szepkerekkocka · 1 year
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PM2.5 koncentráció Budapest belvárosában 2023.08.20 21:32-kor, azaz percekkel a tüzijáték végét követően. (Pontosabban: ekkor készítettem a képernyőképet, de amint alul látható is a képen, 5 perces átlag van megjelenítve, mert a szenzorok pár percenként küldenek adatot.)
Ugyanez félórával a tüzíjáték végét követően (22:00):
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Forrás: https://maps.sensor.community/
Ideteszem még mellé a Ráday utca 26. alatt üzemelő szenzor grafikonját is az elmúlt 24 óráról:
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Forrás: https://opensensemap.org/
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tattooed-alchemist · 5 months
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Time for a new avatar. Yes, I am still masking. Especially when traveling to go take care of my mom, who has Alzheimer’s, for a couple weeks. I wore a FloMask on the plane. For outside the baggage claim at Denver, where it’s nonetheless like a parking garage while waiting for commercial transport, I switched to this mask that has a PM2.5 filter insert.
Mask by monarobot
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Smoke from wildfires is particularly dangerous because it contains a pollutant called PM2.5, which can mutate DNA.
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Long-term exposure to this pollutant killed over 4 million people in 2019.*
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leparoledelmondo · 2 years
Polveri sospese
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Sono particelle solide disperse nell’aria e derivanti principalmente dal traffico automobilistico ma anche dalle attività industriali e dalle centrali termoelettriche. Le particelle con dimensioni inferiori a 10 micron (PM10) sono le più dannose alla salute perché penetrano nelle vie respiratorie. Provocano seri danni ai bronchi e agli alveoli polmonari, asma, tosse.
Il parametro di valutazione del PM10 è la media giornaliera. Il valore minimo giornaliero previsto dalla legge italiana e di 50 microgrammi per metro cubo di aria e non può essere superato per più di 35 volte nell’anno solare. In molte zone del nord Italia (in particolare nelle regioni della pianura padana) a causa della somma degli effetti generati dalle diverse sorgenti di emissione in atmosfera, dalle condizioni atmosferiche e scarsa circolazione dei venti, spesso si rilevano superamenti del PM10 soprattutto nel periodo invernale, con ulteriori pericoli per la salute.
Ma chi misura i parametri di PM10?
Su tutto il territorio nazionale esistono le agenzie regionali per la protezione dell’ambiente (in acronimo ARPA) che, attraverso le proprie centraline disposte sul territorio, forniscono i dati sui valori di PM10 e di PM2.5 della regione di pertinenza. Sul sito dell’ARPA della vostra regione (Arpa Piemonte, Arpa Veneto, ecc.) potrete vedere il livello di inquinamento quotidiano della vostra regione. Il colore verde indica il livello di allerta 0, in arancione il livello 1 (4 giorni consecutivi di superamento del valore minimo giornaliero), in rosso il livello d’allerta 2 (10 giorni consecutivi di superamento del limite). Il colore giallo indica i comuni che passeranno, il giorno successivo, al livello di allerta arancione.
Nella foto qui sopra l’esempio del 29/10/22 della Lombardia*.
*Fonte: ARPA Lombardia
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Microscopic particles (known as PM2.5) are the biggest danger to human health.
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Air pollution is the biggest external cause of ill-health and premature deaths.
The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is a yearly reminder that the world must urgently tackle air quality.
The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Clean Air seeks to support governments, business and civil society in creating solutions to the global air quality crisis.
Air pollution is a killer. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says it blights the lives and health of billions of people. Children and elderly people are disproportionately affected by poor air quality.
Microscopic particles (known as PM2.5) are the biggest danger to human health, according to research by Chicago University. The study says their impact on life expectancy “is comparable to that of smoking, more than 4 times that of high alcohol use, more than 5 times that of transport injuries like car crashes, and more than 6 times that of HIV/AIDS”.
UNEP insists only action on a global scale can solve the air pollution crisis, which is why the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is marked each year.
What is the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies?
The United Nations General Assembly designated 7 September as the day to raise awareness and drive action on combating air pollution. That’s the goal of the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, which was inaugurated in 2020.
UNEP says the day “aims to build a global community of action, encouraging countries to collaborate in tackling air pollution to protect our ecosystems. This day provides a platform for cooperation at individual, national, regional, and international levels to work together and Invest in #CleanAirNow.”
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Wildfire smoke exposure may increase the risk of dementia more than other types of air pollution, according to a new study. The research findings were reported at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in the US. Wildfire smoke contains fine particles known as PM2.5, which are about 30 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. They can be inhaled deep into the lungs, move to the bloodstream, and can cause or worsen heart and lung diseases. The latest research adds to evidence these particles may play some role in dementia, too. Researchers tracked health records from 1.2 million adults in California aged 60 and older between 2009 and 2019. They used air quality monitoring and other data to estimate residential exposure to fine particulate matter over three years from wildfire smoke or other causes. While cars and factories also emit PM2.5, the researchers found that the risk of dementia diagnosis due to wildfire smoke exposure was higher.
continue reading
Whole cities sit for weeks under wildfire smoke nowadays. Along with the increase in cardiovascular disease, we can now look forward to more people with dementia.
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clockdigitalsale · 4 months
642-REVIEW PM2.5 DISPLAY BOARD ป้ายแสดงค่าpm2.5
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bindajdrk · 5 months
Formation and Hazards of PM2.5
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Air pollution is one of the significant environmental issues that has been affecting the world, with a significant focus on particulate matter (PM). PM2.5 and PM10 are among the most critical pollutants, and understanding their formation and hazards is essential. Particulate matter refers to tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the air, many of which are hazardous. These particles vary in size, composition, and origins. PM is generally categorized into two types: PM10 and PM2.5, based on particle diameter. PM10, often referred to as coarse particles, has a diameter of less than or equal to 10 micrometers. On the other hand, PM2.5, also known as fine particles, has a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller. To put things into perspective, PM2.5 particles are about 30 times smaller than the average human hair's width. PM2.5 is primarily formed by chemical reactions in the atmosphere involving pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), emitted from power plants, industries, and automobiles. Other sources of PM2.5 include forest fires, residential wood burning, and volcanic eruptions. PM2.5 can pose severe health risks due to their small size, which allows them to bypass the body's natural defenses and penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream. Chronic exposure to high levels of PM2.5 can lead to several health issues, including: 1. Respiratory Problems: PM2.5 can cause or exacerbate respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). 2. Cardiovascular Issues: Long-term exposure to PM2.5 can lead to cardiovascular problems like heart attacks, strokes, and even premature death in people with heart or lung disease. 3. Allergic Reactions: PM2.5 particles can trigger allergic reactions and irritations in the eyes, nose, and throat. 4. Impaired Lung Development: In children, prolonged exposure to PM2.5 can lead to impaired lung development and reduced lung function. PM2.5 doesn't just affect human health; it also has detrimental effects on the environment. These include: 1. Visibility Impairment: High concentrations of PM2.5 can reduce visibility, leading to hazardous driving conditions and affecting the aesthetics of landscapes. 2. Acid Rain: The chemical reactions that form PM2.5 can also lead to the production of acidic particles, contributing to the phenomenon known as acid rain. Acid rain can harm forests, acidify water bodies, and damage buildings and monuments. 3. Climate Change: Some components of PM2.5 can affect the planet's climate. Black carbon, a significant component of PM2.5, can absorb sunlight and contribute to global warming. Reducing the levels of PM2.5 requires concerted efforts at individual, community, and governmental levels. Some measures include: 1. Regulatory Standards: Governments should set and enforce stringent air quality standards to regulate the emissions of PM2.5 and its precursor gases. 2. Clean Energy Transition: Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy can significantly reduce the emissions contributing to PM2.5 formation. 3. Public Awareness: Raising public awareness about the health and environmental hazards of PM2.5 can encourage individual actions to reduce personal exposure and emissions. 4. Technological Innovations: Development and adoption of technologies that reduce or capture PM2.5 emissions can be instrumental in combating this issue. The formation and hazards of PM2.5 present a significant global challenge. Given its severe impacts on human health and the environment, comprehensive strategies are needed to control the sources of PM2.5 and mitigate its effects. From adopting clean energy sources and implementing regulatory standards to increasing public awareness and fostering technological innovations, every effort counts in the battle against PM2.5.
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rk-lectio · 6 months
First raining of 2024 in Thailand
Summer is very early this year
Average day temperature is comfortably warm of 35 to 39 Celsius 🫠🫠😱😱
Not only warm but we also suffering from PM 2.5 air pollution.
This week a storm is coming to Thailand , heavy raining most part of the country. Cooling down the weather and clear the polution
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prose2passion · 6 months
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herong538 · 8 months
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donotdestroy · 11 months
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garudabluffs · 11 months
Smog forces school closures in India
Nov. 6, 2023 "High levels of air pollution in the Indian capital has again forced schools to close in Delhi. Air pollution in the city is currently a hundred times the World Health Organization’s recommended health limit. The World's Marco Werman spoke with climate activist Jai Dhar Gupta about what it's like trying to breathe in the capital right now as well as the causes of the horrible air quality."
LISTEN 05:09 https://theworld.org/media/2023-11-06/smog-forces-school-closures-india
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pookifuk · 11 months
5 โรคยอดฮิตที่ควรระวังในช่วงปลายฝนต้นหนาว
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dangerdust2 · 11 months
Air pollution and breast cancer risk – a link that calls for political action
Professor Charles Swanton, the Francis Crick Institute, London, UK, whose research suggesting how PM2.5 particles may trigger lung cancer in non-smokers was presented at ESMO Congress 2022, stressed the importance of the new findings with breast cancer.
These very small particles can penetrate deep into the lung and get into the bloodstream from where they are absorbed into breast and other tissues. There is already evidence that air pollutants can change the architecture of the breast.
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