#plus a few other wolf teeth from other horses
In the universe of the Locked Tomb, I would be in the Sixth House
Situation 1: I am at work, stripping stalls. (For the non-horse people among us, that's when you fully empty all of the bedding and feed out, sweeping and scooping up every last speck, so the stall is ready to powerwash or disinfect or sit empty for a while or whatever.) I'm scooping old hay scraps and dust out of a feeder, when I find bones! I take a picture for my friends to look at and then hide them in the truck until lunch, when I can look at them properly. We discuss possible animal options, not convinced of any of them. At lunch, I have a better look: two long bones, connected at a joint with some of the small bones and limited ligaments remaining. The small bones in the joint are clearly the bones of the knee (or the human wrist) and the length of the bones mean I am either holding the radius and ulna of some kind of predator or the radius and metacarpal of some kind of herbivore. After some more examination, I realize it's the radius and metacarpal, as the distal tip of the ulna is still attached to the radius, but the head has fractured off, so I likely have most of a deer leg.
No, the horse did not eat a deer leg. Sometimes deer die in hay fields (or died in the past and happen to be brought to the surface as the hay grows) and their bones get baled up. This also happens with cow bones, when a field that was once for cows becomes a hay field. Also, sometimes snakes, birds, mice, and other small critters can get baled up.
Situation 2: we live in rural Nevada. Our across-the-street neighbors, ah... majorly fucked up a lot in the last 3 years, culminating in getting evicted in November. The owners of the property have come to begin demo on the property, which the tenants took from "old, worn, but serviceable" to "absolute pile of trash, house unlivable" in a few years. The owners are lovely folks and had us over to see the damages and to let us know we could take anything we thought was useful, since they're planning to just take everything away and start over. The one owner, after showing us around, mentioned finding some bones in an area that we pointed out was originally where the tenants had kept goats. I, of course, went "BONES! I'd love to see them!" so away we went. In a 20ft radius, we found:
a damaged skull
half of a lower jaw
neck vertebrae
probably lumbar vertebrae
sacral vertibrae
one rib
a part of a pelvis
most of a hind leg (half of the femur through the metacarpal)
It's definitely a goat, and telling the owner this really eased some of her tension. She was afraid it was a dog or something worse; based on the state of the property, they wouldn't have been shocked to find a human body. But no, just a goat. We assume the rest of the bones got scattered by the dogs. (I will be taking the bones to add to my collection of Found Animal Bones.)
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sciencespies · 3 years
A 57,000-Year-Old Mummified Wolf Pup Was Discovered Frozen in Yukon Permafrost
A 57,000-Year-Old Mummified Wolf Pup Was Discovered Frozen in Yukon Permafrost
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Four years ago, a gold miner in Canada’s Yukon territory was excavating for the precious metal when he used a water cannon to blast through a slab of frozen mud. But instead of striking gold, he unearthed something even more precious—to paleontologists, at least—when the mud exposed a nearly perfectly preserved 57,000-year-old female gray wolf pup, reports Ibrahim Sawal for New Scientist.
The mummified wolf was found on the ancestral land of the local Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in people, who named her Zhùr, meaning “wolf” in the community’s language, reports James Gorman for the New York Times.
“She’s the most complete wolf mummy that’s ever been found. She’s basically 100% intact—all that’s missing are her eyes, Julie Meachen, a paleontologist at Des Moines University in Iowa, says in a press release. “And the fact that she’s so complete allowed us to do so many lines of inquiry on her to basically reconstruct her life.”
Zhùr has been frozen in permafrost for thousands of years, sealed away from air and moisture. As a result, her body was so well preserved in the icy ground that scientists were able to get a glimpse into what her life was like. Their findings were published on December 21 in the journal Current Biology. According to Meachen, the ancient pup is “the oldest, most complete wolf that’s ever been found,” she tells CNN‘s Amy Woodyatt.
The team of scientists could clearly see that Zhùr was female, and X-rays revealed that she was around six or seven weeks old when she died, reports the Times. Plus, geochemical signatures on her teeth revealed that she ate mostly fish and other aquatic critters instead of large mammals like caribou or bison, reports Riley Black for National Geographic.
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Zhùr has been frozen in permafrost for thousands upon thousands of years, sealed away from air and moisture and perfectly preserving her remains.
(Government of Yukon)
Zhùr was also in good shape, so she didn’t starve to death or get mauled by another predator. Instead, she was likely in her den when it collapsed on her, entombing her in sandy earth, reports Kiona N. Smith for Ars Technica.
Despite her life being cut short, Zhùr has provided a glimpse into what wolves were like thousands of years ago in what is now the Yukon territory. DNA analysis revealed that Zhùr descends from an ancient wolf population, ancestors of the gray wolves that originated in Siberia, Russia and Alaska, reports CNN.
But Zhùr’s population no longer exists in the Yukon area, suggesting that her population—the first to move into the region—were wiped out and replaced with another, reports National Geographic.
“[Zhùr] is truly an ancient wolf, and she was related to all the wolves around her at the time,” Meachen tells CNN. “But the cool thing about that, that most people might not know, is that wolves in the ice age were only distantly related to wolves that are around today. They are still the same species, but they are very different, for being in the same species.”
Discovering Zhùr is especially important since there are very few frozen mummies found in North America. There have been other ancient wolf remains found in places like Siberia, but finding a well-preserved specimen in Yukon is rare since the ground has to be permanently frozen and the animal must be buried quickly.
As climate change intensifies, scientists are expecting to unearth even more once-frozen animals. Melting ice and thawing permafrost have already revealed a colony of mummified penguins, an Ice Age cave bear, ancient cave lion cubs and an extinct baby horse.
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Nurse Witcher
Geralt of Rivia x Plus Size/Chubby Reader
Imagine: You get hurt and Geralt takes the responsibility upon himself to patch you up.
Word Count: 2020 words 
Warnings: swearing
- requested -
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The day you officially joined Jaskier and Geralt on their journey was a life changing one but you couldn't say you regretted it. You were always up for an adventure and a little danger and following a Witcher, those two were always around somewhere. You’d been travelling with them for just over five months now and you couldn't ever imagine going back to your life as a farmer’s daughter. There was no excitement there. 
Unfortunately, all the constant monster hunting was bound to get someone hurt eventually, you just didn't think it would be you. Jaskier had heard word of a striga in the woods in a village not far from where you were currently residing. Naturally, Geralt didn't wait too long before heading into the monster’s territory, leaving you and Jaskier racing to catch up with him. Jaskier was thankful for your arrival to the team since you let him ride with you on your horse. Though, you never saw Geralt giving Jaskier glaring looks whenever he held onto you a little too tight. 
Jaskier was like your best friend so you two were quite close, which Geralt always seemed to make comments about. You guess you could say you were friends with Geralt but there was something preventing you from becoming close friends with him and that was your undeniable attraction to him. Granted, you never told either of your companions but you never really made an effort to get to know Geralt on a more personal level in case you messed things up, knowing how easy it was to get on Geralt’s bad side. 
So, you and Jaskier were currently in the woods, trying to track Geralt’s location. You were going to offer him some assistance in combat while Jaskier wanted to watch the fight so he could write a song about it. You were both quietly walking through the trees when you heard a loud screech and a man’s shout. You and Jaskier both looked at each other before breaking out into a run towards the location of the sound. 
There was a dip in the ground and you fell, tumbling down a hill that had been a couple feet in front of you. You heard Jaskier calling out to you but you couldn't ear him well, the sound of leaves and sticks scraping against you was too loud to concentrate on what the bard was saying. You finally stopped moving when you were at the bottom of the hill and you wasted no time in climbing to your feet, drawing your sword. You saw Geralt roughly twenty feet away from you and he was fighting this beast. It wasn't a striga like once thought but it was an ugly creature indeed. It looked half man, half wolf and was covered in matted hair and its snout looked broken. But, you assumed you could fault that to Geralt’s actions. 
Not wasting any more time, you raced over, despite some pain in your left ankle. You could only guess that your accident had sprained the joint sometime during your fall. You raised your sword above your head and swung it down, aiming for the beast’s head but it moved and the metal was lodged into it’s broad shoulder. The creature roared and it turned and swung it’s arm back towards you, throwing you off the ground and into a nearby tree. 
You felt a deep pain in your lower back but you made the decision to ignore that as well and got back onto your feet as quick as you could before Geralt took any more damage. In hindsight, Geralt was more than capable of handling the creature himself but you liked to help, it got the job done quicker and it made you feel as though you were contributing to the team rather than being just a lowly tag along. 
You groaned as you hurried over to the two to grab your sword that had fallen onto the floor and pick it back up. Reaching down for the weapon, you looked away from the beast for two seconds but it was enough for it to strike you without you noticing. You felt a sharp pain in your side and you cried out. As you fell to the ground, you looked to your right side and saw three deep gashes. Your fall caught Geralt’s attention and when he saw the blood spilling from your side, he felt an overwhelming rage take over him and he lashed out at the beast. He skillfully swung his own sword and proceeded to slice at the creature’s torso, thighs and arms before ending the fight with a swift chop of the neck, separating it from it’s body. 
As much as you would’ve liked to congratulate Geralt on his success, you were too busy focusing on applying pressure to your wound. Jaskier came running down the hill as soon as the beast was dead, to be able to stumble by your side and try to help. But as soon as Jaskier was at your side, Geralt was already picking you up in his arms to carry you back up the hill to take you back to the village where you were staying, “Why did you do that? I was perfectly capable of killing the beast myself.” “Fuck off, I was just trying to help.” You tried to laugh but you only succeeded in bringing yourself more pain, resulting in your crying out. 
“She needs a doctor, urgently.” “No!” You cried out at Jaskier’s comment. You despised doctors, had done ever since you were a young girl. You had too many bad experiences with them and you’d sworn you’d never set foot in one again, so long as you may live. Geralt and Jaskier both knew this and while Jaskier thought it was ridiculous, Geralt respected your wishes. “I’ll do it myself.”
“No offence, Geralt, but don't you think someone more professional should be handling a wound as grave as hers?” Geralt grunted in dismissal, “She doesn't want a doctor so I’ll do it myself. I know what I’m doing.” Jaskier gritted his teeth, “If my friend dies because of you, I swear I will hurt you so bad, you’ll...you’ll...Just don't hurt her!”
You were listening to what they were saying but you were far too delirious from the pain that you couldn't give a response apart from a few unintelligible mumbles. Geralt looked down at you with worry once Jaskier had stopped his lecturing. Your eyes were half closed and your breaths were heavy but slow. He needed to hurry or there was a chance you couldn't be saved. When Geralt sped up his pace, that’s when you passed out from the pain, not able to take any more. 
Wood. That was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. With a loud groan, you turned on your left side to be able to take a look around the room you were in. It looked similar to the room you had been in last night but it was different. You then turned back onto your back and turned your head to the right, seeing Geralt sat on the chair next to the bed. You jerked from surprise, “Fuck!” Geralt gave the smallest smile of amusement from your reaction then turned serious when you cried out from the pain of your movements. Your hand immediately went down to clutch at your side and you hissed from the pressure. You pulled the sheets off your body and lifted your shirt, finding bandages wrapped around your whole stomach and sides. 
You relaxed your head back down onto the pillow and let out a deep breath, “So I’m not dead then?” “Fortunately not.” You grinned playfully, “Fortunately? Are you getting sweet on me?” Geralt rolled his eyes and got up from his seat, moving to the small table in the corner of the room where he picked up a roll of bandages and a bottle of what looked like herbs but who knew what it was. “I need to change your bandages now, you’ve been out almost two days now.” 
Your eyes widened, “Two days?!” Your nose then scrunched up from the pain in your side from getting worked up. Geralt sighed, “You need to keep still or it will take twice as long to heal.” “I know. Fuck, it hurts.” “It’s going to hurt less if you just let me change your bandages.” You sighed and gave a small nod, letting Geralt swiftly prop you up into a sitting position. It took everything you had not to scream, tears rushing to your eyes from the pain. It felt like you were being jabbed in the side with a heated iron rod over and over again. 
You saw Geralt’s hand move to reach for the bandages when you realised he was going to see your stomach. Out of fear, your hand gripped his wrist and he stopped, “What’s wrong?” You gritted your teeth, “I can change them myself now, thank you.” Geralt shook his head, “Don’t be ridiculous,” “I’m not.” “Just let me-” “No!” 
Frustrated, Geralt growled and glared at you, “Why must you be so difficult? I assume you’d have no problem with Jaskier doing this? is my touch so repulsive?” Shocked at his words, you paused. You cleared your throat before speaking, “No, it isn't. I don’t want you to see naked. I’ve been told it isn't a pleasant sight.”
“If that is your attempt at humour, it isn’t very amusing.” Geralt’s voice had softened as he slowly started to unravel the material around your waist. Your hand gripped his wrist more firmly, “It’s not a joke, Geralt.” The Witcher grunted, continuing with his task, ignoring your grip on him. “It may have escaped your notice, but I have already seen your bare torso when I first cleaned your wound. If nothing else, trust me when I say the sight is more than pleasant. Even with the nasty wound on your side.” You scoffed a laugh but groaned afterwards. Geralt had now unwrapped the last of the bandages and was focusing on your wound. 
With care, he opened the bottle of herbs with one hand, keeping you upright still with one arm behind your back. He hesitated slightly before applying the herbs into your wound, knowing that it was only going to cause you more pain before it would help soothe your injuries. You forced yourself to endure the pain, knowing it was meant to help you, but you didn't realise that Geralt was experiencing pain of his own. He felt an ache in his chest every time he heard one of your pained groans and whimpers.
Once he was done, he was careful to slowly wrap fresh bandages around your wounds, seeing that they still looked practically brand new. Geralt could tell that these were going to take an extra long time to heal and would most likely leave very large scars on your body. Now that you were lying back down, you sighed from relief. There was still pain, but it was dulled and it felt like you could breathe properly again. You grinned, “So, wanna tell me why you care if I’d let Jaskier touch my wounds?” Geralt got up and walked away from the bed to put his medical supplies back into his small leather pouch and attach it onto his belt. 
“It’s nothing to concern  yourself with. You need to rest.” “I’ll rest once you tell me.” Geralt continued to act as if it wasn't important to him, “Go to sleep, (Y/N), or I’ll have Jaskier sing you to sleep.” You mock gasped, “You’re no fun, Geralt. Fine, I’ll rest.” You couldn't see the smile Geralt had on his face as he was stood with his back facing you. Geralt said nothing else as he left the room, presumable to alert Jaskier that you had woken up. Smiling at the door that Geralt had just left through, you slowly closed your eyes and allowed yourself to relax and let yourself drift off to sleep once more. 
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daydream-hobii · 4 years
Flowers & Weeds | Prequel to Roses & Thorns | Chapter 3
Genre: Prequel to Roses & Thorns; Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff & Angst
Pairing: BTS x Female!Reader; Alpaca!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Fox!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Bear!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook
Summary: Before Y/n rehabilitated hybrids, she was just an average rich daughter of a well-known hybrid breeder. She was also someone who didn’t want hybrids in her life, she didn’t like how they had to have an owner when really, they were more human than animals. When the government starts threatening her, she decides to get one to make them start. That’s what changes everything.
Warning: Mentions of Mental & Physical Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts; High Suggestions of Smut; Future Mentions of Attempted Suicides; Read with Caution~ <3 This Chapter in Particular has Strong Mentions of Abuse, Please Read with Caution.
Word Count: 1,370
Connected Series: Roses & Thorns
// Previous // Next //
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 3! I hope you like it!! ^_^
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        I’ve had Taehyung for almost a year. As each month passed, he became more and more open with me. We both were learning the extent of how I could help hybrids, and I had come to find a private organization in the rehabilitated states that look for people to sneak them over. When I told Taehyung, if he wanted, he could go, he was very against the idea. Something about being my partner, through and through.
       Now, with time going by, we have a total of nine hybrids in our home. Some from hybrid fights, others from auctions that I didn’t know existed, some from shelters. I slowly was learning the ropes, and I was growing more angry with how awful hybrid’s lives were here… so I knew I needed to do this.
       It was the afternoon, close to evening, and there was another auction I was going to tonight, much to Taehyung’s dismay. I was dressed in a long, elegant dress and a masquerade mask. Each time, I’d dress in something different. These auctions were all anonymous, but I didn’t want any sort of exposure to come to me.
       “Y/n, I just feel we have too many,” Taehyung said, sitting on my bed criss cross. His tail twitched nervously behind him.
       “Tae, we said ten was our limit at a time,” I replied. “Plus, there could be someone who really needs us.”
       “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Taehyung whispered, looking at his lap. I sighed, walking over and kissing the top of his head gently, causing him to look up at me.
       “Listen, if I think it’s too risky, I’ll come home,” I replied. “This group leaves us in a couple weeks. We’ll be okay.”
       “Alright…” He mumbled, sighing. “I’ll have my phone on me. I’ll wait for you to come home.”
       “You know how late these things run,” I replied, grabbing my purse. “If you fall asleep, that’s okay.”
       “Be safe, Y/n,” He whispered, standing and walking over, following me down the stairs and outside. We passed a couple more hybrids wandering, looking nervous of me leaving.
       “I promise, I will,” I replied, pecking his cheek and getting into my car, driving away.
       The auction was incredibly bland. Like everything, hybrids would come up, get auctioned off, and their new owners would either leave or stay for more. My chest hurt at all the faces, ones that I so desperately wanted to rescue, but… I couldn’t save them all.
       I thought of all the hybrids I currently had. I have Tae, of course, but I also had an Elephant, Salamander, Lion, German Shepherd, Tabby Cat, Persian Cat, Flamingo, and even a Horse hybrid. They were vastly different, and I had to change up quite a bit for them all. I have plenty of bedrooms, but I changed one to be a sun room for any reptiles, an aquarium-like room for any underwater hybrids I may come across. It was all so much.
       Every hybrid was so different. The Elephant and Salamander were pretty open and friendly, but the cats were secluded. Panicked easily. The Horse was mute, he never spoke, but Taehyung told me that the horse wrote him a bit of his past…. It was the worst I’ve heard…. The German Shepherd could be quite hostile, but as time went on, he calmed immensely. The Lion was kind of cocky, like he thought so highly of himself, but I don’t believe he means any harm. It’s like a defense mechanism. The Flamingo loved the pool, and I’d find her sleeping in the chairs sometimes, so I put out a bench with blankets and pillows in case she wanted to stay out there.
       My attention was taken by a new hybrid, teeth gritted and in some sort of handcuffs. It was wooden, running across his shoulders, holding his two hands and neck. Everyone gasped, but my eyes sparked seeing him. He was a wolf hybrid, one named Namjoon. They’d electrocute him every now and then, making him holler, and making me wince.
       The bidding began, and I was sure to be the first. People didn’t want him, he was aggressive looking, but one man seemed unbreakable with his bidding. I clenched my teeth, going higher with my bid. 
       “500,000,” The man shouted. I stood up, walking towards the stage.
       “One million,” I said, making everyone gasp. The wolf stared at me, a mixture of a glare and shock in his eyes.
       “Sold!” The auctioneer stated, smirking. “You’ve got a handful, little lady. Just pay at the front, and they’ll bring him out.”
       I nodded, twisting and walking to the front where I gave a million dollars. I winced at the transaction, but knew that this hybrid was worth it. He deserved happiness, I felt it. I stood in the lobby, waiting patiently for them to bring Namjoon out. When they did, he was handcuffed, making me squint my eyes. He had on a sort of muzzle as well, making me glare at the gentlemen. I’d never seen anything like this….
       “Listen, lady,” The guard said. “He’s hostile. He’ll bite and scratch. I highly suggest you keep these on him until your home, and even then, lock him away until you want to play with him.” The other man snickered, making me almost lose my composure. 
       “Thanks,” I said, snatching the key and chain, walking out with the new hybrid, who remained silent. We got to my car, where I opened my passenger door. He blinked, giving me the side eye before sitting in it. I shut it, getting in and driving away. 
       Once we were home, I turned off the ignition. The light in the living room was on, making me think Taehyung stayed up. I turned to the new hybrid, but he didn’t look at me. He was silent the entire way.
       “Listen,” I started, making him tense up. “I have other hybrids here. If I take these off you, you have to promise you won’t harm me or the others, got it?” I was firm - sometimes, I had to be for the safety of the others. He looked at me, his pupils dilated. He growled low, making me glare at him. He paused, thinking to himself before nodding.
       I leaned over, cautiously taking off his cuffs, then his muzzle. He seemed to be contemplating something, which made me slightly nervous. Before he could do anything, I got out of the car, coming around and opening his.
       “Let me take you to your room. It’s late, and I’m sure you want to sleep,” I said, making him stare at me with hard eyes, the glint of surprise in them.
       Namjoon got out of the car, following me to the front door and walking in. He looked around, smelling the air. His tail was matted, but still stiff. I hoped he smelt the calmness of my home that they all smelled. I spotted Taehyung on the couch, asleep. I giggled, walking over and kneeling in front of him. I pushed the hair out of his eyes, making him huff.
       “Tae, sweetie, time for bed,” I whispered. His eyes fluttered open, a small smile playing at his lips as he stood up, nodding.
       “I’m glad you’re safe,” He replied, kissing my cheek before looking at Namjoon. He stiffened slightly, staring at the wolf who stared back.
       “Tae, this is Namjoon,” I said, looking between them.
       “Hi,” Taehyung said, eyeing the hybrid who began to glare. “I’m going to bed, Y/n. See you in the morning.” He pecked my head before passing the new member, glaring softly before going upstairs.
       “Let me show you your room,” I told Namjoon, climbing the stairs. 
       I passed many rooms, some which were open, revealing the sleeping hybrids. I smiled as I passed, seeing how peaceful they all were. Namjoon seemed to be examining them as well. I stopped at the one next to Taehyung’s, opening the door to reveal a medium sized room, with all important furniture.
       “This is your room. You may do whatever you like with it,” I said, turning to him. “My room is just up the stairs there, but if you need anything and can’t find me, talk to Taehyung. His room is next to yours.” I pointed to each, but the hybrid kept his eyes on me. “My office is just downstairs. Please, when you wake up, come to my office and we’ll talk.”
       We stood there awkwardly for a few moments, his eyes staring down at me. I stood my ground, wondering if he was testing for weakness. He eventually nodded, going into his room with his items and sitting on the bed. I nodded back, grabbing his door and shutting it, sighing in relief.
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
This month’s prompt on our discord server? “Costume”, for Hallowe’en, of course! SFW, Beetlejuice/gender neutral reader.
@beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @thewolfisapartofmysoul @janitor-boy @turtlepated @angelicspaceprince
Enjoy! `
You’d never have expected being invited to a Halloween costume party would be such a problem.
A problem shaped like a pestering, jealous ghost-demon named Beetlejuice. “I wanna go! Why can’t I go! You’re leaving me for a whole evening to have fun and I have to sit here and twiddle my thumbs?! You’re going to leave me in the dark in an empty house and I never get to do anything!” His whining was amazing, and not in the good way. “You could take me! We can do a couple’s costume! Like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, or you can be a brick, and I can go as a brick layer!”
You couldn’t help but snort in laughter at his suggestions, as raunchy as the second one had been. “Or, or--you know those horse costumes? We could do that! I could be the back half, because I like holding onto your butt--” “And also because you’re an ass?”
The specter grinned broadly at your jab, thinking that if you were joining in on the idea, his battle was mostly won. “Beej, sweetheart,” you said, patting his cheek, “the answer is no. No one’ll be able to see you, so a couple’s costume just isn’t going to work. I’m sorry.” His expressive face fell. You were pretty sure that if he could control not just the color of his hair but how much it stuck up, it would have drooped in a dramatic, cartoonish way as well. 
“Fine,” he muttered sadly. “I mean, people could see me if you just, I don’t know, said my name a few times or whatever, but it’s okay, I’ll just stay here with the dust and spiders and wait in the dark for you to come back . . .” He turned to go, shoulders sloping dejectedly, and shook off your hand when you tried to take his wrist to attempt to make him feel better. 
You actually had no idea what to dress as. Everything was too cutesy or overdone or trite. When watching those Bly Manor and Truth Seekers shows on streaming, however, something clicked into place. You could go as a plague doctor! And not only that, since Beetlejuice bragged about living through the Black Plague, he’d have firsthand knowledge of it and them and could assist making it authentic!
Excitedly, you told him your idea. Although he was still a bit crestfallen, he of course preened a little when you asked for his help and promised to give you all the details he could to make it the best plague doctor around. He went so far as to bring you an authentic beaked mask from . . . somewhere, which he proudly tried to thrust into your hands. Gingerly you accepted it, but tried to keep only the very tips of your fingers in contact with the leather. The clear glass for its eyes made it look more than slightly creepy. 
“I’m not going to . . . catch anything from this, right? You didn’t get it out of a festering plague pit . . . ?” “Nah,” he replied dismissively. “I mean, yeah, it’s from a grave, but it’s super old so anything infectious should be gone, I’m pretty sure.”
One thing he’d never claimed to be was a doctor or infectious disease expert, so although you accepted his suspect contribution, you cleaned it inside and out with bleach. And tossed it in the microwave to nuke any possibly remaining microbes, for good measure. 
You procured a black coat and hat on your own. Beetlejuice also dug up a black cane--telling you that the doctors used them to poke at people so they could examine them without getting too close--with a silver wolf’s head as a handle. You joked that that was a prop for the Wolfman but accepted it anyway.   He also gleefully shoved so many aromatics into the beak it made your eyes water when you finally tried it on. “Thanks, Beej,” you praised as you tried to breathe through your mouth. “Wow. There’s a lot in here, huh? What is that, pine needles?” “Juniper, cloves, and camphor! Some mint too.”
“Uh-huh,” you croaked. You were going to have to grab some tissues to wipe your running nose and watery eyes during this party. “Okay, I’ll see you later.” “Have a good time!” he called after you, and you were glad he’d gotten over his disappointment. 
You knew the people who’d invited you to the party tended to go all out for Halloween, and this year was no exception. It wasn’t Martha Stewart, but it wasn’t professional haunted attraction either. They’d filled their house with lots of skeletons and spiders, pictures that changed based on which angle you looked at them, a soundtrack that low enough to not impede conversations but was filled with creaks, moans, and shrieks, and a buffet spread filled with treats made to look gory. 
Everyone was in costume, of course, from those same generic ones available at Halloween stores to homemade cosplay of movie slashers. A hush rippled out like a stone thrown into water when you walked through the front door, even as you called hello to your friends. The party-goers turned to gawk at you.
Gradually people returned to their conversations, and some people returned greetings. You grinned behind your mask; it was good to make an unexpected first impression. 
Wandering through the party, you slowly became aware that few people sought you out, and when you tried to engage with others, they were polite but seemed anxious to get away. More than once you caught people glancing over their shoulders at you as they left you. It also became apparent that people gave you a berth as you walked through the house, even at the table spread with food and drink. At first it was kind of cool, like you were this mysterious being, but then it devolved into being a little weird. It had to be because of the aromatics Beetlejuice had stuffed to the brim inside the beak. “I’m sorry about the smell,” you apologized to anyone who would listen. “I just went a little overboard on it being authentic.”
You followed that apology with a little self-depreciating chuckle. 
It didn’t make people seem more comfortable around you. 
Unable to mingle, feeling like a bit of an outcast--maybe like a real plague doctor--you didn’t stay at the party long. Walking home along streetlight lit sidewalks, you had the same effect on anyone else out: veering to give you room, furtive glances back at you once they were passed. 
There was no way you stunk that bad.
Sighing, you slowed down a little. Although there was a chill in the air, you were getting this hat and mask off your face. Maybe you could dump the herbs and whatnot in a garbage can, and reduce the stench. Your nose could use some fresh air anyway. 
You happened to stop in front of a closed store’s window. As you grabbed your hat to yank it off your head, you glanced at your reflection and yelped in surprise. 
It was you in a plague doctor’s costume, but nightmarishly extreme. Your coat--just a cheap plain coat you found at a thrift store, was smeared along the sleeves and hem with something that looked tacky and black, like old blood. Like your coat had been dragging along the floor of a slaughterhouse, and like you’d been wrist deep in something gory. The rest of the fabric looked moldy and stained and threadbare on the elbows. As if that wasn’t bad enough, your mask--
It was authentic, obviously, but the leather seemed to have molded smoothly to your face. The glass in the eyeholes didn’t show your eyes at all; instead, pinpricks of light, the reflection of an animal’s eyes, shone out. 
Everything that looked back at you in the glass looked evil, depraved, and unsettling. The effect was overtly chilling, even as you knew you were looking at yourself. 
You ran the rest of the way to your place. “Beetlejuice!” you shouted, throwing open the door so had it bounced back at you from the wall it hit. He sauntered in from the kitchen. “Heya babes! How’d the party go? I was just here, making rice krispie treats--the kitchen’s a bit of a war zone right now--is marshmallow difficult to get off the ceiling?”
“What did you do?!”
“I told you--I was making rice krispie treats--” “I mean what did you do to my costume!”
The specter stopped, and grinned. “Did you like it? Did everyone like it? I think the pièce de résistance was that faint whiff of rot. You really have to concentrate to smell it, but once you do, you can’t unsmell it--”
You gaped at that disgusting revelation and resisted the urge to grab him by the sharp labels of his striped coat and shake him; he’d see that as playtime. Through gritted teeth, you repeated, “What did you do to my costume?!”
“I made it authentic. Just like you asked,” he shrugged innocently.
Squeezing your eyes closed, you counted to ten, actually making it only to four. Your jaw hurt from clenching it so hard, but you didn’t loosen it much to say sarcastically, “And the way my eyes look? Is that authentic? Did plague doctors have creepy shiny eyes?”
He laughed. “Oh. That. Yeah, that was some artistic license. Just to give it some flair.”
A worn coat splattered with unnameable gore, the stench of random herbs plus decay, a mask that was already unsettling and silver eyes for some “flair” . . . this time you did make it to a count of ten, and released the tension in your jaw this time. He was only trying to help. He had provided the expertise you asked for, and he just took it too far because he was nothing if not over the top.
“We should’ve just done the horse costume,” Beetlejuice advised. “Want a rice krispie?”
You glared at him, but couldn’t stay too mad too long. Shrugging out of the coat, you said, “Yes. Take this costume out and bury it or burn it or something. You tricked, and I’ll have a treat.”
“That’s my babe,” he grinned, and took the disgusting outfit off your hands.  
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caitlinsnicket · 4 years
The Child Surprise
Request: Hello! Please could you write something where the reader is Geralt's child surprise (instead of Ciri) and the reader wanders off while Geralt (and his companions if you’d like to include them) aren’t looking which results in the reader finding an animal which appears to be harmless but isn’t and while she’s running back to Geralt she falls (and doesn’t get back up) so the animal/monster is much closer to her than Geralt and it’s just a chaotic mess?...Sorry
Warnings: Angst (happy ending), a few doggos, the overuse of some words (sorry), the usual bad writing, swear words.
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, daugther!Y/N.
Pairing: Platonic! Geralt x Y/N
A/N: This got way bigger than I expected. This is (I believe) my first platonic fanfic, so I hope it’s good. I’m sorry for any spell errors. Feel free to like, reblog or leave a comment! Also, requests are open.
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Being the daughter of someone who doesn’t want you is not easy. Being the daughter of someone who’s not biologically your father is harder. Being the daughter of a witcher is even worst.
After spending most of my life running from people who wanted my head on a plate, I learned things the hard way. Including those weird magical abilities that I hadn’t managed to control yet, but I was doing fine. Amazingly fine for that matter. Then, everything went down. And I supposed the worst that could happen was me getting killed, but no. There was something far worse than that.
I ran into the witcher.
I had heard his name before, in songs and tales and legends, and every time something weird happened inside of me: the familiar pull of guilt. I knew his name, and I knew what I should’ve done from the moment I had to run away to save my life, but I couldn’t find him in the first year. Nor in the second. When the third yeat started, I had already given up. 
There wouldn’t be any knight in shining armor, a hero to save me in the end. No father, no mother, no person who would take care of me. I was on my own, and I was finally living the best life (the very best you can live being haunted down and dealing with a lot of things inside your own mind).
Then, I ran into the asshole.
Geralt is tall, muscular, and tough, which basically means that he looks like a wardrobe or a door. Add sounds once in a while, you have a literal tall piece of wood that creaks once in a while. He likes to... drink. And I guess he likes women too, but it’s not like he’s very enthusiastic about it. He does like money. And one thing that I learned very quickly after meeting him: he didn’t like a lot of people.
And he didn’t like me.
It was easy to tell, from the way he looked at me (like I was one of the annoying people that kept bothering him) to the way he talked with me (when he decided to). And usually, I would ignore it, because having the protection of a Geralt was better than having no protection at all. Plus, he’s my father. In a way. 
And I would ignore it, most days, but when he left me in the outside of a brothel and handed me Roache’s rope, I snapped.
“You wait here for a while, I’ll be out in some time,” He said, looking for something in one of the bags attached to the horse.
“I beg you pardon?”.
“You can wait in a stable near, buy something to eat. Anything, really, just don’t spend all our money” he said, and then headed inside.
I felt anger boiling up inside of me, and I used all the strength in me not to scream at him. Instead, I made a decision: I didn’t need him. I didn’t need him before, and I don’t need him now. So, I took Roach and left her in a stable. That feeling stung in my chest again, like a little voice saying “wait, you need him”, but as usual, I chose to ignore it. The horse tried to eat my hair, and as I took the strand of hair out of her mouth, I tried to calm her down.
“It’s okay sweetheart. I’m going to miss you too, but it’s better like this. His protection is not worth it. I’m sorry” she makes a sound, and I swear I know what she’s talking about “I do sound like him, don’t I? I guess I am his offspring”.
I patted her affectionately once more and paid the man who took care of the animals.
“When a man with white hair-”
“The White Wolf?”
I blinked.
“Yes. The White Wolf. When he appears in here, give him this horse. It’s his. And if he asks about me-” I chew my lip. I didn’t have to do this, and the feeling on my chest was stronger than ever “just tell him that I was gone before you could stop me”.
He tried to say something. My “inner voice” tried to say something. Even Roach tried to say something. But I didn’t listen. 
I walked in the direction of the woods.
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The trees moved slowly, and their noises kept startling me. We are fine, we’ve survived until now, nothing will hurt us. I figured that if I kept telling myself that, at some point, it would become true. My left hand was closed in a fist, and my right hand was firmly set around my knife. There’s no way I’m dying tonight. I’m not giving him that satisfaction.
Then, I heard it. A dog’s cry, coming from the middle of the woods. I squeezed the knife more forcefully, and held my other hand in front of me, ready to use whatever I had to be safe- even if it meant I had to let my control go away. It cried again, to my right side, and the woods kept making their noises. A shiver ran down my spine.
I walked in its direction.
As I got closer, the cry became louder. Not only that, but it multiplied to three different cries. Then, it clicked: it wasn’t a dog, it was cubs. I instantly relaxed and walked faster, the things that scared me before became just echoes in the distance. After dodging a big tree, I finally could see them: three small cubs of some kind of dog wandering around, calling for their mother.
I tried to ignore that feeling inside my chest. Too many similarities between us.
Two of them tried to get away from me, but the last one stepped closer, sniffing the air. I kneel, petting him carefully, and his cries ceased slowly. After a few minutes, the three of them were moving around me, touching my legs with their little paws and licking my hands. I almost let a giggle break through me, but a sudden growl made me freeze.
I turned around, slowly, and the three cubs went in the direction of the noise. And the sorcerer of that growl stared at me with angry eyes and sharp teeth.
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Geralt got out from the brothel, and it was already dark out. He searched for a stable, looking for you or Roach and ignoring the disgusted glares he received from strangers. When he reached the place, a man immediately got up, seeming nervous. The witcher tried to ignore the urge to just walk away.
“Was there a girl here? She had a horse”.
The man trembled before answering, his voice cracking a little.
“Yes.. sir, The horse- it’s there, and it’s been paid for, but the girl left”.
Geralt closed his eyes and sighed. He knew this was going to happen. He should’ve explained why he went inside that place (to look for clues on a special monster from one of his “sources”) and then tell her to leave, but his pride got in the way: Geralt of Rivia didn’t have to explain himself to anybody. But of course, she left without saying nothing, because that’s what he would’ve done as well.
They were too similar after all.
“Where did she go,” Geralt asked, almost growling.
The man stuttered, hurrying up to get Roach out of her cozy place and handing her rope to Geralt. He was getting nervous, and so was Geralt.
“I don’t know sir, I turned around for one second and-”
The witcher dropped Roach’s rope and grabbed the man by his collar, slamming him in the nearest wall. Air leaves his lungs, and Geralt feels something inside of him shift. She could be in danger, and it would be my fault.
“Now, you will tell me where she headed to, or I’m destroying this place until there are only pieces of it” Geralt whispered, moving closer to his face.
“To the woods! She asked me not to tell you, I don’t know why, she just paid and left! Please, don’t hurt me!”.
Geralt’s senses seemed to wake up. He suddenly was aware of what could happen: bad people trying to hurt her, monsters tracing her scent, wild animals, poisonous plants, or worse.
She could be okay without him. 
He left the man there, getting on Roach and riding as fast as he could, only one thought in his mind: protect the girl whose whole life was his fault.
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My life passed in front of my eyes, and it didn’t feel good, but for some reason, I felt calm. That weird feeling in my chest ceased, and I felt safe, while the huge dog showed his teeth and growled at me, her cubs stumbling behind her. I started to consider her size, her colors, the way her head was shaped...
A wolf.
Of course, it had to be a wolf.
From somewhere far away, I heard horse steps, but even if I screamed, it wouldn’t make a difference, she was too close. And the second I opened my mouth, she would jump on me and that would be it. The power in my blood called for me, telling me that I could just move my hand, and then it would all be over.
But she was just a mother. And she was just as scared as I was. I wouldn’t do to those cubs the same thing someone had done to me. So I just waited. The horse steps got louder, and a sparkle of hope lighted inside of me, but immediately died when it just stopped. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to die in those woods.
“Y/N, get out of the way!” Geralt screamed from behind me. So he was the man on the horse. 
He went in the woods, probably to look for me, but it was hard to believe. And a little voice in my head was trying to put some sense inside of me, but anger took over. He was just there because he needed to be, not because he wanted to. I was a burden. Fact. And for some weird reason, I knew he was going to hurt those wolfs. I couldn’t let it happen.
As the wolf was distracted by Geralt, I raised my hand and managed to summon that weird force. It took me a moment, but when it happened, the trees around us bent, creating a lot of noise that scared the wolfs. The mother growled once more and then proceeded to drag her three cubs away from us. I breathed deeply, shaking. Then Geralt appears in front of me.
“What were you thinking? You could’ve gotten yourself killed, you know that?” He shouted, looking livid and holding his sword.
“Why do you care?” I whisper, my vision going blurry as the anger turned into sorrow.
“Why do you care? Why? Since you met me it’s clear that you don’t want me here! So why not just get freed from this fucking bond and let me go?” I scream, choking in the last part as the tears finally pouring from my eyes.
He stays silent for a moment, and I know it hit him, but I don’t want him to feel anything. I just want him to go away, but at the same time, I want to be protected. I want to have a mentor and a companion, not because there was magic involved, but because he chooses to. My eyes are closed, and I hear him getting close to me.
“I don’t need to be here,” He said, his voice soft for the first time. I look at him, and he’s kneeling in front of me “our bond exists, but I’m not required to be here with you. This is my choice”.
Something crashes inside of me, but I refuse to cry. It’s a warm feeling, and I can feel myself smiling. But I won’t say sorry, and he knows it. I can almost see a smile on his face as well. Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe he would leave, or I would leave, or I would die. But if I could feel this good thing in my chest for a while more, learn how to use my powers and get to know this “father”...
Maybe it was worth the try.
“Let’s go. I went inside the brothel because I had to get information from one of the women that work there. She’s a source. We need to go to a forest far from here, so we better get going”.
Oh. That’s why.
“You can ride Roach if you want to”.
Yes, it was worth the try.
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The White Wolf’s Dance; Chapter 5
Words; 4,619
Pairing; Geralt X Reader
Warning; Cursing, harassment cause reader is an elf, Self imagine issues, 
Also; Sabrina is totally out of character so i’m sorry but reader needed a friend and I made a little backstory for them that will be reveled later. They old friends and she is very nice. 
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(I do not own any of the gifs nor anything witcher)
Tag list; @andyl394 @grumgoblin @yuminyg @ayamenimthiriel @wintersoldierslut @tapismyforte​
(If you wanna be in the tag list let me know!)
                 *Chapter 5; A Passion for Tomorrow*
When you finally awoke the next morning your head was on fire, the room was spinning and way too bright for your liking. Pulling the pillow over your head you grumbled to yourself. Maybe drinking so much wasn’t the best idea you had ever had.
After a while of sulking in bed, you finally pull yourself to sit up, a hand on your head as you mutter a few words to alive the pain. Finally able to see without the room spinning you stand up and go to the mirror to straighten out your hair. Noticing you were still wearing the dress from last night. You grumble to yourself before quickly taking it off and looking around for some pants and a shirt. Dresses were not normally your thing, but last night you just wanted to be a normal girl and have some fun. That was over now.
You were digging through the drawers when you heard the door open behind you, turning to the door expecting Jaskier you wore a smile until you saw Geralt standing there a little wide-eyed. You nearly shrieked before grabbing a pillow off the bed to cover yourself. “How about you knock next time.” You muttered your cheeks a bright pink.
Geralt was speechless before quickly shutting the door, though he did stand outside it for a little while trying to regain his composer. It was always something with you. Either your flirting nonstop, getting drunk and wanting his attention, or he’s walking in on you naked. What was up with the timing?! He lets out a sigh before speaking through the door. “Jaskier and I are heading out, to the next town to see if the Barghests’ contact is still valid. I uh-” He paused a moment and you took a few steps closer to the door. “If you want to come along, I-” You smile softly before placing a hand against the door.
“I’d love to come along Geralt. Must be nice to have a competent fighter with you.” You teased with the biggest smirk before you heard his mutter under his breath before leaving. Part of you wanted to scream, the other part wanted to run the other way. You would be traveling with them, for how long you didn’t know, but maybe just maybe it would be until the end of days.
You quickly searched for pants now, wanting to be ready to head out. “JASKIER I NEED SOME PANTS DAMMIT.” You screamed and almost instantly he was knocking at your door with some. “Oh, that was fast. Thanks.” You opened the door a bit before smiling brightly at him. “I can’t wait to come along with you guys.” You hummed before pulling him into an awkward one arm hug. “I know this was your doing, thank you.” You whispered to him before shutting the door to quickly get dressed.
Once the pants were on, you quickly slipped on the shirt and buttoned it up, slipping your bag over your shoulder. Your sword strapped to your hip, bow to your back, and knife on your chest. You looked over yourself in the mirror before pushing your hair back to see your ears. You didn’t remember taking off the concealing spell but then last night came rushing back to you. Geralt laying with you, you laying with him, his hand on your cheek and a hot blush flooded your cheeks.
“Oh, Gods.” You whisper before putting your hands over your face. You couldn’t remember what you had said to him, was he only being so nice because he knew you liked him? Your mind was flooding with possibilities before taking a deep breath. “Just gotta pretend like it didn’t happen. You were drunk, Geralt surely knew that. As long as you act like it didn’t happen it will be okay.” You nod to yourself before heading out of your room and downstairs to where Keira was saying goodbye to the boys.
You wrap your arms around her and smile. “I will definitely be back to visit you, it’s been too long since I’ve had a female friend.” You chuckle before she hugs back.
“You are welcome back any time Y/N, it’s been a pleasure having you around.” Keira smiles before tucking your hair behind your ear then smiling. “Be proud of who you are. You deserve respect.”
You smile brightly before nodding and adjusting your sword. “Thanks, Keira. I’ll be seeing you.” You then head over to Jaskier as you two walk outside leaving Geralt alone with her.
“Jaskier,” You start as you notice another beautiful horse next to Roach. “What happened last night?” You whisper before he chuckles a little.
“You got drunk and confessed your undying love for him.” He teased as you playfully punched his shoulder.
“You might of, but I have no such love to confess.” You smirked to the bard before walking up to the horse. She was a creamy butterscotch color with black spots trailing down her backside. “She is gorgeous. I thought Keira only had the white one?” You turned to Jaskier as he runs his hand through his hair.
“Geralt thought with the three of us, we could use another horse. I think he means for us to ride together, he doesn’t want anyone touching Roach.” Jaskier walks over and pets the Horse before smiling to you. “And between you and me, I can’t ride worth a damn.”
You chuckled before adding a braid to her long mane, “What should we name her? I was thinking Slywia because she seems wild and free at heart.” You hum stroking her mane as she nudged her head towards you.
“She’s yours, name her whatever you like.” Geralt spoke before walking up and mounting Roach in one quick motion. Your eyes glance over to him before back to Slywia. A smile growing on your lips.
You easily mount her, stroking her mane again. “You here that girl? You’re all mine.” You hum before holding out a hand to Jaskier. “Get up here, I’ll protect you.” You teased as Jaskier took your hand and tried to get up on the horse but was struggling. Geralt trotted over on Roach and grabbed him by his collar and set him on the horse.
“I wanna be there by sun fall, let us go.” Geralt spoke before catching your gaze, offering you a small smile and then riding off. You smile before pulling Jaskier’s arms around your waist before taking off after him.
“Don’t make this a race, I’ll surely win.” You teased as the three of you road off onto another adventure.
You guys traveled all day and into the night, getting to the town and slaying the Barghests’ with ease. With you and Geralt, not many monsters stood a chance. You two fought like two halves of a whole. Where you swung he covered you, and when he swung you blocked. It was like watching a magnificent dance, only with blood and guts spilling all over the stage instead of flowers.
You guys didn’t stay in one town very long. Just long enough for you all to make some coin. You using your tactics to charm young men out of their coin for a night they would never forget, even if it was all in their minds. Jaskier with his songs and Geralt will monster killing. Though Geralt never spoke a word about how you earned coin, you knew it bothered him. But you would have never guessed why.
Soon enough in your travels, Jaskier came to both of you while you were drinking at an inn. “Guys, who wants to go to a party? I have an actual performance at Kaedwen. King Henselt has requested my presents for a royal ball. And of course, it wouldn’t be a party without you too, also many a little protection.” His smile said it all. Some royals there would be mad at him for sleeping with their wives and daughters. Jaskier did have very good luck with any lady he encountered.
“Sure. I’ve never been to a party at a castle.” You shrug before chugging your booze. Geralt looked annoyed but he just nodded as Jaskier sat down at the table smiling like an idiot.
“We have to be there in two days so let’s go!” He cheered before you stood up and paid for the drinks you all had and grabbed some supplies to go. When you all were walking out of the bar and a man bumped into you knocking you to the ground. You gritted your teeth before he just stared at you in horror.
“It’s a filthy Elf!” The man cried out going for his sword. You reached up and touched where your hair had fallen behind your ear to reveal your true identity.
Geralt was quick and stepped in front of the man, putting his hand on the other man’s sword. “Anyone even thinks about harming her will he slaughtered on the spot.” His voice was rough and deadly.
Your eyes quickly looked around the room, many others standing with their hands on their swords. Surely you could fight your way out of this one. You hand went to your own before Jaskier was pulling you up off the ground. “C'mon Y/N they aren’t worth it.” He whispered before pulling you towards the door. Geralt stood blocking the way out for all the men at the inn.
“Why are you protecting a filthy elf?”
“Don’t you know she killed our babies?”
“Something as disgusting as that doesn’t deserve to live.”
All the voices screaming out really got to you. You had almost forgotten how unkind the world was. While being with Jaskier and Geralt they never gave another thought to you being an elf. Jaskier even liked your ears and was always asking you to show him some magick.
As you were lead you, you sighed quickly covering your ears with your hair, not saying a word. Jaskier took your hand and lead you towards Slywia. “Don’t mind them. They used to say the same thing about Geralt. Maybe I should write you a song! Then they would show you some respect.” You offer a smile to Jaskier before mounting your horse.
“it’s fine, I’m used to it.” You lied before raising your hands to cast a concealing spell. But before you could Geralt grabbed your hand and pulled your attention to him.
“You don’t need to hide who you are from men like those. You don’t have anything to prove to them. I-” He started before going silent. You stared at him before at his hand holding yours. You could feel your heartbeat rising, your eyes welling up with tears.
“As I said, I’m used to it. It’s okay Geralt.” You offer a smile before pulling away and focusing on petting your horse. Jaskier managed to climb up behind you on Slywia before Geralt mounting Roach. The three of you didn’t talk much as you rode off.
Things like this shouldn’t bother you, the fairy tails of man, you always thought to be a myth. No one ever had any problems with you until they discovered what you were. Why did it matter? It didn’t change who you were. Men always loved to be around you until they found out. Why did being an elf mean so much to them? They had slaughtered your people, the great cleanse they called it. Why wasn’t that enough? Why did ever last elf need to die in order for them to be happy with your race?
“Y/N,” Jaskier whispered to you, before wrapping his arms tighter around your waist. “I think you are absolutely amazing, in every way.” His soft voice makes you smile.
“Thank you, Jaskier.” You smile turning back to look at him.
Soon enough you were arriving at the castle, it was just past nightfall and Jaskier thankfully did all of the talking. You couldn’t have done it even if you wanted to. You didn’t say a word as you put up Slywia next to Roach. Geralt’s hand touching your shoulder pulled you out of it for a moment.
“Can we talk?” His voice was soft as he took your hand and lead you down a hallway from the stables. You were confused but again couldn’t be bothered to say a word.
Once he pulled you into a small room off the hallway, the doors shut behind the two of you. “Geralt, what is the meaning of this?” Your voice was weak compared to how confident it normally was.
“You don’t have to be here you know. You don’t have to go to this. You could ride off and be happy somewhere else you know.” His amber eyes found yours as you looked away.
“And where would I go? You and Jaskier are the only family I have now. If that means pretending I am human for a few days, I’ll be okay.” You offer a sad smile. “Men are weak for a woman like me, it wouldn’t be any different than before I met you all. Play the part, and I’ll be fine.”
“No!” He nearly shouts before backing you up against the door. “You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not. If someone as much as looks at you in the wrong way I will slaughter them on the spot.” He growled, his amber eyes meeting yours once more before softening.
“Geralt.” You whispered, your hand moving up to rest on his cheek. “I’ll be okay. I can play the part.” You whisper, finally realizing how close he was to you. His chest almost pressing into your own. His beautiful lips merely inches away from yours.
“I will protect you Y/N, you don’t have to hide what you are.” His voice was soft before his eyes cast down. You lift his head so he looks at you again a soft smile on your lips.
“Geralt.” You whisper before a smile lingers on your lips. How much you wanted to scream you loved him, how much you wanted to kiss him at this moment, to promise him you would do anything for him and Jaskier. As long as you all could be together. “Thank you.” You lean in and place a kiss to his cheek a soft blush covering yours. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” Without another word you left the room and ran off to find Jaskier so he could show you to your room.
“Y/N?” A soft voice called out causing you to turn around on the spot. Upon laying your eyes on the woman who called your name a smile grew on your lips.
“Rina?” Your voice was full of happiness as you darted towards the woman embracing her in a hug.
“I thought that was you!” Sabrina chuckled before pulling you closer to her. “It’s been way too long, but why are you here?” She pulled back looking over you.
“Jaskier, my ba- my friend is playing at the royal ball. He requested mine and our other travel companions company.” You smile before she links her arm in yours.
“Let me show you to your room, we have much to catch up on my friend. Plus you can’t possibly wear that to dinner.” She hums before the two of you are heading off down the hall.
“Y/N” Geralt called as he watched you walk away with the other woman. He had to take a moment to control himself before darting after you. Why did you always feel the need to hide who you are? Why couldn’t you just let him protect you for once? He wanted nothing more than to be there for you, yet you seemed oblivious to it. He sighed as you and the other woman were out of sight.
Jaskier had walked up to him, “Where Y/N? I got our room keys.” He held out Geralt’s key before looking over his friend. “Why do you look so out of sorts?”
“Y/N kissed me then ran off..” He mumbled before taking the room key. “Let’s just get this over with. Where are our rooms.” Geralt started heading off in one direction.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE KISSED YOU! GERALT WAIT!” Jaskier shouted as he ran after him. “You’re going the wrong way!”
Sabrina had taken you to her room. It was huge and full of vibrant blues and golds. “Rina you mean you live here? This is so beautiful!” You nearly cried out before running your hands over the bed covers. “And so soft.”
She chuckled before going through her closet. “The King lets me have whatever I want in return for aiding him. It’s a nice setup. It’s what I trained for. What I wanted you to train for.” She smiles before pulling out a gorgeous dark blue dress. “I think this will go nicely with your complexion. Or of course, you could go to black. But I think blue is more your color, especially here.” She held out the dress to you.
You took it in your hands, it had to be made of silk. From the sultry neckline to the soft slit up the left thigh, the golden belt and speckles over it, to the light white fade at the end. “Are you sure. This is much to fancy for me.” You can’t help but let the fabric run through your hands, it was the softest thing you had ever held.
“That’s your dinner dress, it’s a little too revealing for dancing don’t worry. I will have another for the ball itself.” She walks over and takes your hands in hers. “Y/N you deserve this. At least enjoy the royal treatment while I can give it to you. You will look amazing. No man will be able to keep his eyes off of you in this.” She hums before running a hand through your hair. “Now what to do with your hair. huh?” She pushed your hair behind your ears and smiling. “I’ve never seen you walk freely without concealing them before.”
You blush hotly before covering your ears with your hair again. “It’s nothing..” You whisper before laying the dress on the bed.
“It’s the Witcher, isn’t it? You’ve fallen for him and he’s the reason.” She hums knowingly. The sudden fear in your eyes confirms it.
“What! No! Geralt isn’t the reason for anything!”
“Darling, you’re eyes tell it all.” She smiles before tucking your hair behind your ears. “I bet he fancies you more like this huh? Your ears do add to your beauty after all. Go bath and I will be waiting”
You quickly go and bath yourself taking time to relax in the hot water a little, it’s been a bit since you could relax like this. But as soon as you were out Sabrina was waiting for you.
She patted the bed in front of her, and you sat there. “Sit still and I will make sure he will not be able to resist you.” She hums and before you could complain she was getting to work on your hair.
“Do-” You cleared your throat. “Do you really think so?”
“Honey if he has any sense in that brain of his, he will be weak in the knees when he sees you. Of course, if he hasn’t already fallen for you. If he has, he will be a stuttering mess. But from the way I can clearly read it on you, there’s no way he doesn’t know about your feelings.” She hums running the brush through your hair.
“Wait what! You think he knows?” Your cheeks heat up as you do your best to sit still.
“Of course he has, you have that dreamy look in your eyes. I bet you’re a blushing mess around him too. Just like the old days.” Sabrina chuckles before finishing your hair and looking you over. It was half up and half down. The upper part pulled to drape over your ears to hide them. Then flowing down your back in a wide braid. Two slight strands hanging on either side of your face and the rest curled. “My Gods I might make a princess out of you yet.” She giggles before holding up a mirror for you to look into.
Once you see yourself in the mirror your eyes go wide. “Is this really me?” you whispered before looking down at the dress.
“Don’t worry we still have makeup.” Sabrina cheered before getting to work on that, then helping you into the dress and heels. You take one long look over yourself in the mirror and hardly recognize yourself. “Just think you could have had your own palace, dressed like this every day my dear Y/N.” She hums before offering you some earrings and a necklace.
“I don’t think I could fight in this dress though. It isn’t a life for me. Besides if anyone ever found out my secret I would be slaughter on the spot.” You sigh before running your fingers along the V neckline that travels down your chest. Leaving nothing to the imagination with the fully open back on the dress either.
“Y/N What’s going to happen if you didn’t fight? You could have a safe life. You could stay here with me. I’m sure the King wouldn’t mind a sorceress as powerful as you.” She smiles before putting her hands on your shoulders. “Just think about it okay?”
Think about it you would, being able to sleep in a nice bed, bath whenever you wanted to and live within a castle would be the life. Never having to trick men or fight monsters for coin. But what about your friends, you couldn’t leave them.
“Come along, dinner is nearly ready. I’m dying to meet the man who has captured your heart.” She hums before walking out of the room.
“Rina! Don’t you dare go embarrassing me!” You call out after her as you try your very best to run in the heels she gave you. But every few steps you were stumbling. You even fell right into someone, thankfully they caught you before you could hit the ground.
“Oh my gods, I’m so sorry-” You started before looking up and seeing Jaskier holding you.
“Wow Y/N..” Was all he could say as he looked over you, you gave a small smile before getting out of his arms.
“Wow yourself Bard.” You smirk looking him over. The deep blue suit with the white ruffled shirt and bow tie looked amazing on him. “Didn’t know you could actually look good.”
“I didn’t think you could look like a lady either.” He teased back before you playful punched his shoulder.
“Don’t be rude, I can dress like this if I want to. I just don’t want to. Pants are a lot easier.” You look down the hall to see Sabrina waving to you. “Oh, Jaskier come meet my friend Sabrina!” You hum before Geralt walks up to the two of you.
You nearly freeze in your tracks, your eyes glued to him. The blue, very form-fitting suit he was in, the piercing-ness of his amber eyes, the soft grey of his ruffled shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top. Your heart felt like it was going to give out right then and there.
“Y/N” Geralt gave you a nod before walking past you. You stare after him before looking to Jaskier.
“Okay, that has to be illegal.” You mutter to yourself before Jaskier loops his arm in yours.
“C'mon let’s go meet your friend. You will have plenty of time to gawk at Geralt later.” He hums pulling you off towards Sabrina.
“I was not gawking!” You try to defend yourself but as soon as you see Geralt talking to another man you can’t help but let your eyes cast over him.
“Oooo So is that him? My, my Y/N. I can clearly see why you’re enchanted.” Sabrina giggled pulling you out of your daydream before looking to her.
“Rina this is Jaskier, and that’s Geralt over there.” You mumble before sighing. “Just don’t talk to Geralt okay?”
“Wait so you told her about your love for Geralt but wouldn’t admit it to me unless I begged? That’s no fair.” Jaskier pouted slightly before offering his hand to Sabrina. “I think we need to talk about Y/N’s situation huh?”
“Let’s.” Sabrina hums taking Jaskier’s hand before heading off to take seats at the table.
“Don’t you dare!” You try to stop the two of them but Geralt walks up to you and offers his arm. You stop in your tracks looking over him before biting your lip.
“Shall we also join them? Got to make sure Jaskier doesn’t sleep with the wrong royal tonight.” Geralt spoke before you put your arm in his as he leads you to the table. Taking seats together across from Jaskier and Sabrina.
You look to Sabrina and Jaskier with a glare. They talk with Geralt and you all night though Geralt seems unphased as normal. Did he not care that you kissed his cheek? Surely you wanted it to affect him, not for him to ignore it. But he was acting as if it didn’t even happen. Maybe Sabrina was wrong.
You all chatted away as you ate, the king making a toast. You smiled after being able to relax a little. There would be some light dancing tonight and then tomorrow a full out ball. You didn’t plan on dancing, hell you didn’t even know if you remembered how to. It had been ages since you had.
“Miss?” You were pulled out of your thoughts by a voice and tap on your shoulder. “I was wondering if I could have the first dance.” He hums offering you his hand. Before you could say anything he was pulling you out of your chair and spinning you around with a few others who were also dancing to the soft music.
You kept looking to Jaskier or Sabrina to save you, but they only gave you sly smiles. You were about to start tripping over your feet when a large hand grabbed the other man by the arm and pulled him away from you. “I think it would be best if you didn’t dance with Y/N,” Geralt’s voice surprised you, looking up at your white-haired savior you smiled.
The other guy knew he didn’t stand a chance against the witcher and headed off to sulk. Geralt offered his arm to you. “How about we get some drinks?” He offers you a slight smile before you nod.
Geralt was always coming to your rescue even if you hadn’t asked him to. It only made your heart swell with more love for this man. It didn’t take long for you to relax with your friends and drink into the night. Tomorrow though, tomorrow you would ask Geralt to dance with you. Tomorrow would change your relationship. Tomorrow you would tell him how you feel.
The whole night you didn’t realize Geralt’s eyes were on you and you alone. Seeing you in that dress, seeing you enjoy yourself fully. It made his heart pound. Surely the attraction was just sexual. It had been a while since he had been with someone. But even then, just your smile was enough to warm his whole being. Maybe tomorrow, tomorrow he could tell you. Tomorrow he would spin you around on that dance floor and show you he’s the one who knows you better than anyone else. Tomorrow he would return your kiss. Tomorrow you would be his and his alone.
Tomorrow would change everything, though the two of you couldn’t have guessed how.
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First Meetings - Arthur Morgan/Elizabeth McGill
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Series: Call it Fate or Call it Chance 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Elizabeth McGill (Plus size, Female OC) 
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2
Summary: Arthur Morgan hears someone in distress in the woods and goes to help. It’s a small world though and soon finds himself meeting a friend of one of his acquaintances. Little does he know it’s the start of a relationship that might just change his fate.  
Warning: Talks of hunting, wolves get killed because they’re trying to eat OC, sorry! Talks of canon character death, spoilers? 
Rating: T
Notes: So, I don’t have the energy these days to write a full fic, but I figured if I write a series of interconnecting one-shots then I can write for these two, get the story there, but without needed them all to lead off from one another like chapters. This series will document that relationship between Arthur Morgan and Elizabeth McGill, a plus size, English OC of mine who’s basically the online character but with less of the outlaw stuff. I hope you love her as much as I do and I hope you enjoy this first part in the series.
I’m always happy for requests, suggestions, prompts, questions about this two even if my normal requests are closed. Feel free to draw my characters, feel free to write stuff for them, feel free to ask me questions about them. 
“Oh, go away you bloody little blighters! Shoo! I said shoo!” Arthur heard the call over all else, a lilting English accent, soft but scolding, like a mother to a troublesome child. He shifts Dave, the large black shire who he’d allowed Jack to name, forward, just breaching the tree line to see a woman standing on the lower branch of a tree, arms wrapped around the trunk. Wolves circled the base, baying, waiting, biding their time, hoping she’d slip. They were so entirely focused on her that they gave Arthur and the large horse no mind, not caring much for them at the moment. Clearly they had decided this woman was dinner and had some sort of spiteful vendetta, if wolves could feel spite that is. 
She was a plump thing, short in height, round in figure with dark chestnut hair piled high in a gibson style pompadour atop her head. Her cheeks were rouged and her lips painted a poppy red, heavy skirt falling around her feet, kicking up every now and then as a wolf attempted to jump high enough to reach her, to try for a bite. He watched her kick one a way, a well aimed kick that set the wolf flopping to the ground with a yelp before it got back up again growling. A pretty thing, for sure. 
Elizabeth McGill very rarely cursed out her horse, Scrawny, but today she was certainly doing so, mentally of course. She loved her big, doofus of a horse, the gypsy cob was anything but scrawny and he was gentle natured. He was, however, a coward when it came to wolves. He had bucked her so hard she’d lost her glasses, and in her haste to climb a tree hadn’t been able to find them again. If she could see she’d just shoot the bloody wolves circling her, unfortunately, she was blind as a, well, person without her glasses, and she did not trust that she’d hit a single one. She was usually a fine shot, hunting had become part of her trade, but...she usually could see while doing it. It also didn’t help that Scrawny had run off with all but her revolver, leaving her there. His loyalty was astounding. 
“Y’alright, miss?” She can’t see much, just a blurry shape at the edge of the trees, big enough to be a man on a horse, big and dark coloured. The voice is deep, a heavy southern drawl that is pleasant on the ears, even more so because she’s been waiting desperately for a helping hand. 
“I could do with a little assistance, sir!” She was usually the one helping others, but today, the tables had turned and she was not going to turn down the one person who’d arrived in the last half hour. She was fed up of clinging to a tree trunk especially in a heavy autumn skirt. She hadn’t been planning on hunting that day, she’d already done quite enough on the journey down from the Adler Ranch and had been close to Valentine, expecting to simply sell the pelts, teeth, claws, and the like that she’d gathered. Her first mistake was expecting a simple, calm journey of course. Things never were simple or calm, if it wasn’t a cougar attempting to eat her, an ambush by some local gang, or some fellow in need of help, then it was bad weather or snakes. The latter of which Scrawny hated even more than wolves, if that was possible. 
She didn’t so much as watch the man circle around on his horse, shooting the wolves, as much as squint ineffectively and listen to the sound of hooves clipping the dirt, snorts from a remarkably brave horse, and the dying yelps of wolves. Part of her was envious that Scrawny wasn’t that brave, had he been she could have easily dealt with the wolves herself and never ended up in this damnable tree.
“You can come down now, miss.” The man proffers a hand and Elizabeth takes it using its strength and a hand on his shoulder to keep her balance as she clambers down from her perch, she’s still blind and the help is appreciated. She doesn’t doubt that she’d easily take quite the tumble without guidance. He is nothing if not respectful, the other hand that rests at her waist to help down is placed just so as not to cause offence and is removed the moment her feet are on stable ground. 
What he truly notices is just how short she really is, now she’s beside him her head barely comes to his shoulder. He feels suddenly too imposing, large, and feels the urge to make himself smaller if only to appear less intimidating. 
“I...thank you, do you happen to see a pair of spectacles on the ground? My horse bucked me and I lost them...otherwise I would have handled the wolves myself but, i’m rather blind like this.” Arthur finally notices the way her hazel eyes don’t quite focus on him or her surroundings, when he speaks she can’t quite look him in the eye, but instead moves her gaze around as if trying to. Her squint is also more noticeable all of a sudden and he finds himself hastening to find her spectacles, looking across the ground careful to mind his step. 
“You probably shouldn’t go telling strange men that, ma’am, some might take advantage.” He doesn’t say it to be intimidating or the like, simply out of concern. She clearly couldn’t see well without them and a lesser man, someone like Micah, would surely take advantage. Her trust in him is refreshing but concerning at the same time. He, after all, does not consider himself to be a good man.
“Well, it’s a good thing that a gentleman like yourself happened by instead then, Mr…?” She knows he is concerned for her, she is sure like many men before he thinks her too naïve, too sweet, and perhaps he isn’t wrong on some of those counts. But, she preferred not to live life assuming the worst of everyone, even if people tended to prove that they were indeed rather rotten inside. The amount of strangers in need of help she’d stopped by only to be ambushed was rather alarming at times. But, she did pride herself on her own ability to look after herself, except when she found herself without her glasses. 
“Morgan, Arthur Morgan.” 
“Elizabeth McGill, a pleasure. Thank you, for stopping. I might have been up there for hours otherwise, until they got bored that is, but...I’ve known wolves to bide their time.” She pretends to help because really her running her hands along the grass isn’t doing much, she can’t see after all. 
“Uh, here, Miss McGill, your glasses.” He finds them a ways away from the tree, far enough that he knows she’d have never found them on her own. They’re round and surprisingly unbroken which he is oddly relieved to see for a man not at all invested in them. He passes them to her, watches them change the shape of her face, the clarity coming to her eyes as she blinks up at him with a soft smile. They suit her, feel like something she’s supposed to be wearing, not something that she has to wear. 
For the first time Elizabeth can see her saviour clearly and the man certainly impressed. He was tall, that she already knew even without her glasses, and he was broad, strong, the sort of man that could clearly lift a heavy weight, tackle a man to the ground or hold his own in a fist fight. Mr Morgan had a weathered, but handsome face, little freckles marked his skin, signs of spending time in the sun, his beard was long but neat, but most striking of all were his eyes. He had the most gentle bluish-green eyes she’d seen on a man of his size. 
“You gonna be okay? Your horse still around?” His brows pulled together in the middle out of concern and she found herself smiling at him without much thought. He had been kinder to her in the last 15 minutes than most people were. It warmed her heart just a little more. 
“He’ll be around,” She stops and whistles, sharp, and high. Clear as crystal, and waits a few beats before whistling again. This time Arthur can hear the sound of heavy hooves galloping forward and moves just in time to avoid a large palomino gypsy cob that comes careening out from behind some trees. The horse is lumbering and large as any draft horse is, white and cream dappled coat, dirty from his escape. His hindquarters are covered in pelts, more pelts than Arthur has ever seen, and it’s clear to him that this Miss McGill is a skilled hunter and, if not for her spectacle issue, would have been just fine on her own. It changes his opinion of her, shapes it from a naive, delicate woman, to someone more capable, though still seemingly sweet and lady-like. If possible his interest in her peaked further. 
She places her hands on her wide hips, scowling up at the horse, who’s nodding his head up and down at her in greeting with little nickering sounds, “Scrawny. I hope you know I’m terribly disappointed in you. Leaving me like that. I thought we agreed we were going to work on this wolf phobia of yours, or were you just conning me out of all those oatcakes?”
The horse huffs in a decidedly human way that makes Arthur grin, he doesn’t doubt the big thing had been making away with as many oatcakes as possible with absolutely no understanding or intention of facing a pack of wolves anytime soon.
“You’re lucky that kind Mr Morgan here was happy to help, what would you do if I was eaten by a ferocious pack of wolves?” The horse nickers and presses his large head against her, bumping into her hard enough for her to let out an ouph and take a few steps back. Her back hitting Arthur’s chest, he raised his hands to the tops of her arms to steady her before taking a polite step back, aware he could easily crowd her. 
“I was just doing what anyone would, Miss McGill.” She turns to raise an eyebrow at his words and he feels decidedly admonished before she’s even parted those red lips.
“I think we both know that’s not true, Mr Morgan. I’ve stopped to help enough people who’ve turned a gun on me to know that you are one of a small minority of good folk, whether you want to believe you are or not.” She watches him rub the back of his neck, worn hat tilting forward to hide half his face, but she can still see the beginning flush to his skin from the attention and the creeping little smile twisting at the corners of his mouth. It makes her smile in return, this large, imposing man, bashful at a little compliment like that. 
“What are you doing out here anyways, Miss?”
“I just came down from the mountains. I was visiting a friend who...well, she wasn’t there and her...her husband was dead.” There is a shaky pause, he can see her hand trembling slightly at the thought of her friend and her husband before she bunches it up in her skirt, “Did some hunting on the way down, figured I'd make my usual stop in Valentine to Ted, the butcher, usually gives me a fair price for the things I bring him.” 
Elizabeth can still see poor Jake’s face, cold, frozen solid in the back of a wagon. Some animals had gotten to him before he’d frozen completely and she’d spent a whole day just digging him a grave, hard work considering the ground was almost completely solid itself. But she couldn’t leave him like that and she knew he’d prefer being buried on his own property to burned or some such. She still had blisters on her palms from the digging, despite gloves the hard work had rubbed her hands raw. Made it a tad more difficult to hunt on the way down with her bow, but she’d managed. 
“What was your friend's name?”
“Mrs Adler, Sadie Adler. Used to do jobs for her and her husband when I visited...why?”
“Well, it’s a small world, Miss McGill.” He looks almost surprised at the name she’d thrown out, before smiling at her softly and elaborating, “Me and my friends, we found her oh about...3 weeks back? She was in a pretty bad state, but she’s been with us since. Awful business that with her husband, some O’Driscolls killed him.” Arthur looks apologetic and it soothes her distress to know that at least Sadie is safe, that at least despite all the bad luck in the world something had gone right for her. She hadn’t been found by someone else, someone who would hurt her and that was a small blessing in a world full of problems and bad people. 
“You and your friends?” It’s said with a raised eyebrow and all he can do is rub the back of his neck and look away from her. It doesn’t feel right to lie to her, when she clearly suspects his friends aren’t just his drinking buddies. But, he’s not entirely sure if he can trust her. She seems nice enough, but plenty of people seem nice enough till they find out you have a bounty on your head. Not that Elizabeth could take him in, he doubts given the sheer difference in size that she’d manage it on her own. But, he wouldn’t put it past her to try...if she were so inclined. To him she seems both gentle, delicate, and formidable, words that seem like they shouldn’t work together until you look at her. 
“Relax, Mr Morgan. I understand.” She does, she’s known enough ‘gangs’ of ‘outlaws’ to know that not all are as bad or dishonourable as they seem and that the need to protect their made family was great. She had her suspicions but if they had helped Sadie as Arthur had helped her then she had little doubt that they were the honourable sort of outlaw that she had little problem with. So long as innocent people weren’t getting hurt and the poor weren’t being robbed from she had few objections, even if she personally wasn’t comfortable with robbing or lying, herself. 
The world was a harsh place, few could support themselves on simple law abiding trades like hunting. She was lucky in that respect. One mouth to feed was different to 20. 
“Could I...I hesitate to ask, after all you’ve done for me, Mr Morgan...but could I see her? I...I can’t imagine what she’s going through and I’d like her to know Jake had a proper burial. I did rites and all. She deserves to know.” She twists her hands together, nervous of his answer. She could understand if he said no, he clearly needed to protect his gang and she was a stranger to him. But, she wanted to see her friend and most of all she wanted her friend to know that Jake wasn’t left out there to be eaten or for someone else to find. She’d even managed to gather some of Sadie’s things from the ranch in the end. Photos and trinkets that she’d hoped at the time to be able to give her if she was still alive. 
Arthur rubbed a large scarred hand across his beard, the hairs scratching at his skin as he looked at her. She was small in stature, soft in body, and those hazel eyes held honest intentions. Taking her back to camp wasn’t without risk, but a liar knew a liar when he saw one. She didn’t care about his gang, she wasn’t hunting them down for a fat bounty, she just wanted to see her friend and after everything Mrs Adler had been through he thought she might want to see her friend too. 
With a deep sigh and a quick thought that he hoped he wasn’t making a terrible mistake, Arthur pulled the black bandana from his back pocket. “I’d have to blindfold you, Miss...I gotta...I gotta protect them and I can’t be havin’ you know where we’re at. You understand?”
She could walk away, that was the offer. Be blindfolded by this stranger, this tall, broad, imposing figure or walk away. It was an easy decision to make. He was large and he was imposing, but the gentle way he held out the piece of cloth, the soft furrow to his brow, the way he hunched his shoulders to look smaller, all those things told her he was a good man. Not a pure man, not devoid of wrongdoing or bad deeds, but good in the sort of way that a man out here could be good. She would be safe with him. She could trust his intentions towards her. 
“I understand, Mr Morgan.” She consents taking the fabric from him, it is softer than she expects, “Before we go, I'd suggest we skin those wolves. Your camp needs food I'm sure and those pelts’ll fetch you a good bit of coin, waste not want not.”
“Are you sure?” She’s the hunter after all, or it seems that way and part of Arthur can’t help but feel like she’d have done just fine without him had her glasses not been knocked off. Maybe, she’d been wanting to hunt the four wolves in the first place. He doesn’t want to offend her by taking what she might see as hers, but she just gives him another one of those looks that reminds him of a prettier, younger, much more amicable Ms. Grimshaw. 
 “Mr Morgan, you shot them, they’re yours to plunder. I have enough bloody pelts as it is, Scrawny here would probably complain if he had a few more to carry, right boy?” As if in answer the big cob nods his head up and down with a huff, clearly used to be used as a pack horse. He’s not sure the horse really understands the question, but it’s clear he’s a responsive horse used to a talkative owner, not like Dave who’s stood quietly behind Arthur, only occasionally nudging him with his nose and nibbling at strands of his hair as if expecting a sugar cube to be there. 
“Well, if you’re sure…” She helps him skin them, while she hadn’t intended to do any skinning today and her blouse would certainly hate her for it, sharing the work would make it go quicker and she could offer a few tips as they went. Not much seeing as Mr Morgan was already a skilled hunter by the looks of things. The pelts were in fine condition, he was clearly a good shot, one rifle round to each wolf’s head, no mess, no unnecessary injuries or wasted ammunition. While they had wanted to kill her, she held a healthy respect for wolves and was glad that they didn’t die slowly. Quickly, cleanly, and humanely, something she held dear when it came to hunting. 
Elizabeth grabbed a ratty cloth from her saddlebag, using it and some water from a canteen to clean her arms, it was never smart to leave blood on you and it wasn’t particularly nice either. She offered both to Arthur who gladly did the same, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, thick forearms being cleaned of blood. It was startling to her in that moment that she didn’t feel scared or worried at all. Here she was in the woods with a stranger, a broad, striking and clearly strong stranger, who had multiple guns, a hunting knife, and a bow all on hand. Yet, she didn’t feel a lick of apprehension or worry. 
“Who’s this beautiful boy then?” There was a split second when Arthur, despite himself, almost thought she was talking to him. That was clearly not the case when he looked up startled to see her approaching Dave. The large shire usually disliked others, but was only watching the woman cautiously, deciding whether to bite, kick, or con her out of some food. When Hosea had given him the large beast claiming he was hard to handle and that he’d be better off selling him, something in Arthur had understood. The horse was a bit like him, he was a bit world weary, cautious of others, afraid of getting hurt, but underneath it all a soft hearted thing. 
“...Dave.” He wished in that moment that he hadn’t allowed Jack to name the shire, he loved Dave. Had bonded well with him, but telling a pretty lady that your horse was named Dave rather than Boadicea was a might embarrassing especially when that horse was 17 hands high and capable of trampling wolves underfoot. 
“He’s beautiful.” She likes his name, not that she says that, but it’s clear from the flush to Arthur’s cheeks that he’s not confident in the name choice. She thinks it suits. The shire is beautiful, giant compared to her and larger than Scrawny who was an impressive 15 hands high, especially considering his breed. The Shire pawed at the ground as she got closer, but she hushed him, little quiet comments and soothing sounds, a hand pulling a sugar cube from a skirt pocket. 
There was always something special about getting a horse like that to trust you, to eat from your palm and accept the touch of your hand to their neck. Dave was clearly a distrusting animal, but he let her pat his neck and brush his forehead. He let her tie Scrawny’s reins to his saddlehorn knowing she couldn’t guide herself blindfolded. 
“He don’t usually take to people too well…”
“Well, he just needs a kind touch that’s all. Someone hurt him real bad and he just needs to know that won’t happen again, right, sweetheart?” She says to the horse in a gentle tone, low and quiet. Arthur feels as if she’s talking about him, he thinks on the times he’s been bitten, the way he’s drawn back from people and he understands a little bit more why he and Dave work so well together. They’re two sides of the same damn coin and this woman had a way with both of them already. 
She takes a few steps back, before turning and clambering up into her own saddle. Despite the sheer size of her own horse, she manages well enough to clamber on up even in a thick, heavy skirt. She settles herself, arranges her skirt and takes those delicate round spectacles off and pockets them before grabbing the fabric he’d given her. 
“You’ll make sure Scrawny doesn’t run into any trees?” 
“I got you, miss. Don’t you worry.” It’s with that that Elizabeth wraps the blindfold around her eyes and tightens it at the back of her head, hand holding onto the saddlehorn as they begin to move. 
Arthur cannot help but be a little bit in awe at the trust she has decided to place in him.
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
My Dear Apprentice - Anakin!Skywalker x fem!reader - Chapter 5. PART ONE!
Anakin's pov
*One week later*
"And you're sure you can handle this?"
The obnoxious girl walking in front of me turns her head backwards to meet my question with a smile.
"Well of course! What, you're worried about my safety, huh?"
So optimistic... Especially considering this is her first task. It's not a complicated one, at least that's what I'm guessing since the council directly went to her and asked if she felt ready, with my guidance, of course. And I guess her excitement has to do with the fact that it's her first day outside the temple this week ever since we started her training.
   And sure, she's gained knowledge since her first day but it's not to remarkable lengths. Besides, she still continues to argue about the staff being too unbalanced at the 'hilt'. And without doubt, it is. But that should not be a functional error for a Jedi, considering that you can't always know what kind of tools you'll find at hand.
Since I don't deem her fit for a lightsaber, while on our way to this task, we went into a rather... sketchy shop to buy her a weapon. The ones catching her attention were to my surprise, two short bladed daggers with a serrated edge. When we entered the shop, a simple sword came to mind for her to use, plus that she would get to practice more with a balanced blade as well. Though, the weird light in her eyes were almost giving off actual sparkles and with that said, I bought them for her.
Thus, simple blades of steel would never make any difference in a fight against someone using a lightsaber. But considering we're out to hunt down a smuggler dealing with unauthorized drugs, spotted in a mall on Coruscant's center parts, coming cross an obstacle wielding one is highly unlikely.
Limited information were given to us other than we were to watch out for someone wearing a green seal of a crooked lizard claw. It's the company's signature sign used to help buyers identify their seller, and in our case, our target. Sure, it's a vague task and not very complicated but it fits (y/n) and her current skill level. Besides, this drug called Pixie dust is known for causing the user to behave extremely lustful and even violent if provoked. So it should be a relief to get that behavior off the mall since it's causing bothersome scenes and fights repeatedly. And what's worth mentioning is that the same seal has been spotted at different factory chains all around the galaxy dealing with unauthorized weaponry and human trafficking. Therefore, arresting one of them and interrogating them would lead us to new information about this league, for later use.
(Y/n) slows down her pace and join my side, one hand resting on her hip and the other one twirling one of the daggers between her thumb and index finger.
"What if I am? Would that be so strange? You're my responsibility, after all. Besides, I highly suggest you putting that thing back where it can't be seen before entering the mall. The citizens here will feel unsafe if they see you flailing it carelessly like that."
She returns it to her belt with a nod and runs a hand through her (h/c) locks, strands smooth as silk glowing in the bright afternoon sun. The sun looks so radiant on her skin, a phenomenon I have not seen, or at least noticed on anyone before. I have never bothered to look for details like that regarding anyone, but it was almost impossible not to see on (y/n).
"It's not strange. I just don't hear you saying nice things to me very often. It's a pleasant change for once."
Nice things, huh? I don't think I have that much nice to say about you, my dear.
I chuckle, which causes her to look at me with searching eyes and a tilted chin. Her bottom lip twists slightly before she speaks up.
"What's funny?"
I shake my head and flash her a smile as I reach up to pat her shoulder.
"Nothing. I just find you kind of adorable when you're not super loud and annoying."
The streets are crowded with all kinds of people as always. Stressed moms and dads carrying their children, working men and women in a hurry, to senior married couples showing affection in public. At every shop, there's always an employee promoting their agency while inviting costumers into their outlet. Citizens of all kinds of species from all around the galaxy eating at the outside service of the food chains and stressed waiters hurrying to serve their guests food and drinks.
The remarkable tower aligned with several buildings attached to another with glass windows all over is right ahead of us. I speed up my pace and go ahead to open up one of the entry doors for my padawan.
She stares me blank in the eyes and walks through with quick steps. Inside there's citizens filling up the spaces while doing things like chatting in groups, shopping groceries or buying drinks at the bar. (Y/n) stops a few shops in and turns around to look at me.
"If there's one thing I'm not, then that's adorable. Intimidating, maybe. Adorable.." she snorts and crosses her arms.
"Sure , what about sweet and cuddly then?" I tease and reach out a hand to pinch her cheek.
She swats away my hand and points a tense, angry finger at me. The people around us doesn't seem to notice our quarrel and I think that's just perfect. We've fooled around enough. It's time to actually concentrate on the task.
"I'll cut you." She whispers and blares her teeth. I raise a sloppy hand and shakes it slightly as I continue walking.
"Yeah, yeah. Do that later. We have a task to complete."
I turn my gaze just in time to watch her roll her eyes at me with an exaggerated head turn.
Though I should have looked where I was going, cause neither were the woman hurrying with a bag of groceries in front of me.
The elderly woman bumps into me with such force that it causes both of us to tumble over and fall to the floor. A lot of heads turn in curiosity and I cuss silently at the unwanted attention.
"Excuse my acquaintance, miss! Let me help you up..." (y/n) exclaims and quickly moves to kneel down beside the woman and hold a firm, steady grip on her shoulders.
So she helps a random woman rather than helping her master? Ridiculous...
She lifts the lady back up on her feet and picks up some fruits that had fallen out of her bag. The lady looks at her and starts smiling.
"(Y/n)! How good it is too see you again. I was just shopping some refreshments for Mister (s/n), you know how your father gets when he ends a meeting without his favorite meal!"
Mister (s/n)? Who's this woman and why isn't her father shopping his own groceries? It can't be (Y/n)'s mother since the lady calls him by mister, right?
(Y/n) freezes and glances at me, lips slightly parted in some kind of surprise.
Interesting. Why did that startle her all of a sudden... and why is she looking for my reaction?
"Yeah, I know that..."
"Well well, time is running and so should I. I gotta go but it was nice meeting you. Take care, dear!"
I grunt loudly and get back up with a little help from a bench right beside me, using it as mainstay. (Y/n) looks after the old lady as she stumbles away through the shops and out through the entrance. I position myself in front of my apprentice and take a firm grip around her arm, tugging her along and further into the mall.
"Who was that? You seemed oddly quiet and acted pretty suspicious when she mentioned your father, you know."
She yanks her arm away, holding it close to her other hand as she takes a few steps to the side to add walking distance.
"That, was my father's maid. And the reason I acted weird is because my father is Hiram (s/n). I'm sure you've met him already." She exclaims and walks ahead and into one of the shops selling what appears to be magic potions and supplements alike.
Senator Hiram (s/n)! That's why her surname seemed familiar...
That man is a total asshole, And more importantly, he absolutely despise the Jedi code.
"Your father is a Senator, not to mention that he hate the Jedi and what we we stand for; And you choose to defy him by turning to the Jedi temple shape your life according to the Jedi code?"
"I don't want to talk about it." She sighs and puts a hand to her forehead.
"Maybe I could tell you some other time. But right now we have other things to focus on."
I nod.
"I'll take the right section of the shops, you go with the left. We'll search through all of them eventually and meet up at 'The rumbling horse''s bar at the end of the hall." I say and head to the section opposite of (y/n).
Enough time wasted.
*time skip*
"(Y/n)! Over here! Heeey giirllll, you here for a drink? And you brought a hottie with you too!
Excuse me? What?
Two drunk girls are standing by the bartenders bench, one drink in each hand. The one shouting is tall and red haired while the second one is even shorter than (y/n).
How is that possible?
They wave their arms and the red haired one attempts to wolf-whistle but ends up spitting and laughing instead.
(Y/n) and I had headed to The rumbling horse after failed attempts at finding anyone with the green seal. We asked around with caution as well, leading us to the crowded bar. Most of all, we wanted to question the owner if any strange people had visited the bar repeated times. But it apparently looked like it wasn't gonna be that easy.
"Shush, Deborah! You're causing a scene!" (Y/n) whisper aggressively while flailing a hand furiously.
She then groan and hurries to clasp a hand over the laughing girls mouth. The shorter girl now beside (y/n) giggles and tries to twirl a strand of (y/n)'s hair, to which (y/n) grabs her arms and twists it in her grip with a growl. The shorter girl whine and shouts.
"Ow, (y/n)! Let me go!"
"I assume these are the friends you've been cussing about?"
Deborah turns her gaze that was previously locked onto (y/n), to focus onto mine... Well, I wouldn't say focusing. More like trying to. Seems like the alcohol has gotten to her way worse than her shorter friend.
   Deborah's eyes are TRYING to focus onto mine but instead they keep twitching and turning like her vision is spinning.
   I've seen that sign one too many times and would much rather skip it today.
"Hells yeah we are! And you're one lucky guy to meet us!" Deborah yells and ends up laughing again, snorting in the process.
"(Y/n), we can't stay here if they're going to fool around like that." I grunt and glare at the two girls while scanning through the closest people standing beside us.
So far no green seal, just some man with a leather jacket full of different patches and stickers. I exhale heavily and turn back my attention to (y/n) just in time to see her friends stumbling their way to me, their feet barely carrying their running.
Instinctively I move away, letting my feet carry me to the side from where I previously stood. I arch my back and position myself in a low key battle stance, ready for a heavy impact if the two of them tries another attempt at whatever they were trying.
The girls's piercing laughter stops as they run past me and stop. Confused eyes stare back at me in shock and I prepare for another attack.
Then (y/n)'s, now comforting voice, calls out to me and I gaze at her with widened eyes.
'What are you doing?!' She mouths to me while moving her lips audibly. Her eyes then dart back and forth from my hand to my eyes and I look down in hesitation.
Oh. I see.
Apparently, while dodging the crazy girls, my hand had gone to the handle of my lightsaber by automacy. I had been close to ignite it and ruin our probably non existent cover.
"Oops...Sorry, (y/n)." I say with hesitation and laugh nervously at a glaring (y/n), visibly gritting her teeth through her plump.. soft looking lips... What am I doing? My brain must be affected by the strong scent of alcohol, as thick as a wall in here. Yeah, that's it. That's why.
Deborah and her yet unnamed friend regain their balance and head towards me a second time just as I'm about to sneak away to the other side of the bar, to which I immediately leap away and walk behind (y/n) with my back against the bar desk, leaning to grip her shoulders in a tight grip, using her as a shield.
   (Y/n) sigh and turn her head to look at me, her left hand clenching lightly into a fist.
"Do they scare you that much?"
"Don't blame me, they're drunk, loud and without care!" I answer in defense and duck my head instantly as the two girls position themselves in front of (y/n).
"Ay, sweetheart! Melisma! Did you find another man while I was gone?"
Come on, not another one.
The shorter girl, now known as Melisma, squeals excitedly and hugs the arm of a human guy in leather robe walking up behind her. His eyes are big and underlined with some kind of dark paint and the stubble on his chin and jaw reveals that he hasn't shaved for awhile.
He scoffs and waves at (y/n) and I, his hand combing through short and spiked hair put up in a read headband. He holds a large class of some blue sparkling liquid in his right hand and takes a big sip of it.
"And may I ask who it is that you've met today, Melisma?" (Y/n) asks and draw a tired hand above her eyes and leans it down her chin. I straighten my position and let go of her shoulders to relieve her of some tension.
"Oh (y/n), This is Jax! We met an hour ago and he's sooo funny! We've been chatting ever since he went to attend some guy in the corner and then you guys came! Isn't it a coincidence! You bring your hot Jedi boyfriend here and I find myself a good looking man the same day." Melisma stops talking and leans her cheek on in the palm of Jax's right hand that he previously used to tickle her neck.
"He, is NOT my boyfriend!" (Y/n) exclaims with raised and irritated voice, her cheeks tainted red already.
Jax's previously happy and relaxed smile seem to stiffen and he slowly retract his hand from the short girl's grasp. His eyes watch mine carefully but still with attempted happiness. He then scratches his chin and chuckle at the woman clinging to his arms.
That's when I see it. The green seal of a lizard claw. It's a ring on his left thumb and he's noticeably trying to hide it be turning the seal at the opposite direction while trying to act as normal as before.
(Y/n) glance at me and I nod back in response.
Great, she's noticed too.
I move out from my hideout behind (y/n) and take a step forward to greet Jax who now is inspecting me carefully.
"Pleasure to meet you, Jax. Have we met before? I swear that I've seen you somewhere but it escapes my memory! Now, would you like to follow me and discuss the matter outside of the bar where we can hear each other better?" I smile and cross my arms in front of my chest.
But Jax seems to know what's about to happen, cause without blinking, he yanks his glass forward and causes the blue liquid to spill in my face. At the same time I feel two hands shoving me backwards and hear running feet. (Y/n) swear loudly and calls out to me.
"I'll go get him." She then darts after the fleeing man and I'm left at the bar floor.
Whatever liquid he threw at me, it's working just the way he wanted.
I quickly help myself up and try to brush the burning sensation out of my eyes. After one failed attempt, I try to locate myself out of the door with a little help from the image of the room I previously made up.
   I hear grunts and shouting as I bump into a load of people on my way out, excusing myself with a tense hand above my aching eyes.
After a few seconds I regain my vision and head right, out of the exit doors of the mall.
To be honest, there's really just two paths they could've gone and I'm just choosing the exit because it's the closest way out on the streets.
I run outside and try to follow the track of shocked expressions by the passing peoples to guid me. A frightened man and an angry girl leaping through the streets and disturbing the slow paced citizens would surely be a sight enough for people to react to.
A few minutes later the vague sound of steel against steel catches my attention and I head to a smaller street where the sound came from. I then find (Y/n) and Jax in a blind alley, Jax clutching aggressively to a long bladed dagger of unknown sort and (Y/n) with her twin blades drawn out.
The alley is long and narrow which doesn't leave enough space for me to ignite my lightsaber... I don't have any other weapon on me either...
She must have chased him into this dead end which caused him to draw weapon as the only remaining solution left for him.
But maybe my help isn't needed. He's certainly not professional on wielding a dagger but not bad either, and (y/n) seem to be getting an idea of how to counter the dealer's attacks.
Her quick feet easily bring her to the places she wants and her quick reactions cause her to evade Jax's attempts.
Jax leap forward with a growl and attempts to cut low with intention of slashing her right hip, to which (y/n) block his attack, locking his blade shut with hers crossed against each other. She then raise her left leg and kick the man right in his abdomen. Once to make him stumble backwards to gain some space and twice to force him to twirl sideways, back now facing her.
Impressive. A flawed move, in it's own way but not if it's done right. And she remembered to enhance the gap between them. In a close battle with relatively short blades like these it's even more important to gain some distance and that's exactly what she's done.
Jax quickly spin around to face (y/n) once again and leaps forward to attack once again. (Y/n) separates her feet in a hunched forward battle stance and skid to the side as an attempt at regaining her lost advantage, but Jax puts his dagger back into his belt, stopping her getaway while taking a hostile grip around her left arm. Hands stubborn and confident, he hold her in a tight grip and puts himself into a tense stance. Her struggling following right after is useless, his grip doesn't change the slightest.
That's when it hits me, what he's intending to do. Panic wash over me like a tidal wave and the still glowing sun suddenly feels cruel and burning. One wrong turn and I could lose her, the Jedi order would lose her. But will she handle it on her own if I choose to stand by and watch?
Jax blare his yellow stained teeth at (y/n), suddenly and grabs her right wrist as well, forcing her own dagger so slash forward to the direction of her neck.
One blow and her fragile neck would...
I prepare to run at (Y/n)'s aid, hand hovering just above my lightsaber. But before I get the chance to do any of that, (y/n) growls and twists her arm in a bent angle, using her elbow to knock Jax's arm upwards and away from her neck.
Instead, the tip of the twin blade graces the right chin of (y/n) on it's way from her body and she lets out a hiss.
She yank her wrists out of the man's grasp, causing him to lose balance and take a few steps to regain it. Right after, she use her right elbow to whack him at the back of his head.
With reflexes quick as ever and fury tainting her eyes, she then leaps forward in a high cut, slash him in the left shoulder.
Jax roar out in pain and cradle his wound, spinning around to prepare another attack by the girl wounding him so badly.
That's when I decided that they've had enough fun for today.
I leap forward on quick feet and pull out the handle of my lightsaber. The sound of the blade igniting itself causes the man to snap his attention at the much more dangerous threat. His eyes widen in shock as the glowing blue light display at the thick walls like ocean waves and he squint his eyes in discomfort.
(Y/n) takes the man's temporary confusion as her cue and grab his shoulders in a steady hold.
Jax immediately try to spin around but falls short on his feet as she use her leg to thrust the shallow crook of the opposite side to his kneecaps outwards. The unprepared impact causes the man's knee to bend forward and his entire weight clash into the hard concrete.
   She then drops her twin blades to the side and yank the man's own dagger out of his fist, pulling his arms behind his back and putting a foot to his back.
Jax attempts to get up on his feet but the weight of (Y/n)'s entire body pressured onto her foot makes it an uneven fight and he goes limp, laying back onto the ground with a thud.
"Well, it looks like I'm not needed after all. I'm impressed, (y/n), I really am." I say with praising voice and pull back my turned off lightsaber into it's belt.
(Y/n) tilt her head upwards with a  proud grin, though she's squinting her right eye as a reaction to the sharp, stinging cut on her cheek.
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daedriclorde · 4 years
A Thief in Wolf’s Clothing, Part III: Chapter 6, “Till The End”
Summary: Kjolti, Aela, Farkas, and Vilkas make their way to Ysgramor's Tomb to attempt to free Kodlak's spirit. With some of Kjolti's secrets now revealed, the journey is an uncomfortable one.
Read it here on Ao3
Chapter 6, “Till The End”
It took most of the day for the four of them to ride north to the tomb. They rode in an uncomfortable silence. Farkas rode ahead, not wanting to speak to any of them. Kjolti rode behind, wallowing in her shame. Vilkas and Aela rode in the middle. They tried for a while to make conversation, but any attempts at drawing Farkas or Kjolti into their chatter failed monosyllabically. Vilkas even tried singing, but he only got a few notes into “99 bottles of mead in the hall” before Kjolti, Aela, and Farkas buried him in curses and vulgarities. 
Silence overtook the party.
Kjolti held Wuthraad in her hands as she rode. She looked down at it, examining the legendary weapon closely. Eorland had done an exquisite job reforging the blade; she couldn’t even find seams along the reassembled shards. There was a certain power emanating from the blade, though it didn’t feel like an enchantment to her. 
Her eyes drifted up from the shaft to the double edged blade. She ran her fingers over the ornate engravings, trying to make sense of them. She gasped when she realized what they were.
Tucked between two harbingers of death, the visage of an elf was engraved in the very center of the blade. Its eyes were wide and fearful, its mouth agape. Not only was this clearly a depiction of an elf about to die, slaughtered at the hands of Ysgramor, but it was a caricature, its features exaggerated to comical effect.
Sickened, Kjolti sheathed Wuthraad. She did not want to wield this blade. 
She closed her eyes and trusted her horse to follow those in front.
Vilkas told Farkas everything. 
Kjolti wanted to be filled with rage. She wanted to scream and shout and rip into Vilkas.
But she didn’t have the fire for it. 
Instead, she just felt that same consuming emptiness that she had felt after Brynjolf died.
They reached the northern coast as darkness fell. Rather than try to cross the deadly waters at night, they decided to make camp and enter the tomb in the morning. All four set about making a safe camp. Farkas found them an alcove against the icy cliff side, easily defendable. 
A meal was eaten in deafening silence. 
As the fire dwindled down, Vilkas stood and stretched exaggeratedly. “Well, I’m calling it a night,” he said too loudly. “I’ll just be in my tent…over there…” Kjolti felt him looking at her, and she glared at the snow under her boots even harder.
Vilkas stood there for a moment, and when it became clear that no one was going to join him, he turned and left.
Aela looked at Kjolti, then at Farkas. Both were staring at the ice like their gaze could melt it. She threw the scraps of her meal into the fire, and muttered that she was going to bed too. Kjolti glanced up. Aela jerked her head toward where Farkas was sitting. He had volunteered for first watch. Kjolti nodded, and Aela padded off to her tent. 
Silence fell once more.
“Farkas,” Kjolti started.
He glared at her across the fire.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I really am.”
Farkas straightened and intensified his glare. “Tell me what?”
Kjolti shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “That I’m the Dragonborn.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I…” she trailed off. The truth was she wasn’t sure herself. “I just…” She sighed. “I’m not ready to be the Dragonborn. I can’t bear it. I’m not ready to, not worthy to. And when I’m with you, I don’t have to be anyone or anything. I can just…be. And I liked it that way. I didn’t want it to change. I am sorry, Farkas.”
He looked away as he processed her words. “But you told him.”
“Only because we were attacked by a dragon when we were sent to Dawnstar. I didn’t so much tell him, as he found out.”
“I see.” he stared off into the dying fire. “But you could have told me then.”
“I didn’t want anything to change.”
“Why would anything have to change? You’re still Kjolti. Just with some extra responsibilities. I could even help.”
She stared at him. “But things have changed, haven’t they, Farkas?”
His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?” he sputtered defensively.
“Why did you want to know if Vilkas and I had kissed? Why would you care?”
Before he could open his mouth to respond, an awful screech cut through the air.
Kjolti sucked in her breath and reached for her blade. Farkas jumped up and did the same.
Will I ever fight one of these damned things in the daylight?
The ground shook in an all too familiar way, and a blinding flash of fire broke the darkness nearby.
“Companions! Rise, and fight!”
Truly, a dragon had little chance facing off against four Companions with fire in their veins and a collective patience that could fit in a thimble. Vilkas and Aela were out of their tents in a flash, weapons at the ready. Farkas and Aela, who had not seen a dragon in the flesh before, only took a moment of shock and fear before attacking the beast.
Vilkas, Farkas, and Kjolti all fell upon the dragon with their behemoth blades while Aela showered it with arrows. Kjolti cursed with disgust as she found she had drawn Wuthraad, instead of her own sword. Already upon the dragon, she had no time to change weapons, and swung viciously with the famed axe.
Faced with four foes, who had fanned themselves out, the dragon had trouble picking its targets. If it began to breathe fire at one, the others began to hack at it from all sides, and the two legs were surprisingly fast for ones with no wings. Plus, small piercing projectiles kept raining down on its scales, and often punched through its wings. It roared in anger and frustration.
Blades sliced through the air and sunk into scale. The dragon’s club-like tail bludgeoned those that wandered too close to its rear. Aela released arrow after arrow with uncanny accuracy.
In the darkness, the snow and ice appeared black as it became saturated with blood. One of the twins cried out. Kjolti saw Aela in the distance by the light of the fire that singed her. The fierce huntress grimaced and gritted her teeth, but did not relent in her attack. Kjolti found herself knocked on the ground several paces back from the dragon, sent there from the force of a deadly claw. She gasped and strained to get the wind back in her lungs, her ribs screaming in pain. They had not recovered from the beating they took the day before from Farkas.
Kjolti rose to her feet. The dragon had that desperate, wild look in its eye. The kind of look a beast has when it knows it is dying, but will not stop fighting. Kjolti knew it well.
Raising Wuthraad and unleashing a primal cry, Kjolti charged forward and dropped the axe into the neck of the dragon. It was enough.
The life drained from the monstrous form before her. It screamed out its last breath, a challenge even in the face of death, and grew still at her feet. 
Kjolti felt her blood pulse, heard it rush in her ears. The dragon in her chest was thrashing about, craving the dragon soul like an addict craves skooma. Her body seemed to fall in with an ancient beat heard only by her.
She stood in front of the fallen dragon, eyes closed. Its soul began to rise from its body, swirling with unspent energy. The night was ignited with hues of purple and orange. Kjolti’s eyes burst open as she breathed in the spirit.
Farkas, who was watching this wide-eyed as a child would, thought for just a moment he saw Kjolti’s eyes flash blood red against her shadowed silhouette. But they returned to normal not a heartbeat later, and he knew it must have been a trick of the light.
The soul settled within her and darkness once again fell upon the northern shore. Kjolti blinked for a few moments, and then she looked around. 
“Is anyone hurt?”
Vilkas was leaning against the icy cliff, favoring his left leg. Farkas had blood smeared across his face, and Kjolti didn’t know if it was his or the dragon’s. Aela’s skin was pink where the fire had nearly scorched her skin. She felt her own ribs burning from the abuse they had taken.
“Nothing we can’t handle, Dragonborn,” Vilkas said softly.
“I said don’t call me that!” Kjolti snapped. She looked back to Aela, the only member of their party who had not known. “Aela, I—“
Aela waved her hand. “I figured it out a long time ago, Kjolti.”
Kjolti was taken aback. “Does everyone know??”
“Just us. We’re with you, Kjolti. Till the end,” Aela said in her steady voice. 
Kjolti looked around at her battered friends. “Right.” Fighting back tears, she gingerly walked to her tent. “I’m going to sleep.”
When she finally fell asleep, she was tormented with nightmares of her friends falling in battle with Alduin, torn asunder by his claws and words. She woke with a start, gasping and panting. She crawled out of her tent.
Farkas was sitting alone in front of the rekindled fire, keeping watch just as he had promised before the attack.
Kjolti walked over and sat next to him. He turned and looked at her. They locked eyes for just a moment, before Kjolti collapsed onto his shoulder and wept. Farkas placed a comforting arm around her and held her close.
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miraclejune · 4 years
HERO’S SOUP: Chapter 15
Old Friends
The grass scrunched from their footsteps, coming back up as they walked on. Encountering the red haired pyrokinetic somehow made the situation worse than it was. 
Jeongin looks up to Kazuo, gazing at him while they walk side by side. He was much taller than him, his red hair continued to amaze him and at some point, he wanted to ask if it was his natural hair color. "It's not. I just color it. Pyrokinesis. Red hair. You know the gist." the man glanced at him through the corner of his eyes.
"Can you read minds?"
Kazuo chuckles, running his hand through his hair. "I can read faces."
Chan pulls Jeongin to his side, giving Kazuo a stink eye.
"And it's still very much creepy that you can, Sofia." the redhead laughs out loud. He can’t actually read faces as an ability. He’s just very observant, which later on gave him a lot of benefits. "It's been decades and I still can't figure out why you hate me so much."
He looked at Chan, his face was calm and neutral. He was the only person he couldn't figure out. It didn't annoy him at all. It's just.. he was curious.
How much has this person been through all these years? He never knew why Chan never opened up to him, although they spent decades together at the Sofia's mansion. He opened up easily to the others. But he does know that the vampire doesn't hate him. The perfect word might be 'resent'.
"Shut up."
"Aw, come on. We go way back!"
"...thank you."
Kazuo stares at the vampire's back as he walks past him. He smiles.
Chan doesn't resent him either.
He speeds up, pacing himself with the vampire. "For what?" He saw how Chan’s tense demeanor slowly relaxes. "For saving my family."
"When we escaped the building, Changbin gained consciousness but he was losing a lot of blood. His wound was healing way slower than normal. I remember Chan saying that if ever something really dangerous appears or we have gotten into a really tight situation, we were to go to any Neutral zone that's nearby. And the closest was this place."
Seungmin pulls Jeongin before he gets run over by a coach harnessed to 2 horses. They had walked for what felt like an hour until they reached a town in the center of the neutral zone while Jisung was explaining what had happened.
The place looked like you're in the beautiful streets of Rome.
The narrow streets are paved with small, square, black bricks. They walked past maybe a dozen bakeries, the smell of fresh bread made Jeongin's mouth water. Most of the buildings that line the streets have so much character, they are worn looking and earthy colored. Seungmin swore every building they pass by has a fancy rustic balcony.
There were no cars or anything that emits hazardous smoke. Instead, bikes and coaches were the modes of transport within the town. But what littered the streets the most were people, different beings to be exact.
The crowd is a river of them, the only difference is that it flows in different directions. You will see different faces only to be forgotten once they pass by. Some were enjoying their alone time while others moved in groups staying together with fingers entwined or shoulders close to each other.
All of these people are supernatural beings that try hard to fit in the human world. Most of them might be centuries old, used to adjusting themselves with different people. The burden for the young ones is big, but the prize of being able to move freely outside neutral zones is worth it.
None of them were mad about the fact that it was they who needed to adjust. None of them ever regretted doing good outside for minimizing the risk of being caught. They were grateful. Plus, human beings are way scarier than any being out there. The capacity of their minds and actions were far more superior, leading to a lot of negative effects outside.
"How did you manage to sneak Jeongin in? He's human." Jisung glanced at Seungmin for a second before fixing his coat.
"Oh, that. The old lady let us in. She stared at Jeongin for a while before letting us through." he shivered, recollecting the scene from earlier. "She's one scary gatekeeper alright." Changbin couldn't agree more.
He was half-aware of what was going on but he could still feel the immense amount of power being contained by a frail and wrinkled old lady.
"Says the one who got recognized by that old lady." Jisung shrugged. Seungmin, on the other hand, wondered what Chan meant by that. Recognized? As in, she knows Jisung personally before or what?
"But as soon as we entered the area, Changbin collapsed. He was pretty much gone." Seungmin and Chan both looked worryingly at the said wolf. His state now was so much better than earlier.
The wolf laughed softly. "I was seeing double even before we got in. I just had to hold it in before we got into the safe zone. I had to protect Jeongin and Jisung. But, I was weak." 
Jeongin steps up and gives Changbin's shoulder a squeeze, making the wolf look back at him.
"You aren't weak. You're the strongest.''
Those words were cliche but it made him feel a whole lot better. He continued. "What pulled me back into consciousness was Woojin's howl. He was miles away but I still shivered as if he was just right beside me. It was almost as if he was crying. Calling out for me. Telling me to keep it together. Help is on the way."
Jisung put a hand around Changbin's shoulder. "I heard it too, so I knew I had to stay strong for these two." he said, giving a glance linked with a smile at Jeongin in which the boy returned back.
Help was on the way? So that means, Kazuo knew about Changbin getting hurt and them entering the neutral zone? Seungmin looked at Kazuo, did he expect them to arrive at the right moment because Woojin told him?
“Did Woojin tell you?"
Kazuo smiles. Ushering them inside a huge tavern with a sign outside that says 'Forest and Fauna Inn'. The question hung in the air unanswered as they entered a ramshackle, weather-worn wooden building situated in the northwest part of town. 
Upon entering the place, it looks quite more pleasant than the outside. The smell of smoke and stale ale welcomed the bunch. Surprisingly, it was much quieter than the usual 'bar' or 'inn' you see in movies or read in books. People huddled around wooden tables, the tinkle of glass on glass wipes the awkward atmosphere for unacquainted people. Quiet murmurs and occasional cheering made the place... quite lively enough.
This tavern draws in people of all sorts. Witches, wizards, orcs, wolves, spirits and rare ones like high elves, multi-headed creatures, human-born beings, goblins, and vampires.
Each race or being has their own system or we can call them "agencies" that manage each and every type of being. They provide order and laws to be followed promptly by everyone. Surprisingly, there are humans who work within those agencies. Of course, they're bound by a pact that won't allow them to talk outside about what sort of work they do and who their superiors are. Such offices are located everywhere and are often camouflaged as normal offices. 
The vampire population is quite huge as well. Most of them are populated in Europe and on glacial places like Alaska, Mongolia, Finland, Greenland, Russia, and even the inhabitable Antarctica. There are also a few of them in South Korea and neighboring countries like China and Japan. 
That's how Seungmin was assigned to Chan to make sure he doesn't cause any harm or drink blood from a human being, which is far from happening at all. He was in it for the money at first, but somewhere along the way, he enjoyed nagging the vampire and sometimes caring for him.
"Well, I be damned. Someone give me a neck to offer. Looks like we got ourselves a vampire." a distant voice cheered from behind a crowd pooling near their table.
A mysterious man leered down on Chan as soon as they sat down at a table near the bar.
Oily voice, greased back hair, hunched back, piercing black eyes, and a false smile.
The atmosphere was suffocating. Seungmin peers from the opposite side of the table, as his view was blocked by Changbin who sat in front of him. It surprised him to see all eyes were on them.
The buzzing sound of talking and loud cheers vanished as everyone's attention was on them. He angled his head more to see the barkeeper wiping the counter, not minding the situation at all, was he used to rumbles in here? 
In the middle of all the tension, his eyes caught a redhead coming up to the counter. Is that? Kazuo? Getting a drink?! Is he not concerned about what was happening?
"Woah woah woah."
The rest of them panic, when Chan stands up and turns to face the man. Jeongin was clinging to his right arm, almost begging him to not start a fight.
He caresses the boy’s hand, as if cue, Jeongin lets go. Chan was not planning on making a scene at all and he got the message clear. Seungmin, on the other hand, grew way more anxious. 
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Alas, the heavy atmosphere was broken by the two men hugging each other, the contrast between their bodies was unimaginable, it was like Hercules hugging a dwarf.
“Long time no see, Uiane.” Uiane patted Chan's back before removing himself from the vampire. His yellow teeth are on full display as he laughs out loud.
“Ye fuken bellend, ye ne’er came back!” His weird accent was a mixture of what seemed to be either old English and Scottish? And his name? Was it Um-ya? U-ya?
Chan chuckles, shaking his head in defeat. Uaine moves away from him, letting the rest of the people behind him greet an old friend.
“Okay, what is going on?”
Their confused faces looked at Chan laughing and hugging the men who looked much like pirates, before landing on Kazuo who got back from the bar.
“Oi, wait. Chan? Wha-where are yo-and there he goes!” Seungmin threw his hands in the air, the rest of them felt sympathetic towards the witch. They were all confused as much as the next person.
Seungmin was now lost.
Everyone was shaken up by what happened earlier, someone got injured badly, they lost track of them, and now they’re sitting inside a tavern owned by the Sofia’s! That’s not the worst part of it! The old lady still gave all of them the creeps.
The redhead snuggled beside Jeongin. Way too close for personal space. And when did they get all chummy? How on earth did they become all buddy-buddy with each other that fast?
Knowing Jeongin, he was the least likely person to be comfortable meeting an unfamiliar face for the first time, given the circumstances that had happened before. Seungmin's anxiety shot through the roof.
He scoots over to Jeongin a bit more, circling his arm around his waist. “Care to explain, Sofia?” 
Fiery red hair shifted as he took a sip from a tall glass of beer. He wished Seungmin would be more subtle in protecting the boy from him. The rest waited for him to respond. He sent the thought to the back of his head and something flashed beneath the surface of his calm expression, it was as if he was reminiscing good memories.
He rested his elbows on the table, clasping his hands as a faint, transient, wistful smile lit his face. “As all of you guys know. Me and Chan go way back. Centuries back.” Jeongin looked at Seungmin, his face questioning if he really heard what Kazuo said correctly, centuries? Plural? More than a hundred years?
Seungmin leans in to tell him it was true before they both turned their attention back to Kazuo. “He wasn’t really the type to join a group or be involved in a system, I thought he hated being lower than someone. Turns out he’s just a loner.” He chuckled. “It was hard to approach him. He was…” his voice trailed off, he was thinking of the correct word to say. “Intimidating.” He shifted his gaze and met Jeongin's eyes. He smiled at the innocence behind them. “Yeah. He was intimidating. Back then he was way more guarded than he is now. Not gonna lie, huge difference.” all of them agreed with that one.
“To put it briefly. He joined our clan. He joined Sofia.” heavy oppression seemed to brood upon the air as soon as he finished his sentence. He knew it was a secret and Chan would probably kill him but there was no other way to explain the situation.
His fingers played with the, now empty, glass. Picking his words carefully. “I did try to stop him. Believe it or not, we were friends even before he joined the clan, well... As far as I know, that is.” Kazuo’s eyes found Chan amidst the crowd hovering about his location. “He never really verbally acknowledged me but hey, it’s Chan we’re talking about. A man of few words.”
“He was trained by my grandfather. The head of the clan. He would have private sessions with him at the family dojo guarded by the strongest men. No one would lay a foot at that wing, not because of the guards but because it had this ominous feeling of fear and death itself."
"How can you measure death?" Jisung asked with a matter-of-fact tone in his voice.
Kazuo fell into thought, striving to find the correct way to estimate the feeling. "AH!" he snapped his fingers.
"Remember that old lady at the entrance?” they all nodded. Kazuo thinned his lips. “Multiply her presence by 100.” Jisung's breath hitched. Changbin clinged to him. He too was very much shaken by what Kazuo said.
He shouldn't have asked that now it's gonna be giving him nightmares for the next few weeks, which means Hyunjin's gonna have a roommate for the next few weeks as well. “Your grandfather must be really strong.” 
Kazuo wished that was the case in Changbin's question.
However, as he held his breath in admiring silence, his eyes never left Chan. His gaze was full of wondering interest meddled with pain and fear. No one at their table noticed it, thank god. “I guess you could say that.” The tone of his voice was vague. Seungmin thought.
It wasn’t the right answer to the question. He would’ve accepted it if Kazuo responded with silence. “Chan wasn’t that cold-hearted bitch you assume he is. He was just aloof, always had a hard time socializing because he doesn’t know how to act. He stayed with us for decades and I can tell you that Chan is more than a blood-sucking vampire who has a knack for vintage stuff.”
His smile was linked with a sigh. “I can’t believe the day will come that I would tell you guys this but, Chan is the nicest, most loyal and resilient person I have ever met. Everyone in the mansion acknowledged him as the strongest, but he remained rooted. He was humble. Never used his power for something stupid or would hurt the people around him.” 
“He’s something else alright. Accepting not 1 but 4 ancient wolves into his life was like hitting death in the face hard. A cursed one too. You've been through a lot, I can tell.” Changbin forced a smile, the thoughts of his past prickling on his heart and mind.
"Yeah, it's been... hard." worry washes over Jeongin. He hadn't quite paid attention to the wolves as well. But, he didn't want to seem nosy and ask about their past if it hurts them like this. He sat upright when Changbin glanced at him, a sad smile and sad eyes. Jisung leans on his shoulders and he looks away from Jeongin. He clears his throat.
“Felix told me he was afraid of Chan at first. Minho also. But all of their doubts and misconceptions of him vanished as soon as they made eye contact with that idiot. Chan is… he’s great.” Seungmin knew Changbin had more to say. But he felt like the wolf couldn’t find, no, the words he thought of were not even enough to describe how he felt about the vampire.
“That’s why everyone in the clan admired him. They admired the way he would pass the halls to lowkey watch over the rookies. We always caught him red-handed but he had an excuse without fail, denying that he was just passing by. We let him be because it's how he shows that he cares. He was caring in his own way and my boys felt that.” What he meant by ‘my boys’ were the people recruited under the Sofia’s family. 
“What really surprised us was when he was 3 months in the clan and the most unexpected thing happened.” He leaned back, he was so immersed with the story.
“He has his own stash of blood containers in his room, staff would deliver fresh batches every Sunday. However, one day he silently popped up in the mess hall. I still remember the exact same words he said when everyone looked at him standing in the entrance ‘What the hell are you dumbasses looking at? Never seen a vampire before?’ before plopping down next to Uaine.” That sounded like Chan alright. He was really hard to read. And sometimes you might come up with misconceptions about him in certain situations but in the end, you get the total opposite of all of it. Oh and they finally got the pronunciation of the name: Oon-ya.
He chuckles deeply, staring at the empty glass in front of him.
“Who told you you could go around and blab about my past, Kazuo?” all eyes were on him as he settled down beside Jeongin.
“Looks like someone’s in a good mood.” Chan rolls his eyes at Changbin, making the latter and Jisung giggle.
"So, you boys probably already know about my angsty past. Thank you by the way.” no way in hell Chan wasn’t being sarcastic with that thank you directed to Kazuo.
“Now, I’m the one asking questions.”
“We haven’t even heard the full story yet!” 
“Jisung, sweetie. Would you do me a favor and shut up?”
Jisung pouted. “But, thank you." The wolf's pout was soon replaced by a gummy smile. 
The vampire couldn't help but snort. "Thank you for thinking fast. I wouldn’t even have thought of this place given the situation earlier. You did great.” Chan felt proud. He compliments all the members quite equally but this time he wanted to thank Jisung with all of his immortal life. If it wasn’t for the wolf, Changbin would’ve been in grave danger.
“And, you.” Before the boys could go all mushy and cringy, he directed his index finger at the redhead. “You’re an idiot and I hate you so much but I'm saying this again. Thank you again. For saving my family.”
To all the misconceptions and harsh words given to Chan. Seungmin wants all of you to know that you can go suck his fluffy ass because the vampire is nothing like that.
“Fucking hell man.”
“Yikes, I know. I didn’t have a choice!”
“That shit disgusting. You’re disgusting.”
"I've become like this because of these stupid wolves, fox, cat, witch and awkward college kid."
The two of them shivered in horror of what Chan just proclaimed. They were the only ones feeling that way because even Seungmin's heart grew warm as he saw and felt the way the vampire thanked Kazuo. Minus the insult to everyone in the mansion though. 
It was like they were looking right into Chan's past with the Sofia's.
“Moving on, Changbin's wounds didn’t look like they would close up anytime soon during the encounter earlier. How did he heal so fast? Did you take him to the doctor?” Jisung explained to Chan how they managed to drag Changbin to the healer. Seungmin double checked Changbin's body for any hint of pain or injury but he was as good as new.
Jeongin was partly listening because another thing bothered him. He tugged Seungmin’s sleeve as soon as the witch finished checking the wolf. “There are doctors here too?” 
“Yes. They’re more or less like the doctors outside, but a bit more advanced. Their knowledge is extensive because of the variety of beings here. Herbal Witches are the strong ones.” Jeongin nodded. Seungmin, on the other hand, felt like he had boasted about his entire life's work. And he did. He was proud to be a herbal witch as well.
Jeongin thought he had to write a book about this. It would sell loads for sure. By the time he directed his attention to the conversation, they were already discussing what had happened this afternoon. 
“It gave me the creeps as soon as I stepped out of the room. It looked like an old guy but the power emitting from it was almost nauseating.” Changbin recalled the scene from earlier. Jisung started worrying about Chan who has not come back from the restroom for quite a while, although he’s probably the scariest being on earth, they couldn’t help but to go out and check on him.
“What even is that thing?”
“Wasn’t that the guard of your building, Changbin?”
“Wait, you guys have seen it before!? And what guard?” Jisung panicked. 
“You guys haven’t?” After seeing the puzzled reactions on their faces from Jeongin's follow up question.
Seungmin concluded the worst. “No, Jeongin. I don’t think they did,"
The boy looked at him curiously.
"Because there was no guard in the first place.'' Jeongin connected all the puzzle pieces. The guard was fake.
They argued endlessly.
However, Kazuo sat there completely still. Upon hearing the exchange of information in front of him, he may have a clue on what was going on and who the attacker was. “Chan.” the vampire put up a silencing hand, sensing there's some sort of important information about to be revealed.
“There’s news about a weirdly shaped being attacking people and other supernatural beings. And what I mean by attacking is killing. It killed even the strongest who have ever existed. According to the ghosts, it may be able to wipe out humanity within days.”
Chan closed his eyes shut along with his lips. He took a long deep breath, roughly caressing his face with his palms. To think that she would go to this extent just for him. This is getting out of hand. Way out of hand. “Is it after you?” here he goes again with his face-reading. “Y-”
“Seungmin, don’t butt in. And what do you mean no? You were there.” Chan glared at him tirelessly. Seungmin's face was stern, but his eyes jumped around the room. He wasn't quite sure if he's supposed to say this. But it's now or never.
“You said it, I was there when you’re being gobbled up. It wasn’t after you Chan.”
“It was after Jeongin.” Chan stood up from his seat, his eyes burned in anger. The inn grew dark and cold in just a second.
“Chantopher, sit down.” his breath continued to mingle with the smell of alcohol and smoke. The cracking sounds of his fingers echoed around the spacious tavern now that it grew quiet.
“Chan, sit down or else you’re gonna end up wiping out another neutral zone again.”
“Fine.” he sat down begrudgingly but the air was far more suffocating than earlier.
'Another neutral zone' Jeongin never doubted Chan's power. He remembered the mental notes he made from before ‘Never make Chan mad’, he meant that in a way that he should never get the vampire mad because he might end up being tickled or cussed to death. Not to the extent that Chan can be a killing machine when he’s enraged.
“Look, all I know is that it was after Jeongin. Because when Jisung moved out of the way to pick up Changbin and escape, IT had a great view of Jeongin who was hiding. That’s why you had the chance to attack it. It was distracted. You killed it for now but it seems like it will be coming back for more.” Seungmin's mouth grew dry even though he drank almost 1 liter of water from the bar. The group’s words ceased. The agitation was slowly building up. 
"Killed it for now? You mean it's difficult to get rid of?" Kazuo's question was given dirt so that means he was correct on his assumptions.
He leans back on the wall and sighs deeply. It was great information, useful indeed. But he seriously regrets asking about it. This wasn't some low scale issue. This might threaten the 11 families. He has got to tell his old man about this. "Chan." he looked at the vampire hopefully. "Tomorrow. Let the kids rest, for now, please. I'll be there." The vampire knew it was inevitable to stay away from the Sofia's lane. He had no choice but to swallow the pill.
“Has anyone contacted Minho and Felix?” Chan redirected the topic.
“Yeah, they sent Eric home in a flash and are on their way here too.”
“Updates on Woojin and Hyunjin?”
“They said they’re near. I’m gonna go pick them up at the entrance.” Changbin stood up from his seat. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
He smiled and flexed his muscles. “Hah! You underestimate the power of these bad boys." the rest of them cringe as Changbin kisses both his biceps.
"For the love of satan, just let him go!" Jisung pleaded, moving his eyes away from the horrific scene.
"Vote on 'we should've let him die'. Agreed?"
Changbin gasped in betrayal. "Fucking sons of bitches."
The mood somehow grew brighter. Kazuo thanked the heavens for Chan calming down. He saw Uaine at the corner of his eyes earlier, ready to strike.
His big figure shook not in determination to kill but in fear. He and the rest of the crew had no choice but to defend the Boss (Kazuo) no matter where they are, who they are facing and how many lives will be taken. It's part of the fucked up rules made by Kazuo's ancestors. Really, why can't they stray away from tradition just once? 
"Let Jeongin go with you."
"Chan, are you hearing yourself?"
"Jisung, I can hear the ants walking in the counter over there so I guess that's a dead giveaway."
Jeongin stood up and fixed his shirt. 
"Chan, are you really really sure?"
The vampire shrugged, chugging down his drink. "Yeah, no harm in letting him into some adventure. Besides, this is called a safe zone for that reason."
"But... it's Jeongin we're talking about. Your baby boy. Are you a hundred percent sure about this? What made you think this is the right choice?" Seungmin's voice trailed off.
"He's with Changbin." the wolf swore he could cry right at that moment.
"Wait." Jisung stood up, placing his hand on Chan's obviously cold forehead. "You don't have the vampire chills, do you? Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" he swatted Jisung's hand away.
Gosh, he was so embarrassed by them making a big deal about this. "Changbin just please go and take Jeongin.'' The wolf wanted to join in with the fun but Woojin and Hyunjin might be waiting outside. Plus, Hyunjin's a scaredy-cat so he might've peed himself upon seeing the old lady at the entrance. And so they made their way out of the inn, chuckling underneath their breaths as they did so.
Seungmin scoots closer to Chan, looking straight at his eyes. "Are we sure you're Chan? That bitch wouldn't have let Jeongin go out without him? Who are you? What did you do to our idiot vampire leader!!!" shamefaced, Chan let Seungmin poke his face a dozen times and shake his body harshly.
"You should've just left me to die earlier as well. This is humiliating."
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xathia-89 · 5 years
Long Lost Sibling - Kenshin
I was still trying to process the past day as I was sat with my husky dog between my legs in the most unladylike manner possible. I had started off in Kyoto, I was there as part of the recruitment team who were attending a job fayre at the local university. Most people wouldn’t think about joining the military to do anything non-combat based, but when you bring my absolutely adorable, albeit mostly useless, k9 partner into things, it’s a good attraction point. I hadn’t kept track of any sign ups or further information requests, I was just there to make sure Shin didn’t go on the hunt for anything sweet based. It was a nightmare enough that the only sugary items I could ever keep around me were the sour candies I was known for, mostly because he couldn’t stand them.
It was a long story as to how I ended up with a k9 partner in the first place, as officially, I shouldn’t have had him. I worked as a vet with additional duties as a dog trainer. I trained Shin, and he passed everything with just about perfect marks. But then he wouldn’t leave me, every person who he was assigned to, kept complaining he wouldn’t listen to their commands or do as he was trained to. So I’d end up reassessing him, and everything would be fine until one of our superiors decided to get a colleague of mine to try. Turns out that Shin had gotten more than a little attached to me, and had worked out that if he didn’t do what he was meant to, then he would be brought back to see me. Strings were pulled, and I made a really strong case for the fact that I could be in the middle of surgery in the battlefield and the enemy could attack, and a ‘one-off’ was made for Shin and me. I hadn’t told anyone how I had named that particular bunch of dogs since I knew they’d just make fun of me for being so obsessed with such an old school era of history. Every dog in Shin’s class had been named after a Sengoku warlord, and Shin was named after Kenshin Uesugi because of the heterochromia which just struck me as something that reminded me of that particular warlord.
I was sat in 1582, in a kimono of all things, in a room in Azuchi castle after saving Nobunaga from the flames of Honno-Ji. I had met every warlord I had studied at school, and I was in awe a little. This just had to be a dream, until Sasuke re-introduced himself as the original reason we had arrived here. Shin practically bowled him over and started licking his face in greeting, a complete 180 from the lead up to the wormhole. He was a ninja, and I’d already summarised that he worked for the enemy judging from his need to enter my room through the ceiling. He gave me a slight smile and said he had to remember that I worked for the military and said that it was likely to be best if we kept it quiet that we came from the future. I asked about dogs in this era of Japan since Hideyoshi had decided that Shin was a wolf who was fully prepared to kill Nobunaga, and the staff still weren’t convinced he wasn’t going to go feral and kill them all in an instant. He reminded me that pets weren’t always that much of a thing for some time before letting me know that he’d try to keep in regular touch after advising me to get to know the warlords around me before our three months were up.
For a few days, everyone kept their distance. It was impossible to track down Hideyoshi to find out what I was meant to be doing as Chatelaine, and all of the staff were still terrified of Shin. Then I spotted Mitsunari in the library and noticed that he clearly hadn’t moved lately.
I tapped the angel on the shoulder, then pulled on his cowlick before resorting to pulling the book out of his hands to get his attention.
“Oh, Lady Natsuki,” his smile would cure anything, I was sure of that. “Is there something I can help with?”
“Yes, we’re going on a walk, it will do you some good,” I replied, already pulling the man to his feet.
“But what about your duties?” He stammered as I linked my arm through his, a blush peppering his cheeks.
“I can’t find Hideyoshi to know what they are, and I could tell from how you were sat that you hadn’t moved in too long,” I snorted. Shin was barking excitedly and bounding ahead of us. “You can show me around the gardens, it’s too nice of a day to be spent hunting out Hideyoshi,” I smiled. “Plus he’ll probably come and find us if he can’t find you,” I added on.
As I predicted, it took about an hour or so, but the vassal was storming through the grounds and practically foaming at the mouth. We were in the middle of a discussion on battlefield strategies, when he dove between us, with an especially heated glared at me.
“I think I won that bet,” I smiled at Mitsunari, who was struggling not to laugh at his Lord’s actions. “You owe me a trip out to the teahouse.”
Shin came bouncing over and started to lick Toyotomi’s face vigorously. It startled the man, and I was struggling to remove the giant puppy from one of the most dangerous men in this era while giggling furiously.
“You haven’t been near any fruits, have you?” I asked, trying to keep my dog out of harm’s way.
“I came through the kitchens, they’ve probably had some in,” the vassal grumbled. “What are you two doing anyway?”
“I couldn’t find you, then I noticed Mitsunari in the library and it looked like he hadn’t moved for a while since there was dust settling around him, so I decided to bring him out for a walk and some fresh air. I then bet him a date to the teahouse that you would find out he’s missing and come out looking for us, while he said you wouldn’t,” I shrugged. “Anyway, did you want one of us for something?”
“Masamune has dinner ready, so I was looking for Mitsunari to make sure he ate something,” Hideyoshi frowned. “And knowing him, there’ll be enough for you as well.”
“Or I could just go and bother the kitchen staff, “I brushed off, “Let me know when you’re free Mitsunari,” I smiled, calling for Shin to follow me to the kitchens.
I was a little surprised to find that I was being summoned to a war council, and even more so to find out that they had realised I was able to help out Ieyasu in the medical department. Mitsunari announced my talents with such an innocent smile that I couldn’t even try to be mad at him. Though Nobunaga did then announce, I was also going as his good luck charm, to which my good mood vanished. I was merely a trophy to parade it seemed, I just had other uses, as well as I, gritted my teeth behind my neutral mask.
It was then another fight with Hideyoshi to not leave my dog behind.
“No, you’re not bringing it with us!” Toyotomi yelled as I appeared to leave.
“He’ll follow me,” I argued, folding my arms as everyone else looked on in amusement. “So he might as well be incorporated into the whole thing because this is exactly what he was trained to do is protect me on the battlefield from any of the enemy sneaking up on me in the middle of surgery!” I snapped, my voice getting progressively louder.
“If he’s just going to follow then you might as well just let her have her way,” Date chuckled as Oda smirked at the scene. I scoffed and ignored Nobunaga’s outstretched hand while mounting behind him on the horse.
I was glad to reach the designated spot and be able to busy myself away from the warlords. Well, I had to stay with Ieyasu, but we never spoke to each other, there just wasn’t a need unless it was to determine if something was missing from the medical kits. Hideyoshi was continually glaring at me, though Shin was doing as I had already predicted and just sat at my feet as we finished sorting out the medical tent that was also doubling up as my tent. At least if it didn’t look like there was anyone else in the camp, then it would make me less of an obvious target. I had to smile at my past memories of being on tour, and that I had thought fatigues were terrible. I had to keep myself prepped in a kimono here, I had been toying with the idea of designing my own outfit and heading for my preferred dress style of trousers, maybe even going for something similar to what Sasuke wore.
I turned my head at the sound of the tent flap lifting and smiled as it turned out to be Mitsunari.
“The battle starts at first light,” his serious tone made my smile dip a little. It was making me want to do anything to change his expression for some reason. “The scouts have already left, and Lord Nobunaga has decided that you are staying here at first with Ieyasu,” he explained.
“I’m sure Ieyasu isn’t pleased with that decision,” I commented.
“He did say he wasn’t here to play babysitter, but I get the feeling you can look after yourself,” he replied.
“I’m glad for the vote of confidence,” I patted his cheek. “Go and rest up, I’ll get something to eat and put this dope on guard duty,” I smiled, ruffling Shin’s fur as his ears perked up at the mention of food.
Seeing how enthusiastic the troops were on their return from the battle made me nostalgic in some ways. I had to admire the warlords for their leadership. In my experience, the generals would sit back and instruct the pawns, while these insane idiots would lead the charge. I was curious about how battle worked, but I was needed too much on the medical front to slip away for some views. Especially once Ieyasu told me he was leaving me in charge of the camp and mounted his own horse to go and join the fight. I was jealous in some aspect that I couldn’t do the same. I was dabbing at a sword wound to Nobunaga’s arm when Date was yelling and mounting his horse in a fury.
“Hold up!” Hideyoshi yelled, pulling on the reigns of the horse as we all emerged to the scene. Shin was sniffing the air in curiosity, and I wasn’t sure what was going on.
“My scouts are missing,” Masamune snapped. “I need to go and find them,” he growled as I was struggling to now restrain a very determined husky dog from leaping through the gates.
I fell face first onto the floor as Shin barked excitedly and dashed off quicker than I could react. I heard them shouting my name before I was hitched up by the obi onto Date’s horse as he thundered up to me. I was grateful that he didn’t turn around, instead of catching up to the dog in time for us to see two horses galloping towards us. Shin couldn’t contain himself and started yapping happily at the feet of the man I didn’t recognise. Sasuke was on the horse next to the unknown male, but there was definitely battle in his eyes.
Masamune was shocked as I pulled a short sword out from my sleeve and blocked his attack on the other male as the ninja stopped his Lord from doing the same.
“No wonder you took off without a second thought lass,” he muttered, though his glare was now on the snowy-white haired male astride the horse opposite. “What have you done with them?” He snapped.
“What are you talking about? You’ve taken ours,” the other male accused as I shared a look with Sasuke.
“Are you missing some scouts as well?” I asked, interrupting the inevitable from Date.
“Some ninjas,” the astrophysicist replied.
I dismounted the horse, much to Masamune’s displeasure, I had the feeling he was enjoying having me that close to him. I then managed to wrestle Shin back into my arms after a long battle, and some bribery as I pulled a few dog treats out from my obi.
“I have an idea,” I announced to the warlords. “Masamune, go and get some clothing that belongs to our missing scouts, Sasuke, if you could get the same from your missing ninjas,” I smiled. “I think Shin should be able to track them.”
This had always been a party trick at Azuchi, so Date looked surprised to see me effectively proposing a game at such a time.
“It’s not a game this time,” I promised. “I’ll wait here, with my dog and sword and you two go and fetch the things,” I smiled.
Sasuke had already left by the time I finished my sentence, and I gave Masamune a look as the other warlord dismounted his horse to get a closer look at my utterly inappropriate dog. It was a tense silence as Date galloped off, I had no idea who I was with, but Shin was obsessed with the man as the dog leapt from my arms and knocked him flat on the floor before licking his face enthusiastically.
“I am so sorry!” I gasped, trying to pull the husky off the warlord.
“What kind of wolf is this?” He grunted, finally sitting up as I managed to get Shin under my control.
“He’s not a wolf, he’s a dog,” I corrected him. “He normally hates people, so I don’t get why he’s so friendly with you,” I apologised as Shin started licking my face. “Yes, you’re a giant puppy and useless at times like this,” I snorted, fussing the dog a little roughly.
“Who are you anyway, and who brings a woman onto the battlefield?” The man frowned, eyeing me up and down.
“She’s their healer,” Sasuke interrupted. “And this is Lord Kenshin since I know he wouldn’t have introduced himself,” the ninja smiled and dismounted to put himself on our level.
He looked surprised as I bowed politely to the warlord while Masamune arrived back at double pace.
I collected all the scraps of fabric and got Shin’s attention with the last dog treat I had in my obi, ignoring the comments from Date about what I had hidden on my person. Then I bolted after him as he dashed through the forest. I left the men in the dust, I could keep track at first, but dogs have a much better stamina than humans as I made sure to keep track of the blips of white and the visible dog tracks that he left as he tore through the woods.
I was hoisted up again by the obi, though I was surprised to see it was Kenshin this time on his horse as I issued the directions of the fleeing dog. There wasn’t any need for further discussion as we practically fell over the husky who was loitering on the outskirts of a clearing. He knew how to stick to the shadows as we waited for Sasuke and Date to catch up. The missing ninjas and scouts were all tied up, while they had men guarding them.
“Kennyo’s men,” Masamune muttered from our hiding spot. “Natsuki, stay here,” he grumbled before dashing straight in for a fight.
Kenshin was following the mad man instantly before I shared a look with Sasuke, and I promptly ignored the one instruction I’d been given.
Most of the former monks were facing Kenshin and Masamune, as I took them out by the backs of their knees and ankles. I figured there was going to be a lot of questioning to be done, and it was impossible to ask the dead what the plan had been.
“Natsuki!” Date scolded me as I took out a man aiming for his head.
“I took your advice and ignored it,” I laughed, swinging my blade across the side of a man’s knee who thought I could be an easy target as Shin dragged him to the floor by his arm before I kicked him in the jaw to put him down for a nap.
“How are we getting them all back then?” I paused, looking at the underlings that were now all tied up as the ninjas and scouts were looking intrigued about the rescue party.
“Well, which camp are we taking them to is the best question,” Date replied, stiffly eyeing up Uesugi.
“I believe yours is closer than ours,” he formally replied. “The woman will ride with me,” Kenshin instructed.
“The woman has a name,” I sarcastically added on.
“Natsuki is an Oda Princess, she’s not about to ride with an enemy warlord,” Masamune argued.
“How about I ride with Kenshin, and Sasuke goes with you,” I interrupted. “Masamune will lead the way, and we will take up the rear.”
“I like it when you get bossy lass,” Date chuckled, and gave me a peck on the cheek before I could slap him away.
“It’s an appropriate compromise,” I stated and glared at the one-eyed dragon as the ninjas and scouts arranged themselves accordingly before I went to hoist myself onto Kenshin’s horse.
He surprised me as I was then sat firmly in his arms when I had gone to sit behind him. “I’d like to keep you where I can see you,” he firmly said.
“My short swords are up my sleeves,” I shrugged but offered no physical resistance as we set off. Shin was trotting along at the side of us, looking very proud of himself for some reason as I was pondering if I had any more treats in my tent.
“Natsuki!” Hideyoshi was already running up to us with a telling off of the century all prepared for me.
“What rule did I break that I wasn’t aware of this time?” I snapped as Kenshin helped me to dismount.
I paused as I got my first good look at the enemy warlord in some light, and I felt the camp held its breath along with me. Uesugi was wide-eyed while facing me.
“Natsuki, you look just like Kenshin,” Mitsunari broke the silent spell that had been woven.
Hideyoshi had me in a headlock, while Shin was now attacking his legs while I was struggling and trying to punch him where no male liked to be hurt. Mitsunari was pulling on his Lord as Kenshin had his arms around my waist. Nobunaga was stunned to see the chaos as Masamune was trying to figure out where to get involved, and Sasuke was trying to restrain my husky.
Uesugi wouldn’t let go of my waist as we all went flying in different directions. Shin was growling at Hideyoshi as the ninja had gotten him pinned to the floor finally while Mitsunari and Ieyasu had Toyotomi restrained with his arms held behind his back.
All of the Oda forces were staring at Kenshin and me with slack jaws.
“You really can’t tell me they aren’t related,” Hideyoshi growled.
“There’s a resemblance, yes, it doesn’t mean I’m a spy,” I snapped back, still trying to get out of Uesugi’s hold. “Since when have I done anything to warrant your hostility?”
“She’s had every opportunity Hideyoshi, and she’s done nothing but prove her worth,” Nobunaga gave a warning to his vassal. “Kenshin,” Oda’s tone made me freeze but caused the man holding me to look his enemy in the eye finally. “You had a sister that went missing a long time ago.”
“Natsuki,” he breathed, as my dreams flickered through my head. A young boy with the same mismatched eyes as mine, holding his hand out and telling me to come home while we were stood in a meadow under the moonlight. A slightly older version was scolding my stance as I picked up a short sword, and then correcting it diligently.
“I believe there is some catching up to be done by you both,” Nobunaga shrugged. “Until we leave the battlefield, then I believe there is an adequate amount of time to do so.”
“She’s an Uesugi Princess, she returns with me,” Kenshin corrected him as I came to my senses.
“I’ll go where I like thank you both,” I interrupted. “Now, seeing as both of you had soldiers captured by Kennyo, wouldn’t it be safe to say you both need to work together to get him before you two start arguing again?”
“I hate it when she has a point,” I heard Hideyoshi mutter under his breath.
Mitsunari couldn’t stop checking on Natsuki from a distance at the very least. She had been sat with Kenshin next to a fire all morning, just talking to him as the rest of the camp gathered itself together. There had been moments where it seemed that the soldiers were taking their time just to give the Princess some more time with her brother. In broad daylight, and seeing them next to each other, it was more than a little obvious.
“Mitsunari?” Hideyoshi frowned. “You’ve been watching them a lot.”
“I can’t figure out this feeling,” the vassal admitted to his Lord. “I don’t want to let her go anywhere. My chest feels heavy just to see her with another man in such close quarters.”
Toyotomi paused and hung his head. “That’s love, Mitsunari,” he smiled weakly at the silver-haired male before patting him on the shoulder.
Nobunaga was insistent that I ride back to Azuchi with him, and in his arms instead of behind him. He gave me a look that said I wasn’t going to persuade him otherwise, though it was just so I could sleep since I had been up most of the previous night. Shin was starting to lag behind, so one of the aides snuck him onto one of the carts carrying some of the medical supplies. He was tired since he didn’t try to get back off once, and instead just went to sleep as Oda tapped me on the nose and told me off for fighting sleep.
The Uesugi-Takeda forces would be arriving in Azuchi once they had regrouped and resupplied themselves at Echigo. And I was going to have a hectic time as the mediator.
War councils were officially my least favourite things. I had run out of sour candies to go with my sake, though unfortunately for my brother, I had found that pickled plums were nearly as good and the only adequate substitute so far. Both of us reached for the last one in the middle of one of Mitsunari’s reports, and then locked eyes.
“I’ll fight you for it,” I smirked.
I could hear the bets being placed as I parried off Kenshin’s single blade against my dual short swords. I ducked under his arms, but neither of us seemed to be getting the upper hand as I was going to sneak attack from Shin to get the advantage.
“Hey,” I frowned, leaning over to an empty bowl, and a very innocent looking husky. “Ugh, he had it,” I pouted, losing all interest now in the fight and sheathing my swords.
“If anyone thought you two weren’t related, then we should just refer to this moment in time,” Sasuke smiled.
He had spent a lot of time with me explaining the wormholes, I had fallen through one to get to the modern era, and they had been trying to ‘capture’ me for a while as dates and experiences were plotted on a map where I had been deployed to. Something had obviously decided I wasn’t where I needed to be to grow up safely, Kenshin hated the sound of the future when it had all been explained to him as well, but he said that he was glad I was safe after all this time even if it hadn’t been him who had been protecting me.
Kennyo had sent spies to Azuchi recently, though Shin had been very busy with me on patrols. He knew what scent to go after, and had me running to corner some of Kennyo’s followers up trees. The barking would alert the guards, and they’d bring plenty of rope. The dungeons were getting pretty full, and it was going to be soon that the former Abbott came to investigate.
I found it endearing that Mitsunari would like to accompany me on these patrols. He was constantly asking about where I grew up and seemed to understand the concept of wormholes a lot quicker than I did as I explained how I had arrived at Honno-Ji.
I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me just on the outskirts of the woods. It was so fiery and passionate, I couldn’t comprehend how the man could appear so composed with all of that going on underneath. He looked slightly embarrassed until I pulled the collar of his coat, so he was back on my level for a second one.
My short sword was out before we finished the kiss and stopping my brother from slicing Ishida in half. I gave Kenshin a judgemental look as Mitsunari was trying to establish what was going to happen next.
“Kennyo’s on the move, so I came to find you to tell you to pack,” Kenshin grumbled, glaring at Mitsunari as I started laughing. “And Oda agreed that you’re riding with me,” my brother glared.
“I’m not going anywhere until you turn around and stop threatening Mitsunari,” I argued, promptly turning my brother about to stop the warlord from getting distracted. “We deal with Kennyo first, then you can go back to murdering Nobunaga,” I grinned, enjoying the feeling of having a proper family for the first time in a long while.
“Nobunaga isn’t the one kissing you,” Kenshin shortly replied, hooking my arm through his and dragging me off as I waved and smiled broadly at the silver-haired angel who was struggling to keep up in the rampaging path that my brother was leaving.
Gossip was the only thing that moved quicker than my angry brother. The maids were all winking at me as we passed them, especially as Mitsunari came trailing after us as the castle was preparing to go to war. I was grinning like an idiot, and I knew it as I made sure I had everything I would need before going to see if Ieyasu needed any help with the medical supplies.
It was endearing me that Kenshin was acting in such an overprotective manner, it was a rivalry that only the vigour that Hideyoshi protected Nobunaga with could compete. Mitsunari would often end up staring at me as we travelled to the planned camp, and then I’d end up under a haori, or Kenshin would turn his horse around to fake needing to talk to Shingen or Sasuke. And it was blatantly obvious what was going on to the warlords around us. Once we set up camp, and light had broken, then it was a two prong attack on Kennyo with the objective of capturing him rather than killing, which did surprise me. Then again, I assumed the kitsune of the Oda forces would have some questions for the former Abbott. I was naturally to stay at the camp which I couldn’t resist doing an eye roll towards, which Masamune was laughing about while Hideyoshi was glaring at us both. Then Kenshin pointed out that I didn’t have any armour, Nobunaga didn’t appreciate the retort that it was only because I hadn’t been given any.
Shin had attached himself to my brother nearly as much as he was to me. When both of us were in separate places, it wasn’t that uncommon to have a husky running riot as he couldn’t decide who to try and ‘protect’ more. He whined as I had to practically push him out of the camp to go with Kenshin, though as soon as they shoved a rag with Kennyo’s smell on it, he bolted and the warlords followed on their horses.
It was mostly a waiting game until someone broke into the camp and set off the minimal guards that had been left.
“Princess!” Was my sole moment of warning before my swords locked into contact with a staff.
I wasn’t given any reprieve, and the man was trying to batter me into the ground using sheer force. I wasn’t as strong as he was, but I wasn’t as strong as any of the warlords. I was nimbler, and I was used to fighting against men who had the physical advantage. My trick was to use their own power and swings against them. It was my speciality to find the chinks in their armour as my dog came bounding through the campsite, barking his head off.
If I hadn’t been locked in battle and swinging one of my swords up to try and get Kennyo in the side, then I would likely have been laughing at the warlords’ expressions of disbelief. Instead, I was dodging the next blow that was aimed for my head as I swung myself out of the front line of his attack, and Shin finally joined in as the warlords made sure that Kennyo couldn’t escape the camp at any point before coming to my rescue.
“I think I need some training,” I grumbled as Ieyasu patched me up. My kimono was torn in more than a few places, and both Mitsunari and Kennyo were blocked the majority of anyone from seeing me, so I imagine that it looked indecent to them.
“I’m certain that you shouldn’t even be here,” Kenshin frowned. “Nevermind fighting off anyone like that,” he scoffed.
I was surprised to see Mitsunari wearing a similar expression to my brother as I glanced upwards. “Look, at least get me fitted for some armour if you’re going to insist on bringing me anywhere,” I argued. “And let me design something that’s easier to move about in then a kimono,” I grumbled bitterly.
“She’s got a point,” Ieyasu interrupted before either of them could say anymore. “She’s never been here by choice, and fighting is attracted to her, probably because of who she is. so get her outfitted properly and get her armoured and she’ll be able to protect herself, so no one else needs to do it for her.”
“I’m certain that Masamune would help me regardless of what either of you say,” I beamed brightly before I was promptly dragged back to the tent to get changed by Mitsunari while I laughed maniacally.
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toaquiprashippar · 6 years
always there
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I hope you guys like it, I decided to post it here since, I posted all my fanfics here, this is the first part, part II is coming and there’ll be a part III. Sorry for the angst, came from the heart. After long nights of me and @porrabett​ talking of how lyanna would watch over jon, it had to be written! Plus, I could never have written this without her! <3
She was always there
Jon could not remember a time where she was not in his dream, or even his nightmares.
He could never fully see her face, but he remember her smile, it was large and full of teeth. Like a she-wolf showing her grace, or a wild animal protecting her babes, watching them from afar.
When Jon was nothing but a child, he and Robb would prank the other children, pretending to be the dead Kings of Winter, rising to scare the others, down the crypts. He could never see anyone, but it was as if someone inhabited the shadows. But he was a brave little boy, and he would never tell such nonsense to his brother, it was enough being a bastard, let alone a mad one.
The night before he left for The Wall, he dreamt of her. He was lost in the crypts, when he heard her cries. It was sad and heartbreaking, a sound to make the Old Gods weep.
What is it, My Lady? What can I do help? He would ask her.
But she would not give him an answer.
She wept, still.
Surely, she could not be crying for him, the ghosts of Winterfell would not care for a bastard.
He could never see the face, but he could see her hair, wild and curly, hiding her tears, in the darkness she lived in.
His friendly ghost, his ghostly friend. At first, she scared him, but after years of her presence, her smell of winter roses had become comforting, a bit like home.
He would miss her at the Wall, so when he prayed at the Godswood, one last time; prayed for his family's safety, for his new life and for his friend to be there somehow.
For a long time, she was not.
He never saw her when he lost hope of finding his uncle, but he felt her presence, when he mourned him, all those cold nights at Castle Black.
He never saw her the night he swore his vows, but he dreamt of a Godswood with blue leaves, and it smelled of his distant friend: winter roses.
He never saw her in the crypts, the night he dreamt of his father, right after his demise; but he knew she was there, in the shadows.
He never saw her when he got the dreadful news of Robb and Lady Catelyn, and he wanted to kill and die. But he knew she was there, somehow, somewhere.
Winterfell, Bran, Rickon. Robb. He was so angry, his pack was dying, he did not know of his she-wolf of a sister, and Sansa was beyond his reach.
When the snows fall and white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
His pack was either slaughtered or scattered, so die the lone wolf did.
He did see her that night, though, the night he would finally see her face. The night his brothers ended his watch and his ears would hear her voice.
It was cold, but her embrace was nothing but warm.
He remembered everything.
“TRAITOR”, they called him. Yet, they were the ones who stabbed him.
“Oh, my poor boy, what did they do to you?” Her face was beautiful, defiant, yet soft. She reminded him of Arya, with her deep grey eyes. Eyes that mirrored his own.
“They killed me…I am dead, am I not?” He could not believe it. Dead. By the hands of his own brothers. His watch has ended.
“Aye. You are, but not for long.” Her voice was fierce, but sad. She was beautiful, and so familiar.
“Who are you? Are you my shadow friend?” He was asking, but somehow he knew the answer.
“I am.” She smiled. He knew that smile. Cause he had it himself.
“What do you mean ‘not for long’?” Death was permanent; he was supposed to meet his father, his brothers. Probably his little sister, Arya, too. Where were them? Did bastards have no right in the afterlife too? Was he all damned?
“You will soon find out, I promise you.” She smiled.
“Why am I at the crypts? I am not a Stark.” He could not understand how death brought him to the resting place of his Lord Father’s House. “The Kings of Winter do not wish me here, they told me so themselves, in dreams.” He could never forget those dreams, they haunted his memories and it felt like a joke from the Gods, as if Lord Stark’s ancestors hated his bastard as much as his wife did.
“Stark blood run through your veins, if you are here, mayhaps the Gods want you here.” Her soft voice assured him, her face was still sad.
“Are you a Stark?” Only the Starks were welcomed here.
“I am a memory, Jon. A friend. A protector. A guide.” She looked straight into his eyes; her eyes seemed to see right through him. It was unsettling.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me, Sweet Boy.” She turned to his Father statue, staring.
“I know your heart. You are not one easily scared; don’t fear a shadow that only wants to talk.” She looked aside, to smile at him. It was not a sad smile, for once.
“You were always good in scaring people around you, though. You and your brother, Robb. Scaring Sansa with your flour ghosts, playing with the boys and Arya, training with your sword around the castle. Did you ever imagine how often you would need to yield it, years later? How you would see real ghosts and even talk to ‘em at the same crypts you once hide yourself at? Oh, these Gods and their jokes…” The Lady turned to the other side, walking to another statue, his Uncle Brandon.
“You have always been near me, haven’t you, My Lady?” Jon wondered what it probably meant, but he would never say it aloud.
“I saw your oath, in front of that Godswood. I wept with the Gods.” She was crying now, he did not know what to do. But she just continued.
“I saw you giving up everything, getting on a horse, to follow Robb, the winds helped your friends to find you in time to stop you from being a deserter…I would like to think I was always very good in helping the winds.” He remembers that day, maybe if he had gone, Robb would still be alive…Or maybe he would have just died alongside his brother, at the Red Wedding.
“I saw you falling in love with a woman kissed by fire, not because you wanted to, but because you had to, but you did so anyway, but I also saw you losing her, and it breaking your heart, and I am sorry for it. I know all about a broken heart. Although mine have not beaten in decades, I did lose someone I held dear, and nothing made me sadder.” She touched his face, as Catelyn did when Robb was upset.
“I failed my brother. I failed Ygritte. I could have helped both, now they are both gone.” Jon whispered. They were alone, but saying it aloud made it hurt even harder. It just made his guilt even more real.
“No, my Sweetling. You did not. Their lives and journeys were theirs to live. Yours was elsewhere. You love so deep and so fiercely, Jon. That is why men follow you to the ends of the earth, you inspire their loyalty. No legitimacy gives someone that, it comes with their personality, and you have it more than anyone in Westeros.” Hearing this from the outside was like healing a wound that has been hurt in the open for a long time. She was always there, but she was not. She seemed to know everything, and still saw him as a good person, as worthy. Had he ever had that from anyone other than his few friends at the Night’s Watch? From his sister Arya?
Someone was calling to him, it was not the common tongue, but somehow, they both knew it was a summon, meant for Jon.
"You must go now; they are reaching out to you. You inspire admiration and respect, love from people, Jon. No one would ever give up on a person like yourself.  The mysterious woman was holding to him tight, like a she-wolf protecting her pup.
“Nor will I, I will stay in the shadows, but you can always find me.” Her words were comforting and sad, he could not imagine her not being there, but now, having talked to her, he could not imagine not talking to her or having her answer back. He feared what that meant.
“Why? Why won’t you leave, why won’t you give up on me?” He looked into her eyes.
“I don’t think you are ready to listen to this answer yet, Jon. Stop doubting yourself, go south, and get warm. Fight the wars they send your way, you are meant for greatness, you were never ordinary, you were promised.” She touched his face once more.
“I am a man of The Night’s Watch. I can’t fight any King’s War.” He was confused.
“They killed you. Your watch has ended. You can do as you please, and a Long Night approaches, men will need someone to guide them into it.” She still would not let go of him.
“Jon…Just don’t let her fly away.” Before he could answer, she was gone.
“Let who fly away, My Lady?” He asked, but she was no more.
Before he could react, there was light.
Pain was no longer, air filling his lungs, he could not gasp enough.
He was alive.
His watch has ended, but his life was not.
He was back in his old room, back home. After years away from Winterfell, he and Sansa were finally home.
He could not save Rickon, for as fast as he rode, Ramsay’s aim was better. He would always carry that with him. Had he listen to his sister, or mayhaps the Gods just wanted to claim Rickon for themselves, he could not save his baby brother. He now layed with Father and their ancestors.
Their home was once again under Stark protection. The North remembered but House Bolton would become nothing but a faded memory, they were calling that day The Battle of the Bastards. All Jon could remember was Rickon falling, him and his men killing their way into the Bolton army, almost drowning until he heard the song that would save them that day, Sansa and The Knights of The Vale...Running with all his rage and grief after that beast that almost broke his sister and killed his brother; his house that murdered Robb and Lady Catelyn. Wun Wun, the giant, giving his life to give them passage, Ramsay’s face against his bloody knuckles, it came in flashes, with all the pain that filled his lungs.
King in the North, they call me.
Jon remembered the days Robb was in his position, was he ever this overwhelmed? This burdened. Cersei Lannister had sent a letter, not a day prior, demanding them to bend the knee and accept her as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. He would do no such thing, The North was independent now, and he would continue to be so for no southerner cared for their cold and damp lands enough to deserve his knee bent. Tohrren Stark bent his knee to protect his people from Aegon Targaryen, his sisters and his Dragons. Cersei Lannister was no Targaryen and she would know no recognition or love from his people, nor would he show it.
They had been searching for answers; any clues that could help them fight the Walkers, anything that could give them an advantage. How can you fight the Dead? How can you beat the last enemy, the one we shall all meet one day? But they were no ordinary dead, they had been risen by The Night King and stripped off their memories, wishes and any humanity they ever had. They were nothing but vessels of dead and destruction.
Sam had been at the Citadel for months now, studying and looking for anything that could help them, and he had discovered a keep of Dragonglass, hiding under Dragonstone. How would they reach it?
He could not forget the dream he had the night before the raven deliver his friend’s letter. Jon woke up in sweat, looking for his direwolf, only to find him exactly where his dream had shown him.
It was not the first time Ghost’s eyes had been his own, wolf dreams, as Old Nan would say. He didn’t think of himself as a warg, for he could not warg himself into his direwolf whenever he wanted, it was more like a connection they had, called upon whenever needed. That night…It seemed needed.
She was in his chambers, looking upon him. A beautiful, but sad Lady. He knew her, he had seen her before. Her eyes were anything but strange, yet he could not remember where he knew it from. But her face? It felt like a distant memory, one he barely had.
Her presence, though, had been constant all his life. His shadow friend.
When was the last time he had seen her?
He felt her the night before the Battle, her smell was there, at his tend. He felt that same scent when they buried Rickon and Sansa was holding his hand so tightly, she could have broken it.
She turned her back and ran outside. He ran to her, she was fast, he felt his paws heavy and fast, but never fast enough. It was dark outside, and instead of the cold of the snow they fell, it felt warm. Instead of the horses outside or the sounds of the night, his wolf ears heard waves, and saw light.
Winterfell was far from White Harbor, far from Eastwatch by the Sea, no ocean for miles and miles at all directions, yet, the sounds danced in his ears.  
The Lady ran as no human should, let alone a frail looking woman, but Ghost could not reach her. When they reached the Godswood, he was not Ghost anymore, and it was not the North, but the entrance to a cave. His friend was no more, but a shorter woman: long, braided blonde, almost white haired woman. She was dressed in a black dress, with black trousers beneath. He could see she wore a silver chain crossing her chest, and a long fabric in her shoulder. Her chain sparkled in the light of the sun that burned bright in that strange place, just like the stones he could see everywhere in the cave. Chunks of sparkle, if he did not know they were on the floor, he would say she was standing in the sky. She entered the cave, he looked behind him, and he could only see the beach and the stones surrounding him. He followed the woman, but before he could reach her, his friend was behind him, holding him back.
Welcome home, Jon.
The very next day, Sam’s letter arrive, and the news of Dragonstone mountain of Dragonglass. He would not tell anyone about his dream, but it scared him. He did not know who the silver haired Lady was, nor why his ghost friend called it home, but sounded like his shadow friend was more than a shadow and more like a friend.
Jon just prayed for the Old Gods that Sam would find something else, a stronger weapon, a game changer. The winds were getting colder and winter was here, their time was running out.
If dreaming about Dragonglass and receiving Sam’s letter about it the very next day was not strange enough; Jon received another raven, this time from Dragonstone, by Tyrion Lannister, asking him to come to the ancient castle; the same place said Dragonglass was located at; to bend the knee to none other than Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of three full-grown dragons, with enough fire to change the course of the War and help them beat the Night King and his army. The Lords of The North were not pleased, but they had not chosen him to please them, but to save them.
Sansa was livid, but he was doing it for her too. She would be happier to stay alive. He truly understood where her feelings came from, his sister walked through all seven kinds of hell, and she feared having to suffer it all again, but he would protect her. While she feared the living, he knew the real who was the real enemy now: the dead. If going to Dragonstone would help them defeat them, he would gladly go. That he did, and leaving her as Lady of Winterfell, no one would be a better judge of character of what their home needed.
There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.
King or not, he was a bastard. She was always the only Stark there anyway. She would do well, while he got them as much Dragonglass and support as he possibly could.
For all the days they travelled from White Harbor to Dragonstone, he did not have remember having a single dream, but he always slept to the smell of the sea and winter roses, and the words “don’t let her fly away” were the first thing on his mind every morning, like the wind whispered to him with the break of dawn.
A curious thought and scenery, indeed.
The moment he set foot in Dragonstone; Tyrion Lannister, an old friend, greeted him. He hoped no one would see the astonishment in his face. He had been here before. He knew this place; his shadow friend brought him here that night. He knew that cave must be somewhere near this very shore, the stones were same and the beach had the same dark blue. It was all too similar.
How could Jon Snow dream of Dragonstone, when he had never left The North?
Welcome home, Jon.
He remembered those words, they were distant but he could still hear her voice. Her northern voice in such a southerner land.
He was taken to meet the Queen. Their Dragon Queen. They said she had three dragons. He prayed she really did, for they were ones that could save them all.
She was infuriating, that woman.
She expected him to bend the knee for some blood right when his own father had fought to over throne him. He would not.
He had heard of her beauty, of her strength, of her youth; never of her ignorance. She claimed herself Queen of The Seven Kingdoms, how could she let her people die, just because she believed her claim to the Iron Throne was more important than protect this very kingdom against the Army of the Dead?
Would it really be fair to expect anyone to believe him this fast, though? White Walkers were nothing but horror stories to scare little children and if he had not seen it for himself, would he ever believe anyone who told him about it?
Maybe his sister was right, he was wrong to come. It was as Tyrion had said earlier that day, “Stark men don’t fare well when they travel south”. He should be at home, helping the men and women prepare for the Great War; but the same man also asked him to be reasonable and give him time to speak to Daenerys about him mining Dragonglass and taking it North with him, so mayhaps it was not all for nothing.
Would he dream of that place for no reason? Daenerys was a Targaryen, she had valyrian traits, such as silver blond hair and lilac eyes; he could not see the woman’s eyes, but he was trying hard to ignore the similarities to the Queen’s hair to the woman’s standing in his dream.
However, he was not doing a good job.
You better get to work, Jon Snow
Somehow, Tyrion Lannister proved himself a real good politician and did well on his word. Daenerys gave him permission to mine the Dragonglass.
Her dragons were something out of his childhood dreams or the bedtime histories Old Nan would tell him and Robb. Arya would certainly love the sight of them. They were beasts, gigantic and gorgeous beasts. She watched them, as a mother watched their children, and he could see her as The Mother of Dragons, would she ever want to mother a child? Had she? Maester Aemon should be here, to see his niece and her dragons; somehow, Jon thought he probably was.
She was not the hard, incorrigible, hostile Queen she had been when they first met. Could he blame her for being so? After being through all she told him, would he not act the same towards anyone who could be a possible threat? The world was not a kind, forgiving place to anyone, especially women; his sister Sansa was a living proof of that. But did she have to be so stubborn? Yet, here, with no one around, but her flying sons, she seemed guarded but curious, but especially frustrated. It seemed to be the mood of the island that day. Frustrated or not, he would have the Dragonglass, and he still had time to convince Daenerys to help his cause, their lives depended on it.
Maybe travelling South would be of help, they say dreams are a warning.
I had been warned.
- end of part I - 
so? I hope you guys liked it! I hope to post parts II and III soon, I know part II is ready and III almost done.
You can also find it on AO3. <3
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
On this profile, we’ll learn more about Tagan, also known in our pack as ThiamFresh or CaptainMintyFresh. The author of Airplanes, Sweet Talking, and a plethora of other Thiam prompts and stories, Tagan shares bits about her life, her writing process, her ideal road trip buddy, and her tips for creating tension-filled relationships.
Hi, Tagan! Let’s start off simple. Using a sentence, where the word count is either equal to or less than the number of letters in your two favorite Teen Wolf characters’ name, tell us about yourself. 
Theo Raeken + Derek Hale = 19: I’m Tagan. Love to write and act. I have a terrible sense of humour. Generally an accident prone mess. 
Talking about Teen Wolf characters, which five characters would be on your Ultimate Paintball/Laser Tag team and why? 
Theo, Malia, Allison, Liam, Stiles. Right, so I want Theo because like boy’s a master tactician/manipulator and he’s ruthless. Boy would 100% shoot 10 year olds to win and that’s the kind of person I want on my paintball team. Malia, again, she would have no qualms about just decimating the other team. Allison because she is an amazing shot; her role would be stealthing her way through the field to take people out/sniping everyone else while the ‘ground team’ does the closer stuff. Liam because he’s athletic and competitive. Stiles because he’s good at coming up with plans, plus...you know..he’d be really good bait for the other team.
Omg he would be! Now, before those characters blessed us with their existence, we found love and OTPs in other ones. What would you say were your first ships, way back in the day?
I’m not sure if this counts but Ant and Dec? I thought they were married but if not, then Monica and Chandler or Spike and Buffy. The first fanfiction I read was for Dramione.
And, how did you land in the Thiam Family? What about Theo x Liam drew you in?
I really liked their scenes in 6A (And some of the scenes in 5 but honestly, I hated five as a whole and watched it out of duty more than anything so I just didn’t have the enthusiasm to get into a ship.) Theo was the first bit of 6A that i actually really liked and a lot of that was just down to his sass and a lot of it was directed at Liam. And then the car key scene had me cackling with laughter. There scenes were just..fun in a way the rest of the season lacked, at least to me. So I was pretty invested in their whole dynamic and then there was ‘Being the bait’ and ‘do you know how to ride a horse’ and I was pretty sold. I went to search for Thiam content then but didn’t find any so just went back to writing the fics for other fandoms I was doing then and didn’t really mind.
But then 6B came out and the second I saw Theo on screen I was thinking “wow i can’t wait for him to see Liam and realised I was a bit more sold on them than I had planned to be and so I searched the tag again and went onto AO3 and read the few fics there but there really weren’t many. 
I’d gotten stuck on all the fics I was doing for other fandoms and so put up a request for prompts and Thiamkey gave me a bunch of headcanons and prompts and then people seemed to like them and started sending them in and then I just...talked to people and they were all lovely and we had all this amazing content coming out every week from the show and more people climbed aboard the ship. More fics being written, more prompts being sent.
Honestly, i just wanted to dip my toe in the water, write a fic or two while I waited for other people to write their own but then i suddenly found myself up to my neck in Thiam and not regretting a second of it.
Let’s jump into writing. Before we dive into the Thiam pool, if your writing process was a person, describe him or her. What does he or she do? Wear? Listen to?
My writing process as a person would probably be a toddler in a room full of toys but instead of playing with them, she just hiding under furniture and has five different conversations with five different imaginary friends at one time. She’s messy, with chocolate ice cream smeared over her face and her hair tangled into nots. She has no real idea about what’s happening but is excited none-the-less. Will have constant tantrums and cry then be excitedly squealing in the next second. ACDC would be playing in the background.
And your writing Kryptonite? How do you fight it?
Procrastination. I’m really bad at focusing on any one thing. Like, if i’m watching a new episode of a show, I’ll play solitaire in the corner of the screen because otherwise, I’m too unfocused to be focused. If that makes any sense. So when I’m writing I have to have a conversation open with someone or have just done a puzzle or something that’s fried my brain a bit so I can focus on writing, but I often end up getting too focused on the other thing and not getting any writing done.
As for how to fight it, I honestly have no idea? I just kinda flit around and hope for the best.
Well, clearly it works for you, so cheers! Do you write novels or short stories about original characters, as well? If so, can you share one you’re particularly passionate about?
Yes i dooo :) I write books. So I’ve written three so far and have like 12 in the works. (There’s a YA series in there which is why there’s so many) um..I’m not sure what i’m particularly proud of so i’m just pasting the first scene I found in my emails which is a scene from a zombie book I wrote called Autumn
Autumn Excerpt:
Sometimes I could forget, for a moment. When the sun was high in the sky and we were strolling through an open field. Weapons held loose in hand, rucksacks tossed over single shoulders. When we were throwing a bottle of water between us, talking about now pointless things, sharing stories and silly jokes. Laughs etched onto our faces as we'd forget all about it. About the past months and the horror we've seen, the people we've lost.
But then a stray would stumble into the field or we’d hear a distant scream and it would come rushing back. Hands quickly going back to locked tightly arrowed our weapons, smiles slipping from our faces.There were also times I couldn't forget, not even for a second. When we lay on rough roof tops, looking up at the dark sky willing to sleep, to get lost in a dream but I could hear it, the scratching of nails against brick, the snap of teeth hitting together and the low, guttural moans. At these times I’d think, this will be the last sound I ever hear. The huffing of the dead, the wet slapping and slurping as they tore and chewed on flesh.
On these nights I’d try to comfort myself, Say that that nightmare sound wouldn't be what I heard, I prayed for a gunshot, dreamed of that rather than the sounds bellow me. Because, these days, you go out one of two ways and a gunshot was everyone's silver lining.
When you mentioned YA series, my back straightened haha. What’s the title of your series? A synopsis for what it’d be about?
Oh god, so the longest one I have to find a new title to because it’s called Gifted and is about people with superpowers and now there’s that The Gifted show out about people with powers so that’s a bit awkward.
Me and my friend wrote a webseries when we were like 14/15 and although we only filmed a tiny bit of it, we actually had the whole thing planned out. Three seasons, 40 episodes and when we stopped working on it I was like “dude can i turn this into a book series?” and he was like “Yeah go ahead.” So I started writing a bit of it.
Gifted follows the story of three childhood friends as they get powers and deal with all the usual coming of age stuff while getting caught up with other people with powers. The first book will be done in alternating POV between the three friends, but that will slowly expand to incorporate the more important characters met along the way.
There’s lots of whump, teenagers dealing with depression and PTSD.  Basically i tried to write a new fairly light hearted story about kids coming of age and dealing with typical super power problems, but then accidentally put them through the ringer and turned it into a mass of character study and angst.
Final question before the barrage of Thiam questions lol. Characters often find themselves in situations they aren’t sure they can get themselves out of. When was the last time you were in a place like that and what did you do? 
The last time I found myself in a situation I couldn’t get out of was this summer and I cried a lot and then made scathing jokes to the reasons I couldn’t get out of the situation with a sunny smile that left the situations unaware that I was trying to figure out how to word a letter that told the situations they need never situate themselves anywhere near me ever again. (I have yet to send those letters.)
Wow, yeah, I’ve been there before. I hope you find the strength/courage to send those letters one day. Since we’re talking about personal experiences, would you say that any of your life has poured over into your Thiam writing?
The only one I can currently think of is the scene in Sweet Talking where Theo’s tired and listening to Liam, Mason and Corey hang out and thinking about how he’ll never really fit in.
My brother had a bunch of friends round before I wrote that chapter, or at least that part of that chapter. I moved away from my home town/all my friends (there’s literally 1 friend but whatever) 3 years ago and haven’t made any friends since. My brother keeps telling me his friends can be my friends but I‘m always the odd man out and it’s just really lonely so I was definitely channeling some inner loneliness into that.
Let’s say you could escape it all and venture on a major Airplanes-esque road trip. Who would you take (real or fictional)? Where would you go? And what is one shenanigan the two of you would run into?
The Queen. I just think it’d be really funny, not to mention you could get in like everywhere for free.
Honestly I think if the queen wasn’t available, I’d want to go with @thiamfanartlove. We’ve only been talking a little while, but we get on really well and I feel like we’d be equally ready to do a bunch of dumb stuff on our journey. I’d want to go around Europe. Hit up @thiamkey on the way and a few other people. 
We would 100% get into a fight at some point because neither of us have any chill. Like, someone would insult one of us and the other would just be down to fight and then it would turn into an all out brawl with us against the world. (We would lose, but it’d be a good story, at least.)
Truth. And one story we’d demand all the details on. You’ve talked a lot about some trivia, inspirations and spoilers for Airplanes in your livestream, which are linked here. So, my questions to you are more about the technique side of your writing, since it’s always amazing to learn from you all.  
You incorporate great character studies into your stories. What would you say are some tricks you use to portray what your characters are thinking?
I think, just finding a way to resonate with the character you’re writing. Even if it’s a character you think you have nothing in common with, I promise you somewhere there’s a memory you have that fits something they’ve felt. 
Liam’s POV was really weird to me at the start of airplanes so I chose to focus on something I could personally understand. Which was the need for freedom but anxiety at what it might cost the other people if you take it and that..kind of self hatred for the anger issues and wishing everything could change. You find a common thread and write that and soon enough you find yourself understanding the character, even in situations or with feelings you’ve never personally been affected by.
I don’t know if that makes any sense? But basically yeah, find common ground and that one scene you can write and then work from there.
And, the tension between your characters. How do you build that tension when it comes to relationships to avoid the instalove phenomenon?
ANGST! I dunno, the easiest way for me to slow down the instalove is the characters being more preoccupied with other stuff than their love lives. I think just..keeping it as real as possible. In my personal experience, love at first sight is rare. You can’t fall in love with someone until you know them so a lot of it is just..giving the characters these little moments that bring them closer together, making them have those conversations that you’d have with your best friend and just slowly drawing closer and closer together as you get more comfortable. Especially in Airplanes when it first starts Liam’s in a pretty bad place mentally. He’s really drained and feeling the weight of everything he’s been through so his mind was just so far away from romance that it seemed wrong to have him noticing any feelings for Theo until he was a bit happier and had healed a bit. Not to mention all the baggage the two have.
Having a character go through that process of questioning their sexuality is fun as well. I mean, Liam so far in canon has been written as straight and that’s a lot of fun to play with because you have that whole realisation process where he has to figure out that what he feels for Theo isn’t entirely platonic and that it’s different from how he feels about Mason or any of the other guys in the show and that can be a really challenging thing to do. Not even in the ‘Oh coming out is scary’ way just in the heteronormative straight until proven otherwise sort of way.
I mean i’m Bi and that took me like...21 years to realise? And it wasn’t that I didn’t have little crushes on girls before it was just I’d never noticed them for what they were. For me the only reason it clicked was because I realised I was Asexual and that my ‘well I don’t want to bone a girl so I’m not gay’ was kinda pointless thing when I realised that I didn’t even want to bone guys. It was just what was expected. Once I took that away and sat down and thought about it, it was suddenly very clear to me. But most characters won’t have that specific nudge so it can be a fairly long road.
Just, to stop instalove think about what they’re going through, think about how you fall in love because the realisation may be instant but the build up is usually gradual. You notice it in one dumb moment but to actually get there, you have a long list of bits where you get to know the other person and you deal with your own personal issues and stuff.
For building tension, it’s again just building up that relationship. You start off small with touches that make the heart speed up before they’re more comfortable and grow closer. Honestly, the best way is just to focus on the friendship first and the romantic relationship second because then you get the familiarity and that’s when you can start having your characters realise there’s something else there and that suddenly makes all these little touches a lot more terrifying and confusing as they try to figure out what it means. 
That’s perfect though. And the gritty realization that most people have about those they’ve fallen in love with since they’ve usually gotten close to that person by that point is terrifying and emotional, so I can now see where that tension comes from! Anything else you’d like to say, in general. The floor is all yours.
Umm okay. I am always accepting prompts but it willlllll take me a while to get to them because i have quite a few and don’t really go chronologically but more where the inspiration hits and sometimes, like with airplanes, that’s my own story rather than a prompt but my ask box is always always open for more prompts.
Upcoming works, I have no idea. Right now, I just want to finish airplanes and then see where I go after that. I do want to play around in the airplanes universe a little bit more after the fic is done with, delving into Theo’s POV for some of the missing scenes and I also might do a short pack scene where you have everyone realise Theo and Liam are gone in the morning in Idaho.
The reason I like sharing my work is because I like the idea that maybe I can help someone and maybe that sounds dumb--but to me--reading is a major escapism technique. I used it a lot when I was younger and this fic and the comments I’ve gotten have just made me so insanely happy because it seems like, maybe for a few people, I’ve reached my goal in helping someone through a bad day or to relax and just forget their worries for a while. And that’s the whole reason I like writing and that’s the first time I’ve ever really felt that and I literally cried when someone told me my updates helped their shitty week before because...that’s the whole reason I want to get into writing or acting as a career and to see I’d achieved that goal was just awesome.
If you’ve sent me a nice message on tumblr and I haven’t replied, it’s not because I didn’t read it or I don’t like it or whatever you might think. It’s because i’m a hoarder and now have a folder wth screen shots of all the nice messages in it, so that I can look at them when I’m having a nice day.
Really, I just want to say that I see everything you guys send or make or comment and I appreciate every single one and just thank you. Life’s been tough for me lately but getting to write for a fandom as accepting and kind as this one is really really amazing and your messages have picked me up when I’ve felt worthless so many times. Just keep being awesome Thiam fandom! And thank you for being so welcoming and supportive of everyone that joins.
Aww thank you! We’re so happy to have you in our fandom and to have Airplanes, your prompts, and other stories. I, and others have shared the same sentiment, agree with you that this fandom is amazing and so supportive of one another that it almost seems surreal! So, go us, lovely pack! 
To finish us off, what’s next for you? Both in life and in the writing world?
For life, I’m hoping to get some acting roles for student films and stuff. Get myself a laptop so I can write more and a camera (eventually) so I can film the scripts I’ve wrote. I also want to send some of my books to publishers and generally try to make a life for myself out of the two things I love doing.
I have a bunch of books I’m working on and I really want to finish writing my YA series because it seems like it could be quite fun once I get a bit more into it.
With that, BTS presents ThiamFresh to you! As always, you can keep the conversation going; respond to any of her thoughts, ask more questions, send a prompt, or simply swing by for a chat with Tagan anytime. To dive into her works, check out both her AO3 and Tumblr. 
Tumblr: thiamfresh
AO3: captainmintyfresh
Ask Box: thiamfresh ask
A huge thank you to Tagan for being so open to answering our questions and sharing her tips on character stories and building tension. 
Some great news, for everyone who enjoys this series, we’ve decided to run Behind the Screens every Thursday. And, we’d love your help in doing it! 
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over, from any platform (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, Instagram, FFN, etc). Please send us their names. Bonus points if you include any questions you’re dying to ask them. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
Hasta Luego!
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newmusicmonthly · 3 years
Hello. I hope you and yours are well. As is tradition, below are my selections for albums and songs of the year. As I have yet to receive a reply from you, dear reader, sincerely asking to unsubscribe, you are therefore the proud recipient of the list once more! I’ve altered the format from 5 tracks each month because, as I suspect many of you did, I went into a nostalgic hole for large chunks of this year (for me this consisted of at least two months of nothing but Funkadelic, which does mean my personalised algorithm is now ace), but also when I looked back at when many of these tracks were released it was front heavy for the first half of the year – another body blow to the supposed “monthly” mailer. I even considered not writing my one-liners, but where is the fun in that? Furthermore, trying to keep the long list to 60 tracks in total (equivalent to 5 per month) proved overly frustrating, so I’ve included some extras, especially as this year felt 13 month long. Notwithstanding said excuses, enough preamble, on with the list! Let me know what you think and do send me your own selections. Lots of love xx TOP 10s TOP 10 ALBUMS Baxter Dury – The Night Chancers Mildlife – Automatic SAULT – Untitled (Black Is) Alice Boman – Dream On Kanaan – Odense Sessions Lightning Orchestra – Source And Deliver Yves Tumor – Heaven To A Tortured Mind The Strokes – The New Abnormal Woods – Strange to Explain Erland Cooper – Hether Blether TOP 10 TRACKS Malena Zavala – En la Noche Caribou – You & I Yves Tumor – Kerosene! Puscifer – Apocalyptical Mildlife – Automatic King Hannah – Meal Deal SAULT – Wildfires // Bow [yes, there are two tracks there] Kanaan – Urgent Excursions To the Tundrasphere Frazey Ford – Golden Jessie Ware – What’s Your Pleasure? NEW MUSIC ‘MONTHLY’ MAILER Spotify Link Here Holy Fuck – Near Mint What better way to kick off a retrospective look at 2020 than with ‘Holy Fuck’ Alice Boman – It’s OK, It’s Alright Really love this album and this pick is a real downer, spectral and haunting but also touching Smoke Fairies – Out Of The Woods Jessica and Katherine still delivering a decade on, the chorus guitar riff is tops Nicolas Godin – The Border Air’s Nicolas Godin doing his best detached friendly robot, mais bien sur Moses Boyd – BTB Vibrant, propulsive, energetic, gotta move! The Men – Wading In Dirty Water Avid readers will know I’m a fan of these guys and this one rides a familiar Crazy Horse choogle Tame Impala – Breathe Deeper Funky bass, piano flourishes, solid synths, all groove Kanaan – Urgent Excursions To the Tundrasphere Ok, here it is, there’s always going to be at least one – this is the 14 min space rock jam – skip/enjoy! Frazey Ford – Golden This production is right up my street, soulful vocals swoop around tight rhythm section and hammond keys, an analogue dream Caribou – You and I From the analogue to a digital master, man this beat is catchy Pulled By Magnets – Cold Regime People Die File this under terrifying experimental jazz Jonathan Wilson – Riding The Blinds JW doing that 6/8 minor ballad thang Baxter Dury – Say Nothing Another album I loved this year and could have picked any number of tracks, so here’s a quote from Baxter: “My craft and in a sense a certain style has been perfected and it’s easy… I don’t have to do it again basically. I don’t want to hear another man talking over an orchestral background.” Ha! U.S. Girls – 4 American Dollars Slick funky, soulful, classic strings, building into a brilliant outro with great lyrics Deeper – Lake Song Detached vibe ala Joy Division / The Cure done through a Pavement lens with serious downer lyrics Pretty Lightning – Voo Doo Boo Swampy dirge guitar grooves Tamikrest – Anha Achal Wad Namda Another mailer favourite, Touareg guitar wizards Tony Allen, Hugh Masekela – Never (Lagos Never Gonna Be the Same) Master drummer who sadly passed away earlier this year just after this release, and two years after master trumpeter Masekela’s own passing, this track is a buzzing tribute to Fela Myrkur – House Carpenter Danish black metaller does Scandinavian folk: bright and beautiful Sufjan Stevens, Lowell Brams – The Runaround A weird album, even by Sufjan standards, but I found these electronic ambient sounds strangely comforting R.A.P. Ferreira – ABSOLUTES Rhythm & poetry The Weeknd – Blinding Lights What can I add to the smash of 2020? Catchy af Porridge Radio – Long Indie banger, with a decidedly angry, bitter, playful lyrics Cleo Sol – Her Light If online research is to be believed Cleo is part of the collective in SAULT with producer Inflo, but this album is standalone brilliance without knowing that, this is pure vintage soul vibes Malena Zavala – En la Noche I returned to this track more than any other this year, the rhythm, the vocals, the melody, the production, even if I have to use google translate to fully understand the lyrics Tom Misch, Yussef Dayes – Lift Off Molten guitar, groovy arrangements, and plenty of business from Dayes Yves Tumor – Kerosene! An absolute belter, amazing vocals, groove and crescendo perfection Warm Digits, The Orielles – Shake The Wheels Off (feat. The Orielles) Immediate synth pop, indie dancefloor (with some solid cowbell) EOB – Brasil First solo venture for Ed, acoustic folk gives way to rumbling bass banger, would very much like to experience this in a field Other Lives – Hey Hey I Grand rocking orchestral aural assault with hints of Morricone Elephant Tree – Sails Fulfilling the heavy dirge quota, that hit at 2:33 is a proper head in the speakers moment The Strokes – Why Are Sundays So Depressing This album snuck up on me, and then I found myself listening to it non-stop, this track such an ear worm Houses of Heaven – In Soft Confusion I think the right descriptor is darkwave – insistent drum machine, reverb soaked vocals, industrial production, gloomy pop hooks Joel Sarakula – Don’t Give Up on Me Operating in a dangerous space between homage and pastiche, groove and parody, this is smooth easy yacht rock Donny Benét – Second Dinner Following hot on the heels of pastiche, this time with tongue firmly in cheek, The Don and his 80s reverence lolz Perfume Genius – Whole Life Completely arresting, the lyrics an absolute gut punch, yet still gorgeous Jake Blount – Beyond This Wall From the press release, this album “features fourteen carefully chosen tracks drawn from Blount’s extensive research of Black and Indigenous mountain music. The result is an unprecedented testament to the voices paradoxically obscured yet profoundly ingrained into the Appalachian tradition” – this contemporary instrumental is a superb banjo and fiddle tune Holy Hive – Broom Formed by the drummer from the Dap Tones and inspired by being on tour with Lee Fields, this gentle soul, complete with tremolo guitar and horns, really floats Woods – Where Do You Go When You Dream A welcome return to form, this mellotron infused number is beautifully catchy Erland Cooper – Linga Holm Dramatic piano and strings from an altogether wild and wonderful album Mystery Jets – Screwdriver Loud / quiet dynamic, bombastic riffs, seething verses, the Jets turn it up to eleven to fight with love Jehnny Beth – Flower Another track where hushed verses give way to chorus explosions, serious tension and intensity Hinds – Good Bad Times Love that thudding bass drum, big stomping pop Norah Jones – Were You Watching? Smooth but haunting, with added Celtic flavour Braids – Young Buck Bleeps and bloops, melancholic poppy vocals, and the damnedest catchiest chorus Jessie Ware – What’s Your Pleasure? Is it getting hot in here? No further questions LA Priest – What Moves Quirky strutting electro, sleek yet squelchy SAULT – Wildfires + SAULT, Michael Kiwanuka – Bow Double billing because I couldn’t make a choice (plus when I realised the rhythms flow perfectly into one another it’s like it’s one song) Run The Jewels – a few words for the firing squad (radiation) Again, difficult to choose which track on this album; this is pure fire with sax and all GUM – The Thrill Of Doing It Right Turn this feel good banger up! Such a big hit when the horns drop at the start The Vacant Lots - Fracture Catchy, icy, synths (and Desert Sands label mates by the by) A.A. Williams – Melt Enchanting slow-burning, stirring post-rock, with a wonderful, soaring crescendo Lightning Orchestra – For Those Who Are Yet To Be Born A late discovery, but immediately catapulted to the top, self-described “psychedelic booty-shake” Kamaal Williams – Save Me Almost chose ‘Pigalle’ but the tight push drumming on this won out, hard funky jazz stylings of the Herbie variety Victoria Monét – Dive Lavish and groovy, and as Monét puts it: “They say most humans are about 60% water, but I believe women must be 69% so dive in baby." Secret Machines – Talos’ Corpse Genuinely so happy to see Brandon and Josh back and still with the big sounds All Them Witches – Enemy of My Enemy Relentlessly heavy, all the chops and described by one reviewer as the love child of TOOL, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Kyuss; I love this band Fenne Lily – Birthday Beautiful and bruised Mildlife – Automatic Another new discovery, in the pocket cosmic goodness and much as it pains me to quote from NME I can’t think of a better description than ‘Mobius strip funk’ Puscifer – Apocalyptical Maynard in the video for this track is an indelible image; massive swaggering Intruder-esque drums, angular menacing guitars, Carina’s ethereal edgy vocals, Maynard’s gritted teeth whispers, and apposite apocalyptical lyrics Matt Berninger – Loved So Little Confessional moody acoustic conjuring up Western-esque vistas Goldensuns – Denandra Moore Californian sun-drenched lo-fi groove, for fans of Conan Mockasin and Night Moves Frankie and the Witch Fingers – Cavehead F*cking excellent west coast garage psych melange and the B,D,E ascend at 3:10 is nod central King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – The Hungry Wolf Of Fate Genre bending brilliance once again from down under, this cut a heavy, doomy Sabbath assault King Hannah – Meal Deal Ominous drone opens into an acoustic tale of buying a flat with a spider in the bath, Hannah’s sinister smoky sultry vocals draw you in, before some menacing low frequency dirge guitar and drums kick in at 1:30… By this point on first listen I was already hooked, but then comes a great walloping Angel Olsen ‘Sister’ style crescendo, a glorious find at the end of the year (props to Manuel) HONOURABLE MENTIONS Elephant Stone – I See You Sam Lee, Elizabeth Frazer – The Moon Shines Bright Priscilla Ermel – Martim Pescador Rheinzand – Blind Dogleg – Fox The Flaming Lips, Deap Lips – Home Thru Hell The Heliocentrics – Hanging By A Thread Midwife – 2018 Chicano Batman – Color My life Trace Mountains – Rock & Roll Peach Pit – Shampoo Bottles Buscabulla – Vámono Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever – Cars In Space Jess Williamson – Wind on Tin Thiago Nassif, Arto Lindsay – Plástico The Vacant Lots – Endless Rain Nubya Garcia – Stand With Each Other (Feat. Ms MAURICE, Cassie Kinoshi, & Richie Seivwright) Juanita Stein – L.O.T.F. Carlton Melton – Waylay Paul McCartney – Long Tailed Winter Bird
0 notes
imaginefan · 7 years
Survival (Chapter 1)
Vikings Modern Werewolf AU cross with Teen Wolf
Ivar Ragnarsson X Reader
Word Count: 2544
Summary: When Scott finds a set of names on the Deadpool that were worth as much as he was he took it upon himself to warn them before the hunters find them.
Tags: @cheyannnnerios @cafe-sabor-a-chocolate  @evilxcupcakexnik
If you read the tester piece then scroll down to the cut!!
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The pack had never expected to see that there was someone else that worth the same as Scott, the reason Scott was worth what he was is because he was a true alpha, they looked down the list and in the second part there was a name Ragnar Lothbrok with 25 million written next to the name, Scott scanned the list and there were a few others that he assumed were from the pack who shared the same name. “We have to find them,” Lydia spoke up.
“What?” Stiles asked.
“We have to find these people, there are going to be a lot of people after them and they won’t even know it, that looks like there is a whole pack and that means that there could be children,” Lydia explained and Scott nodded in agreement.
“We should ask Derek and Peter,” Scott suggested.
You sat next to Ivar at the boundaries of the territory, you and Ivar had been friends since you were little because you were a late bloomer, you didn’t turn until you were 10 or 11 and other had their first turn when they were around 5 or 6. Ivar, on the other hand, had his first turn at the normal age but it was more painful for him to turn because of his legs so while other children would change forms frequently you and Ivar were left behind which meant that you became good friends and deathly protective over each other. These days one was not found without the other. “What are we even here for?” Ivar asked he was sat on the stump of a tree that you both destroyed when you were younger.
“We’re making sure that no one gets inside of our territory without an escort or permission.” You reminded him.
“No one ever comes here they're too afraid,” Ivar smirked over at you.
“That doesn’t mean that we stop doing our job.” You argued. “Plus you get to prove that you can do whatever your brothers can.” Ivar rolled his eyes at the mention of his brothers and looked away from you.
“Prince Ivar! (Y/N)!” Someone called you looked to see one of the wolves from the village. “The queen requests your attendance at the great hall.”
“Thank you.” You smiled as they hurried off you walked over to the horse that was tied to the tree and lead it over you help Ivar up even when he tried to smack you away and then you headed back leading the horse through the forest back to the village.
You were left to put the horse back into the stable, while Ivar walked across the village to the great hall where his attention was needed, he was born with weak bones in his legs but because of the healing gene his bones healed as soon as they broke, he was just left in a lot of pain when he used his legs too often. All of his brothers were already there and he wandered if they had all gotten the call at the same time, not that it bothered him, his mum would always wait for her favorite son. “Where is (Y/N)?” Aslaug asked.
“We took the horse she’s putting it away,” Ivar answered just as you walked into the hall, nodded you respect to each of the higher ranking members.
“What is it that you needed to tell us?” Aslaug asked turning to her oldest son, Ubbe.
“There are strangers roaming around the border of our territories, they haven’t tried to cross but they say that they want to talk to Ragnar,” Ubbe explained and you frowned, Ragnar hadn’t been there for years the best that they were going to get here was the queen.
“Well, father isn’t here.” Ivar sighed as he threw himself into a chair before gesturing for you to come over and sit on his lap.
“What does it matter, it seems that they will attempt to cross if we don’t give them an answer,” Ubbe argued.
“So tell them the truth.” Ivar shrugged.
“They won’t believe us.” Hvitserk, the second oldest, answered.
“Well, that’s their loss.” Ivar shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
“Is there something you want to say (Y/N)?” Aslaug asked catching your eyes rolling in their sockets, a small smile on her face.
“Well you have your best fighters and they each have a team, send one and the visitors will listen or die.” You said simply.
“Since you are so confident you should go,” Aslaug decided.
“Looks like we have some warriors to gather,” Ivar mumbled in your ear and you nodded.
From what Scott was told Ragnar was feared Alpha but the place that he was living now seemed to oppose the popular belief. “What do you want?” A voice asked and Scott could believe that voice belonged to an Alpha.
“We thought that you should know about something,” Scott answered carefully as he looked around in the dark building for the man that was talking.
“Really?” Ragnar asked.
“There is a deadpool for all the supernatural creatures of Beacon Hills you and your sons are on the list,” Scott explained. Scott then realized the absence of heartbeats, they were the only ones in the building. “Where are your sons?”
“They are not here,” Ragnar answered. “Who are you?”
“Scott…” Scott answered.
“And your friend?” He asked.
“His names Stiles,” Scott answered before Stiles could get himself in trouble. Ragnar nodded.
“Well thank you for the warning but my sons aren’t in Beacon Hills,” Ragnar answered.
“They are on the list worth almost as much as you,” Stiles informed him. “I’m sure people will go the extra mile.” Ragnar raised an eyebrow and Scott pushed the paper towards him, Ragnar took it immediately finding his sons names listed after him.
“Explain Alpha,” Ragnar ordered.
You put your arm down at your side ordering the wolves to stop, the outsiders seemed to already know that you were there you wanted to avoid a fight where you could that was seeming impossible though as you heard the rustling behind you, the wolves circled around you and you notched an arrow pointing it in the direction of the rustling. A man walked out of the bushes he had green eyes and dark hair “Who are you?” You asked.
“Derek.” He answered.
“Derek?” You asked, “am I supposed to know you?”
“Derek Hale.” He said again.
“Ah, prince of your pack.” You nodded, you heard the rustling behind you caught the scent of the coyote. “And them?”
“Malia. Don’t.” Derek warned addressing the person behind you, there was a soft growl from the body behind you and it causes a few of the wolves to turn around, their ears pulled back and teeth showing but again you put your hand out behind you and they stopped.
“What do you want?” You asked.
“We want to talk to your Luna,” Derek answered.
“Our Luna?” You mumbled. “What do you think Ivar?” Ivar was nestled in the bushes a little bit away an arrow aimed at Malia’s head.
“Why not our Alpha?” Ivar asked and you nodded.
“Why not the Alpha?” You asked.
“We know he’s not here.” Malia glared.
“Seems like you know a lot.” You winked back at her. “Maybe we should take them back to see Aslaug.”
“Why?” Ivar asked.
“Because then you get to kill them for less.” You answered easing up and letting your guard down.
“That’s a good reason,” Ivar smirked as he stood dusting his trousers off. You gesture for the two to follow you as you met Ivar who was on his horse.
“So these men will kill my son's?” Ragnar asked.
“There’s a good chance that they are going to try.” Scott nodded.
“What about the rest of the pack?” Ragnar asked.
“They’re hunters they’ll kill them too,” Stiles answered.
“Looks like I need to go home.” Ragnar decided “and you are coming with me.”
“These are the strangers?” Aslaug asked.
“They are.” Ivar nodded before sitting on the throne next to his father’s, he looked over at you and then gestured for you to come over when you did he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his lap, his free arm rested on the arm of the throne, his chin rested on his hand.
“What do you want?” Aslaug asked.
“We came to warn you of a threat to your sons,” Derek answered. Your Luna stayed quiet and Derek took that as a sign to continue. “We have found a list, a supernatural hit list and your son's names are on it along with yours and your husbands, your whole pack is likely to be on the list.”
“No one has been attacked,” Aslaug informed them.
“Not yet but we want to form an alliance to make sure it stays that way,” Derek answered.
“There is no threat, I see no point in your alliance.” Aslaug dismissed and you watch Malia as she twitched in annoyance, before anyone could comprehend what was happening you had pushed yourself up grabbing the sword near the throne and thrust it out, Malia stopped into time to stop the sword from cutting her skin. “Careful of your next move they are easily angered.”
“It seems mother, they are weaker they wanted to make out that we needed them since we are stronger it would make betrayal less likely, but in reality, they are the ones that need our help to get rid of the threat to them,” Ivar explained.
“Once they kill us they’ll come for you,” Malia growled out and your eyes moved from Derek to her knowing that they were right.
“We know.” Ivar nodded. “We will be prepared.”
“Maybe it’s a good idea with Bjorn and Hvitserk taking some of our best to get rid of one of the hunting parties in the south we might need the extra help,” Ubbe suggested.
“I don’t think we need their help.” Ivar denied.
“I agree with you brother.” Sigurd nodded.
“I’m honored,” Ivar smirked back and you almost laughed at the brothers.
“Can you guys hurry up my arm is getting tired and if I drop this sword it’s going in her foot or abdomen.” You informed them, Ivar’s eyes shifted over to you as his head rested on his hands again, you glared at him “Make. A. Decision!”
“Watch your mouth darling.” Ivar winked.
“Watch your face sunshine.” You answered at the realisation that you were distracted Malia tried to grab the sword at her neck but you twisted it away from her and pulled it back dropping it on the floor in favour of overpowering her physically, you managed to get yourself behind her, you pushed her down on to the floor and placed your knee on her back pressing her head to the floor, you looked up at Aslaug and she nodded. “Alright here’s the deal,” You looked up at Derek. “It seems that they need more time to think about it so you can leave or you can stay as long as you promise not to try and kill anyone.” Derek looked between as before pulling out his phone.
“I need to talk to my Alpha,” Derek said, Aslaug nodded and you let go of Malia picked up the sword and made your way back to Ivar who pulled you down to sit with him.
Scott pulled out his phone and put it on speaker as they all got into the Jeep. “Hey, Derek.” Scott greeted.
“They want us to stay,” Derek informed them.
“Yeah stay.” Scott nodded although they couldn’t see him. “We’re heading to where you are.”
“Did you find Ragnar?” Derek asked.
“We found him.” Scott nodded.
“Slightly underwhelming,” Stiles mumbled and Ragnar raised an eyebrow at him before smirking feeling no need to prove himself to a human.
“Think what you like.” Ragnar finally spoke and the two glanced at him before going back to what they were talking to Derek about.
“How's it going on your end?” Scott asked.
“Malia almost got herself killed,” Derek answered and Stiles' eyes darted between the phone and the road.
“What!? You said you would keep her safe!” Stiles accused.
“That would be easier to do if she listened.” Derek said back “I have to go they want to show us to the room that we will be staying in.”
“Alright see you soon,” Scott said before hanging up the phone.
“She’ll be safe right?” Stiles asked looking at Ragnar out of the rear view mirror.
“Only if she learns her lesson,” Ragnar smirked.
“What does that mean?” Stiles speeding up slightly Ragnar only gave him a soft smile in response.
That night you and Ivar were up later than you usually were neither of you were conditioned to trust easily and so you were both up in the great hall where the fire was still burning, you were both sat in front of the fire everyone else had gone to bed long before now. “Ivar what are we doing?” You asked.
“Making sure that no one ends up dead,” Ivar answered eyes trained on the fire while his thumb moved gently across your waist, you were sat on his lap.
“What are we going to do when your father gets back, you know there is going to be a large split in this pack.” You mumbled, you hand coming up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“It’s not obvious?” Ivar asked.
“To us yes… We side with your father but what about everyone else?” You asked.
“Does it matter?” Ivar asked.
“I guess not.” You mumbled, in these moments no one could be sure whether you belonged to Ivar or not but no one ever tried to test, those who were closest to you were the ones that knew the nature of your relationship. To an outsider, it would seem that the two of you were mated the way that you thought and behaved together supported this but you weren’t mated not that either of you were opposed to the idea.
“What’s wrong little wolf?” Ivar asked.
“If we leave who protects your mother?” You asked looking over at the throne that his mother would occupy in the next few hours.
“She will have my brothers, they are not the best but they will have to do.” Ivar sighed his eyes wandering to where yours were, he was worried about his mother too, there was a rival pack that had been waiting for the right time to attack and they may find it in the time that you and Ivar leave.
Chapter 2 
Requests and general question!
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