#pomegranate and red made me post this
autismguy55 · 7 months
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Playing with my art style and one of my post island headcaonins feel free to ask i like to yap. @fourfunnyz @reddeadisnotalive are you happy now
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
hiii i’d like a medium fruit punch lemonade with pomegranate seeds for osamu <3
Mystery Flavor
word count: 779 | avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Osamu x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with a bit of spice
warnings: mdni
request: fluffy-spicy, midnight hang out with pining friend Osamu
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“Haaaa, this is just what I needed.“, you sighed and stretched. Your shoes made a faint splat sound on the still wet asphalt as you and Osamu headed down the street.
The red and green stripes of the convenience store shone friendly up ahead in the night.
“So what did you do that didn’t work?” As much as Osamu hated you dating other men, the growing number of failed first dates did help him learn what you were looking for in a relationship.
“Oh who knows.”, you breathed out, “Maybe it was because he was glued to his phone the whole time or that he didn’t seem interested in any kind of conversation topic I came up with.”
“In his defense, ya do talk about pretty weird stuff sometimes.”, he said, doing a little jump over a shallow puddle - you wanted to copy him, but didn’t quite stick the landing as elegantly and he had to catch you. Osamu met your eyes and was about to say something when you continued walking with the implicitness of a girl entirely oblivious to her best friend's true feelings.
“Thanks. Where was I?”
“Yer lacking conversational skills.”
“Hey now!”, you protested and playfully poked his shoulder, “You loooove my hypotheticals.”
“Yeah yeah…”, he muttered. His hand was still tingly from touching the free skin between your washed out crop top and sweatshorts. He felt like a creep for wishing he could have squeezed your pillowy waist.
“Anyways, he was also just kind of rude and… looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.”
“Remind me to never introduce ya to Suna.”, Osamu chuckled.
“Is he the hot guy on your old school team?”
“No, that was me.” He was kind of offended at how hard you laughed about that.
When the doors of the convenience store opened with a soft whirring noise he swerved to the chip aisle with you right behind him. Once two bags were chucked into the little basket in his hands, you went on to the ramen section and much to Osamu’s dismay you were still talking about Suna.
“I bet, at the very least, he would’ve kissed me goodnight.”
“So even if the date is a bust ya would wanna make out with the guy?”, he asked, turning up the judging tone of disgust in his voice that for some reason went completely unnoticed by you as you continued.
“Well, no. But I want him to want to, you know?”
Osamu raised his brow, then walked over to the drink section and looked through the display for your favorite.
“Oh hey, this looks fun. Wanna give it a try?”, you asked next to him and pointed at a wall of identical to-go cups in a fridge. A promotion of the store offered a mystery flavored iced tea for a lot less money than your usual and you were nothing if not a sucker for a good bargain.
Grabbing your favorite drink anyway, Osamu joined you and chose a cup near the top, while you opted for one near the bottom.
After paying you came to a halt in front of the shop, too impatient to see what kind of flavor you got. You both pushed the straws into your cups, toasted and took the first sip.
“Peach and lemongrass.”, Osamu said almost immediately, “Yers?”
“Hm… not sure.”, you said, taking another thoughtful sip, “Maybe passionfruit? Or… hm… mango? And something else. I’m not sure. You wanna try?”
Osamu considered the straw you offered to him for a moment. Without thinking he reached past the cup. Closing the gap between you, he gently held your chin with thumb and index and leaned down to brush his lips against yours. You gasped in surprise and after a first experimental push, he got bolder and swiped his tongue into your mouth. The flavor of the ice tea was refreshing and exotic, mixing with his own. His head began to spin and he wrapped his arm around you to stay grounded as he continued to kiss you. Your soft tummy pressed against him. He was about to lose his mind, heat rose in his cheeks and stomach. You tugged at his hair and his thoughts turned off like a power cut on a TV that was previously just static. You sighed into the kiss and leaned forward for more when he broke from you. Guiltily, you bit your plumped lips, your hand resting on his chest, panting slightly.
“Guava and mint.”, he determined and let you go. He walked a few steps homewards and when he didn’t hear you following, turned around. You were still standing there, frozen.
“Ya comin’ or what?”
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a/n: thank you so much for the request! I love cozy late night scenarios - I hope you enjoyed! 🌟
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skylarkspinner · 7 months
fiber art adventures in egypt
I recently got back from a trip to Egypt & finally got around to organizing some pictures to share. One of the things I was most excited about was seeing what I could find on fiber arts and textiles.
Dropping everything under a read more, 'cause this will be a long post haha
first visit: the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC)
At the time of visiting, they had a special textiles exhibit. It covered Pharonic Egypt all the way up to modern times, although I only had time to check out the dynastic & a bit of the Coptic portion of the exhibit (which was what I was really hoping to see anyways)
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Was super excited to see this diorama in person. I knew about it but had never seen good pictures of it. From the little I've seen of ancient Egyptian spinning, spinning with two spindles seems to be the norm rather than a master technique? It also shows up in tomb art, which the exhibit also shared:
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They also used a different fiber preparation (splicing to create a rove of fiber, no traditional drafting to my understanding) so that probably made a difference? Regardless I really want to see if I can replicate the technique, especially because their spindles look so similar to modern spindles??
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I took so many pictures of spindles, guys, and I fully intend to either have a few replicas made or to learn to make some myself. Also, although they were unlabeled... I'm pretty sure those are beaters for weaving? That was a bit of a trend with this trip, so much stuff was unlabeled :( I would've killed to at least get some date estimates for some of the stuff they had on display. I was nerding out in here though, and my family took a few pictures of how excited I was getting. A bit embarrassing, but eh haha
The exhibit also had a section on natural dyes used with a fun visual;
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There was several diagrams specifically describing each dye source, but in the interest of not overloading on pictures I'll just list them out. For blues; woad, Yellows; turmeric, safflower, saffron, or yellow ochre; reds; madder, henna, pomegranate, and kermes. I originally thought kermes was another way to say cochineal, but it only seems to be distantly related.
next visit: Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center
A small art center dedicated to hand-weaving wool and cotton tapestries. All of their work was museum quality & awe inspiring!!
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Was even invited to their back rooms to watch a few of their weavers working; no I don't have room to put a room-sized loom anywhere but heck do I want one now
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Our guide that took us through talked a bit about the natural dyes they use (all of their dyes are dyed in house with what they grow in their dye garden!!!) and got excited to hear I was also interested in natural dyes! He seemed a bit disappointed I'd never worked with indigo and. while indigo scares me, I'll take it as a sign that maybe I should try some time this year haha.
final visit; the Egyptian Museum
we really had to rush through this one which was a huge shame because it's packed full of artifacts. Also, the lighting in there is atrocious, so apologies for the not great pictures ahead.
They had a fascinating display of textile tools, more than what the NMEC had;
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(Hand for size reference) I want all of these spindles! So badly! But a few of them look so much like a few of the spindles I own already?? A few of them had a spiraling notch, that's so cool? But also, what's going on with the one with two whorls? I have no idea. I'm fascinated.
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Look at these whorls!! Although again, I'm a bit confused; the lack of labeling strikes again. Unsure why some of these "whorls" have two holes, or what the metal object with the wooden handle is. The display implies sewing needles, and some of them do look like it, but others.... really don't look like sewing needles. I'm absolutely enchanted by this little whorl though. I think it has birds on it?
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More objects that I'm baffled by- the signage doesn't really indicate what some of this stuff is, if it's even known. Also confused by the object wrapped in white string in the right pic; it looks like a distaff but to the best of my knowledge the (ancient at least) Egyptians didn't use distaffs. It probably popped up in later times and was put in this display since it was still relevant, but I'm still not sure.
I have so many more pictures & thoughts but I'll save those for more specific future projects. I've been doing research outside this trip on ancient Egyptian spinning techniques and desperately want to go deeper into that, this trip just solidified how excited it makes me. If you made it all the way through this, many thanks for reading!
Bonus; look at this ancient linen 🥺
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ntls-24722 · 1 month
Domesticated crops! (and secret not-plants)
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This post is more for me and actually putting to paper the things that the Bolur species would eat. I had more fun than I thought I would've.
cw? tw? for unsanitary mentions sorta
Going from top-to-right,
Land Barnacles
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Exactly what they sound like. Did you know that Earth barnacles are arthropods? That they're crustaceans? I got inspo from that. Juveniles, like Earth barnacles, are mobile and have very inefficient, blanket-y wings that they will use to one day cement themselves onto the ground, hopefully next to another one of their barnacle colleagues for reproductive purposes. Their abdomens are actually folded so that their anuses are right next to their mouths, because like an aphid, they have a very sugary, liquidy waste that (alongside their floral-looking heads) brings in a lot of bugs for them to eat! When bugs try to feed on their waste, they use the remnants of their tube feet to grab them and eat them.
Zebrapeople cultivate land barnacles in order to drill holes right into their abdomens and harvest their honeydew. It's like a gross version of drilling holes in maple trees for maple syrup. I imagine they view it kind of like hot dogs, so tasty but so grossly made...
Floor Climbers
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They're these kind of "flatworms" that eat underwater plant growths and store them in their skin to be able to photosynthesize for themselves. Their blankety backsides is the part of them with the most, so they evolved to completely have that part of them be a solar panel blanket and just walk with their front.... well, they never had legs, but they now have "legs." They're handstanding everywhere
They're invasive little shits that reproduce like rabbits. They're introduced to small, usually music man-made bodies of water in order for them to completely take over, and for the music men to harvest. They're really chewy and savory if you cook them right. Might be a little poisonous if you undercook them, so it's better to burn your climbers than have them medium rare.
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They evolved that Phat Root in order to anchor themselves in the water. They have flowers at the base of their main stem for bugs that walk on water to pollinate, and to make sure they don't move around too much, their stem and leaves became super aerodynamic to the point it looks like a big red feather coming out of the water.
Amber Tree
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MISNOMER. NOT A TREE. LAND CORAL! Sometimes called "cow sails" from the way its topmost "branches" and leaves just hang down over everything like a debu's sail does. Since its branches are thin, its limestone outer layer is at risk of breaking a lot, so it evolved this really thick sap so bugs don't try and take advantage of its downfall.
Except, well, Debu took advantage of its sap. It's a cash crop! Badlands Debu harvest its super thick, fast drying sap to kind of make instant-amber, dipping various things in it to make jewlery. Things like...
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Imagine if a sunflower, when it got pollinated, became a giant dandelion. That's thansum, the complimentary Debu cash crop to amber trees, which is the most popular thing to dip in its amber. But it's not just a Debu cash crop, it's also used to make paper and cloth for zebrapeople, mostly zebraelves. They crush its seedlings up and add water to make a thansum-meal out of it - if they use more seedling and dry it, it becomes paper. If they use more fluff, then it becomes cloth! Or they can eat thansum-meal straight up if they're desperate. It's not poisonous, but it's a very sad meal, don't eat thansum-meal
Spittle Berries
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So, i've been excited to talk about this, because lemme tell you the more popular way that Bolur plants reproduce. Spittle berries are fruits, they are Bolur fruits, but bolur fruits are special - they are the flower, the leaf, and the fruit all at once. The method is that fruits are made through leaves, leaves that're inflated full of gametes covered in a soft shell (think like a pomegranate seed) and fruit "meat", which in turn also colors them a striking (ususally cool) color. When something eats a Bolur fruit, the soft shell that their sperm and eggs were covered in gets dissolved and they meet up together in the stomach. The gametes themselves are made of some gross, hard-to-digest material so that they remain unharmed, and so that they can become embryos by the time whatever ate it passes them through their system, right into some fresh fertilizer that they can grow out of. Spittle berries are the least interesting fruit in that it's just a fruit, but they're a perfect introductory fruit for the weirder ones, like:
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The only fruit actively being selected for cuteness! It's also a debu specific - the squash evolved to be eaten specifically by mountain cows since the shell their gametes are covered in are too tough to be digested by most other animal. So if a zebraperson wants to eat, they might want to take those out lest those bigass "seed" gametes gives them blockage.
It's less cuteness, but more "liveliness," if that makes any sense? Looking more and more like a little animal, a little dude. The eyes are getting bigger and the originally modest striping is becoming more exaggerated to look like a spitting monkey.
And finally,
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The only plant here to have a skeleton. It's the "shrub" version of a land coral where its base will have a dense limestone skeleton for its photosynthetic parts to pop out of, and soft pith to be protected underneath. Bempo actually takes forever to grow, because it takes years for it to build up its "pyramid" base. But when it does, then you are set, because fruit-bearing coral-shrubs like bempo have the shortest growth times for its fruit to the point where you can watch and hear the growth of its giant fruit plates that adorn the top of its base.
Those fruit plates also have a skeleton of their own, but it's only a single "bone," like if a plant had a baculum for its fruit.
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aurumacadicus · 8 months
Ok ur persephone post made me want Tony fruit bat smashing his face into a pomegranate 😂 😂
Listen, Tony doesn't get pomegranates at all. He's a species that doesn't even really like fruit pulp, preferring only juice, and he's seen the size of the seeds in those arils. He doesn't like his fruit crunchy.
"I just think you'd really enjoy it, if you could get past the seeds," Steve says, setting one on the counter, because every time he sees a fruit he doesn't recognize, he buys it just in case. "The internet said it's sort of sour and sweet at the same time? But don't eat the white stuff, it's pith and it's bitter."
"I know what pith is," Tony grumbles, because he's the resident vegetarian. Still, he's touched that Steve thought of him while he was at the store, and it would be rude not to at least try it, right?
So he uses his claws to slice it open, pressing in with his thumbs and peeling it open into two perfect halves. The arils are clinging to each layer of pith likes rows and rows of red teeth. He frowns at them skeptically, sharp eyes catching the large seeds even through the dark juice surrounding them. This is going to suck, he decides, but then he remembers Steve got it for him and it warms him to his core. He brings one of the halves up to his mouth, twisting it this way and that to figure out how to approach it. Finally, he shrugs, bringing it up to his face and carefully using his tongue to dislodge three arils into his mouth.
Tony was right. The crunch of the seeds is annoying, and they crack open bitter on his tongue. But then the juice floods free of the skin, and it coats his tongue like syrup, sweet and lip-puckeringly tart in turns the longer it lingers.
Steve turns to ask him how he likes it just in time to watch Tony shove the pomegranate half into his mouth with a guttural growl, eyes flashing bright red, suckling greedily into his hands as he tries to press closer to the fruit. Rivulets of dark red juice are running down his jaw to his throat, dripping off his chin onto the floor, trickling between his clenched fingers and down his muscular forearms to stain the rolled up sleeves of his white work shirt.
It's obscene, Steve thinks distantly, even as he's dimly aware of his mouth dropping open in shock, tongue lifting to rub against one sharp fang as he hears Tony's pulse speed up. Tony's always a little obscene when he eats, but this... this is vulgar. Lewd, he corrects distantly as Tony sucks, juice slurping between his lips as he crushes the pomegranate for more.
Steve takes the other half of the pomegranate and moves it out of reach while Tony's distracted, and when Tony finally lifts his head from his hands with a gasp, as if shocked by his own actions, he lunges at him.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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Tales of Sweetness (Valentine’s Day Special)
Imagine posting the special after Valentine’s Day. Couldn’t be me. 3 Valentine’s Day goofs, hope you all like!
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Order Up!
You had just wrapped up on your meal at the local diner, looking out the window to see various cookies conversing with each other and some shyly presenting their Valentine’s Day chocolates to the other.
It was Valentine’s Day today, a day where a cookie expresses how they feel to the one they care about the most. A splendid day to share with a cookie you picture yourself with, the cookie you held close adoration for….
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“Y/N Cookie! Did you like the carrot cake I serve ya? I made sure to only use the best carrots I had to really bring out the flavor!”
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“I hope you liked my beet stew too.”
You quickly apologized for jumping a bit there after getting snapped out of your train of thought before letting the two girls know that their food was nothing but great! Carrot and Beet Cookie visibly brightened from the compliments, coming from you, it meant a lot.
“Thanks! Were you looking outside just now? Yep, many cookies are celebrating Valentine’s Day today!”
“It means more work for us since couples are coming in, seeing you alone surprised me.”
Yep, you were spending the holiday by your lonesome, it was okay with you. You were happy just seeing cookies celebrating today instead, you were going to KILL IT when chocolates go on discount tomorrow-
“NONSENSE! Cookies should spend this time with their special ones and if no cookie is willing to spend today with you, then gosh darn it, I will-“
“I’d like to.”
“I planned on looking for Y/N Cookie once we closed for the day, I even made chocolates for them.”
“I made chocolates too! I even made sure that they tasted perfect for when I gave them to Y/N Cookie! We agreed that I can give them my chocolates first!”
“We? You just kept talking to yourself all the time. Why doesn’t it matter anyway, they’ll like both our chocolates, right?”
“This does matter! It matters a lot!”
You sweat dropped as you watched the two cooks argue, wondering if you should take off from the diner, the two getting in each other’s faces could only grow worse from there.
Beet Cookie reached behind her back and showed her box of chocolates to Carrot Cookie.
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“You’re not the only one who’s poured their hard work and care into their chocolates. I made sure to shape them into the various things that Y/N Cookie likes. This one is even in the shape of a bear jelly.”
Carrot Cookie quickly pulled out her box of chocolates in retaliation.
“Not everything needs to be all fancy and whatnot to make chocolates Y/N Cookie will love! Carrot shaped chocolate, carrots dipped in chocolate-“
“Wait, It’s all carrots?”
“It always has been carrots! Y/N Cookie gets to have the best of both worlds with the taste of carrot AND chocolate!”
“Carrots aren’t really what I imagine for Valentine’s Day.”
“Like yours are any better! Lemme try one!”
“What? No. These are for Y/N Cookie only.”
“I knew it! You didn’t make them good enough!”
“The only thing I know is that Y/N likely doesn’t want carrots in their chocolate.”
You had to step in to avoid the two cookies starting an all out food fight when the argument escalated.
After all has calmed down, the two took a deep breath and presented their chocolates to you.
“Y/N Cookie, I pour days into making sure the carrots and chocolate were just right for the right cookie for me. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N Cookie. I did my best to make sure the chocolates were good enough for you. If you like them…I’ll make more for you!”
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Chocolates of Darkness
E/C = eye color
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Red Velvet: I told you once, I told you a hundred times over, my chocolates are capable and worthy for my Lord/Lady when they return, I have no need for your constant pestering. They will appreciate my efforts!
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Pomegranate: Is it now? How will your chocolates be appreciated when my Lord/Lady spits them out? That is why I’m here to give my chocolates as well, made with careful preparation. They’ll need it after trying your chocolate.
Red Velvet: I doubt my Lord/Lady will want to eat your poison. My hounds and I have spent a long time in the tower to prepare for the day. They worked hard to make sure the chocolate is sweet and firm.
Pomegranate: Cake monster strawberries all over the chocolate? Giving this deplorable chocolate to my Lord/Lady would be nothing but the biggest disrespect to them!
At the edge of the Tower waited two cookies with chocolates in hand, waiting for the return of the Lord/Lady of Darkness, Y/N Cookie, Dark Enchantress Cookie’s right hand cookie.
Pomegranate Cookie longed for the day she could express how much adoration she held for you, her Lord/Lady. She made sure her chocolate was up to quality, after all, you deserved nothing but perfect chocolate. She was hoping she would be the first one to gift you her chocolate and the only one waiting for you to return from your mission.
But it seems a nuisance has decided to make himself known to her here. Red Velvet had also been prepping for the day you returned, his chocolates on hand. He and the cake hounds have spent days to make them and make them they did, Red Velvet did multiple taste tests to make sure the chocolate was sweet and not stale, so Pomegranate’s comment really pissed him off.
Red Velvet: Deplorable? How dare you…may I remind you that I took DAYS to prepare for this occasion? Spew all the nonsense you want, I know my Lord/Lady will enjoy my gift to them. More so then yours, that I already know.
Pomegranate: I have spent a long time for this moment with nothing but dedication to my Lord/Lady, just as much as for my Master! Anything less then what they deserve belongs in the trash and my gift to them is anything but that. Are you sure you’re not looking into my mirror?
Red Velvet: I should’ve known being here with you only serves to be an annoyance. I’m already getting a headache…
Pomegranate: !!!
Red Velvet: What are you looking at-
Red Velvet then noticed that a shadow was casted over him which halted him in his words, he then turned to what…or who Pomegranate was looking at.
Lord/Lady Y/N Cookie….in a silent stare with the two. The Red Velvet Dragon that was your transport next to you, also staring down the two cookies.
You pulled out jellies from their pocket and fed it to the dragon, who happily accepted it as you reached up and petted it. After it was done did you bid it farewell as it flew up and away, leaving you and the two cookies who were still frozen in shock, it didn’t help that you started to menacingly approach them.
You were taller then most cookies as you adorned molten armor, a cape on your back, and a dino skull helmet that covered your head, your glowing e/c eyes visible through the skull’s eyeholes. Your weapon was a halberd, with something shining near the top of the weapon.
Pomegranate quickly regained her senses and readied her box of chocolates, followed by Red Velvet.
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Pomegranate: My dearest Lord/Lady, may I present you a token of my warmth. I made sure it was the best that can be made in all of the land. You give my heart peace again and again knowing we count on you to fulfill our Master’s plan. For that I say, happy Valentines Day…~
Red Velvet: Happy Valentines Day, Lord/Lady Y/N Cookie! Your expert beastmaster techniques never fail to impress me! Seeing you treat the desserts and Chiffon with nothing but care, you have my loyalty! I wish to do much more today with these chocolates I made for you!
You stopped right in front of them as they held out their opened boxes, the prolonged stare only making them a bite more nervous…
…before you let out a small laugh before lifting up your helmet to reveal your smiling face as you popped one of Pomegranate’s chocolates into your mouth! Then Red Velvet’s!
Why did they look so worried? These taste wonderful!
The two cookies sighed in relief as they handed over their boxes to you. Pomegranate eager to get your judgment.
Pomegranate: So how are they, my Lord/Lady? Are they up to your standards?
Red Velvet: As do mine?
Yep, both of these chocolates tasted great! You’ll eat the rest of them on the way, you had to report to Dark Enchantress on the findings of these odd fragments you found.
Pomegranate and Red Velvet glowed from your praise, before exchanging a quick glare towards the other. They were right behind you as you all made your way back, Pomegranate warning you that the other members were waiting with their chocolates at hand, she hopes they don’t take up too much of your precious time.
Hehe, let’s not keep them waiting then, shall we?
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Calm Time
You whistled as you closed up shop for the day, cake baking was on an all-time high today with the holiday, so many cookies wanted to go above and beyond with a chocolate cake for their special someone instead of just a box of chocolates. Combined with how much the republicans were willing to pay for your expertise and you were scoring more coins then usual.
You never really paid any mine to the holiday yourself, pretty much married to your job of cake baking. It warmed your heart instead to see cookies pour much of their coins to get a cake ready for the cookie they cared about-
“Oh! I’m glad I was able to catch you after closing time!”
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Light Cream Cookie? It was her! She was a regular at your shop ever since she stopped by one day around the grand opening. At times though, you felt like she was there more to see you then to order anything, she tended to just sit at one of the indoor tables and gaze at you frequently.
She was the bashful one with how she often stuttered her words during conversations, so for her to wait for you until closing time was quite surprising from her. She took a deep breath before speaking.
“Um…if it’s not too much for you, would you..like to walk with me?”
Of course. You’d be glad to have a walk with her.
Light Cream sighed in relief before quickly regaining her composure as she walked alongside you around the Republic.
The first stop would be at a dessert shop, Light Cream Cookie tried reaching for her purse when came time to pay for your ice creams, but you stopped her, offering to pay instead. She tried to apologize, but you reassured her that from the profit today that you wouldn’t mind paying at all. She..shyly thanked you as she hid her blushing face as you two enjoyed your desserts.
The next stop would be at the theater, the two of you sat together as you watched the performances. The cookies around taking note of how you two talked and laughed together, one even pointed out how cute of a couple you two were, the well known baker of the Republic and a noble lady from House Scone? Who knew you’d make the perfect match!
Light Cream blushed in embarrassment from the comment, you were about to correct that cookie when you felt her hand hold yours tightly. She…wasn’t denying it? Hmm….
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You two had even visited the Lower City for a knickknack Light Cream thought looked cute, a wind-up puppy. You bought it when she was busy looking at other things in the booths, she was immensely happy when you gifted it to her.
There was plentiful back-alley cookies who tried to ask for coins, you normally do on basis they asked politely for it. However, one cookie made the mistake of getting bold and tried to reach Light Cream’s purse!
You quickly gripped the cookie’s hand and pushed it away from her as you got up in the scoundrel’s face. You then proceed to scold the cookie for a good 5 minutes, them cowering more and more as the cookies around them backed away.
You sighed as you told them that if they asked politely, you’d help them out, but DO NOT steal. Especially from a lady!
If Light Cream could get any redder in the face, she was now.
It cuts to sunset as you and Light Cream sat on a bench in the square, Light Cream fiddling with her windup puppy’s ears.
“Y/N Cookie, I’ll say it now. It has been truly a wonderful day with you. I wasn’t sure if you would have been willing to spend the evening with a disgraced cookie like me…”
Ok, whoever was telling her she’s that should go buzz off. You had a nice evening with her too! You were just planning on going home to sleep for the rest of the day, but spending time with her was much better.
“I’m…I’m happy to hear that! When I first saw you from your shop window, something within me felt…drawn to you, I can’t explain it!”
You had a feeling that was the case. Again, she was more so visiting your shop ro come see you as opposing to ordering a cake. She would make small talk as she came up to the counter for her order. You had a feeling she would want to spend time with you…on a Valentine’s Day.
“Today has shown me that you were the cookie I’ve thought you’d be and so much more. It’s why I wanted to gift you this…”
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This was a box of chocolate!
Light Cream nodded her head, she looked down with a blushing face as she handed it to you.
“H-happy Valentines Day, Y/N Cookie. I’ve waited for so long to express my feelings and I can now say…”
“I want more days to be like this one. I never want to spend another day without you…”
“Y/N Cookie….I cherish you….”
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babyrunsforfanfic · 2 years
From, Persephone | e.m.
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summary: you, the current reincarnation of the goddess, persephone. him, the current reincarnation of the god, hades. a love story told countless times, one for the ages, a story of the old gods and the new. this, is you meeting; and of eating the seeds of a pomegranate grown in the depths of the under
inspired by the song ‘from persephone’ by kiki rockwell
eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings/tags: retelling of the hades x persephone myth where persephone chose to leave, fluff, light angst, prose, the reader is referred to as ‘persephone’, reincarnation meet-cute, but eddie is trying to scare you and you’re already down bad, eddie’s nickname for you is ‘goddess divine’ and i love it ok
wc: 1988ish
at the time of posting this fic i just hit 200 followers on here and just… thank you once again, seriously. it means the world.
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eddie munson watched from the shadows as you danced through the darkness of the forest, feet barely brushing against the dew touched grass. you moved through the woods as if you belonged, as if you were not another nymph-like goddess who would turn your nose up at the slightest of inconveniences.
he had been able to sense you before he had seen you, lurking amongst the shadows on the edges of his domain. the scent of ambrosia and nectar tinged meadow had enticed him— and you were currently staring straight at him.
“if you are trying to be discreet, i must admit you are lacking.” your voice is soft as you stayed in the moonlight, the light glistening off of your dew covered skin. “you smell.”
“do you often greet others by saying they smell?” eddie asked curiously, his head slightly cocked as he mimicked your movements- keeping to the shadows as he made his way closer to you.
“only those who smell of brimstone,” you teased softly, eyes bright as you clasped your hands at your front. “you smell of it and of…”
“say it, c’mon.” eddie purred as his voice dropped, the brunette stepping from the shadows. “what do i smell of, little goddess? death? suffering? like the blood of the innocent?”
“like the sky right before lightning strikes,” you answered, nearing closer as you walked forward as well. eddie paused at the grin on your face, as you shifted closer to him. “of the way the sunlight feels after it has already burnt your skin.”
“you are not scared of me-” eddie glances down at you, eyes trailing over the way your jaw is set. your wide almost doe-like eyes that blink up at him, of the curl of your red painted lips. “why?”
“death is just a thing, god.” you hummed softly, nose scrunching as you rolled your shoulders into a small shrug. “am i supposed to be scared of something that all mortals will eventually befall?”
“hades,” eddie hummed, stepping closer to you as he extended a hand. he dragged the knuckle across the flesh of your jaw, feeling the soft skin under his callous-worn. “but i go by eddie now.”
“persephone,” your grin was wider now, teeth almost bared as you uttered the name you now went by instead. eddie repeated it slowly, rolling it over on his tongue as if it would be the last word he spoke. “i take it you like the new name i have picked for myself instead?”
“yes,” eddie admitted softly, and he watched as you bent down- fingers tugging softly to pluck a flower from the ground.
it was fast, the change.
the way the bloom immediately darkened, wilting between your fingers as you extended the flower to him. when hades took it, the very flower that had once been full of life- crumpled to just ash.
“oh,” eddie’s tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he blinked up at you, hand empty though it once held the remnants of a flower. “you…”
“me.” you agreed, and eddie couldn’t help but huff out a soft laugh.
“what can i do for you, little goddess?” eddie kept his voice soft, though he caught the way you trembled under his words and touch. you paused for a moment as your brows furrowed, so eddie pressed on. “name it, and i will try my hardest to offer it to you.”
“company.” you murmured, voice almost broken as you forced the words through your lips. “i wish for nothing but your company.”
eddie nodded- once, then twice, before he finally spoke.
“that i believe i can offer you.”
“have you ever known anything other than that of death?” you asked one day, and eddie looked to where you were sitting. a fawn sprawled across your lap, you with a bottle of milk in one of your hands. the other is curled along the fawn’s back, idly tapping along the fawn’s spots.
“i am the ruler of the underworld, of the upside down.” eddie huffed, shrugging as he leaned back on his palms.
the grass around him is dead, but so is the grass around you. the blades are wilted and ashen, as if they were never alive to begin with. it awakens something old and long forgotten in eddie. a thing that seemed to be from the old gods, from before eddie was who he was; before you were who you were. before anyone was anyone else.
“and yet that was not my question,” you hum as the fawn finishes it’s meal, and you allow it to curl further into you. “have you ever known anything other than death?”
“no,” eddie shook his head slowly, curiously watching as you hummed in acknowledgment to his answer. you leaned back onto your palms, your face tilted towards the sun. he paused for a moment, licking at his lips- before he asked you his own question. “have you ever known anything other than life?”
you look at him and giggle, shaking your head in replacement of answering with words.
he’ll take it, eddie thinks.
he’ll take anything you’re willing to give him.
“i am so tired of this,” eddie listened to you admit, your sugar and ambrosia scent tinted with that of his. the brimstone, sulfur, the tinge of death that eddie knew clung to him like a second skin. you didn’t seem like it bothered you though.
“i am sorry.” eddie said softly, watching as you hiked your skirts up so they didn’t drag through the stream you both were walking through. “is there anything i can do for you?”
“i don’t believe so,” you hum out, and eddie can’t help but grin at you before he speaks next.
“you know… death is a very stable job.” eddie shrugs his shoulders slowly, shaking his curls around his shoulders as if what he just offered was something simple. “if it ever… intrigued you.”
you giggled, a soft sweet sound that caused the very center of eddie to twist and writhe. he tried to think of other things; of the elysian fields, of the very pits of tartarus, of the river of styx.
he tries to not think of the way you are as bright as the very constellations in the sky. he tries to not think of how you are like a galaxy bursting to life in front of him. he tries to not think about how he wishes to kneel at your very feet, to name you his queen.
he tries, and yet he fails.
“take me to the under,” eddie heard you ask, your voice soft as you coax eddie’s hand into your own. your flesh is warm against his cool, and eddie watched as you twisted one of his rings around his finger. “take me to your kingdom.”
“goddesses of spring aren’t supposed to enter a land of death, y’know.” eddie teased, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. “what would your mother think of me corrupting you?”
“i would tell her it is i who has corrupted you.” you murmur as you press a soft kiss to eddie’s palm, eyes bright as you flash your teeth at him in a smile. “take me to the under, to the upside down.”
eddie can’t find it in him to brush your request away.
so he takes you. he takes you to the skull-shaped rock that marks the gate to the underworld. he helps you cross the river of styx with help from the boatman (who now went by the name argyle). he watches as you pick your way through his world, how you seem to bask in the very heat and darkness of the world you’re both in.
he introduces you to the fates; to the spinner, to the allotter, to the inflexible. they go by different names now, as everyone does. max, eleven, and erica. you greet them as if you were old friends.
in another life, maybe you were.
he introduces you to the furies; to robin, to nancy, to steve. you talk with them as the five of you walk through the asphodel meadows, and you walk amongst death as if it is engrained in your very being.
eddie starts to believe (to hope) that it is.
you meet the judges; mike, dustin, and lucas. you talk to them as if they are yours, as if you understand everything they spout and ramble on about. there are days that even eddie cannot pretend the words they speak of. when you leave the four, you flash eddie a knowing smile.
he pretends his heart does not skip a beat.
you meet thanatos and hypnos last; jonathan and will. you speak to them softly, noticing the longing looks they both send to nancy and mike respectively. you comment on love as if you have experienced it, mentioning that the world is too long, that immortality is this thing that is much easier to spend with those you care about.
when you say this, he can’t help but look at you.
he’s surprised to find your eyes already on him.
he takes you to his orchard last. he watches you walk amongst the trees, your dress long since stained with ash and soot. you’re grinning as you twirl amongst the trees, and when you turn back to him— eddie can’t help but kneel at your feet.
“stay,” eddie begged, his voice soft and less boisterous then he thinks it has ever been in the eternity he feels he has lived. “stay here, with me, with everyone you have met today.”
“my mother would never let me.” you admit, voice soft as you curl your palm against his cheek. eddie makes no move to stand- not with you looking upon him as you are. “she would rip me away from here, away from you and them.”
“please.” eddie begged once more, chocolate brown eyes glistening with unshed tears. “you are not happy up there, you know this as much as i.”
you’re silent as you brush your thumb against the swell of his cheekbone, and you turn- casting a glance to one of the larger trees in the orchard. it is a tree eddie knows, just as much as he knows the story of you and him.
it is engrained his soul, so tightly bound to his very being that eddie knows what he must do.
the pomegranate is heavy in his hand when he offers it to you, and you take the fruit as your eyes search for something in his own. he says nothing, even when you pull a small knife from a pocket in your dress. he says nothing, even when you carve the fruit as if it something you have done before.
somewhere inside of eddie, he knows you have.
“i don’t want to forcefully bind you to me,” eddie said as he pressed his lips to your forehead. he ignores the way the juice of the pomegranate stains your fingers as you clench the halved fruit in your palms. he tries to ignore the fire in your gaze when you pull back to look at him. “i don’t want you to be scared of me.”
“there are plenty of things i am scared of,” you say, and eddie practically feels his heart lurch in his chest. you continue though, words soft and gentle- as if you are coaxing him. “i do not believe i could ever be scared of you.”
“whatever you wish, i will follow suit.” eddie promised, his hand extending to curl against your cheek. his thumb rubbed softly against the swell of your cheekbone, other fingers fluttering against your skin. “whatever it is that you wish, my goddess divine.”
eddie watched as you swallowed six seeds whole.
when he gathers you in his arms to kiss you, your lips taste like pomegranates and like his salvation.
he can’t picture a better taste.
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ochasuyu · 2 months
(some of) my timeskip 1A headcanons
uraraka ochako - has gained weight since graduation; she can afford to eat better now and she does so with delight. 1a jokes that if you ever need a good meal, ochako's apartment is where you'll find some — but it's only half a joke, considering people do show up at hers for meals sometimes. - most of her jewelry is red, pink, or themed around pomegranate flowers, and at formal events it's very common for her hair to be pulled up in that spiky bun. some people recognize this for what it is; a tribute to himiko toga (pomegranates were her favorite fruit, after all) but it's become more well known as an uravity thing. - does a ton of public speaking (at schools, temples, galas, anywhere that'll let her) to talk about her quirk counseling project; always attributes the inspiration for it to himiko toga by name. the world will not forget the tragedy of himiko so long as ochako is there to tell her story. - her rank doesn't matter all that much to her, save for the fact that the publicity grants her more power in expanding her quirk counseling project. she's sat comfortably in the top 10 since she started it. - she makes a point of calling her parents every weekend; they're still momma and daddy to her. - very smart with her money. everything is budgeted despite her making enough to not truly need to do that anymore — she sets aside a portion of every paycheck for izuku's hero suit, a portion of it for her parents, but she puts a ton of her money into savings. asui tsuyu - the mom friend, somehow. makes a habit of texting all of her friends at least once a week to make sure they're doing okay. - has an instagram account where she posts sketches she's done, pictures she's taken, whatever it may be. it never features anything outwardly heroic and people sometimes call her the "slice-of-life hero" because of it. - never shook her bluntness (autism...) and interviewers both love and hate her for it - absolutely adores taking on interns - works with shouji, kouta, and tokoyami frequently to speak about against anti-mutant rhetoric todoroki shouto - very rare sighting in any of the 1a groupchats. - media darling, which made him very uncomfortable at first — they often wanted to know about touya, or his family, and rarely about shouto himself. he's never fully shaken this discomfort, but he does accept the power of a positive media image, so he doesn't avoid them. - exceptionally kind to his fans, especially children. - known among hero circles for his casework. underground heroes appreciate him a lot — he's not judgemental of them, even incidentally - nearly impossible to schedule anything with. his friends try so hard but he's always so busy. - 6 years after graduation, ochako and tenya convinced him to schedule himself a weekend off every month so he could visit his family, go out with friends, or just take the time to himself. - one of the biggest contributors to izuku's hero suit. bakugou is half-convinced that he's taking some of endeavor's paychecks to help with it. - has modeled for yaomomo's clothing brand a few times and accidentally became an icon for scar positivity because of it - has his own agency, but very rarely takes interns. the only intern he's taken on in recent memory was eri I WROTE OUT BOTH IZUKU'S AND JIROU'S AND IT WON'T LET ME POST THEM HELP
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blanketorghost · 9 months
A Taste of Something New (Pt. 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Hiiiieee.... finally I have written part 2 of this <3
I only got the motivation after i took the wrong bus back home and had to go thru a 2 hour bus trip teehee
Summary: Against his better judgement, Yuu wants to bring Azul a meaningful souvenir from the scalding sands.
Pairing: Yuu Fujisaki x Azul Ashengrotto (one-sided), Azul Ashengrotto x Jamil Viper (implied, one-sided)
Timeline: During/Post Al'ab Narya and Ch. 4. Pre Ch. 5
Notes: Azul may be OOC? Have never been good at writing him convincingly imho
"Hmngh... hmph... mrrngh... Henchman! What's the hold up!!"
Grim calls out as he stuffs himself with another samosa, the tiny treat almost looking like a regular loaf of bread in the cat's hands. Yet, it disappears just as quickly as all the other meals and snacks he's been served. And as if that weren't enough, he had yet to be satisfied.
"I'm so sorry about all this..." Yuu mutters at one of the cooks as he hands Grim another tray of freshly baked naan bread and a bowl of baba ghannouj, knowing they'd be gone in seconds despite the agonizing hours it'd taken the Asim's staff to make the everything. Yet, the servant merely shakes his head and laughs.
"Nonesense. Seeing someone eat our food with such gusto is one of the biggest compliments a chef can get, and this isn't anything compared to what we have to prepare for our master's feasts. Please eat freely."
Yuu nods and sits down, a slight blush still dusting his cheeks. He gently takes a piece of naan as splits it, giving the other half to Grim, then dips the soft bread on the sauce, trying to get a healthy portion without spilling all over the expensive clothes.
"Hey, Yuu! Can you taste the pomegranate? I'm sure they added some juice to it!" Without waiting for Yuu to even take a bite and savor the flavor for himself, Grim shoves a pawful of baba ghannouj to his mouth, naan and all.
Goodness, cleaning Grim's fur after this will be hell on earth.
Yuu, with a few coughs, struggles to accept the food without choking. He tries to savor anything other than cat hair and the odd combination of flavors carried with them, all mixed with the baba ghannouj itself. His face turns red, and finally giving up, he chugs some lemonade from the copper cup right beside him. "Grim...! I have hands, I can feed myself." Yuu chides, still coughing a little and covering his mouth.
"But did you taste 'em?!"
"Well..." Yuu trails off, and before Grim can either throw a tantrum or shove another pawful of food into his mouth, another servant comes to the rescue. "Why not try it by itself, then? That way, you can savor the baba ghannouj with and without the naan to compare." She hands both Grim and Yuu a small spoon, and Yuu can't help but mouth off a silent 'thank you' for this small mercy he was given.
"I'm glad you decided to join me in the kitchen." Trey says as he scribbles something on his own notepad, nibbling on a cookie he now knew was called. Ma'amoul— one of Kalim's sibling's favorites. "What changed your mind?"
"Oh, you know..." Yuu shrugs "since Grim made this 'Gourmet club' up, and technically, that makes me its founder too, I'd thought it'd be nice if I contributed to it by gathering up recipes" Yuu says, nonchalantly taking a spoonful of the baba ghannouj. The taste is definitely odd... in a good way. But definitely unlike anything he'd ever had before in either Earth or Twisted Wonderland. He wondered if it would be the same for Azul.
"Why not buy a recipe book, then?"
"Do I look like the kind of person with the money to splurge on books?"
"Weelll...." Trey gives him a smirk— one Yuu had become all too familiar with in the past few months— and eyes him up and down. Of course, if anyone saw Yuu with the robes he had on now, they definitely would've thought he had the same wealth these clothes represented.
At Trey's response, Yuu gives him an unamused, sarcastic laugh and nudges him with his feet. "Hey. If I was slightly more cunning, desperate, or ungrateful, I definitely would've auctioned this off to the best bidder. But have you seen Kalim get sad?"
Trey shakes his head.
"It's heartbreaking. Believe me. And I don't wanna make him sad by selling off his gifts."
"Really? I don't think he'd mind if he knew what it was for."
"Oh yeah? And what's that?"
"Buying your crush a fancy recipe book, obviously."
"Shut up." Yuu toes his friend as Trey snickers, averting his eyes to the chai he was drinking with the cookies. "I don't even know what books he has. I could accidentally buy a duplicate. Besides, the Gourmet club..."
"Uh huh. That's totally the reason why you're here."
"If you keep at it, I'll tell Riddle of all of the Queen's Rules you've broken since we've got here."
"He won't mind. I've got boyfriend privileges."
"Oh, boo." Yuu huffs loudly and looks back down at the table, finally allowing himself to have another spoonful of the baba ghannouj. He takes his time savoring the creamy paste, "Hmn. This is great, actually." Yuu tries to take another bite, but before he even gets it, he notices that the bowl has already been scraped clean. ".... Grim?!" Yuu chastizes his pet/friend/child. "You couldn't even save me a little?"
"I saved you a spoonful!" The cat wiggles his own empty spoon around. "That's already quite generous, if I do say so myself."
"I couldn't even have it with the naan."
"Yeah you did! I gave you some!"
"No, you shoved some into my mouth. That's different."
"Meh. Same difference." Grim shrugs and moves onto the next plate of food, picking up a fork to spear up a kind of meatball. " 'Sides, I've been writing all the things I can taste down like you told me, look!" He waves over a stained piece of paper with barely anything legible in it. "See, Yuu? I'm being super nice right now!"
"Yeah. Super nice." Yuu grumbles as he turns around to look at Trey's notes, hoping he'd take pity on him and share his own findings on Scalding Sands cuisine. "Watcha got there?" He peeks at Trey's notebook, feigning innocent curiosity.
"Some dessert recipes. I don't think your loverboy may like them, though. They're very high on calories." Trey hums as he scribbles something out, then quickly crosses it out and replaces it with another note. "You may be luckier with salad and soup recipes."
"Yeah, I know." Yuu sighs and places a hand on his cheek. "But I want the recipe book to be really complete. If it's going to work as a Mostro Lounge menu reference, you know."
"Uh huh. You're such an attentive employee." Trey cracks another joke, but instead of snapping back, Yuu only deflates further, sighing once more.
"I just.... I like him a lot." He mumbles, a red tint slowly rising to his cheeks and ears. "I really want him to like it."
"I know." Trey reciprocates the sigh with another and looks back at his friend, an unsure expression on his face. Finally, after thinking it over, he gives Yuu a reassuring pat on the back. "Fine. I'll help you out with the desserts. But you'll have to ask the cooks directly for the more savory recipes."
Grim, which was just a mere seconds ago devouring a helping of H'riss, perks up at Trey's mention. "There's no need for that, henchman! I've written all the ingredients I could taste like you asked me, look!!"
Grim holds out a stained notepad proudly, all of which is filled with more chicken-scratch writing and doodles. Trey leans over and squints, taking off his glasses and putting them on again.
He turns to Yuu and raises and eyebrow, an expression which Yuu quickly shrugs off.
"Good job, Grimmy." Yuu ruffles his friend's head and smiles, taking the notepad. "Your handwriting has also gotten better."
Grim smiles proudly. "Of course! The great Grim-sama has the best handwritting in all of NRC!"
"Of course." Yuu chuckles, Trey also stifling a snicker in the background.
Gathering recipes from the staff was surprisingly easy once Yuu's intentions were made public. It seemed that people's secrecy over treasured family recipes was forgotten as soon as the subject of love and wooing one's crush with food was brought up.
So much so, Yuu was able to fill up the entire test notebook in just that afternoon, now all he needed to do was pass on the clean writing to the one he was going to give Azul, and his gift would be complete.
At the suggestion of one of the cooks, Yuu also gathered sample-sized packets of Silk City exclusive spices and herbs, all paired up with a recipe for each. They were even kind enough to give some more expensive items like saffron for free, something he never would've been able to get with his meager budget.
"How are you feeling, Grim?" Yuu asks as he looks at his companion, all sprawled out in their guest bed after the firelit festival's celebrations.
Yuu had decided to skip over the majority of the banquet in favour of staying in his room crafting up the book, meticulously writing down each recipe by hand with as clean and clear handwriting as he could. Finally putting his childhood calligraphy classes to the test, Yuu's strokes are careful and deliberate, and he doesn't spare any details when it comes to the ornamentation of the titles of each recipe.
The ghost camera had also come in handy, each page having its own picture. Small ripples of steam could be seen wafting off some dishes, while with others, one could even smell the aroma of the items. It was, Yuu thought, something that made this recipe book stand out from the other ones he could've bought.
Surely, Azul would like this one... he hoped.
Grim, on the other hand, had spent the whole night partying with the others, and while Yuu felt a little bad by entrusting his pet-beast to Tsunotarō, he was sure it wouldn't be that much of a problem either way, given they already got along swimmingly. His friend arrived late into the night and practically flopped belly up onto the bed, making some dawn feathers fly out of the pillows.
"Mrrgh... so.... full...." Grim mumbles, his tummy completely stuffed in what Yuu could only guess would be double his body weight in food.
"Did you have fun?" Yuu asks, briefly lifting up his gaze from his writing to look at his friend, then switching his pen from one hand to the other once it got too tired.
"Yeah!!" Yuu raises a hand up. "There were... mgh... so many fireworks after the main show, and sparklers too! ... Kalim also showed us.... his monkeys n stuff." Grim says, his voice wavering from excited to dead tired with each word."
"I'm glad you did. You didn't cause any trouble in there, did you?" Yuu hums, smiling idly as he takes one of the spice packets and sticks it with some double-sided tape to the corresponding page.
"Of course not! I was... a good boy." Grim sleepily protests, then lifts his head up. "Henchman... why does the room smell so tasty? You're not hiding any snacks from me, are you??"
"Must be the spices." Yuu chuckles a bit, then unwraps a paper packet. "But I did save you some keema naan that the staff brought me for dinner."
"Yummy!" Grim, despite his apparent tiredness a few seconds ago, springs out from the bed and walks over to Yuu, sitting by his side and taking the bread in his paws. "Y'know, henchman. You should eat well too. Take this!" He says, ripping half of the naan, but Yuu shakes his head.
"It's fine. I already ate." Yuu smiles without taking his eyes off the notebook. "Besides, I could get the pages greasy."
"Hmph." Grim only shoots Yuu a look at his answer, and with a little hesitation, he eats the ripped up half along the rest.
They stay there for a few minutes, Grim chewing on his food happily while Yuu continues writing, juggling the pen between his two hands with a soft smile on his face. With a small groan, he stops only to stretch out his wrists and fingers, spinning them in slow, clockwise circles.
"... Hey, Grim?" Yuu asks as he rubs his right hand, squeezing every now and then. His voice is soft and low as he speaks, a little flustered, even. "... Do you think... Azul will like this?"
He looks down at the remaining pages, looking at the detailed instructions and intricate writing, a soft blush dusting his cheeks.
Grim stays silent for a second, mulling over his thoughts as he stares at Yuu, then clicks his tongue.
"He'd be real dumb if he didn't."
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chilapis · 4 months
— a more refined, detailed version of this post.
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I did say that I didn’t quite know how to word my thoughts, so here is a version in which I do know how to do so. I’ll be going over all information with better application, along with the introduction of new information or analyses where need be.
There is, perhaps, no way to summarize Ajax, or anyone really, given the complexities of the subject’s character. But, if one absolutely must do so, I strongly hold that perhaps there is genuinely no better way to explain Childe than to compare him to a garnet, the beautiful, blood-coloured stone of life and passion, of strength and rebirth, of homesickness; and it is this is very justification that also leads me to believe that the red stone that he just always seems to have on his person somehow, whether it be through the earring he wears, the ones that dangles from his usual-outfit’s jacket (Blades of Glory), the one hanging from his fatui-harbinger fur-collared cloak, or even the one worn in the necklace depicted in the recent concert’s artwork.
In order to justify this comparison and association however, it is first necessary to delve into what garnets really are. Garnets refer to a category of silicate minerals that are available in a variety of species and colours, although deep shades of burgundy and crimson appear most commonly referred to in terms of the latter. Species include pyrope, almandine, andradite, and many more, though we will not be discussing anything that is species-specific. Primarily because that discussion would be more relevant if we were to discuss the composition of these gemstones rather than their believed spiritual properties, or historical significance. Because of this, if you really insist on specification — which, there is no need, since I quite genuinely had no intention of tying it to specific species, and it would be quite futile to do so even if I did considering that they almost always naturally occur in amalgamations — you may use almandines as reference, considering they’re the most common species. Garnets as a whole are quite durable, ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Moh scale of hardness.
The term “garnet” finds its roots in the Medieval Latin word “Granatus”, which is derived from “Granum”, which means “seed-like”, spoken in reference to pomegranate seeds; though it took quite some time for this poor gemstone to have its own identity, considering that red gemstones were referred to using the umbrella term “carbuncle”. This name (garnet) was granted on basis of the similarity in colouring; the gemstone’s red was found to be strikingly similar to that of the fruit. Though, this association is not something that died at the naming process, never to move further; rather, becauss of this association, garnets became a symbol of marital fidelity, seen to reflect the affection shared between Persephone and Hades. It also, by relation, began to be associated with Persephone as a whole — Persephone, the Greek Goddess plunged into the underworld? The Greek Goddess known for her duality, as the Goddess of spring and fertility, but also the queen of the underworld?
Though this is a loose association to make, could the descent into the underworld not be loosely connected to the way Ajax fell into the abyss? Of-course, one mustn’t look for there to be a parallel to every role if one wishes to analyse with an open mind, so there is no Hades, and no abduction. Could this connection not be made then, considering how it was this descent that led to Persephone’s duality, and similarly it was his own descent that led to Ajax’s as well? He was a sweet boy, just a small child who didn’t know any better, but he returned different.
He returned with a piece of the abyss coursing through him in ways perhaps no-one could have imagined; he is no deity like her, of-course, and he is of no royal status, whether by blood or through marriage, but does he not carry his duality well? Is his duality not comparable to hers? A duality that balances the scale with gentle innocence and growth on one side, and death, reincarnation on the other? With the goddess even referred to as a protector(ess) in reference to the latter? Is Tartaglia any stranger to reincarnation and rebirth himself? The audience itself was led into believing he might have died, or would die, in Fontaine’s Archon quest. Was his reappearance not rebirth? Or, was his return from the abyss itself after the time he spent fighting and clawing his way through it without rest, not rebirth? What truly defines rebirth, anyway? Is he not comparable to a phoenix rising from its own ashes, all to live through a painful, self-destructive cycle once again? It is also seen to assist one in recalling their past lives but, I digress.
Garnets are stone with much history behind them; their usage as abrasives, and also gemstones, especially for decorative or jewellery purposes, has been found to date back all the way to the Bronze Age. It is a gemstone that has received so much love throughout the years, whether it be from the ancient Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Arabs, the Victorians, or the Egyptians. Many findings have been discovered regarding how Egyptians would inlay the gemstone in their jewelry as far back as 3100 BC; if was seen as a symbol of life as well as the afterlife, of prosperity, and despite both beliefs coming from two such separate cultures, is it not beautiful how perfectly this ties in to the association with Persephone, with her themes of death and rebirth? And is it not beautiful how this association ties in with Ajax, too? Is he not alive? Do his actions not scream at you to look at him, to look at the fact that he has survived, that he is here and he is alive and he is breathing and it hurts to breathe and he is blinded by his determination but he is alive. He is so alive that it is painful.
Associations with Aphrodite have also led to this stone being seen to symbolise eternity, particularly eternal love and eternal marriage, but eternity in general as well, and eternity can be seen as synonymous with immortality in a way. Considering his relation to the abyss and his ability to harbour powers that would undoubtedly kill the average person, a part of me cannot help but ponder if he truly still is mortal.
It has also found its use in ancient Romans’ signet rings, which they would use to stamp down the wax on important documents; signet rings hold great historical importance due to being traditionally worn by men of great importance, such as royalty and religious leaders, as well as businessmen and politicians for the purposes of performing their signature. Given how much importance one’s signature holds in contracts (fun fact: your face and visual identification holds less importance than your signature in contracts) and his introduction in the Liyue Archon quest, I’m sure some connections could be drawn here although I’m far too tired to do so myself at the moment. People also believed dragons to have eyes made of garnets during the Middle Ages so, take that however you will, really. That’s more or less irrelevant but I’ll be damned if I don’t shove random facts where they absolutely do not fit.
On the topic of life, did you know that in certain cultures (my own included), garnets are seen to symbolise blood? They are said to improve blood circulation throughout the body, as well as help with disorders and deficiencies related to one’s blood. They are said to provide physical strength and endurance to the wearer by strengthening their muscles as well, along with improving the health of one’s heart and bones. Furthermore, it is stated to help relieve the wearer of fatigue, whether it be physical and mental. Is all this not of interest to him? Is strength not one of the very few things he seems to genuinely care about? Is getting stronger not all that he thinks about at times? The gemstone’s association with life and health was so strong that it was historically seen to keep away pestilence and plague, with it even going so far as to be placed on wounds with the belief that it would aid recovery with its powers to heal.
It was, and still is, actually those recommended for those with a tendency to overexert themselves, and is that not who he is? A man who either does not know his limits, or pretends to feign ignorance simply so he has an excuse to push himself, to push until he breaks and shatters time and time again, defying his mortal limitations, if he even really is mortal anymore? It can also be seen to strengthen one’s survival instinct, and one’s will to pull themselves out of difficult situations. I can definitely see the latter fitting perfectly, though I find… little survival instinct in this man.
And speaking of blood, would it be wrong to highlight how much blood matters when talking about him? Blood can refer to bloodlines, to one’s kin; to the family he seeks to protect. Blood can refer to violence, to murder; to the lives he takes so thoughtlessly. Blood can refer to passion, to youth, to ambition and the ability to put it into action; and is that not all that he is? A young man blinded by his passions?
Though, while discussing strength and blood, it becomes very important to note it has a history of being used for protection, strength, and bravery by those entering into battle. At one point in history, it was even referred to as the warrior stone, or the stone of the warriors, especially by ancient Celtic communities, because it had become that much of a tradition for warriors to carry it with them. This is seen to be further highlighted by the facts it was used to decorate the battle equipment and armour of leaders and crusaders, both Muslim and Christian, as they marched into battle, with the former including battle shields and sword hilts. This was seen more prominently during the medieval era, with there being certain discoveries dating far back, such as the two shoulder armour claps found in a buried Anglo-Saxon ship dating back to early 7th century, and Anglo-Saxon sword hilts of gold and garnet from the 8th century. Are Ajax’s outfits any different? Well, yes, in the sense that they’re not utilizing proper armour pieces and he is dressed very inappropriately for battle, but my point is — armour or not, those are his battle clothes, and he adorns them with these red gemstones in such a similar fashion. How is he any different from those warriors, marching into battle adorned by the gleaming blood-red gemstone?
Speaking of battle — garnets were also utilised by Hunza warriors in the later part of the 19th century against the British, by being used in the form of pellets shot with bows and then guns later on; it was assumed that the gemstones would result in especially critical and bloody wounds, which, of-course they would. They’re stones. But the bow part can certainly be tied into Ajax, could it not? Considering he is a bow-user within the game and is actively trying to manage and improve his skills with the bow.
My final point is arguably my most favourite as well; it was actually quite a common choice for travellers journeying far from home as well, so much so that it also came to be known as the “Traveller’s stone”. It was seen as a bringer of good fortune and protection for those planning to journey far away; it was thought that it would bring them back to their homeland not only safe and sound, but a-lot quicker as well. It was given to travellers with the hope of protecting them from misfortunes and accidents while they were away. It was actually quite a common gift to loved ones embarking on faraway journeys for this reason; it has also been noted to be a popular gift among lovers to symbolise their affection but its most popular tradition — at-least historically — remains that of it being gifted with the hope of being reunited, of having this person who means so much to you, finally come back home to you. This could be taken in a romantic context, a familial context, or a platonic context; there’s absolutely no boundaries to this, though there have been records of friends exchanging garnets before parting, with the hope of being reunited through the gemstone they’re carrying with them. They were also used as good luck charms by sailors for this exact reason, because it was thought that having them would keep storms away. In-fact, the use of garnets as protection on sea is so popular that it is commonly thought that Noah only used a garnet to light his path on the Ark.
Speaking of the sea — I’ll get back to it being used by those travelling far away in a moment, but did you know that you can find garnets on beaches as well? Garnet gneiss actually; there have been many instances of people finding garnet sand on beaches, with crystals being eroded by the lashing of the waves. Considering Childe’s hydro vision, and his ascension requiring deep investigation of the beaches around Liyue, it wouldn’t be a reach to view this as another thread of value in this association.
Anyway, I’m really just copy-pasting the following lines from the skeleton of an analysis I offered last time, but it still just… does something to me. Whether you believe in stone-related superstitions and myths or not, is there not sweetness to be found in the desperate human impulse to find comfort? Even if you view the belief to be silly, the fact that to console the anxiety and fear rooted in that separation, the people from those times dedicated these feelings and warmth to this stone, isn't that special?
^ now, applying this pasted analysis, can you not imagine the anxiety his family must feel to have their Ajax be so far away from them? You may argue that the young ones don’t know; they just think he’s a toys salesman, but you would be forgetting one very important thing. Children worry, children worry when you go away for even a little longer than expected, and no-one really knows when Ajax really comes back home. He can write them letters of his return but does he even really know? Every time he talks of returning back home, is it really a promise, or is it a hope? To see his family just one more time? Children worry, and though Teucer does not know the truth about his big brother, he knows that his big brother isn’t with him. Do you think he doesn’t get afraid that his big brother might get hurt? Don’t you think Teucer has his innocent little worries regarding his big brother? Don’t you think his other siblings do, too?
I just think Garnet is the perfect stone for him, that’s all. I don’t think I can imagine another suiting the gemstone so perfectly, or another gemstone suiting him so perfectly.
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pinkvaquita · 6 months
So, I once said this in a rant with another mutual, but I feel like saying it again in its own post:
The other cookies of darkness are either jelous or fearfull of Red Velvet. (Sometimes is both.)
Since he always is in the tower, they barely see him. And everytime he goes to see his mom, I mean, Dark Enchantress, she and Pomegranate makes a HUGE deal out of it.
They make it look like he recives special treatment and favoritism (he does, but is basicaly jidt bate minimun things). That he is the only one that Dark Enchantress considers of true value on the team.
And that obviously makes the other jealous of this. Specially Licorice since he is the most insecure one, making him always try to show of himself everytime Red Velvet is around. (You can to use that as shipping material. Be creative you Redlico shippers).
Brute also feels jelousy, but he less desperate than Licorice. But he doesn't see Red Velvet in that much of a bad light because of how dedicated he seems to the cake monsters.
Matcha straight up hates Red Velvet's guts. She always talks to herself that is ridiculous that someone that is half a cookie can recive more respect than her.
Mushroom... They actually barely had a chance to talk face to face properly. Either Licorice or Pomegranate always interrupt them.
Affogato actually tried to gain Red Velvet's trust, knowing it would be convinient for him to be liked by Dark Enchantress favorite. But that plan got trow out of the window after last cookie standing.
Red Velvet doesn't know about this thing going on, he has zero idea that Dark Enchantress has made up this image of him being an untouchable leader that thinks himself above of the others. And for him, everyone just seems to be rude to him for some reasson he doesn't understand.
Although... Thanks to their little escapade to the music festival, they finally had a chance to convive without Pomegranate being able to me some strings behind their backs.
And maybe that was what they needed to finally have the chance to see Red Velvet as who he truly is. (Although Matcha still haven't had that chance.)
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margaritaville · 2 months
okokaaayyyy i was tagged by both @soupbtch and @oatmilktruther to talk about my favorite fics of mine. i'm going to attempt to talk about not just ofmd things but i do feel that my best writing has been done for ofmd. yay.
first: like your heart's a pomegranate. my sweet cannibalism baby. written in about three hysterical weeks. it felt like i couldn't get the words out fast enough. i wrote and wrote and wrote and am still satisfied with the outcome, though i was just getting started re: the development of my voices for them. i should also mention the other fics in the series: a perfect commotion of silk and linen (my silly "sexting" fic) and won't set my sights on other seas (my wedding ring shopping fic)
second (or fourth?): honey, i laugh when it sinks in which is maybe my most ridiculous fic but it holds such a special place in my heart. i think the characterization is really strong in there. and the ed voice is maybe my strongest in my opinion.
third: laughing aloud at the spinning stars, which is my trans boreo goldfinch fic haha. i really love this one! not my most popular goldfinch fic by FAR but definitely the most important one to me. that was the longest fic i'd ever written for a while.
fourth: hold your tongue, my clowntown fic. somehow my only published reddie despite all of the writing i did for them in my notes app. i love them. this was posted over several years because i couldn't get the story pinned down. but yeah. i finished it this month. lmao. super strong characterization in my not so humble opinion.
fifth: the and so it goes, and so it goes, and you're the only one who knows series. IPRE era taz balance actually killed me and made me crazy so i wrote a series of billy joel titled fics that are still really important to me even though they're not my strongest writing.
sixth: maybe recency bias but i think that You may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" my longlegs fic is really good. it fulfilled a desire to write something so dismal and bleak for me that i can't not include it in this list. yay!
i am no pressure tagging @adamarks and @red-dye40 :)
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wormfic-wormfic · 7 months
"Like a coffee stain on a shirt..."
"Like pomegranate juice..."
"Like a... Like a bloodstain..."
"... It's just... not coming out."
「Tommy deals with some Black Mesa trauma. Gordon comforts her.」
(She/Her pronouns for Tommy, she's transfem. Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, CW for mentions of blood, trauma, delusions?* & phantom pain, mentions of slight self-harm) (*I apologize if that's not the correct technical term idk how to really describe it)
"Hey, it's okay, buddy."
He rubs her back, feeling her shaking body under his palms. He doesn't know what else to do than to just physically reassure her. Let her get it all out. He understands the feeling.
"M... my hands." She mutters, staring down. Her hands are red and a bit damp from the ruthless scrubbing under the sink she had been doing previously, which was only making that phantom feeling of old blood still staining her palms even worse.
"Let's dry them off, alright? I'll grab a towel." He removed his arm and got up, moving quickly over to the kitchen and retrieving a handtowel. Something softer would've probably been better, but this was pretty much all he had time to find. He made his way back to the sofa, handing the towel to Tommy and letting her wrap her hands up in it, rubbing the fabric into her skin.
Gordon resumed rubbing Tommy's back as she focused on the towel around her hands.
"Is that better?" He loosened his embrace around her, giving her room to breathe and to collect herself.
Tommy nodded, pausing in drying her hands and taking a deep, shaky breath. She stared at nothing for a few moments. Slowly unwrapping her hands, she examined them, as if to check if they were finally clean after all her futile attempts. Her mouth was pursed into a thin, frustrated line and her expression was cold.
"I..." she curled and uncurled her fingers, digging her nails into her palms a few times. The skin was still irritated and red. There was still a faint smell of handsoap. "I don't think... I don't think the blood's ever coming out, Gordon."
He nodded, staying silent while she paused for a breath, giving her a moment to collect her words.
"It's like... like a coffee stain on- on a white shirt. Like... pomegranate juice ... or- or like- like..." she continued staring at her hands, but it looked like she was staring past them, seeing something very far away. "Like a bloodst..ain? Like- like blood... blood..." she kept mutting the word under her breath, rocking so slightly back and forth. "I- I just..." she sighed deeply, giving up on the wordplay. "I don't think it's ever coming out."
Gordon didn't know what else to say. He certainly couldn't come up with at least a pleasant simile for this- or even if he should in this situation. He wasn't sure if Tommy was really in the mood. He wasn't even much for uplifting comments either, all he could do was sit with his friend until she calmed down. He wasn't even sure if he was really helping, but he focused on Tommy. Tommy's going to be okay.
Tommy's body shivered suddenly, and a small sob escaped her. Her rocking stopped, she relaxed her shoulders and hands, falling back against Gordon. She rubbed her wet eyes, heavy from exhaustion. Gordon wrapped his arm around her, his good arm, and held out his prosthetic for Tommy to hold- and realized too late that it might be uncomfortable. But surprisingly, Tommy took it, wrapping her fingers between the metal digits and feeling the smooth, cold steel under her rough palm.
They stayed there for a while. Tommy might have dozed off quietly sometime after crying, but at least she was asleep now, and at least Gordon knew she was safe. Gordon would also fall asleep there eventually, truthfully a little uncomfortably, but continuing to hold Tommy. They'll feel better in the morning.
Yeah, maybe they're all going to be okay.
Maybe they'll do laundry together to get the rest of the stains out. Just to be sure.
★ ★ ★
(My hlvrai sideblog is @xxtommycoolattasboobs420xx if you'd like to send me asks about this, or see more of my hlvrai thoughts & fanart! ^-^)
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starryseafo4m · 5 months
Another painting based of my F/os {Isolde and Black swan}
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Heya! a bit of time since I've posted here^^ main reason being school and shit amount of work I receive so yeah. But on the sidelines during the weekends I would work on this painting based of 2 of my f/os {Isolde from reverse 1999 and Black swan from hsr}. Took me about 2/3 weeks but it was so worth it in the end because I got to put some intentional symbolism in the painting<3
Firstly her's the progress of the painting
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Now for the references of my f/os in this painting
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Now for the background I referenced the curtains in her splash art, later I added roses, pearls and a butterfly to reference her jewellery and accessories.
And as for the mirror I included it to represent black swan where she's seen in her splash art and in her 3rd eidolon "As above, so below"
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Now for my favourite part! The symbolism
The candle: Candles, with their gentle glow, symbolize the search for truth, clarity, and inner illumination
The roses: Examples of common meanings of different coloured roses are: true love (red)
The pearls: People believed that pearls symbolize purity, wisdom, and spiritual transformation
The pomegranate: The pomegranate was revered for the beauty of its shrub, flowers, and fruit—symbolising sanctity, fertility, and abundance
The butterfly: Many get a butterfly to symbolize transformation, beauty, rebirth, hope, freedom, endurance, and love.
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That's it! I hope you enjoyed my ramble and I hope you'll have a wonderful day/night!!
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autismguy54 · 9 months
Andddddd. lord of the flies ponies on ponytown? IDK i’m out of stuff to post. I love making ponies on this game… honestly kind of therapeutic. Last night me and friends got on and we made a house that jack ralph simon piggy and roger lived in and it was. Something that’s for sure!
Btw there’s more under the cut (roger pony and some fun screenshots)
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thanks to pomegranate fourfunnyz for being ralph and simon, red reddeadisnotalive for being piggy (and taking screenshots), onion onionnstinks for being roger, and simon simonzzys for being simon and roger and ralph (we only had like 5 people and onion left early so we swapped characters every now and then LOL)
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goofyarbuzik · 5 months
hi cookie run fandom.
There is a serious topic I'd like to talk about.
tw/cw for opinions
(and lil warning for possible grammar mistakes, english is my second language ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
You may disagree with me, that's completely fine, but don't force your opinion on me.
So, what I wanna talk about is extremely childish and toxic behavior of this community.
For the whole time that cookie run exist there were a lot of completely USELESS and CHILDISH conflicts about any kind of ships and other people's headcanons for any character's sexuality. Especially nowadays, which always give me a lot of negative emotions.
Usually these arguing happens in the english part of cr community(which I'm not even surprised about), but it also happened in any other part of the fandom. Which always looks completely ridiculous and childish, don't you think?
y'all literally act like a walking circus or kindergarten whenever you fight over headcanons/ships
please understand that Cookie run franchise does not have any confirmed queer characters. The only exception is Cookie's with different genders, like bigender, non-binary etc.
And I'm so upset that I really have to explain this.
Cookie run's main focus is it's story. It doesn't focus on romance almost at all. Y'all fighting for no fucking reason
You can headcanon character's sexuality in any way you'd like, you can ship any character with each other (AS LONG AS ITS NOT PEDO/ZOO ETC, THAT'S DISGUSTING)
just don't force your, not gonna be sorry for saying this, shitty opinion on others. You shouldn't attack any person just because "YOU SHIP A (non) CANONICAL GAY/LESBIAN WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER!!!1!1!!"
just stop making a fucking circus because of SOMEONE'S ON THE INTERNET, WHO YOU SEE FOR THE FIRST TIME opinion. I recently had a situation where I've received an insult simply because I ship red velvet with pomegranate, which made me not want to post any content with them in any other socials than my telegram channel
I was so insecure about sharing my comfort ship FOR A LONG FUCKING TIME, and after I finally felt confident enough I DONT WANT TO DO THAT EVER AGAIN.
Im starting to feel very disgusted and uncomfortable in this shitty fandom, because I can get accused of "being homophobic" just because I don't share the same headcanon with another person.
Again, cookie run focuses ON IT'S STORY, NOT ROMANCE, which means that people have full freedom to headcanon and ship characters in any way as long as it's not problematic
And if a character feels attracted to the same gender that DOES NOT mean that they're gay/lesbian, REMEMBER ABOUT BISEXUAL SPECTRUM FOR ONCE, GUYS.
I'm really tired of people fighting over COOKIE'S WITH ALMOST NO CONFIRMED SEXUALITY, I'm tired of people get hate for ships that are not that bad, JUST STOP THIS INSANE SHIT ALREADY.
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