#pls dont flop this time-
dian-mian · 1 year
I made uhh a ref of the Earthspark soft body design simply for the sake of ref and Im fking sticking to it (The designs are inspired by SINØKY from twt) (click for higher quality yada yada)
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Also some Earthspark doodles feat. Megop and bonding moment with Twitch and Megatron
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cynicallyneutral · 7 months
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sakura: pick, a kiss from me or from her?
naruto, whispering: …a kiss from sasuke
sakura: 🫢
ino: 🤣
sasuke: ❔
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simptea · 7 months
saw ppl draw aimsey as a pony..
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5h0w1sh · 5 months
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Cover Page!
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almost-an-artist · 5 days
Ok here me out..
LU Marching Band AU
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Of course, I'm in marching band, and I force Linked Universe into everything I do soooo
I could yap about this for ages of y'all wanna here
(also don't mind winds heterochromia, I couldn't decide which eye color and then I was like wait, both is good)
Oh, and I have a playlist for y'all too
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kaletalecowboy · 1 year
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so brave of him to serve despite the horrors
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vampveli · 21 days
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fiddauthor yuri?? anyone?????
ignore the hands, please 😿
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part-toons · 4 months
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The deified child
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robiinurheart33 · 1 day
Part 1
The next time Soap wakes up, he isn’t screaming anymore.
He sort of felt that after passing out from the pain of Ghost’s touch along with the stitches that he was gonna wake up in a shitton of pain but surpringly he felt…comfortable. Soap opens his bleary eyes to take stock of the situation. He’s obviously in one of the rooms in the safe house, the room completely void of light. Not even the moonlight is able to pierce through the blackout curtains. No doubt Ghost probably would’ve also dead locked the windows. He feels the cooling touch of a bedsheet under his fingers, the whirring of a fan blowing on his face. He can hear shuffling downstairs, Ghost probably settling down for a few days at the house before they’re cleared to go out.
Johnny sits up with a soft groan, hand patting his side where his stitches lie. His mind feels blissfully silent, like for once a higher being is allowing him to rest, if only for a short while. He feels 10 again when his socked feet slide across the ground as he stands, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and opening the door to the bedroom. Johnny isn’t completely sure of where his bedroom is located, but he manages to find the living room easily and by extension; Ghost. He looks ethereal and deadly in the moonlight, sitting on the couch and cleaning his guns.
“About time you woke up.” Christ, he sounds exhausted. Has he rested even once when he patched Soap up?
“How long was I out?”
A pause. “Long enough.” Ghost sounded more gravely than usual. Soap tries not to dwell on it, what it implies. He knows that even if he tries to get Ghost to rest, it would end up fruitless. He knows other ways to trick him into resting.
Johnny spots his phone on the table and checks the time. 2:37am. Shit, it’s been quite a while since he passed out. They left for the op at 4am, and arrived at the safe house at around 7:30am. He’d been sleeping all this time. He sighs and perches himself onto the couch arm. Far enough that he isn’t invading Ghost’s personal space, but still remaining within his reach. He stares at the generic wallpaper his phone is blinking back at him. His real phone is back in his bedside table at base. The wallpaper is of his family about 8 years ago, all of them grinning at a eyefish filter Johnny’s sister took. Johnny looks ridiculous, his mowhawk not yet making its debut, and an old phase of a beard is evident on his face, bushy and proud. This was taken when they were all on vacation together, a rare occasion when he was able to save enough offs and before all the kids, complications and death. There were the MacTavishes, once upon a time. His mother, two older sisters and a little, blue eyed John. Remember John, His sister hissed, wagging a finger in his face. You’re a Mactavish. When we get down we get the fuck back up again. He’s always admired his sister. he misses them both so, so, much.
“Do you sometimes ever wonder if this life is really worth it?” Johnny suddenly blurts out. He feels his face immediately start burning. God, that’s embarrassing. “Being in the military, I-I mean.”
He knows that Ghost, out of all people would be the worst person to talk to about feelings. He’s an important person that has more responsibilities to lie his focus on, much less his feelings. Shit, can he take back the words? No, that would be even worse. Can Ghost just ignore him? No, wait, that might be even worse if they just stay in this stupid awkward silence Soap subjected them to-
“All the time.”
Johnny whips his head around so fast he’s sure he has whiplash.
“A-all the time?”
To be honest, Johnny never really thought Ghost has a life outside of the military. He never talks about family, friends or maybe even a girlfriend. He doesn’t like to think of the implications or anything about his past. It just felt invasive and inappropriate to do so, even if they were close. Price had told him one late night, smoke curling lazily behind his ear, with low murmurs and blood shot eyes that Simon has no one left to mourn him. Johnny didn’t ask for the details. He didn’t have any right to.
“Yeah.” He doesn’t elaborate. Johnny doesn’t blame him.
He turns back to staring at the wooden walls deprived of any decoration, not even a small potted plant. He takes a deep inhale and sighs, breathing in the stale air. Fuck it. Whether he wants to hear it or not; Johnny can’t take the pain of awkward silence.
“My mom back home, she…” He wet his lips, thinking for a moment. “She writes to me, sometimes. Tells me every single detail of her day, that old hag.” Johnny chuckles, tracing the gnarly stitch work Ghost had done on him over his shirt. “But that’s just because she doesnt have anything else going on in her life. Which, I mean, it does sound depressing, but she’s in her own little bubble y’know? She goes to her yoga class, book club, she bakes, and she’s just fine with that life.” He looks over at Ghost, who’s now looking right at him, gun hanging loosely from his hands.
Soap thinks it would probably be a nice way to go. If Ghost shot him in the head right now.
“She’s…. Happy. I think. I hope so.”
Soap scratches at the base of his neck, looking out the window. The grass seemed to stretch on forever, into the horizon. The moon is just a sliver today, peeking over from its shadow, casting a light blue tint over everything. He thinks if he stood on the road and looked straight ahead, it would look something like those pictures they make you stare at when they check for eyesight at the doctor’s, but without the hot air balloon.
A soft click alerts Soap back to reality, watching Ghost place down his gun.
“Let me get dinner.”
He blinks.
“You haven’t eaten?”
Soap hears a few pots cutleries clink against one another.
“…was waiting for you.”
And fuck, if that just makes his intensities melt and swirl together. Ghost was waiting for him? He was waiting for Soap to wake up to eat dinner together? Jesus Christ. He manages to crack a smile, and a little too tender “aww, Ghostie.” Gets breathed.
He comes back around to face Soap, handing him his MRE with a plastic fork sticking out of it, stream curling from the packet. He can smell the curry chicken and he almost sobs.
“You got me my favourite?”
“Don’t sound so emotional, Sargent. It just happened to be in my bag.”
Ghost plops down onto the couch and pulls off his mask to scarf down his bag, barely stopping for a breath.
Soap chuckles. “Goddamn animal..” He ignores the way his ears feel hot and his chest feels itchy, just holding the packet in his hands.
He fidgets around with it, letting the heat seep into the palms of his hands, wondering how long it would last, if it would stay there forever, cupped in his skin, his bones. Wonders if he could press it to his chest and the heat would spread throughout his body, into his head. If he ate the food would it warm him from the inside out, would it taste as delicious as how Ghost’s considerations made him feel?
“Jesus Christ just eat the fuckin’ food Johnny, before it gets cold.” Ghost grumbles, speech a bit muffled due to the food in his mouth.
He giggles before picking up the fork, scooping up some of the rice and shoving it in his mouth. He lets out an appreciative hum, scooping up more rice and chicken, stuffing more and more into his mouth.
Eventually, Johnny slides from the armrest to the actual couch cushions, tossing the empty packet onto the table with a content sigh. Ghost had resorted to staring out the window now, arms resting on his knees with his hands clasped together as if deep in thought. The Scot lays his head back on the cushions, closing his eyes for a bit. He doesnt want to disrupt the silent peace they have going on right now.
“Let me check your stitches.”
He opens one eye to look at Ghost.
Before he could shift his body towards him though, Ghost already slipped to the floor, sitting cross-legged in front of soap’s legs.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“It’s easier this way. I don’t want you to turn any more than you have to. This’ll be quick.” he says, like Soap isn’t currently fighting for the air to go into his lungs at the way he just with no hesitation start to go for the hem of his shirt.
“Jesus, okay! Fine, i can do it myself.” He grumbles, slapping Ghost’s hand away before quickly pulling his shirt off.
Now, it isn’t the first time Ghost has touched him, nor will it be the last. For fuck’s sakes, he was screaming in anguish just less than 25 hours ago, and Ghost was touching him in the exact same spot. But this time, it was different. It wasn’t physical contact for the sake of keeping all his organs intact, it was more out of concern for his safety. It is also a helluva lot more intimate the last few times they’d touched. (Not like he was keeping count) The moonlight hits him from the back of his head, making his brown eyes shine in the dark. He always looked like he was on the verge of tears, Soap noted a long time ago. They were constantly glassy, waterline reddish-pink an eyelashes longer than a damn horse. His pupils always looked intense and scary, black in the sunlight, caramel in the moonlight. Soap’s sweating now, more so that he’s actively pinning Soap under that stare, watching for any painful expression.
As he reached forward, big bastard he is, knocks his knees apart so that he’s more in between his legs than in front of them. Johnny breathes. His ears are definitely red now.
The first touch felt more like a jolt than anything, cold fingertips pressing into his side.
“Fuck, Ghost, you don’t have any blood in ya?” Johnny cracks a nervous smile, trying to lighten the mood. Ghost doesnt reply, eyes now trained on his midriff.
His left hand cups his waist, their contrasting temperatures slowly making its way to even themselves out. Soap can’t help but shiver, Ghost suddenly whipping his hand away like he’d burned him. He blinks, looking up at Johnny.
“S’ okay, sir. Just didn’t know you have the touch of an ice princess.”
He slaps his ribs, pretty eyes narrowing as he focuses on his stitches again. His left hand comes back to cup his waist, thumb right above the stitches. His right thumb is below the wound, hand resting on his belly, pinkie on his military-issued shorts.
In all honesty, Johnny’s completely losing it. The touch is like liquid nectar spread across his middle, settling under his ribs and squeezing his lungs. He feels indulgent, gluttony taking in the form of Ghost’s touch. It’s so much more than he’s expected it to be, and he feels a bit light headed. The thumb tracing so, so carefully along the uneven stitches almost feels like it could be mistaken for care, for love. Johnny’s light headed, and his limbs feel heavy like it turned into lead. It felt feather light, and all too special. Like if Soap wasn’t completely honed in on whatever the hell is happening right now, the moment would slip away and he would regret it for the rest of his life. So he savours. He memorises the touch pads of ghost’s fingertips against his skin, the light framing his body, his eyes fixated on the stitches. Fuck, fuck. What Soap would give to feel like this all the time.
In spite of his internal turmoil, Ghost looks up at him, eyelashes fluttering.
“You good?”
Johnny swallows, Ghost’s eyes following the motion.
“Yeah- yeah I’m good.”
please touch me more. please hug me. please cup my face and touch me as gently as you do for my wounds. please take care of me. please care.
Soap’s flushing hot now, he doesn’t need to look in a mirror to know. Ghost’s eyes hone in on him, pupils trained onto his body for what, soap doesnt even know. He tries to look as normal as possible with your CO’s hands on him so warm, so gently, like he belongs there.
Whatever Ghost is looking for, he finds as he sighs softly, letting his hands drop and now resting on his hips.
God fucking damn it Ghost is driving him crazy
“You got any siblings?” His hands absentmindedly squeeze him, and Soap mentally checks out. He’s done. He’s actually dying. This is heaven. Or hell. Either way, he doesn’t ever want to leave.
“Two sisters.” He manages to squeeze out as much as he can without his body moving. He’s tuned in with every nerve, so, so scared that if he moves Ghost will take away his hands.
“Can tell.”
“Haud yer wheest.” He grumbles, looking at anywhere but Ghost. Why hasn’t he moved yet?
“Tell me about them.”
Johnny scrambles for any kind of information on his sisters to tell him.
“Well- uh. Marjorie is my oldest. Uh- oldest sister. She hates her name. Has a bubbling little husband little ways from our home. Lovely guy, has no backbone. Honestly could not tell you how he managed to bag my sister. He even says it’s a miracle, heh.” The more he talks, the more he relaxes. “Middle sister, Gwyneth, she.. uh. She has a little rascal running around at home. Little runt, that kid. Fuckin’ love her.”
“Sounds like your mom has a knack for naming her kids.”
“Yeah right, imagine a Marjorie, Gwyneth and then just John.” He shakes his head, chuckling softly. “Lame name.”
“It’s a okay name.”
“Ghost, i can literally name you 10 guys I’ve met with the same name as me. Our captain is named John.”
“Yeah you’re right there. John is a shit name.”
“Shut up!” Johnny giggles, raising his hand as if he was gonna hit Ghost.
“It’s better than Simon.”
A pause. “What’s wrong wit Simon? Right bonnie name, there.”
Even with the darkness, Johnny can feel Ghost’s eyebrow raising.
“Am’ serious! Simon…. Yeah, it’s a good name. Solid.”
He huffs, as if not believing it, one of his thumbs tracing patterns absentmindedly on the soft part of his midriff .
“Who wouldn’t love a Simon in their life, hm?” Soap hums, tapping the cheekbone of Simon’s mask with a finger.
“Simon.” He whispers again, just for good measure, and Ghost looks up at him, eyes shining so, so brightly. He looks almost wistful, hopeful if he looks too much into it. The hands at his hips squeeze.
I love you.
I love you so much I can’t bear it sometimes.
Johnny says nothing else.
“We should probably go sleep now. We have to get up in less than 5 hours.” He whispers.
Ghost hums an agreement, but neither of them move for a long time.
“Okay.” Ghost mumbles, breaking the spell first. He climbs up to his feet and looks down at johnny one last time, hooking an index finger to his chin. “I’ll see you in the morning, yeah?” Johnny can feel the rumble deep in his chest. He doesn’t reply, only nods as he watches Ghost disappear down the hallway.
Once he’s out of sight, Soap buries his face in his hands and groans softly. God, his whole body is alight. How’s he ever gonna sleep now? How’s he going to move on with his life knowing how ghost’s hands felt on his waist, his hips, his chin? His face feels hot, and he scratches at his chest, wringing his shirt he picked up in his hands nervously.
He lays his head back, staring at the water stains on the ceiling.
He’s fucked.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I drew all of my historical AU Sebs!!!!
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In order they are(with relevant links to lore info if you are curious!!): Napoleonic Hussar Seb(x), Renaissance Muse Seb(x) and Boy King/Emperor Seb(x)
Let me know which you like best!!!
#oh my fucking god this was truly the endurance race of drawing sessions#i just drew for four hours straight or so......FUN!#and it is now almost 5 am on a school night so pls wish me luck in school haha#basically this spawned from me seeing if i could sketch all 3 of my Sebs easily and then whoops 4 hours later they are finished!#i think now i can draw the hussar uniform with my eyes closed. it was so comforting to draw honestly ;;;;#this is actually the first time ive drawn boy king seb with colors!! so i think it turned out pretty well?#hey guys do you notice what all of the Sebs have in common...? they all have a gold motif...GOLDEN BOY CODED!!!#anyways i think the most developed of these AUs is boy king seb which is funny bcs its the one ive created most recently#but gaahhhhhh ive done so much research and im literally brainrotting over it constantly#now i need to draw fernando in his 3 AUs hahaha but drwing Seb is sooooo much more easy/comfy for me#did you guys also notice i have a fondness for a specific seb hairstyle? malaysia 2010 my truly beloved youve served me so well#i mentioned this already but like i dont get how drawing these kinds of clothing is far more preferable to me than drawing racesuits#well anyways i have so much fun researching into these different eras!! and then very fun to mix it with the drivers#im very surprised i was able to draw this. im not usually able to draw good chibi anatomy#but like seriously i think i was posessed by my thoughts of boy king seb and i just couldnt stop drawing#in didnt really have any mental roadblocks which is surprising#but then again these drawings are me mixing my two major interests atm so ofc it'll come to me easily and make me passionate!!#anyways time to go sleep pwease dont let this flop my hands literally are overheated from drawing LMFAO#catie.art.#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#f1 fanart#formula 1 art#formula 1 fanart#f1 art#boy king au#renaissance muse au#hussar au
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sleepintro · 1 year
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stations of the cross // sam winchester 
special thanks to @assigned-boyking-at-birth​ for their help on this <33
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deathdestructiondoom · 4 months
Anyways guess whaaat, i have a new au.
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An Isekai AU where Akito, Saki, Shizuku, Nene and Mizuki were sent to save the Creatio World from being stuck in it's years long Time Loop, however only Akito seemed to remember each Loop and something weird is happening to him. What shall happen to our favorites lesbians and pathetic bisexual ginger? Let's find out.
This is where I'm gonna go unprofessional (I lied) (Ft Pokemon references)
Also yes there are doodles.
Akito : Poor guy is not having a good time. Hes going insane, not mentally okay. His friends keep dying in each loops and he has barely anyone to talk with. And he has the burden of the world's fate on him as the Timecatcher, the only one in this world who can beat the Time God's stinky narcissistic ass. Oh and something went wrong and now after each loops he keeps growing and he gotta do this quick until his height become a major inconvenience. But that doesn't mean he's doing this alone, he got teammates, most he's barely familiar with but teammates nonetheless. They helped him through his lowest, he helped them at their lowest and they helped remind him that it’s okay to ask for help, something he forgot during the midst of each time loops. The constant loops may have changed him, for better or worse, mentally and even physically but what not has changed is his love for his teammates and how he would do anything to not let them die. Oh and he has a cool sword. He also pukes sand. He also may or may not become a demigod.
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Saki : Barbaracore Pookie bear. Shes the team's healer and keeps them alive with her magic healing book. If girlypop wanted to, she can become a full Physical Catalyst user by wacking the book to enemies. Either way she's a silly patootie in a silly magical world, she knows abt the loop but still gets her memory erased, yet will that stop her from smiling? No! She's still the bright and cheerful Saki Tenma and even through the worst times, she won't falter her smile. Also she still gets tired easily due to her health but she got some strong teammates who are willing to support her. She truly loves her new friends and teammates, and wants to support them fully!
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Shizuku : The Mom Friend™. Her Leoncore sense of direction is still here and everyone has to keep her on a leash to prevent her from being lost and die. Yes she's a powerful witch but still needs supervision. She's also motherhenning the shit out of the younger ones, if she says you sleep then you fucking sleep, Akito i don't give a shit that you're supposed to save the world, if you don't get atleast eight hours of sleep i will kill you. She too is aware of the loop, memories still erased but is always taking care of her teammates, being the oldest in the group makes her feel responsible to care for the younger ones wellbeing, feeling closer to them, like how she feels with Shiho.
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Nene : Siren aaah powers. She got the FANGIES AND THE SHORT HAIR. She has the ability to tell people to shut the fuck up with just her voice but shes too nervous for her liking to actually do it. She's also a Disney Princess, animals love her. In case she isn't using her siren inspired powers, she has a poison-infused dagger ready at hand. She also learns how to trust her teammates even if she's unfamiliar with most of them, and they helped her gain some confidence and she slowly gets more comfortable around them. Shes still mostly shy, being in a new world, but still determined to not let the time loops, that wiped her memories, stop her from supporting her teammates to save the world and cut the time loop. She is Zubat but human.
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(Ignore the other lil guy ill talk abt em in another post)
Mizuki : Take Kirby, Tinkaton and Amy Rose and mash em into Mizuki and boom you got a pretty pink lil pookie with a big ass hammer ready to whack some monsters. They got LIPSTIIIIICK. Mizuki is still their teasing self in here and yes they do gush over the cute things in the Creatio World and yes they really love their outfit and hammer like FUCK YEAH THIS IS WHAT I WANNA LOOK LIKE IN A FANTASY SETTING, they are truly in love of how feminine they look (Demigirl Mizuki is canon, if you are transphobic or think they're still a guy pls kindly get off my blog and never touch it again). Mizuki is still observant on the mood of the gang and still helps their teammates, gaining eachothers trusts and starts to express themselves more freely. They are too aware of the loop despite not keeping their memories but will that stop them from supporting their teammates, friends to save the world? No! also they pull ligma and candace jokes on the creatio world's people.
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(Side note : i love their lipstick)
I don't ship these 5 romantically (lied bc i was heavily considering a rlly close SakiNene qpr) but they are still family and love and care for eachother.
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Pookiebears <333
Oh and did i mention their Creatio World selves are just their consciousness transferred into their current bodies and their actual bodies are in a coma.
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lollipopcatxdxd · 1 year
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Monster Ruikasa💕
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w3belisasilviaofc137 · 3 months
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hellsgreatestfaggot · 4 months
H-Hey….. gulps…. Cultist Vox with a worship kink & male reader…. :3
SAY NO MORE this gonna get kinda 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂.
Cultist!Vox x Male reader hcs & fic
WARNINGS: Dom!Vox ,, Praise AND degredation (ima spoil you today),Vox being kinda mean but ina hot way , Power kink, using wires to tie you up idk if that counts as bdsm , etc bro
how do i write a cultist “Haah! join this group of batman looking demons with daddy issues or face my wrath! (dick)”
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• Starting off on a lighter note , i just KNOW he would be a switch, 100% top leaning and would 100% be a power bottom if he had to . (for this fic hes gonna be a top though😇)
• Would love hearing you whine, any noise at all you make he would adore, followed by praises and him speeding up and grunting into your neck from behind.
“Let me here that voice, c’mon now. Doing so good f’me.”
“Cmon baby i know you can take more.”
• Would REVEL in making you beg. He definitely has a power kink so he would adore how much you’d plead for him to touch you.
“Whats wrong, so desperate your already whining for me like a bitch? pathetic.”
• His hands. He has those claws, imagine him grabbing onto you, digging into your skin until you bleed a bit. once that happens and he takes notice, hed lick it off, again praising your endurance for this.
• Pet names and nicknames would be his shit ngl, hed rock with mean ones and praise ones. things like “Pretty Boy, Baby, Good boy” and for mean ones stuff like “Bitch, slut, cockwhore, etc”
• You know how he has wires? All im gonna say is Bondage. (“No bond stronger than those formed through bondage!!!!” -Angel dust) He would tie you up to make you shut up while you take him, and he would adore it.
You sat up, snapping out of a daze, slowly finding out that the entire time youd been in this meeting you’d been half asleep, beginning to lean back in your chair as Vox and the other people with you were droning off in the backround about political-company bullshit as usual, that you werent even intrested in. How you got roped into this so-called “Job” youll never know. Could have been drunk, could have been curiousity, or maybe it was just Vox himself. But now that youd signed your soul off to Vox and his company you couldnt leave, there was no escape, you simply had to attend those boring meetings he hosted, You had to be there to shine his shoes, fetch him documents, keep track of sales and you despised every vile second you had to be there. Atleast the money was good?
You sat up, glancing quickly at your watch and realizing you still had a long, long time before this bullshit was over. You leaned back in your chair, and glanced over at Vox who you had’nt even realize stopped talking. He was staring at you. “Fuck. how long was he looking at me? There goes my job i guess.“ You held eye contact with him as he walked towards you. He looked pissed. He came up behind your chair, placing a hand on your elbow and leaning into you.
“Stay put when were finished with this. I need to talk to you before we leave.”
For the rest of the night you behaved. You sat in perfect posture, chiming into each topic occasionally , praising Vox for his work, all in an attempt to not get fired. He eyed you all night, keeping a close eye on you. He knew you were sucking up to him. As much as you hated this job , Who wants to get fired? Ego damage first of all, second you need money for everything that is anything. Finally eveyone was dismissed. Everyone exept for you. You sat in your seat, attentive to Vox. You sat in that chair for what felt like hours, as Vox looked you up and down.
“What makes a pathetic worker like you think you have the right to pull that shit in the middle of a meeting.” Radio silence. “Answer me, now.” What were you supposed to say? “Sorry Vox! i just hate these dogshit meetings so much i just fell asleep!” He wouldnt take that. Noone would.“Since you dont wanna talk ill have to make you.” He bent down, eye to eye with you in the chair. His eyes were intoxicating. You didnt even realize what he had been doing. All you knew was that you lusted for him. It was like a craving only he could satisfy. You did the only thing you could think of and got on your knees, hoping to rip out any praises you could get from him.Within seconds he was stripping you down, and admiring the way you looked at him. He looked down at you, narrowing his eyes as he said the words “beg for it.”
You pleaded for him pathetically. Mindlessly. All while he gazed down at you, drinking up any whine or plead you had managed to spit out. “How pathetic of you. If you listen youll get what you want.” He pet your head like some sort of pet made for his amusement as he unzipped his pants, letting them hit the floor. only to be met with one word, “Suck.” As almost as if it was normal you immediately obeyed, taking him as he ruthlessly began to ram into you. Grunts filled the room as tears welled up in your eyes from how rough he was being “Whats wrong? cant—mnh—.,cant take it? Suck it up, whore.”
This is getting to lengthy so im gonna cut you off here sorry pooks maybe ill make a part two if your super nice n buy vbucks/j!!
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cottageleaves · 5 months
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first time ACTUALLY rendering. (yes this time the background was made by ME!!)
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