#plot inconsistencies
vvitchllng · 2 years
Shadow and Bone adaptation is so fun you’ve never seen a more perfectly cast show acting their hearts out paired with the weirdest writing decisions in your life
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Watched that m night shyamalan movie about the cringefail girl dad who gets stuck at a concert. the plot was holier than the bible and i have one hundred bones to pick with it but I had fun
Alternate versions based on trailer 2 under the cut
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
I'm here to Redeem my kiss from Conan for reading the pinned post ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I also come on the behalf of Conan Kissers requesting little crumbs, croutons even, about our #1 tired dad.
✦゜ANSWERED: Croutons you say..... In da staff fridge?? Don't mind if I do... >:3
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"Can you pass me the sugar, sweetheart?"
Conan's voice easily melds with the soft melody playing from the radio, but you somehow manage to hear him just fine. With a hum of acknowledgement, you leave the cake batter in Conan's care, take a cursory glance at all the ingredients scattered about on the table, and look for the rogue bag of sugar you were certain you pulled from the shelf earlier. Once you find it hidden amongst the flour and eggs, you place it within Conan's reach... before an idea comes to your mind.
With a mischievous grin blooming on your face, you casually lean over and plant a kiss on Conan's cheek. His reaction is almost instantaneous; it barely takes three seconds before the look of surprise forms on his face as the redhead turns towards you, slips a hand around your waist, and happily returns the favour.
"Cheeky," He murmurs, "You know that wasn't what I meant."
His other hand slips into your own grasp in an innocent gesture, and soon enough, you both find yourselves gently swaying to the music. The scruff of Conan's stubble tickles your forehead when he draws near, but you don't seem to mind it that much when he's pressing soft, butterfly kisses against it in a silent apology.
"...It's not often we get a quiet moment to ourselves like this."
Resting your head against his chest now, you listen to Conan's heartbeat as he continues to sway you back and forth in a soft lull. The gentle thrums emitting from his chest almost sync up with the romantic music as you both sway to the beat, but the tender moment comes to an end once the melody begins to fade out.
With a sigh, you glance up at the redhead and give him a soft look.
"We should finish baking Alice's birthday cake first." A playful nudge from your hip coerces Conan back to his original spot by the kitchen island — but not before he places one last kiss atop your head. "Are you done with the sugar?"
Your lover steals the air from your lungs by leaning down and placing one final kiss against your lips this time.
"...Now I am."
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destinysbounty · 10 months
There's a scene in the first episode of season 1 suggesting that as of the start of canon, the Serpentine have faded into nothing more than myth. Naturally, this has led a lot of the fandom to question how this could be possible since the Serpentine War only happened ~40-50 years ago. There are plenty of still-living people in Ninjago who were present for this war - hell, even Ed and Edna were probably alive during the war. How could the existence of the Serpentine, a race that has been around and at conflict with the humans for over a thousand years, suddenly blink out of public awareness in just 40 years?
After some consideration, I think I've come to a pretty simple answer, if you'll indulge me as I overanalyze the silly lego show once again.
In order to understand the situation, let's take a look at the scene in question one more time.
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The key thing to note here is that out of the four, Kai is the only one who doubts the existence of the Serpentine. Jay, Cole, and Zane all treat the subject with a heavy amount of importance and trepidation (and a bit of fear). Zane even explicitly insists that they're real. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong but Kai is perhaps the only character in the entire show that we've seen expressing this kind of doubt about the Serpentine.
In my opinion, this means the Serpentine aren't just a myth and are instead a known part of Ninjago's history, and the belief that the Serpentine are a myth is a belief exclusive to Kai and Kai alone. Which...honestly feels pretty in-character for him, ngl.
(Why, then, are the Serpentine taught in schools but the ninja all somehow didn't know about the existence of other elemental masters? Great question! Unfortunately I cannot explain that without going on a long and rambling dissertation-length essay, and I don't have the brainpower to write all that. Long story short? Ninjago's education system is in fucking SHAMBLES and we shouldn't be surprised about any gaps in anyone's knowledge.)
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leniisreallycool · 1 month
"Belphie was stuck in the attic for years!" "No he was up there for decades!"
bitch he was stuck in the attic for a few months at most. Lucifer sealed him there immediately before choosing MC for the exchange program (a week or two at most). If it had been years or decades since Belphie was locked up, MC couldn't have been in the exchange program because they would have been old or even dead.
Also, Solomon and the angels arrived in the Devildom the same day as MC. They left on the same day which means exactly one year would have been the day MC arrived. Which means the demons sent to the human world and the Celestial Realm also left the same day. Belphie disappearing years before the program officially started would have been extremely suspicious and Lucifer's lie would have fallen apart immediately
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
Ah yes, my favorite fictional family, Knife Revenge and his sons [checks notes] Shadow, Glove, Space Napoleon, Martyred Bestie, and Jaing
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skyward-floored · 10 months
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moonkhao · 3 months
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#me @ gmmtv at almost any given moment
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ifindus · 4 months
Waiter, waiter!! More Viking Scotnor headcanons please! (If you have any ofc :3 )
Oh no!! Not my weakness!! 😳
Their relationship during the viking age was mostly very amicable, apart from a few minor fights and arguments later on. In contrast to England and Denmark, Norway and Scotland mostly co-existed peacefully beside each other and even developed a friendship. Norway has always been a traveller and would rarely stay in one place for long, but he would often spend his summers and occaionally autumns in his territories close to Scotland before moving along on his next adventure. During these months Norway and Scotland would hang out and Norway would tell Scotland stories about all his adventures out on the sea, exploring westward, as a hired soldier for the Byzantine emperor, helping out Denmark with his wars agaisnt England, and joining Sweden on his trips east. Scotland would think these were the coolest stories and always look forward to Norway's occasional visits. And sometimes Norway would even bring him exotic gifts he'd picked up on his travels.
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a small half-finished comic for my dentist au-i was gonna put more but I got tired
Eclipse notices something's missing, ehehe
(Context is that Sun let Eclipse (V2) go instead of shooting him in to another dimension with star power and kicks him out of the plex-he's out on the streets in the first panel)
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timethehobo · 4 months
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This is still one of my fave games tbh. Sometimes it’s the indies that hit the best.
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An AU where Kon saves and befriends his many clones ( + Travv)
Context and rambles are in the tags
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anitv Jake did WHAT
OP refers to these tags #4d chess psychological warfare#like that time in anitv jake acquires tom and successfully talks a bunch of controllers into shooting the real tom
The episode "Face/Off Pt. 3" is a classic combination of AniTV having some plot ideas with fascinating potential... and then executing those ideas so badly the show is nigh-unwatchable.
Various Animorphs are running around the yeerk pool in the season finale. (Rachel is in Tobias's brain as a yeerk to defeat the Gleet Biofilter, speaking of cool ideas that got wasted.) Jake drags Tom into a back room, and when the controllers break down the door, there are two identical copies of Tom standing there. It's kinda cool that the audience also doesn't know which one's Tom and which is Jake, because both of them immediately start shouting about how the other one is an imposter and the controllers should shoot that guy.
For the rest of the episode — which switches to focus on how Marco collapses the entire yeerk pool cavern by pulling down a single ceiling tile and throwing it against a pillar — there are two copies of Tom running around. There's some dramatic tension when we see one of the Toms get crushed to death by falling rubble and don't know if Jake just died, as well as in a later scene where one of the Toms walks in on Cassie mid-morph. That Tom demorphs into Jake, with the honestly funny line "Phew! My parents were about thirty seconds away from having a set of identical twins." Original flavor Tom is dead in the basement, but that's fine, because the Animorphs are off to a dance party. Also, Tom's back two episodes later with no explanation because Melissa Chapman needs a boyfriend. Sigh. So much potential, so badly wasted.
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goldenappledelicious · 2 months
So I enjoy the descendants movies though I won’t pretend I have very strong feelings about them. I did watch the new movie though and Red & Chloe are definitely gay and also Bridget intrigues me. Gonna be thinking about her and how I’d write her character for the next couple of days now
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saturnniidae · 2 months
I don't trust people who aren't willing to criticize their favorite media when it has genuinely harmful things (racism) in it or at the very least acknowledge it
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
what was supposed to be a tiny little drabble because dysphoria is stupid and it sucks turned into 1.9k words because i couldn't stop writing, haha !! (see again: dysphoria is stupid and it sucks)
transmasc dysphoric dew being comforted by cirrus and rain <3
cw. lots of crying, dew has a mindset that he can't do certain things because he sees girls doing them but he's aware that this is an unhealthy thought process to have, he also misgenders himself in his head once out of dysphoria
Dew's skin is crawling. Sweat from tonight's ritual clinging to his compression shirt and making his skin itch more and more with every second he keeps it on. He needs to get it off. In fairness, his skin has been crawling since before the ritual caused him to sweat buckets into his shirt. He's been feeling distinctively wrong since this morning, when they all arrived at the venue and realised the venue crew had allocated the dressing rooms differently than usual.
Dew's with the ghoulettes. He hates grouping them all together like that in his mind—knows Cumulus would probably have his head if she knew he was referring to the three of them as one single entity rather than individually appreciating them as they all deserve—but today, there's something in the back of Dew's head that itches every time he tries to separate them. He hates it. He can't figure it out.
He doesn't figure it out until after the ritual. When Rain calls out to Dew over his shoulder as he makes his way to his own dressing room. "When the rest of the boys and I are done, we'll meet the four of you in the greenroom with Papa, okay?" Dew calls out his response but the way Rain phrased it won't stop echoing through Dew's mind as he chats with Aurora, lifts his mask off, unbuttons his shirt, unlaces his boots.
"The boys and I" Rain had said.
The boys.
And Dew's not with them.
As he comes to this realisation, he pulls his first boot off, throwing it to the ground in frustration as tears pinprick the corners of his eyes. Cirrus jumps at the loud noise as she unbuttons her shirt, revealing her short-sleeve compression shirt underneath—most days Dew forgets that she wears it, given that it doesn't show when she rolls up her sleeves. And because he's never placed in the same dressing room as the... The girls.
"I don't know what kind of tantrum you're throwing over there, Dew," she says, not looking at him as she takes a seat in front of the mirror to unlace her own boots. "But if you could cool it enough to not make loud noises, that'd be great."
She's joking. He knows she's only joking and that her casual dismissal shouldn't hurt as much as it does but... Well, he's already had an off day and apparently, the disinterest in her tone is enough to break the dam of tears that was already struggling to contain itself.
He cries silently, too scared of disturbing Cirrus even further and of interrupting Aurora and Cumulus' conversation by making more noise. It's not until Cirrus is finished with her boots that she looks up and sees Dew sitting on the beat-up, beer-stained couch with tears streaming down his face. Her face softens immediately, an apologetic furrow forming between her eyebrows as she makes her way over to him. He flinches back before her outstretched hand can come to rest on his knee as if she's got cooties. As if he's going to catch "the girl" from her. As if her touch will cement the fact that Dew's just a silly girl playing pretend with her boyfriends' clothes.
The worry in Cirrus' eyes as Dew sobs makes him hate himself even more. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you, love," she tries.
"'S fine." It's not fine, they both know that. The real apologies and explanations from both of them will come later, they always do. The cursory, meaningless apologies happen in the moment, and the real ones come later as they hold each other close, tears streaming down both their cheeks. That's just how they work.
"Do you want me to get Rain?" She knows her presence is too much for him right now. She's probably able to read him better than he's reading himself. Come to think of it, she probably knew how Dew was feeling before he did, if her gentle questions throughout the day are anything to go by—well, with Cirrus, "gentle" usually means gripping Dew around the neck and ruffling his hair, laughing and pressing a kiss to the top of his head once she's had her fun; Sathanas, he loves her so much.
Dew nods. "Rain," he echoes.
Cirrus nods as well and disappears out the door, letting it band shut behind her as she goes off in search of the water ghoul. On the other side of the room, Cumulus and Aurora are trying very hard to pretend they haven't been watching the entire exchange.
In what feels simultaneously like no time at all and all the time in the world, Cirrus returns with Rain in tow, looking especially soft and relaxed in his street clothes. She must have briefed him about what's happened because although Rain runs to Dew and drops to his knees in front of the couch, he doesn't touch Dew.
"No," Dew whispers softly, longing for Rain to reach out and touch him.
"No?" Rain starts to move away from him.
"No! Come back... Please." He holds his hand out and almost starts crying again out of relief when Rain takes a hold of it.
"You doing alright, darling?" Rain's voice is soft, kind.
Dew tilts his head this way and that, not quite a nod but not quite a shake of his head either. "I'll be okay." He's not actually sure he'll be okay for a while, but he's rather Rain not worry about him even more than he already is.
Rain fixes Dew with a look, but gives him a gentle smile regardless. "D'you want to get out of this, love?" He gestures to Dew's uniform, his pants and the compression shirt that remains clinging to his sweaty skin.
Dew nods, standing up to shuck his pants and replace them with his favourite fluffy sweatpants, balancing himself against Rain and chuckling good-naturedly when he trips as he steps into his pants and almost falls flat on his face. As he tries to pull his shirt over his head, Rain collects the other parts of Dew's uniform and places them into a neat pile.
He turns back to Dew while Dew's shirt is halfway over his head, his head trapped in the damp fabric, stretching it as he tries to pull it over himself to no avail.
"Love–" Rain's hands are gentle as he stills Dew's hands. "Love, stop pulling. You're going to wreck the shirt."
"It's stuck." Dew knows his voice is muffled by the shirt from the way Rain chuckles at him.
The water ghoul's cold hands are welcome against Dew's warm skin as he pulls the shirt back onto his body. "Don't pull it off, you're just going to stretch it. See what Cirrus is doing?" Dew's gaze finds Cirrus just in time to see her cross her arms in front of her body and grip the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head.
He knows it's irrational, but his stomach twists and his skin begins to itch all over again in that same uncomfortable way as before at the idea of taking his shirt off the same way Cirrus did.
"N– No, that's... That's..." He trails off, voice thick with tears before he can say "the girl's way" because Sathanas, if he doesn't know how horrendous that sounds.
Somehow, though, Rain seems to understand what he wants to say, because before Dew can even start to think about panicking any further, Rain is taking Dew's hands in his and nudging their foreheads together. "Do you want me to take it off for you, love?"
"Sh– Shouldn't you take me out to... To dinner or something first?" He stumbles over his words and his voice cracks as he tells the joke, but Rain laughs anyway and something in Dew's heart feels a little lighter, but with Rain still looking at him expectantly for an answer, all he can really do is nod miserably and pull back from the water ghoul to give him room to help him out of his shirt.
Once Rain has pulled the sweaty shirt off of Dew and has begun searching for the fire ghoul's hoodie, Dew does his best to avoid looking down. He knows he's got something on underneath his shirt—whether it's a binder or tape he can't remember, but the incessant itching feeling from earlier makes him think it might be his tape—but regardless, he's hesitant to test his luck with his dysphoria, especially after everything that's happened today. Soon enough, Rain is passing Dew his hoodie and helping him pull it over his head, ruffling his hair gently and kissing the top of his head once he's finished.
"All done, love," Rain murmurs against his forehead. "Just shoes and then we're done, 'kay?"
Dew nods, eyeing up his choices. He's got the Doc Martens he arrived in leaning against the wall, or the pair of beat-up Converse buried in the bottom of his bag. Against his will, his eyes drift across to the other side of the room, where Cumulus is lacing up her own Docs.
Rain's fingers are gentle against his cheek as he guides his gaze away from the air ghoulette. "Don't worry about what's she's doing," he says gently. "What shoes do you want to wear, Dew?"
He casts a longing look at his well-worn, comfortable Docs before dropping his head and asking for his Converse.
Rain kisses him again—a soft thing that makes Dew's stomach swoop at the realisation of just how loved he is—and moves away to rummage through Dew's bag and hand him the shoes. He kneels down at Dew's feet once more and laces the shoes for him, stroking his knee gently before he stands up once he's done. Rain holds his hand out, offering Dew a hand up, but he ignores it and stands by himself, pretending not to notice the disappointment in Rain's eyes. He can't help it. Rain's extended hand reminded him of all the times Mountain has pulled Lus up off of the couch, or the few times Swiss has offered a hand out to Sunshine to help her up when she's been sat on the floor during their rest time at practice.
Once he's up however, he takes Rain's hand gladly, just as Aether and Aeon or Ifrit and Omega when the pairs walk around the Abbey.
Rain huffs out a quiet sigh, looking over at Dew with a soft smile on his face. "Ready to go?"
Dew nods, grabbing his bag and slinging it over the shoulder not obstructed by Rain's hold on his hand. He pushes the door to the dressing room open and tries to turn left, but Rain tugs him along to the right. "Greenroom, remember?"
Dew sighs and follows without saying anything. In all honesty, he couldn't care less about their post-ritual rundown at the moment. He'd much rather head back to the bus with Rain and let himself be held—maybe he'd even be able to convince himself to curl up into Rain's side without feeling wrong about it.
As they walk, he feels Rain look over at him. He returns the gaze, knowing the smile he sends Rain's way is a bit too tight to be genuine. He's tired out from monitoring his own actions all day, he just wants to cuddle up with Rain in one of their bunks and go to sleep. The water ghoul squeezes his hand twice in quick succession.
You okay?
Dew squeezes back once.
I will be.
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