#pls pls pls mighty nein one-shot
shellem15 · 4 months
My baby girl Desirat is FREE, letsgooo! She's so interesting to me I hope we see her in-session. I want to dissect her brain please and thank you. We dont know much about her but she's everything to me. Fucking firebird time baby!!!
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bluemoontarot · 2 years
Just a PSA to be kind to one another pls!
Some ppl prefer Vox Machina
Others love the Mighty Nein
And for other's Bell's Hells is their favorite!
It's OKAY to miss your favorite party! I LOVE the Mighty Nein! A lot of their stories were very personal to me and resonated with me
And HEAVY reminder to not be assholes if the M9 two-shot isn't what you expected.
Essek may not be there
Kingsley/Mollymauk may not be there
It may not be what we imagined at all
Yes the stories and characters are personal to us but at the end of the day we don't own them. Enjoy it, feel what you feel, but try to be kind
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perkvpsvcho · 1 year
cr c2 ep9
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lucky bitch.
os ads do sam são hilários, pqp
acho que é esse o ep em que a laura berra irada I'M PREGNANT enquanto sai da mesa? lmao
feeling sad. good thing i have cr right
look at them cheating as a team, so wholesome
laura being competitive IS SO FUNNY
unpleasant one & obnoxious one
fjord master class in charisma - student: beauregard
kkkkkkkkkkkk dois botões, Nott!!
a focus ford
a tiny little fiesta
nott disfarçada de fjord TEM QUE TER NA ANIMAÇÃO
YAAAAAY MY BABY HAS ARRIVED and yasha is just there, in a hot tub, looking all cool as usual sigh so hot
[jester asking about molly's tattoos] what about the Prince Albert? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
aw she's so sleepy poor baby
poor ashley whatever she goes is body tattoos [blindspot oi]
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same, beau/marisha. same [thirsting over naked yasha]
we made 60 gold in 3 days nott: I STOLE 2 BUTTONS! yasha: oh... how nice... travis losing it:
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it makes me sad that yasha doesn't count herself as part of the team, she keeps saying you and stuff, not being included ): SHE'S A MIGHTY NEIN TOO
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the single most precious baby
mds a yasha só não é pior que o caleb pq ela tenta kkkkkk cute baby
[yasha not feeling comfortable enough to talk about her religion] nott: we can see your vagina! dm:
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they go "hi" and "hi" to each other and taliesin whispers something to her and she comes close and they just
yasha: pretty spectacular that [the rucy of the sea] is your mother beau: she has her own single [LAURA SHAKING HER HEARD NO] KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Ô CARALHO DE NOVO NAO
meanwhile nott volta debaixo d'água berrando que vai matar todo mundo
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shoot your shot, beau
yasha: he [shakaste] called you baby a lot? beau: yeah i was kind of into it, i dind't feel demeaned by it. makes me feel good, makes me feel safe [no but same here pls]
gahd, it's good to see you [molly/taliesin pra yasha/ashley sou eu]
askfjkfadkfkkkkdsjdsksksjaksjksk idiots]
laura: who gives up first? marisha: we're in hot tub chicken right now
yasha: i dont care to show anything, beau: NO? yasha: i just wanted to see everybody else naked first beau: it's kind of my thing ISTFG THESE TWO IDIOTS
yasha sai da água marisha pro dm: do i get a nice view? matt e ashley: yes PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER WOMAN
hihihih fjord doesnt want to be away from jester is that i'm getting here????
yasha socially awkward such a baby
aff ashley e esse pirulito enorme vou mmt
omg are they gonna fight? IS SHE GONNA RAGE???
yasha: i sense a little sarcasm in you, sir dmpc: it's a dwarven thing. i've got resting bitch voice
it's not happening, is it? i'm gonna be so sad
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laura looks like a proud mama
jester by herself is already the cutest, but when she talks to the traveler.... ugh. too much
matt: will be going to kentucky marisha:
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everything hurts and i'm dying but i want more ashley i want more yasha i want more mighty nein
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I’m still processing the end of Campaign 2, and I have ~A LOT~ to say, but it’s going to take a while to write it all out, and I’m not there yet.
I guess for now, I just want to say that I truly feel like the Mighty Nein got done dirty. Please don’t @ me just to call me a malcontent about this — they don’t need you to cape for them and this isn’t hate... it’s just my opinion, which I’m allowed.
Their story was absolutely cut short. And that is no one’s fault except COVID, tbh. Matt did his best to honor the characters through the final arc and finale. But if you are like me and watched Campaign 1 from start to finish, you know that the treatment Campaign 2 got in the end felt extremely blunted. Aeor got dragged out for longer than it should have, because Matt knew he wasn’t going to try for another arc, despite the fact that compared to Campaign 1, the Aeor/Lucien arc was more akin to Saundor or the Chroma Conclave than to Vecna, despite Matt’s great work building it up over the course of the campaign. At least 2 characters (Fjord and Cad) saw no resolution to multiple major parts of their backstory, as we heard in the Wrap-Up, and everyone else got a single episode (the finale) to blaze through a lot of unfinished business.
I’m going to try to save the rest of my thoughts on this for a (much) longer post, but the end of Campaign 1 was VM literally sunsetting — they were fully retired from adventuring at that point, save for the occasional Grog rescue, and the Darrington Brigade. Most of them had died and been resurrected at least twice. They’d been to Hell and Heaven (erm... ~~Elysium~~). Many of them were champions to the gods. They’d been to nearly every plane of existence. Though the M9 were due a long break after Aeor, and a few of them had things to attend to for a while, it feels more like that year off that VM took before jumping back in than the end of their adventures. Yes, Trent was captured and Beau got justice against her dad and Zeenoth. Yasha said goodbye to Zuala and her tribe. But none of those moments felt like they got the time they deserved, and some moments that deserved playtime were never even addressed, like Fjord + Gang facing up against the Myriad and the Clovis Concord.
The thing about streaming your homebrew campaign is that you can do whatever you want. There is no set number of episodes. A campaign can last 5 years, if you want it to. You make the rules. I think they made a strategic choice to call it where they did, for legit reasons that I will speculate on later, but I do feel a twinge of sadness at how this pandemic impacted the final half of this story, which itself was a beacon (ayyy) of light through it all for the fans and the players alike. I hope they get to resolve some of these missing story pieces through one-shots, that the players and Matt feel for the most part satisfied with what they built and how it ended, and that Campaign 3 does not face the same out-of-game challenges, and can play out exactly how they dream it.
I’ll finish by saying thank you to Critical Role for giving us this gift. I know they are ready for a fresh start after this hard time, and that’s okay. But M9 single-handedly got me through 2020, and I want to kiss them all for pulling through to make it happen. Now, I’m looking forward to Aabria taking me on some adventures before C3 begins. Here’s to new beginnings, forever friends, and stories without endings.
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Allow me to present some Mighty Nein Pacific Rim AU thoughts that no one asked for:
- Yasha was an early generation fighter and has been a pilot for longer than the others but lost Zuala in a fight with the kaiju Obann. Yasha was forced to evacuate her Jaeger, Razor Fury, while Zuala was trapped. Obann hadn't been killed yet and for some reason dragged Razor Fury back into the breach, taking Zuala with it. After the shame of leaving her partner to die, Yasha refused to get back in a Jaeger when she knew that Obann was still out there. It wasn't until she was brought into the M9 crew to help train some newbies and met Beau did she realise how much she missed piloting, even though that means allowing someone new into her mind and letting them see her shame and guilt
- When Beau was newly recruited and in one of her first real training missions in the Jaeger Vicious Advance with Molly, they got ambushed by the kaiju Lorenzo and Molly took a shot for her. She wants to get back in and properly avenge Molly but hadn't found a compatible drift partner. Beau suspected that she and Yasha would be compatible but didn't want to force her to drift until Yasha was ready to let go of her guilt. When they finally tried to drift together they clicked almost immediately and were given a Jaeger they called Renegade Ruin to pilot together
- Fjord used to be a gunner in one of the aircrafts in a backup squadron. Vandran was his commanding officer in that squadron of fighter jet air support. Fjord was being mentored and secretly trained by Vandran to eventually move into the Jaeger program.
Fjord had to watch as Vandran's copilot Sabian refused to pull back their jet during a fight with the kaiju Uk'otoa and got them both killed, and Uk'otoa was another kaiju to return back to the breach alive. After this, Fjord vowed to hone his skills and do what Vandran couldn't do, and pilot a Jaeger and kill a kaiju
- Caduceus had never been near a Jaeger, he worked in physical therapy for the Jaeger pilots before he helped break up a ground fight between the M9 and their rival crew led by Avantika. When the M9 saw what he could do, they wanted to keep him for the next round of training for the Jaegers, finding that he excelled in the simulation.
The only reason Caduceus thinks he should pilot is so he can watch over Fjord and make sure the influence and memory of Uk'otoa doesn't overtake Fjord, but their connection in the drift is stronger than they both realise and they're immediately partnered for a Jaeger called Dread Symphony
- Veth and Caleb have always been ground support technicians, coming up with crazy powerful new upgrades for the Jaegers. Jester provided medical aid for the M9 crew until she snuck into the training facility one day and had a go at the simulation.
One time when she tried it, she dragged Veth along too and they realised they could drift together. Together they pilot the smallest and most chaotic Jaeger, Blackguard Traveller, which they affectionately nickname 'Pocket Rocket'
- Caleb didn't want to get in a Jaeger after his trauma at the academy with the experiments on kaiju remenants. His old teacher went mad and Caleb thought he would be more help with technical support until he met Essek who was doing the exact same thing. They had to emergency pilot a new model Jaeger, Amber Ire, together to help the M9 when shit hit the fan one day. Surprisingly, Caleb and Essek's terrible memories and emotions cancel each other out in the drift and they come to love piloting Amber Ire for the clarity of thought it provides
Also!! I would also love to hear other ideas of who is or isn't drift compatible and what their Jaegers would be called!
Also, also! Idk enough about Vox Machina to give thoughts on them but pls add your ideas for them too!!
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
Top 5 critical role npcs who are family members of player characters
you know i’m kind of honoured by how well you lot know me, all the questions i’ve got today have been so targeted at the shit i’m into
but oooooohhh, this is a question
like there’s a space for family members who i love
and there’s also a space for the ones who are complete dickheads or outright villains but are interesting, or have interesting scenes (thoreau lionett, syldor vessar, kevdak, a lot of the trickfoots)
but just going with that former question....
5. Cassandra de Rolo
her and percy have the best relationship, for starters, i love the very careful mix of “we lost all our other family and you’re all i have left and you’re the most important person in the world to me and i love you” but also “you’re my sibling and i cannot stand to see your face”, it makes for the funniest scenes, percy hugging her and her fighting him off, cass mocking percy after they get back in search for bob, the whole thing after his resurrection... it’s wonderful.
but also just on her own merit, this girl has been through a lot, like... losing your whole family when you’re only 13 or so (a lot of people seem to forget she’s the youngest de rolo), hiding in your own house and hearing them torture your brother, helping him escape only to get shot down and nearly die, wake up and be told percy’s dead too, you really have nothing left. living in the same castle as the murderers for your entire teenage years, watching as they slowly kill your city, mind controlling you into helping. being freed from that and suddenly instated as the leader of the city, just barely an adult and not trusting any of your own decisions but knowing that everyone relies on you, and you can’t let them down. and fucking doing it, like, cassandra is so fucking strong, barely anyone even knows she’s struggling. more hugs for cass pls she’s real good and didn’t deserve this
(also, rogues. are my fave.)
4. Velora Vessar
god i wish we could have seen more of her. i know they can’t do anything about the technical difficulties but the fact that her first scene gets cut out is an endless source of frustration, i want to see the child!
but what we do have is wonderful, she’s so cute, i love. both of the twins are so soft around her which is a side of them i love seeing, and also like... her and her outdoorsy nature and her owlbear and her just lowkey encouraging the twins’ rebellion by being a rebellious child and her pretending to be the twins and just aaaaaahhhh
she’s also like... somewhere between fjord and caleb’s age (which is kind of weird to think about but also you can reverse it and think about how during the vox machina campaign fjord and caleb were this tiny), so she’s high on the list of characters i’d like to see return in campaign 2, it probably won’t happen but like... i wanna know what velora’s like now
(rogue! rogue! rogue! rogue! rogue!)
3. Calliope or Clarabelle Clay
yeah, i really can’t pick on this one. i mean this space is kinda for all the clays, because i adore this family and everything about it, but particularly the sisters. calliope because we saw the most of her and her relationship with caduceus which is also great (like, i love endlessly loving sibling relationships as much as the next person but sibling relationships with taliesin’s characters are just so antagonistic in the funniest way, the scene with cad and calliope and the pool? perfection), and clarabelle because she’s small and weird and likes bugs and i adore her
2. Marion Lavorre
i love that there’s a mother in this show that isn’t dead? and is a good mother? of the very few mothers in dnd that are alive, most of them aren’t great people, or at the very least, enabling a very not great father. but marion is just so wonderful, i love her so much. i also love the fact that like, she’s a sex worker and everyone knows this but no one thinks less of her for it, she’s incredibly highly respected and everyone loves her, and while she may be a single parent of a daughter she wasn’t prepared for, she’s given that daughter more love than like every other parent in this show combined. takes no shit, is incredibly respectful of whatever jester wants to do with her life, jester can talk openly to her about anything, there’s no judgement, just support. also like... has fears, struggles to leave the house, but isn’t looked down on for that either
(also i just adore seeing her interact with the rest of the mighty nein, it’s so funny)
1. Kaylie Shorthalt
it’s funny considering scanlan is pretty low on the list of my favourite characters, not because i don’t like him, just, he’s not much my type and everyone else i like more. but seriously i would watch a whole show just for kaylie. i love the way matt plays her, i love her personality, i love her character arc and development, i love what her presence does to scanlan’s character arc and development, i love that she’s a tough street-wise gnome girl who will beat your ass in a bar fight but also is a violinist (and like, fiddler style, i say this as someone who plays the violin and also has a bit of experience with most instruments, that is one of the hardest things to learn in music, it requires so much patience, dedication, and precision. fiddlers get a reputation based on the style of music they play of being like... easy going laid back jokey people but legit if someone can play a fiddle well they are every bit as professional as a goddamn orchestral pianist), as well as pretty good in most other instruments. this girl will 100% cheat you out of money in a gambling game but also you could put her in a music school and she’d show up almost everyone there, i’m not kidding.
her dedication and skill is also pretty clear when like... her and scanlan left for a year to figure themselves out and returned as crime lords running half of ank’harel.
and then she decides what she wants to do with her life after vecna’s gone and scanlan’s no longer in danger is go to school, because she never finished school, but not just to learn, specifically to prove she’s better than rich kids
(and probably beat up one or two i’m sure)
seriously she’s the best
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estelanel · 3 years
Vox Machina vs. Mighty Nein
Ashley: says one word as Pike Travis & me both: YEEEAAAHHH!!
The objective: kill each other until death. Both VM and M9 immediately: what if we had an orgy instead.
round 1: Fjord surfs on Bigby’s Hand
I’m so in love with Pike, I’m gonna cry.
Percy got 2 shots and then immediately turned into Molly, that’s fucking hilarious.
Not gonna lie, Vax had/has some of the sexiest battle mechanics.
I also love how VM just collectively decided that the half-orc looks most punchable.
“I forgot how much of a beast Scanlan was.” - we all did.
Fjord is such a dork, I can’t believe how much I love him.
I just realized I’m very much not prepared for anyone being killed by anyone in this scenario. XD
“Listen, I’m trying to limit the number of dumb fucking things I do in this game.” - pls never do that, Fjordy. :D
“Has Beau really seen a gun at this point?” - Veth owns a gun. XD
Aww Scanlan did so little! I wanted more bard action.
Although, I gotta say, Beau running up the t-rex for a little captain-first mate tag team was prettttty cool. :D
Fjord going from big bad tyrannosaurus to ‘am best boy, must protecc’ is just peak adorable.
Ashley, from under the table: “FUCK!”
Oh come on, Fjord killing Pike respectfully and then ‘best buddies’.
I respect that everyone who dies just immediately undresses in spirit form.
I also respect that the gnomes have been spirit-fucking for, like, 15 rounds now.
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ao3feed-taakitz · 4 years
no money no problem, just grave rob your nearest cemetery!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Stg3V
by Maven_Fair
The obligatory Taako, Merle, and Magnus get transported to the Critical Role universe due to a few godly machinations or two.
??? wakes to three people standing over him. A flashy blond wizard, a small dwarven cleric with flowers in his beard, and a large burly human man. The only thing he knows is that a man named Caleb and the Mighty Nein are waiting for him. Him being Mollymauk Tealeaf, apparently.)
Words: 2363, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of RIP to WIPs
Fandoms: The Adventure Zone (Podcast), Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch, Caleb Widogast, Jester Lavorre, Nott (Critical Role), Yasha (Critical Role), Beauregard Lionett, Fjord (Critical Role), Mollymauk Tealeaf, Caduceus Clay, Tres Horny Boys
Relationships: Kravitz/Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch & Taako
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Post-Canon, Dimension Travel, Crossover, One Shot, i'm just uploading my wips rn, tbh this started out so well but then i dropped off..., Kidnapping, the tres horny boys just want some money, also taako wants his boyfriend back pls, WIP
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Stg3V
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