#plush ouija board
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toon-link-plush-daily · 8 months
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Todays toon link wants to gossip with some poes via board game
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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fanciestghost · 1 year
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(except gabriel cube and my green serpent keychain...theyre eepin' (i forgort to add them before taking pics)) (poster design by @/livingifitsnot)
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pillowfort-teddies · 2 years
First Post on this blog is the one that started it all!
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She is the leader of the Pillowfort Teddies and can summon them at will from the ouija board on her belly.
She is the greeter and welcomer ro anyone entering the pillowfort and has a very friendly disposition, if a little overbearing at times. Has no sense of personal space and will pop up anywhere at any time to talk to you. The purple version is her night form and glows in the dark. (Adopted from @32rabbitteeth )
Name: Ouija
Ability: Friend summon.
Pronouns: She/her.
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auspicioustidings · 11 months
Firewatch Part 7
Summary: John Price comes to terms with the reality of you.
Words: 1.8k
CWs: Kidnapping
You had considered just refusing to eat, had your hand on the edge of the plate ready to push it right off the counter in a huff, but one look from Price who seemed like he might actually do something about it if you did stopped you and you swallowed down your pride and ate lunch. It was delicious. Fucker. You could smell the orangey creme brulee that had been made for dessert and were fighting between not accepting it as a protest and trying it because it smelled so good and not doing so felt like you were the one being punished. 
The little dish was slid in front of you by a softly smiling Kyle and you wanted to smack that smile right off of his face. Why was he looking at you all indulgent like that? After the shit he just pulled? You grumpily cracked the sugar shell and took a bite. It was wildly delicious but the only thing you could taste was orange on your tongue. You flushed and felt your pussy clench around nothing, still worked up and needy and now reminded of how those fingers had tasted. 
That was about as much indignity as you were willing to suffer so you pawed the dessert slowly off of the counter in disgust to clatter onto the floor and hopped off the stool. While Kyle only chuffed softly and Johnny did fuck all to hide a surprised little grin at the small outburst, Price’s eyebrows were furrowed with some sort of confused disappointment. 
“Ye’ll need tae clean that up.”
“I’m technically dead, remember? Pretty sure that means I don’t have to clean anything up ever again.”
“Ye’d naw be the first Ghost biding here bonnie thing, and he always manages tae clean his messes just fine.”
“Consider me a poltergeist.”
“Need tae break oot the ouija board Gaz, get our wee poltergeist talking pretty instead of misbehaving.”
“Now where did we put that old thing?”
You glared at them and they grinned at you and for a small, tiny moment it felt like it could be fun to banter away with them like this. And then Price was off of his stool and picking up the dish and dropping it so hard into the sink that the sound caused a flurry of wings outside. 
John was usually more controlled than this. He shouldn’t be letting his mind get this muddied, but it felt that everytime he thought he knew what you would do next you went right ahead and did the opposite. He thought hauling you into his office would scare you straight and instead you had been defiant. It wasn’t lost on him that there was heat mixed with that defiance and that affected him so much he had just left you there alone and went to walk it off. 
Only when he got back, it was to Soap and Gaz in a fist fight. Not the first time and wouldn’t be the last of course, Soap had a short fuse and sometimes needed one of them to get physical with him, let him work it off. But he could hear you crying. What the hell had happened? How could he have left you all full of heat and rebellion and come back to this? So he stopped it, ordered Soap to get himself ready and go see Simon to cool off. Watched Kyle comfort you. Comforted you himself without even meaning to.
And then he had thought this would make you finally settle and it didn’t. His hand on your waist caused a flush on your skin and a fire in his blood. He fucking wanted you. Not that soft love he had always imagined on long watches in the tower, following your day with the binoculars. He thought one day he’d kiss you softly and you’d melt into him, letting him slowly lay you down on a nice, plush bed as you’d say such sweet little things to him that he’d know that it was the right decision to put a ring on your finger. But you were nothing like that gentle little lady that had existed in his mind, and it made him some mixture of angry and burning with the need to fuck all of his feelings right into you, possess you in ways entirely different from a pretty ring on your finger and a slow press into your heat. 
He had to get away from you then, realising how close he had come to completely losing control. Simon had noticed he was off immediately but just given him a firm squeeze on the shoulder and a look of understanding. At least he wasn’t alone then, at least Simon obviously struggled with the reality of you. Still though, Ghost was happy to play rough with Soap for a bit, burn off all that agitation the man was carrying. 
And maybe that helped Price settle in a way as well, gave him time to just look out over their forest, their home, and take some peace in how beautiful he’d always found it. Looking out of the tower in one direction he could see the burnt remains of your cottage and then a bit beyond that the small town. He walked the perimeter so he could look out into the other direction, where it was just forest as far as the eye could see, mountains painting the horizon. If he didn’t know where to look, he wouldn’t even be able to pick out the little glimpse of their cabin through the trees. 
How strange it was to think that from them to you had always been just a turn on his heel, and he had done it so often. Looked fondly at their cabin and felt the warmth of home, turned to look longingly at your cottage and felt the contentment of the future he could imagine with you. 
It didn’t last as long as he would like because then they were back at the cabin and you were doing the opposite of what he expected AGAIN. Hearing you moaning for Gaz got him right back to that volatile mixture between angry and needing to fuck you and then hearing you give away your half baked plan? He had to turn away and light a cigar to distract himself. Even if you had no chance of pulling it off, the fact that turning them against one another had been something you had been considering… once again Price had at least 3 or 4 little daydreams of you that had gotten you totally wrong. 
The thing that made him snap in the end was how easily Soap and Gaz adjusted to the reality of you. At least Soap needed to be mad about it first, but Gaz? He so easily flowed around all of the things they were learning about you and bended as he needed to let you flow around all the things you were learning about them. Price was their Captain, he was supposed to look after his team. He had thought he would be able to look after you. And instead it was Gaz doing all the work because he was too confused over every single thing you did to do his job.  
The silence after the clatter of the dish made him feel intense guilt at losing control of his emotions like that. He swallowed it back, muttering the word brat under his breath. Unfortunately for him Soap had always had insane hearing and fortunately for you he also didn’t hold on to grudges or anger. Right now Johnny was playful, Simon had gotten all his aggression out and he was more than happy to smooth over whatever Price was feeling. 
“Hear that bonnie thing? Even Cap kens ye’r a brat” he said, standing himself to manoeuvre behind you, his toes right up against your heels as he gave a little shove to your back.
You found yourself bent over the island counter suggestively, hands splayed on the surface to try and keep some sort of balance. While it was certainly hot, you rolled your eyes and twisted your head around to glare at him. He was playing with you, teasing. The easy grin on his face was proof enough of that. 
“Want a spanking? Bet I could get the brat right out of ye, would that naw be nice for ye?”
“Nice? If someone is going to spank me, it’s going to be someone that actually knows what they’re doing,” you sniped, stamping on one of his feet when he gave a light tap to your ass. 
Your stomach was starting to cramp from you getting continually worked up but not finishing and you were not about to ask him for anything. One because you still hated him, you kept telling yourself you still hated him, and two because he had said you needed permission from all of them. If you actually let him touch you he would get you right on the edge and then leave you wanting because Simon wasn’t here to say yes, you knew for sure that he would. How bizarre that after such a short time you were adjusting to the personalities around you, anticipating what they might do. Johnny? He burned through emotions intensely and quickly you were learning, going from furious with you to trying to play with you without too much fuss. Hotheaded.
He barked a laugh and backed off of you, tugging at the back of your shirt to pull you up to standing and dodging when you tried to fling an elbow back into his stomach. Maybe you would have been fine, maybe you could have sort of kept it together, but Price laughed. John Price laughed and it was warm. John Price laughed and you couldn’t help but feel relieved at the sound, tension from the idea that he was upset leaving you even though you should want him to be upset. 
Yeah, it was certainly time to get out of their space and get your head on straight. You slipped away with a huff, heading for the bathroom.
“I’m using the shower. Might be nice if I could have some clothes that actually fit after” you said, trying to be venomous. 
“Demanding brat as well” Price laughed after you as you glowered at him and huffed off to the bathroom. 
You may not have been anything like he had thought, but John Price was starting to come around to the idea. So much so that when Soap casually turned off the hot water he only shook his head with a grin. Your frustrated scream gave him such a sick sense of satisfaction.
“Well, we did say she couldnae cum without permission. Dinnae want her tae be tempted now.”
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lysenfeu · 20 days
Devil in the Details •Part 2•
Captain John Prices makes a desperate decision and takes a huge risk to try and resolve his grief.
Rating: Mature
Eventual John Price x Reader
850k words, Slow Burn, Drabble/Short Form Writing
CW: Dark themes, Mentions of death, Grief, Supernatural events, Occultism, Demons, Corruption
(Part 1)
Price wastes no time, the moment he's home he lays the book out flat on his desk and studies the circle intently. His fingers trace over the black marks on the page, eyes poring over every splash of ink, no matter how small or smudged. Each line and symbol burning into his mind.
By the time he bothers to read the warning printed boldly beneath it, the words are meaningless. A hindrance only to someone who has something left to lose. It does nothing to quell his determination, this is no longer a choice he's making but an obligation. A duty he's been forced to accept by his own pride.
He gathers his supplies, the list is rather short but specific. Red chalk, a red candle, a small knife and a small red dish. He shoves his desk out of the way and rolls up the corner of the area rug, making room on the hardwood floor for his work.
He forces the small tremor out of his hands as he carefully marks out the symbols onto the floor with the chalk. There is no room for error in this, each stroke of the chalk must be exact. He must create the perfect replica of the sketch in the grimoire. He lights the candle and places a dab of hot, melted wax on each of the twelve star points. Careful not to disturb the chalk, he places the dish in the dead center of the circle. His nerves thrum in anticipation as he anxiously completes the last step, pricking the tip of his index finger with the knife, allowing a few drops of blood to splash down beneath him.
Finally, it's finished.
The circle crackles and hisses to life, the red outline illuminating itself as a cloud of smoke quickly rises from the centre.
He steps back, eyes wide with awe.
It worked.
It takes you a moment to recognize the tug behind your navel and the tickle at the back of your mind. It's been at least a decade or two since someone initiated your summoning ritual, you were starting to forget what it felt like. But now you can feel the magic pulling at you, beckoning to you through the newly forged connection. You let it carry you, twisting and turning your form through time and space as you have no choice but to answer the call.
Dark wisps of smoke curl out and flood the space before you as you rise from the centre of your circle. Small blue flames dance along the edges, lighting you with a flickering, dim glow as they spin and swirl in haphazard patterns.
As the haze slowly clears, you're able to take a better look at your surroundings. The room is a decent size, filled with dark wood furniture and leather accents. Small half-full bookshelves run along the wall, facing a large, well-worn leather sofa. An unusually tidy mahogany desk sits between them, shoved further back than usual based on the imprints left on the plush, wool area rug underneath. Not a single skull or a shred of velvet in the whole place.
Not necessarily a worrisome sign, but odd nonetheless. The type who usually summon you tended to be more … overt in their interest in the occult, if not downright predictable. The kind of person who always used to break out the Ouija board at sleepovers and then grew up to spend too much time antiquing, looking for just the right candle holder. More crystals than sense, the lot of them.
You weren't especially fearsome, your abilities were far more subtle than most. You weren’t really suited for great acts of revenge or rampant bloodshed, anyone looking for an imposing or dreadful creature would be sorely disappointed with you. To be honest, you were more of a party trick. Your summoners really just wanted you to put on a show. So you would dazzle them with billowing pillars of brightly coloured smoke, making licks of fire dance before their eyes, a truly theatrical production. It was a simple routine: make a grand entrance, flash a little horn and tail, accept the offering, grant the favour, done.
On the face of it at least.
Really though, that was the true fun of it.
They never suspected a thing.
With the smoke cleared, you take a moment and study the reason you're here, forcibly called to this time and place. A man stands before you, tense but still on the other side of your circle. He’s tall and broad, handsome in a rugged and weathered way. You note that he’s well-groomed in a utilitarian fashion, showing no hint of the usual flamboyance or flair you expect from your usual patrons. Interesting. Oh well.
“Tell me why I'm here, human.”
The man takes a deep breath before squaring his shoulders and meeting your eyes with a steady, even gaze.
“I need to make a deal.”
(Part 3)
A/N: Surpriiiise! *You're* the demon ehehe 😈
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j0ht0-gh0sthunt3r · 2 months
ok so me and ace are goin to paldea. ive already got a list of stuff i need but what else should i bring
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livindedkenny · 5 months
My lonely little world
yayyy continuationnn, sorry I've been gone for a bit; my pup just passed and it was really rough :( but he's better at least! He was pretty old, a 10 year old Chihuahua. I haven't really felt like writing much, but how are you guys?
Pip stared in awe at the spot for a good minute, taking a moment to process what he had saw. 'phillip?' pip turned to see his boss looking at him with concern, 'yes ma'am?' he awnsered; snapping from his thoughts. 'you've been staring at that same chair for the past minute, why you look as if you've seen a ghost!' pip shook the thought of telling her that he saw something like that, instead just staying silent and dodging the question with one of his own. 'has the shipment came in today?' Mrs. Nicks has been ordering new things for months, surprisingly for pip she had been a big fan of the paranormal and began to wonder down the rabbit hole of things that might speak to her and her customer base. One might think that's quite odd for a lady in her early 60s but he wasn't one to judge. 'Oh yes a ton has came in! It just arrived before you clocked in, it's in the storage room at the moment'. Pip left to go receive the boxes, bringing one to the front of the box and grabbing the box cutter to open it. Ouija boards, 20 boards in the box together. Pip lined them all a row facing out of the shelves and pinning the price on the shelf, turning around to grab the trash, a box fell. Pip went to pick it up. It fell again. The cycle continued throughout the day until pip left to go home, taking the time to say goodbye and make sure the box was on the shelf where it wouldn't fall. He walked home listening to music on his walkman and trekking through the snow, it felt extra cold today especially when hitting some places like the old movie theater.
Pip arrived home eager to get warm. He opened his door and walked through the living room and down the small hallway to his bedroom. Taking off his shoes he looked to his bed and saw the ouija board that had been falling all day. 'oh sweet Jesus!!' he jumped from his own skin, quickly he picked the box up and shoved it in his closet; he'd have to take it back tomorrow so Mrs. Nicks didn't think he'd stolen it. After calming down his heart rate he decided to go start dinner, forgetting about the paranormal device inside his closet.
Pip stepped out of the shower, drying his long blonde hair roughly with a towel. Walking to his bedroom he saw the shadow again, eyes glowing red with a wide sadistic toothy grin and just as it appeared it disappeared into the shadows leaving pip with shivers. Opening his door he got a flash of a red room, fire everywhere and people screaming. pip shook his head to get it out instead hurrying to get dry and get dressed so he could settle for bed and get ready for work. Anything to get that horrid imagery out of his head.
Pip lay peacefully in his bed, listening to the soft ticking of the clock
He lay there for hours, staring at the ceiling not able to get the hot flaming image out of his mind. Eventually he was so exhausted he passed out. Dreaming of a little room, a light brown room; decorated with a tall bookshelf, globes, maps, and a large grandfather clock. Pip sat in a plush green chair unaware of where he currently resided. He sat until he heard a voice whisper 'hello' in his ear.
The grandfather clock rang, it was midnight. Pip opened his eyes, but this time he was inside an old looking castle, spider webs everywhere. Pip tried to look around but his head was stuck in one place. He squeezed his eyes close again hoping he could just wake up, feeling a heavy weight on his chest pip gasped and opened his eyes, looking around the area. He was home. In his bed. Home. He sighed, flopping down on his pillow checking the time. '7:45' deciding to get an early start he pushed himself up to take yet again another shower to rinse away all the sweat of the previous night. Drying his hair and pulling it back in a small ponytail, leaving two strands in front of his face. Putting on his uniform he headed for the door, just before remembering something and running back into his closet. 'the ouija board!' with his newly equipped item pip headed for the street again.
Opening the door to the small jingle pip placed the board back in its place and went to his daily tasks. The board occasionally falling in the floor when pip passed. 'say phillip have you noticed that board today?' Mrs. Nicks brought it to his attention, something he really didn't wanna touch with a ten foot pole if given the choice. 'ah, can't say I haven't. Bloody things been on my tail all week.' pip turned back twords the boards, staring at the letters engraved into the wood. Walking twords it he flicked his fingers over the burned wood, feeling a strange pull to it that even if he jerked away now he'd stay in place. 'may be a sign boy, why don't you try it out' pip wasn't sure if he should share with her the details of the previous night. 'aha, I'll think about it' he replied with a nervous smile.
By the time pip clocked out his mind was set, he'd buy that board and set a ritual, it's nothing more than folklore. Right?
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oscconfessions · 6 months
i gave my little transfem-country-bumpkin-soda-cowgirl-fire-magic-objectsona a UNIVERSE-EATING, WORLD-DESTROYING ETHEREAL BEING BEYOND OBJECTIAN COMPREHENSION because when I was younger I used a ouija board and ever since then random spooky shit keeps happening to me and every time it happened I had a bleached Chain Chomp plush nearby
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hellcheer-heaven · 11 months
Blessing and a Curse (NSFW) - Chapter 2/2
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Succubus cosplay picture belongs to Enolla on deviantart
Click here for Part 1
Summary: Our two lovers tried out the ouija board, they made it home safely. Chrissy wants to try out her new powers on Eddie, an offer he’s happy to accept.
Chrissy stood up, closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. She arched her back as she let out a long, drawn out moan.  Craning her head back, her fingers clutching onto her locks before she looked at him dead in the eyes.  Eddie’s eyes widened at the sight of her clothes getting torn off on their own.  Large batlike wings sprouted from her bare back, stretching and opening up to their fullest potential.  The skin from her forearms down to her hands had an almost soot like color to them.  Her calves going down to her feet sported the same appearance as well.  Her fingernails suddenly grew long, the tips as red as blood, as her teeth had sharpened within her mouth.  She looked over her shoulder and smiled at the reveal of her dark tail snaking itself around.  She licked her long forked tongue all over her plush lips, while a pair of sharp black horns pushed out from the top of her scalp. 
Eddie had only ever seen such magnificent women in his fantasy comics. He never could have imagined something so frightening could look so enchanting.  He here was, getting harder than a fucking rock as he stared at her in awe and wonder.  He felt so tiny beneath her and he liked it.  No, he loved it. 
“Chrissy,” he whined, wanting to squeeze himself to try and relieve the pleasurable ache in his cock. 
Her voice was like chocolate with a caramel filling, rich and smooth, “Magnificent, isn’t it?”  She proceeded to fly above him, strutting her stuff upon thin air around the room, not even bothering to look back at Eddie as he witnessed her move with such grace.  “Whoever said lust was a sin obviously didn’t know how to handle something like me.”  She turned on her heel, “How pathetic that it only took just a small handful of mortal men to decide how things must be.”
Eddie listened intently, nodding as he focused on everything before him.  “Y-Yeah… p-p-pathetic…”
She tutted her sharp tongue, “Oh, but not you my precious Eddie.”  She returned to him and with a wave of her hand he was suddenly lifted up, his body levitating just inches away from her.  “Never you my good, obedient mortal.”  Her tail gingerly wrapped around his left leg, the tip of it rubbing along his covered cock. 
“Oh shit-,” he quickly shut his mouth.
“Don’t be embarrassed my sweet, you love to be touched there,” she curled her fingers and he faced her.  Her hand began to cradle him, tongue reaching out to lavish his neck, “And here.”  Her free hand sweetly squeezed his rear, “And there.”
Eddie couldn’t stop himself from moaning, he could never deny the wonderful tactile sensation.  Knowing that it came from Chrissy, well rather another version of her, only made his cock twitch.  Still, he needed answers, “Wait, what happened at the asylum? What about Abigail? I thought we talked to her.”
Chrissy groaned with annoyance, bringing them back down, “We did, but she was a little busy having her fun with Harold.”  She smirked, “Confused? Of course you are.  I’ll cut the horseshit and get to the point.  Nothing was ever wrong with Abigail, the only thing that was wrong were the people that hurt her.  During the night of her exorcism, her true self came forth.  She just needed a little extra push in the right direction; all she had to do was say ‘yes’ to Her.”
Chrissy nuzzled into his neck, “Lilith, the Queen of Hell.”
He blinked slowly, “I don’t understand.”
She held his chin, “Remember that smoke that came out from the ouija board? That was Her and she offered me a little something if I just let Her in.”  Chrissy continued, “Lilith can grant anyone a chance to become an entity of great power and strength.  Abigail wanted only two things: Revenge and her lover.”  
Eddie recalled the tale of what had happened to those that wronged her, “What are you going to do to me?”
“Oh Eddie, I’m not going to skin you or anything.  That’s what she wanted.  Me? I only want you.”  She crawled to him, pecking his lips, taking his hand and placing it upon the center of her bare chest, “See, I have a heartbeat just like you.  It’s still me, Eddie.”
Eddie knew that Chrissy could never tell a lie. He looked into her eyes, the darkness dissipating to reveal those same blue eyes that he fell for years ago before they reverted back to red.  Even with her sharpened teeth, her smile was still as bright as the sun.  Chrissy slid her fingers along his ringed hand that still felt the motion of her heart. She then sat up and closed her eyes, smiling as she exhaled and let herself change.  Eddie blushed profusely when he saw that his hand was now between a buxom pair of breasts.  
“The best part about being a succubus is that we can be creative with my new powers.”  She cradled her heaving breasts, gingerly teasing him, “I can do all kinds of things now.”
“Holy shit,” he moaned, his hands holding each one, jaw dropping at how amazingly soft they felt.  “Oh fuck,” he stated as her nipples began to leak milk.
“Yeah, I know what you like Eddie, you dirty boy.”  She closed her eyes once more, “Of course this isn’t the only thing you think about.”  Her form had changed once again, instead replaced by an exact copy of someone else. 
Steve placed both hands on his hips, “Yeah it’s me, don’t cream your pants.  On second thought-”
Eddie pushed him away, “I don’t love you!”
Steve didn’t even budge, how silly that a mortal could attempt to move a demon aside,  “On the contrary Eddie, you actually do.  See that’s not ego talking, when I say that I know what you like, I mean it.”  He took a deep breath and groaned as a forest of hair grew from his chest.  
Eddie huffed, looking away from that pretty boy smile of his.  He felt the strong and rough hand hold the back of his head, looking into those dark eyes with longing.  Steve’s features began to soften up, locks of long hair grew past delicate shoulders, lightening up from brunette back to strawberry blonde, height returning to shorter in stature. 
Chrissy pecked his nose, “There’s nothing to be ashamed of Eddie.  It’s okay that you have a crush on him, I don’t mind. I mean, he is pretty handsome.”
He shook his head, “No- Yes- I mean… okay hold on.”  He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Chrissy, please…”  He held her darkened hands and pecked her fingers, the warmth felt nice along his pink lips, “Maybe another time with some other version of you or Steve or someone else.  The only person that I want to be with is you.”
“Of course my love,” she whispered.  Chrissy then held his wrists down with no effort, “Now, no more talking. Let’s do what succubi and humans were meant to do.”
“I thought you said ‘no more talking’ baby girl,” he replied with a sly smile. 
His smile vanished when she tore his clothes off like wrapping paper; he was indeed going to make a fine present for her.  Chrissy’s long tongue slithered out and licked his lovely lips, lathering his mouth again with her sweet tasting saliva. Eddie’s throat was drowning in it, that same light headed feeling returning, welcoming it with open mouth and open legs.  His vessels pulsed with her erotic taste, leading down straight to his cock.  He felt so warm and she only barely touched him.  Her fingernails slowly dragged down his body, the prickling ends scratching and pressing down in a painful yet pleasant sort of way.  Chrissy bent down to playfully nibble his nipple, her purrs vibrating against his skin.  Her sharp teeth bit down, soon releasing him and letting her tongue gently drag across his teat so sweetly.  Her long nails teased his other nipple, pushing down on it until he could feel a pinching sensation.  Her luscious lips gave him some mercy as she kissed it better.  Giving him a few more licks before trapping it between her teeth again, this time harder; making sure to give the other one the same painful and pleasurable treatment.  Eddie gasped when she pulled, arching his head back into the pillow; she adored the way his screams filled his bedroom.
She tended to the ache with her pretty lips again, her suckling felt so soothing to him.  Eddie grabbed at his pillow, biting down on his bottom lip as he felt his nipple getting pulled by her strong suctioning, only to have it twirled by her tongue.  Chrissy marveled at the handiwork, rubbing the markings along his chest.  Eddie felt such an irreversible rush of need in his body, inching closer to her as he gazed at the beautifully, terrifying creature.  Her heated mouth traced his cotton candy pink lips, reaching further down to plant more smooches all over him.  Eddie wanted to touch her precious face, suddenly getting distracted when he watched the way her wings stretched out.  Such an incredible thing to see, so similar to a vampire bat that was ready to stalk the night for a meal.  She may not have been on the hunt for blood, but she was definitely hungry.
Eddie was too busy with the shape of her back appendages that he failed to look down at her tail slithering between his legs.  He grabbed the bed sheets when he felt his cock getting jerked by it.  Wrapped around him so snuggly, keeping his organ nice and warm as it pulled him just the way he liked it.  Chrissy simply sat back and watched, smiling as his hips moved to the rhythmic motion; she couldn’t hold back her giggles.  
“P-P-Please Chrissy,” Eddie quietly begged.
The coiled up attachment had a mind of its own as it tugged faster, her voice sugary sweet, “Aww so polite, that’s one of the things I love about you Eddie.”
His lower half practically rose off of the mattress as he attempted to match her movements, “Fuck! Babe! Oh g-god!”
Chrissy paid no heed to that particular slip up, after all she was having too much fun with her human.  She rested her chin in her palm, her mind imprinting the way he struggled and squirmed.  His cock pulsated within her tail, weeping with every passing second.  She was so close to him, Eddie had to kiss her, but his plan was foiled before he could execute it.  Rather than his bedsheets coming to life again, he was met with long and writhing tentacles that seemingly spawned out of nowhere.  Upon being restrained once more he noticed that the limbs emerged from beneath his bed.
“How did you-”
Chrissy let a single brow rise as she smirked, “I have my ways, Edward.  And it looks like you forgot that I can read your mind too.”  She tutted her tongue, “Not very smart of you to do, but since you’ve been showing me that you’ve been doing very well; I’ll give you that kiss.”
The tentacles made Eddie sit up and she daintily pressed her mouth to his, drinking in his groans and pleas.  Her motioning tail gave him some relief as it slowed down and unwrapped itself.  She stared deeply into his brown eyes, still so lovely and filled with joy as they always were.  Yet that sense of fear and uncertainty gave her such a thrill, making her form shudder with excitement.  Despite Eddie’s feelings of terror, his intrigue and curiosity had overtaken whatever panic he had previously.  He loved Chrissy and all he wanted was her. If that meant losing his sense of control and autonomy, then he would gladly let her do whatever she wanted. Call him a masochist or a degenerate, quite frankly he was loving all of this.  He was too drunk in love to say it, his crooked smile, that certain loving light in his eyes, and of course his thoughts were plagued with desire. 
His body was then lifted, his back facing the ceiling, legs spread wide, and his amorous face just inches away from her.  Chrissy’s long tongue slithered out, savoring the dripping sweat along his torso. Her fingers brushed through his locks, nails lovingly scratching his scalp as her tongue traveled further down.  His eyes looked down when he felt the slimy and lengthy tongue wrap around his dangling cock.  His appendage was trapped again, drowning in her saliva and his pre-cum. The split forked tips moved independently upon his weeping head, causing him to cry out her name. She loved hearing him, she adored the way he writhed, and watched as his skin darkened a deeper shade of pink; although gravity was also probably to blame. 
“Fuck! Chrissy! Ooh, Chrissy! S-Shit!”
His length quivered within her moistened grasp, the pressure and warmth from her tongue made him feel very pleasant.
He nearly choked as he pleaded, “M-More! More babe!” 
She could sense how close he was, snapping her fingers to allow the tentacles to position him upright.  Her tongue continued to work as two more tentacles emerged from below.  The thinner ends of the slick vines teased his nipples, pulling and pressing down at their own rhythms.  The tentacles suddenly opened like a flower blossom, revealing a pair of drooling mouths at each end. The entities proceeded to latch onto his teats, suckling at their own pace.  Another pair appeared from beneath his thighs, opening up to orally pleasure his heavy sack, one for each side. Eddie bit his lower lip as he watched the way Chrissy used him.  Her warm hands sweetly caressed his hips, gingerly fisting his cock as her tongue unraveled him.  He felt no shame or regret, he truly felt loved. 
“Looks like someone is enjoying himself,” she chuckled. With a wave of her other hand, she had his full length mirror levitate before him.  “Just look at you. So beautiful and so sexy.”
Eddie was too lost in love, nodding his head. He didn’t know what part of himself to focus on.  Seemed like most of his erogenous zones were being dealt with.  She turned around and fixed up her bangs, admiring herself and the man in her life. 
She addressed his reflection, “Obey me Eddie.  Obey me and love me for eternity.”  She beckoned him closer, the slippery limbs adhered and he was kneeled before her.  She nuzzled his neck, her voice like a content purr, “All I need from you is your loyalty and body.”  She tsked her tongue when he simply nodded, “Ah, ah, ah. I need to hear it from you, Eddie.”
It took all of his strength to answer her, “Yes, Chrissy, I’m- I’m yours!”
She kissed him and silently commanded the tendrils to place him down upon the bed.  They continued to please him as Chrissy’s hands massaged his sides, her nails piercing his skin.  Her tongue licked the dribbling blood, her enchanting saliva seeping into his bloodstream.  Eddie eyed the shape of her lower lips as she brought herself closer to his face.  
“Open up,” she commanded, groaning at the sensation of his tongue. 
Her consistency and taste even in this form was still just as addicting.  All he wanted was her and only her.  He was willing to do everything that his demonic Queen demanded of him.  This little, pathetic human mortal offered himself, his will and body to a Goddess of the Damned.  While his own tongue lacked in extreme length, he could still give her exactly what she wanted.  Slow and precise circles upon her engorged clitoris, flattened licks and short whippings upon her red hot petals, and blueprint like tracings along and within every little crevice and corner.  She may have had supernatural-like powers, but Eddie knew her body very well.  So much so that he remembered just how much she loved to have her nipples twirled when he ate her out.  The tentacles guided his hands to her breasts, allowing for him to truly embrace them. 
“Mmm, yes… ooh Eddie…”
Tender and hard were her puffy buds, so warm and so pretty no matter the angle.  His calloused thumbs rubbed the areolas first, looking up at the way she bit her bottom lip.  She looked down at her willing mortal man and adored the way those big chocolate brown eyes stared at her with absolute devotion and unconditional love.  Watching how those long fingers twiddled and teased her teats never failed to make her giggle.  She pressed herself further down onto his face, laughing in a cruel manner as she trapped him between her thighs.  His mouth continued to abide by her pleasure as his hands continued to grope her. 
“Yeah, you love when I do this to you, don’t you Eddie?” She happily noted as she gyrated her lower half.  “My stupid, little fuck toy.”
His whining moans only made her pussy throb harder, her delicious cunt salivating more into his parched throat.
She kept a good grip on his face, “You love it when I degrade you.”  Her fingers gently ran through his locks, “You love when I make you feel so small and weak.”
He could barely nod let alone move his head at all, he gave her a groan and quite frankly that was good enough for her.  If this was how Eddie Munson was going to die, then he would happily let death embrace him. 
Of course Chrissy wasn’t going to let that be the case anytime soon as she eased her fleshy bear trap just a bit, “Such a good, good little boy. So eager and so obedient.”
The contrasting moments between her harsh words and soft praises made his head spin.  He could only barely formulate words, his ability to think dwindling as he fell deeper and deeper into her spell.  She could sense and hear his increasing heart beat, it was all for her.  Chrissy removed herself from his pink lips, reaching down to kiss the extra moistened mouth with a loving peck before she sat beside him. Admiring every detail that his whole being had to offer to her demonic gaze.  His chest carefully rising and falling, his skin all aglow, his pupils large and wide, and his cock so achingly erect.  The appendage stood firm, the veins pulsing along his heaving flesh.  Her finger gently swiped the very top, humming as she relished the taste of his essence.  
Fuck, he was so handsome.  Delirious with lust and adoration, a bashful smile across his spaced out face.  The strong tentacles kept him down while the slimy floral like mouths kept pleasing his teats and his heaving sack.  She began to rub herself upon his leaking cock, swiftly and steadily motioning herself in a manner that made him tremble.  Her slickness coated his hot erection, nibbling her bottom lip as she lovingly danced on top of him.  Eddie groaned, feeling so free and safe with her.  He let out a louder moan as she barely let the tip slide in, letting herself gingerly squeeze around him.  His gaping mouth was suddenly filled with a tentacle, the appendage taking up space before retreating and commencing with its teasing act.  His throat tightened up and his eyes began to water. 
Chrissy patted the tentacle, whispering something foreign to it before it began to slow down. Proceeding to gentle thrust rather than fuck his mouth. There was so much he wanted to say, all he could do was proclaim it in his head. Chrissy smiled at the bombarding thoughts of love, her grin widening as she took in and listened to each and every one of them.  She floated above him to kiss his sweaty forehead, licking off the beads of perspiration upon his face and neck.  There was a certain saltiness and sweetness to his lathered up skin that tasted so good on her forked tongue.  
Her dark eyes watched him intently, no one else could compare to such beauty.  Nearly each part of him was experiencing some form of exotic pleasure.  His mind begged for her to lower her hips, grunting when she barely moved down half an inch.  A little was better than none, he was grateful knowing that all of this was because of her. He would gladly and obediently serve her for eternity.  
Her mocking laughter echoed in his ears, “Oh Eddie, sometimes I can’t help but find your impatience adorable.  Your mind is persistent. I can hear those thoughts pleading for me to fuck you.”  Without having to turn her head, she could feel a slimmer tentacle writhe within her palm, “Just one more thing, my precious boy.”  
Her closed fist began to jerk the appendage, thickening beads of a foreign substance began to emerge.  The thing was coated from tip to shaft, squirming and wriggling within her heated hand.  Chrissy whispered to it as well, keeping her eyes on Eddie as her lips moved.  He didn’t flinch in the slightest as the cool tentacle approached his backside.  Even with his restraints, he fully embraced the idea and quickly nodded, his brain prayed for her to carry on.  His hips were angled up, thighs spread further apart as the lubricated tip traced the shape of his soft ass.  Ever so slowly feeling the crevice in between both sides, he shuddered at the cold sensation dripping from the tentacle.  His toes curled as the tip very carefully and very slowly breached past his tight hole.  His wails were muffled, and so Chrissy grabbed the tentacle from his throat, and basked in the sounds of his heated yelps. 
“Fuck! Oh shit! Holy shit!” Eddie squealed, fully embracing the wiggling motion, arching his hips up further.
Chrissy stroked the wet limb, “You’re so sweet, baby.  That’s it, nice and easy.”
Eddie could only barely register her words, his mind too focused on the sensation.  The feeler was gentle with him, shallowing thrusting into his hole.  The nerves surrounding the sensitive cavity were working overtime with incredible glee, only further heightening the pleasant tension in his being; especially when his prostate was touched.  His erection was so painfully hard, ready to burst at any moment. Chrissy knew his body well, but even she was quite surprised at his resilience.  Well, all the more reason to test him with her new powers, in time of course.  Eddie’s knuckles were as white as snow, tongue hanging from his gaping mouth, and his eyes crossed.  He was unable to concentrate on anything.  She could read the emptiness of his hollowed out mind, nothing but dopamine neurons firing along the synapses; his primitive id had taken over. 
Chrissy slid her puffy labia along his shaft, gingerly cooing his name.  She looked at him up and down, pleased with herself and more than happy to watch him; still she’s denied herself long enough.  There was no need to tease him, he had joyously surrendered himself to her.  Eddie screamed when she encapsulated him, eyes tightly shut as she fucked him.  Her hips drilled and pounded, deliciously squeezing his cock when she pushed down.  Her new body had a higher sense of touch, every tingle was like a hot spark that she welcomed.  Sex demon or not, the thrill of it all, the chase towards that incredible high is what she wanted; with Eddie by her side the whole time.  
“Mmm! Eddie! Ooh, so good!” she groaned, moving faster.  “Fuck! You feel amazing!”
Her own body felt the rush of adrenaline swarming her.  The heat emitting from her skin rose, a vibrating tingle followed up her spine and into her skull.  She shook her hips, drawing shapes and letters with her lower half, pleasuring herself and Eddie in just the right places.  His body was lifted once more, Chrissy clinged her thighs tightly around him.  Never stopping her relentless pace of fucking him as the tentacles continued to touch, suck, and squeeze.  She grabbed his shoulders and pushed her delicious lips onto his, forcing her lengthy tongue further down his throat.  He missed the taste of her spit, gulping it down as she fucked his gullet.  He couldn’t hold on anymore, he had been screwed from here to oblivion.  She knew that he was ready cum, smiling around her reptilian tongue as it retreated from his gaping mouth. 
“Cum Eddie, do it. Fucking cum for me you filthy mortal!” Her grin widened when the tentacles worked harder, her pussy tightened up around his dick.
The blossoming mouths pulled and suckled his tender nipples and tightened sack.  The length within his rectum practically vibrated as the tip twirled and squeezed his prostate.  Her walls went from squishing to suffocating his cock, securing him with no means of escape until he filled her up.  He heard her speak, such meanness within her pretty voice; god how he loved her. 
Eddie shut his eyes, “Oh! Oh, fuck! Oh, shit! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!” 
She grabbed his face, her voice causing the room to shake again, “Look at me when you cum!” 
He did what was told of him, his brown eyes never leaving her blood red irises, his voice so adorably whiny, “Chrissy… Chrissy!”
He let out a loud moan, well more like the kind of scream that would wake the dead from their slumber.  The kind that would make saints and servants of god look down from their clouds in disgust. The kind that would make the Devil very proud.  Eddie’s cock finally had the much needed release that he so desperately wanted.  Her cunt was crammed with his load, she relished in the sensation as her eyes received such a spectacular treat of witnessing her beloved fall into the deepest depths of sexual release.  He was her servant, her precious, little plaything.  Nothing else mattered to him, except her.  As blissed out as he was, he knew that he belonged to Chrissy, more so than ever now.
Her wings embraced his body, the tentacles began to slowly release him from their moistened bondage.  He wrapped his arms around her, breathing her in and never ever wanting to let go. He was as light as a feather in her hands, easing him down onto the mattress.  Their hearts could nearly feel each other, only separated by flesh alone.  She kindly cooed his name, finding it so sweet the way he buried his face in her neck. 
Her doting was genuine and true, “Eddie… Eddie, sweet baby.”
He nuzzled closer to her, closing his eyes as she felt her nails tenderly scratch the back of his head.  Oh, how he wanted to say her name, to tell her how much he adored her. Alas, his entire being was more than ready to abandon consciousness and allow sleep to take over.  Chrissy could hear each and every one of his beautiful thoughts. Still as loving and precious from the day they met again in the forest. 
She waited until he was fast asleep to return to Lilith.  Chrissy’s duty was to her Queen, like many others before and those after as well.  She didn’t want to leave the life that she had just started with Eddie, even if it meant that they could both live together in Hell.  Lilith recognized that sense of love in Chrissy’s eyes, she remembered that feeling from long ago.
“Do you think that I’m weak, your Majesty?” She asked, keep her head down. 
Lilith stood up and assisted Chrissy to her feet, “You are not weak, my child.  Love is a powerful force.”  She held her chin, “All I ask is for your allegiance and loyalty to me.”  Her fingers sweetly brushed through the strawberry blonde locks, “You are always welcome here, dearest Chrissy; you and Edward.”
Chrissy embraced the immortal Goddess in a tight hug.  Never had she felt such a motherly love from someone so kind and gentle.  
Lilith pecked the top of her head, her voice like a harp, “There is no weakness in love, Chrissy.  You can be the most powerful being for many centuries, and having your heart set on someone does not take away anything that makes you the being that you are.”
Chrissy muffled a choked up thank you to Her. Looking up and smiling as Lilith wiped away her tears.
She smiled back, gazing with pride and gratitude behind her dark eyes, “Chrissy, I only want you to be happy; whatever you decide to do.  My home is open to you, to Edward, and to all.”
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starscatteredsky · 11 months
Tips for a Shiny litwick pokemon kin?! /nf /pos
tips for shiny litwicks!
pt: tips for shiny litwicks
wear lots of whites and blues!
collect candles! (you don’t have to burn them!!)
collect lots of litwick or pokémon merch/plushes/cards in general!
watch lots of pokémon shows, especially episodes with litwicks in them!
play the pokémon games!!
find other pokémon kin friends!
try some blue and white makeup looks, or looks inspired by pokémon/litwick!
get an ouija board or other ghostly items!
use fire, ghost, pokémon, and videogame themed neopronouns!
get some ghostly glow in the dark makeup/clothes/jewellery/etc!
decorate your living space to feel like home!! (lots of ghostly lighting, or lots of fire imagery, or something else!)
i hope these help!! we have a shiny pokémon kin modding this blog too!! have a good day!! -🩸
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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👛  — personal effects!  - For Chrome!
headcanons ; rainbow series ... (purple/pink)
👛— personal effects! for a headcanon about what my muse keeps on them (in their bag or similar carry item), and why they always have these things on their person day-to-day.
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Trident :: Chrome keeps a portion of Mukuro's trident in her bag. It has since turned into a spear for the final arc in the manga. I would like to think Mukuro has a separate one made for himself as both people are of different heights and weights. Chrome excels more in evasion and Mukuro excels in strength. I like to think of these two as two sides of the same coin, or yin-yang inverted. Chrome is what Mukuro wants to be but cannot and vice versa. It has since become a bident (canon divergence on my part), which is the weapon used by Hades or Pluto, ruler of the Underworld. It symbolizes Chrome growing into her own as a person, and being someone both the Vongola and Mukuro can rely on.
Mist Ring & Box Weapon :: Chrome is the keeper of the Mist Ring unless Mukuro has need of it and the box weapon. To me, they are both the Guardian of the Mist. I think Mukuro thinks it is better in her care, and he can communicate with her through the Mist Owl (Mukurou) as needed. As for Chrome, she will give them to Mukuro so he can perform his own duties as the other half of the Guardian of the Mist. Chrome has other tricks up her sleeve since the last chapter of the manga.
Coin Purse :: I think it's a little owl plush, because of Mukurou/Mukurowl. She replaced the right eye with a red one to make it more accurate. When she was younger, Chikusa and Ken bought her a chrome skull wallet because they did not know nor did they care at first what Chrome's tastes were. She eventually purchased a black cat wallet with her allowance.
Black Cat Wallet :: I want to think it was a black cat she saved as a thirteen-year-old. So, she got it to commemorate the cause by which she eventually met her chosen family. She still loves cats, but she still gets some anxiety while crossing the street at intersections. She replaced the right eye with an eye patch. She calls it "Kuroneko". It carries her passport as well.
Pineapple Cell Phone Holder :: Ken bought it for her along with Chikusa and while she dislikes the fruit, she can't bear the thought of hurting Ken and Chikusa. So, she's kept it in mint condition. She thought it was adorable that Ken tried to make an eye patch for one of the Pineapple's eyes.
Keychain & Keys :: She has several keys with various coverings on them. One is for her self-storage space, which she sometimes uses as an apartment to Tsuna's horror. It has a tunafish rubber covering on it just for that. She has a master key to all of the Kokuyo Gang's hideouts, naturally. It is unassuming with its black cat key covering. She drives a Subaru, so she has a star key covering. She has a master key for hideouts to the Vongola which is hidden in her pocketbook or tote bag.
Tablet or Notebook/Mini Laptop :: For communications.
Pen & Notepad :: For writing notes.
Sentimental Circus Make-Up Bag :: She got this from M.M., and has kept it cause it was the first (begrudging) gift from M.M. Chrome keeps her cosmetics in this bag. She thinks the twin bunny mascots and everyone else are like the Kokuyo Gang, so she's taken a liking to the stationery mascot.
Oracle Deck & Tarot Deck :: For the funsies...
Travel-sized Ouija Board Keychain :: Just to horrify her friends. I'm sure Mukuro would like to burn it too...
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fanciestghost · 1 year
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me when
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trickster-whim · 14 days
I managed to get out of the house the other week and took a walk to Goodwill, and there was kind of a lot of stuff there! But unfortunately for me, I got super sick immediately after. I still wear a mask everywhere I go (I was wearing one on this trip also), and I do try to social distance as much as possible, no movies or restaurants or parties or whatever. But my parents don't. So my parents got covid and gave it to my sister and me, and we've been sick for days.
But that's just me being bitter!! Let's see what Goodwill had for me. (I can barely even remember when this was, so it's gonna be mostly brief, but I'm mostly not sick anymore, so I'm just getting it out of my drafts)
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Most tempting was a pile of about a dozen NaNaNa Surprise Maxwell Danes. I wanted to get him when he was in stores, so I obviously picked one up, but unfortunately I didn't need a dozen. At least not for (an admittedly very reasonable) $5.50 each. I don't love his shirt, but I always want more boy dolls, so I'm glad I got one at least.
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Why was I so tempted by this little rocking horse?
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Good face...
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This actually made me a little sad to see. I used to be really into Harry Potter before I grew media criticism skills and also JKR went mask off as a terrible person, and I remember being so into the board games. I still miss the style of the first couple books, but now whenever I see HP I mostly just feel jaded and bitter.
(It also reminds me of shopping at KB Toys. I remember digging through bins of discounted Quirrells and trolls, looking for catgirl Hermione... I have some regrets in life, I must say...)
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Anyway! There were a lot of tempting fashion dolls in the bagged doll section. I love a Snow White, especially an emotionless mask like this, and there was also a Belle. It's kind of interesting looking at disney dolls from before the very standardized Disney Store or Hasbro/Mattel look of today, if that makes sense. Some of them are just hunks of plastic in the shape of princesses, and some barely resemble their characters at all. I just didn't need any dolls, so I mostly just looked.
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I was tempted by these chubby babies...
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Hey, good lookin'.
It wasn't actually clear whether the mannequin bottom was for sale or just the jeans, but it did startle me, because we don't have mannequins here.
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I found this wedding bag with just... the most comfortable- and happy-looking couple... They look so glad to be there...
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Cool tote bag I found. I have no idea where Wheatsville Co-op is, but it's been almost 30 years since this 20 year anniversary.
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I think this was a shower curtain, and I gotta say... yellow splotches was a bold choice.
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If I had been looking for a table runner, this nwt ouija board one would a been tempting. I think it was $13, though, and I didn't need it.
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I think this was a paperweight? It was some sort of architectural blueprint made out of a thick plastic and formed into a sort of ball around a weight. It was kinda quirky, and I'm actually pretty curious about it. It might just be mundane, but I don't think I've ever seen one before.
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Gotta take a photo of blowjob cat in the wild.
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This skirt was sooo tempting. It was a candy corn dream, but also I didn't want to spend $10 on a skirt. Apparently it originally cost $69 (nice), and I'm not sure why. It is super tempting, though.
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There was a CD case hanging up, and these were the only two CDs in the whole book. Sounds like a party.
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Was I tempted by this plush bear-dog-thing? Yeah :p But it didn't have a price, and I have too many plushies to bring all of them home, especially if I have to ask someone how much it costs, even if it's vintage... I like the yellow and brown, though. Very bold.
So I didn't get any of that stuff, but I did get:
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Wow, what a terrible photos. I got one Maxwell, a copy of The Game of Sunken Places (one of my all-time faves) for the little free library, a stack of DVDs for my sister because she's been looking for them, a Breyer stockhorse, and a free local paper with an advertisement for Sabo, since I wasn't sick then and still thought I'd be going...
And then the next day I got really sick, and I've been sick since. I hadn't had covid before, and again, my sister and I have been trying our best to avoid it, but if our parents are sick, it's hard not to catch it from them. But I'm not trying to be bitter right now! I should be better within a few weeks, and then I'll try to find a vaccine event, and then I'll probably be back thrifting, still in a mask because being sick sucks.
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undrsk0re · 10 months
Yeah Moloch's plush is a puppet so there's a hole in the ouija board for a hand
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