#podcast - bat-books for beginners
kudosmyhero · 1 year
Detective Comics Annual (vol. 1) #8: Questions Multiply the Mystery
Read Date: December 31, 2022 Cover Date: July 1995 ● Writer: Chuck Dixon ● Penciler: Kieron Dwyer ● Inker: Kieron Dwyer ● Colorist: Richmond Lewis ● Letterer: Albert DeGuzman ● Editor: Darren Vincenzo ◦ Scott Peterson ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● this is (if I remember correctly) my first time reading the Riddler in comics! ● (btw, Cory Michael Smith is fabulous as Nygma in Gotham. Aaaand, I have only two degrees of separation from him thanks to a cousin who taught some of the classes where he went to college!) ● (pg 4) wow that scowl of Riddler's is intense! ● oh, it's spelled "Nigma" here ● I like the sepia-toned flashback panels ● (pg 9) ohhh, Eddie admits to cheating. I thought he disliked being accused of that. But I only know him from non-comic book sources, so… ● (pg 10) at least the poor kid who was getting bullied before gets a bit of a break. ● Brian T. Zer = brain teaser. cute ● (pg 17) the tiny parachutes! 💙 ● "Why did the cottage go on a diet?" - hmm… I dunno ● "When's the best time to go to the dentist?" - 2:30 (tooth hurty) ● "What day do soldiers hate the most?" - uh… March fourth? ● riddle 1 - ah, to be a lighthouse (I was right on the other two) ● (pg 20) oo, nice entrance by B-man ● I love the inking and color styles; makes the art feel very noir ● I bet Bruce Wayne is missed at this fundraiser ● … how else does one pronounce "banquet"?
● Query and Echo are having so much fun. I kind of love them. ● (pg 48) Yo-Yo Ma gets a mention! (wrong instrument, though) ● (pg 52) ahhh, I wondered why they'd let him keep his clothes in Arkham! It was a delusion. ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: The Riddler, occupying an observation room at Arkham Asylum, expresses his annoyance with the inept psychiatrists' repeated attempts to pierce his psyche, and decides to give them what they want: the story of his life, how he became a criminal, and why he repeatedly opposes Batman.
As a child, Edward was a cipher, ignored by even the playground bullies at his school. Hungry for attention (especially with ignorant, unloving parents), the young Edward began his "career" in the sixth grade by cheating at a solve-the-puzzle contest - by sneaking into the school the night before the contest, he was able to practice solving the puzzle, and easily won the contest. Edward's fame proved to be fleeting, however, and the young boy realized that to keep the attention he so craved, he had to turn to his true talent: cheating.
After graduating, Edward became a deliveryman, a job he found extremely tedious. Out of boredom and greed, he began stealing from his clients, but even this could not satisfy his ego. Eventually, he donned the alias of "the Riddler", and started sending riddles to the police foreshadowing his future crimes. The Riddler's early career was fraught with many difficulties, missteps, and a narrow escape from Batman, but nevertheless, he managed to accrue a respectable amount of loot and two loyal henchwomen named Query and Echo.
With Query and Echo, the Riddler came to the crowning caper of his early career: a raid on the Reservoir Street depository that completely misled the police and left him with two million dollars. Once again, Batman narrowly failed to capture him, giving the Riddler a more impressive reputation than ever. Now overconfident, the Riddler planned an even bigger caper: stealing a set of Stradivarius violins from both a private collector and a public opera. Unfortunately, Batman quickly put an end to this caper, handing the Riddler his first unqualified defeat.
As he recounts his humiliation at Batman's hands, the present-day Riddler begins to have a meltdown. In a fit of psychosis, he breaks the one-way glass between him and his doctors, only to realize that his doctors had left on lunch break; he had been telling his life's story to thin air all along. Orderlies rush in and subdue him, leaving the Riddler near-catatonic and muttering "no one there…" on an endless loop.
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Fan Art: The Riddler by Sno2
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 09
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hexpositive · 2 years
Sneak Peek - Hex Positive, "Building Your Witchcraft Library"
Finally getting back into my podcast writing! Here's a little snippet I've been working on for a future episode on how to build your personal witchcraft library. It's very definitely a WIP and a little bit stream-of-consciousness and there will be LOTS more context and commentary in the full episode, but for now I hope you all enjoy and I'll see you when the hiatus ends!
Not all books on witchcraft and paganism are appropriate for beginners. It’s just a fact. And I don’t mean that in some elitist, gatekeepy, “These are deep magical secrets, not for the uninitiated” kind of way. I mean that some books simply aren’t appropriate for beginners as foundational texts. Whether it’s because they’re outdated or contain bad information or require context to be fully understood or need to be read critically or just…shouldn’t be someone’s first exposure to the core concepts of modern witchcraft, there are some books that aren’t for beginners. Not because beginner witches are stupid or incapable of reasoning or thinking critically, but because some things need to be read with an eye of at least a little bit of experience, just for proper perspective. 
Brand new witches aren’t going to have that right off the bat because that’s something that takes time and research and discussion with other witches to acquire. It’s like picking produce. When you first start out, you probably aren’t going to know apples from oranges as far as resources go. Everything looks good, everything’s exciting, everything seems like a good option. You probably have some idea of what you want to try out, but it’s hard to know which resources are right for you and what you want to accomplish. So you try things. And along the way, you’ll find out that apples and oranges are different, and that there are different varieties of each one, and how to tell a good fruit from month-old dogshit in pretty wrapping.
First impressions are really hard to unlearn. And if your first exposure to witchcraft is something that is hella problematic, that’s going to be a hard pattern to break out of later on. I mean, look at all the trouble we’ve had over the years trying to unteach all the Silver Ravenwolf bullshit that was so pervasive in the 90s. And yet, AND YET, we’re still seeing some of those older books being recommended to new witches. 
Honestly, I cringe any time I see Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft being recommended as a foundational text. For brand new witches, like sweet darling poppets straight out the cauldron. Like I physically wince. Not because it’s a bad book or because Buckland is inherently a bad resource (although he kind of is), but because it’s both a very niche text for a very specific type of magical tradition and because it is HORRENDOUSLY outdated. 1986 this book was published, by a guy who hadn’t updated his thought processes since the 60s. And you can TELL.
But only if you have the context. Only if you’ve seen something else that says, “Hey, there’s more than one way to be a witch. There’s more than one way to do magic. You don’t need a huge ritual for everything, you don’t need to call on deities, you don’t need to be naked, you don’t need to involve gender roles or fancy tools or obscure substances, and by the way, there was no secret European witch-cult.” If you haven’t heard or read or been told any of that, Buckland’s word might as well be gospel. Because that’s your first apple and you can’t tell if it’s good and you don’t know that there are better ones out there.
-from the forthcoming Hex Positive episode, "Building Your Witchcraft Library"
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projectforawesome · 2 years
Project for Awesome 2023 Perk Fulfillment
Welcome to the 2023 Perk Fulfillment post!
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Digital Download Bundle Perks
Bonus Perks - 3/1/23
Pneumatology of Hogwarts Pneumatology podcast - 3/1/23
Orchestral version of Tessa Violet's "Yes Mom" - 3/1/23
Nerdfighter Knit Socks Patterns - 3/1/23
Digital Nerdfighter Art Bundle - 3/13/23
2 Chapters of A Thing John's Working On ("The Trauma Plot") - 3/15/23
E.T. Movie Commentary w/Joe & Craig - 5/25/23
Hank's TikTok Drafts - 6/2/23
Dadcast - 6/9/23
John's TikTok Drafts - 6/14/23
The Clowncast - 6/15/23
Dear Katherine and Sarah - 7/5/23
Nerdfighter Knitted Book Cover Pattern - 7/17/23
John & Rosianna podcast - 8/23/23
"16 Weeks to Glory" song and lyric sheet by the Gregory Brothers - 9/1/23
Like Letters podcast - 9/19/23
Exclusive Dear Hank & John - 12/11/23
SciShow Tangents Butt Fact Zine (Digital) - 1/16/24
Exclusive Digital Perks
Crabulo.us (monthly subscription) - first email sent 2/27/23
Digital Media Workshop with Danielle Bainbridge - 3/25/23
Mentalist Private Zoom Show - 3/10/23
IG follow from Vitus Spehar - 3/27/23
TikTok follow from Vitus Spehar - 3/27/23
Dear Hank and John Personal Message - 3/21/23
Trivia Night with Hank #1 - 4/6/23
Personalized Video from Grace Helbig & Mamrie Hart - 4/12/23
Club Crochet Memberships - 4/18/23
Get Animated into Crash Course - 4/16/23 - 1/16/24
Zoom AMA with Vitus Spehar - 4/24/23
Suggest a topic for Under The Desk news - 4/24/23 (episodes will be rolling out through July)
Name in the P4A Recap Video - 4/25/23
Zoom call with Aaron Caroll - 5/9/23
Trivia with John & Stan #1 - 5/24/23
Animated Into Crash Course - 3/21/23
P4A Recap Video - 4/25/23
Trivia with John & Stan #2 - 6/5/23
Personalized Soundscape from Flula Borg - 6/9/23
Trivia with John & Stan #3 - 6/13/23
Personalized D&D Character Sheets (first half) - 7/5/23
Personalized Book Recommendations with John - July 10-21, 2023
Hank's TikTok Thanks - 10/10/23
John's TikTok Thanks - 10/16/23
Trivia Night with Hank #2 - 11/2/23
Personalized D&D Character Sheets (second half) - 11/14/23
Crabulo.us - 1/25/24
Physical Perks
P4A 2023 Calendars - sent 3/17/23
Eons 2023 Calendar - sent 3/16/23
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Taylor Behnke's Bat Art - sent 4/10/23
Hanklerfish Temporary Tattoos - sent 4/11/23
Color Canvas Board Hanklerfish - sent 4/11/23
Black Paper Hanklerfish - sent 4/12/23
Hank's Confetti - sent 4/12/23
Katherine's Little Art - sent 4/12/23
Character We Mail to You (Destin's Stream) - sent 4/27/23
Hank Green Books (foreign editions) - sent 5/2/23
A Book from John's Library - sent 5/2/23
P4A Quilt - sent 5/2/23
GMM Floor is Lava Tumbler - sent 5/2/23
GMM Nightlight - sent 5/2/23
GMM Poetry Magnets - sent 5/2/23
GMM Mythical Backpack - sent 5/2/23
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Club Crochet Beginner's Dinosaur Kit - sent 5/2/23
Bad Astronomer Bundle -sent 5/2/23
Tyler Thrasher pinned insects - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA Sticker - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA pin - sent 5/2/23
Vintage NASA Postcard - sent 5/2/23
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Club Crochet Tiny T-Rex - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Hankceratops - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Set of 2 Meeps - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Red Goblin - sent 5/2/23
Club Crochet Green Goblin - sent 5/2/23
2023 T-shirt - sent 5/5/23
Picture Books from John's Library (w/bookplate) - sent 5/5/23
Orin's Country Population Poster - sent 5/9/23
Mini Hanklerfish - sent 5/16/23
2023 P4A Iron-on patch - sent 5/18/23
Dino going to the moon - sent 5/24/23
Dino going to Mars - sent 5/24/23
Character or Dino going to the moon - sent 5/24/23
Dino going to JWST - sent 5/24/23
2023 Enamel Pin - sent 5/25/23
John's Agloe, NY Maps - sent 5/26/23
Tyler Thrasher Glowing Bouquet - sent 5/26/23
P4A 2023 Blanket - sent 5/26/2023
2023 Commemorative Coin - sent 5/31/2023
202 P4A Logo Beanie - sent 6/1/2023
Sarah's "Doubles" Prints - sent 6/7/2023
Sydney Green's Watercolor Art - sent 6/19/2023
Hanklerfish Framed Art - sent 6/27/2023
Lemon Man - sent 7/10/2023
Signed John Green Foreign Edition Book - sent 8/10/2023
Alice's Cat Drawings - sent 8/10/2023
P4A Keychain - sent 08/31/2023
DFTBA Wall Hanging - sent 08/31/2023
We're Hummus Because We're Hummus Coaster - sent 09/21/2023
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Bananagrams from John's collection - sent 10/23/2023
Annotated The Anthropocene Reviewed in German - sent 10/30/2023
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Inky the Possum Paintings - sent 11/17/2023
John's Vision Board - sent 12/28/2023
Original Butt Facts Zine - sent 1/04/2024
P4A Logo Sticker Set - sent 1/30/2024
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Drawfee Print- Lemon Lips - sent 1/30/2024
Drawfee Print- T-Rax - sent 1/30/2024
Drawfee Print- Crabulous - sent 1/30/2024
Little Monster Postcards - sent 2/8/2024
Animal Wonders Paper Plate Painting - sent 2/8/2024
2023 Quarter Zip - sent 2/21/2024
Self Care Bunny Stickers - sent 2/28/2024
2023 Sticky Notes - sent 3/15/2024
SciShow Tangents Butt Fact Zine (physical) - sent 3/20/2024
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Do you know any sources or guides on how to properly read a natal chart? I feel like I understand the majority of aspects, but some are still unclear so yeah, it'd be super helpful 💞💞💞
Hey there!! 💕💕 Thanks for dropping by and sending in the ask! 💕
you might have to clarify what you mean by properly read a natal chart– what are you interested in?? because there’s a lot to tackle and different subjects to branch into so this might help a little. 💕 Are you looking for like– traditional astrology?? history of astrology?? different types of systems/charts?? modern astrology?? Books?? Podcast?? Bloggers etc. 
[Below Cut: Astrology Resources (beginner friendly)] 
Straight off the bat: I’d point you to cafeastrology.com, their resources are good. Some of us are just being stubborn about relying on the site for its chart but we really should be focusing on the resources here. They are great for beginners.  
If we’re going with like the basics/building blocks– here’s thenatalchart’s - How To Read Your Natal Chart: For Beginners  – it’s a pretty helpful guide to get started on everything and get the basics done.
Here’s another helpful Basics: ‘Astrology; Planets, Signs & Houses’ by thejewelledsky – I think I used this to get some distinction on how to put the chart together, and the explanations for the planets are pretty good. 
Bobmarks is pretty good too– idk, I use it personally because it’s sort of a go-to online index on astrology stuff. If you want to check up on something, concerning a certain terminology– Bobmarks might have it. But maybe do further research as well (use your own discretion when trying to gain more information with this one). 
If you’re looking for books: Encyclopedia of Astrology (Nicholas deVore) (just scroll down or use the ‘search document’ to find specific words) might be helpful 
Studies in Astrology - Elman Bacher : text heavy, but buildable and  opens doors for what you might want to learn more about as well. 
I hope this helps! 💕 Also you can just use the basics?? Like cafeastro resources are always a nice bet to go to if you’re just trying to get a clearer/better idea– sometimes I go back to it as well, just to clear my head and get my thoughts straight. The only (apparent) reason people have a problem with the site for is it’s chart, but it’s resources are pretty good if you’re not looking for a specific type of astrology? 💕 Seriously like, I recommend just briefing through the resource sections. It helps a lot. 
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lingual-idiot · 6 years
Korean Resource Masterlist
Hey guys! So I’ve seen a couple of these going around (and I know how much resource lists help me) so I’ll go ahead and post my current one. Hopefully it helps someone out there! 
Disclaimer: I always recommend buying textbooks, just because it’s easier for people to highlight, make notes, etc. on an actual textbook, but some of us can’t really get access to some books through schools or online shopping, so I’ll post the links I use for my books!
Disclaimer Part 2: I use a decent amount of resources. While it’s good to use a lot because it’s really hard to learn a whole language out of a single textbook, the more you use the more likely there is for overlap. Some people might not prefer this, though it is something I enjoy (mostly because I cannot sit down and study to save my life, so repetition in terms of new lessons helps me inadvertently study without having to set aside time to study. Think of it as extra practice ). But it’s all about what helps you the most!
*Note: If you guys want, I can post breakdowns of the translations of the webtoons (and Korean songs and kdramas too) as in comparing Korean and English versions and making vocab lists for each chapter??? If that’s a thing you want, let me know below! (this note is also posted below)
Korean Grammar In Use: Beginner to Early Intermediate
This book focuses on grammar rules. It goes pretty in depth right off the bat, by which I mean it introduces a lot of tenses and sentence types right in the beginning, but I find it’s pretty good at breaking concepts up. One of the cons of it is there’s not a lot of vocabulary lists, but that’s ok because this book is, as said, mainly for grammar rules (the link i posted also does not include the CD unfortunately)
Hello Susie! (and practice workbooks)
(I would consider this one a textbook, even though it’s not put together as an actual textbook) The link I posted lists all 6 of the units along with their workbook accompaniments. I don’t know exactly what this series is, but I would describe it best as elementary lesson plans. (simple convo, adorable pictures). It also comes with new vocab each chapter and little notes on grammar as well! Honestly it’s adorable, has cute little songs to remember some of the vocab, is fun to read, so I really recommend! 
Elementary Korean (let me know if this link doesn’t work; if not it will usually come up with “elementary Korean Ross King pdf”)
So this textbook is A LOT more technical than the previous ones, in that it’s really in depth and is jam packed with vocab. However, I find that a lot of the vocab isn’t really that applicable to everyday life (which is kinda hard for the lessons, as their examples use these words). Nevertheless, the units are really informative in terms of grammar, and not ALL of the vocab is (imo) outdated.
Memrise is a really fun app with a lot of levels of learning! It’s more of a vocabulary app instead of grammar ( I say this because it breaks up words into vocab terms but then doesn’t really explain conjugations or particles, but that’s ok!) but it still is really fun for vocabulary studying! I personally like the video-game style it uses; for those that haven’t used it before, it treats levels as little planets and you’re in a little rocket ship trying to explore, which is honestly so adorable. And it has several different Korean levels (levels that include alooot of units), so you’ll definitely get a lot of info.
Lingodeer is probably a more lesser known app (I say that because I JUST discovered it recently). It’s really similar to duolingo, but only in terms of the format. It has cool features where you can hear people speak terms and can also record yourself speaking it too to work on pronunciation! It also gives notes on grammar and explains each vocab turn at the beginning of the level (each level has roughly 3 lessons) so it’s got a grammar aspect too. Bonus: add a korean keyboard and it’ll let you type out vocab letter for letter to pass a level
*A lot of studies also use Duolingo, which is also a good resource! I personally don’t use it that much, but it’s not any less of a good app! 
I just put this on here because it’s the absolute best flashcard website/app and if you’ve never heard of it, it’s a lifesaver for both regular school classes and language study
TalkToMeInKorean (TTMIK)
TTMIK is by far one of the most used websites for Korean, and for good reason. It also divides it’s content into levels, with each level having roughly 23ish lessons.The lessons have audio accompaniment and are free online! (though you can buy book formats of the lessons and the workbooks that go with them, both of which I assume have a little more practice with the taught content than their free counterparts). Their lessons are broken into easy to understand parts s you’re not overwhelmed, and along with that the website offers occasional posts about short random vocab terms, podcasts, and Korean interviews to help you study, along with so much more! They also have an app for on the go too.
Orange Marmalade (오렌지 마말레이드) English Version / Korean Version
I just started this one, but it’s honestly so adorable from what I know it’s about a girl that’s a vampire in a society that allows vampires but also are weary of them, and she eventually falls in love with a human (?? I kinda skimmed the summary lmao). ANYWAYS, it’s good so far and I recommend! There isn’t a ton of super difficult vocab and some repetition, so it’s pretty good for a non-upper level speaker/learner. Also the drawing style is adorable so there’s that too. This one and Cheese in the Trap have both also been converted into kdramas as well!
Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩) English Version / Korean Version
Ok honestly I have no idea what the summary for this is about. I know it’s not supernatural or anything like Orange Marmalade it’s more of a regular school story that surrounds a romance line (??? I’m sorry I cannot summarize). It’s got more complicated vocab so far than Orange Marmalade, but is nonetheless still a good webtoon and I also recommend :)
*Note: If you guys want, I can post breakdowns of the translations of the webtoons (and Korean songs and kdramas too) as in comparing Korean and English versions and making vocab lists for each chapter??? If that’s a thing you want, let me know below!
I don’t watch a lot of korean youtubers, but the one I do watch for studying is KoreanUnnie. She has a series where she breaks down certain concepts into lessons, along with a series of cute kid songs, breaking down some kpop songs, and a lot else!
I hope this helped you guys! If you have any suggestions for other textbooks or apps or just any comments about my list, feel free to comment!
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zorovevo · 3 years
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However, when some tell me their profits, relative to their account size. I won't hesitate to let them know if they're taking on too much risk and sizing poorly. Of course, some listen. but others will still size up to big. thinking that they will always have a chance to get out of position before it reaches max loss. But sometimes it doesn't work that way.
So where did our option investor go wrong?First, they were trading options that were expiring in a little bit over a week. By selling 20 call spreads right off the bat, they didn't give themselves a whole lot of margin for error. These short call spreads were still OTM, meaning the time decay and option volatility would really get sucked out of the option premium. if UVXY prices declined or even traded flat for a couple of days. By fully sizing up, you leave yourself no margin for error. In fact, if they still believed in the trade they would of have probably wanted to sell more call spreads at those strike prices or even further out for higher premiums. However, they were forced to get defensive because they were sized up incorrectly. (Note: The following Monday, UVXY traded at $31. 50.
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Don't focus solely on losing trades, but also look at your winners. There is always something you can learn. For losing trades, look into why the trade lost or possible ways you could have prevented it from happening. Analyze your entry, the adjustments you made, the exit, and the overall market behavior. For winning trades, look into why the trade won and possible ways you could have even profited more. Analyze your entry, the adjustments you made, the exit, and the overall market behavior. If you notice, it's the same analysis for both types of trades. After a few trades, you'll begin to recognize key characteristics to why some trades win and why some trades lose. From there, you'll be able to recognize what adjustments need to be made in order to mitigate a loss or increase profit gain. 9. Continue to Learn From Successful Traders that STILL TradeWhen you have a mentor, they will often look over your shoulder and ensure that you are setting yourself up for the best trade possible for the current market.
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Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training. Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account. It's a must read in my opinion. Today, I want to talk to you about another major blunder new (and even experienced) investors make. Like style drifting, it can do a lot of damage to one's account. What am I referring to?Investors can put themselves at a terrible disadvantage simply by sizing their positions incorrectly. This usually occurs when their position is too big relative to the risk and account size. The key to getting the relative sizing correctly is understanding the risks associated with the position. Let me walk you through a likely trade scenario an investor not familiar with relative sizing might make. For example, let's say on 7/31/14 an investor looking to take advantage of a short term move. sold call spreads in UVXY. UVXY is the PROSHARES Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF. It attempts to replicate, net of expenses, twice the return of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index for a single day. On 7/31/14, UVXY was trading at $31. 70. Let's assume on that day an option investor sold 20 $36/$39 call spreads (expiring 8/8/14). collecting a premium of $0. 57 or a total $1140 (minus fees and commissions). Their goal is to get out of the position when the premium of the spread reaches $0. 29. in which they would be buying back the spread for a profit of $560. Taking profits at 50% of the premium collected is a great level to exit.
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So where did our option investor go wrong?First, they were trading options that were expiring in a little bit over a week.
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I'll explain my reason a little bit later. )Now, when I typically short premium via structured trades. I size the trade to represent my max risk and play the odds. For example, if I were to put on this trade and was risking $1,000 on the trade. I'd sell 4 call spreads which would have a max risk of $972. I'm not a proponent of stopping out of short premium trades. As you know, most options expire worthless.
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Continue to Paper TradeJust because you are trading real money it doesn't mean you need to stop learning and trying out different strategies. You have to continue playing the market from all angles. If you are a market conformist (you tend to go with the trend), you can try a contrarian strategy. If you usually close out credit spreads, try keeping one open while legging in an OTM put option. Experiment and continue to tweak out your strategyOne great tip is to create 2 identical trades. One in your regular account and the other in your paper trading account at the same time. Then you can make experimental adjustments to your paper account over time and see how it fairs against the live account. This is a nifty way you can test different strategies while having a baseline. 5. Choose an Option Trade That You Love and Master ItA great way to improve your options trading is by mastering a bread and butter trade. Learn all the ins and outs of your practice by back-testing historical data, testing current conditions using paper trades, and reading about your favorite trade in books. When you completely understand the intricacies of your go-to trade, then you'll be able to better recognize situations and markets that your trade will flourish in. In turn, you'll receive a higher probability of success and profit. The key is to stick to a basic trade like an iron condor or credit spread. No advanced layered trades. 6. Stick To Your Trading PlanAll successful traders have a trading plan. This means, they have a strategy to get into a trade, make adjustments, and exit positions based on SPECIFIC events. Successful traders DO NOT make random decisions. Everything they do is calculated, measured, and analyzed. You can make an easy-to-follow trading formula based on technical analysis if you want to as well.
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Even if you think you've got time on your options. anything could happen. For example, they could come out and say that will not have their results ready and change the announcement date to something else. Those who bought option premium will see the value of those options lose a lot of value because of the volatility crush. (For the record, I don't usually trade biotech's because of all these wild card factors)Putting it all TogetherRelative sizing is one of the toughest things to get right as an investor or trader. If you invest for a long enough time. you're bound to get it wrong on some positions.
weekly options trading Tennessee For winning trades, look into why the trade won and possible ways you could have even profited more.
You are bearish when you buy or are long put options. Learning to trade puts or understanding them starts with market direction and what you have paid for the option. Any basic strategy you take on this contract must be done by December. Options normally expire toward the end of the month. You have the same 3 trading strategy choices. Let Option Expire - usually because the market went up and trading them is not worth it, nor is exercising your right to sell it at the strike price. Exercise the Contract - Market declined, so you buy the stock at the lower price and exercise the contract to sell it at 40 and make your profit. Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training. Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account. It's a must read in my opinion. Today, I want to talk to you about another major blunder new (and even experienced) investors make. Like style drifting, it can do a lot of damage to one's account. What am I referring to?Investors can put themselves at a terrible disadvantage simply by sizing their positions incorrectly. This usually occurs when their position is too big relative to the risk and account size. The key to getting the relative sizing correctly is understanding the risks associated with the position. Let me walk you through a likely trade scenario an investor not familiar with relative sizing might make. For example, let's say on 7/31/14 an investor looking to take advantage of a short term move. sold call spreads in UVXY. UVXY is the PROSHARES Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF. It attempts to replicate, net of expenses, twice the return of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index for a single day. On 7/31/14, UVXY was trading at $31. 70. Let's assume on that day an option investor sold 20 $36/$39 call spreads (expiring 8/8/14).
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anakinsbugs · 4 years
Squarespace Vs. Wix
New Post has been published on https://walrusvideo.com/squarespace-vs-wix/
Squarespace Vs. Wix
Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
takes the prize for simplifying the process of making a website. Its drag-and-drop interface, hundreds of apps, and wider pricing options mean anybody can whip up a website without breaking a sweat.
has a better selection of design templates but its customization options require more technical confidence. Squarespace also outperforms Wix’s blogging and ecommerce tools by a very small margin, but the more flexible Wix has something for everyone.
Squarespace or Wix: Which is Better?
Squarespace’s sleeker, more professional-looking template designs are best for creatives who place a high value on aesthetics. Its grid-style editor requires a little bit of time to get to grips with, making it better for those with technical experience.
Turn your ideas into a visually-appealing Squarespace website for free.
Wix is best for beginners who want an easy way to create a website pronto . It has a drag-and-drop interface so building a website is as straightforward as solving a kiddie puzzle. It also comes with hundreds of templates and features to give users creative freedom regardless of their skill level.
Start your own free and stunning Wix website today
A Review of The Best Website Builders.
A good website builder spells the difference between an idea that grows into something big and one that fizzles out. To give you a head start, I’ve mustered up my experiences with building websites and reviewed
the top website builders
that may fit your needs.
Wix has proven once again why it’s considered a major player in the industry. Squarespace, though not included in the list, has its own perks that appeal to those with a specific set of criteria.
Squarespace Wins
Unlimited storage space: All of Squarespace premium plans come with unlimited bandwidth and storage so you can host unlimited files while ensuring media files will download smoothly. While the majority of Wix plans do offer unlimited bandwidth, none of them provide unlimited storage so you can’t just upload any files to your heart’s content.
Structured page editor : Squarespace doesn’t have the exact drag-and-drop functionality Wix is famous for. Its page elements are packed inside content blocks which you can move around and snap into rows and columns. Restrictive as it may appear, though, this feature helps you create your page within a more controlled environment, which can help prevent inadvertently sloppy designs.
High-quality, professional-grade template designs : Wix may offer more template choices but Squarespace trumps its competitor in terms of quality. It has over 60 template designs that are not only aesthetically superior but also easier to navigate both for the builder and viewer. Regardless of what template you choose initially, you can customize or replace it with another one anytime.
One-click color palette customization : Squarespace takes the guesswork out of choosing the right color theme that matches your brand. All you have to do is select a palette and Squarespace will apply it throughout your website.
Like Wix, Squarespace also offers the freedom to pick specific colors for individual elements. But since most users don’t have a design sense, Squarespace’s preselected color schemes take the headache and guesswork out of your site’s aesthetics.
Well-thought-out in-house features : Squarespace may have fewer features than Wix but what it lacks in numbers it makes up for in execution. Its in-house features are meticulously designed and built into its editor so you can manage your website even without installing third-party extensions.
Its restaurant menu editor, for example, uses a markup language so adding items is like filling out a simple form. In contrast, Wix accomplishes the same task through a relatively more tedious process that requires several clicks.
Squarespace’s donation system is likewise superior to Wix’s because it goes beyond providing a donation button by offering donor-specific checkout, donor email receipts, and suggested amounts.
Seamless podcast syndication : Starting a podcast? Squarespace also beats Wix’s basic podcast player by being the only one in the industry to offer syndication. With this feature, you can submit your podcast to Spotify or Apple Podcasts where a legion of potential fans can discover you.
Curated third-party apps : Whatever Squarespace lacks in-house, it offers as a third-party extension. Even Wix’s in-house features that Squarespace doesn’t have can be matched by a third-party counterpart so you won’t miss out on anything.
For example, the Wix Events app enables visitors to book tickets online whereas Squarespace can be integrated with Eventbrite to do the same thing. Similarly, integrating Memberstack with Squarespace accomplishes the same thing as the Wix Members app.
Ready-to-use blogging tools : With Squarespace, you can start blogging and showcase your best content to the world right off the bat. Unlike Wix that requires you to install a separate blog app, Squarespace has built-in blogging tools.
Basic features like post tagging, categories, comment moderation, and drafts will help you create professional-looking blogs regardless of your industry. Working with multiple authors is also a breeze as Squarespace allows you to collaborate with them on a single post or assign them different roles.
Sophisticated ecommerce functionality : When it comes to building your online store, Squarespace gives Wix a run for its money. It offers the same basic features you’ll find in Wix like custom email receipts, point of sale system, and automated cart recovery.
To maximize your profits, however, Squarespace steps up its game by offering features that Wix doesn’t. These include gift cards to help with your brand promotion. You can also use “back in stock” and “low stock” notifications to create a sense of urgency without being too pushy.
24/7 online support : Should you encounter technical issues with your Squarespace website, you can reach out to their customer support team via email, Twitter, or live chat. These online channels allow their team to get to the bottom of your issue faster.
Squarespace has excluded phone support because their existing support channels allow them to troubleshoot your issues comprehensively without the need to put you on hold.
Squarespace Losses
Lacks intuitive drag-and-drop interface . Squarespace’s page editor works like a minimalist grid system so you can’t drag and drop elements as freely as you can. Less freedom means less opportunity to play around with the design. It also takes a longer time to get used to so Squarespace is not as beginner-friendly as Wix.
Limited creative control : Squarespace’s biggest advantage is also its disadvantage. The “structured” editor may enable you to customize a website design within the realm of what’s acceptable but it also means you have less creative control.
The templates are on par with professional designs but you can’t edit, move, resize, or re-color the page elements as easily as you can with Wix. You also can’t display both the site title and logo at the same time.
Limited template designs . Fewer design choices also make it more difficult to stand out. Most photographers, for instance, trust Squarespace to host their portfolio sites.
With limited templates to choose from, they’re more likely to pick the same template. As a result, they may end up with portfolio websites that have the same look and feel as other sites in their industry.
Less generous ecommerce plans : Squarespace outnumbers Wix’s ecommerce features but you won’t benefit as much if you’re only subscribed to its basic plan.
Squarespace’s basic ecommerce features cost $18 per month (Business plan) while its Wix counterpart is a tad higher at $23 per month (Basic Business plan). However, you won’t save as much with a basic plan as Squarespace charges a 3% transaction fee unless you upgrade.
You also won’t have access to some crucial features like abandoned cart recovery if you’re not under the Advanced Commerce Plan that costs $40 per month.
By contrast, Wix charges no transaction fee on any of its ecommerce plans and offers abandoned cart recovery even to those in the basic plan.
Wix Wins
Scalable pricing : Wix has a wider range of pricing options so you can start your website anytime and easily scale as it grows. The free plan is available for beginners who are still learning the ropes and are not bothered by Wix-sponsored ads and subdomains.
If you want a custom domain, you can switch to the most basic plan for only $4.50 a month. From here, you can upgrade to any of the three higher website plans or start an online store for as low as $17 per month for the Business Basic Plan. Squarespace, on the other hand, only offers four pricing tiers starting with the Personal plan at $12 per month. It doesn’t come with a free plan and most of the important features are only available in higher plans.
Beginner-friendly interface : Wix’s drag-and-drop editor remains its top selling point. It gives you a template to create a simple website in minutes without learning how to code. Squarespace is also a “no-coding” website builder, but its grid-style editor makes it cumbersome for some beginners. With Wix, you can have full control of the layout and even add functionality by dragging and dropping widgets on your page.
More in-house apps: Name any feature you want your website to have and Wix has an app for it. Do you want to create a forum? Look for Wix Forum in the App Market and install it for free. Planning to add a live chat to connect with your visitors in real-time? Try Wix Chat, another in-house app you can add for free. If none of the built-in Wix apps is what you’re looking for, don’t worry as there are still over 200 free and premium third-party extensions to choose from.
Free email marketing tools : With this built-in feature, you can send email campaigns to your contact list and even create workflows to manage your own sales funnel. Measure how well each of your campaigns is doing through the stats tracker that lets you see how many people open and engage with your emails.
Wix’s email marketing tools are part of the Ascend all-in-one business solution that gives you access to other marketing tools like live chat, social media integration, and SEO tools. The best part is you can have access to a limited number of features for free or upgrade to one of the three paid plans to enjoy the full benefit.
Robust SEO features : Wix has its own game plan to help your content rank high on Google. What’s great is Wix puts all its strategies in one place so users can learn SEO themselves and improve their online presence. The SEO Wiz contains step-by-step tutorials, achievement updates, and tons of other learning materials so you can start improving your site’s visibility even if you never heard about SEO before.
Multiple customer support channels : Unlike Squarespace, Wix offers phone support so you can rest assured that humans and not bots are handling your concern. Wix also provides support through forums, social media, and email but not through live chat. In case you get stuck or confused while working on the page editor, there are small question marks on the screen that you can also click to get quick solutions without leaving the page.
Automatic backup-and-restore feature : Wix is a proactive website builder that anticipates unfortunate events and has developed a counteracting feature in case they happen.
Through Site History which you can find inside your site Settings, you can restore a previous version of your website. You can restore revised versions of your site regardless if it’s saved manually or automatically.
Best of all, the previously saved version of your site can be restored without affecting published blog posts and changes made in your email list.
Wix Losses
Underwhelming template designs : Wix focuses on quantity over quality when it comes to design. Its over 500 customizable templates easily beat Squarespace’s 70+ designs. But with more choices comes more time wasted picking and overanalyzing which one suits a website idea best.
A “quantity over quality” approach also leads to many Wix templates failing to make a great first impression. While there are hidden gems, it takes time to find them as they are outnumbered by generic templates, some of which are downright cheesy.
Unstructured page editor : Wix’s drag-and-drop interface has its own flaws. While it helps even non-pros create websites quickly, the changes you make in the desktop version may not necessarily sync to its mobile version. For instance, when you move an image from the top of the page to the bottom, the same change won’t reflect in the mobile version unless you make the same change twice. With Squarespace’s structured editor, movements are much more restricted but any change you make will reflect in both screens.
Complicated color changes : Wix lacks the preselected color palettes that Squarespace has, so changing text and background colors are not as straightforward. This is the downside of having more freedom to manipulate page elements. You may be free to choose the colors of individual page elements but if you don’t have a background in design, knowing which colors will work best without preset recommendations can be really tough.
Limited bandwidth and storage space : Wix doesn’t have the unlimited resources that Squarespace offers in all its plans. Therefore, the cheaper your Wix plan is, the more restrictions you’ll get on how many files you can store and how much traffic your website can get per day.
Wix’s cheapest plans, Connect Domain and Combo, only offer a bandwidth of 1 GB and 2 GB, respectively. This is enough if your website receives only a handful of visitors per month. However, once a website gets at least 1,000 visitors a day, it will require about 8.5 GB of bandwidth monthly, something that Wix only provides starting with its Unlimited plan that costs $12.50 per month (billed annually).
Mediocre blogging tools : You can create a decent blog with Wix but if you’re looking for more features, you’ll get it from Squarespace. Wix is capable of scheduling posts, adding tags or categories, and saving drafts. However, it doesn’t allow comment moderation so you can’t filter comments and publish only those you approve of. On top of that, Wix doesn’t have a built-in blogging feature. You have to add the free Wix Blog app yourself before you can start creating content.
Limited flexibility for free plans : When you start a free website with Wix, you won’t pay for anything but it comes at the cost of flexibility. The Wix subdomain, ads, and the look of a free site tend to come off a lot less professional. If you want to experiment with a free site, that’s fine, but you’ll have to upgrade to premium Wix plans to really establish your own brand.
Comparing The Top Website Builders.
Do you want to build a website from scratch without touching any codes? With a website builder, you can do that and more. If you want to get started,
here are the best website builders I recommend
— Best for general use
— Best for beginners
— Best for ecommerce
— Best for content management
Wix is the undisputed website builder of choice
if you want to quickly launch a website even without the technical know-how. Its drag-and-drop interface requires a short learning curve while its hundreds of templates and features allow you to elevate your website any way you want.
But for a more professional site with a stronger design aesthetic and more customization options, especially one you’re willing to take some time to build,
Squarespace will be the better choice
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#gallery-7 margin: auto; #gallery-7 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; #gallery-7 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-7 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Go to Source Author: Neil Patel
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scottwinters714 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://comicbookheros.everythingonlinenow.com/episode-22-holy-crossover-batman-part-2/
Episode 22: Holy Crossover, Batman Part 2
Join me, Chris (The Professor Frenzy Show/Batgirl to Oracle: The Barbara Gordon Podcast/Bat-Books for Beginners), and Jon & Maggie (Married with Comics) as we gingerly make our way past the sensitive subject matter in this 2-volume comic book adaptation of Vachss’ novel.
Original source: http://thebatmanuniverse.net/episode-22-5/
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fototreffberlin · 5 years
FOTOTREFF  #31 – Am Samstag den 23. November 2019 fand der 31. Fototreff statt. 
FILM Der Abend hat mit einer Vorführung von Tina Baras Fotofilm „Lange Weile“ (2016) begonnen. Das Fotobuch „Lange Weile“ enthält eine Auswahl von 400 Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien, die Tina Bara zwischen 1983 und 1989 in Ost-Berlin, in der DDR und auf Reisen aufgenommen hat. In Kombination mit Texten in Form von Untertiteln wurde dieses Künstlerbuch in einen Fotofilm verwandelt. Retrospektiv erzählt die Künstlerin vom Beginn ihrer künstlerischen und fotografischen Karriere, verbunden mit einer weiblichen Identitätssuche und einem subversiven, melancholischen Aufstand gegen das diktatorische System der DDR. Das Bildmaterial schafft zusammen mit den darüber gelegten Erinnerungen einen intimen Kosmos, der aus einem Abstand von etwa 30 Jahren die Atmosphäre und Stimmung eines Landes und einer Gesellschaft zeigt, die es nicht mehr gibt. Baras persönliche Suche zwischen Erwachen, Zweifel und Selbsterforschung, zwischen politischen Strukturen und ihrem Willen zu Leben und Kunst zu schaffen, ist übertragbar auf eine allgemeine, grundsätzliche Ebene. Gleiches gilt für ihre Reflexionen über die Rolle der Fotografie in diesem Prozess.
TALK  Das Archiv einer Künstlerin - Sonia Voss, freischaffende Kuratorin und Künstlerin Tina Bara unterhielten sich im FOTOTREFF # 31 über Baras Schaffen in der DDR. Wie ist das Werk entstanden und welche Bedeutung hat es in der heutigen Zeit? Der Film „Lange Weile“ ist der Ausgangspunkt des Gesprächs zwischen Künstlerin und Kuratorin. Das Gespräch fand auf Deutsch statt.
Tina Bara Tina Bara (* 1962 in Kleinmachnow, ehemalige DDR) ist eine deutsche Fotografin, die ihre Karriere in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik begann. Vor der Wiedervereinigung stand sie in Kontakt mit der Friedensbewegung in der DDR. 1980 zog sie nach Berlin und besuchte von 1980 bis 1986 die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, wo sie Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte studierte. Als Studentin stand sie in Kontakt mit politischen Oppositionsgruppen, darunter Frauen für den Frieden. 1986 trat sie als freie Fotografin in die DDR-Liga der Bildkünstler ein. 1991 erhielt sie ihr Diplom bei dem Fotografen Arno Fischer der Leipziger Akademie der Bildenden Künste, wo sie seit 1993 eine Professur für Fotografie hat.
Sonia Voss Sonia Voss (* 1978, Paris) lebt als Kuratorin in Paris und Berlin. Zu ihren jüngsten Ausstellungen gehören: 'Restless Bodies. Ostdeutsche Fotografie 1980-89' bei den Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles (2019); 'Alfred Ehrhardt. Die Formen der Natur' beim Kyotographie Festival, Kyoto (2019); 'Sophie Calle, Serena Carone. Beau Doublé, Monsieur le Marquis!' im Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris (2017–2018); 'Anton Roland Laub. Mobile Churches', Paris, Berlin, Arles, Bukarest (2017-2019); 'George Shiras. L’Intérieur de la Nuit' im Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (2015–2016). Sie arbeitete 2017 zusammen mit Xavier Barral an der Josef Koudelka-Ausstellung im C/O Berlin und gab Veröffentlichungen für Éditions Xavier Barral, Koenig Books, Filigranes und den Kehrer Verlag heraus.
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Łukasz Rusznica: Subterranean River 2018
BOOK SLOT Im letzten Teil des Abends wurde das Fotobuch „Subterranean River“ (2018) von Łukazs Rusznica vorgestellt. "Auf seiner Japanreise wählte Łukasz Rusznica Geister und andere übernatürliche Kreaturen als seine Führer aus. Er bat sie um Hilfe bei der Kartierung eines neuen Territoriums und scheint ein zusätzliches Geschenk erhalten zu haben: eine Entdeckung über sich selbst und den eigenen Hintergrund, der zu sein scheint, sei die eigentliche Reise hierher: eine wichtigere, als die rein physische Distanz zu überwinden. " - Olga Drenda
Łukasz Rusznica (* 1980) ist ein Fotograf, Kurator und Pädagoge aus Wrocław, Polen. Seit seinem Abschluss in Kulturwissenschaften an der Universität Wrocław hat er seine Werke in Galerien und Museen im In- und Ausland ausgestellt. Rusznica betreibt derzeit eine Fotogalerie, Miejsce przy Miejscu, die sich der Förderung aufstrebender Fotografen aus Polen und dem Ausland widmet.
Bilder des Treffens: Uwe von Loh
► Podcast des Gesprächs:
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Supported by: RECOM ART PicDrop - Image Transfer for Pros RENT ONE - Fototechnikverleih DRS Delight Rental Services Buch- und Offsetdruckerei H.Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG Medienpartner: PiB Photography in Berlin
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Batman: The Long Halloween #1: Chapter 1: Crime
Read Date: June 20, 2023 Cover Date: December 1996 ● Writer: Jeph Loeb ● Penciler: Tim Sale ● Inker: Tim Sale ● Colorist: Gregory Wright ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Archie Goodwin ◦ Chuck Kim ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the high-contrast panels with jet black shadows are where the art in this shines so far
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● “On this, the day of my daughter’s wedding…” ● some really great panels! it’s hard choosing just one to share ● though in panels that are lit with less dramatic light, the art is rather more “meh.” still pefectly serviceable. just not nearly as visually interesting ● heheh, Batman said “nipple” ● (I have the humor of a 12-year-old boy sometimes. leave me alone.) ● the jangly bracelets on Catwoman are not a good idea for a character who often moves stealthily ● damn… ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: At the wedding party of Johnny Vitti, Carmine Falcone talks to Bruce Wayne about making business in one of Bruce's banks. Bruce refuses and leaves Falcone's office but stays outside to listen to whatever the man might talk about afterwards. Alberto Falcone notices Bruce's presence and asks Bruce for a reason to be inside the house. Bruce plays dumb and fools Alberto, telling him that he got lost looking for the bathroom. Bruce goes outside to where the party is and is planning on leaving before he notices that Selina Kyle is among the guests. They get together and stay in the party for a little longer.
In his office, Carmine is pondering about the future of his organization and how it all depends on Alberto to keep running his business. Milos, the bodyguard, spots unusual activity in one of the security cameras. There is a man in the building's garage and Carmine recognizes him as District Attorney Harvey Dent. Falcone sends some of his personal guards to deal with the intruder and three men beat Dent to a pulp until he passes out. Moments later, Dent is found unconscious by Bruce and Selina, who are just leaving the party. Dent thanks them but he manages to make his way out by himself. Selina asks Bruce what will they do next but Bruce excuses himself and tells her that it is already too late for him.
Harvey arrives at the GCPD Headquarters and tells Captain James Gordon what happened at Falcone's. Gordon isn't happy with Dent's unnecessary risks. Gordon also tells him that a "friend" of his might be able to help them to catch Falcone.
The party at Falcone's place is going smoothly until Carmine notices a dark figure entering his penthouse. Batman breaks in with the intention of searching Falcone's safe and finds that someone is already inside. Catwoman is stealing from Falcone's safe and Batman's presence startles her. They fight each other and Batman tells her that he has no business with her. Falcone's bodyguards enter the room and shoot at them. Batman uses a smoke bomb to get away along with Catwoman. Carmine isn't happy with his bodygards and for the intrusion, he places a bounty of one million dollars for the heads of Batman or Catwoman.
On their escape, Batman and Catwoman fall down from the penthouse but they land safe. Catwoman turns away from Batman and escapes. As Batman loses track of Catwoman, the Bat-Signal appears in the sky.
Gordon and Dent are at the rooftop of the GCPD HQ, waiting for Batman to show up. When he arrives, they decide to start a campaign against Carmine Falcone without breaking the law. The three of them agree and Batman leaves a ledger he managed to take from Falcone's penthouse. The ledger contains information on Falcone's illegal activities.
The next day, Bruce talks to the Bank board and refuses to let Falcone's money be allowed in the bank. However, Richard Daniel, the controlling shareholder, decides to make business with Falcone. Later that night, Daniel is visited by Batman and forced to resign his position in the bank, allowing Bruce to take control of all the bank's business and thus, cancelling Falcone's deal with the bank.
Johnny Vitti is told by his uncle Carmine to kill Richard Daniel as payback for resigning from the bank. Vitti murders Daniel in the middle of the street by shooting him.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, a man is preparing a gun by taping the handle, filing off the serial number and placing a baby bottle nipple as a silencer.
At his home, James Gordon receives a call to notify him that Daniel has been murdered. Gordon calls the Dent's house and Gilda Dent takes the message. She looks for Harvey and finds him in the basement, working with his tools. She tells him what happened and worries about Harvey's own safety. Harvey embraces and comforts her, but his eyes look away in a suspicious way.
Johnny Vitti is taking a bath when someone enters his place, points a gun at him and shoots him twice, killing him. The killer leaves the gun and a halloween carved pumpkin at the crime scene.
Later in James Gordon's office; Batman, Dent and Gordon analyze the evidence and can't find anything useful that would tell them the identity of the killer. The .22 caliber gun has been modified so that it was untraceable and the pumpkin might just be due to the fact that it was halloween already. Batman notices something outside and leaves Dent and Gordon alone. Batman finds Catwoman spying on them in a nearby rooftop. She tells Batman that she might be able to help them if in return he would help her when she needed. Batman agrees with no guarantees and Catwoman gives him valuable information on Carmine Falcone.
Batman and Dent follow Catwoman's information and they end up in a warehouse near the harbor. Inside the warehouse, there are large amounts of money stockpiled. It all belongs to Carmine Falcone and as he hasn't been able to deposit it in any bank, he has been forced to stock it. Dent reflects about how easy it would be for them to take some of that money and never be connected with it, but Batman doesn't allow him to think in that way. They pour gasoline on the piles of money and then they set it on fire as a way to harm Falcone.
It is Halloween night and Harvey arrives at his place after being successful in his war against Falcone. Gilda welcomes him home and Harvey notices a strange package delivered to their home. Harvey asks Gilda what is it but she doesn't know. When Harvey opens it, his home is blown to pieces by an automatic bomb inside the package.
Tumblr media
Fan Art: Carmine Falcone (Earth-27) commission by phil-cho
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 14
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savetopnow · 7 years
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filipeteimuraz · 6 years
Starting from Scratch: 6 Steps to Your First Content Marketing Plan
Content marketing is amazing for attracting your target audience and building a relationship with it.
There is just one problem, though…
How do you do it?
I share a lot of content marketing tips in my posts, but those posts usually assume you’re already doing content marketing, at least to some degree.
But if you haven’t started yet, or are very new to it, you won’t get as much out of those posts as those with some experience.
So, if you’ve felt that my past posts about content marketing have been too advanced for you, this one will help.
I’m going to give you a step-by-step process to follow to create a successful content marketing plan.
I’m talking about a plan that is simple to understand and execute but that can be used to drive thousands of qualified visitors to your website every month (in less than a year). 
Why content marketing?
There are several dozen types of marketing.
They can all produce good results when applied in the right situation.
But I think we’re in a special time for content marketing.
Businesses and marketers are recognizing how effective it is in the modern consumer climate.
People have always liked to buy from businesses and people with whom they have relationships and whom they trust.
Until the Internet, it was hard for businesses to build those relationships.
But now, it’s easier than ever to deliver content to an audience.
This is important whether you’re selling straight to the consumer or to a business. A recent survey found that 67% of B2B buyers base their buying decisions on content.
And they don’t become just buyers—a large percentage of them also frequently share that content (most often in the form of a blog post – 40%).
Most marketers have just started recognizing all this.
Currently, 80% of B2B marketers have a content marketing strategy.
However, 48% (overall) do not have a written plan. In 99% of cases, this means that they really have no clue what they’re doing.
That’s good news for you. Why? Because just by putting in some effort to go through this post and writing a few things down, you’ll be ahead of over 50% of online marketers.
I’ll let you in on a secret:
Most businesses suck at content marketing.
Seriously, look at the blogs for most businesses—they’re a joke.
But still, 30% of marketers find content marketing “effective”, and another 44% get some results from it.
Don’t be in those bottom three groups…
There’s no reason why you can’t find content marketing very effective for generating traffic and, most importantly, qualified leads for your business.
Follow the six steps I cover in the rest of this post, and write down your notes as you go.
In the end, you’ll have a short, clear, and effective content marketing plan to base your future work on.
Step 1: Why are you doing this?
Before you can start producing content of any kind, it pays to do a bit of planning.
If you just produce content for a general audience, chances are you won’t get much in the way of results.
To really see great results, you need to:
Identify your target audience
Create content that resonates with those specific readers
When you create general content, it will never resonate with anyone, which is why it isn’t effective.
But it’s not enough to just target a specific audience. You need to understand their beliefs, problems, and desires so that your content matches them.
Part #1 – Who are they? Create a section in a blank document for Step 1. At the top of this section, you need to define who your target audience is.
For example, if you sell running gear, your audience may be “runners.”
But do you see the problem with that?
While “runners” is technically an audience, it’s not a well defined one.
There are many different kinds of runners:
professional marathoners
professional sprinters
recreational joggers (do it for fun)
runners trying to lose weight
runners trying to strengthen their legs…
…and so on.
Do you think you could create content that would speak to both a professional marathoner and a random guy that’s just trying to lose his beer gut?
Not a chance.
Get as specific as you can. You want to identify an audience who would agree with your label.
A professional marathoner would say:
I’m not just a runner; I’m a professional marathoner who trains year round and races six times a year.
I’m not a running expert, so six times might be too many, but you get the point…
Once you have the name of your audience, write it down.
Now you can start to build a reader persona.
Give your average audience member a fictional name before moving on to part #2. This allows you to write to one person, which is an old copywriting trick for writing in a more conversational tone that is more likely to resonate with your readers.
Part #2 – What are they struggling with? Here’s where serious research comes into play.
You need to start profiling your reader.
In this part, you’ll identify as many problems your target audience faces as possible. If you can, classify them by severity.
Let’s continue with the running example.
How do you find out what problems marathoners have?
The best way to gather that information is to simply talk to them. I know it’s not the most comfortable thing in the world to do for some people, but if you can, chat with a few for 10-20 minutes.
Ask them about their biggest problems and obstacles.
If that fails, head to online forums and community sites specifically set up for your target audience. You want to find a place where they talk to each other about their problems.
If you have no clue where to start, start with Reddit.
You can find a subreddit (basically a categorized community) for just about any topic.
In this case, a simple search on Google reveals a couple of “marathon” subreddits:
Spend at least 20-30 minutes looking through the threads you find.
Record any problems you see people talk about as well as how often they come up and how serious they seem to be.
On the first few results, I already see two problems:
beginner marathoners who are not sure about etiquette during a race
runners having joint pain during a taper (when they reduce their mileage leading up to a race)
Ideally, get a list of over 100 problems.
It sounds like a lot, but it’s doable, and you’ll be set for content ideas for a while.
Alternatively, do a search for forums on Google.
In this case, these results are probably better.
They are geared towards experienced marathoners, whereas that first subreddit was focused on beginners (although it will have some experienced runners too).
You do the exact same thing here—look for problems.
Again, I see a few problems right off the bat:
How do you set your pace for a marathon?
What do you do if you start getting pain leading up to the marathon?
Write down your list of problems (in your document or in a separate spreadsheet) before moving on.
Part #3 – Where do they look for solutions? In order to provide your audience with solutions to their problems, you need to find a way to get those solutions in front of them.
Most of these places are online, so that’s what you should focus on.
You need to compile a list of websites they visit.
That starts with the forums and communities you just found in part 2.
Other than those, you’ll just have to search around.
I would recommend starting with:
top (niche) sites
top (niche) blogs
You should be able to compile at least 20-30 “popular” sites they visit.
If it looks like a site only has a few dozen readers, don’t bother recording it.
Record these sites as we’ll be coming back to them later.
Part #4 – How will you solve their problems better than anyone else? No matter what your topic is, there are already at least a few popular sites that cover it.
Readers need very good reasons to either add your site to the ones they already follow or replace one of them with yours.
And the way you convince them to do that is by giving more value.
If your content is clearly better than that of your competitors’, you will draw readers away from them.
Start by going to the most popular sites in your niche.
Look through their content, and note any weaknesses in it.
For example, I picked the first popular marathon site I found, which was a blog on a major running site.
The content is written by a true expert, but it’s quite basic, and it’s very anecdotal.
I would note under weaknesses:
Not enough images, lists, etc.
Could use more data supporting points
Very short, doesn’t dive into the topic thoroughly
Then, I would move on to the next blog.
After 5-10, you’ll start to see the same things pop up every time. These are your opportunities.
Go back to your document. Your goal here is to create a concise description of how your content will be more valuable to your target audience.
For example:
Our content will include a lot of relevant visual content as well as data-driven answers. We will go deep into subjects to try to satisfy our target audience.
Having that description to guide you in the future will ensure that you focus on the right things.
Step 2: Here’s how you figure out the best type of content to produce
The “content” in content marketing can mean a lot of different things.
Pretty much anything that can possibly contain a message is considered content. That includes:
blog posts
pictures (drawings, comics, photographs, paintings)
and much more.
If you produce certain types of content for your audience, you’ll get better results than you would with other types.
To figure out what the best type is, you have to consider two factors.
What are your audience’s preferences? Some audiences prefer certain types of content over others.
For example, home decorators are mainly looking for visual content. Pictures and videos are the primary form of content in the home decorating niche.
On the other hand, a niche like nutrition mainly will have your standard text content with pictures mixed in.
The tough part is figuring out what is best for your niche.
To do this, we’re going to look at a few different indicators.
Start by heading to Buzzsumo. Create a free account if you don’t have one yet, and then search for your niche (you can choose a broader niche here).
What you’ll likely see is that one of the main social networks is much more popular than the others.
If Pinterest or Facebook are the most popular, image-based content is going to be crucial. Pinterest is a purely image-based network, while images are by far the most shared type of content on Facebook.
But that’s not a perfect overview of the whole situation.
What about things like podcasts?
That’s where you need to search individually. The two other forms of content you need to check for are podcasts and videos.
With podcasts, you can use two methods.
First, you can look at Stitcher’s top 100 podcasts in a relevant category.
In our example, I picked “sports” since that’s what running would fall under.
I looked through the top 100 and couldn’t find a single podcast about running. That tells me there isn’t a lot of interest:
Ideally, you’d like to see at least a few different podcasts about your niche as an indicator of some interest.
If you see 3-4 in the top 10, that tells you that audio content is huge in your niche and you should definitely incorporate it into your content strategy if you can.
Anther way you can check for podcasts is to simply Google “top (niche) podcasts”.
I found a few, run by some popular websites. Then, I looked them up on Stitcher and found that they had barely any reviews. This means they aren’t very popular.
In this case, audio content is out.
Finally, what about video content?
Well, that’s pretty easy to check for. Go to YouTube, and search for your niche. You can also try a few suggestions from the search bar.
This actually surprised me. There were many marathon-running videos with several thousand views.
I didn’t expect this, which is exactly why you need to check.
Look at the number of views on each video. You’ll have to decide what you’d consider a significant number, but I’d be looking for at least 10 videos to have at least 20,000 views to indicate serious interest.
If there’s only one video with a ton of views, it’s likely a one-off viral fluke and should be discounted.
What are your strengths and/or budget? The second main factor depends on your skillset. If you’re not a good writer, you probably want to lean towards a different type of content.
Often, you’ll find that multiple forms of content are equally popular in your niche. That gives you a lot of flexibility. You can use any combination of them.
But what if only one type of content is popular? Well, then you have no choice.
If you aren’t comfortable creating that content, you have a decision to make:
learn how to create it
hire someone to do it for you
If you have a healthy budget for content marketing, hiring is always a good option.
If not, you’ll need to develop those skills on your own.
Now, combine the two: Now you’re looking for the intersection of these two areas:
the type of content desired by your target audience and the type of content you can actually produce.
The type(s) of content that falls into both areas is the one(s) you should produce for your target audience.
Step 3: The key step to content marketing success
Let’s slow down for a second.
You now know your audience.
You also know the type of content you’ll produce.
So, now we can start looking at actually creating and publishing content.
But there’s one thing, one key concept, that you need to understand if you want to be successful:
Your success depends on one thing – consistency.
Content marketing will not produce results overnight.
It takes months of creating quality content for it to start getting any real traction.
Many businesses start off on the right track, but when they don’t see huge results in the first few months, which is expected, they get discouraged. 
Then, when they face their first big obstacle, they end up ditching content marketing. Maybe their budget is tight, or they have a lot of other work to do. Content marketing gets cut first.
If you’re going to do this, commit a certain amount of time that you know you can commit to content marketing for at least a year.
How often should you publish? There’s no magic number on the frequency of content publishing.
But as a general rule, the more content you publish, the faster you will get results (and bigger results).
This assumes that the quality of the content stays the same regardless of frequency.
One survey found that 91% of top bloggers blog once a week or more.
But that’s more of a correlation than causation.
There are plenty of outliers, e.g., Brian Dean at Backlinko who publishes once or twice a month at the most. He’s done incredibly well for himself in a short amount of time with this strategy.
What it comes down to is not quantity, but quality.
Always try to produce the highest quality content you can even if that means cutting back on how much you publish.
So the answer to how often you should publish is:
Publish as often as you can while maintaining the highest quality possible.
However, remember that you need to be consistent.
Don’t pick a frequency that you can’t sustain over a long period of time.
I can do three long posts a week on Quick Sprout without much of an issue because I’ve practiced over the years. If you don’t have the skills or resources to do that yet, be less ambitious to start.
How long will it take to produce content? Another question that is highly related to the last one is: how long do you expect it will take you to produce the content?
Depending on the type of content you’re creating, a single piece of it could take anywhere from 2-20 hours to create.
Obviously, you can’t post more than once or twice a month if it takes you 20 hours to create something.
You also have to factor in promotional time (which I’ll cover in Step 6). You should spend at least as much time promoting content as you do creating it.
This means that if you have 20 hours of time available for content marketing a week and a post takes 5 hours to create, you can only post twice a week maximum.
You might even want to stay on the safe side for now and choose one piece of content a week.
Step 4: How will you manage your content?
You’re committed to being consistent, right?
I hope you’re nodding your head right now.
In order to be consistent, you need to plan.
If you don’t plan ahead, it’s too easy to forget to write, publish, or promote your content when you get busy.
The key to planning ahead is having a schedule, typically called a “content calendar.”
How will you create a content calendar? Although the term might sound fancy to some, it’s really simple. All you need is some sort of a calendar that allows you to assign post ideas to specific days.
There are many tools that will help you do this, but I’ll go over three solid options.
The first one is Trello—a project management tool.
You can create lists for each week in a month (or the whole month) and then add “cards” for each piece of content you want to schedule:
One of the great things about Trello is that you can give each piece of content a due date.
You can customize your settings to get reminders about a piece of content that’s due in the next couple of days or that’s overdue.
The second option is to use this WordPress editorial calendar plugin.
It adds a calendar tab to your site’s dashboard, and you can see what you have scheduled in a typical calendar format at any time:
The plugin ties into your posts, so you can do things like change their scheduled time and date as well as edit post titles from the calendar itself.
And the final option you should be aware of is just a simple spreadsheet in Excel or Google Sheets.
All you need is a spreadsheet with a column for publishing dates and a column for post titles:
The biggest benefit of this option, aside from how simple it is, is that you can customize it easily.
You can add columns for due dates (to ensure you finish the post ahead of time), categories, or metrics like traffic and social shares.
It doesn’t matter which option you pick. Just choose something that’s simple for you and will help you keep your content creation schedule straight.
Step 5: Where will you distribute your content?
Another huge mistake that many beginner content marketers make is starting to blog with no audience.
If no one is seeing your content, it doesn’t matter how good it is—your blog won’t grow.
There are basically two different ways you can address this problem in the beginning:
Publish your content on other sites, leaving a link back to your blog.
Promote your content.
You should be doing both of these things.
As you grow your audience, you can publish solely on your own site if you wish.
I’ve covered how to promote your content several times in the past. Here are a few resources to get you started:
Promoting Your Content To Increase Traffic, Engagement and Sales
The Day After: 11 Things to Do After You Publish a Post
17 Advanced Methods for Promoting Your New Piece of Content
The most important part to understand at this point is the first one.
Remember those sites you identified before? The ones where your target audience gets their solutions?
Now, you’ll identify how you can get traffic from those sites to yours.
Important: Don’t just send visitors to your blog. Send them to a landing page on your site. Offer them a lead magnet for their email addresses. This way, you can drive these readers to your future posts.
Category #1 – Blogs: These will be the blogs on your list.
In order to get your solutions in front of a blog’s audience, you need to guest-post on a relevant blog.
Obviously, not all blogs allow guest posts.
To check, just Google: “(site name) guest post”, and see if anything comes up. Ideally, you’ll find some guest-posting guidelines or previously published guest posts.
If a blog doesn’t accept guest posts, take it off your list.
If it does, follow the steps I’ve laid out in my guide on guest posting to maximize your chances of success.
Category #2 – Search engines: Did you know that search engines can drive traffic to your site? They should call it SEO or something—just kidding…
SEO is a great way to get your content in front of your target audience.
However, it’ll likely take at least 4-6 months of solid work before you start getting any real traffic.
Focus on getting traffic from other sources first and SEO last.
Here are some of my best resources on SEO although there’s obviously a ton to cover:
The Advanced Guide To SEO
The Beginner’s Guide to Technical SEO
The On-Page SEO Cheat Sheet
Category #3 – Social media: Another great source of traffic is social media. Almost every audience is active on one social media platform or another.
In addition, most social networks offer an easy way to funnel visitors to your website.
Remember that Buzzsumo search we did earlier? That tells you where you should be posting your content:
Typically, you’ll only be posting excerpts of your content, but you can do that to grow your following and drive traffic to your content.
You should combine this content posting strategy with a social media promotional strategy.
Category #4 – Forums/communities: Finally, you can post your content on forums and other online communities.
You can create content on your own website, but then reformat it for a forum. Leave a link somewhere before or after the content back to your own site (a landing page, hopefully):
Publish your content anywhere a significant portion of your target audience can see it.
While you will need a detailed strategy for this (using the resources I’ve linked to throughout this section), for now, write down the main places you want to publish your content on in your content marketing plan.
Step 6: The other side of the coin
Finally, no good content marketing plan is complete without content promotion, which is the other side of the coin of your content marketing.
Publishing content on other sites is one option, but there are other promotional tactics you can use.
Here are two main options you’ll want to consider.
Choose one or both, and record it on your document as your method(s) of content promotion.
Option #1 – Email outreach: Email remains the most effective way to build relationships with people online.
In particular, you want to use email outreach to get your content in front of influencers in your niche and related niches.
After you publish a piece of content, you’ll want to create a list of at least 100 bloggers, writers, and other type of influencers who care about that specific topic.
Then, you’ll email them to let them know about the content.
Your end goal is to get links or social shares from them, which will drive traffic and contribute to your overall SEO efforts.
Here are some great posts on email outreach:
The Link Builder’s Guide to Email Outreach
How To Create a Killer Outreach Email With 4 Quick Steps and 3 Simple Tips
6 Ways to Make Link Building Outreach More Effective
Option #2 – Advertising: This second option takes a lot less time than manual email outreach, but, of course, it costs more.
It’s traditional advertising: you pay to get people to visit your content.
There are three main areas where you can advertise:
Social media – Facebook ads are a good investment for most marketers
Search engines – You can set up PPC (pay per click) ads on Adwords or Bing
Native ads – You can also pay to have sites link to your content inside their content (it doesn’t appear like a typical ad)
You don’t need to use paid advertising to be successful. However, it can accelerate your growth, which makes it a good option if you have leftover funds in your budget.
Being a successful content marketer isn’t complex, but it takes a lot of knowledge and effort.
You’ll need to learn more about the areas I touched on briefly here.
In addition, you’ll need to practice. As you start producing content, you will learn a lot through trial and error.
That being said, if you follow the six steps in this post, you should have a clear content marketing plan that you can use to shape your content marketing in the months to come.
http://www.quicksprout.com/6-steps-to-your-first-content-marketing-plan/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/03/starting-from-scratch-6-steps-to-your.html
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sokittyllama-blog1 · 7 years
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0 notes
likefusion · 7 years
If You Give Away Your Best Content, Your Business Will Grow by 290%: If you give it away—offer it free—they will come. This should perhaps be the quote to encompass the business model of freeconomics. It's a model that involves giving away your best content. Believe it or not, more and more companies are integrating and seeing amazing results with freeconomics today. At first thought, it may seem ludicrous. I mean, how can you expect to turn a profit if you're getting no direct return on your content? You're spending loads of time and exerting a ton of energy to earn a big fat $0.00. It just doesn't make sense. But when you look at the big picture, giving away your best content—offering it free—makes total sense. It's a catalyst for business growth, and I've even had clients who've grown their businesses by as much as 290% by going this route. Allow me to explain. How content impacts a buyer's decision Seldom do today's consumers whip out their credit cards and blindly make a purchase. No, most perform a considerable amount of research beforehand. Besides researching the product itself, many consumers want to know more about the company behind the product. They want to be sure that the company is legit, knows its stuff, and is trustworthy. But how do they learn more about a company? Besides simply reading the About page on the company's website, consumers look at content. In fact, Demand Gen Report found 47% of buyers viewed three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. The report also discovered that 51% of B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make B2B purchasing decisions than they did a year ago. This means that content has become an integral part of the buying process, and it's now a trend that's likely to continue growing. By making your best content easily accessible to your audience, you can pull more leads into your sales funnel, which should eventually increase sales. To gate, or not to gate? This is a question posed by Vertical Response in an article discussing the benefits of giving away content. By gate, they mean putting an obstacle in front of content (e.g., filling out a form to get it). In this article, they point out two specific instances when not gating your content is a smart business decision. Point #1 Internationally acclaimed marketing and sales strategist David Meerman Scott says that according to his statistics, a white paper or eBook will be downloaded 20 times and up to 50 times more without a gate in front of it. And why wouldn't it? By removing the gate and making content accessible to everyone free, you'll naturally generate more downloads. Point #2 Joe Pulizzi is the founder of the Content Marketing Institute and one of the most respected names in content marketing. Here's a quote from Joe regarding gated and non-gated content: Let's say you received 1,000 leads via your white paper download. From David's numbers, let's even take a more conservative 10x more downloads if we remove the gate. This would give us 10,000 downloads with no lead data. Of all those people, let's say that 1 percent would share this with their audiences (with a VERY conservative audience of 100 people, although most blogs get much more). With those numbers, the total possible content reach for gated content would be 2,000 people. Non-gated content would be 20,000 people. When you break it down, you see that gating the content would result in 2,000 people viewing the content, and not gating it would result in 20,000. By simply giving it away, you're theoretically getting ten times the leads. Just think of the impact on your sales figures! In it for the long haul Here's the thing with freeconomics and giving away your content. There's no immediate payoff. It's intrinsically a long-term strategy that involves making sales and growing your business over the long run. It's about building rapport and trust now so that you can make sales at a later date. You could liken it to growing a crop: When you plant a seed, you don't expect to harvest the next day. It takes time. But when you consider the bounty, it's well worth it. I realize this can be an issue for some people, considering the instant gratification culture we live in: we want results, and we want them now. And I get it. It's not easy spending an immense amount of time and energy working on something that will not give you visible results for six months or even a year. But when you follow the right formula, the payoff is huge and makes way more sense than gating your content. My own experience Long ago, I realized the power that content marketing can yield. That's why I've made valuable content the cornerstone of my marketing. More specifically, I've made it a point to give away the bulk of my content. For instance, on Quick Sprout, I offer a sizable library of free content with Quick Sprout University: This is where my audience can find in-depth information on everything from SEO and link building to reputation management and conversion optimization. It also provides content for all knowledge levels (e.g., beginner, intermediate, and advanced). On NeilPatel.com, I have a free podcast called Marketing School, where listeners can learn everything they need to know about online marketing: Of course, I maintain blogs on these sites as well. And you know what? It has completely paid off. Although I didn't get massive results right off the bat, giving away content has gotten me an insane number of sales. Without it, I doubt I would be where I'm at today. Another example I'm sure many of you are familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk. He's an incredibly successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and a major influencer. He also swears like a sailor and makes no apologies for it. Gary basically built an empire from scratch largely by giving away loads of quality content (e.g., YouTube videos, blog posts, infographics, etc.). He even wrote a post called, Why You Shouldn't Charge for Your Best Work. Here's a screenshot of his opening intro that captures his reasoning behind giving away content: In other words, this tactic allows you to create real trust and boost your brand equity so that prospects feel comfortable doing business with you. Even though you're not earning any money initially, you're investing in the long-term success of your company. The full spectrum of benefits Just so you're aware of the impact that this tactic can have, I'd like to point out a handful of specific benefits: It's one of the best ways to nurture leads. According to Marketing Sherpa, “73% of all B2B leads are not sales ready.” You can position your brand as an authority. “45% of a brand's image can be attributed to what it says and how it says it.” It enables you to tell your brand's story and convey your philosophy and values. It reduces skepticism. “In 1997, consumers indicated that they had a high level of confidence in 52% of brands. By 2008 that percentage dropped to 22%.” This is a great way to slash through any doubts your prospects may have. It's an excellent way to educate consumers on your product's features and the way it differs from the products of competitors. You can address any objections that may arise. Which types of content most influence buying decisions? Let's say you're on board with the concept of freeconomics and you understand the logic behind giving your best content for free. This brings us to one important question. What type of content should you create? Do certain types of content influence buying decisions more than others? To answer these questions, I'd like to point out some additional statistics from Demand Gen Report. Take a look at the type of content used in the past 12 months to make B2B purchasing decisions: White papers – 82% Webinars – 78% Case studies – 73% E-books – 67% Blog posts – 66% Infographics – 66% Third-party/analyst reports – 62% Video/motion graphics – 47% Interactive presentations – 36% This doesn't necessarily mean this is the order in which your company should prioritize its content, but it should serve as a general guideline. Conclusion Although the concept of freeconomics and giving away your best content may go against conventional business wisdom, there's no denying the impact this approach can have. The results are convincing. I can speak from personal experience and say this is absolutely one of the best ways to grow your business. It's done wonders for me. But in order to make this strategy work for you, it requires a long-term commitment. You need to treat it as an endurance race—not a sprint. If you stay the course with your content marketing, you can grow your business by as much as 290%. What type of free content has resonated the most with your audience? http://bit.ly/2o4NKPC
0 notes
anseladams03 · 7 years
If You Give Away Your Best Content, Your Business Will Grow by 290%
If you give it away—offer it free—they will come.
This should perhaps be the quote to encompass the business model of freeconomics.
It’s a model that involves giving away your best content.
Believe it or not, more and more companies are integrating and seeing amazing results with freeconomics today.
At first thought, it may seem ludicrous.
I mean, how can you expect to turn a profit if you’re getting no direct return on your content?
You’re spending loads of time and exerting a ton of energy to earn a big fat $0.00.
It just doesn’t make sense.
But when you look at the big picture, giving away your best content—offering it free—makes total sense.
It’s a catalyst for business growth, and I’ve even had clients who’ve grown their businesses by as much as 290% by going this route.
Allow me to explain.
How content impacts a buyer’s decision
Seldom do today’s consumers whip out their credit cards and blindly make a purchase.
No, most perform a considerable amount of research beforehand.
Besides researching the product itself, many consumers want to know more about the company behind the product.
They want to be sure that the company is legit, knows its stuff, and is trustworthy.
But how do they learn more about a company?
Besides simply reading the About page on the company’s website, consumers look at content.
In fact, Demand Gen Report found
47% of buyers viewed three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.
The report also discovered that
51% of B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make B2B purchasing decisions than they did a year ago.
This means that content has become an integral part of the buying process, and it’s now a trend that’s likely to continue growing.
By making your best content easily accessible to your audience, you can pull more leads into your sales funnel, which should eventually increase sales.
To gate, or not to gate?
This is a question posed by Vertical Response in an article discussing the benefits of giving away content.
By gate, they mean putting an obstacle in front of content (e.g., filling out a form to get it).
In this article, they point out two specific instances when not gating your content is a smart business decision.
Point #1
Internationally acclaimed marketing and sales strategist David Meerman Scott says that according to his statistics,
a white paper or eBook will be downloaded 20 times and up to 50 times more without a gate in front of it.
And why wouldn’t it?
By removing the gate and making content accessible to everyone free, you’ll naturally generate more downloads.
Point #2
Joe Pulizzi is the founder of the Content Marketing Institute and one of the most respected names in content marketing.
Here’s a quote from Joe regarding gated and non-gated content:
Let’s say you received 1,000 leads via your white paper download. From David’s numbers, let’s even take a more conservative 10x more downloads if we remove the gate.
This would give us 10,000 downloads with no lead data. Of all those people, let’s say that 1 percent would share this with their audiences (with a VERY conservative audience of 100 people, although most blogs get much more).
With those numbers, the total possible content reach for gated content would be 2,000 people. Non-gated content would be 20,000 people.
When you break it down, you see that gating the content would result in 2,000 people viewing the content, and not gating it would result in 20,000.
By simply giving it away, you’re theoretically getting ten times the leads.
Just think of the impact on your sales figures!
In it for the long haul
Here’s the thing with freeconomics and giving away your content.
There’s no immediate payoff.
It’s intrinsically a long-term strategy that involves making sales and growing your business over the long run.
It’s about building rapport and trust now so that you can make sales at a later date.
You could liken it to growing a crop:
When you plant a seed, you don’t expect to harvest the next day.
It takes time. But when you consider the bounty, it’s well worth it.
I realize this can be an issue for some people, considering the instant gratification culture we live in: we want results, and we want them now.
And I get it. It’s not easy spending an immense amount of time and energy working on something that will not give you visible results for six months or even a year.
But when you follow the right formula, the payoff is huge and makes way more sense than gating your content.
My own experience
Long ago, I realized the power that content marketing can yield.
That’s why I’ve made valuable content the cornerstone of my marketing.
More specifically, I’ve made it a point to give away the bulk of my content.
For instance, on Quick Sprout, I offer a sizable library of free content with Quick Sprout University:
This is where my audience can find in-depth information on everything from SEO and link building to reputation management and conversion optimization.
It also provides content for all knowledge levels (e.g., beginner, intermediate, and advanced).
On NeilPatel.com, I have a free podcast called Marketing School, where listeners can learn everything they need to know about online marketing:
Of course, I maintain blogs on these sites as well.
And you know what? It has completely paid off.
Although I didn’t get massive results right off the bat, giving away content has gotten me an insane number of sales.
Without it, I doubt I would be where I’m at today.
Another example
I’m sure many of you are familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk.
He’s an incredibly successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and a major influencer.
He also swears like a sailor and makes no apologies for it.
Gary basically built an empire from scratch largely by giving away loads of quality content (e.g., YouTube videos, blog posts, infographics, etc.).
He even wrote a post called, Why You Shouldn’t Charge for Your Best Work.
Here’s a screenshot of his opening intro that captures his reasoning behind giving away content:
In other words, this tactic allows you to create real trust and boost your brand equity so that prospects feel comfortable doing business with you.
Even though you’re not earning any money initially, you’re investing in the long-term success of your company.
The full spectrum of benefits
Just so you’re aware of the impact that this tactic can have, I’d like to point out a handful of specific benefits:
It’s one of the best ways to nurture leads. According to Marketing Sherpa, “73% of all B2B leads are not sales ready.”
You can position your brand as an authority. “45% of a brand’s image can be attributed to what it says and how it says it.”
It enables you to tell your brand’s story and convey your philosophy and values.
It reduces skepticism. “In 1997, consumers indicated that they had a high level of confidence in 52% of brands. By 2008 that percentage dropped to 22%.” This is a great way to slash through any doubts your prospects may have.
It’s an excellent way to educate consumers on your product’s features and the way it differs from the products of competitors.
You can address any objections that may arise.
Which types of content most influence buying decisions?
Let’s say you’re on board with the concept of freeconomics and you understand the logic behind giving your best content for free.
This brings us to one important question.
What type of content should you create? Do certain types of content influence buying decisions more than others?
To answer these questions, I’d like to point out some additional statistics from Demand Gen Report.
Take a look at the type of content used in the past 12 months to make B2B purchasing decisions:
White papers – 82%
Webinars – 78%
Case studies – 73%
E-books – 67%
Blog posts – 66%
Infographics – 66%
Third-party/analyst reports – 62%
Video/motion graphics – 47%
Interactive presentations – 36%
This doesn’t necessarily mean this is the order in which your company should prioritize its content, but it should serve as a general guideline.
Although the concept of freeconomics and giving away your best content may go against conventional business wisdom, there’s no denying the impact this approach can have.
The results are convincing.
I can speak from personal experience and say this is absolutely one of the best ways to grow your business. It’s done wonders for me.
But in order to make this strategy work for you, it requires a long-term commitment.
You need to treat it as an endurance race—not a sprint.
If you stay the course with your content marketing, you can grow your business by as much as 290%.
What type of free content has resonated the most with your audience?
from Quick Sprout http://ift.tt/2nUuG5N from Blogger http://ift.tt/2oqG4dt April 10, 2017 at 08:39PM
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Batman and the Mad Monk #1:
Dark Moon Rising, part 1
Read Date: October 26, 2022 Cover Date: October 2006 ● Writer: Matt Wagner ● Penciler: Matt Wagner ● Inker: Matt Wagner ● Colorist: Dave Stewart ● Letterer: Rob Leigh ● Editors: Brandon Montclare ◦ Bob Schreck ●
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Synopsis: Batman comes across Catwoman committing another burglary. He worries that he has accidentally given license to every crook with a flair for the dramatic. Catwoman smells a girl's perfume on Batman, and runs off after scratching him. Batman tries to follow, but can't as he's been drugged, and he hears his pager go off.
Julie Madison is waiting outside a clothes store for Bruce. Alfred Pennyworth arrives, and tells her that Bruce cannot make it. Upset, Julie goes home.
James Gordon is waiting atop Police Headquarters for Batman. While waiting, three of Commissioner Grogan's thugs arrive, and ask what he's doing. Despite saying that's he's smoking in private, the thugs attack him. Gordon holds his own, until a coughing fit gives the thugs an advantage. Batman arrives in time to down the police thugs and warn them off Gordon. Gordon muses that it's the first time he's seen Batman in action, and he's fighting cops again. he tells Batman that Hugo Strange appears to be legal, and that something new has arrived. He takes him down to the morgue.
Julie arrives home. Her father, Norman Madison, tells her that they need to lie low, especially at night. She wonders what's gotten him so shaken, then finds his note pad covered in drawings of bats.
In the morgue, Gordon shows Batman the body of a young woman pulled out of the river. A ragged wound on her neck shows where her throat's been ripped out. Her blood has been completely drained out- more than the river would do. Batman is still inclined to think the river is responsible, as was Gordon, until he's shown another body, a young man, with exactly the same condition, who'd been found in the basement of a warehouse.
In a nightclub, an young woman from out of town gets chatting with another, Dala. Dala gives her a smell of her perfume. The girl half-faints. Dala takes her out, for some "fresh air". She passes out, and Dala has her loaded into a hearse. "Tonight", she says, "the blood moon shall be filled."
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Fan Art: Rooftop Meeting by FBOMBheart
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 07
(These early episodes are way too short considering the amount of reading involved. Oh well. They do get much better as time goes on! I promise!)
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