#poly!malum fic
maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford/Female Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Content: Calum and reader take Michael on a cute little first date, lots of fluff, kisses and cuddles, a few sexual references. 
Trigger warnings: Strong language, alcohol, references to sexual activity
A/N: This is my contribution to the August/September 5sos fic writers collab. This time we decided to exchange gifts and I had the pleasure of writing for the lovely @malumsmermaid! I hope you enjoy this, Lauren, your whole form was an absolute treat, I could have written everything on it tbh! <3 
Thank you @h0tsos and @mermaidcashton for helping me as always!
The carpark outside the amusement complex seems about as busy as you’d expect it to be on a Friday evening.
As Calum pulls the car into a parking space as near to the entrance as possible, you check your reflection in your little compact mirror, trying to ignore the nervous butterflies in your tummy.
“You look gorgeous, angel.” Calum smiles encouragingly, turning off the car and unfastening his seatbelt. “And you know Michael will think so too, most of his messages include some comment about how beautiful you are.”
You shove your compact back into your handbag and turn to face your boyfriend. He looks as flawless as ever, the dying sunlight casting his handsome face in a golden glow. Most people would have taken his comment as an admission of jealousy but you know him too well for that. He’s not envious of Michael complimenting you, in fact he actively encourages it. Your boyfriend’s only insecurity is that your date might like you a little bit more than he likes Calum. Something that you find very hard to believe.
“He’s always raving about how gorgeous you are too, Calum.” You reply seriously. “There’s no way he’d have agreed to this date if he wasn’t attracted to both of us.”
“You really think so?” Calum asks, a rare bashfulness present in his expression as he searches your face for a sign that you might be lying just to make him feel better.
Nodding sincerely you reach out to take his hand. “Michael definitely seems to like a man who knows what he wants, doesn’t he?” You prompt, tilting your head questioningly. “Besides, how could anyone not think you were hot, Cal? Have you even looked in a mirror lately? You look more like an underwear model everyday.”
Calum laughs, a light blush rising his cheeks. “Shut up… I do not!”
“Are you challenging me, Hood?” You ask, “Because we both know how that ended up last time.”
There’s no way that Calum can argue with you. Last time he’d denied how good he looked, he’d ended up pressed against the stall in the bathroom of a bar, fighting to keep his moans to a minimum as you sucked the life out of him. He seems to get lost in the memory for a moment but you snapped him out of it with a brief kiss to his cheek. “Come on, we can’t keep our date waiting!”
Calum nods giving your hand one last squeeze before he gets out of the car.
Your nerves only seem to multiply as you join Calum outside, taking his hand again and leading the way into the amusement complex. It’s not the sort of place you and Calum visit all  that often. You’d been to the Cinema here a few times but according to the sign at the entrance, there was also an amusement arcade, mini golf center, and an escape room attraction in addition to the bowling alley that you knew about already, because that’s where your date worked.
You’d found that little piece of information out when you’d first started talking to Michael a few weeks back. He’d nervously reached out to you and Calum when he’d joined the online ghost hunting forum that the two of you ran. After a couple of days of small talk, the messages had become a little bit flirty and Calum had suggested moving your conversation over to Whatsapp instead.
Despite being a bit nervous at first, Michael never seemed to be lost for words and he wasn’t completely hopeless at flirting either. He’d quickly integrated into your life and you’d found yourself discussing him with Calum in increasingly sexual and even romantic ways. After a while it seemed inevitable that you needed to meet him in person and see if this online ‘thing’ had any substance in the real world.
When you’d suggested meeting up for dinner, Michael had seemed incredibly excited, suggesting that you meet him after his shift at work so that the three of you could grab something to eat at his favourite burger place.
Heading into the building, you stuck close to Calum, trying to focus on your excitement rather than your nerves.
On the surface, Calum looks cool as a cucumber, slinging his arm casually around your shoulder as he glances around, taking in his surroundings. Underneath that calm exterior, though, you know that he’s a whirlwind of emotions, just like you.
You reach the amusement arcade first. It’s fairly busy, little clusters of families and groups of friends gathered around the various gaming machines. Their laughter and excited chatter brings a smile to your face. This sort of environment reminds you so much of the early days of your relationship with Calum, when he’d try to impress you by winning hundreds of tickets on the games or getting you a cuddly toy from the grabber machines.
Calum seems to have the same thought as his gaze drifts to the basketball game. “Remember how good I used to be at that?” He asks, smiling wistfully.
You nod. “You used to win so many tickets on that game.”
Your boyfriend’s gentle smile morphs into something a little more flirtatious as an idea occurs to him. “Maybe I should try and impress Michael with my skills… do you think he likes cuddly toys?”
“Who doesn’t?” You counter with a small giggle. “But if we don’t hurry up we won’t get a chance to impress him, he’ll think we’ve stood him up.”
Calum pulls you into further into his side as he quickens his pace, following the arrows on the overhead signs to the bowling alley. Not that it’s necessary, really, given that the unmistakable sounds of heavy bowling balls rolling over polished wooden floors and the clattering of plastic pins is loud enough to be heard over the beeping and blooping of the arcade games.
As the bowling alley looms in front of you, your eyes are drawn immediately to the welcome desk. There’s a young lady currently spraying deodorizer into a couple of pairs of the bowling shoes but Michael is nowhere to be seen.
“Hi there!” The girl smiles brightly, storing the shoes back on the rack behind the counter. “Is it just a lane for two, or are you part of a bigger group?” She asks, her brown eyes glinting prettily in the dim light.
“Oh, we're not here to play, sorry.” Calum replies nervously. “We’re just meeting someone here…”
“Oh my god! You must be Michael’s dates!” The girl exclaims, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet. “He hasn’t stopped talking about you all day!”
The news that Michael has told his work friend about you helps ease your nerves a little bit. It confirms that he’s excited for the date at least.
“Really?” Calum chuckles, “we can’t wait to meet him in person…”
The girl leans over the counter, beckoning you both closer that she can talk in a lower voice. “He’s a bit of a dork and he’s really nervous, so please go easy on him!”
You nod, knowingly. “Yeah we gathered about the dork thing.”
“And we'll take care of him, we promise, won’t we babe?” Calum adds, squeezing your arm gently.”
“Of course!” You confirm. “He’s not the only nervous one, though.. we’ve never done anything like this before, either.”
The girl simply grinned. “Well, you’ve picked a good guy, I really hope tonight goes well, what’re your plans?”
Before you can reply, someone interjects. “You better not be ruining my good name, over there, Jas…”
You glance up to see Michael hovering awkwardly at the other end of the counter.
“Would I ever do such a thing?” Jasmine gasps dramatically. “I’m just making sure your cute dates know what they’ve let themselves in for, that’s all.” She aims a quick wink at you and Calum before heading over to tidy up the desk space around the computer.
“I promise I’m not as nerdy as Jasmine has probably tried to make you believe I am.” Michael chuckles, stepping a bit closer to you.
He looks even more beautiful in real life than he does in his photos. His green eyes have such depth to them, that you swear you could get totally lost in them for hours. His fluffy blonde hair is just begging for your fingers to be run through it and you can’t help but let your eyes drift over his simple, yet attractive outfit. The plain black button-up (done all the way up to his neck, unlike Calum’s…) and his black skinny jeans compliment his body perfectly.
“She didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know, dork.” Calum smirks playfully.
Michael blushes and curls in on himself a little, so you take the initiative to move the conversation on. “That doesn’t stop you from looking gorgeous, though!” You try, tentatively reaching out to touch his arm. “It’s nice to see that someone knows how to wear a shirt without flashing his nips at everyone.”
Calum huffs in mock offence at your comment, but Michael chuckles, his eyes lighting up gleefully with the gesture.
“Hey!” Calum grumbles jokingly. “Everyone loves seeing a bit of nipple now and again.”
“I agree, I think hot guys should always have their nipples out.” Jasmine interjects.
You notice the way that Michael bites his bottom lip as his eyes travel down Calum’s chest. “Yeah hot guys, definitely should…” he agrees quietly, as though he’s talking more to himself than anyone else.
“Well maybe after a few drinks we can get a few of your buttons open.” Calum smirks, reaching out his hand to stroke Michael’s arm, just like you had a moment ago.
Michael melts at the suggestion, his eyes burning into Calum’s as he swallows thickly. You know exactly how he’s feeling, you’ve been subject to Calum’s effortless flirting countless times. Your boyfriend is just a master at making people feel relaxed and incredibly wanted at the same time.
“Well I don’t know about that…” the blonde replies, his cheeks reddening under Calum’s gaze.
Despite his online flirting, you’re not entirely sure that Calum’s full-on approach is the best way to win Michael over. Making an executive decision, you interject, breaking the silence that’s descended over the three of you. “Trust Calum to start talking about your nipples before he’s even brought you dinner!” You giggle.
“Hey, you were the one that brought up the nipple conversation!” Calum argues, shooting you a smirk before turning his attention back to Michael “don’t let her convince you that she's innocent, Mikey. She’s far from it, I promise!”
Michael’s blush deepens a little further at the fond shortening of his name and the insinuation that you have a mischievous side. Knowing that Calum could easily turn this conversation into something far too cheeky for such an early point in the date, you decide to try and navigate a safer topic once again. “Stop traumatising the poor guy, Calum.” You sigh. “Are you going to take us for dinner before Christmas or…”
Calum’s smirk stays firmly on his face as he nods. “Sure, if Mikey’s ready to eat?”
Still looking a little shy, Michael scratched the back of his neck. “Sure, unless you guys fancy a game or two of bowling first?” He asks. “Because, y’know, I don’t have to pay or anything…”
Despite looking a little embarrassed about his suggestion, he also sounds somewhat proud of the fact he can show off something to them.
“Sounds like fun.” You reply, hoping to bolster his confidence a bit. “Although I think it’ll be a very unfair game! You probably get to practice a lot.”
Michael shrugs, “not a lot…”
“It doesn’t matter how much he practices, angel.” Calum smirks. “I’ll still beat both your asses.”
“I wouldn’t bet on that, Mr!” You giggle, slapping Calum’s arm playfully. “Let’s team up against him, Mikey babe, and show him how it’s done!”
Michael’s expression brightens at your use of the combination of his shortened name and the pet name Calum had used for him earlier. “You want to team up with me?” He asks, as though the news is somewhat of a shock. “I just thought…”
“Well if Mr I’ll-beat-both-your-asses wants to prove himself, we should teach him a lesson, shouldn’t we?” You giggle, gaining a little self confidence as you take his hand. “Let’s knock him down a peg or two, huh?”
Michael nods, closing his fingers around yours as he glances at Calum to make sure he’s not overstepping any boundaries.
“Well it’d make a change for you to knock something down, because you certainly never hit many pins….” Your boyfriend teases before squeezing Michael’s arm affectionately. “I hope you know what you’re letting yourself in for, teaming up with this one.”
“It’s just nice to be able to bowl with someone other than my dumb friend, Luke, to be honest.” Michael admits. “He’s a great guy but he’s clumsy as hell and he has the attention span of a gnat.”
“Sounds like he’d get on perfectly with Calum, then.” You smirk.
Once you’ve all changed into bowling shoes, Jasmine allocates you a lane and wishes you luck. You don’t miss the little wink and thumbs up she gives to Michael before she returns to tidying up the shoe rack.
“Lane 5 is my lucky lane.” Michael announces, the hint of pride that he’d had in his voice when he told you he didn’t have to pay to bowl here, is back and you find it utterly adorable. “So it looks like we have a fighting chance of beating you after all…” He adds, turning to face Calum as he picks up a bowling ball in each hand from the rack.
“I hope you’re right, babe.” Calum grins. “It’s been ages since i’ve had some decent competition!” He aims a knowing nod at you along with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey!” You protest. “I’ve beaten you plenty of times.”
Shaking his head, Calum insists that you’re terrible at most things that could be described as a sport, no matter how loosely the activity might qualify.
“That’s so rude.” You huff playfully, linking your arm through Michael’s. “Come on Mikey, let’s beat his ass…”
Michael giggled excitedly. “I’m up for that bet.”
“Well I hope all your practice pays off, because the losers are buying nachos…” Calum winks at you both.
Before you Michael can reply, a thoughtful expression takes over your boyfriend’s face. “Unless you get those for free as well, Mikey?” He adds, “In which case we need a new bet…”
“I get them half price…” Michael laughs, the adorable sound making your heart melt a bit in your chest.
“We can get nachos next time anyway!” You interrupt, “I don’t want to ruin the nice meal you’re gonna buy for use later, Cal.”
Calum opens his mouth to respond but Michael interjects. “Yeah about that…”
For a moment you’re terrified that Michael is having second thoughts about the date. It’s obvious by the nervous look on his face that Calum shares your concerns.
Michael scratches the back of his neck anxiously. “I feel like I should be the one to buy dinner for you guys. I’m the one who should be romancing you both and stuff…”
Relief floods through you at Michael’s words, knowing that was his biggest concern about the night meant that you didn’t have to worry about him backing out. You have a whole speech ready about how Calum loves to be the one that treats his lovers to meals and gifts. It’s all part of how he shows his affections. You never get to say any of it, though.
Calum steps forward, cupping Michael’s cheek gently. “We’re the ones that asked you out, Mikey.” He smiles softly. “Let us take care of you and pay for the meal tonight, okay?”
Michael sort of melts under Calum’s gaze as he nods. You know from experience that when Calum turns on the charm like that, there’s no choice but to agree with whatever he’s saying. “As long as you’re sure?” The blonde replies, his eyes never leaving Calum’s.
“I’m sure, babe.” Calum insists, still holding Michael’s gaze effortlessly. “Hey, angel.” He adds to you without looking away, seemingly engrossed in Michael. “Would you be really mad if I stole the first kiss with our date.”
“Not if I get one right after!” You grin, stepping a little closer to the two men.
You can tell that Michael’s heart is pounding, that slight fear and panic that always engulfs you in the seconds before a first kiss with someone new, is painted all over the blonde’s pretty face. In an attempt to calm him and simultaneously feel more involved in the moment, you take Michael’s hand. He spares you a quick glance before Calum gently commands his attention once more.
“Are you happy with that, baby?” Calum asks, glancing down at Michael’s lips as he spoke. “We don’t want you to feel like you’re being passed around or anything.”
A tiny glint appears in Michael’s eyes that suggests he probably quite likes the sound of that actually. You make a mental note of that for when things hopefully do take a sexy turn a little further down the line. There’s no rush, though. Right now you're just excited to see Calum kiss your new date and then kiss him yourself.
“I’m more than happy with that.” Michael confirms, leaning ever-so-slightly closer to Calum. “I’ve thought about it a lot actually.”
Seemingly satisfied that he’s not pushing too hard, Calum pulls Michael’s face closer to his own until their lips meet. It looks like a soft and gentle gesture, their movements sort of hesitant, neither man wanting to come across as too pushy or eager.
It was strange that you’d been a bit worried about this moment on the run up to your date with Michael. Despite your attraction to the blonde, you’ve always had somewhat of a jealous streak and you’d been concerned that it’d rear its ugly head when Calum started showing Michael some romantic or sexual attention. However, now that it’s happening right in front of your eyes, the only thing you actually feel is excitement. It’s almost as though this moment marks the very start of a new chapter of your life, and it’s not nearly as scary as you thought it might be.
Watching Michael melt into Calum just makes you want to take them both home and explore this new thing alone with them. You know that it’s important not to rush, so you push those thoughts away for the time being, focusing on enjoying the moment.
When they finally pull apart, you waste no time in sidling between them, wrapping your arms around Michael’s neck. He looked even cuter up close; his eyes were such a pretty shade of green, you felt like you could lose yourself in them and if his lips feel as soft as they look, you don’t think you’ll ever want to stop kissing them.
Despite having just done this with Calum, Michael seems a bit nervous. The corners of lips twitch into a hesitant smile as he leans forward a little clumsily. You giggle softly, tilting your head a bit to make the angle easier.
Michael connects the kiss, his movements gentle and slow, giving you every opportunity to back out if you wanted to. That’s the very last thing on your mind, though. Michael’s lips feel every bit as heavenly as you’d imagined. You never thought that anyone could make your knees weak just with a simple kiss like Calum could, it seems you‘d been very much mistaken.
“God, you two are beautiful.” Calum whispers, his hand resting on your lower back as he hovers closeby.
A tiny hum escapes Michael, it’s almost a moan but he seems to catch himself before it quite develops into one.
You swallow it eagerly, sliding your tongue over Michael’s bottom lip to deepen the kiss.
“Looks like my angel loves kissing you as much as I do, baby.” Calum whispers, just loud enough for you and Michael to hear over the background noise.
The blonde man looks slightly dopey as he finally pulls away for air. “You’re both…” He breathes, seemingly trying to figure out the right words to describe you and Calum. “Uh, you’re both amazing, I…”
“We could say the same about you.” You reply, pecking one last kiss to Michael’s lips before snuggling into Calum. The contrast between the new exciting feelings you have for Michael and the deep, familiar ones you have for Calum make for the most wonderful combination. “Right, Cal?”
Calum hums in agreement, placing a kiss on your cheek and then Michael’s. “It feels like we’ve all hit the jackpot, doesn’t it?”
“Definitely.” Michael agrees, nodding enthusiastically. “I don’t know how I managed to get you this, but I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Neither could we.” You confirm, stepping away from both men towards the keypad for your lane’s display monitor. “Now let’s whoop Calum’s ass so he can buy us burgers and cocktails!”
“The burgers and cocktails were always going to be my treat, but I wanna know what I’ll get when I win.” Calum smirks..
“What if the winner can choose any prize they want in the arcade and the loser has to get it for them?” Michael suggests. “I’ve had my eye on that cute little pumpkin keyring in the coin push machines for forever…”
You could tell by the expression on Calum’s face that he was already incredibly soft for your date. “Then you’d better win, hadn’t you?” He replies, pinching Michael’s cheek playfully.
“Calum’s terrible at the coin push machines, though.” You chuckle, “we’ll be here all night!”
“That’s okay…” Michael grins. “I get half off the nachos, remember?”
The first half of the game is mostly spent exchanging flirtatious banter and the three you of trying desperately to appear cool and sexy to the other two.
Even though you and Calum have lived together for quite a while now, and know pretty much everything there is to know about each other, you still find yourself trying to impress him as much you’re trying to impress Michael. You know that’s probably not the only surprising thing you’ll find about adding someone new to your relationship, and it’s a pretty exciting thought.
You try to imagine what other thoughts and emotions will be conjured up as time wears on and Michael becomes a permanent fixture in your life. Perhaps it’s far too early in your relationship for thoughts like that, but you can’t really help it. Although Calum has always been more than enough for you, Michael definitely seems like the perfect finishing touch to your lives.
“Yes!” Calum exclaims loudly, pumping his fist into the air as the final pin clatters over on the shiny wood of the bowling lane. “Looks like I just extended my lead even further.” He boasts, aiming a wink at you and Michael before ambling over to take a sip of his beer.
Jasmine had been kind enough to ask one of the waiters to bring you over a complimentary drink each. You’d insisted on paying but she assured you that she was allowed to give out a few freebies and it’d been a while since she’d exercised that privilege.
“Don’t get too comfortable in the top spot.” Michael retorts, ambling over to the ball dispenser and picking up his favoured green one. “I’ve made bigger comebacks than this in the past…”
You glance up at the scoreboard on the aging monitor hanging over your lane with a doubtful expression on your face. Calum has a considerable lead and you only had 4 goes each left. The likelihood of either of you overtaking him now is slim to none. Despite that fact, Michael looks pretty confident and you want nothing more than to encourage that. “Yeah, go on, Mikey! You’ve been heading for a strike all night.”
Michael beams over at you, obviously enjoying your enthusiastic motivation. He steps up to the lane, focusing harder than he has all night before taking a little run up and hurling the ball towards the waiting pins.
Watching intently, you cheer loudly, jumping up from your seat and clapping with excitement as all 12 pins are sent tumbling in every direction. “Yes! Mikey, you did it!” You shriek, running over to him and engulfing him in a huge congratulatory hug.
He giggles delightedly, wrapping you in a surprisingly firm embrace before kissing the top of your head.
The tiny contact sends butterflies dancing in your tummy as you melt into him, trying to prolong the hug for as long as possible.
“I told you!” Michael grins. “I’ve wanted that keychain for a long time, there’s not much I won’t do to get it.”
As you finally relinquish your hold on your date, you have a vision of him standing at the coin push machines, concentration etched into every inch of his face as he tries his absolute hardest to win the little pumpkin trinket.
“I might hold you to that, baby.” Calum smirks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “I’m actually tempted to just let you win if that promise stays on the table.”
“Pfft!” You huffed. “Let us win… wow Calum, I can barely hear you over the sound of your ego.”
Your boyfriend simply shrugs, a playful expression on his handsome face. “Hey, the numbers speak for themself, angel.”
It turns out that Michael’s strike was all that he needed to turn his luck around. After that he barely leaves a pin standing on each of his turns and easily ends up with the winning score.
“I think you lied about not practicing much.” Calum pouts, draining the last of his beer before leading the way back to the check in desk. “I think you were just holding out on us, to give me a fighting chance.”
A slightly guilty flicker in Michael’s eye suggests that there is possibly an element of truth to Calum’s accusation and you can’t help but laugh. “Oh stop moping and go get our boy his pumpkin keychain!” You command playfully. “I’ll decide what I want afterwards.”
Once the bowling shoes were all returned, the three of you headed towards the amusement arcade. Just like the rest of the complex, it was fairly busy. The delighted laughs of various little groups of people, the flashing lights and musical bleeping from the machines and the general playful atmosphere, wake up a childish excitement in you. It’s been a long while since you and Calum have had a date like this and you hope that Michael will help bring more of this element to your relationship.
Calum instinctively winds his arm around your shoulders and you notice that your date looks a little awkward, as though he’s perhaps feeling left out. To quickly remedy the situation, you reach out to tangle your fingers through Michael’s. He instantly smiles and relaxes, blushing a bit when Calum aims a fond smile his way. “So which machine do I need to defeat to win your prize, baby?” He asked.
Michael visibly appreciates the pet name, apparently he hasn’t gotten used to it yet. He points at one of the coin push machines in the center of the room. “The pumpkin keychain is in the one right on the end.” He clarifies. “I’m not sure how close to the edge it is, though.”
When the three of you arrive at the machine in question, both men examine it closely. Calum in particular appears to gauge the distance of Michael’s desired prize from the drop. “Well, it just so happens that I’m pretty amazing at these games, so it won’t take me long.” Your boyfriend states, his confidence returning with full force.
You know that Calum’s bravado is just a playful front, part of his way of flirting and simultaneously hiding his nerves. That doesn’t stop you from wanting to knock him down a peg or two occasionally. Smirking, you turn to meet Michael’s gaze. “Yeah, I hope speed impresses you, baby.” You giggle. “Calum’s kind of known for it in most areas…”
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wildmichaelflower · 4 years
Our Forevers
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Pairings: teacher!Michael/teacher!Calum/teacher!Reader
Warnings: Angst (that gets resolved), Mentions of food and water, Mentions of alcohol, Discussion of insecurities
Word Count: 1,477
     Being a teacher was not an easy job, but it was the job you loved. You taught American and World History to high school students and, even in your fourth year, you took a sense of joy in seeing the interest beaming in your students eyes as you taught them about the eras of the past. This year, however, graduation would be just more bittersweet. Your first freshman class were seniors, and were just weeks away before beginning their adult lives. You were happy for them, of course, especially when many discussed how excited they were to begin college or job trainings. One of your partners, Calum, who taught middle school gym, tried to empathize you by discussing how he felt watching his first sixth grader class, now grown into eighth graders,prepare to go into high school in the fall.
“Be careful of those new freshmen in the fall,” he smiled as you two preapred dinner one night, “They’re full of angst and their favorite lunch days are pizza. Otherwise they only care about video games and the brands of their clothes.”
“Are you calling me an eighth grader?” Michael joked as he walked into the room, fresh from his shower, hair still dripping wet.
You giggled softly at his remark before following it with, “No, you have actually learned how to wear Axe spray.”
Calum chuckled, “The only correct way is to not wear it.” He shook his head as he added chopped vegetables to the salad, “The boys’ locker room will always smell like it, and I have to remind them not to spray it near my office.” 
Michael grinned as he took a piece of garlic bread from the plate on the island, “Damn, I thought reminding second graders to wash hands before snack was hard.”
You smiled and turned to turn one of the burners off, covering the now completed sauce before focusing on the noodles. 
“How are things in the doghouse anyway?” You smiled. Doghouse referred to his classroom, a joke Michael took great pride in. His first second graders said his last name reminded them of a cartoon red giant dog, and since then, his classroom door was designed like the entrance of a doghouse, and on the morning of the first day, students created a form of dogtag to personalize their desk. 
He swallowed quickly before explaining a moment between a ‘Bobby’ and a ‘Susan’. Silly generic names were common in your household, as real names were legally protected, but it did make the stories enjoyable as well. 
"Little Bobby had told Susan that if she didn't marry him on the playground, no one ever would. Poor girl was in tears," Michael shook his head before getting a beer. He took a few sips, before continuing, "I had to explain that no one was getting married on the playground that day." He grinned mischievously at his lovers, "but one day? Who knows?" 
You laughed at the blonde man's suggestion before handing him his plate, kissing his cheek as he got salad from Calum, who chuckled in response as well.
"Yeah? You got the rings to propose first mister?" Calum smirked as he played the vegetables before giving Michael a kiss on the opposite cheek. 
Michael blushed and shook his head, "Not yet, it's not we're made of money. I would have to get two engagement rings, other teachers barely scrape enough to get one." 
It was true money was occasionally tight, no one went into teaching for money, but you three got by. Michael's tone, however, implied that he was genuinely upset.
You and Calum shared a look behind Michael's back as he went to sit down and Calum followed, placing the salad and garlic table In the center of the table before resting his hands on Michael's shoulder. 
"Bunny, it's ok. We don't need fancy rings to be happy." He smiled softly and kissed his boyfriend's head. 
You nodded, placing your and Calum's plates at the respective places on the table before kneeling on the ground, giving Michael a small smile as he looked at you before taking one of his hands. 
"Cinnamon, we need you happy to be happy," you whisper, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles, "Nothing more." 
Usually your and Calum's nicknames for your lover brought a smile to his face, but he seemed to stare past you, through you. 
This was serious for him, and the best thing to do was to stay where you were, providing comfort until he found the words he needed to get off his chest.
Finally he moved his hands, the right on top of yours on his right knee, the left interlocked with the hand Calum placed on his right shoulder. He took a deep breath, before confessing,
"I love you both, you two are my sunbeam and snowball but I'm terrified for our future. I don't know if you noticed, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I almost never do." 
You and Calum shared a look again but allowed Michael to continue. 
"I want to marry you both, but I feel I'm not good enough for the two of you. You two are both so amazing at your job, while all I do is get paid to play with kids," he took a deep breath, emotion overwhelming his steady tone, "A-and I love my job, my kids are great, but when we go tell people our careers, I feel I don't get the same respect, because I'm in elementary. That's not on you two, of course," he smiled softly, giving each hand a reassuring squeeze, but there was no ignoring the tear that was falling down his cheek, "but when I speak of forever, I want to mean it. I do mean it." He leaned in to your touch as you wiped his tears, his hand gently placed on your wrist. 
He sniffed then looked into your eyes, "I guess what I need to know is that our forevers last the same amount of time. It wouldn't be the same without either of you." 
You nodded, your own tears forming as you whispered, "Of course Cinnamon, there's nowhere else I rather be than here with you and Peppermint," you looked at Calum, who nodded, kissing Michael's head again as his own tears fell into the older man's hair. 
"We're sorry we never noticed, bunny. We're always here if you get scared or nervous. About your career, about us. Anything. Forever." Calum smiled and moved so he and Michael were face to face. 
Michael nodded,giving you both gentle kisses before rubbing his face, wiping away the remnants of the tears.
"God," he smiled softly, "I really am lucky. The best lovers in the world chose not only each other but me as well." 
"Nah, we're the lucky one babe." You slowly stood up, rubbing his back, "Are you ok if we start eating or would you like to come back to dinner and have cuddles?" 
He shook his head, "I'm starving," he smiled, "and I've been looking forward to this spaghetti since you and Sunbeam mentioned in our group chat."
You nodded and went to heat up the food as Calum prepared drinks.
"I don't know," Calum smirked as he sat Michael's glass of water down, "I'm kinda craving themattababy now." 
Michael frowned in confusion as he took small sips, before asking, "What's themattababy?"
"Nothing," Calum's grin grew as Michael had fallen into his trap, "What's the matter with you?" 
You bit your lip to hold your giggle as Michael let out a loud, disappointed groan. 
You set the plates back down and Michael gently grabbed your hand, doing his best to hold a serious expression but his failed attempts to not smile finally brought your giggle out. 
"Snowball, I'd like to return one boyfriend please. He worked fine until I realized he made terrible jokes. Very defective, cannot be put back on the market."
You smiled and played along, "Oh? And how much did you pay for this defective boyfriend?" 
"A whole makeout session," he smirked, winking at the boyfriend in question.
You laughed and glanced at Calum, who was trying to cover his grin with a playful pout as he set the last two cups down, "Well I am unable to provide a full refund at this moment, I can give you a coupon of equal value." You smirked.
"Deal." Michael grinned.
"Please," Calum playfully rolled his eyes, "You two wouldn't get rid of me that easily." he sat down at his usual spot of the circular table, on Michael's left and your right. 
You smiled and nodded, kissing Michael before sitting down, kissing Calum's cheek. 
"We're here for forever." Michael promised, smiling as his lovers nodded in confirmation.
Forever, you decided, would be the perfect starting spot for the men you loved.
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i-like-5sos · 4 years
My Masterlist
Ashton Irwin
One Shots:
Can’t Keep Your Hands To Yourself - Request (Sub!Ashton)**
Choir Surprise - Request (Older Brother!Ashton)
Anything For You - Request (Older Brother!Ashton)~
Calum Hood
One Shots:
Let’s Skip Dinner Tonight (Jealous!Calum)**
Painfully Worth It - Prompt Based Request  (Jealous!Calum)**
Luke Hemmings
One Shots:
What’s Mine Is Yours - Prompt Based Request (Boyfriend!Luke)
Dating Cashton (Poly!Cashton)
One Shots:
Run To Get You A Tissue - Prompt Based Request (Domestic!Lashton)
One Shots:
No Idea - The Club Fic Gift Exchange (Friends To Lovers!Malum)
One Shots:
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home - Prompt Based Request (Domestic!Muke)
First time saying “I Love You" 
**18+ (smut warning)
~Trigger warning 
My A03 page
My Fic Recommendations
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blackbutterfliescal · 4 years
✨Masterlist ✨
You can submit requests, let me know what you think, and be added to or removed from my taglist here 😇 
This list includes one-shot fics and blurbs.
Updated December 20, 2020
♀️ = Fem Reader // ⚧️ = Gender Neutral Reader // 🎀 = OC // ✕ = Slash ** = Fluff // †† = Explicit
Feedback is always appreciated! 😊
Calum Hood Can We Always Be This Close? ⚧️ ** Power ♀️ †† (sub!Calum) Young God ♀️ †† (dom!Calum)
Ashton Irwin Holy ♀️ †† (dom!Ashton) Just A Touch Of Your Love ⚧️ †† Lost in Reality ⚧️ †† (dom!Ashton)
Luke Hemmings Flirty Blurb Night x ⚧️ **
Michael Clifford She F*ckin’ Hates Me ♀️ †† (dom!Michael) A Storm Of Trouble ⚧️ ** (pirate!Michael & best friend!reader) Wherever You Are ⚧️ ** With Eyes To Hear ⚧️ ** (barista!Michael x Deaf!reader) Your Rainbow Will Come Smiling Through 🎀 ** (dad!Michael)
Cashton My Heroine ⚧️ †† (poly!Cashton) - part of 5SOS as The Maine 🎵 You Are My Sunshine ⚧️ ** (poly!Cashton)
Malum Color ✕ ** - part of 5SOS as The Maine 🎵 Growing Up ✕ ** - part of 5SOS as The Maine 🎵
Muke He Wanted Love, I Taste of Blood ✕ ** Love Like War ✕ **
OT4 70s AU Masterlist (Cashton & Muke)  ✕ ** - co-authored with @takemealive
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
there’s not enough bi!cal mmf fics in this world so... do you have recs👀
A valid complaint! There's no shortage of threesome/poly fics but it's a rarity to find ones that actually include m/m content.
I had a few in mind and dug thru my fic blog and it turns out they're all by @sexgodashton - Lau's masterlist has many options for you but I personally recommend:
- Slow & Steady - Cake
- Three's Company - Cake
- Home For The Holidays - Cashton
- Surprise Part 3 - Cashton (This is the last part in a trilogy - which I highly recommend - but this part specifically features m/m content and I think can be appreciated as a standalone)
I would also suggest you check out the work of @sadistmichael - Jex has a little bit of everything for you to choose from: Malum, Cake, Cashton, some mmf, some non-binary reader insert and even some AU work. Their masterlist is here.
I hope you find something you like!
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softforcal · 6 years
Calum Hood Masterlist
First tat : Tattooist!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 1.5k
Reader gets her first tattoo from Tattooist Cal
Coverup : Soulmate!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 3k
Cal doesn’t believe in his soulmate until he meets her
Oreo : Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, 1k
Reader finds out Cal likes eating more than just Oreos
Breathing : Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, soft, 500 words
Reader thinks Cal is hot when he smokes
Delicious : Demon!Cal oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, soft, 15.5k
Demon Cal is appointed to take care of the reader
Noise : Neighbour!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, soft, slow burn, 13.7k
Annabelle’s new neighbour is a panty dropper and Annabelle has to hear it every night
Gang Au masterlist of oneshots 🍭
126.8k of all the guys finding love. ft Cashton
Floral : Tattooist!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 13.3k
Calum takes on an adorable new apprentice who specializes in floral tattoos
Bro Code : Prince!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 11k
Prince Calum toys with breaking the Bro Code all for his best friend’s little sister
Cromulent : Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, smut, 18.5k
Calum is not a fan of PR relationships, or his new ‘girlfriend’
Opaque : Grung!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, 8k, Love Triangle
Model Luke and Grunge Cal like the same girl
Drifting : Gang!Calum oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, 3.2k, pure smut
Gang Cal takes you for a ride on his Harley, fucks you on his car, then takes you drifting and fucks you again, you know, as one does. 
Fuck Your Ex : Coachella!Calum oneshot 🍭
Reader Insert, 2.3k, smut
You’re a co headliner with 5sos at a festival and when you run into your ex, it spurs Calum to finally tell you how he feels
Band Baby : Dad!Cal  oneshot 🍭
13.7k, oc, smut
When Luke’s roommate gets out of an abusive relationship and is newly pregnant, all the guys, especially Calum are there for her and as Calum takes her to ultrasounds and hangs out with her and grabs 2am junk food cravings, he falls more and more in love with her. 
+ video on how i made the entire fic 🍭
Something Like Love : Ceo!Cal oneshot 🍭
OC, 23.5k, some love triangle
Calum likes his new assistant more than he should, but there are... obstacles (slow burn)
Monte Carlo : Racecar Driver ! Cal oneshot🍭
OC, 14k, slow burn
They’d been going to the same bar for a while, too shy to talk to each other. Then they meet across the globe. He’s there for an F1 race and she’s there as an Instagram promoter. Angst and slow burn ensues. 
Familiar : Cal oneshot oneshot (P)🍭
Reader Insert, 3.6k, smut
It’s new, but when you know, you know. 
Contract : Dom!Cal oneshot (P) 🍭
Reader insert, 4.2k, smut
Dom!Cal sleeps with his new sub for the first time
Be Nice: Bodyguard!Cal oneshot (P) 🍭
Reader insert, 2.6k, smut
You see a hot bodyguard at an event and think might as well invite him over
Unfinished Fics + planning hc
Elusive : Grunge!Cal (from the Opaque universe) (P) 🍭
2k fic + 1.7k hc style fic planning for unfinished sections
Grunge Cal falls in love with a popular DJ who is everything he hasn’t been looking for. 
Slytherin!Cal x Hufflepuff Reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Ravenclaw reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Gryffindor reader HC 🍫
Slytherin!Cal x Slytherin reader HC (P) 🍫
Calum x opener!reader HC 🍫
Cal on tour with Reader HC 🍫
Being Cal’s celebrity crush HC 🍫
Roommate!AU Cal x Reader HC 🍫
Dating Tattooist!Cal HC 🍫
Tattooist!Cal x reader sex HC 🍫
Dad!Calum HC 🍫
Being Cal’s flatmate Moodboard/HC 🍫
Twin-Dad Calum HC (P) 🍫
Cal x interviewer!reader HC (P) 🍫
Cal x 5th 5sos member HC (P) 🍫
Smoking Buddy Cal HC (P) 🍫
Cal x rock/grunge singer HC (P) 🍫
Stay Still : Tattooist/Piercer!Cake 🍭
Reader Insert, 3k, pure smut
Reader just wants their tits pierced and runs into a hot tattooist and their fuck buddy
Opaque : Cake 🍭
OC, 8k, Love Triangle
Model Luke and Grunge Cal like the same girl
Movie Snack : Cake 🍭
Reader insert, smut, 3.2k, poly
Luke gets bored during movies and Cal is over
Road Trip : Cake 🍭
Reader insert, soft, smut, 3.5k, poly
A Road Trip with the boys leads to smutty Cake
Road Trip pt 2 🍭
Reader insert, soft, smut, 3.3k, poly
The Road Trip continues
Poly Cake on tour with Reader HC 🍫
Poly Cake (Slytherin Cal, Hufflepuff Luke, Gryffindor Reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cake x reader, your first tattoo blurb 🍬
Poly Cake clubbing with reader blurb 🍬
Dirty talk with protective!Cake blurb 🍬
Putting on a show for Cake after their show blurb 🍬
2 snakes and a badger : Cashton 🍭
Reader Insert, smut, 4k, poly
Slytherin!Cal and Hufflepuff!Ash have a thing for Slytherin reader
Nascar and Nuero : Cashton 🍭
Reader Insert, Smut, 3.5k, poly
Neuro!Cal has a thing for his patient, Nascar!Ash’s girlfriend
Both : Cashton 🍭
Hemmings!Reader, smut, soft, 11.2k, poly
Reader is Luke’s sister and Cashton like her too much
Luxury : Gang!Cashton 🍭
OC, smut, soft, 12.6k, poly
Bartender Puppy catches the eye of 2 gang members
Patience: Gang AU Bonus Chapter 🍭
OC, Smut, 5.3k
Cashtonxpuppy smut and girl friend bonding
A Whole Lot of Love : Dom!Cashton (patreon exclusive) 🍭
reader insert, 3k, smut, poly
reader is a brat at a party and Cashton is not pleased
Camping, cockwarming and Cashton (patreon exclusive)🍭
Reader insert, 3.2k, smut
Cockwarming while camping gets even more interesting when a game of truth or dare reveals you think Ashton is hot
Poly Cashton on tour with reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Slytherin Ash x Hufflepuff Cal x Slytherin reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Hufflepuff Ashton, Slytherin Cal, Hufflepuff Reader) HC 🍫
Poly Cashton sugar daddies x reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton lazy day with reader HC 🍫
Poly Cashton (Gryffindor Ash/reader x Hufflepuff Cal) HC 🍫
Breaking Dom!Cashton’s rules blurb 🍬
Ash walking in on you and Cal blurb 🍬
Slytherin!Cashton x gryf!reader vibrating panties blurb 🍬
Dom!Cashton punishment and panties blurb 🍬
Cashton compete for reader’s orgasms blurb 🍬
Cashton birthday spanks blurb 🍬
Sex with doctor!Cashton in an on call room blurb 🍬
Cashton treating you on mothers day (P)🍬
Poly Malum (Toys) HC 🍫
Poly Malum on tour with reader HC 🍫
Poly hogwarts Malum (slytherin cal/michael x hufflepuff reader) HC 🍫
unnamed : fashion designer!Malum x reader oneshot (P) 🍭
reader insert, 3.8k, smut
why not fuck two of the biggest fashion designers in the game
Feeling Down : 4/4 🍭
reader insert, 1.5k, soft/fluff, poly
Depressed/Sad!Reader is feeling down while they vacation in a winter wonderland lodge, 4/4 help her feel better
4/4 x reader + all poly here
Kink masterlist Here
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
My friend once had me do a video project for her where I just did that voice for 15 mins I love Lina and her being over dramatic and bad at it all. I gotta give props to the good morning scene i wanted to dance and tip over a couch for years a college friend used it as her alarm song. I love cosmo/don/Kathy as such good friends. Lina’s accent issue is also funny for Luke who keeps forgetting his own accent. Also the mike/ash/cal energy of the good morning scene is hilarious and gold
oh my god the concept of luke’s accent/lina’s voice.....YOU’RE SO RIGHT HAHAHAH luke’s like “what’s wrong with my voice” they’re like “you don’t sound australian” he’s like i’m LITERALLY australian and theyre like well SOUND LIKE IT. also, for the record, i am 500% in favor of poly cosmo/don/kathy i have read some GOOD fics
0 notes
maluminspace · 5 years
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford/Male Reader
Word Count: 2k
Requested: anon
Do you think you could do a poly!malum or poly!cashton with male reader? It’d be great and I loved your last male reader so much.
Trigger Warnings: strong language, mild sexual references
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this poly fluff! I’m happy to do a smutty follow up if anyone wants it! I hope enjoy this, my lovely anon.
“I think we have a tired little kitten on hands, angel.” Calum chuckles lightly as he leans forward to grab the T.V remote from the coffee table in front of you. “We can finish this episode tomorrow.”
Michael whines, shifting his head in your lap to look up at your other boyfriend. “No, Cal! I wanna see what happens… I bet we’ll find out more about the hot guy soon…”
You scoff, playfully nudging Michael’s shoulder. “Hey you have two guys of your own, are we not enough for you?”
The blonde blushes a little as he shakes his head. “He’s not as hot as you two but…”
“Come on sleepy head!” Calum interjects, switching off the television and pushing himself to his feet. “The hot guy will still be on Netflix tomorrow, we’ll put you to bed before we leave, yeah?” He pushes himself to his feet before meandering over to the side table near the front door where he’d left his shoes earlier. 
Before Michael can start complaining again, you stroke his long blonde fringe out of his face and lean down to a peck a kiss to his pale forehead. “You need your sleep, kitten.” 
Michael’s green eyes glisten in the near darkness as he fixes you with a sad expression. “I need you more.” He replies, before turning his sad puppy dog eyes to Calum. “I hate it when you both have to leave.”
Your heart kind of melts at the sleepy sadness in Michael’s voice and although you always hate leaving him and Calum, tonight it just feels a million times worse, somehow. You can’t stop yourself from urging Michael up into a sitting position so that you can hug him properly. 
The blonde man accepts your loving gesture gratefully, snuggling into you like a clingy child. Calum catches your attention from across the room and you find the same heartache you’re feeling, reflecting back at you from the depths of his chocolate brown eyes. He steps closer to you, perching on the arm of the sofa and wrapping an arm around you both. “We all hate this part, kitten.” The slightly younger man sighs, leaning down to press a kiss into Michael’s hair. “It sucks that we have to leave at all, but we all have our own places.”
“That’s stupid.” Michael huffs, “Why are we all paying a shitload of bills when we could be living together and sharing them out between the three of us?”
Even though you know that Michael’s comment was born from his clinginess, you have to admit that it kind of makes sense. The three of you together could probably afford a much nicer apartment or possibly even a small house. 
“You mean, move in together?” Calum asks, his voice adopting a nervous quality. “But we’ve only been dating for a couple of months, don’t you think that’s really fast? We haven’t even spent the night together yet.”
Your heart sinks a little. Of course Calum is right, on one level at least. You haven’t been dating long and none of you have had the courage to ask the other two to stay over yet. That’s not to say that you haven’t done ‘stuff’ together, though. There’d been numerous occasions when your heavy making-out sessions had led to more than kissing, but you were yet to go all the way together. 
“I know that…” Michael mumbles, his cheeks heating up as though he’s embarrassed by his previous statement. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be like us moving in together as an ‘item’.” He shrugs, looking between you and Calum with a nervous expression on his beautiful face. “We could find somewhere with three bedrooms, maybe? That way we’d more like roommates that just-so-happen to be dating.”
You exchange a cautious glance with Calum. It feels like entirely the wrong time to be having such an important conversation as this. The three of you are sleepy and sad about having to leave each other for the night, of course any solution that limits that miserable feeling is going to sound like an amazing idea.There’s a part of you that can’t deny Michael’s logic, though, and you subconsciously start to run your fingers through his hair as you hold him, still staring up at Calum in the hope that he’ll have some intelligent comment that will make it easier to figure out how to get the best of worlds.
For a long moment it seems that Calum is just as conflicted as you are. He nibbles at his bottom lip anxiously as he pulls you both closer to him. “I think we need to start staying at each other’s places a little more before we make any big steps like that, kitten.” He suggests, finally breaking the increasingly tense silence. 
Michael’s pout becomes genuinely heartbreaking and your natural instinct is to kiss it off his face. That feels a little inappropriate, though, so you settle for tightening your grip around his shoulders instead.
“It was a stupid idea, I’m sorry…” Your older boyfriend shrugs, “You should go…” He’s clearly embarrassed as he wriggles free of your hold and gets to his feet before shuffling off towards the door of his bedroom. 
You share a somewhat guilty glance with Calum, wishing that your tired brain would come up with a solution. You hate seeing Michael sad, it’s time you made peace with the fact that you’d do pretty much anything to make him smile. “I don’t want to leave him, like this.” You sigh quietly, leaning against Calum’s chest for comfort.
Your boyfriend strokes your hair softly, humming in acknowledgement as he apparently tries to think of a way to fix this so that you can all go to bed happier tonight. After a moment Calum leans down to whisper into your ear. “Are you okay with staying over here tonight?” 
The fact that you have work in the morning and driving from Michael’s place adds an extra half hour to your journey, barely presents itself as an issue. You’ll happily leave a little earlier if it means you get to finally spend the send with your boys. You try not to let too much of your enthusiasm show in your face as you nod and leap to your feet, but judging by the fond smirk on Calum’s face, you fail terribly at it.
“Good.” Calum chuckles. “Then I can take you both out in the morning for breakfast and we can talk about this whole, not wanting to leave each other at night, stuff.” 
Okay, so maybe calling into work sick just one time wouldn’t be a disaster. Breakfast with Calum and Michael definitely sounds a whole lot more fun than sitting behind your desk in that glorified store cupboard you’re forced to call your office. “Sure, sounds like a plan, Cal.”
Your beautiful boyfriend stands up and takes your hand, smiling softly as he leads you towards the door Michael has just disappeared through. Calum knocks lightly, not wanting to barge in just in case the blonde is changing already, as he still seems quiet body-conscious around the two of you. “Can we come in, kitten?” 
There’s a series of shuffling footsteps from inside the bedroom before Michael opens the door, keeping his gaze aimed at the floor as he leans awkwardly against the doorframe. “It’s okay, I know I was stupid, you can go home now, you can give me the lecture in the morning.”
Calum rolls his eyes, taking Michael’s hand in his free one before placing a kiss to his pale knuckles. “We don’t want to lecture you, kitten.” He promises. “We were just hoping you wouldn’t mind sharing your bed with us tonight? I just want to fall asleep cuddling my boys, does that sound good to you?”
Glancing up timidly, Michael gives a weak nod. “Are you sure you want to stay?” He moves his gaze from Calum’s chocolate-brown eyes, to yours, seemingly awaiting a punchline to a joke. 
“Never been more sure of anything in my life, Mikey.” You grin, completing the circle of hand-holding by curling your fingers gently around Michael’s. “Calum said he’ll buy us breakfast in the morning too, so that just seals the deal.” You smirk cheekily, knowing that Michael will appreciate that. 
Just as you’d hoped, the blonde man does that blushy smile you love so much as he opens the door further. “You better make yourselves, comfortable then. I’m just gonna use the bathroom and then I’ll be back for cuddles. Help yourselves to pyjamas, they’re in the big dresser in the corner, second drawer down.”
A part of you is a bit disappointed by the idea of your boyfriends wearing pyjamas, however you don’t push the subject. It’s clear that Michael isn’t quite in that place yet. 
Calum seems to bite back a comment about it too, nibbling at his bottom lip again as Michael grabs a loose t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats from the end of his bed before scurrying off to the bathroom. 
“Maybe we can suggest a naked sleepover, next time.” You giggle, as soon as Michael is out of earshot.
Nodding, Calum leads you over to the bed, urging you to sit down whilst he continues onto the dresser that Michael had indicated to the two of you. “I’m excited for when he feels ready for that.”
A moment later, Calum hands you a pair of black sweatpants and a faded Green Day t-shirt. “Lucky for you, I’m not shy at all.” He winks, immediately dropping his trousers to reveal his muscular thighs. 
You have to stop yourself from groaning, you’ve never wanted to put your mouth on anything more in your entire life. The lustful feeling inside of you multiplies even further when Calum removes his shirt. The way that his long fingers work the buttons of the garment before he slides it off his arms, spark a million different fantasies of what you’d like him to do you with them. 
“Enjoying the show, angel?” Calum smirks, his air of confidence intensifying as he steps closer to you. “Are you gonna leave me to be almost naked alone?” He offers his hand out to you and helps you to your feet before unbuttoning your skinny jeans. 
Having Calum undress you, makes your skin tingle with anticipation, like every inch of you is screaming out for him to touch you. The way that Calum bites his lip as he rakes his eyes over you once he’s stripped you down to your boxers, draws a tiny whine from you.
Calum hums in response to your needy gesture and tentatively places a hand on one of your hips. “I wish you didn’t have to put those sweats on…” He whispers, pulling you closer until you can feel his breath on your lips. 
“Me too.” You reply lowly. “Do you think Michael will mind if we sleep in just our boxers?”
“Not at all…” Michael interjects, drawing your attention over to the door where he’s standing, now dressed in the sweats and loose t-shirt he’d taken to the bathroom with him. He looks so soft and cuddly that your heart melts. It hits you in that moment, just how amazing your life is. You have two of the most beautiful men on earth looking at you as though they want to eat you alive. Despite their stark differences in personality and physical appearance, their biggest common denominator is you, and that makes you feel giddy. “I wish you two could be just in your boxers all the time.” The blonde man continues, a light blush colouring his cheeks as he shuffles further into the room.
“I’m sure that can be arranged.” You reply, winking suggestively.
Calum raises an eyebrow at Michael in response to his question. “Care to join us, kitten?” He asks hopefully, holding out his hand. You’re quickly learning that there are few things in the world that Calum loves more than having his hands on both of his boys.
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @wildmichaelflower @myloverboyash @loverofcashton @irwinkitten @cxddlyash @wildmalumflower @cashtonasff5sos @iovehemmings @kindawannacryx @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford @5-secondsofcolor
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maluminspace · 4 years
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All of the following works were written by me (maluminspace) and are not to be posted on this or any other site without my permission.
All explicit content is marked with *
Summary: No one ever knows when they’ll meet their soulmate, there’s no magical clock counting down to that life altering moment. There’s no mysterious tattoos or markings to help you find them either. You just have to wait until you hear that stranger’s voice in your own head and there’s no way on earth of knowing when it’ll happen. 
Author’s Note: All titles in this series taken from ‘It’s All About You’ by Mcfly
Rating: 18+
Dedicated To: @h0tsos and @5-secondsofcolor
Part 1 - One Of Your Kisses *
Part 2 - You Make My Life Worthwhile *
Part 3 - Say Three Words *
Main Masterlist
Last updated 09/04/2020
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maluminspace · 5 years
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All of the following works were written by me (maluminspace) and are not to be posted on this or any other site without my permission. 
All explicit content is marked with *
Morning Cuddles (OT4 fluff)
“Will you just shut up for a minute and let me think?!” Blurb Request (domestic OT4)
Ghostbusters OT4 (requested for spooky!sos 2019)
Haunted House Adventure ( malum/reader - Spooky!sos2019 request)
Worth The Wait (Poly!muke - requested for mikemonth 2019)
My Boys (malum/malereader)
The Perfect Finishing Touch (Malum/Female Reader - part of the 5sos writers collab September 2020)
Ot4 shenanigans in Korea (coming soon)
Less of an angel (Mashton + Reader - requested for mikemonth 2019) *
A Decent Show (mashton + reader)*
Now That There’s Three (Hogwarts!sos mashlum)*
More Than Welcome (Hogwarts!sos clushton)*
Catch Me On a Flower (mashlum)*
Main masterlist 
Last Updated 26/02/2020
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: fluff/light angst
Pairings: Reader/Michael Clifford/Calum Hood
Word Count: 2.5k
Requested: by @trick-r-teeth​ for spooky!sos 2019
Trigger Warnings: haunted house attractions/jump scares/mild panic attack/strong language
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a polyamorous fic including the reader 🙈 I hope it came out alright! I’m excited to know what you think ❤️
The queue for the haunted house attraction was as about as long as you’d expected it to be... ridiculously long.
Luckily for you, one of your two wonderful boyfriends had friends in high, albeit spooky, places.
Boyfriend number one, Michael Clifford, was currently having a long chat with one of his buddies at the ticket kiosk for the attraction, whilst you and the long suffering third party in your triad, Calum Hood, waited on a bench cradling warm cider drinks. 
“What’s taking him so long?” You grumbled, resting your head on Calum’s shoulder. “He’s only meant to be asking if we can go in yet.”
Calum wrapped an arm around you and pecked a kiss to your forehead. “Patience, sweetheart.” Your blue haired boyfriend chuckled. “With any luck, Luke will have changed his mind about letting us in for free and we can go home.” He shrugged.
“I wouldn’t even be mad about it.” You confessed, cuddling closer into Calum’s side. “We could just go home and drink hot chocolate whilst we watch scary movies and make out..”
Chuckling softly, Calum tightened his arm around your shoulders. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later, sunshine.” He promised.
You grinned at the pet name Calum had used for you since the day he’d declared your triad official. He had one for Michael too, one that you’d found yourself adopting too, as time went by. Not that ‘Angel’ seemed all that appropriate for the blonde ball of excitement that you were currently waiting for.
As you say there with Calum, you couldn’t help thinking that the whole ‘being chased around a spooky house’ thing wasn’t really your idea of a perfect date. You’d agreed to it now, though, even if it was only because you wanted to get into the Halloween spirit more this year.
As Michael finally turned to head back to you, he had the biggest smile on his face. It seemed like your vague hope that Luke had changed his mind about letting you in, was slipping away by the second. 
“Luke booked us a slot at eight.” Your eldest boyfriend grinned as he jogged up to the bench and plonked down beside you. “Just enough time for us to finish these ciders!”
Calum passed Michael the cup that was resting on the bench beside him. “Good, maybe this whole thing will be more fun if I’m a little drunk.” 
The blonde man pouted, his impossibly pink bottom lip jutting out like that of a stroppy toddler. “You don’t want to do this?” He asked, a note of genuine disappointment in his voice beneath the sympathy craving whine.
Calum’s expression softened a little as he deliberately brushed his fingers over Michael’s when he passed the cup of cider. “We’ll do it for you, angel.” He replied gently. “It’s only fair that we all choose an activity to share with the other two.”
Nodding, you reach out to hold Michael’s free hand, tangling your fingers with his. “Yeah, I’m gonna make you watch every 80’s slasher movie I can think of.” You grin, excited to share one of your favourite parts of Halloween with your boyfriends for the first time.
“Yeah?” Michael asked, his smile brightening a little when you hummed your confirmation. “We should do that this weekend! I’ll order pizza and Calum can make us some spooky themed cocktails.”
Your youngest boyfriend rolled his eyes fondly as he grabbed Michael’s shoulder to pull him closer.
The blonde man giggled as he snuggled into your side so that the three of you were pressed together as closely as possible. “This is another reason why three is better than two.” You grinned as your boyfriends fixed you with confused glances. “Snuggle piles are even warmer!”
Ten minutes later, the three of you headed over to the ticket kiosk and the guy that Michael had been chatting to earlier grinned mischievously. He was dressed as some sort of ghostly butler, his grey face paint and spooky demeanour making you realise just how much you were going to hate this experience.
The bright smile on Michael’s face as he took the tickets was more than worth a half of hour of something you hate, though. He looked like a kid at Christmas as squealed between you and Calum, taking one hand from each of you. “This is gonna be fun.” He squealed.
“You’re ridiculous...” Calum huffed but the fondness I’m his tone betrayed just how much that spooky dork meant to him. 
You understand Calum’s feelings. Yours are pretty much identical. Both of your boyfriends have their quirks and flaws but you wouldn’t change a single one of them.
It comforted you, to know that Calum was just as apprehensive as you were about this whole experience. At least you had someone to share in your misery.
As the three of you made your way inside the attraction with a bunch of other Halloween enthusiasts, Michael’s growing enthusiasm almost made you forget how much you were destined to hate this.
“This is going to be so much fun!” The blonde grinned, dragging both you and Calum closer to the front of the little crowd. 
You exchanged a sceptical look with Calum before the two of you burst into nervous laughter. 
Luckily, Michael seemed to assume that you were both just as excited as he was for this little adventure.
Some woman dressed a floaty, old-fashioned white nightdress and ghostly make up gave a quick health and safety talk before a heavy wooden door was opened.
Thanks to Michael’s eagerness, you and your two boyfriends were among the very first to enter the dark room. Once everyone had filtered through from the entrance hall, the heavy door swung shut, plunging the entire room into complete darkness. 
After a few seconds there was a seemingly sporadic flash of light that illuminated the open space for a second. You just about managed to make out the shape of some ornate picture frames on the wall and what appeared to be large pieces of furniture covered with dust sheets.
It was only when Michael chuckled that you realised that both you and Calum had subconsciously clung to him, gripping an arm each. 
When the lights flashed again your were aware of faint figures moving erratically around the outskirts of the room, darting behind the large sheet-covered furniture.
Now it was completely official, you fucking hated this.
When the lights flashed for a third time the vague figures had become solid silhouettes. You had to remind yourself that they were only actors... They were just people dressed up and contorting their bodies into grotesque shapes. 
Upon the fourth flash, the actors scattered their ‘victims’ by running at the group, groaning, screeching or laughing maniacally depending upon their character. 
The lights finally stopped strobing after that. Settling into a dim red glow that cast eerie shadows and left far too many dark recesses for your liking.
You clung to both Calum and Michael as if you’re life depended on it. Every time you walked past something that appeared solid, an actor would jump out and it scared you every single time. 
The whole thing seemed far too funny to Michael as he led your little triad into the next room. At first it was pitch black, although you could hear footsteps and other eerie sounds echoing around you. 
When the dim red lights flickered to life you realised that it was a hallway that you’d stumbled into. There were various doors set into the wall as well as more sheet-covered items of furniture. 
Your heart sank as you realised that most of the passageway was too narrow for you and your boyfriends to continue walking side-by-side. The thought of walking through this hallway in single file was almost enough to make you cry. Michael was enjoying himself, though. You knew that this was a small price to pay to make him happy. Calum would agree with you, too, that was a given. 
A little group of giggling friends ran past your little triad, squealing giddily as they scampered down the corridor. You watched as they too, got chased onto the same room as the couple you’d seen a moment ago.
Deciding you just needed to stop being a baby, you straighten up, watching carefully as a couple up ahead of you got chased into one of the rooms by a gory ghost. 
As the three of you stepped forward, Michael took the lead, stretching his hand out behind his back for you to hold. Calum then manoeuvred you in front of him so that you were effectively sandwiched between your boys. 
It felt marginally safer to have a boyfriend to protect you from the and the back but you still couldn’t wait to be out of this fucking hallway. 
As you traipsed through the near-darkness, you tried to remember the exact spot that the actors were hiding in before they chased those other people. It was really hard to tell, but you thought you remembered and were somewhat relieved when you walked passed the little recess without incident. Maybe those actors had some compassion after all. 
Your relief was very short lived, however. As you neared the end of the corridor you noticed that the light was disappearing altogether and the sounds of other people being terrorised by actors were becoming fainter by the second.
“Mike are you sure this is the right way?” You asked cautiously. “Everyone else went into one of those rooms...”
“It’s like a maze in here, babe.” Michael replied. “There’re lots of different ways to get to the end.”
You had no reason not to trust him but you had a terrible feeling that you were going ‘off track’.
When it became clear that your group couldn’t go any further Michael was forced to try the one remaining door set into the wall beside him. You really hated the fact that it had a huge red ‘X’ pained in the centre of it.
You clutched both of your boyfriends’ hands as Michael led the way inside. The room was entirely black. There were no flashing lights or eerie red glow in this one.
“Mike I don’t like this...” you whispered as the door swung closed behind Calum. 
“Yeah, I don’t think this is right, baby.” Calum agreed. “Take us back to where those other people went.”
Michael huffed. “Fine, spoil sports!” He signed as he let go of your hand in order to head back towards the door. 
“We just want to get this over with, okay?” Calum groaned. 
“You two just have no sense of adventure!” Michael whined and you could hear the pout clearly in his voice. 
Calum made a disgruntled sound that also oozed impatience. “Just get us back on the right path, or I’m putting you on a sex ban for a week!”
As Michael made a distressed noise and began arguing why that shouldn’t happen, you heard a scampering sound and a faint giggle. 
“Can you two argue about this later?” You hissed. “I want to get out of here please!”
Your plea went unnoticed as your boyfriends continued to bicker. Before you had chance to ask them again, A faint light sprang to life at the other end of the room. It appeared to be the beam of a touch. 
“See!” Michael huffed. “We can go this way!” He swept off, his pace fast and determined as you scampered after him. 
You’d barley made it five steps when the silence of the room was broken by manic laughter and scurrying footsteps that echoed around the seemingly large open space. 
The torch light was moving now too, as though the person holding it was running away from you.
Even Michael seemed creeped out and broke into a run. You struggled to keep up with him and you hated not having his or Calum’s hand in your own anymore. 
For once, Michael proved too fast for you to keep up with. It was hard enough to see him in the first place, but when he veered off behind a stack of crates, you lost him completely.
Panicking a little, you turned around to try and see Calum but he seemed to have been left behind in your haste to keep up with Michael.
The torch light chose that moment to go out completely, plunging the whole room into total darkness as all the sounds stopped too.
You froze, listening to your own rapid breathing whilst you told yourself not to panic.
Just as you were about to call out to your boyfriends, a tiny voice whispered your name. It had to be Michael or Calum so you followed the sound cautiously. 
“Over here...” the voice hissed. “This is the way out...”
Your scared brain instinctively trusted the disembodied voice. You followed the sound behind a large pile of crates, hoping there’d be a hidden door there. 
“That’s right...” the voice whispered before calling your name again. It definitely wasn’t Michael’s or Calum’s voice, you could hear that now. 
Before you could call out to your boyfriends the torch light reappeared but this time it was right in front of you and it illuminated a distorted face - the gaping mouth, peeling grey skin and manic eyes pulled a loud, terrified scream from you. 
Before you’d even managed to gather your senses enough to run, all of the ceiling lights sprung to life, illuminating the large room fully. 
You were faintly aware of people laughing as you regained your senses. “That was great, Luke!” Michael giggled, appearing from the other side of the crates with a livid looking Calum.
“Thanks, man.” Luke smiled proudly, you guys were amazing subjects.” He laughed glancing between you and Calum. “I wish I could have filmed you.”
“That wasn’t funny, assholes!” Calum hissed angrily. 
“It was, though!” Michael argued, still laughing. If his smiling face wasn’t so beautiful you’d have been tempted to rip it off. 
“Your ban’s just been upped to two weeks, you little shit.” Calum growled, stepping forward to wrap you in a hug. “And I won’t even let you watch us either.”
Michael protested with a sulky noise but Calum silenced him with a look. Fuck, that man was hot when he was stern and/or angry. Luckily, Michael knew when to back to back down.
“Tough luck, mate.” Luke smirked at Michael. “Looks like you’ve got some grovelling to do.”
Calum turned to face Luke, his expression still foreboding. “Don’t even get me started with you, Hemmings!” He huffed. “I’ll find a way to get you back, too!”
Holding his hands up in surrender, Luke’s smile dropped a bit. “It was Michael’s idea...”
Your blonde boyfriend looked terribly guilty as his smile also faltered. “I promise I’ll make it up to you both!”
“Yeah, you can start by driving us home and making us hot chocolates, after that I’ll decide exactly what all of your punishments will be.” Calum sniffed as he pulled you close and lowered his voice so that only you could hear him. “We won’t let him get away with this, baby.” He promised, aiming a cheeky wink at you.
Tag list: @clffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @lukesahoy​ @thrillchaser​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @spookymashton​
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maluminspace · 4 years
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For this event we decided to do gifts for each other! Everyone filled out a form detailing their favouite fic tropes, boys and ships etc and we randomly allocated everyone someone to write to. We hope you enjoy them all <3
All NSFW content is marked with a *
Michael Roadtrip written by Steff @h0tsos​ for Jae (jae-writes-fanfiction)
Michael enemies to lovers * written by Claire @mermaidcashton​ for Steff (hots0s)
Ashton friends to lovers * written by Julia @castaway-cashton​ for Anna (lashtonswildflower)
Poly!Mashton  * written by Sarah  @spicycal​ for Lau (sexgodashton)
Piercer!Luke & tattooist!reader * written by Lauren @malumsmermaid​ for Lauren (loveroflrh)
Boyfriend!michael written by Lauren @loveroflrh​ for Laura (maluminspace)
Poly!cashton friends to lovers * written by Rae  @wildmichaelflower​ for Sarah (spicycal)
College!Michael * written by Anna  @lashtonswildflower​ for Raye (wildmichaelflower)
Poly!Cashton ABO * written by Lau  @sexgodashton​ for Julia (castaway-cashton)
Ashton waking up in Vegas * written by Jae  @jae-writes-fanfiction​ for Claire (mermaidcashton)
Poly!Malum firest date written by Laura @maluminspace​ for Lauren (malumsmermaid)
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maluminspace · 5 years
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3k followers is a huge deal to me and if like to thank each and every single one of you for putting up with me! You all make me smile on a daily basis with your messages/asks and tags. I swear that I’ve met some of the most amazing people on this site and I love you all more than I can say 💖
Seeing as I have a lot of requests still to fill and Michael month just around the corner, I figured It’d bee too much for me to offer to do blurbs and mood boards etc. Instead, I’m posting this huge list of all the people that make my tumblr experience happy and fun every day 🥰
My asks are always open if any of you want to chat and I’m too excited to create more content for you all soon 💗
Also, this is gonna be so long so I’ve put it all under a cut. If I have forgotten you, I’, so so so sorry, my old lady brain is failing me today.
I apologise for all the typos in advance!
@mermaidcashton - Claire is my wife and my soulmate ❤️ she’s bad at replying to messages on tumblr but she’s perfect in every other way. She’s funny, caring, sweet and kind amongst many other things 💗 I wouldn’t be the person I was today without her! It’d mean a lot to me if you’d all give her a follow and make her feel a bit more loved on here like she deserves 🥰 Claire is just honestly wonderful and I want as many of you as possible to see that 💖
My Malum Hoes
@myfalsedevotion - Vicky is honestly one of those people who make you feel at ease the second you start chatting! She’s so bright and sweet, I want to hug her so much! I love that she’s as much of a hoe for malum as me and her fics are incredible. If you love malum and/or Cashton, I cannot stress enough how much you need to read her fics. You also need to befriend her immediately, you won’t regret it! Just please don’t hog her too much because I’d miss her! 
@honeyedlashton - Katie is one of my all time fav gay!sos writers. Her malum and Lashton fics kill me every time and I can’t recommend her work enough!  She’s also a really lovely friend and I enjoy screaming with her on a regular basis.
My other malum favs: @malumamongmen @malumslyrics @iknowmalumplaces @cheesestickmalum @makebelievemalum
The Michael Hype Squad
@5sosnsfw - Jex is honestly a complete angel. The love, support and impartial advice she’s offered to me in the past few weeks has been so important and I can never thank her enough! On top of all that she’s an incredible writer and another person I love to scream with about sos a lot! I love her endlessly and I’m proud to call her a friend.
@h0tsos - what can I say about Steff? She’s an incredible writer and she’s too talented at mood boards already! She’s a huge Michael hoe and I’ve had some of the best screaming sessions with over various events/pictures/videos etc. More importantly than any of that, she’s an incredible friend who will always listening without judgement and offer honest advice. I could honestly go on forever but basically she’s talented and amazing and I love her.
@clffrd - Effy is a shining angel that deserves all the love honestly.  We haven’t been talking for too long yet, but I already know she’ll be a friend for life and I’m incredibly happy and proud about that. I love screaming at/with her about her cute doggos, Michael and malum - she’s a ray of sunshine and I love her!
@ghost0fy0u - Anna is fast becoming one of my very favourite people! She’s kind and sweet and her blog is like 11/10. She’s also tried to end me on multiple occasions in the group chat already! I’m too excited to do #mikemonth with her, it’s going to be so much fun!
@fullmoonclifford - I love KJ a lot. Her blog is incredible and I am super excited to get to know her more.
@valentinelrh - Ugh, I honestly don’t know where to start with Lauren. I just love her a lot! She’s super kind and sweet and I love her writing too much. she’s also super smart and I can’t wait to chat more with her!
@opheliaaurora23 - We’ve already bonded over various British things in this gc and I am delighted by it! I love Danielle a lot already, basically!
@lukeshemmings - I love my fellow 5sos wife so much! It’s great to know that Claire and I are not alone in juggling being 5sos hoes with married life! I’m too excited to get to know her more I think she’s a very lovely person!
@pxrxmoore - Beth is already one of my favs, her blog is incredible and she’s a lovely person too! I can’t stress how much you need to follow her if you don’t already.
The rest of you amazing Michael hoes, I haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know you very well yet but I’m really looking forward to when we chat more! 
@latenightdevils @goblinmichael @calumsmermaid @spookymashton @ughsoharry @autumnalclifford @prettybabycal @5-secondsofcolor @easiersav @michaelcllifford @cashtonasfuck
Laura Squad
@calumsdemons - This beautiful Laura was one of the first people I ever requested a mood board from. I loved her blog from the moment I laid eyes on it and I’m still every bit as in love with it now. She’s super talented at making mood boards and they’re just instantly recognisable to me as her work when I see them on my dash which is a talent in itself I think! She’s also a very sweet person and I love her a lot.
@irwinkitten - I love this hoe, what can I say? I love thirsting with her and screaming over mashton with her. She’s also a super talented writer and her blog is one of my absolute favs! Laura has also been an amazing friend to me recently and I look forward to getting to know her even better in the near future!
@sexgodashton - Honestly one of my very top recs if you love reading fic. Laura’s poly fics (and everything else she writes tbh) kill me on a regular basis. She’s one of the loveliest people with the biggest heart and I’m too excited to fangirl over the rest of her work.  
All Other Favs
@marriedmalum @sharkbean @ashtonsgotteeth @trick-r-teeth @fairyintheglass @painkillerash @tea4sykes @afuckingunicornn @myloverboyash @bitterbethany @beckygs @wearehidingoutinadream @babyoria @sweetcherrymike @maaaiiittteee @frickyouralmonds @hemmoangel @hoodinary @aulxna @damselindistressanu @youngblood199456 @cals-eyebrows @alternate-sadness @aestheticsarereal @afideathofme @bitterendx @cakesunflower @sublimehood @worshipkink @cashtontrash @fairytalesandscience @megz1985 @cliffordchick @irwiniee @burncrashbromance @haroldless @clffordkitten @ashtonsunshine @ashtonsgotteeth @wasted-night-cth
I know I have so many other favs but my tiny brain can’t hold every awesome blog’s name unfortunately. SO basically; if you follow me, Thank you! I love you <3
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softforcal · 5 years
Hello! so this post will provide explanations on everything and a masterlist on all the content over on my patreon. 
watch a detailed explanation video on all of this info here
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but my patreon will have exclusive fics and all my blurbs will be posted there from now on.
BASIC OVERVIEW: My Patreon promise is 7-10k of exclusive writing per month, in the form of: blurbs, hcs and oneshots. 
$5 tier gives you access to everything (all oneshots and blurbs)
so everything includes all HC’s and Blurbs which will be exclusive to patreon
as well as oneshots and longer fics. Patreon will mostly have first access to everything i’m going to post so you’ll see it way before anyone else does
i’ll also hold votes and show you guys what i’m working on and give sneak peaks and get your opinions on what you want to see next :)
i’m sorry it has to be this way and i know a lot of people aren’t a huge fan of this but the reality is i put in hours of work for free and i just can’t be doing that any more :/ 
If you get my patreon you are charged 5$ when you buy it to make up for the previous month(s) you gain access to, then on the 1st of every month
Patreon Exclusive Masterlist
Ash calling you a cockslut (500 words) 
Harcore!Ash falling for a goofy girl (600 words)
Ashton using your bum as drums (500 words)
Cashton treating you on mothers day (600 words)
helping Luke during a breakdown (250 words)
Giving Nascar!Luke road head (700 words)
bored/horny Luke while watching a movie (700 words)
Calling Luke Angel Face (200 words)
Luke helping Cal find your sweet spot (400 words)
Luke likes thigh highs (1k)
cock warming with Cal and getting caught (400 words)
Soft Cal and period cramps (300 words)
Pre Stage Blowie Cal (600 words)
Post easier vid sex with Cal (400 words)
Calum learning he likes to be called daddy (350 words)
Cal being shy about being horny when you start dating (700 words)
Good crying during sex with cal (500 words)
Slytherin!Cal x Puff reader tattoos (400 words)
Cashton treating you on mothers day (600 words)
Mali Meeting Cal’s GF for the first time (450 words)
Pornstar cal x pornstar reader (700 words)
Gamer/youtuber!reader x michael blurb (700 words)
Football player!Michael blurb (300 words)
Calm Michael at parties (200 words)
Oneshots:4/4 cute poly hc (1.4k)
singer x 5sos hc (500 words)
Mike, Ash, Luke x 5th 5sos member hc (4.6k)
Cult!5sos (4.1k)
Archeology Malum x Aphrodite reader (2.6k)
twin-dad!Ashton hc (1.2k)
Gryffindor!Ash x Gryffindor!Reader HC (1.7k)
Ravenclaw!Ash x Puff!Reader HC (2.2k)
Slytherin!Lashton x Puff reader (2.4k)
Gryffindor!Luke x Slytherin! Reader hc (900 words)
Stealing Luke’s clothes HC (1k)
Slytherin Luke x Puff reader HC (2.2k)
Best Friend Luke x reader (1k)
Dating Luke and living with Ash HC (600 words)
Luke showing you off HC (2.4k)
Rich frat boy Luke x reader (3.1k)
Gryffindor!Michael x Slytherin Reader HC (1.3k)
Slytherin!mike x puff reader yule ball HC (700 words)
Breeding kink with Michael HC (550 words)
Basketball player Michael HC (300 words)
Michael x pregnant reader HC (1.5k)
Slytherin Calum x Slytherin reader (1.2k)
twin-dad!Calum hc (900 words)
Cal x Interviewer!reader (2.2k)
Mechanic!Cal x nascar!reader (700 words)
Taking care of Cal when he’s injured (700 words)
Calum x 5th member of 5sos (1.8k)
Getting high with Calum (500 words)
Cal x rock/grunge singer (1.3k)
Cal x band!reader on talk show (1.2k)
All the boys help you during a thunder storm (400 words)
Niall Horan’s Bathroom : Coachella Luke
1.6k, smut, reader insert
There’s only one good place to fuck at Coachella 
Smile :  Harry Styles
2.7k, smut, reader insert
Harry just really loves you and wants to pop the question
Fangs : Vampire!Luke
4.9k, oc, smut
based on the song Teeth by 5sos
a demon falls in love with a vampire but love is never easy for a demon
A Whole Lot of Love : Dom!Cashton
3k, reader insert, smut 
Reader gets bratty at a party and Cashton is not pleased
Camping, Cockwarming and Cashton
3.2k, reader insert, smut
cockwarming on a camp trip gets even more interesting with a game of truth or dare where it’s revealed you think Ashton is hot
Netflix and Chill : Cake
3.5k, reader insert, smut
Calum gets pissed off that you’re only using Luke as a fuck buddy 
Familiar : Cal x reader
3.6k, reader insert, smut
it’s new, but when you know, you know.
Carbonara : Cake x reader
4k, reader insert, smut
2 boys fuck you and then you eat pasta in the tub like kings
Unnamed : fashion designer Malum x reader
3.8k, reader insert, smut
fucking fashion designers is fun?
Contract : bdsm/dom!Cal x reader
4.2k, reader insert, smut
you sign a contract to be Cal’s sub and he can’t wait to try you out
Be Nice : Bodyguard!Cal x reader
2.6k, reader insert, smut
You see a hot bodyguard at an event and think what the hell, might as well invite him over
Don’t Go : bodyguard!Lashton x reader
7k, reader insert, smut
Your new bodyguards are hot, and they work so well together that you can't help but think of dirty things. 
Grey Shirt: Calum
3.2k, reader insert, smut
Calum loves it when you wear his clothes
Cute : Muke
3k, reader insert, smut
Luke and Michael bump into you on the street and think you’re cute
Mile High Club : Cashton
2.6k, reader insert, smut
Cashton want a quickie in the plane's bathroom :)
Happy Hippie : Luke
6.5k, reader insert, smut
Weed grower/hippie Luke just wants a soft love
How to Videos:
make moodboards part 1 (9 mins)
moodboards part 2 (4 mins)
How i made the entire band baby fic
Unfinished Fics + planning hc
Elusive : Grunge!Cal (from the Opaque universe)
2k fic + 1.7k hc style fic planning for unfinished sections
Grunge Cal falls in love with a popular DJ who is everything he hasn’t been looking for. 
breakdown by month: all everything on the plan board is patreon exclusive UNLESS it says ‘early post’ like in October, which means it’s on my patreon but it’s also on tumblr
yellow = blurb.
green = hc.
blue = fic
orange = unfinished fic + hc planning
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blackbutterfliescal · 4 years
I’m sorry you’re sad about the the lack of response to ‘growing up’. I don’t normally read slash fics but I did so I could give you feedback like you mentioned. I thought it was really well written! Very nostalgic like the song. As far as why it might not have gotten as many notes, might be b/c of the lack of dialogue & interaction between Malum or maybe you don’t have as many slash reader fans? Idk I hope this was helpful and I hope you aren’t too discouraged!
Hi peach! I really, really appreciate you taking the time to send this 💕 Thank you for being so sweet! I don’t ever want to make anyone feel like they have to read something they’re uncomfortable with. And you’re definitely right! I could have written proper flashback scenes or written their dinner or something to cause more interaction. I wanted to focus on Michael’s nostalgia but I could have done it differently and also I just HATE writing dialogue asdkjflajk I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you!!
I’m definitely gonna keep writing, it’s just disappointing. But that happens! I guess now I know to stick to reader insert/poly pieces 😊
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