#poor Miles
spadedarmor · 3 months
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kotofeden · 1 year
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Traumatize the baby :3c
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peathepirate · 2 years
In light of his pollen allergies considered , they are the non-pollen type, aka fake Flowers there just some real one among them
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milesfingers · 9 months
If there is a phrase in Outlast that makes me having chills everytime I hear it is that "How you know you're not a patient?"
Everytime I hear this line I realise how it fit so well with Miles and his jeurney. Think about it: since the fist moment Miles experiences the horrors of the asylum, becoming a witness and victim of the same tortures that the patients suffered. As the story continues Miles slowly begins to lose his sanity (as can be guessed from his notes after the Walrider appeared in the courtyard), almost losing hope of saving himself and realizing that he will be destined to die inside Mount Massive. Like the other patients.
Do you remember what the parameters were needed to become the host of the Walrider? Having seen and endured hell on earth, basically. For years Murkoff tortured patients at the asylum with their horrific experiments, and in the end it was Miles who became the host, who until then had never had anything to do with the whole matter
So basically Miles not only remained a prisoner of Mount Massive and tortured, but he managed to become the host of the Walrider after Billy, as if he had been another guinea pig of those experiments.
Miles is a patient, and he doesn't even realize it, but the others do.
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geogrewife · 2 months
Sisko meeting Mirrior! Kira and instantly making out with her was not the move I thought he’d make but hey it’s probably going to worked.
Garak looked furious/confused. The tight smile he wears makes him look like he’s about to strangle someone. Miles looked so done with this bs 😂
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huntingrays · 1 year
aa headcanon/prompt:
during the years they spent being friends with each other, phoenix realizes that not only has he never celebrated miles’ birthday with him, but also that he has no clue when it is.
he knows miles doesn’t seem much like a party person, but he would still like to have a small celebration with him. miles always comes to the parties for himself as well as maya, trucy, and even apollo and athena. he wanted to find a way to return the favor and throw a (small, casual) party for his favorite prosecutor when the time rolled around for his birthday.
the only trouble was finding out when his birthday was. for some reason, whenever he asked, miles would find a way to dodge the question or to just ignore it and divert phoenix’s attention to another matter. it was incredibly infuriating and only made phoenix more determined to find out when the man was born.
it took miles being injured for him to find out the answer.
during a crime scene investigation, a few series of unfortunate events resulted in miles breaking his arm. though the stubborn man insisted he was fine, phoenix insisted that he was not and took him to the hospital.
phoenix decided to be the one to fill out miles’ paperwork, since miles was injured. he was able to fill out most of the information with ease, except for medical history and date of birth. he asked miles for his date of birth, but miles remained silent. he asked him once again and miles sighed heavily before divulging the information to him. though phoenix had wanted to know this for months, he regretted it the moment he heard the date.
“december 28th, 1992.”
now he knew why miles didn’t celebrate his birthday.
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simplymissysworld · 6 months
So, I just finished watching Sony's "The Spider Within" and I absolutely loved it! 🤩 Poor Miles though, it means a lot for me to see my favourite superhero going through the same insecurities, stress, and anxieties that we all face in our daily lives 😔
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After watching Across the Spiderverse last night, I just have a *few* things to get off my chest:
• Peter in Gwen’s universe being the Lizard
• Miles (Earth-1610) was never supposed to be Spider-Man
• The Spider-Man before him was never supposed to die
• Everyone in the Spider-Society KNEW Miles wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man, and knew his dad was supposed to die, even his close friends, Gwen and Peter knew all along yet lied to him
• The whole realization that Miles was in the wrong universe put me on edge. And there were some clues I noticed that something was really off. Mile’s hoodie being purple instead of red, when Rio asked him ‘what did he do to his hair?’, Mile’s bedroom being purple also
• Earth-42’s the universe where Spider-Man never existed and because there’s no Spider-Man, NYC is overrun by supervillains and criminal masterminds with no superhero to protect it
• That entire climax with Miles in pure shock and horror when looking around the city seeing it in absolute chaos and destruction and oh, when I tell you, when that helicopter flew in and it rollovers to the mural of Jeff, it literally sent chills down my spine omg
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madmanwonder · 9 months
What about if Peter uses his webe to put a mistletoe over them? Would Rio give in to his corny advances and kiss him?
Rio & Peter:
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deviant-chant · 5 months
i love the idea of insomniac!Peter, while under the influence of the symbiote, being the worst (best) kind of fuckboy
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5up3r-50n5 · 1 year
Hobie reading smt on Twitter X:Don't matter what you think a different gender best friend is a red flag
Hobie to Gwen: I'm sorry Gwen i don't think we can be friends anymore! And tell your boyfriend I fuckin hate him too now, like I, I can't-
Gwen confused as f:Uhhh...oh?? *on the phone with Miles* Ehy Hobie says he doesn't want to see you anymore??
Miles on the phone:*Ugly crying and screaming' NNOOOOOOOAHAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGHH!!! *crying emojies*
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spadedarmor · 3 months
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"Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death."
This is something I used for a lovely animation!! It'll be linked at the bottom!! I'm really proud of this drawing at least. The animation's messy, but it gets the point across.
(yes i used the same picture for the thumbnail and its in the video 😊)
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Title: A Not So Quiet Drink
Rating: G
Pairing: Garak/Bashir
Summary: Miles is having a quiet drink at Quark's when Julian comes in to excitedly tell him about finally getting with Garak.
Miles listens.
I accidentally tagged this Major Character Death, but it's since been fixed. (Thanks Sparky for the heads up) No Archive Warnings Apply.
No major or minor characters die in this fic. Though Miles may wish to for a brief second...
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ailar023 · 1 year
The tiny spider boy
Chapter 2:
Miles Morales, an almost 15-year-old boy who lived in Brooklyn, of Afro-Latin descent, his father Jefferson Davis is a police officer and his mother Río Morales works in a hospital as a nurse, they were a completely normal family.
It was around 7am when Miles was going to school with his childhood friend Ganke Lee, an American boy of Korean descent, he was the same age as Miles, the streets of the neighborhood they were traveling through at that time were absent of pedestrians and There was hardly any movement of cars, among some of those that were parked there was one that stood out above the others, it was a gray minivan with tinted windows, it was parked on the shoulder of the sidewalk where they were walking, but the young people simply did not give it any attention.
Just as they passed by the minivan, the sliding doors flew open and 4 hooded and masked men quickly came out after them. The boys tried to defend themselves by putting up a fight. Ganke, who was bigger and burlier, showed more resistance and was able to get himself out. one of the men on top, on the other hand, Miles, who was smaller and younger, had trouble alone facing one, the guy he was facing pulled out an electric rod, he tried to dodge it in vain, when it hit him squarely he felt like his entire body It burned inside and he screamed in pain, the last thing he saw before his vision went black was Gank pushing the other two guys while avoiding at all costs that he hit them with the electric rods.
Slowly his senses returned to each other, the first thing he felt was his body was heavy and sore as if a truck had passed over him, his vision was blurry and double, as if he had diplopia and myopia at the same time, he couldn't hear anything but a ringing in his ears, that combination of aches and pains made his head hurt so much that he had to close his eyes tightly and stay still, the only two times he tried to get up was to stumble and fall again, which forced him to stay still.
Little by little his orientation and senses began to adjust and the enormous headache he had to disperse, when finally his fog dissipated, he opened his eyes and the first thing that greeted his sight was a bar. When he looked around him, some bars surrounded him. gray steel walls, ceiling and floor, he realized that he was barefoot and did not have the clothes he had worn in the morning, instead he was wearing nothing more than a kind of white laboratory coat that covered his body and reached his knees. On the chest of his robe he had the number 1610. That robe was thin, it barely covered him a little so it made him cold, the floor and the dark environment didn't help, his whole body was slightly trembling.
-Why the hell do I have this?- He said, -How long had he been asleep?- Questions swirled in his head, he walked towards the grate to see beyond, his breathing began to get more and more agitated, until he arrived in front of the bars and his breath stopped at what he saw, in the darkness there was barely a light. shy and flickering that barely illuminated beyond the fence that separated Miles from the outside, the room was HUGE, the ceiling and walls loomed infinitely above it, the floor was very far away, as if it were on top of a skyscraper, and in On the left wall of the dark room was the huge half-open door that welcomed the weak light from the hallway.
When all the pieces came together in his head, he realized that he was inside a cage, and HE was small, they had shrunk him.
-No...- he whispered weakly, his heart raced and his eyes watered. -It can't be true...- he murmured weakly with a trembling voice along with his body. -This has to be a nightmare... I must be dreaming... I HAVE to be dreaming.- he said before stumbling and curling up in a corner with his eyes full of tears, panting, he closed his eyes tightly trying to convince himself that it was a dream, wanting to wake up...
How long had it been since he was trapped there? Days? Weeks? Months? That didn't matter, sometimes he just wanted to die, his condition was critical and at this point he no longer believed that anyone would come to save him, his skeletal body due to lack of food made him shiver from the cold due to the absence of body fat, he was so skeletal that he looked Fragile like a branch, he still didn't know how he was alive.
-I'm sure it was that damn modified spider serum,- he said to himself, just thinking about how the scientists treated him like a lifeless rag doll and experimented on him made his hair stand on end, made him nauseous, the few times The fact that he tried to fight against his claws only got worse, he received strong handshakes or pushes that made him throw him against the wall or floor and hurt him on the spot, from then on he learned not to fight, from there he developed a strong phobia of hands. , I was terrified of him at that point, but I couldn't do anything to avoid them.
He remembered melancholy when he had a normal life, he missed his parents and his best friend, he would give anything to go back, but in his current state and without even knowing where he was, that would not be possible, he knew that he would die there, alone, without no one knows about his disappearance or death
-I miss them so much- he said internally and a pang of pain, it had been so long since he had spoken that he almost no longer remembered his own voice.
Suddenly he hears the huge door creak as it opens slowly, making him instinctively retreat as far back as possible from the cage and try to hide from the small shadow that it projected, trembling and with his eyes wide open thinking that it was some scientist, but whoever saw it enter was not expecting it at all.
He is neither more nor less than Spiderman, the famous spider hero recognized throughout New York, Miles loves this hero for his heroic acts, and now he was here, in front of him, a small ray of hope illuminated his heart, wishing that He will take it out, but seeing it now it looks so huge that it makes him feel tiny, and that terrifies him, causing him to remain paralyzed.
He sees how the masked man enters discreetly, looking at the cages that are at the opposite end of him, scanning them as his vision moves to where he currently is, that's when he notices it, even though he has the mask on he can feel his eyes staring directly into the cages. his, begins to slowly approach him, making the boy's senses go crazy, he instinctively stepped back, forgetting that the wall sets a limit for him, with his eyes wide open and a slight gasp.
Spiderman approaches him slowly, close enough to the door of his cage to examine him in detail, then listens to him whisper something to himself, with a bitter tone, giving his sigh at the end, then he tilts his head toward the door quickly before turning back. to him.
-Hello little one- he says as softly as he could, -don't be afraid, I'm going to get you out of here, you'll be safe with me, but for that you'll have to cooperate, yes?- He says with a subtle voice, which makes Miles have a glimpse of hope even though he is still terrified, without taking his eyes off him, he slowly nods his head towards the hero.
-First, stay at that end of the cage, I have to open the door and to do that I need to break the padlock, so don't be scared, okay? - Having said that, Miles prepared himself by clinging uselessly to the cold sheet of the floor of the cage while that Peter got to work.
With the little finger and the thumb of each hand he grabs each end of the lock, breaks it with a strong pull accompanied by a CLICK, which made that small action shake the cage a little, it was certainly harder than I thought.
Miles felt the tremor followed by the sound as Spider-Man breaks the lock, making him flinch and a small scream coming from his throat, it was so weak that only he could hear it.
He sees how he opens the cage door with a small squeak - good, it's already open, now let's get out of here - he says, extending his hand towards him to grab it, that action makes Miles panic when he sees the huge hand coming towards him. , it's not that he didn't trust Spiderman, his problem is his hands! Since they shrunk him and treated him like he was nothing, his fear of his huge hands grew immeasurably.
-NO!- She screamed as loud as his lungs would allow, making Spider-Man's action stop dead. Peter recoiled his hand as the boy screamed in panic, seeing the boy's face as pale as his dark skin would allow and his eyes wide with thin streams of tears as he huddled trembling against the wall once again, his rush to get him out.
Quickly leaving that gloomy place didn't make him think about his actions, causing him to accidentally torment him, he felt a huge pang of guilt and cursed himself.
-Damn it, I... I'm sorry if I scared you... I...- he said with broken words as he looked at him sadly, -I'm sorry for scaring you, I'm really sorry...- he says, whispering with guilt.
As Peter apologizes, Miles tries to calm his panic, concentrates on stabilizing his breathing and tries to stand against the cold wall behind him; weakly, with slow and trembling steps he begins to walk towards where the cage door is now open. This makes Spider-Man notice him and he will stay as still as he could trying not to scare him once again.
-I know... I know it's not your fault...- he finally broke the silence, with a weak and hoarse voice, trying to overcome his fear and trust in his savior although his instincts screamed the opposite, deep inside he knew that it wasn't It would hurt him, he knew that he would treat him gently in contrast to the doctors.
Peter listens to him, and as slowly as he can he crouches down until his head is level with the boy's eyes, and he thinks about how he could pick him up without scaring him any more than he already is, when he has an idea.
-Do you mind if I hold my hand so that you can climb on voluntarily?- He asks the child softly, he was no expert carrying small people, it was literally his first time.
To this question Miles nods his head followed by a small -yes-.
Peter subtly moves his right arm, rotates his wrist, opening his hand with the palm facing up and rests the tip of the 4 digits on the edge of the cage, creating a bridge towards the palm of the hand.
Miles resisted with all his might the temptation to flee from the huge hand that was in front of him, his senses were going crazy again, he tried to suppress them as best he could while telling himself that he would not hurt him.
He gathered his courage and approached with hesitant steps until he reached the fingers, he took a deep breath and with a long sigh he took his first step on the gloved fingers, then another, as he approached the palm he could feel how the muscles of His fingers moved involuntarily at the touch of his bare feet, although his hand was gloved, the fabric was somewhat thin and radiated heat beneath him, somehow, that...relaxed him a little; He continued walking until he reached the center of the palm and sat there...
Spiderman made an effort to stay as still as possible while he watched the little one climb onto his hand, it's... strange to say the least, he could barely feel his small weight, but he could also feel that his feet were frozen, - it was probably his fault. of the metal cage - he thought, once the boy reached the center of his palm, see how he sits.
-Are you ready?- he asked softly, to which Miles nods, carefully curling the fingers of his hand into a protective cocoon as he stands up to his full height and slowly brings his hand to his chest. he.
Miles sees how the now clenched fingers are taller than him, creating a kind of protective cage. When the hand reaches the chest where the symbol of the white spider is, he automatically leans on it, feeling the warmth around him accompanied by his breaths, this It calms him knowing that, after a long time, he would finally be safe... he could finally get out of that nightmare... he could finally have a normal life again... he could finally have peace... and finally, maybe he could finally to be a normal child again and return to his family and his friend that he so longed to see again...
-Th... thank you...- he says weakly; For the first time since he fell here, he was able to find peace.
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lobotomye · 3 months
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tangled wires ..
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gumdefense · 11 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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