#pool of london
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I know myself that my cars parking camera is a god send, no more little scratches to amuse family and and so called friends...But just fancy colliding with Tower Bridge!
So spare a thought for the Spanish Cargo Ship Monte Urquiola. She not only had a collision with Tower Bridge in 1957 but embarrassingly struck it twice more, in 1964 and then again on the 30th January 1967! Making it three times in all!
The Monte Urquiola was a frequent visitor to the 'Pool of London' which lays between Tower Bridge and London Bridge, bringing fruit and vegetables from Spain and the Canaries right into the heart of London through the Fifties Sixties and into the Seventies. So maybe it was statistics or just bad driving, who knows.
The damage report, dated 30/1/1967 states:
'Tower Bridge was closed to traffic for an hour and a half today (Monday) after being hit and damaged by a Spanish cargo vessel. The 7,000 ton 'Monte Urquiola' swung broadside into the bridge as it was being towed to the Pool of London. It smashed into the north east buttress sending blocks of masonry tumbling into the river.'
The Monte Urquiola (1949-74) was one of four ships operating for the Aznar Line until Autumn 1974. The Aznar Line operated a large share of the Canary Islands fruit and vegetable market to Britain, sailing to both London and Liverpool. 
The Monte Urquiola is seen here in the pics on the Thames, and passing through Tower Bridge in the 1960's. She was sold in Singapore in 1974 and decommissioned in 1977.
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Crowds look on as The Monte Urquiola is held by the tide against London Bridge, where she drifted after first colliding with Tower Bridge during the evening rush hour 27th January 1957. Could you imagine the authorities allowing such an audience today!
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letterboxd-loggd · 7 months
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Pool of London (1951) Basil Dearden
February 17th 2024
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monkeyssalad-blog · 8 days
Postcard of the Thames from London Bridge
Postcard of the Thames from London Bridge by totallymystified Via Flickr: Tuck's Panoramic Card published by Raphael Tuck & Sons.
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meisterdrucke · 1 year
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The pool of London at sundown by Charles John de Lacy
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huariqueje · 2 months
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Evening Swim , London Fields Lido - Rebecca Denton
British , b. 1980s -
Colour etching , 50 x 50 cm. Ed. 40.
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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summer phantasy: the album
tracks 13-16 (x)
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asleepinawell · 8 months
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the admiralty will have been getting bullied by grammar
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arc-hus · 5 months
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The Lodge, London - Simon Gill Architects
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Vanessa ives - where we meet at a ball and she ask us to dance, she never got our name and follows us home to find out we are the daughter of Evelyn Poole. So we start seeing Vanessa behind our mothers back and maybe if you could add some smut between us and vanessa?
Forbidden Love- Part 1- Vanessa Ives
A/N: Hey @wandamaximoff2823 thank you for your request, I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've been really struggling to get back into writing but better as never I suppose 😅, anyway I hope you enjoy this and that it was worth the wait.
Warning(s): Scars, smut, mentions of neglect/abuse.
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I was never one to be interested in the intricacies of the aristocratic ways of the upper class but mother had asked me to be here and what ever mother asked you to do was never a simple request but a very firm order.
I entered the lavish estate of a Mr Dorian Grey, unescorted of course, how scandalous. A butler or perhaps he was a servant came and took my cloak and directed to me where all the fuss and chatter was coming from, so I followed the sound of champagne induced laughter and discussion of who owned the most properties in the countries, which took me to a grand ballroom which was filled to the brim of upper class Londoners, an orchestra and the walls were completely lined with portraits, show off.
I weaved my way through the large doorway that lead into the ballroom a feat which would have been easier if everyone was deciding to take up the space. I'd originally dressed to blend in and not draw in to much unwanted attention, who would have thought that wearing dress of gold and white (the opposite of what my mother would have ever approved of) would have caught so many stares and glances.
A server came to me with a tray of champagne and though I was usually partial to a class or two I knew I had to keep my mind as agile as possible for the task my mother had sent me to do. I was told to not get to close to Miss Ives but just enough to use some effective Nightwalker magic on her mind, this should have been Hecate's job not mine but apparently according to mother "Hecate had her own tasks" I would have used the chores or enslavement but I'd rather not have a gash from the tip of my cheek to my chin so I kept my mouth shut.
For a moment as I was thinking a man approached me and I could already smell the alcohol from a mile, this would be wonderful not, I snarled for a moment at the thought but as the man was now in reach of me I returned my face to its natural composure.
"What's a charming dove like you doing all alone and without a chaperone?" This man, who looked old enough to be a someone who should start writing their will, asked me. Who looked like the usual upper class prick, my least favourite kind of mortal irritation.
"That is none of your concern sir, now if you wouldn't mind walking off to go and compare your assets, though I'm sure yours are lacking by the looks of things, with the other gentlemen I'd be most thankful." I said the man with my best 'I'm super important' voice but when the man didn't leave I know that my word choice may have been a little too much.
"How dare you speak to me in such a way," The man snarled at me and was quick to grab my upper arm harshly and with so many people in the room it would be easy to not notice or ignore what he was doing. "Now judging by your dress I'd say your still a maid, so why don't you be a good little heiress and have a drink with me on the balcony," Damn this dress I just wanted to wear something that was the opposite of the scars on back and now I was being mistaken for a maid because of it, just fabulous.
As more time passed and I hadn't responded, the man's grip on my upper arm was becoming painfully tight and even for someone like me, I couldn't hold back a wince.
"Ah cousin," I heard a feminine voice call out and upon hearing the voice my head turned abruptly to the direction of the voice and then I saw her. She had raven black hair, sky blue eyes and pale ivory skin and was wearing the most fabulous black and red dress I'd ever seen and she was walking over to me. Well that's half a job done and half a job failed.
Once she stood by my side she began to speak again, "Thank you for keeping my cousin company Sir," She spoke to the man who still had his hand on my upper arm, "But now that I am here I believe she is no longer in need of your company," Her voice which originally was soft and compliant of any woman in this room and now become more natural almost steely.
I could feel the man's grip tighten and I knew who was about to say something but for whatever reason after he made eye contact with my ravenette saviour he let go of my arm completely and walked off without another word. My first reaction was to rub at my arm, even if I knew it would heal within a minute or two.
"I Apologise for the cousin lie but I can tell when a woman is uncomfortable." She spoke to me with a kindness I knew would be there if she knew who I actually was. "My name is Miss Ives," She spoke again with a slight bit more formality, extending out a hand for me to shake and suddenly I was grateful to the creme gloves I was wearing because if I weren't she'd probably be able to sense exactly what I was.
"No apologies needed, It's a pleasure to finally meet you Miss Ives." I spoke with the same slight formality as she but then I soon thought of the implications of my words and I began to internally kick myself for making such a slip up, my mother was going to kill me if I messed this up.
"To finally meet me?" She looked at my with a smile and odd confusement in her expression. "Why have we been intending to meet one another before today?" She asked me curiously with a slight chuckle to her voice which was somewhere between being eerie and joyful.
"Not at all, I simply meant that," I paused for a moment to think of a better excuse for my slip up, "I've heard your name on people's lips before, it's nice to put a face to the name, Miss Ives." I said coming up with something that I thought was a decent enough excuse that would hopefully appease her curiosity.
"Oh, I didn't know I was a topic of gossip," She spoke again and though she was trying to feign ignorance I could tell she had noticed my slip up by the way her eyes looked at me and how her pupils darkened with triumph at her victory.
"Well anyway would you care for a dance?" She asked me her tone lighter with an undertone of something that was perhaps mischief, as she gave a slightly bow and extended out hand, facing upwards, to me.
"Well people do like to talk," I was very quickly scanning the ballroom for a quick escaped to the exit and when I found it I took my chances, "I must be going Miss Ives, good evening." I said the formal goodbye and quickly left through the small gap that had been left to the exit and retrieved my own cloak and quickly began to set off back up to the manor we were staying in that was slight ways away.
As I walked under the nights dark sky at a brisk pace, I thought of how I knew my mother would be anything but pleased at what she would see as a display of my incompetence at not completely her 'simple' task but I also thought about how what she didn't know couldn't hurt her, a policy I very much enjoyed using with my mother. Though if she were to ever find out I knew I'd probably be crucified upside down with no last words being allowed.
Not long later I made up back to our home, a manor that was slightly outside of central London. I walked up the stone steps that led to the large front doors which i opened with a heavy gust of wind which came when I turned my wrist in just the right way and I walked inside oblivious to anything else as I took my cloak off and threw it somewhere I didn't care to check.
As I walked further into the foyer at the front of the manner, I started ragging the gloves of my arms and unpinning the mass of my that sat atop my head. It felt euphoric when my hair cascaded down my back because finally all the weight was off the crown of my head and sighed out in a pleased way not caring for all the bobby pins that were fall the marble floor and making a clattering sound.
For a moment all I thought I could hear was the clattering of my bobby pins on the floor, which was a lovely relief because it meant that my mother possibly my sisters weren't in the manor or they were at least asleep, either way I was happy to not be bothered by any of them.
As I just about started to walk up the overly elaborate staircase upstairs, I heard a bang and then a mumble and quickly whipped my body around to the direction of the sound which just happened to be the front doors and then I saw her, Vanessa, well this is just fabulous.
"Miss Ives, what on earth are you doing here?" I asked feigning confusion and innocence as I walked down the few steps I had just walked up. I then walked over to where Vanessa was, in the middle of the foyer, taking in her surroundings of the dark and quietly frankly disturbing manor.
"You never told me your name," She began to say, the meaning behind her voice was obviously detached from what she was saying to me as she was to focused on surveying her new surroundings. "What possible reason do you have for being here?" She asked me finally making eye contact and her steely gaze was hardened and distrusting.
She must be able to feel the aura of the manor, Hell she probably had a pretty good idea about who lived here which meant she probably knew what I was. "Miss Ives I know how it may look but..." I began to say to Vanessa before I heard the creaking of floorboards coming from upstairs and as the noise grew closer the sound of footsteps accompanied it.
A horrible sense of dread filled my chest because I knew that it was just the wind or if it was a person, as I suspected it was, it wasn't one of my sisters, it was my mother. I didn't have much time to think and I'm not sure what compelled me to do it but I quickly faced Vanessa agin and twisted my wrist in her direction and a gust of with pushed her against one of the far walls and quickly I consumed her in enough mist to make her invisible.
Just as I turned back around to face the staircase but before I was able to regain my composure, my mother was at the top of the staircase in one of her robes and her hair pinned. "Oh mother, hello," I spoke trying calm my voice down as to not give anything away.
"Y/N you've returned, I assume the task I sent you on was a success then." She phrased it in a way that anyone would think it was meant as a question but I knew she didn't mean it as one, she never did.
"Yes mother," I spoke with my head bowed, lying through the skin of my teeth, praying she wouldn't notice my lie. "Lucifer's bride had a bit of a manic episode at the party and fainted," I explained to my mother whilst trying to come up with a believable lie, we were expected to refer to Vanessa as Lucifer's bride, the thought always made my skin crawl but I'd never let it show.
"Good, I'm pleased to hear," I eternally sighed of relief when my mother spoke like she had know idea that I had lied to her and I was grateful for it. "Well I shall retire for night now," She then finished saying as she walked back the way she came and the sound of her footsteps soon disappeared completely.
Once my mother was gone I couldn't even give myself a moment to enjoy my victory as I know Vanessa was still stuck the wall and covered in mist. I quickly ran other to where I cast her off and released from my nightwalker magic, to which she fell from the wall gasping for breath.
"Miss Ives," I quickly got down on the floor as she was still gasping, "Miss Ives you must leave, if my mother or sisters find you here you will never leave," I tried to encourage her off the floor and I eventually got her to her feet but she wasn't leaving. "Listen, I understand your in shock and still recovering but you have to leave right now," I kept urgently encouraging her to leave but it wasn't quite working. "Vanessa!" I shouted her name and this finally snapped her out of wherever she'd been in her head, she made eye contact with me once before running out of the manner and disappearing and all I could do was finally sigh in relief. What a night. __________________________________ So I've had to split this request into two parts because it was getting a little long. Anyway, thank you all for reading, I hope you all enjoyed and until next time fellow readers.
Tag List @ateliefloresdaprimavera @cissyenthusiast010155 @multifandomfix @multimilfs
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more-relics · 11 months
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Pink Floyd  Empire Pool Wembley, London England. October 21 1972. © Neil Libbert.
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Enjoying the hot afternoon by the pool with mommy London and auntie Ryan
XxX don't they look so hot in their bikinis .. can't wait to get them out and into the pool for more fun...
@arnubis1986-5 @jocastalife
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moodboardmix · 1 year
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5, Cannon Lane, Hampstead Village, London NW3,
Claudio Silvestrin Architects,
Garden designed by Chris Beardshaw
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sun-going-down · 2 months
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lia-is-a-slut · 3 months
Need someone to make up some lube ice cubes and shove em in my holes asap 🙏🙏🙏 x
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huariqueje · 2 months
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London Fields Lido - Rebecca Denton
British , b. 1980s -
Etching , intaglio inks , 10 x 10 cm. Ed. 40.
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zeebreezin · 8 months
A pattern of phonemes had been forming in the back of his mind.
That wasn’t unusual, though. He loved his sounds, even when he couldn’t manage words through the delightful haze of red and gold. They bounced so wonderfully down the endless halls. This pattern was always the same. Shaw kept reaching for it, again and again. A lateral approximate - the central vowel, the… what came next? A consonant, surely. His brow furrowed. The phonemes kept slipping from his grasp, dashed against the most wonderful carpets and shattering like glass. Many things had been - but this one refused to stay broken.
A lateral approximate. A schwa. Then… a nasal?
Oh, he seems to have made it to the front desk. That made Shaw smile, just a touch. Surely the Manager would be able to set the sounds right, if he asked. He’d been so accommodating so far. The perfect host. Shaw’s not sure how long the chime of the little brass bell rings out before the Manager steps into view.
He’s not entirely sure what the Manager asks him, either, his mind too wrapped up in the suprasegmentals of his wonderful host’s voice. The question Shaw asks in response isn’t the one he planned on.
“Where’s / ləˈnɔɹ /… Lenore?” That was it. The pattern- no, his little girl. Where was she? He wouldn’t have come here alone. She must be off somewhere- had Shaw lost her somewhere in the halls? But that wasn’t right. He’d lost her somewhere much worse than this.
The Manager only smiled in response.
Brass tears fall from his cheeks, a dazed smile still in place. He could already feel the brief glimpse of recollection fading away.
“She… she would love it here, wouldn’t she?” His voice sounded broken, even to Shaw’s own ears.
He had to get out of his place.
Excerpt that didn’t end up fitting into the longer fic I’m working on… the first of many reasons why Shaw hated his time at the Royal Bethlehem Hotel.
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