#pls bear with me this is my first time attempting it
fautiger · 4 months
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What I imagine they'd say if they could see her (no pressure, Melinoë)
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too-deviant · 6 months
freaky friday
OR… that one time you woke up in luke castellan’s body, told from the perspective of percy jackson.
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Demeter!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Content: the most loser loser!luke has ever loser-ed. this is sooo unserious like pls.
Percy Jackson had only been at camp for a day, but he was completely sure that something was wrong. 
It started early Sunday morning — well, when he thought back on it, he guessed it might have started late Saturday night, when he woke up to a few of the older campers (Luke included) sneaking off out of the cabin and not coming back until the sun was peeking through the horizon. 
But he didn’t really think about it until Sunday morning — when the thing that startled him out of sleep was a loud shout of  “Holy Fuck!” echoing from the bathroom. He sat up, startled, and eyed the door along with everyone else. Then there was a yelp. 
“Oh my gods. No — this is, this isn’t real. Am I still — oh don’t touch that. That’s not yours. Jesus, Luke — No. Stop looking. Oh my gods.” 
A few campers shared some wary glances, asking the silent question of who’s going to investigate? Eventually, Chris (Percy thought, one of Luke’s friends from yesterday), stood up with a sigh and a raised brow, stepping over sleeping bags until he stood outside of the door. He looked at them all, the curious eyes of literally every kid there, and knocked slightly. There was another yelp. 
“Uh…” Chris blew out a puff of air, “Are you okay in there?” 
A few seconds of tense silence, then the door cracked open and Luke Castellan stuck his head out. He looked at Chris, at all the kids staring at him, and smiled stiffly, “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”
He shut the door once more, the force blowing Chris’ hair back for a brief moment. The boy shrugged and nodded at everyone else to start getting ready because it was almost time for breakfast. He headed over to Percy, asked how his first night was, and left him to gather his bearings before they had to leave. 
The kids attempted to forget about Luke’s debacle in the bathroom, but when they started to get impatient about his hogging it, all disregard of his personal business went flying out of the window. One kid mustered the balls to knock, and then another shouted through the wood for him to hurry up. 
Just as one of the Stoll brothers was about to pick the lock himself and check out the situation, the door flew open, and Luke frowned at them from the doorway, “I’m done, my gods.” 
They looked at him — he was leaning against the now open door, hip bucked out and not a care in the world that he was in nothing but his underwear. He glanced at them, then at the kid who Percy thought was called Conor, and sneered in his face until the kid flinched back. When he did, Luke pushed the bathroom door until it hit the wall and gestured dramatically inside, “In you go.” 
Percy didn’t think he was the only one who was shocked by Luke’s sudden show of attitude. Sure, he’d only known the guy for a day, but he’d been super nice the whole time. Even when Percy was ready to give up on finding his skill, Luke was supportive and kind. Now, he just looked irritated at everyone in the room. Maybe he wasn’t a morning person. 
Yeah, that was probably it. 
Percy decided to let him wake up a bit instead of irritating him with questions about how the morning routine at camp usually went. Instead, he followed the lead of the kids around him and got himself ready before lining up along the wall. His face bloomed red when someone had to tell him to go to the back because he was new, but other than that he was doing somewhat alright. 
Chris and Luke were arguing quietly in the corner, being careful to ensure nobody else could hear their murmurs. At one point, Luke stepped up so he was nose to nose with Chris and the boy put his hands on his chest to push him back — only for Luke to sharpen his eyes down at them with such a scandalised look that even Percy was slightly confused from where he stood and watched. Luke folded his arms over his chest indignantly and Chris sent him a dumb look before muttering something that made Luke straighten and drop his arms once more. 
When the boys ceased their conversation and walked over, the kids pretended as if they hadn’t been watching their entire time
“Okayyy.” Luke spoke, huffing out a breath. He shot his hands out and waved them, “Let’s go.” Nobody moved, and he furrowed his brows, “Uh, onwards and upwards? Hop to? En guarde?” Silence greeted him and he rolled his eyes, clapping loudly, “Can yall just fuckin’ move?”
The kids at the front flinched slightly, deciding it best to just leave rather than wait for him to say his usual morning pick-me-up. Clearly he was having a bad day and they chose to leave him to his own devices. Percy followed at the back, and couldn’t help but listen as Chris muttered to him once more from behind him. 
“Can you at least try to act like a normal person, please?” 
“I am acting normal.”
“Luke Normal.” He paused, waiting. Percy guessed Luke must’ve agreed silently because the next thing he said was, “Thank you. Now get to the front of the line like the cabin counsellor you are.” 
Luke huffed, pushing past Percy to get to the front of the line. Chris followed, whispering something about Luke having a bad day and to just ignore him before jogging to catch up. The blonde boy had never felt so awkward — the only friend he’d made and the guy was skulking around like he hated the world only twelve hours after they’d met. 
He tried to brush it off by focusing on his breakfast — blue pancakes, blue cherry coke. Okay, not the healthiest option but he was having a bad weekend, let him live. 
Chiron came to find him a bit after that, asking Percy how he was settling in and if he was ready for the Capture the Flag game they were playing later. 
After that, Percy tried to avoid the prying eyes of Annabeth by spending his free hour in the Hermes cabin where she couldn’t get to him — only to walk in on something a lot more awkward. 
Luke was lying on the floor, groaning in pain. The smiley Demeter girl he had introduced Percy to the day before was on top of him, also groaning in pain. 
“Uh, are you guys okay?”
They flinched, scrambling off each other and pulling themselves to their feet. Luke brushed himself off and looked at Percy wide eyed, “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Seriously.” The girl said when Percy raised his brow. She shook her head slowly, “We would never —“
“Yeah.” Luke scoffed, “Like never ever.” 
The girl — Percy was still trying to remember her name — turned her head and looked at him blankly, “Okay. That wasn’t needed.”
“I’m just clarifying.”
“You didn’t need to sound so disgusted about it, though.” 
“Oh my god.” Luke scoffed a chuckle, shaking his head, “You’re such a guy.”
Percy screwed up his face, and Luke suddenly backtracked, “Uh, I mean — such a lie…er.” Even he looked confused by what he’d said. He straightened up and scoffed, waving his hands, “She wants me so bad. Right? Bro?” He held out a fist, but Percy just looked at it. 
The girl, who had swiftly knocked his hand back to his side and stepped slightly in front of him, smiled kindly like she had yesterday when she’d asked how Percy was feeling about the sudden change in his life. “Sorry for scaring you, Perce. We’re just talking about something. Did you have a question?” 
“Yeah, actually.” He looked at her, “Are you in pyjamas?” 
She looked down at herself like she was just remembering her white tank top and fleece pyjama pants with bats printed on them, and Luke laughed into his fist. Upon hearing his chuckles, she swivelled back to glare at him, “Hey, don’t laugh at me! Would you rather me undress you?” 
“What?” Percy asked. He was ignored. 
Luke took a step back and held up one finger, “Uh, no. I don’t need you looking at my tits, perv.” 
“What?” Percy tried again. 
The girl scoffed, looking away from him and muttering under her breath, “Kinda hard not to when they get hot in the night and climb out of your shirt.” 
Luke gasped and put his hands to his chest, “Oh my gods.” 
“I tried not to look but they were right there — !”
"Well — " Luke stammered for a rebuttal, eventually pointing in accusation at the girl beside him, "You had morning wood!
"What — ?!"
“Hey, guys!” Percy finally interrupted, and they looked at him in surprise like they’d forgotten he’d been standing there the whole time. “What the hell is going on?”
The two shared a look, but it was you who stepped forward and looked at him kindly, “Nothing you should worry about. You’ve had a tough weekend already, just pretend you never saw us.” 
Percy was tempted to refuse and force them to spill the beans, but they were two older campers who could very well send him to detention or whatever it was they did here for punishment — he wasn’t keen on finding out. So he left with a nod and closed the door behind him. 
Your voice drifted through the window, “—can’t believe you wear batman pyjamas.”
“At least I wear pyjamas.” Luke responded, “You left very little to my imagination this morning.” 
He walked off before he could hear anymore. 
He didn’t see either of you again until just before lunch. He was walking through camp with Grover, half-listening to his friend yap about a blueberry bush he thought was cute, when they passed you and your sisters giggling about something near the forges. 
“Gods, he’s cute, though.” One of them was saying, eyeing up a boy with soot all over his face. Percy couldn’t see much of him to determine him as cute, but your sisters seemed to agree with a loud dreamy sigh. 
“He is, don’t get me wrong.” Another girl added, “But consider this: Lee Fletcher.”
“Oh, yeah.” 
“He’s got potential. He’s got potential.” 
Percy found himself slowing down, the teenage boy in him wondering if someone would mention his name. Of course they wouldn’t — he’s twelve, and they’re all around yours and Luke’s age, but a boy could dream. 
One of the girls clicked her tongue, looking at you, “Who was it you said was sorta dreamy the other day?”
Percy watched you freeze, suddenly looking very awkward. You took a deep breath in and pretended to think about what you were going to say, but one of your sisters chimed in for you.
“It was Astor. The Ares kid with the curly hair.” 
“Oh yeah!”
“What?” You exclaimed, scrunching up your face. When your sisters looked at you all confused, you backtracked, “Uh, I mean yeah he’s…cute.” You forced the word out with difficulty, “But, I dunno. There's cuter guys out there.”
“Oh?” Your sister said, interested, “Who are you thinking?”
Now you were on the spot. You swallowed, making these exaggerated facial expressions that Percy assumed were you trying to convince the girls that you had just come up with this idea, when you’d actually probably been wanting to say it the whole time you’d been talking and just needed an excuse, “Oh, I don’t know…” You shrugged, “Luke Castellan’s sorta…y’know?”
The girls looked between each other, and you watched with slight anticipation. Then one of them, the one who had mentioned Lee Fletcher earlier, said, “I swear you said he was too full of himself.”
“What —?”
“Yeah, she did.” The other chimed in, “You said he would be cuter if he didn’t — what was it? — flaunt around camp like he had the biggest cock out of all of ‘em.”
The girls laughed, and you attempted a weak chuckle, but it sorta looked like you were in pain. Percy thought it best to walk off after that, looking for Grover who had long since left him to his eavesdropping devices and presumably wandered off into the forest to look for Blue the blueberry bush. 
So maybe Percy should’ve pressed harder when he’d cornered you and Luke earlier that morning. He thought he could brush it off, even when he kept seeing Luke lift up the hem of his shirt and poke at his abs in wonder, or when he saw you pushing your hair out of your face once every ten seconds before finally putting it in the messiest ponytail he’d ever seen. It was as if you had lost all sense of self overnight, like you'd never actually seen your own bodies before. It creeped him out, but he held back on asking. Maybe it was a demigod thing he hadn't been taught yet.
The straw that broke the camel's back, however, was after dinner. Usually when the nymphs take the plates away and the campers start to trickle down to the campfire, a few odd groups would stay behind at their tables, gossiping or finishing their desert until they had to get up and go — not only were you and your siblings part of this group of people, but so were Luke and Chris (and, by default because he had nobody else to hang out with, Percy). 
So the newcomer had the fortunate opportunity to bear witness to possibly the greatest series of events he’d ever seen (and he once saw a rat the size of a small dog eating a small dog). 
It all started when a girl from the Aphrodite table stood up and walked over to where the boys were sitting. 
“So, if you do ever want to sneak out to the forests, don’t go through the pavilion.” Chris was explaining, “Mr D has a birds eye view of the whole place from his bedroom window, so you gotta sneak as close to the Big House as you can get. But make sure to duck under the windows just in case Chiron is trotting around in there.” 
“And be careful around cabin four.” Luke butted in, “They have vines that spring out of the floor whenever a non-Demeter kid gets too close during the night.”
Chris turned to his brother with a look, “How do you know that?”
“Oh, uh — ”
“Hey, Luke.” 
Three heads turned to the edge of the table where she was standing — a pretty girl with short blonde hair, a few strands dyed pink near the front. She was smiling at Luke cheekily and Percy noticed Chris send his brother a smirk. 
“Uh, hi…” Luke trailed off, squinting.
“Laura.” She finished with a frown.
“Laura!” He exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “I knew that. I did.”
“Cool.” She said slowly, brushing off the moment and bouncing around the table to sit next to him on the bench. She leaned on her elbows into his side and Percy watched him shuffle back, only for Chris to push him right back forward. “So, uh, I had fun…last night.” She side eyed Percy across the table, but the boy just pursed his lips awkwardly. 
“Really?” Luke responded, a little shocked. He nodded, “Well, uh, me too?”
Laura grinned widely at that, back straightening, “I’m so glad we agree.”
Percy wasn’t so sure Luke agreed, he wasn’t even sure the guy remembered whatever saucy interaction she was referring to. But he was pretending to, for her sake. He blinked at her silently, but she just looked as if she was waiting for him to say something — Percy was only young, but he’d seen enough movies to know that she was waiting for him to suggest they do it again sometime. 
He did not. Instead he twisted his body away from her and back towards Percy, smiling at him, “Wanna head to the campfire, get some good seats?”
The boy was moments away from responding, but Laura clearly wasn’t taking his silence as an answer. She pulled Luke back to face her by his arm and blinked up at him, “I was just about to suggest we skip the fire tonight. Just us, y’know?” 
Chris cleared his throat and stood, ushering for Percy to do the same, “Let’s go, lil bro.”
“Wait — “ Luke stood with them, staring back with a silent plea of help. Chris wasn’t having it, just grinning at him. 
“Have fun, Luke.” He snorted, “See you later.” 
“No, you can’t — ” He started, but Laura was yanking him back with a high pitched giggle. 
“You heard him, Luke.” She smirked, “No one's gonna notice we’re gone, loosen up.” She ran a slow finger down his torso, and Percy watched him visibly tense up. He didn’t understand why she hadn't taken the hint already. 
Chris seized Percy by the wrist and began to pull him away, occasionally looking back and giggling like a schoolgirl, with the odd snort. The younger boy didn’t really want to look back, but then when he heard Luke yelp like a girl, well…
He had to. And thank the gods he did.
Luke was sprawled on the table like a scared rabbit and Laura was standing with one hand hanging limply in the air, looking confusedly at his stance. Chris burst into loud laughter when he noticed Luke’s legs were spread and the boy was trying really hard not to look at his own crotch. 
They walked over when it was clear someone needed to intervene, and Percy noticed the Demeter girls from before joining them — you were at the front, looking panicked and slightly annoyed.
"What's going on?" You asked, looking between the two of them.
"Nothing." Laura said plainly, "We were just talking."
Luke looked at you, “She — uh, she grabbed your — uh, your — ” 
He gestured between his legs with a shaky hand. Percy raised a brow, as did everyone else at the scene. Except for Laura, who began to cackle loudly, bending over at the hips and bracing her hands on her thighs. The rest of the kids stared at the pair with varying expressions, and Laura straightened up, wiping under eyes with a giggle before pointing between you and Luke. 
“You guys — oh my gods — ” She laughed again, shaking her head and trying to breathe long enough to get her words out, “Holy Hades, Castellan. I’m — I’m sorry.” 
She held her hands up in surrender, looking at you now, “I am. I didn’t know you guys were dating. I guess I took mine and Luke’s conversation the wrong way, but — ” Another wheeze, “And I shouldn’t be laughing, but he just referred to his penis as yours, and I — ” 
“Laura, it’s not like — ” You stepped up with a wince, trying to alleviate the growing tension between the group. The Aphrodite girl wasn’t listening. 
“I just think that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard since…” She took a moment to think, catching her breath and smiling at herself as she thought about it. Eventually, she gestured to you with a laugh, “Well, since last night when you called Graham Lee an extra-terrestrial ass-kisser.” 
Luke licked his lips, taking a deep breath in and pushing himself off the table and to his feet. He went to say something to Laura, face serious, but then he stopped and knocked his head back in a slight movement. He looked around at nothing, as if he was recollecting a memory, and then he gasped and pointed a finger at you, “I did do that.”
“You called Graham Lee an extra-terrestrial ass-kisser?” You tilted your head at Luke, “Why?”
Luke shrugged, “He grabbed my ass.” 
Laura scrunched up her face, looking between the pair of them, “Are you guys on drugs?”
"There aren't any drugs at this camp." You blanked. You brother laughed.
"Says the drug dealer."
You raised a brow in shock, like you'd had no idea about your own small business. You looked at Luke intensely -- Percy thought maybe you were trying to keep your drug dealing thing a secret, and Luke had gone and spilled the beans. That would explain why he suddenly looked so sheepish. It wouldn't explain why you then said, "Well I am not on drugs."
"Then what is wrong with you guys?" Someone finally asked the question Percy had been sitting on since he watched you hover your hands over your own boobs before retracting them quickly as if it was against some demigod rule to touch your own body — only for Luke to see from afar and have some very stern words to say about it.
Finally, after ten seconds of intense eye contact, you and Luke took in simultaneous breaths. It was you who spoke first, addressing the whole crowd — which consisted of Percy, Laura, Chris, and the Demeter kids — “We’re in eachother’s bodies.” 
The Demeter kids made grossed out faces, but Chris just snorted into his fist and let the conversation go on. Percy had never been more confused in his entire life — and he had once thought his dad was Jesus. 
Laura chuckled, “Yeah, we know that. His penis is yours, or whatever freaky shit yall are up to.” 
“No — ” 
You and Luke spoke at once, each taking a single step forward. You paused, looking at each-other until you gestured at Luke with a sigh, letting him speak. He nodded, “We’re serious. We are in each other's bodies.”
“Freaky Friday style.” You jumped in before anyone could make a sex joke. You sent the group a sharp look, and then zeroed your eyes in on Percy, “That’s why we were acting so out of it earlier.”
It was silent for a long stretch — everyone looking between one another. Percy didn’t even know what to say. It did explain their strange behaviour, but —
“How the hell did you end up in each other’s bodies?” A demeter boy asked, holding a finger up like he was in class. The rest of them nodded, wondering the same. 
“Well…” Luke sighed (or You sighed, he guessed. He was still confused), “At first we had no idea, but now I think it was Graham Lee.”
Another Demeter girl hummed, “He is a Hecate kid. It’d make sense that he put some freaky spell on you after you insulted him.”
Chris coughed, still red in the face from laughing into his shirt, “Okay, but why Luke?” 
You shrugged, “Dunno. I’ve never done anything to the guy.”
Suddenly, Laura let out a long, “Oooohhhh.”
Everyone eyed her. She pursed her lips in embarrassment, although Percy definitely saw amusement in her eyes. She tucked some hair behind her ear and winced, “So, maybe we went to the clash together.”
“The what?” Percy asked, finally speaking up. The rest of the group looked at him as if only just realising he’d been standing there, suddenly looking sheepish. 
“Uh, it’s a party.” Chris scratched behind his ear, “Older campers only, but if you don’t tell anyone about ‘em you can come to the next one.” 
He shrugged, “Deal.”
“So, wait.” You pointed at Laura, “You went to the clash with Graham? Like with him?” 
“Yeah.” She folded her arms indignantly, “But he was literally staring at you the whole time, so I left to flirt with Luke.” 
Your cheeks dusted pink, and both Laura and Percy realised she was talking to Luke, not you. She turned to Luke, clearing her throat, “Sorry. He was staring at you the whole time. So I left to flirt with…uh, Luke.” 
A collective breath ran through the group, everyone putting the pieces together in their own heads. Percy was still a little unsure, but he had the gist (maybe). Just as he was about to suggest they go find this Graham guy and ask him to undo his spell, one of the Demeter girls Percy had seen talking to you earlier gasped and looked between you and Luke with wide eyes. 
“So when we were talking before…” She looked at you, “We were talking to Luke?” 
You — or Luke, but as you — stammered, and Percy couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. Luke looked on, confused, and the girl looked at him with a smirk, 
“Earlier, we were gossiping about hot guys.” She chuckled, pointing at you, “And Luke suggested his own name, as you!” 
“What?” Luke exclaimed at you, partially appalled but also holding in a laugh. 
You stammered for an excuse, but then her face contorted and she zeroed Luke with an accusatory stare, “Well, you said I walked around camp acting like I had the biggest cock out of them all!” 
Luke scoffed, “You do.” 
“I do not!”
“You kind do.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“You sorta do, man.”
You turned to Chris, scandalised, “Bro.”
The boy shrugged, “Sorry man. It’s true.”
Eventually, you managed to convince the kids to finally go to the campfire and leave Luke and yourself to fix your problem with Graham when you got down there. They agreed, although not without making as many jokes as they could on the walk down to the clearing. 
“So, how did you guys pee?”
“Have you seen each other all naked and stuff now?”
“Did Luke have morning woo — ?”
“Alright.” You smacked Chris hard on the back for that one. “To your sections, please.”
Percy sat down on the end of a log, and watched as the two of you walked over to Graham and spoke to him in hushed but harsh tones. At one point, Graham was looking between you two with the most genuine look of confusion and Percy assumed he only agreed to reverse the spell because it was making his mind go all wobbly just talking to you. 
When he saw Luke again, it was at lights out. Percy was tucking himself into his thin sleeping bag when the boy came over, crouching to his level and dropping something on his lap. 
He lifted the bag of coins to his eyeline and then raised a brow at Luke, “What’s this for?”
“Drachmas.” He explained, “Just enough to get you a new shirt at the camp store. Or a thicker pillow, some three ply toilet paper. Whatever you want, really.” He shrugged, “Partly a welcome to camp gift, partly hush money.”
“Right.” Percy lowered the bag and levelled Luke with a curious look, “How was being in another person’s body? Weird?”
“Oh yeah.” He nodded, looking into the distance like he was having some awful flashbacks. Percy remembered seeing you walk out of the bathroom earlier, a look of terror plastered in your eyes. 
He cleared his throat, “Well, thanks for the money.”
“No problem, kid.” He patted him on the shoulder, “Get some rest. It’s capture the flag day tomorrow and guess what?"
"We're teaming up with Demeter."
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nereidprinc3ss · 7 months
hii i love love how u write spencer omds🥸
uhh i was wondering if you could write sth based off the song “we’ll never have sex” by leith ross? pls dont feel pressured to write this btw😭😭😭 hope ur having a good day lovely💗💗
hello my love i have no self control so this is extremely long and plotty but i love this song and i hope that this is any good at all crying emoji (i'm on a laptop LOL) enjoy!!
warnings/tags: angst/fluff, fem!reader, negative self-talk from reader, mentions of past sexual coercion/feeling used, mentions of past excessive drinking to combat social anxiety, ive been watching a lot of new girl lately and i think it shows, SO FRIENDS TO LOVERS, happy ending
You weren’t expecting to end up on Spencer Reid’s worn-leather couch at two in the morning, clutching a chipped mug of coffee in your hands as you listen to the sounds of the city from the street below. But there you are, sitting with your legs folded under you, in your favorite dress and first date-night makeup (now bleeding and smudged from all the crying.) And realizing that despite considering him one of your closest friends, you haven’t been to his apartment in a long time. There are, of course, good reasons for that—but you try to push those from your mind. 
“I’m really sorry about this,” you sigh, staring at your warped reflection in the glassy black surface of your coffee. Spencer is coming out of the small kitchen, now bearing his own cup. 
“Please, stop apologizing.” 
You glance up, tentatively studying him from behind the safety of your mug. While he may not have been asleep when you knocked on his door ten minutes ago, lachrymose and barely verbal, he must have been getting ready for bed. He’s clad in patterned pajama pants, mismatched socks, and an FBI crewneck that is just big enough to reveal the collar of the tee-shirt underneath. He’s already taken out his contacts, and you were startled by the reminder that he also has glasses. 
“So...” he begins, bringing you back to the present moment, “we don't have to talk about anything, if you don’t want to, but...” 
You sigh, watching coffee bubbles swirl like stars in a galaxy. 
“It’s fine. Honestly, I’m kind of embarrassed. I didn’t really think, I just... ended up here.” 
“Yeah... where did you come from?” he laughs quietly. “Not that I’m complaining. But I recall you not living super close by.” 
“No, no. I was actually on a date. Kind of.” 
“Ah.” There’s a beat of silence, and ostensibly Spencer is waiting for you to say more, but instead you take a sip from your mug. “At two in the morning?” You nod dully, staring at the labyrinthine pattern of the Persian rug.  
“I’m taking it that it wasn’t a very good date...?” 
A whoosh of air escapes from your puffed cheeks. 
“No it was not. Not by the end, anyway. It actually started really well, which made it even more disappointing when he...” you laugh, but there’s not much humor in it. “Well, when he kicked me out of his car on a street corner because I didn’t want to sleep with him.” 
You don’t look to see Spencer’s reaction—only take another long, baleful sip of coffee and ignore the heavy silence.  
“I’m really sorry. You... you deserve so much better than that.” 
An attempt at a jaded scoff from you falls flat. 
“Yeah, well. Tell that to the last three white house interns I’ve gone on dates with. It’s the same thing every time.” 
“Have you considered going on fewer dates with white house interns...?” The nervous humor is a thin veil over genuine critique. You shrug, biting the inside of your cheek. 
“It’s not just them. Every single guy I’ve liked since I was 15 has been like this. Even my past relationships, I felt like I was almost... tricked into, you know? I mean, these guys, they act all understanding and willing to take it slow or whatever, until you’re in a relationship, and suddenly they’re guilt tripping you so hard and making you feel so obligated to...” you catch yourself just in time, glancing up at Spencer. You’re not sure what to make of his expression. The drawn brow and slightly squinted eyes trained so intently on you could be sympathy, or anger, or pity, or apathy—you look away, not sure you even want to know what he’s thinking. “Sorry. You don’t need to hear all about that. Basically romance is exhausting and since I’ll clearly be single forever I’m considering running away to join a nunnery.” 
When he doesn’t respond for too long, you look back up quizically. 
“I’m not sure you know what romance actually is,” he says as soon as your gaze meets his, like the eye-contact activated some kind of hair-trigger in his vocal box. 
You blink, lowering the coffee cup to your lap. 
Says Spencer Reid? 
He flushes, stammering to clarify himself. 
“I just meant—I—I know I’m not exactly fighting women off with a stick—” he interrupts himself with a self-conscious (adorable) laugh— “but... but I have been in love, at least once.”  
“Maeve,” you say, gently—trying to shove down bitter guilt as you remember how jealous you’d been when Spencer had first told you about her. “I remember.” 
He swallows and nods. 
“We never even met—we just talked. All the time. I had no idea what she looked like. But it didn’t matter at all. Because I knew her, and I loved her. Maybe things would have gone further if I hadn’t been calling her from public phone booths, but that wasn’t the most important thing to either of us. We were still in love.” You try to shut out the sharp ache in your chest. Being jealous of the way he speaks about a dead woman is so wrong.  
“What I’m trying to say is that romance isn’t solely about sex, or even physical appearance. It sounds to me like you’ve been with a lot of men who don’t understand that. And it would be such a shame for you to write romance off in general before you even get to experience it. You are... an extraordinary woman. You’re funny, and intelligent, and kind, and so capable of being loved. One day, someone is going to see beyond your pulchritude and prove that to you. I hope you let them try.” 
More tears blur the pattern on the rug, pooling in the rims of your eyes before spilling down your cheeks in fast, fat drops. Shakily you set the cup down, resting your elbows on your knees and hiding your face in your hands. You sniff once. Twice. Shake your head quickly, attempting to wipe the tears away without further smearing your makeup everywhere. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Spencer breathes, leaning forward but obviously unsure how to comfort you. “Please don’t cry, I wasn’t--I was trying to do the opposite of this.” 
“No, I’m sorry! You didn’t have to—you didn’t—I’m sorry. That was way too nice.” 
But you're not crying because he was nice.  
Someone will love you, but not me. That’s all you can hear. 
His voice is a mere whisper when he next speaks. 
“I meant every word.” 
You take a shuddering breath, allowing yourself a moment of reprieve behind the peaceful black of your eyelids. You can’t be looking at his face when you say what you’re about to say. 
“I had a crush on you for the longest time, you know.” 
Ringing silence. But it doesn’t last as long as you’d imagined. It’s not as world ending. 
The little smile in his voice is like a fist around your heart. 
“Yeah. You know what changed?” 
“What’s that?” 
Absolutely nothing. 
“Every time I got super drunk and started hitting on you, you’d just drive me home. And I did it a lot. Like, for months. But you were such a gentleman. It drove me fucking crazy. So eventually I figured you just didn’t like me and I gave up.” 
Another stretch of silence. A breeze comes in from the open window, fluttering the curtains and cooling the tears on your face. His response is sad when it finally comes. 
“You thought I didn’t like you because I didn’t try to take advantage of you when you were drunk?” 
“Pretty much.” You smile ruefully, fingertips still pressed over your eyes. “God, listen to me. No wonder I get treated like garbage.” 
“Stop. Don’t talk about yourself like that. Did you hear anything I just said?” 
You sniff, looking to the ceiling. 
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. It was really sweet.” 
More silence. 
“But you don’t believe it.” 
A bitter laugh poisons the air around you. 
“I don’t know.  I’m kind of tired of waiting for someone to prove it to me. Just for once, I want someone to be interested in me beyond having sex in the back of their fucking... Range Rover, or whatever. Like, maybe all that stuff you said is true, but there’s no evidence to support it, and I know logically you’re probably right but I can’t help wondering if... if I’m the outlier. Maybe there just isn’t someone for me like that. Maybe I’m just gonna be the sex in the back of the Range Rover girl forever.” 
A noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob forces itself from your throat and you bury your face in your hands again, shaking your head. 
“Wow, I am so sorry,” you say a little too loudly, “I did not mean to be this honest tonight. Did you spike my coffee?” 
“You are not the outlier,” Spencer whispers.  
You sniff, lifting your head haltingly to look at him. 
His voice shakes slightly as he speaks. 
“You said you can’t help wondering if you’re the outlier, and maybe there just isn’t someone for you like that. That’s not true.” 
“Spencer, those are just words. You can’t possibly know that. Statistical probabilities don’t count.” 
“That’s... that’s not how I know.” 
Your heart drops as you study his face.  
Surely he’s not saying what you think he’s saying. 
Surely he wouldn’t do this to you after you’ve just told him everything you told him. You have been harboring feelings for him for years. Since you met. He can’t just spring this on you one night because you’re a little bummed out. If he felt the same, you would have found out a long time ago; he had ample opportunity to tell you. There was a period of months where you practically threw yourself all over him at every chance you got, and he did nothing. So this... this is just cruel—something you’ve never known Spencer Reid to be. 
You stand up, trembling slightly with rage and grief and humiliation. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t say things that you don’t mean just to make me feel better.” 
“What are you doing? Don’t--” 
You scoop up your purse, trying to get to the front door as fast as your gelatinous legs will allow. More tears are streaming down your face now and you don’t need him to see what he’s done to you—to see how much you care what he thinks. 
“It’s fine. Thanks for the coffee, I’ll see you around—” 
A hand around your wrist stops you in your tracks 
“Stop. Just... please give me a second to talk, okay?” 
With nothing left to give, you turn to him. 
“Don’t be mean, Spencer. Don’t act like you liked me too. That makes me feel... so much worse.” 
He takes a deep, shaky breath, as if steeling himself. Tawny eyes bore into your soul, and you realize that there is so much sheer nervous energy radiating off of him it’s infectious. Your heart begins to pound as he speaks. 
“I’m not doing that. I’m being an idiot, because you just told me that you don’t feel that way about me anymore but... but I do. And I have to tell you now because for six months I tortured myself wondering why you would flirt with me so much when you were hammered and then act like nothing happened the next day. There were so many times I almost told you how I felt but I didn’t and now I am because even if it ruins our friendship you need to know that somebody... that I wanted to be that person for you. I still do.” 
Your heart is like an unmoored zeppelin in your chest, bumping against your esophagus and threatening to either burst or jump out of your mouth. You take your chances, whispering so quietly it’s almost inaudible. 
“You... you like me?” 
“Yes,” Spencer sighs. “I have liked you for a very long time. And I’m sorry—” 
Whatever ridiculous thing he was going to apologize for, you don’t give him the chance. Instead you launch yourself at him, capturing his lips in a kiss that feels so much better than it’d ever been in your fantasies because it’s real. You hear his sharp intake of breath, but it only takes a second for him to respond, cradling your face in his hands like you’re the entire world. For a moment, time bends. Years of longing, of buried dreams crash into the present in a brilliant, dazzling explosion.
And then, as quickly as it started, he pulls away. The absence of his touch is like a vacuum, so much worse now that you know exactly how it feels to have his lips on yours, even if it was only for a few seconds. How the hell did you live like that for so long? How are you supposed to live like that ever again?
“You’re not thinking clearly,” he breathes, tilting his head back toward the ceiling like he’s barely holding onto his self control. “You just want someone to comfort you, I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re in an emotionally vulnerable state and confided in me which is manufacturing a false sense of attachment—” 
You grab his wrists, which still graze your jaw.
“Spencer, stop intellectualizing for thirty seconds. I promise you I am thinking clearly.” 
“You said you used to like me, past tense—” 
“Yeah, I did. Do you believe every single murderer who says he didn’t do it?” 
“No, but—” 
“Have you ever heard the phrase; a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts?” 
“Of course I have.” 
“Then what more could you possibly need to be convinced that I really like you? I already kissed you! What is stopping you?” 
Another deep breath is taken by him that seems to suck all the air out of the quiet room. Briefly, you wonder if you’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake. If you really do like him so much more than he could ever like you.  
Until he looks back down, eyes so golden-brown in the dim light, so kind and full of affectionate concern as he carefully assesses every square centimeter of your face, looking for... well, you’re not exactly sure what. It’s like he’s extracting every thought from your head, turning them over like sun-warmed stones until he finds what he’s looking for. He smooths his hands over your hair, brushing strands away from your teary face. Finally, after what feels like an eternity of holding your breath, he speaks. 
“I just want you to believe what I believe about you. But I don’t want you to have to rely on me or anyone else for your own self-worth.” 
“Well, don’t you think very highly of yourself,” you tease with a sniffle. He laughs—it's quiet, but his smile is so bright without even trying that suddenly you can’t remember why you’ve ever been sad. The small miracle of his laughter makes you feel so light, and you realize it has nothing to do with the way he makes you feel about yourself. It has everything to do with who he is. 
Once the giggles die down, you tentatively mirror his hold on your face. 
“Spencer, I don’t like you because you like me. I’ve liked you for an embarrassingly long time. I liked you enough that I gave myself a severe hangover at least once a week for three months just so I could have an excuse to flirt shamelessly with you.” 
A half-sad smile pulls at the corner of his mouth, and he gently swipes under your eyes. 
“You never had to do that. I would have welcomed your sober brazen flirting with open arms.” 
“Well... do you believe me?” you plead. His amber eyes shine. 
“I do.” 
“Will you kiss me?” 
“If that’s what you want.” 
You nod, rising on your toes to meet him halfway. 
When your lips meet again, it is sweet, and honest, and slow, and deep. Still, there is no desperation--no race to an imagined finish line, no clash of teeth and pawing hands. It is a kiss for the sake of it—as if it were the greatest intimacy. Not a precursor to sharing a bed, but something bigger than that in and of its own. Something just as worthy and important. For the first time, you think you’re beginning to understand romance. And while you wouldn’t mind if things did escalate, you also know that Spencer knows that’s not what matters right now. Because he actually understands you—he actually cares. He will wait until you understand that you mean so much more than that to him.
To that end, he pulls away, gently supplanting his absence with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“It would be polite of me to offer you a ride home, wouldn’t it?” he whispers, like it’s the last thing he wants to do. You bite the inside of your cheek, coming up with reasons not to go. One ridiculous one arises from the depths of your memory that you know he won’t be able to say no to. 
“Or... I could stay here, and we could watch one of those nerdy foreign films you’re always talking about?” 
A slow, perfect, high-watt smile blossoms on his face, and you know you’ve said exactly the right thing. 
“Nerdy? Oh, my darling girl... Soviet-era filmography is far from nerdy. небесная машина will completely defy what you thought you knew about the life of an average Russian villager in the 1950’s.” 
“Oh, good. Because I’ve really been meaning to change the way I think about the average 1950’s Russian villager,” you smile, already closing in to kiss him again. 
Three hours later, you’re crying because the life of the average Russian villager in the 1950’s was so much worse than you’d previously thought. 
“It was good, right?” Spencer asks as the credits roll over a bleak snowy sepia landscape, leaning back to get a better look at you. You sit up from where you’d been leaning against him, furiously wiping your eyes. 
“It was terrible! Why didn’t you tell me that everyone except the kid dies in the end?!” 
“Because that’s the whole point of the movie!” he laughs, pulling you back into him. “I’m sorry. I probably should have explained how depressing this entire era of film was outside of the US.” 
“And also how long the movies were. I was not prepared for how many five minute long clips of empty fields there were going to be.” 
“You’re right,” he ammends, wrapping his arms around you in a way that gives you butterflies and makes you sleepy at the same time. “Next time we can watch whatever you want to watch.” 
Time passes like that—you in his arms, watching weak light slowly flood the room with half-lidded eyes and listening to the sounds of the city waking up from the street below, underscoring the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Thoughts float by like leaves on the ever-flowing current of your mind, and you’re happy to let them pass until one in particular catches your attention. 
He hums, like he’d been deep in his own proverbial river of thought. 
“What does pulchritude mean?” 
It takes him a split second to remember the bit of conversation from earlier to which you are referring, but when he does, he chuckles, running his hand over your messy hair. 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
And so you let it float away. 
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rosyblooom · 6 months
blooming season🌷 (1) | ln4
"grief is just love with no place to go”
PAIRING: lando norris x fem nepo!reader WORD COUNT: 2.6k WARNING(S): mentions of death & blood, swearing SUMMARY: four years after she fled monaco, y/n is back on the anniversary of her father's death. however, an unexpected encounter with an f1 driver disrupts her plans. A/N: my first time doing this, so probably has errors. if you've got any thoughts or requests pls let me know xoxo hope u enjoy! :)
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part 1 <- | part 2
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The scent of salt still lingers in the air, but now it feels different, not as welcoming as it used to be. It's a painful reminder of days gone by, days filled with joy and warmth that now seem distant and unattainable. No matter how hard you try, you can't shake off the memories, replaying them in your mind like a scratched vinyl record that refuses to play properly.
Today marks four years since your father's passing, and four years since you left Monaco. You were just eighteen then, fresh out of high school, when the news of your father's tragic car accident hit you like a ton of bricks. In a desperate attempt to escape the overwhelming sorrow, you packed your bags that very night and left before the weight of it all drowned you.
You couldn't bring yourself to attend your father's funeral, clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't real. But deep down, you knew the truth—your father was gone, and nothing could change that. Even as you threw yourself into your studies, pursuing a nursing degree, the pain never truly went away.
And now, here you are, sitting alone on this deserted stretch of beach, watching the waves crash against the shore in a steady rhythm.
This spot holds a special place in your heart, known only to a handful of locals—a fact you couldn't be more grateful for. Here, away from the watchful eyes of tourist crowds, you find solace as you simply listen to the earth rotate.
You exhale slowly, leaning forward to brush the sand from your palms before reaching into your bag for the bottle of red wine nestled inside. It takes a bit of effort to uncork it completely, but the satisfying pop is worth the wait. With careful precision, you fill a wine glass to the brim with the rich, maroon liquid—something to take the edge off.
"Welcome back, Y/N," you whisper to yourself, lifting the glass in a silent salute. "Thank you, thank you. I can't imagine anything worse."
A bitter chuckle escapes your lips, a stark contrast to your usual composed demeanour. It's been 1,460 days, yet it feels like your world only just came crashing yesterday.
Needing calm now, you take a sip of the wine, savouring its sweetness, when the sound of approaching footsteps catches your attention, pulling you back to the present moment.
"Seriously?" you think to yourself, feeling your heart plummet like a stone sinking into deep waters. You took every precaution to keep your return under wraps—after all, you paid good money for that privilege.
Arriving just last night, you made it a point to rise at the crack of dawn, a time before the world awoke; a time when it's just you and no one else. You couldn't bear the idea of facing the prying eyes that would surely accompany the day ahead. For once, you didn't want to be known as the daughter of one of Monaco's wealthiest families; you simply wanted to be yourself, stripped of titles and expectations—a daughter mourning her father.
Feeling like a trapped animal, you become acutely aware of every sound and movement, your gaze locked on the figure approaching.
A man.
His brown curls bounce with each step until he comes to an abrupt stop just a few feet away from you.
With a small wave and a nod, he greets you with a simple "Hey."
It takes a moment for you to register that the greeting is directed at you, causing you to tear your gaze away without a response. Your eyes flit between the gentle ripples of the sea and the man settling down uncomfortably close, prompting an annoyed grunt to escape your lips.
“Fuck spatial awareness, huh…,” you mutter under your breath, though not quiet enough to evade his notice. He slips off his black headphones, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Sorry, what?"
You clear your throat, then sit up straight and gesture expansively. "All this space, and you have to sit right next to me?”
He smiles.
Your gaze narrows.
"But I'm not right next to you," he retorts with a playful grin. "You're all the way over there." He points towards you and then at himself. "And I'm right here."
"Well, it's still too close," you snap.
"Sorry, did you buy this beach or something?" he counters, his grin widening. "Last time I checked, it's open to all members of—."
Growing increasingly frustrated, you interject, "No, I didn't buy anything. I just want some personal space. But clearly, that's lost on you."
With a scoff, you spring to your feet, snatching up your towel and cramming it into your bag, sand and all.
"Wait, you don't have to leave," he insists, his footsteps drawing closer. But you pay him no mind, tossing your phone into your bag and hastily gathering the rest of your belongings from the ground.
Once everything is crammed into your bag, you snatch up your half-empty glass of wine and stand upright, only to feel a foreign warmth enveloping your hand and glass. The man now stands directly in front of you, invading your personal space completely; you have to tilt your head back slightly to meet his piercing green gaze.
"Look, I'm sorry if I did something wrong, but—" he begins, but you cut him off sharply.
"Way too close now," you snap, attempting to pull your hand away, but he refuses to release his grip.
"You do realise I'm trying to apologise, right?" he asks, confusion evident in his eyes.
"I don't care."
His grip remains firm. "There's plenty of space for both of us here."
"It doesn't matter anymore," you respond, your patience wearing thin.
The struggle continues, your voice growing louder with each tug. "Let go of the fucking glass!"
Suddenly, a sharp yell pierces the air, followed by the hollow thuds of broken glass hitting the ground. Shock washes over you as you barely register the sticky liquid trickling down your hand and onto your toes.
"Ah, shit," he exclaims, snapping you out of your daze. You quickly assess the situation, noticing the shattered remnants of the wine glass scattered on the ground, staining the sand crimson.
Panic sets in as you frantically check your hand and feet for any injuries, your eyes wide with fear. After several anxious moments, you breathe a sigh of relief.
I'm okay.
The tranquillity is abruptly shattered by deep groans echoing through the air, drawing your attention to the man's slumped figure with his back turned to you. His face remains hidden from view.
Though he's clearly in pain, you're tempted to slip on your shoes and make a hasty escape. Today is already burdened with its own weight; you're not sure you can handle any more. You even take a step back, ready to flee, but then something stops you.
A pang of guilt washes over you, weighing you down like heavy bags strapped to your legs. With a heavy sigh, you reluctantly admit to yourself, "I can't believe I'm about to do this."
"Okay, fine. How about you put on your big boy boots and let me take a look at that?" you say, crossing your arms expectantly.
There's no reaction from him, not even a response.
Rolling your eyes, you drop your bag onto the sand and cautiously circle around him until you're face-to-face with his unruly brown curls.
"Hello?" you tap his shoulder, frustration creeping into your voice. "Earth to the stranger who doesn't understand personal space?"
"Seriously?" he retorts, his tone sharp.
His eyes meet yours as he straightens up, his expression guarded, but you simply shrug, maintaining a neutral demeanour, and extend your hand.
"Let me see," you say calmly.
For a moment, he simply stares at you in bewilderment, but then he tentatively extends his hand towards yours.
"I see," you breathe, examining the large cut in his palm with care, mindful not to dirty it with your fingers. Despite the blood seeping from the wound, you release a relieved sigh after a thorough inspection—it's not as deep as it initially appeared.
"Alright," you announce, dropping his hand and clapping your hands together. "Go home, make sure nothing touches that hand, clean the cut, and bandage it. Keep it dry for a couple of days, and then reassess."
Without waiting for a response, you turn towards your bag, sling it over your shoulder, and shoot him one final glance.
"This has been... unpleasant," you remark dryly. "I really hope our paths don't cross again. Goodbye."
You shake your head and ignore him, determined to continue onward.
"Wait!" he calls out again, desperation evident in his tone. "I don't have any bandages!"
You stop walking, considering his words, but still don't turn around.
"And... I don't have any sanitising stuff either," he adds, his voice trailing off slightly.
Slowly, you turn around and wave your hands dismissively in the air, shouting back, "That's what supermarkets are for! I guess it's time for a shopping trip!"
Just as you're about to spin on your heel and leave again, his voice cuts through the distance.
"Look, you seem like you know what you're doing. Can't you just help me out here?"
Shielding your eyes from the harsh glare of the sun, you squint at him as he begins jogging toward you. "That advice," you shout back, "was me helping you out. Trust me, I wanted to leave way earlier."
For a moment, neither of you speaks as you watch him closing the distance between you. When he finally comes to a halt in front of you, you instinctively take two steps back—you need your personal space.
"So?" he says between pants, waiting for your response.
You furrow your brows, deep in thought. "Well, I don't have anything on me, sorry to disappoint. But like I said, there are shops around here."
You resume your walk, but to your dismay, the guy falls into step with you almost immediately.
"So, what? You have nothing at home?" he presses, his gaze burning into the side of your face.
Refusing to meet his eyes, you increase your speed.
"Right, because I'm just going to invite a stranger," you emphasise, "who I didn't want to be around in the first place, into my home."
His hand suddenly grips your arm, causing you to instinctively rip out of his grasp, both of you coming to an abrupt halt.
"What?" you bark, irritation seeping into your tone.
"You can google me," he offers, his voice calmer now. "Lando Norris, Formula One driver. Search my name up. You'll see pictures—every single detail about me, you'll probably find on the internet. Now I'm not a stranger anymore, right?" he suggests, his gaze pleading.
You remain silent, shifting your focus toward the calm waters as you breathe in and out. It feels as though the world has paused, waiting for you to come to a decision, to reach a conclusion.
Today, the anniversary of your father's death, is a day you've been dreading yet anticipating for so long. Its disruption unsettles you, but deep down, you know you can't simply ignore it. As much as you wish to skip over this chapter of your life, tear out its pages, and never look back, you can't. It's not healthy.
Still, that doesn't mean you can't delay it for a little while longer.
"Fine," you sigh, relenting to the situation, and begin rummaging through your bag until you locate your phone.
Quickly, you extract it and raise it to Lando's face, snapping a photo of him with the flash on.
"What the hell?" he exclaims, blinking rapidly.
"For my protection," you state matter-of-factly. "Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can't be a bad person."
Once his gaze meets yours again, he runs a hand through his hair and offers a sheepish smile. "Fair enough."
You nod, acknowledging his words, and continue your walk toward the car park.
"I'm not a bad person, though," he adds quickly, catching up to you.
"Colour me convinced," you reply dryly.
As you approach the car park, annoyance bubbles within you at the sight of it: filled with cars and swarmed by dozens of people.
"You said you're a Formula One driver, right?" you ask, tilting your head up at Lando.
"Yeah, why?" he responds.
Instead of answering, you grab the hood of his jacket and pull it over his head.
"Why did you do that—" Lando begins, but you cut him off.
"The last thing I need is a mob of your fans, okay?" you interject firmly. "The quicker we get this done, the sooner we can go our separate ways."
Lando chuckles as he adjusts the hood. "I'm really that bad, huh?"
"Worse," you deadpan.
With your raven car in sight, you quicken your pace, relief flooding through you. The last thing you want is for people to realise you're back, especially not today.
However, as if your luck has run out, a woman steps in front of you, blocking your path. You immediately turn your focus to Lando, motioning for him to take a picture with his fan and hurry up.
But instead of the attention falling on him, a weight suddenly falls onto your shoulder, catching you off guard. You clear your throat, preparing to speak, but the woman beats you to it.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N. It's you, isn't it?" the woman exclaims, her voice filled with recognition and sympathy.
You can't reply; your mouth feels dry, your tongue heavy with unspoken words.
No, not today. Please, not today.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Y/N," she continues, her expression radiating pity. It's uncomfortable—the way she looks at you, the way she touches your shoulder so gently. It feels like you're being burned alive, yet you're immobilised, just as you were four years ago when you first heard the news.
"Your father was such an amazing man. And you, I mean, you've been missed. My daughter loves you—"
Suddenly, you're being pulled forward, jolting you out of your trance. You struggle to keep your balance as you try to comprehend what's happening—the woman is gone, and Lando's hand is firmly clasped around yours, pulling you closer to him.
Your personal space has been completely invaded, yet you don't feel the usual urge to pull away. Even if you did, you're not quite sure Lando would let you.
"Your car's the black one, right?" you hear him ask, but the words don't immediately register.
"Huh?" you mumble, still reeling from the encounter.
"That black car over there," Lando points and leans in close, his gaze locked with yours, "that's yours, right?"
You nod, still not quite ready to speak.
Lando releases your hand and holds out his palm to you. "Okay, car keys, please?"
"What? No," you shake your head, rejecting the idea. "There's no need for that."
"Come on, I'm a Formula One driver, remember? I won't crash it."
"It would be irresponsible of me to let you drive in this state," he adds, his voice firm.
"And what about your hand?" you nod toward the injury.
"Like I said," Lando smiles slyly, cocking his head to the side, "I drive race cars; I think I can handle driving with one hand."
Rolling your eyes, you relent, "Okay, fine."
With a sigh, you fish out the car keys from your bag and hand them over to him.
4:05 ───────────ㅇ─ 4:28
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'The Night Everything Fell Apart'
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Clarisse La Rue x DaughterOfApollo!Reader!
WARNINGS!!:Mentions of blood,su!c!de,r!attempts su!c!ce.Angst! (Sorry If I missed anything!)
Angst,Annabeth is the one who finds reader.Part 2 out:
A/N:Not what I usually write but one of my friends rq'd this so I gave it a try.I SUCK AT WRITING SAD/ANGSTY STUFF PLS DON'T COME FOR ME.
A usual night in camp halfblood was disrupted as all of a sudden,the silence shattered into a symphony of horror.A blood - curdling scream pierced through the night.The source of the scream was Annabeth Chase,who had a look of sheer terror etched across her face.Clarisse, shaken from her slumber, sprang to her feet, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her sword.
"What the Hades is going on?!" Clarisse barked, her eyes scanning the camp for any signs of danger as her eyes narrowed
The camp was soon alive with commotion as other demigods rushed out of their cabins, confusion etched on their faces.The source of the scream became clear as they followed the anguished cries to the scene unfolding near the cabin of Athena.
Annabeth stood frozen, her eyes wide with horror, and a chilling realization struck Clarisse - something was terribly wrong.And soon they found out what...
Clarisse's boots pounded against the dew-kissed grass as she sprinted toward the gathering crowd.The atmosphere was thick with tension,and as she pushed her way through the onlookers,her gaze fell upon the tragic sight that had elicited Annabeth's horrified scream.
There,surrounded by a growing pool of crimson,were you,a daughter of Apollo.Your normally vibrant face was drained of color, and your once-bright eyes stared dully at the sky,blood dripping from the corners of your mouth.The metallic scent of blood hung heavily in the air, and Clarisse felt a lump forming in her throat.
Annabeth knelt beside you, her hands shaking as she pressed them against the fatal wound.The sight was heart-wrenching - a stark contrast to the usually composed and strategic daughter of Athena.Clarisse, known for her tough exterior,felt a surge of sorrow welling up inside her.
Clarisse's stern facade crumbled as she beheld the harrowing sight. The daughter of Ares,almost for the first time in her life - felt a surge of helplessness.
"What happened?" Clarisse demanded,her voice betraying a vulnerability she seldom showed.
"She tried to...end it," Annabeth choked out, her words heavy with sorrow. "But she's alive.Somehow,she's alive..."
"Get Chiron! Someone, get Chiron!" A familiar voice broke - Percy - as he pleaded with the surrounding demigods. A few of them dashed off in search of the camp's wise centaur, leaving Clarisse and others to bear witness to the tragedy unfolding before them.
Chiron,the wise centaur and camp director, surveyed the scene with a heavy heart. Clarisse stood by your side, her fists clenched in a futile attempt to contain the anguish welling up inside her.
Her eyes flickered to the faces of her fellow campers, each one reflecting a mixture of shock, grief, and disbelief.The bonds forged in the heat of battles and training seemed fragile in that moment as the reality of a friend lost to despair sank in.Especially the kids of the Apollo cabin - your fellow half-siblings broke down at the sight,it was too much for them to bear.
You had always been a lively presence in camp,your laughter echoing through the training grounds.Nobody had suspected the darkness that must have gripped your soul to lead to such a tragic action on your part.The weight of the realization pressed down on Clarisse's shoulders, and she couldn't shake the heaviness in her chest.
"No..." Clarisse whispered,the weight of the revelation settling heavily on her shoulders.
"Y/n!!" Clarisse's eyes suddenly widened, her voice a choked rasp. It was a plea, a desperate call to a friend - perhaps a love,who seemed to be slipping away.Her fingers brushed against your cold skin,and a shiver ran down her spine.The air hung heavy with the unspoken fear that lingered between the demigods.
She knelt beside Annabeth - who was still crying - her sword forgotten as she reached out. The usually fierce and stoic daughter of Ares felt a surge of helplessness in the face of such pain.Clarisse couldn't shake the image of you, alone in the darkness, driven to a desperate act.
As the reality of the situation sank in,Clarisse's emotions boiled over. She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white, and let out a primal scream that echoed through the night.The weight of the moment bore down on her, and she collapsed beside you, tears streaming down her face.
"Why?!Why would she do...this!?" Clarisse choked on the words,her voice raw with grief. She cradled you in her arms,her fingers trembling as she tried to comprehend the pain that had driven you to such desperate measures.
You were carried to the infirmary and properly taken care of.Though due to multiple factors like the obvious blood loss and the deadly wound you had inflicted upon yourself - you were still unconscious - not looking ready to wake up any time soon.
Soon enough,the infirmary door creaked open,revealing a scene that would forever be etched in Clarisse's memory.You - laying motionless on a bed,your once vibrant spirit extinguished.The room was filled with an oppressive silence,broken only by the gentle rustling of the wind.
However,Clarisse took it upon herself to visit you,her usual tough exterior softened by the gravity of the situation.The daughter of Ares sat by your bedside, words failing her as she grappled with the fragility of life as you lay unconscious.
The hours passed in a blur of anxiety and grief.The infirmary became a haven for collective sorrow,a place where the demigods faced the fragility of life in its rawest form. Clarisse, usually a pillar of strength, found herself grappling with emotions she had long kept at bay.
"You're not alone." Clarisse finally spoke, her voice wavering slightly. "We all face our demons,but we face them together.You've got people here who care about you." Even though she had no idea if you could hear her or not,she still tried to be there and encourage you - even in your state - but she hoped you could hear her,she then continued. "...I'm one of them.I care for you,I do,I swear I do,damn it!So please,please survive." Her once confident and authoritative tone was now broken and sounded more like a plea than anything.She wanted you to survive.
A/N:I have mixed feelings abt this but I wrote it bc I was in a mood and listening to spotify so ig it works.
Part two here!
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brenwritesss · 17 days
idk if you weite for juju but juju watkins fluff to smut
Work For It
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JuJu Watkins x reader
Summary: JuJu tries to teach you how to play basketball, only it leaves you wanting her to teach you more than just playing ball.
Warnings: smut and language
a/n: I have never played basketball, only watch it. Therefore, the tips in this could be very wrong. So, pls bear with me.
“Babe, you can’t be serious,” JuJu picks up the ball after another failed attempt at you trying to make a shot. You and your girlfriend had been in the USC gym for an hour, with her trying to teach you how to ball. Of course, this wasn’t your idea but your girlfriend could be pretty convincing when she wanted something. “Lock in, baby.”
“I’m trying,” you say as she passes the ball to you, standing off to the side to watch you make another shot. 
You threw the ball again, trying to create a smooth arch with your wrist like you had seen JuJu effortlessly so many times. But just as expected, the ball missed the net entirely like the last fifty times you had attempt to get it into the net. When the ball bounces off the backboard and shoots to the side, your shoulders sag. 
JuJu chases after the ball and picks it up. She turns to you, giving you a soft smile. A smile that makes you melt every single time. She walks closer to you. “At least your form is improving.”
That made you frown. “Let’s face it, only one of us is destined to be a basketball star.”
JuJu let out a low laugh, “come on, you got it.”
“I think I should plan the dates from now on.” You hesitantly grabbed the ball again as she handed it to you.
JuJu laughs again. “No, this is fun.”
“For you.”
JuJu sighs, walking to stand behind you. You thought she was just going to walk back to her spot beside you, but her soft, warm breaths hitting your neck proved otherwise. “What did I say about locking in?”
You turn your head to her. “How am I supposed to lock in when you’re right behind me?”
Her hand moves your chin so that you’re back to facing the hoop. Her hands are now gently placed on your waist, gently guiding your body to turn. “Look at where you want the ball to go,” she paused, bringing her foot in between yours and gently kicking your feet farther apart. “You need to get that strength in your shooting form from your legs. Consistent shots come from balance.”
You ground your feet to the gym floor, not taking your eyes off the net. “Now what?”
“Tuck your elbow in when you shoot, almost rolling the ball off your fingers, and follow through.” JuJu’s voice guiding you through this shot did indeed send a flare of heat through your body straight to your core. But you were more focused on making this damn shot rather than how wet you were becoming every second.
Her hands stayed on your waist as a way of providing you some comfort while you tried to shoot the ball. Following her instructions, you tucked in your elbow as you threw the ball and for the first time today, it had gone swiftly into the net. The second you practically heard the swish of the net, you jumped in excitement. “Hell fucking yes.”
JuJu laughed and grabbed you by the waist, picking you up effortlessly. “You did it. You fucking did it!”
You laughed and wrapped your arms around her and buried your face into the crook of her neck. “Couldn’t have done without my favorite teacher.”
“I’m proud of you baby.”
“Can’t believe I just did that,” you said into her neck. Her hand rubbed up and down your back, providing you comfort.
“I can,” she said. “I knew you were gonna get it.”
“Thank you for teaching me, babe.” You let go of her but her hands didn’t linger from your waist.
“Always,” she says before smiling down at you. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
Even after dating her for almost a year, she never failed to turn you into a blushing mess. “Stop.”
“I’m being serious,” she whispers, tracing your jawline with her thumb.
You looked up at her, your bottom lip subconsciously wedged between your teeth. “I think I could use your teaching skills again.”
JuJu raises her eyebrow, looking down your body before looking back at you, your gaze on her immediately making her hands tighten their grip. “Yeah?”
You nod. “Can’t seem to figure out what to do with my hands, you know?”
JuJu swallows hard. “Your hands?”
“Yeah, just can’t seem to use them correctly.”
JuJu chuckles and she lets her hand travel down your hip. “I got you, baby.”
“Need you so bad,” you whisper into her ear and you could swear you felt the shiver that ran through her body just then. You wrap your legs around her waist and her hands shift up to your ass to support you. You had assumed that she was going to take you right here, in the gym. However, her movements said otherwise as she carried you out of the gym and toward her car. She unlocks her car with ease and practically throws you into the backseat, getting in after you and shutting the door.
“What–” You’re cut off by the intense feeling of JuJu’s mouth on yours, immediately pushing her tongue past your lips, not even bothering to ask for permission. You moaned at the feeling of her tongue swirling around yours, which elicited a moan from her. JuJu’s hands pulled at your waist, fiddling with the waistband of your shorts. You slowly lay your back down on the backseat, pulling JuJu with you. Having her on top of you had to be the best feeling in the world. 
“Ju…” you breathed out as best you could as her mouth placed sloppy kisses along your jawline. Your hand gripped the back of her neck, pulling her as close to your body as possible. The second she hit that sweet spot that she knew all too well, you knew you were done for. You dug your fingertips into the skin of her neck. “Need you now.”
Her response to your demand was her hands pulling your shirt off, leaving you in your bra. You raised your eyebrows at her as you silently questioned getting naked in the middle of a gym parking lot. As if she read your mind, she rubbed her hands up and down your sides, looking directly down at you and said, “relax baby, nobody’s gonna see us.”
“O-okay,” you whispered back and she took that as permission to continue, pulling off your shorts and leaving you in your underwear. Every small touch that lingered on your skin grew that puddle in your legs and you were starting to get impatient.
Moving your panties to the side, she pressed her thumb straight onto your throbbing clit, dragging it down your folds. “Fuck baby, so wet for me.” The pressure combined with how wet you were already caused you to let out an unintentional whimper, your legs shaking just a bit.
“Please,” you beg her. Beg her to soothe your throbbing cunt just how you liked it.
Her eyes flicked back up to yours. “Please what? Use your words.”
“Please,” you said, the word coming out in another whimper. “Please touch me. Do anything, just please, I can’t take this anymore.”
“Yeah? Want me to make you cum?” she asked you so bluntly you almost choked.
You nodded your head aggressively and closed your eyes at the feeling of her thumb re-attaching to your clit. “Yes…mhm. Need you to make me cum so bad.”
“Gotta work for it.”
Your eyes shot back open. “W-what?” 
Her thumb applied more pressure which only increased the throbbing. “You said you want to use your hands correctly. If you wanna cum, you gotta work for it.”
You opened your mouth to say something, only for your voice to crack when you speak, “babe you can’t be serious.”
“Use those pretty hands and fuck yourself like I fuck you,” she ordered, taking her thumb away from your clit and licking off your wetness. You could have sworn that in that moment, you could have cum just from watching that.
You’re cut off by her grabbing your hand and guiding your fingers to trail down your body, making your nipples harden and your breathing to pick up. She looked at you through her eyelashes, watching every expression that she could read on your face. How your breath hitched at your own touch. She guided your own fingers through your folds and you bit your lip at the touch. “Show me baby.”
You began rubbing your fingers against your sopping cunt, the most pornographic moans coming from your throat. You circled your clit just like JuJu had done minutes ago, even though it almost didn’t feel the same compared to when she did it. You brought your other hand up to toy with your already hardened nipple. 
JuJu is smiling at the sight in front of her, a low groan coming from her when you turn your head to the side, closing your eyes. She grabs your chin, tugging it towards her. “Nah, eyes open and on me.”
You obeyed her orders, keeping your eyes on her as you continued playing with yourself. After a couple minutes, your eyes widen and your breathing picks up even more as she puts her fingers inside your throbbing entrance. “JuJu, fuck baby.”
You stop touching your clit but she grabs your hand and puts it back on it. “Keep working, mama.”
The more she thrusts her fingers inside you, the harder you press against your clit. You were moaning so loud you wondered if anyone could hear you outside the car doors. Your sounds were music to JuJu’s ears. You were positive that she was thrusting harder just to hear your moans. Each one louder than the last.
“Just like that,” JuJu coos in your ear. She hovers her body over your own, kissing at your neck again as her fingers curl deep inside you. Your hand is now trembling over your cunt as you try to continue your own movements. “Wanna feel you cum,” she whispered into your mouth before devouring your lips. That was all you needed to come undone right underneath her. Your legs trembled and your arms shook. You moaned directly into her mouth as she helped you ride out your high. All that was left was your chest almost heaving from the stimulation. 
“There we go,” JuJu says, slowing down her fingers. “So pretty.”
You couldn’t say anything as you were trying to catch your breath. She realized just how disheveled you looked and brushed strands of hair out of your face. She caresses your cheek with her thumb, smiling at you. “You okay?
You nod your head. “Yeah, yeah I’m–holy shit.”
She laughs at how out of breath you are. “Did so good for me mama.” 
She grabs one of her shirts from her gym bag and pulls it over your head. Of course, it was too big for you which caused her to laugh even more. You glare at her. “You can’t just make me cum and then laugh at me.”
“You know how much you’re feeding me ego right now?” she asks before leaning down and giving you a gentle kiss before pulling you both up to a sitting position. “We should go get food.”
You looked at her confused, wondering how the hell she wanted to get food after that. “Food?”
“In N Out sounds really good right now.”
“Fine, but you’re paying.”
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mouwrites · 10 months
HI, I love your stuff! I loved the whole brainwashed thing with the Ninjago team, but what would happen if it was them brainwashed? How would they react after you got them out of it? Or maybe just their reaction to you getting captured could be one be a fun one too? Don't know, just throwing ideas out there. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK 💜💜💜
Yes ofc!! Thank you for your kind words!! :D
Ninjago - How the Ninjas Act When You Get Captured
When he first heard you were captured, he froze where he stood
Then he comes alive with an entirely new level of anxiety
He’s running around, shaking people by their shoulders, talking at a million words a second, pulling his hair, the whole chalupa
He struggles to calm down enough to actually come up with a plan to save you
Someone has to restrain him so he stops disturbing the others while they think
He finally shuts up when they come up with the final plan
Then he’s all ears
He ends up doing more than his part to save you; he’s more violent with his opponents and he even takes over tasks that the others were supposed to do
He’s sort of ruining the plan, but fortunately it all turns out okay
He finds you tied up in a room, and he practically melts with relief
Throwing his arms around you, he buries his face in the crook of your neck
He stays like that for a while, and you realize that he’s crying
“I’m so sorry… I’m so glad you’re okay… I’m sorry…”
“Hey, it’s okay, love. But, uh… do you mind untying me?”
He sniffs sharply, snapping up and nodding aggressively
He keeps his hands on you the whole time
He insists on holding hands while you flee the base, even though that made it difficult to run
When you got back to the Bounty, he refused to leave you alone
He was scared that you’d be taken again, even when you were miles and miles away from danger
He’ll probably be extra clingy for the next while for the same reason
At first he didn’t believe it when he heard you were kidnapped
He had to hear the news a few times for it to really register
Then he had to sit down; the room seemed to be spinning
Luckily his teammates were able to pull him out of his stupor with a grounding hand on his shoulder
He was eager to come up with a rescue plan
In a rare display of initiative, he makes most of the plan himself, dishing out orders with surprising authority
And he maintains a leadership role throughout the mission, keeping tabs on everyone and their tasks
Of course, that doesn’t mean he neglects his own responsibilities
He actually gives himself the most important jobs, wanting to make sure that they’re done just as he planned
This includes locating and procuring you
When he finally finds you, he runs over and begins untying you
Once you’re free, he lifts you off your feet in a tight bear hug
His hand is pressing your head firmly against his chest, and he’s peppering you with kisses
“Oh my lord. Oh man. You’re safe. You’re safe, right? Oh lord.”
“Yes, I’m okay, Cole.”
You attempt to wrap your arms around him too, but they’re pinned to your sides too tightly
Eventually he realizes that he’s losing time, so he takes you by the hand and leads you away
When you’re back on the Bounty, everyone tells you about what a great leader he turned out to be
But you notice that their praises are going in one of Cole’s ears and out the other
He’s just staring at you, a little smile on his face as he rests his head on his arm
He’s holding your hand, gently brushing his thumb over your fingers
When they finally leave you alone again, you ask why he’s looking at you like that
“I’m just glad you’re back. Safe. I love you.”
His initial reaction was a violent panic, and he tried to run to your rescue right away
Luckily someone stopped him; he wouldn’t have even known where to look
Once the initial panic wore off, he was filled with rage
Partially at himself
He was impatient in making a rescue plan
Every time they couldn’t agree about something, Kai would snap, shouting a decision the others were scared to refute
So the plan was admittedly pretty sloppy
And of course Kai barely even stuck to it
He just barreled into action, bashing every head he could get his hands on
He was on an absolute war path, and the others just ended up kinda watching him
Blind as his rampage might have been, he was doing a good job of clearing out enemies
By some miraculous coincidence, he found himself in the room you were being held in
His rage dropped like a mask, and his face was suddenly tender as he bolted to your side
He cupped your face in his hands, turning it from side to side to check for injuries
“Y/n! Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Did they hurt you??”
“I’m fine, Kai. We should hurry.”
His face remained tender as he carefully untied you
He then insisted that he carry you out
Your objections were readily ignored, and he ended up picking you up bridal style mid-protest
He was weirdly undampered by the extra weight
It actually gave him more energy to have you in his arms, and he managed to jog all the way back to the ship
This was only possible because he’d already knocked out every guard and soldier in the vicinity
When you get back, he apologizes sincerely (he still blames himself :( ); you’ll have to be the one to comfort him
He’s actually pretty calm when he hears you’ve been captured
On the inside he’s freaking out, but he knows that panicking won’t do you any good
So he buries his feelings for the sake of efficiency
He’s a little withdrawn during the plan-making process because of his anxiety
He makes sure to do his part flawlessly though, especially because he knows your safety relies on it
When he finally finds you he gets right to untying you and asking if you’re hurt
His worry shines through a little with all the questions he presses on you
He barely waits for you to respond to all of them; the second you get up, you’re wrapped in a gentle hug
He’s a little afraid of hurting you, so he doesn’t squeeze too hard
But you know from the hug that he’s been worried sick (if the questions weren’t telling enough)
He forgets the mission for a moment, completely lost in the relief of having you in his arms again
You’ll have to snap him out of it to get him back in the game
He trusts you to handle yourself, so he’ll take the lead, only looking over his shoulder a couple times to make sure you’re following
When you get back to the Bounty he gives you another hug
It’s tighter this time because now he knows you’re not hurt
“I’m so relieved that you’re safe. I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise.”
“Then let’s not think about it.”
He’ll let you have your moments with the other ninjas (who are all also glad you’re back :) )
Then he’ll make you both some tea and sit down with you
He encourages you to talk about it, but if you aren’t up to it he’ll do the talking
He’ll tell you how worried he was, and how he knows now that he simply can’t be without you
You’ll talk long into the night, sorting out your feelings from the whole affair together :)
Much like Kai, she was ready to jump into action the second she found out you were gone
She doesn’t blame herself too much; she’s mainly angry at your captors
And they’ll get the worst of it when she’s unleashed upon them
She won’t go on a totally destructive war path, but lord help any soul unlucky enough to stand in her way
She’s hasty in her plan-making
She actually made the plan as she was running to your rescue
The others scrambled to keep up, knowing it was pointless to reason with her when she got like this
Despite being an impromptu plan, it was actually pretty efficient
Of course, some people (cough cough everyone except Nya) had to improvise to patch the holes in their instructions
But it wasn’t all that disastrous
The only disaster was the state of the place when you guys left
Nya beamed when she found you, not even bothering to untie you before lifting you up and hugging you
She sets you on your feet, looking you up and down before locking eyes with you
Tears brim her warm brown eyes, and she pulls you into a second hug
This one is more emotional; in a few moments you can feel tears soaking through your clothing
She sniffles suddenly, pulling away and patting your shoulder
“Right then. Shall we go?”
“Yes, please.”
When you get back to the Bounty, she insists on having you by her side while she steers
You’ll rest your head on her shoulder, and she’ll lean into your touch
Once she gets to the point that she can switch to autopilot, she hugs you yet again
This time she murmurs about how worried she was, how much she missed you, and even how much she loves you
She smiles softly to herself when she finishes speaking, closing her eyes and rocking back and forth gently
She’ll have you stay in the cockpit with her until she’s ready to go to bed; she doesn’t want to lose sight of you anytime soon
Out of all the ninjas, he was the most calm when he heard you’d been kidnapped
Of course, he had an initial reaction of shock, but after that he was cool as a cucumber
He couldn’t deny the strange anxiety bubbling in his chest, however
He knew it was because he cared for you, and he wanted you back badly, but it was still a strange sensation
Probably because no one else made him feel that way
As usual, he was an integral part in the process of strategizing the rescue mission
Anxiety be damned, he was going to give his all
And he kept this attitude for the whole mission
Even when he saw you, he asked rather stiffly if you were okay before untying you and guiding you to safety
He gave no indication of his worry, nor his care for you in general
This wasn’t intentional, though; he was only trying to stay in optimal performance
Once you get back to the ship, then he’ll reveal how he was feeling
He’ll wait until you’re alone to say anything
This exacerbates your suspicion that he wasn’t worried at all, but you were immediately reassured when he sat before you
He was close enough that your knees were touching
He stares deep into your eyes
When he speaks his voice is filled with the tenderness he lacked earlier
“I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you since this all happened. I was only trying to execute the mission before, but now I’m here. I’ll listen if you want to talk.”
Whether you take him up on his offer or not, he’ll be sure to reassure you he loves you before your conversation is done :)
And he insists that you guys cuddle close when you go to sleep
(For your comfort as much as his own)
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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bunnybubae · 5 months
(M)🚦Red Light: The Allure | Ch3 [JJK]
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👉🏻[Series Masterpost]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader (GymOwner!JK/MotoRacer!JK/Biker!JK-TattoArtist!OC)
Genre: S2L - Smut - Fluff - Angst
Summary: Jeon Jungkook never lets any distraction take him away from his motorcycle or his gym for more than one night. He just wants to speed around the track and feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the sex he gets thanks to his charm, is just a side dish to his life. A tough past brought him on that Ducati that he learned to love, a past  you’ll uncover, as you slowly seep in under his skin. It’s a hell of a ride, in all senses, as you try to escape your own hell in the meanwhile.  Where will this ride bring you? Will it be worth it in the end?
Chapter Warnings: mention of the toxic ex (again, unfortunately), still a lot of teasing and heavy flirting, JK in black CK undies yes, it is a warning, brief mention of weed,  alcohol consumption, brief thigh riding, rubbing in public environment, dry humping, oral sex (M/F receiving), praise kink, protected sex, one (1) slap on the ass, rough sex.
Wc: 11.7k
A/N: Hello there! I hope you guys still want to read this story, cause CH3 is finally out! As always, I'm sorry if there are some grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language and I don't have a beta, so pls bear with me! 🫶🏻 Let me know what are your thoughts about the story, my box is always open! - Joy 🐰
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December 8th, Friday
You're glad it didn't pour down all day.
The night sky is clear and the smell of rain permeates in the air. You look through the car window covered in droplets as Hani chats with the driver.
You're too busy looking at scattered puddles on the asphalt reflecting the surrounding lights to pay attention to whatever the uber driver is saying.
The only thing troubling your mind right now is the last message you received. You had already blocked Ray's number a long time ago, but no one else would ever dream of sending you a similar message. The scumbag must have changed it.
You check your phone screen once again, almost hopeful that the content of the message is now different or even better, gone.
Unknown Number:- Have fun tn.
You tighten the coat you're wearing around your figure, as if that would be enough to make you feel safe.
Three words were enough to disgust you to the core. Well done Ray.
His intent is clear: he hopes to ruin your evening with this message, he wants you to feel out of place and you know pretty well that behind those seemingly innocent words there is much more hidden. His passive aggressive stalking exudes from every pixel of the screen. 
You wonder how he knows your plans for the evening, you hoped he had finally stopped spying on you, but clearly, this dude is unweary.
A hand suddenly rests on your shoulder, drawing your attention and making you flinch at the unexpected contact. Your thoughts must have poisoned your features judging by Hani's tone of voice, gentle and concerned.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You mechanically put your phone back in your pocket and look at her with a hint of a smile, hoping that she doesn't notice the tornado of thoughts that swirl behind your eyes.
You don't want your worries to ruin your evening, that's exactly what that asshole would want.
Much less, you want Hani to decide it's best to take you home. It would be a defeat on all fronts.
You're going to go to this damn party and have fun. Ray has no power over you, not anymore. To let this message get under your skin would mean allowing him to manipulate you once again. You have to use it instead to do the exact opposite, to free yourself tonight and allow your wounded soul to dance.
Your face softens a little more as you manage to regain control of your thoughts.
"Yeah, it's all good. How long will it take to get there?"
Hani tells you that you'll arrive in a few minutes. She doesn't seem entirely convinced by your attempt to reassure her but you're glad she doesn't ask anything more when you start a barrage of questions about this kind of parties and the moto races.
Tae and Jungkook are waiting for you inside, she says, apparently they had to deal with some organizational issues related to tomorrow's qualifications, that's why they went earlier.
Hani is particularly thrilled, you can tell by the way she describes in as much detail as possible all the competitions and parties she's already attended. A little of her enthusiasm makes its way through you and you find yourself smiling genuinely as you listen to her.
A few minutes later, your driver parks next to the curb and once you get out of the car, you are amazed to notice the huge group of motorbikes parked in the lot next to the venue.
They're all well parked, resting under the light of the street lamps which highlights all their beautiful colors and shapes.
You reach the entrance guarded by a guy who looks like he could fold a motorbike in two. His menacing presence actually calms you further. You sigh without realizing it as your chest feels a little lighter.
Hani greets the big boy, who reciprocates, while maintaining a serious demeanor. He lets you in without even asking for documents or such, Hani is really well known by now.
The interior of the place has been well decorated for the occasion and the music is not excessively loud, the atmosphere is pleasant. You were expecting something more frenetic considering the adrenaline that motorcyclists are used to, everyone seems to be having fun but with ease instead. Which doesn't bother you at all.
Hani leads you to a small room filled with some sort of lockers to take off your coat before you could finally start your night.
It doesn't take long to find Tae, sitting at the bar, right next to the dance floor.
As you get closer, you notice that he's with a dark-haired guy and that they both seem deep in conversation.
"Here you are finally! Hoseok, Y/N, Y/N, Hoseok"
Tae gestures with his hands between you and the guy next to him. 
"You can call me Hobi!"
He says with a beautiful smile and holding out his hand.
The handshake was a bit embarrassing for you, you're no longer used to this type of introduction. Usually, the customers who come to the shop know you through Instagram or through friends, and it is easier to establish relationships which, in that circumstance, are limited to work.
"Nice to meet you, Hobi."
Tae offers everyone a round and the alcohol seems to loosen your nerves a little more.
Despite the initial awkwardness, the conversation between the four of you continues smoothly. You laugh out loud when Hobi tells an anecdote about Tae and Jungkook, you find him funny, both his way of storytelling and the emphasis he puts on details. He is definitely a sunny and extroverted guy who is able to drag anyone into conversation and put a smile on their face with his energetic ways.
Speaking of Jungkook,  you wonder where he could be, considering he was not here with them when you arrived.
Hobi continues his tell tales while Hani chuckles and Tae intervenes every now and then
"That guy over there," Hobi points behind you, "That one over there has been the champion for two years in a row!"
You turn to see where his finger is pointing only to realize that the champion he's talking about is Jungkook himself.
Tae laughs mockingly, determined to annoy you today as well, clearly. "Oh, they know each other very well!" and he exaggerates a wink.
Luckily enough, Hani seems to be on your side tonight. She elbows him on the side to shut him up but that only elicits a half-laugh from Tae.
"Yes, because I joined his gym." You respond casually, purposely ignoring Tae's innuendos.
Hobi starts waving his arm in the air trying to get Jungkook's attention from across the room.
Jungkook is talking to a couple of people, you look at him as he smiles and nods at something his interlocutors said, then he notices Hobi's attempts to call him.
He waves back and seems to want to return to the conversation with whoever is in front of him, when he notices you next to his friends.
A small smile forms on his face and his gaze remains fixed on you, almost as if he were challenging you to a staring contest. 
You decide to playfully stick your tongue out at him to which he, in response, reacts with a damn wink.
You turn around and try to douse the heat you feel by taking a large sip of your drink. The alcohol helps, but the warmth in your cheeks becomes noticeable.
Your friends continue to chat peacefully, you're relieved to see that no one has noticed this little exchange with Jungkook, with the exception of Hani of course, her smile speaks clearly.
You try to focus on Tae and Hobi's talk, but they're talking about some modifications their mechanics made to their bikes for the race, details too mechanical for your alcohol-clouded mind.
Hani's smile is different now when you look at her, and the tilt of her head confuses you further.
"Here he is, the champion graces us with his presence!"
Hobi says all of a sudden.
You realize that Hani was trying to let you know that Jungkook was on his way.
He stops next to you and it's strange to meet him in a context other than the gym. You felt more or less the same feeling when he gave you that lift that evening, but now you have the opportunity to see another aspect of his person and the way he is dressed is proof of that.
Jungkook seems like an outgoing and sociable guy when it comes to training his members at the gym. As you watch him now though, he seems slightly embarrassed, keeping his hands inside the pockets of his baggy jeans.
Tae takes Jungkook's arm as he responds to Hobi's statement "Technically, I'm not the champion yet."
“Will you let us win any races this year?” Tae asks in a teasing tone.
Jungkook tries to free himself from Tae's grip by pinching his side. "Ouch." Tae chuckles, placing a hand on the pinched spot, while Jungkook rearranges his hair, moving it away from his face.
"It's not my fault that Ducky is the fastest bike on the track."
You ask out of curiosity, before you even realize.
Tae and Hobi start giggling in the background as Jungkook's gaze falls on you. He appears surprised by the question, as if he thought you knew. Then, he seems to remember that he never spoke about his bike nor his races with you and his expression changes.
"My Ducati." he replies, playing with his piercing, a habit you think comes when he's pondering or embarrassed.
"Did you give your bike a name?"
Jungkook tells you that many people give their bikes a nickname, explaining that the reason he chose Ducky it's due to the similar sound with Ducati.
You smile in recognition that Jungkook definitely looks like an intimidating and strong guy, but that you became aware of a more thoughtful and playful part of him starting from the night he brought you home on his motorbike. Even this small detail about the moto's name fits perfectly with the Jungkook that you got to know till now.
An interesting mix that is also reflected in the ducati he rides.
“It's cute, I think it suits her!” You chuckle softly.
You notice something in Jungkook's eyes, but it doesn't last long due to Tae's comment.
"No please, don't tell me that you also think it's a suitable name for a motorbike!"
Tae babbles distraught, while Hobi laughs loudly, shaking his head.
"Look who's talkin, the one who called his bike Sonic!"
Jungkook huffs mockingly, rolling his eyes. 
The bickering that takes place in front of you makes you laugh lightly, Hani and Hobi join you as Tae fiercely retorts.
"At least it's related! And it's blue like Sonic! Your bike is not even yellow!"
“Wow bro, so original!”
Jungkook pretends to be overly impressed by his friend's explanation. Tae gulps down the last sip of beer while he wraps his arm around Hani.
"And by the way, have you ever seen a duck run? Those tiny little things are pretty fast!" Jungkook concludes.
At this, even Tae bursts out laughing, almost spitting out the beer from his nose. Everyone has seen at least once in their lifetime a video about little ducks chasing their mother or caregiver. Jungkook evidently emerges victorious from the argument, he chuckles along with all of you and the moment couldn't be more wholesome than this, you think.
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The evening unfolds like this, next to the bar, with laughter and some small bickering between the three guys. You notice from time to time that Jungkook's eyes wander towards you while he speaks and he catches you looking at him sometimes as well.
The alcohol in your system definitely doesn't help make it any less evident.
"Another round? It's on me this time." Hobi shakes his empty beer, starting to move towards the bar when Jungkook stops him by placing a hand on his shoulder
"Just a coke for me, please."
Hobi nods as he appears to reply something like, "I know" before smiling tight-lipped at him.
You watch Jungkook's profile the entire time as he smiles back at Hobi before letting him walk towards the bar.
He looks like one of those smiles that takes over his lips when you catch his mind wandering, back at the gym.
A light smile that seems to hide something more.
When Jungkook turns back to bring his attention back to the conversation in progress, your eyes meet for the umpteenth time and his weak smile widens into a smirk.
He leans towards you slightly, while Tae and Hani continue to discuss something you don't quite listen to and his face gets dangerously close to yours.
“Are you going to keep looking at me all night?”
Jungkook speaks close to your ear, he doesn't whisper but he still makes sure you're the only one to hear him.
The sudden closeness of his body allows your nostrils to immediately capture his scent, the one you've had on you thanks to his motorcycle jacket and as the memory of that evening returns to your slightly alcohol-influenced mind, you smile mischievously.
“How can you say I'm looking at you all the time?”
Jungkook shifts his head slightly so he can look at you better as he says
"Because every time I look at you your eyes are already looking at me,"
You sigh, his voice far too calm to cause such turmoil within you. You try to ignore his usual attempt to make you blush, failing miserably when he continues, “You look like you want something.”
This man right here, damn. He knows, you know he knows the effect he has on you. It's clear.
You feel hotter but you manage to retort.
"And what about you? Why are you looking at me so often?"
The liquid courage you have in your body is enough to make you ask straight away, basking in the feeling of his body so close to yours.
Jungkook's eyes watch you intently and a gleam of amusement adorns his deep irises.
He moistens his lips and the movement of his tongue doesn't escape your gaze, but right as he is about to answer your question, Hobi returns, but empty-handed.
“Sorry guys,” Hobi interjects, his face darkened with worry compared to earlier. "Some problem came up with the registration documents and they asked me to help check." He says hastily as he apologizes once again.
Tae offers to go with him and solve the problem at hand but Hobi shakes his head,
"There is no need, I don't want you to ruin your night with bureaucratic bullshit. See you on the track tomorrow! It was nice meeting you Y/N!
"Pleasure is mine Hobi!"
You reply, giving him a smile.
As you watch him go, you realize that you have just met this boy, and yet you feel that you have made the acquaintance of a genuinely beautiful person.
It's so rare nowadays.
“So guys,” Hani exclaims loudly, catching everyone's attention.
"Tae and I are planning a relaxing ride next Sunday."
Jungkook nods.
"Where were you guys thinking of going?"
You watch your friends discuss the details of the itinerary and realize that you're actually considered part of the trip only when you notice that at the idea of the four of you going on a ride together, Jungkook seems relaxed, almost as if it were obvious to take you around on his beloved Ducky. Maybe your mind is wandering a little too much, but it makes you blush a little.
“It can be done, as long as Y/N agrees.”
The pronunciation of your name draws your attention, refocusing you on the group.
"I said if you feel like getting the necessary moto gear, we can go."
Jungkook repeats, Hani and Tae are looking at you as you try to seriously focus on organizing the aforementioned ride.
"Yes, no problem, but I don't know where to buy what I need."
"I'll take you to the store where I bought mine!"
Hani exclaims with a smile.
“I can get you some gloves but as far as helmet and jacket, make sure you get stuff that's the right size for you.”
You shake your head, saying that you will take care of getting everything you need with Hani.
"Oh, yeah I forgot how small your hands are, it's definitely better if you try them on at the store."
Jungkook evidently can never stop himself from teasing you.
His comment causes a mischievous smile on Tae's face and a very satisfied one on Jungkook's.
Hani purses her lips, trying to hold back a laugh, or whatever she was about to say.
Your eyes roll in mock annoyance as you playfully push Jungkook.
"Okay, it's decided then!"
States Hani, who sports a satisfied smile as she continues, “Oh, I forgot something in the car! Come on Tae.”
She grabs Tae's hand and before you can even point it out, he anticipates you by saying, "But you came in an Uber!"
Hani glares at him, "Just come."
Jungkook laughs, shaking his head at the obvious attempt to leave you two alone, while you watch them go in disbelief and slight embarrassment. You want to curse her, but you know it's what you really want too. You want time alone with him, you want to take advantage of the courage you feel inside this evening to understand a little more this tattooed and lip-pierced mystery.
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The dance floor is full and you can no longer see the bartender behind the bar due to how many people are waiting to receive their drinks.
You don't even remember the last time you attended a party like this, the only thing that comes to mind when you think about it is Ray almost causing a fight with a guy who mistook you for his friend, the fight that came of it once you left the party and the tears you shed because of his sharp words, is the only memory of that last party you attended.
You return your gaze to Jungkook as anger and sadness from past events threaten to make their way onto your face.
There is no need to dwell on the past, past parties are in the past, Ray is not here and nothing stops you from enjoying the evening and putting off your worries about your ex and his passive aggressive messages until tomorrow.
Jungkook watches the dancing crowd, moving his head to the beat of the music as he's leaning against the wall.
You admire him so much, he always seems to have everything under control, no matter the shadow that darkens his face every now and then, he seems to always manage to return to reality and enjoy the little things.
"Want to dance?" You don't give your shyness time to reconsider the invitation that the words have already left your mouth. You hold out your hand as you invite him to join you. 
He looks at your hand briefly before replying with a soft smile, “Why not.” and join his hand to yours.
You clasp your hand around his and lead him through the crowd.
You feel boldness fill you, you hadn't even considered the possibility that he might refuse and happy that he didn't, you reach a spot that isn't too crowded, the volume of the music is louder here and you feel the effect on your skin as your heart follows its own rhythm.
Thanks to what you drank and the need to let yourself go at least for tonight, you let your body feel the music.
His movements are loose and yours adapt to his almost immediately. Jungkook watches you the entire time, paying attention to every movement of your body, as if he wants to imprint them in his mind for later.
When you look up and meet his gaze, this time you hold it, smiling mischievously before turning your back on him.
You continue to dance filled with a wave of audacity, your every movement is seductive for him, who can't take his eyes off of you.
The line of your back is far too attractive to keep at a distance so, all of a sudden, you feel Jungkook's body move closer to yours.
The closeness causes a leap in your chest, but what he says is the cause of the heightened blush on your face.
You feel like your cheeks are perpetually burning because of him.
"What happened to the super shy girl who showed up at the gym a while ago?"
His voice is almost a whisper as you feel his face close to your ear.
You tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder before answering confidently.
"She has learned to dare more." and with that, you decide to lean against his body completely.
Fuck shyness, fuck fears and comfort zones. If tomorrow you have to deal with the consequences of Ray's reappearance, you want to enjoy this one night to the fullest.
You hear Jungkook chuckle softly as a tentative hand finds its place on your hip.
He caresses you flat and softly from your hip up, his palm just grazing the edge of your bra as you wonder what it might be like without your clothes in between.
"It's clear that you're not that shy tonight, either."
You retort as you roll your hips against his. You feel his hand get slightly heavier on your hip as he presses you gently until your body is completely attached to his.
His other hand reaches for your shoulder and brushes your hair away to reveal your neck.
The gesture causes heat in your lower abdomen, you swallow unconsciously at the unexpected reaction of your body. Maybe it's been too long since someone touched you like this or maybe it's the power that Jeon Jungkook has over your body now, but you feel that at this rate you run the risk of melting in his arms.
“What makes you say that, princess?”
His breath tickles you as he whispers the words directly into your skin. His lips don't even touch you once and you wish they would.
You push your hips against his a little more as you continue to move languidly. His fingers mindlessly caress the curve of your neck and you close your eyes as you enjoy the feeling.
“The way you're touching me now.”
You reply in a small voice as your hand reaches for the one resting on your hip,
you hold it as if it might disappear if you don't.
You shiver slightly when his hot breath teases the thin skin of your exposed neck again and the grip of his hand under yours grows more and more.
“I can do more and better, wouldn't you like that?”
You feel the effect of your movements directly against your butt and it gives you even more confidence.
You feel completely intoxicated by his touch, nothing to do with the alcohol that undoubtedly contributed to you finding yourself in this situation, everything you are feeling now is the work of his touch, of his body against yours and of his words.
You're dying to fuck him, to feel his hands all over your naked body as he whispers dirty things in your ear. But at the same time you don't want this to ruin your friendship, you don't want there to be misunderstandings between you. You can always enjoy the pleasures of sex without unnecessary feelings being involved, right?
You don't feel ready yet and you hope Jungkook is of the same opinion as you, that he also wants to have sex with you without strings attached.
You spin around and your hands rest on his broad shoulders. You look at him for a moment, his eyes dark and full of longing as you whisper in his ear, "As long as it's the only thing you want too."
When you look back at him to decipher his reaction, you notice that Jungkook initially seems surprised by your statement, then a pleased smile forms on his plump lips and his hands suddenly become bolder, moving down from your hips to the small of your back. You barely hold back a moan when you feel the hardness of his member and the firmness of his hands on you.
Jungkook holds you close and you don't know when exactly your bodies stopped following the rhythm of the music. He firmly squeezes one of your buttock while you caress the locks of his nape.
You watch him move closer to your neck once again and this time, you feel his wet lips brush against you just below your ear.
"Are you really the first girl I don't have to give the usual speech to? Am I dreaming?"
His deep voice reaches the parts of your body that you never thought would be affected by a simple voice.
"What speech?" You sigh when you feel his hands move up your back.
"The one that makes my intentions clear."
Jungkook looks back at you, as if wanting to make sure he hasn't misunderstood anything.
"It seems we want the same thing, then."
You state in a rush, feeling the places he touches completely on fire.
"Do we?"
Jungkook tilts his head slightly as he holds you impossibly tighter. You feel completely enveloped by the warmth of his body when his thigh slides and finds its place between your legs.
A soft moan escapes your lips and it seems to trigger something in him, you hear him breathe deeply before asking in a low voice.
“What do you want, Y/N?”
From the tone of his voice it is clear that he knows what you want, he simply wants you to confess it freely.
His thigh twitches between your legs, rubbing just right against the place you want it the most.
You follow its movements, completely enraptured by the sensations you are experiencing.
There is no room for shame right now in your mind clouded by the burning desire for him.
The only thing you can think about is his leg repeatedly teasing your clit and the caresses of his hands along your back.
Your hands tremble slightly with pleasure as they involuntarily grasp the strands falling at the nape of his neck.
Jungkook hisses through his teeth but doesn't resist, in fact he seems to like this little gesture from you.
You look at him for a moment and his adam's apple is so inviting that you can't resist the temptation.
You move his head to the side to get more access and lick the surface up to his jaw.
You would continue to enjoy this lewd moment as long as it lasted.
You thought you would tease each other for a while and then go back to your friends, but no.
Jungkook is just as involved as you are.
The groan that vibrates in his throat reached a part of your brain that is now completely short-circuited.
"I want to fuck you."
The words come out with frightening ease and are enough to make Jungkook look back at you through lidded eyes.
“And I don't want anything more than that.”
You know you're not ready to take that leap, but the uncertainty hidden in your voice reaches somewhere in your chest.
It hurts something when you watch him smile widely at your latest statement.
A fleeting pain, overtaken by the strong desire caused by the hardness of his member, throbbing against your thigh.
“Yeah, we definitely want the exact same thing.”
It was already quite clear, but hearing you say it is something else.
Jungkook moves away from you, leaving your body to the cold void his hands left. 
Then, he grabs your hand, leading you past the crowd and towards the other side of the place.
You look around, convinced he wants to take you to the bathrooms, but you realize that with every step you take, you are getting closer to the locker's room.
"Where are we going?"
You ask loudly, as Jungkook continues his zig zag through the people holding your hand.
"At my place." he answers.
“I thought you wanted to do it in the bathroom, haven't you been drinking?”
You know that driving under the influence of alcohol is a terrible idea.
Jungkook stops in his tracks for a moment noticing your hesitation in continuing and you hear him chuckle before answering.
"I shared a joint before," he looks into your eyes, as you inspect them, "And then, you saw me drinking a cola, I don't drink alcohol."
Jungkook continues to look at you, though his eyes avoid yours now, lingering on your lips.
You want to ask him more but before you can, he leans in close to you to whisper, making your legs tremble in anticipation.
“Besides, why would I take you to a public bathroom when I can make you scream in the comfort of my own bed?”
He knows all too well that he has the upper hand and is taking advantage of it.
Damn Jeon Jungkook and the effect he has on you.
The heat spreads again in your belly and when you look at him you just want to bite that plump lip, tease his piercing and let that mocking smile get lost in moans of pleasure.
“Or maybe you feel more comfortable doing it at yours?”
His tone of voice lacks malice this time, after all, you have now understood that Jungkook is a caring person and therefore he wants to avoid making you feel uncomfortable.
You nod and smile at his consideration.
"At mine."
Jungkook tightens his hand around yours again, smirking.
You quickly reach the exit after collecting your things from the lockers.
And there she is, Ducky.
You will climb on her for the second time, soon there will even be a third, you can't help but smile at the thought.
Strange how different reasons are leading you to get on a motorbike so often, not that this is a complaint, far from it.
You tremble at the thought of experiencing certain sensations once again, this time even, with the prospect of sleeping with Jungkook.
He invites you to wear his gear once again, but you strenuously refuse to deprive him of his jacket this time. Even though he was annoyed at first, Jungkook had to give in to your determination.
December cold is unforgiving.
In order to compromise, you wear his helmet, unable to argue with its importance.
You reach your apartment complex after a while, Jungkook was driving the entire time at a speed well under the legal limit, allowing you to hug his body to shield yourself from the cold as much as possible.
Once you reach the building's underground parking lot, you get off Ducky and take off the helmet to hand it to him. You smile brightly and hear Jungkook chuckle to himself as he shakes his head.
"You really like to ride, huh?"
You look at him while he's fixing his disheveled hair and it's a vision that you didn't think could affect you so much.
You think Jungkook would look sexy even wearing a battered potato sack, but seeing him in these clothes, you think, will always turn you on.
“Oh trust me, I love riding Ducky, but I can't wait to ride you.”
You haven't felt this lustful for someone in a while.
Surely the drinks you had before are not supporting you to keep certain thoughts to yourself.
Jungkook sighs visibly impressed by your bluntness and you could swear you heard him curse.
"Can't wait for you to show me."
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Seeing Jungkook now, in the flesh, inside your apartment is something.
You watch as he places his helmet near the entrance door and places his jacket on top of it before taking off his shoes.
As you do the same, taking off your coat and shoes to put them away, he looks around, taking in the appearance of your apartment. 
The foyer is small but well arranged, with a large mirror and a shoe rack right beside it.
You lead the way to reach your couch in the living room and as you walk, his eyes land on some of your latest sketches scattered around on a counter, one of it appears to be a pair of boxing gloves and he finds himself chuckling like an idiot.
As you do the same, taking off your coat and shoes to put them away, he looks around, taking in the appearance of your apartment. 
The foyer is small but well arranged, with a large mirror and a shoe rack right beside it and the little hallway that connects your entrance to your living area is decorated with pictures, plants and some of your favorite sketches.
You lead the way to reach your couch in the living room and as he walks behind you, his eyes land on some of your latest sketches scattered around on the counter of your kitchen, one of it appears to be a pair of boxing gloves and he finds himself chuckling like an idiot.
"Why are you laughing?"
You're puzzled by his sudden reaction. 
"I like your apartment, it fits your vibe."
He answers quietly and you smile shyly in appreciation, suggesting him to make himself comfortable on the couch.
"Want something to drink?
 You ask him, walking behind the counter to reach your fridge.
"Just water, thanks." 
He replies as he sits comfortably. You get some fresh water and when you get back you offer him the glass.
Jungkook sips from it and you join him on the couch.
Your heart always beats so fast in his presence that by now you're almost getting used to the constant hustle and bustle in your chest.
"You really don't like alcohol."
You say lightheartedly as you gather your legs up on the couch and turn to face him.
You curse your damn mouth when you realize that your comment made Jungkook tense up.
You just wanted to make him feel comfortable but before you can think of something to recover, Jungkook takes another sip of water before replying in a low voice.
"Yeah. I prefer weed, even though I rarely smoke anymore."
His eyes look at you for a brief moment, dark as pitch or a moonless sky.
They then move to the coffee table in front of you to put the glass down.
"I'd say you don't need it anyway. You don't need it to boost your confidence, like me."
Something moves in his eyes when you say this. His hand on your thigh pulls your attention away.
You watch it as it lays on your thigh softly. 
The tone of his voice, his firm aversion to alcohol and his troubled eyes makes you ponder, but you can't formulate any sentence that doesn't risk making him even more gloomy.
Jungkook taught you many things in the gym, undoubtedly to throw good punches, but also to have courage in general, to dare and not to let fears stop you.
He was able to free that part of you that you have always adored, the one that made you achieve your most ambitious goals, despite having to sacrifice a healthy relationship with your family.
And he was able to get you there, easily, without even having to tell you openly what to do.
Despite his tacit support helped you regain a little confidence, you feel like he doesn't need the same. Like he needs you to voice your thoughts with him, even if it's not always as easy as after a few drinks on your system. 
You've always sensed that something keeps him anchored to a remote island in the back of his mind and you don't want him to take refuge there right now.
"You are right,"
Your voice is sweet, it matches his from earlier and with one movement you lift yourself, moving one leg to take it beyond his.
You sit on his thighs and place your hands gently on his shoulders.
Jungkook looks at you smugly and pleasantly surprised and you're happy to notice that island receding in the mirror of his eyes.
They slowly fill with lust for you, as they observe your body so close to his.
“Even though I drank a little, I'm sober enough to say that everything I did tonight, I've always wanted to do.”
Jungkook feels the weight of your body and the weight of your words right on his.
You're sitting directly on his growing member and his hands find their place on your hips as he pulls you closer.
“Wait until you see what I've always wanted to do to you.”
With that, his mouth takes over your neck.
He tastes your skin like he's finally testing a drop of water after a walk in the desert and you're the only source he wants to put his mouth on.
You moan as you tilt your head to let him taste you as he pleases.
Jungkook takes the opportunity to bite you a little, leaving a small blush on your skin and licking it to soothe the stinging spot.
You try to control yourself as his hands venture up your back.
“You have a condom on you?” You whisper all of a sudden.
Jungkook keeps kissing your neck, hesitantly moving one hand from your body only to pull a condom out of his back pocket.
He hands it to you and then grabs the hem of your sweater, stopping his assault to help you take it off. A shiver runs up your spine, realizing you're now in your bra in front of him, the cool air of the room brushes against your hot skin and his hands promptly return to your hips and back.
You squeeze the little silver package between your fingers as he pulls your body against him, your hips move almost automatically as you feel his member getting harder and harder. And in return you get wetter and wetter.
You're a complete mess in his arms as you buck your hips, panting slightly at every movement.
When his hands press you more against him, a loud moan leaves your lips and with it, the last bit of restraint you had.
You grab the hem of his sweatshirt, urgently undressing him.
"Someone is impatient." He chuckles breathlessly as he lets you undress him.
"Your fault." You reply as you move to undo his jeans.
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?"
The aroused expression on your face is something he hopes to keep in mind for as long as possible.
You drop down to help him take off his jeans completely and Jungkook remains in his black Calvin Klein briefs. The outline of his hard member held with difficulty in the confines of the fabric, making you salivate at its sight.
You stand up and take the opportunity to remove your pants in front of him, while his gaze is glued to you.
If his eyes could touch, you would feel their stroke everywhere right now, like a dry brush on a virgin canvas.
They eagerly study every single curve, every movement you do is carefully followed as you reveal your panties and legs to him.
“You're so hot Y/N…”
You hear him breathing heavily and only after adding your pants to the pile of clothes do you turn back to look him in the eyes.
He's touching himself through his underwear at the sight of your body and despite everything that already happened, you're still blushing.
You are engulfed in the flames of pleasure, yet the blush on your cheeks is caused by something deeper.
You ignore this thought immediately, setting aside that thing that tries to push to make itself some space and focus on the need that screams between your legs instead.
You climb on top of him again, leaning on his shoulders.
You whisper in his ear, looking him in the eyes right now would mean exposing yourself too much, paradoxically.
What a strange contradiction though.
You're already almost completely naked in front of him, but the idea of letting him look you in the eyes while you say the next words makes you feel too vulnerable.
"If we do this, I want us to agree on a few things."
As you try to regain your courage, you lick his neck, moving down towards his collarbone to reach his pectorals.
"I'm listening."
He sighs as he lets his head go back, as if wanting to give you total access to him, basking in the feelings your tongue is giving.
Jungkook is completely engrossed, he seems to enjoy every little thing without thinking too much while you're struggling to let yourself go completely.
The friendship that has developed between you over these months is something you care about and you wouldn't want to ruin it for simple sex.
Even if you're dying to enjoy these moments you've been craving, you're afraid of ruining everything.
"We're just friends who are going to fuck, right?"
You ask tentatively as you continue to leave a trail of saliva with your tongue and lips across his toned chest.
"No awkwardness after."
You're not sure why you're saying this when you can't even look him in the eyes right now, but at the same time you're saying it precisely to not let your fear stop you.
Maybe you're just trying to convince yourself that nothing will change and that you can let yourself go, or just to make sure you both are still on the same page, but Jungkook doesn't seem to notice your inner conflict right now, too distracted by your ministrations probably.
"This is not going to ruin our friendship if that's what you're worried about."
He states between breaths as he wraps a hand in the middle of your hair.
“The fact that we both know what we want from each other and what we don't, won't cause any problems, don't you think?”
He pulls your hair slightly to expose your neck, and you close your eyes unconsciously when you feel his lips on your skin once again.
"No awkwardness after."
His whisper makes you shiver with pleasure and almost as if you needed to have this confirmation from him, you open your eyes and move to finally be able to lower his underwear.
His penis rises free from the confines and you are a little surprised at the size. He throbs in front of you with the tip red and moist as you observe the succulent veins adorning its surface.
"So we're gonna be ride buddies and friends who fucked once."
Jungkook holds his legs open as you get on your knees in front of him to pull his briefs completely off.
"Let's see if you still want it to be once after I fuck you just right."
You smile sensing Jungkook's usual way of doing things, his classic way of provoking you while he smiles with confidence.
"Bold are we?"
You snicker as you pump your little fist around his shaft a couple of times.
He hisses.
"You've got the lead for now, wait and see when it's my turn."
He says through gritted teeth as he clearly tries not to give in to your touch too shamefully.
"We'll see."
You move closer, gently placing your lips on the side of his cock as you continue to move your hand slowly.
The intense teasing served to make him super responsive.
Jungkook squirms a little when you carefully spread his precum on the sensitive tip.
You hear as he tries to limit his sounds.
You look up momentarily when your mouth finally settles around his moistened tip, only to see his reaction.
Jungkook instinctively brings his head back and his mouth opens in a silent moan of pleasure.
He sighs heavily as his hands grip the fabric of the couch he's sitting on.
The vision of his naked body exposed to your will causes a shiver down your spine and with your free hand you move down until you reach the most sensitive part of your body.
You give yourself pleasure as you move your mouth and hand finding a rhythm that could be pleasant for him.
You listen carefully for any reaction that might let you know that you are doing the right thing as you keep your eyes closed, completely letting yourself go to the small sounds he makes.
When you twist your wrist slightly and let go of his cock with a pop to catch your breath, Jungkook lets out a throaty moan and he is breathing noticeably faster now.
You're so wet now that you think he could fit inside you without too much effort, you continue to tease your clit while jerking him off at the same speed.
You leave a trail of little kisses along his member, from the tip to the balls.
You look at him again and unexpectedly meet his gaze.
You feel your confidence waver for the briefest of moments when you notice his eyes looking at you intently.
His pierced lip is caught between his teeth as he breathes deeply through his nose.
He's trying in every way possible to block any sound that might come from his mouth and it's almost annoying to notice the effort he puts into it.
"Let me hear."
You say softly between small kisses.
“I want to know if I'm doing well or not.”
You tickle with your wet tongue from bottom to top, once again reaching the sensitive tip.
His cock throbs in your hand and you smirk satisfied.
You don't need to hear his moans to know that he's completely into it, but you still want to hear them because of you, it's almost a visceral need at this point.
"You're doing great,"
He responds in a deep voice.
He moves the hair that has fallen in front of your eyes with a finger as he tries to steady his breathing.
A soft gesture that makes your heart skip a beat, but you keep your focus on your movements.
Your hands continue to move in unison as you moan, kissing and licking his cock. You purposely avoid taking him fully into your mouth, teasing him every now and then when you feel the sounds getting stuck in his throat.
You feel pervaded by the power that these circumstances can give.
Jungkook watches you the whole time as you work on him and yourself.
He evidently noticed the effect his words had on you, his little praise gave you more confidence, allowing you to let go a little more.
Jungkook suddenly stops you by placing a hand on your shoulder just when you thought he was enjoying it a lot, or at least it seemed like that from his persistent and muffled groaning.
“Y/N, let me taste you please..”
You hear the desperation in his voice and you can see it in his face when you lean up to look at him, a little bit of saliva wetting your chin.
His eyes are completely dark, full of the longing that you know he can see in your eyes too.
He moves to stand up, forcing you back onto your feet before picking you up.
You yelp at the sudden motion, holding onto his neck for support as he helps you wrap your legs around his hips.
“Where is your bedroom?”
Jungkook asks as he latches onto your already battered neck.
"Down the hallway, second door on the right."
In no time, Jungkook transports you following your directions. He pushes the door open with his foot before entering and letting you lie on your soft bed.
He watches you bounce once on it, then looks you up and down with an unreadable look.
Being in your apartment, on your bed, almost completely naked in front of him, definitely makes you bolder, feeling more comfortable.
You just realized how far you've gone with him, that you can't go back now.
Not that you want to, honestly.
You observe him, majestic in front of you, the faint glow of the moon that leaks into the room illuminates his skin deliciously, accentuating every muscle of his toned body.
Your eyes do their best to capture every detail and imprint it in your memory.
Jungkook bends over you, caging your legs with his powerful arms.
You remain propped up on your forearms as your breathing becomes increasingly labored.
His hands rest at your sides and with a firm but delicate movement, he pulls you towards him.
He bends down to let his tongue leave a wet trail across your belly, to the edge of your panties.
The passage of his mouth so close to your core, feeds the fire in your belly.
"Can I?"
He asks softly as his thumbs hook your panties on both sides.
He looks at you, patiently waiting for your permission.
Or your refusal.
You see a hint of hesitation in his gaze, as if he doesn't want to go any further against your will.
You can feel this small detail slowly infiltrating under your skin. You feel it brings to the light something that you would have preferred to remain in the dark, especially in this moment.
Why did he always assumed he could take everything without ever asking?
Why doesn't Jungkook take without asking?
These are questions you can't answer. Deep down you know you don't want them, that answers would only cause you more pain.
You swallow, trying to shut off the bitter taste of the past.
You can't say anything else, you whisper this simple word that encompasses everything you're feeling right now.
Please do it.
Please make me forget all the bad things for tonight.
Please take me.
His eyes light up and his skilled hands easily remove the fabric that covered your most intimate part.
Only now you do realize how uncomfortable and annoying the wet fabric you were wearing was.
You feel the cool air hit the moist and hot skin of your pussy and you sigh when his hands return to you after leaving the newly removed garment somewhere on the floor.
He gently places his hands on your thighs, spreading them just enough so he can observe your dripping wet pussy.
Seeing the glisten of your juices makes his blood burn in his veins.
You gasp when his soft lips lay on your clit.
Jungkook is humming delightedly, then he starts to kiss it with delicacy, allowing you to adapt to the stimulus while he lets his tongue tease you slowly.
You close your eyes and try to relax your legs.
His lips are more insistent, until he ends up making out with your soft wet pussy.
You can't hold back your moans and you lie down completely on the bed as you let him eat you out.
Just as you had done earlier, he maintains a slow but precise pace, as if he wants to take revenge for all the teasing and savor your flavor at the same time.
Unlike his, your moans follow one another and you can't stop yourself.
They gradually become stronger and more intense as Jungkook continues to make out with your pussy.
He holds your hips, soothing the skin right beneath his thumbs with circular motions.
It's a sensation you've never felt before, you feel your orgasm building slowly, so slowly that you almost think you'll lose it at any moment, only to change your mind when with precise movements you feel the pleasure accumulating, like waves that add to each other. One after another, before reaching the coast in one large, powerful wave.
He moves his tongue with a constant rhythm and when with a faint voice you warn him that you are about to come, surprisingly enough, Jungkook maintains the same rhythm, he doesn't speed up, he doesn't press his tongue more forcefully against your already very sensitive clit.
With pleasant surprise, you notice that he keeps this pace and it is clear that he knows what he is doing.
He doesn't go crazy trying to catch it, when he already knows where and how to find it.
The only difference is the intensity with which he makes out with your pussy, kissing and licking it passionately, drunk on your juices.
You moan louder as your body tenses more and more like a violin string, until with a delicate but firm movement of his tongue, your orgasm hits you violently.
With his gentle and precise gestures, you didn't expect such an intense and violent orgasm, your body writhes in ecstasy while a string of profanities and panting breaths leave your lips.
Your legs try to close as they tremble from the stimulation, but Jungkook firmly separates them again, enjoying the taste of you for a little longer. You hear him groan and at a quick glance you notice his frowning expression.
You whine from the overstimulation and it's the only signal that seems to stop him.
He pulls off while still remaining in front of your throbbing and swollen pussy and his labored breathing tickles you gently.
“Sorry,” he states, licking his shiny lips for a moment. “You taste so sweet I couldn't stop.”
You look at him while you feel a constant pounding in your chest and your breathing doesn't want to calm down.
His hair is disheveled, his cheeks are flushed and his eyebrows are still a little furrowed.
You prop yourself up on your elbows again, one hand reaching for his hair, letting it sink into its messy locks, as if wanting to tidy them up a bit.
"I wanna ride you now."
You state decisively and perhaps a little too pretentious, you add,
"Can I?"
Jungkook looks at you as he stands up, offers you a hand while you observe him in all his beauty, naked and with his erect member that you can't wait to welcome inside you.
Tonight you got to immortalize every detail of his body in your memory.
His totally tattooed arm, his sculpted body and his face, at times so sweet that you couldn't believe it is capable of contorting into those expressions of pleasure that you saw earlier.
You accept his hand and let him pull you onto him while he says "How can I say no when you ask it so nicely."
You smile mischievously and take the opportunity to accompany him, pushing him by the shoulders onto your bed.
Jungkook takes place where you were laying, he sinks into your sheets as he settles in.
You reach him with your legs still shaking and climb up until you're almost sitting on his thighs.
You pick up the condom that you had previously abandoned on the bed next to you, but before you can open it to let him put it on, you can't resist the temptation to put your mouth back on his inviting cock.
You give a provocative lick, spreading your saliva all over the surface you trace and you understand how much he too wants to finally be able to feel you when his hips suddenly move upwards.
You continue to lick slowly for a few moments while you stimulate him a little with your hand.
When you look at him, he's already looking at you and it doesn't surprise you, his mouth is slightly open as he tries to regulate his breathing.
He looks so sexy right now, you can see in his expression the immense heat burning in his irises. The need he feels to possess you.
"Stop teasing me."
His voice is strained and his face speaks clearly: if you continue like this he won't resist much longer, he can't wait to see you jump on his cock.
The mere look in his eyes makes you clench your walls in anticipation and with a little effort you finally get him to wear the condom.
You move to finally be able to position yourself on his erect member and begin to lower yourself. A shiver runs through your limbs, the small tingling you feel as he penetrates you is almost immediately replaced by pleasure.
Jungkook is big, but you're so wet that he can slide inside you with ease.
You support yourself with your hands on his chest as you close your eyes to fully enjoy the sensations you're feeling. You continue to move down until you are completely seated on him. You feel full, his hands resting on your hips and squeezing you lightly.
When you reopen your eyes, you look at him and get lost for an infinite moment in front of what you see.
Jungkook looks at you through eyes half closed in pleasure, he's been looking at you the entire time, as if the scene in front of him is the key to understanding the entire movie.
If memory had any capacity, this moment would take up most of the space in Jungkook's mind for a long time to come.
After a few moments, you feel like you've gotten used to his girth and can finally move up and down.
Despite your legs still shaking from your previous orgasm, you manage to move at an increasing pace.
You moan without caring about the sounds you make, music to Jungkook's ears as he lets you do what you want with him, accompanying your movements with his hands.
You move messily as your legs start losing strength. You alternate your motions by rubbing your clit on him, moaning loudly when you feel your little sensitive nub stimulated like this and the squelching sound of your pussy fills the room. 
Jungkook hastily moves his hands behind your back, pulling at your bra to unclasp it. He doesn't take it off of you completely though, finding it more sexy the way he jumps up and down following your movements. 
"Fuck yes.."
He groans as he watches hypnotized your breasts bouncing out of your bra.
Then he tilts his head back onto your pillow as his arms flex with the motions of your body.
You bounce on his cock the best you can, tracing the side of his throat with your thumb, right above a little red spot you sucked on his skin.
The vision is enchanting.
The sounds he makes, addicting.
You're breathless, the muscles of your legs are burning from the effort but you keep bouncing and humping as you feel you're close to the second orgasm of the night.
"I-I'm clo-"
You're so close to the point of no return but suddenly, your legs are failing you and just like that, you tiredly collapse on his body.
Jungkook is quick to react, grabbing your hips tight enough to support you and adjust his position under you as he starts to thrust up.
Your moans are broken by every thrust as he diligently hammers your pussy up just right.
"You're so hot Y/N. So fucking hot."
He groans softly, pulling you impossibly closer.
You feel strange, like you're burning alive and flying at the same time.
You comfortably lay on his body as you let him lead you to the peak of your pleasure, licking and kissing his neck and ear lobe in the meantime.
"Fuck yes- yes!"
You moan his name as the fire explodes all of a sudden and the extreme pleasure you've built till now, crushes hard on you. And just like that, you feel your legs shake and your head light like a leaf blown by a gentle breeze.
Jungkook's thrusts slow down a little, milking your orgasm slowly till the very end. He only stops when you start whimpering, knowing you're probably super sensitive right now.
He pulls out and you whine to the feeling of emptiness, your walls slightly pulsing as you already miss the sensation of his cock deep inside of you.
"Are you ok?"
He asks you as he tries to stabilize his breathing.
Your body is still glued to his, your breathing is as ragged as his and you let the beating sound of his heart soothe you for a moment longer before you nod.
You slowly get up hissing a little and you look at him.
"Cum on me."
There's no longer space for filters and your brain is so fucked out that it doesn't even care how needy you sound right now. Even after your two orgasms. 
You're craving his touch, his sinful sounds, and you wanna know what it feels like to have his cum on your skin.
He smiles amused, chuckling a little.
"Yeah? And where do you want me to cum?"
His voice is husky and you feel your body reacting to that.
You buck your hips on his cock, blocking it between you and his stomach. 
Are you even sane right now? Did he fuck you out of your own brain?
"On my ass."
Yes, you're totally gone.
You're totally gone for this man.
You watch him as you keep moving on him, you see he swallows a moan as your wet pussy keeps rubbing on his member.
"Aren't you sensitive right now?"
He asks lowly.
"I can handle it."
You sit up, your battered pussy is still recovering from two orgasms but you know you can take it and you just want to show him how badly you still want him inside of you.
He laughs mischievously, looking at your fucked out beautiful face with pride.
"Lie on your belly for me, then."
You willingly obey, throwing your bra out of the way completely and resting your figure on your belly, just as he asked.
You can't see him from this position, you only feel his hand reach for your leg, bending it so that you're able to turn a little to the side.
He now has the possibility to keep looking at your body from this perspective. He has your ass, the side of your breast and your face at his mercy and he can't wait to enjoy your every expression from here.
"Stop me if it's too much."
You feel the weight of his firm body lay on you as he whispers, and when you turn your head to nod you meet his face, dangerously close to yours that you can feel his hot breath caressing you.
You're spread under him, fresh out from the two orgasms he just gave you and totally naked, yet there it is, the look you wanted to avoid earlier, the one you knew would make you feel really, really vulnerable. 
The mixture of his cares, his soft voice and his piercing dark eyes are sending danger signals to your brain as it feeds something deep in your chest.
You try to escape, diverting your eyes from the magnetism of his by nodding.
Jungkook pulls a little away, positioning himself right at your entrance.
You can hear him spit and the next thing you feel is his lubricated cock slowly pushing in.
You never felt like this, never had multiple orgasms and still wanted to fuck. The sensitivity is still there, you feel the heat spreading to your nerves as he slowly but surely bottoms up.
It's only when he starts moving that you feel a peak in your pleasure, like he is able to touch all the right spots at once.
He finds a rhythm, grabbing the flesh of your ass and pulling you to meet his hips.
Your breath is irregular, just like his, and you start pushing your palm on the sheets as every thrust is pushing you up the bed.
Jungkook has a better idea though.
He lets go of your ass completely as he swiftly grabs your arm and blocks it behind your back.
Feeling restrained like this by him causes a moan to escape your throat, followed by another one when he uses your arm as a grip instead of your ass to keep you in place.
"You like that huh"
He says through gritted teeth, the angle allows him to see the profile of your face as he fucks you hard and steady. 
Your sweet innocent face, contorted in pleasure is an ethereal vision to his eyes.
And the fact that it's him causing you to feel this good, makes him feral.
You say yes a couple of times between your moans and heavy breaths.
He speeds up his pace a little more, always cautious of your reactions, not wanting you to feel any discomfort.
But what he hears from you next is what makes his balls tighten dangerously.
"Slap my ass, please-"
Your voice is broken but firm as you say it and something about it makes him go completely insane.
Perhaps the "please" part, or the way in which you're voicing your desire right now, mixed with your sweet moans and submissiveness.
He slaps his free hand onto your buttock hard enough to sting, and listens to the smacking sound and the throaty moan you let out resonate in his ears.
"Oh fuck-"
He lets out, pure ecstasy laced in his raspy voice as he soothes your skin.
His thrusts are becoming sloppier, more erratic, and he's louder than before as he's chasing his own orgasm now.
You're addicted to the sounds he makes during sex, that's clear by now. Every time a throaty moan escapes his lips, you wish you could record it and use it when you'll be alone.
Suddenly, he frees your arm and pulls out. You assume he's taking off the condom as you try to regain some strength to push your hair away and look at him over your shoulder. 
You watch him pumping fast his cock as his free hand strokes the reddened skin of your ass.
His eyes are shut tightly and you keep watching him moan loudly as spurs of his hot cum land on your ass.
He keeps pumping till the last drop then he slaps his cock on your cum covered skin and you've never seen something hotter than what just happened.
When he comes down from his orgasm, he smirks at you, tired and satisfied.
You chuckle softly, covering your face with your arm without even noticing.
“Fuck, that was-”
"Amazing. Yes"
It was, it was indeed amazing.
He finishes your sentence in a small voice as he tries to steady his ragged breathing, still remaining where he is.
You feel his hot seed slowly dripping down your skin and when your breath is stable enough you move to the side of the bed to get up.
“I'm gonna take a quick shower, if you don't mind.”
you say, moving to get to your bathroom.
“Not at all, go ahead.”
When your shower is over and you feel refreshed and relaxed, you return to your room with only a robe covering you, your skin still a little damp under the fabric of the robe.
Surprisingly you find him fully dressed, you sure didn't expect him to stay longer but you at least wanted him to take a shower before leaving.
"Are you sure you don't wanna take a shower too?"
You ask him as you approach.
"Yeah don't worry." you watch him as he brushes his hair out of his face and fixes his clothes.
You remain silent after that, it feels strange and a little heavy.
Should you ask him to stay? 
Will it be awkward from now on? 
Was it a mistake from the beginning?
You don't want him to think you're kind of kicking him out. The unhealthy overthinking starts pestering you and you don't even notice you've walked with him to the door of your apartment.
He gathers his helmet and jacket from the floor and turns to you with a little smile.
"I better go. Don't want Ducky to get jealous."
It makes you laugh lightly and you can't keep yourself from playfully rolling your eyes at him.
It's still him, the Jungkook that loves to tease you and makes silly jokes.
You probably needed this to get back on earth and realize that you should stop overthinking.
"Oh! Of course we don't want that!"
You emphasize and your fake concern makes him chuckle. 
It won't be awkward from now on after all.
You open the door for him and when he comes out he zips up his jacket, ready to leave.
"Let me know when you're going to the shop to get your gear."
He smiles, one of those smiles that make the drums go crazy in your chest.
"I will. Drive safe."
And for a moment you smile at each other, probably knowing that from this exact moment, it won't be easy to keep your hands away from each other.
Tonight marked an important step for you, not only the boost of confidence that you sported, but you can tell with certainty that your past is still bothering you, from time to time, but it doesn't have your present in its claws.
The decisions you made tonight could bring you to another disappointment, to another loss. Especially when this sensation on your chest keeps going off almost as a reminder, telling you 'Hey, in case you didn't notice, I'm right here!'
It will probably pass if you just ignore it…
It will go away as fast as it came… Right?
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fairysluna · 1 year
truly yours.
After finding out about your brother’s betrothal, you realized you might lose him forever, so he finds himself trying to convince you otherwise.
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PAIRING – Aemond Targaryen x Sister!Reader
TAGS – targcest (brother/sister), a bit of angst, fluff at the end, and smut (loss of virginity, p in v, oral sex —female receiving—, fingering, praise.)
AUTHOR’S NOTE – third repost. this is my very first smut in English, so pls consider this before reading bc it might not be perfect lmao. Enjoy!!🤍
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Hearing those words was enough to make you frown. Your eyes instinctively went to Aemond, who was looking down at the floor, trying his best to ignore your haze. He knew that he could not bear your saddened eyes filled with threatening tears that were eager to escape. It hurted you so badly, making you feel a hole in the place where your heart is supposed to be.
You looked down, seeing the tears falling onto your hands, and that is when you decided it was enough. Everyone’s eyes followed you to the exit of the Council Room, but no one even bothered to ask you what was wrong. They kept talking about the war that was yet to come, while planning on selling you and Aemond in order to form alliances that would make all of you victorious.
You were walking towards your room, a guard was following your trail. Small sobs were escaping from your lips when you heard fastened steps approaching you. At first, you did not seem interested in knowing who was getting closer, too busy thinking about your own misery to even care about something else. That was until you heard his voice, a bit agitated due to the fast pace,
“We need to talk,” He said behind you. You and your guard turned at the same time only to find the one-eyed prince looking worryingly at your frame.
His eyes softened once he saw your puffy eyes and wet face. You use your own hand to wipe off the tears that were drying on your cheeks. Then, you lifted your chin in a failed attempt at trying to look less broken.
“I don’t think we need to talk about anything, really.” Your voice sounded weak, Aemond tilted his head, begging for a minute alone with you.
“Leave us.” He ordered the guard beside you, who made a slight bow before walking towards an unknown direction.
“I told you, Aemond.” You sighed, “There’s nothing to talk about. The decision has already been made.” You shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. Trying to pretend you did not care. “Congratulations on your betrothal, brother. I wish you nothing but happiness.”
You turned around in order to keep walking towards your chambers, but his big hand grabbed your wrist and forced you to look at him once again, pinning you against the cobblestone wall behind you and stealing a gasp of surprise from you. You looked up to him again, tears starting to fall down your cheeks.
“Let me go.” You squirmed under his touch.
“No.” He replied, his tone was monotone while his free hand cupped your face. “You’re going to listen.”
You scoffed. “And what do you have to say?” The mixture between sadness and anger was clear in your voice, making Aemond clenched his jaw. “Go on. Let me hear it.”
“I did not wish for this, y/n. I swear it.” He muttered, breathing deeply. “I tried to convince mother about other ways of persuasion, but she refused.”
“How could you?” You pushed him with your free hand, making him totter in his position.
“How could I?”
“How could you do this to me? To me!” You raised your voice, feeling your throat getting tighter with the nod that was forming in it. “You told me you were mine! You told me you loved me!”
“Do you think I was lying?” He spoke harshly.
“You are getting married!”
“Because it is what I have to do. It’s my duty.” He snapped, “Do you really think that if they would’ve let me choose, I wouldn’t have chosen you?” You kept quiet, taking a deep breath to not sob. “It doesn’t matter if I’m married or not, you will always be the only woman I love.”
You shook your head, and he frowned.
“You don’t believe me?” He asked, leaning back a few inches, and loosening his grip on your wrist.
You looked down at the floor and started crying, completely heartbroken. Aemond only managed on holding you between his comforting arms, caressing your hair and whispering sweet words to your ear.
“She is going to bear your children.” You said, shakingly. “She is going to raise them, she is going to give you a family, Aemond.” You held on to his clothes with a firm grip, closing your eyes and breathing his scent. “You will end up loving her more than you have ever loved me. There’s no point in denying that.”
He forced you to look at him, wiping your tears and cupping your face delicately. He touched your lips with his thumb, looking at them for a second before turning back to your eyes. Aemond then pushed his lips against yours, a gesture that felt so soft and fragile, almost as if he was scared of breaking you. A deep breath left your lungs once you felt his touch, tasting the flavor of your salty tears on his lips.
When he stepped back, you followed him with your glistening stare. Looking so enamored by him, so devoted.
“You will always be the only woman I love.” He repeated, in a whisper against your lips.
“Prove it.”
“How?” He asked confused.
“Take my maidenhead.” Aemond widened his eyes, a bit surprised by your suggestion. “You’ve always told me that we should wait until we marry, but now we will not be able to do that.”
“I can’t, my love.”
“There is no point in keep waiting for something that will not happen.”
“I can’t do it.” He looked at you, his haze was soft and his frown a bit wrinkled. “I can’t ruin you.”
“You won’t ruin me. You are the one I trust the most.” You held his hand and squeezed it tight. “I need you to be my first. I need you to prove to me your love.” You begged. “Please, Aemond. I need you.”
He took a step back, setting you free of his grip. You looked at him confused, while he tried to look everywhere but you. Aemond muttered something you could not understand, and then he left. He left you in the middle of the hallway, alone and hurt. You could not do anything but to start sobbing quietly, covering your mouth with your hand so no one would hear you. The hole in your chest soon came back with an excruciating feeling inside you.
Your eyes were still wandering across the hallway, in the same direction where Aemond left. Begging in silence for him to return. But he never did.
A couple hours later, when night fell on King’s Landing, you were brushing your hair in your chambers, already wearing nothing but a thin silky nightgown. You were standing in front of a mirror, in silence. The only thing that was producing a sound was the soft wind moving your curtains and the night birds outside. It was a peaceful night, but you were far from feeling part of that peace.
A knock on your door made you turn around to face it. You did not say anything and still someone entered without your permission. The light of the candles illuminated the tall and thin frame of Aemond, who stood in the entrance of your room while the guard outside closed the door behind him. The two of you stayed in silence, but your breathing was starting to fasten with his mere presence, and the hairbrush on your hand suddenly became the most interesting thing to look at.
“What are you doing here?” You managed to ask.
He did not respond. He just took one step closer to the sofa in front of him, taking off his jacket and staying only with his white shirt. You felt nervousness running up and down your body, not being sure of what his intentions were.
“I asked you something,” You said, this time more loudly and clearly.
Again, he did not answer. He took a couple steps more, getting closer to you. Now he took his shirt off, and that was enough to make you hold your breath. Your legs started to feel unstable once you looked at his naked torso getting closer and closer to you.
“Aemond, what are you doing?” You asked again.
Not a word was said again, and this time he grabbed your face and kissed you. It was different from any other kiss you have ever shared; it was intense, a bit desperate perhaps. Soon, the hairbrush on your hand dropped to the floor, and your hands looked for support on his strong shoulders while he was taking your breath away.
You gasped when his big hands cupped your arse and squeezed it tight. He took advantage of that to sneak his tongue inside your mouth, swirling it against yours. You could feel his sweet taste, and soon you got drunk by it. It was intoxicating, your body was starting to ask more of him, more of his touch.
His hands started to wrinkle your nightgown, pulling it up. He turned you around and his lips started to devour the skin on your neck. You looked up, only to find your reflection in the mirror. Aemond’s hands soon find the strips of your gown, and he pulls them down revealing your breasts. Your eyes fluttered while your cheeks turned red, a bit embarrassed of being fully naked in front of him. You tried to look away from yourself, but Aemond grabbed your jaw and forced you to do so.
“Don’t look away, love.” He whispered against your skin, his soft voice causing tickles on your neck that made you squirm under his touch. “I want you to see how much I love you with your own eyes.”
His hands let the piece of fabric go, now leaving you fully naked in front of him and the mirror. You crossed your legs, and the pressure made you sigh. You felt the coldness hardening your nipples, soon Aemond hands grabbed them; playing with your soft knobs, twisting them between his fingers all while he was sucking on your neck, leaving wet kisses on your skin and sweet words on your ear.
Your eyes were close, so you did not realize the moment when one of his curious hands reached your core, forcing you to stop crossing your legs. You took a deep, shaky breath when you felt his cold fingers wandering between your folds, spreading your slick and feeling how wet you were. He hummed against your skin, making you shiver and lose your mind.
Two of his fingers found your clit, and he did not wait to start rubbing them against it. Your eyes opened from the impression of the new sensation and you moaned a bit too loud. Aemond smiled at himself, looking through the mirror how you would arch your back, rubbing your arse against his growing length, all by his mere touch.
“Aemond…” You find yourself moaning his name, desperate to feel more about him. “Please.”
He hummed in response, smirking at you. “What do you want?” He said, softly.
But you did not know the answer to that. Your body was aching for something unbeknownst for you.
“I need you.” The words came out by themselves, you did not even think about them before saying. It was as if your body was talking without your mind’s consent.
One of his fingers teased your slit, going back and forward from your clit to your entrance. You opened your mouth gasping for air. He started to slowly push his long finger inside you, making you moan loudly, too loudly perhaps. He growled once he felt your warmth around his digits, dreaming about how you would feel around his cock.
“Mhm…” He moaned while moving his finger slowly, in and out, feeling you already clenching. “You take me so well, my love.”
Your eyes looked at the mirror and focused on his hands, one was grabbing your breast, playing and pinching your nipple, while the other was moving fastly inside you. The obscene sound of your juices coating his fingers was making you even more wet, the sound of his humming and his praise was sending you over the edge, but it wasn’t until he put another finger inside you that you felt your stomach tightening, and your walls started to clenched around him.
“I feel how close you are.” Aemond whispered, looking at your eyes through the mirror and making you feel weak. “Are you going to cum around my fingers?” You nodded desperately, he smirked.
“Aemond, I- please!” You whined, feeling so close to release.
He started to move faster, your thighs were moving along with his hand. His palm was rubbing your swollen clit while his fingers curled inside you, abusing your walls and touching that sweet spot that made you shake. The sudden and overwhelming pleasure washed over your body, forcing you to close your eyes tightly and open your mouth to let go a whimper.
“That’s it, my sweet girl.” He praised you, starting to slow down his movements while you kept moaning softly. “Well done.”
Your legs twitched a little, still affected by your climax. He started kissing your neck.
“Look at you, my love.” Aemond muttered, looking at your body. “Look how beautiful you look right now.”
You managed to see beyond your own pleasure, distinguishing your body. Your eyes were teary, your cheeks were red and your lips swollen. You perceived some reddish marks on your neck. You did look beautiful.
“I love you.” He said, caressing your soft skin with his free hand. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
Aemond pulled out his fingers, which were glistening with your orgasm. You complained due to the absence of him inside, but he did not give too much time before starting to devour your lips again. His tongue now was shamelessly licking your lips, making you open your mouth to receive him. You hummed in response, and he grabbed your tights in order to carry you towards your bed.
You felt his hardened length and unconsciously you started rubbing against him, leaving a wet spot on his pants. Aemond just chuckled at your desperation, so eager for him.
“You want me so bad, do you?”
You nodded, “Yes, Aemond, please.”
“Steps by steps, my love.” He dropped you carefully onto the mattress, watching your body on display so beautifully. Your legs were open, showing him all of you without being ashamed anymore. He clicked his tongue and saw how you were clenching around nothing. “I need to taste you first.”
His words confused you at first, but he kneeled on the floor beside the bed, pulling you by your legs and getting closer to your core. You then understood what he meant, and a hot feeling ran over your body making you feel flustered with everything. He blows on you, making you twitch and whine. He smiled, you were so sensitive already, and you have not even got to the best part yet.
He teases you a bit, getting so close to your core but not touching you yet. You felt his warm breath against your folds, making you whine and move your hips upwards in a desperate attempt to get his touch. He would just lean back, wanting you to wait. He smelled your sweetness, and he looked at you with hungry eyes. He was drooling for you, and once he lost control he could not gain it back.
A big cry escaped from your mouth once he sank himself between your legs, finding glory and paradise in it. His tongue sucked your clit harshly making you close his eyes and grabbed whatever was closer to your reach; his head. Your grip was firm, but not enough to pull his silver hair, you were still being careful, not wanting to hurt him.
Soon you turned into a moaning mess, moving your hips against his face. His nose was pressed on your clit, while his tongue was going in and out of your entrance. You could not even think about anything in that moment, just in the pleaser that he was giving you.
“Fuck, Aemond!” You said, feeling so overstimulated already. Feeling a hundred sensations already making you insane. You never thought it would feel this good.
He stepped away, clicking his tongue and savoring your flavor in his mouth. He softly smiles after seeing what he has done so far, noticing how your chest would move fast and how warm your skin felt. He stood up, and he finally put down his pants, releasing his hardened cock. You saw how glistening and red was the head, already dripping. His size was making you drool, you had to bite your lip to not moan over the view.
He hovered over you, covering you entirely with his body, and you felt his tip smacking against your belly. Then, he kissed you once more, holding your legs on each side of his hips and positioning himself between them. You felt your own taste on his tongue, it was sweet.
“You asked me to do this,” He said, holding his weight with his arms. “But I need to be sure this is truly what you desire.”
Your eyes flustered, and the only thing that you managed to do was take the eye patch off of his face. Immediately, Aemond looked down, now he was embarrassed of being seen without it, but you were quick enough to grab his chin and looked at his eye. The haze that you gave him, filled with love and adoration, made him feel odd but good.
“Please, my love. I want me to be truly yours.” You said. “And I want you to be truly mine.”
Aemond sighed out of love, and he grabbed both of your hands with one of his, while the other made his tip rub against your folds. You gasped at the sensation, but you cried out once he started to make his way inside you. It was painful, but luckily he was slow, taking his time and getting you used to his size.
“Oh, gods.” You moaned, leaning your head back and twitching your hips.
“Sh, sh.” He said, “It’ll pass, my love. You’re taking me so well.”
You bite your lip, feeling him getting deeper and deeper, stretching you out. He groaned, feeling you so tight around him, giving such a delicious pleasure. He had to held back multiple times.
With one single thrust he was completely inside you. You gasped when you finally felt him fully, he stayed still, not wanting to move yet no matter how hard his body was asking him to do it. Aemond took his hand and moved it down your body until reaching your abused clit. You hissed when he started to play with it, twirling his fingers around him. He moaned softly once you squeezed him.
“Please…” You cried, your eyes already tearing up. “Please, please. Move.”
He obeyed you, not being able to resist your whiny pleas. He moved slowly, in and out at a tortuous pace that was driving you both mad. The pain was still there, that pinching uncomfort that made hissed on more than one occasion, but the stimulation on your clit was enough to make it bearable.
“Fuck, love. You feel so good.” He whimpered against your lips before kissing you slowly but passionately.
You started to moan on his lips once his thrust became harder. Your breasts started moving along with the movements of his hips, and you both became drunk in pleasure.
Soon the whole room was filled with your moans. Aemond was touching you like a starved man, kissing you and licking you all over your body. He was claiming you as his, as it has always been. You just let yourself go with all the lust your body was receiving, every thrust was numbing your mind and weakening your senses. You were now so gone in your own pleasure that it was difficult to even pronounce his name.
His lips took your nipple and your eyes closed. He kept fucking you, every thrust became harder than the prior, he was started to get loud and you were enjoying those sweet sound. Now only you get to hear them, to drool over them.
“I’m always going to be yours.” He spoke, his voice so much deeper and lower than usual. You almost cum right there on the spot after hearing him. “Always.”
He took your legs and put them on his shoulders, and now you were starting to get louder. He was hitting that sweet spot that made your back arch and your eyes roll back. The bed was shrieking under your bodies, but you were completely gone to even hear beyond your own moans. Aemond was mesmerized looking down at you, and he could not wait any longer without filling you up.
“Come on, my sweet girl.” He said, “Don’t you want to cum?”
“Yes, yes, yes. Please!” You whined, breathing louder and faster. You soon started to feel your stomach tightening, you started to clench around his twitching cock. Already familiarized with the feeling, you knew you were about to cum. “Fuck- Aemond, please.”
“Go on. Cum.” Aemond commanded, putting his hand around her throat and squeezing it just a bit. “Make a mess on my cock.”
His filthy words stimulated you enough to reach your climax and cry out his name. Aemond hissed at the sight of your release wetting his abdomen, gawking over the sight.
“Just right there, love.” He moaned, “You are doing it so well.”
Tears start to stream down your face over the stimulation of his thrusts. He was searching for his own release now, so his hips started to move faster and harder, until he finally filled you up with his cum. You twitched due to the sensation, feeling oddly good and relaxed, while Aemond kept moving, trying to keep his seed deep buried inside you.
He hummed once he pulled out, and he laid on your side, holding you tight and kissing your cheek while trying to calm down. There was a moment of silence, and then he spoke,
“Don’t you ever put in doubt how much I love you.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, “I’m just afraid of losing you. I can’t make it without you, we both know it.”
“That’s why we must always be together.” Aemond covered your bodies with a thin sheet, “And that’s why I won’t marry the Baratheon girl.”
You looked at him over your shoulder, surprised and confused. He only chuckled at your reaction and kissed the corner of your lip.
“We will find other ways to make allies.” He assured you. “But a betrothal is not an option, I’m already betrothed.”
Once again, you frowned, confused, so you asked. “To whom?”
He kisses you softly, it was a big contrast of what you have done prior to that kiss, but it felt so comforting and nice. It was a gesture filled with love and adoration towards each other. When you parted, he looked at your eyes and said,
“To you, of course.”
GENERAL TAG LIST – @borikenlove @aemondsversion @jvpit3rs @watercolorskyy @kravitzwhore @valeskafics @clairacassidy @aemondx @randomdragonfires @theminesofmoria @gothtargaryen
AEMOND TAG LIST – @hb8301 @lovelykhaleesiii @ganymede-princess @xfancyuu @megatardisbaby
865 notes · View notes
shuamorollss · 11 months
unfortunate unexpectations — l.hs x f!reader
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In an everyday attempt to avoid the man you eternally loath. Of course, the universe isn't always by your side as you accidentally reach a dead end, with no other choice but to dance with him.
romcom, regency era, enemies2lovers, just cute bickering warnings— not proofread, first time writing this kind of trope pls bear with me. 2.6k wc + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
author's note— I'm back again with another piece ( I'll disappear for a few months after this)! I wrote this exactly on Hee's bday but I only decided to post it now since i didn't really feel satisfied with this when i finished this a few days ago :/ i still don't so I may delete this when I'm in the mood to make changes ^_^ BUT HERE IT IS!! Happy belated birthday to my hubby wubby @Heeseung 😅❤️❤️
perm tags— @jangwonie @jungwonize @luhvlyuna @w3bqrl @ineedaherosavemeenow @leaderwon
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"Would you be so kind and get that for me?"
Oh how annoying. You thought, gently tricking your finger up to block your ears and releasing in an instant, wanting the bothering itchiness to fade. His arms stretched beside you reaching to the the man holding a tray with glasses of wine.
Oh how you knew he did it intentionally.
Heeseung's boldness to give you an order was extraordinary, baffling even. You were not in a higher position than him, and he wasn't much higher than you, though he was just there, and heeseung didn't want to play the "he was just there" role in your life. He always feels the need to spite you at any given time, similar to a cricket making noises while you attempt to sleep.
Though much to his dismay, you certainly do show his own place as just a nobody in your existence; to which he never seems to catch the hint of your unintrestment.
Or he might do, only walking in and out of your life in terms of spitting utter nonsense to your peace.
Honestly, it did work. It made you fume and it certainly made you want to do more than just give out the usual glare and other threatening expressions to the other.
You turn around with utter confidence, meeting the man's eyes unbothered. Your eyes observed his structure, his unfortunately dashing attire, and his pretentious face.
As you check out the details of his sleeves, your eyes darted to Heeseung's exact shift of expression, smirking.
It was certainly expected, yet so mind flaming. You'd rather just explode right then and there than to keep up with whatever he wants to pull to you.
"You know, if a lady looks at someone from head to toe for too long it must mean that they yearn for that someone." He lets out a prideful scoff, eyes mockingly going through you as he sips from the wine glass.
Disbelief in what you heard, you halted your eyes from any further notice. Proceeding to roll your eyes at the man who had unknowingly tinted your cheeks red.
"Don't be silly, I was looking at your outfit. Actually baffling but not surprising for you to wear something so… Eye-vomiting." you spit. Twirling against his view and proceeding to waltz away from his standing figure, not setting a single glance at the man behind you. A fuming smoke sets up your chest at the realization of what you had just done to that awful of a man.
You explore more of the manor by yourself, enthralled by every piece of art plastered on the clean walls. You found an inner piece at the volume of the hallway, no noble bands performing and people crowding the room as they tap their feets and hearts out, it is truly a wonder to feel.
"Lady Y/N!"
Of course, every pinch of euphoria has their cut to its end, as one of your acquaintances calls you out.
"Oh, Lady… Lily? Was it?" You asked softly and loudly, as the woman clicked her heels towards you.
The girl smiles, "Oh yes! Though please, just call me Li."
"Alright, Lady Li."
For moments to what felt like hours, chit-chatting with Lady Li as you both walk around the manor corridors. The both of you had now reached your very destination which was the party itself that you so desperately want to be separated with.
You timidly smile at the girl beside you, eyes widened agitatedly at the crowd. "Uhm, Lady Li," The other nodded, her eyes also seemed to be searching through the sea of nobles.
"Why did we decide to return to this room?"
Lily simpers her smile as her eyes turn fixated on one figure, "There he is!— Thank you so much Lady Y/N for keeping me company through the manor." She gives you thanks, walking away with delight eventually linking arms with a man who Lady Li might have been searching for. great.
Another woman infested with men's validation, how unfortunate.
Your eyebrows furrow as you stare at the couple in disbelief, letting out a brief sigh at the thought of almost every woman here might be just like that.
"Feeling all bitter now, are we Lady Y/N?", you trembled at the sensation of his teasing breath tickling your ear.
"What on— oh... it's you again."
"The one and only." Heeseung lets out a ridiculous triumphant smile, the smile that makes you feel itchy in all aspects of your body, it was extremely bothersome reaching to the point you would rip your hair out to the unspeakable rage you feel for the male.
"Don't make that face now, a real lady doesn't do that, well— that is, if you are even a lady." He chuckled, always digging deeper into your little actions in an attempt to reach you to the edge. How delightful.
"Your words remind me so much of my younger brother's pitiful counters." You face the opposite once more, your heartbeat slowing down at each step you take far from Heeseung, hoping to have a similar instance from earlier to happen once more.
Unfortunately, the things one desires don't really happen twice. As you hear the footsteps of the man through the crowded noise, the only shattered expectation you wish did not.
"Oh so I remind you of your family now? How thoughtful." His smirk added to his audacious response that could be sensed at such a distance you didn't even know was possible without even taking another look.
"It means you're just as annoying as my brother, don't take it as a compliment."
"I presume older sisters still love their annoying brothers nevertheless, so that must mean you secretly feel that way for me too if I remind you so much of your annoying brother."
"Oh how great, you can go stay in your own personal pride zone Mr. Lee, though that zone, will tell you to cut it out very soon."
"I doubt that, I think I can sense what's true and not true."
"Being ever so ethical now, aren't you?"
"You know what they say… I am that of a gentleman."
"Well so ethical now anymore, 'cause, you see… you claim to be a gentleman which in fact is ridiculously wrong, no, you're not a gentleman."
"Okay lady, I figured that was a mouthful to sneer."
Your eyes widened, subconsciously sighing aggravatingly, utterly lost of the others' words. "Please don't follow me."
"I'm not following you."
"You are? Don't make me feel stupid."
"I don't think I'm doing that."
You continued to walk further and further, you don't know where, it could be just anywhere to be out of this man's grasp.
not even reaching an uncomfortable minute of making your way, Heeseung finally made it way up to you for god-know-what reason.
Only a few more threads left to untangle until you implode, besides showing this man what you're capable of doing, you weren't about to do anything in front of hundreds of people.
You swiftly turn to face the man following, "Look Mr. Lee, don't even attempt to come and step closer—" the hissy grin never ever fading from his look. Before you snap even further, you raise your head as the lights suddenly turn dim, the current music start to tone down as the band plays a new mellow romance.
The both of you faced your worries, silently questioning the sudden change of atmosphere.
"Now, it is time for the party where the gentleman… dances with the first lady they set their eyes on, Amuse-toi bien!"
His eyes were on you, and yours on him. Slowly developing the idea you most certainly would refuse to believe.
"No." You shook your head promptly with no hesitation.
"No, don't even"
"No. Not ever. Never in my life. Never in a millennia. You can serve the mediocrity of mediocrity— I am not even paying attention to what I'm saying, but just so you know, I am not dancing with you."
You groaned continuously at his spews, this chit chatter going nowhere at all. Heeseung was also growing exhausted of your opposed responses. Hearing your never ending hatred for him is never known to him, although being in this position during an all rounded dance segment, he was not about to embarrass himself in front of such nobilities.
"Y/N just—" His hand abruptly slid up your waist sending your internal nerves through every stage of shockwaves.
"What are you—" Your words began to halt from his tightened grip, slowly putting power on pulling you closer… and closer… too close to say the least.
"Just this once, we don't want to leave a bad impression at a party we're just mere visitors at." His breath fanned your neck and sent shivers down your spine. Truly a feeling between his embrace that you have never felt before.
Too much of a guilt to even feel, considering this is the man you swore your whole life to loath yet here you are. No other way of escape out of this man's grasp, other than to spend a minute and more with him following the melodious rhythm serenading within the whole room.
"Fine. This doesn't change the fact that I want to scar my name on your face."
"How romantic." His lips curved sarcastically, eyes shifts into pure mockery as it lays on you. You couldn't say if you were teased by his softly menacing gaze or comforted by it. Eitherway, you couldn't register the right words.
"Besides," Heeseung continues, eyes darting away from yours, looking elsewhere within the ballroom, suddenly a light flashes your vision, snapping you back to your current position, right in front of Lee Heeseung.
"I don't even think we could get away from this anyway, we're literally in the middle of the dance floor." His head shifts in every direction to deem his assumption correct, which you mirrored.
It's true, the both of your are really in the middle of the ballroom.
You felt blockage on your throat, as if your vocal chords refused to spit words out of your mouth. The close proximity between you and Heeseung felt extremely new, you wanted to escape it so quickly yet, quite in a state of culture shock of his careful and kind demeanor as his every step to the rhythm of the music are seemingly careful not to make a mistake or you could say in other words, step on you.
The distance soothes, your hands still intact as the both of you walk in circles. His gaze locked onto you as if a man had seen the beauty of the moon for the very first time. He was allured, not only to the sight of your eyes but also your entire attire.
Who was he kidding? He was making fun of how you looked earlier, or was it you who taunted his? Even he couldn't remember. What is this contact causing him?
His eyes followed the direction of your eyes shifting all the way to your linked hands rising, following the rhythm and everyone else's. Only then Heeseung was able to return to his composure.
Being quiet with you didn't exactly make him feel like himself. It's indeed a peculiar case, his eyes fixated on your focused figure attempting for a thought, any words, any attacks, frankly quite anything.
"I feel conceived Lady Y/N," He started, your eyes now transferring to the man.
"Did you walk all the way here on purpose just to lure me in this dance?" He smirks, deeply hoping he did not look ridiculous in your eyes, which in fact, he did look ridiculous to you, though in basic sense, he always does.
You scoffed, "Don't be such a crude, I was walking away from you, or if you didn't understand that, I was escaping you. however, you followed me. If anything, you expected this dance to happen beforehand." You sneered at your words, feeling vastly proud of regaining the upper hand.
"Now now, shifting the blame onto me?" He jokingly asked, swaying forward and backward, then continuing to circle in unison.
"Well, I couldn't be wrong." Your raised your brows at the man, receiving a tuneful chuckle.
"You're ever so ethical now aren't you?"
you scoffed, "Touché."
After a few warm-hearted rhythms, the distance slowly basking in, his hand starts to tenderly slide from your hand up to your shoulder. Now facing your back at a dangerously close proximity. The way his fingertips barely made contact onto your skin yet it still tickled, sending you into unreasonable wonders.
Lee Heeseung? Sending you to unreasonable wonders?
"What if I tell you that I really expected this dance to happen and followed you to be able to have this dance with you?" he breathes out.
Your mind stood place, frozen. It couldn't function solely because of those words.
You knew this was his tactic of his obvious teasing yet... that had sent your heart into places you did not expect for it to reach. Your breathing abruptly stopping at every emphasis you place into his words.
It wasn't any different for the man, he was hellishly anxious.
The way his hand stood still on your shoulder, then slowly sliding it down to your hand the same thing he had done at the start. He felt crazy, he couldn't grasp the feeling whether he's disgusted at this contact or was it, satisfactory?
Heeseung's breath unawaringly hitched in unison to yours.
The high-rising tension the both of you are desperate to escape yet… would embrace it more long.
As Heeseung's hand reached your hand, the distance once more soothes, or did soothe for you? Did it to him?
One spin had the same closeness return, now you two are entirely facing each other.
How did this moment feel too slow? normally the dance routine did not walk this type of pace before, usually it happens quickly before the music finally comes to its end.
The silence echoed immediately through the other's ears, having the slight worry of gkving you discomfort.
Worried? Heeseung, really?
Heeseung lets himself battle his own internal conflicts as the outer silence continued. You were in a desperate measure of developing a genius idea for a comeback yet none came into mind. The unexplained whimsical threw you off, the fact this man had to send you in this type of frenzy was never in your lists of expectations.
Yet now, at this very moment, changed your very view on your surroundings.
All because of this very man you swore to loath ever since his eyes laid on you.
One last twirl to the maiden as the band's instruments faded into the void, completing the romantic waltz.
As everyone in the middle applauded their elegant and coordinated routine just now, both you and heeseung processed your breathledd tension just earlier.
Finally having all the words reached the right parts of your brain, finally having control of your conscious, your hatred to the man came back with it.
"Aww, you really do feel deep adoration for me, Lee Heeseung." you politely curtsied. contrasting to the tone of your voice, as you reply to the man's words from a few minutes back.
Heeseung lets out a chuckle, "You know what? Maybe I do have a thing for such abominations."
"Haha. Aren't you a clever guy." You gave him a wide infuriating smile, as you turn around walking away from his presence, now leaving the man at the middle of the dance floor.
It was a peculiar state for you. You swore you completely lie instense hatred for the man, yet now you're smiling at his mere words that usually drives you to banging your head on the wall, sometimes the urge to bang his head on the wall.
Yet what happened just earlier felt, extremely out of place, something you couldn't quite explain for the time being.
You were conflicted about being bothered by it.
How it bothered your feelings, bothered you deeply.
A memory that surely the both of you would engrave in later lifetime.
"Wow, she called me clever."
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© seungiepup. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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thecynthh · 9 months
whipped cream - C.S
synopsis - y/n wants to give chris a good christmas present for working so hard this december.
notes - SMUT, food play, tied up, roughish..? dom!chris, 1849 words
a/n - MY FIRST SMUT PLS BE NICE ALSO I KNOW THIS IS LATE FOR CHRISTMAS BUT YALLS DESERVE A CHRIS FIC INSTEAD OF KEEPING THE MATT SHIT COMING (also i’m a virgin and has never kissed anyone and it’s been 18 years so don’t judge if anythings like wrong :P)
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i sat down on the kitchen table wearing nothing but a santa hat and a lovely red lingerie set. this year for chris's gift i was going to let him play with me a little and try something new.
i was gunna let him do whatever we wanted to me, so to get him started i sat down on the large rectangle dining table in the house he shared with his brothers. luckily they agreed to staying out of the house for a couple of hours while i "wrap presents" for all of them.
in reality chris was going to have as much fun as he would like with me. i toy with the cap of the fresh whipped cream can i've bought for this occasion opening it up and squirting some into my mouth.
chrissy 🦌
i'm heading home soon, can't wait to see you y/n/n
y/n/n 💞
please get home soon
*sent picture*
mamas u can’t do that to me i'm still on the road
the lock jingles and a tall, slender man walks through the door. "immmmmm homeeee" i hear chris call out.
"i'm in here babes!" i say putting down my phone after scrolling on his instagram for a bit after messaging him.
“woah-“ chris has seen me naked multiple times but he stopped in his tracks when his eyes met my body, they then trail down to the multitude of gumdrops, gummy bears as well as the can of whipped cream that lay idol next to me.
“i thought it would be nice to surprise you with a night that’s all about you. i know how hard you’ve been working on youtube and it’s only fair that i get you a good christmas present.” i saw swinging my legs underneath the table. he drops his keys and walks over to fit between my legs, pressing his growing hard on onto me. my santa hat falls behind me when he attacks me with his lips.
our lips connect with need and lust, his hand slides towards my scalp from my cheek while his long fingers grasp at my hair pulling his face away from mine.
“i think this is the best gift i could've gotten this year.” i simply reply by moaning lost without his lips on mine anymore. chris wraps my legs around him while my arm collects the sweets and whipped cream, he goes ahead on sucking on my neck while he guides us both to his bedroom.
i land onto his bed with a plop, removing the cap from the whipped cream and squirting a bit into my mouth while chris comes down and opens his mouth to get some too. swallowing the frothy cream chris rips his shirt off attempting to match my amount of bare skin, i see the stretchy waistband barely peeking out of his pants making the man in front of me even more appealing.
he comes back to the bed after stripping coming face to face with me again and begins to speak “hey mamas? can we maybe try something please?” i nod in reply. before i could reply he unclasped my bra and slid it off of me letting my breasts bounce freely.
my hand caresses his cheek, “i trust you, forever and always.” he copies me and nods in reply before he reaches in the top drawer of his dresser and pulls out a couple of bandanas. he holds one in his mouth and scoops me up putting me closer to the edge of his bed near the pole of his bed frame. straddling me he ties my hands to the bed frame with one of the bandannas and wraps one around my head covering my eyes.
“oohh i like this,” i say rubbing my thighs together feeling the slickness of my juices spilling out of me.
chris’ pov
the girl below me is absolutely stunning, i know exactly what i want from her. “okay, this might be a little cold, don't be scared.” i squirt a little bit of the cream onto her bare right nipple, she squirms a bit underneath the cold slightly arching her back. it compensate for the uncomfortable sensation i rub her clothed clit causing a moan to fall out of her mouth.
i copy what i did to her right nipple to the left, leaving two mounds of whipped cream on top of her nipples, i smile at my accomplishment. “mmh chris,” she says layed down pushing her hips into my hand trying gain any type of friction.
i become swift with the rest of the whipped cream that i wanted to paint her body with. i draw a small C and S with the cream on her stomach enclosing it with a heart, i admire my work and add two gumdrops as an addition to the mound of cream on her boob to represent her nipple.
i remove my hand that was simultaneously circling on her clit and replace it with my tongue, i taste the material of cloth that’s the only barrier between my girl and i.
she opens her mouth wide to moan in response to the contact to her pussy. seeing this, I take the opportunity to put more whipped cream in her mouth and drop a layer of gummy bears in her mouth. her moans are muffled and she refuses to close her mouth keeping the cream in the same place as i put it down in. i pull my mouth away from her and look to my right.
i pick up the polaroid camera and my phone from the bedside table, first snapping a picture on the polaroid camera from an upwards angle showing off the wet spot on her clothes pussy and my work of art on her body. whipped cream filled her mouth and the bandanna still covered her eyes. i pull out the single film from the top of the camera and leave it on the bedside table.
my phone flashes and snaps as i take more pictures from separate angles taken in the scene i’ve made infront of me. once i’m finished i say “okay ma, you did such a good job. you ready to feel good?” a needy groan comes from her mouth.
i come over to her face and lick out all of the gummy bears and most of the cream that decorate her mouth, chewing and swallowing before i go back in. instead of taking out the cream i let it dissolve between our mouths as we kiss and i explore her mouth.
i pull back from her mouth and leave a trail of kisses down to her left boob. i lick around it, taking my time before heading straight into the pile of cream, she shrieks out of the sudden pleasure and arches her back pushing more of her breast into my mouth, i groan at the sudden choking feeling in my mouth.
i pull back and leave her boob with a pop, i move quickly to the other side of her chest giving the second one as much attention as the first. “uhhhhg chris, fuccckk” she’s whimpering and moaning while i touch her.
moving to her stomach i lick the sweet cream off leaving a trail of my drool on her still. i finally give her pussy the well deserved recognition and attention after finishing the letters i drew on to her.
i give it one more kiss before pulling down her panties, a string over arousal connects the fabric and her pussy. i spend no time connecting my mouth to her clit, sucking and licking. i put my fingers to good use and began to tease her dripping hole.
“please chris..” y/n sounds so good when she’s begging for me.
without warning her i plunge my fingers into her hole and start to work my way in and out, fast. the sound of her moaning my name and my fingers slide in and out of her echo through my heart. “i-i’m close please don’t stop,” i listen to her and give her clit a small smack with my other hand causing her to squirt on my fingers and face.
“holy fuck chris,” she says panting attempting to catch her breath. “can i please be untied and take off the blindfold i need to see you.” she says between the sweet sound of her erotic noises.
“of course you can, you deserve it after being such a good girl.” i lean back to get off the bed so i can take off my bottoms and untie her. i slide my boxers and sweats down when i stood up and then move back to the bed to untie the bandannas first from her hands then her face, a few tears streamed down the side of her face while she was laying down. i pull her up to face me.
“you think you’re okay for me to keep going?” i saw looking at her with full sincerity.
“mhm, i’m okay” she tells me nodding her head while she does. i collect a few pillows and push her head down to it face first in front of the mirror.
“all fours, ass up. i wanna see you through the mirror while i fuck you.” i say into her ear, she shivers when she hears me.
she obeys my wishes and i line up right behind her, i move my hips burying myself deep into her needy cunt groaning at the contact we both longed for.
i begin to move, sliding myself in and out, “holy shit, chris.” i pick up the pace leaning forward to reach y/n’s hair scrunching it in my hand. i pull her head up so she can see us through the mirror, her mouth is gaping open, making delicious sounds each time i pound into her, again and again.
“fuck y/n! you're so tight!” my other hand finds a place on her hips helping me slide in and out. “keep your eyes open babe, look at me fuck you.” i say in a demanding tone.
her legs begin to shake and her face contorts, she yells “chris!-“ that’s all i hear before her juices come flowing onto my cock. my thrusts get sloppy and my speed slows down a bit while i chase my high. it comes not too long after y/n’s
i push myself deep into her cumming with such force. my head hangs back while i slowly guide myself and her through our highs. i pull out and collapsed beside her, my chest heaving trying to catch my breath. i look over to y/n and she stays still with a fucked out expression on her face with tears stained onto her cheeks.
“are you alright ma?” she gives me a small smile and nods. “that was the best present ever, thank you.”
“of course, i’m glad you enjoyed it. now let’s go shower and go to bed, if i can even stand.” she chuckles at the reality of things.
“i’m sorry,” i say kissing her forehead and help her get up and head to the bathroom.
a/n - this is prolly shit 🫣
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missinghan · 8 months
falling asleep in a time machine ⤖ bang chan
❖ genre : mafia au; fluffy angst; hurt/comfort; female reader insert
❖ word count : 6,9k.
❖ warning : swearing, implied major character death, mention of arson, depictions of vomiting, killing, blood, death, can be brutal (!!!), delusional happy ending. 
❖ summary : four times you try to go back in time and save chan; or alternatively, you keep dreaming about chan to see if there is a way to undo his death when in reality there isn’t — from the world of illicit & priceless.
❖ author’s note : just finished my first term of uni (like actually the first term ever) and I’m so dead inside so here’s a silly little something. I can’t use pts anymore so pls bear with the banner *cries and dusts off this old blog* also I try to explain here why Chan was so attached and pissed off when mc stole his mother’s ring even though it’s accidental.
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first attempt —
There are three missions that have altered the course of your and Chan’s relationship.
The first mission goes back to when you were still going on heists and Ryujin had foolishly put a piece of Chan’s mother’s sentiments into your pocket. Neither you nor Chan have come to know or like each other much before it.
The second one is the mansion with a bomb planted in the basement and Chan got locked inside a conference room with a three-layered door, one of them made from the same metal as the fucking Titanic. The third mission involves a casino where the Germans and Italians came together to push Chan toward a dead-end they had cultivated for the Devil himself, to his ultimate demise. They are all too arrogant to admit that Chan will take over the entirety of the East Asian market before any of them can start rolling in their graves.
Three missions of importance and not long after that, you and Chan have agreed to never go on a mission without each other. An unwritten contract. An unspoken promise. Nothing that the mafia engages in is legal so everything runs on trust, on how much faith you are willing to give those who you keep close.
However, there is a fourth mission that the Underworld records will fail to keep because even only a minuscule part of the Bang family is informed about this—how their precious heir has been summoned to bring home the girl he loves.
“Would you do laundry and taxes with me?”
“That’s an odd way to propose to someone, Y/N. And please, you’re asking an obvious question.” Chan looks up at you from his book. His smile is gentle, soft at the corners with his dimples sinking in—it’s how you know that he means it—the way it usually is these days. The way it has been for the past year. It is almost obscure, you think, how you both would have wanted each other’s head on a stick a year ago before one of you managed to make the other person cry out of gratitude.
You lift the book away from his face, glimpsing at the cover. Because Chan is an absolute heathen, he has been reading No Longer Human and you’re being annoying about it because he hasn’t come out to train with you for two days already. “Are you telling me you’ll say ‘no’?”
“We’re already doing laundry and taxes together. We will just have matching rings and a signed piece of paper,” Chan gives you a pointed look; he always looks so serious whenever he wants to correct you as if your sarcasm is that dry. “So it naturally implies as a ‘yes’, idiot,” he nags, even though he doesn’t mean the last part.
“Oh how you wound me, love,” you bite back, even though you don’t mean it either. “Chan, come on. You’re locking yourself up in a prison.”
Chan lets out a long, heavy sigh as if he’s insulted that you have just called his room a prison—which you never verbally hinted at, he simply interpreted it that way. He reaches over to grab the book from your hand, seemingly giving up his reading time for you, and places it on his bedside. 
“What are you–” You watch as Chan walks over to one of his mahogany drawers. “-doing?”
“I need caffeine to talk to you.”
Despite your bristling, he stays true to his words and finds himself a mug, a tea bag, along with a boiler. By the time Chan finishes filling up the boiler with water and turns on the heating switch, your legs are dangling over the edge of his bed as you puff up like a cat, baffled and offended. 
“So,” Chan inquires, a steaming mug of tea in his hand. “What’s up?”
“I find your current state distressing to look at,” you elaborate with glee, a glint coming into your eyes that Chan knows you’re up to no good. “Take a week off with me. We can go anywhere you want, it’ll be a short getaway, just the two of us.”
Chan’s back is turned toward you because he’s too busy searching for a spoon but you can boldly assume that he’s smiling. It’s hinted in his tone when he asks, “You mean a vacation?”
“Brilliant interpretation, Chan,” you smile wryly. “Of course, I meant a vacation!”
“No, you can go have fun by yourself. You have my permission,” he shakes his head. “I have things to attend to. Meetings, banquets, important business transactions. You know how boring the mafia lifestyle is.”
You still, voice low and suppressed in something Chan can’t seem to grasp at. “You’re going back to your family.” It’s barely a movement, a small enough action. Any passerby would think that you have only faltered a little but Chan has observed you for a good while now to notice you’re holding your shoulders back from trembling. 
“I am going back to my family,” he repeats calmly. “Only for a week, though. It’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“Chan, I know they want to see me.”
Chan tries not to let anything show on his face. “And they may very well kill you because that is what they are. Godawful, egoistic, and incapable of compassion.”
“Let me go with you, I—” you begin, though you cut yourself off almost instantly. The room is suddenly steeped in silence, unwieldy at the absence of your words. Every noise seems amplified in the quiet: the boys’ chatters echoing dully from the living room, the ticking hands of the clock, and every breath you take to calm the anxiety in your rib cage.
I do not fear death, sickness, or anyone’s hatred. What I fear most is losing you, Chan. It’s all so beyond you because a year ago, you were a thief, taking things as you please and sending them away when they’re no longer of use for your benefit. Now there is someone who you will live for and his kiss you will kill for, his laugh you will die for.
“Chan, do you have any idea what I would turn into if you left me?” You have always worried loudly, from the volume of your attentiveness and the anxiety beneath your skin all lie in the tender manner of how you love Chan—the same goes for him, that you can be certain of.
“I will never leave you, Y/N. We will be okay,” he assures you, unbearably calm.
Chan is a liar. 
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second attempt —
Chan is supposed to go back to the Bang family’s estate with Yuriko for the New Year. Yuriko is the housekeeper whom he has retired for about a year ever since you came into the picture. The boys, especially Jisung, have been forced into keeping their surroundings clean because, for some wicked reason, they think you are absolutely terrifying when you’re upset about their muddy shoes dirtying the floor after a mission. Yuriko always giggles at that, her Young Master surely knows how to pick a partner. 
“I’ve got word that your father wants you to back to the estate, Young Master,” Yuriko tells Chan when she finds you and Chan in the archive because you have insisted on reading about something you won’t say a word to him. Surely, Chan recognizes what you’re searching for but he doesn’t mention it. 
“He said he wanted to make sure you are ready to take over his position. And there is a dinner he wants your attendance for,” Yuriko continues, hands clasped behind her back. You didn’t even realize when she stepped in and approached Chan—for a mere housekeeper to be so swift and quiet with her movements, you have long guessed that she’s not just any old woman to be hired by the Bang family.
The way Chan stiffens in his seat is telling all on its own. You are suddenly struck with the recurring memory of how Minho used to babble about how much of an ass Chan’s family is when he has had one too many drinks. “You don’t know how bigshot mafia families treat their children, do you? They kept the world from knowing for a reason. I’m surprised Chan didn’t turn out to be a monster like them.”
“Forgive me, Yuriko, but you can tell the old man to suck it up,” Chan says softly but his voice is dark, tense, riddled with a sharpness you haven’t heard from him in a long time—you were threatened just the same way when you had stolen his mother’s ring. Now you realize Chan only ever speaks so heartlessly if something precious to him is hanging on the verge of being taken away. 
“Young Master,” Yuriko frowns for two reasons; firstly, Chan has never been able to decline his blood family of anything and secondly, there isn’t much that she can do to solve the problem at hand. She’s a mere servant for the Bang family; she doesn’t have much power to begin with and therefore, she can’t exactly tell them ‘no’. 
“No, you can’t make me,” Chan grits because he knows, he understands it all too well. Unsaid words of all the things money can buy hang in the air like bile. 
“Young Master Christopher, you must know what happens if you defy your father.” And there goes Yuriko’s final warning along with Chan dashing out of the archive, straight through the hallway and the front door of the mansion, completely vanishing in the white curtain of December snow.
Yuriko murmurs something under her breath, unintended for you to hear her. You continue staring forward, the file in your hands completely forgotten. “He can come home with me,” you say without actually thinking about it until she turns to stare at you, expressionless before breaking into a fit of giggles.
“I think Young Master would like that.”
With that, you set off to find Chan.
“No one will love you unconditionally like we do.” “You belong to us, so do as we say.” “Work to kill, kill or you’ll die. You were born to kill, it’s a gift that not everyone receives.” “The world will bow before you and sway the way you want it but you’ll have to-”
“I don’t want any of that,” Chan hisses but the voices keep coming back louder, harsher, with more bite than he has ever heard from them. “None of you ever gave me anything that matters! You just can’t admit that you made me a murderer!!” 
The snow around him sinks with each step he takes, their words still echoing in his mind and sending shivers down his spine, driven so deeply inside his skull that he wishes he could have nothing of this reality. “Be mindful of yourself. Control it.” “Your fangs and claws are too sharp for you to be swinging just at anyone,” he hears them again
His nose burns in the cold but Chan doesn’t notice something warm and wet trickle down his cheekbones. “You never cared about restraint. You said I must kill or I would die. You all just want to possess me, you want me not as an heir but as a commodity!!”
“It’s how we’ve been running this family. It’s how we keep things in order. You’re one of us, Christopher, you are this family.”
With a huff, Chan eventually gives in and listens because he has no other choice but to; he slides down against concrete with a white-out vision, a quivering figure with nothing on but his cardigan. “Then you’re just as godawful as any of them,” he tells himself, knees curling against his chest, almost justified in his own lie that he wants to burst out laughing.
Chan knows they have made him more of a weapon than a child, more of a monster than a man and he is stuck with it for good. He has been holding onto life just because he can, not so much that he wants to. Because he never truly wanted anything before or was wanted in any way.
“Oh my god, you’re a fucking man-child!”
He hears someone’s nagging from afar and ignores it, hugging himself impossibly tighter because asking for comfort is unacceptable, they taught him so. “Chan!!” He hopes it goes away with all of the other voices. 
It doesn’t. Instead, it comes closer in a humane form, boots crunching against the snow and warm breaths sounding rhythmically. “It’s been an hour. Do you have any idea how worried we all were- how worried I was?! What the actual hell,” you snap. “Now I’m going to hear all this shit from Seungmin again because I let you run off and he’s too terrified of you to properly lecture you. God-”
Your rambles cut off when you kneel down next to him, rummaging for a scarf, a pair of gloves, yet another pair of gloves, his puffer jacket, and a hat from your bag. Chan quietly watches as he tries to blink away the oncoming tears but he can’t—they keep coming. He doesn’t reply when your scolding goes on because even though your voice is sharp, Chan can catch the worry hidden along the edges. Being cared for and cherished like this has made him realize how much he doesn’t want to come back to his family and he wants to cry like he’s the fourteen-year-old boy who used to refuse to pick up a gun all over again.
A child who was unable to stuff down the overwhelming agony and grief forced upon him. A child who was weaponized. A child who was threatened into killing his own mother. “If you can’t kill what you hold near and dear, you’ll never be able to kill anyone to save yourself.”
“Chan?” you call out to him, unbearably soft. There’s a certainty, a sort of gentleness in the way his name is said that only makes his tears come hotter, more and more of it because your love feels big, overwhelming.
Chan hates crying so he never did, not when they had locked him up in his room, not when they had starved him because of his disobedience, not when they had made him pull the trigger with the gun’s mouth pressing against his mother’s chest. Chan hates crying but it seems to be all he’s doing now. 
You’re wrapping him up so gently and trying to warm him up because you know he’s just as human as any mundane individual out there. Humans shiver when the temperature drops, they shed tears when they’re upset, and they bleed and bruise at the right amount of impact. That’s why humans are so clingy toward each other so they can prevent harm from coming the other person’s way. Because no one enjoys getting hurt and there is no good reason to voluntarily get hurt; it sounds like common sense but Chan never grew up with such things. He never came to think he was deserving of such things.
“Chan, come home with me. Forget your family. I don’t need to know about them,” you smile at him, somehow empathetic and so understanding when Chan has barely given you an explanation, when he is desperate to fill the silence but he knows his voice will be weak with tears, stumbling, and pitching all over the place.
Chan sniffles, finding the courage to say something back because he wants to, not because he feels like he has to, “Can I really…come-come home with you?”
“I’m sure the girls wouldn't mind, they might be a little annoying. Yeji, though, can be wary of strangers,” you shrug, something so relaxed about your posture tells him that you have learned to accept something without telling him. 
A breathy chuckle. “Especially when they’re a mafia leader.”
An exhale. Chan shudders when you embrace him wholly—every moment of pride and arrogance, betrayal and hurt that he has been boxing away—as the beautiful mess that he is. You’re the safest person on the face of Earth not because you are on equal terms with him in power but because you never care about those things. You will let him break something, burn something down, cry, and laugh however he pleases but you won’t ever let go of his hand. You never ask him for anything in return while continuing to save him over and over again.
He’s so unbelievably lucky, Chan thinks but doesn’t say it aloud, instead, he tells you, “If you’ll have me.”
The night after you drive Chan back to your mansion, the place goes up in flames. Only you are able to open your eyes to see the next daylight.
“Welcome home,” you want to whisper but can only watch a last smile bloom on the face of a ghost amidst the orange blaze.
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third attempt —
You decide to come home with Chan.
For a non-mafia family, it might go like this.
Meeting Chan’s parents will be the hardest thing you have ever done—and that is coming from someone who has broken through the world’s most modern security systems and got your hands on objects worth billions of dollars. 
You will bow when you meet them, use the politest speech you have taught yourself last minute, and desperately try not to remember how Chan was forced to shoot his own mother as a child. They will pinch your cheek and call you lovely, chuckling at how stiff you are and offering you a ‘Come on in! Don’t mind the mess, it’s always how our house is.’
You will smile and you will play along because you want them to like you so badly it hurts. 
Chan will gawk at you without even trying to hide it because you have given him a completely different experience upon your first encounter. Casual, timid, and quick with your tongues when it comes to those witty retorts.
They will then ask you, ‘‘What are your hobbies? Any sports? Instruments?’’ Purely in the Asian parents’ style. 
You will be so nervous that you forget you play the violin and practice meditation occasionally. You will sit at their dinner table in their cozy, lived-in home, and rack your brain for a proper answer that might be deemed reasonable for a mundane girl. “It can be anything you do for fun, honey. No need to be nervous,” they will say again and you will give them a small grimace in return. 
It’s probably deeply fucked up when the first thing that comes to your mind is ‘I retired from heists a year ago because museums are fucking boring so I have moved on to finding new and creative ways to eliminate anything that might be the cause of Chan’s suffering.’
“…You play the violin beautifully,” Chan will suggest quietly beside you, his hand laced with yours beneath the table. “And you interrupt my reading time whenever you need attention.”
“I…I like to be with you,” you will finally find the courage to say with a firm squeeze of his hand, and the strength to smile when his eyes widen faintly, flustered yet not surprised. 
Still, it doesn’t matter whether Chan was born from a mafia family. You don’t hesitate to hold his hand beneath the table when Chan tenses up from the disappointed gaze of his father, lean over ever so slightly, and whisper, “I like to be with you.” He almost gasps but refrains. “Wherever we are. As long as you allow me to stay by your side.”
For once, Chan lets himself think that he won’t fuck up something before he even gets to have it in his arms. 
You did come home with Chan even if the dinner is anything but cozy and mundane. Their smiles are cold porcelain, a familiarity with death so staggering you feel nauseous. They are all here, though. Every single one of them. “I’ll be back,” you say and excuse yourself to use the restroom, he assumes.
Chan finds an uneasy slick in his throat, almost thick like blood when he sees a bright thing in your eyes. He lets you go anyway. Will things happen differently if he holds you back? 
Minutes after your withdrawal from the dinner table, an explosion goes off downstairs. The mansion quivers with a long string of rumble, a horrible feeling looming over everyone in the room like an ugly shadow. Though, no one bats an eye. Maintaining such a high position in the Underworld for so long is more than enough for the bounty on each of their heads to go up to millions of dollars. 
As much as Chan detests his blood family, he doesn’t want to die here, a horrendous place for his corpse to be found. So he stands as the rest of the room begins arming themselves, doing his best not to pay any heed to his father, and bolts downstairs. 
In situations like this, he is taught to close his heart and kill. Hence why there was barely any screaming when the commotion occurred, only the metallic sounds of bullets being clicked into their chamber. Truth be told, there is a weapon vault on the main floor of the mansion. Chan knows the most efficient shortcut there and can run through any hallways even without any lights on. He did grow up in this terrible place, and now he will make use of that to get you out of here before anything else. 
Chan arrives at the main floor and there is nothing but a giant hole and crumbled metal pieces in the weapon vault—or what used to be the weapon vault, blown up by a bomb it seems. Well, shit, he doesn’t even know how to register this. The entrance to his father’s most treasured place in the mansion has a three-layered door with an extremely lethal surveillance system, who and how the fuck-
He stops. He doesn’t so much as twitch. It gives him a moment of pure chill when the main floor has gone completely muted, both audibly and visually, like his life has just tipped off balance and leaned towards the bad part of a zombie movie. Upstairs, there is a cry for help and the sound of bullets continuously firing. 
“My fucking god,” Chan curses and turns on his heels, steeling himself mentally while rushing up the stairs. 
Upon arriving at the scene, it’s difficult to say whether turning up just five minutes earlier would have made much of a difference. Fuck, but if he had held you back, would things have taken a different turn?
There is a lot of blood. Too much blood to be explained away, and too much evidence to be traced back to no one else other than you. Well, to be fair, you’re the only person still standing and kicking aside from Chan anyway. The shotgun in your hand with a silencer attached speaks volumes, a knife between your teeth, and your left hand is fisted tightly. 
“…Y-Y/N,” Chan utters, in disbelief. “You’re Y/N, aren’t you?” 
You release something in your left hand and several fifteen-bullet magazines drop to the ground, the sound scratching his spine in the wrong way. The knife also hits the ground, metal echoing loudly against hard marble. 
“You’re here, Chan,” you reply, like your hands and clothes aren’t painted red. Swiftly, you duck to fumble for something beneath the dining table. Chan’s gaze follows you suit, prompting uneasiness to crawl down his throat when he realizes everything is, quite literally, drenched in blood. When he manages to snap out of it, you are unwrapping something from a white blanket—Berry, his eight-year-old Spaniel. 
You don’t look one bit surprised to see him—you have been expecting him. You simply keep on tucking Berry neatly into the blanket, murmuring something along the lines of ‘it’s over now’ and ‘I’m sorry I scared you’. Berry offers you a small whimper in return, still startled and recovering from the loud ruckus. 
Chan inhales very slowly. Exhales. “What did you do?”
“I killed everyone here,” you say levelly, as if mass murder is no big deal. “You’re a little late. I thought your intuition would be keener than that.”
“This is no time for a fucking joke,” he snaps. Chan has snapped because he’s mad at himself. He has been living purely by his intuition for more than two decades already, without it he would have died a long time ago. Yet when it comes to you, he’s always the most irrational. 
Your lips twitch like you’re about to smile but realize he’s upset. “You’re right, sorry.” 
Chan moves further into the room, his shoes squelching with each blood-drenched step he takes. He takes the scene in once again and keeps calm because that is what he has trained himself to do ever since the first time he got kidnapped. When his gaze brushes over the corpse of his father, he tries not to think about anything just yet. What’s done is done but Chan can piece the scene together from the explosion downstairs—a bait that anyone will be eager to take and a good way to disarm your enemies—to the scattering of hole-filled bodies, their blood blooming against the marble floor like a grotesque bouquet.
The crux of it is you know all too well he will run to find you without question, lending you the space and time to kill whoever remains.
Your eyes sweep over the mass of bodies, dull and distant. “Does it really matter?” You don’t think it’s fair to say you did it because you love him; it will become a curse that haunts him for as long as he lives. Yes, you love Chan with your entire soul but you also simply want to act as you please, allowing yourself to have your selfish ways of declaring your love for him. 
His chest heaves without any stability. “I thought you said you’re used to taking many things but you don’t take lives!!”
You cut right in, all glass. “Will anyone be able to do anything about it? Can anyone possibly arrest me, Chan?” 
Chan shudders, a sour thing gnawing at the back of his throat. It’s a morbid feeling he knows will become recurring at night, on the bad days. Chan wants to be furious, it feels like a moral obligation to be. Then again, everything the world has learned about empathy is already torn up by his family, they smeared it beneath their feet like it’s common trash. In the end, all of his nightmares and source of fear amounts to this, a mass of corpses with no resolution. 
“Do you want to kill me, Chan? If so, do it. You’re your own person, you are free.” 
Your eyes have turned into ice, and suddenly you have become so intangible that Chan slowly grows afraid. He thinks of terrible things, Am I allowed to have you? What makes you want me so badly? Why am I different from any of them?
The sound of retching interrupts his train of thought. It takes him precisely half a second to stare at how you are folded over your knees, dry heaving at the marble floor with Berry fumbling for help right at your side. Chan rushes to you to keep your hair out of your face as you gasp for air, choking on stomach bile and body raking with shudders. Once his hand smooths over the fabric on your back, you eventually cough and hack out the last of whatever is left that your system rejects. 
You breathe as shallowly as you can. Quiet wheezes, hollow breaths that pull in and out of your lungs too quickly. Chan rubs small, gentle circles on your back and doesn’t expect it when you snap up to look at him with wide, pained eyes as though you didn’t just murder his entire family in cold blood minutes ago, like you didn’t just take out the Underworld’s most feared lineage of demons by yourself.
Chan decides not to say anything, lets you lean into him shakily, and tries to figure out what you’re attempting to do with your hands. Dry blood makes your skin itchy every time your fingers twitch but you don’t mind it. 
“I’m here, I’m here,” he finally whispers with you sitting in the circle of his arms; you’re shaking like you’re sobbing even though you make no noise and cry no tears. Chan lets you squirm with a wild mania in your eyes, frantic and lost. He can’t quite pinpoint what you want until he gets it. 
You stop shaking the moment your head leans against the left side of his chest, right where his beating heart is. A pattern in his rib cage and a rhythm in your ears, relief so immense you feel like you can finally breathe. What you want is just to hear the sound of his heartbeat. It makes Chan feel a little exposed, somewhat scrutinized but he really doesn’t mind taking himself apart to hand his heart over to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, your tone wet and warm with oncoming tears. 
Chan presses his lips into a thin line, feeling like a hypocrite when he keeps you caged in his arms. “What are you sorry for, silly?” From the bottom of his heart, it’s abominable, he thinks—that even amidst such gruesome bloodshed created by your own hands, Chan is relieved that you are not hurt.
“I’m sorry this isn’t real.”
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fourth attempt —
Chan is coming home with you. The childhood home you used to grow up in with two extremely loving, a little too oblivious parents who never once questioned their daughter’s occupation in the big city. 
It takes time to adjust but Chan is sliding into your little family without noticing it himself. He manages to impress your mom with his cooking and discusses politics with your dad. You might be going delusional but you swear you saw him chuckling faintly at your parents’ terrible taste of reality TV. 
The house might only amount to one-tenth of his mansion but it smells like fresh laundry all around, tender and soft, smothered in the love of ordinary human beings. So everything just feels that much bigger, a love so warm and overwhelming it stains Chan’s eyes with unfamiliar myriads of emotions. It takes him a few days to finally laugh a little louder, not refraining his speech to specifically formal phrases, and allowing himself to nag you in front of your parents. He even makes a sound of disbelief when you keep telling them he’s only a friend from work.
“Oh my god, why are you so salty about it,” you chide and close your bedroom door. “If I had said you’re my boyfriend, they would have started interrogating you!” 
Chan sits on the duvet you have laid on the floor for him—your childhood bed is too small to share—and mumbles something morbid under his breath, “I am quite good at tolerating any methods of torture thank you very much.” However, he doesn’t miss the look your parents give you whenever you bid them goodnight with Chan hovering over you in a way that’s nowhere near platonic.
You snort, actually, no, it’s too bitter for you to even react. “The worst they will do is leave you out when we watch TV,” you grin to relieve the inevitably building tension, shit-eating and all.
“That’s cruel. You know I love reality TV,” Chan replies, completely monotone. He flings an arm over his eyes like he’s putting in effort to mimic a dying body trying to convey his love in a Shakespeare play. Wrestling with like ten other housewives to buy those eggs on sale for your mom was more of a workout than any gun fights he has engaged in.
“Sleep. Mom said we’re going outside tomorrow,” you huff, tossing him a teddy bear from your bed—the amount of stuffed animals you own is impressive, they easily take up half of your bed so Chan had to accept his fate with the duvet. 
“I thought we’re heading back?”
“We will after going out with her. She said she wanted something from the bakery.”
Chan hums in response, his gaze skimming over the interior of your room again. Light pink wallpapers, white bookshelves and wardrobe lining the corners, and soft hues of blue on your bed and curtains to top it all off. “Truly, you are the designer of a generation.”
“Toddlers usually don’t like black. And I was eight, Chan, shut the fuck up,” you laugh, the sound so hearty it makes him want to bottle it and keep it all to himself like a child hiding his favorite candy. 
“Hurts my eyes a little, but I like it,” he declares and unwinds for the day.
You never realize you don’t really walk around town every time you visit your parents. Maybe it’s because you didn’t have many friends growing up, meaning there’s no one to call up for a hangout, or maybe it’s because all of the memories you want to relive here are with your parents, in the warmth of their home. So you walk down the sleepy streets with laziness on your shoulders, somewhat at peace when Chan can’t seem to keep his eyes in one place, secretly comparing the imageries of bright, colorful Seoul with this hazy rural area.
“What is that place over there?” He asks when you stride past a sketchy-looking building when in reality, it’s a spa run by this really nice old lady upstairs.
“Did you go to school here?” He ponders when you glance at what looks like a middle school; no kids are running and shouting in the playground since it’s the New Year holiday. 
Your mom notices how much curiosity Chan has for an apparent mid-twenties young adult so she giggles, offering to point out something she thinks he might be interested in, “That’s a small park Y/N used to play at. She wouldn’t leave when I came to pick her up after work.”
You can’t decide if you should scowl at your mom or burst out laughing at her implication that Chan, the leader of a notorious mafia group, should go and sit on one of the swings while she heads inside the bakery. “Come on, Chan,” you quickly make your choice. 
Chan sighs, though the sound is fond because he sees a sort of excitement blooming loud and clear in your pretty eyes. You have observed Chan long enough to know when he has given in so you laugh, turning to your mom and saying, “We’ll be back in a minute.” The familiar promise melts Chan inside out but he doesn’t tell you that. 
You accidentally drop your phone while walking down the stone steps so you turn away for half a second. And when you look back, Chan is seated neatly on the swing which is definitely not fitting for his age—his long legs dragging against the soil as his arms are crossed in front of his chest. As serious as he tries to look, you find the whole imagery so ridiculously unserious. He senses your gaze burning holes on the back of his neck so he stands, reaches upward, and lifts himself to sit on the metal bar that the chains rain down from.
“Chan, what the fuck, that’s not how you use a swing,” you chide, nearly rolling on the ground and barking a laugh. “If I take a photo of you right now, how dead am I?”
Chan doesn’t even need to turn his head. “What do you think?”
He looks down when your footsteps squish against the snow and he tries to imagine how a little you would hang around this place for an entire afternoon, up to no good things while waiting for your mom. “Concise as always, boss,” you purse your lips at him, nostalgia a heavy weight on the curve of your shoulders as you peer over places you used to designate as your hiding spots. 
Chan catches something shifting on your face and he ponders; why would you voluntarily involve yourself in outlaw doings when you could have had a perfectly normal life? “When did you start stealing?” 
“Probably when my parents sent me away for university. I hated it. School was hard and the expenses were awful for their bank accounts but they wouldn’t tell me that,” you mutter and decide to join him, legs dangling over the edges, a confession dragged from your lips unwillingly. 
Chan scoots a little closer, a hand reaching over to your left side to keep you from falling. “And you figured you were pretty good at it?”
“Nothing to be proud of, obviously,” you shake your head and can’t help a small grin. “Okay, maybe just a little. I was making money from racing on the side as well.” 
It takes him a moment to register your words when surprise halts the words in his throat. No wonder you’re better at handling car chases than any of his teammates who have been involved in this business for years. You look over at him, seeing that he’s having trouble reacting so you pinch his nose teasingly, “I know, so sexy, ain’t it?” 
Chan rolls his eyes, neglects the warmth spreading on his cheeks, and simply sits with you. The swing creaks and groans beneath the weight of two adults, rust staining his hand when he lifts it to check. 
“It was enough money for me to graduate and I was fine with that. Mind you I was always the top of my class,” you scoff, thinking of long days when you used to get little to no sleep, of when you had mustered the best smiles for your parents through FaceTime, of how you had begun not caring for how much money the jewels you had stolen were worth. 
None of it matters anymore, you think as you lean into Chan, and he lets you. “I’ll guess this, you were homeschooled?”
Chan doesn’t answer immediately as realization tightens his ribs. You don’t talk about home or how you grew up, and Chan doesn’t talk about his parents. Perhaps you both are similar in that way so neither of you mind when the other person never initiated it. “I was. Everything I ever learned was taught in that forsaken mansion. Most of it, actually.”
“You can’t run away from what you’re surrounded with,” he says, and there’s a chilling edge to it, an icy kind of shiver that makes your fingers more numb than the winter cold ever can. 
“Chan, you’re not them,” you declare out of the blue, eyes crinkling up in adoration. “You are free, okay? No matter how hard they try to ruin you, you can’t become them.”
When you look up again, his eyes have a glassy shine when he says, “I know that now.”
“Don’t cry,” you huff out a breath.
“I’m not crying,” Chan shakes his head slowly, voice suspiciously shaky. “I guess I just thought you had a lot to live for and I was…you know, it was arrogant of me to keep you by my side.”
You laugh, a sharp, crisp bark of a sound that cuts right through his doubts. “Who do you think you’re talking to? If I wanted to run, I would have and no one could catch me, not now, not ever.”
“Well, I did,” Chan retorts, though there is no bite to it.
“Only because I let you,” you play along sedately. It’s the soft hum of your voice that makes breathing for him feel easier, and his shoulders feel lighter. When Chan exhales, it no longer tastes like the unfathomable, untouchable nightmares that he was so used to choke down, swallow, and not allow himself to throw them up as proof to show anyone else. 
Your mom returns perhaps in about an hour, a box tucked in her arms and groceries hanging from her elbow. “Time to go back,” she yells from the top of the stone steps. “We need to cook dinner, kids!”
You don’t dare budge. Chan notices it and nudges your shoulder gently, sensing your discontent. “You heard your mom, come on now.”
“I don’t want to go back,” you disagree. “Let’s stay here. I want to go to the beach with you when it gets warmer. And diving, kayaking, too!”
“You told me to leave my credit cards back home. You’ll have to feed me and pay all of my expenses,” Chan reminds you.
“Guess what, I left mine at home too,” you reply breezily. Maybe you both need to find new jobs. You don’t think Chan should worry about that because there’s nothing that he can’t do if he puts his mind to it, he’s just that great. Chan is the greatest thing there is, the best thing that has ever happened to you.
You watch rosy lips part, brown eyes widening as his grip on your shoulder falters faintly. “I don’t deserve good things, Y/N. I can’t stay here with you,” Chan says like he means it. “Tell me to leave.” He really is stupid until the very end.
“If you’re worried about that, I’ll kindly decline my spot in heaven and go to hell with you,” you assure him, your voice chirping with mirth but even that doesn’t seem to elevate his gloom at all. A groan. “Fine then, as the most wonderful person alive, I now denounce us of all our wrongdoings. And I announce us to be the best of normal friends as normal people!”
His solemn expression crumbles and now he just looks straight up insulted. “It’s supposed to be ‘husband and wife’,” Chan nags while fighting off a grin of his own.
A light feeling burgeons in your chest. “I thought you didn’t care about that kind of thing? We’re already doing laundry and taxes together, right? It’s not like we have enough money to buy the rings either.”
“I suppose I’ll have no say in that,” Chan sighs in defeat, finally smiling brightly as he reminds himself of what he has, and what he wants to become for you. “But I like to be with you as well. If you’ll have me.”
You look back at him, wanting nothing more than to burn those words into the flesh of your heart. “I already have you right here, don’t I?”
Because Chan’s existence is etched deeply somewhere inside your soul. And you love him everyday for that.
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❖ note (yet again) : hello there, if you have reached the end, thank you so much for reading! I wish 2024 will bring you and your loved ones nothing but happiness and great health! (no one asked but I really tried to simplify their speech of affection towards each other here compared to illicit & priceless because all they really want is to be normal people living a normal life)
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morningsunandnightsky · 7 months
Lie with you | Ten Lee
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Pairing: ten x reader
Warnings: death, grieving, unprotected sex (wear protection pls), fingering, usage of petnames, skinny-dipping, illegal graffiti (not advised). Let me know if i forgot anything.
Word count: 4k
Genre: angst, smut, bit of fluff
18 +, minors dni
Sypnopsis: It’s been some time now since the love of his life left this world. But Ten still can’t get over you and he probably never will. He wants to see you again, hold you in his arms and show you how much he loves you. One day when he visits your grave, the chance of spending one more night with you might not be so impossible after all.
Note: chrysanthemums symbolize death and mourning.
An: if you read my work, you know that smut really isn’t something I do. So I was not expecting this story to take such a turn but it did because a friend of mine found out I write and well...long story short this is the result. It’s the very first time I’ve ever even attempted to write smut, so please bear with me. Feedback is greatly appreciated! I advise you not to read this if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable.
Ten's delicate fingers travel over the smooth stone, following the curves of the carvings that bear your name. He looks at you with tears in his eyes, as he does every time. In an attempt to remove the dust from the letters, he briskly wipes his hands across the surface. “I’m sorry, I haven’t visited in a while, my little star,” he whispers.
He lies on the ground next to the headstone, wiping his hands on his jeans. Whilst a chill runs down his spine from the coolness of the ground.
He notices the dazzling stars as he looks up at the pitch-black sky. The few clouds begin to break almost as if on cue, and then there you are, shining the brightest of all, his little star, softly dazzling upon him.
The cool night breeze brushes over his skin as he shuts his eyes and tilts his face up to the sky. His heart aches, and tears are starting to run down his cheeks.
Ten suddenly feels something along his skin, just as if someone was tickling him. His eyes flutter open, revealing…you. with a single white chrysanthemum in your hand and a gentle smile on your face. rubbing it lightly across his cheek. Ten eyes widen as he sees you and for a brief moment his breath catches in his throat.
"Y-Y/N." He mutters in shock.
You carefully wipe his tears away as you keep looking into his eyes with a gentle smile. “Don’t cry…we’ll be alright” you tell him.
He holds your hand tightly; his hand feeling warm against your own. Then he pulls you closer and wraps his arms around your body. Still not believing you’re in front of him,
“you’re really here," he breathes out with a trembling voice. You can hear his heartbeat so loudly and clearly, as if his heart only just started beating because of you.
You run your fingers through his dark locks. It felt the same as always, and yet it felt so different to all the other times you’ve done it before. You can hear him sighing against you, clearly enjoying your touch. You both stay like this for a while. You don’t even know how much time goes by, nor do you care. However, everything feels familiar and peaceful, just like you've returned home.
You look up at Ten and see him looking back at you already. His gaze holds so much love for you but also immense pain. So much so, that you can feel your own heart crumbling down by look in his stunning eyes. His whole face had changed since the last time you saw him. The suffering had left its marks, taking away the glow that was once present. You knew it was because of you.
Cupping his face in your hands, you give him a soft kiss. So gently, as if he’d break if you were any harsher. Ten closes his eyes and kisses back. It only lasts for a few seconds, but it was enough to hold the cracks of your souls together for now.
“Shall we head out of here?” you ask him as you climb to your feet and pull him along. He's still holding your hand, fingers entwined, his thumb softly stroking your skin, and he gives you a nod.
With a mischievous grin on your lips, you sprint back to your car together. You both know exactly what the other is thinking about since you’ve done it countless of times before. A curt nod followed by the engine starting, and you're driving down the highway before you even know it.
With your windows down and the music blasting through the speakers. Both of your voices are overtaking the song as you scream at the top of your lungs. You can tell the few cars that are passing by are giving you looks but you couldn’t care less.
“Do you have the goods with you?” Ten asks even though he already knows your answer. “Would I ever not have the goods?”, you answer and hear him chuckle beside you.
Not too much later, you reach your destination, hop out the window, and open the trunk. Your usual assortment of spray bottles is all spread out, and you shoot Ten a playful look that asks him why he’d ever doubt you. You both take the bottles with you and step into the abandoned factory at the edge of town. Climbing up the ladder and entering the building through a broken window. Graffiti covered the walls, shattered glass was strewn all over the place, and dust was floating around the space like snow in a snow globe. It was perfect. Since it was your little secret spot.
A wave of nostalgia hits the both of you as you walk past all of the murals you have compiled throughout the years. On the enormous wall were the love doves that represented the beginning of your relationship that you’d painted on your first date. And as you went deeper into the building, all of your memories seemed to be displayed like you’re walking through a museum about your own love story. The old place appeared more alive thanks to the vibrant walls than when the space was still in use.
Entering the final, hardly standing room on the rooftop, you lay out your stuff and start your final piece. The location was illuminated by the distant town lights and the flashes from your phones. You both work quickly yet carefully. The air feels thick with paint fumes and perhaps something else too.
You both decide to inscribe your initials within a heart-shaped graffiti piece tonight. It was simple, especially compared to your usual extravagant work the two of you'd do. Yet the simplicity also held a lot of meaning, as it marked the very end of your journey. It seemed as though you were bidding your work of art adieu and saying, "Let's meet again sometime."
Ten keeps stealing glances at you whilst you work, and he swears that every time he looks at you, the butterflies explode more than the last time. You looked as gorgeous as ever as if no time had passed since you last saw each other. He lets his eyes follow your movements, as he can’t take his eyes off of you. He stands behind you when you are completing the last details of your joint project. His body feels hot against your own, and you can feel his lips brush your neck as he whispers in your ear, “So beautiful…”, causing you to shudder.
"Ten…" you exhale, as his hands begin to explore more of your body and his lips start kissing your skin. However, he stops when he hears sirens in the distance. He dashes to peer out of the opening that served as a window.
"Shit, they're heading this way," he lets you know as he rushes back to get you, before escaping. You both notice the red and blue lights getting closer as you sprint back to the car. "Give me the keys, I know a spot," he says but before you can do that the police catch up quicker than you both expect, so you duck behind some bushes and pray that they haven't noticed you yet. And just as if your prayer is answered, they drive past you.
“Come on” Ten says, and you both run away, not even bothering to take the car now. You turn around slightly and look up at the building to take a last glance at the ‘TEN + Y/N’ mural you left behind. Was it a bit childish? Yes. Did you care? Absolutely not. Because it was your final recollection of each other.
After walking for a few blocks, you burst out laughing. "I can't believe that we got away with this." "I was so sure they had us this time," you scream as the thrill of adrenaline shoots through you. Ten laughs along with you, “I know right? If they came even a second earlier, we’d be done for.”
The walk is filled with more laughter and a whole lot of reminiscing about the past. And although you two are beaming, each step you take still feels heavier than the last, you both feel it but neither of you brings it up, not wanting to add to each other’s pain.
The air feels chilly as you make your way down to the secluded lake, Ten had taken you to. It was surrounded by trees, and it looked like it was taken straight out of a fairy tale. You look around mesmerized, “What is this place? It’s amazing,” you exclaim.“I’ve been wanting to take you here for a while now. I discovered it when I was driving around one time, and I’ve been coming back ever since. It should be all ours for tonight because nobody else is ever here at this hour.”
He takes your hand, brings you up a little cliff, and asks you to close your eyes. You take a hesitant step forward, and he has his hands over your eyes. He tells you that you can look when you arrive at the edge, "Okay, we're here," and removes his hands to show you. You see the moonlight reflecting in the water as the lake flows by. The trees' leaves are softly rustling in the mild breeze, creating a soothing sound. You were in complete awe of the sight, which was only enhanced by the lights surrounding the area. “Oh my god…this is absolutely stunning…” you say still not over the view.
Ten chuckles besides you and you feel his arms sneak around your waist again. He looks at you instead of the scenery, “yeah…it’s absolutely stunning…” his eyes flicker to your lips and he leans in to kiss you. It’s filled with all of his love for you, and you can feel every emotion seep through. You both kiss for a few minutes until he pulls back.
“Now…are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he asks with a sly grin on his face. You look from him down to the water. “You’re kidding, right?” you say feeling nervous as you can tell exactly what he is thinking. The grin on Ten’s face only grows as he starts shaking his head. “ofcourse, I’m not kidding. Why? Are you scared?” he asks teasingly. You huff and cross your arms, pretending to be confident as you answer, "Not at all," but you can't help but swallow anxiously as you glance down at the water.
Ten gives you a comforting kiss on the head and giggles as he hugs you from behind. "If you really don't want it then we don't have to do it but I think you do want it," he states. "It's not like I don't want to…it's just so high up and- and what if there is something in the water?" You nervously ask. "Well, we won't know unless we give it a shot, will we? And we’ll do it together like we always do, it'll be ok.”
you nod slowly as you consider it. "Are we completely undressing?" you ask. Ten gives you a nod. "You're aware of the expression 'go big or go home', right? So, let's go big because we definitely aren't going home." Despite laughing at what he said, you still agree.
You both quickly stripped off your clothes. And the thrill of seeing each other naked still made your hearts race even after being together for so long.
Ten's eyes follow every movement you make. You looked amazing to him; every inch of your skin was flawless. You feel your body heat up as he admired you and you can't help but glance at him too. His toned body and tattooed skin made your knees weak. You turn back to the water, trying to hide how flustered he makes you.
Grabbing his hand, you quickly run hand in hand towards the edge of the lake and dive in. The cool water envelopes your bodies immediately. And you swim around, splashing each other and laughing the whole time.
As you float on your backs, the silence of the night crept up on you pleasantly. Feeling completely content with each other's company, that’s filled with lingering gazes and rapidly beating hearts.
However, as you continued to swim, your innocent amusement soon evolved into something more passionate.
You swim closer and closer together until your bodies become entangled. The beautiful swaying of the water only fuels your desire for one another.
Your kisses are deep and strong, and your hands freely move across each other's bodies. You had never felt so alive, so engulfed by one another.
His hands rest on your waist, and he moves closer to you until you feel his chest press against yours. You feel yourself heating up, and the cold water appears to affect you a lot less now. Placing your arms around his neck, you close the distance until you are just inches away from each other. He notices how you’re biting your lip and it only turns him on more.
"Let me do that for you," he says against your lips before kissing you deeply. It was more passionate than any other kiss, and you could feel your entire body tingle. His skin melted into yours, and your lips fit together flawlessly as if you were only made for each other. The kiss became more intense as you felt his tongue glide into your mouth and start moving against yours. His hands went down to your hips, and you let out a gasp when you felt him squeeze your butt.
Ten begins kissing down your neck and sucking on your skin, leaving a trail of red marks. Your breath becomes heavier the lower he goes. His wet tongue glides against your collarbones, making you shiver. His mouth travels down to your boobs, and you can feel his lips wrap around one of your nipples. You can't help but moan at the feeling as you grab onto his hair. Taking his time with your hard nipple, he circles his tongue around and sucks hard, leaving you gasping for air.
"Does that feel good, baby?" he asks as he begins rolling your other nipple between his fingers. The way your back arches and the moan that escapes your mouth tells him enough. He switches hands and lets the other travel down your body, touching all the right places until he reaches your core. And lets his fingers glide against you teasingly.
"Ten…please…" You beg for more of his touch. "Please, what?" he asks with a seductive smile, pressing his thumb on your clit.
"Please touch me," you pleaded. His smile widens, and he begins playing with your folds. His fingers are getting coated with your juices as he gently starts rubbing your clit. You let out a loud gasp and grabbed his shoulders whilst grinding against his hand, wanting to feel more.
“I don’t think it’s the water that got you this wet,” he says with a smirk, clearly amused by how wet you already are when he has barely touched you.
You let out a small whimper as you try to press yourself more onto his fingers, knowing he is still teasing you by not giving in completely. "Do you want more?" he whispers to you. You nod at him, but he only chuckles, "You have to use your words, darling. Tell me what you want, and I will give it all to you.
"I need your fingers inside of me," you breathe out. The glint in his eyes darkens as he kisses you again, pushing a finger deep inside. The way you moan into the kiss tells him you didn't expect him to give in so quickly, which only makes him smirk more.
Ten raises your thigh and wraps your leg around his waist with one hand, as he starts to slowly push his finger in and out of your pussy. “You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart,” he tells you, picking up the pace. The feeling of his cold metal rings against your core only adds to your pleasure.
"Fu-uck," you whimper as he circles your clit with his thumb. You're dripping down his hand, and you can feel your walls tighten around his digits. "Hmm, so wet for me," he hums, adding another finger and curling it deep into you. Hitting your sweet spot so well. Turning you into a moaning mess.
Ten groans against your neck as he feels you clench around his fingers, and he takes it as a sign to fuck you faster. You can feel the knot forming in your stomach but not wanting to come yet you hold his hand still. When you do this, his brows knit together as he glances at your face. "I want to come with you inside of me," you mutter, gazing at him with glazed eyes and and heavy breathing.
He lifts your body and carries you out of the lake while you hold onto him. As you emerge from the water, your bodies glisten in the moonlight, there is a rawness and vulnerability between you that you've never felt before. It was as if the night had taken away all of your inhibitions, leaving only your love for each other.
He lays you down on the soft grass and caresses your cheek, locking his gaze with yours. "Are you sure about this?" he says, carefully examining your face for any symptoms of discomfort before he does anything.
You smile at him and pull him towards you, “I want you so badly. Please…I need you to fuck me” you say. When you tell him this, he wastes no time as his lips find their way back to yours, kissing you deeply. He settles between your legs, pushing them open. A string of curses escapes his breath as he sees your cunt completely soaked.
He strokes his cock a few times and spreads around the precum leaking from his tip before gliding it along your slit. His smirk returns to his handsome face as he watches how your face contorts in pleasure when he rubs his cock against your clit. Your breath hitches, and you buckle your hips up, wanting to feel him inside of you.
He aligns himself with you and slowly pushes in. "Ten…f-fuck," you moan as he fills you completely. He kisses your skin and holds still for a few moments, allowing your walls to stretch around his length.
"You okay, my love?" he asks, stroking your hair. You nod and tell him he can now move. His hips start to roll against yours. You can feel him sliding in and out of you, pushing deeper each time. You're dripping down his length, as your juices cover every inch of his cock.
"You feel so good…taking me so well," he murmurs as his movements quicken and the lewd sounds of skin on skin become louder.
Your bodies now completely connected in every way possible, as you make love underneath the stars. You moved in perfect harmony, the gentle lapping of the water providing a rhythmic backdrop to this moment.
As you pull him closer to you, the deep feeling in your stomach appears for a second time tonight. "I'm going…fu-uck Ten, I'm-" You can't even finish your sentence as your orgasm overtakes you completely, making you come so hard. The feeling of your walls clenching around him sends him over the edge too. And you feel his cum shoot up your core, filling you up as a raspy deep moan escapes his lips.
He slowly pulls out and lies beside you, trying to catch his breath. He draws you into his arms, “you did so well for me. That was amazing,” he states, still breathing heavily. Smiling at him, you let him know you enjoyed it as much as he did.
He wraps you in his jacket and brings your head to his chest. You snuggle up to him, and you both stay silent for a while. The coolness of the water is now a distant memory as you enjoy the warmth of each other's embrace. "You do realise we're going to catch a cold, right?" you ask after some time. Ten chuckles, "Yeah, probably, but it's well worth it. Everything with you is worth it." You scrunch up your nose at his remark, which only makes him laugh loudly.
"We'll have another excuse to cuddle up," he adds. You listen with a drowsy grin on your face. As time passes while you lie in each other's arms, a sense of melancholy fills the air. You can both sense it deep within your hearts. "I wish we could have more time together," you mutter quietly, eyes glistening with tears. "If only we had more time, maybe things would have been different."
Ten shakes his head slowly, refusing to accept the truth of your words. "I know, darling," he says with a sigh. "I wish it too." You take his hand and squeeze it tightly, hoping to savour every second you have left together.
He can feel your warmth pouring through his fingers as he holds your hand. "I don't want to let go," he whispers, his voice breaking.
Your eyes meet, and a wave of sadness washes over the both of you. You both know that you were about to part ways forever. So, you lean closer and kiss his cheek wanting to mend his broken heart even if it’s just a little bit. It's quiet between you again, and the air still holds your breath. Your chests rise and fall together, sharing the same heartbeat. The moonlight beams on your faces, casting an ethereal glow on the grass where you lie. It felt as if time had stopped just for you two.
Slowly, you open your eyes and glance at him again. For a split second your memories travel back to the first time you met him. It was years ago, when you met him unexpectedly at a time you thought you’d never find someone like him. You never believed in 'love at first sight,' but looking back, you realise your heart has loved Ten since the very beginning.
He never strays his eyes away from yours because he knows this is it, but he's not ready to let go. Running his fingers through your hair he can feel your breath on his lips. He has so much to say, yet the words never seem to come out properly. So he stays silent, wanting to remember this moment forever and seal it in his heart.
Each beat of your heart's echoes in the other’s chest when you wrap your arms around him, wanting to feel his body against your own one more time.
Your eyes fill with pain, knowing that you will have to let go of each other and return back over to your respective worlds. You exchange one more kiss as the clouds cover the sky, bringing an end to your brief yet beautiful rendezvous.
Looking into his eyes for the last time, you can feel the emotions well up inside of you as you see him cry. You want to tell him how you feel, how you've always felt, and how you'll always feel for him, even if you're apart. Because there is no one else you'd rather be with than him.
“I may leave you behind in this world, but I’ll never leave your heart. My love for you will never change. Even if my body is taken from you, my soul will always be with you.”
You tried to smile as you tell him, but the tears streaming down your cheeks make it hard. You couldn’t bear to see him cry and you couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him behind either. But the darkness creeps in even if you don’t want it to, and your voice wavers as you can’t keep your eyes open anymore.
“I love you, with every beat of my fading heart.”
Ten opens his eyes, and his tears keep rolling down his face as he searches for you in the night sky. A broken smile spreads across his face as his eyes find you again, shining so brightly. He holds up the single white chrysanthemum and whispers,
“I love you too, my little star”
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wlw-imagines · 1 year
Coffee Shop - Kara Danvers/Reader (Supergirl)
request: i found this prompt and was wondering if u could write it with kara danvers from supergirl pls?? "i started writing 'Supergirl' on your coffee cup as a joke because you kind of look like her but it actually turns out you are them oh shit - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed (jk it is hardly edited at all) !! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Starting anywhere as a newbie was tough. Especially at this coffee shop... when you’d never made coffee before... and to be honest, you weren’t even really a coffee drinker. But, alas, you had rent to pay and a job opening had come through and you had been accepted for the job. More fool them.
The coffee shop was a busy one, constantly on the go. Your hands were already covered in burns and your new clean white apron was now covered in coffee drips and smears. Your shift had only started 45 minutes ago.
You let out a deep sigh and slouched, leaning on the serving desk to try and gather some energy before the next customer appeared. You really couldn’t bear some jackass in a fancy business suit complaining that you’d made their fancy coffee wrong again. Even though you had most definitely made it wrong.
As the next customer approached, you perked up slightly. Maybe the next 10 minutes of your life as a barista would be more bearable.
"Good morning, you must be new here! I'm Kara." She began and smiled cheerfully at you. She also added in an awkward wave before pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Uh, yes I am." You replied, letting your customer service smile develop into a real one. "Is it that obvious?" You laughed slightly, there was probably a 'newbie' aura about you (maybe it was the burnt hands?), it was fairly obvious how nervous you were, and you didn't need pretty girls making you even more flustered around boiling hot liquid.
"No, no! You're perfect- I mean, you know, you're great- doing great." She rambled, her cheeks reddening. "I pick up coffee from here every day before I go to work so I guess I just know everyone who works here pretty well."
“Morning Kara! The ususal?” Your co-worker, Liam, greeted her with a smile. He had been a slight godsend to you and had the patience of a saint. No matter how many times you had fucked it up.
“That would be great, but no rush!” She added, politely eying your resigned expression. You could hardly make 1 cup of coffee and now you had to make 6? For a pretty customer? Shit.
Liam nudged you, “Ready?” He smiled, his eyes slightly teasing as you took in a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.
“Yeah, sure, piece of cake.” You shrugged, taking the order note and looking to find the easiest first. Small steps.
On the first attempt of the first coffee you already found yourself once more cursing yourself for ever applying to work here in the first place. Your curses were interrupted by Kara looking at you with a worried look. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon." She gave you an encouraging smile and you shot her a weary look.
"God, I really hope so." You mumbled, running your burnt hand under the tap for a couple of seconds.
After a short pause (and two successful coffees in) Kara cleared her throat and nodded towards the coffee machine, “It’s like riding a bike, right?”
“Huh?” You glance up quickly, confusion etched on your face.
“Making coffee. Once you learn, you’ll be set.” She elaborated, fiddling with her fingers anxiously. 
You smiled slightly and gave an embarrased shrug, “I can’t ride a bike.” You admitted.
“You can’t?” She looked slightly crestfallen, hoping to have made you feel better rather than just make you feel worse about the situation. “Oh.” She faltered, annoyed with herself. Her brain searched for something else to say to make you feel better and to make you properly smile again. Before she could, you continued.
“I just never understood like, the pedalling? And the turning and also the gears?” You let out a soft laugh, “Although a bike makes more sense to me than this coffee machine so maybe I do have a chance.” You smiled up at her and her heart melted. That was the smile she was aiming for.
“I could teach you!” She burst out, without really thinking about what she was saying. Kara shook her head and tried again, “I mean, I like cycling. It’s easy once you get the pedalling and the turning and the gears down.”
You nodded, trying not to let her offer go to your head, “Do you also know how to make coffee by any chance?” You joked, standing up to properly face her and nodding your head over to the devil machine.
“Can’t help you there, sorry.” She put her hands out apologetically. You laugh and go to continue the conversation, but before you can Liam is nudging your shoulder and pointing to the coffee you were making.
“Y/N, the cup-” You turn around to see the coffee pouring out over the top of the cup, overfilling and spilling everywhere.
You leap towards the cup and let out a small, “Shit.”
9 cups of coffee later (3 of which were currently residing in the trash can), you carefully started to pass the cups into a holder, so she could carry all of them at the same time, and then hesitated.
"Which one is yours?" It’s your first shift and you're already trying to pick up girls. You decided to forgive yourself, you deserved it after the hell of this shift. Once it was pointed out (she had black coffee usually, which surprised you as it didn't seem to suit her sweet character), you wrote your number and drew a little picture of a superhero and labelled it 'Supergirl' - you were quite proud of yourself for making the art.
They didn't look identical or anything, but you had noticed that there were similarities from the moment she had stepped up to the counter. Once you were finished you slid the carrier of drinks and her black coffee over the counter.
She frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the doodle on her cup. You shrugged, suddenly feeling a little self concious. You weren’t sure what about - the drawing? Your flirting? Your bad coffee skills? You cleared your throat.
"Well, it's a joke." You smiled at her. "Just because, well y'know, you look a bit like Supergirl...” She looked up at you, eyes slightly wide, which you couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not, “If you just took away the glasses and added a cape-" You trailed off slightly when she started to look uncomfortable. You straightened up and cleared your throat feeling somewhat guilty that you seemed to have distressed your new (and favourite) customer. "Sorry, I meant it as a- it was supposed to be kind of like a compliment." You smiled gently, trying to show her that you didn't mean her any harm or discomfort. In the short space of time that you had met this women you couldn't help but feel completely distracted by her.
"Oh, right - Yes, of course... well, she is pretty strong and it must be kinda cool to be able to fly. Hypothetically speaking, of course. So, uh, yes. Thank you." She looked back at her cup then tilted her head to the side to read your writing. "Wait, what does that number mean?" Kara tilted her head, her eyes scanning her coffee cup. It's like she was deliberately trying to make your heart melt.
"That is my phone number." Blood rushed up to your cheeks. You don’t recall a time where you had to explain your pathetic attempts at flirting so much.
"Ah, right. Yes. Your phone number...” She nodded thoughtfully before her brows shot up and she looked back at you, a similar red creeping into her cheeks, “which I will phone you with." The realisation dawned on her face as it slowly sank in that you had just given her your number. 
You laughed and leaned towards her again. "Yes." You nodded, licking your lips. "Or you can text me. It's up to you, if you were to want to go out sometime, that is."
"No- I mean yeah, I'd love to. That, that would be great. I-" She grinned and she nervously pushed her glasses up her nose again. "I should go but I hope to see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, of course. As long as I haven't burnt the joint down, you'll definitely see me tomorrow." You joked and watched as she nodded slowly with a small smile in return and turned to leave.
As she walked out the door she looked back at you, giving you a little wave before walking out and away. You smiled and took a step back from the counter, mentally congratulating yourself on the win, until you knocked a cup of coffee from the side and it flew all over your feet. 
“Shit.” Maybe your job here wouldn't last as long as you thought.
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silentmacabre · 2 months
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art donaldson x fem reader (y/n) // slow burn // foundation/universe building // gym romance // college!art // quick read (~900 words)
(a/n: I am such a sucker for reciprocated crushes and mutually nervous meet-cutes so I had to write one with stanford!art. pls let me know what you think and drop any imagine prompts you have in the comments!)
walking into the gym was always somewhat of an embarrassing routine. digging your id card out from the bottom of your bag as keys and coins jingle, receipts shuffling to the side. scanning the card, you offer a ginger smile to the girl behind the desk who doesn't bother to look up from her phone.
on the way to the locker room you pass the weight racks. a group of about six tall, fit boys hollering and talking amongst themselves captures your briefest attention. recognizing a few from around campus, however, only furthers your social anxiety. the first few people file past you into the yoga studio, unrolling lush mats that match their water bottles and headphones.
rushing to the locker room now you turn the corner sharply and hit something solid with a thud.
“shit! im sorry i-” he instinctively grasps your upper arms, prepared to hold you steady.
you look up, frozen from the interaction. the blonde haired boy’s expression is soft and you can’t help but notice his eyes. his pupils are wide despite the blinding fluorescents that line the gym, each iris speckled with different spots of turquoise and mahogany.
“it’s okay!” you rush to offer.
his hands relax their grip, his thumbs in delay as they trail over and then off your shoulders.
you attempt another pained smile like the one offered to the receptionist except this time it’s met with a sweet, slanted grin. his jaw hangs slack slightly, lips parted in anticipation of conversation when another boy, slightly bigger and with a mess of brown curls, turns the corner from the men’s locker room.
“art, man…” he says gruffly, slapping the boy in front of you firmly on the back with both hands. he makes no effort to move.
the taller boy enters your field of vision and his steps halt, eyebrows raised then corrected.
“oh- my bad.”
both boys stand in front of you now, obstructing your path to the girl’s room. adjusting your grip on your yoga mat you clear your throat, the weight of their gaze finally too much to bear.
“well excuse me,”
“oh! sure yeah,” the blonde boy shuffles aside, his friend slowly following suit. “…wouldn’t want to, uh- miss that,” he stutters lazily pointing at the mat under your arm. he lets out an anguished, embarrassed sigh as his friend stifles a laugh.
your eyes lock a final time, the bridge of your nose rosy and hot. as you disappear into the stillness of the girls’ room you hear the two boys speaking in hushed voices.
“who was THAT?” a voice you can only attribute to the brown haired boy asks.
“I- I don’t know. I think she’s in my math?” his voice like gravel, words spoken carefully.
“she’s bangin’, dude.”
“c’mon man…”
this observation of you in your self described “frumpiest” state makes your ears burn, the back of your neck prickle with sweat and nerves of having been truly seen.
shoving your belongings into a locker, you collect your water and yoga mat. on your way out of the room you pause at a mirror, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
‘I guess im not too bad,’ you allow.
as class winds down, you lie flat on your back allowing the melodic whine of the music to rock you gently as you catch your breath. consciously loosening every muscle in your body one after the other, you open your eyes to sneak a look at the others in the class, all lost in their own moments of reflection alongside you. a series of laughs moving through the hallway causes a few of them to open their eyes but their interest quickly wanes. instead, your eyes trail out the door just as the boys from earlier make their way past. their biceps glisten with sweat and otherwise floppy hair sticks to their temples.
a particularly ragged mane of gold glues your eyes to him. his dimples are deep, his flushed lips framed by smile lines as he grins, deep in conversation. your chest rises and falls faster now, seeing him, remembering his hands fixing you in place.
before he’s out of view again, he turns to peek into the class room, eyes dancing from student to student and finally landing on you. the undeniability of your eye contact forces his head down, the beginnings of a blush dusting his cheeks just as he is out of sight.
you release a breath you hadn’t realized you held at the sight of him. he made you nervous, that much was apparent, but why?
leaving, the gym feels emptier without the chime of boys’ abrasive cackles. stepping out into cool autumn air, you’re about to start back to your apartment when you see it.
leaning against a fence post lost in something on his phone it’s as if he can sense you’re there. looking up, his blue eyes seem darker under the cloudy afternoon sky but the smile that pulls at his lips is profound.
he had waited just to see you again.
“can I walk with you?”
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hoeforhao · 11 months
Parisian Nights ✨️•Jeonghan Oneshot•
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pairing : model! jeonghan × fem!reader
genre : pwp, absolutely messy smut, minors do not interact!!!
warnings : pussy eating, fingering, nipple play, overstimulation, mean jeonghan, sort of one night stand, explicit language.
word count : 780
author's note : this is an extremely impromptu drop as my account is literally dead for weeks!! what can be a better way to comeback than with some dirty smut! pls bear with my shitty writings and writer's block a bit!
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“My pretty little slut, aren’t you?” Jeonghan’s words vibrates against your folds as his tongue is buried deep inside your hole, his smooth locks brushing against your walls, while his fingers rub gentle circles on your puffy bud. You had no idea how you ended up in this position, under this man you’ve only seen for the first time this evening. The one thing you remembered through the haze of all the orgasms he has already given you,was that you were assigned the job of being the guide and coordinator of the Yoon Jeonghan,the most serene beauty of YSL’s lineup for the Paris Fashion Week.
You were always swayed away by men with more on the masculine side of beauty until tonight, when you saw the most beautiful person you’ve ever laid eyes on, arrive at the venue; long flowy hair strands sticking on his forehead making their way down to his bare shoulders, that were peeking out from under the blades of his black coat, the white tank covering his chest while also giving the most alluring shape to his petite curves. A one time wonder for real…something you definitely can’t miss getting your hands on.
“I asked you something baby” you were instantly pulled out of your recollections when you suddenly felt a sharp sting on your already sensitive clit, slowly realising it to be a slight bite from Jeonghan’s sharp canines, as a gesture for making you speak up….because the last thing he wanted from his fuck buddy was to lay quiet under him…not when he knows how good he was making you feel from his tongue alone.
“Hmm y…yess i am” only shaky breathy moans escape your lips as you try to be stable and vocal under his ecstatic touch, trying not to give in completely to the devil pressed between your legs. As angelic as he looked on the runway, from the moment he laid his hands on you tonight, you came to the realisation of how much of a satanically freak he was with his fingers and words.
“Complete words baby! You’re a what?” Jeonghan surely was enjoying all the teasings, seeing how wasted you were lying under him with your pussy clenching so good around his tongue, begging for its release for the 3rd time tonight.
“I am dirty little slut for you Yoon. Now pls let me, i cannot hold it in anymore” knowing how evil he was, you very well knew your request would go in vain as your sufferings, the constant twitching of your folds in his face, the push of your thighs to completely stuff him between your core was what making his boner grow more painful by each passing second.
“Not so easy, whore” and with this Jeonghan pumps in two of his cold fingers into your cunt accompanied by the unceasing swirls of his tongue inside your hole, lapping up every last drop of your honey juices into his mouth….the prettiest cunt he has ever tasted and will ever do.
Your back arches up from the intense feeling, toes curling up while your fingers grip onto Jeonghan’s still perfectly set hair, in an attempt to somehow hold yourself from coming undone on his pretty face right there…only to earn a tight slap on your swollen bud from him, triggering the last hold you had on yourself as you quite instantly end up painting Jeonghan’s locks and face white with your release.
Cursing under your breath for disobeying Jeonghan, you try to peek at his cum drenched form, still pressed into your core, with the slight hope of being forgiven for the sin. Oh how fool of you to even hope of mercy from the son of devil himself, as he slowly emerges out from between your thighs, white slick dripping down his chin, tongue lapping up your remaining juices on his lips, eyes clouded with the darkest most sinful haze ever known to man.
“You will have to pay for ruining my hair baby” Jeonghan’s cum coated fingers gently travel up your legs, to your tummy and finally on your perked up nipples, smothering them with your own release on the way, landing a tight pinch on one of the buds, while your eyes squint up from the overstimulation.
“What would you like more, my pretty baby…bouncing on my cock the whole night until your pussy is all swollen up and begging to be left alone or gagging on it until your eyes are all teary, face left completely ruined from my thrusts hmm?” Jeonghan’s lips slowly curl up into a devilish grin as he continues to make your insides clench around thin air with his word choices “ Either way I’m gonna be inside you tonight for as long as I desire.”
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