#plus i think i'm haunted by his stories bc i'm like 'this is how he thinks the world works?!' but maybe i'm missing it.
stinkbeck · 1 year
dude i'm gonna throw up. i cannot write a critical analysis of this writer without hating on him. i do not wanna make my prof feel bad either though. :/
#like ok he's supposedly a satirist but is it satire or just equally flattening everyone into stereotypes... am i an idiot??#he's like a satirist but his main thing is that the system works. :/ so uhhhh what r u doing...#like r u just writing to fill bookshelves at the store?? just so people can pass the time reading??? i'm confused.#+ like i feel like i get the moves he uses. it's very haunting it's just that it's also... archaic...#am i missing the point of this guy completely???#plus i think i'm haunted by his stories bc i'm like 'this is how he thinks the world works?!' but maybe i'm missing it.#maybe the point is that the narrator is a terrible person + all these people r just living their lives + the narrator gets their motives#totally wrong. i guess that could be the point of it...? or that the shallowest person in the story is the narrator for everything???#making false assumptions about everyone else???? based on sort of typical story structures????????#well i guess it's more interesting than taking it at face value. but i don't know how i could back any of that up other than being like#'this author is so well-regarded that he must be doing something smart like this.'#maybe i really am stupid. he's gotta be doing that. but then why do book reviews say there's love involved? you'd have to take it seriously#2 take away the idea of love..???#but it's just not a very satisfying love?? like the parts where the characters think they're doing things out of love are the most#transparently self-serving. like especially if you're seeing it as satire. i don't understand this at all.
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nowherebuthome · 2 years
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sunsetsentiments · 2 months
idk but piper and jason being a tragic love story makes me love them even more lmao
like can we talk about i miss you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams being about them from jason's pov???? 😭
"Do you remember happy together? I do, don't you? Then all of a sudden, you're sick to your stomach. Is that still true?"
piper broke up with him,, and while he's the most polite and understanding boy ever,, he's not invincible. he can't help what he feels,, even if he thinks/knows that piper's decision might have been for the best (or the logical choice,, which is interesting but a different topic for another day).
the burning maze doesn't go deep into it,, but he's clearly heartbroken. "the truth was enough to break jason grace",, to me,, means a lot of things, one of them being the end of his relationship with piper. part of him accepts it,, but another part of him is miserable because of it.
"Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called and said, "I miss you". I caught it." // "I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse."
we know that post-breakup,, they had a hard time working together, yet still contacted each other especially for the quest in the maze before apollo showed up. plus,, mellie mistakenly thought the breakup was something to blame on jason specifically.
it was all very awkward and confusing. even if piper was the one to end it,, we know she still has conflicted feelings towards him, and he likely felt that, which made him unsure where they stood. but like the gentleman he is,, he let her be despite whatever desires/longings he had himself.
"Nothing happened in the way I wanted, every corner of this house is haunted. And I know you said that we're not talking, but I miss you, I'm sorry."
i don't even need to explain how much jason loved piper and thought they were going to grow old together 😭 she has always been his safe space too,, someone he could truly be himself and vulnerable around,, so losing the person he knew best/cared for most must have been devastating.
anyways it's crazy bc i'm convinced i love you, i'm sorry is about them too but from piper's pov,, but i'll save that for another day lol
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
I love your ocs but I fear I am a bit out of touch with some of their lore. how much does Grace know about the red honey fuckery?
thank you sm!! :D♥︎ don't worry--i'm not sure i've actually spoken about this a whole lot!! (plus my lore is scattered around random posts like a ransom note. imagine being organised, couldn't be me)
for context: the two of them are a ridiculously slow slowburn bc neither of them know how to talk about feelings, they go in different directions a lot, twitch's response to Having Feelings (or anything) is to disappear to zee. everything takes forever. there's a summary of their timeline here if you want it !!
ANYWAY to answer:
tl;dr summary: most of the time, nothing! eventually, more than anybody else.
so, for most of the time, grace knows absolutely nothing. nobody does, really--twitch doesn't tell anybody, they don't want to talk about it, nobody sees their face at all.
as far as anyone knows, including grace, twitch's bad memory, lying & inconsistent stories are just a personality quirk. and they get sick sometimes, they just need bedrest & won't be available for a few hours, a day, a couple of days. nobody is allowed to see them.
grace remains mostly unaware for a long time--he has inklings that something is up. once he gets to know twitch better, he can tell they're not themself sometimes. but prying would push twitch away, so he just offers help, if they want company, for their headaches the surgeon mentioned. he'll leave the cabin door unlocked, just in case.
he has no idea how bad the "headaches" are until it's happening right in front of him, once they're close enough for twitch to trust him to that degree. he has no idea why it's happening, but he knows twitch doesn't want to tell him, either. and when they're sobbing in his lap, pleading for something he doesn't understand to stop, begging him to help them tie a blindfold because they don't want him to see their face, it's not exactly the time to pry.
it happens a few times. it never gets easier, and it never gets any clearer. it's not til after grace leaves for the new sequence and comes back that he finally sees their face uncovered. he doesn't connect any dots-whether that's because he genuinely just doesn't make the connection, or because twitch doesn't want him to make a big deal about it, who knows!
while he was gone, twitch starts connecting some dots: something's weird with their memories. they don't know how to process it. they bring it up subtly, ask grace if he knows anything about red honey, and maybe he can figure it out himself. he tells them he does, he learned about it during nemesis, in the palace cage gardens. it still haunts him, sometimes, the prisoners with their crying, the suffering the hollow looking eyes-
the eyes.
everything clicks all at once-twitch's eyes, their headaches, the memory issues, the inconsistencies, the lies. it only gets worse when twitch tells him they're starting to wonder if the memories are all theirs.
oh, god. how could anybody do that to them? who did that to them? but twitch doesn't want him on any kind of revenge mission, they don't even think they remember where the cage garden was, and they don't want to try either. he settles for comforting them the best he can-but what can anyone do to help, really?
at the very least, trusting someone enough to talk about it is a huge weight off twitch's shoulders. grace can help them try to figure out what's going on with their memories, it makes them better at talking to each other. it's not easy, but it helps twitch to move forward-slowly, but surely
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crazypenguintacofan · 10 months
Okay after sitting a bit with my feelings and rewatching the whole thing, I'm 100% certain that killing Izzy was the correct narrative choice.
1— This season solves all of Izzy's main character conflicts and satisfyingly closes his arc. Easily resisting Ricky's "seduction attemp" (appealing to Izzy's ego and desire for praise and power) and remaining loyal to the crew (which s1 Izzy would've had a lot of trouble with), plus his apology to Ed and fully letting go of Blackbeard, were the perfect culmination for his story thus far. And, crucially, Izzy's character conflicts needed to be solved so his relationship with Ed could be solved, because it's the only way Ed could've ended the season leaving piracy, which I'm guessing was a major plot point the writers always had in their 3-arc plan.
With that in mind, to keep him in the story, you'd have 2 choices:
a) Build up a new conflict for Izzy, which would take a lot of screen time that we do not have bc next season is the last and we don't even know how many episodes Max is gonna order (and the resolution to Ed and Stede's story has to be the priority).
b) Just keep him around doing things in the background like other minor characters, just a pleasant background presence with no real function. Which honestly? Would've been a disservice to both character and actor. I think having Izzy go out with a blaze of glory of sorts both honors the character and gives Con O'Neill the chance to show off his skill, and that was the right call from the Doylist perspective.
2— I didn't like what I perceived as Ed being passive in the final "break up" with Izzy, I read it as only Izzy making the choice of letting go, but that's not really what happens. Ed could've chosen to go full Blackbeard again and go get revenge, and in that way keep sacrificing his true self for Izzy's sake. But he actively chooses to build his happiness with Stede instead <3
3— As many people have pointed out, both Izzy's death (as THE representative of traditional piracy) and the destruction of Republic of Pirates symbolize the end of piracy as we know it at the hands Prince Ricky. It's a massive change in the status quo of that universe and it sets potentially very interesting scenarios for season 3.
4— Izzy's death contextualizes and makes more meaningful both Ed's choice to remain in land and the crew's choice to remain pirates.
On perspective, someone important had to die in the final episode. The whole of s2 has been about showing the harsher realities of piracy, which haunted the narrative in s1 but were never explicitly visible (you could consider the Kraken scenes in s1 ep 10 a sneak peek). Piracy becoming more realistic and less fairytale-like (not hyper realistic either, this still a surreal comedy in which people turn into seagulls) could be linked to Stede and Ed getting a more realistic perspective of romantic relationships, as well. Crucially, what was missing from this exploration of piracy was a meaningful death. We've been told often that risk of death is a big part of that world, but we've never really *seen* it in a meaningful way (RIP Ivan who died offscreen). A big death was needed to contextualize the decisions that all the characters make at the end of the season and that set the stage for season 3. And again, if you're gonna kill someone, it's better if it is a character that has finished his arc and has no loose ends, and that's Izzy.
This death is a tangible reminder of the cost of living as a pirate. A sudden end can happen to anyone at any time (and Izzy got inmensely lucky that he didn't die in the battlefield and kept breathing for long enough to say goodbye). With full understanding of the costs, Ed decides to leave piracy as he always wanted, but the crew decides to recommit to it.
The crew's choice to remain pirates despite the cost it's even more significant if it turns out they're the only crew that managed to scape the destruction of Republic of Pirates. They are among the last pirates in the Caribbean (I really hope that Anne Bonny, Mary Read and Hellkat Maggie are still alive and kicking somewhere, though). And now "the new Revenge" has the opportunity and the responsibility of rebuilding piracy in a fresh and better way, inbued of all the ways Stede's captaincy has made all of them kinder.
So yeah. Izzy's death ties everything narratively and thematically in a neat little ribbon. So I'm still gonna miss the little rabid rat, but I'm at peace with it, I'm zen, I'm like a fisherman contemplating the universe in a fish scale.
(I'd still like it if they brought Izzy back as some kind of pirate revenant. I don't know how the fuck that would make sense at a thematic level, but I do love stories about the undead)
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What the hell...
Genre : not much lmao
Tw : none
Pairing : Sonny Brisko x reader ( romantic ? )
Characters : you, sonny, a friend, captain
Story : what a coincidence...
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You stood transfixed, awe-struck, as he gracefully strode past you, completely unfazed by the chaotic chorus of screams and chants that enveloped the surroundings.
"Wow," you couldn't help but exclaim, the words escaping your lips involuntarily.
In that very moment, as if the universe had conspired, the man pivoted towards you.
His resplendent mane of vibrant yellow tresses cascaded flawlessly, framing his face, while his piercing indigo eyes locked onto yours.
Time seemed to freeze as your gazes intertwined, weaving a palpable connection in the air.
Then, with an enigmatic smile tugging at his lips, he extended a graceful wave in your direction before disappearing into the abyss of the crowd.
The encounter left you breathless, a lingering sense of intrigue and wonder haunting your thoughts.
"Wasn't it great? See! I told you he's good-looking!" your friend exclaimed, fangirling.
"I suppose... yeah," you responded to her.
"What do you mean you suppose? He's handsome! Plus, he's a police officer, you know~ Who knows, you might even meet him at work!" your friend teased.
"Uh-huh. Probably not, though. And if he's part of the police, why was he there? Shouldn't he be on duty?" you questioned your friend, raising an eyebrow at her.
"He also has an Instagram account! He's like... a part-time model or something! I think," she said, sweat dropping.
"Okay. Sure, you do you, darling," you reluctantly said.
But then your phone interrupted the conversation with a ringing sound.
“Captain?” You said as you knocked on the door.
“Come in (Name).” Your captain spoke from the other side of the door.
You opened the door slowly and walked in.
“What do you need sir?” You asked
“Well, we have a new case and we paired you up with someone who just transferred.” He spoke.
“Just transferred sir?” You asked again.
“Yes. I’ve observed that you’re more outgoing than the others here. So, I expect you to welcome him well.” He stated.
“Yes sir.” You said, waiting for your new partner.
As you stood in silence, a few thoughts came into your head. “Imagine if it’s that sunny guy or whatever his name is, wouldn’t that be funny?” You laughed on the inside.
Then, a knock sounded on the door.
“Ah, yes come in.” Your captain said.
As the door swung open, you turned your head towards the sound, your breath hitching in your throat.
And there, standing before you, were the very person who had once ignited a flame of intrigue within you.
Those unforgettable indigo eyes locked onto yours, mirroring the recognition that danced in your own gaze.
In that exhilarating moment, time seemed to stand still as destiny unfolded, weaving your paths together once more in a tapestry of electrifying possibilities.
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-> Writing this while listening to Nina's graduation stream :(
-> No part 2 bcs I have no idea how I'm gonna finish this 😍😍
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honestmouse20 · 6 months
I am Back from vacation! Thought on new ninjago season under the cut :)
First off, I just wanna say that I watched it at 6am in my hotel room with headphones while my friend slept next to me lol. So I watched it all again yesterday too. Turns out I'd missed a Lot.
I really loved the pacing in this! Each character to me felt like they all had something to do and it all went towards the plot. Wildfyre learned to slow down and let herself heal, Kai and Nya both learned the paitence and tecnique to do Rising Dragon. Lloyd OFC got a Lot to do with his visions and panic attacks! I really liked how they handled his mental health in this one. Cole being back didn't feel forced! he was there bc Bonzal was essential to Ras' plan. Sora got a ton of development and I do wonder if they'll have her learn spinjitzu in part 2. And of course, Arin. Boy is Going Through it. It's a nice parallel to Lloyd also having a rough time. While Lloyd is haunted by possible futures, Arin is terrified of not being Good Enough to contribute to the team Or to make his parents proud.
This post would be hella long if i rambled about everything i loved in this season But I wanna highlight Some of my favs!
Cole and Geo Constantly holding hands and leaning on eachother (and geo's flashback to s1 being changed so they're holidng hands More)
Bonzle's whole arc and how she's a person now! Hella trans implications and also just a really sweet story when they show that she Does have agency and her creator Does recongnize and care for her
Sora and Arin's dymanic continues to be Really Good! I like how the initial excitement for being a ninja has worn off and they're starting to struggle.
Speaking of Arin, I stg that scene of him and Ras fighitng in the last couple episodes makes me think we're gonna get a dark Arin arc. Maybe he won't Stay evil (I don't want him to be a villan but they Could go that way if they want) but seeing Lloyd's reaction to his student turning sides would be very angsty and Very good
Also Lloyd in this was So good! Even tho he's trying very hard to be a Master and the keeper of the monastary, he's struggling and these visions are only making it harder on him. I'm sure we havn't seen the end of these visions and I'm sorta hoping they'll come to some big breaking point for him in part 2. Where he'll have to drag himself back up and Never Quit despite everything falling apart just like the visions said it would
Once again this show made me like kai again lol. HIs relationship with Nya and Wildfyre is So good and you really can see the similarities in how he interacts with them!
lloyd's power confirmed to be life????
why is no one talking abobut that ? did i read it wrong???
Onto some things i didn't Quite like but definatly didn't hate!
Ras' master is like 90 percent gonna be the Overlord. I'm aprehensive on this bc he's not really my favorite villan. Plus like he was Just the villan in crystalized so i feel like it's too soon for him to come back. once again gonna give this show the benefit of the doubt bc they've done a lto of stuff Really Really well. I'm just sorta hoping it's Not the overlord. Plus the powers were golden and that's Not the overlord's colors
what is timeline?????
i thought the shorts were two years after s1 and that s2 was gonna be between the shorts and s1???? but now the shorts are at the Beginning of the season and ryu is a teenage dragon? how long has passed? If it's been a couple years since season 1, it's a little less believable that arin and sora havn't progressed much fruther in their training. also no one Acts like it's been years?? But if it's Not a couple of years and Ryu just Grew up like that it's still a bit iffy. Ik they probably won't tell us exact times but I hope it's implied or Something bc im hella confused
so, tldr: This half of the season was Fantastic! From the animation being Incredible and the relationships between the characters being super interesting and realistic, this season was a ride from start to finish! I'm excited, and a bit scared, to see what part 2 brings!
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the-satellite · 2 years
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Originally this was me trying to get the vibe for Toby again (I had to look up a reference for his stripes my 5th grade self was rolling) and then it tumbled away into general creepypasta shit. A few details and explanations in the down there part.
- I only read YCYD once months ago and it wasn't really my bag with the removal of the supernatural elements tho I can definitely appreciate how it's done and I really like Toby in ski goggles. So I just kinda stole that particular design choice and a few other really small bits. Sorry reabees you have a very strong narrator voice meant as a compliment. Another thing is that I hold to Toby having a facial scar but instead of just. Chewing through his cheek my headcanon is that his dad fought back and tore through it with his keys. I don't get what the muzzle is so it's just a dark face mask now!
- Nat is so hard AUGH. I don't like Natalie's base story or design I think its like especially bad for cp standards I think the tanktop is annoying bc of old fanart the clock eye is STUPID not even a think statement there. But it's hard to try and redesign and recontextualize her in a way that the personality and backstory just snaps so I did whatever! Gave her a kinda militant hunter vibe bc of my headcanons about her family and situation, gave her orange hair bc she's Irish now, and picked up the time obsession in a way that makes fucking sense (she's living on borrowed time via Zalgo so she can't waste a second and keeps meticulous track of how long things take) so she's covered in time pieces under her jacket plus that stop watch.
Alright that was annoying bye.
- (pasting from a dm convo) Sally's design and character in the larger fandom have never connected for me like they just don't feel right. If Sally died while on a store run why would she manifest in her nightgown. Why does she have blood running down her face, is the implication supposed to be that her uncle busted her head in? The whole reason he's killing her is to make sure she doesn't tell, he's just putting himself in prison for way longer it's idiocy. And then her character, Sally was supposedly a super normal kid, there's no indication that even after something bad happens to her she'd do anything like take it out on other people, especially innocents. Like realistically if Sally was haunting your house perhaps there'd some misbehavior bc that's still a traumatized little kid but not MURDER. So to remedy this bullshit I gave Sally some play clothes and implied she was instead strangled. I like playing with Sally as ghost who doesn't remember anything so she's actually still super sweet and bored and reckless which is what can make her dangerous for younger kids her age bc she can't die so she has no self-preservation.
- the rest is basically doodles to take up space. Carly and Ben funney + Tim laying in the rain to 35mm bc I think Cut Me A Piece would kill him on impact. Jay from Da Vault (aka screenies of sketches I'm sick of fttb)
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satiricaily · 2 years
3, 7, 10, 50 for the fic asks 😌
for this
hiiii there's a huge smile on my face rn thank u for the qs iva ♡
q3 answered here!
q7 - Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
this is tough because my fics are all literally just about atmospheres but if i had to choose it might be this
Snow fell gently outside like a mother's kiss; silently and leisurely, savouring each second of the fall until it met the ground. There was a calmness to it that spreaded through the homes and colouring the silences with an underlying solace where time no longer rushed forward, where time sat right beside. No more running, Dongsik thought, as he stood before the window and watched the streets layer with a thin blanket of dirty white snow. For once in a long time, Manyang no longer felt haunted by an itch under the skin. For once, there was tranquility and the wintery air had become a breath of relief instead of a reminder that somewhere, a body might be freezing underground.
from then i fade like the violence
q10 - How do you decide what to write?
also tough because i'm probably the most reckless writer out there who writes purely on instincts and lack of planning whatsoever. most of the time i start writing a fic it's bc i read a poem/novel and got inspired or from songs that have really great storytelling. then afterwards it's just mostly me writing and letting the story flow on its own by however feels right lol but if necessary i do map out the plot by bulleted points! sometimes i just sit and picture myself as the characters in the fic and wonder what the hell juwon would do or say if he was in that situation etc.
im a mess i know but i hope that answers the q </3
q50 - Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
this is so sweet but also really mean because i cant make decisions even if my life depended on it djffjd but i think i'll talk about q30 (Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?)
I have! Twice; first was the juwon/joongsang crossover fic because Aus are scary territory for me especially crossover ones. plus joongsang barely had lines in the film so deciding his word choices and tone was awfully difficult, and i already had a hard time with dialogues, which is why afterwards dialogues came slightly easier to me? it also made me understand juwon's character better because how else can u explore a character besides putting them in situations that are drastically separated from canon (in my opinion at least)
Second time was my jwds prompt fic where it was written in second pov. This is quite obvious because a lot of comments mentioned how difficult it is to write and read in 2nd pov so it was quite challenging. i had to figure out how to not make it feel awkward or reminiscent of those celebrity self insert imagines from 2010 lmao and apparently it worked ? i guess. writing those prompts in 2nd pov definitely helped me know how to make the story flow smoother though so <3
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gaiussaidno · 2 years
okay so, what the Hell was happening in bridge curse: road to salvation??? i think i understand it, sort of?? is this right??
TW: mentions of suicide, preggo lady in a horror context, murder, and general death??
spoilers for the horror game under the cut:
okay if i'm getting the general idea of the story based on watching One playthrough:
-a long time ago, a young couple in college was madly in love and they wanted to meet at the bridge at night one day to elope??
-the guy never showed (not sure why), so she yeeted herself off le bridge. she forever haunts the bridge and kills people who do the lil urban myth of counting the steps on the bridge.
-jumping to the future, there's a group of kids setting up a horror walkthrough based on said ghost.
-POV switches between the 6 college students who all got drama going in their friend group. they're part of some club together and they're making a horror walkthrough by the bridge because they want to give their college more attention and be more popular than the competing colleges?? they are rehearsing the horror walkthrough in the middle of the night and decide to have one of the group Actually do the urban legend thingie and all goes to Hell!! bc the ghost lady shows up and scares everyone off, intending to chase all of them down and kill em.
-we get pieces of the story from each of the characters' POVs as they're running around from the actual murderous ghost, thinking she's a prank that the other members are playing on them. and it seems the two main characters of the friend group are DeCyuan and HsinChiao, just bc they seem to have more information or unknown relevant history than the others, who seem really confused about what's going on.
-one by one, all the friends start dying as they grab key pieces of the story (literally lore, but also actual physical items important to exorcising the vengeful spirit). with only DeCyuan and HsinChiao left, we learn that the ghost was a young woman at the college who met her boyfriend here. they quickly fell in love, the woman got pregnant, then they unofficially married each other bc her rich parents wouldn't approve, and planned to elope(?). but the man never showed and well, you know what happened to her. she successfully manages to kill all their friends and possess them and she tries to do the same to the last two survivors.
-it's revealed that DeCyuan was leaving hints for everyone to find out about the ghost and how to exorcise her because he didnt want the ghost finding out about his plans to save everyone and get rid of her. DeCyuan reveals he and the group of friends have been living in this limbo, re-experiencing the night his and HsinChiao's friends all died years ago. technically he and HsinChiao are "alive" (?) but trapped in this spirit realm with the lady ghost and their friends whom she killed and holds hostage. he and HsinChiao are the only ones who can remember the night and what happened. he's been waiting for the opportunity for so long to make the plan work.
-HsinChiao is revealed to have big regrets over getting her bff in the group killed bc it was HsinChiao's idea to do the urban myth. (at least she seemed to be the one suggesting it for more views). but it's never really explained how her bff died i think?? (from HsinChiao's POV it's like she doesnt Want to remember, it's a vague sort of accident) until we learn what DeCyuan knows. HsinChiao seems to be the first and easiest one for the lady ghost to possess and we learn that it's because she used to date DeCyuan who broke up with her and started dating someone else in the friend group. it made her super depressed, that plus her bff dying threw her into a spiral. and she also has mental health issues according to a document DeCyuan finds in her room, though he says he had no idea until that moment that she was taking meds for her mental health. HsinChiao felt unlovable and like she ruined everything and i guess was enough of a negative force for the lady ghost to latch onto and relate to.
-DeCyuan tells her they're running out of time and she needs to unlock the basement to get to the realm where the ghost is, exorcise their friends' spirits, and kill the ghost and its heart with a divine sword. she does it for her bff and manages to free everyone And kill the ghost. it seems the ghost was using the spirits of the friends to fuel herself, this limbo, and a giant throbbing glowing heart that looks like a baby. the ghost herself appears naked and pregnant when she is chasing everyone. HsinChiao successfully kills her and gets free of the basement with information about who the ghost was and her whole backstory.
-she gives this information to DeCyuan who tells her he can go free himself from this limbo and be alive again, but she can't because she entered the ghost's realm or something. idk man not really sure. but she gives DeCyuan a slap and he runs free into the light.
-it's suddenly daylight at the college campus and the bridge and HsinChiao turns around to see all her dead friends free and happy, chatting together in the sun. on the stairs, she sees the lady ghost in a more human form, standing in the breeze for a second before fading away. when HsinChiao goes to be with her friends she hears a voice and it's her bff on the stairs. they have a touching reunion before they all move on from the peaceful afterlife (now that they're free from the bridge curse) to rebirth.
-end credits reveal DeCyuan did make it out of limbo and is alive, probably, and there's newspaper cutouts of the history of the urban legend and how it was True and based on a tragic story of the lady ghost. and the families of the lady ghost and her unofficial husband decide to give them a ghost marriage to set their spirits at peace.
i think i got the gist of the story?? i feel like i'm missing a lot of nuances and missed some things
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qinghe-s · 2 years
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why do you love them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
oh my gosh of course i don't mind!! the opposite! ♥
i could be cheeky and just list huaisang, but different adaptations (in order it'd be novel, donghua, cql, audio drama, manhua, just ftr) (donghua comes high on the list bc his scenes are more canon compliant than cql) but i'll take you more seriously than that:
nie huaisang still comes first, he's my sun and moon and the reason i got into mxtx at all. i've told this story before but in 2020 a friend of mine played a character based on him in a d&d oneshot and i was instantly charmed, saw her reblog a gifset a while later and then i started watching cql Just For Him. i started reading the novel around episode... 13? whenever they're in the xuanwu's cave, and he just kept ticking all my boxes. some boxes i didn't even knew i had! he might genuinely be my favourite character ever. he's a spoiled, adorable boy and a horribly bitter and devastatingly lonely adult who does awful things for someone he loves? the most character. no one beats him.
nie mingjue, lan xichen, and lan wangji get to share second place because i couldn't choose if i got paid to. they're so good. all three of them are so deeply loyal but show it in very different ways. i adore how nmj has such an incredibly big heart even though he's not presented as especially kind or nice, but his actions speak volumes if you take the time to look beneath the surface. lxc is kindness personified in contrast, serenity in the shape of a man, and the fact that that's both his strength and weakness in context of the main plot is *chef kiss* — plus, you know, he's the perfect man. who doesn't love him! lwj is an angry, petty, jealous, horny bitch and righteous and brave and so unbelievably good. kind without being nice. incredibly stubborn. objectively kind of terrible in bed (i mean HONESTLY) but it genuinely just endears me more. what a guy.
wei wuxian isn't someone i talk about a lot but oh my god. darling boy. i'm constantly overwhelmed by how kind he is to the dead, how gently caring. when he, lwj, and wen ning go back to the burial mounds before the second siege and he holds a skeleton hand to his mouth, holding it so gently? the way he cares? i'm tearing up just thinking about it. he isn't even the type of character i'm usually drawn to because he has such a severe case of main characteritis but i LOVE how his arrogance is his downfall and how, at the end of the day, what he really wants is a place to come home to. i could write way too much about about him & homes but that's for some other day.
my top favourite moments is honestly kind of hard! both because there are SO many but also, like... i can't decide if my favourite moments are the ones that make me happiest or the ones that make me have the most feelings. i'll try, though!
obviously i want to say "at least 70% of everything in the Guile chapters" but if i have to pick just one scene it's the one where nhs' things are burned. which seems horrible!! but it just says so much about him! the way he switches so quickly to fury and how easy it is to read fear into that reaction, like he's been holding things back for a long time and it just boils over. oh my god. baby. but also for real just. Guile. it's got the juice! and by juice i mean nmj/nielan/nie brothers
wwx coming back from the burial mounds the first time. it's so haunting! wwx, jc, and lwj all have so many things going on for them! jesus christ!!!
when the nie brothers arrive at baifeng mountain. they're both displaying such typical traits of masculinity, just on opposite sides of the scale (i've compared them to a lumberjack and a guy in a suit commercial before; the masculinity is equal but wildly different) and it Delights me. bonus: when jgy complains about how much prey nmj has captured and lxc LAUGHS OUT LOUD because he also finds nmj delightful (':
huaisang during the second siege ♥♥♥ i'm Obsessed with how he pushes his own agenda and the desperation you only see when you already know what he's doing. he's so precious to me, my perfect little guy, my most beloved.
i love almost everything about the extras. yes the bichen thing and the library pavillion too. my favourite extra is the lotus pod one, specifically lwj's chapter and absolutely everything about it. the way the lan brothers interact, the way lwj helps the common people, his insistence on picking lotus pods, the little glimpses of what lxc is like when no one's watching him... tearing up just thinking about how he loves the blooming magnolia so much he needs to paint it and how he goes to their mother's cottage to practice playing liebing. and how lwj put lotus pods in a vase there :((( they're such wonderful boys
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borathae · 3 years
Tequila Sunrise, Chapter 2: ok this one is a long one, I'm sorry lol
🖤Sunflower - Pauline Zoe Park
Simply for the hobi appreciaton, if he wasn't human he'd be a sunflower/the actual sun. Love that you kept this vibe for him even in your story, can't picture him any other way tbh.
🖤...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift
Honestly I don't know what it is with me, Taylor Swift & your story but it just works. Usually I don't listen to her a lot. I digress, this one perfectly explains the first impression oc has of jk, thinking he's a player: "knew he was a killer first time that I saw him, wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted".
But also oc not wanting to give in to his games, not wanting to just be another night of fun for him & beating him with his own tricks: "but if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom, holdin' him for ransom".
This is exactly the kinda guy I picture him to be like (also in real life but not the point rn): "some boys are tryin' too hard, he don't try at all, though".
This one: "in the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby (mmm). In the middle of the night, in my dreams, I know I'm gonna be with you." At this point in the story I see both of them dreaming of eachother when they go to sleep. It's like unconciously they already know that they like each other but their awake brain would never allow them to think or aknowledge that so early in the story. In short, they are just meant to be, their hearts know it, their brains wont aknowledge the message yet.
🖤End of the Day - One Direction
"I told her that I loved her, was not sure if she heard, roof was pretty windy and she didn't say a word. Party dying downstairs, had nothing left to do, just me, her and the moon" I mean he didn't tell her directly and 'love' would be a big word especially since they don't know eachother that long yet buuut him really opening up to her meant obviously a lot to him.
Because kook ist afraid of feelings, falling in love, loss & opening up & being vulnerable. And when he felt for oc it hit him like a lightning. "I said you're on fire babe then down came the lightning on me. Love can be frightening for sure.
Also I love this part "she said the night was over, I said it's forever. 20 minutes later, wound up in the hospital. The priest thinks it's the devil, my mum thinks it's the flu but girl it's only you" bc after the whole tae incident she's probably like 'ok nights over I wanna leave' & then oc & jk have this really nice moment on the rooftop which could go on forever but then jk is like 'oh oh nonono wtf is this warm feeling?' and pushes her away. And it once again has taken such a quick turn from a moment they had wished would never end to a moment of hurt & confusion.
🖤Remember me - Boy In Space
"It's a ghost town but I pass through" this, I don't think jk expected to find anything special in ocs town, just another stop on their way. But he did & since we've already found out he's clearly afraid of feelings & possible dissapointment. He rather pushes them away instead of exploring them: "wish I left you in the dust to spend your time so there's no chance to run into you down the line. But when I think about you, I just get so high. I've had these dreams about you but I know they won't come true". But at the same time he literally can't help it with oc, he's just so curious, it's like an automatic reaction of his body: "oh, stuck in my head like melodies, can't get you out, no remedy. Wish I could wipe my memory. And I'll burn like gasoline just light the match, I'll be your fiend". And I feel like the last part: "and when I'm gone, remember me, remember me" is like him knowing he's not gonna stay forever but he still wants her to remember him after that.
Plus once again I can just picture him laying in his motel bed, especially after this night, thinking about her & what could be but then again being too afraid but also feeling lonely. "Empty room at a motel, four walls for me and I in an endless night."
🖤when the party's over - Billie Eilish
Once again just all his fears & worrys in a song. "Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you, can't afford to. Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' but nothin' ever stops you leavin." The first line ist really accurate & I think the rest just suits bc he's afraid of losing people he loves in general.
"Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that." This once again fitting the whole alone-at-night-in-an-empty-motel-room-scenario I've made up in my head.
These ones are also very obviously fitting: "don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me" & "let's just let it go, let me let you go".
Also the songtitle, at this point the party is definitely over for both of them.
OMFG I almost missclicked and deleted your message brUH BYE I JUST HAD A MINI HEARTATTACK 😩😩 either way, let's get back to business
Sunflower - Pauline Zoe Park
hahahhah yes we stan Hobi appreciation. He is literally such a lovable cute bean in this story :(
...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift
okay first of all I really went o.O when you said that you imagine irl Jungkook to be a fuckboy, because he gives me the biggest "i am an introvert and hopeless romantic & therefore I am going to dream of my perfect lovestory while never really doing anything to find it because I don't wanna go outside or meet strangers" vibes 🤧
Also omfmgm this is such a good song to play when they are both grinding in the living room with the lights all dimmed and with the air filled with sexual tension. Like whenever the part with "in the middle of the night, in my dreams..." starts, it's him and OC noticing each other and for just a second time stands still & then the beat drops and reality sets in that he is still a fuckboy and she is not going to give in to him omfg 🥴
End of the Day - One Direction
Little fun fact about me and Tequila Sunrise? I mostly listened to 1D during my writing process and now I can't listen to their songs without thinking of the Cocktail Trilogy couple 😔 I'm not going to complain because those are such nice memories. Life was so much easier back then omfg 😔 also omfg I can imagine this song so well as it plays in the background when Kook teases and tickles OC on the rooftop and then for just a second they are staring at each others' lips and wonder if that feeling in their chests is just booze or their little soulmate strings intertwining 🥺
Remember me - Boy In Space
I don't even know what I should add because omfmgm you just painted such a perfect picture in my brain of Kook lying in his lonely motel room while imagining what he could have with OC if only he would get over his fears (ohohoho sweeet boy, do I have good news for you) 😔😔
when the party's over - Billie Eilish
NOT YOU HITTING ME WITH THOSE FEELS OMFGM 😭😭 like literally this is just Kook telling OC his fears. Just him being afraid of losing Taehyung to the drugs and OC to his own inability to commit to people. And he is so desperately trying to reach out for her and her comfort but when he feels it against his fingertips he flinches away, because that feeling still burns him unbearbly and holy fuck, he is so scared of the burn that he'd rather stay alone and cold than drown in her comforting warmth. 😔 this was like one of the most poetic things I have written in a while I- anonie you just did something to me omfg
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Thank you so much for those amazing recs and for your insights!! I really love you so much hehe 🥺😭💜💜
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
I'm so happy that you love Folklore too! It's not just my favorite Taylor Swift album, but easily one of by favorite albums, full stop :) Here's a fun challenge: which Folklore songs remind you of a certain ship? So is there a Folklore song that makes you think of literati? Another one that makes you think of a Grey's ship? A third that makes you think of Elizabeth/Darcy? A fourth that reminds you of Klaroline and - I'll shut up, you get the idea :) Pick any Folklore songs/ships you want!
Taylor Swift’s latest album is a masterclass of musical poetry and storytelling. Rarely do I download every song a musician puts out on a new album (I tend to pick and choose), but I can genuinely say I never hit DOWNLOAD so fast in my life before than I did with Folklore! I love all sixteen tracks! I’ve been listening to them on a loop for two days straight and I imagine that’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
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Also, YASSS! That is a fun challenge! It’s also one I can manage because I’ve been thinking about how certain songs/lyrics apply to many of my ships since I first started listening anyway. Prepare yourself. This is gonna be long. 😁
Okay SO, for Literati... 
If I’m angling to lean into s3-s6 angst that was Rory and Jess at that point in the OG series, then I’d say the 1 is a good fit. That song has the same energy as someone who’s writing a goodbye letter to a loved one that will never be sent. It’s cleansing. Cathartic. An exorcism of feeling. It absolutely reeks of regret and longing with just a touch of look-back-over-your-shoulder-and-wish, just wish, that things could have been different:
“But we were something, don't you think so?”
“And if my wishes came true It would've been you“
“But it would've been fun If you would've been the one”
However, if I’m in more of a They’ll Come Back to Each Other mood with Literati then I think this is me trying screams Rory and Jess. That song emanates nostalgia! It’s haunting in tone (with the echoes, with some slight vibrato). The lyrics bleed with feeling, with emotion that should have rusted long ago but hasn’t. Love is still as red as it was at the beginning of everything only now...only now there’s realization and an attempt at atonement for past mistakes...
“I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway“
It's hard to be anywhere these days When all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel On the one screen in my town (the town, of course, made me think of Stars Hollow)
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying At least I'm trying
For Darcy and Elizabeth, I think seven works well for them in spots. If you listen to the song, there’s a little bit of an echoey timber to the way Taylor sings it and that gave me the sense of how classic love stories/literature kind of ripple across time, you know? How the pages may crinkle or yellow over the years, but they still leave their mark. Plus, there’s also the piano in the background. Almost feather light. It mixes with what sounds like violins in places. Idk, it has a slight P&P 2005 vibe about it to me:
“Please picture me in the weeds Before I learned civility” >> (Because did Darcy learn civility before or after Lizzie eviscerated him mid-proposal at Rosings? Did Lizzie learn to temper her prejudice before or after Lydia ran away with Wickham?)
“Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long“ >> (Elizabeth says herself she’s going to be happier than Jane because “[she] laughs; [her sister] only smiles.”)
I have a couple for Klaroline, too. hoax jumped out at me for them first because it’s layered with darkness and angst. The imagery pops. It’s all smoking guns and eclipsed suns and screaming on cliffsides; which, for a pair of supernaturals, and for an Original who has a history of leaving blood in his wake, I think some visuals of misery and violence are a fitting thing. I’m also obsessed with the piano in this. The way she strokes her fingers over the keys - quick tap, tap, taps then a slow one or two in places - gives you a sense of running. It’s a great parallel to her lyric about “sleepless nights.” Here are some other Klaroline-heavy lyrics in this song:
“You knew it still hurts underneath my scars From when they pulled me apart But what you did was just as dark Darling, this was just as hard As when they pulled me apart” >> (This whole section just booms with “I’ve shown kindness. Forgiveness. Pity. For you, Caroline It was all for you” energy.)
“Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do“
peace is the other song that had me crying in Klaroline. I like the softness of it, the vulnerability. I imagine it more from Klaus’s perspective, though, because it strikes me as more confessional in nature. Like it’s a revelation that’s being dragged across his teeth and he wants to scream. Almost as if these aren’t necessarily feelings he wants to share, or wants known, but there’s just no holding them back now. He’s thrown off the lid. Caroline needs to be able to walk toward him with her eyes wide open, so he only speaks truth, he only speaks honesty now. Similar to hoax, this song has darker imagery as well. There’s fire and fences and trenches and all that jazz:
“Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall“ >> (Same energy as “you’re strong, beautiful, full of light.”)
“And you know that I'd Swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches” >> (basically a promise that he’d fight FOR her and WITH her)
“But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret“ >> (THIS IS THE PART THAT HITS ME THE MOST BC so much of Klaus’s love is shown not spoken, so yeah, he dies for her in secret all. the. time. already. There are 5 other ways I could interpret that as well. But I will spare you haha)
“The devil's in the details
“Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?” >>With supernatural enemies everywhere, there won’t be much peace, will there?
I get walloped with Braime/Jaime and Brienne feels every time I listen to epiphany. Like, it’s actually rude how much this song makes me think of them. I can close my eyes and hear their swords clanging, taste the blood of their injuries on my tongue; feel the ash claw their throats, sting their eyes. Just--ah! The two of them serving, fighting back-to-back, two knights with an unspoken oath to protect a love they haven’t even voiced out loud yet...*cries*
“Only twenty minutes to sleep But you dream of some epiphany Just one single glimpse of relief To make some sense of what you've seen
“With you, I serve With you, I fall down Down Watch you breathin' Watch you breathin' out Out“
invisible strings makes me think of Shirbert/Anne and Gilbert. I love the pluck of guitar strings and how it has this air of innocence and sunshine and green grasses about it even though it’s being told/sung from a hilltop of experience. There’s so much imagery in this song, so much color and figurative language, that I can’t help but think it’s perfect for our imaginative dreamy-eyed girl and the boy who’s adored her since he first tugged her pigtails and called her Carrots in that schoolroom:
“Green was the color of the grass Where I used to read at Centennial Park >> (Can’t you just picture Anne lying in the grass, a book in her hand, flowers in her hair?) I used to think I would meet somebody there Teal was the color of your shirt When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop“
“Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?“
“Wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold Tied me to you“ >> (Love the warmth and vibrancy of this. The wool makes me think of Avonlea blanketed in snow; the gold has me drinking sunshine, smelling goldenrod in October)
“Time, wondrous time Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies“
“And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?“ (Love the idea of the string representing their friendship, how it never snipped. How it only braided together, growing tauter, closer, all the time.)
august hits me with a waterfall of Darvey/Donna and Harvey feels. There’s a wistfulness about this song that settles in my gut, twisting it with longing, with musings of all those Almosts in relationships that were so close to coming to fruition then never did. It’s so incredibly reminiscent of how Donna and Harvey toe the lie between friends and almost lovers who-are-nearly-there-but-not-quite for 12 years. IT HURTS SO GOOD.
“Back when we were still changin' for the better >> (THIS IS SO EMOTIONALLY RESONANT IT HURTS) Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Canceled plans just in case you'd call”
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine >> (Obviously I’m swimming in the angst of this until my fingers get all pruny.) 
Finally there’s mirrorball which is Jisbon/Jane and Lisbon all the way! It’s funny because when I first listened to Folkore I thought that’d be one of the last songs I’d pair with a ship?? YET HERE I AM. Jane was in the carnival circuit growing up and I cannot, for the life of me, stop attaching him to all the descriptions of the circus/revelry. So much of his schtick throughout the show comes down to trickery and observation, which he uses to size people up, and sarcasm, which he often employs as a defense mechanism to keep people at an emotional distance. I like the theme of this song for him and Lisbon. As the mirrorball, he’s shining his true self only for her. She’s the only person who sees his “shattered edges”; she’s not distracted by all his “glistening.” Here are my favorite lyrics that are applicable to them:
“I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
“I can change everything about me to fit in You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten” >> (Okay, so this makes me think Jane’s on camera confession to Erica Flynn: “I’m looking for someone who…uh, someone I can trust. Someone strong. Someone at peace with themselves. Someone better than me. Someone who knows the…worst side of me and still loves me.")
“And they called off the circus, burned the disco down When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me”
“I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me“
I will stop there because otherwise I could sit here analyzing songs and ships for the rest of my life, boring you to tears haha. Thanks for this, lovely! (And obviously I’d love to hear some of your song/ship matchups as well!) xx
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urfavmurtad · 6 years
Muhammad's hatred of Jews (which seeps into the Quran/Hadiths) is honestly so petty. I'm not as well-versed in Islamic history as you are, but from what I understand the Jews weren't buying Mo's prophet schtick and basically told him to get lost. If I'm remembering right, Jewish scholars even quizzed Muhammad on things Jewish-approved prophets WOULD know and he failed miserably. He was unable to win them over and so spent the rest of his life shaking his fist at them.
O FOR SURE anon it was absolutely a personal, petty-ass thing about his wounded pride. In the parts of the Quran from Mecca he even tells his polytheist neighbors to ask the Jews (and Christians) if they don’t believe him bc they’ll confirm that he is truthful. I sincerely believe he went into Medina full of confidence and reached out to the Jews with the expectation that they’d all embrace Islam. After all, he based his religion largely on the customs of Arab Jews. As far as he knew, his only major disagreement with them was over the status of Jesus (as a prophet). I think in his mind he thought it was a minor thing and he’d win them over easily with his sweet-ass rhymes. Plus in his egotistical mind the Torah “predicted his existence” so they had to believe him!!
Then he got to Medina… a few months pass, and there are barely any Jewish converts out of thousands of Jews. A few more months pass, the same. And as months turned into a year, he got really pissed off. He felt betrayed by the Jews… still being Jews. How dare the Jews not… give up their Judaism?! Ingrates!
And not only did they not believe him, they had the nerve to openly question him! Ibn Ishaq’s sira says:
It was the Jewish rabbis who used to annoy the apostle with questions and introduce confusion so as to confound the truth with falsehood
Because, you know, they would catch Mohammed slipping up and call his ass out. He took half the Quran’s stories from them and screwed up the details in many of them (red cow->yellow cow, Gideon->Saul, etc) and also presented rabbinical commentary as though it was from Allah himself (“whoever kills one person…” etc) and they knew it. 99% of Mohammed’s early followers were raised as polytheists and didn’t know the origins of his stories. But the Jews did. And ya boy started sweating.
After the Battle of Badr made him feel like he was awesome and untouchable, that’s when he started moving against them. The Banu Qaynuqa got kicked out of their homes first, then the Banu Nadir the year after, then the Banu Qurayza were all killed and enslaved two years after that. Within 5 years of Mo & Crew getting to Medina, the Jewish tribes were gone. They had lived there for generations. That’s why I laugh whenever ppl say “ooo Medina was a tolerant and multi-faith city the Prophet PBUH was so kind”. Yeah he was kind when he thought they’d all convert and then showed his ass real quick when they didn’t.
The lines about Jews in the Medina parts of the Quran are just noticeably crueler and more rage-filled, I don’t think even practicing Muslims would deny that. Mohammed (or Allah on Mohammed’s behalf if you prefer) was just extraordinarily pissed at these people not buying into his religion and it showed. All in all it seems that hardly any Jews converted to Islam before they were coerced into it due to the threat of expulsion or massacre. Even the few mentioned in some sources are v v v questionable, like Abdullah ibn Salam is sometimes said to have been a rabbi who converted right when Mohammed got to Medina, but other sources say it was much later, after the Islamic conquest of Mecca. The stories of him converting earlier are a BIT sketchy and have him saying after his conversion:
I concealed the matter from the Jews, and then went to the apostle and said, “The Jews are a nation of liars … a treacherous, lying, and evil people.”
Yeah that’s definitely a real thing that happened.
As a conclusion to this happy post, I’d just like to add my theory that the Jews got under Mohammed’s skin so much that they literally haunted him to his dying breath. You remember the story of how the Jews poisoned a sheep they served him after he attacked Khaybar? The Jews said:
“We wanted to know if you were a liar in which case we would get rid of you, and if you are a prophet then the poison would not harm you.”
And what did Mohammed think killed him, according to that one hadith?
The Prophet (ﷺ) in his ailment in which he died, used to say, “O `Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison.”
The Jews got their revenge in the end, I guess. At least in his mind, and/or the mind of whoever came up with these ahadith.
Semi-unrelated to the above but this ask also reminded me of this absolute petty-ass mess:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The Jews and the Christians do not dye (their grey hair), so you shall do the opposite of what they do (i.e. dye your grey hair and beards).
This y’alls religion????
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rennisaturate · 6 years
mayu/cathal and frances/cathal for the halloween meme!! (bc i'm absolute fucking ship trash and i already ship them sorry not sorry)
[ AHHHHHHH !!! ]
Mayu + Cathal– Give me a ship and I’ll tell you who:        
Choses the pumpkin: Mayu fer sure
Carves the pumpkin: Cathal, he’s probably got a better hand for than than her lol
Gets scared and clings the other in a haunted house: neither of them? idk how afraid he’d be of jumpscares and mayu would be laughing rather than be afraid lol
Matching costume idea: probably mayu
Makes a cozy bed-fort to cuddle in: cathal !!
Steal’s the other’s candy: cathal ( but if mayu was still human bet she’d be all over it lol )
Accidentally gets lost in a corn maze: mayu oh god probably cos she’s daydreaming lmao
Tells spooky stories to scare the other: mayu !!!
Collects cool-looking leaves: mayu ( trust she’s got a nice, big collection of those )
Frances + Cathal
frances !! she flip floppin loves pumpkins !!! she’d probably teach him how to find good ones too
team effort ! and def roasting the seeds after !!!
frances hates haunted houses lol she’d go in one if he wanted to, but she’d be rolling her eyes the whole time like ‘fucking mundane stereotypes’ and she’d probably kick a fake witch if she saw one lol
neither ?? the more i think about it the more i realize that frances mostly hates halloween lol
frances on this one, she can make a bomb bed fort
lol cathal would be stealing all the candy
idk on this one. cathal maybe, but i can’t see either of them getting lost in a corn maze lol plus she’d be holding his hand the whole time so they wouldn’t get separated anyway
frances for the scary stories !!
frances one more time !!! she loves leaves, none too big, none too small: she loves all of themm
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incaseofjeon · 8 years
hellooo i just finished reading lucky strike and i really like your writing!!! it's the second thing of yours i've read :) for some reason i can relate a lot to JK?? in his decision to run away i mean HAHA really interesting style too especially at the beginning, when i was starting to get into the plot. i look forward to reading your other stuff! :) a few questions though (and i'm sorry if this has been asked) but 1. what was jimin's power?? 2. what are your fav books? yay! thanks!! -c
omgg THANK YOU SO MUCH ;A; im so so so happy that you read that fic and enjoyed it ahhhhdhsfjds ;__; though ohh i wonder what the first of my fics you read was 👀? hahfbds
and im glad you found his character relatable ;;;; when writing it his story was also the one sort of closest to me personally? so im really glad that other people found him relatable too ahhfjddsj so jUST. thank you!!! thank you so much, for reading and for taking the time to tell me this T–T im really happyy
as for your questions! here ill put them under a read-more bc i just know im gonna get rambly omfgdf
ok so, jimin’s power - I’M ACTUALLY SO GLAD YOU ASKED, because it’s a part of the story that almost no one’s asked about even though it’s kind of a big deal for jimin. which is….jimin doesn’t have a power lmaO. almost everyone in that au has superpowers; its the norm to have one, but fic!jimin just..doesn’t. it’s something he’s probably felt odd about growing up; in his growing years he probably tended to feel like he had to work extra hard to be sort of special or noticed and stuff T-T that’s also part of the reason he originally was drawn to jeongguk in school after the dictionary incident - by that age he’d kind of started to guess that he wasn’t going to develop a power, since it’s really rare for it to develop any later than teenage years, and jeongguk was the first person he’d known to not like his own power ;; so to jimin it was kind of eye-opening to realise that the power he’d always been upset about not having could possibly bring harm as well as good ahjsbdsjhd..so yeAH!! im so so glad you asked this omdfd i feel like..im finally doing fic!jimin justice in telling his unwritten story T–T
and MY FAVOURITE BOOKS. omfg there’s so so many im just going to list as many as i can think of off the top of my head:
1. The Raw Shark Texts (by Steven Hall)
this one is one of my all time favourites, and a HUGE huge huge inspiration in writing that’s left an impact on me for a really long time ;; IT’S SO UNDERRATED but it’s super gripping and interesting and experimentally fresh, and has really well-written themes of like love and loss and unfaithful memories and losing memories and a lot of cool internal/mental things like that! the ending is super cool to me, too ;;; the writing style is like nothing ive ever really seen anywhere else and is just super compelling in the way the author selects and arranges certain simple words in un-simple ways? and there are many parts of this book that are ambiguous in what exactly happened; that’s exactly why i love it? idk i jsut - i get super super excited about this book pleasE READ IT 
2. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (by Aimee Bender)
actually, i have loved about every single thing by aimee bender that i’ve read, but this is the only novel of hers ive read so far so i’ll go with that hjsbdjhsf…her short story collections are super lovely too, some of my favourite short stories by her are Job’s Jobs, Appleless, Death Watch, Motherfucker, I Will Pick Out Your Ribs (from My Teeth), and Faces. Aimee Bender is really one of my favourite authors ever, she has a really distinctive style and flavour thats creative and poetic and charmingly matter-of-fact all at once, that makes the most mundane stuff seem magical and the most magical stuff seem mundane. like. idk. IM REALLY IN LOVE with her writing ;;;;; ahdsbfjhbfds please check her out if you can!!!
3. A Wrinkle in Time & its sequels (by Madeleine L’Engle)
this whole series is just..really lovely in its ideas and hopeful and really gave me a huge sense of wonder the first time i read it? and there are some scenes in it that were just so beautifully magical (even though it’s actually sci-fi) and moving that i’ve never forgotten them to this day ;___; even though i first read it when i was 11 lmaO. but really, this is so soso osos o lovely idk if youve ever read it but i hope you have/get to read it some day abfdf
4. The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
jhasgfjhs kate dicamillo is another of my all time favourite writers, i grew up hunting library shelves for her name lmao her writing is just..really beautiful in its ideology and style? there’s something very pure and innocent and whimsical and so so poetic about the things she writes and the way she tells stories, i always tend to read her stuff in one sitting bc it’s just so hard to stop ;;; i love her work so so much 
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
i actually…can’t remember the exact story of this anymore BUT I DO remember that when i read it, i was completely blown away by the power of the writing style? bradbury’s writing is just…really distinctive in a heavier kind of way? like it’s poetic but kind of grips you around the heart idK im not sure how to explain it. i’m always stunned at the way he chooses his words and crafted his world in this book ajhsfbjd i love it sooo much ;;; i want to reread soon sdhfds
6. The Monstrumologist series (by Rick Yancey)
THIS ONE IS SO UNDERRATED i love it omg..it’s more gory and dark than most the things ive mentioned but the gore never feels like..needless? idk. i just love it so much and the kinds of ideas like the blurring of lines between man and monster, as well as the changing relationships of growing up - the book series just handles that so so well and with a really exciting gripping plot too ahdgsd i love it i love iiit. my fav book in the series is probably the lsle of Blood; there’s a line in there about a plate that haunTS ME ALWAYS 
7. Skellig and Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
david almond is another writer i grew up reading ahhHH it’s honestly been too long for me to exactly remember what i loved about these 2 books - BUT I LOVE THEM
8. The Seas by Samantha Hunt
i actually am reading this book literally right now, so i havent reached the ending and im not sure if ill still love it as much as i currently do by that point, but so far i definitely am loving it SO much!! the writing and metaphors and characterisation are so damn beautiful and interesting and the writer has a lovely flow and really fresh way of arranging words and delivering ideas ;; it’s just really prettily and freshly and creatively written ;A; plus, i have this…Thing for the ocean so i love that a central part of this book is about the sea ahhH 
9. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami 
I WISH I HAD MORE HARUKI MURAKAMI THINGS TO TALK ABOUT but this is the only of his books ive found so far - and I LOVE IT TO DEATH. i actually read norwegian wood and the particular sadness of lemon cake in the time period when i wrote my latest fic (thought you knew) and they really ;;; damn, a double whammy of inspiration omfg. norwegian wood is just…really really interesting and deep and real without being too heavy-hearted in the way it talks about things like relationships, devotion, alienation and loss? idk, it’s just- i love it so so so much, especially the ending paragraph ahhhh
10. Cathedral and A Small, Good Thing (by Raymond Carver)
THESE ARE TECHNICALLY SHORT STORIES, not books. but i just love them so much i have to mention them ;;; i honestly love raymond carver and his way of writing a lot, he just..he says so much with so little? he’s a huge inspiration i look up to like crazy especially when it comes to crafting dialogue ahhh. i also really love his poem Hummingbird!
11. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
idek where to start with this one..THE PLOT IS JUST. FUCKING BRILLIANT and it’s a really interesting take on the idea of devotion, especially devotion to..um..unhealthy kinds of levels? idk. it’s just….so well thought through and super cool i was Mind Blown™ when i read it kasjndskdf
12. Bunker 10 by J.A. Henderson
this is another one in team BLEW MY FUCKIGN MIND ahhh ;; i read it super super long ago but the plot is so so good? it’s the kind that’s a bit confusing at first, but then everything gets revealed and i’m completely shook and eye-opened and want to read it again with the new knowledge, you know what i mean? just- i cant remember what the writing style was like but the PLOT and setting was soo so so cool T—T
and that’s…all i can think of at the moment ajhbfjsdhf IM SORRY YOU PROBABLY DIDNT EXPECT ME TO BE SO EXTRA AS TO GIVE SUCH A LONG ASS REPLY but im just…..very very very passionate and invested in the books i love, ok. im so. akjsfbjhdsf
anyway yeah!! thank you so soso soso SO much for reading my writing and liking it and making the effort to let me know ;;;; im really so happy reading and replying to your message, it means so much to me T-T i hope you have a great great day ilY anon c!!!
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