couldn’t bring himself to say the words that would shatter the fragile illusion both women had been living in.
he can’t say, jia this is vanessa, the woman i’ve been having an affair with. shake each others hands and let’s all sing kumbaya.
the moment dragged on, the truth hanging in the air, heavy and inevitable. the breeze that was so cold now seemed a hundred degrees hotter.
before raymond could say more, jia stepped back, her face crumbling as the reality of the situation hit her fully. “you’ve been lying to me,” she whispered, more to herself than to raymond. her eyes filled with tears as she looked at vanessa, realizing the depth of her husband’s betrayal.
vanessa’s grip on eli tightened, and she pulled him closer, her expression a mix of hurt and anger. “raymond,” she said, her voice trembling, “how could you?”
raymond felt the weight of their gazes—of their pain and anger—bearing down on him. he wanted to cry when he looked down at eli, seeing his solemn confusion. no idea what was going on.
raymond wanted to run, to escape the mess he had created, but he was rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak. the crowd’s cheers seemed to mock the devastation unfolding around him. it was like a fucking laugh track and raymond was a walking, breathing joke.
collin finally spoke, his voice low and filled with warning, “you need to go, raymond.”
raymond knew he should leave, that staying would only make things worse, but he couldn’t move. he was trapped in this nightmare of his own making, the consequences of his actions finally catching up to him in the most public, humiliating way possible.
he has nobody to blame but himself.
and then, as if to add insult to injury, a voice crackled over the loudspeakers, announcing the winners and thanking everyone for their participation. the cheerful tone was a stark contrast to the storm brewing at the finish line.
jia took a shaky breath, her eyes never leaving raymond’s. “i want you to leave, raymond. don’t come home tonight.” she shook her head, almost as if in disbelief. tears never dropped but they stayed pooled in her eyes.
vanessa didn’t say anything more. and to think she believed raymond was about to ask her to be his girlfriend when they stood atop the hill before the race. she almost scoffed at her own ignorance and obliviousness. it was heartbreaking.
she just turned and walked away, pulling eli and collin with her, leaving raymond standing alone in the midst of the crowd, the weight of his decisions crushing him from the inside out.
˚ · .
a/n: omg it’s HERE!! how do we feel after all that?!
yume-- vanessa, eli, collin, ethan, davis
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guerrillla · 2 years
any suggestions on how to start editing comic panels? your character edits are super nice, I love the wanda one. i only use photoshop but I can't seem to make anything that aestheticly pleasing when I have tried making them. any tips would be appreciated!
omg <333333
soooo, to me, a lot of it is just training your eye to see a good balance between minimalist panels nd panels with a lot going on/panels with typography vs panels with characters (ive been doing comic gfx for like 7 years now i think and i still find ways to improve my eye for composition and aesthetics)
i like to zoom all the way out of a page to simply look at the composition and place the panels how it looks the most cohesive for me, if i dont like the composition i go back and tweak panels until it suits me
another point is referencing previous panels you did so that you can go back to the colours.
for individual panels,, i have specific graphic design inspiration boards that i like to reference and sometimes just recreate.
i feel like what really makes or breaks how 'pretty' an edit looks is your attention to details (for example when cutting a character from the panel) so id invest in learning how pen tool works (which rlly isnt hard at all, its just maybe tedious to cut the characters out like that)
lastly, textures, fonts and the occasional psd effect are sooo helpful in making your panels look more exciting and aesthetically pleasing.
websites i like for textures: deviantart, texturelabs (theres also cool yt tutorials linked there), pexels
websites i like for fonts: dafont, befonts, fontesk, ifonts
i hope this helped somewhat and if you have more questions (or if you want me to look at ur stuff and give u some tips that way) feel free to ask again or dm!!
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