#pokemo go
frostbreathx · 6 months
Hey trainers! I'll be posting a translated comic here from now on. For those who don't know, I'm brazilian and I speak portuguese. I love And the world will turn to ash and though Surfi never finished the comic, I think everyone should have the chance to read it. Since it's in english, I'll be translating to portuguese.
I know some people don't like seeing content in other languages on their dash (???), so I'll be tagging with PT/BR, if it bothers you, just filter the tag.
I do have Surfaçace's permission to post the comics, the screenshot of our conversation is below the cut.
Oi treinadores! A partir de agora eu irei postar aqui a versão traduzida de "Reduzido às cinzas". Eu amo essa história e apesar de Surfaçage nunca ter terminado, eu acho que todo mundo deveria ter a chance de ler.
Se você não gostaria de ver esse conteúdo na sua dash, bloqueie a tag "O mundo se reduzirá a cinzas".
Eu tenho permissão do autor para fazer a tradução e postar, então o print da nossa conversa está logo abaixo.
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
gosh, seeing people happily discussing about their OCs make me want to show my OCs too but then i realized i still have not make any "official" art of them and their background details are still being worked on
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emilyartstudio-s · 2 years
Are you in any other fandoms? Not asking you to draw all the fandoms you're in or anything! Just wanna know if you have any personality other than "heeheehoohoo southpark" ?
i don't have a personality
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dinomites · 6 months
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notbroadwaybound · 2 years
I want to stay up and play new pokemon games butttttttttttt sleep calls
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chainsandmorechains · 17 days
I still don't fully understand why, but some people love rape threats, more than loving them they beg for it.
I'm not judging them, nor you for liking it if you love it, after all, everyone has their own tastes, I, for example, have some reprehensible tastes too possibly worse than yours but it's all a question of opinion here, also I like to think that I matured over the mentality of a 3-year-old child that disrespects someone for their differences no, no, I'm not judging anyone for that nor will give any excuses if I do.
If I want to disrespect someone, or you reader, I probably won't ever use anything of that sort, no if I want to disrespect you I'll do it, without hiding behind any kind of excuses or differences you may hold.
Why would I do that?
Because I want to of course, what else?
You may ponder why I'm talking about that right now when I'm only supposed to talk about rape threats and to answer your restless mind let me simply tell you that the reason I did that was to introduce you to the rest of that message, it was to establish in your mind the fact that if I want to do something no matter how dumb or insane it is, as long as it isn't a danger to my survival well I'll probably fucking do it.
That's why you shouldn't question why I suddenly want to become the best pokemo-! I mean the best rape threatener(?)in the world, well I want to be the person on earth who send and creates the best rape threats.
Why would I want that? Like I said you really shouldn't question it if you don't want to start getting mad, my incredible thought process is way out of the league of mortals like you.
But if you really need some answer well yes, it may be because I have a small obsession with becoming the best at everything I do, and yes it may also be because I want to assert my dominance maybe, just maybe.
What's sure however, is that I shall need to practice to reach my goal of unofficial best… rape-threatener in the world, let's call it like that shall we, measuring progress is also simply essential for my goal, and that's where YOU come in, Yep you, the best way to measure how amazing my rape threat is by showing them to someone who loves rape threat and seeing if they get horny.
But I'm too lazy to send one rape threat to multiple people and then measure their level of arousal, that's why I shall use this post as a way to potentially gain attention and test my rape threats on you all.
Now let's start for real, if you're not interested in hearing my great being threatening you, well firstly you're missing something there, and secondly…why are you still here? It's time for a strategic retreat.
If you're still there, shut up, go grab your favorite beverage or put your hand on your privates, and let me use you like a good little lab rat, test subjects are hard to come by these days.
Cough cough
I could try to start this threat with some beautifully woven words, but considering the fact that I currently just want to grab your head and slam it against the nearest piece of furniture before raping your holes, I won't. I wouldn't hesitate even for a measly second to fuck you until you're a drooling mess that can only mutter "sorry" again and again pathetically, the only thing I would hesitate on would be between abusing your warm and moist lips on your face or abusing your pluckable asshole, so many choices, what a hard dilemma, but don't worry too much about waiting for too long while I do my decision, I'll keep you busy by choking you with your own underwear, can't have you screaming around.
I want to rape you with animalistic violence that almost none could replicate, I want to ruin you, I want this to be both the worst and best experience of your life, I want those contrary thoughts to corrupt your mind and mold it into something, something else, something new, something better (only for me), I want to ravage you so brutally that you would associate this situation with rock bottom, I'll feed myself from the despair in your eyes and I'll be sure to teach you a very important lesson.
When you think you're at your worst, everything can still get much much worse.
I'll teach you that by kidnapping you in a place where no one could ever find you, it's simply the natural step forward After doing something like that, can't have you run away or believe that you will sagely and docilely submit to me after making you suffer only one traumatizing experience, No for myself to be convinced of your submission I need a secure place for me to throw you in and fuck you every fucking day, every fucking hour, every fucking minutes, and every FUCKING seconds of your new life.
Don't worry about stopping, It's been a while already since I mastered orgasmic control, a pretty neat trick it helps get rid of a pesky thing you certainly know under the name of the refractory period, I mean it doesn't actually change the refractory period of an individual, and it has the little side effect on me not being able to cum if I want to lose my streak but don't worry about that, if you're worried about my pleasure well it's actually way more pleasurable for me to fuck like that, and also it's not like you will really be able to reflect on that when your mind is overflowing with pain, pleasure, and despair, or whatever else your twisted mind has created.
You shouldn't have the time to focus on anything else but my dick slamming in your holes, oh maybe you will be able to sense all of the different positions I would put you in tough.
But don't you even worry I may be evil but I have no intention to let you die, nope, I'll give you enough nutriment in the form of food covered by my cum, it will even be in a dogbowl, aren't I'm generous? I'll make sure to make you worship my feets in order for you to understand how charitable I am.
Oh, don't you need to drink too, don't worry I'm too damn awesome to have forgotten about that, I'll be sure to spit water or juice in your mouth when I hydratate myself.
Yeah I know I'm a magnanimous man.
May teach you some tricks too, I always wanted a pet, how does a cat cosplay sounds like? Want to have one while you're chained down under my desk and worshipping my dick? No? You don't want it? Whatever I don't care I'll still make you wear one and force you to clean yourself with my cum as if you were a cat cleaning itself.
Ohhhhh I should give you oversized paw gauntlets…this right here is a genius Idea.
Even if that sounds like a bad fate you should focus on the positive, with how much sex is a streneuous activity, you will be fit as fuck when everything is finished.
Well not like there would be an end.
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evermorethecrow · 8 months
asking really nicely so you can properly explain? please? pretty please? with a cherry on top? 🛐
fine because you were nice
Every evermore au summarised PROPERLY
1) Yuuko au-
Chuuya gets a kid at 14 and has to deal with it
2) Cryptid au-
Chuuya nakahara died in 1935, came back and is now murderous and evil (and a giant ram sometimes)
3) High school au-
Chuuya nakahara is a 15 year old who wants to be completely erased from memory when he dies, simultaneously he wants to fight with everything to keep living (it doesnt work)
4) Vampire au-
Chuuya was born (wrong) into an aristocratic heavily established vampire family with a lot of not so great traditions. after escaping from them the third time he looses it a little bit and decides to now dedicate his life to murdering them all off, as well as anyone who gets in the way. hes aproached by mori ougai the head of a powerful vampire slaying organisation and joins to help his plans. i also gave him a gun
5) God au-
born as the god of luck and fortune chuuya is stolen by humans and placed in a shrine to bring insane luck to the earth. then shit hits the fan. Now hes stuck as the god of curses (and bad luck) and cant walk around without hell breaking loose
6) Plant shop au-
Chuuya nakahara ends up at a police station at 14 and meets murase (as well as some other cops). Chuuya is going to be given a death sentence but after some less than legal talk with his supervisors murase can remove it completely. the only condition is rehabilitating chuuya back into society, which proves a harder task than thought considering a few extra issues that went down in his past.
7) College(idol) au-
At 15 chuuya nakahara is the lead of a world famous pop idol group. Shifty treatment from his manager makes chuuya decide to quit, however on while preforming his last show something technical goes wrong, the stage explodes, the other members got away safe but chuuya was hospitalised. the world assumes him dead and since he contract is over he decides to keep it that way, content with living his life like a normal person now. until hes in collage and it turns out his new roomate was the biggest fan of him and his old group. chaos ensues
8) Sky casino chuuya au-
After hardly a year in the sheep chuuya is found by fyodor and placed inside the sky casino for safe keeping. now at 16 hes very good at his job and very bad at being tollerant of annoying house guests from the port mafia
9) DOA au-
15 goes wrong, chuuya gets hit a lot harder by the sheep and he ends up at fyodors doorstep (through less than natural circumstances). hes been working for the doa since. Dazai and him re-meet at 22 after hes captured by the port mafia. it goes intrestingly.
10) Scene kid au- a fun au where everyone in the show wears some kind of alt fashion (also theres like the worlds impending and quickeningly near end looming over everyone but that doesnt matter)
11) God+Vampire slayer au-
Chuuya is the (born human) reincarnatation of the god/lord of the wild in an era where vampire-like zombies run wild. he meets a boy who turned into a vampire but somehow remained concious and is now working with him and a shifty doctor to blast gore everywhere try and find a cure
12) Ability swap au
Chuuya has no longer human instead of Tainted but keeps his singularity, dazai has flawless but keeps being anything but. They have eachother. (that could be enough)
13) No Yuuko au-
Yuuko (that kid who chuuya got) never actually MEETS chuuya and instead through a long path of events ends up in the custody of a 20 year old dazai. what could possibly go wrong
14) college au 2 eletric boogaloo-
Chuuya nakahara grows up strict catholic and ends up a single parent in some lousey apartment trying to ballence class and like not killing his child. also his roomate is an annoying bastard who wont shut up
15) Nun Au-
Chuuya's raised in a cult and then joins the mafia.
16) Pokemon au Red-
All the bsd charecters live in the world of pokemon. chuuyas a gym leader and secretly a team rocket executive following his bosses order to prevent some kid finding mew
17) Pokemon au Blue-
Pokemon exist in the bsd verse! Canon except they all have pokemon to fight with and chuuya may or may not be spiritually connected to a lucario
18) Demon ability au-
Instead of tainted sorrow chuuya has an ability reminiscent of kouyou and kyoukas. (hes still got that singularity unfortunatly but this time its in a huge fucking demon?) his role in the pm changes acordingly
19) Mermaid au- chuuya's a mermaid happily enjoying life on land. Dazai is a mermaid hellbent on dragging chuuya back to the ocean
20) Circus au-
when chuuya joins the port mafia hes placed under lippmanns command instead of kouyou's. unfortunatly its not that easy and the port mafia's fronting as a circus. now chuuyas got to learn how to use rope.
21) Elise au-
On his deathbed mori manages to transfer his ability to chuuya. hes now living through elise. it goes as well as you'd expect now the mafias being run by an 11 year old
22) Chuuya stays with the sheep au-
self explanitory, dazai's plan fails and chuuya never ends up leaving the sheep. then 15 rolls around and verlaine disposes of them. chuuya travels around with verlaine until hes eventually rescued by the flags
23) Ada au-
chuuya moves to the ada after stormbringer. he works with yosano in the infirmary.
24) Demon/Coffee shop au-
Ex-fighting ring demon chuuya runs a coffee shop and tries to be evil (hes bad at it)
25) Chuuya is inside my laptop au-
Dazai finds a beat up laptop on the floor one day and being the cheap person he is decides to take it. the only issue is theres someone (something?) living inside it (its chuuya)
26) Dragon au-
Chuuya nakahara is one of the last dragons of his kind. dazai wants a pet dog but gets something more exotic instead
27) Nyan bungou stray nekos au- nyan neko sugar girls but bsd derailed and i dont know how to explain this now
29) Botw au-
chuuya's a gerudo who isnt that good at fitting in, dazai's a zora next in line for the throne whos bad at everything. together they make a wildfire look like a beach holiday
Honarable mentions
Danganrompa au (Only existed so i could execute chuuya)
Vocaloid/Utauloid au (canon except they have vocasynth voices)
Evermore's chuuyai farm and factory
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broken-everlark · 7 months
Welp my dumbass decided to make Wednesday pokemon trainer cards instead of updating my WIPs. Which I'm going to do after I post this🤣
I'm not fully happy about Tyler, eugene, and the xaviers teams. Those may change.
Almost everyone always gets a legendary/mythical.
I know literally no one will read this or care. But I figured I could post it anyway.
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I gave her Skorupi because of Nero, so he's her partner.
Gliscor because he's just a beast of a mon and reminds me of a scorpion/bat that fits Wednesday's dark theme. Tyler had given this to her as a present. On their first anniversary, it immediately became a favorite.
Corviknight because Wednesday is referred to as the Raven, and he just seems like the most raven mon (even though he's a crow). Wednesday found this pokemon back when it was a Rookiedee. It had fallen out of its nest. Instead of feeding it to her mother's Pyroar, she kept it.
Hydreigon because he's just a dark dragon, and I feel like he fits Wednesday's style. Wednesday had found him as a deino, the poor blind Dino had injured himself. She decided to take him in and raise him to become a terrifying dragon.
Dusknoir because he's a big scary ghost that eats souls in his chest. Out of all the ghost types, i feel like this one fits Wednesday the most. This mon snuck up on Wednesday and followed her throughout a haunted graveyard, not giving up until she caught him.
It was between Giratina (the underworld/antimatter legend) or Yveltal. Her legend I chose is Yveltal, He's the legendary of Death, basically destroying everything in sight.
(I feel bad for doing this to Tyler)
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His partner - Cubone - because they both lost their moms. Cubone wears his mothers dead skull on his head. Tyler's mother had given this to him just before she passed.
(Might replace.) Bewear - literally because Tyler is sweet & adorable on the outside, but on the inside, he's hiding a dangerous monster, just like bewear.
Mimikyu - because the creature inside the suit just wants to be loved, just like Tyler. So he hides behind a suit made up of a beloved pokemon. But everytime it's trainer looks underneath the suit, they die.
Scovillian - because it's a funny play on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Two faces, two different personalities.
Garchomp - Because this mon is anger filled and very hard to tame also very powerful. Kinda reminds me of the hyde.
His legend is Mewtwo. A legend made by humans and hates humanity. Reminds me of Tyler's tragic past, hating others who don't understand what he's been through.
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Her partner is a shiny Spheal - Honestly, I just feel like Enid would love every single pokemon that's adorable.
Shiny) Politoad because he's just a very happy frog, and I feel like it matches. It Enids a very bubbly personality.
Arcanine - i feel like even though it's a big scary dog, she loves it because it's Fluffy and loyal. Just like Enid.
Lycanroc (Day form) just a little nod to her wolf form.
Dragonair - Honestly, it's just a beautiful mid evo that I feel like Enid would love
And her legend is Mew. It's just a cute, sweet cat that has all the DNA of each pokemon. Something I think Enid would take care of and love.
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So Ajax's starter is Ivysaur - because the bulbasaur line is famous for smoking grass
Ekans because of Ajax being a Gorgon and his little snakes poke their heads out sometimes.
Slowbro because it seems like a good pokemon to get high with.
Hisuian Typhlosion because he just looks like a depressed cool boy like my baby Ajax.
Noivern - because I just see Ajax being the chill guy at parties and noiverns ears remind me of speakers.
His legend is a shiny Rayquaza just because he's a giant space snek noodle🤣
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Eugene's starter is a shiny caterpie, figured he'd just be a bug type trainee.
Beedrill - because of his powers to control bees.
Heracross- same as the caterpie. Just figured he'd have a bug army.
Dewpider because he's just an adorable bean like Eugene.
Appletun because I just feel like he'd love chunky pokemon. Because chunky pokemon are the best.
wobbuffet because its a psychic pokemon and it's insane ability to use counter and I feel like Eugene would need a happy mon to keep him company.
Yes Eugene doesn't get a legend. Just couldn't find one that fit.
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Her partner being Primarina - has to do with her being a siren outcast. Her partner looks like a mermaid and sings like sirens and mermaids are known for.
Being the popular girl at school, I'd imagine she'd have tons of beautiful pokemon. A florges. Being a bouquet of flowers fits that perfectly
Again, Hatterene fits the popular girl status perfectly. Another beautiful fairy type to add to Bianca's team
Bianca would also have a shiny Altaria, it being her pride since it's a rare golden color.
Beautifly - a rare evolution of Wurmple, being very beautiful & every time it flaps its wings, sparkly pollen falls with each flap.
I chose Meloetta fighting form for her mythical pokemon. It has unique singing abilities, and being strong but beautiful would fit Bianca perfectly.
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Xavier surprisingly got a card. I didn't want to download a picture of him into my phone so he gets no picture.
He gets a shiny muk as his partner. Because he looks like throw up. Just like how I feel about Xaviers character.
He gets an Exeggutor because it's derpy in a stupid way🤣
Grafaiai because he's an artist.
Garbordor - because it's a pokemon made of trash.
Xavier does get a legend. But it's the worst one. He gets regice because it's a trash legend.🤣
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yourcrazyboyokris · 6 months
The title- er- description i guess
Greetings! If you are reading this, you have likely clicked on my profile. But wait! That must mean the impossible. You want to know more about me?! Absolutely unheard of, but here we go! Name: you can call me pretty much anything, including Forbidden Lord of The Banana Horde, but if you somehow want to take things seriously on this site, you can call me Kris. Interests: Gaming (Hollow Knight, Rain World, OneShot, Zelda games, Deltarune, Pokemo-), Chatting but only on very rare occasions that everyone is supposed to know /hj, writing, silliness, feeding virgin souls to the Great One, and more :3 Relationship status: Taken! I mean I am locked in a house against my will send help /j Sexuality: Check the colors of the titles (extremely MEGA G A E) DNI: TERFs, Homophobes, Literally anyone who doesn’t value the lives of human beings or creatures, and Marcus. I remember what you did. Feel free to check out my Rain World AU, Project Mainframe!
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Choco Tacos exist
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lyramundana · 1 year
since i've been reading a lot of reencarnation isekai webtoons about villains and villainess, i got an idea. tagging @daughter-of-sea-and-wisdom because she’s the brain behind this universe.
what if, instead of the Bridgertons keeping the memories from the past, it's only the spouses (and Portia of course). They remember all they did, those terrible decisions and, finally, their deaths. All of it motivated by an impossible dream or a romantic notion that lead to nowhere.
When they wake up again in their younger selfs, they vow to never make the same mistakes again. They regret everything and wish to start a new, except for the Bridgertons. This time, they'll focus on themselves and survive at any cost. They no longer care about the Bridgertons or whatever those pompous jerks had to offer (specially since some of them were involved in the spouses' demises in the past life). They only want to take this opportunity to make things better and, if they keep indulging in their "unsavory" behaviours, it'll be only because it pleases them and nothing else.
For obvious reasons, they all eventually gravitate towards Portia, who's nothing like in the previous life, but seeing how good of a change it is, they don't bother in looking for an explanation. She's picking them up one by one like pokemos, directly and undirectly, to also save them from their destinies, unknowingly to them. At the feel of her kindness and opportunities she offers each one of them, they all silently decide to stay by Portia's side, and in the way, they find solace in each other as siblings, as family. They grow together, healing from their past traumas and finding joy in this new life in the Featherington residence.
As part of their new plans, they actively avoid the Bridgertons and anything related to them. That family was what lead to their deaths and, while they kinda deserved it, they don't want to tempt fate. No, Bridgertons is sinonym of death and loss for them, so they simply let them be with their respective love interests, to live the happy fairytale they tried to ruin previously, and forget they exist.
But of course, such drastic changes can only go overlooked for so long. And considering the prominience of some of their "unsavoury" bussiness they have going on, the attention is prone to fall on them. They can't avoid the ton forever, as they have duties to attend, and, while they want to keep low-profiles, they're all flashy and mysterious individuals, with their good traits enchanced now thanks to their change of heart. They're bound to catch people's attention, specially those people that aren't used to challenge and crave more of it....
(I got inspired by Divorcing my Tyrant Husband and Isn't Being a Wicked Woman Better? webtoons, my favourite ones recently)
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frostbreathx · 7 months
Is pokemon go RP comunity still around? I'm a couple years late, but... reblog this if you're a RP blog featuring any pokego chars so I may follow!
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saltynsassy31 · 8 months
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i have two pokemon ocs/personas , one for paldea and the other for galar. the paldean guy is named rubie (left) and the galarian guy (technically from my first pokemon game!!! shield has a special place in my heart forever) is named cacao (right). theyre brothers, both champions
cacao co-champions with hop because for the life of them they couldnt stop winning/losing at the exact same time so they challenged leon individually (and both won). cacao loves the cold and stayed in galar because of how much he loves his region. surprisingly he doesnt actually like battling much bc he sucks at strategy and just goes with whatever his pokemon think is the right thing to do
rubie is confused on what to do with his life but loves pokemon. he loves spending time in area zero because it feels magical to him. the pokemon around paldea and area zero dont attack him as much as they attack others, theyre pretty used to him cus he feeds them like ducks. hes neutral on battling but loves the thrill of catching, still sucks at strategy cus it runs in the family
Oh wow, pretty thought out :0
I cant wait to get my first pokemon game for my birthday this yeah hehe I wanna get in all the hype of making thought out ocs!
I tend to want the source before I indulge cuz I don't wanna go too out of canon, I'm annoying like that Xd, only after I'm comfortable with canon do I go out and venture
They're pretty interesting tho! From what I understand at least, somethings I'm absolutely lost at what you ment fkskska
Tho, it would be fun to have our ocs/persona interact? Maybe? Gkskska I only have Salty, my own danm persona, but oh well, she's more like wn oc at this point XD just one I pretend to be
It's fine if you're not comfortable with that BTW just suggesting incase you are gkdskkaaj
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housano · 21 days
Housano's Live a Half-Assed summaries presents: Train-A-Hero Part 2: What's the Story Morning Glory
For Part 1 Click Here
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Moving to the warehouse where MC was almost killed (See Barrel Character Quest), Rokuneaki begins an epic tale of - Huckle tells him to get to the point. Tsuneaki then explains after the incident in Kyoto and we departed, and with the desecrations of various sacred sites, the organization he was infiltrating has fallen into a lot of internal conflict and drama which makes his espionage job significantly more difficult. So, to stay in the organzations good graces, he is here under the guise of monitoring the heroes as well a check out Rydarq's new hero suit. When queried about why not just show up as himself, he said that would complicated things as people know his hero form. Rather it would be easier for him to act as the newcomer Rokusei and asks us to play along, which we immediately demand coffee (blowing your cover will be a cakewalk compared to denying me my caffeine). Huckle chuckles and joins in a bit on the teasing but asked Tsuneaki if both organizations are involved in the festival which he denies (based on what he knows). He states the former organization is too busy with internal affairs to care and the second organization has no interest of reason to be there. With everything explained we are back to the festival and Mommy is getting her caffeine fix.
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Elsewhere, our two brothers are looking for a hero to talk to. Sterio is amazed with the paved roads at the event. Just HOW undeveleoped is Muirica?! They try to talk to Loren, but unfortunately someone fell and they couldn't talk much to Loren (it's okay his healing sucks anyway). Canes then inquires with a staff member about meeting a hero which they said they would have to schedule a time which unfrotunately are fully booked. Canes asks a bit more about becoming a hero but the organization calls the staff member whose pulled away
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Back to our perspective and getting our caffeine fix, our MC is worried about their customer service skills (me too girl). Rokuslay says not to worry as not many people would want to see an unknown hero before suddenly being embraced in a death grip by a very excited Sterio who finally caught their first Pokemo- I mean Hero. We can tease Huckle who gets a tad defensive saying that it's been a long time since he's been a hero.
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After releasing Rokusigh, they introduce themselves and Rokusei and Sterio, two brothers from Muirica. Being brothers immediately piques Tsuneakusei's interest while Huckle is interested about them being from a developing galaxy. We learn a bit more about the Space Hunters whose job it is to protect the colonies from beasts while developing. They then begin to inquire about how to become a hero which Tsuneaki says they need to first transform and describes Operators as connecting a bus route to the Hero's dreams and goals (I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted). Sterio begins to wish to be a hero and MC can be mean and tell them to pray harder (which I enabled) but to no avail. Canes is a bit disappointed, but Huckle suggest going around the venue to talk to other heroes to get a better understanding and his own answer. Rokusei says he will help guide them as well. Canes and Sterio are super appreciative. We talk to Rokusei about his interest in the two, and said two different aliens were able to become brothers and it's a vision for the future he wants of different beings living together peacefully.
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Suddenly we are interrupted by a surprise hero demo. Tsuneaki can't transform because it would dox him. However, as a member of the defense bureau, he is quite proficient in hand to hand combat.
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Unfortunately, his top pops off and his suit is barely hanging on rendering him immobile. When did this event become Kemo Coliseum (don't look it up if you're under 18)?
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Huckle then decides that he needs to step in and transforms. Suddenly everyone, including our backwoods brothers, recognize who he is and the other team is excited to take on a veteran hero.
After the battle and many autographs, Huckle returns to usand says that Ryekie's curry is a company expense tomorrow and that we all will reconvene tomorrow. Canes and Sterio thank us and depart. Tsuneaki watches them on the shore, treating each other as equals, with a forlorn look on his face.
Train-A-Hero Part 2: It was a wardrobe malfunction -END
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
How many time loops does Anna go through? Like from a scale to “a few” to “homura madoka magica herself” (also btw I love her name!)
I dunno yet! I first trapped her in the time loop back when I was like 9 and I haven't played Ruby again since. I can't recall how many times I replayed the beginning as a kid. Probably 3 or 4 times, realistically.
It's not quite a Homura thing, though. She'll only have to restart her entire journey (from a point of considerable progress, anyways) once, when I complete Ruby and then play Alpha Sapphire.
I explain how I plan to implement Involuntary Time Looping when I eventually play as Anna in this post from yesterday:
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billycorn · 4 months
Give us the deets on your experience moving out!
What was it like packing up your things? Did you feel anything strong emotions-wise when you put all your stuff in boxes to move away with? (I once switched rooms within the same house and got pretty sentimental upon packing all my things into boxes and tubs just to transfer them. It was very surreal) Did you have to leave many possessions behind at home?
What living situation did you move into? An apartment, a dorm, something else? What’s the three weirdest things you’ve learned after moving out?
What’s your favorite thing to eat after a long day when you don’t have much energy?
How hard is it to keep in touch with family? What’s your favorite way to feel close to them, despite the distance?
What’s the first thing you plan to do upon returning home to visit? What are you looking forward to? Is there anything you’re dreading? If so, is there a way to feel excited about even that, too?
You mentioned having a lot of animals growing up— if you still do, what are the names and species of the animals you’re most excited to greet upon arriving home?
A bit of a different question: What was your favorite meal to eat growing up, and has your opinion of it changed as you’ve gotten older?
I'm not sure if I actually answered all of the questions, more just rambling than anything, sorry! (More under the cut)
To provide some context for these, I'll recap my january-february real quick. To study Marine Bio I had to do a bridging course, so I was doing that online, 12 weeks of content condensed into 5 weeks, so it was very fast paced. So, naturally, I got injured! Split my eyebrow open and had to get stitches, which that got infected. So, I was on heavy painkillers and bouncing in and out of hospital for a bit, and trying to pass my course. Also, my older sister was getting married (to a guy I set her up with!) on the farm, so I spent a lot of time fixing up the house.
The day after my Sister's wedding was the day I left. So, between my course, my injury, the wedding, and moving out, I was too preoccupied to actually think about moving, so I was fine until my Aunt said "It's probably a good thing you're so busy, otherwise you'd be really anxious about moving." My Grandfather followed that up with, "hopefully you don't come slinking back with your tail between your legs!" Which really didn't help, though, neither of them said those things out of meanness.
I didn't feel emotional packing my stuff up, but I was fighting back tears saying goodbye to my family, and as soon as I drove out the gate I just started bawling. It was a mess. That weekend I drove, took a ferry, drove some more, covering 1480 kilometers in two days, after which I slept for 18 straight hours. I had to leave a lot of personal items and books behind, unfortunately, but I managed to take most of the important stuff.
I moved into a studio apartment which has been really weird. I went from knowing all my neighbours but being unable to see them, to sharing a building with 700 strangers. The wierdest thing I've learned since moving out is that people actually want to spend time with me. All my old friends are hermits and terrible communicators (I say that with all love) so if I wanted to see them I'd just show up on their doorstep like a kitten begging to get out of the rain. Now, living in the city, people ask me to go do things with them, even mundane stuff like grocery shopping. The first time I got an invite I was baffled, just did not understand what was happening. Still getting to used to that one, honestly.
Favourite thing to eat after a long day; hot chocolate and a muffin. I will get as comfy cosy as possible, make a hot chocolate and a muffin and all is right with the world.
It's not hard to keep in touch with family. I have three sisters and call them each once a week, plus a call to mum dad, and grandparents. My youngest sister is a lot like me so sometimes I'll jump on a call and we'll play a video game, often Pokemon Unite or Ultimate Chicken Horse.
First thing I'm doing upon getting home is getting a hug. I used to come home to a house full of laughter, now I get home each day knowing that no one is waiting for me and it gets lonely. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and just relaxing at home for a bit. Not dreading anything at all! Only excitement.
Animals I'm most excited to see are Misha (my dog), she's a rescue and took some time to come around but now she's the sweetest and will go ballistic when I walk through the gate. Also, Rusty, my pony who was born last November. He's a cuddly idiot who doesn't realise how big he is. And, of course, Timmy and Aqua, my Turtles, who are adorable.
My favourite meal growing up was bacon and egg sandwiches. My Mum is a nurse who often works the night shift, so I used to always make sure when she got home there was a hot plate waiting for her, and, when possible, I'd wait to eat with her before she went to bed. So, I love the taste, and now have nice memories to go with it!
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
March 18-20
Sometimes you just gotta have a dumb Pokemon AU okay?
Eric liked the view of Earth from the moon. It was a beautiful planet and she liked sitting in craters barely bigger than she was and laying there watching the planet. That was what she was doing now when she heard a commotion outside her little crater and she sat up.
A squirming snake-like thing collided right with her helmet. With a cry she reached up and snatched the wriggling, struggling thing, and pulled it off her visor. She barely had time to register a little dreepy when the sound of thrall scrambling over the moon's surface pulled her attention to the enemy. Holding the baby pokemon in one hand she unholstered her hand gun as the thrall who'd been chasing it came into view.
Each one was met with bullet to their horrible heads.
Once they were all killed Eric could focus on the little dreepy who was slack in her hand. The moon wasn't a popular place for pokemon because the Hive did not tolerate their presence. This dreepy was washed out like the color of moon rock and a colony had existed with the Hive long enough for it to have accumulated barnacle-like chitin growths on its head, the pattern on its face almost skull-like. Unlike terrestrial dreepy it also had a third eye. While it looked very Hivey she knew it wasn't. Pokemon couldn't be corrupted by the Hive like that.
"What are you doing out here?" she asked the dreepy who perked up. "Ghostie is it hurt?"
Ghostie came out and scanned the little dragon. "No. Just a bit tired." The dreepy chirped at her and curled around her hand like a hug. Ghost pokemon did the best on the moon so it made sense to find this line of pokemon out here.
"Well it seems friendly," Eric said petting the dreepy on its barnacle crowned head. It cheeped at her and nosed against her hand happily. "You want to stay with me?" Ghostie transmatted one of her custom pokeballs into her hand, often confused for a moon ball it was muted pastel pink, purple with a golden moon and black accents on it. Over the top to have custom pokeballs? Maybe. But other than coffee and bullets she didn't spend her glimmer on much so custom pokeballs it was.
The dreepy nodded enthusiastically. Eric smiled and touched the button of the ball to the dreepy's nose. "Welcome to the team. I'll think of a nickname for you when we get home," and the dreepy was made into data and light and absorbed into the pokeball.
Eric was working with her new dreepy on a move she'd taught it in the Tower so it was a bit less useless in battle. She'd spent a good chunk of glimmer on dragon tail machine but it was one thing to inject your pokemon's ball with a machine learned move it was quite another to actually get it to learn the move. So she'd gone out to the mountains around the City with Savant for some training. Her other pokemon she'd been training were napping or having lunch under Moonbeam's watchful eye. She trusted the umbreon to keep everyone behaving while she worked with their newest family member.
"Yeah, that's it," she told the dreepy encouragingly as it lashed its glowing tail against a tree. It cheeped at her excitedly that it'd done a good job and she pet it and gave it a treat for the good job.
"Eric!" Savant's voice called from out of eyesight as she looked around. "Eric!" he sounded very excited but she wasn't going to go looking for him.
"Dragon tail again," she told dreepy.
"Dree," she said with determination and dreepy's tail glowed to do the move.
"Dreep!" and dreepy got so scared by Savant using blink to appear in front of her and Eric she darted up Eric's leg and into her hood around her throat.
"Savant! You scared my pokemon," Eric scolded him.
"Oh-- sorry. But look!" Savant held out a pokemon. It looked like an unripe strawberry at first and then Eric realized she was looking at a very fat albino gible. It was otherwise a standard variant other than it's softly pink hide.
"Where'd you get that?" she asked, wide eyed. Albino pokemon were even more rare than shiny or special bred variants.
"I found it. And then I gave it some snacks and he came right over. Isn't he so cuuuuute!" and he shook the little gible in front of Eric's face excitedly.
"Gible," gible waved it's arms and legs excitedly as well.
"Yeah. He's cute," Eric allowed and pushed the little dragon down. "Are you going to put in the work a gible needs though?"
"What? What sort of question is that? Yeah!"
"Garchomps need a lot of work and attention," she reminded him. "They're not like your other lazy bones pokemon. That's a battle pokemon."
"I know. But I will. I'll take such good care of him. Right Smoothie?" he asked the gible and pulled it against his chest.
"Gibibibsha!" the gible, Smoothie?, flailed excitedly.
"You're naming it Smoothie?" Eric asked.
"I just like it," Savant said. "Me and Smoothie are going to train with you and your dreepy now," and he set the gible down. "Ready to get down to business, Smoothie?"
"That's a yes," Savant told Eric.
"If you say so," Eric said and gently unwound her dreepy to get back to their training. Why did she have a feeling she was going to be the one who trained this stupid gible too?
Eric didn't like leaving her pokemon with other people if she couldn't help it. But sometimes she did just to have a break. Like today she was leaving Milkshake, Tart, Bingo, and Blueberry with Savant and Theo so they could play with their best friends who were also Savant's pokemon. In Tart's case Savant's flapple Brown Sugar was his brother as well as best friend.
She'd gone over, collected her pokemon from her friend after spending a day out in the City with Leon and Cypress and went back to her home in the Tower. Then she let each one out to see how they were doing. Blueberry the plusle was passed out even out of her pokeball which wasn't a surprise, when she and Strawberry got together they bounced off the walls until they collapsed. Bingo the Gengar seemed fine and cheery as always, licking Eric's face to show he'd had fun playing with Savant's trevenant Mourning. Tart was, of course, content having seen his brother and flopped his big fat apple pie looking dragon self down on the floor like he was exhausted.
Finally she let Milkshake out. Milkshake was her pride and joy being a variant dragapult from the Moon. She'd raised her from a scared little dreepy and now she was an elegant dragon with a great crown of barnacle and thorny horns like dead coral. Her colors had paled with each evolution so she was ghastly white and even more translucent than a terrestrial dragapult. The stylized skull markings on her face were very prominent now too. "How was Smoothie?" she asked knowing that while the garchomp was Milkshake's best friend he was also about as annoying as his trainer.
Milkshake shimmered excitedly and gave a low growl of a purr. She'd had fun. Eric also noticed she seemed to have something in her pouch. Eric had been flabbergasted when she learned dragapult had a pouch. When not carrying their young in their horns they often did so in their pouch. "What'cha got?" Because sometimes Milkshake liked to put rocks she'd collected or treats Eric or Savant gave her in there.
"Dra!" and Eric's eyes went wide when from her pouch she pulled out an egg. A dreepy egg! Eric knew because she'd looked it up. Being Milkshake's egg it was very pale green with a darker green chevron on it. Eric had several dragons and Milkshake got along with all of them. Who had Milkshake mated with?
"You had an egg!?" Eric cried in delight. Then Milkshake pulled a second egg out of her pouch. This one was darker teal with a pink wave through the middle while still being faded and pale of color because Milkshake was a variant.
"Dra! Dra!" and she held both eggs to her chest very pleased with herself.
Eric stared and then looked at her Ghost. "Ghostie, call Savant," she said. That second egg was a gible egg. Eric didn't own a gible line. The only person she knew crazy enough to raise a Garchomp in the City was Savant.
"Hey! What's up-
"What did you do!?" Eric shouted at him.
"Huh? What do you mean? I didn't do anything!"
"Milkshake has two eggs!"
"She does!? Congrats-
"One is a gible!!"
Savant was very quiet for a second. "Oh."
"Keep your idiot lizard away from my dragon!"
"But-- oh geeze. Ohhhh geeze," Savant bemoaned. In front of her Milkshake was just floating and cooing over her eggs.
"No more play dates for Smoothie."
"Well... yeah," Savant groaned.
"Ugh!" And Ghostie closed. Eric was steaming a little. She hadn't planned on breeding her dragapult but it seemed Milkshake had other ideas. When a Guardian had a powerful pokemon like a dragon type they were often pressured into breeding since catching wild dragon types was very dangerous. And Milkshake was a variant. So many in the militia wanted to know if Eric planned on breeding her and she always said she wasn't. And now! Eggs! Eggs with Savant's stupid garchomp no less! If she'd bred with a lesser dragon like Tart or something she wouldn't have minded so much but a garchomp? What a headache!
Eric glared at Milkshake. "You're lucky I love you because I'm so annoyed with you right now," she told Milkshake.
"Dre?" Milkshake chirped.
"With Smoothie? Really?! He's so annoying and stupid!"
"Dre! Dra! Dra!" she bobbed around cheerfully at the mention of Smoothie.
"Ugggh!" Eric got up and recalled her other pokemon. "Lets put these in an incubator so they hatch nice," she told Milkshake and gently took one of the eggs. Milkshake let her and Ghostie fabricated an incubator against the wall. She put both eggs into the incubators. "Get better taste, girl," she sighed at her dragapult who was curled around the incubators.
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