#plus I feel too old for the fandom anyway
silverwhittlingknife · 4 months
hi Silver! o/ because that fanart made me wonder - would you happen to know when/where Dick's stuffed elephant plush Zitka turns up in the comics?
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Yeah, I think your instincts are right - it's a truly adorable bit of transformative fandom, but I'm 95% percent sure it's not comics canon. Barbara has canon plushies, but I don't think anyone else does.
I got kinda invested in the investigation (it's hard to prove a negative!) and I ended up typing out an entire History of Elinore/Zitka, so, uh, if you're curious, meet me below the cut for:
Where does Elinore / Zitka - the animal - appear in comics?
Did Dick ever have a stuffed elephant toy in comics?
Where does Elinore / Zitka appear in comics?
We're gonna go in chronological order!
Dick's circus elephant friend was first created for practical reasons: in Batman 436, Marv Wolfman does a big expanded flashback to Dick's circus backstory as a way to subtly show us Tim before officially introducing him (so that we can have a technically-solvable mystery-of-Tim's-identity in LPoD). In this comic, there's an elephant named Elinore who loves Dick:
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Aww. Such a cute elephant!
Batman 436 comes out in August 1989. New Titans 60 comes out a few months later, in November, and guess what? When Dick visits the circus, he is suddenly surprised by an unexpected blast from the past! It turns out that even though it's been years, Elinore still remembers him!
Here's the part where Elinore remembers Dick:
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SUCH a cute elephant. I love her.
(Guess who else still remembers Dick even though it was so long ago. Guess which other character is about to be an unexpected blast from the past. Guess which character Elinore is directly paralleling guess guess guess sorry everything is about Dick and Tim in my mind but I can focus I swear)
Four years later, in 1993, Batman: The Animated Series retells Dick's origin story. They like and keep Wolfman's elephant, but they change her name to Zitka:
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Wolfman doesn't return to the elephant beyond those two appearances, and a few years down the line, New Titans gets cancelled and Wolfman's not writing Dick anymore anyway. So the animal gets abandoned for a while, until Devin Grayson, a fan of both Wolfman and B:tAS, revives the Wolfman-era Titans team in JLA/Titans and then the ongoing series Titans 1999.
Grayson then brings back the elephant in a flashback to Dick's past in Titans 16 (Jun 2000), where she imports the B:tAS name. Sometimes I'm skeptical of TV-to-comics imports, but honestly, I endorse this one. You lose the alliteration, which is a shame, but IMO Zitka is a better elephant name than Elinore.
Here's Dick with the newly-christened Zitka in Titans 16:
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Grayson also briefly references the elephant in Gotham Knights 20 and - in a final angsty callback - in Nightwing 88 (Feb 2004), where Zitka tries futilely to comfort Dick in the midst of his trauma conga line:
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... And... honestly, I think that's it for comic appearances? The two Wolfman comics plus the three Grayson comics.
Both Wolfman and Grayson are writing multiple titles - Batman, New Titans, Titans, Gotham Knights, and Nightwing between the two of them, spanning a big chunk of Dick's post-Crisis canon - and both writers use the elephant for heartwarming moments of nostalgia, which means if you're doing a post-Crisis readthrough for Dick, Elinore/Zitka feels memorable. But I don't think she actually shows up that much.
For post-2011, I am not as well-informed - throwing this out to the dash? anyone know? - but I feel like Zitka the heartwarming symbol of Dick's heartwarming circus past is, uh, thematically very at odds with the Court of Owls evil!circus vibes, so my instinct is that this story element was almost certainly dropped in the reboot.
Did Dick ever have a stuffed elephant toy in comics?
In WFA, yes; in main comics continuity, no. Technically, I have not read every comic ever published, so I could be wrong!! But I don't think so.
Below, find my rambling reasoning on the tonal vibes of pre-Crisis, post-Crisis, and post-2011, and why this particular story element doesn't seem right to me for the first two.
Pre-Crisis (...okay, mostly the Silver Age): stuffed animal, yes or no?
tl;dr no, requires too much background knowledge on the part of the reader, plus the elephant wasn't a thing until later
Elinore doesn't get created until post-Crisis, but also just generally, pre-Crisis callbacks are more along the lines of this reference in Batman 129 (published in 1960), where, wow, Batman and Robin are hunting jewel thieves - and it turns out Robin recognized this strongman! BUT HOW?!
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The comic goes on to recap Dick's entire origin story in flashback, on the assumption that you may not know it.
(BTW, if you'd like to know more about Haly's Circus throughout the years, nightwingology has a great post here summarizing a lot of fun plotlines and characters!)
Basically: Silver Age comics are very self-consciously episodic and kid-friendly; they're not generally gonna do overly-elaborate callbacks because they don't know what comics their kid readers may have randomly picked up or remember.
By the time of post-Crisis, comic books were being written for an adult audience buying from the direct market, i.e. readers who are collecting whole runs & don't need or want Dick's origin story to be recapped to us in full every time it's referenced. That's why in post-Crisis, we get stuff like "hey, neat, this particular soda brand is getting mentioned in several different books!!" or "in order to understand this story arc, buy SIXTEEN DIFFERENT COMICS in FIVE DIFFERENT RUNS and read them ALL ACCORDING TO A NUMBERED ORDER and also you better be following the individual plotlines and recognize these five minor characters who we don't bother to introduce!! Good luck!!" But the elaborate post-Crisis plotlines - and subtler worldbuilding like a stuffed animal callback to Dick's backstory - don't make a lot of story sense UNLESS you're imagining your readers as completionist adult fans.
So IMO a stuffed animal wouldn't be a pre-Crisis thing unless it was The Episodic Story Of the Week, and I don't think a stuffed animal is action-adventure-y enough for the fast-paced storytelling of the Silver Age. (Unless it, like, came to life and tried to eat you or something.)
Post-Crisis: stuffed animals, yes or no?
tl;dr: no, Dick's a manly tough guy, he's not gonna have a stuffed animal, that'd be lame, like something Tim might do
Part of the edgy grimdark adult vibes in 80s/90s comics is that some characters who used to be kinda silly & goofy & lighthearted - like Batman and Robin - get reimagined as Serious and Angsty and Edgy in a Tough Cool Manly Brooding Way. This massively affects characterization for Bruce, Dick, and Bruce and Dick's relationship.
(I obviously love this change & love the tense Bruce-and-Dick interactions, but plenty of fans of the earlier fluffy comics really disliked the edgy retcons of Miller / Wolfman / Starlin / et al.)
The upshot is that post-Crisis is a period when you could have a recurring reference like a stuffed elephant, but you wouldn't have a stuffed elephant, not for Dick. I think a toy like that would be too cutesy / childish / effeminate to give a male character in post-Crisis, unless you were poking fun at him.
Now, you could probably let Tim have a stuffed animal, because Tim is sometimes cool but also sometimes a tryhard loser who is faking being cool and not entirely pulling it off (see e.g. the Robin comic where he practices tough-guy faces in the mirror, or the Teen Titans comic where Conner discovers his cringy Enya CD, or when he's fanboying over Connor and it's awkward, etc etc.). A stuffed animal would be deeply embarrassing, and you'd have to be careful to compensate by having Tim do something cool afterward - but Tim's character concept allows for "he's kind of a loser sometimes."
But Dick isn't!! In post-Crisis, Dick's a tough / impressive / "cool guy" character, the kind of guy anyone would want to be, even in the flashbacks where he's Robin, and even in the stories where he's more lighthearted than angsty. It'd be kinda lame for Dick to have a stuffed elephant, so he wouldn't. I feel like Dick would be more likely to poke fun at it if someone had one, like when he's making fun of Wally for liking the Hardy Boys. Dick could have a Batman action figure, at most, and if he had one he would have it ironically.
Basically: in post-Crisis, a male character hugging a stuffed elephant feels more likely to be a punchline to me, not something poignant. (Even with Tim, Tim could have an embarrassing stuffed animal, but he couldn't hug it when sad - that's too far. Maybe Booster Gold might do this. Probably he wouldn't, but spiritually, he would. Sorry Booster ilu! <3)
Instead, Dick instinctively deals with his inner turmoil like the TORTURED ACTION HERO he is: by punching things and brooding and yelling and joining the mob and sleeping on rooftops and going on obsessive secret missions and acquiring Angsty Stubble!! Just like Batman!
(Technically I don't know if Bruce ever joined the mob but you know he would.)
Anyway as you know this is my favorite continuity and I am poking fun affectionately, but uh, yeah sdfsfdsfs. No stuffed animals.
Post-2011 / Infinite Frontier / Wayne Family Adventures: stuffed animals, yes or no?
tl;dr it's in WFA! Probably not anywhere else, but it could be.
Post-2011 stuff tends to be cutesier overall, most of all in the current Infinite Frontier era. So I don't feel like this would be tonally out-of-line with IF comics. Taylor tends to go for more meme-y references rather than fanfic references, though.
So the obvious best fit is WFA, which is aiming for a rough approximation of Silver Age family-friendly vibes - wholesome, episodic plots, Teaching Good Moral Lessons For The Youth, etc. - plus lots of Easter eggs for fanfic readers and some comic references.
And look, here we are:
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Whew - that's everything I could find!
Anyway as you can probably tell, I LOVE the elephant, so this was a very entertaining rabbit hole to go down, thank you <3
#dick grayson#anyone with more info feel free to chime in & we can crowdsource <3#i do think the toy elephant is awfully cute though <3#total digression but i was thinking about it as i was writing:#i'm fascinated by the ways that the post-crisis batboys & their stories can intersect with 90s masculinity and all its issues with stoicism#and i'm pro-queering and gender-bending - 90s comics were a total boys' club so i think it's neat that transformative fandom isn't#but i do love 90s masculinity and All Its Issues too & one of the things i find compelling about the dick-tim-bruce trio#& especially dick's place in it - is the unspoken hierarchy whereby bruce is manlier than dick & dick is manlier than tim#and so dick's in the middle as this somewhat softer-character who aspires to be a harsher & more stoic & ultimate manly-man character#caught in the middle between robin & batman & what each role represents#and like. batman is both manhood & the only desirable thing to be AND ALSO it represents this immense narrowing of possibility#because so much of stereotypical masculinity is about reducing the range of emotions you're allowed to have or express#and dick is both incredibly conflicted about bruce AND wants to be just like him & by extension is conflicted about masculinity writ large#so a lot of dick's interactions with tim veer between trying on a frat-boy-ish 'I'm The Manly Guy' persona vs. giving up on it#or trying on imitations of Bruce's Batman persona but also trying to backtrack out of it bc he doesn't like how it feels etc etc#ANYWAY i think what i am trying to say is that if tim had a stuffed animal dick would be entertained & poke mild fun at him#and call him 'teddy' for the next hour or something while tim got increasingly defensive about how the teddy bear was steph's#and/or about how the teddy bear was OLD and tim doesn't even care about it and also WHATEVEr i'm above this#and to an uninformed observer this might look like bullying BUT ACTUALLY#this ritual would IN FACT be very reassuring to both of them + tim would feel WAY better afterward than if dick had ignored it#because by poking fun at him dick shows he still respects tim enough to tease him thus subtextually exorcising the threat of wimpiness#plus allowing tim to defend himself & demonstrate that he can take a joke so they've both reaffirmed their masculinity to each other#& they don't have to be scared of the teddy bear and all it represents anymore#however also afterward dick would have a brief nostalgic flashback to when he was a kid & had a teddy bear & feel weird about the memory#because he would be unable to articulate to himself that what he misses is a past when he allowed himself to be vulnerable#anyway this wouldn't actually happen in comics but it's what would happen in my soul. you know.#ask tag#zitka
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hplonesomeart · 4 months
Old record player spin my beloved <3
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ttshihiro · 3 months
pspspps.. totally not golden groovy woops
ANYWAYS HII!! heard u were open for requests. may i request tammy + qiu with and an artist reader :00
requests of my favorite fandoms are my catnip good gof woa who could this be‽‽ my reqs and my ask box are like always open btw >◡<
extra note/s: I refer to step 1 Qiu as he/him. Uhhh take this as platonic or romantic, I'll add an indicator for romance (𐙚) ^^
more under the cut > o
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✧ At 10 years old, QIU's fascinated. How he discovers your interest and skill in arts varies but his reaction doesn't. He's impressed! Whether digital or traditional, Qiu would love to participate especially if you asked him yourself.
For this reason, he carries an extra pen and even those colored ones just in case you get bored or if you're suddenly struck by creativity when you two are playing :3
✧ The first time you show him one of your doodles you made during class, he's compelled to do the same whether or not you actually give him it. And ever since, you two've been exchanging these sketches during class. It's the cutest scene to walk into.
You're into drawing sceneries? Trust that he starts telling you and Tamarack about more "special things" in the forest and/or the town.
Like the sky? There's this clearing a lot further into the forest at your backyards. Stargaze, watch the clouds and the sunset together?
✧ It's also necessary for me to mention that unlike his notes, lazily pressed against eachother and constantly on the run, anything you give him goes to a safe space probably in between a books pages, under the the matress of his bed or inside a drawer/container.
"They broke into my backyard accidentally, 'cause they were on a crazy investigation about a paper airplane. Plus, they got here a day ago and they're already looking out for me. Normally, I'm the one doing that."
"Besides, they're pretty. And they make me pretty. Look! Look how they drew me!"
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✧ As for 10-year-old TAMARACK, she's curious. The things you draw, are they based on actual places? Actual people? Oh, you draw based on your imagination? Elaborate.
✧ At some point in the prologue, she says "All the forests in the world are different, and some places don't even have forests. I can show you good spots to find things since you're newer to this forest than me."
And I can't not think of her running up to you to give you all of what she gathered for you to draw like omfg
With all those leaves and tiny branches sticking out of her hair and sweater, she smiles brightly with her hands filled with her treasures. AUGH SHE MAKES ME SO SICK I LOVE HER
✧ Like Qiu, she has her own safe spot designated for only your drawings if you've given her any.
She shows off all of them. Especially if you've drawn her?? It'll be the only thing she talks about during literally any time for the rest of the month and the few months after.
"Out of all the friends I have here, you're the best one. We came to the same exact neighborhood, almost at the same time, and are he same age. You have fun outside and I do too."
"I think you're pretty. How you draw me is pretty! I've never met a kid who was just like me. That's important. That's serious."
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✧ Now, 14-year-old QIU's pretty much no different. They're even more impressed when they see just how much you've improved. Nonetheless, they treasure your old drawings just as much as they do they new.
They take the liberty of providing you with both a pen and paper to draw on when you're together, in case you don't bring your sketchbook (if you own one).
On those days where you two just sit in silence in their hideout, their gaze drifts to your side quietly a few times to watch your progress. After a while, they settle with sitting right next to you and watching the stroke of your pen against the paper as the scene forms with each hatch.
✧ As a teen, they've actually been a tad bit farther off the town when they feel like taking a ride on their bike. They've seen many sights and burn the route into their brain for them to tell you about. They'd even be happy as to bring you there themselves.
✧ If you ask them to be your muse, good god you'd need to tell them what to do.
It's almost a funny sight. Qiu, the kid who knew what to do their whole life asks you, "Should I pose? Where do I look? Ah- what's my good side?"
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𐙚 They can feel their breath hitch under your scrutiny. Suddenly, they're concious of every single thing about them. Where do their eyes go? Should they move their hands? Is their hair in the way?
They avert their gaze flusteredly, their head ever so slightly moving to the side when they do so.
And good god do their hands clutch the fabric of their pants when you tell them to look at you properly.
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✧ Same goes for TAMARACK at 14. She's as intrugued as ever to hear about your work. She admires (you)r style from then till now and has learned to appreciate the time gone into things as simple as this, whether or not you've made it with her in mind. BUT GOD IF YOU TELL HER IT IS, it's always sitting on her desk and she thinks constantly about what you've done for her.
✧ And while she doesn't exactly bring you a pen, she's more than glad to hand you hers when you need it.
✧ Unlike before, she'd now be at your side when you two hung out at her backyard. She'd be sitting across from you, practicing the cello. The hum of her instrument accompanied by the sound of nature and the scratch of your pen against paper gives her a sense of calmness.
This may also be when she realizes she's been your muse! Her fingers trace over where your pen has been and boy appreciate isn't even enough for her to describe how she felt. It was definitely happy, but that wasn't the word either.
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𐙚 Her heart pounds alarmingly as she admires your work. It's almost concerning to you that she sits silently with a blank expression as she held your sketchbook in her hands.
But that concern washes off you as soon as a warm smile curls the corners of her lips, tender adoration displayed all over her face.
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eustasskidagenda · 1 year
I'm bored and my head is full of One Piece stuff. So I decided to join the old N$FW alphabet trend, with my beloved, Eustass Kid. English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes.
WC : 3869
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you’re just a one night stand, Kid’s aftercare is nonexistent. He will just tell if your session was nice or shitty (with his usual brutal honesty, so sorry not sorry if it hurts your feelings), he’ll maybe make a comment about how good your ass was and then, he’ll bark you to leave his room, or if he’s at your place, he’ll leave without any more word. Do not expect any form of kindness from him, this man is rough by nature after all.
However, if you too are engaged into a relationship, he’ll need some time to cool and calm down, so don’t talk to him or try to cuddle with him during this time, it’ll only annoys him. After that, he’ll get up and bring you a glass of water and something to clean you up. He knows he’s rough during sex and wants to make sure you’re doing okay, so feel free to ask him anything else. Once you’re comfortable and all your needs are fulfilled, he’ll lay next to you and give you his honest opinion regarding your session. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest, while he runs his fingers through your hair. Kid is not good with pillow talk (and with any talk in general), I think he’s more the type of guy to quickly fall asleep (and snore loudly). If you’re in a talkative mood, he’ll try to keep his eyes open but end up falling asleep quickly anyway. 
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  
On himself, bro is a fan of his own dick, I think everyone in the fandom agree with this fact. He knows it huge and he’s proud of it. I mean, he makes women cum all around it or gag on, of course he’s proud. Actually, you know how to boost his ego? When he undresses in front of you for the first time, ask him if his cock will fit into you with a worried face. He will be so fucking proud.
Another objective fact, this man is a fan of his torso. I mean, the shirts he’s wearing are useless as fuck, bro just wants to flex with his muscles. 
With his partner, Kid is in love with their ass. The whole Eustass Kid agenda agrees with this headcanon. He wants to see your booty all the time : spank it,  grab it, makes it jiggle, even bites on those juicy cheeks. Damn, his hand(s) is/are always glued to your glute. 
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)  
Well, regarding his cum itself, it’s on the thicker side and there’s quite a lot of it. Definitely not really tasty, but overall, it’s not the worst taste. 
Kid loves to see his partner covered in his cum, its fuel his ego immensely. His favorite spot are your ass, your stomach and your face. If he cum during a blowjob, he asks you to pull your tongue out and will cum on It before making sure you swallow every drop. 
With a one night stand, Kid will NEVER cum inside. He’s already a Kid lol, having another one kiddo is not in his plans. Actually, if you ask him to cum inside, he’ll get mad at you and starts to think you want to have a child with him, so the mood is totally ruined.
If you’re his lover, he’ll maybe cum inside you, depending to your menstruation cycle. He just loves seeing his seed slowly flowing out of your pussy and stuffed his fingers to put every drop right back inside of you. 
D:Dirty Secret
Well it’s not a dirty secret but considering how cocky and arrogant he always acts, it is for him. The fact is, sometime, Kid likes when you take all the initiatives and do all the work. Yeah, I know, at the first look it doesn’t match his energy, but sometimes, Kid can get pretty tired, especially since he lost his arm. He rarely use his metal arm in bed because he’s afraid of hurting you. And doing everything with one arm can be exhausting from time to time. So please, offer him some relieve, be a good girl and ride him. 
Plus, of course, Kid loves anal sex. Fucking, fingering or licking that ass is a major turn on for him. Maybe some people find anal sex dirty, but not him. He LOVES how naughty it is, how tight an asshole is and how flustered his partner is when he spreads their ass cheek to lick their hole. 
And, since Kid is a punk, you CAN’T convince me this man have a single heterosexual bone in his body. Kid is not straight, I can smell it. I think he’s bisexual.So he often has fantasies regarding a threesome with a man. If you’re a one night stand, he doesn’t mind sharing because he just doesn’t care about you. If you’re his lover, he’ll maybe try if you insist on a lot, but will fix a lot of rules, like the other man can’t kiss you or put their dick inside your pussy. Your pussy is his and only his.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Considering how much Kid cares about his reputation, he knows what he’s into doing in bed. Sure, during his first times, it was a bit messy, but he’s a fast learner and good at following his instincts.
He also has no shame to ask you to touch yourself, so he knows what you like and how to make you cum as many times at possible. 
Overall, Kid doesn’t have a lot of experience, I mean, he didn’t fuck with hundred of guys/women. But he’s not a virgin. He’s just really focused on his goal of becoming the PK and one night stand only happens from time to time. Considering how asocial he’s, I think he needs to feel a kind of connexion to have sex with someone, even if it’s just for one night. 
F: Favorite Position
Literally, any variation of doggy style. Kid is an ass man, so he wants and needs to see the ass he’s fucking. Plus, he’s a rough guy, with wild instincts and seeing someone all helpless, on all four awake his carnal desires.
The more helpless you are in front of him, the more he’s turned on. He likes to see your pussy and asshole clenching desperately, waiting to be filled. While he thrusts into you, he just loves seeing your ass giggled and leave some hand prints when he spank you. If he can tie your wrists or pull on your hair, then, it’s even better. Seeing you, your chest against the mattress and your ass up in the sky is his favorite view. Plus, he can see his cock thrusting inside of you, coat of your juice. What a delight. 
With his lover, he also likes matting press. Just because you always cry out, complaining about how big he’s and how deep he’s fucking you in this position. He’ll never stop looking at you and your flustered expression. 
As I said in the dirty secret, Kid also likes to leave all the work for you sometime. In this case, he’ll go with reverse cowgirl. He can see your ass, hold your hips with one hand, or just lay back and watch you bounce up and down desperately on his cock. Seeing his dick buried deep inside of you will make him growl of satisfaction. 
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)  
Not goofy at all. Sex isn’t supposed to be funny for Kid. I think he can laugh, like while he’s teasing you, he’ll make fun of you, like "look at you, crying for my cock, you’re such a crybaby" but that’s all. Never, lord, never, you’ll hear Kid joking during sex.
If someone laughs at him during sex, then, he’s pissed off. With a night one stand, the mood is just ruined and he’ll leave. With his lover, he’ll get mad too, and also kinda hurt in his pride. He wants to make you feel good and cum at least once, so if you laugh at him, he'll think he’s not doing a good work. It will take a lot of time to reassure him after laughing at him.
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Lol, I don’t think someone will live after asking him such a question.
But the carpet matches the drapes. 
Honestly, I don’t see Kid as a very hairy guy. 
And it’s maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Kid takes care of himself. I mean, his manicure and make-up are always nailed. So when it’s starting to be hairy down there, he’ll trim it and cursed during the whole process, but that’s just Kid, always cursing. 
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
With a one night stand ? Zero intimacy. Just rough sex and two people trying to reach ecstasy. 
With his lover, Kid is still not a romantic. For him, sex is not a way to express his love, it’s just a way to make the both of you feels good. He doesn’t understand the making love, lovey lovey dovey, crappy stuff. Having sex with his s/o means something to him, but the romantic side of it just fly over his head. 
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)  
Considering his huge sex drive, Kid masturbate a lot. 
If you’re around and in the mood, then, he’d rather fuck with you than jack off. But if you’re not there, or not willing to have sex, he’ll just use his hand.
Everytime he sneaks around alone, you can be sure he’s jacking off and his crew already walk in while he was giving himself a little self-care time. 
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Humiliation/Praises : Calling his partner a whore, a slut and feeling them tightening around his cock. He likes to see how flustered he can makes you with his words. But if you’re not into degrading stuff, he doesn’t mind using praises, like "look at you, taking all of my cock so well,  that’s my girl", "that’s it, just take it all", "you feel so good around my cock" , "your pussy tighten around my cock, it won’t let me go, you like my dick that much?", "be a good girl and stay still" Etc
And he expects you to praise him as well. Tell him how good he’s fucking you, how good his cock feels inside you. And call him Captain in bed and you will have a lot of orgasms. He’ll make sure of it.
Anal sex : As I said in his dirty secret, Kid likes how tight anal sex feels. It always makes you flustered and he needs a s/o willingly to do anal sex from time to time. 
Pain : Well, Kid likes rough sex, everyone will agree with this fact. He likes to slap your cheeks, your ass, biting your neck, choking you lightly, pulling your hair. And he also loves when you scratch his back, pull on his hair and even bite him. It will make his cock throbbing inside you. 
Public sex : Kid likes to fuck you in a public place, the risk of being caught is a turn on for him. It’s just so naughty and sexy in his mind. But let’s be honest, if someone caught the two of you fucking, he wouldn’t give two flying fucks and just continues to thrust inside you. Feeling you tightening your walls around his cock because of the embarrassment will even make him growl and pound harder.  
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
As long as he can fuck you, the place doesn’t matter. Most of the time, he’ll fuck you in the bedroom or in his workshop, with you bending over his desk. 
He also likes fucking you on the deck, it matches his public sex kink. He’ll bend you over the railing, so hey, it’s quite romantic, to watch the sunset and the ocean while he’s plowing into you like the wild animal he’s.
But let’s be honest, Kid will fuck you anywhere, anytime. This boy isn’t picky. As long as you give him your consent, the place doesn’t matter. 
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The rush of adrenaline after a hard battle. He’s just so horny after a fight 
Whenever he needs to release some anger or frustration 
If you tease him, especially around of people
If he watches you fight. It’s hot, to watch his lover fighting and it always makes blood rush down to his cock. 
If you wear his red coat. It flustered him, but also makes him horny. Same if you’re wearing one of his shirts. 
If you want to have the ride of your night, just wait for him in the bedroom, wearing nothing but one of his shirts wide open on your bare chest. Or wait, naked, with his coat on your shoulders. Damn, it will drive him crazy.
Seeing his lipsticks smeared on your face or neck. 
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything involving piss or shit. 
Sharing is caring, but if he ever accept to have a threesome, the guy will never have the right to fuck you. Your pussy belongs to him, and only him.
Being tied up. Kid hates feeling inferior or weak. If you’re his lover, he’ll only accept to be tied with something in metal, so he can take it off whenever he wants and take back the lead. 
Anything involving waters. He feels weak in it, even in the shower. He needs to feel powerful. 
Pegging is not a total no, but it will only happen with his lover and when the relationship is stable and long enough. He knows where his G point is, and please, he’s a punk, he LOVES non-conformism. But being vulnerable, laying on his back with his legs spreads or on all fours, his muscular ass up, chest against the mattress while you’re pegging him ? He really needs to trust his partner, because he’s afraid to ruin his reputation. Probably a bit overwhelmed and embarrassed at the end of the experience, but it was good. Please, reassure him than having that kind of experience has nothing to do with virility and that he’s still the dangerous and well-known Eustass Captain Kid. 
Roleplay : it’s so ridiculous and humiliating for him, he can’t. 
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)  
A receiver, not a giver. Watching someone kneeling before him, sucking his cock, even gagging on it, damn, it’s just feel so good.
He bucks his hips, fucking your mouth. If you drool all over his cock, it’s even better. 
If you can deep throating him, it will make him cum really fast. His cock is big, not everyone is able to take his full length and girth. Just imagine this man losing his mind, cursing and throwing his head back while you deep throat him.
He, unfortunately, doesn’t go down on you often. But have you seen how this guy likes to show his tongue and lick his lips ? He knows how to use it, I can smell it. If you’re a one night stand, you’ll have to ask for having you pussy ate. 
If you’re in a relationship, especially if it’s the first time you two are fucking together, he’ll go down on you, lick your pussy and drink your juice, making sure you’re wet and ready for him. Go ahead, grab his head, pull on his hair, he likes it. Considering how stubborn he’s, he will keep going and only stop after you cum at least once against his lips. 
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Fast and rough. This man is a beast. 
He always needs to release some anger or stress, so he’s always rough while fucking you. Even more with a one night stand. 
He doesn’t want to hurt you, still. But his pace will never be gentle and sensual. But he’ll adapt to whatever you’re able to take it. 
He likes hearing skin slapping against skin, sounds of your wet pussy, leaving bites on your body. For him, sex is messy and rough. 
I can only see two ways to force Kid to have slow sex : 
If you’re a virgin and a one night stand : he’s pissed off. He wants to have fun, not to be anyone first time and all the craps it involves. So just take your clothes and get out of here. Yeah, he’s mean.
However, if you two are in a relationship, he doesn’t want to hurt you and knows his pace is not adapted for a virgin. He will do his best to take you slowly, in missionary, holding back himself. He wants to make you feel good and as you continue to fuck together, progressively, your sessions will be more and more rough and messy. His strokes would be really long and deep, hitting all the right spots. Imagine him, with his jaw clenched, sweats dripping from his forehead, growling huskily, the muscles of his arms all tensed as he’s trying his best to not slam roughly inside your tight pussy. Damn. 
If you challenge him, like, betting he’s not able to fuck you slowly, this man will have the slowest pace ever, just to prove you’re wrong. At the end, he won the game and you’ll be frustrated by how slow and torturing his thrusts are. 
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)  
He likes quickie, but not that much. Let’s be honest, if you ask him a quickie, the answer will always be yes. 
But he prefers proper sex, because he’s always 100% implicating in what he’s doing, so he wants to fuck your properly. 
During quickie, Kid will bend you over something or carry you against a wall, skip any foreplay and just slams himself into you, his lips against yours to muffle your screams. 
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Kid likes to experiment, but only with his lover. With a one night stand, he wants to be in control and proves how good he’s. If you ask him to do something he has never done, then, he’s not willingly trying.
If you’re in a relationship, he can try some stuff and fantasies, but don’t you dare laugh at him if he’s not doing great the first times you two tries something new. It will really hurt is pride, he gets pissed off and less inclined to try new stuff.
Concerning the risk of being caught, well, Kid doesn’t give two flying fuck. 
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is perfect, he can last for a while. Good luck. 
Even with his rough pace, he can last easily 20 minutes of intense pounding. 
You’ll be tired before him. He’s quite observant with you and will notice when you really can’t take much more. 
His sessions are intense and you always end up breathing harshly and sweating, with your legs shaking. 
Kid knows how to hold back, but you can make him cum quickly with anal sex or deep-throating. 
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He hates toys. Are you saying he’s doing the job so poorly, you need a toy to cum ? Okay, he’s pissed off. 
If you want to have a toy during your solo masturbation session, then, feel free, he will gladly create any toy you want with his DF. But when you two are fucking, no toy. 
It hurts his pride.
The poor baby has a lot of pride.
Maybe he can have some fantasies, like a handmade vibrator. He’ll ask you to keep it inside you during the day and from time to time, he’ll use his DF and watch you trying to keep a cold face in front of others while the toy tease your G point. 
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He likes to tease you, especially with dirty talk. Just because it always makes you tighten around his cock. 
He will also tease you a bit during foreplay. He loves when you beg for his cock.
But due to his lack of patience, Kid is not the kind of guy to tease during hours. 
In public, if he can’t fuck you, he gets frustrated and tease you as a way to release some frustration.
If you want to tease him, feel free, but he’ll show you absolutely no mercy later, pounding into you like a fucking beast and growling about how naughty you were earlier. And if you try to squirm, he’ll hold your hips and growls to stay still. You earned this, so shut up and take it. (But of course he’s not a total dick, if you need him to slow down or even stop, he’ll listen.) 
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
This man can’t do anything in silence. Of course he’s loud.
He grunts a lot, talk dirty, spank your ass, all of the time. 
He doesn’t scream. Just grunt and curse a lot. Just imagine him, with his low, husky voice, grunting close to your ear. 
He likes to hear you scream or moan for him. So please, do it. The louder, the better. 
Tell him how good he's fucking you, how huge his cock is stretching your walls and Kid will be more than happy. He's a simple man, overall.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
After sex, if you’re in a relationship, he falls asleep really fast… and even if he’ll never admit it, he likes to be the little spoon. Just hold him firmly and tenderly from behind and let him be the little spoon, please. 
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)  
Pale dick, pink sensitive head. A few veins along the shaft, but not that much.
Kid is a big and large guy, and considering how bold and cocky he acts, his cock is long and thick af, he needs the right back-up lol. He knows he’s big and he’s hella proud of his own cock.
Length around 17/20cm (7/8 inch). And the girth is scary. Good luck if it’s your first time. 
A shower, not a grower. 
His balls are proportioned to his cock size and heavy.
When he takes off his pants down for the first time in front of you, he’ll probably grins while watching your scared or excited face. 
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High. Really high.
Kid is kinda always angry at something and he needs to release his frustration with sex. 
He can fuck you multiple times in the same day and still be ready for more. And his refractory period is really short, too. So good luck.
In a relationship, Kid needs someone with a huge sex drive too.
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Will snore 5 minutes after collapsing on top of you. 
After fucking you like a beast, he feels relaxed, his anger is gone (at least for now), same for his stress or frustration, so he’s sleepy. He’ll just clean himself quickly, or not, and fall asleep.
He doesn’t like pillow talk, but if you’re in a relationship, he’ll try to make an effort. 
If it’s a one night stand and not at home, he’ll leave and fall asleep once he’s back to his ship. 
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Emergency r.
Hello! Could I request how would Giyuu, Muzan and Douma react to getting caught about to have sex or in the middle of it by your parents? I thought about something funny and kind nsfw to cheer me up a bit, like poor parents. I think a modern setting could work better (?) idk😓
Thanks for what you do for us and take care💓
▸ ANSWERING. hello anon! i’m sorry it took me longer than expected, i wasn’t really in the mood to write for it & i’ve had a kinda bad day on my own so. i wanted to thank you for your kind words and once again i apologise for the delay <3
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. giyu tomioka, muzan kibutsuji & douma (upper rank two) x fem!reader
▸ RATING. nsfw
▸ WARNINGS. modern au! smut, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid guys), um tiny bit of degradation, getting caught, not proofread
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you were back from college for a while and your boyfriend decided to pass by, taking the opportunity.
you knew it was risky. you didn’t knew when your parents would be precisely back but you wanted to do it anyway.
giyu trusted you, of course. that’s how you two found each others on your bed. your hands tightly holding to his shoulders, legs wrapped around his waist, the sounds filling your old bedroom were your moans, his grunts and the smacking of skin on skin.
“fuck— missed y-you so much,” his low voice filled your ears for a moment, followed by a whine. the way he was thrusting into you felt amazing, the stretch was too good; you missed feeling this close to him.
“i’m so close, baby. oh shit— giyu!” you arched your back, your walls tightening around giyu’s cock, who started twitching while filling you with his cum. you two came together… right in front of you parents.
when you tiredly glanced at your open door, you almost screamed and tried to desperately cover you both. “mom!” your cheeks were so red and you noticed giyu tensing up and he struggled to move and cover himself as best as he could.
your parents closed the door, shouting apologies and a series of sorry for interrupting. you covered your face with your hands and sighed.
“i think i-i won’t show up for a while,” he muttered, staring at the ceiling in shock. you turned to him, “what— you’re so dramatic, i’m sure they got caught at least once in their life… they’ll get over it.”
“plus, they can’t really hate you for making me cum,” you winked, making him blush even more if possible. you bursted out laughing and giyu’s chuckles quickly followed, fortunately.
somehow, you were more concerned about your boyfriend than your parents.
your parents had a spare key of your apartment, just in case. you invited them over for dinner, so you could let ‘em meet your boyfriend.
what you weren’t expecting was how they would actually meet him for the first time.
your hands were gripping the back of the couch, holding you steady as muzan fucked you from behind. his hips were thrusting into you slow but hard.
“i want more! please,” you cried, moving your hips to meet his thrusts. “what a needy slut, you can’t get enough of this dick huh?” his voice went straight to your core, your arousal kept gushing around him. “look at how wet you are, shit— keep taking it like a whore.”
you arched your back while he finally started moving faster, his dick hitting all the right spots inside your warm channel. your whines became louder when he randomly spanked your butt, sending shots of pain through your body followed by those of pleasure.
“hey honey, we’re her— oh my god!” your dad’s voice snapped you out of your dazed state. “d-dad!” you pushed muzan back and looked for something to cover yourself. they were quick to turn around, giving you some privacy. “oh god,” you whispered, embarrassed.
“well, good evening,” muzan glanced at them, his hips covered by one of your blankets, a shit eating grin on his flushed face. of course he wasn’t embarrassed.
“quit it,” you muttered and slapped his chest, a bit sticky with sweat. “i was just welcoming your parents.”
you asked your friend to leave the dorm room so you could have some private time with your boyfriend, coming from another college. you were grateful they accepted without hesitation.
but you forgot your birthday was the following day and your parents wanted to surprise you by coming and take a cake to celebrate together, even if it was a small thing.
“i missed you so much, petal,” douma’s hands were caressing your hips, staring up at you. your breasts swayed with every movement, and he found it hypnotising. you were so beautiful sitting on top of him, riding his cock.
“m-me too baby,” you whimpered and kept jumping on his lap, his head hitting your cervix repeatedly making you gush hard around him. you moved your hands to rest on his chest and started moving with a bit more desperation, seeking the approaching orgasm. douma simply watched you, amazed and in love.
“that’s my girl. you’re close, aren’t you?” he moved one of his hands between your legs and he used his fingers to circle your throbbing clit, adding extra stimulation. “oh fuck! i’m close, don’t stop!” your voice trembled as your body was filled with jolts of pleasure, you arched your back.
“fuckfuckfuck! i’m—” you stopped talking when you came hard around his dick, your walls convulsing around him. douma grunted and thrusted up into you to guide you through it, his hands gripping your hips so tightly.
the door opened soon after and your mom almost dropped the bag with the homemade cake, your dad mentally passed out multiple times. “h-honey…” she tried to speak, trying to avoid the scene in front of them.
“mom!” you squealed and pulled a blanket closer to hide yourself and douma’s hips. he giggled under you, his hands still on your waist. “have you ever heard of knocking?!” your face was burning with embarrassment while douma sat up and made you moan lowly due to him moving, still seated inside of you. “w-we wait outside, let us know when we can come in,” your dad exited with your mother and closed the door, their voices were full of embarrassment.
“fuck,” you placed your forehead on douma’s shoulder, sighing deeply. “oh baby, they ruined it for you?” he muttered, smirking. “you’re– how can you not be embarrassed?” you glanced at him, noticing he was as lively as usual. “you’re the only thing on my mind, i don’t care about the rest,” he simply shrugged before kissing you passionately.
you momentarily got lost in the kiss, caressing his warm cheeks. but then you remembered your parents were right outside the door and you pulled back, starting gathering yourself. “try to seem ashamed for at least five minutes,” you muttered to your boyfriend, who nodded while holding back a laugh.
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. thank you for reading guys, have a nice weekend <3
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stupidlittlespirit · 2 months
Ekurei hcs??
Sorry for the delay anon. Okay, here we go!
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♡ - Reigen talks aloud to Ekubo all the time and is a bit blind to the weird looks he gets from passers-by, so Reigen buys a bluetooth earpiece so he can play it off like he's yapping on the phone. He does not buy airpods or whatever - the guy has a flip phone, he doesn't know what a fucking airpod is. Ekubo is flattered that he'd rather go the extra length of disguising their conversations than just avoiding it altogether.
♡ - I think when Reigen is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling mentally, Ekubo offers to take over his body and pilot him for a bit so that he can get some rest/not have to stress so much. It's mostly for menial tasks, not when Reigen works or anything (unless he requires an emergency supernatural boost ofc), and the spirit just kind of.... does Reigen's self-care for him. He'll put Reigen to sleep and cook a meal so that his body gets sustenance if Reigen doesn't feel up to eating. He'll shower him and shave, tidy his apartment etc. Of course, when Reigen teases him that he totally does care, Ekubo will always deny it with a 'ugh ew no, I just can't stand seeing someone be soooo pathetic. Have some decorum, man', but he's definitely trying not to smile with every word.
♡ - Touch starved. The both of them. Guards! Give that man a hug! In a physical form (Yoshioka), Ekubo will just NOT stop touching Reigen when they're alone (and sometimes will slip up when they're in public, much to both of their embarrassment). In all the official art, they have their hands on each other- I think a lot about that one where he's behind Reigen, all up in his business, and it just confirms that idea for me personally.....
♡ - Possession sex: Ekubo can trigger all the good spots when he's in Reigen's head without Reigen ever having to touch himself anywhere. Reigen can somehow feel invisible hands on his body despite there being no one there and he loves it. It makes him feel less awkward about reciprocating.
♡ - Physical sex: Yoshioka's consent is voiced every time. Ekubo leaves his body so that it's clear to everyone that it's 100% Yoshi's decision to do anything like that. Sometimes Ekubo will relinquish control of Yoshi's body during sex so that he can share in the moment too, even though he's already present mentally. It's like a threesome ig?? I like the concept that Ekubo and Yoshi are distinctly different fucks: they each have their own preferences and styles. I know Ekubo has stated that ghosts don't feel desire, but I think he'd enjoy getting to make Reigen squirm and seeing him enjoy himself. He probably also likes having control in that way. Reigen is a bratty bottom and Ekubo and Yoshi enjoy making him submit hehe.
♡ - They butt heads alllll the time. They bicker like an old married couple constantly (it drives everyone up the wall) and compete against each other for literally no reason other than the fact that they both secretly enjoy it.
♡ - Speaking of butting heads, Ekubo teases Reigen a lot. He likes getting a rise out of him and seeing Reigen get all flustered. They have the best banter out of anyone in the show. Plus, they'd go to the ends of the Earth for each other! I mean, just look at the last episode: Reigen relies on Ekubo's support and Ekubo is willing to protect him to the end. Fuck, even the comment (which the anime took from us and I'll never forgive them for that) about how Reigen can stay with Ekubo should he die during the Minori saga is said very honestly and from a place of love.
I have more ideas (don't I always?) but I'd write a million words and no one needs that lmao.
Anyway, I can't believe Ekurei isn't more popular as a ship because they work so well together. I think a lot of the fandom reduce Ekubo to being 'the fart cloud' and it does a real disservice to his character because he's excellently developed and just has the craziest personal growth. I can't watch the episodes where he sacrifices himself for Mob because they make me sob like a baby. I feel very passionately about him as an individual character and together I think Reigen and Ekubo are better suited than other ships because of their canon relationship. They're equals and it's clear that they respect (no matter how much they pretend otherwise) each other and are grateful for the protection they offer Mob and the kids.
askjsdkahdj sorry for rambling i just love these silly little guys
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strawberry-smog · 1 month
Man, I hate this guy. While overthinking the Gravity Falls timeline brings me joy that only trying to put together a miscut puzzle with a boxcutter and some paint to scribble over the pieces that just don’t match anything can, Shermie is one of the fandom’s eternal lore tangles that just annoys me. I would prefer to simply never think about him, and yet after that stupid book taunted me about him again, I am opening this can of sherms and thinking about him and how he fits into the timeline and the wider Pines family dynamics.
I feel like most of the more lore-interested fan content, or at least the stuff concerning Stan and Ford, tends to go for the Older Shermie fan theory. And even though this is something that makes the most sense out of the mechanical number-crunching timeline part of the story, on a character writing level older Shermie just rings false to me: Stan and Ford are so defined by them being the only two people in each other’s lives from a young age, and even if Shermie was old enough or estranged enough or both to have never had any significant interactions with his baby brothers, I think the mere existence of an older brother would’ve cast a shadow over their childhood as something to idolize or something to be afraid of ending up like.
Plus, we’ve got Ford being given Filbrick’s wedding suit as a young man and the present day Stan-as-Ford inheriting all of the family’s old junk, which both seem to point towards Ford being the eldest son, although I will concede that this works for a no-contact Shermie too.
All of this seems like it should make me a Younger Shermie truther, but that doesn’t exactly feel right to me either - it works better for the older Pines family dynamic, but once you get to the younger generation you have to start thinking about the timeline again and how the unavoidable double teen pregnancies fit into the story there, and subjectively I feel like that doesn’t really fit the way Dipper and Mabel are presented. To me their branch of the Pines family seems a bit more insulated from those kinds of big dramas, with Dipper and Mabel as kind of these average middle class kids living a pretty normative life who find out about all the skeletons in their family’s closet over the course of the show. Also you’d think Stan would at least mention Shermie’s pipe game.
So if Shermie isn’t their older brother or their younger brother, who is he? Well, I don’t know, to be perfectly honest. I know there’s the time paradox gag in Lost Legends, but Shermie going through some crazy time dilation adventure is also something that feels off to me for the boring grandpa role he plays in the family dynamic, and it adds unnecessary wackiness and intrigue to the otherwise more grounded extended Pines family.
The scant other mentions of him aren’t very helpful for getting a clearer picture - Ford writes about him weirdly distantly for a brother in his journal. The only reference to him is him being full-named like he’s a stranger - which, I mean, I think it makes sense for the writers because it clears up any lingering “wait, is Shermie short for a male or female name?” confusion amongst people who didn’t play the DS game, while still letting them avoid “my older/younger brother” phrasing so as not to highlight the awkwardness of his place in the timeline and avoid canonizing a birth order for him. And to be fair, Ford in general seems 0% interested in his family once he gets back from the portal too: there’s some brief mentions, but he doesn’t have any questions about what they’re up to or whether his by-now-quite-elderly parents are even, y’know, alive. I think based on what Bill says about his family in the Book of Bill it can be assumed that Ford was estranged in all but name from his parents by the time he met Bill and being hunted across dimensions for 30 years certainly didn’t give him any opportunities to change his opinion on that, but this is getting off topic.
Anyway, now that I’ve rambled for a bit here’s me going through every Shermie theory I can think of and trying to present some evidence for all of them.
Theory 1: Shermie is Stan and Ford’s older brother and THE BABY is his child
Problems: The Pines are explicitly stated to only have two sons in ATOTS, and Ford is surprised to find out that he has niblings
Solution A: Shermie has been estranged from his family for long enough that the local high school principal has no idea he exists, and his parents don’t care to correct the mistake
Problem A: If Shermie isn’t in contact with his family why would they be looking after his baby?
Solution B: Shermie is not estranged, but for whatever reason the principal of Glass Shard Beach High has no idea he exists (he didn’t go to that school? The principal recently transferred from somewhere else?) and his parents still didn’t care to correct that mistake
Problem B: This makes it weirder that none of the characters in the flashback bring up his existence, and also doesn’t solve the issue of Ford acting like he hasn’t had niblings before Dipper and Mabel
Solution C: Shermie is trans and from the other characters’ perspective back in the 60s the principal was correct when he said there were only two Pines boys
Problem C: This still doesn’t solve the problem with Ford acting like he didn’t have any niblings, and maybe makes it a bit weird that Ford wouldn’t make any mention of it if he transitioned after 1982/3
Solution D: One of the above theories is correct and also THE BABY is not Shermie’s child but a fourth sibling or a random other baby being babysat
Problem D: who is this goddamn baby???
Solution E: Shermie IS estranged from his family and has also fucked off and left his child for them to raise
Problem E: Doesn’t really jive with him being at Dipper and Mabel’s birth or Stan calling him “a square”
Theory 2: Shermie is Stan and Ford’s younger brother and THE BABY
Problems: this makes both him and Dipper and Mabel’s parent very young parents, alongside possibly implying that Shermie died very young with how Stan refers to him in the past tense in Gnome Gemulets
Solution: there’s really nothing in canon saying they weren’t teen parents or that Shermie didn’t die in his forties (or that Stan wasn’t just using the past tense because he was telling old stories), it’s just kind of awkward
Bonus evidence: while Stan’s weirdly personal story about watching movies with your girlfriend leading to children ruining your life in Little Giftshop of Horrors is A) from a non-canon episode and B) said by Hirsch on twitter to have been something Filbrick said to him growing up, if you ignore Word of God it works pretty well as Stan remembering what happened to Shermie
Theory 3: Shermie is a normal age to have preteen grandkids but also isn’t Stan and Ford’s full brother
Problems: this is ridiculously blatant fanwank with zero in-text support aside from Stan and Ford never directly calling him their brother. It also has the same issues with who exactly THE BABY is as the standard Older Shermie Theory
Solution A: Shermie is Stan and Ford’s cousin and they’re referred to as great uncles because “first cousin twice removed Stan” doesn’t have a great ring to it
Problem A: when Ford hears about Shermie’s grandkids he specifically calls them his niece and nephew. While sure, this could be part of the same reasoning that has Dipper and Mabel calling the Stans their uncles in this theory, Ford at this point has no preexisting relationship with the concept of being especially close to kids-of-his-cousins'-kids, clearly wasn't very close with Shermie when they were both on the same planet, and singles out niece and nephew with a special kind of excitement that makes it seem like he's interested in the idea of a sibling of his having kids, rather than just more cousins which is something pretty much everyone has
Solution B: Shermie is a half-brother to Stan and Ford from another relationship of Filbrick’s
Problem B: this adds yet more convoluted family drama with zero canon evidence to the Pines family. However, since there is zero evidence for it there’s also nothing to really dispute it, seeing as how it’s mainly fanfic that has little relation to the canon backstory
Bonus evidence: Counting in dubiously canon sources such as Shmeb-You-Unlocked and the Stan DVD Commentary, Filbrick has had at least two careers before becoming a pawnbroker, which he was all throughout Stan and Ford’s childhood. Plenty of time to have had an entire other family, perhaps?
Theory 4: Shermie is THE BABY but Shmebulock’s conspiracy board from Lost Legends was correct when it brought up the possibility of a time paradox surrounding Shermie
Problem: wouldn’t the other characters notice that he was the wrong age?
Solution: it’s Gravity Falls so you can’t actually rely on people to act like normal human beings. This is another one where there’s no real evidence against it, it’s just kind of weird
Theory 5: Sherman is Stan’s middle name, and by calling them “Shermie’s” grandkids Stan is signalling to Ford that they’re secretly his grandkids… and THE BABY is his kid that he never got back in contact with, I guess?
Problems: why would Ford cover for this. Why wouldn’t Dipper and Mabel notice their grandpa doesn’t exist. Why
Solution: come on man
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dragonydreams · 5 months
Plus One - Buck/Tommy
Title: Plus One Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: Teen Audience And Up Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash Additional Tags: Fluff, family dinner, coming out, Tommy Kinard POV Summary: Buck is Tommy's plus one for dinner at the Grant-Nash home. Timeline: 7x05 Word Count: 2,366 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me.
Read on AO3
Tommy was enjoying sitting out in the sun with Evan's hand caught between both of his when his phone rang. He still couldn't believe that he'd just agreed to be Evan's date to his sister's wedding. 
Reluctantly, he removed his hand from on top of Evan's to pull his phone from his pocket. He didn't recognize the phone number, but in his line of work he couldn't ignore a call from an unknown number.
"I should probably take this," he said as he accepted the call. "Hello?"
"Hi Tommy, it's Bobby Nash."
"Captain Nash, hi," Tommy said, meeting Evan's wide eyes across the table. Evan gave his hand a little squeeze. "What can I do for you, Sir?"
"Athena and I would like you to come to dinner at our house," Bobby said. "We barely got to talk after the rescue and we would like to thank you properly."
"I was just doing my job," Tommy deflected, not that he wasn't grateful for the invitation.
"We both know that you weren't sanctioned to come get us. You put your career on the line to come save us and I cannot say how grateful we are that you did. The least we can do is make you a home cooked meal."
"I do miss your cooking," Tommy admitted. 
"I don't know if you're seeing anyone, but feel free to bring them along, too," Bobby offered. 
Tommy turned his hand over so he could squeeze Evan's. "I have started seeing someone who I think I'd like to bring." 
Across the table, Evan pointed at his chest and mouthed, 'Me?' Tommy just nodded. 
"We look forward to meeting them," Bobby said. "How's Wednesday night?" 
"Wednesday works for me," Tommy agreed. 
"I'll text you the address. I look forward to catching up," Bobby said.
"I'll see you then," Tommy said. He met Evan's eyes. "Want to go to dinner at Captain Nash's with me on Wednesday as my date?"
"You want me to be your date for dinner with Bobby and Athena?" 
"Only if you're comfortable with it," Tommy said. 
"Well, he'd find out about us at the wedding anyway," Evan said. "I like the idea of him knowing about us before then. He is kinda like my work dad."
"That's not really a thing," Tommy said, laughing. "I can't believe how much of a family the 118 became after I left."
"Hey, if you hadn't left when you did, I could have ended up at some other station." Evan shuddered dramatically. 
Tommy blinked. "I hadn't done that math. You were my replacement."
"You left some pretty big shoes to fill," Evan said. 
"How old are you?" Tommy hesitantly asked.
"I'm thirty-four," Evan said. 
"Ten years, that's not so bad," Tommy mused aloud.
"If it makes you feel any better, you wouldn't be the first person I've dated who is older than me. Abby was like twenty years older than me when we dated," Evan admitted.
"You have some kind of May/December fetish I should be aware of?" Tommy teased.
"N-No," Evan spluttered. "This would only be the second time I dated someone that much older than me. Not that you're old."
"I'm kidding, Evan," Tommy said. He wondered why Evan seemed to melt a bit every time he said his name. He'd need to remember to ask him about that sometime.
"Besides, there is something to being with someone more mature, with more life experience," Evan said. 
"Especially for someone who only recently discovered they were into men?" Tommy asked, knowingly. 
"Yeah," Evan said, blushing. 
"So, what kind of wine should I bring to this dinner?" Tommy asked, looking to get back onto safer ground. 
"Red wine for Athena and something non-alcoholic for Bobby," Evan said. 
"He's sober?" Tommy asked. "That certainly explains some things."
"Not my story to tell, but yeah," Evan confirmed. 
"Do you have a wine preference?" Tommy asked. "I'm not all that picky," Evan said. "Depends on my mood."
"Good to know," Tommy said. He took another sip of his terrible coffee and grimaced. "First, I'm going to get some real coffee and then head to the liquor store. Care to join me?"
"Y-you want me to come with you?" Evan asked, clearly surprised.
"Unless you have plans?"
"No, my day is wide open," Evan said, enthusiastically.
"Great, let's go," Tommy said. 
On Wednesday night, Tommy picked Evan up before heading to the Grant-Nash home. He and Evan had a mild debate about who should drive since Evan had been to the house many times before, but Tommy wanted to woo Evan. Even if just a little.
Evan was fidgeting beside him as Tommy rang the doorbell.
"Second thoughts?" he asked, resting a hand on Evan's back.
Evan steeled himself and grinned at Tommy. "Not a one."
The door swung open to reveal both Bobby and Athena. Tommy registered their surprise at seeing Evan with him. 
"Buck, what are you doing here?" Bobby asked.
"I-I'm Tommy's plus one," he stuttered. 
Athena recovered first and stepped around Bobby to loop her arm through Tommy's and pull him inside. "That is wonderful news. I can't wait to hear all about how you two got together."
As they walked down a short flight of stairs, Tommy saw Bobby pull Evan into a hug and say so softly that Tommy almost couldn't hear it, "I'm happy for you."
"This is for you," Tommy said, presenting the wine to Athena. "Thank you for having us over."
"It is our pleasure," she said. "Especially if we are getting the good gossip before everyone else." She winked at him. 
"I'm afraid Eddie's got you beat, in that case," Evan said as he and Bobby joined them. "He interrupted our first date."
"He does know how to keep a secret," Bobby said. "We didn't even know about Christopher for the first few weeks he was with us."
"He seems like a really great kid," Tommy said. 
"You've met him?" Bobby asked in surprise. "I thought you were dating Buck."
"I am, but Eddie and I have become pretty good friends since the rescue, too," Tommy said. "I've hung out at his place to watch some fights."
"Tommy flew the two of them to Vegas to see some fight a couple of weeks ago," Buck added. 
"You sure you're not dating both of them?" Athena teased.
"Oh, I'm sure; Eddie turned me down when I asked for a date, but said he wanted to be friends."
"Wait, you asked Eddie on a date?" Evan asked in surprise.
"I'm going to finish getting dinner on the table. Is that for tonight?" Bobby asked, gesturing to the bottle of sparkling grape juice in Evan's hand. He held it out for Bobby without looking away from Tommy.
"I'll go pour the wine," Athena said. "We're going to need it."
"Did you kiss him, too?" Evan demanded in a whisper, pulling Tommy to the far side of the room.
"No, it was nothing like that," Tommy insisted. "On the way back from Vegas I asked if I could take him on a proper date and Eddie said that he was flattered, but he had a girlfriend. I was surprised because it was the first time he'd mentioned her. Apparently she'd been babysitting Christopher while we were at the fight."
"So, am I like some kind of consolation prize?" Evan asked, his voice trembling.
"No, never," Tommy grasped Evan's face between both his hands. "I didn't know you were an option until I went to your loft that night. And when you said you'd been trying to get my attention all week, I realized I didn't want to miss my chance with you."
He kissed Evan then, a soft chaste kiss since they were at someone else's home, but one filled with promise.
Evan looked dazed when he released him, just like after their first kiss. Tommy could get used to putting that look on Evan's face.
"Now let's go eat, I'm starving," Tommy said, grabbing Evan's hand and pulling him towards the kitchen. "It smells amazing in here."
"You guys all good?" Athena asked, an eyebrow raised. 
"Yeah, we're good," Evan said, that dopey grin still on his face. 
"Coming through," Bobby said, setting a large pan of lasagna on the trivets on the table. 
Tommy inhaled deeply and sighed. "Man, I've missed your cooking."
"I'll have to make you my version sometime," Evan said as they sat. "Bobby's been teaching me how to cook and I think I've got this one down. Eddie and Christopher like it, at least."
"You've got the chili down, too," Bobby said, "now that you know the secret ingredient."
"He told you his secret chili ingredient?" Athena asked, surprised. "I don't even know that."
Evan puffed out his chest. "Yeah, I pestered it out of him."
Bobby served up the lasagna, the salad and garlic bread were passed around, and they took a few minutes to enjoy their food. 
"Bobby, you have only become a better chef," Tommy said. "When you retire you should definitely open a restaurant."
Bobby laughed. "Thank you for the compliment but that is a stress I do not want in my retirement. I much prefer cooking for family and friends."
"The 118 really has become a family, hasn't it?" Tommy asked, somewhat wistfully. "I could see it heading that way when I left, but leaving was still the right move for me."
"You seem happy at Harbor," Bobby said. "I've heard nothing but good things from your captain."
"You checkin' up on me?" Tommy teased.
"Maybe from time to time," Bobby admitted. "You seem much freer since your time with us."
Tommy glanced over at Evan. "Yeah, when I started at the 217 I did it as an out gay man. Took a page from Wilson's book and made it clear that this is who I am."
"I heard a lot of stories about Captain Gerard when I started and I know what it was like under him. I understand why you didn't feel comfortable sharing that part of yourself. I'm glad you found somewhere that you can be you." 
"Yeah, Gerard was the worst kind of old school misogynist. I saw what Han and Wilson went through when they started and out of self preservation didn't want to have him treat me that way, too. It was cowardly, but it was also survival."
Evan reached over to squeeze his thigh under the table. 
"I am a bit surprised you didn't tell us about yourself, Buck," Athena said. "You seem to share so much of yourself with everyone that this caught us a bit by surprise."
"I, um, didn't actually know this about myself until recently," Evan said, meeting Tommy's eyes. "Not until Tommy kissed me."
Tommy wondered about the look that Bobby and Athena shared and wondered if it had something to do with Evan and Eddie's close friendship. 
"Well, I'm -"
"We're," Athena cut in. 
"We're very happy for you both. I'm guessing you haven't told the rest of the team, aside from Eddie?"
"That's correct," Evan said. "Well, Maddie knows. Pretty sure she hasn't told Chimney since he isn't bouncing off the walls trying to keep a secret."
"But they'll know soon, as I'll be Evan's date for his sister's wedding," Tommy finished.
"Now that's one way to come out," Athena said. "You sure you want to do that with your parents there?"
"I'm done trying to get their approval. We're never going to be close. If they can't accept that I'm dating a man now, that's on them."
Tommy could sense that there was a lot of bad blood there, but now was not the time to ask. He wondered if this had anything to do with why everyone called him Buck instead of by his name and wondered if he should be doing that too. But Evan hadn't asked him not to call him Evan; in fact, he seemed to like it. Tommy made a note to ask about that later.
"That's very mature of you," Athena said.
"What can I say, the therapy actually helped."
The rest of dinner progressed easily. Athena told them about Bobby's heroics after the ship capsized and his acrobatics to get Norman safely lowered to the new floor of the ship. 
Tommy told them about some of his more interesting rescues, although saving Bobby and Athena would be at the top of his list for a long time when telling stories to other people. 
When it was time to go, Bobby packaged up the leftover lasagna for Tommy to take home with him. Evan pouted about Tommy getting all of the leftovers and Bobby promised to make it at the station soon.
On the drive back to Evan's loft, Tommy asked, "Would you prefer if I call you Buck?" Evan turned to look at him. "It's just, I know that's what everyone else calls you."
"I-I kinda like that you don't call me what everyone else does," Evan admitted. "I always felt like such a disappointment as Evan, so when there were two other Evans in my class at the fire academy I started having people call me Buck. Buck wasn't a screw up. Buck was a firefighter who could get things done. Someone who mattered."
"You matter regardless of what you're called," Tommy interrupted. 
Evan reached out to clasp Tommy's hand on the gearshift. "I know that. And when you call me Evan, I don't feel like a disappointment. I guess you could say that you're a first step to reclaiming that name."
"So should I expect everyone else to start calling you Evan now, too?" Tommy asked.
"Unlikely," Evan said, laughing. "You've seen how no one calls Chimney 'Howie' anymore. Except for Maddie, sometimes."
"If at any point you change your mind, I will call you by whatever name you want," Tommy assured him. 
"Thank you, that means a lot," Evan answered. 
As they approached Evan's apartment building, he asked, "Do you want to come up for a nightcap?"
Tommy glanced over to see the hopeful expression on Evan's face and even though he knew he shouldn't, he found himself saying, "I'd love to."
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kattitude130 · 1 month
my finalized FULLY comprehensive kagerou project youtube playlist
there's a few official orders already, but i made my own that i believe makes the most sense for newbies and compiled it an easy to access playlist. there are many playlists already, but they are often old and use low quality videos. i have found as many highest quality versions as I could to make the best and most current playlist
if you'd rather listen/watch them in chronological order of release (i'm usually the same way), unfortunately i don't have a list or playlist for that, but you can find that kind of information on the fandom wiki
the only music not included are the official covers, which can be found on the album Mekakucity M's (you will likely find it split between "Mekakucity M's 1" and "Mekakucity M's 2") i highly recommend them whether or not you prefer human over vocaloid!
if you don't know what i'm posting about at all-- the Kagerou Project ("kagepro") is a mixed media series about kids with special powers stuck in a timeloop (simplest way to put it). the full story is told across animated music videos, light novels, a manga, an anime, and more. the interesting part is that these different mediums are not necessarily adaptations of the same story, but rather depicting different routes/timelines of the timeloop and have different endings. if this playlist interests you, the official order is music -> manga -> novels -> anime, plus an animated short film that has a currently unknown placement (some later songs are likely adaptations of some novel chapters, and frankly i think you could swap novels and manga and not lose out on anything, but i don't want to make it too complicated… anyway)
i have been a huge nerd about it for over a decade so feel free to ask me questions because it is a bit convoluted, not gonna lie, but i love that kind of thing. ok anyway give it a shot!!
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
I hope you don't mind me sending this early because it's late at night where i live and I'm about to fall asleep 😭😭😭
Fandom: JJBA
Character: Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Romantic
Type of fic: Concept, plus if you want the reader could also be in the duwang gang?
(If you don't write for him you can ignore this obvi 🤍🤍)
Honestly, been a hot minute since I've written for JJBA or watched Part 4 so if anything is off I'm so sorry. Here you go though :) I need to write more for this show... I missed it. (For those who don't know, I started yandere writing through JJBA on Wattpad. Although I don't like most of my old work for it now.)
I may add it to my next fandoms since this sparked my interest again 😅 Maybe even bring back some old JJBA fics if I feel I liked them enough, although most of them are female reader so... we'll see. Anyways! I hope you enjoy the new content I bring to the table!
Yandere! Okuyasu Nijimura Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Delusional yandere, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Threats, Attempted murder/Murder implied, Abandonment issues, Mentioned kidnapping, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Okuyasu is a very driven character.
He acts through his heart and is often very impulsive.
He even complains about the fact he has no girlfriend in the show.
I feel Okuyasu can both be a very intimidating yandere while also being extremely sweet.
Especially if you are part of the Duwang Gang.
I feel Okuyasu would be very sweet, considerate. and caring for his darling.
However I also feel he'd get easily carried away.
His emotions drive him too much at times which can lead to some problematic situations.
Okuyasu gets to know you when you join the friend group either through Josuke or Koichi.
Okuyasu may even be the type of guy to fall in love fast when he finds the one for him.
As stated before, Okuyasu allows his heart to guide his actions.
The heart wants what the heart wants!
While this behavior can make him sweet at times, it has side effects.
Such as making his jealousy and aggression more intense due to his impulsive behavior.
He doesn't always think his actions through and with a stand as strong as The Hand, that's a dangerous combo.
I don't imagine Okuyasu is good with flirting but his actions certainly show he has attraction towards you in the friend group.
He's very honest in his actions and openly compliments you but he's also respectful.
I no doubt feel Okuyasu pursues you slightly out of jealousy due to Koichi's relationship (Which has its own problems).
Okuyasu seems like a yandere you'd be able to control for the most part with Josuke but there's times he gets out of hand.
He takes dating advice from others on ways to impress you.
Then he tries to apply that to pursuing you.
Okuyasu feels like he'd be a clumsy stalker but still would.
Okuyasu also seems like he'd be a bad liar and feel horrible doing it, which means Josuke or Koichi would pick up on his tendencies quickly.
It's hard not to when they keep catching Okuyasu making puppy eyes over you.
It's like there's not a time he stops looking at you.
He's always just daydreaming about you and often lets his crush over you control him.
I'm sure Okuyasu means well but he would come off so strong in his obsession.
He can't help complimenting you and often gets jealous when you give away your attention to someone else.
Ah here it is, the problematic part.
Due to his impulsive behavior, Okuyasu would definitely get aggressive towards anyone he feels are taking you from him.
He's been shown to threaten those he doesn't like in the show and has tried to use The Hand for lethal force too.
It would take you to calm him down since I feel Okuyasu cares for you enough to calm down.
He doesn't want to look bad in front of you, after all.
His emotional behavior extends into other aspects of his obsession too.
If you gave this man anything of sentimental value, like a gift or a hug, it excites him and probably nearly sends him to tears.
Okuyasu holds so much love towards you and has no idea how to vent it.
He feels he can finally have a partner if he just plays his cards right with you!
Okuyasu is so optimistic and hopeful, too.
He thinks one day you'll get together, even if you don't show any signs now.
I feel if he ever asked you out and you rejected him he'd act fine, shuffle away, then start sobbing.
However, afterwards with some encouragement, he just thinks he needs to wait a bit longer before asking again!
Honestly, Okuyasu may accidentally guilt you into dating him as he's persistent.
He just knows you have to be together!
When you eventually do start dating, Okuyasu does whatever he can to please you.
He is completely head over heels for you when you finally give him a chance.
For the most part he is very sweet.
He asks others for advice on what gifts he should surprise you with.
He's often physically affectionate.
Okuyasu's biggest problem is his emotions towards those he doesn't like.
If he felt someone was flirting with you, even if you were just talking, he'd probably beat them up if not stopped.
Okuyasu can be clingy by following you everywhere.
He hangs out with you with the rest of the friend group, he even plans little dates with you alone.
As said before, Okuyasu means well, he just easily gets carried away.
If not kept under control then he may become a disastrous yandere.
For example, wiping away someone undesirable with The Hand.
I want to say Okuyasu wouldn't kidnap, he seems like he'd know better in a way.
Although if he was really pushed he may do it by accident, like in an attempt to get you to not leave him.
For the most part I feel Okuyasu would just be clingy and follow you around.
He really just acts like a puppy at times around you.
It's cute until people start going missing... and he just never wants to let you go.
Okuyasu may also have abandonment issues due to what happened in his past.
Which would make breaking up nearly unbearable or downright impossible.
Okuyasu would go into denial to the point of accidentally forcing you to stay.
He'd do anything for you!
Don't just let him go!
I feel like I want to say more about him yet I'm also out of ideas.
Overall Okuyasu certainly means well in his obsession but that same driven behavior causes dangerous problems.
From stalking, threats, potential murder, and maybe even kidnapping... Okuyasu just wants to please!
If isolating you will keep you guys together... Maybe he has to do it?
All he knows is he depends on you... he can't have you leave him!
He'd do anything for you to please you... just as long as he can have you as his.
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queerweewoo · 2 months
okay this is very long and mostly just for me to get some stuff of my chest and out of my head therefore anybody tagged pls don't feel as though you have to read it all (like obvs you know you don't have to but you also hopefully know what i mean lol):
so i've had some quite heavy stuff going on in meatspace recently, and then i went to see i saw the tv glow two nights ago which was beyond brilliant but fucked me up entirely on a personal level. then, just to be a bit (read: incredibly) stupid, i for some reason (read: bc i'm a masochist) decided to delve into reading waaaay too many of my first 'eddie losing his shit over christopher leaving/summer of sexuality queer crisis' fics, which i've not dared let myself do before now bc it's all very close to the bone for me i.e. my own queer (trans) crises—yes, plural, they keep coming—and stuff that's not a million miles away from the shit going on with my eldest son (bar kim lol). why tf my brain chose the worse time possible is just another one of life's mysteries (read: i'm just insane [see above]).
(btw my struggling hugely with issues of repression plus my son hating/not hating me aside, THIS FIC is the insanely brilliant piece of art that kicked off the binge. it's from the astonishingly talented @wildehacked and is one of two parts which are possibly the best buddie fics—or even just some of the best fics, period—that i've ever read. seriously, check the tags and if you're a buddie lover and it/they seem like your sort of thing you should 100% go save/read it/them!)
anyways, after all that i'm now just kind of spiralling a bit tbh aha. i'm not fine, not rn, but i will be fine at some point soon sort of thing. like, i'm okay and nobody needs to worry etc i'm just trying to do one if the countless things that i'm absolutely bloody terrible at which is reaching out. but not because i need anything from anybody it's more just for me to be able to say “i'm going through some stuff right now and i might or might not disappear for a while” because i don't usually manage anything at all like that when i'm in the trenches and instead just retreat into my shell and go radio silent—and the thing is, i know some very lovely people who have shown concern when i've done that in the past and i'm therefore trying to be better. friends old and new alike such as @shealynn88 @sharkfish @greyhavenisback @raisesomehale @doilooklikepeople @woodchoc-magnum @buddiebeginz i'll absolutely be getting back/chatting to you when i'm able to interact with a bit more—well, when i'm a bit more, i 'spose xp
also tagging lovelies @novemberhush for the usually well-loved procrastination tag game stuff and @inell and @kitteneddiediaz (and possibly @veronae-buddie and @daffi-990?) for the WIP games i've been kindly tagged in but not responded to. thank you and sorry! like, i know it's absolutely fine and nobody really cares about stuff like that, but i'm just very much feeling like i need to say these things right now. and more apologies if there have been tags i've missed from other lovely folks; not being round these parts for 48+hrs = horrendous notifs situation (you know how it is).
on the writing front, i don't know if it's both completely dumb and ridiculous to start this by saying, “hmm, i'm unsure if it's related or not?” but as well as everything else i'm simultaneously having one one those Everything I Have Ever Written Am Writing Or Could Write Is Utter Fucking Dogshit sort of moments (like, i know i'm not a great writer—which is not derogatory and just fact and 100% absolutely fine—but i'm usually at peace with the strange little oneshots i puke out, y'know?) which is yet another reason for me to disappear off here for the time being as i sadly have one of those unhealthy irrational relationships with fandom that's like I Don't Deserve To Be Here If I'm Not Being Useful—which i know is dumb af and i would absolutely try to coax anyone else out of if it were them saying it and not me, but alas poor yorick. thing is, i used to be incredibly prolific in making fanart, for loads of different fandoms, and that too has dwindled considerably over the last year or more (god, is it that long?) therefore it's just a double whammy currently with the writing now also taking a hit. and i know, i know, whomp whomp poor me etc etc i just—i fear whenever i disappear, i won't ever be able to make it back... bleugh horrid lol
obviously i can't seem to be normal about anything ever so i'm sorry if this is a weird way to respond to nothing happening that nobody asked about (there is no 'if'; it absolutely is weird but i'm afraid it is what it is) and i truly don't need anything from anybody, i just think me posting this and saying how i'm feeling will probably be doing me a bit of good. honestly, pls feel free to ignore, this is just cathartic for me. but i guess, at the same time, as well as those things, me being on the spectrum means i'm not skilled at keeping friendships going, which makes me very sad, so this is maybe me voicing those fears in an attempt to combat them becoming a reality? i think? it's just that i've already drifted away from too many lovely people here due to the affects of these things and i'm therefore just—i think i'm just really trying in my own odd little way.
anyways i'm gonna go rewatch some sense8 and sob out my own weight in tears and snot and just keep on keeping on with existential crisis #4793 for the time being until something shifts in me and then i'll be back at some point? yeah, i think that sounds about right.
love you guys big much (one of my son's isms from when he was little) <3
ps just realised i wrote this on my buddie blog and really can't be arsed copying and pasting it over to my main @all-or-nothing-baby... so anybody who was wondering, yeah it's me yer boi cassidy xp also if you read this far you're insane and i love you even more for it <3
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
I don’t understand why Zutara shippers are so obsessed with hating Aang (or Kataang).
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I understand they wish Zutara was canon, and that’s perfectly valid. I get why people ship it, and even though a good chunk of the toxic side of the ZK fandom say some pretty racist stuff, the ship is harmless. But the hate is vitriolic. You got to people like the-badger-mole, sokkastyles, longing-for-rain and they spend more time whining about Aang and his relationship with Katara than they talk about Zutara. They say the most objectively untrue stuff about Aang, Katara and Zuko as if making false claims about these characters is the only way to make their ship look good.
For example:
“Zuko did some bad things throughout the show, but Aang is worse because he never supported Katara and sexuality assaulted her. Not to mention Katara never had feelings for Aang, he was practically her son that she had to take care of”.
What ZKs actually sound like:
“Zuko did some bad things throughout the show, so we have to make Aang look worse by comparison to ensure that Zuko is a better match for Katara, despite his own problems, because surely a poorly timed kiss is the same is sexual assault. We falsely believe Aang never supported Katara because he didn’t agree with her seeking vengeance of the person who killed her mom, unlike Zuko who helped her out, meaning that one single episode must mean he’s the only one who supports Katara. Lastly, we have to find a way to make Katara’s obvious affection for Aang problematic, so let’s blow her motherly traits way out of proportion and say that any time she shows Aang affection, it’s a mom coddling her toddler, and yes Aang is a toddler because he’s BALD. So what that they kissed, they’re a mother and child. Also Katara emotionally supporting Aang is bad, she actually hates it. Dude trust me”.
They reason I bring this up is because I don’t understand why they have to be so bitter, it just makes them look pathetic that these people, some fully grown adults are so butthurt about a non-canon pairing from a 20 year old cartoon. Their media-illiterate ramblings don’t prove Aang and Katara are a bad couple, they just make it painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that these types of pathetic ZKs are just seething and coping.
Sure, you might say “I’m not one to talk” seeing as Kataang is canon, but let me tell you, I have my fair share of non-canon ships that I love.
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I love Ichigo X Rukia, I think they have great chemistry and strong bond, I wish they were endgame, they felt like the heart and soul of Bleach. But I don’t hate Orihime, such a sweetheart (plus she gave us the Leekspin meme) her and Ichigo are cute, I just think Ichigo and Rukia are better.
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I love Black Widow X Captain America from The MCU, they would’ve been a cute couple, they had good chemistry, they kissed for corn’s sake. I don’t care that much for Steve X Peggy, they’re kinda cute, but whatever, although I do really like Captain America’s ending. I don’t like Nat X Bruce, seeing as it came out of nowhere, but whatever, it didn’t last long anyway and I have nothing against either character.
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If anything I’m more prone to getting annoyed when a beloved canon couple are broken up, all the build up thrown away and replaced with another character whom has less chemistry with the original. Case in point, Haley and Andy from Modern Family, they were so cute, they had great chemistry and there was so much build up, only for Andy to leave in the season where he and Haley become a couple. Then later Haley and her initial on again off again guy Dylan get together and I gotta say, I don’t like it. But I have nothing against the character, Dylan’s a sweet guy who genuinely loves Haley and matured a lot, and they’re in no way a bad or unhealthy couple, there are people who genuinely like them as a couple too. I do think Haley’s character was kinda done dirty, but that had absolutely nothing to do with what guy she ended up with.
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The moral of this story is, you can like a non-canon ship and even dislike a canon ship without making up ridiculous reasons why and acting like a spoiled entitled brat like the vocal minority of ZeeK freaks from the the toxic side of the fandom.
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
first of all... i am so excited for this, WE GET A NEW CAST OF GODS WOOHOO!!! more people for me to swoon over, yaaaaay 🤤🤤🤤
but anyway, one thing i noticed is this:
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there are only twelve names on there and zeus' is missing, even though we obviously know he ends up fighting anyway.
the "14th round" theory is actually already quite popular around the fandom, but i believe that this current round (okita vs susano'o) is gonna end in a tie, thus enacting the 14th round for the leftover human vs new god to fight. i just feel like the results of this round are too predictable (with okita most likely winning), so i think the mangaka's doing this on purpose to shock us with a tie!
so yeah, i believe that the end of the spinoff is gonna conclude with someone winning, only for SURPRISE, they gotta beat the final boss: zeus. obviously, they get their asses wiped and zeus goes on to join ragnarok. but then the 14th round comes up and they need another god fighter, and that's where the winner of the gods' tournament comes in
anyway, another cool thing we learn is about the existence of "outer gods". from what i'm getting, that's basically what they call the 'black sheep' of the gods??? they seem to be disliked or something because of how uncontrollable they are and the little regard they have to the rules/society (ie. ra going against the council to try and kill humanity anyway, cú cuchulainn being undesirable because of his status as a demigod, etc.)
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i don't know if i'm understanding this right (so pls correct me if i'm wrong), it seems to me that zeus is using this as a ploy to get rid of a majority of the outer gods? like the gods tournament is used to lure them in so they could kill each other and become less of a problem for the other gods??? idk, i was a lil lost during zeus', hermes', and ares' convo, so i'm gonna try and read it again
i wanna try and add them into arsenic blues simply because they seem so cool 😅 i just wanna write some brief interactions between them and percy, but so far we've only been introduced to so little of them and i'd have to wait months to meet the whole cast 🥲
and unfortunately, i fear this might be just as long as ror
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these are the matches, with three rounds total and 13 fights, just one less than ragnarok 💀💀💀 so uh yeah, this spinoff is gonna take a while 😭
i'm mostly excited about cú chulainn, leviathan, and hydra!!!
obviously, for cú chulainn i'm gonna have to change canon a bit and make him either like a pre-ascension heracles demigod (a human with the strength of a god) or a demigod like how i wrote the valkyries.
and as for leviathan, remember my old post about beel being a dilf and making a bunch of monsters, demons, and gods to kill him and how leviathan (and basically the other sins) were created by him, thus making him their daddy technically? i feel like it'd be funny if i kept it that way for leviathan lmao 😂 plus, leviathan is a SEA SERPENT meaning WATER POWERS and i just love having percy bond with water ppl (and pissing poseidon off) 😂
then there's hydra.... the only hydra i know of is the monster from the greek myths so unless they're allowing a monster join, i think hydra's gonna be a god here???? idk, but it'd be funny since percy got attacked by the hydra during her quest LMAO
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imaginarylungfish · 3 months
Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....Thanks if you want to answer....
Ooh how fun! I should just screenshot my ao3 dash lol. Let's see... almost all of these are all animanga (and not canon), but in order of my love for them at this particular moment in time:
Now, explanations, *spoilers*, and honorable mentions below the cut!
TodoBakuDeku (My Hero Academia)
Obviously not canon and never will be but oh does this ship have a chokehold on me. I just think this trio is so balanced in every way. Like we have our precious TodoDeku who connect by being nerds and the sweetest boys. Then we also have TodoBaku who are just lovely little menaces. And, of course, BakuDeku--can't beat friends to enemies to lovers. And then they all come together to form a masterpiece. Idk I just love this ship so much.
BakuDeku (My Hero Academia)
So I honestly really wasn't into this ship too much until reading the final war arc and meta. Other people's viewpoints changed my mind! Hori has done a really great job of portraying BakuDeku's complex relationship in the manga (for however you view their canon relationship). So like idk how can I not ship For-the-Rest-of-Our-Lives Katsuki with Control-Your-Heart Izuku?
Sidenote: I almost didn't include this on the list because I tend to only really ship this pair while reading the manga. I never shipped them in the anime unless it was TodoBakuDeku with Deku as a hinge. And I don't even read many fics with just Katsuki and Izuku. I just feel like fandom BakuDeku feels incomplete without Shouto for some reason. Like I'm Team BakuDeku for the manga, Team hinge TodoBakuDeku in the anime, but throuple TodoBakuDeku in the sanctuary of my mind/on ao3. (Maybe that'll change once I start watching Season 7 though.)
KilluGon (Hunter x Hunter)
I only watched this anime this year but ohmygod I immediately fell in love with Gon and Killua. They are so precious. I mean, Killua is just a little smitten kitten. And Gon? He's in it. Anyway, love their dynamic and of course I ship them. Gon is Killua's light after all!
MatchaBlossom (Sk8 the Infinity)
Literally just started shipping this so I'm in the throes of obsession rn but their dynamic? *chef's kiss* (hehe, you like what I did there?) Childhood friends? Pining while the other falls for another? Realizing feelings? Already married bickering old couple? Give me all the headcanons please!
SatoSugu (Jujutsu Kaisen)
I mean, c'mon. Tragic gays are my weakness. They're gonna be OG for me. No one can compare. They're on a different level. All I want is for them to have hopped on a plane and gone somewhere they can finally find peace, is that too much to ask? (Gege??)
ShiGuang (Link Click)
Again, I said I like tragic gays. But god, I do hope they don't end up too tragic! I love this pairing. They balance each other out well. We have puppy dog Cheng Xiaoshi and cat Lu Guang. Perfection thx.
TigerGhost (Nicktoons Unite)
Ok so this crackship was brought on by my serendipitous viewing of Nicktoons Unite fanart on this beautiful app and subsequent reading of all their fics on ao3 (a grand total of four, btw). And I'm obsessed. I was a diehard Danny Phantom fan as a kid (we stan our queer/genderqueer/bisexual/trans ghost boy). And I never watched El Tigre as a kid, but the way the fandom portrays him and Danny together just hits. Salty and sweet with a lil bit of darkness? Yum.
SasaMiya (Sasaki to Miyano)
First canon ship on this list lol. You want fluff? You got it. Give me some good pining, consent, and mutual respect, thank you.
ShunMio (Stranger by the Shore)
Second and last canon ship on the list! Love me some good ole sun and moon. Idk their story is so cute. Plus, I like how Kii Kana portrays Shun's feelings regarding his sexuality and how that affects his relationship with Mio. It's relatable.
KazuRei (Buddy Daddies)
I mean, this is practically canon, right? Well, at least queerplatonically (which we stan). Love our little found family. This anime had such a cute and goofy premise, how could I not fall for this ship?
(Honorable mentions: TodoDeku, TodoBaku, Labru, DabiHawks, Renga, VashWood, Kappa x Siren, Boyfriends, EraserMic, ItaFushi, InuOkko, ShokoHime, HaiNana, LeoPika, KudoIchi, TogaChako)
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saras-almanac · 5 months
BuckTommyWeekend Day 2: A figure from their past
BuckTommyWeekend Day 2: A figure from their past
Title:  What we have
Fandom:  911 (ABC)
Pairing:  Buck/Tommy
Summary:  Buck had complicated feelings after they run into Abby. Luckily, Tommy is there to comfort him. For the prompt: A figure from their past for @bucktommyweek
Notes: I have a lot of thoughts about Abby and her relationship with Buck (plus just thoughts on her character in general). And this is a part of something much longer I’d written but it was just bits and pieces—the meeting, the aftermath, Tommy talking with Athena or Maddie, this scene—just too much going on and too much to write in a day when my brain was still coming up with the actual idea for this. So this is what I’ve got.  
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this meeting Abby at the time. Apparently she was in town for some meeting or other for one of her stepdaughters and him and Evan had happened to run into her as they were leaving the restaurant they had brunch at.
Evan had gotten a bit quiet but smiled and politely introduced him as “This is Tommy,” before Abby started telling him about her life. It was about three minutes of a quick catch up before Evan and him continued on their way out and honestly, Tommy hadn’t thought it was strange.
But now It’s been over a week since he’d last seen Evan and he was trying not to worry or get caught up in his own head about what this all might mean. He was off today, so maybe Tommy could convince him to meet up for lunch or at least just talk later today.
Thankfully the doorbell rang at that moment, pulling Tommy out of his potential spiral.
He opened the door and there stood Evan, holding two coffees and a bag of food.
“I brought coffee and burritos,” Evan said.
Tommy ushered him in and followed him to the kitchen. “It’s been a minute. But I’m happy to see you.”
“Me too.” Evan set everything on the counter, dropping his duffel on the floor, and then turned to him, basically wrapping himself around Tommy.
“Is everything all right?”” Tommy asked.
“Yes,” Evan said. “I mean, it’s getting there?”
“Would you want to tell me about what you’re thinking about?” Tommy asked, pulling away and gently pushing Evan toward the stool by his counter. “While you eat a little something.”
Evan sat down but made no move toward his food. He sighed. “I told you about Abby. My ex. The one we ran into a couple weeks ago.”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. I mean, a little.”
“Right, well seeing her sort of threw me off—Not because I’m dating you or freaking out about my bisexuality and stuff,” Evan rushed to reassure him. “It just… I guess it just brought a lot of old feelings, things that trigged some old insecurities. And I wasn’t expecting it. I mean, it’s been years and looking back, it’s not even like we were really together together so I don’t know really what happened.”
“Feelings can be surprising,” Tommy said. “They come back around in the strangest ways sometimes.”
“Yeah,” Evan said. “But I don’t even think about her anymore. I don’t. I’m not like in love with her or want her back or anything--I swear.”
“I didn’t think you did, but thank you for the reassurance,” Tommy said. “Seeing people who used to play a big part in our lives brings up a lot of emotions. And that’s okay.”  
“That’s what Dr. Copeland said too,” Evan said shaking his head. “I called her because it just triggered a lot of feelings, feelings of insecurity that I thought I’d dealt with. But when you come face-to-face with your biggest failure those feelings can come back.”
“You and Abby not working out is not a failure,” Tommy said.
“I know that. Now,” Evan said. “But it’s what happened when I saw her again. It was my first relationship where I did everything right. I followed everyone’s advice, everyone’s ideas, followed Abby’s lead. I did everything I was supposed to. And she left anyway. Which, I don’t have to tell you made me panic and worry about you, about us.”
“Well, I’d argue that we haven’t’ done anything right in the way that other people would have it or do it,” Tommy said, nudging Evan with his shoulder. “But I also can’t’ say that we’ve done nothing right because a look where we are, what we have.”
“That’s what I realized,” Evan admitted. “At least part of it.”
“What’s the other part?” Tommy asked.
“So it’s like this,” Evan said, amping up and already starting to gesture with his hands. “I think I thought so highly of Abby for so long, right? She was this woman who was mature and knew what she wanted and had a whole life and still wanted me; it’s like she made me better or at least want to be a better man. And after she left, I was terrified that she’d taken that part of me with her, the mature Buck, the guy who was dependable and worthy.”
Tommy clenched his jaw because he hated hearing Evan talk about himself in terms of worthiness or usefulness. Granted, it was a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, but Tommy usually operated under a “do as I say, not as I do” policy.
“And seeing her again, seeing her with you just put so much into perspective for me,” Evan said. “I always thought of her as my first real relationship, but seeing her next to you, knowing what we have, how you treat me, it finally dawned on me that we didn’t have a relationship. Or we did, but like not the one I wanted, the one I thought we had.”
Tommy gently moved the coffees out of the way. “And what was that?”
“I thought we had this amazing relationship where we could be ourselves, someone I could share myself with and someone who wanted that too,” Evan said. “But I think I was just a physical presence for her during a hard time in her life. Someone who was there, who helped shoulder some of the weight, and then someone she just left behind because I didn’t matter to her. Not like I wanted to.”
Evan sighed. “And then I just saw her standing next to you and couldn’t help but think about all the things you know about me, the things you like about me, and I realized that she never really knew me at all.”
“It doesn’t sound like she did,” Tommy said gently, carefully. “Because if she had, I doubt she’d have been able to leave.”
“See and that,” Evan said, reaching over to grab Tommy’s hand. “You’d never do that to me. To anyone really. You’d never just take off, knowing you were done with me, without telling me. Yeah, it would crush me to lose you, but you’d still at least tell me. You wouldn’t leave me hanging on, waiting for any words of our future when you had no plans to come back.”
Evan squeezed his hand between both of his. “I just, I love you so much and I feel so lucky to have you in my life that sometimes I panic that I’m not quite good enough for you. And I want to be.”
Tommy reached out, cradling Evan’s cheek in his hand. “You are good enough. You’re more than good enough for me.”
“Even when I’m having a crisis and stupidly keep myself from you for 12 days?” Evan asked.
“Even then,” Tommy assured him, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.
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smooodles · 4 months
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good evening daet fandom. anyway i was going through my old scribbles and i found these that i did about a year ago.. where i thought about what a sequel to dust could look like: an unstable dust having to fight his other halves for control a lot more than in the first game. i think i posted a little bit about it a long time ago but i figured i'd post these too.
i just keep coming back to this little blue guy. its been over 10 years now i can't escape. for more ramblings go below the cut
i like the idea of jin when he shows up is a bit more.. like. not as willing to get things done and is a bit more of a pushover. like he was kind and willing to help but the extreme he was pushed to in order to avenge his parents is more of an exception and not the rule OR if you're not a fan of that jin interpretation i could see he over-corrects in his interactions with other people in fear of slipping into the person he became when he lost his village. plus if he gets angry he fears thats when cass can wrestle control from him and dust
cass is aggressive. he's angry. he lost the one person he probably cares about in this world and he plans to make it everyone's problem. fortunately ahrah has a mind of his own and whenever cass tries to use him in a way that's not self-defense he can just. stop in midair and cass can't do shit.
that doesn't mean dust never shows up, he just has less of a wrestle on the two souls than he had before because of the whole dying thing. it gets exhausting managing his emotions and two entirely unique souls yknow? him and jin do kind of team up to keep cassius from yknow. killing people but jin also doesn't have dust or cass's strength so in life-threatening situations he's kind of useless. and i think dust has a lot of strength and is resilient but he can only handle so much and he's one of three sharing a body. its probably mentally and physically exhausting.
anyway sorry if you read this far its almost 2 am and i dont really feel like proofreading too much. if u like this maybe i'll draw more and if you wanna send some asks about it you can
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