#plus i was trying to go for a weird pose (them sitting with their chest puffed out) so.
xomb1ez · 2 years
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Giacomo x Reader!
Now that he has finally secured team star, met the big boss— or uh, Penny, (He still needs to get used to that!) And has now returned back to school with his friends— he was sure everything would go smoothly!
He was wrong.
The dark type user never really thought about… romance. It never really crossed his mind, thinking no one could like him since he was bullied. He was always quirky, plus his eyebags were a little weird. But now that things are different, it changed that thought.
He was simply composing a new beat, and named it after his crush. Sadly the world was against him as he was approached from behind by two people.
A red and blue haired girl stared at him, furrowing her brows as she stood next to a certain (H/C).
“Uhm… Momo, are you okay?” Questioned Penny.
Quickly, Giacomo snapped out of his trance as he fumbled with his computer, slamming it shut as his cheeks burned. (E/C) eyes met his and he quickly snapped them away.
“Y-Yeah…! Just, y’know… tunin’ into my new music.” He played it off cooly. (His voice uped a pitch)
You blinked at the way he kept avoiding your gaze, and shrugged, a grin breaking out onto your face. “Asombroso! Could I listen to it? I love your music Giacomo.”
“NO!” He yelled, making you frown, a rejected look on your face. He regretted that— “ I mean… uhhhh… Its not ready yet…”
Penny deadpanned, looking between her team star friend, and the champion student aka (Y/N), aka you.
He couldn’t be more obvious. And you couldn’t be more oblivious. Penny facepalmed before turning around. “I’m gonna go. Hasta la vistar.” She lazily did the signature team star pose before leaving.
You waved at her and told her you’d text her, while Giacomo completely screamed inside for Penny to not leave.
Now it was just you and him. Alone. In the classroom. AFTER SCHOOL HOURS… Maybe being expelled was better—
“—como? Giacomo?” When you waved a hand in fromt his his face, he realized he was staring at you. With his jaw dropped open. He snapped his mouth shut.
“Oh uh yeah!” He grinned, scratching the back of his neck before quickly swerving back around to face his desk properly. Shoulders tense and face flustered.
He tipped his hat more down, trying to cover his eyes.
Giacomo heard the sound of the seat next to him moving and he looked to the side, seeing you sit down next to him. Curse these damn double desks!
“Soooo?” You dragged on
“Huh?” Blinked Giacomo.
“Why have you been avoiding me lately?” You frowned, leaning towards him making his cheeks burn as he tried to look anywhere else besides at you.
“I said I was working on a new beat!” He chuckled nervously.
You stared at him for a good moment before shaking your head. “Ahh… Is this for going hard on you when I swung by your camp to battle?”
Thank god you were an airhead. A cute airhead.
Giacomo quickly shook his head, “No! Of course not. I love you— BATTLING YOU! It’s fun— fun, and awesome, prometo!” He stuttered.
You lifted your head and played with your school tie, “Really?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t lie to you (Y/N).” He smiled, recovering from his screw up.
You threw your arms in the air before glomping the dark pokemon user into a hug, leaning into him, “YAAAY! I love battling you too!”
Giacomo felt his heart skip a beat. ‘AGHHHHPWKDLS’
“I was worried you were mad at me…” You continued.
Meanwhile Giacomo’s face blew up into a tomato as he struggled to reply, hands hovering in the air as they flailed around unsure what to do with them. Your cheek pressed against his chest, arms around him in a hug.
All of a sudden you gasped. “Hu—Huh?” He stammered.
“I know!” You pulled back a little to look up at Giacomo, still having him wrapped in your death like grip of a hug. His dark eyes stared into your (E/C) ones that were filled with excitement.
“Lets go get some ice cream, Giacomo. My treat!” You grinned before pulling away from the hug, causing Giacomo to finally breathe and cover his face with his hand, still blushing from the hug.
“Are you sure…? I, uh, I’m not the most popular you know? And you’re the champion and you—“
You cut him off, “Oh shush you. I don’t care about all of that reputation crap. I care about you more!” You huffed.
Giacomo shot his head up, eyes blown wide from his usual relaxed look. “Me?”
“Yeah duhh.” You grinned, before grabbing his hand, interlacing your fingers with his hand. “HUH— WAIT! WOAH?”
You laughed a little before pulling him up from his desk and seat. “Vamos, before they close!” You cheered, quickly moving to the classroom door, Giacomo now fully combusting at his hand in yours.
God you were so oblivious… but that just made you all the more cuter to him.
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malwarechips · 2 years
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sorry i caved in. made a batty hunter oc . their name is bandit after the nickname im giving batty hunters that is bandit bats.
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yamahex · 2 years
Jack and the reader at his signing/meet and greet and he gets jealous when lots of male fans bring her gifts (flowers, etc) and want pics w her
A/N: I actually love this idea.
“Next!“ The coordinator of the event yelled to the line.
Jack’s smile was beaming, he loved meet and greets. It was a great chance to meet all his supportive fans.
You stood on the side and watched proudly as he signed a girls cd. It was nice to see him interacting closely with everyone. Plus every other person brought him or some of the crew gifts, which everyone loved.
A guy walked up to the table and him and Jack shared a quick intro. You noticed he had some flowers in his hands as he pushed his cd on the table.
“Are those for me?” Jack snickered. The man’s eyebrows lifted.
“Oh no, they’re actually for Y/N.” Jack turned and both of the men looked at you. You took that as a sign to get closer.
“Babe this guy brought you flowers.”
“Aww thank you.” You smiled brightly and gratefully accepted them into your hands.
“You’re welcome.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I was also wondering if I could get a picture with you too?”
You looked at Jack he smiled and nodded. He loved to see his fans interact. You turned your attention back to the man.
“Of course!” He lit up and walked next to you.
“Urb can you take this picture for us really quickly?” Urban looked over then nodded. The guy handed him his phone and you posed with your arm on your hip.
The man managed to sneak his arm around your waist, which you took as a innocent friendly sign. After the picture he thanked you and walked away.
You walked back to your previous spot and continued to watch the meet and greet.
Towards the end of the event a few more people asked to take pictures with you, a couple women but mostly men. The men came bearing more gifts like chocolates, more flowers and surprisingly a necklace.
Your eyes widened at the necklace and looked up at the man. Jack was furious but was trying hard to not show it.
“I can’t accept this.” You handed the gift back to him but was intercepted by his hand on top of yours.
“I bought it just for you.” This was the breaking point for Jack.
He got up from his seat and walked next to you. Your face held a nervously awkward expression. His hand grabbed the box with the necklace and shoved it into the man’s chest, stunning him.
“Thanks but I can buy her all the jewelry she needs.” Your eyes widened at the interaction as Jack held a stern expression on his face.
The security guard noticed the interaction and lightly pushed the man out of line, making you look up at Jack. You grabbed his hand and took him somewhere with no other faces or cameras.
Neelam came out to say a brief statement.
“Sorry about that guys we’re just gonna take a small break but Jack will be back out soon!”
You managed to find a private area.
“That was a little much don’t you think?” He leaned against the wall with his hands in his hoodie.
“Nah I think it was just enough. I don’t need some other dude out here thinking he can buy you jewelry.” You folded your arms over your chest.
“I wasn’t going to accept it anyways.”
“Good. So what’s the issue?”
“Jack these are your fans, you really want them to see you actin all crazy?” His eyes met yours.
“Y/N I’m not gonna sit back and just watch these guys bring you all these gifts and take pictures. It was nice at first but now I’m starting to think some of them are hoping for a chance to get in your pants.” You scoffed.
“Cause I would let them right?” You sighed and walked up to him. You tilted your head up to look at him directly.
“Don’t worry about them, you’re here to enjoy yourself and your fans. People can get weird. Just let it slide and keep it cute.”
He looked away, making you bring your hand to his chin to look at you again.
“Go back out there, finish the meet and greet, laugh and have a good time. We’ll go get some food after and then we can head back to the hotel and I’ll show you I belong to you.”
A smirk appeared on your face and his eyes widened. He perked up and you giggled.
“Well, let’s wrap this shit up then!”
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
Cuddling & Sleeping Headcanons with the AoT Characters 💛
Character(s): Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Bertholdt, Jean, Connie, & Sasha
Genre: Fluff, light-hearted.
Warnings: None
A/n: Did not mean for Bertholdt’s to be that long but oh well. It’s clear some of these are much longer than others, but I’m trying to get better at writing for a lot of people. A Modern AU is mentioned in Mikasa’s paragraph. Pretend this was posted Tuesday. I had a post I was going to edit so it said it was on Tuesday, but I already did all the tags here and because characters have multiple names I can’t be bothered.
💛 Eren:
Loves getting behind you and spooning you, arms around your waist and legs under your thighs. He’s good at it too, he’s very comfortable to snuggle with. You feel so special and lucky that you’ve got him this close to you.
Either that or him on his stomach with you halfway on his back.
He really can’t sleep and cuddle at the same time, so there’s going to have to be a point where he has to turn away from you.
He’s down to keep holding hands or something simple like that though if you still want to be touching him.
The blanket usually falls off him when he’s sleeping, meaning you usually have to drape it back over him before you fall asleep.
He’s one of those people who hangs his limbs off the side of the bed.
He also snores, not too loud, but it can get annoying sometimes.
Eren loves to rest a hand on your thigh or on your stomach while spooning you, nuzzling into the back of your neck.
He’s up for trying different positions, but only when he’s not tired. When he is tired, he just wants to hold you and go to bed as soon as he can.
💛 Armin:
Loves to lay on your chest or shoulder. He gets to look up at you and can talk to you as he falls asleep. Sure, your arm might go dead sometimes, but it’s worth it to see him lying on you, talking about his day and looking up at you admirably.
He likes to intertwine his legs with yours in this position, laying his head on you and sometimes holding one of your hands.
Oh, and if you use your other hand to rub his back or play with his hair, this boy will be in heaven.
He can fall asleep cuddling easily, he rarely has to roll away from you to sleep.
That being said, if you need to roll away, he’s fine with it, but he will try to see if he can cling onto you somehow. If you sleep on your side, he’ll wrap his arm around your waist and bury his face into your back. If you sleep on your stomach/back, he’ll get on your side and link arms with you or hold your hand.
He also like to be little spoon a lot. Especially if he’s had a bad day, all he wants to do is be held by you.
He will be big spoon sometimes but only if you ask him or if he’s clinging onto you after you’ve turned around.
If you still can’t sleep when he’s doing that, he’ll just turn around and snuggle up to one of his pillows. Not in a sad way, but he just likes to clutch onto something.
Speaking of pillows, he sleeps with like three just on his side.
He will also steal your blanket from you. He doesn’t do it on purpose of course, but you’ll wake up cold in the middle of the night and have to discreetly try to get some of your blanket back.
You’ll end up with 1/4 of it back at most, unless you want to wake Armin up, so be prepared with another blanket somewhere you can grab.
💛 Mikasa:
Any position that lets her see your face is the best. She loves to just lay in front of you as you go on about what happened that day.
Just imagine coming home after a long day and collapsing on the bed alongside Mikasa, facing each other on your sides as she brushes a stray hair out of your face.
As you get more tired, she’ll get closer to you and take you in her arms, chin on your head.
Or if you’re on the couch together, she’ll lay down and pull you onto her stomach, tangling her legs with yours. One hand will be on your head playing with your hair and the other will be getting popcorn or reaching for a remote.
She’ll glance down at you, before sitting up a little and gripping your chin with her finger and kissing you, then lay back down.
Whatever position is comfortable for you is the one she’ll cuddle you in. She’ll manage to fall asleep in whatever pose you want her to be in.
She’s good at not taking the blanket away, but if you do she will take her side back. Most of the time, she’ll be able to get it back without waking you up, but if she does, she’ll apologize and plant a kiss on your head, then resume cuddling.
She doesn’t toss or turn or snore much at all, she sleeps like a rock.
She secretly loves it when you play with her hair. Just rake your fingers through it or massage her scalp and she’ll nuzzle into your neck trying to hide a small smile.
Wrapping your legs around her is another thing she likes. You probably won’t be able to fall asleep like this, but just sitting in her lap, legs and arms wrapped around her as she rocks you side to side is bliss.
If she wakes up before you, she’ll try her best to stay still and let you wake up on your own, sometimes falling back asleep.
💛 Bertholdt:
So we all know Bert has some crazy weird sleeping positions, but that doesn’t stop him from cuddling you. Because of this, he will have to turn around at some point, but will still cuddle you until he’s tired enough to go to sleep.
He likes to be little spoon, but because of his height that can be hard, so any position where he can be the one cuddled is great for him.
He’s fine with being big spoon as long as he gets to hold your hand while doing it.
After he inevitably turns around, if you can somehow find a way to cling onto him, he’ll let you, but that’s almost impossible most nights.
He’s one of those people who sleeps with his leg up and crossed over the other, and can also get a stack of pillows under his head to prop it up at a 90˚ angle but still be comfortable.
A position he’d like is to just have you on his chest. He’ll kiss your forehead and play with your hair. After he does, kiss his cheek, it will make him blush like no tomorrow.
He loves it when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, then he wraps his around your waist. It’s a loving position that makes it easy to look into each other’s eyes.
He also likes to sleep in opposite directions but have your backs touching. Even if it’s not super close or face to face, it’s comfortable and still feels really nice.
Don’t be surprised if you get accidentally pushed to the side or off the bed. If you’re on the edge, it’ll be hard to get back, but he’s alright with being woken up if you need more room.
If he pushes you off the bed, he’ll probably know straight away from the loud thwump that comes from the other side. He’ll bolt up and apologize profusely and help you back up. Then, he’ll bring you close and kiss you all over. It’s not a big drop, but he’ll still act like he dropped you off a cliff. You’ll have to assure him you’re alright, but no matter what you do, he will be glued to one side of the bed the rest of the night. You only fall off on rare occasions though, so that’s good.
The only downside to sleeping with Bertholdt is that your presence makes it harder to predict the weather. ok ill stop with the jokes im sorry
💛 Jean:
LOVES face to face stuff. He’ll hug you close and tight, giving you lots of forehead kisses and just cherishing you.
He’ll hold you like there’s no tomorrow, just feeling so lucky to have you. He’ll never tell you any of this, but he’s so happy he got someone like you.
All night, he’ll make sure you have the blanket wrapped around you and that you’re comfortable.
He also likes to spoon you, rubbing your upper arm or back. He really likes to be little spoon too. Unless you begged him for like a week, he would never be little spoon. But once he tried it, oh lord he loved it.
He doesn’t let you spoon him too much because, y’know, ego, but when you do he loves when you wrap your arms around his waist and intertwine your legs with his.
He’d snore a lot, but it wouldn’t be too loud. It’s usually just a low rumble and you don’t hear it that much.
If you’re in a position to, put your hand on his chest, he adores it.
💛 Connie:
Be careful of his legs because he will kick you sometimes. Not purposefully of course, but he is a deadly weapon when he sleeps.
Which is why he normally sleeps in the opposite direction of you.
He adores being little spoon, plus his height makes it easy to do.
He will have no shame in being the little spoon, unless someone finds out he is and gives him crap for it. Then he’ll yell at them, getting all defensive and flustered. After that he’ll assume the little spoon position defiantly.
If you’re facing each other, putting your legs together is a must, just hope he doesn’t kick you in the shins.
If he does, he’ll apologize and laugh at what he did, before flipping over to make sure he doesn’t kick you again.
💛 Sasha:
She will steal the blanket from you 24/7. No doubt about it. Even if you manage to get it back, she will do it again.
She loves getting cuddly with you. She will be big spoon, little spoon, lay on you, whatever makes both of you comfortable.
She does snore on the louder side though, which annoys the crap out of anyone else in the room, whether that be just you or if she’s in the barracks.
She loves it when you sit up and hold each other, rocking left and right, she will melt in your arms.
She’ll love to cuddle and talk about her day with you. She’ll come up with a lot of different topics and it will never get boring.
There will be crumbs in your bed, that is the price of dating Sasha. She’ll try to clean them out sometimes, but there will always be that one that ruins your sleep.
She loves it if she’s laying on her back and she’s holding your shoulders as you lay on her chest. In that position you can hear her heartbeat and she can kiss your head.
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lo-frequency · 3 years
Hi I love your blogand your writinh so much it's so good!
Could I request a shoto/denki and toga x chubby reader (if you're not comfortable writing with toga you can just to denki and shoto) thanks!
Fortunately for you, anon, I did them all! (and it's kinda long, so my bad lol) Also, there's mention of insecurity in Toga's, but it quickly turns to fluff. As always, please enjoy!
-Believe it or not, Denki was nervous to confess to you because he was afraid of being rejected. You’re so cute and cool and that he was sure there’s no way you actually returned his feelings. It was worth a shot, tho. So imagine his joy when you said you felt the same way :)
-Rants about you all the time to his friends, to the point where they feel like they know you personally before you’ve even met. They also get to hear all the tmi stories about what the two of you do alone, because he can’t help himself (if they don’t walk away first, lol).
-He knew you looked squishy before, but couldn’t believe how soft your skin was when he finally got to hold you. It was almost unfair. He often finds himself caressing your skin mindlessly whenever you’re close together, hand always ghosting across your arm or hand (or your thigh ;) ).
-Lays back on you to play video games, his head cushioned by your pillowy chest and the rest of his body situated between your legs as you watch him play. Play in his hair or rub his arms and he will fall asleep. The tingly feeling he gets when cuddling with you is his favorite kind of electricity.
-Zaps your butt “by accident”
-Easily flustered, but he tries to play it off with his cool act. Just kiss his cheek or tell him he’s handsome and watch him ramble about knowing he’s “irresistible” until he flushes red up to his ears.
-Denki can be pretty corny at times but he does have his serious moments, mostly when you two are alone together. He shows you what’s beneath his goofy facade, a boy with dreams and aspirations just like everyone else. After seeing this side of him, it’s a little irritating to hear people reduce him to an idiot (although he does have his moments 💀)
-Them thighs tho 😏 “Dang babe, you been working out?” “Not really, Kaminari” He clucks his tongue. “Sheesh, imagine being that thicc...naturally” he says, shaking his head as if it were a shame.
-Truly believes he has the best s/o in the whole school. Does not take offense to being called a simp 🤷🏾‍♀️.
-Wasn’t aware of it at first, but became super attracted to people with your same body type. His eyes always lingered on them in public, and he couldn’t help but think they were kinda hot (sorry, y/n)
-Very affectionate, but loves to receive as much as give, so please give this man plenty of kithes and hugs, he gets the shakes if he doesn’t get his daily dose of Y/n love.
-Y’all are so silly together, always cracking jokes or giggling about something. You eventually develop a similar sense of humor, and have so many inside jokes people can’t decipher your conversation. If anybody has anything negative to say about y’all: Denki puts his hand over his earpiece and says to you (from right next to him) “Pikachu to Big Sexy, I’m picking up some negative vibes on the radar, do you copy?” And you, holding your hand up to your own ear, say “Affirmative, doing a diagnostic scan...it’s a hater, confirmed.” Cue the obnoxious laughter, lmaoo
-Never forgets the anniversaries or relationship milestones. He even remembers the date of yall’s first kiss, and thinks about it every time the date passes (although he wouldn’t tell you that tho, that would be too sappy, even for him).
-The way you and Shoto became acquainted was a little unorthodox. You fell on him during a training session one day, and the feeling of your soft body pressed against his was a new experience for him, to put it mildly. Shoto stood up from it a changed man. Call it an awakening, if you will.
-You were a little put off by all his staring since that incident, thinking he didn’t like you despite all your profuse apologies. But after Izuku dropped hints that it was probably fascination rather than contempt, your relationship progressed smoothly from there (thanks mostly to your efforts, since Shoto had no clue how to approach you).
-Shoto still had a staring problem once y’all became official, too. Whenever you asked him what he was looking at, he was not ashamed to tell you exactly why: you are too fine not to stare (ok, maybe he didn’t say it exactly like that)
-Not overly affectionate in public, but has a tendency to always stand or sit close to you whenever he can. Just sharing the same space is intimate to him.
-Sharing a bowl of soba noodles 💕
-Buys you expensive gifts all the time, and loves to see you using them. Especially if it’s clothes, it’s like a piece of him is always with you even when you’re not together (plus, it shows you’re all his ;) ).
-Now, I’m gonna tell y’all a little secret. It’s pretty shocking, so be warned: Shoto sometimes pretends to be oblivious when you hint at wanting affection, just to make you beg for it. Maybe you brush your hand against his, and he moves it. Or maybe he saw you lean for a kiss and he casually turns the other way just to hear you complain. He likes it, makes him feel wanted.
-Devious, I know, but just get even 😏
-When y’all are alone, he loves when you hold him close and just sit there, peacefully enjoying each other’s presence. He also likes to lay on your lap while reading a book or watching tv with you, slowly nodding off as you comb your fingers through his hair.
-Obsessed with you, but not in an unhealthy way, it’s just that you’ve become such a big part of his life that he kinda...thinks about you all the time. Shoto is canonically not very talkative, but I think that with you, he’d open up more about his true thoughts and feelings. So when he shoots you that blank stare when his classmates are up to some bull, you know exactly what it means.
-Also revels in knowing you that well, too. He’d flex how much he knows about you to the other people and sometimes unintentionally embarrasses you in the process
-For example: “Here Y/n, a cherry popsicle just for you!” Shoto immediately hands you some napkins before adding “Y/n doesn’t usually eat cherry popsicles, they always drop the red juice on their clothes.” Like gee, good looking out Shoto...thanks for telling the whole class I can’t eat without messing up my clothes 💀. He’s sweet tho, he has good intentions.
-She made it very clear from the beginning that she liked you, and with how smitten she was, who were you to refuse her (aggressive) advances?
- She thought your plump figure was just so cute, one of the cutest things she’d ever seen, and she quickly developed an unhealthy obsession with squeezing your chub.
-When you two are together, Toga is always attached to you in some way, whether she’s hanging off your arm or has her arms looped around your shoulders.
-Starts to eat the same foods you eat, borrow your clothes all the time, listen to your favorite artists, whatever way she could become closer to you
-Writes you love letters or sends you cute text messages all the time, you’re always on her mind, even when she’s on missions. “My Y/n is wayy cuter than you! Let’s get this over quick so I go back to them, ok? 🥰 🔪🔪”
-I know y’all were waiting for this...she most definitely uses her quirk on you. Toga loves you so much, she wants to become you. So one day, you finally allow her to give it a try.
-She tells you to close your eyes, and when she gives you permission to open them, you find yourself staring...yourself in the face. And you do not like it 🤢. There’s something so strange about seeing yourself in 3rd person, in all dimensions. Is this how you look to her, all the time? You quickly lose interest in this little charade, looking everywhere but at yourself as Toga prances around doing sexy poses in your body and giggling. However, when she sees your reaction, she stops.
- “Hm? What’s wrong, Y/n?” she asks with a tilt of (your) her head. You glance at yourself, then look away again. “This is so weird. I don’t like looking at myself” you say, grimacing at the slight bounce and jiggle of your body when she walks toward you.
-In Toga’s eyes, you were absolutely adorable. In fact, she was getting a little hot and bothered just taking peeks at herself (you) in the mirror. She’s used to feeling you up for sure, but being you was a whole other experience. Though, she can understand your insecurity. After all, it’s hard to live in a world that constantly tells you your true self is abnormal. She knows from experience.
-So, she comes up to you with a flirty grin on her face...and starts showering you with kisses, in your body! You start to protest, weirded out by the feeling of your own lips on your cheeks but she would not relent. Toga was determined to show you what being loved (by you) felt like from her perspective, with your irresistible “imperfections” and all 💕
Thanks for tuning in! :)
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yourcooladdiction · 3 years
i didn’t have a back-up plan | bucky barnes
summary: reader x bucky break-up but nothing one of tony’s infamous galas can’t fix ;)
pairings: bucky barnes x female reader
warnings: 18+ only pls!! (smut, unprotected sex, public sex), angsty, little bit of fluff, jealous bucky, cuss words
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You’re sitting at the kitchen table with your head cradled in both of your hands. Your cheeks are stained from the hour's worth of tears and for a second you are so glad you didn’t put on any mascara this morning. You hear the screeching sound of a chair pulling out across from you and you refuse to look up. You’ve been going at it for hours now.
He just got back from a three-month-long mission, and everything had been fine until he told you how long he was going to be gone this time. You couldn’t do another three, four, maybe even five months without seeing him. You’ve been together for almost two years, yet it seems like you’ve only physically been with him for maybe 4-5 months. You didn’t expect much from this relationship. You knew when you met him it was going to be hard, and if you’re being honest, you didn’t think it was going to last this long…but there was something about him you couldn’t get over. You fell for him hard and now you are dealing with the consequences. You weren’t accustomed to his lifestyle, and you knew you’d never adapt to it. Being an Avenger isn’t something you just sign up for and it’s certainly not for everyone. He didn’t force the lifestyle upon you, he never forced you to Tony’s lavish parties even though he wanted you to but he knew you’d be too uncomfortable. He loved you. You knew that. You loved him. He knew that. But you knew he deserved more, someone like him, and you deserved someone more like you, with nothing too special about them.
“You want to yell at me some more?” You ask.
“Doll...” His tone is cold and emotionless. You know where this is going. You both have known where this is going.
“Do you think we need to break up?” the words escape his lips, and you finally glance up at him.
“If that’s what you want.” You state.
His shocked response is not what you were expecting.
“What do you want? Do you want this to work? Do you love me?” His tone now filled with sincerity. Where the fuck has this been the past two hours you think to yourself. You could’ve sworn you were taking the words out of his mouth, you wanted to beat him to it. But his puzzled look is telling you otherwise, telling you he doesn’t want this at all.
“Bucky, we haven’t been doing well for so long. It’s just... it’s just not working. Our lives do not mesh together anymore. You are all over the place and I can’t drop everything when convenient for you.” You explain your decision and he sits back in his chair.
“I’ve never once expected you to ‘drop your life for me.’ Jesus fucking Christ.” His tone back to irritated. There he is. There’s the Bucky that you’ve been dealing with for the past few hours and the past few months.
“We fight all the fucking time! That’s all we’ve done for months! When you’re gone it’s over the phone or in text, when you’re here it’s in person. Nothing has changed. Nothing helps. It’s not fucking working.” Your voice cracks and his eyes begin to water.
“I... I love you, I don’t want this to end. We can work on this. I can work on this. I can tell Sam I need a break and take some time off.” He attempts to save himself and you shake your head.
“Buck – I love you but I’m holding you back. You need to be with someone who understands your world and I- I’m just not that person.” You try to fight back the stream of tears and he drops his head in defeat.
He attempts to save himself one more time as his mouth opens but nothing comes out. You stare deeply into his piercing eyes. Trying to memorize his face. Trying to memorize him.
He stands up from the table and stops beside you. He reaches down and squeezes your hand. You squeeze back and glance up at him one last time. His eyes fill with tears once more and he takes off to the door. You sit there and force yourself to stare at the now empty seat across from you. You hear the door shut and the floodgates of emotions hits. You sit there for the longest time. Tears and tears flow down your face. Your heart has found a new home in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes eventually dry up and you know that this was the right decision. It was never going to work…
You are pulled out of your poorly timed reminiscing when your date reaches out and grabs ahold of your hand,
“Ready babe?” He asks.  
You force a smile and step out of the car.
You find it oh so incredibly ironic that your work is co-hosting one of Tony’s infamous charity galas. After you and Bucky broke up you landed a big-time PR job which involved working the one and only…avengers. You haven’t seen Bucky since the breakup but he had to know that you were practically working for the team by now. You had wondered how long you two could avoid each other, it was bound to happen eventually.
Nevertheless, 8 months post break up...here you are. The guy you’ve been seeing, a stockbroker on Wall Street was more than eager to be your date to this event. He wouldn’t shut up about the networking opportunity, and a chance to “meet the avengers.” Eyeroll.
You, on the other hand, didn’t want to go. You’ve been staring at the guestlist for weeks, well, you’ve been staring at one particular name on the guestlist for weeks. You’ve been racking your brain on why he would come to this event. He usually never goes to these stupid gala events, but yet he is attending a random gala…that you are in charge of…come on. You also find it convenient that he had a plus one beside his name. Of course, he does. He’s Bucky Barnes, why wouldn’t he have a date.
You and your date walk the imitation red carpet that’s laid out. You are the chair of this event so you have to pose for pictures and stop for questions. You hated this part of your job, you just wanted to be behind the scenes but unfortunately, people love you and your work, so they want to know all about you at all times.
You make it through the interviews and pull your date inside. He is enjoying this publicity a little too much. You find some co-workers/friends and push him off on them, and quickly head to the bar to get the strongest drink possible.
You order a dry martini with extra gin and take a sip.
“Some things don’t change, hm doll?”  
You stand there frozen. The accent. The beautiful Brooklyn accent that you miss every fucking day. Those six words send chills down your back. The way “doll” flowed off his lips. This fucker. You take a deep breath and pray your makeup has remained in tack and your hair looks good from behind.
You slowly turn around and are met with those deep blue eyes. His hair was much shorter than the last time you saw him, but still so damn handsome. The scruff along his chin almost makes you drool because you miss the feeling of it against your skin. Your eyes make their way back up to him and he is smiling.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi.” You say back.
“You look...fantastic,” he smirks.
You bought this dress specifically for tonight. For this moment. You got it in his favorite color because you wanted him to see you and admit you looked good. You give yourself an internal high five before responding to him.
“Thank you, so do you.” You gesture at his tux. One of your favorite looks on him.
“I-uh-I hope that it’s not weird that I am here,” he says as he takes a step into you.
“Oh, no. Not at all. I am glad you’re here.”
You quickly realize what you said and try to recover,
“SO you can take part in the donations! The more avengers the merrier!” You laugh nervously  
You idiot.
He chuckles at you and shakes his head.
“Is there somewhere more private we can talk?” He asks.
“Uh-I shouldn’t. I have to-“
“Oh right, yes, of course, you’re working. Well, maybe we can meet up before the night is over? I would love to catch up,” his voice is almost a whisper as he is only a few centimes from you. You can smell his unique scent. You used to joke that if he could bottle it up and sell it he wouldn’t have to run off and save the world every other day.
“Yeah, mhm, enjoy your night!” You respond and walk off.
An hour or so passes as you get caught talking to other donors before you can make your way back to your date. He is completely sloshed and making a fool of himself. Great. You call him an Uber and tell him he has to leave. He doesn’t take this very well and begins yelling at you. You and a few co-workers manage to get him outside as you wait for the Uber but he continues yelling at you.
“You’re just a fucking bitch! Get over your fucking metal-arm freak of an ex and you will be happy! I could make you so happy!” He says as he points a finger in your face.
Before you can respond a man quickly jumps in between the two of you and slams him into a wall
“Call her a bitch again and I will kill you, yeah?”
Your date's eyes go wide, and he runs off to the Uber as it pulls up.
“Bucky, what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?” You yell and he chuckles.
“Really? I just helped you with that fucking asshole and you want to yell at me?”
Without thinking you take ahold of Bucky’s hand and pull him inside and off to a side room. You slam the door behind them both of you and he takes a few steps inside before turning around to face you. You cross your arms along your chest and tell yourself to be calm, give him a chance to explain himself, but as he opens his mouth you cut him off.
“What the fuck are you doing here, James?” You question
A smile splays across his face as you use his first name. He takes a few steps towards you, attempting to close the gap. You slowly take a step or two back still allowing the distance between the two of you. He smirks as he realizes what you’re doing.  
“Well doll, if you must know. I needed to see you He says. His accent was thicker than before, which is a clear indicator he’s been enjoying the open bar or some Asgardian liquor or both.
“What about your plus one? Where is she, hm?” You question.
“You mean Sam? Yeah, I’m sure he’s having a great time in there.” He chuckles.
Of fucking course it’s Sam.
“Why was Sam not on the – oh forget it, we aren’t together anymore Buck, you don’t get to just show up and call me doll and pretend that everything is normal.” You sigh.
“Why not?” He asks playfully.
“We broke up, Bucky.” You sigh once more.
“Yeah and?”  
“And!? And YOU walked away” You scoff
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, doll?” His voice irritated.
“No, I’m not fucking kidding ‘you.” You tilt your head and mock his accent. His eyes narrow and the muscles in his jaw clench. You forgot how fucking sexy he is when he’s mad.
You two stare at each other for a few seconds as if you’re having a contest. Your emotions begin to overwhelm you and you feel the tears swelling in your eyes. You look down in defeat and you hear him let out a small sigh.
“Love.” His voice cracks. Fuck. You can’t hold the tears back any longer and you feel them fall down your cheek. You look back up at him and his eyes are bloodshot too.
“I fucked up, doll.” He mutters.  
“Yeah. You did.”  
“I know I did! I know! I should have stayed and fought for you. I know that now. I am sorry. But I’m here now. I’ve been working on this little plan for weeks now, to see you and –“
“No! No, no. You can’t do this. You don’t get to do this.” You interrupt, you wipe a tear away, and turn around to leave.
“It wasn't just me, doll! What about you, huh? You couldn’t adjust to my lifestyle yet you’ve been parading around all the other avengers for the past 8 months. Helping Tony with these bullshit galas!” He challenges.
You spin around and narrow your gaze at him.
“It’s my job.” You defend yourself.
“Yeah? I was your fucking boyfriend, not a lot of effort given there though?”
“Oh, fuck you, Bucky. Fuck. You.” You ridicule.
You both stare at each other down. Waiting for the next one to say something. You are soon questioning why you were so excited to see him tonight. Why you picked out this specific dress. Why you enjoyed it when he defended you against your douchebag date. You feel another tear fall and you quickly wipe it away.
“I should’ve tried harder. I’m sorry. I couldn’t handle the distance and I gave up on us too easily because I was scared and I’m sorry.” You finally confess.  
He stares at you. Contemplating what you just said. His jaw is still clenched, and both of his hands are stuffed into his pockets. The silence is almost deafening, and you turn to leave as your heart can’t take this anymore. 8 months later and you’re still not over him. You’ll never be over him.
Bucky grabs your hand as you begin to turn and spins you back around to face him.  
“Doll, I miss you. God, I fucking miss you.” He croaks.
Before you can speak his lips crash against yours. He quickly has you pushed against the wall as he deepens the kiss. You moan as you feel his tongue enter into your mouth. You wrap your hands in his brown locks and attempt to pull him further into you. He slides a leg in between yours and you moan as he grazes your sweet spot.
“Buck, we’re in public-“ you let out a raspy moan.
“I need you, please.” He groans.  
And with that, you’re gone. You give in to whatever he wants. He slips off the straps of your dress and you step out of it, he takes you in as if it was the very first time seeing you. You attempt to cover yourself up, you haven’t been this exposed since the last time you were together.
“Don’t,” he demands.  
He lifts your chin with his finger and places the sweetest kiss on your lips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
“Buck, I haven’t- I haven’t been with anyone else.” You admit.
“Me either, baby. I couldn’t bring myself to think about anyone but you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Let me show you how much I've missed you."
This time the tears swelling in your eyes were happy ones. He smiles as he finally renders you speechless. He wipes the tear away and kisses you once more. The kiss goes back to heated and passionate. You reach for his belt buckle, and he groans as your hands brush up against his erect member. He pulls his bow tie off and quickly unbuttons his shirt. He slips off his pants and underwear and once again has you pushed against the door. He begins kissing down your neck as he slips off your bra. He hooks a finger into your underwear, and you moan as his hands slide down your thighs.
“You ready?” He asks
All you can do is nod as the sight of him is enough to make you come.
He hoists you up against the door and you wrap your legs around him as he slips himself inside of you.
“Fuck, baby girl.” He groans.
“Buck – Jesus.” You cry out as he fills you up. He stills as he thinks he hurts you and pulls away to check on you,  
“Move, please.” You giggle and he nuzzles his head into your neck and begins peppering kisses along your collarbone.
He thrusts himself in and out of you at an unrelenting pace. Anyone else would probably be embarrassed with how quickly you’re about to fall apart but you don’t care. You’ve missed this touch for months. You’ve craved it for months. You knew you needed him again. You just needed to realize it.
“Y-you close baby? I’m so close. Fuck.” He moans.
You attempt to speak but all that comes out is a loud moan of his name. He smiles at how easily you fall apart for him. He’s always loved this effect he’s had on you. Even though you held your own, there was something about Bucky that made you putty in his hands. He knew he had to get that feeling back. He knew the second he walked out he wanted to come back. He almost did. He stood outside your door for the longest time but couldn’t bring himself to knock. He knew you’d come back to him. He knew he’d find you again and you two couldn’t help but get back together. You were meant to be.
“Fuck, I’m-“ is all you get out as your orgasm takes over.
“That’s it, doll. Let go. Fuck. I love you. I love you so much.” He praises you as you clench around his cock.
Your head spins as you see stars. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Bucky is moaning your name as he lets go inside of you. He slowly places you back down on the ground and kisses you all over.  
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“I love you.” You say as you lean up to steal a kiss.  
He smirks against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist. You two stand there in each other’s embrace.  
“Can we make this work? Can you be mine again?” He whispers  
“Yes.” You smile.
“Good, I didn’t have a backup plan if you said no.” He smirks and you laugh.
“Let’s get dressed. I’m sure everyone heard us.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey that’s never bothered you before,” he teases.
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cringeanator · 2 years
Down to Earth, Chapter One: Stranded
Summary: MC and Felix now realize their attempts to go back to Astrea may be futile. The couple struggle to navigate Earth and try to find ways to survive in their new predicament.
Word count: 2,794
Prologue/Masterlist here
‘What now?” My body stumbles back against the wall now feeling drained of all my energy. Felix grabs me and helps me sink onto the concrete ground. My head rests in my hands while Felix paces back and forth. A cool breeze blows across my sweaty skin. 
“I’m gonna try something!” Felix says before he takes position. With his eyes closed he inhales deeply and holds his hands out in front of him. Under his breath he mutters something in another language as his hands dance in some magical gesticulation. While it’s graceful, it’s doing absolutely nothing plus he’s straining himself. 
“Felix stop it, you're gonna pull a muscle,” I wave him off as he started to grunt. With a huff he breaks out of his trance and pouts. 
“What are we going to do?” He joins me on the ground, resting his head on my shoulder. My eyes shut close as I try to come up with a solution, but nothing comes to mind. We sit in silence for a while looking out onto the parking garage in front of us. 
“If the Astrolabe brought us here then it’s how we're gonna get back to Astrea,” I say looking at the lifeless staff in my hand. “Maybe we should go back inside and retrace our steps.”
“If we must,” he says with a huff, standing up. “But only if you stay by me. When I woke up I was wandering aimlessly around booths full of paintings and pillows with drawings of scantily clad men all over them.” I fail to conceal my smile as I wrap my fingers around his hand. 
“I promise I will stay with you and protect you from the ‘Artist Alley’,” I kiss his cheek and despite his blush, he interlocks our fingers together. We venture back into the stuffy convention center. Felix won’t stop staring at the people around us, making faces at the people cosplaying as Last Legacy characters. We skim the floors for any signs of Astrean magic residue but all we find is my backpack. As I shuffle through the contents of my bag a small rolled up pamphlet falls out. It falls on the ground and Felix dips down to grab it. He unrolls the paper and stares with furrowed brows at it before putting it back into my bag.
“It seems like no matter how hard we try, our attempts will always come back fruitless,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. The pout on his face is quickly replaced with a look of absolute horror when he lays his eyes on a person cosplaying as Magister Escell. Uh oh. I forgot about how weird all of this must be for him. Everyone around us is dressed in a Last Legacy themed costume while walking around using their Earth technology. Felix is staring dumbfounded at a group of Escell cosplayers all taking group photos together, posed in different fighting styles. “Why are there 15 Escells over there? Have I died forever and I’m now doomed to an eternity of suffering?”
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” I take his hand and walk away from the busy halls. We get to a wall away from the main hall and I rest against it, lost in thought over what to do next. I look up to see Felix staring up the wall behind me with his mouth hanging open. On the wall there is a giant image of a young Ayanna and Escell plastered onto it. Felix turns to me and I can see the stress strewn on his face.
“MC, what is going on? ” He looks at me exhausted and confused.  My hands quickly wrap around his and I smooth the skin of his knuckles with my thumb. 
“I know it’s confusing, but I can promise you all this is… normal. For Earth at least.”
“How is any of this normal?!” He’s frustrated. I can hear it in his voice.
“Uh so… Here on Earth, there is this video game called Last Legacy. I-It’s kinda like a book … There is a story but it’s different because you can control the main character.” He looks at me possibly even more confused now as I struggle to explain in a way that would make sense to him. “And the game takes place in Astrea but like.. Astrea is a fictional world in the game or…at least that’s what I thought. So all those people you saw out there were fans of the game and they were dressing up as their favorite characters.” He looks at me dumbfounded and stares at the poster for a moment.
“Why would anyone’s favorite character be Escell?” He says flatly looking up at the young picture of his father with a scowl. 
“You would actually be shocked with how much people like him,” I say thinking about the mound of Escell fan art and writing I’ve come across online. Felix still shakes his head in disbelief. He was quiet for a moment, still processing what I said. When he speaks his voice is small and cautious. 
“Are you sure I’m not in hell?” He furrows his brows as he asks me, looking at me as if I’m a demon disguised. 
“Im sure, listen I don't understand what’s happening myself. I thought that everything in Last Legacy was fake but obviously,” I gesture to him and shake my head. “I’m wrong.”
He stays quiet as I huff out a short breath. We’re quiet for a moment, Felix is still wary of me. “Well, we’re not gonna be safe here with your face plastered everywhere. We can go back to my place and try to figure out where do we go from here. We can take my car.” 
“Very well, the sooner we get back the better it will be,” he says as he confidently starts off in a random direction before stopping and looking back at me. “Where might ‘your place’ be? And what is a ‘car’?”
I grip onto Felix’s hand tight as I lead us through the crowds. When we walk by the Last Legacy II: Ex Nihilo posters, many people point to him and stop to do a double-take. I venture through the people asking to take a picture of him. Once we finally get to the parking lot we’re faced with a new problem.
“Shit, where did I park?” I say, looking out to the lot full of hundreds of cars. Felix stares at all the metal machines on wheels with his mouth wide opened as a car pulls out and drives off. I hear him whisper something along the lines of it moves? Together we trudge through the parking lot searching desperately for my car. After 15 minutes of walking in circles, we find it and my aching joints cheer in relief. A wave of familiarity washes over me when my car beeps when I unlock it. “Oh I never thought I’d be happy to see this old piece of junk! Hop in, Felix.”
“I’m supposed to get into this thing?!” He says, with a shocked expression. I make my way over to the passenger seat side of the car. 
“Felix, I know this looks terrifying but I can wholeheartedly promise you you’re safe.” I take his hands in mine but he still looks wary. “Hey, do you trust me?”
“Must you even ask?” He replies with no hesitation, he looks offended that I would even question his trust in me.
“Good, let me help you in,” I smile and open the car door for him. He plops down onto the seat and I buckle his seatbelt for him. He blushes when my hand brushes against his chest. “This is a seat belt. You’re always gonna want to wear this when you get in a car. It keeps you safe during accidents. Got it?” 
“Accidents? What do you mean by accidents?” His eyes widen as he looks at me.
“Oh, um... Sometimes cars crash into each-“
“CRASH?” He cuts me off with his jaw wide open.
“Ngh! Don’t worry! I’m a good driver,” I scrambled to ease his anxiety. “Just keep this on okay?”  
Once I’m settled in and start the car I can feel the nervous energy radiating off of him. I place my hand on his headrest when I look to back out the spot. A little yelp escapes his throat. When I start driving he reaches for anything to grip on. His hand finds the grab handle and his knuckles turn white from how hard he’s holding on. The parking lot is packed with cars coming and going. The whole car shakes when I accidentally hit a pothole. The jolt makes Felix grip on the grab handle tighten and I chuckle when he looks at me shaken.
“What in the hundred hells was that?!” 
“Just a pothole, Felix nothing to worry about. Roll down the window, you look like you’re about to get sick all over my dashboard.” He looks at the window for a second then looks back out at me dumbfounded.
“Roll down how exactly?” 
“Oh uh, press down on that switch right there,” I point to the button causing him to use his pointer finger to press down. His eyes widen when the window slowly descends down.
“That’s incredible..” I can hear him whisper under his breath. We finally are able to get out of the parking lot and make it to the main road. Felix starts to calm down and sticks his hand out the window, letting the wind glide against his skin. He looks so lost in thought he doesn’t pay any mind to the sharp clunky turns I’m making. Jeez, it's been a while since I’ve driven. It’s so weird despite me being in Astrea for months, this place hasn’t changed a bit. I mean it’s barely been 3 hours on Earth since I left. Honestly, I’m kind of glad to be back? It’s good to be somewhere familiar where I understand social etiquette and know my way around. But… I do miss my friends and my room at Blackthorn. It’s all really complicated. I’m snapped out of my thoughts when we approach my apartment building. Felix still hasn’t said anything, instead he’s staring up at the buildings around us. Once we park I help Felix out of the car, opening the door for him and unbuckling his seatbelt. Using my keycard, I buzz us into the building and make our way to the elevator. Except there is a yellow sign on it reading Out of Order posted on the doors. Of fucking course. 
“Looks like we’re taking the steps,” I say and take Felix’s hand in mine. When I open the door to the staircase, Felix looks up at the flights of stairs in horror.
“We have to walk up all that?!” His voice echoes up the staircase as he groans. I pat his shoulder and begin my descent up. Felix begrudgingly follows me, whining as he mutters to himself. We take about 3 breaks so we, Felix, can catch his breath. We’re panting once we finally make it to the door of my apartment. My hands fumble with the lock on my door, after all this time everything around here still doesn’t work. The lock clicks and my door swings open. The nostalgic stale scent of my apartment floods my nose, ahhh the sweet smell of dust. 
“Well this is it,” I fling my arms out beside me as we step into the apartment, throwing my bag onto the couch. Felix warily looks around my living room like a traumatized cat meeting its new family for the first time. He awkwardly stands in the front door with his hands at his abdomen picking at each other. “You can come in, you know.”
“O-of course!” He shuts the door behind him as I flop face first into my couch. I sniff in the scent of my pillows as I feel the absolute exhaustion from the day wear down on me. Felix is still awkwardly looking around my apartment, too scared to touch anything. I’m so exhausted I’m about to fall asleep on the couch but Felix is lingering in front of me still.
“I’m ready for a nap. C’Mere Felix,” I roll on my back and stick my hand out. He quickly grabs my hand and I pull him down on the couch with me, flush against my chest. He quickly kicks his shoes off and I wrap my arms around his waist. He presses his cheek against my chest as I run my fingers through his hair. We lay together comfortably as I began to drift to sleep. Until I felt Felix fidget in my arms. I crack an eye open and I can see him staring forward. Something is worrying him. “Not tired?”
“No, it’s not that.” He says while sitting up. His hands fidget with the material of my shirt before he gets up and grabs my bag. He takes out the pamphlet from the convention and joins my side again. “MC, what is this?” He says, pointing to the text at the bottom of the page. 
“The son of Magister Escell seizes his birthright. Will he rise to the occasion, or bring his noble house to ruin?” 
“It’s.. uh they were giving out at the convention to promote Last Legacy. I don’t know what it means, honestly.” I’m wide awake now. Felix’s face is full of worry so I wrap my hand around his. He looks up at me and shakes his head.
“It just doesn’t make sense. Seizing my birthright? Bringing my house to ruin?” He stares at the picture of himself, his eyes glowing green. The army of skeletons behind him and the fearsome dragon sends a shiver down my spine. “What does any of this mean.. And why is Anisa there? This is all so confusing.” I chew my lip, trying to think.
“I’ll look online and see if there is anything that could help us?” I’m not sure if I’m telling him or asking him. He gives me a combination of a shrug and a nod. I grab my laptop and log onto the Last Legacy leak forums, trying to see if I can find anything leaked from the new games. All I find is character designs and low quality videos of gameplay. Felix is attentively looking over my shoulder at my screen as I scroll, squinting at all the images. A post that reads ‘Felix Iskander Escellun’ in bold text catches my eye. Quickly, I click onto the post. It loads slowly but a picture of young Felix in his Starsworrn uniform appears. 
His character description reads “The only son of Magister Escell, known for his gloomy demeanor and magical ability inherited from his father, is tasked with saving his home from a new villain.” The text on new villain is hyperlinked. I go to click on it but the shaky tone of Felix’s voice stops me. 
“Does this just mean I’m some character in an Earth story?” His face is storming with emotions: confusion, exhaustion, and mostly pain. I fully turn my attention to him, taking his hands in mine.
“No Felix, god no.” My hand cups his cheek while his eyes water up. He shifts uncomfortably on the cushions, I’m struggling to find the words. “I know how confusing and scary this all is but I promise you, you’re real. You’re very very real.” He nods and puts his hand in his hands for a moment, I stroke his back comfortingly. 
“Let’s uh, keep looking,” he gestures to my computer. My attention returns to my laptop. I click the link for the new villain. A big loading symbol appears on the screen, and my computer heats up. Images of Astrea and blocks of color flicker on my screen. The same screams of the lonesome souls from the void come out of my speakers on full volume. The bottom of the laptop is burning my thighs making me quickly transfer it to the coffee table. Felix and I are practically hypnotized by the array of static colors and pictures of people with red eyes and agape mouths. There are flashes of symbols I recognize from spell books drawn by cultists. The sinister display suddenly comes to a halt when an image of the Lord of the Shadows appears. He looks at us and laughs, it’s as if he’s in the room with us. A chill runs down my spine when he points at me. GAME OVER written in big bold letters fades on my screen before my computer shuts off. The only thing on my screen is the reflection of my petrified face. 
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after-witch · 4 years
Title: You Would Cry Too (If It Happened to You) [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
Title: You Would Cry Too (If It Happened to You) [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader] [It’s My Party Part 2]
Synopsis: Shigaraki won’t let you go to the bathroom. 
For request for a Part 2 of ‘It’s My Party (I’ll Cry If I Want To’)
Word Count: 2100-ish
Notes: yandere, kidnapped, graphic descriptions of eating disorder thoughts & eating disorder behavior 
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Shigaraki has planted himself firmly in front of the bathroom door, legs crossed, Nintendo Switch in his hand. His back is hunched over and the screen illuminates his face with an artificial glow in the dimly lit bedroom you’d been trapped in for weeks.
You stand awkwardly in front of him, but if he notices your presence, he doesn’t say anything. Finally, you clear your throat and speak up.
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
He doesn’t look up at you when he answers, bluntly.
You clench your fingers and your toes in an effort to create and release tension, to avoid lashing out. You learned, very quickly, that lashing out only made him lash out, and his man tantrums were something you didn’t want to deal with. At least not right now. Not with your stomach feeling distended and bloated. Not with all the food you’d just shoveled into your mouth. Not with the steady hum of primal thoughts ringing in your head, wanting it out--needing it out, needing it out now.
He’d just left for a while, an hour maybe--he normally refused to leave around meal time (for reasons he shared in explicit detail, to your utter discomfort) but after receiving a dozen missed calls from one of his conspirators, he’d finally answered it and begrudgingly agreed to leave. He said he’d be right back.
You don’t know why you did it. You hadn’t binged and purged since you were kidnapped. The anxiety and fear of what he might to do to you overrode everything else in your system, overrode the need to be full and then empty, rinse, repeat. But it’s been weeks. Maybe more? No heroes are going to save you, that’s what he says, and you believe it. Who would want to look for someone like you, anyway?
And so after he left, the thought crept in. Why not eat? And eat--and eat? You held off for a while, hugging your knees and keeping yourself firmly planted on the mattress; staring right at the mini fridge he’d shoved in the corner of the bedroom.
It was like a switch, when you decided. A switch you are all too familiar with pressing. You calmly got up, opened the fridge, and pulled out all the leftovers (including, you admit, some takeout that was teetering on the edge of still-edible) stuffed inside. Plus a few cans of soda, for good measure. You ate almost all the leftovers, mechanically; it was like riding a bike after avoiding it for the summer, really, old habits hard-wired into your brain from years of use. 
You finished just in time to push the trash into the stray garbage bag you’d convinced him to keep in his room. He showed up before you could get rid of anything in your stomach, took a long, slow look at you, then planted himself in front of the bathroom. Did he know? Or was he just being weird again?
And so, your current predicament: Shigaraki, planted between you and the toilet that you desperately needed.
“Why can’t I go to the bathroom?” You keep your voice neutral, low, slightly annoyed. Nonchalant. You want him to feel like he’s ridiculous for denying you access to the toilet. 
Again, he keeps his eyes glued to the screen.
“You know why. I’m not stupid.”
“I have to pee,” you argue, whining, shifting on one leg as if you’re trying to keep it in.
He shrugs one shoulder up and down. “Piss in a cup. I won’t look.”
You sigh, then. “Fine. I have to… you know…”
He raises an eyebrow without glancing up.
You pretend to be exasperated, you pretend to be embarrassed. “You know. The other thing. Poop,” you whisper, dragging the word out as if he’s dragged it out of you like a terrible secret.
He scratches at his lip with his thumb and you fight back a wince. When he gets too upset, he scratches. He was bleeding like hell the night he’d kidnapped you. It was from, as he told you later while petting your hair--all the while ignoring your trembling--getting upset from watching you throw up in the bathroom.
But what you did in the bathroom sure as hell wasn’t anyone’s business but your own, though you’d been too frightened then (and now) to say so.
He sets the Switch down and you think for a moment that you’ve won. He stands up, and your stomach flips at the thought of victory; you wonder if you’ll even have to try very hard to get everything back up. But instead of moving, he leans back against the door and props his foot on it. His chapped lips are set in a grim line, and he folds his arms across his chest. A mockery of a casual pose.
“You’ll try to puke,” he says, practically spitting out the last word.
You feel your cheeks growing hot. You hate how blunt he is about it.
“Seriously? I just have to go to the bathroom.” The food in your stomach feels impossibly heavy. How much longer will it sit there, undigested, before it makes its way out of your stomach and out of your reach.
“I know you just…” He murmurs, and waves his hand haphazardly towards the garbage, then brings his fingers up and scratches, again, this time a hard line on his neck that is sure to bleed if he digs in one more time. “The bag wasn’t full before.”
You can feel humiliation, tight and fluttering, blooming across your entire body. No one is supposed to know, no one is supposed to see what you do. But what choice did you have, trapped in some villain’s dirty bedroom? But the fact that he knows just how much you ate makes you feel even more disgusting.
“Let me go to the bathroom.” You cross your arms.
“You’re not fat,” he says quickly, awkwardly. He’s staring off to the side, refusing to meet your eyes, and you wonder if he’s embarrassed. “You’re really… pretty.” He murmurs, low, almost reverential--and you swear you can see pink on his cheeks. You wouldn’t know how to process “a highly dangerous villain calling you pretty” if you wanted to, so you don’t bother.
“It’s not about weight,” you instantly whisper, throat tight with embarrassment. It is--but it isn’t. Not really. Not deep down. But you don’t want to explain that to anyone, and certainly not to some villain who kidnapped you and is currently standing in between you and a rush of vomit-based endorphins.
He thunks his back on the bathroom door. Petulant, slightly pissed now. “Whatever. I’m not letting you puke in the bathroom.”
The thought of keeping everything you just inhaled inside, the thought of it staying with you, growing on you, thick and sticky and heavy, is too much to handle. It reminds you of how helpless you are. And you are helpless, here, in this bedroom, with a villain who could kill you--if he’s merciful, kill you--with a firm touch of his fingers. You’ll never get out of this, not on your own. And no hero is coming to rescue a literal nobody civilian with no friends or family who cares about her, no one to miss her. You can’t even get into the bathroom to vomit, much less find a way to escape.
He’s staring at you, eyes widened, and you realize you’re feeling hot. You’re breathing heavy, erratic. Are you having a panic attack? A heart attack? Years of strain and stress finally coming to bitter end? You dig your nails into your palm and it hurts, and that’s good, maybe you’ll bleed now, but suddenly the wind is knocked out of you and you’re flat on your back, body bouncing slightly from its weight on the mattress.
He pushed you--he pushed you down. His hands, finger up, are pinning yours firmly against the mattress, your palms flat and stinging from where your nails went in hard; your breathing is gradually returning to normal and you stare up at him, face itching from his hair dangling above you while he stares down with an unreadable expression.
“Stop it,” he hisses. “Just… stop hurting yourself. You’re being stupid.”
Your eyes drift towards his neck, towards the scars and thin line that threatens to bleed red with another good scratch.
The words leave your mouth before you can even think them. “And you’re being a hypocrite.”
He scoffs, and you cringe at a bit of spittle that flies onto your cheek. “That’s different.”
It’s your turn to scoff, and the ludicrousness of the situation combined with the uncomfortable fullness in your stomach has brought back your ability to snark, apparently. “No, it’s really not. I puke, you scratch. Wow, we’re really perfect for each other, huh? No wonder you couldn’t resist kidnapping me!”
“Stop being so damn difficult,” he huffs. “I’m helping you and you’re being a brat.”
Your voice is harsh, snapping, as you spit back, “If you want to help me, then let me go to the bathroom and stick my fingers down my throat until I puke my guts out.” 
His eyes widen and you stare at each other in uncomfortable silence. You feel nervous sweat dampening your back. You feel terrible. You’ve felt terrible for a long time, even before you were kidnapped. You just want to feel.. okay... for a few minutes, just a few minutes at least. 
“I really want to throw up,” you whisper, all snark replaced with softness. Pleading. “It makes me feel better, okay? I just want to feel better for a little while.” You feel tears beginning to prick at your eyes but you can’t wipe them away.
He lifts one of the hands pinning your wrists and brings it up to your cheek. Your heartbeat quickens in fear--despite mantra thoughts of he won’t, he won��t, he said he wouldn’t hurt you like that--as he gently strokes your cheek, then moves up to pet your hair. It would feel nice... if you weren’t kidnapped.
“I’ll make you feel better, you don’t have to do that.”
He continues to stroke your hair, soft and soothing in its intention, until the storm seems to pass.
Finally, he speaks up: “If I get off you, will you try to get to the bathroom?”
“Yes,” you admit, blunt and open. “If the food’s still in my stomach, I’m going to try to puke it out.” You look away, aware of the strangeness of talking about it as a matter-of-fact. “If you didn’t jump on me, I’d probably just have puked it into the garbage bag.”
“How long does that take to get out of your stomach?”
You’re half-tempted to him to Google it, but you bite back your response, not wanting his calmer mood to go away anytime soon. “Um… I think like… 2 hours?”
He sighs, and slumps down on you, his weight heavy and warm and keeping you in place. He reaches for the PS4 controller he’d left on the floor and, as afterthought, grabs the second one before dropping it into your now freed palm.
“Hope you don’t suck at fighting games.”
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
Inside My Phone
나는 그의 연락처를 바꾸는 것으 잊었다. I forgot to change his contact name.
Description: During an appearance on a talk show about all things woman, YouTuber (y/n) reveals some cute relationship facts about her relationship with Seventeen’s Seungcheol. The hosts asked to call him and then his voice appeared in the interview as he’s asked a couple questions about you. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Fluff, Idol!Seungcheol x Fem!Youtuber!Reader Word Count: 2.3k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Alright," Sook, one of the panelists clapped her hands together, "Shall we move onto the next topic?"
My hands got a little sweaty with nerves, "This is the topic I'm most nervous about." I commented, looking at the other women sitting at the camera facing tables.
"The fans love 'Inside My Phone.'" Narae said and I couldn't deny that because I also really enjoyed watching this segment also.
A staff member handed me my phone and I looked to Sook who had a cord that would display my phone on the screen behind me.
"This," She said, holding the cord in front of her face, "Is the magically cord that will reveal what is on your phone. Are you ready, (y/n)?" She asks me with a quirked eyebrow.
I let out an airy chuckle, "I hope so." I tried to burst all the bubbles of nervousness but they still bubbled.
"I'm so curious!" Oh My Girl's Seunghee squealed excitedly from the spot next to Narae as Sook handed me the cord and I plugged it into my phone.
"Won't it be similar to what's on your phone?" Youngja wondered.
Seunghee shook her head, "Youtubers and singers are similar but she's totally different than me." She explained, "Plus, she might have cute photos with her boyfriend."
Narae clapped her hands, "Right! You don't have anything we should be worried about, right?" She asked her heavily hinted question, tilting her head down and rapidly blinked her eyes.
I shook my hands and head, but played into her joke. "There aren't any. I double checked last night." Though, there were never any naughty pictures on my phone to start with. We kept those somewhere else (😏).
"So, should we start then?" Sook asked everyone once the PD's gave us the clear connection for my phone.
"First up, your lock screen." Narae reads from her cue cards.
I awakened my phone and my lock screen shined up at me. The picture of Seungcheol and I surrounded by cherry blossoms graced my phone screen, only the time and date distorting the picture. The memory of the day made me smile and made the others coo.
"As expected." Youngja nodded her head in approval.
"When was this taken?" Sook asked me with curiosity.
"Mmmm, about..." I trailed off in thought, trying to pinpoint when we took this photo, "3-4 months ago, I think..." I answered her and gave her a slightly apologetic look for not remembering more clearly.
"Yah, that's so cute." Seunghee sighed, staring at the screen. I nearly blushed from all the compliments about us.
"Next, if you would unlock your phone." Sook pressed forward and I quickly followed her instructions. "What's the most recent photo you took?" She finished her part.
"Uh..." I opened my photos app, "Like selfie or screenshot or...?" "Selfie." Seunghee piped up excitedly.
I smiled at her answer and scanned my pictures for the last selfie I took. Which just happened to also have Seungcheol in it. I clicked on it and it filled my screen.
In it, Seungcheol has his post-practice face smooshed up against my left cheek and my face shows a smile of shock that he had done that. In the background, however, are a few of the members doing some interesting things.
"Stop being so cute!" Youngja exclaimed and swatted her hands in my direction.
"Can you explain what is happening?" Narae wondered and I nodded.
"A few days ago, I went to pick Seungcheol up for a small date and he was a little sweaty." I explained, "But he had asked to use my camera to fix his hair. Then he smooshed his cheek against mine and took the picture."
"All sweaty?" Sook asked.
I nodded with a laugh, "Yeah. It was gross."
"But the picture is cute." Narae complimented.
"But what is happening in the background?" Seunghee asked, pointing up to the screen with a little bit of worry.
I squinted at my phone and zoomed in on the background where Hoshi and DK were caught posing in some really weird ways and Vernon and Woozi just stare at them with their arms crossed over their chests.
"Ah, I think that's Hoshi and DK, uhm, yeah, I don't really know what they're doing." I laughed, "Probably some thing that only makes sense in their minds."
"They sure are characters." Sook chuckled. "Shall we continue on?"
I nodded, ready to get Hoshi and DK's weird poses off my screen.
"Last song or album you downloaded onto your phone." Narae said.
"That's easy." I opened my music app and scrolled down a bit, "It was Monsta X's new album." I tapped on the album but Seunghee's squeal made me quickly swipe back.
"OH!" She covered her mouth with her hand, "You have our album on your phone?"
I scrolled down a little more and there it sat. "Yeah, I really enjoyed it." I told her with a smile.
"Wait, how did you see that? It was like not even halfway visible." Sook wondered, looking at Seunghee with bewildered eyes.
"An artist knows their album cover from anywhere." I said, recalling the many times Seungcheol would point out their new release from a ridiculous distance away.
"Exactly." Seunghee said smugly, liking the fact that I defended her, "I could find our albums anywhere."
"Don't test her, Seunghee." Narae warned her as Sook pointed a playfully threatening finger at her.
"I really like their album." Youngja said absentmindedly and we all whipped our heads toward her, "The Monsta X album." She clarified, pointing up at the screen.
We all dropped our jaws slightly in realization and chuckled.
"Next question: what is the last text message you received?" Sook tapped her cue cards against the table and my heartbeat jumped.
"Uh, last text message I received..." I said slowly, and opened my messages app. Preparing for it to be a really embarrassing conversation in the group chat, I'm relieved when my most recent conversation is a private conversation with Seungcheol.
"Cheollie?" Narae read out his name and I almost bursted into laughter. He definitely told me to change his contact name yesterday and I definitely forgot. Oh, he was going to be so pouty when this show aired.
"I forgot to change his contact name." I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. "He's going to be pouty."
"Why?" Youngja wondered, "It's cute!"
"Hey, you sound like a fangirl." Narae pointed at Youngja with a laugh.
"I'm just stating facts." Youngja defended herself.
"What did Seungcheol send you?" Sook wondered, ignoring the other two women.
"Uh, he said," I opened the conversation and the last message he sent made my heart fill with love.
'Hey, you, I don't remember when you said your filming thing is but good luck! You'll do amazing! Call me when you're done and we can do something. Love you!'
Seunghee giggled and Narae and Sook put their hands over their hearts and leaned back in their chairs. Youngja just awed at the message. It was a little weird having such large reactions to a simple, pretty normal, text message so all I could do was laugh at the awkward position I was in.
"Ya, I don't think any of my friends get messages like that and they're married!" Sook said, regaining some of her composure. Seunghee was still very much still in the feels.
"It's pretty normal for us." I told her, "We don't do it often but if we know the other has a really big schedule, we'll send supportive messages like that."
"By chance," Narae started with an unexplainable excitement in her eyes, "Do you think you could call him?"
I paused to glance at the PD's behind the cameras but they were saying it was okay to go off script.
"If he's free." Sook added, quickly taking in my silence, "If he's busy, we don't want to bother him."
"I don't think he has anything going on today." I tried to recall if he told me of any plans he had for the day, "I can try calling him."
Narae and Sook clapped their hands for me while I tapped on Seungcheol's profile picture and hit the call button before turning it on speaker.
We all sat in silence, listening to the first ring. Then the second. Then the third.
"Maybe he's busy..." Seunghee whispered.
"Maybe his phone's off." Youngja suggested.
I shook my head, "He doesn't really turn his ringer off if he-"
The receiver picking up cut me off.
"Hey, love." Seungcheol's deep voice rings through the phone. "Are you already finished?"
All four women got really giddy and their jaws dropped open.
"No, not yet." I answered him before he got worried. "Do you have time to call? Are you busy?" I asked.
"I'm not busy. I'm just hanging out at the dorm." He told me and I felt relief spread across my shoulders. "Are you good?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled at his question, "We're just recording and we are doing 'Inside My Phone' segment. They saw the text you sent and wanted to call you."
"Ah, that text." He chuckled over the phone in embarrassment. "Wait! That means you're recording right now?"
"Yeah." I told him and he instantly cleared his throat.
"Hello, I'm Seventeen's leader, S.Coups. Also known as YouTuber (y/n)'s boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself with his leader voice and I nearly busted a lung from laughing.
"Nice to meet you, S.Coups." Sook said, getting closer to my phone. "I'm Kim Sook and Park Narae, Lee Youngja, and Oh My Girl's Seunghee are also with me."
"Seunghee's there?" Seungcheol asked, clearly surprised.
"Yes I am, sunbae!" Seunghee jumped up with excitement.
"Oh, Seunghee, I didn't know you'd be on the show." Seungcheol commented.
"(y/n) didn't tell you, sunbae?" Seunghee asked, shooting me a glance but I just shrugged. I didn't even know she was coming until I showed up for the recording.
"No, but I don't think she knew." Seungcheol explained and I clicked my tongue.
"S.Coups." Narae spoke up, "(y/n) said that you guys send texts to each other before big events."
"Yes, that's true." Seungcheol said.
"So when was the last time she sent you a text like that?" Narae finished her question.
"Uh..." Seungcheol trailed off in thought, "Last month when I had my first solo magazine shoot." He answered and the studio erupted in reactions.
"Yahhh. You two seem to match each other really well." Sook commented and Seungcheol let out an embarrassed laugh.
"What is your favorite thing about (y/n)?" Narae suddenly asked, turning the show into a special on our relationship.
"This suddenly?" Seungcheol chuckled nervously.
"You don't have to answer." I quickly tried to save him from having to answer it but he decided to answer anyway.
"No, no, it's fine. It was just unexpected." Seungcheol said and took a couple seconds to collect his thoughts, "Well, my favorite thing would have to be how considerate she is."
"Can you explain that?" Sook wondered and I lightly smacked her arm while giving her a 'why?' expression.
"She's just very caring towards everyone." Seungcheol explained, "The Seventeen members, our staff, other staff, and even the fans. She's very kind to them."
"That's right. She is really kind." Sook nodded her head in agreement and patted my shoulder.
There was some noise on his end of the line and I leaned forward to take over the conversation again.
"Everything good?" I asked, knowing the noise was probably the other members talking to him.
"Yeah, but I think I'm going to have to go. I'm being summoned by Woozi to fix some lyrics or something." Seungcheol said with an apology laced into his tone.
"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead." I told him, "I'll call you when I get done."
"Okay, sounds good." He replied, "Thank you Sook, Narae, Youngja, and Seunghee! (y/n), have fun!"
We all said bye before I hung up the call. After settling back into their chairs, Sook was the first to speak.
"That was so nice that he was able to talk for a little bit." Sook commented, scooting closer to the table.
"It was." I mirrored her content.
"So, tell us, (y/n)," Narae turned to me, "Do you have any big projects coming up?"
"Of course, I have many projects planned for the next few months." I teased her with a smile, "But they're all secrets for now."
Seunghee let out a small whine, "Can't you tell us about one of them? Like just who it's going to be with?"
"Yeah," Sook agreed, "Just give us a little hint. A tiny baby hint."
Youngja sat in her chair nodding aggressively.
I rested my hand over my lips, contemplating if I can or if I should. Glancing at my manager, she gave me a small shrug of indifference.
"Okay, I'll give you three hints for certain upcoming videos." I caved and the others clapped in excitement. I listed off the hints with my hands, "First hint is shopping. Second hint is colors. Third hint is boyfriend." I said and then clamped my mouth shut, not giving any other information.
"That's it? You're not going to explain?" Youngja said with a pout.
"She can't do that." Sook calmed the other woman, "They're hints. The fans have to try and guess, right?"
"Right, that's how hints work." I nodded, confirming Sook's guess.
"Well, thank you for coming, for talking with us, and for giving us those hints." Narae began the ending. "We'll see you at the Girl's Table next week."
"On Wednesday night." Sook continued.
"At 8:45." Seunghee stated the time.
"On KBS!" Youngja finished and we all smiled and waved at the camera.
Once the cameras were off, I moved to pull the cord out of my phone. But just as I do so, a text from Seungcheol lit up the screen.
It read, "You did remember to change my contact name, right?"
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Strike! (Jaehyun x reader)
a/n : okaay soo this was almost from a real story :)) i twisted and improvised something that happened to me :p not important though, but please enjoy this scenario!
warning : none, i think this is save for everyone.. except if you have bad memories with bowling...
characters : you, Jae, and his friends (Yu,Tae,Johnny)
tagging @yutahoes (since she knew what happened) and @neopalette anyone else wants to be tagged in my works tell me :)
Spring is happening, the flowers are blooming, and the sun has been staying up longer! Everyone’s toasting under the heat and hoping that summer can just come now. You personally enjoy the heat rather than shivering in the cold winter wind. It’s just that you don’t really have anyone to enjoy this beautiful weather with. Just like any other day, you got down from your room to look for dinner. The sun is still up and you choose to just use one of your jacket and plop into your shoes before locking the door and walking nicely to look for food.
You turn on your earphone, playing on some light music so you feel less lonely. It’s just that you have friends but today you don’t feel like eating with them. You’ve been to two classes today and worked on some homework, you noticed it’s time for a “me time”. So, with the sun shining warmly and you enjoying your afternoon walk you smile when you notice how many couples are walking around the campus.
You’re jealous, you wont lie. Come on, who’s not jealous to see cute happy couples walking under the sun and with the blooming flowers things just look like a scene from a movie. You personally slow down to think of which dining hall to visit today. You choose to go to the west side and see what menu they offer.
You don’t see much student there which make you settle quickly on pasta and have them wrap it up to go. Now, with your boxed food, you walk happily to go back to your room only to pause when there’s a sport car filled with hot guys zooming through you.
You notice a lot of people have their eyes glued on the car, or maybe the guys in it. You don’t know them, but one of them seriously looks cute. You locked eyes for a second and you swore you love him at first sight.
“Woah, last time there were girls zooming around in their opened-cabriole cars and now guys too. Guess summer is really near.” You shrug your shoulder and continue to walk.
You pass by the car again but this time it is parked and the four guys are just chilling around their cars. Sipping on some cold energy drinks while giggling and tossing light smiles to the people passing by.
“Who are you looking at young boy?” The man behind the wheels earlier nudges the boy who has his eyes glued on you.
“Um no one-“ he stammers before turning away to look at his feet and feeling his ears burn.
“Oh I see, some freshman I guess-“ the guy with a Japanese accent teases the younger boy.
“Where? I wanna see too!” the smallest one between the three extends his neck to look around.
Their actions bring the crowd’s attention, and you realize you should keep walking. Why were you stopping in first place?
So, without much thought you continue to walk down your road while humming to your music.
“Stop staring,” the guy who’s looking at his feet finally speaks up.
“Why Jaehyun? You’re shy?” The tallest, Johnny aka guy behind wheel, pokes his cheek.
Jaehyun turns red “Nah, I don’t know her. She just passed by and I locked eyes with her.”
“Don’t worry, if Yuta saw her he will know her name.” Taeyong puts a hand over Yuta’s shoulder “Right Yuta?” he asks to clarify his statement.
Yuta nods “If only you justified if that was the girl you’re staring, I may have her name tomorrow.” Yuta plays with his phone.
Jaehyun sighs “Come on, this school is big… there’s no way you’ll get her name.” he hugs his three friends’ shoulders and sighs “Guess that will be the first and last time I see her.”
Johnny clicks his tongue “So dramatic. Duhh, I know how to see her.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen “How?”
Taeyong giggles “She went that way, there’s only three houses there. We can just hang around there and see her if she goes out of her building. It’s that simple Jae, don’t be so sad.” Taeyong pats his shoulder and jumps into the car.
“Come on, we have a bowling match tomorrow might want to practice a little bit before the game.” Taeyong calls his other friends into the car and once they’re all in, Johnny hits the road again with high speed to show off his car and the guys inside.
You finish your dinner and clean up your room already. In an hour or two, you’ll wrap up your task and readings then maybe take a rest because tomorrow is a big day. You got more classes to suffer and some dance class to attend.
Your mind flashes back the image of the cute guy seating in the back seat of the sports car earlier. His dimple, his carefree smile and his fluffy wind-blown hair looks perfect. Oh you really wish you can see him one more time.
He doesn’t look like he belongs in your major, man like him probably is an athlete or studies something related to business or sports.
“Come on come to your senses (y/n)! What are the odds he meet you again? Even if he sees you, he won’t notice or realize you’re there.” You try to burry your hope by reminding yourself boys like him belong to the pretty girls with long legs. Unlike you, totally you’re way out of his league.
That night you dream of a fortunate encounter with the mysterious guy and he gives you his name. Weird how you cannot remember his name at all when you wake up, but the day is running and you need to wake up and face reality. He is a prince charming and you’re no Cinderella.
“I told you, I can get her name by today.” Yuta proudly shows Jaehyun and the guys an Instagram profile.
“Wait whoah you really did.” Taeyong says after examining the profile picture because of the private account.
“How did you?” Jaehyun stops asking when his eyes accidentally spot you coming into the room.
“Am I seeing things or is she really here?” Jaehyun whispers to his friends and Johnny gives him a smack “Hurts? It’s real. I see her too.”
Yuta chuckles “Come on, I see her walking to this place and thought maybe she’s here this afternoon. So, I made a quick run through the participant list and look up one by one.”
“Thank you- but oh I am so fortunate to see her again.” Jaehyun is literally having his moment. If this is a drama he’d have romantic bgm and flower petals falling out of nowhere. But this is the bowling room in the campus and it’s far from romantic. Especially when the judge calls for the competitor to get ready.
“Good luck there bro, focus on the game not on the girl.” His friends tease him before leaving to sit in the spectator seat.
You tie your bowling shoes and pick out your own ball. Polishing it and feeling it with your hand before bumping into someone’s sturdy chest.
“Oh- sorry.” You mutter an apology before looking up and freezing in place when you lock eyes with the same man you’ve been dying to see again.
“You-“ he turns pink.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump you. Please don’t kill me.” You beg for him
He chuckles “I will not kill you, but if you want my apology…” he trails off and bends a little bit to see your face closer “Give me your name.”
You turn red now and you feel your face heat up “It’s (y/n)”
He smiles and reaches out his hand “Jaehyun, nice to meet you (y/n)” he shakes your hand and you grin. This is awkward…
“I saw you yesterday on the car. Nice car.” You whisper after both of you sit down to wait for your turns.
Jaehyun nods “Wasn’t my car sadly, but it’s my friend’s.” he points to the three guys enjoying pizza on the spectator bench. You only nod, his friends all look hot.
“So, bowling eh? Good at it?” you ask him when it’s almost his turn. Jaehyun stands up and wears his bowling glove “Good? I just pick this up as a new hobby and I join this to look for new friends.” He gets up to his lane and picks his ball before posing nicely and hits a strike.
You smirk, not bad. He has some talent.
Jaehyun returns after his turn is over and it’s yours now.
“What about you?” he asks
You sweetly smile “Watch and see,”
Jaehyhun notices how you change. Your posture is different, and your gaze definitely burns hole to the wall. He secretly has to control his heartbeat from going up when he sees you hit a strike.
You’re not a newbie, he notices that
“Great posture, accurate and precise.” Jaehyun offers a high-five and you take it.
“Well, thank you that came from years of practice. Pleasure to be your competitor tonight, I am (y/n) the school’s official bowling team leader.” You wink and Jaehyun feels his heart burst into million pieces.
How can you be so cute and so attractive at the same time? Plus what, you’re the bowling athlete team? Hot.
He sure is going to brag on you to his friends, but most importantly he’ll win your number first after the hot tight match. He’s glad Johnny forced him to sign up for this competition, and he’s glad he has the courage to talk with you.
“So, nice game and you’re really good.” Jaehyun nudges your shoulder when the game ends with you winning.
You grin “Oh yeah? Well, what do I get for winning?” you playfully tease him.
He knits his eyebrow for a while before grinning “Do you want my number? We can have lunch together or dinner someday.” He offers you his suggestion and you feel your cheek burns.
“Sure, yes I’d love that.” You gulp and type in your number to his phone.
“Okay, I’ll text you my number so you can save it.” He winks and turns his head around when his friends call him
“I got to go, do you want to go back to your dorm with us?” he offers you a ride but as much as you want to, you know not to accept rides from stranger easily.
You shake your head “I will go with them,” you point to a new group of friends living in the same building you just met earlier.
Jaehyun nods coolly “Okay, text me when you got home.” He points to your phone that lights up with a message from him.
You smile and wave your hand as you walk to the other friends “Bye Jaehyun! It was nice meeting you.”
Turns out yesterday was not the first and last time he sees you.
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mymegumi · 3 years
canis lupus familiaris
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x gn!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 3.0k
warnings: meet-cute, dog walker!bokuto, maybe ooc!bokuto + swearing/maybe
note: if this piece seems familiar, it’s because it was the last thing i posted on my old account (@/zumisace) before i deactivated it! i loved it and really wanted it out there hehe. i’m gonna be posting some old works that i really enjoyed mwah. help reading this again the dialogue is so blegh
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Labrador Retriever
The first day you notice him, he’s dressed in a pair of athletic shorts, black leggings extending past his knee to the middle of his shin as he stretches. There’s a bright orange leash that’s looped around his hand as he crosses an arm over his broad chest, a happily panting yellow labrador on the other end.
He is single handedly the most beautiful man you think you’ve ever seen, and you have to be careful you’re not drooling when you steal glances at him.
You’re lucky you even saw him, because you never go through the park near Main Street. It’s too crowded, and there are too many men that try and assert their dominance over you—overall you avoid walking this direction towards your favorite bookstore every weekend.
You’d only done it this weekend because there was some sort of construction going on West Street, but you have to sit down at a park bench momentarily just to gape at the handsome man jogging around the park with a dog at his side.
His hair spikes up in discolored disarray, but what might seem messy and uncoordinated on a lesser man, seems attractive on this one. He’s got a wide chest, shoulders broad that fills out his dry-fit shirt as he does some more stretching, and watching him while he does so makes you feel almost like a pervert, really.
You’d taken a quick detour in the park just to sit and watch him, book in hands forgotten as he crouched down, hands rubbing underneath the dog’s jaw with a loving touch. The smile on the man’s lips are wide, and you’re almost positive you’ve seen the smile before but you’re not really sure where.
When he looks up, your eyes catch with his and the smile he sends your way is blinding. You have to hold the book in front of your face just to hide the embarrassment clearly written across your face, but when you peek out a moment later, he seems none the wiser to your blunder.
You’re not usually one to base your attraction to other people solely on looks alone, but there’s something about this guy that tugs at your heartstrings. He’s good with dogs, too, and men that are good with animals are always a plus because they’re good judges of character.
“Hey, how are you?”
You look up to see the dog walker smiling brightly at you, a yellow labrador sitting at his side with a smile that almost matches his. Setting the book aside, you match his greeting. “Hi, I’m doing good, how are you?”
“Ah, I’m okay.” His hand rests on the dog’s head, who whines when he removes it to scratch the back of his neck. “I’m Bokuto, I just saw you looking at Rusty here and thought maybe you were too shy to say something.”
Well, at least your cover wasn’t blown just yet. You introduce yourself quickly while you reach a hand out to run along Rusty’s jaw, heart swelling when the dog seems to lean into your touch. “You caught me. I love dogs, is he yours?”
“Naw,” Bokuto crouches down now, just below your eye level as he rubs Rusty’s chest with a heavy hand, “I walk dogs when I’m not busy with practice, because it’s good exercise and I can get some pet time in without having to make the commitment of a dog, yet.”
“Yet? Do you plan on getting one at all?” Looking up at him, you tilt your head to the side as he shrugs.
“I’m not really sure yet.” Bokuto looks off into the distance as Rusty gets closer to you, nudging your legs apart with a wet nose to rest his head on your lap. “I travel a lot for work, so I’m not sure getting a dog would be smart.”
You hum thoughtfully. Bokuto seemed like a different type of person, from farther away. You hate to make assumptions about people without really getting to know them first, but he really seems like he dives into things head first without thinking things through. It’s nice to know that he cares for the potential dog he might get in the future enough, though.
“I’d get a pet, but I’m not really sure what I would want,” you start as you look back up at him, “I’m not even sure I’m a pet person, to be honest.”
“Everyone’s a pet person as long as you love them enough,” Bokuto encourages you with his hands outstretching, orange leash dangling from his hand making Rusty pick up his head briefly, “I hate to cut this short, cause it was really nice meeting you, but Rusty’s owner here is gonna pick him up in a little bit, and I gotta run him back to his house.”
“Oh, totally fine, I’d hate to keep you here.” You wave as he begins to jog off, taking a semi-willing Rusty with him. “Maybe I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! I’m here every week walking dogs, so maybe I’ll see ya?”
As his figure retreats into the distance, you can practically feel your heartbeat in your chest. Pressing a hand to your chest, you think it might calm the racing beat as you bite your lip, smile shy as you think about the exchange you’d just had.
Bokuto was a weird guy, is the first thing you think of. Normally, people don’t come up to others in a park just because he’d managed to catch you staring. If he caught you staring at him, you appreciate the fact that he saved you the embarrassment and gave you the dog as an excuse. He seems nice enough, and you’re sure that in another world, maybe you’d regret letting the conversation flow as well as it had, but in this one, you liked talking to him like that.
Maybe you would be back next week, construction on West Street be damned.
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French Bulldog
You were absolutely pathetic.
Never in your some odd years of living did you ever think that you’d be the type of person to exercise just because you wanted to see a guy again.
A very tall, adorable, muscular guy that handled dogs well and came up to you with a smile brighter than the sun, but a guy, nonetheless.
Dressed in a set of workout clothes that had practically been collecting dust in your drawers, you were stretching very awkwardly at the park, feeling out of place and uncomfortable. You weren’t someone that worked out often, and you prayed to whatever upper being was out there that no one looked at you weird.
You’d been pacing around the front of your apartment for a good twenty minutes before you decided to jog to the park, trying to keep a slower pace than normal because you didn’t want to be huffing and wheezing when you got to the park.
When you got there, you spotted Bokuto almost immediately. He was surrounded by a small crowd of people, looking embarrassed as they seemed to be asking for his autograph. A thinner, royal blue leash was wrapped around his hand as he waved and posed with some people for pictures.
Was he famous or something? You weren’t exactly sure, but he did have a familiar sort of face. You’d thought you’d seen him before the first day you had seen him, so maybe you’d seen him on your explore feed on Instagram or something.
You weren’t going to intrude on the festivities, content to just continue stretching and maybe actually exercise, but when Bokuto caught your eye, he waved at you with a hand over his head, movements large and noticeable.
“Sorry, I have to go, but thanks for supporting me!” was the part of the conversation that you had caught as you watched him jog towards you, a small white and brown French Bulldog happily trailing after him.
“Hey,” you’re tying your shoe now, crouched on the ground and you hold out a hand for the small dog to smell, “Funny running into you again, stranger.”
“Nice to see you again, you really saved me.” There’s relief in his voice as he holds his hands on his hips, chest heaving gently as he smiles at you. “Y’know, I love my fans, and they’re usually really respectful, but I guess someone caught wind that I started walking dogs and a whole crew of people were here when I got here with Porco today.”
You really hope Porco is the name of the dog.
“Your fans?” You straighten yourself off of the ground and give him a raised eyebrow. “Are you a model or something? I wouldn’t be surprised, you have the looks for one.”
The words leave your mouth before you can really think, and maybe it’s worth not having a filter for that brief moment to see the rosy red blush spread across the bridge of his nose and across the planes of his cheeks. If you look close, you’re pretty sure you can see it start to creep up his neck and on the tips of his ears.
“I’m not–! I’m not a model.” His words are quick as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “I’m a volleyball player, I play for the MSBY Black Jackals!”
“Oh, I’m not really into sports all that much.” You shrug lightly as you feel a weight on your foot, looking down to see Porco resting his butt on your sneaker. “I’m surprised I’m just now finding out you’re, like, famous, though.”
“I thought you knew I was a volleyball player, honestly.” Bokuto looks a little sheepish as he says it. “Usually, people recognize me right away so I just talked about it like you knew.”
“It’s fine! Don’t worry too much, I didn’t even notice.”
Porco makes a strange noise, something between breathing in too hard and sneezing, and it honestly stops your heart for a good minute. Looking at Bokuto, you’re concerned but it soothes off of you when he leans down and just pats the dog’s back lightly. “Sorry, French Bulldogs actually have really bad nasal issues, so Porco tends to do this when his nose gets too dry.”
“Y’know, you sure know a lot about different types of dogs for a guy that doesn’t want one,” you remark as you crouch down with Bokuto to scratch under Porco’s chin lightly.
Bokuto’s laugh is something akin to an angel’s and you want to make him laugh for the rest of his life. “I really wanted a dog when I was a kid, but my mom thought I was too irresponsible, so I did a month long project where I just researched about different dogs.”
“Guess it stuck with you, huh?” He nods, and you’re not sure if he does it on purpose but his shoulder bumps yours gently. “Did your mom end up getting you a dog?”
“No! My sister got a hamster and my mom was worried a big dog, like I wanted, would terrorize it.” his tone isn’t accusatory or spiteful, just reminiscing on the past as he continues to stare at the small dog before him. “It was probably for the better, cause I think I would’ve been heartbroken if the dog died before I was able to make it to the professional leagues.”
Talking to Bokuto is one of the easiest things you think you’ve ever done.
The two of you end up walking around the park when Porco calms down after a while, and the conversation flows as smooth as a river. Whenever there might be a moment of awkward silence, he manages to fill it effortlessly by mentioning something, or even just talking about his experiences as a volleyball player.
Honestly, even the moments of silence aren’t even all that awkward. There’s something soothing about the sounds of both of your feet hitting the pavement and the birds chirping that makes the entire experience one of the better ones you’ve had.
So, when he asks for your number, you give it to him without a second thought.
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German Shepherd
Bokuto really likes texting people at odd hours of the day, you’ve learned.
Sometimes you’ll wake up to a text on your phone from the man that he sent at about one in the morning, often asking you something that he had just thought of and can’t bother anyone else with. When you wake up, you typically try and answer his question to the best of your ability, and if you can’t figure it out, the two of you brainstorm the next weekend at the park to see what the answer could possibly be.
The pair of you have slipped into such a routine that seems so domestic it makes your heart clench whenever you have to remind yourself you’re just friends.
Today, at the park, Bokuto has a dog that you’ve seen before. A friendly German Shepherd named Ace that loved to slobber on your hands if you scratched underneath his chin for long enough.
A bright green leash is looped around his hand as he does his triangle stretches, Ace sitting between his feet acting well mannered. Bokuto waves at you as you walk over, tucking your phone away as you greet them both.
“Any clue where in the park we want to go today?”
“You think you’d get bored of the park after a while,” you say off handedly, watching as Ace’s ears perk up at the sight of two squirrels chasing after each other.
When Bokuto doesn’t say anything for a good minute or two, you turn to look at him. “Well, honestly? I was gonna stop coming to this park a few weeks ago.”
“Really?” This is the first you’ve heard of it, and you’re sure your surprise is drawn on your face if the way Bokuto reacts is any indication. “Why’d you end up staying?”
He coughs into his hand, and you’re sure he’s tugging his jacket’s collar up to hide the red dancing across his cheeks right now. “...You.”
You couldn’t have heard that right. You stop walking for a minute, coming to a full stop in the middle of the walking path as you process what he says to you. “You were gonna stop coming to this park… until you met me?”
His hair shakes a little bit when he nods, and he doesn’t meet your gaze. “Yeah. I had that Labrador for some guy, and I was gonna go to a different park cause he seemed like, bummed at this one, but I saw you sitting at one of the benches.”
“I started talking to you, and then I just had to see you again, so I came back the next week, too.” He looks up at you with a sense of alarm in his eyes. “That’s not weird, is it?”
“It’s not weird, Bokuto,” you reassure, stepping closer to him and hitting your shoulder against his easily, “I might have done the same thing. I usually go near the park on West Street.”
His smile is radiant, and you think that you’d love to see that smile every day of your life if he’d let you. There’s something about it that makes a small part of your heart swell, the feeling that you’re the one making him smile like that rears its head over the part of you that knows you aren’t with him.
That could always change, though, you think as Bokuto tugs on your arm as Ace rushes ahead of the two of you, eyes set on a squirrel running up a tree somewhere. His laughter is contagious as you’re pulled along by the dog, and you know that Bokuto could stop him from running, but maybe he enjoys the way the wind runs over him like you are.
Bokuto insists that you wait for him to drop off Ace at his owner’s house, telling you that you have to come with him or wait for him at your apartment. You love Ace, but you’re not too keen on meeting his owner at the moment, so you’re sitting on the steps of your apartment, changed out of your athletic wear in something more fitting for your day to day.
He comes back to you, jogging lightly as he waves at you from down the street. His outfit is the same as earlier, just a pair of black shorts with a navy blue hoodie, and yet you’re sure he’s even handsomer than you’d just seen him before.
You make a noise of agreement as the two of you set off, yet you’re still not sure where you’re going, instead just following after him without questioning anything. If you were more paranoid, you’d think this would be the perfect time for him to just kill you.
“So, no questions on where we’re going?” God, he always knows when to get you out of your thoughts.
“I just thought you were taking me to a dark alleyway to kill me,” you give him a smile as he makes an incredulous face, surely offended that you even thought that of him.
“No, I was just, uh,” he coughs into his hand, and you’re sure his cheeks are red again without even having to look, “hoping to take you on our first date.”
Smiling at the floor with a grin that doesn’t seem to fade, you clear your throat, “Walking the dogs doesn’t count as a date?”
“Ah, you’re right,” he concedes, dipping his head in a fleet apology, “our first date without any dogs.”
“Unfortunately,” you start, hand outstretching and seeking his, “I was only talking to you for the dogs.”
He laughs, hand intertwining with yours and tugging you closer. “Of course, the dogs were the only selling point I had, right?”
“Absolutely,” you nod in agreement, “I definitely didn’t want to go out with you, just wanted to see the dogs.”
The two of you are laughing and joking like you always do when you go into the small little diner, where you end up having your first date, without any dogs.
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bangchanshehe · 3 years
Play With Me pt.7
Summary:You had a one sided love with your best friend Taehyung, but Jungkook was pursuing his one sided love for you. One night of sexual frustration causes for your relationships with one another turn upside down.
Jungkook X Taehyung X OC
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You didn’t think that anyone had noticed what you and Taehyung were up to in the van since everyone was a safe distance away. Plus, it wasn’t like the two of you were making the van shake or squeak in a way that would give people little hints. But as you stared at Jungkook you knew that he had seen through you… and maybe some other members did too.
You stared up at him blankly feeling like you had just been caught stealing something out of a candy store. You were shocked that he would even bring that up right now.
“uh… kook” you said as you scrambled for what to do next.
But suddenly kooks cocky grin became a smile and he laughed softly down at you “I’m just kidding. I wouldn’t want to make you do anything that you don’t want to do”  
You gave him a small smile back instead of answering him properly, and he turned away from you as he turned on the faucet and continued to do the dishes that you didn’t want him to do. But now that you knew that he had a motive and reason you let him continue without any more complaints.
You left the kitchen and went back to the living room and sighed as you sat down on your couch. You tried your best to focus on the tv and not dwell on what had just happened and what kook was up to in the kitchen. But nothing was working… countless times you found yourself looking down at your phone to catch the time and see how long he was going to be in the kitchen “washing” two dishes.
Finally, you heard the faucet turn off and Jungkook slowly walked back into the living room. He didn’t sit down next you but instead stood by the entryway and stared down at you with a hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.
“so, um I think I’m gonna go home now since I made things so weird” he said softly before he turned to your doorway.
Without thinking you stood up and chased after him and grabbed onto the back of his shirt, stopping him from being able to leave.
“wait… please don’t leave like this” you said apologetically “you didn’t do anything wrong Jungkook.”
He turned around to face you and you could see the embarrassment written all over his face. and immediately you felt bad for pushing him away earlier. Did he feel rejected since you reacted the way that you did in the kitchen.
“but I don’t want to stay if things are going to be awkward.” He said quietly.
“things will only be awkward if you make them awkward. Jungkook what happened doesn’t change my opinion of you.” You said trying to give him a natural smile so he could feel more at ease. “plus… its not my first time that I’ve ever been subjected to an unplanned erection. You think that I haven’t seen some of the other members get horny after watching romantic scenes during movie night?” you asked him playfully.
Jungkook cracked a small smile and then looked down at the floor towards your feet. He took a deep breath and then lifted his head up to face you again. “then can we please forget what happened in the kitchen tonight please?” he said with a pleading look
You stared at his eyes and how they became smaller with his eyebrows furrowed and how his lips slightly pursed as his mouth hung slightly open. He was truly such a handsome man and you knew that you didn’t want to let him go in such a foul mood, thinking that he had ruined the whole night and his chances of having a shot with you.
You smiled up at him and then pat the top of his wild and wavy hair. You watched as your fingers ran through his soft strands, caressing his head in a soothing manner. Slowly you allowed your hand to rest on the base of his neck.
Jungkook looked down at you softly without saying a word as you comforted him. But as soon as your hand reached his neck there was something in his eyes that had changed. His cloudy and soft eyes had stared to focus, and his face was becoming more serious.
You slowly stood up on your tip toes and pressed your chest up to his before you gave him a soft and slow kiss. You could feel the hesitation in Jungkook’s lips and you slowly drug your hand down from his neck to cup his jawline hoping to help him relax some. Without a single moment of pause Jungkook had wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you in to his body tighter.
You had smiled into the kiss as you felt Jungkook finally respond to your kiss. He was not only kissing you back now, but was deepening the kiss as he hung onto you tightly.
You opened your eyes wide as you felt Jungkook spin the two of you around and pushed you up against the nearest wall. You looked up into his eyes and he gave you a wink as he continued to kiss you passionately.
You couldn’t help but pull away from him with a smirk and leave sloppy kitten kisses on his neck and lick on the spot right behind his ear.
But as soon as you felt like Jungkook was finally starting to really get into it and just relax he had pulled away from you and put his hand on either side of your head against the wall. He let his head hang down and you stared at the top of his head worried that you had done something wrong or if something else was bothering him.
He continued to stay posed like that for a moment longer and the silence was starting to scare you a bit. You reached out for his head and ran your fingers over it once more hoping to spark some kind of a reaction.
“what’s wrong?” you asked him
Finally, he looked up at you and gave you a small smirk. “nothing’s wrong. I just can’t get any hickies.” He answered simply
“oh” you said and smiled shyly.
Jungkook had looked down at your lips once more and licked his own before he reached for your hand and pulled you into your living room once again. “let’s lay down and watch the rest of this show”
You were following him like a puppy and watched as he lies down on your couch, squishing himself into the cushions to make enough room for you to be comfortable. You smiled down at him for a moment happy that he was no longer feeling embarrassed or rejected, and looked over his long frame as he spread across your entire couch.
He patt the cushion, gesturing you to join him and you quickly laid across the couch and snuggled into Jungkook’s body. He put his arm down for you to lay your head on and he rested his head on top of yours so he could still see the tv, and his other free arm was resting on top of your waist and curled into your chest.
You had no idea what has happening any longer in the plot of the tv show and you were really only half paying attention to what has going on anymore. The only thing that you were paying attention to was how Jungkook was resting so peacefully behind you as he cuddled you from behind. His body was warm enough that you didn’t need a blanket and soon you found yourself drifting to sleep.
 You didn’t know what time it was when you finally woke up but when you did you could see ending credits roll across the screen on your tv. Everything in your apartment was incredibly still, including Jungkook. You had slowly rolled forward to get your phone off of your coffee table and saw that the time was almost 2 am. As quietly as possible you sat it back down and then slid off of the couch so you could get a drink of water.
As you were in the kitchen pouring yourself a glass you heard a yawn coming from the living room and you peeked in to see if kook was awake. Sure enough he was staggering towards the kitchen and taking baby steps as he stretched and yawned simultaneously.
“sorry for falling asleep. What time Is it?” he asked with tired eyes.
You smiled at him and responded “its okay. It’s almost 2am.”
Suddenly his eyes got wider “wow. Okay I’ll take off now so you can get some rest” he said as he turned towards the table to gather his things.
“wait kook, don’t go. Its not safe to drive when you’re this tired.” You responded.
“are you sure I can stay?” he asked wide eyed and cautious.
You gave him an agitated look “how many times have I stayed at the dorms with all of you… of course its okay.”
He nodded his head for a moment and then sat his hat back down on the table.
You walked out to the living room to turn off the tv and your lamp and Jungkook looked at you confused. You gave him a small smile and turned out the kitchen light on your way into your bedroom.
As you took off your pillows and changed into your normal pajama shorts and a large shirt you waited for Jungkook to finally appear in the doorway. But after a moment of silence, he never came.
“kook?” you called out to him and finally after a moments hesitation he appeared, dimly lit at your door.
“am I sleeping in here with you?” he asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
You smiled before you asked, “would you rather sleep on the couch?”
He didn’t answer but instead he smiled back at you and watched as you climbed into your bed. You looked him over and frowned as he continued to stand just inside of your room.
“do you have any clothes I can change into?” he asked you.
“why do you need to change? Just sleep how you normally sleep” you asked confused. You knew that he usually only slept in his boxers and quite frankly it wasn’t a bid deal to you that he did.
Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes for a moment and then slowly he began to take off his sweats and his shirt. You pretended that you weren’t looking as you made yourself comfortable and turned the tv on. But truth be told you were watching him as much as you could without getting caught.
Jungkook had always had a nice, toned body, but now that he had tattoos and a wilder hair style he really looked like a bad boy and it made your mouth water.
He climbed into bed next to you and you could feel how stiff he was as he laid there stiff as a board. You silently laughed to yourself and turned off your bedside lamp, allowing the room to only be lit by the faint blue glow of your tv.
“y/n?” Jungkook asked softly.
You hummed back and turned your head to look at him. You could tell that he had something that he wanted to say but you didn’t pressure him to say it. And instead you turned to lay on your side so you were completely facing him.
“thank you for tonight.” He said softly “I know that it probably wasn’t fun for you and we didn’t get to go to the new restaurant that you wanted to go to, but I had fun just being with you… I always do”
You smiled softly at him as you replied “Jungkook… why do you always put yourself down? That’s the second time tonight that you have done that. Didn’t I make it clear enough to you earlier that I also enjoy being around you?”
He stared at you for a moment in silence before he spoke up “I just want to be someone that you like.”
After his confession you laid down closer to him and laid your arm across his chest, cuddling into his side. “you are someone that I like” you said softly as you traced patterns across his collar lightly with your fingers.
Jungkook continued to look down at you softly and as you looked back up to him, he leaned in to give you a softly kiss.
“goodnight y/n” he said with a smile.
“goodnight Jungkook” you said back before cuddling into him and closing your eyes.
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A French Kiss
Word Count: 7, 947
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: No warnings! Just some super cute fluff :) 
A/N: Dedicating this work to the lovely @wxstedhexrt​​!!!! Ps. Destiny if you thought i wasn’t going to dedicate this fic to you, you’re crazy lol. Thank you so much for being such a cute part of my writing process😉😘
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(Not my gfif, creds to the original creator!!)
Y/N held her phone tightly to her chest, eyes scanning the crowd. Too old. Too young. Eh, maybe? Not that one. Maybe that one? Shit no, has a girlfriend. Has kids. Ugh.
“You’re not actually going to do this are you?” Wanda asked, taking a sip from the iced coffee she had bought earlier. She watched as her friend nervously shifted her weight, staring at different men who were around them.
“Of course I am. I need to do this.” Y/N’s hands were shaking a little. Here she was, at an amazing photo opportunity in front of the Eiffel Tower, and she wasn’t even looking at it. She could only imagine how stupid she looked to everyone else.
Nat sighed from her spot on the ground. She had known this was going to take a while so she had laid out her rain jacket on the ground and sat down, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone. “Just pick someone. Anyone.”
“I can’t just pick, Natasha,” Y/N huffed, hands on her hips as she turned to look at her friend. “I need someone who is far better looking than Jake could ever dream to be. Not to mention I need to make sure he’s not married or with his family or with his girlfriend because I can’t imagine how awkward that would be-”
“What about him?” Wanda spoke up, nodding forward.
Y/N followed her gaze to a group of guys gathered around a nearby bench, laughing and smiling together. Y/N couldn’t be sure which guy Wanda was referring to but her eyes immediately fell on the blond guy who was writing? maybe sketching? into a small notebook. They were loud enough for Y/N to catch glimpses of their conversation, making a small smile pull at her lips.
“God this is going to take forever. Why didn’t you just take a photo?” The long dark-haired one whined, popping a snack into his mouth.
“The more you whine, the longer I’m going to take,” Y/N heard the blond say. She bit her lip, finally turning to Wanda and shaking her head.
“No way, he’s busy.” Y/N tried to seem casual, as if this wasn’t the first guy that she felt like she was drooling over. He had such a great physique, and that quiet concentrated look on her face made her swoon. What kind of guy like that would be single anyways?
“Oh come on, what you’re asking for takes like two seconds. Just go ask!” Wanda insisted but Y/N just made whining noises in response.
“God, no. I can’t do this. This is too embarrassing. Forget this. Forget Jake. Let’s just take a group photo and get this over with.” Y/N fumbled with her phone quickly, getting ready to just take a selfie with her girls.
“Nuh uh. I did not just get comfortable here on this foreign floor for you to chicken out of what you’ve been planning on doing the whole trip here.” Nat insisted, sighing but getting up anyways. Instead of posing for the selfie, she grabbed her things off the ground and then tightly wound her fingers around Y/N’s wrist, dragging her over to the group of guys.
“Hi there! I’m Wanda, this is Nat and Y/N!” Wanda spoke up to them first, having skipped along Nat and Y/N (who was still protesting and pulling at Nat’s strong grip).
The guys stared at the girls for a moment, all three of them sharing a look before looking back at them. “Hey there. I’m Sam. That’s Bucky and Steve,” the one guy grinned, nodding towards his friends. His smile was lined with amusement, obviously trying to not laugh at how distressed Y/N looked. “You being kidnapped or something?”
“Please, if they wanted to kidnap me, no one would’ve noticed.” Y/N huffed but gave him a sheepish smile.
“What can we do for you, ladies?” The long dark-haired one, whom Sam introduced as Bucky, asked. His smile was sort of cocky looking, very cheeky, Y/N noticed. She tried to look anywhere but at the blond, who seemed to be eyeing her.
Nat nudged Y/N forward, raising an eyebrow at her like she was saying Go ahead. “Um.” Y/N bit down on her lip, glancing back at the Eiffel Tower. Maybe she could lie. Maybe she could just ask them to take a picture of her and the girls and it would be over lickety-split.
“Y/N needs to be kissed.” Nat stated simply, noting the hesitation in her friend. The bluntness in her tone shocked everyone but Wanda who just snickered beside her.
“Nat!” Y/N whined, eyes going wide as she glared at her friend. “That’s not- that’s not the whole story! You… It sounds weird if you say it like that!”
“Well then, you tell them the story.” Nat shrugged. She placed her jacket back down on the ground, sitting back down and looking up at her friend, as if becoming part of the audience for the story she knew all too well.
Y/N sigh and closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she could just disappear. “Uh.” Her eyes opened and they immediately locked onto Steve’s beautiful blue eyes. God he was gorgeous. A guy like that would make Jake insanely jealous. “I got… I got dumped by my boyfriend a few weeks ago.” She started, immediately realizing how pitiful that sounded.
“Actually, you dumped him. He cheated on you.” Wanda interjected as she squeezed onto the bench beside Steve. She gave him a smile as he shifted to make room for her. “But continue.”
All of the guys gave her empathetic smiles, but stayed quiet as if to urge her to keep going. Y/N wished her life wasn’t as tragic as this story sounded.
“Fine. Jake cheated on me. With a girl he’d been friends with for a while. But that’s besides the point. Kinda. I mean it’s the whole point of why we’re here and asking but it’s still besides the point,” she rambled nervously. Wanda rolled her eyes and stretched out her leg, kicking the girl in her shin and making her yelp. “Hey!”
“Come on girl, get to the point. I’m sure these guys have other things they need to do today.” Wanda teased, making Nat snicker.
“No no, please continue. If it leads up to a kiss, I’d much rather hear the full story,” Bucky grinned, making Y/N’s face feel hot. He gave her a playful wink and Steve reached over to hit him over the head.
“Let her finish her story, Buck,” Steve glared, looking back at her with a small smile.
Y/N smiled back nervously, chewing on the inside of her cheek, “W-Well. I just… Paris was supposed to be the place that me and my ex were going to go. We always talked about it. So now that I’m here…” her voice drifted for a bit and she glanced back at the Tower once more.
“Ooooh.” Sam chuckled, his dark brown eyes sparkling as he put two and two together. “You’re looking to make that son of a bitch jealous. Find a cute guy to take a picture with in front of the Eiffel Tower, make him regret what he did to you, amiright?”
Y/N blushed further but nodded. He had hit the nail right on its head.
“Honestly, you probably could’ve just asked us to kiss you and we would’ve said yes,” Bucky laughed, clapping a hand onto the shoulder of the blond guy, who Y/N noticed seemed to have tucked his notebook away. “Except for Steve here. He’s a proper old school gentleman.”
“Buck,” Steve groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly. “Can you go like five seconds without embarrassing me?”
“Normally? Yes. But when there’s cute girls involved, it’s hard.” Bucky chuckled and turned to Y/N, “Well sorry your ex was an asshole. But on the plus side, you’ve got your pick of us three. Any of us you’d prefer?”
Y/N wanted nothing more but to faint. Here she was, actually doing the thing she wanted to do, with insanely handsome men who actually wanted to help, but it was all too much. She was overwhelmed with anxiety, her heart was pumping so fast she wasn’t sure she could actually form a complete sentence. It would be mortifying to say that she was already falling for Steve, even though she literally just met him.
“Cool it, Bucky, you’re making the poor girl sweat,” Sam smacked Bucky’s arm, who just turned to smack him back. “Just let her breathe, sheesh.”
Y/N’s eyes flickered over to Steve, who also seemed to be blushing a little. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe he was just embarrassed over his friends? Y/N could relate to that.
“Actually, Y/N’s got a think for blonds!” Nat piped up, only looking up from her phone to smirk at her friend.
“Oh that’s rightttt. Especially when they’re artists. You were sketching a little earlier, weren’t you? Steve, was it?” Wanda asked, nudging Steve slightly. She wiggled her eyebrows at him making both Y/N and Steve squirm shyly.
That’s it. Y/N was surely going to die. She looked up to the sky momentarily, wondering if Zeus would smite her just to help a girl out.
“Ooooh well lucky for you, our blond artist is a hopeless romantic still looking for love,” Sam chuckled. “He’s the complete package, so please take him so we don’t have to.”
Steve shot him a glare, moving his gaze back to Y/N and giving her that same sweet empathetic smile. She felt her stomach flip a little, quickly staring at the floor instead. God, if she couldn’t even look at him without feeling butterflies, would she really be able to kiss him?
“Okay enough eye fucking, you two.” Nat spoke up casually. “Wanda, go take their photo before they end up having babies.”
“Nat!” Y/N was going to kill her for that later but Nat, Wanda, and Steve’s friends laughed it away. Steve blushed a little more, standing up and brushing off the eraser dust from his pants. Y/N couldn’t help but feel small next to him. Not because of his height, but he just had this aura. A strong, protective aura.
He took her hand gently and Y/N bit her lip at the feeling of his callouses. Her mind went to all sorts of places, wondering how such a gentle man had such a hard outer shell. “We really don’t have to. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. It’s a really stupid idea anyways, I don’t even know if he’ll see it.” She rambled nervously as the two of them walked to a good picture spot, Wanda and the others behind them.
“He’ll see it.” Steve stated firmly with a smile to her. “If I lost a girl like you, I’d be checking all your social media to see if you missed me too.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed again, staring at the ground nervously, “Yeah well, I can’t be all that great if he found someone else while he was with me.”
Wanda positioned them in a spot with good lighting, Steve turning to face Y/N as Wanda got her camera ready, “You ever been to an art museum? And some asshole just blows right by a piece of art, acting like there isn’t emotions poured into it, like there isn’t something deeper in it? Sometimes art isn’t appreciated the way it should be. Just gotta find that one guy who’s going to be speechless every time he sees you.”
Y/N looked up at him with wide eyes. How did this man go from blushing, awkward, and quiet to smooth and flirty? She couldn’t help but giggle as she raised an eyebrow, “You always talk like this? Or is it just the influence of the City of Love?” She teased, feeling a sudden ease in talking to him. He felt so comfortable now, when it was just the two of them a little ways away from their playful friends.
“I dunno, doll. I’m in a city filled with some of the greatest pieces of art, and right now I’d much rather be here. Looking at you.” He teased back with a smirk. He saw her face glow a little more and he reached out to brush her hair from her eyes.
Although Y/N’s face felt hot, a cool breeze pushed past. She pulled her arms to her chest, rubbing her arms gently, “Are you just saying all these because you pity me?” She asked with a small smile. “I’m okay you know. About the whole… getting cheated on ex boyfriend thing.”
Steve watched her for a moment and stepped back a little to pull his blue sweater over his head. Y/N tried not to let her eyes stare but it was hard not to notice the muscles hiding under his white undershirt as he stripped. “Here. You must be cold.”
Y/N flushed a little, stammering out some sounds as he helped her ease the large sweater over her head.
“And no. I’m not lying about all this. You really are beautiful, Y/N,” he leaned forward, whispering it into her ear. “I’m sorry that jackass hurt you… but I can’t say I’m all that sorry that I’m standing here with the opportunity to kiss you.” Steve’s fingers found their way under her chin, tilting it up gently.
Y/N almost forgot what they were doing here. Her brain suddenly went, Jake who?She already felt like she was hyperventilating with Steve’s poetry-like words and chick-flick worthy speech. The moment Steve’s lips touched hers, her whole mind melted. His lips were soft and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the comparison to his rough hands. All the love songs, the poems, the movies… they all talked about that one kiss and suddenly, they all made sense. After a moment, Steve pulled away slightly but Y/N quickly filled the gap, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him back.
When the fogginess of her mind disappeared and the two of them finally took a turn to breathe, their eyes locked momentarily. Y/N could’ve sworn she heard a “wow” escape from Steve’s lips.
Whoops and hollers from their friends were quickly becoming louder as the two of them returned to Earth from their makeout high.
“Damn Steve, you kiss all girls like that?” Wanda teased, having snapped numerous photos of the kiss, not to mention a ton of the cute interaction that happened before. She and Nat shared a laugh, knowing Y/N was going to love the cute picture of Steve stripping next to the picture of her standing in his sweater.
“What girls?” Sam snickered, him and Bucky high-fiving. “Steve’s a completely mess around most girls.”
Steve let out a groan as he shot a death glare to Sam. “Can you… I’m trying to be… ugh!” He huffed, flustered with both embarrassment and frustration, especially as he heard Y/N giggling next to him. Here he was, overwhelmed with endorphins from having kissed the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and his friends can’t stop making him out to be an anxious nervous wreck. He was an anxious nervous wreck around girls but this girl didn’t have to know that!
The four friends laughed nearby as they all got to know each other a little more, teasing the slightly awkward ‘couple’ as they stood there, unsure of what to do now.
“Y-You don’t have a girlfriend or anything to get back to do you?” Y/N asked as she blinked at him, realizing she hadn’t even asked him before.
Steve shook his head quickly, cheeks turning pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Naw, I haven’t had much luck in the love department for a while.” He admitted, mentally slapping himself as the words left his lips. Why is he telling her this??? He had been so careful in choosing his words before, wanting to make the whole interaction feel as romantic as possible. After all, this girl deserved to be swooned.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at how nervous he seemed. Before he kissed her, he was all smooth and suave, but he also seemed so soft and awkward.
Right now, Steve was looking like he was battling a war in his head. He shifted on his feet, watching her nervously, “Was… was it okay?” He blurted out, biting down on his lip as he watched her expression. “The kiss, I mean?”
Y/N wasn’t sure what to tell him. How could she put into words the way that his lips literally made her feel like she was floating? How could she tell this man, a man she would probably never see again, that he was like a drug and she was already addicted? Here he was, a stranger, and Y/N was falling in fucking love with him when she had only done this to get back at her stupid ex boyfriend?
“I-It was…” She hesitated, looking for a good word. “Perfect.” The word slipped from Y/N’s lips faster than she could comprehend it. The two of them shared another blush, an awkward silence falling on them.
“Hey Rogers, if you’re done fonduing, we gotta meet with Tony and Rhodey! Got that dinner reservation Tony’s been talking about!” Bucky yelled over. Steve’s heart fell a little and he looked over at Y/N, only to find the same slight downcast expression on her face.
“Thank you… for your help,” she smiled up at him. Steve tried to capture the image in his mine, the sight of her smile, gleaming in the sun behind them. This was the sight Steve wanted to die looking at.
“A-Anytime,” he quickly stammered, realizing that he was staring at her.
“Steve!” Bucky yelled again, glancing between his friend and the watch on his wrist. “If we’re late, Tony’s gonna kill us!”
Steve groaned a little, rolling his eyes at the sound of his best friend. “I should go.” He sighed, looking at her just once more. He leaned over and brushed her hair from her face, bending over to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Have a great time in Paris, doll.” He murmured to her before rushing over to Bucky’s side.
The boys left, Sam and Bucky teasing him endlessly and loudly, drawing the attention of many people nearby. Y/N’s cheeks were still flushed as she slowly walked over to her friends, their grins as wide as their faces.
“Soooo. Steveeee.” Wanda sang with a giggle. “He’s much cuter than Jake.”
“He’s much cuter than any guy you’ve dated,” Nat corrected with a smirk. “You’re welcome. When you guys get married, I hope that you’ll thank me in your wedding vows.”
Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile, shaking her head. “I’m never going to see him again, you goose.”
Wanda and Nat’s wide eyes made Y/N feel like she had grown a second head. “W-What?” She frowned, feeling a little self-conscious with them looking at her.
“Um hello? You just shared the hottest kiss with a man in the most romantic spot in the world and you’re not planning on seeing him again?” Wanda asked, hands on her hips.
“How would I?” Y/N frowned slightly, giving a shrug.
Nat stared at her exasperatedly, “You didn’t give him your number?! What about your instagram? So he could be tagged in the photos?”
Y/N shrugged again, blushing now as she realized how much she now wanted to give him that info. “He didn’t ask for it,” she gave as an excuse, only worsening her slight pain. Her mind wondered for a moment about why... why hadn’t he asked for it?
“Wait, but you’re still wearing his sweater,” Wanda gaped, eyes wide.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked down to indeed find his blue sweater fitted on her body. “Shit!” She screeched, running towards the direction the boys had headed. Her eyes darted between groups, trying to find a sign of either one of the boys she had met. But she had no clue where they were headed, she didn’t even know what restaurant they were going to.
“Fuck...” she mumbled. A little piece of hope that had flickered in her heart died, realizing that she had lost her chance to connect with the one guy who made all the love songs make sense.
Y/N wore the sweater all night long, admittedly because she loved the smell of him on it. She could feel her heart grow a little, her chest tighten, her lips tingle, ever time she inhaled it again. God he smelled so good. But she also wore the sweater because she had hoped that whilst they were roaming around Paris’ nightlife, he would see her.
“Aw baby girl, chin up,” Wanda cooed gently, touching her arm as they got back to their hotel room. “Maybe you’ll see him again!”
“Where?” Y/N moped, sitting on her bed. “I had my chance and I totally messed it up.”
Nat and Wanda tried to stay positive for her but they all knew the chances of running into the boys again were slim. Y/N kicked herself mentally as she started getting dressed for bed for not at least asking him where he was from. Sure, he had an American accent but there was 50 states! What if he was Canadian? American and Canadian accents weren’t all that different were they? That means 50 states PLUS 13 provinces/territories in Canada… The thought pulled a sigh from Y/N’s lips. Even if she did manage to find him, there was no telling he’d actually want to see her again.
Y/N folded up the sweater gently, sighing as she pressed it flat into her suitcase. But as she did, her hand pushed against something harder than a bunch of fabric should be. Curious, Y/N reached into the large sweater pocket and pulled out a small notebook. Her eyes widened as she realized it was the booklet that Steve had been sketching in earlier.
Great, not only did I steal this man’s sweater, I stole his art too, Y/N thought to herself. She bit her lip as she sat down on the floor, carefully opening up the notebook, as if it might break if she were too harsh with it.
The first page made her laugh a little. It was Bucky and Sam, fast asleep on airport seats, both with their arms crossed and Sam’s mouth open a little. Y/N was surprised at just how much detail went into such a small drawing. No line was without purpose.
The next few pages looked like they were what Steve had seen out of the plane’s window, most of them having the wing in the centre and small clouds flickering around.
She thumbed through the drawings, loving each and every one of them more and more. Landscapes filled pages and Y/N felt herself get excited when she found something she recognized. It was like a little memory book of the places the boys had all gone together. She noticed two more figures in most of the drawings, figuring these were the other two that the boys were meeting up with when they left. Throughout all these drawings, at the bottom, there was Steve’s signature. In scribbled lines, she could make out S. G. Rogers. She let her thumb glide over for a moment, as if she was missing someone she knew well. She couldn’t help but laugh at herself, knowing she literally met him for not even an hour.
Y/N shook the thoughts from her head as she flipped to the next drawing. Her eyes blinked for a moment, taking in the beautiful sight of the Eiffel Tower that she had see earlier that day. He really was a talented artist, Y/N noted. Even in just sheer pencil, she could see details she probably missed in her momentary glimpses at the tourist site.
“What’s that?” Nat’s sudden voice made Y/N jump, realizing Nat had just come out of the bathroom.
“Uh Steve’s drawings… It was in the sweater.” Y/N explained shyly, handing over the book.
“Oooh more about Steve?” Wanda gasped, hopping over immediately. “Oh wow, he really is an artist huh?” She grinned, flipping through the pictures.
“So now you stole his artwork too huh?” Nat teased, making Y/N pout.
“Stop! Don’t say that! It wasn’t my fault!” Y/N huffed, hugging her knees to her chest. She couldn’t help but feel a little happy that she had his notebook and sweater. It would convince her that all of this actually had been real, and not a dream, like it was starting to feel like.
Steve hadn’t even realized he was missing his sweater until after dinner. The group of guys had sat back in their chairs a little, sighing at what was a great meal when Steve noticed Bucky giving him a weird look. “What’s wrong? Got something on my face?” Steve asked, nudging his friend.
“No… something’s just different.” Bucky tilted his head slightly. His eyes squinted slightly, opening again slowly as he said, “Weren’t you wearing a sweater earlier?”
Steve’s eyes could’ve popped out of his head. He immediately stood up from the table, staring out the window in the direction that he had met Y/N and the other girls. He had only meant to give her the sweater for a moment, while they were taking pictures and talking. She seemed cold, how could he not? (His mother would’ve killed him if he hadn’t… not to mention he really liked seeing her in his clothes). How had he completely forgotten to get it back?
“I bet I know where it is,” Sam snickered as he watched the confusion on Steve’s face.
“Where?” Tony asked, looking between the three.
Rhodey rolled his eyes, “Tony, catch up. There was a girl. He kissed the girl-”
“-And being the ever so lovely gentleman we know and love Steve Rogers to be, he gave her his sweater,” Sam finished with a laugh, shaking his head. “Didn’t have your wallet in there did it? Any other important things?”
Steve shook his head, glad to feel the wallet-sized lump in his jeans pocket. “No… but my sketch book…”
“Not like you can’t just draw some more,” Rhodey shrugged and grinned up at him.
“Yeah but I was hoping to bring it all back and use it for my paintings,” Steve frowned tightly, looking at the boys who had met Y/N with him. “You don’t think she’s still around there do you?”
“Come on, Steve, it’s been hours! You can’t honestly think the girl waited around for you. Just give her a text or something.” Bucky’s amused smile on his face froze as he saw the blush appearing on Steve’s face. “…You did get her number or something didn’t you? I mean, that’s the most tongue-tied I’ve seen you with a girl in a long time!”
“Oh so there was tongue. Talk about a true French Kiss,” Tony snickered, making the other boys laugh and Steve feel like he could die.
“No, Tony, there was no tongue,” Steve rolled his eyes, sitting back down slowly crossing his arms over his chest. “I… I might’ve forgotten to ask for her number…” Steve muttered, knowing exactly what was coming.
“Steve!” Sam and Bucky both yelled, both swatting at his arms from either side of him.
“How could you forget?” Sam groaned, shaking his head. “Just like you to get all flustered over a girl, and have her get all flustered over you, just for you to completely forget to make sure she could get in contact with you!”
Steve looked up, his eyes suddenly beaming with hope instead of shame, “She was getting flustered over me?” He asked curiously, letting out a groan when both Sam and Bucky swatted at his arms again.
“Idiot,” Bucky shook his head devastatingly but he smiled anyways. He wanted to let Steve mope a little more, as a consequence for being an idiot, and then later, maybe he’d show him the pictures that he and Sam had taken of Steve and Y/N.
Why Natasha and Wanda were dragging Y/N out on a Friday night, she had no clue. Normally, if they were going to go out on a Friday, it would be to a club. Not to some place that had a black tie dress code.
Y/N tugged on her dress slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable all dressed up and not understanding where they were going. “Can someone please-” she started, but the two stern looks she got back from Nat and Wanda shut her up quick.
“If you ask one more time where we’re going, I’m going to knock you out. I really don’t want you to be unconscious when we get there, but don’t tempt me, Y/N,” Nat threatened with a playful smirk on her face. “Just be patient. You look fucking hot, you’ll love it.”
Y/N sighed and slunk back into the Uber seat, tapping her fingers on her knee. Here she was, hair perfectly set around her face, body fitted into a black evening gown, a touch of makeup done… she was picture perfect. But Y/N couldn’t figure out why. Wasn’t her birthday, wasn’t any sort of important date…
Y/N stared out the window as she tried to consider all the possibilities. This seemed to be the biggest event since their trip to Paris about a month ago. The small memory of Paris made her smile, thinking about all the fun the girls had had together, and of course… Steve. She hadn’t really thought about him for a while. She spent the days back home looking for a Steve Rogers online, but it was such a common name, she knew she was bound to never find him.
His sweater sat in her dresser, waiting for the day that maybe she would meet him again and he could take it back. But one month later and no such luck.
Nat and Wanda shared a look as they watched their best friend fade into her daydreaming state. They giggled together quietly, Wanda nudging her slightly. “You’re sure you’ve got the tickets?” She murmured softly and Nat nodded in response.
“Just have your camera ready. I want to capture the moment.” Nat reminded her and Wanda agreed, slipping her phone out of her small purse.
Y/N stared at the building the Uber driver pulled up to. The bright lights at the entrance made it look so regal, like it was some event that major celebrities were going to be attending. As the girls stepped out of the car, Y/N silently thanked both of them for not letting her come in the casual dress she had originally picked out for herself. Her eyes caught sight of the gorgeous evening and cocktail gowns that other women were wearing, the sleek and smooth looks of bowties and suits on the men.
Y/N almost forgot that they were here to attend whatever this was, standing completely frozen from where the car had once been.
“Come on!” Wanda laughed, grabbing her hand. “It’s an art show!”
Y/N blinked in surprise, looking at her friends with a confused look on her face. Neither one of them had really shown any interest in art before… so why were they here?
“Tickets ma’am?” The man at the front asked with a smile. Nat started to open her purse but the man held up his hand. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realize you had a muse with you. Go right in, ladies.”
The girls looked at him and then at each other. Not wanting to hold up the line that was growing behind them, they started to walk in and Y/N raised an eyebrow, “Muse?”
Nat shrugged, pushing the tickets back in her purse. “Well damn, if I had known, I wouldn’t have bought these super expensive tickets,” she muttered to herself, making Wanda laugh. “What do you think he meant?”
“Um hello, you guys were the ones that dragged me down here, how should I know?” Y/N looked around as the three of them stood in the front halls of the museum. She wasn’t quite sure where they were supposed to go so she started to walk, so she started to follow a few people in front of her.
The decorations were stunning. Everything was black and white, so the colours on the mediums shot off the walls. People were walking around with trays of small horderves and other trays of champagne glasses. The girls each grabbed a glass, smiling at each other as they clicked the glasses together and took a sip. As the three of them continued to walk around, Y/N could’ve sworn that people were whispering as they passed, gawking at them.
“Is it… a private show?” Y/N whispered harshly to her friends as she noticed someone sneak a photo of them.
Nat’s eyebrows furrowed, noting the commotion she and the girls seemed to be making, and she shook her head, “No, it was a public event.”
“Ma’am, do you think I could take your photo?” A man asked with a smile, holding up his camera and press pass. “I’m doing a story on the artwork.”
Y/N had to look around for a moment, making sure that he was actually talking to her. “Sorry, I’m not… I don’t have a connection to this artwork?” She stated confusedly, stepping away and further into the exhibits with the girls.
“What the hell was that about?” Wanda mumbled, glancing back to see the man looking equally as confused.
Most of the people seemed to be in the on main section of the museum, whispers and murmurs filling the room. As Y/N and the girls walked in to see what everyone else was looking at, they were greeted with flashes of light. People with cameras yelling questions at them about how they felt about the exhibition and if she liked the pieces.
“Sorry I- I have no clue what you’re talking about-” Y/N tried to tell them, holding her hands up to protect her eyes from the multitude of flashes.
“I think I know.” Y/N turned to look at what Wanda was talking about, her jaw dropping for a moment.
There. In the middle of the room. On a large canvas, was her face.
Y/N had to take a moment, staring at the painting as if she were going to wake up from a dream any moment now. “N-Nat, what is this?” She looked over to her friend who seemed just as confused as she was.
“I didn’t think… I only saw his name,” Nat explained, her eyes wandering around.
“Whose name?” Y/N asked exasperatedly, her chest feeling tight. This room was suddenly feeling very small as she looked around. Everything else was of a landscape, gorgeous paintings of green landscapes, orange sunsets, beautiful cafe atmospheres… but this one painting was of her.
“What’s your relationship with the artist, miss?” A woman asked, holding up a voice recorder to Y/N’s face.
“The artist, miss. S. G. Rogers, what’s it like knowing that after being mostly known for landscapes, and other art that never has a specific muse, his new most talked about piece is the one featuring you?” The woman asked again and Y/N felt her whole body freeze.
S. G. Rogers.
Y/N stammered out an apology, rushing over to the nearest corner where the press weren’t, needing to breathe. Nat and Wanda moved with her, shooting glares at the reporters, as if daring them to follow.
She tried to focus her breathing, feeling all too overwhelmed with everything that was happening. Reporters’ voices started raising again, yelling loud questions again and Y/N winced, thinking they were coming back for more. Her eyes moved to the direction of the flashes, the sounds of the reporters, only to find a blond man standing with his back to her. He seemed awkward in front of all of them, attempting to answer questions and pose for pictures, though he didn’t really seem to want any.
“Can we get a picture of you and your muse?” A reporter asked out and all the others quieted, eagerly nodding.
The man held up an apologetic hand, moving it to rub the back of his neck, “S-She and I… well she’s not here.” He explained and more murmurs arose from the crowd.
“Isn’t that her? Standing right there?” Another reported yelped, pointing in Y/N’s direction.
She felt like a deer in headlights, the way that everyone seemed to turn on her. The man turned and sure enough… there was S. G. Rogers.
“Steve.” Y/N felt her lips breathe out, her eyes locking to those baby blue eyes.
“Surprise,” came weakly from Nat’s lips, who suddenly appeared next to Y/N. “This definitely wasn’t how I planned on it going though,” Y/N heard her mumble.
Y/N felt her brain tear into pieces over the next few seconds as she tried to make a decision. Part of her wanted to run. Run out of the museum and into fresh air, maybe that would make it easier to breathe. But she couldn’t help but think about how embarrassing that would be, for her to run and probably trip over her long dress and heels. The other part of her wanted to jump him, feel that ripple of sensations down her spine again like the last time he kissed her. Another part of her was confused and wanted to demand answers from him. Answers about why he hadn’t asked for her number if he was going to just paint her anyways!
“My lovely reporters, if you could all just take a step back for a moment. I think the lady needs a moment to breathe. You all can be very overwhelming as I’m sure you know. But I’m certain that once she has a chance to catch her surprise, perhaps Mr. Rogers and his muse will be able to stand for a few pictures later. Please, help yourself to the champagne and the food, they’re delicious-” a man spoke up, holding up a few pieces of food in his hand and plopping them into his mouth. Y/N recognized him vaguely and her mind connected his face to the simple sketches that had been in Steve’s Paris notebook.
The crowd dispersed, some hanging around close enough, as if waiting for more action between the two.
“Y/N?” Steve and the girl had barely stopped staring at each other, but the distance between them was still far. Y/N noticed Bucky walking over, as if casually walking across the room. But as he got to just behind Steve, he pushed him forward, sending Steve into a fumbling mess towards Y/N.
“S-Sorry!” Steve yelped out as he tripped over his feet, bumping into her slightly. He shot a glare at Bucky over his shoulder as he tried to compose himself but his gaze softened as it resumed on her. “Y-You’re here! How… How did you...” His cheeks were burning red. “How’re you here? How’d you find me?” He finally managed out, his hand reaching forward for hers but stopped, as if he thought better of his actions and pulled it back.
“I think Nat can answer that!” Wanda grinned from behind Y/N. “Sorry, we definitely weren’t expecting for you to have painted her and set her right in the middle of your exhibit, we probably would’ve prepped her for it if we had known-”
“We definitely would’ve prepped her,” Nat interjected with a guilty smile. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N couldn’t find her voice as she studied his face. He looked the same as he did a month ago, that gorgeous nervous smile, his blond hair perfectly shaping those stunning blue eyes. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest and was almost certain she was going to sweat all her makeup off.
“My notebook,” Steve guessed after a moment, giving the girls a small smile. He turned to Y/N with an apologetic look, “I’m sorry, I should’ve… I should’ve asked for your number or something. My mom was so upset with me that I just kissed you and left,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“You… told your mom?” Y/N squeaked out, making his cheeks turn a redder shade.
“I-I mean, I didn’t… I wasn’t going to but Bucky just blurted it out and then my mom just wanted to know more and you know, Bucky, he just keeps talking and-” Steve swallowed hard, pressing his lips together tightly as if trying to shut himself up. He looked over at Nat desperately, begging for her to start talking so he didn’t have to.
“Yes the notebook,” Nat clarified for him, smirking. “You left Y/N so lovesick she carried it around with her for a few weeks-”
“Nat!” Y/N whined, looking at her impossibly. “Really? Now? You want to embarrass me now?”
Nat laughed and patted her friend’s head, “Sorry sorry. Anyways, we saw your signature and Wanda pointed out that if you were this good at sketching, you must’ve gotten your training from somewhere. So we went looking for an S. G. Rogers and sure enough, we found that you were a part of a New Upcoming Artists Exhibit and we thought it would be a cute way for you to meet back up again.”
Cute was definitely not the words that Y/N would describe it. She was panicking inside, overthinking every single detail of what had led up to this night. She had spent the last few weeks thinking that Steve probably hadn’t wanted to get to know her anyways, or else he would’ve asked for her number or something. But here he was, telling her he should’ve and… his main piece of his exhibit was a painting of her. How was she supposed to take this? She hadn’t seen any other paintings of girls… was she the only one? What was that supposed to mean?
Wanda reached out and nudged Y/N’s shoulder, “Well you two should talk. Nat, why don’t we go and look at the rest of the exhibits?”
“Sounds brilliant,” Nat grinned and the two linked arms, giving little waves to Y/N as they disappeared.
Steve and Y/N looked at each other, both obviously unsure of what they should say. Y/N let her eyes drift to the painting in question, unable to help the blush growing on her cheeks as she admired it. Steve had painted her standing there with a bright smile on her face, as if she was smiling at the person looking at the painting. You could see the bottom of the Eiffel Tower behind her and Y/N blushed, realizing that she had taken the main spot of the artwork, rather than the Eiffel Tower like in his sketch.
“I know it must seem so creepy-” Steve stammered out nervously, clearly kicking himself for having it up as the centre of his exhibit. “I just… it was one of the few artworks that really evoked something in me and I just couldn’t let it sit in my room gathering dust-”
“It’s gorgeous, Steve,” Y/N told him with a smile. She looked up at him and almost regretted it, seeing those blue eyes again. He was so handsome and it certainly wasn’t helping that he seemed to fill out his tux so well. “You made me look really pretty.”
“I was only painting what I see, doll,” Steve chuckled. “While Wanda and Nat were taking pictures of us on their phones, Bucky and Sam had snapped a couple from theirs. I’ve been staring at them nonstop,” he admitted sheepishly. “You were all I could think about when I got back.”
Y/N was almost positive she was dreaming. She had dreamed about Steve before, sure, and he was usually doing this whole confessing attraction thing, so this had to be a dream right? She moved her hand to her arm, pinching it gently and wincing. Her eyes looked back up at him and she bit down hard on her lip. Not a dream.
“By the way,” Steve started, taking one of her hands and holding her at an arm’s length, “You look… like a work of art.”
Y/N wondered if he knew her whole body was heating up as his eyes examined the way the dress hugged her body. “S-Stop staring,” she swatted at him quickly, blushing. “We’re here to look at your art, not me.”
“I’d much rather look at you,” Steve laughed but led her for a closer view of his centrepiece of art. Y/N got so entrapped looking at it, she almost forgot the lurking press. “I’m sorry about them, by the way,” Steve leaned in and murmured to her. “Tony’s a part of a really wealthy family and his family are really into art… they’ve been really supportive of me and my works so they thought some reporters would help get my name out there.”
Y/N smiled and nodded, guessing that it was Tony then who had made the announcement to save her and Steve from the insane reporters.
“Sir, if you don’t mind-” one of the reporters spoke up, holding up his camera. They all flocked in eagerly, waiting for Steve to give the ‘ok’.
Steve looked down at Y/N with a shy smile, “You got all dressed up, doll. I’d hate to have no photos of it.”
Y/N smiled and nodded slowly, deciding that tackling these people with Steve by her side was a lot easier than doing it on her own. Steve gave a nod to the reporters, stepping in closer to Y/N for the photos. He let his hand touch the back of her waist, as if worried he would cop a feel and she would be uncomfortable.
After a while of smiling and posing, Steve made a couple of jokes with her about wishing his art got phtoographed this often, his eyes still fixated on each camera. She laughed and couldn’t help but look up at him, her gaze trying to memorize every piece of his face. Her lips tingled slightly, as if reminding her of the reason they had met in the first place.
“Steve?” She whispered with a smile.
“Mm?” Steve’s blue eyes moved to meet hers, flashes still going around them.
“I think it might make my ex-boyfriend very jealous to know that I was a muse in an art exhibition.” Y/N stated with a smile, trying to press down the giggles bubbling in her throat.
Steve let out a laugh, making Y/N’s heart skip a beat or two, “Oh yeah? You’ll have to get some of those photos then.”
“We could make him more jealous though,” Y/N hinted at, her mind racing at her sudden surge of confidence.
Steve blinked at her, a little surprised at the suggestion, “You mean-”
“Will you kiss me, Steve?” she whispered, biting down on her lip slightly. “I promise I won’t run away with your sweater and art this time.”
Steve didn’t need to be asked again. He turned to face her, his one arm wrapping around her while his other hand reached up for her chin. Y/N felt the memory of their first meet flood back to her, “You better give me your number after this. Or my mom will have a field day,” he whispered into her lips before kissing her deeply.
Steve felt all of his worries and nerves sink into that kiss, only to be filled with a sense of belonging. He barely knew the girl but Steve hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since Paris. He was so in love with this girl, he couldn’t help but feel like Fate had put them in Paris at the same time for a reason. Kissing her again in the museum, at this moment, Steve was sure of that reason.
** ** ** ** ** ** **
I hope you guys enjoy this!! It’s probably one of my absolute favourites fics that I’ve ever written!
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Vacation?- Spencer Reid Imagine
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request: hiii 🥰could I get a Spencer x reader? Where they work at the BAU together and are very close. The team knows somethings up but don’t say anything. They assume nothing is going to happen until they get assigned to go undercover together as a traveling couple to try to get the attention of the unsub. But it doesn’t work and they have fun in their small “vacation”. Please and thank you 🥰🥰🥰)
(Summary:Being one of the youngest in the BAU has it’s perks until you and your crush are roped into becoming bad guy bait.)
(A/N: This was my first ever request! Also the whole vacation portion may be inaccurate because I’ve never really been on a vacation. Also sorry if the ending seems rushed I had no idea what to do for it.)
I enter the bullpen, tossing my bag onto the swivel chair. “Hey, how was your little date with Spence?” JJ asks, walking up to me popping a hot cheeto into her mouth. “First of all it wasn’t a date, second of all Jayje it’s like 10AM why are you eating hot cheetos?” I ask her laughing. “Don’t question my choices.” She says jokingly shoving a finger to my chest. Penelope walks up to the both of us pouting, I automatically know why. “Case?” I question as Pen nods sadly. “Is it bad?” I ask as JJ and I follow her to the debriefing room. “Totally.” Penelope says grabbing her remote. I take my usual spot next to Spencer as Penelope gives us all our case files and tablets. “My fine BAU babes this case give love a total bad , I mean bad name.” Pen says emphasizing the word bad. “Five couples between the ages 25-30 were found dead in a remote location in Honolulu, Hawaii. All victims were found with suitcases in their car trunks and were also dressed in vacation-esk outfits.” Pen says flipping through the crime scene photos. “Yikes so much for a vacation.” I say cringing slightly. “The first two couples, Carly Burgess and Ian Woods, Violet Wade and Zach Kane, were all found with gunshot wounds to the head.” Garcia says cringing slightly at the gruesome photos. “The next two were married couples. Amber and Owen Meyers, and Emelia and Adam Kelley. They all had their throats slashed.” Garcia states. “And what are the last two Pen? What category do they fit in?” I ask, flipping through the file. “That BAU baby is the kind of couple but not really a couple. They were Lisa Mitchell and Raphael Kelley, they were found with both things. Lisa had the gunshot wound to the head and Raphael had his throat slashed.” She says ending the slideshow. “According to the police station that’s handling this they were all taken and held within the span of 10 days.” Spencer says. I nod over to him. “What would he be doing in that ten day time frame?” I ask aloud. “The unsub could be a sadist. Killing the victims in such a gruesome way can get him off?” Morgan says questioningly. “All that in a span of ten days this is one sick unsub.” I say emphasizing the word sick. “It’s only the beginning for this unsub. Wheel’s up in 20.” Hotch says standing up and heading out the room. I start to gather my things to leave. “You want to be jet seat buddies?” Spencer says tugging his satchel strap. “Last time we were jet seat buddies Spencer we argued on tv show facts. I’m pretty sure Hotch is banning us from sitting next to each other ever again.” I say laughing as we head towards my desk to grab my go bag. I catch JJ and Morgan smirking at Spencer and I, I glare at them slightly as I grab my go bag from under my desk. Spencer and I walk towards the elevator. “Crap you go ahead I need to get my file. I left it on my desk.” I curse slightly at my forgetful nature. “You can warm my jet seat.” I say pointing to Spencer as I back watching the elevator doors close. “Hey glary.” Derek says placing his arm around my shoulder. “Hey muscly.” I say laughing. “You and I both know your case files in your bag so why are you really back here.” Derek says crossing his arms. I smirk slightly knowing he’s right. “Okay fine I didn’t want to share the elevator with Reid.” I say turning away from him. “Well I heard from a little blonde birdie that you have a crush on the genius.” He says laughing slightly. “Remind me to never drink with Penelope or JJ again.” I say pursing my lips together. “And it isn’t a crush it’s an... infatuation. Plus it’s not like he’ll give the time of day ever.” I say sadly. “How would you know?” Derek says heading towards the elevator. “Because although we all agreed not to profile the team he doesn’t seem interested in me in the slightest.” I say walking with him to the elevator. “What if we hatch a plan?” He asks as we step into the elevator. “No way Morgan. That can put me in a way worse situation than I want.” I say sighing softly. “Okay that’s your call.” He says shrugging. What is he up to?
“Thanks for warming the seat.” I tell Spencer as Morgan and I enter the jet. “No problem.” He says staring at me as I set my things down. “What?” I ask, catching his gaze. “Nothing Y/N.” He says going back to reading the case file. “Alright Garcia tell us what you’ve found so far.” Hotch says entering the seating area near the laptop screen. “Well my mystical magicians, none of the coupled pairs have a sketchy history. No criminal offences, these people are squeaky clean.” She answers. “There was no shift in M.O, victimology is a bit sketchy but again these are couples.” JJ says tilting her head. “This may be a longshot but what if our unsub works at a resort and these victims aren’t necessarily premeditated but more victims of opportunity.” I say aloud. “That could make sense, think about it you guys. Five couples seemingly in love, and going on an amazing vacation. Our unsub can have a failing relationship!” I exclaim looking over the file patterns. “That can make sense if our unsub sees these couples he can wait and watch for the perfect opportunity to strike. The ten day cycle can make sense with the schedule of the victims' stay.” Spencer says. “Okay when we land JJ you and Morgan can go to the crime scenes. Reid and Y/L/N can go to the M.E to see if you can find anything else. Prentiss you, Rossi and I can go set up at the station.” Hotch orders. We all nod at him.
“Sucks that were not here for a vacation. We can all use one.” I tell Spencer as we enter the M.E’s office. “Agreed.” He says opening the door in front of us. “Hi we are SSA Y/L/N and Dr. Reid with the FBI. Do you potentially have anything extra for us?” I say greeting her while sticking out my hand. “Hi.” She greets back shaking my hand and waving at Spencer. “I found some things that were consistent following the deaths of the victims.” She starts and grabs a file. “They all ate what seems to be some sort of meat, potentially chicken, and rice.” She says, showing us on the sheet. “So they all ate the same thing before they died?” I question rhetorically. “Following that victim Lisa Mitchell also sustained blunt force trauma but it seems to be post mortem. Also there are faint ligature marks on the victims wrists.” She says showing us her body. “So he striked her after he shot her?” Spencer asks. “Seems so.” The M.E says closing the file. “Let’s go to the station and see what they have so far.” I say to Spencer. We exit the M.E’s office and enter the van. “That’s weird that he struck her after he killed her.” I say fastening my seatbelt. “But what’s even weirder is that they all ate the same thing. We have a much bigger suspect pool than we originally anticipated.” I say as I drive off to the local police station.
Spencer and I enter the station and are greeted by Hotch and the sheriff. “This is SSA Y/L/N and Dr. Spencer Reid.” Hotch introduces us. I shook the man's hand and headed over to the team.”So when we were at the M.E’s the stomach contents of all the victims were the same and there were some ligature marks on the victims.” Spencer says walking up to the board. “And Lisa Mitchell was struck in the head after she was shot.” I continue. “We were discussing before you guys got here what things we can do to catch our unsub.” Derek says, smirking slightly. “Two members of the team should go undercover and pose as a couple wanting to go on vacation.” Emily says. “So who did you guys have in mind?” Spencer asks. “You two.” Derek says pointing at the both of us.”Us?” Spencer and I ask in unison before looking at each other. “The both of you fit the preferred age range of the unsub.” Derek justifies. I hum tilting my head. “He’s right the both of you would be perfect targets.” JJ says smiling softly at the both of us. “I’m okay with it. Are you?” I ask Spencer. “Yeah when do we start this?” He asks. “Tomorrow morning. We’ll get the both of you settled tomorrow and give the rundown on catching this unsub.” Hotch says as we all continue to work on the case. I look over to Spencer who seems nervous or angry. Does he not want to do this? Later in the evening we go back to our hotel and relax for the night.
“Are you ready for this?” I ask Spencer as we all head to the police station. “Yeah I guess.” He shrugs off the question. I stare out the window sighing softly. Am I ready?  We park and step out of the vehicle. We all enter the police station and greet the officers. I head over to the water dispenser and grab a cup. I walk over to the room we set up in. “What’s the plan?” I ask aloud sipping my water. “Both you and Spencer will check into the hotel. You’ll both just have your cell phones as ear pieces can be semi noticeable.” Hotch says handing Spencer and I a duffle bag. “Those are clothes for the trip.” JJ says. I nod towards her. “So that’s settled we’ll drive you to the hotel now to change into warmer clothes.” Derek says tossing keys up into the air. We head outside and enter the van, driving over to the team's hotel. I open Spencer and I’s room, I immediately head to the bathroom to change. I walk out seeing Spencer already dressed in his typical tropical shirt with khaki pants. “Nice legs Reid.” I say laughing. He chuckles softly turning towards me. “Well nice-” Spencer starts but gets cut off by Derek’s knocking. “Are you two done or should I come back later?” Derek says behind the door. I open the door letting Derek inside. “Hey kid nice legs.” Derek says pointing to Spencer. “I know I said the same thing.” I say laughing. “We need to go now if we want to make it on the unsub’s time frame.” Spencer says looking at his phone. I grab my duffle bag and we all set out to the other hotel. 
“Remember to act like a couple.” Derek says rolling up his windows before driving off. “You ready hun.” I say grabbing Spencer’s hand, fear immediately washing away. “Yes my love.” He says smiling as he squeezes my hand softly. We head over to the front desk. “Rooms for Reid.” Spencer says showing his FBI credentials. The receptionist nods and gives us keys. “Hotch told me to show my credentials instead of my personal I.D. He talked to the receptionist before we got here so we can get a good room to also work from.” Spencer says as we enter the room. “Okay so what do we do first?” I ask confused on what to do. “We can go get food first. It’s 3PM this can be our unsubs hit hour.” Spencer suggests. “Yeah let’s go.” I say opening the door. We head downstairs hand in hand and walk over to the food area. “What should we get babe?” Spencer asks. “Not sure.” I say pouting. “I’ll go around and order something.” He says walking in front of me. “Spence, wait up I’m shorter.” I say laughing slightly catching up to him. “Sorry. Here hold my hand so you don’t get lost.” He says extending his hands to me. I grab it smiling at him. We head into the hotel's restaurant and sit down. “The pasta seems good.” I say. “But you know what would be even better?” Spencer asks rhetorically. “A meat substance with white grains?” I question back. A waiter walks over to us. “Hi what can I get the two of you this evening?” He asks, smiling at the both of us. “What would you suggest? My boyfriend here can never choose good options.” I say smiling over to Spencer. “Ignore her we’ll both take the chicken and rice.” He says handing the waiter his menu. “Any drinks?” The waiter asks taking the menus. “Water would be fine for us both.” Spencer says smiling towards me. The waiter nods walking away. “Boyfriend really?” Spencer says leaning over towards me. “Would you have preferred girlfriend?” I say sarcastically. He sucks his teeth blushing lightly. The things I would do to see that everyday. Spencer's phone starts ringing, startling me. “Yes Hotch?” Spencer asks, picking up the phone. “What?” He asks again.  “Okay thanks.” He says before hanging up the phone. “The unsub kidnapped another couple. Our time frame was off. Hotch says we can stay on this fake vacation just in case it's a team or two unsubs.” He says leaning forward. I nod towards him. “So we stay on this vacation while the rest of the team is on the field?” I asked him. “Yes.” He says quickly as the waiter drops off our food and waters. “What if it’s one unsub?” I whisper as the waiter walks away. “Then I guess we’ll have a normal vacation.” He says as he starts eating. I hum in response as I start eating too.
“Guys we caught the unsub.” Derek's voice booms through the phone as Spencer puts it on speaker. “What!” Spencer and I exclaim in unison. Spencer and I look over at each other and enter our shared room. “I thought you guys profiled it might have been a team.” I say throwing my bag onto my bed. “We were wrong. Hotch said you guys can stay on the vacation for the duration of the hotel stay.” Derek says. “Morgan that’s like what a week.” Spencer says. “You don't want to spend the rest of the trip with your crush?” Derek says quickly before the line goes silent. “Morgan?” I ask seeing the color drain from Spencer’s face. I hear a faint whisper of the word ‘sorry’ before he hangs up. I glance up at Spencer, his eyes meeting mine. “I get it if you only want to be friends because of the whole fraternization thing at the BAU.” Spencer says quickly as he shoves his phone into his pocket. “Well that’ll be kind of awkward seeing as I like you too Spence.” I say smiling softly at his shocked expression. “What?” He asks, breaking out of his shocked face. “You like me but why?” He asks. “I can ask the same thing.” I say smirking slightly. He smiles wide as he scratches the back of his neck. “Would you maybe want to go out sometime?” Spencer says shyly. “Of course Spencer now can we please have the vacation we were dying for.” I say plopping onto my bed. “Yes babe.” He says sitting on his bed making plans for our next adventure.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
SSA Hotchner: chapter 3 - undercover
TW: fluffy cuddling stuff, talk about a case (basic criminal minds stuff), talk about sexual assault, asphyxiation.
WC: 5,277
series masterlist
it was now your first day of official work at the bau. once you walked through those doors everything was official. at least, as official as they could be since this was a trial run. regardless, you were a mixture of excited and nervous.
this could be the beginning of your dream job for you, or the exact opposite. it could be the beginning of the end of the job you've longed for since you were young.
thanks to a lot of visits to the bau since you were fired, you knew the routine of the others pretty well. you knew how they liked their coffee, what their favorite lunch spots were, and you kind of knew what they liked to do to help them unwind from a case.
jj liked to go home to her kids and will. she enjoyed the comfort of them, and needed the reassurance that not everything was dark and gloomy in the world she got when they ran up to with smiles on their faces. either that or a girls night with emily and penelope.
emily liked spending time with you. or really, just her loved ones. you helped ground her and aid her in the process of unwinding from all the stress that occurred during her time away. sometimes she would even just spend time with jj or aaron when you weren't available in the past.
penelope needed to rid her brain of the terrible images that crossed her screen on a daily basis. she needed to remind herself of the positivity and good things in the world that would be blind-sided by said images on her screen. in order to achieve this, she would spend time with emily or jj or morgan. she would often try to spend time with spencer as well, which he would be delighted in.
morgan liked going home to savannah. he would go home and not only relax himself, but also help his love relax after a long day in the er. he wanted to make sure they were both doing well, so they'd stay up cuddled on the couch most of the night just staring at the blank tv screen or talking about their days.
rossi liked the simpler things in life, so just going back to his mansion, cooking himself some pasta, popping open a bottle of red, maybe lighting a cigar, and he was perfect.
aaron liked spending time with jack and you. he, much like jj, wanted to be around his closest family and have that reassurance that they were okay.
spencer... had trouble unwinding from a case. when he got back, he would call his mom and on her good days he would tell her about how they stopped the bad guy and saved someone, on her bad days, it made his arrival even worse.
if the case didn't end well, the news that his mom wasn't doing well either was just the cherry on top of the worst sundae you could imagine.
so whether the days were good, or bad, he lost himself in books. he read, and read, and read. sometimes he would play chess against himself, or practice the keyboard, or spend time with penny.
after the most recent case, however, he called you.
"h-hey, y/n," he greeted shakily. he didn't really know why he called you. he wanted to talk to you after the case, next thing he knew he was boarding the jet with your voice in his ear.
"spencer! hi," you replied happily. "is the case over?" you wondered, closing the book you had been reading on your couch.
"yea, yea it's over now," he answered. "i was just um, wondering if you'd want to... i don't know. hang out? we're about to take off on the jet and should get back home in about an hour if there are no complications," he quickly asked, partially fearing the answer. he had talked himself up to asking you something all day. he wanted to talk to you, he just didn't really know how to start the conversation.
"umm, sure," you smiled against the phone. "do you want to come to my place? it's not too far from the bau."
"yea, really. i'll send you the address and the gate code to come in," you informed him.
"okay, y-yea. do you want me to pick anything up? food? movie?" he asked as he settled into his seat on the jet, never being more grateful that he had gotten there especially early.
"snacks maybe? i have some movies here we could watch."
"sounds great! i'll uhm, i'll see you then."
"alright, see ya," you hung up the phone.
when spencer arrived, he had in hand a container of jello and rice crispy treats. you welcomed him inside, showing him where the kitchen was and giving him a tour of your house.
you ended up both settling on the couch, watching a french film you had gotten a while back, never bothering to watch it - subtitles were never really your thing. but now that you had spencer as a translator for what you couldn't understand, you would watch the movie over and over as long as he was there.
because he was your translator, you had to sit relatively close to each other. he was by the arm rest, you dangerously close to him. you could smell the scent of coffee off of his shirt, the sweet but masculine cologne wafting around you.
"je te promets que je ne te quitterai jamais," spencer whispered in your ear. "vous n'avez plus jamais a vous sentir seul. vous n'avez plus jamais a avoir peur. parce que je t'aime. je t'ai toujours aime. votre beauté est indescriptible. pas seulement à l'extérieur, car il y a là aussi une beauté incommensurable, mais purement dans votre âme. votre âme irradie le genre de beauté dont on ne parle que dans les romans pour fantasmer. seule la beauté qui vient de votre âme est si pure et désirable parce qu'elle est réelle."
"well that sounds very lovey-dovey, huh?"  you whispered back, leaning into his ear slightly.
"uhm," he cleared his throat. "i promise i'll never leave you. you'll never be lonely again. you don't have to be afraid ever again. because i love you. i've always loved you. your beauty is..." he looked into your eyes as he spoke the next lines. "your beauty is indescribable. not just on the outside, because there is immeasurable beauty there also, but purely in your soul. your soul radiates the kind of beauty most only ever read about in novels to fantasize about. only the beauty that comes from your soul is so pure and desirable because it's real."
"wow, that um," you took a deep breath, gazing into his hazel eyes wondrously. "that sure is something out of a romance novel."
"y-yea. this movie is based off of a french novel, actually," he clarified, ruining the moment the two of you were sharing, probably for the better.
"i would expect nothing less," you smiled, scooting closer and resting your head on his shoulder. "i-is this okay?" you felt him taking a deep breath as he settled into your touch.
"yea, it's okay," he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, inevitably pulling you closer to him.
you two fell asleep like that, curled into each other. you didn't bother finishing the movie all too much after what happened, even though it wasn't much. when you awoke, your head was rested on his chest as your arms were wrapped around your torso. spencer's head was rested atop yours, his arms around your shoulders protectively. your legs were tangled together as you lay on top of him.
you never wanted to get up, scared that this would be a dream and last night wasn't real. the only thing promising the reality of last night was his touch on you right then. nevertheless, everything must come to an end eventually.
now, you wondered what your coping mechanism would be.
would you spend time with others? or would you retreat to your lonesome to hide from the darkness that surrounded everything? only time would tell, and time decided to let you figure that out relatively quickly because you had gotten your first case on your first day. great.
luckily, you had your go bag in your car, and were ready for basically anything.
"alright. this case is another doosy. if you thought the last one was creepy, this one... yikes," peneloped started to bridge into the briefing. "so there's been a string of murders along the west coast that have basically every college woman afraid for their lives. the girls were taken after college parties, missing for 8 days, and found wrapped entirely in plastic wrap and posed like... well just check your tablets," she motioned on the table at our devices.
"any evidence of-" morgan began.
"sexual assault? absolutely," penny quickly answered.
"the girls have what looks like ligature marks on their wrists and neck, strangulation maybe?" spencer spoke up.
"cause of death was asphyxiation, so that's a possibility," you relayed. "it's a really personal act. he wants to feel the life just... leave their bodies."
"we'll be able to figure more out when we analyze the crime scenes and the bodies. wheels up in 15," your bother announced promptly before you all rose and left the room.
one the plane ride there, you received information that yet another body was found. you and spencer were instructed to go to the morgue to analyze the new body and the previous ones.
obviously, you drove to the morgue.
looking at the bodies, something about there resemblance shocked you. you couldn't pinpoint what they reminded you of, but it was something. regardless, you had to focus.
the marks on their necks is what caused their death, strangulation. they had been restrained at the hands but not the ankles, so you thought there was probably a chain on the ceiling.
you were still trying to figure out what the bodies reminded you of, until the m.e. spoke up.
"y'know, this might be odd, but you kind of look like the victims. i mean the hair, bone structure, height, build, even eye color," she said, squinting her eyes at you as if she were studying your appearance. "sorry, that is kind of weird," she said as she blinked away from you.
"so that's where i recognize them," you whispered to yourself.
"you saw it too?" spencer asked, turning to face you.
"i mean, i thought they looked familiar but i just didn't know where from. apparently they just remind me of a mirror," you joked, nobody else finding it very funny. "right, serious."
"does that not worry you?" the m.e. asked confused.
"well, i'm not really a college girl that's going to parties, now am i?" you asked in return, not finding where the worry should settle in.
"you'll be okay. besides, i doubt hotch would let anything bad happen to you," spencer agreed.
"and i can take care of myself," you replied. "i'm not just hotch's little sister. i've earned my spot on the team and can fight my own battles when necessary," you sassed back at spencer.
"i-i didn't mean to make it sound like you couldn't. i w-was just trying to uhm, mention that he woul-wouldn't... i'll just stop talking now," he pressed his lips into a thin line, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"good idea, genius," you said, patting his chest comfortingly as you gave him a pretty smile. "now, i think we're done here."
"yup. you're right," spencer agreed.
"wow, you're a quick learner," you laughed as you made your way to the exit.
"you two are such a cute couple," the m.e. told spencer before he left behind you.
"i wish," he sighed with a smile before following you out of the door, glad you couldn't hear any of what just happened.
later that night, you were all sitting in the makeshift conference room, trying to piece together enough information for a profile. apparently there wasn't much information found at the crime scenes since the bodies were just placed there randomly.
spencer was instructed to build a geographical profile while the rest of the team delivered the behavioral profile.
once spencer had finished the geo profile, you had given all of the aspects to add to her search. sadly, you still had around 10 suspects that could be your unsub.
so now, sitting at the table with our team, you were all out of ideas. except for morgan.
"okay, guys i hate to say this, but i think we're all thinking it," he spoke up. "y/n looks like the victims."
"no. we aren't going there," aaron spoke up.
"aaron, come on. you know it's not a bad idea," you replied, trying to calm him down before he blew up.
"no. it's a terrible idea. it's your first case, and you've never gone undercover like this before. absolutely not," he rebuted.
"actually, i have gone undercover before," you spoke up. "you forget i used to be a lawyer. i had to be cutthroat in order to prove myself, so i would go undercover to try and get the most information i could. and most of the times, i went undercover with dangerous, narcissistic men. i just didn't tell you because i knew how you'd react," you finished.
"what?" he replied with anger. "regardless, i don't want you to be out with a murderer who rapes and kills women that look like you."
"you really think i haven't done that before? aaron, i can handle myself and you know it," you were getting more and more frustrated by the second.
"let's just all get some rest and discuss this tomorrow," he angrily stood up and exited the room, the rest of the team following him to the cars to go to the motel.
you sighed and dropped your head into your hands. you felt a hand on your shoulder, looked up to find spencer smiling awkwardly at you as he sat in the seat beside you.
"you belong here, y'know," spencer reassured you. "i-i try not to profile the team, but i don't think it takes a profiler to realize when someone's trying to prove themself," he said as he removed his hand from your shoulder, opting to put it in his lap instead.
"i know i do, it's just frustrating when i know that he just wants to protect me. i mean, he always has since we were younger and my dad would... he always would protect me," you corrected yourself. "i just wish he would realize i'm not a little girl anymore."
"i think he knows that. i mean, you've worked so hard to get where you are now, i think it'd be hard not to realize that," spencer replied firmly. "he'll come around."
"i hope so," you agreed. "we should probably go before the decide to just not get us any rooms."
"right," he said as he followed you out of the room, hopping in the passenger seat of the car as you drove the both of you to the motel. when you parked in the lot, you checked your phone to see if anyone sent you both the passcodes to get into your rooms.
a<3: sorry about earlier. i know you can handle yourself. i just don't want you to get hurt. also, you're rooming with reid. room number 4 and the code is 9836. if he tries anything i won't hesitate to put him on restriction.
you: i understand, and thank you. also, i doubt he'd try anything, but ME on the other hand... ;)
"so, looks like it's your lucky day. we're roommates tonight," you said with a smile.
"oh-i-uhm, right. s-sounds good," he smiled again.
"i'm just kidding, doc," you nudged his shoulder a bit. "not about the roommate part though. we are rooming together," you clarified, he nodded as you both hopped out of the car and went to into the room after spencer insisted on grabbing the both of your bags to carry inside. "how home-ey."
"it's better than some of the places we've stayed at," spencer shrugged as he placed his and your bags on the old-looking couch.
"and at least there are two beds," you shrugged.
"you can take the bathroom first," spencer spoke up as he pulled a book from his bag. "which bed do you want?" he asked.
"whichever you don't take is fine," you said as you got all of your toiletries.
"ok, i'll take the one closer to the door."
"sounds good with me, doc. i'll hurry," you said as you shut the door, allowing yourself to relax into the steaminess of the shower.
the water pressure wasn't the best, but it was better than you've felt before. you quickly showered and brushed your teeth before submitting the bathroom to spencer.
as sleep finally overtook your body, you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about what the next day would entail. sure, you had done undercover work before.
last time you went undercover, you had been working on a murder case as a favor for one of your friends. you had needed solid evidence that the defendant was guilty, and the only way to do that was to go into his house to find it yourself.
so like any committed lawyer would do, you innocently met him at a bar. he ended up inviting you over to his place thanks to your natural charm.
while in his house, you made sure to record everything that went down (no, nothing sexual happened) and he let you sleep in his guest bedroom. you got up once you were sure he wasn't awake anymore and started looking for that evidence you needed.
his alibi wasn't completely solid, but everyone believed him when he was on the stand. naturally, you were looking for something that would disprove his alibi. what you found was something much, much worse.
snuff film.
he had a snuff film of him killing this person. and another. and another. and another.
what you took the flash drives, stashed them in your bra, and got the hell out of there.
needless to say, you won the case.
that was the scariest time you went undercover. not only did you find out he was the murderer, you found out he was a serial killer. your mind was telling you that he would wake up at any second, and you'd become another person on a flash drive.
luckily, that's not what happened.
the next day, you would march up to your brother and convince him that you could handle yourself.
aaron knew you could handle yourself. he knew how strong and smart you were, obviously. he could never discredit you on that. you're one of the fiercest person he knows. he just worries for you all the time, reasonably so because of your childhood. he's your protector.
and you knew that his heart was in the right place, you just wanted to be treated as any other person on the team and be allowed to prove yourself by going undercover.
when you woke up, notably before spencer, you first got yourself ready. you wore black jeans with a navy button up and your utility belt. you made sure to put your hair up and then made your way down to get you and spencer some coffee.
once you got back in the room you noticed that spencer was still asleep. you walked over to his bed after setting down the coffee. sitting on the empty side on the bed, you admired his features.
no wonder he was called pretty boy. he was a truly pretty person, even when he was still asleep. from his adorable button nose to the plump lips he licked so often, there was no imperfection to him. you brushed his hair out of his face, relishing in the softness of his gorgeous locks.
"spencer," you whispered in a sing-song voice. "i've got your coffee," you said as you began to rub his scalp with your nails.
"mmm," he groaned. he rotated his body so he was laying on his back as he slowly opened his eyes. "hi," he mumbled quietly.
"good morning, doc," you laughed softly, not stopping your ministrations on his head.
"that feels really nice," he sighed, trying to savor the feeling of your hands in his hair.
"does it, doc?" you said as he moved his head to lay in your lap.
"mmhmm. don't stop yet," he pleaded as his arms wrapped around your body.
he was cuddly in the mornings, duly noted.
"it's only 6 a.m., so you have a little while before you need to start getting ready," you announced as you started using the other hand to massage his shoulder and neck, working your way up into his hair.
"hmmm, good," he mumbled into your stomach.
spencer would probably regret being so touchy later on today, but his morning brain couldn't let him stop. that, mixed with the way your hands felt on him was all too much. he couldn't not let you keep going.
"i never knew you were so touchy, spencer," you giggled a bit as his arms tightened around you before releasing his grip.
"i-i'm sorry," he was going to move his head from your lap before you gently stopped his by grabbing his shoulders, keeping him in place.
"don't be," you said, he automatically relaxed after. "it's not uncomfortable for me. i just thought you were averse to touch, is all," you clarified.
"i guess it's just with new people," he admitted. "you're not exactly new. and that really does feel really nice," you ran your hands from the front of his head down to the base of his neck.
"i used to do this for a few of my girl-friends when they were stressed with pre-law. they would come to me for help studying and for the scalp massages," you laughed out as spencer took your torso in his arms again, nuzzling his face into your body.
"that's very smart of them. i didn't have many friends in college since i was so young," he whispered.
"well i'd like to think we would've been friends," you began to braid his hair. "do you think we would've?"
"i'm not sure. probably not." he admitted with a shrug.
"well why do you think that?" you ran your hands through the braid to undo it.
"because you're just so... perfect?" he admitted quietly, tightening his hold on you as if you'd disappear from his admission.
"i'm really not perfect, spence. i promise," you chuckled as you began massaging his shoulders.
"yes you are. i'm convinced that there's nothing wrong with you. it's like you're not... real?" he sighed as you began pressing your fingers into his sore shoulders.
"i'm real, alright. and i have flaws. i have plenty," you admitted to him softly. "you just haven't seen them yet, doc."
"i'll believe it when i see it," he laughed as he sat up to face you. "nothing's wrong with you, y/n. i hope you know that," he smiled kindly.
"well at least you think so," you grinned in return. "how about we get you that coffee? it might be cold by now but it's exactly how you like it," you said as you got up to grab the cup from the nightstand, handing it to him.
"thank you," he took a sip of it slowly. "you know how i like my coffee?" he asked in disbelief.
"mhmm," you shrugged. "it's not like you get some every day in the office," you laughed.
"nobody's ever... why... how?" he tried to articulate his gratefulness.
in all actuality, nobody's ever really cared enough about him to do something as miniscule as get him a cup of coffee exactly how he likes it.
such a small thing that you've done, paired with your calm exterior and nonchalant attitude about it all just made his heart well.
not only have you woken him up in the best way possible, you've done the most simple, kind act of getting him a cup of coffee.
the entire situation seemed so... domestic. foreign. lovely.
"why're you so surprised?" you smiled softly at him.
"it's just... thank you," he said as he finally got out of bed.
once spencer was done getting ready, you both headed down to the lobby together where you were greeted by the rest of the team. aaron walked up to you, pulling you away from the group as you said your 'good morning's'.
"are you sure about this?" he asked, brows raised in concern.
"about going undercover?" you asked for clarification.
"you have to be confident that you can do it, y/n. otherwise i won't send you in at all," he demanded.
"yes. i'm sure," you nodded eagerly.
"okay. we'll come up with a plan soon. if you have any doubts let me know," he ordered.
"i will. i promise," you agreed. "thank you," you said as you hugged his waist gratefully, his arms wrapping around your shoulders in return.
"yea, yea, yea," he laughed. "just be careful, y/n/n."
"aren't i always?" you smirked as you pulled back.
after you had profiled the remaining 10 men, you had all agreed that there was one man that stuck out as suspicious. lucas stillwater. you asked around the college campus if there were any parties going on that night, there only being one that the unsub would be visiting.
the unsub was living off-campus. he had an ex-girlfriend who died last year, the anniversary being right before the murders started. he would make the girls act as his girlfriend would during their relationship, hence the sexual assault.
ultimately, you would try to lead him on. you would flirt with him, make it seem like you were interested, then reject him once he asks you out or for more. he would follow you home, to a place you had set up a couple hours back, and try to attack you in there.
you were wearing something his ex-girlfriend amy would wear. it was a baby pink, almost white, halter dress that cinched slightly at your waist, flowing out a bit at your hips only to stop right above your mid-thigh. you paired that with a pair of white high block heels, and wore a silver necklace and rings. you added some mascara, lip gloss, and blush to have that innocent look amy did.
walking out of the motel room once you were ready, you made sure to leave your gun in the room. aaron had told you to leave it there since this guy wanted you to flirt with him, he might get touchy and him finding the gun would freak him out.
"damn, y/n," morgan greeted you.
"damn is right," emily agreed. "you look hot!"
"oh, thanks," you laughed as you tried to pull the dress down a bit. "it's a bit short," you winced.
"you look great, y/n," jj agreed, you smiled sweetly at her.
"oh, w-wow," spencer said as he walked into the motel lobby to see you standing there.
you turned around to see him staring at you wide-eyed. he felt his heart stop at the sight. you in the baby pink short dress, looking all innocent in something like that did... things to him.
"hey, spencer," you smiled at him, that smile he already found himself so fond of.
"i uhm, i'm supposed to g-go to the party. to uhm, to watch you for so-some backup," he stuttered out.
"need some water?" you giggled at his nervousness.
"pretty boy, you likin' pretty girl all of a sudden?" morgan teased, walking over to pat him on the back.
"i-what?" spencer asked at the question, morgan shaking his head.
"leave the man alone," emily defended him. "it's not his fault y/n looks like that," she laughed out.
"oh shut up," you rolled your eyes at the banter. "where's aaron?"
"he's about to be here with rossi," jj informed you.
"right, thanks," you walked outside to get some fresh air before you had to leave.
were you nervous? yes. who wouldn't be when they're about to face a killer. would you tell anyone? no. you didn't need them doubting you on your first case, especially when you practically volunteered to go undercover.
you could do this. you knew you could. you just needed some fresh air.
"y/n?" you heard the voice come from behind you. you turned around to see spencer right in front of the door.
"yea? what is it?" you asked, almost out of breath from just standing there.
"you just seemed... anxious when you came out here," he almost whispered. "i just wanted to make sure that you're uhm, that you're okay."
"oh, right. i'm sorry," you chuckled, taking a deep breath. "i'm alright."
"you know you don't have to act like you're always okay?" he said, walking to where you stood in front of a bench motioning for the both of you to sit down. "i mean, you're about to go head to head with a serial killer. it's alright to be a bit nervous."
"i know it is, i just... it's my first case. i have to prove myself," you shrugged as you sat beside him. "if i mess this up, what'll that say about my placement on the team?"
"it'll say that you tried your best. it'll say that we need to make you feel more welcome here," he indulged. "if you do mess up, as long as we're here to help it'll be alright. you don't need to be perfect all the time. that's unrealistic."
"i know you're right. it'll be okay," you sighed.
"you'll be okay. nothing bad will happen to you whether or not we get to arrest him. i swear to you," he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly.
"thank you, spencer," you turned to look into his eyes.
gazing into each others eyes, you subconsciously moved closer to his side. he wrapped his free hand around to move a stray hair behind your ear, you nuzzled your head into his touch.
before you knew it, the car with aaron and rossi was pulling into the parking lot, jolting you and spencer to opposite sides of the bench.
"hey, y/n," rossi greeted you. "how're you feeling?"
"good, ready," you nodded after clearing your throat.
"no second guessing?" aaron had asked.
"nope. none at all," you shook your head, your hands placed behind your back.
"has spencer told you that he's going to be there with you?" you nodded at rossi's question. "good. he's the second youngest so he'll fit in there. kind of."
"what's that supposed to mean?" spencer walked closer the the three of you.
"oh, nothing, doc," you giggled.
"alright, well the rest of the team knows the plan," he began explaining. "we're gonna head up there in this car while the others take a separate one. spencer will go in before you. once you both are inside you should look for lucas. make sure he's the one to approach you," aaron finished.
"make him come to me, got it," you nodded along. "let's get going, yea?" you said as you made your way to the car.
"are you ready for this, y/n?" rossi asked in his father-tone voice.
"i'm more than ready. i've got this," you told him.
you could only hope that you were right.
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chim-chimchii · 4 years
Highway to Heaven (Yuta)
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Genre: Fluff and Sauce! (It’s like eating something really spicy while being buried in a soft blanket)
Word Count: 1,920 
Note: I'm finally getting around to posting this. This Yuta drabble has been a WIP since summer, I believe? I want to thank Ashley for initially giving me this idea and for making the banner. Feedback is always appreciated! 
Set The Mood: Highway to Heaven by NCT127 (You can pick which version to listen to)
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It was the day before spring break, and all your friends had decided to rent a van and drive to meet up with the others at a popular camping ground. Your bags were packed and stacked by the door for easy grabbing. You had just put the last bag down when your phone began to vibrate in your pocket.
"Bad news, Champ." Mark's voice sounded from the other end.
Without having him explain further, you already knew what he was going to say.
"The trip's canceled?" You tried not to sound too disappointed, but you were. The excitement was fading with each second that passed.
"Well, not technically. Everyone here had last minute things come up. Everyone, except you and Yuta."
You leaned against the wall and chewed on your bottom lip. Just hearing Mark say his name brought butterflies to your stomach.
"I only agreed to go because I wanted us all to be together. Plus, it's safer when there are more people." You clenched your phone a little tighter, silently praying that Mark would cancel his other plans to come along.
"It would just be you and Yuta until you get to the campgrounds. What could possibly happen on the drive there?" Before you could tell him of the possible outcomes that you came up with, he spoke again.
"Yuta really wants to go still, and I know you do too." You could imagine him smirking on the other line knowing that he was hinting at your crush on Yuta.
"Mark, I don't know." You were still trying to decide. The thought of you and Yuta being alone in a van for a couple of hours brought a blush to your cheeks.
"C'mon, Y/n." Mark was practically begging you to go even though he wasn't coming along.
"Okay, okay. Mark, you have to promise me that if you guys get the chance, you'll come and join us."
"I promise! You're going to have fun tomorrow!" . . . . . . You leaned against the van and watched as Mark and Yuta made small talk while loading your bags into the back. Yuta threw his head back and laughed at something Mark had said; undoubtedly, it was something weird and idiotic, but it made you chuckle too.
You were thankful for the dark sunglasses, for they hid the fact that you had been staring and admiring Yuta from where you were. As quickly as you could, you adverted your gaze when they both made their way over.
"You sure you're not forgetting anything?"  Yuta asked, he leaned his shoulder against the van and looked at you with a lopsided grin.
"I'm sure. I checked again before meeting you guys here."
Yuta nodded and stood upright.
"Good girl." He winked.
You immediately looked at Mark to see if he had heard Yuta, but, thankfully, his attention was on his phone.
"Well, Mark, I guess we'll see you next weekend."
Mark slipped his phone into his pocket. "Have a safe trip, and let me know when you both get there."
Yuta and Mark did a little handshake you didn't understand before Yuta rounded the van to enter the driver's side.
"I really wish you were coming with." You gave him a sad smile.
"Everything happens for a reason. Y/n, try to have fun." Mark wiggled his eyebrows before opening the passenger door for you. You eyed him suspiciously.
"You coming or what?" The engine roared, which made you break eye contact. Once seated and buckled in, Mark closed the door and waved.
"Have fun!"
Yuta honked twice, and the van lurched forward.
"It kind of sucks that the rest of them couldn't come." He quickly looked at you before returning his gaze to the road.
"Hopefully, they'll be able to join us later."
"Well, we'll have fun even if it's just the two of us, right?"
A blush rose to your cheeks.  
"Even if it's just the two of us." You agreed.
"That's right." He mumbled pleased with your answer.
. . . . . . . 
The music faded as Yuta turned it down. "Can I ask you a question?"
You turned your attention to him and nodded for him to go on.
"Why were you so hesitant on coming when you found out everyone else canceled?"
The question shouldn't have shocked you, but it did, and you were sure Yuta could tell that you were nervous. He was still waiting for an answer, and when you decided to be an adult about your feelings, the van began to sputter. You didn't know whether to be relieved that you wouldn't have to confess or be worried because the van was breaking down.
Yuta steered the vehicle off to the side of the road before putting it into park.
"Well, this can't be good." He opened the driver-side door and made his way to the hood. Once the hood was popped open, smoke billowed out. You followed his example and exited the vehicle.
"Should I try calling someone?" Your phone was already unlocked, and Mark's contact was showing on the screen.
Yuta nibbled on the bottom of his lip as he cautiously checked the oil and other fluids in search of the problem. "If you have service, try calling someone."
You pressed down on the small phone icon and listened to your phone as it rang and rang and went straight to voicemail.
"Of course, you wouldn't answer." You muttered under your breath as the monotone voice explained how to leave a voicemail.
It beeped, indicating for you to leave your message. "Remember when I said something could happen? Yeah, well, the van broke down. Please call me back as soon as you can."
As soon as you hung up, you threw your head back and gazed at the sky in annoyance. What good was a best friend if they never answered your phone calls?
The second person in your recents was Taeil. You expected him not to answer as the phone kept ringing, but on the fourth ring, he finally answered.
"Y/n, what's up?"
"I'm so glad you answered. Taeil, the van broke down, and we don't know what's wrong."
There was shuffling from his end. "Did you call Mark?"
You nodded as if he could see you. "Yeah, but he didn't answer."
Taeil tsked. "Sounds about right. I'll go find him, and hopefully, we can rescue you and Yuta."
"Thank you so much! I owe you big time." The tension in your shoulders began to relax.
"You're welcome. I don't know how long it will take to get there, but we'll try to hurry."
You said a quick goodbye and rounded to the front of the van to tell Yuta the excellent news. The hood had been closed, and he was now leaning against it, his arms folded over his chest. You couldn't tell if he was agitated or just thinking; you decided whichever one it was, you would cheer him up.
"Mark didn't answer, but Taeil did. He's going to find Mark, and they'll be on their way to get us." Copying his pose, you managed a smile and watched as the sun changed from a sunflower yellow to a strawberry sky.
"I'm sorry your spring break is starting so horribly." Yuta let out a disappointed puff of air. Whether he was disappointed in himself or the trip, you honestly didn't know.
"If could be stranded with someone worse, like Mark." You nudged his shoulder playfully with yours. He glanced down at you and let out a light chuckle.
"Can you help me up?" You placed your palms flat on the hood behind you to help push yourself to sit. Yuta moved quickly; his hands were gripping your hips as he lifted you.
Once you sat comfortably atop the van, you smiled. "At least the sunset is pretty, and the weather is nice."
Yuta nodded in agreement but stayed quiet. You could tell the situation was still bothering him. To distract him from the current predicament, you decided it was now or never; it was time to discuss the topic of your feelings and why you were so hesitant to come on this trip.
You waited for him to look at you before continuing. 
"I'm not one for taking a whole lot of risks, and when things don't go as they were planned, I tend to be hesitant--"
He nodded and listened.
"--So when Mark told me everyone backed out, I panicked."
You adverted your eyes away from him. "I was also too nervous about being alone with you because I like you. It's easy to hide my feelings when there are other people around."
You stared down at your fidgeting fingers after confessing the feelings you held dear to your heart. The fear began to set in when Yuta didn't say anything right away. Was he thinking of ways to turn you down? You didn't have time to think of another horrible scenario because he finally spoke.
"You have feelings for me?" His voice was low and almost timid, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
You took this moment to sneak a peek at him. To your surprise, he was biting his bottom lip to hide that he was smiling like a child.
"Mark always told me that someone liked me, but I just thought it was just talking out of his ass."
The two of you shared a small laugh, and finally, your eyes connected with his. He was smiling not only with his mouth but with his eyes too; your heart did a small dance at the sight of him.
"I'm glad Mark wasn't talking about some random person. I'm glad he was talking about you." He turned his body, so he was now facing you, his arms resting on your lap as he leaned forward.
Yuta took your hands and held them carefully. "You make me nervous."
You let out a gentle laugh. Moments ago, he was smug and flirty; now, he was acting shy.
"Isn't that supposed to be my line?"
Yuta blinked at you, deciding whether or not he should answer. You took that moment to slip your hands from his grasp to cup his face, and without thinking about it further, you brought your lips to his. His hands snaked to the underside of your thighs and pulled you close to him.
In the seconds that your lips connected, the kiss took an intense turn. You had never experienced anything like this, and honestly, you were so happy it was Yuta you were sharing it with. His hold on your thighs was firm, you were sure there would be bruises in the shape of his fingers tomorrow, and that wasn't a bad thing.
Yuta pulled back for a breath of air, his lips red and swollen from the deep kiss. No doubt, yours looked the same. He chuckled anxiously and bit down on his bottom lip. "I'm sorry if that got a little too intense." 
Your hands found their way to his cheeks again. You couldn't help but give him another kiss.
"It was the best kiss I've ever had." You admitted.
"For not being a risk-taker, that kiss was very risky." He said with a wink.
You threw your head back, thoroughly shocked at how quick Yuta could switch from being shy to being coy, which Yuta took as an invitation. He started at your collarbone and peppered kisses up to your jaw.
 "I'm so glad it's you." He mumbled with a final kiss on your lips.
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