#pls I crave validation
doodle-list · 1 year
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Bratwurst in Sanctuary!! I finally managed to catch up to Sausages episodes thank god 😭
Also please appreciate the fact that I pulled up Tinkercad to try and make the background make sense 
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xxalphaclownxx · 6 months
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i recently got a sticky hand, and i’ve been a little shit with it- so i thought that noah deserve pe to be a bastard too, as a treat <3
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katiesdailystruggle · 6 months
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Okay yall. I quit trying to make this perfect. I'm well aware it's a little rough around the edges, and I'm also well aware not everyone will like it. Nonetheless, here’s my community service to the sickie bangtan lovers for this year <3
Drabble fic is below the cut. Thanks for waiting patiently! I truly hope you enjoy this pure indulgence lmao.
Title: one stormy night
Word count: 2.2k
Ship: namjinkook - caretakers namjin, sickie jungkook
Tropes: sickfic, fluff, lil bit of snz, basic flu symptoms (the good stuff ya know)
Set in a random AU where Namjin are lovers who own a small shop, Jin is a healer, Namjoon is a mage, and Jungkook is just struggling, ill stranger who manages to fall head over heels in love with his saviors, whilst namjin also fall hard lol.
Seokjin was startled abruptly at the sound of the iron knocker pounding the front door, pausing his job of drawing the drapes for the evening. He and his lover, Namjoon, shared a small cottage in the middle of the woods that was outfitted into a potion shop for the neighboring villagers.
It was well passed their closing time, and Jin knew they didn’t have any appointments on file this late in the day. His stomach clenched with nerves as his gaze shifted to his husband’s usual position by the hearth. “I’ll get the door,” he softly said, making his way over to gently coax Namjoon back down to sit in the armchair. “You had a lot of spells today. Rest a while, I can handle this.”
It was getting late, he was exhausted from a long day’s work, and he didn’t know who was pounding on the door. It would be easy to become frustrated and get rid of whoever beckoned them, but Jin wasn’t heartless. It was storming outside, and maybe someone needed help. The healer in him wouldn’t let someone in need fend for themselves, and he would much rather waste some time than have regrets in his consciousness.
Pulling his evening robes further across himself to help defend the evening chill, Jin released the deadlock and the binding spell on the door, cautiously opening it a crack to peer outside. An unfamiliar silhouette greeted him, though it was difficult to perceive little else due to the heavy rainfall.
“Good evening, stranger,” Jin’s eyes ghosted over the heavily soaked man before him, an oversized hood covering his features dripping rapidly as the rain continued to pour down relentlessly. “I’m afraid we haven't met before, is there something I can do for you?”
“Please,” came the drenched strangers’ reply. “I’m just trying to make it to eastern lands.” Jin took mental note of the thick rasp and nasally tone in his voice. “I just need a roof to block this storm for an hour or so. I’m very weary from traveling.” The stranger didn’t make any move to invade their cottage of his own volition, and he was leaning heavily against their meager porch post for support to stay upright.
The poor dear. Squinting in a fruitless attempt to see better through the storm, Jin took note of the stranger’s trembling frame, his soaked clothing underneath the heavy travel cloaks, and the poorly fitted boots on his feet. He’s been traveling for a long while, weeks at the very least.
“You’re welcome to come in and dry off for as long as you need,” a soft smile adorned Jin’s features as he reached out to help support the traveler’s weak frame for the short distance inside. “We haven’t got much to offer in means of transportation to the east, but you must at least rest here a while. You’re soaked through.” A familiar pang of sympathy pulsed through his heart.
Jin’s own clothing was becoming rather damp just holding the stranger’s underarms, it couldn’t have been comfortable in the slightest to travel through this disastrous weather heavily weighed down by wet cloaks.
At the sound of the door shutting behind them, Namjoon stood up abruptly, eyes narrowed skeptically onto the hooded stranger, but he made no move to turn him away either. Jin nodded in silent thanks for his husband’s trust, as the two made their way slowly across the foyer. "A traveler needs a place to rest tonight. Help me tend to him, Joonie?"
Catching him by surprise as he was speaking, Jin nearly tripped over himself when the stranger suddenly bent over, a series of thick, painful coughs erupting from deep within his chest. As he fought to pull in a deep breath, Jin gently tugged back his hood to better inspect the ailments plaguing him.
And - oh. What an absolute darling. The gentle scrunch of his nose, the soft doe eyes crinkled in irritation as the worst of the coughing fit passed. His cheeks were flushed from the cold air, and the fringe of his bangs dripped with rain water as they hung in front of his eyes. He was beautiful. Jin had only ever had eyes for Namjoon, but the sweet one before him brought up emotions bubbling within that he had not felt before. He always did get attached easily.
No matter though, he had a job to do, and the stranger needed medical attention regardless of his mysterious beauty. Jin was a professional, and he would tend to whatever ailment was present.
“That cough sounds awful, dear,” Jin spoke softly as he made to undo the poorly tangled cloak ties. “You can call me Jin-hyung, what would you like me to call you?”
“Jungkook is my name,” the little one managed to rasp out and Jin hardly concealed a wince at the painful sound of crackling phlegm in his throat. “I don’t mind what you call me though. I don’t have any means to pay, I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes were glistening with unshed emotion, and he was sniffling thickly, pawing at his nose and eyes desperately in obvious irritation.
Another pang of sympathy shot through Jin’s heart at the sight of tears, but before he could utter another word, Namjoon was already stepping around him to help Jungkook settle into an empty cot by the healer’s table. Jin easily recognized the look in the mage’s eyes as one of empathy and adoration. They were both so utterly hopeless.
“That’s quite alright, Jungkookie, you needn’t worry about such affairs,” Namjoon spoke in a soft whisper. “You can call me Namjoon hyung. Just lie back, and we will take good care of you. I promise.”
A mixed array of confusion and relief flooded Jungkook’s sweet features, and he blinked several times, allowing a few stray tears to trickle down his cheeks. “Thank you hyungs, I’m afraid I’m not well,” he briefly paused speaking as his breathing caught roughly, a small trembling hand still rubbing harshly at his nose. “It’s been weeks and this head cold just isn’t going away. My travels have just made everything w-worse…oh…e-excuse me,” His lovely eyelids fluttered shut, as several productive sneezes ripped out of his chapped nose, chest heaving wildly in a desperate attempt to quell his breathing back to normal. Jungkook let out a shuttering sigh afterward, teary eyes darting away from the healer every so shyly. “Pardon me, please. I can’t seem to stop sneezing.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Jin cooed gently, reaching out to wipe his messy nose with a handkerchief. “Sounds like a little more than a nasty cold to me. I’m a trained healer, and Namjoonie here is a mage. I’ll check you over and see if we can’t get some medicine and hot soup into you by the end of the hour.” His gentle, calculated hands were tenderly pulling Jungkook’s soaked downshirt off, Namjoon already having started freeing him of his trousers.
“We need to get you out of these wet clothes and bundled up to dry by the fire,” Jin wrapped a soft, cotton towel around Jungkook’s trembling frame, and the relief on his face was so genuinely innocent, that he felt his own emotions stirring up. “Joonie, dear, if you wouldn’t mind putting the kettle to boil, fetching me some blankets and a clean nightshift, please.”
Jungkook was finding it harder to pay attention to Jin’s words than it should’ve been. Time seemed to slow down as he lost the ability to function properly. His breathing was becoming labored and that ever-present aching in his chest was becoming a harsh sting now. When did it get so warm? Or was it cold? He couldn’t tell anymore.
He had begun to slouch so low into himself, and his eyes were starting to close tiredly. Jin gently pressed the back of his hands to Jungkook’s cheeks and neck, humming softly at the detection of his obvious temperature. The poor dear, so very exhausted from traveling ill. “It’s quite alright if you fall asleep now, sweetheart. Just lie back down, I’ll wake you when I have medicine for you to take.”
As if by order of Jin’s permission, Jungkook’s consciousness slowly slipped into a light doze, long past the point of exhaustion. His breathing evened down to labored short puffs of stuffy air, nose scrunched up ever so sweetly into a sleepy, ticklish expression. It only had been movements, but Jin’s heart was entirely stolen.
At the younger’s slip into a fitful sleep, Jin made quick work of checking his vitals, throat, nose, and ears - getting a specific reading on his rising temperature, a worrying one, no less. Namjoon was back a few moments after he finished pulling a thick comforter up over Jungkook’s sleeping form.
“Water just started boiling hyung,” he whispered as he placed a stack of wool blankets and a silken shift on the armchair. “Want me to fill a basin of hot water and get some ailment tea brewed?”
Jin’s eyes softened even further at his lover, unable to look stressed even in the face of the ill young one beside himself. “That would be lovely, Joonie, thank you. Help me dress him first?”
Jungkook’s head felt heavy, dizzyingly so. There was also a nauseating spin of the room from lying horizontally as his ill body fought to stay sleeping. He didn’t know how long he’d been dozing off, time was passing unawares to him, though it didn’t feel near long enough before his consciousness was slipping back in. An irritating tickle was forming deep in his sinuses, whilst, unfortunately, his little nose scrunches were doing little to fight back. Having no wherewithal to cover, Jungkook released a flurry of wet, desperate sneezes into the firm chest next to him.
“Oh Jungkookie,” Namjoon softly cooed from above. “Blessings, you sound so poorly.” He was poorly, what a gods sent gift the hyungs shop was nearby. Sniffling desperately to contain the productive wetness that was now beneath his nose, Jungkook felt his eyes well up once more.
“My handkerchief is wet.” He whined softly, words muffled into the sweet hyung cradling him. He needed something to cover with, he needed to sneeze again. And what a tragedy it was indeed because the tickle persisted despite the fit he had just released previously. Damn, his ever-sensitive nose. Always getting in the way of comfort.
“I can’t blow my nose… and I need to…” He trailed off breathily, already starting to work his way into a hitch. A shuffling of movement briefly distracted his gasping speech, as his face was suddenly covered in a warm, large bundle of soft fabric. “Here, sweetie. All yours.” Jungkook felt Namjoon’s deep voice reverberate through his whole being, though perhaps that was also the fever chills shaking him through.
Noting he was now pressed against bare skin, not a cotton downshirt, his brain fumbled to keep up with the fact that he was presently leaking tears and mucus all over Namjoon’s shirt. He wasn’t thinking, the logical part of his brain long past gone, in the throes of his current predicament. If he had been, perhaps the prospect of using another man’s shirt in lieu of a handkerchief would’ve been embarrassing. One he had scarcely just met, no less. But he didn’t even have time for that. His eyes were watering, mouth falling open in desperate breaths, his nose burning ever so badly as it teased his need for release. Instead of granting him relief, though, the hitching just made him cough harshly, once again, all over Namjoon.
“Let’s get you in some dry clothes, sweetie,” Namjoon muttered, gently combing his hands through the young man’s hair. “I have a nice, warm nightshift right here for you.”
All Jungkook could seem to muster out was a small moan in response, shaky and once again, hitched, as he pawed at his nose in sleepy annoyance. “I know Jungkookie, almost there. I’m sorry, I know it’s chilly. Just gotta get this over your head now…there we go, left arm first, good boy.“ Was that Jin’s voice now? The feeling of cold air fading into warm silk on his skin caused a raspy whine to come out of his mouth before his thoughts even caught up. “It’s okay, it’s okay. All done.” Definitely Jin.
Despite the warm, dry clothing covering him now, chills racked his body relentlessly. It didn’t take but a few more hitching breaths before his face scrunched up in a defeated flurry of congested sneezes. “Bless you, little one. Come on, blow for me,” Jin whispered from his left, the down shirt coming back up to cover most of his face. Jungkook was ever obedient though, so he managed to huff out a thick blow at Jin's discretion. Gods this shirt was going to be so gross. Poor Namjoon. “There we go, all better. Good job, Jungkookie.” For someone whose shirt was now a makeshift hanky, Namjoon’s voice sounded awfully pleased with him.
A flush dusted his cheeks as he glanced up at both men in pure adoration, one not having to do with his fever. But the hyungs didn’t need to know that. Soft wool blankets were quickly wrapped around his shoulders, and he let out a relieved sigh when his feet were placed in a basin of hot water. The trembling didn’t stop, nor did the deep aches in his body, but the sudden warmth and Namjoon and Jin’s presence were enough to let him doze off for a while. He was safe. And for now, that was enough.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
🔊 Calling my fellow McGarrett girls, gays, and theys:
A McGarrett x reader undercover op at a casino has been begging itself to be written... do I keep going with this? Excerpt below the cut 👀
When your former mentor had contacted you about an opening at her coral reef research lab, moving from Camden to Oahu had been a no brainer. You’d packed up your life in New Jersey and been on a plane to the Aloha State within a week. Your favorite cousin, who’s truthfully more like the big brother you always wanted, had been elated to hear the news, welcoming you at the airport with open arms and two simple rules.
“Always answer the phone when I call so you don’t worry me to death,” Danny had said, holding up one finger, “and two,” he added a second, “you’re an adult and you can date anyone on this island-”
“Thank… you?”
“-but stay away from this schmuck.”
The schmuck in question had simply rolled his eyes, draped a beautiful lei around your neck, and greeted you with a warm hug. “It’s nice to finally meet the famous Y/N. I’m Steve.”
Your confident promise to your cousin had been broken a whopping two months later- and no, you hadn’t ignored one of his phone calls.
“Did you get me a beer?” you ask with a teasing lilt to your voice, wringing out your wet hair before dropping down onto the bench beside your boyfriend of three months. A quick glance around reveals that Danny’s over by the shrimp truck with Kamekona, and you lean forward to steal a kiss before putting some space between yourself and your favorite brunette.
“I surely did not,” Steve sasses back and takes a swig of his ice cold beverage. “Alcohol and diving do not mix. But I did happen to get a mango smoothie from that one place down the road this pretty girl I know really likes.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm,” he responds, a goofy grin spreading across his handsome face. “But, uh, she didn’t show, so I guess you can have it.”
You laugh and give him a playful shove, then let out a content hum as you pop the straw through the lid and take a grateful sip. “So good,” you moan in delight, and Steve has to bite his lip to refrain from making a comment when he spots Danny approaching the table with your regular orders.
“Hey, you.” Your cousin greets you with a kiss on the cheek before taking up residence on the bench across from you and Steve. “Why’re you sitting all the way over there, huh? You like that clown better or somethin’?”
“This guy?” you snort, taking your lunch off the tray and rifling through the napkins in search of a fork.
“Ouch.” Steve winces as if burned by your comment, and you surreptitiously squeeze his thigh beneath the table.
“So tell me about this case you’ve got,” you coax your cousin to change the subject, spearing some grilled veggies on the plastic tines and scooping up a respectable mound of rice on top.
“So there’s a diamond smuggling ring-” Danny starts, and you immediately cut him off with, “Shut up, that doesn’t happen in real life.” You turn to Steve for confirmation, but nothing about his facial expression suggests this is a joke. “Are you serious right now? BFFR, Danno.”
“I don’t- I don’t know what that means. Why are you making me feel old?”
“Be fucking for real,” you and Steve supply in unison, and you smile proudly at him. “You’re learning!”
“Between you and Gracie, I keep up, okay?”
“Oh, between my cousin and my daughter, you- okay, that’s excellent,” Danny says, his tone indicating it’s anything but. “Anyway, they’re using poker games as a cover to uh, collect their product, shall we say.”
“There’s enough rich people on Oahu with actual diamonds?” you ask, incredulous. “And here I am working like a pleb for paper currency.”
“Word,” Steve seconds your statement, raising his beer in a toast. You clink your smoothie against it before taking another refreshing sip. “So how’re you gonna catch them?”
“Well, there’s a high roller tournament on Friday night that we’re betting they’ll hit. We wanted to go in undercover and flush them out but…” Steve trails off and gazes at you thoughtfully, but Danny’s shaking his head before the next words have even formed on the brunette’s lips.
“No, absolutely not. Don’t even think about it, Steve.”
“What?” You turn to him, excitement coursing through your veins at the way his eyes have lit up. “Think about it! And tell me what you’re thinking about.”
“You could go undercover with me to the tournament, help me gather some intel. Maybe we get you to confirm the diamonds are actually in their possession and-”
“No!” Danny chimes in again. “What’s the matter with you, huh? These guys have killed two people already, Steve. It’s too dangerous for her.”
“First off, fuck that-”
With an eye roll, you amend, “Forget that. More importantly, shouldn’t Danny go undercover? You kind of suck at poker, Steve.” You feel a sharp pinch at your side and you yelp in protest, slapping at the SEAL. “It’s true, you little-”
“You’re not going,” Danny says definitively. “What about Tani?”
Steve shakes his head. “Tani and Junior have already questioned two of the men involved. They’ll be made before they even get to the table.”
You cross your arms and level your cousin with a smirk. “Sounds like you need me, Danno.”
“Then I’m going with you,” he declares.
“Yeah, no, hard pass,” you backpedal. “Even as a former thespian, there’s no way I can convincingly play arm candy for you without it being weird.”
“So, it’s settled then, little Williams,” Steve says with a grin. “You and me. Friday night. The high roller table at the Ilikai Hotel.”
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quietschfidel · 1 year
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Dream of the Endless (The Sandman) by @quietschfidel “For there was nothing in his eyes but the black night and the cold stars.” – The Sandman: Book of Dreams
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lovesickfelix · 11 months
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felix with his brown eyes and sparkly makeup✨
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ziggystrdust · 11 months
“Hm, sure,” he responded, staring deeply into his eyes, “so, what's your name, pretty boy?”
“Sirius,” the stranger- Sirius - responds quickly, smirk still present, “how about you?”
“Lupin, Remus Lupin.”
“So Wolf McWolf?” Sirius says while smirking, “Sexy, I like it.”
“Ok, star boy” Remus replies, trying to hide a smile.
“Anything is better than Wolfy, darling. Plus, I prefer star man”
Now that, that intrigues Remus.
“You like Bowie?” he asks, perhaps too excited for his own liking.
“Obviously,” he responds with a playful eye roll, “I mean look at me, im the classic queer man stereotype, of course I like Bowie.”
Remus smiles at that. “‘The queer man stereotype’. I need a shirt that says that.”
“Any reason why you would want that shirt, moony?” he asks, smirking.
“Wait,” Remus says while sitting up in the chair, fully emersed in the conversation now, “what the fuck did you just call me?”
ff - last train home by ziggystrdust (me!!)
they actually drive me insane they’re so disksmskakskaksksksksk
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comradekiwi · 2 years
(unrevised) sneak peak of my upcoming fic based on this tweet!
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EDIT: here it is!!
this fic is angst + fluff and they’re very in love and it’s also heavily influenced by my most plausible theory for how bnha will go
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hermywolf · 2 years
the boys as b99 scenes bc someone had to
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quinn-pop · 5 months
aishite aishite aishite is a very magolor song that’s the post have a nice day :)
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shades-tmnt-stuff · 2 years
Adopted AU-of-an-AU
Okay, it's taking me a lot longer to actually finish the first comic bit I'm doing to start this AU out than I wanted, so I'm gonna start this as a text post. Keep an eye out for fic and comic stuff, though!
So as a brief overview, this is an AU of @tblsomedoodles 's ROTTMNT Adopted AU where Michelangelo (or Angelo/Angie) activates his mystic powers as a three-year-old and ends up in the '03 verse. In this version, Rise Michelangelo (or Michael) ends up in the '12 verse.
I'm putting the rest under the cut since this is pretty long. Apologies!
Okay, so. For how the AU gets, started, you can find an animatic for it here and a text-post explanation here. I do recommend you go check those out, as I'm not changing anything for how Michael ends up in '12 in comparison to Angelo being in '03. For a brief explanation, though, Mikey gets separated from his family. He gets attacked by a yokai, and his intense desire to return to his family is what causes his mystic abilities to activate.
There's a lot more nuance to it than that, but that's the jist. I strongly suggest you go check out Trouble's post and animatic, because one, they're great, and two, they have more details.
Now, on to the differences (provided in bullet points because it's easier):
Mikey (Michael from here on out) arrives in '12 alone and upset, runs away from Hob.
'12 Mikey and Raph hear him while they're playing in the sewers and go to investigate.
Surprise, they find a crying turtle toddler, who sees Raph's red bandana and immediately attaches to him. This is because of Rise Raph being referred to as 'Red' at this point and Michael associating the color red with being safe.
Both boys are very confused as to who this child is and decide to take him home after looking around a bit for where the kid could have come from.
Leo and Donnie are like "what the heck bros where did you get a child"
Splinter sees the baby and is reminded of when his sons were young and is immediately attached, having a feeling that Michael cannot be returned to his family yet
As such, Splinter chooses to raise Michael alongside the others as a younger brother.
Raph and Mikey are instantly Michael's favorite brothers for being the ones to find him, and they are both very soft with him (Raph will deny it, but it's true)
Mikey is hyped to not be the youngest anymore, and very carefully instructs Michael exactly how to pull pranks and make the brothers laugh. He's the one to name him "Michael," actually after himself, because he has orange spots, like Mikey being the orange ninja.
Donnie kinda just shrugs and accepts the fact that they have another brother. He doesn't mind the inquisitive lab partner at times, but Michael definitely has a tendency to get under Donnie's feet when he's little.
Raph's favorite brother is Michael. Some of it is how he's the least annoying, but most of it is that he just loves Michael and wants to protect him. (He's so small, okay? And he was alone, Raph needs to be there for him).
Leo is the slowest to warm up to Michael. He's the oldest and feels way too responsible for a baby. The thing that gets him to finally relax around Michael is when Michael ends up tripping while playing right in front of him but laughs about it. Michael is a much tougher baby than Leo thought.
Eventually though, all four are very comfortable around Michael and love him equally. They each have their soft moments with him, and it's an understood thing that they would kill for him.
About four months after Michael joins the family, he sees them training and is like "I wanna learn." Splinter was going to wait until he was a bit older, but Michael is very stubborn and has irresistible puppy-dog eyes. Splinter never stood a chance.
So Splinter begins teaching Michael the basics. He excels very quickly, due to both Michael's attitude about it (wanting to be like his brothers) and the nature of his mutation.
Like, in Rise, the brothers literally become excellent ninjas within a day during ep. 25. Even with their prior experiences, that is not something the '12 brothers would be able to do, and my personal hc is that the way Draxum mutated them, with perfected mutagen and a purpose, caused them to be excellent soldier material.
Not that Michael becomes a soldier in this, just that, learning from the greatest ninja master of the century, along with his biological advantages, would result in an extremely skilled ninja child.
By the time he's seven, Michael is able to take out his brothers in a 4v1 on a good day.
He's still baby tho, so sometimes his brothers go easy on him, but don't tell him they said that.
On the same note of those biological advantages, Michael is also very strong. At least lifting things - he still only weighs 60 pounds, he can get picked up and tossed v easily.
Those are all the early childhood notes I really have atm! If anyone has any questions, please let me know! My ask box is always open.
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xxalphaclownxx · 9 months
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not my best work, but i wanted to be on time for at least ONE day, yknow? shhhhhh noah is eepy
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months
Otto doesn’t have the greatest memory. Or maybe he does but he blurs it on purpose. Or maybe he did once and it’s been knocked out of place after a particularly nasty blow, flickering in and out of clarity like the static of a radio. He isn’t sure, really. He just knows that days and weeks and months might as well be the same, seconds and minutes and hours passing by without anything to distinguish them. He just knows that sometimes he finds bruises he can’t recall and scars he’s never noticed before, bloodied noses that might have been his pa or possibly the sneering kid down the block. He wipes away the scarlet and shrugs and doesn’t think too hard about it.
He doesn’t remember the hits starting, his uncle drinking, his pa getting angrier and angrier. He isn’t sure if he’s supposed to. He was seven, after all. Or eight? Maybe younger. It’s one of the things he can’t remember very well. He doesn’t think he wants to; if he can’t remember a before, he can trick himself into thinking it didn’t exist at all. It makes life a little more bearable. This way, he hasn’t lost anything.
Otto doesn’t remember Oscar and Morris showing up either, not properly. He’s blocked it out too, he thinks. He was alone and then he wasn’t. No warning, like his pa’s closed fist.
Oscar came first, he knows that much. A scrap of a thing his uncle dragged home, spitting and hissing, all vain teeth and claws. Otto hadn’t know he had a cousin. He remembers being fascinated by him, unable to tear his gaze away. This boy with his sunken face and narrow shoulders, shared bruises, eyes too old for his age. He was quiet too, deathly so. Maybe he’s scared, Otto had thought. He would be too.
Oscar wasn’t scared. He knows he learned that fast. Oscar was angry. Otto tried to talk to him and got sullen silence in response. He offered his thickest blanket, his space on the bed. Pleaded with his eyes and desperate head shakes the first time Oscar dug his heels in at his pa after disappearing for hours, and cried himself to sleep when it didn’t work. When the the boy his uncle claimed was his brother now was beat for the first time. Otto still hates himself just a little bit for not warning him more. Maybe he could have stopped it, kept taking the brunt so Oscar didn’t have to. Maybe.
He knows Oscar didn’t like him. He avoided him at work, at the flat, slinking around by himself instead. The first time Oscar hit him, Otto hit back. Oscar had blinked, tilted his head, nodded, backed off. That day had surprised both of them, Otto thinks. He, that Oscar had let it lie instead of escalating the fight. Oscar, that Otto wasn’t one of the kids they bully at work. That he wasn’t going to take what he didn’t have to.
After that, they’d learned that a gap between them was stupid. They still didn’t talk much and Otto knew nothing about Oscar, didn’t understand him at all. But they didn’t fight, and when they caused trouble it was together. They patched up each others cuts, wiped away the blood but no matter how much Otto tried, Oscar never let the gap close. It was always there, always stinging, always sore. They were cousins, maybe something akin to friends. Nothing more. Certainly not brothers.
Morris showed up second.
It made sense then, after that. Oscar didn’t want to be Otto’s brother because he already had one. Morris, who was even thinner than Oscar had been, who talked even less and who was even harder to decipher. Morris, who Oscar put himself in harms way for time and time again the way he never would for Otto. The way Otto should have for for him.
He isn’t proud of how he had sort of resented Morris. He had taken away two years of trying to make Oscar understand that they were better off on the same side in less than a heartbeat. Otto was as alone as he’d ever been and yeah, it hurt. He can admit that. Because he watched Oscar and Morris curl up together, be there for each other, care in a way he hadn’t even known was possible. Even as time passed, as all three of them hardened from glass into stone, they always cared about each other.
And Otto was there too.
That’s how it had been. Otto doesn’t remember it well, like most things. Like how he hardly remembers when it started changing. When he was slowly included more and more. Still on the outside of course, still at arms length but there more than ever. When they started spending more time as a trio instead of a pair who Otto was allowed to tag along with.
It only took five years, but they finally understood how to be on the same side.
Now more time has passed. Now they’re in as many fights that they start as are started with them. Now the brothers look to Otto sometimes when they don’t know what to do (Oscar leads mostly, Morris follows). Now, they’re deadly in a way that was inevitable really. Oscar still scares Otto sometimes and Morris is still a mystery, but he supposes he’s just as much of a puzzle to them too. He knows they get each other in a way he never will, but they won’t fully get him either. They’re surviving together now, instead of just alongside each other.
Now, they’re in another alley fight with a bruiser of a man who claims they roughed up his son. Otto doesn’t remember. They’ve roughed up a lot of people, he tells him. Bad move. The man is bigger, faster, angrier, had gotten the jump on Morris and had tried to take Otto out with him. They’d fought of course, but it had been far from fair.
Now, his chest heaves as his shirt is stained with blood. Morris is leaning heavily on him and Otto thinks maybe they’re propping each other up. His ribs ache and his head hurts and there’s a metallic tang creeping over his tongue. Morris doesn’t look much better.
Oscar is the only one still on his feet. He has a handful of the man’s hair, is twisting his neck savagely, leaning his head in close. He’s vicious with bared teeth, lips pulled back in a lupine snarl. Otto watches, waits. Morris does too. They know better than to interfere when Oscar is like this. It just has to run its course.
The man makes a noise something close to a whimper. Oscar cracks his head back against the wall. “Touch my brothers again-,” he hisses, low and dangerous. “-an’ I swear on everythin’ I have that I’ll kill ya,”
And then it’s over. Oscar dumps the man in a bloodied heap, grabs Otto’s collar to right him and loops an arm around Morris. Otto tries to steady himself, start walking at the same pace as Oscar even as his legs shake and buckle. He should be hurting, maybe crying, but he’s not. He’s smiling, almost. The ghost of one at least, there on his lips and then gone.
He glances sideways. At the grip Oscar has on Morris, the way his brother leans into his side. At the way Oscar meets his eyes with flat ones of his own, flickering down to his limp and back up. The way he shifts Morris just enough to let Otto lean on him too.
Brothers. Otto likes that.
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mirsvintagesonytv · 2 years
AU where The Flags are sent to infiltrate a government facility to steal records on a new weapon being created to harness the power of abilities. Except they break in and go to all the trouble to find a seven year old kid being held in the facility. It’s Chuuya lol. (i put a read more link for ur convenience this ones long boi)
And once Pianoman realises “oh shit the kids the weapon we came here to steal” they just kinda take Chuuya and run, but instead of taking him back to the port mafia (because they feel bad also it’s literally a kid they’d have to be pretty fucked up to let the mafia have him) they burn the lab to the ground and lie to Mori saying that the “cloned ability weapon” was already destroyed. So it’s just the gang of teenage flags adopting traumatised child Chuuya who has no memories and or recollection of how he got there in the first place other than the fact that he’s dangerous/possesses Arahabaki. And the flags all get really attached to Chuuya really fast bc he’s this adorable little kid who can’t control his ability and pianoman ends up having to make one of his wire weapons into a leash instead bc Chuuya will randomly float off after activating his ability like a balloon and they’re scared he’s gonna float off into space.
(One time he gets excited at something and floats upwards and gets stuck on the ceiling where none of them can reach him, and the entire time is just the flags panicking because HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RAISE A SUPERPOWERED CHILD THAT FLOATS??!)
And chuuyas never had positive human interactions before since he can’t remember his childhood and from the ages of 5-7 he was being experimented on by N, so he immediately like imprints on the flags like a baby duck and just follows them around everywhere (especially Pianoman, being their leader he’s the most responsible of them and yeah Chuuya calls him Pianodad a few times) And originally the plan was to just find the kids family and then give him back to his parents, but they know almost nothing and by this point when they actually find some information Chuuya has already decided that THIS is his family now and so the flags just adopt him instead.
And at some point like a year after they initially rescue him from the Lab, Verlaine comes looking for Chuuya, expecting like this fully grown teen or whatever but is met with eight year old Chuuya who still can’t speak Japanese fluently let alone control his mess of an ability. He takes one look at Verlaine and just starts crying and Verlaine has no clue what to do bc he’s trying to kidnap this kid but the little shit won’t stop screaming and floating away. Like Pianoman teaches Chuuya about stranger danger and Verlaines like "I’ll get u some candy" and chuuyas like “no my dad said not to take candy from weird men in suits who break into our house. >:[“
Also Lippman likes to dress Chuuya up in clothes that definitely shouldn’t be worn by a kid like cute little suits and hats. And chuuya absolutely hates this bc he just want to play but actually ends up keeping one of the hats lippman puts him in bc he likes it. He’s also definitely tried playing with Doc’s IV once or twice and Doc is there like “this kid fucking terrifies me he’s gonna pull the plug on me one day by accident”
Iceman and Albatross have both definitely played peekaboo with him at some point when they first took him in and made him cry bc Chuuya had no clue what object permanence was. And then as he gets older they try to entertain him the same way and 11 year old Chuuya is like “…what are you doing”
When the whole Verlaine thing happens the flags have to come clean to Mori that they’ve had this kid that was the weapon for like a year, and that now Verlaine is kinda on a war path bc of said kid. And Moris like “Lmao I knew but what am I gonna do with a seven year old I just let you handle it.” And so when he gets old enough Chuuya joins the mafia/knows other mafia members and is basically the golden child that everyone loves/dotes on. Pianoman has definitely forced both Kouyou and Hirotsu to babysit at some point to which they struggled bc this child is a menace and CAN HE NOT FLOAT OFF THIS IS SO INCONVENIENT. But Albatross taught him the art of puppy dog eyes, so Chuuya basically gets away with everything and nobody can tell him off because he’s too cute. Like he breaks one of Kouyous favourite vases and just pulls out the puppy dog eyes and wobbly lip and kouyous like “ugh fine I cant shout at that face” he’d also gatecrash Hirotsus missions when he gets somewhat older (maybe 12,13) and then avoid trouble by preying on hirotsus weakness for the eyes. Chuuya is an absolute menace.
When Dazai joins the mafia the circumstances are very different since in this Au chuuyas been in the mafia since day one basically. And Mori partners the two bc he sees potential in Dazai and Chuuya is literally begging at this point for missions and they’re both the same age. Which is funny because in the beginning everyone is much more worried about chuuya getting hurt than dazai (Kouyou and Pianoman definitely had a few talks with him that if he let Chuuya get hurt they’d kill him) but then Chuuya is like a public menace who’s committed so many crimes instead of the sweet kid they all think of him as. The flags and Hirotsu definitely take every opportunity to embarrass Chuuya in front of dazai by telling embarrassing stories about him as a kid too and Kouyou also likes to embarrass him in front of his subordinates when he eventually rises through the ranks to which Chuuya is like “I fucking hate all of you” to which all of the executives will tease him and chuuya can’t even threaten them because they don’t take him seriously.
Iceman definitely used to take photos whenever chuuya would float off using his ability, so now there’s just an entire photo album of Chuuya as a child floating in obscure places. This is like the bible to dazai he’s dead set on finding it so he can embarrass chuuya and chuuya wants nothing more than to find it so he can burn it. Also the flags get living privileges I let them live bc I can. Verlaine is in France living his best life with his boyfriend Rimbaud and Pianoman is an executive because I SAID SO. BECAUSE I SAID SO. LET ME HAVE THE SILLY LITTLE FAMILY DYNAMIC. the executive seats are so funny because it’s basically just Chuuyas adoptive mafia family + his boyfriend. Dazai walks into meetings like “woah am I interrupting a family reunion?”
Dazai leaving isn’t the big mess is was in canon, he even asks Chuuya to leave with him but Chuuya declines because the mafia *is* his family and despite Mori fucking them over with Oda and various other instances he can’t leave the flags or Kouyou. Dazai tells him they could find out about his past but. Chuuya still refuses because he doesn’t care anymore now that he has people he wants to protect. They’re on good terms when dazai leaves (Although the car still gets blown up lol) and they still keep in touch/on good terms when dazai joins the agency.
When Kyouka joins the mafia Chuuya goes big brother mode because fiNALLY there’s someone younger than him around for them to dote on. Kouyou takes her in and often asks him to babysit and chuuya will help her with her hair and buy her snacks etc. he’s just enjoying being an older brother. And because he was also a kid in the mafia he understands her to an extent that Kouyou and the others can’t, and Kyouka finds him to be her favourite in the mafia because of this. Chuuya is actually one of the ones to push for Kyouka to leave the mafia, because although he has the flags and everyone he’s still horribly adjusted to the world growing up around violence and a part of him wishes he could’ve been a normal kid and now he wants that for Kyouka. Kouyou is set on bringing her back but Chuuya sits her down and convinces her to let Kyouka go and live a normal life. Dazai receives a lot more messages and phone calls from Chuuya from that point on whenever he wants to check in on Kyouka and make sure she’s okay. During the guild arc he’s blowing up Dazais phone like “how could you let her get caught I’m going to kill you” and Kyouka often complains about missing Chuuya which leads to him visiting the agency quite a bit whenever this happens. (LOOK I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY IM COPING RN LET ME COPE)
Hc that Chuuya is really dramatic about “passing down the mantle” of big brother to atsushi and threatens to set Akutagawa on him if Kyouka so much as even gets a scratch on her because of him. He also complains a lot because he wishes Kyouka could’ve gone to school after leaving the mafia instead of joining the detective agency since he wanted her to have normalcy but this way she still faces danger. But after she assures him she’s happy and okay he backs off.
It gets to the point that the entire ADA just don’t see chuuya as a genuine threat to them bc he’s so friendly with them almost. And Fukuzawa offers him a job at some point which chuuya again declines. Of course he’s still a threat to them but his existence alone is like a buffer between full out war between the organisations since the mafia wouldn’t do anything to anger him and that includes hurting the ADA. The mafia knows that Kyouka and Dazai are off limits to them because those are both people that Chuuya cares about. And the ADA know that the flags are off limits in turn. Like the easiest way for the ADA to win a war against the mafia would be killing Doc or the other flag members who are close to the executives, but they know that if they do that the invisible truce would be broken and chuuya would probably kill them because that’s his family and the people that raised him. Cannibalism arc gets a bit messy in that sense that the mafia disregard the whole “don’t touch Kyouka or dazai” thing and the ada in turn get antsy about whether they should break their side of the unsaid rule and go after Doc (who’s the mafias doctor and an executive bc fuck Ace I actually don’t care about him) and chuuya is in the middle of it trying to protect all the people he cares about simultaneously when half of them are on the opposing side.
Anyways that’s my rambling for today bc this was bouncing around my head all night like I love the flags sm I need more content. And found family with Chuuya is just the single most best thing to exist. The au where Chuuya gets the love and care HE RIGHTFULLY DESERVES. and I selectively get rid of characters I kinda don’t care about (cough cough ace) also I just thought the premise of Verlaine trying to find Chuuya only to realise “this is a child what am I meant to do with a child I can’t mansplain my evil plan to him he won’t understand!!” and "Why wont he stop crying why is kidnapping actually kind of difficult??" so he just gives up and ships himself back to france.
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what if.
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deanwwinchester · 1 year
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Look what you made me do💋
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