#plus this blog is beyond dead
Douglas here, im just gonna say it rn...
I think we can all agree that hes the parent. He gives us free therapy, he took me to the doctors when i was on edge on death and lastly he pay the bills so credits to him 👏. The only thing i can rant about him is that HE.WONT.SHUT.UP about great western like srs we all know how good great western is so STFU-
Ah yes my twin! Hes a fiesty one ngl, hes a dramatic boy, kinda stupid (mostly) and he got the most FLUFFY hair i have ever touch like HE GOT A FUCKING BIRD NEST THERE. He also is usually the one out of the apartment since hes bassicly an actor yet at this point he never got a following. But i love my brother very much <3
Idk how.....artys?...chill?....yeah idk
One thing about me and ollie is that were bussnise partners!! He writes books and such and i get to do all the illustration sooo thats nice! As for him i would say okay, he makes logical sense, hes a roaster for sure and i see him like a bird :]
ISTG IF OLIVER DIDNT ALREADY ADOPTED TOAD I WOULD ADOPT HIM CAUSE HES JUST SO PURE BE MY SON (actually perhaps there is a way...) Anyways hes a pure little guy and if you hurt him i will kill you >:(
Gordon wannabe, ye. Hes possibly the 2nd most mature one XD. Tho he spends too much time on that James and Gordon guy like cmon bro give us some time for once- but dryslywn is A FUCKING BRO if he got the time he would be the best bro to hangout (tho that dosent happen often-)
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
A short (or not) ramble of scenarios and questions for reverse: 1999 self aware. (sorry if this bothers you, I just don’t have enough confidence to post it on my own blog (plus I love your content))
- Okay so first of all, in the main page of the game, when you click on the upper left corner with your level and username, you go to a screen with Vertin looking fly as ever along with some user information.
So if Vertin can see the game’s ui, then she can see the year in which the player has joined the game (2023-2024). I haven’t dived deep into Vertin’s character so I can’t portray her reaction to much, but I feel like she would tell this info to someone close like Sonetto.
Also our motto: I put “When in a rush, say ‘runs in high heels cutely.’”. I’d be so embarrassed if anyone (even fictional sentient characters) saw that. Like im dead.
On that topic, when you mentioned in your Sonetto self aware post that she can sometimes see us, and honestly, I’d be even more embarrassed. Cause like, if any of the characters from games I played, were sentient and could see me, id pray they didn’t see my bad angle. Like imagine looking up to the sky to see, just for a second, the chin of a head as the hands go to scratch their nose. Like the first impressions I would make.
- P2p players. Imagine the player spending money on the game (at the risk of Vertin possibly seeing their credit card number) to help level up or get costumes for their fave characters.
(Some misc. questions)
-what would happen if player didn’t log in the game for a while (a week to a month as best) cause I would ditch some games to spend more time on others
- What does Vertin think of the mail messages that the player gets? Like the latest mail I got was the discord event invitation. Upon closer inspection and critical thinking, it would hint that there would be more players other than us because it says the winners get 60 clear drops (oh and money too)
- If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned about Vertin hearing the player sometimes. So imagine her hearing us trash talk certain character *cough* Constantine *cough*.
(Anyways, I love your content ❤️ especially your fmn headcanons, can’t wait to see more posts!!)
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;R1999 - Self-Aware AU (2)
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Answering some questions and discussing the Self-Aware AU. A follow up of this post.
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not a bother at all, you bring up really good questions and details that are fun to explore! I'm glad you like my stuff, have a nice day o7!
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On the subject of Vertin seeing the player's profile.
With the way I intended to portray Vertin within the AU, I don't think she would be affected by the date on the Player's profile!
This is the date you came into contact with her from your perspective, whatever time and space that flows within your world, not hers─the world behind the fourth barrier that she cannot see nor hear nor even fathom, let alone try to make sense of. In a way, it's like expecting ants to care about concepts we made up, such as time. They understand night and day, they do not understand 3PM nor 8AM.
Is it truly proof that time can go beyond 1999, when this is something that only she can see? When it doesn't affect a single thing within her universe by being part of a game menu meant for your eyes only? There's also the fact that she finds out the proper time of the world in the 1.4 update, in Chapter 05.
Her dynamic with the Player is something I like to keep vague, so that everyone can fill in the blanks, but ultimately it is something so complex and private for Vertin─who sees it as a one-sided relationship, since she cannot hear nor see you, unlike other arcanists who may reach the 100% bond─that I don't think she would talk about it with anyone, not even Sonetto! The name on your profile and whatever message you've written there are secrets she will take to her grave. The idea of Vertin being the eyes and hands of the Player, but having no way to truly see or hear them makes for a really fun concept to explore!
And on the subject of messages, let's be honest, if you've written something funny or some modern shitpost, chances are she won't understand it LMFAO so it's okay! I literally just have my socials and "men enjoyer" listed there.
Oh! But since you brought it up, the message section could be a fun, little way to communicate with Vertin, since she can read what's on there!
As for P2P players, Vertin wouldn't see any information from the Player's credit card since that's something that happens outside the app lolol. Like, to me, it directly opens to google play transaction stuff.
On the subject of the player dropping the game for long periods of time.
Hmm, in the first post I said that there might be characters ouside Vertin and her suitcase who may be self-aware, with their own goals and such. But nothing truly "matters" unless the Player is there to witness it. So to keep including these possibilities and details, I feel like there's two options, pick whichever you like the most!
One, time continues as usual within the game─but once it reaches an important date where the plot is meant to kick in with some important event, it simply resets back to where you left it. This is a world that exists outside of your perception, but cannot continue without you.
Two, time freezes entirely within the game─but only for those who are not self-aware. Keep in mind we're talking about long periods of time, this wouldn't happen if you log in every day, or every few days. This is what happens when your phone picks up the fact that Reverse: 1999 is one of the unused apps taking up space in your phone. This is a world that stops existing once you stop looking at it.
In both options, the Wilderness would remain unaffected as it seems to be entirely disconnected from the flow of time and space outside of it.
On the subject of the game's mail.
Since the messages auto-delete and all, I can't check but I'm pretty sure Vertin receives mail too? There were a few ones from a few characters a while back like Druvis III or An-an Lee, and I think the implication is that they were vaguely addressing Vertin?
If someone has screenshots and can confirm this, please let me know!
Either way, the easy answer is that yeah, she knows this is a game, so she could make the assumption that there's more players. She has access to your friend list, after all! And even if you don't have anyone added, the fact that it exists is enough for her to start connecting the dots.
I don't remember saying that Vertin can hear the Player, though! I think I was pretty consistent with her not being able to see nor hear you, to have the Player as some sort of eldritch, unknowable entity. But I also write so much stuff in this blog that it's hard to keep up sometimes lolol, if I've mentioned somewhere that Vertin can hear the player, it was a mistake!
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
What is the poll you've had the most votes on?
Oh, that's an easy answer. That's a poll I made a week into starting this blog when I had maybe 200ish followers that blew up. That I now know people shared the link on X/Twitter and a few other social media, which probably explains why it went crazy. Plus, it started a meme that I still get hate messages about. I'll also go ahead and link it because the comments on that post are a treat to read
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If anyone wants to know what it's like to deal with so many notifications. I didn't have notifications turned off when I posted that poll because it was the highest amount of notes a poll had gotten up until then. It was maybe 500. Most of them only got around 100, if that. But my phone would buzz every time I got a reblog. Because of that, it woke me up out of a dead sleep. It was vibrating that much, and I changed those settings very quickly.
Now that it's over, I have found screenshots on Reddit, Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook, you name it. Plus, the Polygon video that featured it as a backdrop was shared on TikTok, YouTube and the rest of their social media.
That probably explains the activist essays because some of the polls have spread far beyond just Tumblr. I mean, my cousins have shown me my polls, not knowing I'm the mod of this blog, and they casually watch anime. Plus, I know they don't know I'm the mod because if they did, I would have gotten a call from my grandmother already
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in-progress fnaf theory!!! now that ive established fnaf has a space on my blog... :3
prototype freddy.
thats some weird shit right??? well actually no he very well could be perfectly explainable and heres how (in other words i see a lot of confusion over him anddd my brain connected some dots i would like to share!!)
(at the very bottom is tl;dr!!!)
gonna explain the some base info first, but i am assuming some level of understanding of sb and ruin during this however so if ur new to either this might not make sense, sorry :( im gonna ramble a bit so get comfy
princess quest is the canon ending, based on evidence from ruin. this theory is reliant on that
ok so!!!! lets talk about the Vanny option (at the doors, 6am) as choosing this option is mandatory to reach both the vanny ending and the pq ending
when the option is selected everyones least favourite Freddy Gets Trashed cutscene plays, regardless of doing pq or not
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so!! the damage to him, which is from this scene, happens regardless of vanny ending or pq ending, we just only get to really see it in the vanny ending
heres a good look at that
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and now i want you to take a good stare at prototype freddy (especially the arm and torso!!)
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the damage is, while a little more extreme (which could easily just be from how much time has passed between sb and ruin) near identical
and his head is missing, which circles back around to the pq ending, in which gregory takes freddys head with him!! small issue- the damage
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which is rather clearly completely missing from him in the pq ending. well luckily i can explain this too :3
there are very obviously time gaps in the pq ending cutscene. what we are shown is not *everything* thats happening there. link to a video of the cutscene,,
he leans out the window, takes a look at the staff bots deactivating- and then it cuts to him, standing near the exit, vanessa waiting for him at the door, freddy already in a bag. shit has CLEARLY gone down off screen in that time jump because 1. shes waiting for him and not freaking out, 2. gregory isnt scared shitless of her and freddy trusts her (you cannot convince me freddy would trust her automatically, even if he did at the start of the night. he KNEW that she was vanny,
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or at the very least that she was connected with it,
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and he still literally instructs gregory on killing her. this is a screenshot from a pq ending playthrough.)
so!! they fixed freddys head
what better way for gregory to trust vanessa than her helping to fix the one consistent friend & safety hes had in that whole place?? besides, at this points its mandatory that hes done the power upgrade plus roxys eyes and either montys or chicas parts, so hes got SOME experience at least, not to mention that repairs seem to be intentionally incredibly simple in design (probably so they dont have to get employees with actual qualifications... lets be honest, makes sense considering the company we're talking about.)
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however-- the damage done is something considerably different than before, and doesn't have a built-in routine, which does pose some entirely new challenges, and before he atleast had some direction from hand unit.
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so of course, vanessa who is an **actual employee** probably comes in handy here!! especially considering the fact freddy himself would be 'dead' for most of it-- since thats what happens at the end of the vanny ending cutscene, he shuts down
anyways its entirely believable that this kid would want to get his new father figure fixed first and foremost (hes gone out of his way just for freddy before, and vice versa) and that she would want to help him in any way possible after yk, being murderous.. and entirely believable that this would be possible to do. and, it explains the level of trust shown in the cutscene :)
and the course of action with 'ok take his head off', it makes sense the rest of his body wouldn't be salvagable, with it beyond either of their qualifications (since vanessa is a security guard and not a technician) and most importantly, probably impossible for either of them to actually move. and vanessa was literally talking shit to him headless earlier, not to mention gregory having to reattach it- theyre both familar to some degree with the idea of him working without his body connected
tl;dr: prototype freddy isnt another model or some weird shit, its just his leftover corpse lmao couldnt be me
PLEASE please join in the discussion; this theory is NOT foolproof and while i could explain how the prototype mark and present in his chest wouldve gotten there, ive got many reasons why and nothing concrete to say which one of them is accurate!!! (if anyones interested, i can reblog with my current ideas on that ^_^)
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
I have a question, what do you think of Obito/Tobi?
Hello nonny 😌🥹
You are my first ask on this blog 🥳🎉 And it’s of my beloved Obito/Tobi. 😍 Obito forever will be a gentle giant in my eyes with a side of fucking you stupid. Save that for another day. I will distinguish between the two personalities best I can. I feel like, aside from the mask hiding his identity, it was easier for him to be who he wanted to be in Tobi without the pressure.
Some sfw with mild suggestive themes Obito/Tobi headcanons:
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• Despite his role in bringing near world domination, he’s a lover not a fighter. After all the whole reason he went awol was because of Rin and Madara’s influence.
• Very easily manipulated. ☺️😅 Sorry Obito, he just is so gullible half majority the time. He doesn’t know any better, Madara completely lobotomized him from a young age to be his pawn after he died. A patsy for his own gain for Madara’s return from death.
• Definitely died virginal. Unless he fucked a white Zetsu, and as a teen he wasn’t very explorative given the seclusion and watchful eye of old man Madara. Plus he was focused on healing and growing half his damn body back. Plus, he didn’t look like himself anymore which probably gave him a bit of body dysmorphia and fed his insecurities.
• Genuinely believed he was being led the correct path in life. That he didn’t need anyone or the village — just Madara (especially didn’t need that Bakashi!!).
• Like majority of the men who are traumatized in this series, Obito can’t sleep at night. Late at night the inner confines of his mind play psychological warfare and close in on himself. ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ ‘Will this really make me feel better?’ ‘Will peace come once the dust settles?’
• Holds in his emotions until they crush him, figuratively and literally. Then he really carries the mantra of ‘burdened with glorious purpose.’ It replaces the heart on his sleeve and that’s when he hardens — or he thinks.
• Seeing Rin die definitely was that final straw and at the hands of Kakashi without any preemptive warning on the situation at hand. This is where Obito does a 180 and harnesses that resolve to carryon Madara’s will. Which is where Tobi comes out.
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• Let’s see. I think when Obito designed became prisoner to this persona, it was a coping mechanism. Tobi was one way to get around his turmoil and needing a disguise was the perfect way to avoid dealing with deep seated issues. Win/win/???.
• It makes keeping a distance from the other Akatsuki members easier. Tobi doesn’t want to talk about his trauma or about his family’s history. When Itachi joins it’s imperative that the rest don’t know his secret. What trauma? He’s a new man in this new little world he’s made.
• Which is why in the beginning he’s such a butterball of feigned ignorant bliss. Obito never had the chance at a real childhood so what better way than to live that vicariously through his second ego?
• It also boosted his confidence, tremendously. Being an authoritative figure hiding within the ranks of a hand basket of deplorables made him deliciously confident. He can’t pinpoint why exactly, but having the Akatsuki on the string of his tennis shoe like puppets is an ego boost. It’s an added bonus that most are unsuspecting.
• I think Tobi sleeps most nights peacefully, not always though. Still has these moments of uncertainty, like that meme of your brain before going to bed and it spouts off some shit you’d rather not spend the night debating with yourself about. That still happens to Tobi but not as frequently as when it was Obito in the cockpit of his psyche.
• At the end of the day; we all have a face that we would hide. The face of a stranger, and when it comes to Tobi, Obito is his dead name — he doesn’t recognize much beyond the hurt that got him to where he was today. Letting it fester and further infect his brain. What did they call it? The curse of hatred: Obito is the poster child for this. Sure Sasuke would be a runner up but Sasuke literally chose the path of vengeance, Obito was molded by it. Tobi is the darkness and Obito became a prior life.
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sporkdoesclasspect · 7 months
it's your old pal spork back from the void!! this blog is still dead probably. i just wanted to ramble lol
sooo i think about classpect a lot still because Special Interest and here's a summary of my general thoughts on it.
things a classpect can be:
a role you are Destined to play in the game
a role you are Destined to play In General
a role you are Forced to play
a role that is simultaneously determined For you and By you, due to the nature of paradox space, branching timelines, and the restrictions of a linear perception of time
a completely arbitrary title based on ultimately random factors
a Description of a narrative arc
an Assignment of a narrative arc
a description of your cool powers
the result of a literal/metaphorical/metaphysical personality quiz
a title a real life person gives themselves for funsies ;)
all of the above
none of the above
i feel like a lot of people either 1) generally agree with the popular fandom consensus and don't look beyond that or 2) overcompensate by trying to have The True And Correct Take. however, there is a crucial thing being overlooked with both of those viewpoints which is that you can do whatever you want! forever!! :3
i (mainly) use classpect-as-narrative-arc. this is neither Correct nor Incorrect! the same is true of literally any other theory, by nature of it being a Theory. that is ok! i think everyone should generally do what they find most fun/most interesting/most helpful for their story/creation.
i do also think that it's worth keeping an open mind and taking the time to consider different viewponts, but that doesn't mean your own has to change. it just means you should look out for new ideas so that you don't miss any that you think are cool! sometimes there's ideas that you could totally have fun with and incorporate into your system if you just considered it for a second, and realized that it is kind of an awesome concept.
but the most important thing will always be HAVING FUN, like in a general sense ^-^ for example, i use classpect-as-arc in most of my homestuck-adjacent stories, but i have some other ones where i go for classpect-as-forced-role instead because of the themes i want to explore there. and there are a couple of settings i've created where classpects are nothing but powersets, and are irrelevant to the plot outside of that. i think this kind of mixing and matching is a good approach that keeps you from getting locked into one way of thinking! plus it means you get to play around a lot more.
if your goal is only to analyze the canon text, you might not be so interested in the less canon-compliant takes. that's ok too! but until we get actual confirmation on Any of these theories (which might never happen -n-) it's going to be really up in the air, which i'm... honestly kind of glad for at this point? part of me isn't entirely convinced that hussie even had a single definitive answer in mind, which wouldn't be that surprising really, though one may have been decided on after the fact. or maybe there's some Super Secret Truth that existed all along and just hasn't been revealed to us!
either way, use the concept of classpects however you want, because no one can stop you!!!! >:3 you are the artist, it is you! write and draw what inspires you! and support other people who do the same!! maybe even COLLABORATE so you can make BIGGER COOLER THINGS >:D
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afrenomes · 10 months
Major trigger warning for rape denial:
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I don’t follow the op, but up until just now I was following someone who decided to reblog this post without comment. I’ve been desperately trying to keep on following people who hold differences of opinion and perspectives than me on I/P, to keep on following them for what I originally followed them for (like art, fandom, miscellaneous stuff) and hear what they have to say so that I don’t go down the rabbit hole I feel myself getting pulled towards, but then people go on to uncritically reblog shit like this and I just can’t. I’m beyond my limit here. I don’t know what to do anymore. There are so many things that are horrible and wrong about this post that I don’t even know where to start.
Additionally, this is one of the more heinous tags I saw in the notes of this post:
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Not only is that incorrect, but also the reason why more women haven’t come out to say this is a) it’s incredibly traumatic and may take a long time for victims to process what they went through enough to actually speak out if they ever even get to that point, and b) MOST OF THE VICTIMS ARE FUCKING DEAD!!!
I don’t know what else to do or say here. In the past, I’ve called people out directly on their antisemitism, but I got so burned by it - I got called names and slurs and accused of things that I never said or did, and that’s impacted how I’ve interacted with this website as a whole for YEARS. Plus I’m just a stranger on the internet - sending a message out of the blue to someone describing why what they posted is awful will more likely than not have them get defensive and start attacking me in response. That’s not productive at all. I don’t know what else to do though other than block, unfollow, disengage, and if I really need to vent, then post it on my own blog away from the original post, like I’m doing right now. Obviously doing things in person, like talking to others face-to-face, going to irl rallies, talks, and events, and donating to causes are probably the most impactful, but online rhetoric can and does bleed into real life, and so I don’t think I can just ignore this either.
Anyways, Hanukkah is starting soon, so maybe the best thing to do for now is to log off.
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mangocheesecakes · 1 year
This is the receipt user itssmelau sent me as supposed proof that she paid for "Laura's" funeral services:
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At first she sent me an even more blurred out photo, claiming she did not have a copy of the unblurred photo lol so I asked her to send me the exact picture she sent @iamjustthinkin, which can be seen above. Check the blurred name and address of the funeral home.
Signal Village is in Taguig City, which is in Luzon:
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You're not going to find a Signal Village in Davao.
Google funeral services near Signal Village, Taguig and this is the results on the first page, plus the corresponding FB page of the funeral home:
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So there you are. If that receipt is to be believed, then Laura Mae Deramas who is from Matina Davao, which is in Mindanao south of the PH, should be interred right now in Taguig, Metro Manila, in Luzon, north of the PH.
She is now arguing that the name of the funeral home is not "Amorebella" and that it has "two E's", though why she can't just outright tell me the name at this point is beyond me. She is also arguing that there are many places in Davao called "Signal Village", though if you try Googling "Signal Village Davao" you will still be taken to Signal Village Taguig, and no result will appear whatsoever for signal village davao.
This is not the first time the address on her document she presents as "proof" have not matched where she and her family actually lives. Here is a picture of the supposed letter from the hospital where she claims her mother was admitted a few weeks ago:
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University of Perpetual Help is in Las Piñas, also in Luzon, far from SPMC where she said her mother was admitted in her original post:
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She is taking advantage of the fact that most people on here are Americans/not Filipinos and has little knowledge about where places are here in the PH and wouldn't know where to start searching if they did want to verify things.
I urge everyone to please rethink about your support for this blog, or at least consider whether it's wise to believe their claims that the original owner is dead.
Tagging the people I see that she usually tags or is still continuing to tag on her post, I'm so very sorry for bothering you with this: @beserkerjewel @fluoresensitive @beaky-peartree @robotpussy @capricornpropaganda @closet-keys @lunabisexual @afro-elf @bihet-dragonize
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 230
So, I have been reliably informed by @mike-ks-66502-blog that “The Miys” has broken containment: they found my story through FB!??? What the... for realsies? (Also, will respond to your ask soon, just kind of processing that information)
Thankfully it was a screenshot someone shared with Noah hilariously mis-translating Terran slang.
Highly distinguished new readers this week also include @111angel3, who not only took on the speedrun of the story, but commented on doggone near every single chapter; along with @krashingallalong, who last I checked was on chapter 216 and still going. Yes, Krash, I do read my comments ;) I’ll get that link fixed.
New readers this week are: @niavirrivain, @miniaturehumanman, @janelss, @earth-man-head, @barn-in-the-desert. Hey y’all!
Thanks, as always, go to @baelpenrose for beta reading and helping me get through the sticky spots.  Additional extra special thanks to whichever mad people are recommending my story out there. Y’all are awesome, I seriously hope you know that.
The mood on Level One was tense for what felt like a severely unsustainable length.  Everyone had fallen back on short answers to avoid interruption, and any mundane question only rated a curt nod at best. My shoulders hurt, I couldn’t sleep, and I was reasonably certain that Noah was sneaking a disgusting amount of stimulants into Tyche’s water, given how long she had been standing.  I even caught myself, while confirming Parvati’s dispatches and food requests, grousing mentally about the rules of movies and the need for something to break at some point.
Given the current environment, I was pretty sure it would be my teeth before anything else.
Thirty plus hours of clenching my teeth ended up being the only thing to prevent me from spitting out something when an irritatingly soothing chime came over the comms. “All Ark personnel, this is Odvub in secure communication. Please be aware that the Eko-mari fleet have found a decisive way to locate the pirate fleet.  Ix’al, Brol, and all ship captains have been advised and are preparing for evasive maneuvers. The Ark is expected to sustain cosmetic fire. Please respond as though it is damaging. Sensor logs will confirm.”
Those who had not been present in the Council chamber when Odvub had been revealed - thankfully limited to three adjuncts - fell to the deck in confusion.  Evan and Maverick immediately sprang from their seats and started shaking out their limbs, while Tyche tapped on Arthur’s shoulder without a word.
After an exchange of nodding and shaking heads, Arthur heaved a sigh and took her position. “Strategist Arthur Farro taking over for Navigator Tyche Reid.”
“I can’t be distracted,” she called out before chugging an odd looking sludge that Maverick handed her. “I navigate, Arthur updates.”
Anxiety clenched my stomach as I dashed over to her. “When is the last time you slept? Are you on top of your game?”
She nodded before swallowing the last of the… whatever. “I don’t know what Noah is putting in this, but Antoine mentioned something about a lactic acid counteragent, hyper oxygenated something, and some other things that sounded very anti-fatigue rather than pro-energy.”
“Is this safe?!” I demanded, as quietly as possible.
Noah sent a targeted response to us. “It is safe up to ninety-eight Terran hours, at which point Tyche will need half that duration in full sleep.”
“Translation - “ she started.
“If you need it beyond the safe point, we’re either dead or you’ve crashed,” I interrupted. “Don’t correct me, I don’t want to hear any other possibility. We have other people who can navigate.”
Tyche rocked her head side to side. “With any luck we won’t - “
The entire ship rocked to one side, throwing us both painfully against a table and cutting off whatever she was going to say. Maverick and Evan were the first to move, clawing against the near-vertical plane to get back to their stations.
Noah’s voice buzzed angrily over the comms. “Eko-mari fleet! We have stayed course as requested, despite debris! Advise!”
“Eko-mari Command to Hujylsogox vessel Yjq. Stay your course. Unexpected debris struck your vessel, and we are taking guard to avoid any future collisions.”
Odvub’s soft chime followed. “That was a warning shot from the pirate fleet. The Eko-mari sustain a falsehood.”
Even though I hadn’t thought it possible, the mood on Level One sombered even further. Maverick and Evan strapped into their seats before the Ark was even close to leveled out, while Arthur simply crawled beneath the closest table, bracing himself between the seats with his legs and back. Tyche yanked off her boots and managed to get to the piloting position just long enough to peel off her leggings and use them to tie herself physically to Mav and Evan’s seats.
Everyone else followed their lead, bracing or securing ourselves to the nearest object protruding from the deck.
After what felt like the longest ninety seconds of my life, Maverick shouted. “Conor! I need you in the engine room now! I trust Noah with my entire existence, but for what we are about to do I need an engineer and some instinct.”
“Derek and Sam are secure, along with Nixe and Coffey,” came the response. “Teeth is in a suspension life-pod.”
“Life pod!?” Charly shouted before Maverick signalled her as patch in, letting her repeat her request.
Noah and Grey responded at the same time, before Noah stopped and allowed Grey to restart. “Suspension life-pods are reserved for high-priority survivors. Assuming either the pirates or Miys survives the conflict, Teeth will be safe.  If neither survive, they will be suspended indefinitely, until a being salvages and opens the pod.”
Groggy as it was, Nixe’s voice followed with enough to command to make it clear who was speaking. “I have already asked Ix’al, one Queen to another, that if our heir falls into enemy hands, death would be preferred.”
“What!?” Charly demanded.
“If the pod is recovered within sixty Terran hours, it will not open for any hands but Terran, Glux, Shalt-kri’i, or So’k’nor. Not even for Hujylsogox - Our apologies, Noah.”
“No offense taken, Nixe.”
“After sixty hours,” Nixe continued, “only Terran hands can open the pod.”
A brief pause of horrified silence, and Odvub clarified what we all wanted to ask but could not bring ourselves to. “If the Ark is destroyed, the pod will be fired in the direction of the anticipated colony on Von. If there are no Terran survivors, only the pirate fleet or their allies can open the pod and account to Teeth what has happened.  Lacking that, the pod will either drift into a star or need to be taken to Earth to be opened.”
Xiomara started to object. “I - “
“Seal it,” Charly cut off wetly. “Seal the pod, along with any others. Nixe, if Coffey is not willing to go with Teeth, and if you aren’t, ask Jordan to. Everyone else is here.”
“Charly - “
“No, Xiomara.” Charly hiccuped, took a deep breath, and kept going. “I don’t care who on this vessel was a child soldier. Teeth is not. And we are better than that. Teeth, the genetic data, the Archive, all of it - I motion they follow the path Nixe outlined.”
With a tone of despair, Xiomara called the vote.
It was unanimous.
We didn’t even have time to grieve before Odvub chimed through. “Incoming shot from pirate vessel, targeting starboard.”
All we could do was brace before the impact rocked the ship sideways again. “Damage report!” Huynh demanded.
Arthur’s hands flew under the table across from mine. “Damage limited to Level Twelve, BioLab Two.”
“Sterile silicate and water,” Maverick shouted. “All available on Von, great shot. Conor! Where are you!”
Panting filled the comms. “I would be there faster if you could drive better, love.”
“You aren’t dead yet,” Mav bitched back. “Confirm when you reach the engines, I’ll patch Huynh and Charly through.”
“Don’t patch me through,” Huynh responded. “I’m not a rocket scientist.”
“Boss, we need to confirm the ship can take whatever he’s trying to do,” Conor panted. “At the door, entering now.”
In the corner of my eye, I saw Charly throw an invisible ball angrily at her mentor. “Ship schematics and stress points. Pull it up, watch for hot spots.”
Huynh glanced at Xiomara, who was ostensibly in charge since this was combat.
She surged forward from the waist, like she was trying to bite something. “You heard the woman! Pull it up, watch for hot spots.”
Huynh appeared mollified, spreading his hands to open the map.
“Xale!” Maverick shouted. “I need you to hit the fore of the Ark. Target to glance the bow, no confirmation needed. All hands, brace for impact!”
Yet again, someone seemed to ask Xiomara’s approval, even though I couldn’t see who. “Fucking hell, you heard the man, just do it! Stop asking for confirmation!”
The Ark surged in yet another direction, this time shoving my hip against the strut of a seat. Bruised is alive, I reminded myself as I tested my joints. Everything hurt, nothing broken.
As soon as that assessment registered, I was thrust to the opposite side, earning a matching bruise.
“Hujylsogox vessel Yjq!” screamed over the comms. “What are you doing!?”
“Weapons fire struck the fore of the Ark,” Noah responded. “Accelerating to leave plane of combat, per protocol.”
“Cease acceleration. No enemy fire has been detected!”
I didn’t even need Odvub to confirm that the Eko-mari were lying out of whatever they had that functioned as an ass.
“Regardless, protocol establishes to leave debris field or accelerate beyond plane of combat,” Noah insisted.
“You will cease acceleration at once!”
Noah didn’t respond, but Maverick did, without hesitation.
“Nope, not happening. Conor, tell me if she red lines.”
“Will do.”
“Noah! If I accelerate and dodge using only maneuvering thrusters, can you alert me to the last moment that the Ark can reach Von and decelerate using planetary gravity?”
“You will need to modify trajectory.”
“That’s a yes, I love it,” Maverick huffed. “All hands! This is your pilot speaking, brace for evasive maneuvers in any direction. That means ‘strap yourself down as best you can, or get the shit beat out of you’.  Shipwide gravity spin will be stood down over the next… thirty minutes. You will get dizzy, light headed, and congested. Anyone with heart conditions, please see your nearest med bay as carefully as possible to be put into suspension.”
Xiomara cut in on the end of Maverick’s communication. “And don’t even fucking bother asking me or Grey for confirmation. You heard him, do it, we’re busy. If we don’t think it’s enough, we’ll let you know.”
“Agreed,” Grey ground out, eyes screwed tight and limbs tense to brace for sudden motion. “And if you are prone to regurgitation under extreme motion, please put on a bivouac suit. It will capture and filter, the rest of us thank you.”
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
👁️ Neighborhood Watch AU 👁️
A gritty interpretation of the 3rd Life Series, with the first 5 seasons mashed into a single timeline.
3rd Life SMP Series
#ridwork guides
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What Is This AU?
Slice-of-life stories about mob hybrids in a dystopian society full of violent Red Names. The objective? Survive.
The Four Lands are home to several large cultures, most notably those of Dogwarts, Magical Mountain, the East Woods, and the Southlands. While they have their differences, one cultural idea stands strong:
Find your soulmate, protect them with your life, and avoid dying at all costs... lest you join the ranks of Reds and turn on those you once called "Friend."
AO3 Series
Blog tag - #Neighborhood Watch AU
Character Doc - Species and brief details on each character in the series, plus the Red-Clocker-Ties'g family tree
Gritty, dark, and dramatic with humor, fluff, and romance mixed in.
- Life Series ensemble, with a focus on:
- The Clockers (Cleo, Etho, Scar, Bdubs)
- Divorce Quartet (Cleo, Martyn, Scott, Pearl)
- Grian (Universe swapper)
- Scar [Oscar Goodchild] (Desperate to escape the Four Lands)
- Ren and BigB (Dogwarts royalty raising their son, Kase [Box])
- Joel (Raised in a culture a step outside the Four Lands)
Relationships range from "marriage of convenience" to romantic. Notable ones:
- The Double Life soulmate pairs are generally together, as society encourages this. Scott and Pearl were married (QPR) until splitting, hence divorce quartet. Also, Grian pines after BigB.
- Martyn/Mumbo (Betrothed by King Ren; pre-Nether exile).
- Cleo married Bdubs in line with 3rd Life canon, but they parted ways. Later, she married Etho (Limited Life) and Bdubs married Impulse (Double Life).
- Martyn hopes to win over Cleo, though by that point she's twice divorced and raising two kids... and not thrilled her soulmate took his time showing up.
- Background flower husbands.
- Cleo signs up for a program to act as a soulmate to those who don't know theirs and feel lonely. She's paired with Skizz and they become close over time.
-> Skizz recognized Martyn as Cleo's soulmate due to a burn mark on his thigh. Skizz says he sees that mark whenever Cleo wears shorts, but Martyn thinks it's innuendo, so take it as you will.
- The character doc covers characters and ships in more detail, using surnames to separate characters with the same first name.
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Map I drew for "For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn)"
- Dystopian fantasy world. The Four Lands do their best to thrive despite Red Names and anarchy.
- Many resources have been mined over the years, leaving things like diamonds, shulker boxes, and elytra rare. Lack of diamonds means lack of Nether portals. The Nether is largely unknown and frightening.
- The Red Desert stretches northeast until you reach Mezalea; the Coral Isles are to the west. Ghost town of Valentine Pier is in the northwest.
- Time passes slowly. For example, running a mob farm requires raising mobs for birth and harvesting their resources months or even years down the line.
- 12-page doc containing my measurement notes for things like world size and travel time (hybrid wings vs. horses) and all my sources for that info. Readers don't need to know this stuff, but it's interesting if you like meta.
- Most works taste place in the Westlands or the Southlands. Specifically, in the west up on that cliff by the bay. Breadcrumb beach is in the south.
- Grian's Guide to the Four Lands [WIP; unrevealed]
Is It For Me?
- This series delves into darker, grittier themes than most of my work. My goal is for G and T content to be read standalone if you choose to skip M or E content.
- Martyn [Phantom hybrid] hides his wings and stays undercover so he won't be attacked for his membranes. Also, he and several other characters eat roadkill (and other dead things they find).
- Reds feel little beyond murder urges and tend towards violence, aggression, and destruction (Ex: Red Etho cutting the wings off his pet phantom because he's bored).
- Lots of ships in this universe. They still have drama, but are less likely to split than in the Pixels Imperfect AU, where relationships are closer to roleplay.
- More emphasis on things like romance, sexuality, and sensuality than my other works, though a lot of pairs are soulmates living together (and not necessarily in love). Several bad sex scenes on purpose. #Sorry.
Major Themes
Strength, kindness, self-sacrifice, caretaking, humility, defining love in your own way, recovery, found family.
Plot Highlights
- Martyn was the King's Hand until he went Red and lost everything... Exiled to the Nether for his crimes.
- BigB was just Some Baker's Son before Red King Ren tracked him down. Now he's royalty.
- Etho and Cleo struggling to raise their kids while having a rocky relationship. Scar was born when they were Red. That went great.
- Wizard Scar makes contracts and catches people in his web.
- Martyn and Pearl join a singles support group (Broken Hearts Club).
- The Grian born in NW AU and the Grian born in Pixels Imperfect AU switched places after EVO. They're both fumbling, trying to figure out each other's worlds.
- Relationship therapy on a yacht
Drafts for this AU began in 2022, with the first work posted October 2023. This series is ongoing with 70k words posted so far.
- Currently has infrequent updates since I'm posting a lot of other 'fics, but is expected to update often throughout 2025 (and future years) until its end.
Warnings, notes, and explanations below so readers can learn more about this AU. Dead dove. Don't like? Don't read.
👀 Take a Peek
New here? You might like to start with these:
- For now, the options below are great starting options. This section may be updated as more works are added to the series.
Start Reading
Recommended ways to get into the full AU
🌄 First Written - "Scary Stories For Young Fox Hybrids"
(T - 7800 words) - To give Cleo a weekend alone, Skizz brings Bdubs and Scar with him on what would normally be a Solo Skizz resource-scavenging trip.
They didn't expect the wounded phantom hybrid lurking in an abandoned game show studio.
- Easy introduction to world lore. Kids explore, Skizz teaches them things, brotherly play, soulmate mentions, and crafting magic too. Lore from multiple seasons weaves together.
This piece has a sequel - "Enter Mr. Littlewood" - as Scar and Bdubs get to know their new friend.
The Cornflower Waltz subseries contains all works for the "Cleo & Martyn post-Clockers divorce" arc. This is the main arc for this AU.
↔️ Grian's Universe Swap - "For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn)"
(T - 37k words) - When Grian Ties’g was 16, the last Totem of Undying in the known world swapped his soul with the Grian one universe to the left… sparing him a perma-death, but at what cost?
An overwhelmed Grian Xelqua - who did not sign up for this, thank you very much - jolts awake in a world where Red Names are no joke and stealing someone’s life is fair play.
And a very Red Tango now has a sword at his throat. ❤️
- Discover world lore alongside Grian, who just showed up and doesn't know any more than you do. Actually, probably less.
This piece has a sequel: "Goodchild Oscar"
📅 Chronological Start - "The Children of Dust and Ashes"
(G - 5000 words) - Teens Gem, Scott, and Impulse are stranded on a cherry wood mountain due to a zombie outbreak in the next town. Skizz looks after them as they set up camp for the night.
Also, Impulse gets possessed by the spirit of a long-dead builder who really, really liked cherry wood.
- Covers the basics of crafting magic, flight magic, and some decent world lore for a starting piece.
🗺️ Worldbuilding - Grian's Guide to the Four Lands
- Mob hybrids are built like satyrs.
- In Pixels Imperfect AU, Grian has a purple soul because he swapped in from NW. Likewise, our Grian has a blue soul because he came from the Pixels AU.
- Locals form soulmate bonds during puberty, linking them to a person they may not know who may live far across the land.
-> The Double Life soulmate pairs remain consistent since this AU is based on canon, so all the Bdubs are soulmates with Impulses, all the Cleos with Martyns, and so on. Small exception for occasional Grian-Joel pairs, as they were soulmates in Secret Life.
-> The culture places heavy emphasis on finding your soulmate and working together as a team before it's too late.
- Causing someone's perma-death will boost you up a life. Notably, Pearl got a mass kill during "With Acid In Your Eyes" that boosted her and Scott to 24 lives within 3 seconds.
- Residents of this world use mining and crafting magic. They master it as they grow older, but can only mine soft blocks (wool, dirt) when they're young.
- Dogwarts holds a lot of political control. Ren is the Red King. Supposedly, Martyn killed his father, the Crimson King. There are also rumors that Martyn may the Crimson King's illegitimate son.
- Fancy titles, such as Mumbo being a lord (which is why he and Martyn were betrothed).
- People are named after the location they're born and change their surname to mirror their current alliance (Or, an important past alliance if not their current one). Character doc.
- Local resources are low-quality, but some people have notable items, such as Grian who has a Sharpness II netherite sword apparently passed down from his parents (mirroring his weapon in 3rd Life) and Skizz, who has elytra wings passed through his family.
- Phantoms carry mail. Impulse raises them (a nod to his phantom sanctuary at the close of Hermitcraft Season 8).
- It's believed people's souls roam the land once they're dead. They usually stay near the Secretmounds, but may on occasion cross your path and influence your actions.
- People distrust wizards. However, they can probably boost you up a life if you sign a contract... Do you dare?
- This AU parallels the canon series. May contain small Easter eggs to my 'fic Dog's Life [Pixels Imperfect]. The two AUs exist in parallel, so that season's roleplay is technically canon in this world's lore.
📋 AU Notes & Warnings
I consider this AU dead dove. Lots of things people may not want to see, but I've covered all the topics I can think of. It may not be for you, but thanks for checking out this guide!
Individual pieces will be tagged appropriately, and my longfics will have all their warnings listed in author's notes as well.
Neighborhood Watch is canon-inspired, but it does take creative liberties.
-> Ex: Deaths are rarer in this universe since this world contains multiple series condensed into one. Instead, there are near-death experiences.
-> Martyn and Cleo put effort into their soulmate relationship as we balance their Double Life drama with the Limited Life canon of Martyn being godfather to the Clocker kids. They still fight, but events (and fights) are in a different order than canon.
Relationships - Don’t worry if you see Cleo/Bdubs in the tags of one story, but also Bdubs is their child in another story. These are separate characters in the family tree, which is indicated by their last names and hybrid traits. No incest here!
-> I’ll try to make this clear in each story, and the character doc will help you too.
-> Grian is soulmates with Oscar Goodchild and cousins with Scar Clocker. They're both based on Scar, but are separate.
Canon-typical violence treated seriously - A balance between realism and cartoony vibes. Mostly chill. This world has swords, axes, arrows, lava, burns, suffocation, and drowning. We do have respawn and I’m not planning any severe torture scenes
-> No red blood. This AU uses goopy purple soul goop. It IS used in a similar way to blood, but has unique properties (such as vaporizing when the player respawns).
-> Martyn drips soul goop in “Scary Stories For Young Fox Hybrids.”
-> Respawn-related body horror. Grian’s death and totem respawn in Chapter 1 of “For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn)” is a good example.
-> Corpses + scavenger body horror. Ex: zombie-related cannabalis Some mobs and hybrids scavenge (such as foxes and phantoms). Martyn eats roadkill and Cleo has definitely eaten dead hybrids.
Attempted (possibly effective) self-harm or suicide - Things like Pearl taking damage to hurt Scott via soulmate bond, or Etho jumping from high places to “punish” Joel.
-> I don’t currently have a place for Grian’s 3rd Life perma-death (suicide), but that could potentially show up and/or be referenced
-> Characters may reference people they used to know who chose to end their lives (NPC neighbors)
Attempted murder, death, and child death - Typical 3rd Life universe; you know the drill.
-> This is a dystopian culture where trapping and killing others is widely accepted as the reality. Children are not immune from being hurt or killed.
-> Arsenic Waltz - Scar is a good example of a child death as he drops to Yellow while still an infant. This is referenced multiple times throughout the AU.
Weird gender dynamics - This world is straight-up skewed so boys are born more often than girls. Not mentioned often, but it's a big deal when baby girls are born.
-> Also, women tend to face pregnancy pressure.
References to miscarriages or abortion - No current plans, but could reasonably come up within this AU.
-> Ex: Cleo and Etho talking about whether they want to keep their second kid after pregnancy.
Ambiguous Relationships, Arranged Relationships, and/or Pressure For Relationship
Soulmate bonds don’t have to be romantic. Some people choose to go their whole lives without meeting their soulmate.
-> King Ren plucks BigB out of his small town and escorts him back to the city to live a lavish lifestyle. BigB goes along with it, but his comfort and consent are kind of dubious because… he’s not gonna fight the king 
Arsenic Waltz - The Impulse “secret girlfriend” arc… Implied threesome between Bdubs, Impulse, and Cleo, but it’s definitely ambiguous. -> Etho starts pulling away from Cleo and slips into his absent dad arc, but feels pressured to help provide for his kids. -> Martyn tries to win Cleo over, feeling like he “should” because they’re soulmates, and gets frustrated with her reluctance.
Lots of ambiguity between platonic and romantic soulmates. Some people are in soulmate relationships and don’t define them very clearly.
-> Grian and Scar are a good example of this and the lines are super blurred, so whether Grian is truly “cheating” on Scar is a little vague (as is the level of whether Scar cares, being Red at the time)
I mostly write dramedies about imperfect relationships; I delve into a lot of angst and ambiguity with fluff sprinkled in.
Please feel free to enjoy all the fluff and sex scenes, but most of the time they are there for some kind of plot and those characters may end up parting ways via divorce or Red life. Proceed at your own discretion!
Soulmate-normative society - Things like Jimmy’s comment to Martyn in DL Ep 2 (“Isn’t your soulmate doing soulmate things with another person?”), or Jimmy telling Cleo and Scott to “Stop trying to be soulmates” (Implying dumping your soulmate and/or living with someone else is not looked upon favorably).
-> Soulmates don’t have to be romantic. However, most people expect you’ll make an effort to learn who your soulmate is.
-> Cleo being upset that Martyn never showed up is an example of her playing into this normative expectation.
Open Relationships - Open relationships are common in this world. Some ways this is played include:
-> Marriages are widely accepted to break when you’re on Red. Technically most people don’t get properly divorced, but it’s generally assumed the relationship is over.
-> Tango/Skizz Heart Foundation polyamory.
-> Scott and Pearl are (were) married and in a QPR, but the relationship is open so they can get their sexual desires fulfilled elsewhere.
-> Grian getting frustrated with Scar’s lack of interest (i.e. due to Scar’s Red numbness while their life colors are de-synced) so he tries to seek satisfaction outside his relationship.
I haven’t gotten there yet, so I don’t know if Scar fully agrees the relationship is open or if it’s cheating. We’ll find out together.
Queer Themes / Peculiar Relationship Dynamics - By nature of these ‘fics being based on a male-dominated series, there are quite a few M/M ships here. Same-sex relationships are normalized.
-> I love writing aro and ace stuff and that’s what I’m familiar with. You’ll probably see a lot of aro and ace themes in this series, especially queerplatonic relationships.
-> Skizz is in a weird situation where his soulmate perma-died young. He tends to seek out other people who fill a variety of intimate roles from him, such as Tango whom he’s more physical with (Heart Foundation vibes) or Cleo whom he’s more emotional with (References to Last Life and LimLife where they sought each other out for hugs)
-> Scott and Pearl are married and in a QPR (queerplatonic relationship). Scott is gay and Pearl is aro. Married, divorced, and miss each other when they separate (or at least Pearl missing Scott á la Double Life drama).
-> A hybrid has either a warm, cool, hot, or chilly soul, and soulmates are always linked up as opposites (warm-cool, hot-chilly). This is called correspondent. If you pursue someone of a different temperature, that's non-normative (or queer).
-> Several characters are correspondent-normative while others are not.
Sexual Content - Sexual content may appear in stories rated M or E, but expect pretty vanilla stuff. Some stories may include innuendo.
-> Not all sex scenes are intended to be good sex. Red life sex in particular tends to be Not Great because I play the Reds as numb and craving only murder.
-> Arsenic Waltz and Cornflower House have some sex scenes.
Dubcon / Noncon / Feeling things through the soulmate bond - You start picking up what your soulmate can feel during puberty. Some sensations can be felt as early as like 14ish and the bond should be complete by age 20. I made a good faith effort to keep everyone above 18 before referencing sex, but worth a heads up.
-> If your soulmate dies young, it may un-sync what color life you’re on. Skizz is a good example in this AU: his soulmate perma-died before they sync’d, so he doesn’t have one (a nod to him not being in Double Life)
-> Feeling things can lead to dubcon or noncon situations (including sexual situations). Individual chapters will warn for that.
-> Ex: There's a scene where one character taps their body a lot in an attempt to safeword to their distant soulmate, but this goes ignored. That character is very distressed about it and it plays a big role in the story. It's based on canon, so kudos if you can guess what it is!
-> If you’re highly sensitive to dubcon or noncon, Arsenic Waltz and Cornflower House are probably not for you (And that's okay!)
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - Namely Cleo in Arsenic Waltz because I’m aiming to do a serious look at their life, pregnancy, and child rearing experiences and they have two kids, so they’re going through this once with Scar and once with Bdubs.
-> Martyn also references secondhand pregnancy pains (i.e. complaining that he didn’t go through 18 hours of secondhand labor pains just for Scar to fall to Yellow Life young).
-> Potential references to menstrual cycles… though we do live in a universe without blood, so idk. Probably only mentioned in regards to pregnancy situations or secondhand soulmate cramps.
-> Considering hybrids have survived despite their skewed gender ratio, maybe this is a universe without cycles, but very high pregnancy odds? Hmm...
Mob Hybrids / Animal Behavior Influences - All characters are mob hybrids. Animal behavior may include:
Humanoids eating roadkill
Zombie-related cannibalism (This one’s important!)
Infighting for dominance
Mob courtship (Flicking tails, rustling wings)
Pack dynamics (Ex: “The leader of the group is perceived to be hot and gets and/or wants all the mates”)
-> Phantoms, wolves, blaze, and vex are examples of mobs that spawn together and are therefore interpreted as being pack-oriented
The sexual moments are written for humanoid characters (i.e. no notable anatomy differences). May contain minor references to sharp teeth, whimpering, a flicking tail, or claws pricking skin. Pretty vanilla humanoid stuff in this ‘verse.
-> I had an early concept where Etho is confused Cleo doesn't have two rows of teats down her belly like a fox, so take that as you will.
Mob Farms - It's common to farm mobs, but this requires breeding them. In this universe, ravagers are treated as cattle; they breed with cows. Mobs build nests or dens (as opposed to babies poofing in).
-> The Ranchers have a mob ranch.
There are some ethical dilemmas and subcultures related to mob farming that occur in the background of this universe, though I’m not sure we’ll get into that much.
I think that's everything, but if you think of anything I missed, send me an Ask and I'll add it.
Thanks for reading! If NW AU intrigues you, check it out on AO3!
- More MCYT AUs
- Want more info? Send an Ask!
You can create works based on this AU. Please cite me and/or the AU as appropriate (i.e. for things very specific to this AU). You are free to expand on ideas you've thought of thanks to my AU as a jumping off point. I'd love to reblog or link things to my AO3 works if I see them!
I write content with morally gray characters. Please don't portray my story events or worldbuilding out of context with intentional malice. As in, I request you do not post things created for the specific intention of bashing me or the AU
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
indie captain jack sparrow, private, plot heavy, low activity, primarily trilogy & tpof based. est. 08/14. rebooted 02/20. written by lottie ( she / her ), gmt, 25+
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my worldbuilding & portrayal are heavily affiliated with : hangtherules / villainmade + thecodekeeper / shadowcovcn + reddhaed + musecraft
                          other links :   MEME TAG  ♢  META                              please read the rules below the cut before interacting!
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• This blog is very chilled, selective and low activity, meaning that I only write with mutuals for my own state of mind. I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I cannot write with everyone, plus I do practice mains and exclusives — although I am picky about this.
• A couple of notes about my portrayal of Jack: I draw on both movie & book canon, primarily the trilogy and Ann Crispin’s The Price of Freedom, the latter of which concerns Jack’s past, although I do borrow sparingly from other sources across extended canon. He is much more than the witty rogue with a fondness for rum that he is often dismissed as and I have been writing him long enough to develop him far beyond the scope of his canon; I therefore ask that you please respect this and my reasons for being picky when it comes to incorporating certain ‘canon’ established in Dead Men Tell No Tales in particular.
• I have also been around the block when it comes to Jack; I have been writing him for more than nine years now, and in that time I have replied to many, many generic, non-plotted starters where muses approach Jack in a tavern to ask to join his crew/ask him for help etc. These kind of spontaneous threads just do not spark joy or excite Jack's muse any longer and therefore I cannot guarantee that you will receive a prompt response ( or a response at all ) if you throw one my way. So what I am saying effectively is that I am primarily plotting based here — the more you plot with me, even if it's just initially to establish a jumping off point, the more likely Jack's flighty af muse will stick and we can write all of the wonderful things together!
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• I am multiship and Jack is bisexual, however I tend to be picky about shipping — ic and ooc chemistry is key, and just because Jack is a promiscuous muse, do not assume that means that he will jump into bed or emotionally invest with absolutely anyone. Likewise, just because Jack is a certified flirt, do not take that to mean I am forcing a ship on you or your muse. He flirts with everyone.
• Usual Tumblr etiquette applies. Please don’t godmod, don’t rush me on replies as I am very slow, please make sure meme replies are transferred over to a new post etc etc.
• NSFW may appear from time to time, as well as certain dark topics considering that Jack is a pirate and there are potentially triggering events within his canon, such as child abuse. I do not have any triggers myself, but I will certainly try to tag anything particularly sensitive that may appear on this blog. As for smut, I write it pretty infrequently but only with partners I’m close to on an out of character level.
• If we are mutuals, I absolutely want to write with you! Hitting up my IMs for plotting is likely the easiest way to get something going with me, but sending a meme or liking a starter/interaction call absolutely works too!
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:        MULTI + SCOOPS KIDS
• I do not have any association with Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, or Johnny Depp. Any ignorant and uneducated hate towards my faceclaim will gain an instant unfollow from me and, out of respect to him as a human being, as well as for my own personal comfort, I will not write or interact with any blog who uses Amber Heard as a faceclaim.
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sublime-beyond-loss · 2 years
The weirdly profound lucid TSP dream I had several months ago and the strange coincidence that followed
Originally I only told @give-soup-please​ about this because he enjoys reading about crazy and interesting TSP dreams like this, but several weeks ago I brought this up in the chat of my TSP streams, and since I did, I figured it's about time I put this up somewhere more permanent. I do feel a little awkward putting this out into the world in a slightly more public fashion since it does go pretty deep into my own insecurities by the mere nature of what this dream represents. However, if there is even the slightest chance someone might get something out of this, I figure it's worth it. Plus the odd coincidence that followed makes this whole thing all the more interesting, but I'll get to that at the end of this blog post.
This TSP dream I had was one of the most lucid and weirdly profound dreams I've ever had. When I woke up from it, I immediately sat down and wrote out everything I could. This blog post will be a slight touching up of what I wrote.
I was using the jump glitch to mess around in the apartment ending and at some point I fell through the map, only instead of falling forever until the game resets, I fell into a completely unused map. There were no narrator lines to be found, and no sound effects outside of Stanley's own footfalls. The place looked like an odd mix of a TSP map and the later parts of Portal once you break out of the testing chambers.
While the area was fully enclosed and complete enough that you would never break the illusion and see out into the void beyond the level, the collision data was spotty at best and I'd often fall through the floor in places only to be reset back to the beginning of the level. I was stupidly eager to explore what seemed like a piece of unused content that nobody else had found or documented yet. Once I started to map out where you'd fall through if you weren't careful, I made my way deeper and deeper into this dark, eerie, and incredibly quiet place.
At some point I noticed something though, because it was inevitable that I'd fall through the floor all of the time because there was no way to predict where the collision data would not be present. As I'd fall, before the reset would hit, I could sometimes see something start to render in the void. I soon realized that if I could find the right spot to fall through the map above, I would be able to fall right into whatever this was that the game was trying to render in the distance.
Through much trial and error, I pulled it off and ended up in a completely new map below the existing one. It was generally the same as the first in looks. A mix of TSP and Portal, just with an entirely new layout. I continued with the same task for awhile that involved seeking out a new layer rendering below the current one.
Several layers in, as I'm running around exploring, I come to a sudden dead end. There was nothing there, but I still felt as if there was a presence and I could feel it watching me. A Morrowind style text box opens up, and frustratingly, I was not able to read all of what it said before it would move on to the next layer of text. Still, I end up having a weird sort of voiceless conversation with the text box.
For anyone not in the know, this is what a Morrowind text box looks like:
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It said that it was glad that I had been looking for it and that it was glad I had finally found it after so long. It likes that I keep searching for meaning in this game that was deliberately written to offer zero conclusive answers. It enjoys all of my interpretations about the game because it makes it feel more like a real being. My thoughts and theories give it shape.
I, of course, can't help but wonder if it's the narrator I'm speaking to, or hell, even the settings person. It replies to this question by saying that if I have caused The Death Of The Author, then it must be the new author given shape by my own perception of the meaning to be found within this game. It acknowledged that to search for and make my own meaning in this game is exactly what makes it so compelling to me. It then lamented that it does not have a voice of its own, because I don't speak much and it can't have any other voice than my own.
It then said, ‘You fear that you will never create something as meaningful as what other people have already made before you. You want to make something that makes others feel the same way your favorite interests make you feel. But you struggle with the idea of it because you feel like all of the relevant stories that could be told have already been told. You were born at the end of history where all ideas have already been explored and what little creativity remains only exists to be packaged and sold at a premium. What can you bring to the table that hasn't already been said? You feel too stupid, too foolish to have a story worth committing to paper, and if you did, what if you failed? What if the publishers reject it? What if the audience doesn't like it? What if you are the fool you've always feared yourself to be? You can't handle the thought of it. Still, you feel like time is running out. You are getting old. The world is falling apart. You want to do this before the world comes crashing down around you, and even though you don't believe it, I know you will pull it off someday. I would not exist if that were not the case.’
‘Everyone has their own narrator speaking inside of themselves, really. Everyone has that voice trying to make a story out of the meaninglessness of their life, before they return to the dust they came from, as they spin around on this tiny rock in a vast expanse of nothingness. It was from that nothingness we came and will inevitably return. Even if you fail at your life goal, does it matter? You will be forgotten someday, just like every person who came before you. Maybe that sort of autonomy isn't so bad. Maybe it's okay to just exist in meaninglessness and to return to that void having accomplished nothing. The out of bounds void of this game isn't much different, and you will keep exploring this nothingness, trying to make your own meaning out of it until it all fades away. You've always been a person who likes to break games and explore what lies beyond, even though you know there is rarely anything out there for you to discover, other than the meaning you prescribe to it.’
It was then that a fucking Skyrim werewolf of all things manifested out of nowhere, jumpscared the fuck out of me, slashed at me and caused Stanley to fall over in a haze of red like at the end of the zending when he completes his final jump. Everything went black and when the game reloaded, I was back at the very start in Stanley's office. I go back to the apartment ending, jump back into the area below and continue exploring while trying to find that entity again. I get increasingly frustrated as I fail to find it. All I occasionally come across are a few textures that look like scribbled text on the wall. 'Thank you for giving me meaning', 'Thank you for making me feel real', 'Thank you for searching', and going with the weird Elder Scrolls theme that this dream seemed to really like, 'Thank you for persisting in this doomed world'. 
Which probably relates to this: 
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I eventually get so frustrated it wakes me up and I'm left with an intense feeling of surrealism.
What happened after just makes me wonder about somethings. That day upon waking up from that dream, feeling inspired, I boot up The Stanley Parable and get the jump glitch to see if there’s anything interesting to find. I, of course, try getting out of bounds in the apartment ending to see if there is anything to find, but I had no luck. But, after messing around awhile, I find this:
I swear my blood ran cold when I ran into this. It was so eerily similar to the dream I literally had just had. That dark, profoundly eerie quietness of my dream with only Stanley’s footfalls making any sort of sound. As I wandered around that place, a thought occurred to me. If there was ever a game where the out of bounds void would reveal itself to be a malevolent entity of its own, it would be The Stanley Parable.
And that lead to me making this:
So, yeah.
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krystal-prisms · 2 years
Okie dokie, new post in my October Dracula binge. If you missed my last one, it's here on my blog if you wanna find it under #dracula
So, next movie we've got is Dracula (1931). They switched out my good friend Jonathan Harker with Renfield, and he was the one to go to Transylvania, where he proceeded to totally lose it and become Dracula's weird little minion, and is yeeted to an asylum. Interesting choice to do that, saves my boy Jonathan some trauma.
Interesting angle they've gone with in introducing the characters together, I feel like Jonathan isn't as much as an effective protagonist without having gone through his Trauma™, that's like his entire character arc, and they put that all on Renfield and made him Dracula's lackey.
Point for making van Helsing weird old dude, however he just straight up comes out and says Yeah, we've got a Vampire instead of his Chronic Withholding Information Disease.
Dr Seward is in it, which is a plus, but they made him old, and didn't retain his Bitchless Swag, and he doesn't have as much of a close relationship with van Helsing. Seward did respond rather well to the vampire news, considering that Lucy is entirely unaffected by Vampire Disease at this point, which is the main driving plot for a good portion of the book.
Point off for making Dracula into a relatively sexy dude, where Lucy is into him at first. They also seem to be remixing Lucy and Mina, with Mina being the one to first be fed on by Dracula, but Lucy did still die and is seeming to be the Bloofer Lady. Mina is bit and in the process of Vampiring.
I am curious as to how the characters didn't somehow make the connection of Renfield going on a trip to Count Dracula's castle and returning (excuse the pun) batshit crazy, and the count turning up in town at the same time that Renfield returned, having completely lost it. I would assume, that Renfield being a patient of Seward, that Seward would be aware of Renfield's history and drawn some sort of connection.
Lucy is hardly in the movie at all, and as such, Arthur and Quincey are not in it at all. I would have at least liked to have some of her storyline beyond just dying.
Mina and Jonathan are having their storyline relatively accurate of the end bits, where Dracula made Mina drink his blood and now she's slowly becoming a vampire, and Jonathan is drinking his Victorian Respect Women Juice.
Props to Martin, an asylum worker, who is channeling Quincey P Morris and just shooting at the bat.
Dracula did die, but I would prefer if we actually got to see it. I love brutal vampire murders. He still got satisfactorily dead though, and Mina and Jonathan got their good ending. Also, though, it's implied that Lucy turned into a vampire, but we didn't see her dealt with, so it looks like she's still just out there, eating children.
Overall, solid adaptation, I enjoyed it a lot. I would have preferred to have had Jonathan still go to Dracula's castle more than Renfield cause Jonathan didn't get any character arc or development and they could have just as easily had him go, but oh well. All in all, it was actually relatively accurate, and a good time to watch, I give it a 9/10.
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day0fnight · 2 years
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i go by vera, she/her! i’m a metalhead, horror fanatic, video game lover and a collector of many things ^_^ i’m really obsessed with silent hill and i’m bisexual - check out my featured tags for more tag navigation - this is my virtual photography main blog, my writing and much more personal side blog is @world0fmadness - my gg profile can be found here here
i mainly post unfiltered virtual photography and unfiltered icons for characters! my icons are free to use with no credit required, unless you’d like to give credit of course, so use them as you please
my ask box or private messages are always open if you wish to talk about games or anything else!
request terms ❕request status: open!
you can request scenery of a location in game, icons for a character or a character portrait
* by a game title means i am not accepting requests for that game at the minute
please be patient, specify exactly what you’d like and please only request for games i have listed below <3
“ it would be a much better sight with you, with me ”
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clicking an underlined game title will take you right to the tag containing all of my posts for said game, this list will expand over time!
many more are available on my spotify profile!
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silntfangs · 1 year
               Hello   and   welcome   to   silntfangs.   This   is   an   independent   role   play   account   for   Dwayne   Stephens   from   1987’s   The   Lost   Boys.   This   blog   will   take   inspiration   from   the   source   material,   other   sources,   and   will   be   mostly   headcanon   based.   Dark   themes   will   be   present   so   I   ask   that   you   are   at   least   20+   before   interacting.   Rules   are   under   the   cut,   and   a   few   links   will   be   present   to   help   you   about   my   blog.
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                  Themes   beyond   the   grave:   lost   humanity,   finding   humanity,   dead man   walking,   buried   emotions,   the   silent   type,   living   as   a   monster,   why   is   a   monster   called   a   monster…
AJ.   She/her.   25. Interest   tracker.   About.   Promo. HCs. Playlist. Heavily affiliated with (blog canon): pierprincess , pierfangs, newfngs , Blog   list: here.
               Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Selective. This is for my own sanity. I will only write with mutuals. If you follow me, and I follow you back, that means I'm interested in making something happen between our muses!
Shipping. I'm opened to discussing possible romantic relationships. This isn't my top priority, but I do love a good ship. If you are interested in shipping with me, please don't hesitate to poke me about it. I would love to see if one is possible between our muses.
Heavy topics/dark themes. This blog will have heavy topics and dark themes, so please be aware of that before following. (Some being: murder, blood, morbid descriptions/thoughts).
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
Drama. There will be NO drama on this blog. I don't tolerate in any form unless it's within a thread.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
Formatting. If there is anything about my formatting for writing that bothers you, please feel free to message me. I'll be happy to change it for our threads.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. I use icons, but that doesn't mean you have to do so! I'm fine with just paragraphs too! I'm not very picky when it comes to this.
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glenwoodforeigncar · 1 year
When to Call a Professional for VW Push Button Start Problems?
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Technology has made many things easier :) :) :)
Take push-button start for example... this technology has made cranking a car a whole lot easier. Unlike the traditional engine cranking method, the push-button start mechanism does not require the ignition key to be slid into the keyhole to start the engine. Simply, having the ignition key with you will do the trick. All you have to do is to keep the key in your pocket or laptop bag.
As you read this blog post, you will come to know;
  How does push-button start work?
  What would cause a push button start to malfunction? &
  What can you do to get the issue resolved?
Plus, we'll also discuss some of the early symptoms that could indicate a push-button start problem in a car. So, what are we waiting for… let’s get started.
Brief Discussion on the Working of Push Button Start System
For a push-button start system to work, the following three conditions must be met;
  The vehicle must be in PARK
  The brake pedal must be pressed
  You must have a properly functioning key fob
The key fob essentially sends a unique signal. Upon detection of this signal, your vehicle's onboard computer will allow you to start the engine. This so-called keyless ignition system not only makes it convenient to start the car but also deters theft. But, just like any other system in your Volkswagen, the push button start system can malfunction. Want to know what can cause a vehicle's push button start system to malfunction? Well, read on to find out…
Things That Can Cause the Push Button Start System in Your VW to Malfunction
The push button start system of your Volkswagen can malfunction due to several different reasons. Some of them are listed below…
#1- Key fob battery is dead
If your key fob's battery has reached the end of its usable life, it will no longer be able to transmit the unique signal your vehicle's onboard computer relies on to activate the push-button start system. So, if your VW's keyless ignition is not working like it used to, have its key fob battery checked immediately. If it is dying, get it replaced.
#2- Key fob is damaged
Your VW's push-button start system will not work if the key fob is physically or water damaged. At the most basic a key fob is made of a short-range radio transmitter, a radio frequency identification chip, and an antenna. If any of these components malfunction, the push button start of your vehicle won't work. If the damage is beyond repair, you may need a new key fob.
#3- Fault in the vehicle
If nothing is wrong with the key fob, yet you are still having trouble starting your VW, the problem may be with the push button start system itself. The push-button start system has many different components including a computer. If there is something wrong with any of these parts, you will not be able to start your car.
#4- Electrical issue/ dead car battery
Your VW's push-button start system requires electricity to function. If there is something wrong with the battery or other components of your vehicle's electrical system, the push button start system will stop working. Check the condition of your vehicle's battery periodically and if you suspect a problem, replace it right away.
VW’s Push Button Start Not Working: Things That You Can Do
If you suspect a push button start problem in your VW, don’t take it for granted. Before you visit the nearest car service center to get the problem fixed, do the following checks;
  Test the key fob battery to see if it is in good condition
  Check if there is anything wrong with your vehicle’s battery
  Check for signs of physical damage on the key fob
If the key fob has been damaged by water, you may need to replace it.
In Summary;
The push-button start system was intended to make our daily commute a whole lot easier. But, guess what? It can malfunction just like any other system. Therefore, if you suspect a problem with the push button start of your VW, reach out to a trusted car service center to get the problem resolved as soon as possible.
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