#plz say psych
locke-on-target · 1 year
Me: Hmm JJK has been a bit dull this past year. Mostly just random sorcerers fighting. I miss when it was mostly about Yuuji and Megumi.
Monkey’s Paw: Interesting.
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
Heyaa aff tape anon here😂😂.. Plz just call me Charlie it's my name.. Aff tape anon sounds weird and the question you asked me
1) I only manifest that i manifest my desires instantly out of thin air.
And second I wake up in the void every nyt being fully aware..
These two were my exact affirmations. Now I manifest almost instantly.. I won't say instantly exactly but ya very fast. For example yesterday nyt only I affirm I have 10000 rupees in my account.. And after like 10-12 mins I got them from my father without even asking.
And now how the void feels.. It was like I was just expanding like anything for few seconds (also I felt warm I don't know if any one feels like that too )than everything was so calm that you will barely remember you have to affirm that's why I used aware in my tape so yeah but it feels heaven specially if you want to relax. .
2) I also read someone ask me to manifest them for waking up in the void. I can surely do that but everytime any other people wants to do that it barely works bcoz people won't assume they will actually wake up there bcoz it's their reality.
Still I will just affirm tonight all chai followers will wake up in the void tonight. Hope it works 🤞🤞🤞
Bye sorry fir long post but i will just say get off tumblr Or any other social site where you can read about loa bcoz you will find something new daily and you want to try it, you will lose your previous progress.. I have been there so i know how desperately you want to achieve the void.
And i did exactly that.. I get off twitter and tumblr and just affirm , listening to my tape and doing psych-k.. That's it
Before sleeping even if you don't get the feeling just affirm you will wake up in the void aware. Bcoz sats freaking work even if you are noob in that.
Haash i'm tired now, all the best.
Happy instant manifesting.
aH okay, apologies, glad to make your acquaintance, charlie !!! and thank you for answering, I really appreciate your words of encouragement/tips as well as manifesting for the others even though you didn't have to. also thanks for comin' to check up on questions that may be asked from other anons, I bet you're busy enjoying yourself! rest well and I hope you have lots and lots of fun!!!
i lowkey feel like asking questions to anons living their dream lives is so inconveniencing not gonna lie
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etirabys · 2 years
// if you want to discourse about this, plz make your own post
I’ve lived in a different world from women who say that sexism is a normal part of their lives. Despite growing up in a conservative country and going into software for a living, I never felt I was treated very differently for being female. Probably some of this is not noticing little stuff, some of it is aggressive filtering (I have a low tolerance for the kinds of stupidity that are correlated with inegalitarian attitudes), some of it is class privilege.
There’s one incident, however, that really stands out in my mind as an Uncomfortable Gender Incident that’s lodged in like a little splinter in my psyche. I was twenty three, and attending a meetup hosted by David Friedman. I loved the crowd, I loved talking about philosophy and econ, and I was one of the last dozen or so to stay lateish into the night sitting around the table. I was one of the three remaining women, and both of the others (one of them David Friedman’s daughter, iirc) started cleaning up.
I had enjoyed the host’s generosity for many hours. My very strong instinct was to get up and start helping. And I was suddenly and excruciatingly aware of gender. I was aware that if I did this, all the men would be talking and all the women would be cleaning up. And I was absolutely opposed to bringing this world about.
So I sat there, not enjoying the conversation anymore, tortured by my perceived failure as a guest, simmering with complicated anger at the men around me who were chatting away so blithely. How could I not be sympathetic to the desire to keep talking about the same passions that had made us congregate here in the first place? How could I not judge them for lacking certain prosocial drives, which would naturally benefit them at the expense of people with those drives?
(I was young and shy and it did not occur to me to simply say, “Hey, let’s help clean up, anyone want to round up the dishes over there?” They would have done it, I’m sure. They were not impolite people. They just... didn’t work like I did.)
(Honestly, this may be a culture thing and not a gender thing – I got the Asian son treatment growing up, I never helped out in the kitchen at home. I just have strong feelings about what being a guest means.)
Uh, I wish I had a clean ending to this post. I don’t. It’s really not a big deal, it was an anomaly in my life, but I still feel a bit confused and hurt when I remember it.
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belinhagamer999 · 2 years
Post about me and my blog read, please!
[PT: Post about me and my blog, read please! /END PT]
🌿 About me 🌿
[PT: About me /END PT]
I’m a midbinary, transxenogender, cis masc girl and apothiaroace!
My name is Isabela but please call me Bela or Belinha.
My plural system is called telepathic pair system.
My pronouns are she/her shi/hi she/shim bro/bros
My identities. Sexuality genders
[PT: My identities link to pronouns page: Sexuality link to pronouns page: genders /END PT]
I have neurodivergences and identities that I prefer not to say for everyone and am a part of an deligenic endogenic system. Still, we don’t feel comfortable telling about our members and origins. I have trauma, paraphilias and diagnosed with delusions.
I’m Brazilian, currently learning English, (ignore the grammar mistakes on my posts plz)
I have a really bad memory and forget essential things, please be patient!
And use tone tags when interacting, I have trouble trying to guess your intent, this is very important!
My sideblogs @belablog134 and in portuguese @belinhagamer999-portugues
[PT: My sideblogs @belablog134 and in portuguese @belinhagamer999-portugues /END PT]
🌿 About this blog 🌿
[PT: About this blog /END PT]
This blog is mainly for orientations, and gender coining.
I don't make requests due to the lack of time, and I feel interested only in coining identities that are somehow about me. My coining posts are usually related to my interests, or identities that I have/experience.
If you're going to add my terms on Pinterest or make templates of my flags, please tell me first
My terms can be used as xenoidentites, if you do add the id next to the identity name instead of xxxxx-gender.
If you’re interested in adding an image description to my terms, I would be very grateful, your help is needed!
[PT: If you’re interested in adding an image description to my terms, I would be very grateful, your help is needed! /END PT]
Be aware that some of my flags are eye-straining.
I don’t follow everyone who follows me only coining blogs, sorry!
A safe blog for mogai people, otherkin, plural Endogenic and traumagenic systems, aroace people, adults and minors, microlabel users, gender hoarder, sex repulsed aces, cismale people, mspec lesbians, non-trans gendered people of all kinds, cishets and etc.
DNI & DNF: [PT: DNI: /END PT] people against very niche microlabels, anti-self-diagnosis, anti mogai, sui baiter, anti endo, anti PMSC&, pro aspen frost, ableist, pro psych/pro therapy(critical is ok) makes fun of ND people, racist people, xenophobic, transphobic, anti xenogender, terfs, aphobic, homophobic, truscum, communist and nazi people, anti-atheist, people against religious minorities, anti-environmentalist, anti vaccine people, face mask haters, vegan haters, pro-c on harmful paraphilias, and other offensive identities.
You can use my terms if you're on the DNI, but if you get uncomfortable because of some labels that I am, that's not my issue.
Interact only with anonymous asks: [PT: Interact only with anonymous asks: /END PT] +18 profile picture and name. Names related to sexual things genitals, or if you want to influence people somehow into not having friendships(due to trauma triggers). [PT: (due to trauma triggers). /END PT]
My discord if you want to have a conversation with me -> Belinhagamer210#4059
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kk-killer · 1 year
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@ewwwabug quick sketch of Varai aka wormfucker i drew for telling everyone my hc's(?) if i can call THIS kind of thing hc's ofc and my art is shit but i need to say it out loud. also i dunno where to post this
hc's on LBB's characters (typologies in general)mbti types:
(typology nerds plz help me guess they're typologies😭)
Dice Carroll — ENTJ 8w7 sx/sp it was expected that he's Te-dom E8 due to his anger issues and control freak personality. his attitudinal psyche may be VFEL. temperament: CHOLERIC DOMINANT AS FUCK. the easiest character to type
Jeff Levasseur — Fe-dom obviously! ENFJ so/sx 2w1(?) or 6w7(?) depends on his deepest desires. temperament: should i consider his aggression outbursts every time his loved ones in danger? if it's not a part of his normal behaviour he is probably - phlegmatic-sanguine. attitudinal psyche: FELV(?)
Varai Vard — tiny INFP crybaby Fi-dom and it's hard to guess his ennea, i'm leaning towards E9(9w1) so/sx I think ima wrong but who cares except typology nerds like me. attitudinal psyche: EFLV first emotion for sure. temperament: mostly melancholic; melancholic-phlegmatic(?) i just said he is melancholic but i really don't know is he suffering in his mind a huge amount of time and doubting himself or no i just assuming he's a crybaby who would feel insecure about himself (srry for that varai is cute but rlly not my fave)
Jatay — oh the most difficult one for me to type... he's a way too eccentric... maybe Se-dom ESXP. ennea: is he will for power&control like Dice or just a selfish hedonist(clown🤯) who only wants to entertain himself and sees life like endless amusement park for all his nasty desires? sx/sp 8w7/7w8. temperament: sanguine-phlegmatic i think. attitudinal psyche: FVEL
i wish i did it не бейте лучше обоссыте☠️☠️☠️
PS Pela i love you and your art sm
короче ща на русском скажу ты очень вдохновил меня:) большое спасибо за то что ты есть и делаешь то, что делаешь, как бы глупо или смешно это ни звучало, а такие вещи как твоё творчество в частности дарят мне надежду и силы продолжать жить дальше и тоже создавать что-то своё i wish in future у меня тоже будет моя новелла про опасных сексимужиков или типа того🥺💗🤲 по крайней мере я желаю создать что-то такое же невъебенное как лбб и так же желаю тебе всего самого хорошего 😳❤️‍🔥
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dinoburger · 2 years
hiii if its alright, could you plz tell me more about ur scraggly butch + gorgeous femme characters? or the game theyre from? i think about them sometimes from a post you made a while ago, theyre so cute...
*CLAPS* YES, I think the post you're referring to was about Gizatsuki and, I'm sorry I haven't given their femme love interest a name yet haha
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they're from a Yume Nikki fangame, Okami no Yume!
also for reference Gizatsuki isn't usually this well-kempt, they normally look more like this:
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the premise is that Gizatsuki is navigating their subconscious to deal with a "curse" of sorts, you could say it deals a lot with identity, Gizatsuki's relationship towards different women is also a pretty prevalent theme - specifically there is an event between these two characters that takes place in the ballroom
there's not really an explicit overarching plot for the most part, more just glimpses into the psyche and threads of reality between Gizatsuki's inner world and their outer one (this is something I am thinking I will go more in-depth with in future updates)
it's overall, more focused just on Gizatsuki and more in broad strokes, but I also do want their various encounters to feel weighty and significant too
something something mild spoilers but there's a small easter egg relating to Gizatsuki's upstairs neighbour if you finish the ballroom event + go outside in the waking world
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letteredlettered · 10 months
Very excited to see what u think of the novel. I read it in one shot after seeing 4 eps of the show and loved it. Honestly i agree- the romance of it is so hard to get thru even though i like the genre? And like them as characters and as a couple! But the sex scenes are just a no from me lmao. I continue to be salty about the show making the characters not responsible for their choices. Wei wuxian did in fact do some murders and i will die on this hill . Also my fav scene got cut from the show so im psyched to see what u think when u get to it. And i really appreciats your perspective on jgy because i also wanted him to be more interesting and at a certain point felt like i was just missing smth somehow? I was rereading it like a month back and put it down bc the fall of lotus pier was about to go down and i didnt wanna cry RIGHT that second. Maybe i should finish my reread. Thx for letting me ramble lol plz keep us posted how you are feeling about it<3
I will say that honestly, the drama does not make sense, and one reason it doesn’t make sense is because I feel like the show keeps trying to be all, *handwringing* WWX is not that bad, ackshully which is never something I appreciate. Though I will say he does do murders in the drama? Or are people saying he did NOT murder Wang Jingliao and all the people at that base? That would be wild, imo.
It’s good to know that the sex scenes can be skipped. I won’t skip them, but I did wonder whether some people’s enjoyment was around the fact that it was explicit, which is something I really do not need unless it’s integral to the story.
Yeah I know that JGY is a figure of contention in the fandom, but like. Here’s a guy with a super tough life who did some very bad things. He’s both sympathetic and reprehensible, but the reason this story is so good is that EVERYONE is both sympathetic and reprehensible on some level (except, as @spriteofmushrooms​ was saying in a comment, WRH and JGS, and they are not in fact big characters). So really what it boils down to is who is interesting and imo JGY is not (to me). Really enjoyed the actor in CQL though. He really sold something there.
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bulldyke-rider · 1 year
ok hi imma rant idc idc idc just plz tolerate the mental illness for a min so sorry i h8 sending asks bc i feel like ppl will get mad at me bc i type silly and interacting irl is so much easier for me but i know no one i can say these things to irl. but anyways whoever tf keeps shitting on gnc lesbians can stfu like your gender conforming hettie ass will never understand. it is so fucking lonely and isolating being a masc lesbian (or any kind of gnc woman) i desisted my senior year and ended up in a mental hospital partially bc i knew literally no one like me. like fucking imagine you go out every day and you literally never see a person like you. idk whenever i beat the dysphoria all the way (i am almost there cbt is a beautiful thing) im goin back to my based idc about pronouns era but no one better give me shit for temporarily choosing what is currently the most socially acceptable route for gnc lesbians. like how tf am i supposed to function i get scowled at in public ppl avoid me i know exactly 2 masc lesbians i met one in the psych ward the other im tryna fuck but idk if she’s ghosting me or in court ordered rehab rn soo. im not attracted to feminine women whatsoever it’s so sad bc they are all in love wit me and i can’t even tell my friends im not attracted to them bc they’ll be like “oh you’re lesbian/str8 that means you’re attracted to femininity kinda transphobic to be exclusively into masculine afabs” bc everyone equate woman wit femininity i am so close to being t4t gay trans man istg at least then i’d have a dating pool bc all the masc women transitioned and like it’s understandable like i get it fr i was there too i’m still there sort of. like they did nothing wrong they were just lied to and i’m so sad for them bc like i remember being suicidal bc of dysphoria but like there’s things you can do to make it better i wish i could tell them i wish it wasn’t so fucked up i wish it wasn’t so lonely i wish i had some drugs im too broke rn i wish she would get out of rehab and text me back she’s so hot i just want 1 person who knows and understands but like ughhhh i want gender to be abolished i hate it
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plz be nice 2 me ik im weird i just want someone to listen fr 😸
Girl, I hope she gets out of rehab and you live happily ever after
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icyharrington · 2 years
Could I please be shipped with ST character? :)
I’m 5’6, have dark curly hair, blue/green eyes, curvy and lots of patchwork tattoos! I’m a contemporary artist with a huge love of music. I collect vinyls and listen to everything music wise but mostly rock/grunge/psych/punk/funk/metal! I’m a massive book and comic worm too. I’m a bit of pothead and dress different day to day depending on the vibe. Although I love walks in nature and spending time alone at home watching movies (particularly a horror/zombie fan), I am an extroverted introvert and love spending time partying and travelling with my friends. I’d say I’m somewhere in between a class clown and crazy cat lady aunt. I’m super ambitious, an open book, smart but for like really random things, creative and care very deeply for people and all beings of this earth but I’m of the “do no harm but take no shit” category of peaceful and will protect those I love fiercely! That said, I’m very forgiving :) I am an aries sun and rising and a taurus moon!
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day! ~
(i love your vibes can we be friends plz lmaooo)
ok yeah you and eddie would be soooo perfect. he'd be fuckin obsessed with you and think ur the coolest thing since sliced bread. he'd love how vast your interests are, always asking you for details about random stuff cuz he'd know you'd know the answer. he'd invite u to his shows, making silly faces at u from the stage, sometimes giving shout outs to "his girl" in front of everyone.
you guys would have so much fun together- everything would be an adventure, even just going to the movies or a chill walk, and you'd never run out of things to talk about. he'd love that you can make him laugh til his stomach hurts, always making him feel better when he's in one of his pissy moods.
you'd have endless nights just smoking and laughing at campy horror movies, eating good food and yea, fuckin like crazy too. he'd love the unique way you dress and would be excited to see whatever look u come up with next, proud to show u off to anyone he crosses paths with. 💋
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jiinxriiver · 1 year
~Le Information~
Uh hi, welcome? I'm Jiinx, and before I get into the rules just wanted to say I'm an aspiring writer and want to use some of my free time with fanfics and such because it's fun, you guys can send me requests, and I can be challenged in ways that can help me grow. So yeah...uh feel free to read!
No, I will not be doing ANY romantic minor x adult. End of story.
No Incest
No Character x Character (might change in the future)
No pedo weird shit
No ship wars
No different cultures (I'm working on this but I don't want hate if I screw up so best to avoid it unless the requester is very specific about the culture and or ethnic background! So...subject to change).
No disabilities or psych issues. (I'm well versed in psych since it is my field of study HOWEVER same as before, I don't want to mess it up, so unless the requester can provide very specific details on the disability, psych issues, or journals I could study from then I will just avoid it if possible. I can do certain ones but I may decline the request if I feel like I can't. Subject to change!)
No yandere!
No weird fetishization of people
No slow burns as of right now, and possibly no chapter work but I might change my mind.
No headcanons but might be open to it.
Okay Onto the good shit.
Yes, I write NSFW; it's my fave so minors...plz just...no.
Platonic and romantic ships
Yes, I'll do angst, fluff, and SFW.
Yes, I'll write for Male, Female, Gender Neutral, and Trans readers (I'm not great with trans characters so, if I am uncomfortable with the work or feel like I'm butchering it, I'll stop and let the requester know.)
Open to writing for the LGBTQ+ community (as stated earlier, please don't be upset if I deny a work because of my lack of knowledge. )
LIGHT Abuse, like background context (don't even start with me, some of y'all have made this request before so I don't wanna hear it!)
Aftermath of abuse
Preggo reader
Children and/or child reader X Parent! Character (PLATONICALLY!)
Coming out stories
Body types
ANNNND I think that's it? IDK, I feel like I'm missing stuff so if y'all wanna give me suggestions please let me know. I know this is a mess and all over the place but hopefully, it makes some sense. I'm open to a lot of writing styles and aside from what I don't write / won't tolerate, It's basically free game per your request.
If you're uncomfortable with anything stated or feel like I should change something like not write for a particular group or whatever, reach out and tell me. I want this to be a safe space for y'all to enjoy reading and communicating, and not feel as though you're being ignored or represented in a poor way.
And, I'll write for almost any fandom so just ask away.
Okay, have a great day!
~Jiinx Riiver
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don’t tease me, I KNOW you have thoughts on this and I’m DYING to hear them. plz share the dema horrors with me. 🥺
Oh I think about the type of punishments that go on in Dema a lot lmao. Probs not healthy but I consider it a cathartic experience.
One of my favorites is the concept of an underground prison system that the Bishops use to keep their more... Rebellious Heathens in. If you escape more than 2 times, and have difficulties being rehabilitated and brought back to your senses(coughcoughundercontrolcoughcough), you'll be placed here for an indefinite amount of time. I like to think this is where Clancy was held during the making of SAI.
Boy was in solitary confinement, farthest away from the other prisoners because the Bishops know the type of influence he has on others. Clancy is like a siren, if he's left to speak to anyone, he can have them believing anything he says. One of the many reasons they want to keep him alive. This ability would be wonders in keeping their people subservient.
Onto miscellaneous punishments: I love looking into psychological torture, cause I believe that's the strongest form of punishment that happens in City. Physical is usually left as a last resort, or just the bishops way of relieving stress on those they deem unworthy. Putting people in like... sensory deprivation cells, driving them mad until their begging to be let out. They don't care what the bishops want, they'll do anything they say if it means hearing, seeing, and feeling again.
@starboy14176's posts mention sedation and preventing rest from happening, I think these are some of the major forms of punishments. I like sedation that goes beyond medication, but like... paranormal type hypnosis. Dema has these certain TV screens and dingy radios that play things that gets you in a disassociative/comatose state, all brain power focused entirely on what's being played on the screens and the odd noises from the radio. It allows them to worm their way into your psyche and make you question and/or forget things. If they can't make you complicit, then they'll make you an empty husk that'll be used by something that WILL follow orders.
False hope tactic. Common for developing a fear of escape. They'll one day seemingly forget to lock your cell, or leave you unattended long enough for you to make a run for it. Have you flee the place your being held at, maybe even let you reach the surface before they show up and drag you back. Ambush you just as you think you can taste freedom. They'll up the ante of your punishments to show you what happens if they catch you trying to leave again. And they'll do this again and again until you learn to never touch an unlocked door again. Pavlove you into fearing escape.
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circular-bircular · 2 years
on the "endogenic systems can have DID/OSDD" = demedicalizing DID/OSDD: genuinely that's not how we've heard anyone who IDs that way describe it? All the systems we've met who have DID/OSDD and also ID as endogenic absolutely support getting therapy and medical care for their dissociative disorder. They just believe that their plurality (note, not necessarily their DID/OSDD, just their plurality!) was endogenic. (Why do they think that? Reasons we've heard vary, & are complex + individual, tbh)
I’m not gonna give a full response (ow my head) but want to say a few points. Plz excuse bad wording or typing rn.
Endogenic plurals without trauma have already affected my ability to get quality therapy. They “have DID” without any of the symptoms I experience, and my therapist has seen more endogenic plurals than DID patients. He has to adapt to my specific system. Yes, this is normal, every system is different - but reminding your therapist that cores don’t exist in DID and explaining that final fusion isn’t Murder and is, in fact, possible, and him explaining that he’s heard otherwise from endos? (Not disagreeing with Me, just being open to all possibilities). It’s hard. It’s very fucking hard and I need to find another speciaist. And was he lying about treating those with DID? Nope! Cause these endos claimed to have “non traumagenic DID” (by my therapists words, they either had alters from birth and got traumatized later, but are non disordered, or else they have the “symptoms” of DID without trauma.) I’m just so tired because I really do need to find a different specialist for my trauma needs, and he’s Well Practiced in DID. But he’s not, because DID no longer means what it means in the DSM.
I’m glad your friends support medicalization of DID. But general psych and society suck ass, and the thing is, there are a much larger amount of people (or at least, more vocal) saying that plurality is natural and fine and non-disordered. I am plural, by the definitions of plurality I’ve seen. So why am I disordered if others aren’t? Yes, DID should be medicalized, but if there’s no difference between endogenic plurality and DID plurality (which is what many are arguing, or they argue that the differences aren’t many), then clearly those of us who ARE disordered are an outlier. Why provide insurance for those with a Very Rare (even rarer than the research thought, because the research didn’t take into account Natural Healthy Multiples), sometimes not even disordered disorder? Let’s not even call it a disorder - just a neurodivergency, cause that’s what everyone’s been switching the name to. Do you know how much harder it is to get therapy for a neurodivergency?
I don’t have energy for more. I just woke up from trauma nightmares all night, feel sick from a concussion, and just want to step away for a bit anyways.
Tl;Dr: those with traumagenic DID *need their plurality, specifically, to be medicalized* because that is what they are being treated for. That is what I am being treated for. If everyone is the same, if All Plurality Is Natural And Beautiful, then it’s going to be harder to get the care we need.
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chaisshitposts · 7 months
Hi! Hope you are doing well!
I wanted to ask two things real quick. I hate a course I’m doing (its required for my degree) and I have an essay due tonight. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it because I basically learnt nothing in class.
How this course goes is that we read an article before class each week, and they give us an activity based on the reading… no discussions or anything like that. Its basically a self learning course. (And the articles are so hard to read it’s ridiculous)
So, first question. Lets say I don’t finish or I write vaguely and in any logical scenario I’m “guaranteed” to fail or get a low grade. Can I just manifest (with psych-k or any other method) that I get full marks no matter what? If yes, what affs would you recommend? And could I also do this for any other assignments and tests?
I know I can manifest anything, but I think I just need a little help, a push in the right direction and mindset.
I am also trying to manifest/shift to my dream life (which is completely different from this reality where I’m 15 and back in high school with a lot of differences in my life)
So second question, which one in your opinion is more effective using psych-k?
Affirming for the void so I can manifest my dream life there.
Affirming that I have my dream life.
Affirming that I’m a master shifter and manifester and can do either whenever I want?
Or are all of them equally effective, and that its just what I assume will work?
I hope I’m not bothering you too much with this long ask
Also can I be 🥍 anon plz? Hopefully I’ll have success stories in the near future <3
1. These affirmations may help ya out
Regardless of everything, I get full marks on all my assignments and tests.
For some reason, everything is so easy for me and always works in my favor.
I effortlessly have full marks on every assignment I do.
I am the smartest in my class.
Earning full marks on my assignments is easier than breathing.
I pass every test I take way too easily.
Ya can use any method, they all work so long as you assume so, you are the one who makes them work.
2. All of them are equally effective and it's just what ya assume that will work. I would recommend that ya compile yourself a list of affirmations that include these three things you're referring to and perhaps use an umbrella affirmation for majority of the time, but for specific psych-k sessions ya can take affirmations from your list and affirm for them when you have time. Such as— one session of I am capable of manifesting anything I want, in [insert time], one session of I am a master of the void and can enter it whenever I desire. And another session of 'regardless of everything, only the things I desire manifest instantly.' stuff like that.
hooooooopefully, that answers your question
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jihyoruri · 1 month
as a cib!yn and chaewon enthusiast, i must say that my respect for the fish anon (cant find the emoji sawry ) went up
like you all dont understand!
yunjin is just a silly lil girl trying to get with her silly lil crush while my girl chaewon is MADLY in love with yn!
user jihyoruri i'll literally write a 500 page essay on how cib!yn and chaewon are the better ship and mail it to you.
in conclusion, your honour, she's just a girl 🎀
AHAHAHA what I’ll agree with the most on what you guys are saying is that chaewon is genuinely in love with yn and yunjin just likes her a lot and that chaewon would have the biggest crash out of she didn’t get yn in one of her life
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manriah · 1 year
Still trying to get the referral for my infusions figured out AGAIN! My psych clinic called the infusion clinic to ask what they want the referral to say and they said "just let us know their psych Dr supports the infusions" and then my psych Dr just.... Never sent the referral? So I asked for it AGAIN and said if she suddenly doesn't support infusions to plz call me this is stressing me tf out
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whsprings · 3 months
😭 plz,,, my last psych appointment apparently cost over $400?? for less than thirty minutes??? after insurance it says I still owe over $200 which usually that bit is $20-$40. I feel like something must not be right here so i may give them a call, this is ridiculous
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