#plus the fact richas is with him
eternallovers65 · 1 year
Me needing to go to sleep because of uni
Tubbo, Jaiden, Tina and Foolish about to hit 8 hours straight streaming
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qtubbo · 8 months
Pac even though he’s considered the much more emotionally intelligent part of the group, is really just not aware of Fit’s feelings towards Tubbo. This is both in part due to how Fit mellows out a lot when he’s with Pac, and also because what he knows completely reframes the entire thing compared to Fit. Both Fit and Pac understand Tubbo’s loneliness and feelings of isolation caused Tubbo’s actions in trying to break them up, but unlike Fit, Pac knows more than that he knows both major reasons. Tubbo and Pac had a conversation where Tubbo attempted to warn Pac about how he viewed their relationship going, how other people would seek to take advantage of Pac’s new weak spot and hurt both of them or even Ramon and Richas in the process.
Pac is positioned in both knowing Tubbo’s selfish and caring reasonings, while Fit is entirely in selfish. Pac also has an advantage even in the category they both share, since Fit chooses not to look into it more because he feels the relationship is being laid out unevenly. Tubbo does something bad, Fit just has to get over it and “reward” him for the behavior, instead of Tubbo reaching out to him and asking for help. Pac on the other hand is pretty forceful on trying to get Tubbo to feel less isolated, and tries really hard to reach out to him even when Tubbo’s actively trying to move away.
Pac is just more likely to have a less resentful, and more sympathetic view of what Tubbo’s going through. There is a second thing too, Fit is not in the wrong, if your friend displays toxic behavior regardless of what the cause is it is not your job to even stay in the relationship or fixate on helping them, the fact Fit did not cut off Tubbo even though his actions came off as incredibly selfish and cruel, is a statement in itself how much he cares.
Moving on to the actual meat, Fit is resentful towards Tubbo for what he did, and how he continues to not let up on being hateful towards his relationship with Pac. Tubbo knows this because the messages, comments, and bits are to Tubbo and they’re not done when Pac’s around. This is not because he’s really hiding anything from Pac by the way, but rather he just has a different one on one dynamic with Tubbo then he has with people around, plus Fit is just generally more lighthearted when he’s near Pac, makes him happy you know? So Pax has no real reason to even recognize at current time that Fit even has an issue with Tubbo.
To put it simply, Pac just knows too much about Tubbo to hold most of his actions against him plus he’s just really not the type to. People call him the heart for a reason, from Pac’s pov it’s easier to make fun from the homophobia bit, while subtly adding in comments of care then hold it against him. Pac barely has a reason currently to think Fit’s actually upset with Tubbo, which will probably change soon since Tubbo keeps pushing away.
I’m filled with human baises sorry if this is wrong 👍
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soulfireblue · 7 months
i have so many thoughts about phil and sunny and tubbo and this is going under a read more because it got really long lol
disclaimer that i don't watch phil super often! i watch qsmp with a crow friend who keeps me updated on his streams, so he's probably one of the characters i'm most familiar with outside of tubbo, but that's obviously not quite the same as me directly watching his streams. also this is only my interpretation and understanding of the characters, of course!
Phil is a bit of a hermit and doesn't know the other eggs that well; Chayanne and Tallulah are actually more social than their dad is. There are very few people on this island that Phil is actually close to, and Tubbo is one of them. That's kind of a double-edged sword when it comes to Phil's relationship with Sunny.
Phil kind of tends to extrapolate his relationship with Tubbo onto Sunny, because he doesn't know her well enough to realize that what works for him and Tubbo is not going to work for him and Sunny. It becomes a cycle, because Phil unknowingly does or says something that hurts Sunny, and then Sunny avoids being alone with him, so he doesn't get to know her well enough to realize that the way he treats Tubbo is not how Sunny wants or needs to be treated.
This sets up a really interesting conflict and character dynamic here, especially because Tubbo is also extrapolating his own relationship with Phil onto Sunny. He doesn't really understand that Sunny has issues with Phil, because when he and Sunny are with Phil, he's usually focused more on his own interactions with Phil and the godkids' than Sunny's. Plus it's not like Tubbo and Sunny are often with Phil alone; usually Chayanne and Tallulah are there too, and there's not much reason for Sunny to be needing to interact with Phil one-on-one.
And while Sunny has told Tubbo a little bit about how they feel with Phil, he's also observed them having issues with Tallulah, Leo, and even Richas now, and he's also watched those issues clear up. There's no reason for Tubbo to assume that her issues with Phil are any different. The nature of Tubbo's role as a buffer between Sunny and Phil means that he hasn't been able to observe the interactions that caused the problem. If Tubbo's there, Tubbo's the one they're both interacting with more just due to the fact that he's more present in both of their lives.
But here's the thing with Phil being a hermit. The issue isn't just his relationship with Tubbo; it's also that his children always come first. We've seen that even before we met Sunny. He was completely convinced that he had to win Purgatory because no one would be looking out for his kids except himself, not realizing that the leader of Soulfire was trying to get back the exact same eggs. For Phil, it's extremely black and white.
And so when he's alone with Sunny, when he's looking at her as an egg rather than as Tubbo's daughter, he puts his kids first. He's happy to do whatever he can to help. He collected items for cookies for all of the eggs on the island for a reason! He cares a lot about the eggs, even from a distance. He's just not the type of person to wait to feed his kids until the other kids are fed too, because his first priority has to be Chayanne and Tallulah.
But his limit is anything that could put his own family at risk. Which is understandable! He has two kids to look out for. But Phil is extremely pragmatic, and so he tells Sunny exactly the truth. She can stay with him, but his kids come first. Tallulah has been hurt, so her feelings come first. He's very good at making sure his kids are taken care of, and he's very good at weighing the risks, and he's honest about it once he has.
Which would maybe be perfectly fine for some other eggs, but the thing is, Phil doesn't know Sunny. He's treating her the exact opposite of the way she needs to be treated, but he doesn't know her well enough to realize it. He's spent a lot of time around her without actually getting to know her, because there's always that Tubbo and Chayanne buffer. So he doesn't realize that they don't need to be treated the way he treats Tubbo. She needs to be treated the way he treats Tallulah. They need to be told that it's okay to feel scared and abandoned, and that they are loved, and that someone will always be there for them.
(Chayanne does realize that. He's a very good godbrother.)
I hope someday Phil will get to know Sunny better and realize better ways to communicate with her, though I do understand that there will always be the issue of his kids coming first, while Sunny desperately needs people who put her first. (And gosh, how awful must it have been for them to lose Creation, who called them rank one, and told them they were loved, and then left them just like everybody else.) They'll never have the relationship Tubbo has with Phil's kids, and that's okay. But I hope that Sunny can one day look at Phil and know that she is loved, even if it's not exactly the kind of love she's been searching for.
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enderwoah · 1 year
god i love people that have lost everything and they turn to something, literally anything to relieve them of their pain. you know what makes them so special. it's the fact that they started taking the drug for different reasons.
i mean, sure, yeah, obviously it was born from the same inciting incident (ie, richas going missing), but that affected the two of them in completely different contexts. forever was set off by that plus a bunch of newfound presidential stress; pac was set off by that, forever succumbing to the drug, mike still being missing, and generally feeling weak and useless to everyone. forever wanted to stop feeling angry at the world. pac wanted to stop feeling sad for himself. they were given different reasons and they just. they pulled off the way it affects them differently so so SO perfectly.
in forever's moments of lucidity, he was so angry. he was furious. he was hollering with rage and shouting at people and pulling guns on those he trusts the most, kicking and punching and clawing at the air so that his family wouldn't be hurt because he is tired of his family being hurt. he is supposed to be the protector and yet every member of the favela 5 has had just awful awful things happen to them and he is so, so angry at everything for hurting them. and being angry is exhausting, especially when that anger is just pain and sorrow and hurt disguised as something else.
in pac's moments of lucidity, he was just sad. he was broken. he was anguished and in turmoil and despair, and he wasn't as hooked on the drugs and as such. we got to actually hear his thought process behind taking the drug. pac was alone. he lost forever, he lost richas, he lost mike, he lost walter bob; everyone close to him, everyone that he loves was just gone, and he couldn't do a single thing about any of it. he felt useless and so, so lonely and was so filled with this deep-rooted melancholy and. ugh.
it's so impressive to do essentially the same thing with two characters and yet have them act completely different for more than one reason. sure, pac had moments of awareness more often and not as aggressively as forever did because he was on risus for a shorter amount of time, but also because that's just...not how his true self manifested. he wasn't angry- or he was, maybe he was, but that wasn't his primary emotion. he was just sad and lonely. forever was angry and protective. pac was sniffling and curling in on himself in his cage, flinching and breaking out into fully-fledged sobs when cellbit started shouting. forever was shouting right back at him, hallucinating, trying to plunge himself further into denial even as his real self fought tooth and nail to get out so he could protect his family. when forever was released from the risas, he screamed and it was one of pent up fury. when pac was released from the risas, he wept. same drug, two different affects on two different people. it gives it a jarring element of reality that's just. utterly incredible. huge props to all involved.
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kadextra · 1 year
So that conversation Richarlyson had with q!Bad. we got some juicy glimpses for character analysis in there >:3c
(analysis below cut)
Little summary: during their chat, Bad found out that Richarlyson had more totems of undying and was eager to have them, causing Richas to deny the request and comment on how Bad’s been burning totems / throwing himself into hordes of mobs during dangerous battles lately. and how that’s scaring him
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Which Bad replied to with
“Every totem that goes, goes for good reason. It goes to save lives.”
“Sometimes that’s the appropriate approach! Get the mobs to aggro you, so they leave your family alone!”
…. ow. ouch. those lines say a lot….
q!Bad literally has the option to split apart his pool of totems with other people (like how Richas explained he does with his dads) but he just doesn’t. Aside from restocking the eggs if they lose one, he holds onto a huge number of totems & charges headfirst into danger to tank the worst hits for his family so they won’t have to experience the pain.
and remember that a totem being used is canonically painful too, its experiencing death and being brought back to life in an instant. as a grim reaper with a unique relationship with death, what does that even feel like..?
Whatever it did didn’t stop him when Foolish got downed by vindicators in a dungeon and Bad instantly jumped straight into the horde to save him and use 4 totems. He burned 25 totems in rapid succession during the Noise Dungeon, and the only thing on his mind at the time was if Richarlyson and the others were safe.
Plus the fact he constantly tells everyone mid-battle to “stay far away from me” too? god. *shakes q!bad* why do you make yourself go through scary things alone in order to save others
We’d already started to see this pattern from the very start, by how he would just dive in the way of shots meant for an egg, push in front of other people as a shield… but lately he’s going much harder with it.
And it becomes more interesting to analyze when you take into account the character’s confidence in his abilities. q!Bad is calm, collected & capable. He knows he is a person who can do it successfully. The behavior is backed by logic and skill which makes it hard for anyone to shake
His paranoia also ties in- being observant and constantly on guard for danger. like how he noticed the torches being broken in the cave when nobody else did, and the code showed itself less than a minute later? The island itself reinforces all this behavior, so the character will continue this way. and I’m personally curious about where it’ll lead him…
but the most important thing is how q!Bad’s emotions play a role. This cubito views it as his personal duty to protect his beloved family no matter what, and is prepared to lay down his life for the ones he cares for. the angst of it hurts meeeeeeee
die for you by starset fits the character well I think (cc!bad also mentioned this is one of his favorite starset songs lol)
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Okay. Okay. Okay. So. I finished watching the Prison Escape Vod and BY GOD i have thoughts about cubito Pac e Mike
Let's dive in
(@spreens dragging ur ass to read this bc u asked for it)
GOD. FIRST THING. This stream just made it SO CLEAR how their love language is physical touch. How being close and touching each other or even just the reassurance they could leave their cells to be with each other is important to them. Before they were let out, Pac was panicking, emotions being all over the place and pouring out while Mike did the exact opposite, closed himself shut and waited (The exact opposite to what they are. Mike is the emotional bomb, while Pac has better handle of his intensity)
First thing they did when set free was to run and get close, walking pressed together side by side. The first time they sat with Walter Bob, they also sat side by side
And not only to each other they do this, but they extended it to Walter Bob as well. Mike's constant hugs and Pac walking rlly close or choosing to sit by Walter Bob's side even when it was impractical to do so. They know how isolating and scary it is to be in prison, to feel like you're alone and small, so they both made sure to always let Walter Bob know they were there for him
ALSO. Now to Pac and Mike characterization
Pac had his time to shine as the "Innocent" one once again. He loves to pretend he doesn't know what is going on or act way more scared as he truly is. He likes to pretend he's weak and can only lean on his words to get out of trouble. The thing with Pac is that he IS a good fighter, he was one of the front lines of the timer dungeon, he was ready to beat the shit out of the fake chayanne and tallulah in case they had ran after Richas, even if he was unsure if he should. He's quick on his feet and he's good analysing the situation he's in and how he can win. Which also means he knows damn well when he doesn't has the advantage, and in these cases he'd much rather not fight and instead talk his way out, even if it means being beaten up for a while (or lose a leg). His stealth and agility, plus being people smart, helped him to grab the keys from the backpack. The fact he wears his heart on his sleeve and a smile is quick to appear on his face also helped him get an easier time with the guards, getting better food and even being let alone to roam for a bit, which is when Fit found them. When Mike hit the guard, Pac first thing was to analyse the situation and then run to hit the guard as well, as he noticed they had a good chance of winning
Mike, as always, took the place as the "brains" of the whole thing. The thing with Mike is that he likes to pose as the threatening one, the most dangerous and angry. He yelled at guards and swore and talked shit about everything, which is what gave Pac space to be the 'good' inmate, when more often than not Mike is way more bark than he is bite. He isn't sure of his pvp abilities as of normal and much rather lean on his machines or on Pac to do the job. The prison escapade also put a light on how heartfelt Mike is. He hugged Walter Bob every chance he had, he was always outspoken about bringing Walter Bob with them, he yelled to the guards to defend his friends. Mike is the most serious liar and the one to come up with plans as he feels better planning everything ahead of him. Mike is explosive, which is why he was the one attacking the guard instead of Pac, the pvper. He is a man with anger and strength for a single, demolishing attack. He wanted to defend his best friend and Walter Bob, so he fucking jumped into action. In any other kind of fight, Mike wouldn't do that. He couldn't fight against the bull as he was caught out of surprise, he couldn't hold himself in the dungeon as he can't plan middle chaos, he was completely out of his element against the codes due to shock. But, jumping and immediately started attacking on impulse, a surprise attack? That Mike can do, and he did
Their relationship with Walter Bob is special since they already had a bond with him. He's their friend and they were ready to do anything to take Walter Bob with them. He was the missing piece to make all of this work, the outsider out of their bubble that helped them see things they wouldn't as they are linked together and often on the same line of thought. Pac e Mike wanted him to be happy and have a chance to be himself, they wanted him as part of the family
Losing Walter Bob was a hard hit to them. It made the whole escape turn into failure as he was already an extension of the duo, in a way. And Mike has the tendency of blame himself, always. He still blames himself for Richas' death and he blames himself for Walter Bob being taken, to the point of ignoring Pac and refusing his touch as he doesn't deemed himself of worthy of care. And Pac once again is by his side to pick up the pieces that have been broken, as he always does
This whole stream was. Such a MEAL for characterization. I didn't even go deep about the guards or about this new part of the Federation. Im reeling in cubito's feelings and I'M LOVING IT
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jams-sims · 7 months
There some deep analyses to be made about Tallulah and Chayanne and their brand of isolation. Like fundamentally, they don't feel like they have that deep connection with other eggs.
But putting that aside, the sunny situation. Again Sunny feeling are valid, although we all know Philza held no ill will towards her. He is always unconsciously hurting her. But I also understand where Philza coming from. Sunny has the aid of Bad (use too) and a collection of other people. He prioritize his eggs, plus I think it falls under his relationships with Tubbo. Where they refuse to be serious with one another.
But again this follows the same beat for beat problem Tallulah had with Philza. Tallulah felt unwanted, Tallulah felt like Chayanne was getting most of Philza attention, Tallulah felt like a burden. She began pulling away and it all came to a head. An in that moment, Philza had to say sorry for making her feel that way. Because even though he had no ill intentions, he still hurt her, but she had to tell him.
He is simply not aware of it and theirs an argument to be made that he should be and he should do better. But that's a deeper conversation that this little rambles not tackling.
I think it also ties into how independent philza views some of the eggs. Dapper for example, Philza is very much the cool uncle that waaay to detached that it borders on neglectful.
He tells Pepito that he is strong for always taking being forgotten in stride. When we all know Pepito is struggling emotionally. An god only knows what'll happen when Jaiden comes back. Philza aware that Pepito doesn't have anyone but is unaware of the emotional front that would take, he just thinks the kids don't want to dumbass adult getting in their way.
Richas is another prime example, that boy is sooo independent. Philza could not handle that, same with dapper. Philza believes Dapper is so strong and doesn't need an adult, but wanna know who disagrees with Philza? Bad, Dappers father, dapper is in bad eyes his Baby boy.
Philza does not think this way about his own kids. He is still struggling with the fact Tallulah indepence and change from music girlie to crack skull open girlie.
He still thinks she's a Bard when she is a warrior class now. Chayanne is more of a cleric buffer and healer. I won't be surprised if one day Chayanne said he no longer wanted to fight. (sorry got off track.)
I say all this to say, is that there is a method to the madness as in why things are like this. An it just so fascinating to break down.
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homocrafting · 1 year
turns out whatever instinct in me makes me want to make tma aus is unstoppable and all consuming. so here's qsmp tma au focused on the brazillians:
cellbit- he HAS to be the archivist ok this man is so eye aligned it's not even funny. HOWEVER because qcellbit and fcell are the same person, Events happened to him before he became the Archivist, ala from the archives grian. local paranormal enthusiast finds dead half eaten bodies, gets arrested for it (he SWEARS he didn't eat those people), goes to prison for 10 years, goes nuts (becomes F!Cell), kills himself in the island, wakes up in his room and Felps tells him "bro you disappeared for 10 days are you ok" and he's just like. What.
Worth mentioning that he fucking speedruns the archives. also known as the qsmp. Cucurucho, who is kind of like elias but a bit less (I inagine the Host would be elias, wjoever they are), thinks "wooo new archivist I wonder how long it'll take them to find out abt the horrors" and then cellbit shows up 3 days later running on 2 hours of sleep and 20 mugs of coffee with a consipracy board connecting a bunch of statements and theorizing about entities
ALSO the web is around him like all the time. if you pay attention there's at least 2 spiders near him at all times, usually hidden because he squishes them when he sees them. he's tangled in the web of lies that is the plot I'm making for this au and his ass is NOT beating it
Felps- Stranger type of guy who doesn't even know and takes like. a year to realise something's up with him. don't worry abt it ok I don't know why he's stranger-y to me either. it's the vibes just trust me
Mike- ok so. I am Very unsure for pac and mike, PLUS I've not seen herobrine a lenda, which means I don't know all their backstory, BUT I'm thinking Lonely for Mike, so far? he kind of distances himself from everyone after richas dies with him, so far is the only person I've not seen much gay happenings happen to, tends to disappear to fuckall nowhere apparently, as one does. also the fact that, back in prison, he seemed to have the most difficulty connecting with others.
also, the Desolation hates him personally. he doesn't know why. his house has burnt down thrice. he gets burnt by the littlest things for no reason. he's banned from the kitchen. an avatar of the desolation tried to kill him once. he watched his own son die in front of him. this is based on nothing from qsmp or anything I've seen Mike do I just think it's funny
Pac- I can only think of Vast and Spiral for him tee bee eich. Leaning heavily towards the Vast because, you know. gestures to the giant hide and seek maps, and also O RAIO, even though I have 0 context for that. he just... he explores the world and made giant hole (yeah yeah holes are the buried but consider: it's big.). it's his "I can show you the world" vibes. again dude just trust me
note abt tazercraft: both of them are very, very touched by the Spiral. reason? Chume Labs
Forever- I'm thinking either the Buried (mostly the digging aspect- he's destroyed a whole mountain and dug up and entire desert), or the Hunt (his intense hunt for Phil's love, the insane grinding that could be seen as hunting for resources, the werewolf hc my beloved). Leaning more towards the Hunt bc dogboyyyyy
The plot I have in mind is very different from the tma plot, but I'm not sure of everything yet, so for now you get this little bpnus :)
We've been back from the Adoption Center for about a day now. Not a timely update, but things happened, and, well.
We found... we found a weird... creature. It- he? Acts human, although he can't talk. He communicates with us through a little notebook, and overall acts incredibly childish. He sure looks like a child. One with- with some material akin to... to egg shells as skin. He has hair, despite apparently being all... eggy. It's black and curly, covers his face. He doesn't like it when we try to move it away from there, but we're working on a safe way to see what's under there.
He seems not to know where he came from, but I know he's lying. It's- there's no way he doesn't, not with what he said, I don't care if Pac and Mike or, hell, Felps believes him, He called us fucking- he called us dads! That's the first fucking thing he said! It has to be some kind of trap, some kind of spy, I don't know yet but when I find out I'm going to fucking-
Shit. That wasn't too professional. Alright, where were we.
We brought him to the Institute. Forever and I weren't thrilled about the idea, but it was 3 against 2. I can't believe Felps would- I get Pac and Mike, there's something wrong with them I'm sure of it, but Felps? I underestimated his braincells. What am I talking about, he doesn't have any.
(Soft chuckle)
We, we named him Richarlyson, he seemed to like it. We asked his name first, but all he did was draw a- (Snort) a stick figure shrugging.
The only clothes he has are a singular oversized Brazil shirt. The moços and Felps want to go buy him clothes.
I don't know how they'll justify the kid having, I don't know, pure white hard skin, but they said not to worry about it, so I guess I won't! I won't. I fucking won't.
... I'm gonna follow them tomorrow. Just to be safe.
That's all for today, I'm gonna go- I'm going to check some statements, see if there's anything even remotely related to this.
This is Cellbit, Head Archivist of the QSMP, which I still don't known what stands for by the way, signing off.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
The familiar warning ripple of the warpstone sounds through the silent bedroom and Richas darts back under the covers, pulling them back over his head as quickly as physically possible. He knows it's only about five seconds until whoever warped inside can move around—he's timed it before; don't ask why—so he uses all of it to his advantage, making sure every piece of him is curled up under the blanket. He can feel his shallow breaths against his arm as he waits, blinking into the darkness.
He can hear two voices slowly coming towards him—familiar voices, of course. Forever keeps his voice low, though his deeper timber echoes whether he wants it to or not. Pac is much quieter, nearly a whisper, almost impossible to hear at all.
Moments later, there's a gentle hand on his leg, giving him a careful shake. Richas has to force himself not to react, to stay unmoving, despite his pais' calls.
They can't see him like this. Bruises line his arms, dark spots on his skin still visible even in the pitch black under the covers. His shirt is torn, the hem unraveling—he can feel the loose thread tickling his stomach. Not to mention the dirt caked on his shoes and in his hair; the dirt he knows he's getting all over his bed right now.
Where did it come from? It's not the first time he's woken up with injuries, it's not the first time he's had to handle things before anyone could see him. But something about it felt...different. Worrying. Ominous.
Pac's presence is a surprise. Richas fully expected him to still be holed up inside Chume, staring at the remnants of Mike left in every room. Forever's isn't, though, and a large portion of the reason he wants to stay hidden under the covers. The man would never let him go outside without armor again. (Despite the fact that Richas still didn't know what had happened. He had a suspicion, but no proof. Plus, his whole body was aching, and that wasn't normal.)
Eventually, the concerned whispers subside, and the familiar warp of the stone blares out once again. Richas takes a deep breath, trying to hold it together, trying not to burst into tears. It's not that successful.
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theredcuyo · 1 year
So, quick note on some stuff bad told Richas
He forgot the war with Cellbit for a while
He was in a loop of lives (whatever that might mean, as he said it was kind of a time loop, maybe really a reference to the ending of dsmp, can't fully tell) Skeppy was with him in this
He had met Skeppy before all of this
He remembers vaguely a "red thing" (had seen kind of a ptsd reaction when he first saw the red room)
He talked about whole other realities and universes
He doesn't remember neither how to fix Skeppy's block state (retkoned how long that was ago, but it has happened before and it lasted a while last time) nor how they got out of the time loop
He said there's always a Skeppy, and actually, that may be the reason why he's so sure they got out of the time-loop, as he's not been with him always rn
First time he's not with Skeppy, remainds me of the old headcanon of them being soulmates, actually, still intact rn, maybe they chained their souls together way back in their first life, or maybe he fact that they did that has something to do with the whole thing
Richas comments on Bad's life style change, from a warrior to a Dad, but he doesn't know he once was both at the same time and more (cofcultlidercof)
Side note on Bad saying that if there's another election, he's winning no matter what (sounds familiar)
Aside from this info, other characters have talked about previous lifes, that includes Cellbit and Philza, and remembering the red room plus some other stuff, likely Foolish too has something to do with this
If you ask me, i think the whole deal with Q that's happening rn may be the federation bringing and experimenting on different versions of him for some reason too
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qroier · 1 year
I was rewatching the vod where bobby dies and I cannot stop thinking about the idea of roier trading his infinite lives for getting bobby back. Like just imagine the potential there, there’s already a bit of a thing with people treating roier almost like he’s an egg sometimes, imagine how much worse it would be if he actually did only have two lives just like an egg. Also in terms of guapoduo (which I have full faith would have still ended up happening, even with bobby alive), cellbit is already worried about his family and about what el quackity’s threat means for them, imagine how much more worried he’d be if THREE of his family members (richas roier and bobby) all had a limited number of lives
Like I’m imagining bad scolding roier at ninho for not typing in chat that he’s been revived by someone because of course their paranoid butts would have actually ended up making roier a room there too. There's just so many other moments that would be so changed, like foolish actually having to go revive roier when he threw himself off bobby’s tower in an attempt to summon osito bimbo if osito bimbo still refused to show up. Plus there’d be so much added weight every time roier offers to let someone kill him after his silly ways go a little too far
skldfjskldjf sorry I’m an angst lover at heart and I love the idea of a confrontation on the whole I’M NOT ACTUALLY AN EGG thing since we already got a teeny crumb when etoiles kept laughing at how unprepared roier seemed in the dungeon, and I also love the idea of how much more cellbit would lose it everytime he sees that roier has been downed in chat, especially every time it happens when roier’s with quackity
Also also outside of lore and story the fact that cc!ro would have had to play tryhard way more often if something like this actually happened would have made it very fun to see as a viewer
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zombiifyd · 11 months
Hey mate uh what are those qphilza head canons you got that are driving you mad?
Asking for science
for science... yesyes. although some of them may be general hcs and not that well written??? i'm used to them living in my head. and also i'm not particularly all that normal about this bird man. so anything can make me go insane. but anyway... welcome to my word vomit
1. so ive made it known that i like to make minecraft hcs often. like for the game mechanics. and so i describe The End as in like a vacuum. there's hardly any sound, except a sort of static sound, and the sounds of the natives of the End. there's no temperature but end stone had a cold touch to it. it's hard to breathe in the End, unless you're a native there, and also because the End is basically mostly Void. so this is important for the hc that i made
although phil, in canon, is a crow. there's small entertainment within the fandom that he's also an elytrian (which is a type of native to the end... i suppose) either way, he's avian. now avian hearing is less sensitive than humans. but given the fact that phil is a hybrid, he has a mix of both which sort of clash. so i'd say that phil's ears are as sensitive, if not more, than humans. (especially shown with how phil hears literally everything.)
then, before coming to quesadilla island, he came from his season 4 hardcore world. living for YEARS on end by himself. the only company he had were the crows, the livestock, the sounds of nature outside, etc. so he isnt USED to all the sounds and clamor and people talking over each other to get their cents in. so when coming to the island and meeting everyone, the sound is absolutely overwhelming. he gets overwhelmed which leads him to step away for a bit just to hear silence just for a little bit. regain his bearings before stepping back into the crowd.
people would notice, especially close friends, but not really think about it. when tallulah would finally come around and he would then take care of her, he would use her (for himself and for her) to get out of loud situations. because both of their ears are sensitive. so phil understands what she goes through. and such and such.
2. there's this one !!
i love this hc so much, like the whole "friendship emeralds" thing means so much to me.
anyway, phil is a natural hoarder. which includes all sentimental things and materialistic things he needs. plus with crow/bird brain mentality, he likes shiny things. so giving out these emeralds, although so sparingly, means a LOT to him. meaning you mean so much to him and he trusts you. and a lot in that matter.
also, other people he would give it to:
i put it in the tags BUT: etoiles. his friendship emerald would be in the pommel of his axe/scythe (whichever he uses more than the sword). phil would've asked to see it, to maybe borrow it to see what enchantments etoiles has on it. but then changes the pommel to add in the emerald and handing it back to him. like its nothing.
another i put in the tags: cellbit. the emerald phil gave to him was just a regular emerald. i say it was given one day where they were hanging beside forever's bed whilst he was in a coma. cellbit was filling phil in on whatever happened/will happen in the order bc now he is an important member. and phil was like "oh right, i have something for you." and passed over the emerald with a small smile. and cellbit keeps it in safe keeping somewhere, because then he knew it was a token of phils trust and he cherishes it.
all the other kids would have one too, in various different accessories. dapper would have a keychain on his backpack, ramon would have a bracelet of it, same with richas and leo, and pomme would have a necklace!!
3. perching
this post is kind of the reason this is on the list. its not necessarily MY hc but.... i like thinking of this nonetheless.
but also just thinking abt how phil will perch around peoples places and they would take notice to it, and maybe even build something and not say anything. i once saw an art on here where there was phil and cellbit in the order's like... meeting room with all of the sofa's and everything. but instead of phil being on a sofa on cellbit's side, it was a perch instead. and i CANT stop thinking abt it. its so good.
bird man perching. not really a hc, i admit, but i shall make up for it
4. singing
DONT LISTEN TO THE STREAMER!!! i believe that qphil can SING!!!!!! but ofc, out and in character, phil is a self-deprecating man. so he would say "i'm shit at singing" but when he tries it and sings his kids songs, it doesnt sound half bad.
when building, farming, mining, or anything really, you can hear him hum. not any particular tune most times, but it sounds nice and calming nonetheless. and it fits him just right
although when singing jort storm he's being bad on purpose 🙏🏽
but just THINK about the coziness you'd feel in the bunker. the soft natural light of the shroom lights, the natural feeling from the moss and flowers in the room, the soft humming and singing from phil as he tucks his kids into bed. brushing some hair from their faces with a soft smile and helping them put away their things before he sits on the chair and waits until they fall asleep for him to leave. its so cozy and so nice to think abt that i cant even
5. touch/physical affection
now, this hc is one i made in the dsmp era. where phil didnt like to be hugged because all it made him think about what him killing his son. hugging wilbur as life slowly left him. it leaves a man scarred, yknow?? and he'd only ever accept hugs, scarcely, from techno. (bc techno isnt a touchy guy either.) but dsmp isnt canon in qsmp. not that i know of, and frankly, i dont want it to be because its weird to think about.
but even so, i think this hc would even transfer over to qsmp phil. and it definitely has to do something with his wings. the sensitivity of the area and how big they are when they're closed and tucked into his back. the habit he has, with close ones, to wrap his wings around them in an even warmer, bigger, hug. but with his wings so fucked up and the fact that he has to wear a backpack to counteract the lost weight.... i..........
either way, phil would then only accept scarce hugs from close friends. and when he doesnt give hugs, his friends do this: fit would always give a hard and good pat on the shoulder, a side hug perhaps, a good strong handshake. wilbur always gives phil a small lighthearted punch on the arm. missa rests his hand on phils shoulder and gives it a squeeze. forever, a naturally touchy man, would just simply lean into phil's side, give a handshake, or a simple smile. etc etc
but an exception to this were his children. (excluding will and tubbo from this, even though it is slightly canon that they are his sons,... in a way) chayanne and tallulah always get hugs from phil. waking up from a nightmare and phil has them wrapped in his arms, shielding them away from harm. happiness to see him after he comes back from a trip of wandering, his arms are wide open. anything for his kids.
6. wings :3
on my other acc (zmbiicrsh) i sometimes, very rarely, post snippets of writing that i do. and in one of them i explain phils wings briefly.
i think, personally, phil's wings are big. since he is a crow hybrid, he's a human... with crow wings scaled to his size. which are BIG. (and then also the feathers coalescing around his ears/cheek and forearm areas. blah blah blah) they're supposed to be big because of his size and nature. but i also think about the color a lot. from first glance, they're a jet black. black, silky, feathers. with patterns of white stars at the bottom (when they were full.......). but if you look closely in the sunlight. if he angled them just right, you'd be able to see the multicolored shine to it. a rainbow shine that glided along the edge of the feathers.
i think a lot abt his wings......
here are some of them!! ,,,, these arent much. but i cant seem to gather all of my scattered thoughts together to give more hcs i have. but i then compensated for just infodumping and giving context. i hope u enjoyed(?) :D
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guckies · 10 months
the real issue i have with entire "bbh is the best egg babysitter" argument that bbh defenders constantly bring up as a type of gotcha moment is that... in most times, it's not that bad is the best option: he's literally the ONLY option
simply put: before tubbo, he was the player that was online most reliably in the server, and the one that people would know "oh, he's gonna be on for sure", so if a last minute issue happened, no shit were they going to go to the one person who they know has scheduled in enough time on the server to take care of egg tasks
hell, roier used to do the same with flippa and tilín all the time, especially since they were both spanish speakers like him! and he did it when the tasks were daily!!!
bad didnt need to do leo's tasks until foolish started having to travel a lot more and then he had some internet issues. and even then, MULTIPLE TIMES foolish logged on with lag an everything just to take care of her tasks! and the times he had issues and didnt log in that led to bad having to take care of Leo he said "i figured someone else in the server would help", he never mentioned bad specifically.
fit always took care of ramon's tasks! hell, phil took care of chayanne's and tallulahs, AND he went to fit, cellbit and forever first for babysitting, only going to bad when he knew neither of them would be available. and now after that tubbo, niki and fit were his first options!
like. it's wild to me, how bbh defenders pretend like all the children were pushed onto bbh at by the other parents at the first chance, when -IN MOST CASES- it couldnt be furthest away from the truth
Anon you get me!!!!! Like yes!! Often times they don’t rely on Bad rather he puts himself forward to do these things for the eggs unprompted, which anyone on the server would do if they had time in their day.
Like ages ago Roier was easily one of the best egg babysitters because he started the trend of caring for multiple eggs. He only really stopped because of Bobby’s death yet he still interacts with them today and makes the time to have conversation.
With Foolish, he does try his best to always take care of Leo himself because that’s their dynamic. Like when he can’t it’s because he isn’t able to get on at all(outsider factors and launcher not working), can’t play cause of Lag, is travelling or has previously made plans to play games with other people at the time Leo gets on(which he can’t predict). Also it’s not like Bad was constantly taking care of Leo when Foolish isn’t on because Leo goes to Roier mainly for her tasks when she has the choice. Like I can only think of two recent examples of Bad taking care of Leo; one where Foolish couldn’t log in at all because it wouldn’t launch and Bad was the only one on. The second being the night they went missing in which Foolish had plans he couldn’t change after spending majority of his day waiting for Leo to log on plus Tubbo was also there with Bad taking care of Leo(and other eggs) just not on stream.
You’ve said the stuff with the other eggs perfectly cause that’s how it is with them. But then we have Pomme and Richas (occasionally Tallulah) who are outliers(due to having big families) that will literally will interact with anyone whenever they want.
Also I think bbh defenders forget that the others on the server aren’t strictly mcyts. Many of them are variety streamers with a tendency to play minecraft/have a mcyt past. As well as the fact that they are all in different timezones. All the parents do try their best and frankly to say bbh is the best egg babysitter/sacrifices a lot for the eggs is discrediting their parenting and the effort they put in for the eggs.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Once again I'm thinking about Richas being rushed and not supposed to be seen in the state they found him
I honestly think Richas was supposed to be the egg given to the french.
He knows a bit of the language (Yes, ik that the meta reason is bc Ricardão is an overachiever and was learning french before the QSMP) when he barely knew Portuguese when he was found. And the French arrived not too much after the Brazilians, in a planned crash
Probably Pomme and Richas were in development at the same time (as we saw yesterday that the Feds are still constantly creating new eggs) and Richas was further in development, just missing his leg. The Brazilians crash was unexpected (Or maybe even supposed to be after the French and Pomme would be their egg) and clearly alerted as an invasion and a problem to be dealt with
They were the only ones that the islanders had to fight to get to, while the French were clearly displayed without much trouble (Maybe this will be debunked with the Germans arrival, we'll see). They had no fancy theater either, going over a dirt patch
Now, back to the eggs and the comparison between Richas and the others
I saw some ppl say that Tallulah is also a "rushed" egg bc of her disabilities but I genuinely don't think so. Besides her hearing and asthma, she's a perfect egg on the outside. She might have some trouble but she'd be perfectly capable of finishing the Parkour tests or any other that would be given to her. Plus, she wasn't just thrown in the attic by herself, she had a cage. She was on display for Wilbur to find. She has a bed model fit for her
Same for Pomme. She was in a cage, and the Federation themselves guided people to get to her by giving her coords. On the very first day, Pomme also had a bed model individual for her, with her beret
Richas, to this day, doesn't have an individual bed. He uses Tilin's bed still. Also, the Feds would have the perfect opportunity to introduce Richas in the middle of the other cracked eggs when they were returned, but they didn't. When the Feds told the islanders to go get their eggs, they only specified the parents that already had eggs and that they had been returned. The Feds didn't call attention for the Brazilians to get their egg as well. Richas wasn't in a cage in the attic to be found together with the others. He was thrown, still covered with preservatives, in one of the empty cages down stairs and the other eggs that found him, specifically Dapper, Bobby and Leo, who got BBH's attention, who got Slime and Quackity's, who then called the Brazilians.
Richas was a rushed afterthought so they could pretend they were expecting the Brazilians, but they weren't. The fact he has one leg is just another proof, and yes it would mess with his test if they had time to put him through the parkour, because guess what? Richas was SHIT at parkour. They tried to teach him during the Immortalyson day and Bobby finished perfectly while Richas had a lot of difficulty with the last bits. His dads knew it was due to his leg and told him there was no problem, they'd help him learn how to do it in a way that was fair to him
Richas also always points out how he didn't have a cage or have a bed special for him, joking that it's because he's Brazilian and the Feds hate them. He also is the only egg that seems to have problems with someone else's memories being mixed with his, probably because the Feds had no time to give the last touches to his mind before dropping him at the Adoption Center
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starry-bugs · 11 months
did hatchling richas really just look at 5 Brazilian men & think "yes this is a normal amount of fathers & they are mine now" cause that's absolutely crazy to me
same thing with pomme, both of them just saw a group of adults & went "this is a normal amount of parents" & the adults just kinda had to live with that
richarlyson saw cellbit and forever first, and went "ah yes parents" and then when he saw pac and mike and felps he went "even more parents! :0" because where he's from, dragons lived in big groups, and this is completely normal for him.
he looked right at cellbit and realized he was a dragon instantly, and when they got home he asked why the others weren't dragons and everyone fucking choked
pomme was a bit different, all five of her parents were there and when she realized they spoke french it was kind of obvious she'd stick with them. she came from a similar background as richas, with a bunch of dragons taking care of the hatchlings so it didn't bother her
she's also not bothered by the fact her parents aren't dragons, she likes them just the way they are. plus her papa etoiles has something going on with the ancient dragon down the street
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disfrutalakia · 1 year
I definitely feel more like Dapper is a Hecate kid than an Eris kid. Eris is really focused on causing conflict and strife, whereas Hecate has an extremely wide range of things she’s known for. Plus the mixture of magic/ghosts/witchcraft and choices/paths plays more into the complexity of Dapper.
I do think Richarlyson fits Hermes pretty well, but also potentially Poseidon. Poseidon is the ever changing ocean, known for constant movement and emotions that change with the currents. Richas has a lot of energy, never sitting still, and he tends to act differently depending on which adult he’s currently around. Plus he really reminds me of the phrase “still waters run deep” because underneath that silly exterior he has so much trauma and rough experiences he’s going through.
The fact that my only reasoning for Poseidon Richas was like "he said he would like to be a water dragon :D) But ohhh the stuff you put makes so much sense!! Especially the whole still waters run deep, he really does has the tendency of bottling up his emotions and just making jokes to cope so people won't worry about him (can't believe that Richas is basically Percy lmao)
Now the Hecate Dapper is so dear to me, you know when something just clicks? Yeah that was my reaction when I saw you talking about Hecate kid Dapper, it just fits so well!!
Love love all that you tell me about not only the au, but greek mythology as a whole!! Like I said before I always liked it but never researched a lot, so it's always fun to learn more about it!!
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