#polly drugs
pollyannawog · 3 months
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leafos eats weed candy
Based on this legendary comic by @punkitt-is-here
I felt the sudden compulsion to draw this and the gc agreed this was the best combo...
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cirr0stratus · 3 months
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what if joan of arc was a weird girl(?) with two girlboyfriends
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wheelie-butch · 5 months
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whatever. i have to do something on my lunchbreak.
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nav-i-nav · 7 months
Polly confiscates Basil's lighter.
Ruh roh…… Polly found about Basil’s other hobby…….
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It’s for medicinal purposes, I swear!
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janeelyakiri · 9 months
How would boys be with an s/o that smokes?
Macaw- He'd prefer if s/o did so outside, and worries for their health if it's human cigarettes. But they're allowed to do as they wish.
Lupo- Same as his brother, but a bit more insistent that they quit for their health.
Falcon- Doesn't mind, just use the ashtray.
Jackal- Ashtray AND outside. Or in designated areas. And let him steal a puff now and then.
Jay- Minds far too much and would be incredibly pushy about them stopping.
Fox- Smoke bothers him, but he won't outright say so. He's too much of a nice pushover.
Crow- Outside please. He deals with Hound smoking whenever he pleases as is.
Hound- Does not give two fucks. But would enjoy smoking sessions. He'd let them have some of his dog treats if you like. Snuggled up and mutually high is a favorite of his.
Vulture- It bothers his nose.
Hyena- Won't be bugged, but if s/o smoke too much they'll find the stuff missing now and then, only to show up randomly later.
Robin- Will want to control what s/o smokes.
Dingo- 'Hey I can do that too :D' Lets out haze. Forgets it knocks people out.
Polly- Picked up the habit recently, but only monster cigs. Human ones feel gross.
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lakka-arts · 1 year
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its everyone's favorite weed uncle
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whumpcloud · 2 years
perhaps drug derian up to make him all foggy and weak and helpless? so nicolas can slice him up, maybe, not even restraining him because it isn’t like he can get up….
ohoho. thank you for the suggestion i had fun with this one <3
content: creepy/intimate whumper, captivity whump, drugging, knives, pet names
"S-Stop…" Derian mumbles weakly. "Stop it."
"Aw, are you going to make me?" Nicolas smiles. "Come on. Drink up. You don't have a choice in the matter."
Derian doesn't know what Nicolas put in that tea, but he should've known better than to think Nicolas was just being nice to him. Everything is an opportunity to hurt him, to these two.
Nicolas presses the mug to Derian's lips. "You drink it, or you choke on it. I'll hold your nose if I have to."
At this point, Derian doesn't have the mental faculties to consider anything else. He drinks it as told. Nicolas' smile widens.
"Oh, it's weird when you're obedient," he says. "Couldn't ever see you doing what you're told."
Even breathing seems difficult to Derian now. He squirms when Nicolas picks him up, but trying to struggle only elicits another laugh from Nicolas.
"Feels like trying to lift Ophelia as a little kid," he says. "You gonna try harder? Gonna hurt me real bad? Bet you could give me another black eye if you wanted to."
"Nnn…" Derian can only lie limply against Nicolas. Whatever is in his system has turned the Wainwright living room into a swirling blur.
The shing of a switchblade rings in his ears. He feels it, now more than ever, the cold metal trailing his jaw.
"Stop me," Nicolas whispers. "If you don't want to get cut, you can stop me, can't you?"
Derian's attempts to get away do nothing to stop Nicolas sinking the blade into his collarbone, cutting cleanly along it. He whimpers, sucking air through his teeth. It's starting to get hard to move.
"You scar nice, you know that?" Nicolas muses, watching Derian's ineffectual little struggles fade. "I don't know what it is about it that I like so much. Tired, pretty boy?"
Derian whines in response. His head falls against Nicolas' shoulder, despite his best efforts, and he can only cry out again when Nicolas starts to cut a line down his torso.
"I kinda miss your little sarcastic comments," Nicolas says. "But getting to do this"–Nicolas slashes under one of Derian's ribs–"without you even trying to do anything? Mm. I like that a lot."
Derian can't handle the idea of this happening again. Control over himself is the only thing they let him have, most of the time, and only then because they think it's funny. But he can't handle much thought right now at all.
"Come on, pretty boy," Nicolas teases. "Don't you want me to stop?"
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fraisederouge · 5 months
“If you tell a lie
I still would take the blame
If you pass me by
It’s such a shame, shame, shame”
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Cop: Ma’am, we got a call that there was pot in your car.
Polly: [Bringing out a flower pot] Oh, you mean this?
Cop: [Laughing] My mistake, what are you growing?
Polly: Weed.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
if honeysuckle ashton bad why is he so loveable still
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Polly Geist
Reblogs < Likes
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spkyscry-a · 1 year
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@royalreef​ sent: Miri glances up at Polly, then down at her hands, and up again, repeating the pattern until she feels sure of what she's looking at. She is not sure. In fact, she feels measurably less sure the more she looks, eyes squinting, muscles bunched up over her nose crest, trying desperately to make her mind churn out a thought which she lacks.
"This... This is the weed you are referring to, today, correct?" It's seaweed. Her hands are piled high with seaweed, sopping wet and dripping water onto the floor, occasionally with a small crab to climb up her arms. "I did... I did bring the correct weed for this 'Weed Day', right? Right???" 
The more confused Miri looks, the more it looks like she might cry. Weed is so hard. It's so hard and no one understands.
Oh, my, God. Polly can’t help but stare at Miri’s seaweed while she wonders if she brought the right kind of weed for today. There’s a two foot long joint rolled to perfection nestled comfortably in spectral bosom, which might not help matters when it comes identifying the right kind of weed for this most sacred of holidays.
It doesn’t help that Miranda looks ready to burst into absolute tears each nanosecond that Polly takes to answer the question. How can she say no to that face??
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“Aww, hun, this TOTES works. I’m willing to try anything once and it is seaweed, after all!”
Sure, maybe it won’t actually do that much, but that doesn’t mean the party ghost isn’t willing to try.
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due to having not an inch of impulse control i downloaded monster prom and the hot party ghost likes russian literature ??? i’m gonna marry her ???
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🔥 hex wants to know polly's hot take on mari ; smoke, toke, or edible?
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"Honestly? Depends on the context, though I can't say I've smoked it too much since I was still living at home before ya know, and now a days smoke just goes though me a lot easier, which on one hand makes the high easier to get but also smokes up a room fast, which almost no one likes."
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evil idea: what if polly gave buttercup a weed edible for the first time but it turns out that it was forever weed that made you high forever and polly invited all of buttercup’s friends and family and lovers to her house so she had to try not to look high in front of everyone would that be so fucked up or what
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janeelyakiri · 1 year
How do the boys show Polly that they trust them? :0
By now it's just instinctual but when they first met~
Nightmare- Trusted them basically right off the bat. He brought them in after all, he knows the most about them at first. And despite Polly feeling like they were dropped into the deep end without warning, they still trusted Nightmare first and felt safest around him for a long while.
Killer- Nightmare trusted them, so he kinda didn't care. He'd try to rib them and goad them into fighting but lil 2LV healer wasn't going to be much fun so he dropped it pretty fast. It wasn't till after he made a real bad joke and they genuinely *laughed* at it that he tried befriending them. Or at least, tried making them laugh more.
Horror- Wasn't super sure of them at first, but had no real opinion either. When they started helping around the castle and talking with him, he started trusting them more. The biggest show of trust went right over Polly's head, when Horror let them help with dinner. They were just happy for the praise lol!
Dust- Took a lot longer, he'd watch and stalk them and mutter to Phantom under his breath. At first he was annoyed by them, and one night when they were up and about in the dark he was ready for them to pull something- but all they did was make 3am pancakes because they couldn't sleep. Then offered some to him. Polly thought it was a dream, and after that Dust offered sleep aids.
Cross- He was the last to actually trust them, and the catalyst for everyone trusting them proper. He was polite but distant most the time. But when he was brought back with a nasty broken arm Polly healed him. His arm was healed to a hairline fracture and Polly had a fever for a few weeks from pushing that hard. He was touched, all the boys were, and Polly became theirs.
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