#plus this is an mlp account
feliciteacup · 1 year
i was talking about your cover of the perfect stallion but kinda interested in hearing ur normal singing voice now👀/no pressure
ah yes well that song is very much out of my range, despite my high speaking voice i think its really hard to hit the high notes and easier to sing lower songs, so all my cover videos i have on here took hours of me singing the same thing over and over until it didnt sound completely terrible and putting together the best takes...
i dont know if i would ever post my actual singing voice here since this is really just for doing voice acting and i dont think my normal singing voice is even remotely good either but idk who knows maybe some day i will 🤷🏻‍♀️ but today is not that day...
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
There is unfortunately a new art thief in our midsts.
Here is the original for the Glimmer haircut fan art (two pictures)
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Please make sure to give love to the original!
Our wonderful fan creators work so hard to make us beautiful things for free, the least we can do is credit them for their hard work!
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evelili · 10 months
I just wanted to say that I've spent the past couple of days reading the Magnum Opus as it were. And I just wanted to say it was really good. I've long since lost my FiMFiction password on account of this being the first MLP fic I've read in, in my rough estimate, 7 years. But I wanted to say you did a really good job writing the characters! You adapted the first episodes of MLP really well, there was enough there to be familiar, but enough to keep me guessing as well. (1/2)
I really liked how you wrote Twilight especially, and the memory swap thing in Chapter 11 was brilliant, and I felt really good for near instantly clocking what was up. And also the illustrations for all the chapters were really good, the way you wrote Celestia and Luna were also both phenomenal, their characterizations were fantastic. Not to mention Sunset and Twilight's relationship. But if I said everything I liked I'd go over the character limit many times over so I'll leave it here. (2/2)
(combined both ur asks together so i can answer at once xd) thank u so much for this lovely comment!! it's great u clued in to c11 quickly, i think one of my writing peeves is twists that come out of nowhere. imo it's really a success of foreshadowing if readers can figure out whats going on ahead of time and then anticipate the reveal to the characters! so im rlly glad u enjoyed that aspect of c11, plus the story + the character interactions, celestia in particular i know i wrote an interpretation of her that's quite different from canon, so im v happy u liked her! and ofc, sunset and twilight are the core of the story, and even if it's a bit of a jumpscare, im rlly proud of how the epilogue can convey their relationship, and how it grows from the "main story" until the "end" ^^
thanks for reading!
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some-swan · 3 months
ok....you sure the mmcq boys ...geno and error, arent adopted? Like, in the human world i can even understand the colors thing, but in the pony world....geno is albino and error still have his Glitch Color issues? Also, why two Pegasus, One unicorn but earth pony mom? Like, in the sugarcube old couple, is bc probably their parents where unicorns or Pegasus, ok make sense .. but and here? Also, the CQ boys was made with CQ Magic, but here She inst and unicorn, só doesn't have how....they are all adopted or are from differents fathers?
Thx, more mmcq MLP plsssss
Yeah, I was thinking about making CQ into a Pegasus to draw an obvious connection between them but in the end, I decided making her different from them would work best as a design translation from MCQ to MLP. I also didn't want the kids to deviate too much from my normal UTMV designs for them.
I am taking into account CQ having members of all pony tribes in her heritage, none of them are adopted and to stay true to MCQ there was no father involved either. (Plus, keep in mind that although momma CQ is a character, CQ is also a real person so going beyond what she was in MCQ is not something I want to do, I think making her a pony is already close to overstepping lmao)
So, how did it happen then?
It probably sounds like a cop out but come on, this is Equestria, you can’t walk off path for 5 minutes without stumbling upon an ancient artifact! Chances are she stumbled upon something akin to the mirror pool, maybe something that grants wishes. Geno was probably an accident, an unfocused wish only backed up by the determination to make it come true resulting in a child with severe health issues. The following wishes were more and more focused but there were still problems.
So that’s my story and I’m sticking with it xD
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f-p-studios · 2 months
Emergency Commissions Open
So recently something bad happened (that I'd rather not talk about), which resulted in me having to use a lot of my savings. As a result, I don't have much money in my bank account right now, plus I need to quickly move out of an unstable household as well.
So I'm setting up commissions, in which I will do both traditional & digital art!
Line Art:
Bust: $15
Half Body: $20
Full Body: $25
Flat Color:
Bust: $20
Half Body: $25
Full Body: $30
Bust: $25
Half Body: $30
Full Body: $35
Will Do:
OC x Cannon
Some partial nudity
Minor Blood (Ex: Cuts, Nosebleeds)
Full Scenes
Won't Do:
Proship Content (Incest, Abuse, ect.)
Hate Speech (Homophobia, Transphobia, Antisemitism, ect.)
Nsfw (Nothing against it, I just won't post it on Tumblr. I'm thinking about posting it somewhere else though)
Major Gore
Any Fetishes
Possibly Do (Not experienced in it yet, but willing to try out):
Payment via P@yP@l & C@shApp
C@shApp: $FlamingoMoonlight
Art Examples:
(Line Art, Bust)
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(Shaded, Half Body (I guess), Full Scene)
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(Flat Color, Full Body, Furry)
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charmsponies · 11 months
Guides and Resources for New Mlp Collectors
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A collection of resources I wanted to compile for fun and for easy access, in case there’s any new collectors who are interested
UPDATE: Since this post is so long and has been a little difficult to manage due to tumblrs editing tools, I am moving this "Resource Masterlist" to my Website Here, and will no longer be updating this post on tumblr. Thank you guys for sharing and supporting this post!
Disclaimer: i am still probably considered a relatively new collector, so im not an absolute fountain of information and there are probably tons of resources I have missed, feel free to add more in the comments and reblogs. I update this post when I can to add resources and give you the most accurate information, so please click on my blog to look at the most up to date version (it is my pinned post ^^)
Identifying Ponies/ Databases and Lists of Ponies
Mlp Merch Database- Visual list with pictures of pretty much every single release of Pony Dolls/merch for every single generation, in release order. Useful for if you want to scroll through a particular generation’s releases with pictures, very thorough and complete. If you make an account you can make checklists or wishlists for yourself.
Strawberry Reef- Visual list with Pictures of Pony Doll Releases. I feel like the pictures are slightly bigger (and thus easier to look at) than mlp merch database but that might just be my computer. G1-5, though I feel like the g4-5 sections are a little incomplete. For g1 and g2 you can sort by release date pretty effectively. This website is ESPECIALLY useful for quickly identifying ponies because you can sort by color, pose, or characteristics! However it’s not as complete a list as mlp merch database or my little wiki.
My little wiki- One of my favorite wikipedias ever (It’s an actual wiki, NOT A fandom wikia). Has lists of every release for every generation (Though the more recent gens might not have photos for every single release yet). The lists are NOT visual lists like the previous two resources so I use it less for identification, more for finding out more specific information about a certain toy. It will list pretty much every single variation/regional variant of every toy, as well as more information about their releases, which accessories they came with, backstories from the back of the box, ect.
Toy Sisters- I use this website less for identification and more for getting really good close up photos at every single pony and their accessories if you want to get some close up, detailed looks before you buy for example. You can sort generally by type, pose and year. As of writing this they do not have g5 info. If you collect other dolls or toys this website may be useful to you because they have more than just ponies.
Ponyland Press- Has photos and information on g1 releases in order, as well as country exclusive releases. Also has some information on certain accessories, ponywear or other merch. Also has some information on cleaning and some restorative information.
Restoration and Cleaning
(IMMEDIATE PSA IF ANYONE IS LOOKING AT THIS LIST TO RESTORE A PONY WITH MARKER OR HIGHLIGHTER ON HER: do NOT use acne cream like removezit or any other creams on her! This can lead to awful, permanent discoloration and staining! Instead I would look at what the mlp preservation project (linked below) says about sunfading!)
How to clean- Very basic guide on thoroughly cleaning toys, plus some styling tips
Hair Styling Tips
More Hair Styling Tips
Hair Styling: How to make twists and buns! This guide is intended for customs and talks about pushing pins into the pony and trimming the hair once you’re done but im sure it can be adjusted for non customs in a way where you don’t actually cause harm to the pony
MLP Preservation Project- One of the most useful guides for restoration, has sections on pretty much every major restoration need you might have. Links to so many different sources, tutorials and guides for fixing your ponies if something is badly wrong with them. godsend.
The Lavender Lagoon- A resource specifically for G2! Has identification and checklist materials but also has guides for hair matching and color matching eye crystals if your g2 pony's eyes have fallen out
Hair Matching Guide- A guide for closest hair color matches using dollyhair colors. Has g1, but it is a wip site. Looks like it will have other generations eventually too
Hair Length Guide- By no means complete, but has a bunch of the exact hair lengths for certain ponies g1-g3 written out, useful for looking for exact hair length measurements for rehairing. (Side note: If you can’t find how long a certain pony’s should be, ask around the community! I don’t bite and would be happy to measure a pony’s hair for you if I have the same pony, and I’m sure there are many other collectors who would be willing to do the same ^^)
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Using the main method most commonly used, in my opinion the easiest hairing method
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Loop And Lock Method: For if you struggle with gluing hair into the head
Alternate rehairing Method Tutorial
Rehairing with Yarn Youtube Tutorial
Little tutorial I made once about retailing (rehairing the tail)
Youtube tutorial for restoring g1 glitter symbols (Restoring non glitter symbols would be similar, just without the use of glitter)
Aikarin’s Custom Tutorials: A ton of tutorials related to creating custom ponies, also has some stuff that could be used with restoration
More Custom Tutorials: Intended for customs but techniques could also be used for restorations
Reflocking Youtube Tutorial - This video in particular shows reflocking small patches of missing fur. Be sure to look at the guide linked on the mlp preservation project as well
Materials for Restoration
Oxiclean- Good for cleaning ponies
Magic Eraser- Good for cleaning Stubborn marks on dirty ponies. Please be careful of cutiemarks, eyes or other painted symbols. For less stubborn marks or if you dont have a magic eraser you can use a toothbrush with dish soap on it :>
Baking Soda- I have heard that using this can help get rid of bad smells on toys, if your pony has a dirty odor! Have not tried this myself. Cover the pony in baking soda in a baggie for a few days. Similarly if you want to restore smells by scenting a pony you can use fragrances, though be careful because certain chemicals may damage your ponies!
Shampoo and Conditioner- Essential for washing and styling manes and tails. NOTE: If you have a pony with UV based color changing hair (like a g1 Sunshine Pony or something similar) Its recommended Not to wash it with soap or shampoo as it can damage the hairs ability to change color! be very gentle, water should wash it fine
Shimmerlocks- My personal favorite place to buy hair. They have close color matches for pretty much every single g1 (And have it set up for if you just search the pony’s name it will show you the closest hair matches for them!). Each (normal nylon) hair color is about 5 dollars, and they also have affordable rehairing tools and needles for only a dollar each. I’ve emailed them for color matching help before and they respond quickly and are very nice and helpful. They also have (slightly more expensive) color changing hair, glow in the dark hair, and textured hair (that are probably for other, non mlp dolls since i assume you need different hair plugs for them, but super useful if you’re a general doll collector, not just mlp)
RestoreDoll- I haven’t used this one personally but have heard people recommend it ^^
Dollyhair- A little controversial since the previous owner has had links to racist, antisemitic, and white supremacist sites, but the website is now under new ownership and is women and poc owned now! Wanted to get that out of the way since I was originally misinformed about the site and thought it was bad to use, it’s important to know about it’s past but also important to note the new ownership. They offer a lot of different hair colors, textured hair, Rehairing tools, Doll paint and even hair fragrances, with their (normal nylon) hairs being about 4 dollars each
My Little Customs- UK based nylon hair distributor, has a lot of nylon hairs but also other special hairs. They also have flocking and other materials useful for restoring dolls.
RIT Dye- The dye I use for pony hair (I have heard people also can use it for dying pony bodies for customs, but you have to be careful storing them because it could stain other ponies over time!). Good, high quality, long lasting and not fading. If you are repinking a pony with faded pink hair, I always use Petal Pink
Forceps- If you can find some online, wonderful tool for removing hair, rusty tails, or any object that might be inside your pony. Godsend, I use it all the time when rehairing. Tweezers can also work if you dont have.
Fabritac- Glue of choice for Rehairing and gluing heads back on
Fun Flock Cottonball white- Can be use to reflock or flock a pony. Visually looks similar to a g1 so soft, though the texture and look is slightly different. This is what I’ve used to restore a so soft in the past
Mod Podge- Glue of choice for flocking
Apoxie Sculpt- This is what many people use to restore broken or chewed off body parts. Durable, though may be a little more difficult to use and expensive than other basic air dry clays.
Model Magic- Personal choice for air dry clay to use to fix broken/chewed off body parts. You specifically need an air dry clay (as you cant really bake a pony body without it melting) and Model Magic doesn’t crumble and has a soft (? dunno how to describe it) toylike, texture when it dries. Just note you should avoid getting it wet. You could also use your own personal choice of air dry clay.
Rust Removers- I typically just use white vinegar to clean rusty bodys/tails/beddy bye eyes. Letting the rusty pony/hair sit in a white vinegar bath and scrubbing gently with a tooth brush will remove most rust. For harder to remove rust I’ve heard Rit Rust Remover works well, though this is more expensive and I haven’t tried it myself.
EcoStardust Glitter- I specifically sought out a biodegradable glitter for my restorations, and this is the one I’ve used. Has basic colors of glitter in various sizes. (Choosing the finest option they had) It isn’t exactly the same fineness as the original g1 glitters, but it was fine enough to work and look good on a complete cutiemark restoration. Here’s an example of what it looks like on an actual pony if you wanna see how it looks compared to the original glitter. Please note you can use whichever glitter you want, there are definitely better/closer matches to the look (And I’m sure normal glitter is cheaper/easier to get). If you don’t mind using a non biodegradable one look for “ultra fine”, I just specifically felt better using a biodegradable one ^^
Acrylic Paint- Good for custom work but also for restoring Cutiemarks!
Paintbrushes- You’ll need different kinds depending on what you’re doing. Get high quality nice ones if you wanna paint a custom or do detailed cutiemark work. If you have any of those cheapo, bendy, shitty dollarstore paintbrushes: those are great for gluing hair into heads because they’re bendy and can reach hard to reach areas, and you wont destroy an actual good brush with glue.
Hydrogen Peroxide: Can be used with sunfading to safely remove certain stains, read more here
HQG1C- This is actually a huge, fan project creating a ton of “high quality g1 customs” they’re very cool. I’m putting them here not only for their customs but they also have cool stuff for customizers and collectors: Blank Pony Bases, Hair/rehairing tools, replacement shells for sea ponies, replacement cowboy hats for a big brother pony like Tex, ect. Here is Clipper’s website (Ships in USA) And here is a UK distributor and also another UK distributor
Sweetheart Sister Earring Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023)
Flutter Wing Replacements and Windy and Summer Wing Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023). Also worth noting the pony preservation project has a few tutorials on how to make some wings, these are just links for if you want to buy some.
Custom Flutter Wing Tutorial- This specific one is a custom look a little different from the original flutter wings, but looks gorgeous
Dress Ponywear Tutorial- A pattern I made myself of a basic ponywear dress, free to use. Works for g1 and g3 (have not tried to adjust it for other generations yet)
Pony nightcap sewing tutorial- idk thought I’d throw this in too, very simple sleepy nightcap sewing tutorial that fits ponies, free to use (I made it for a bbe)
Pony Blankets, Bandanas, diapers and other accessories patterns- To replace missing accessories if you wanted to sew them yourself
Community (Forums or Areas you may want to go to ask questions from others!)
My Little Pony Trading Post- A dedicated MLP forum, with sections dedicated to discussions (I often see people asking or answering questions about restorative measures for example), art, customs, or other topics. No profanity is allowed and you have to be over 16
My Little Pony Arena- I know this forum exists and that a lot of people discussed restorative topics on there and used it as a resource for stuff like that, and so I felt the need to mention it: but the site is quite literally unusable if you don’t have an account, you can’t access any pages, and to make an account you have to wait for it to be approved. I tried signing up but it has been awhile and I’ve heard nothing back, so I’m assuming this is one of those sites that are largely inactive in the modern day 😔
My MLP Discord Server- Figured I’d throw this in there: An MLP server I made for fans of all/any generation, not necessarily toy specific either. If you wanna ask me or anyone else a question or advice about toys or restoration or something or you just wanna say hi feel free to pop in :) Very Very causal
MLP Collectors Discord Server- Not mine but very fun, for fans of all gens, some nice people there :) Is a lot larger and more structured than my own server
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Account Update 🌟
I haven't been on this platform in years and slowly started making posts and reblogs again. Most of the accounts I did follow back then are either gone, or no longer active. So I'm listing EVERY THING I'm into, so I can follow people back with similar tastes and interests. Consider it a get to know me things whole I make updates. Reblog, share and comment as much as you want, I'd really like to make good use of this site again. Especially since I'm a YouTube Spoofer and part time writer, and always getting inspiration. Which also means my channel is going through revamping, so you'll see some activity on and off as things are scheduled ahead of time.
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Plus I'm working on creating my own animation studio with friends to bring my original ideas to life as movies and series in the future. I love to spread joy and fun to others to who aspire to animate as well! Warning: there's a a ton of things I love! 😅
Animation/Cartoons 🎨
Behind the Scenes and Animations tests
Animation Trivia
How to Draws
Animation History
Kid Cosmic
Ben 10 (Classic-Omniverse)
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
OK K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Codename: Kids Next Door
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Justice League/Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman Beyond
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Batman (2004)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Hazbin Hotel
Spectacular Spider-Man
Gravity Falls
Wander Over Yonder
Sponge bob Square pants
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
Scooby-Doo/Mystery Incorporated
Code Lyoko
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Transformers: Prime
G.I Joe Renegades
Wolverine and the X-Men
Danny Phantom
American Dragon: Jake Long
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Tales of Arcadia
Lego Monkie Kid
TMNT (2003)
Wild Kratts
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Xiaolin Showdown
El Tigre
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
Monster High
Static Shock
Hellboy: Animated
Tangled: The Series
Lilo & Stitch The Series
Darkwing Duck
DuckTales 2017
Wish Concept Version
Lego Monkie Kid
Buddy Thunderstruck
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Comic Books & Manga 🔥
Marvel & DC
My Hero Academia
Fullmetal Alchemist
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Jonah Hex
My Little Pony
MLP: Legends of Magic
Ouran High School Host Club
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Voltron Legendary Defender
Scott Pilgrim
Anime 🇯🇵
My Hero Academia
Sonic X
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ya Boy Kongming!
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Cowboy Bebop
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tiger & Bunny
Solo Leveling
Jujutsu Kaisen
White Cat Legend
Dr. Stone
High Card
Demon Slayerw
Trigun: Stampede
Delicious in Dungeon
Love is War!
Polar Bear's Cafe
Rascal the Raccoon
Movie Franchises 🎬
Kung Fu Panda
The Fast Saga
Star Wars
Scooby drop
Lego Movie
TV Series 📺
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Video Games 🎮
Sonic the Hedgehog
BROK The Investigator
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Party Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Series
That's mostly the just of me and what my channel is going to start having. If you have any questions about favorite foods, animals, book series, sports or anything about personal tastes, feel free to drop them I'm my asks box, and Ill get to them as soon as possible!
Hope you'll like what I have to offer! 🌟🌟🌟
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spopsalt · 5 months
This person missed the point of the criticisms SPOP has been receiving completely. I haven’t seen one person complain that the world was saved with the power of friendship bc it WASN’T. It was saved by a poorly written rushed abusive romance. In fact, the critics actually wanted to see Adora’s friendships save the day instead of her awful romance with Catra since the show is called She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, despite the princesses barely getting a role. And if there HAD to be a romance, it could’ve been with Glimmer, which would’ve made more narrative sense and sent a better message to kids.
Next, I’m not sure why OP described SPOP as a show with a “pastel color palette about friendship and love and unity” as if these things detract from the bad writing, plus these themes weren’t even handled well. I have no issue with Catra being redeemed and I liked her in seasons 3 and 4. That’s not why the show is being accused of abuse apologism and this isn’t comparable to when Sugar was accused of being a nazi apologist over the SU finale. SPOP was rushed as well (I’m not sure if it got canceled like SU) but Catra’s redemption either should’ve started sooner or the romance should’ve been ditched. SU at least had a much better writing, representation, and messages for kids. It’s funny since imo SU and SPOP are not two sides of the same coin as OP claims. If OP wants shows that are ACTUALLY comparable to SU with “pastel colors, nuanced yet positive and relatable messages about love, fun for kids,” then they should watch MLP and Amphibia instead. Also I haven’t seen one SPOP critic who’s “appalled by anything that is remotely challenging to toxic masculinity” so that’s a load of BS. As for the remaining claims, those may pertain to the SU critics for all I know, but I have yet to see any SPOP critics express such sentiments or behave in such a way. The “hate blogs” for SPOP are really just critical blogs like yours that make valid points rather than “a shit ton of bad faith misinterpretations” and aren’t “tearing [the show] to shreds,” plus the only harassment I’ve seen towards teens over a kid’s show has been from SPOP fans themselves.
This post also included a bunch of nonsense in the tags which I can no longer see since OP recently deactivated their account (in fact the only reason I’m able to share a link to the post is bc someone reblogged it), but they contained more misinterpretations of the criticisms along with slander towards the critics. I’m so sick of SPOP fans continuing to have no critical thinking skills while blindly defending the show and demonizing anyone who dares criticize it. It’s pathetic.
Thanks for the ask! Yeah, the show was saved because of a rushed abusive relationship. The thing is, I wouldn't be half as mad if it wasn't directed towards kids. I don't believe it's intentional, but kids are getting the thought that the way Catra treated Adora is ok because she loved her. Basically the "He bullies you because he likes you!" thing. Instead of actually considering if they have a valid point, they just assume that the critical blogs are just angry homophobic white straight men when a lot of the blogs are queer women like me. Also, yes a pastel color palette makes up for us having to watch a rushed toxic relationship in season 5. It's like spop stans don't realize that their perfect little show can have flaws and anyone who calls them out are homophobic racist. Also from my experience, nobody said the creator romantizes abuse, they are complaining that the show itself does whether it realizes it or not. This show is being marketed to kids and kids will believe that this is ok. That's probably my biggest gripe with the show.
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sharkboybillie · 1 month
Hiiii ^^
My name's Billie or Scottie, and I'm a dragon-shark!!! Rahhhh!!
I use he/him pronouns.
My big age is 17 and I usually regress to 5-6 or 8-10 if I'm feeling a little bigger. Anyone who regresses to around those ages feel free to reach out!! I'm very new to the community so I may get things wrong but I am learning!!
Anyway, this is just a little side-blog, a space for me to post and reblog my age regression things, and my otherkin things.
That being said, I'm also dragonkin and sharkkin. Sometimes when I regress I feel more sharky or more dragony, so I guess that's maybe petre as well?
I'm autistic, adhd, and when I'm little I love love love comics, Minecraft, FNAF, Wings of Fire and MLP!
When I'm big I enjoy Fight Club, Misery, Silence of the Lambs (+ all of Hopkins' Hannibal movies), and Wings of Fire (again).
My favourite colours are red and blue (if you couldn't tell from my blog ^^) !!
Tags I might use in the future:
Scottie swims - Reblogs
Splashing back - Answering any asks (if I get them)
The usual (homophobic, ableist, transphobic, etc), plus gore, thinspo, sh and ed accounts, NSFW and kink accs and ESPECIALLY age-play, anyone who identifies with the MAP term. Get off my blog.
This blog is SFW ONLY, as I will most likely only use it when I'm feeling little. I'm also totally open to making friends with other age regressors, don't be afraid to reach out if you regress to a similar age-range as me!
Thank you!!
-Billie :D
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nicnavarrocage · 7 months
MS Paint Fan Adventures I'm thinking about and working on
I need to learn how to make an MSPFA account correctly, since any easy way doesn't work. But here goes the list!
Pre-Homestuck Inspired/Custom
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My Little Pony is a retelling of the entire G4 MLP series in the style of an MS Paint Adventure, and not the Homestuck kind. I haven't watched the show since the start of this year and I gotta analyze every single scene from "Friendship Is Magic Part 1" to "The Last Problem" in order to get the story just like the show plot. It's currently in progress, but I didn't speed it up nor have I resumed it that much.
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Camplife centers around 4 men in a camping site, eventually making way to a whole little town in a forest area. I've already done a few pages of it and have planned future events out of the comic, which I'll get to. It's planned to be half user controlled and half author controlled.
Homestuck Inspired
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TGWTGQuest is about every member of the Channel Awesome community (Excluding the controversial ones, but even then they have to be mocked) and a bunch of bullshit adventures they partake in, mostly centered around the Nostalgia Critic. This might be more of a well-made shitpost than a real adventure because Channel Awesome's content really sucks. But hey, I began writing the planned pages for it! (I guess I have no clue how to make an MS Paint Adventure right, skull skull)
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Caraku Levhat is about a young oliveblooded detective who resolves a bunch of federal issues and vast errors near and around the city he's in. The titular protagonist will probably have that Darkwing Duck personality if I can actually write that down.
The narration will be entirely built as a 1st person perspective from our main character, meaning everything that's told will be coming out of his own, hard-boiled words.
I can't read Homestuck so I'll just get some research outta the MSPA Wiki to help me be accurate a bit.
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Imagine a really bad gaming comic in the form of an MS Paint Adventure, minus the MS Paint and plus the Photoshop. Buckleyquest is basically most of the Ctrl+Alt+Del's comics (I have a terrible sense of humor so I can't tell if they're funny or not) that can be controlled through user input or author's choice. It has the same artstyle as the comic, albeit the first few panels, and sometimes, I have the potential to mock Ctrl+Alt+Del and its author in the fan adventure. It's gonna be the stupidest one I've made.
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Dooj, simply put, is Homestuck, except a simple command will either change the storyline, change a character, add a character, or fuck everything up completely. And what's the command? DOOJ. Other commands made up as a weird word will also be included, such as MOOK, intended to revert the comic to its original story, and FOOP, which pauses the story automatically, shifting to the MSPA Reader's perspective.
Dooj may also include mockery against Homestuck, mockery against Andrew Hussie and his friends, sometimes shit I hate to write out, and cameos of characters and scenes from other webcomics.
I'm also making a similar project called KATEDREW MITCHUSSIE'S MAGNUM OPUS, which will mock Homestuck: Beyond Canon and will have a similar premise to DOOJ.
I was also planning to make a Jerkcity adventure but that would probably be controversial.
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slushiecafe · 1 year
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Hello!! Welcome to my blog!
I'm Marie (they/them) and I'm an artist, animator, and character designer! I love to draw my OCs and I often take commission work. Like me, a lot of my art is lgbt+, body positive, and neurodivergent!
i use #my art as my primary art tag, #commission for paid work, #ask for asks, and #oc for my characters. All of my OCs have their own individual tags too! See this post's tags for easy navigation!
Outside of art, I really love fashion dolls, minecraft, mlp, anime, manga, pokemon, dinosaurs, cryptids/paranormal, and fashion! I have a side account @plushiecryptid where i post about these a lot!
Where to find me
Neocities Site - main platform with frequent updates
Twitter - other social media
Ko-Fi - tip jar plus exclusive wips/early access art
Toyhouse - OCs storage
Commission Form
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screwpinecaprice · 10 months
Ko-fi Requests is closed; plans on reopening Regular Commissions
Ko-fi Requests is closed; plans on reopening Regular Commissions.
I am temporarily not accepting new Ko-fi requests! I'll make an update whenever it's open again.
I'm going to be making samples for my regular commissions, and I can't do that while also doing Ko-fi requests. Of course, I'll be doing the Ko-fi requests that's already in my queue, don't cha worry about that, that's going to be cleared out before I make the samples.
I'm also planning opening chibi and MLP commissions. Will have to see which style I'll use for those.
Hmmm There are also some stuff from discontinued commissions, and sketches that clients didn't want… Perhaps I'll reuse some of those for YCHs? 🤔 That's going to price a little lower than my regular commissions because I won't have to face blank canvas syndrome. Lol But I don't know, will have yet to see if that's actually a good idea.
So yeah, Ko-fi requests are closed. I can't deactivated my Ko-fi account just for this because I will still take it if you buy me a coffee with no exchange (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠), but I will not take advance tips for reserved spots!
I'm going to plaster this on all my accounts so it's all on you if you didn't read and bought me a Ko-fi still expecting a drawing request and didn't get one.
Plus, when I reopen my regular commissions, Ko-fi requests will not be prioritized. So I can't take a bunch of those next time like I've been doing right now.
Hmm I believe that's all that I wanna say. Thank you for reading!
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odi-the-oddity · 2 months
do you do… spicy art? Like sugestive? And would you ever consider doing art otherr than MLP based art?
okay its 6am and theres a really annoying crow on my window so bear with me TT
While i have done and made money off of “spicy” (suggestive and worse) art, i dont think i would really post it, because i dont wanna make my followers uncomfortable, even tho ive gotten several requests for even slightly suggestive art, i am not gonna make MLP art thats suggestive and leave a childs show open to sexualization because i know that happens a lot
And i would love to make art outside of MLP art or just- any art outside of fandom art, but i dont think it’d get any attention because people tend to like to look at art of something their already interested in, rather than random.. ocs or something someone made, it takes time to build a fandom of your own with ocs, and since im not the caliber of artist as most oc artists- it may go unnoticed which is rlly unmotivating when you wanna make art
I have been considering making another account for “spicy” art and whatever else i come up with since this is.. mainly MLP and thats rlly the only thing i get likes on, but i dont think i wanna manage two accounts
Plus people that might see I make MLP art after I post oc art and they get interested and follow me.. might just leave my accnt because MLP is seen as really cringe..
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
✧༺Get to know me༻✧
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«Welcome dear traveller, let me give you a warm welcome to my page and introduce myself to you and what this pinned post is all about!»
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ This is a safe space for ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
«Basically everyone! No matter what race, religion and or community you're from. We can all express ourselves and get along without judgement.»
«The least we can be is opened minded and not hate on each other. That is simply disrespectful!»
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* «Now on to who I might be..?»
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*✧・゚:* Some nicknames I use, especially online:
🦊 Foxy_Logryn9.
🦊 Artistfoxy16.
🦊 Sigyn, Thea or Thurl.
🦊 Sigynfoxy.
*✧・゚:* Interesting facts:
«I am an INFP 2w1»
« I am an 18 year old digital artist, self taught and a writer. I mostly publish my creations here on Tumblr, Tiktok and on AO3, links are down below if you're ever curious.»
«I can speak 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇬🇧 and understand 🇩🇪🇮🇸🇩🇰»
«Norwegian and half Swedish! 🇳🇴🇸🇪»
"I'm also norse heathen! Specifically one that follows Rökkatru!»
«My birthday is on the 8th of september, which makes me a Virgo!»
«I have AUDHD, Anxiety, PTSD and happen to be born premature as well.»
«My anniversary is on the 13th of march!»
«I go by she/her and they/them pronouns, read more on my pronouns page here ⬇ if you'd like :) »
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✿❀ My beloved mutuals: <33
@sparrowmp4 (Hubbie/Wifey Totally not Loki in disguise💜)
@heldril (online daughter Hel 🖤🤍)
Price/Stella (Online Child💛)
@kaonashihime (Online lil sister Caro🌹❤)
@comfort-characters-galore (Perse mutual!❤)
@stravberryie (mutual!🩷🍓)
@amphibifish (heimdall mutual! 💜🦅)
@foxboio (Mutual fox! 🧡🦊)
@jonquilclegane (mutual Sunny 💛)
@roruna (Mutual Roruna🤍)
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✿❀At last, what will I be doing here?
«I would like to use this account to share as much as I can with the people who are actually interested! I like to provide content for my interests and HUGE hyperfixiations, which does vary and some examples can be..»
Norse mythology (any culture, mythology or folklore in general)
Afk arena/Journey
Lego monkie kid
Record of Ragnarok
The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Destripando la historia
Five Nights At Freddy's
Undertale & Deltarune
Dont Hug Me Im Scared
Welcome Home
Genshin Impact
Kamigami no Asobi
Jujutsu kaisen
Demon slayer
Hunter x Hunter
Vinland saga
Stardew Valley
«Don't be shy to send me a request or message if you want me to draw, make an edit, write about something related to these interests of mine!»
«After all, that's what I'll be mostly posting on here. Plus the stories/personal headcannons I have. Also whatever research that I can find and or share! :D»
«Any questions related to commissions, just go here!»
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Other social media☽༓・*˚⁺‧
Writer Account: @sigyns-drafts
RP Account: @sigynfoxysworld
『••✎••』 Toy house: Artist_foxy
『••✎••』 UnVale: Sigynfoxy
«I use these lovely websites to keep track of my art and original characters. Though it would be fun to share :)»
『••✎••』 Tiktok: Logryn_foxyedits
«I am active on here! Posting edits and some art related stuff about mythology and it's pop-cultures that I like!»
『••✎••』 PDB: Sigynfoxying_around
«I have an account there because it's fun to collect and see what I have in common with my favorite characters and kins! Also to add in fandoms no one has yet!»
『••✎••』 Spotify: Thea or Thurl?
«This is where I keep all my playlists, I've made a few character playlists already!»
『••✎••』 YouTube: sigynfoxy69
«I barely post on here, but when I do it's just a speedpaint or silly videos that I made, that I personally thought was suitable for YouTube!»
『••✎••』 Instagram: artistfoxy_16
«Instagram is more of an archive if anything, I used to post on there a long time ago and try to today! :)»
『••✎••』 Instagram: Artistfoxy16
«Same as Instagram! I'm planning on using it to archive my work and just in general it's fun to share stuff!»
『••✎••』 Discord: sigynfoxy
«Send me a request if you ever wanna talk on there! Though be warned if I don't recognize you as a mutual or customer I'll most likely ignore you ^^'»
『••✎••』 AO3: Artistfoxy16
«Finally at last my AO3 Account, so you can easily find me and enjoy my writings!!»
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ragamuffin-ponies · 7 months
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Progress is continuing at a comfortable pace. I'm glad I'm not rushing it, and that I don't really
feel the need to. Plus, having so many collaborators on this project is a huge help in that regard. Everything takes as long as it takes, and that's OK. It's not something I'm used to. I typically take things as go go go now now now fast fast fast. It's been a very refreshing and enlightening experience, especially considering how heavy some of the influences are.
I keep wanting to push it further, put more in, dive deeper. But I'm trying to adhere to a few rules. Mostly don't make it reactionary and don't put stuff in there that doesn't fit the context of it being in the MLP universe.
Speaking of, I want to add onto this sort of My Version (MV) headcanon thingy. Idk what to call it yet but it probably needs a name(?). For now I'm sticking with MVUV (My Version UniVerse). I am planning to write fanfiction that takes place in it (I've already started some) with the goal to have them take place either before MLP starts or between the flashbacks and flash forwards of The Last Problem. For EQG I'm going to focus on them being in college, with the exception of one leading up to the actual graduation. All three of these are AJ fics tho so I gotta branch out lol.
I do want to write a fic going into detail about what each of the songs represent in the album. But I'm not sure how to go about doing it the way I want it to be. I want it to feel like an ARG or something idk. I've got time, this will be after the album is done, I think. Or maybe not, maybe it'll go side by side.
Again, I have very low expectations for this album. That being said, one of my biggest regrets in life was deleting my fanfics. I had a decent following and even though they were all pretty shit, cringe, and full of typos, I miss them. My new Fimfiction account has them all linked in the bio. For posterity if nothing else. I'll share that here when it's done I guess.
But yeah.
Thanks to Vylet Pony for the art for pt. 1 (and a new profile pic yippee!)
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doggirl08-moved · 9 months
anyone remembers belos from my old account when i only reblogged art of him i am free now he is back my favorite old man ever i got clowned on for liking him but now knowing you guys are nice ( hopefully ) and i am not being stalked ( praying ) i feel better plus i am cringe and free and literally just a girl on the internet. i kind of miss when he was my accounts theme since other than mlp and horror he has been one of my biggest interests ever ( toh as a whole but i just love cartoons heehee ) i made a new s/i if u remember my puppet girl her name is juno ( name is pending ) but yeah. i have the urge to move and reblog more art of course i wont be a fandom blog or whatever i don't like being in big communities i keep to myself. but i miss when i would talk about cartoons but i miss him i am the proud owner of the belostoh URL and i want to use it one dayyy. i also think about merging my own account and selfshipping one if i do do a belos theme n stuff but idk just thinking out loud.
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