#pls don't kill meeeee
lasbrumas · 7 months
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C R A N E S O N G ; for tris, @atelierwriting ↳ liangyu
a little love from the one man i know bc ur women are too hot* and frankly it's distracting
*when i say hot i mean hot messes
psd: bladeologies
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I doubt it’s suicide.
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*As then moments later, others rush in...*
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Gu-Guys, we heard you all in here! What happ-?!
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Wait is...is that Yukio...?!
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Yukio, what happen?! I don't understand what's going on!
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Dude... what the fuck just happen...?
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Th-This is...!
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Ho...How could this happen?! Wh-Where's Nagi!
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Fucking shit, first the teacher ran off and now this, what the shit...!
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Peko...hey Peko, you there...?
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*Peko rush over as pushing Nekomaru out of the way and trying to shake Yukio* Please... Yukio, wake up...please wake up, you...you have to...!
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I'm sorry Peko, Yukio he...he killed himself...
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How...how can you let him die like this?! Why did you let him die! *Peko grabbed Mikan by the collar*
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I-I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, pl-please forgiiiive meeeee!
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I-I just left him alone for a se-second and th-then he...he was gone...!
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Yeah Peko, look don't blame the pig shit for this! We...We didn't know this would happen!
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But...But I...I just...! I left them alone, I just left them alone and...and he... he was fine, and...!
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DA-DAMNIT, WH-WHY! WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYY!!! *crying as on her knees*
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*kneels down as holding Peko as she was crying* Don't worry, Peko...I'm here...
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Wait, I realize... where's Nagi? Where did she go...?
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O-Oh uh, Na-Nagi was just going to the bathroom, I'm not sure what happen with her...?
???: She looks to be dead...
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Oh...it's you again...!
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Well well... seems you all are here, huh?
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Well yes, we are but that part you mention, are... are you saying Nagi died too?
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Well of course, I saw what happen; a Reserve Course student got in and chase after her, killing her...
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*throws Nagi's ripped school jacket* Seems she died in the river, this was all I could find...
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Wait, she...she's dead too?!
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Ho-How could this be, I...I saw her alive how could she be dead?!
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acediian · 2 years
hey friends, i’m looking for another beta reader for a stephen strange x oc/ sinister strange x oc fic that i’m working on! 
please hit me up in the replies or at @tomhiddleston if you’re interested, especially if you’re someone who can tell me if my characterization of stephen is alright! this is my first time writing him c:
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dilfmobius · 6 years
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klaus seeing allison bleeding on the floor, trying to comfort luther, and then collapsing in shock. (1.08 | i heard a rumor)
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winefanta · 6 years
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Hey guys look at thing THING that will NEVER happen sorry Paula x Alieah = bad bad No I'm not back I'm just posting it cause I'm proud TvT
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rinadragomir · 3 years
Okay, so, here I am, remaining anonymous so that it’s harder for you to kill me 💀
- Jessamine is such an underrated character.
- Gabriel is way better than Gideon, and his internal struggle is way more realistic. Also, Gabrily is the best TID ship.
- Herongraystairs are special, while not my favorite, as a human relationship, but both Jessa and Wessa are so overrated. So is Kitty.
- Tessa is annoying. Worst protagonist by a whole lot.
- I dislike James almost as much as Charles. Also, I hate how Cassie blames everything on being irascible when it comes to James and Will. I feel like she validates behaviours that really shouldn’t be validated.
- Having Thomas and Eugenia is Gideon’s redemption era.
- Neither Grace nor Christopher are necessarily aroace, and people should treat the topic more carefully. I’m not saying that they can’t be (and it would be great if Cassie handled it correctly), but I see a lot of people mixing up trauma with being aroace. And that is really harmful.
- Cordelia is okay, but I do feel like Cassie hasn’t fully fledged her character and it occasionally seems to me like I’m dealing with different people depending on the scenes.
- Ghostwriter isn’t worth the hype, but it’s still way better than Jordelia.
- Jordan was in the wrong with Maia, but he wasn’t a bad person.
- Kierarktina doesn’t work. If Mark and Cristina had as much chemistry as Mark and Kieran or as Cristina and Kieran, it’d be great. Sadly they don’t.
- Thule!Livvy and Cameron are so underrated. I’m still heartbroken over one of them being dead in each world and them never being able to be together.
- Diego is a very complex and interesting character, precisely because he’s not perfect.
- QoAaD was disappointing, and its best parts were the Rosales brothers’ interactions.
- I love Malec, but what Cassie is doing with TEC (especially with TLBotW) isn’t it.
- Shinyun was so interesting in TRSoM and deserved a better characterisation than whatever Cassie was thinking at the time.
Ready to be killed in 3, 2, 1… 💀
@thestarkster1465 your soulmate is here. You can run to Antarctica together ✨🤗
1 - SHE IS 💅 MY UNDERRATED QUEEN. I really hope she'll manage to find peace in the wicked powers
2 - I wouldn't say he's better, I'll just say that plot makes him more complex, cause he was the one who stayed with his abusive father when Gideon left to Spain. He just has to be more interesting and complicated at this point. GABRILY BEING THE HORNIEST COUPLE + BEST PARENTS CHECK✅
3 - ...not Kitty and Jessa......YOU—
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4 - That's an individual thing, i guess. Tessa annoyed me too a bit in TID but i understand that she was just a young girl raised how she was supposed to be raised that time. I love her in every other book🌼
5 - .... there's some truth about Will...BUT MY LITERALLY CURSED BOY JAMES?!?!?! LIVING UNDER SOME DEMONIC LOVE SPELL SINCE HE'S 12 or sth?!?!?! He literally cries when he hears the sound of rain!!!!!
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6 - Maybe maybe 🤔
7 - That's actually a very complex and complicated topic. I think I should dedicate a separate post to this, but you're so right about that trauma part. @hotdog-frenchfries EDUCATE MEEEEE😭 Personally, I think that as long as we don't have official information about their sexuality, we can think whatever we want. They might both be aroace or not, both options are valid for now. And no one can condemn any of these options cause we don't have any information about it🤷🏼‍♀️I hope we'll find out in chot
8 - THAT'S SO TRUE OH MY GOD! Not to mention how in the first book Cordelia proudly told us where she came from and talked about her culture, and in the second book we pretend that none of this happened WTF CASSIE?!?!
10 -That's true, i actually answered one ask about him yesterday, pls find it👉👈
11 - I wrote everything I think about Kierarktina here meow
12 - I KNOW😭😢 they fit each other so well, i guess Livvys destiny, to suffer in every world
13 - I've read TDA so fast I don't even remember him well. But everything i remember is pretty good🤔✨
14 - It was disappointing for me too but for different reasons. I tried to finish TDA as fast as I could, so i don't remember much about them either ;-; I said it hundred times and I'll do it again: too many characters + not enough pages
15 - oh but why 🥺🤔
16 - ONLY FACTS, THERE'S NO LIE, JUST TRUTH IN YOUR WORDS! #shinyun_deserves_better_2022
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
Ah fuc guess whose here with a request because she can't stop thinkin about it and needs it to be reality but also doesn't know the character well enough to write it? Meeeee
Anyway. Also pls hmu if this is unclear because I'm both tired n have a headache so I dunno if this is even English lmao. Or just hmu for like. Normal talkin if u want that
Could you do hc's or, a scenario or whatever you feel best fits, for Jean where his S/O is "eaten" by a titan, so now he thinks they're dead. But then, the titan writhes in pain, it's stomach is split open by S/O's knife, and S/O gets out alive but traumatized and just clings to Jean the moment he's close enough because holy shit they almost died n just u know pls provide me with that angst/comfort pls
Or don't, if you don't wanna do this req that's totes cool too no worries
Word count: 782
Pairing: Jean x reader
Warnings: blood n gore, swearing
A/N: I am so bad at writing action and gore but I tried lol, I hope you like it
It was routine at this point. Titans invaded more often than ever, the walls meant nothing.
You should´ve seen it coming, should´ve been more prepared.
But then again, all you ever did was train and watch out, still you were never prepared and you doubted you ever would be.
Then came the rage, wasn´t it the job of the others to ensure your safety? Why did you even build the walls if everyone knew that they´d be destroyed one way or the other?
It was no wonder people in high positions couldn´t control the civilians anymore.
You were a soldier like anyone else, nothing special, fighting to protect the people that would be killed in another week.
It all seemed pointless and you all knew it was.
But what the fuck were you supposed to do about it? There was nothing else to do but try.
Sure, the situation was hopeless but that didn´t mean you had to be.
At least you could keep up the attitude to calm down the citizens.
Death was always a companion to you, striking down your comrades you promised you wouldn´t get attached to since it would only bring you pain.
Every single one of you was going to die. It was only a matter of time.
But still you couldn´t help yourself, why did everyone have to be so nice?
Especially Jean…
You never would´ve imagined to fall in love in those times, living a life that was more fleeting than anything. But here you were, in his arms, the day before your next mission.
Everything was peaceful. For now that was.
You exchanged a few words before going to sleep. Sleeping next to him, all cuddled up, made you feel so safe. Safer and warmer than anything else you ever experienced.
The nights weren´t as restless with him by your side and for the first time in your life you felt like you could actually sleep through it.
The next day started like always, quick breakfast, getting into gear and riding outside of the walls.
It didn´t take long for the titans to show their grimaces, so ugly and visceral you just wanted to slay each and every one of them.
Something that always went through your head was: who?
Who would get eaten next? Who was the next one to die and lose their lives to those monsters?
This time it just seemed to be the one person you couldn´t lose.
Without thinking about it you jumped into action, protecting Jean and trying to attack it.
However you were in vain. You weren´t fast enough and instead took Jean´s place.
The titan swallowed you whole like you were nothing, like you weren´t even worth chewing, in the end it would be for your luck.
But even still…
It was an experience you would never forget.
The utter darkness inside of the titan, you could hear the screams outside, Jean calling your name, though it all was muffled.
You couldn´t move a lot in its stomach, it was filled with heads and limbs and some half alive corpses, the air was more than just damp, cutting at your throat. If you didn´t do something soon, you would end up like them.
Jean felt utterly helpless, watching you get eaten. He couldn´t move and slashed at the titan but no matter what he did, it wouldn´t let you go.
It was useless, he knew you were probably dead by now but he couldn´t let that happen. He wouldn´t.
If he couldn´t even protect you was he even any good of a soldier? He highly doubted it.
In the end he never has been cut out for the job… he didn´t save anyone like he was supposed to, he just slowed everyone down.
Connie tried to pull him away, tugged at him, but it was no use. He wouldn´t move.
Jean kept trying to rescue you, to get to you.
Meanwhile you were searching for your knife in your pockets, you would get out on your own, this wouldn´t be the end of your story.
After a while you finally found it and gripped it tightly, your hands were covered in more fluids than just sweat and you didn´t dare look down on them.
Determined you dashed forward, closing your eyes and slashing its stomach from the inside, bursting out of it into Jean´s arms.
You couldn´t even cry, your eyes were wide and you just knew that you both would need a lot of time to overcome the trauma that came from this experience.
Right now you were just glad you two were alive, that was more than you bargained for, more than good enough.
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
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Will Reopen again once I finish requests :')
•°•°•°𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒀𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝑻𝒆𝒂 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓°•°•°•
In the dark forests of Twisted Wonderland, Lies a small shop hidden deep within the woods..... Care to enter the mysterious shop?
Oh? Welcome dear customer! Yanyan's tea corner is now open for business! Order to your heart’s content!
Note: Hi!!! It's your local dumb owner who spills tea 24/7! Call me Yan! I will be taking up your orders! Be it sweet, sad, spicy or shameless. I'll try to make it with the best of my ability! Maybe I won't answer some requests I feel uncomfortable with? or requests that I feel like I have no idea how to answer or how to picture the scenario?... I mean I'm still young and I got many things to learn.... Anyways off to the rules!(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
•°•°•°•°𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗢𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿?°•°•°•°•°
This tea corner will only make short Headcanons/Imagines/ONESHOTS!!! If you push the right buttons, don't mind me going ham on asks Pls tell me what you want uwu?
1-4 twst characters per Headcannon!!! Ps. I'm not the most serious writer when it comes to headcannons lmao-
1 twst characters per scenario/imagine!!! I'll try to focus more on how the characters would react on this.
1-2 twst characters per Oneshot!!! I wont do separate oneshots, I will do them combined eg: Malleus × Reader × Silver
Please be specific with your asks!!! I'm no cryptologist to decipher vague asks... If you want specific scenarios, tell me! That will surley make it easier to understand and work on. Even a little context or dialogues will help me!
My stories will be brief and short compared to my previous works. This is a tea corner you can flee to! Have a short, yet enjoyable tea time.
NO COPY PASTED REQUEST! Even if I proclaimed I'm doormat... This doormat got feelings too ok??
Also, you don't have to use the emoji's I put in the menu, that's just for decoration lol. \(>0< )\
•°•°•°•°•°•𝗠 𝗘 𝗡 𝗨•°•°•°•°•°•
🌷𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 •Your Sweet Honey Milk tea.
🥀𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 •Red tea perfect w/ passion fruit.
🌹𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩 •Bitter Black Tea... blerghh bland....
🌿𝙉𝙨𝙛𝙬 •Lemon tea!!! Scorching hot!!!
🍵𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙊𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧!!! •What is it that you wish for? What is it that you'll get? Curious to find out? Ask Yan for a secret tea recipe that'll surprise you! (>▽<)ノ
•°•°•°•°•°•°𝗜 𝗡 𝗙 𝗢°•°•°•°•°•°•
Secret Order? Ohhhh.... Sweetie.... I will brew you a delicious cup of tea, give me a scenario and what is it that you'll get? Something sweet? Something bitter? Or is it some scorching hot tea? Will it be a Oneshot? Will it be a Headcanon? Or will it be your usual Scenarios? Wanna find out? My ask is open for a reason....(if you want your secret order to be a bit spicy, TELL MEEEEE!)
NSFW! For starters: No incest, no twincest, no cheka, no ortho... Please... for the love of God... I will make nsfw smut with feelings and consent! Please be specific with asks! NO ILLEGAL STUFF GOT IT?
Masterlist? Coming soon if I actually make content lmao-
I'm sorry if I don't get to answer your ask, it's probably because I don't know how to answer them, or I don't have any idea how to answer them.... I'm plain and vanilla blergh I'm sorry....
•°•°•°•°•𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗔𝘀𝗸•°•°•°•°•
Yan asks:Hello you crusty Yam! I know your procrastinating again! You cant fool me! But can I order a Yandere!Malleus × Reader Yandere Scenario, where Malleus tries to accidentally kill the reader? That's it you lazy Yam!
Let's make a bet! No one will ask me lmao- \(༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)/
[𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚊 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐~]
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onewingedangels · 5 years
From that trailer I hope they don't kill Dina. I like her so far
They are trying to fuckin fool us, binch I can feel it, Dina ain't dead but kidnapped omgggg ND don't so this to meeeee pls
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probablynotcy · 2 years
I finished playing Resident Evil Village (and am a wreck now)
(spoilers up ahead!)
part 1:
the duke: *tells me things about the 4 lords*
me: let's say I'm excited to meet heisenberg but I'm also scared to meat heisenberg.
(I do not trust the duke by the way ...)
and now ethan's hallucinating. great. :')
me: *approaches grave* '-a beneviento' ... *checks a 2nd time* wait, there is an 'i' before the 'a'. oh no... oh no, this is not good. oh fuck. please let me be wrong with what I'm thinking.
ethan: am I loosing it?
me: probably. but I'm not the one to judge. :')
the room turns dark, a creepy voice speaks and the lights turn on again.
ethan: wait, where's my gun?
me: wait, wait, WAIT, what did you just say??? ethan, tell me you're joki- *checks* HE'S NOT! ;-;
ethan: *goes down a well*
me: I swear if I find sadako in there I'm going to cry. :')
mia's voice over a radio: it'll be fine. it'll be fine. it'll be fine.
me: sorry to break it to ya, but I don't think it'll be fine.
oh. my. god. what the fuck did my eyes just see.
forget everything I said about resident evil 7, this fucking baby-monster-thing is the creepiest shit I've ever seen. holy fuck, I just screamed like a little baby myself.
this section wasn't long but holy shit was it creepy. now I never want to play this ever again pls. :')
oh thank god the name on the gravestone was claudia. :')
chris, you fucker! tell me what the heck is going on here! I know you know something! so just tell meeeee! or I punsh you in the face! nah, no matter what you do, I'll punsh you in the face!
me: as soon as I jump down here a boss fight will start. *jumps down & walks a few meters*
monster: *charges around a corner*
me: a little bit late, but I wasn't entirely wrong.
this section of the game was honestly so much fun. finding my way over the water to turn the windmills around was super exciting and the boss fight was kinda fun as well. much action, liked it a lot. :D
heisenberg: I could help you.
me: I don't believe you. you might be attractive as hell, but you're also an asshole that tried to kill me so... I will not trust you ... keep talking though, you have a really nice voice.
written in yellow on a big fat sign, an arrow attached right next to it: this way.
me: oh my gosh ... that wasn't there before, right? was that heisenberg? what an idiot, lmao. *keeps walking and sees more signs* omg, there are even more! I can't- xD
and of course this whole thing has something to do with the baker family incident and the connections. fuck, what the hell is just going on?
aaaaaah, heisenberg, stop! I do not trust! there are many things I do but I definitely do not trust!
ethan, writing in his diary: can I trust heisenberg?
me: no. no you cannot. listen, ethan, we will not trust the sexy man, okay?
heisenberg: don't worry about the kid, just get your ass across the bridge.
me: heisenberg... heisenberg! I do not trust! you want me to set foot on this bridge? ... I do not trust. it will break, right? you still want to see me dead, huh? ... heisenberg ...
heisenberg: hello, ethan.
me: hi. *whispers* the bridge didn't collapse but I still don't trust-
heisenberg: I like you.
me: o-oh. 😳
heisenberg: I want to talk with you. come in. don't worry, it's not a trap.
me: 'IT'S NOT A TRAP' HE SAYS! my mom warned me about guys like you!
oh no, pls no more chainsaws, I'm still traumatized from 7. :')
ethan, I did say you should not trust him, but do you think that this really was a good idea?
ethan: *falls into a pile of trash*
me: as it turns out, I'm still trash! :D
game: a locking mechanism. it looks easy to break.
me: are you telling me I should- *shoots at it* yes you are.
heisenberg: you should've never refused me, ethan.
me: yeah, I'm starting to believe that. :')
ethan: what a freak.
me: you do be right. a hot one tho.
okay wait, if it wasn't mia but miranda who got shoot... then where the fuck is mia???
UHM, HELLO?!?!?!?!
you expect me to just... keep playing after what I just witnessed??? that can't be his end. he can't just be... dead. no, no, no ... what the fuck??? HELLO?!?!
dude: you should've told ethan the plan.
me: yeah, absolutely, definitely, you stupid idiot. why the fuck did you not tell him the goddamn plan, chris?!
me: *reading notes about heisenberg* 'brain functions: normal' uhm, that is arguable. *remembers what just happened* yeah, seriously arguable.
I don't even know what to say anymore honestly.
what a game. I'm at a loss for words.
I just... can't believe he's fucking dead.
this was honestly such an insane game & I would like to say that I hated the end but that would be a lie. of course I would've liked ethan to still be alive, to be with his family, but even though he's gone things turned out quite okayish, which is rather surprising.
a really emotional end, which made me cry & left me speechless for several minutes. & even now I'm still not entirely sure what to say, that's how hard this game fucked me over. :')
I'm really curious what furure games will bring & how the story will continue, because there still are quite a few questions that stay unanswered.
& now I'll cry a little bit more because ethan just fucking died, how dare he? :')
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
HEY KAI PLS DRAW ME AS YOUR FRENCH BREADS PLS SENPAI NOTICE MEEEEE (yea i readed that #) (pls don't kill me i'm joking)
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