#poor Tommen tho
francy-sketches · 1 year
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atopvisenyashill · 11 days
house frey and the inheritance of the twins
obviously it's been suspected that Red Wedding 2.0 will be happening in part to whittle down the family tree enough so that a Good Frey (tm) can take over the Twins. i just wanted to lay everyone i thought was a candidate out and solidify an opinion here.
FIRST OF ALL, i like to group the freys in my head according to their mom’s houses (since, ya kno, they’re all freys lol). I’m not listing every single frey (it would be hard since you can't do subbullet points in tumblr anyway) but here's sort of a general overview of succession, with my format being Walder’s Wife House -> “Cadet” Branch Houses. also this is just how I organize all these people in my mind, so if it doesn't make sense just ignore it, it's not here, skip down to the green text-
Royce Freys -> Main Branch Royce Freys, [Vance Freys], Vale Freys, [Lannister Freys], Wylde Freys, [Haigh Freys]
Swann Freys -> they’re mostly dead or at Oldtown so I just lump all of the Swann Freys together
Crakehall Freys -> Main Branch Hosteen Freys, Braavosi Freys, Darry Freys, Waynwood Freys, Beesbury Freys, [House Vypren]
Blackwood Freys -> Lame Lothar Freys, Paege Freys, [House Brax]
Rosby Freys -> this one is easy because it's just Perwyn, Benfrey, Olyvar, and Roslin.
Farring Freys -> again, easy because none of them have kids so they're all one branch. This branch includes several of the maids presented to be wives for Robb/Edmure/Roose including Arwyn and Shirei, as well as Elmar, the boy who was briefly betrothed to Arya
brackets are female lines (as in, a daughter that married another house) so they’re not technically “Freys” tho i’m sure a lot of them would be willing to change their names for a shot at owning the Twins. Lannister Freys are in brackets bc altho they’re male line, I don’t think they’re in line for the Twins anymore bc the Crown gave them Riverrun (and they’re probably all gonna die before they can get back in the running for the Twins so they don’t count lol).
Walda Frey - 2nd in line for the Twins currently
Please applaud the highest ranking person on this list. She is the direct descendant of Walder, of the main Royce Freys branch, being his great great granddaughter. It goes-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> first born son Ryman (dead) -> first born son Edwyn (first in line, Evil Frey) -> Walda, as Edwyn’s only child.
As I laid out here, there are some obstacles she has to overcome but it’s not impossible that all this hubbub is leading up to Walda being able to keep the Twins from her pushy, grasping male relatives - we have a LOT of female heiresses at the end of ADWD and I do think that’s leading to something in the endgame. BUT. Considering all the doom following the Freys around, she could very well be an innocent victim of LSH and her Red Wedding 2.0 plan - she is still, after all, in the riverlands as a Frey which is the most dangerous place for a Frey to be.
Once again, rip to the sweet little angels caught up in the game of thrones by their parents (shireen, tommen & myrcella, sweetrobin, fat walda, and possibly, poor sweet walda frey the first). I think her odds don't look great here but I also can't (and don't want to!) ignore that we will have a lot of female heiresses at the ending and she may very well be one of them.
Perra Frey - 4th in line for the Twins currently
Another of the Main Brance Royce Freys, her line goes-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> first born son Ryman (dead) -> third born son Petyr Pimple (dead) -> Perra
Very similar story to Walda except she doesn't even get any real narrative focus (Edwyn does in fact mention his daughter, and we even see Walda on page - we don't see Perra at all). I very much think Perra is a Disposable Frey and likely to die or be passed over. I still wanted to count her though (justice for Doomed Babies!)
Vale Freys - 5th through 8th in line for the Twins
I'm grouping them all together. The Vale Freys line goes like this-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> third born son Walton Waynwood Frey -> Steffon, Fair Walda, and Bryan Hardyng Frey
Now this isn't the first Vale family (and Waynwood specifically) to marry into the Freys; Anya Waynwood knows how to matchmake for her house! But I refer to them as the "Vale Freys" specifically because they have two Vale women that marry into their line - Marsella Waynwood and Deanna Hardyng. Remember Anya raised Harry the Heir and Jocelyn Stark's daughters married a Waynwood. This Waynwood/Hardyng connection could mean nothing and I fully acknowledge that. However, the number of Vale ties with this line and the fact that Sansa is dealing with Waynwoods and Hardyngs right now does make me wonder if the ultimate Lord of the Crossing could come from this seemingly Disposable Frey line.
Mad Huntsman/Aegon Bloodborn Frey - 17th-ish in the line of succession currently
Aegon “the Bloodborn” Frey is around 17th in line (but isn’t really in line, because he’s an outlaw). He hasn’t been seen in the books, only listed in the appendices. He is of the Royce-Wylde Freys so his line goes like so-
Walder -> third born son Aenys Frey (dead as of TWOW) -> first born son Aegon Bloodborn
Yes, his brother is Rhaegar Frey of “Frey Pies” fame. He’s not otherwise noteworthy ie we have no idea why he’s called “the bloodborn.” HOWEVER. There is the mad huntsman theory that if true could push him to the front of the “who gets the twins” race, narratively.
if you’re not familiar with the mad huntsman theory (no shame, i completely memory holed that one until recently too) it’s the idea that the Mad Huntsman, one of the brotherhood without banners who is described as being a big strong man with a “weak chin” who joins after his wife and sister are raped by Lannister soldiers. he tries to alleviate the starvation around the Stoney Sept by bringing in sheep from far away with his hounds later on. He’s also described as “quarrelsome” which fits with being a son of Aenys, who is also described as cruel, with a weak chin (in fact the term “weak chin” is used quite frequently to describe Frey men!). We also know Aegon Bloodborn is an outlaw and therefore doesn’t live at the Twins. Once LSH (noted Frey hater) takes over the BWB, it’s notable that the Mad Huntsman is no longer traveling with the main group. The biggest hole here imo is that the Mad Huntsman has a sister and afaik not only does Aenys only have two sons (Rhaegar and Aegon), but there’s not a mysteriously missing or disowned Frey daughter he could have run off with. It COULD be a sister by law, however.
If he IS working with the brotherhood, and leaves specifically bc of lady stoneheart, that means he’s safely away from All Of That, AND he’s one of the highest in the line of succession (i mean, before being disowned for being an outlaw, but if he is known to have worked with the brotherhood, i do imagine in the endgame he’d be pardoned). Especially considering having that crazy “Aegon the Bloodborn Frey” name, that feels like a SET UP altho tbf the set up could be something completely different from “Aegon Frey inherits the Twins.” Being a grown man, a fighter, and potentially married Does also help just from a logistical standpoint - if someone decides to question his claim, well, he’s more than capable of hitting back.
Alesander Frey - 31st ish in line of succession
Alesander is a Braavosi Frey (so we're finally at point 3 in my family tree there), which are a subgroup of the Crakehall Freys. It goes-
Walder & 3rd wife Amarei Crakehall -> third born son Symond -> first born son Alesander
Yes, Symond, his father, was in a Frey Pie. But Alesander is still A Good Frey! Alesander is my favorite Frey because he is a singer and it’s his absence from the Red Wedding that alerts Cat to something being a off. Ryman just says he’s “away” and I find it interesting that even though he has no real relationship with the Starks (and therefore no emotional reasons to speak out against the Red Wedding, the way the Rosby Freys do), he does still speak out against it, likely for moral reasons. Speaks to a good sense of character that he’s willing to stand up to his family when literally dozens of his relatives are in on this plan.
HOWEVER. It’s not, as far as I’m aware, a BIG theory, but it IS one I’ve kicked around and I've seen a few others kick around that Alesander might be dead - you see, Arya cleans a dead body in the House of Black and White that is a mystery to us. I want to add the quote here-
One man had died at the feet of the Stranger, a single candle flickering above him. […] Before summoning the serving men to carry him away, she knelt and felt his face, tracing the line of his jaw, brushing her fingers across his cheeks and nose, touching his hair. Curly hair, and thick. A handsome face, unlined. He was young. She wondered what had brought him here to seek the gift of death. Dying bravos oft found their way to the House of Black and White, to hasten their ends, but this man had no wounds that she could find. The second body was that of an old woman. […] The corpses were laid out in the vault. The blind girl went to work in the dark, stripping the dead of boots and clothes and other possessions, emptying their purses and counting out their coins. […] On the handsome man she found four golden dragons out of Westeros. She was running the ball of her thumb across the most worn of them, trying to decide which king it showed, when she heard the door opening softly behind her.
It stood out to me because
arya notes most people don’t pray to westerosi gods in braavos but these two die at the foot of the Stranger
there’s a young man and an old woman, and we know alessander's mother is braavosi, betharios, so it could be his mother. the man is so noted to be a younger man, and that would match alessander's age as well
the man has four gold dragons on him - not a small amount of money, and westerosi money at that!
in my opinion here, if the face is being hidden from us through arya not knowing who it is, it will be plot relevant later. it’s only alesander who feels plot relevant and could also be in braavos at this time. it could be interesting if arya lands in the riverlands wearing the face of a stark friendly frey, or perhaps not wearing the face herself but recognizing parts of it in others and letting people know of alesander's fate.
why would they be here, likely having killed themselves? well...this is post red wedding, and alesander was specifically left out of the red wedding plot because they knew he'd have a moral argument against it, and symond seems to have been particularly involved in the red wedding plot. i think it could be interesting if they ehard of what their family did and committed suicide out of fear and shame.
anyways i hope alesander is alive because i think the set up for him is interesting and i want it to stay interesting and not tragic, hah.
Ami Darry Frey or Gatehouse Ami - 35th ish in line of succession
Another member of the Crakehall Frey Branch and someone we've actually met on page! Amerei or Gatehouse Ami's line goes-
Walder & 3rd wife Amarei Crakehall -> fifth born son Merrett (rest in piss) & Dariya Darry -> Ami
When we meet her through Jaime’s POV, she is engaged to Lancel Lannister so that the Lannisters can claim the Darry lands. Despite her engagement, Ami has a….reputation. She sleeps around a lot, and Lancel is not interested in her at all. She’s kind of wild, Jaime in general seems to find all the Darry Freys pretty unclassy, and I kind of love the idea that the Twins go from the completely classless Late Lord Walder to the equally but differently classless Gatehouse Ami. Let Ami Fuck Her Way Through The Riverlands!!!!
Walda Frey Bolton or Fat Walda - 36th ish in line of succession
Also known as Fat Walda, she is not only the same line as Ami but they are sisters! She’s a year to two years younger than Ami!
And listen, I love her but she’s doomed 😭 i hope ramsay suffers immensely for this one tho 😭😭😭😭
Perwyn Rosby Frey - 60th in line
Perwyn is the oldest member of the Rosby Frey branch (point five above!) His line goes-
Walder & 6th wife Bethany Rosy -> Perwyn.
He is one of the more obvious Good Freys; he is often placed in trusted positions such as guarding Catelyn, he is well liked by Daven Lannister, and seems to be close to his sister Roslin, perhaps even rooting for the Tullys to win out over the Lannisters. We get this line here:
Roslin's a pretty little thing, hardly stoatish at all. And fond of Edmure, queerly. Perwyn tells me [Roslin is] praying for a girl.
I really worry about Perwyn dying tho. Between Olyvar in Rosby, Roslin in Riverrun, and potentially Aegon in the BWB/eventually the Twins, I feel like Perwyn……..might be a death meant to hurt our feelings!
Olyvar Rosby Frey - 63rd ish in line
Younger brother of Perwyn, so also a Rosby Frey, something that is very important to Olyvar's story!
Despite being the most obvious Good Frey (he has to be dragged away from Robb’s side after Robb marries Jeyne), he’s not getting the Twins in my opinion, he’s getting Rosby’s holdings bc he’s Rosby’s ward - here's a good write up here. The gist of the "Olyvar is the Rosby Ward" theory is that the Rosby lands are currently up for grabs because Gyles Rosby died without a clear heir. It seems likely he wanted his lands to go to his unnamed ward but in AFFC, Cersei plans to seize them and give them to an ally. She runs into a brick wall here, as does Kevan before he dies, because the Rosby ward does not seem willing to play ball, even refusing to offer hospitiality to the Stokeworths. I think the fact that the Rosby ward seems determined to be a nuisance is the biggest indicator of this being Olyvar; he’s pissed off about Robb, and he’s showing it by refusing hospitality to any Lannister supporters. However, this could very well be set up for Olyvar inheriting a larger seat! Hard to say at this point!
Roslin Rosby Frey Tully - 82nd in line
She of many last names lmao. Another Rosby Frey (Bethany did something right as a mother i guess!!) who has recently married the heir to Riverrun, Edmure Tully.
She technically counts but I think her, Edmure, and their baby will eventually be safe in Riverrun. I’m aware this could be wishful thinking on my part but regardless, I’m not sure how likely it is that she and her baby inherits the Twins when they’re so wrapped up in the Riverrun story AND they're female line. It WOULD be funny though, if after all of Walder’s scheming and nonsense towards the Tullys, that the Twins is taken over by a cadet Tully branch of Roslin and Edmure's first born daughter.
Big Walder Frey - 54th in line
Now we get one (1) Bad Frey in our budding serial killer and kinslayer, Big Walder. He is from point 4, the Blackwood Freys. His line goes-
Walder & Alyssa Blackwood -> second son Jammos & Sallei Page -> first born son Big Walder.
I've always been fascinated by Big Walder and not just because of him murdering his cousin, Little Walder. I kind of love that he has his own coat of arms where he quarters the Frey's sigil with the houses of his grandmother and his mother. *Arya Voice* the woman is important too!
Big Walder, despite being a very minor character, does have a decent amount of narrative focus. He's appeared in four of the five books, being present at the Twins and sent to foster at Winterfell in AGOT, becoming a nuisance to Bran throughout ACOK, signing his name to Ramsay's false report that Theon burnt Winterfell in ASOS, and finally coming out with blood spattered clothing just after Little Walder is mysteriously murdered in ADWD. I think of all the Evil Freys, Big Walder seems the most "set up" as a potential inheritor of the Twins.
Thoughts? Potential contenders you think I've missed? In my opinion, I think Olyvar, Perwyn, Aegon, and Big Walder are probably the most likely inheritors although I would love if it was Roslin and Edmure's daughter or Gatehouse Ami.
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lya-dustin · 10 months
15 to 20 for the ask game for Lya! <3
Wow its been so long since I've thought about Lya Dustin lol
15.How do they kill? Do they try to minimize suffering?
Lya orders someone to do it for her, but most of her kills (Myrcella and Tommen(was supposed to happen in a second part to fulfill Cersei's prophecy) happen because her plans do not work as they should. (Melisandre foresaw lyanna trying to kidnap myrcella as she left for dorne before reaching braavos and joined in, poor cella ends up killed in the fight, and Tommen dies in the household he's a hostage in)
16)What haunts them?
Myrcella's death, fear of failure and Domeric's death at the hands of Ramsey
17)What little regrets do they have?
Not taking a kingsguard or anyone when she caught cersei and jaime fucking in the old tower and pushing bran
18)If they could go back in time for 5/10/15 minutes and change something, what would it be?
The answer to 17
19)How do they view the world? Are they an optimist? A pessimist? A realist?
A mix of all three due to her overconfidence and maester confirmed perfect memory. They believe they're a realist, tho
20)Are they codependent? Do they have abandonment issues?
No, Renly, on the other hand, has enoigh for all three members of the polycule(Renly, Loras, and Lyanna)
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redabeliz · 1 year
Ok so I started watching Game of Thrones for the first time in my life 4 days ago and accidentally binged it here's my opinions on characters so far (finished s2) unfiltered by The Fandom
Ned - was a great man, I feel so complicated abt his relationship with Cat and his unknown relationship with Jon's mom cuz the way he gets a far away look when talking abt her to Robert makes it feel like he is either super guilty abt it or he cared for her much more than he ever cared for Cat. Bro was so dumb for trying to save Cersei and her bastard kids. Myrcella and Tommen seem nice enough but two nice incest babies doesn't make the one that's killing the entirety of Westeros any better
Cat - so cool love love love, I hate how she doesn't have much agency and when she does it's to release Jaime??? I should probably rewatch the episode tho bc I'm watching the show at work (13hr shifts so I walk away a lot without pausing and get spoiled before rewinding) bc i just dont understand her thought process. I feel so terrible that she doesn't even know if any of her kids besides Robb are alive but freeing Jaime is NOT gonna help imo
Robb - every time I look at him I think abt how similar he looks to Jon like they could be twins dude. He needs to quit having a relationship w that one nurse girl cuz this is war and the only thing that comes from showing the world that you love someone BEFORE YOU WIN is that they need to kill her. Idk how they're gonna do it but she's gonna die. But he's doing so well as the leader of winterfell and I love how Sean Bean lives on in the show and everything he did had meaning and his death wasn't for nothing. Anyways Robb's gonna be a great king but he's totally probably gonna get fucked over by David Bradley and/or his millions of kids
Jon - pretty boring storyline I'm sad to say. It feels soooo slow when he gets on screen. The baby thing was interesting and so is the Pale Man (I'm sure he has a scary name but I wasn't paying attention too well). He IS an interesting character at least his backstory I mean and in relation to Ned and Cat
Sansa - poor sweet girl I cry for her everytime she's on screen can't somebody save her she's like 13 Cersei let her freeeeee. Her actress is so good btw, I really didn't like how she had a crush on Joffrey so quickly but she paid for it when Lady died and continues to pay for having a silly innocent little school girl crush on the worst person to ever be born
Arya - her storyline is the most stressful, like she has a higher chance of dying than anyone else in her family. I do hope her and Gendry can be friends, he already seems like an older brother to her just like assassin guy
Bran & Rickon - I forgot rickon existed a lot. I actually forgot if Bran got his memory back, not like it matters since everyone knows Cersei and Jaime be fuckin. Anyways I'm sure Bran's gonna walk again due to magic or whatever idk why the First One girl is helping him instead of abandoning them too I got soooo stressed when I thought Bran and Rickon died that I didn't realize the farmers kids had died
Theon - rn I wanna shake him around cuz tf bro why would you burn and hang the dead bodies of ANYONE. I have a very black and white way of seeing things so I cannot ever forgive him for the kids sakes and a couple measly gold coins isn't gonna bring the kids back. I really don't care for him or his storyline anymore I thought he was funny with his "Oh I'm such an alpha male, women should fall at my feet cuz imma be king of the world!" Only to get thrown into reality when his sister has more of a right to the throne than he does
Cersei - someone said she thinks in the BIG big picture and that doesn't make sense bc shes going out of her way to try and save Jaime from the Starks while trying to deny accusations of their incest. In a way her being such a terrible person makes me like Jaime because of the fact I doubt it was his idea to never interact with those kids. I keep forgetting their his kids too bc of the fact he's never around them or talks to them. Also her killing Jon Arryn was so stupid.
Joffrey - I saw a video on tiktok abt "the kind of person who watches the show from the wrong side" where the guy loves Joffrey and everything he does BEFORE I got to the part where he abused the two sex workers and ran away from a war he caused
Tyrion - he deserves happiness but Shae deserves to be free and now that Cersei is sus of her she's in so much danger. I don't think theyre gonna last and I'm gonna be so sad. I sincerely can't tell if Shae likes him or not and I feel like he's being suuuuper toxic by locking her up when he could've just let her be. When wartime came I was so impressed by him he was so cool. Truly one of the only good, if not THE best Lannister.
Brienne of Tarth - 🫰🫂🤌🗣❤️‍🔥💏🧎💞🙇🫦💘💌💋🫶💝😘🤩🥰😍🤗😚 pls notice me and all I could do for you, Queen
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Been severely binging Game of Thrones in a matter of about 5 days or so (only my second time watching it, last time was honestly a year or two ago?) and god I forgot how much I fucking love this show I’m at the start of s7 and GOD I fucking love Arya so much she really DECIMATED House Frey in like, what? A day? Two? Avenged the Red Wedding and made sure everyone knew who did it
I love her so much I’m about to explode she’s fucking amazing
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bisexualgendryas · 5 years
jonsa + gendrya soulmate/soulmark au
(not gonna really write it till I’m done with the bodyswap but I was imagining a scenario where getting soulmarks, which are house-related, from a witch is like, a tradition among nobles (esp in the Riverlands) and thought of an interesting thing imo. this got....a LOT longer than I thought, I expected to literally just write up a smol outline and uhhh yeah there’s some more than that. some is almost written like an actual fic lol. here y’all go tho.)
at some point when the Stark Kiddos are young, like a couple or a few years pre-asoiaf, Cat brings up to Ned how her father had taken her to get a soulmark, and that her house Stark mark was part of why her father reached out to Rickard (though this is also evidence it’s not the most accurate, as engagements generally would be made with the eldest children, in her case Brandon, when she did ultimately fall in love with Ned, but whatever. it’s a tradition, and she’s taken the concept to mean that daughters would be wed to better husbands, and since she’s got two daughters that’s pretty damn important to her.)
so Cat takes Robb, Sansa, and Arya on a trip to a woods witch in the wolfswood. Robb never has a mark show up, and Arya's takes a really long time, long enough that Cat practically forgets and when she asks later Arya says she hasn’t noticed one (she has a small stag, but she doesn’t want her parents to have a reason to marry her, let alone to a prince, so she assumes a little white lie won’t hurt. later, after having met Joffrey and Tommen, she still stands by that, even though Tommen doesn’t seem horrible).
Sansa’s mark, though, is...problematic. more problematic, even, than Cat knows, but still problematic enough that along with the weirdness of her only other potentially marked siblings’ situations Ned and Cat decide that they’ll just arrange marriages for Bran and Rickon (and the others) normally...because Sansa has a little three-headed dragon on her back, saying that their poor daughter was meant to bind them to the exiled house Targaryen. 
Ned suggests perhaps it had been meant to be Elia’s son, knowing better than to up and admit that they have a Targaryen at Winterfell, and Cat tells him that the marks fade if the soulmate dies - if the gods had meant her to love Aegon, the mark wouldn’t have shown itself, so surely it means Viserys.
Sansa can’t see it herself, so, for the most part, she forgets it, though she’s careful not to get too much help from her handmaidens with bathing and such. Shae’s the only one she explicitly tells, and they get to be sad about her lost chance at love - but then, perhaps there’s someone else out there, Shae suggests, for the mark remains well after Westeros has gotten word of Viserys’ death. perhaps there’s a bastard out there, or perhaps it means Daenerys. Sansa thinks neither would be quite so bad, certainly not as bad as Joffrey, but clings to the idea of a bastard - she had a bastard brother, after all.
her mark does fade, at one point, years later, after she’s been wed to Ramsay and he’s forced her to explain ‘herself’. “your mad dragon prince is gone, my wife. he’s not coming to save you, no one’s coming to save you,” he mocks, but when Ramsay leaves the castle to fight Stannis off, she saves herself, with a few helping hands. in the chaos, it’s Brienne who notices, a few weeks later, that the mark has returned to her back. surely that means Ramsay was only lying to hurt her, or even that the magic isn’t accurate (which would really be fine with Sansa, because the whole thing hadn’t really done their family good), or maybe even that he really had died and there’s some other resurrected bastard out there, but really, what would be the chances?  
(it’s really not important to her anymore - she’s long since known no one will marry her for love, so what’s the point of her childish hopes for it? she just continues to hope for her family, and most of those hopes are answered, even if things are very different than they used to be.)
she, like their parents, had thought that Arya didn’t have a mark, and while Arya is uncomfortable when Sansa mentions her own soon after their reunion, Sansa doesn’t jump to thinking she’s been wrong, only that it’s related to their displeasure about Jon giving up northern independence - until Arya says she thinks the marks are “bullshit”, because she has one and hers hasn’t even ever disappeared, and there aren’t any Baratheons left, not even princess Shireen, not even Robert's bastards, who were all hunted by Joffrey and Cersei soon after Robert's death...but Sansa has always wanted and deserved love, so perhaps there is some Targaryen bastard out there. Arya will concede on that point and that one only.
for a couple months, at least, that is.
Sansa gets the whispers from one of her handmaidens that Arya's taken a liking to one of the smiths, and soon enough, Arya is up in arms because she’s spent years ignoring her little stag mark and has just found out that the blacksmith she’s, well, courting, is in fact, Robert’s bastard, which means...any number of things, none of which she’s sure how she feels about. but Sansa encourages her to tell him about the mark, because she just ran away from her soulmate on what could possibly be their last night alive. if Jon is with his love, and many others were, too, shouldn’t Arya spend the night how she wants, with someone she loves?
“I already hated the idea of losing him - of losing anyone - but if I never have to see that stupid stag mark after tomorrow, I...”
“you’re stronger and more stubborn than anyone else I know, but I imagine any man who loves you could come close. what if you both live? what then?”
“what if it’s not even him?”
“only a few moments ago, you told me you wanted to be together without even knowing. why wouldn’t it be him?”
it’s not really what Arya wants to hear, but she leaves anyway, seemingly accepting that that’s Sansa’s final answer, and Sansa goes to find Theon. the sisters reunite a few hours later, up on the ramparts as the castle finishes what battle preparations it can, and while Arya doesn’t give Sansa any details before handing her a dagger and telling her to go down to the crypts, she confirms that she went back to him, if only for the one night.
it’s not the one night, though, because they do survive, and while she’s happy for Arya she still has to try not to be jealous, even as she encourages Arya to marry her soulmate, while her own is nowhere to be found.
then, Jon puts himself in between them and Daenerys for what she dearly hopes is the last time, and Arya decides they need to talk about it - privately. 
he says, again, that he’s not a Stark, and they both fight him on it, but Bran does not. Jon looks to Bran and Bran looks at Jon and says it’s his choice as though they’re supposed to know what that means, even though Jon is the only one who does. and so, Bran tells them that Jon is not their father’s son, but their aunt’s - and Rhaegar’s. 
their first moments are full of too much emotion to name, and Sansa’s swept up in Arya’s insistence that Jon will always be a brother to her, and gathered up into hugs, and then it’s the moments after, when they’re all silent, standing there with Ghost between them and tears in all their eyes, that she realizes what that means about the sigil on her back. and from the concerned glance that Arya meets her eyes with when Jon turns away from them, Sansa knows that she’s realized too.
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amaidasfairassummer · 4 years
The next instalment of my ACOK reread... 
1. Another Bran chapter, yay!
2. Bran standing up for Hodor like a babe <3 
3. Bran being a fucking brilliant lord already at the age of eight <3 
4. poor lady hornwood :( can’t help but feel sorry for her, particularly knowing what’s going to happen. 
5. Bran Stark said bastard rights!! 
6. the way most people treat hodor is horrible, that story about those boys poking him with sticks in the market place :( 
7. maester luwin’s pretty great in this chapter tho :) 
8. ... i swear, he and rodrik seem to know robb is going to die childless?? 
9. baby boy wants to gallop about the country singing songs of chivalry, love him <3 
10. bran remembering what he saw at the top of the tower and how he fell :(
11.  another tyrion chapter, and it’s a great one! him at his clever scheming best- counting down the three conversations with pycelle, littlefinger and varys... 
12. i love the prominence george always gives food, particularly in tyrion’s chapters! even if it’s bad food, it’s always fun to read about
13. Oh yes, she’s a frail dove, just ask Eddard Stark. Love it! I mean, Ned’s  death was far more joffrey’s fault than cersei’s, but the point that she is no frail dove still stands :) 
13. love the fact that lady tanda is trying to bribe tyrion with food... clearly she believes the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! 
15. tyrion and bronn being bros <3 
16. yep, stannis is the real threat. and it’s really interesting about none of the spies coming back from dragonstone with any info! 
17. pod being adorable as always :) 
18. how come everyone forgets petyr baelish is a fashion icon?? “I’m wounded. I strive to look elegant every day.” <3 
19. The hare stood on his hind legs and twitched his nose at the king. One of my favourite lines! 
20. Drink with the dwarf, it’s said, and you wake up walking the Wall. Love it! 
21. Can we appreciate the fact that, when petyr says he had the tully girls’ maidenheads, there’s a good chance he genuinely thinks it’s true? i reckon he still thinks, sixteen odd years later (?) that he had sex with cat when he was drunk the night her betrothal to brandon stark was announced. Still shitty to go around spreading gossip about it, of course...  
22. “If I gave her Jon Arryn’s true killer, she might think more kindly of me.” Oh my god the dramatic irony here is so perfect! not just the fact that lysa herself was one of jon’s killers, but the fact that he is talking to petyr, the other one?! perfect! and littlefinger handles it so well... 
23. “Prince Tommen is a good boy.” Aww, he certainly is <3 
More coming soon! 
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sermom-oftarth · 5 years
Rewatch of 2x01 GoT
Joffrey was indeed a lil bitch and poor sansa too, lil bird aint seen nothing yet.
Okay, i def dont remember the hound defending sansa that early.
Tyrions wig still ugly af.
Im loyal to my beloved Joffrey. L m a o. Dan Weiss and David Benihoff are the most brilliant writers. The irony.
They deadass declared the summer over in s2??? Forgot that bit.
Ahhh, Janos Slynt.
The peasants belong in a field, not our Capitol. Said cersei. Woooow, s8 was a doozy
Was Tyrion whistling Rains of Castamere for a hot second there???
Callout to haunting the family for a generation for killing Ned.
I would just like to say for a moment that cersei is so underappreciated as a character. I hate her. So much. But Lena Headey is honestly amazing and she really is amazing as Cersei.
Was Bran always able to warg?? Wild. Also, when Hodor carried Bran on his back, Hodor looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle, lmao.
The comet thing was weird. It meant so many things, technically. Lannisters Would Rule all the 7 kingdoms, robb would do great in battle, ned starks death, and dragons. So. Much. Symbolism.
Lmao. Nobody will take my dragons. Sure. Sure. She jesus starving in the desert. Craster is fucking disgusting.
Mellisandre young AF. And Davos looking SUPER young.
THJS DUDE HUST BIT THE DUST. Mellisandre has many powers.
Jaime really so fucking snarky and i love it. Also he looks damn good with a beard. Robb was naive, but he got that BDE.
I remember why I liked Shae. I do...but then i remember that bitch ass. And i just. Big oof.
and im just gonna pause to appreciate cersei and littlefinger. Like they were both so well crafted.
A v good scene and Lena Headey is AMAZING. also, a big shout out to the rains of castamere playing in the back. the music has and will always be, amazing.
Joffrey js an asshat and an idiot.
what yall think. Did joffrey know he was born of incest?
Apparently he aint fond of roberts bastards. Lmao. I do love seeing Ros thriving tho.
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janiedean · 6 years
Would you mind elaborating on your Jaime = Tony theory? Because they are totally my favorite male characters and apparently I have a type.
WELL they
both are perceived as jerks at first glance/are introduced as jerks by the narrative and that gets turned around on its head (tony sooner admittedly but he has a movie to do it, jaime has five+ books)
both are filthy rich and came into it but money does Not fix their problems
both come from an abusive family/have serious issues when it comes to their parents (tony has howard’s a+ parenting, jaime has tywin’s a+ parenting and they both seem to have had a better relationship with their mother tho jaime’s is more idealized)
both got betrayed by a family figure/family member that they trusted implicitly (stane/cersei)
both turned their life around/had to change quick and fast after one or multiple traumatic events that caused them to put their entire existence into discussion (tony has afghanistan and that whole drama in IM2, jaime has aerys + throwing bran out of the window)
both start with one healthy relationship with a friend/family member (bc jaime doesn’t have friends that aren’t family in the books - POOR GUY) that gets more or less tested (rhodey for tony and tyrion for jaime)
both actively always wanted to do good and use the bad that came to them as a push to do the right thing (tony becoming ironman, jaime trying to gain back his honor post-maiming)
both have a shitty sexual life for different reasons (tony sleeps around other than drinking to not deal with his crap, jaime’s only ever been with cersei and It’s Not Healthy)
both have ptsd and they either ignore it or don’t treat it until it hits them in the face (tony more or less did it in IM3, jaime’s doing it now) but anyway they let it fester for a hell of a long time
both are famous for being WAY better than average at their chosen field (tony’s an engineering genius, jaime’s the best swordsman around)
both have an extremely important relationship with a woman who exists beyond them but loves them for who they are and doesn’t take their shit and helped them through rough patches (pepper for tony, brienne for jaime SHUT UP EVEN IF IT’S NOT ROMANTIC IT FITS)
both have issues with children/paternity as a result of the respective a+ parenting they got (tony wants one NOW after years of superheroing but before he most probably felt inadequate, jaime actually did want to father his kids but cersei didn’t let him)
both feel hella guilty for things they could or couldn’t have helped (jaime for rhaella, tony for the deaths caused pre-CW/in AOU and so on)
both don’t judge people by appearances and actually look at their skills/personality unless they have a grudge from before (see tony and bruce when he doesn’t give two shits about the hulk vs tony and steve and jaime with tyrion first when he’s the only one who doesn’t see him as a monster/unworthy of love and with brienne when he sees her as a competent knight regardless of her lack of beauty)
both have had on screen minor but relevant stories involving kids they ended up protecting or mentoring (tony with the kid in IM3 and peter, jaime with pia and tommen to a point nvm his squire)
both use sarcasm heavily and both are into questionable humor, whether they do it for personality reasons or for coping or defense mechanism or what have you
both have gold and red as trademark colors ;)
both have a complicated relationship with a vital part of them being physically hurt/taken from them and possibly had their health compromised for good (tony with the shrapnel in his heart and jaime with the chopped right hand, and I could add that pepper physically helped tony with the arc reactor I think in IM1 or 2 I can’t remember and brienne physically helped jaime immediately post-hand loss)
both started good, veered bad and are going/went back to good (tony most likely was a fairly decent person before he got fucked over by drinking/weapons manifacturing and so on and then went on to do the superhero gig to make up for it, jaime was a fairly decent person before the KG/aerys, got lowest with bran, is going back to being the person he was before or trying to)
both were considered great at what they did when they were kids therefore they both fucked up their life when they were too young to know better (tony went to mit at sixteen, jaime was in the KG at fifteen and tony was already famous for being a genius, jaime was already one of the most promising swordsmen around/got knighted by arthur dayne)
I could also add that fandom tends to ignore their issues at large on the grounds that they don’t openly show it and has decided that they started as assholes and will die as assholes but ;)
anyway: anon, you definitely have a type :D
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rye-views · 7 years
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Game of Thrones. 6.8/10
Seasons 1-2
Some people need to stop being so privileged and arrogant. esp. most of the kids.
There should definitely be trigger warnings for the slashings. Wild how people fought with swords at one point. I would not be able to live in that kind of life.
Crazy how the creators just created this entire world. It has its own attire, customs, and etc. etc.
Some people confuse me on whether I even like them or not. Like, what is Daenerys’s objective in life? Arya, though. Love that girl. Where are they filming all of this? Things are kicking to see such grand places.
This world is even worse than our world, because they put such a hierarchy on people. They will always carry this belief that someone is better than someone else based on birth or realm. Life here seems so cold and I fear for everyone’s faces. They need scarves. Some of these deaths are so brutal. People are so ruthless and wild. They also have no consideration for certain people’s lives.
That shadow birth was bizarre and happened so abruptly.
Kid actors impress me, because how can they act so well at such a young age?
Seasons 3-5
There are so many people casted for the army.
This whole show needs a trigger warning.
Daenerys is able to get so much power so quickly. She’s pretty badass and so fucking ruthless in getting what she wants. Arya is so cynical for a kid. That’s also badass. It’s amazing how you can break someone down through torture. It’s amazing how much trauma can do to you. Some people are so good at fighting. It’s amazing. Sam is like the Neville Longbottom + Hermione character. Bless him.
Sansa and Baelish bother me. I hate when they fucking hurt the horses.
Can I be more like Arya and Tyrion?
Seasons 6-7
Everyone’s lives have changed drastically since season 1. My opinion of almost everyone has altered to a degree.
I respect Jorah’s one sided love so hard. During the battle, the video edits were done very well to show someone getting trampled. When Sansa came in with reinforcements and they took down the line of defense, everything was so kickin. Loved that so much. There was one moment when Ramsay kinda appealed to me. I question how he can be so apathetic to others. What made him the way he is? Everyone is so strong even though their lives are trash. Respect. How can Daenerys look so flawless? Goals. Jaime Lannister is a handsome handsome man. The sets/places, the outfits/weaponry, acting, and ideologies are all so magnificent. The killings are what make the show though. Lyanna Mormont is the wisest child ruler yet.
Everything Bran is learning is pretty tragic. Esp. Hodor’s story. Bran is also a cutie. How did he end up as he is? But, also fuck yeahh bran’s power. Arya may think too highly of herself, but she still is so badass. Think about it, she’s a kid. I have no words, but poor Tommen. Poor dragon, but also omg at the dragon.
Omg. Ed Sheeran.
Am I just not paying hard enough attention or do I have to google a lot of info to understand this show better?
Season 8
Some scenes are so dark. I cannot fucking see.
Riding a dragon seems relatable to a rollercoaster. Fun. Arya fucking baller. This bitch just cannot die. Everyone’s moral compass is so interesting. It makes me wonder how moral compasses work within me and others. Everyone is so strong and good (in some way). This ended well imo.
The end of Missandei reminds me the end of Glenn Rhee. Bloodiness in this season is much better than blood in Walking Dead tho. (although it is walker blood)
Memorable Quotes: “Everywhere in the world, they hurt little girls.” “Nothing is better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.” “A lot can happen between now and never.” “Nothing’s more hateful than failing to protect the one you love.” “When you’re with trouble when fighting happens, more trouble for you.” “I have met many women. None that are immune to flattery." “There’s so much good in all of us. The best we can do is to help each other bring it out.” “So what are you fighting for? “Life. Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last.”  “But we all die.”  “The enemy always wins and we still need to fight him. That’s all I know. You and I won’t find much joy while we’re here, but we can keep others alive. We can defend those who can’t defend themselves.” “Sometimes, nothing is the hardest thing to do.” “I’m a slow learner. It’s true, but I learn.” “I am the imp and I demand to know.”
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francy-sketches · 3 years
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Havent made finished art in bit but I wanted to post something so here’s some sketches from a while ago that I’m too lazy to color.
Its jaime and tommen but theyre like on the run or something idk some angsty bonding moments
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joannalannister · 7 years
Have you written anything on Jaime's decision at the end of AFFC? Because it's so associated with "Jaime breaking free of toxic Lannister (especially Cersei)" and I just didn't get that vibe from it?
Hi! I don’t think I’ve ever written anything about it because this topic is the wankiest of wank bait, but yeah, like you, I’ve personally never felt that Jaime was “breaking free” of the toxicity of House Lannister from his chapters in AFFC/ADWD. 
(I don’t know who or what you’re quoting in this ask, and I mean no offense to whoever is saying that. This is just my opinion on Jaime’s FeastDance chapters and obviously some people interpret it differently and that’s cool. I’m really not looking for wank here.)
So when you say “Jaime’s decision at the end of AFFC” I’m assuming you mean this one?
“No, my lord. The bird was from King’s Landing. I took the liberty … I did not know …” He held the letter out. 
Jaime read it in the window seat, bathed in the light of that cold white morning. Qyburn’s words were terse and to the point, Cersei’s fevered and fervent. Come at once, she said. Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once. 
Vyman was hovering by the door, waiting, and Jaime sensed that Peck was watching too. “Does my lord wish to answer?” the maester asked, after a long silence. 
A snowflake landed on the letter. As it melted, the ink began to blur. Jaime rolled the parchment up again, as tight as one hand would allow, and handed it to Peck. “No,” he said. “Put this in the fire.”
To me, this passage reflects how Jaime really doesn’t have the answers, at least right now: “He found himself wondering what his father would do to feed the realm, before he remembered that Tywin Lannister was dead.”
Cersei makes herself plain: “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
But how does Jaime feel about Cersei? Does he hate her? (And speaking of feelings, what does Jaime feel toward his father, who told him that love was useless? And what of Tyrion, the brother he loved? And what of Br*enne, a true knight from the stories come to life?) Can Jaime even help Cersei? Does he love her? (“The question is, who are you?”) (”Would you sooner have a father or a chair, lad? Jaime wished he knew the answer.”) Can he save her? Does he love her? Does he need her? Does he love her?
Jaime’s a whole mess of conflicted emotions right now, and he wishes things could be like they were:
There was a time, not long ago, when he might have been out making snowballs with the best of them, to fling at Tyrion when he waddled by, or slip down the back of Cersei’s gown. You need two hands to make a decent snowball, though.
But Jaime has only “One hand, clasped tight around the sword hilt. Only one” and really, literally, Jaime has no answers at the moment. So he delays, he demurs. “Put this in the fire.” He is not ready to answer Cersei yet.
“The sooner we are done with Riverrun, the sooner I’ll be back at Cersei’s side.” What Jaime would do then he did not know.
“There is sitting and there is sitting, […] Each one [Tywin/Robb] waits for the other to move”
Cersei gave him a lingering look. “You know,” she said, “for a moment you [Jaime] sounded quite like Father.”
I think you also have to consider the context of this decision. The maester reads his mail, and Jaime’s squire who admires and adores him “was watching too” so how could Jaime respond, even if he did have answers? ”Would you sooner have a father or a chair, lad? Jaime wished he knew the answer.” // “The question is, who are you?” // “We are not Targaryens!”
Also, everyone believes that Jaime is still a fearsome swordsman. I don’t think Cersei (or most people, for that matter) realizes that Jaime can’t be her champion. If Jaime were to champion her, Cersei would lose her trial (bad), and Jaime’s secret would be revealed (also bad). Jaime’s relying on his reputation. (And Genna said Jaime wasn’t Tywin’s true heir. Heh.) 
How can Jaime explain that he cannot help Cersei, cannot save her, and in a letter, no less? A letter read/written by Vyman, who served Edmure Tully, and Hoster before him? A letter that could easily be intercepted? No, he could not give Cersei an explanation in his letter. He could only give her a refusal, and that would infuriate her. (Does he love her? Does he love her? Does he love her?) 
He says these things in ADWD:
Past time this was ended, thought Jaime Lannister. With Riverrun now safely in Lannister hands, Raventree was the remnant of the Young Wolf’s short-lived kingdom. Once it yielded, his work along the Trident would be done, and he would be free to return to King’s Landing. To the king, he told himself, but another part of him whispered, to Cersei.
He would have to face her, he supposed. Assuming the High Septon had not put her to death by the time he got back to the city. “Come at once,” she had written, in the letter he’d had Peck burn at Riverrun. “Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once.” Her need was real enough, Jaime did not doubt. As for the rest … she’s been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and Moon Boy for all I know … Even if he had gone back, he could not hope to save her. She was guilty of every treason laid against her, and he was short a sword hand.
(^^This “She was guilty of every treason…” sort of makes me worried, as if Jaime is perhaps deflecting all the blame for his own treasons onto Cersei, like it doesn’t take two to tango….) 
Anyways … I personally wouldn’t describe this as Jaime ~breaking free~ of the Lannister regime when a part of him is looking forward to returning to Cersei. 
But I think there’s another part of Jaime that doesn’t want to return to Cersei, which is why he so readily jaunts off with Br*enne to chase his dreams of true knighthood. 
That’s the thing about Jaime imo. He’s a man divided. Torn between Lannister crimson and Kingsguard white, between his (older) sister and his baby brother, between Cersei and Br*enne, between one vow and another, between his loyalty to the Lannister regime and his aspirations of true knighthood. 
“So many vows … they make you swear and swear. Defend the king. Obey the king. Keep his secrets. Do his bidding. Your life for his. But obey your father. Love your sister. Protect the innocent. Defend the weak. Respect the gods. Obey the laws. It’s too much. No matter what you do, you’re forsaking one vow or the other.“
Jaime’s the middle child, Beauty and Beast both. We first meet him wearing black, but he’s renowned for his kingsguard white, but allegedly “it was that white cloak that soiled” Jaime and reduced him to this grey liminality. He vacillates back and forth, an ever swinging pendulum. One moment he is angered that Gregor would smash Pia’s teeth in, another moment fantasizing that he “smashed his sister’s teeth to splinters with his golden hand, just as Gregor Clegane had done to poor Pia.” 
I know I’ve talked about this before, but it’s like Jaime is trying to ride two horses in the Riverlands, and he can’t ride two horses. He’s trying to hold on to everything, Cersei and Tyrion, honor and glory, all that, but now he has only one hand, and he can’t hold on to two things at once any more. “Yet soon or late in every man’s life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he must choose.”
But Jaime hasn’t come to that choosing yet. “Throw this in the fire.”
In ADWD we see the pendulum swing toward Br*enne, but what will happen in TWOW? How will Jaime feel when he learns his true knight has lied to him, and that even true knights can be grey? I imagine Jaime will feel betrayed. I suspect a second litany of betrayal for Br*enne, analogous to the one for Cersei: “… she’s been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and Moon Boy for all I know …" 
“False as fool’s gold.” 
After escaping Stoneheart, Jaime will go to King’s Landing at last:
Once he found the Blackfish, he would be free to return to King’s Landing, where he belonged. My place is with my king. With my son. 
But I think Jaime arrives to find Tommen dead, and Cersei fled with Myrcella to her last stronghold, Casterly Rock, since KL is about to be destroyed, entirely. And Jaime will have failed yet another king. 
Nothing in AFFC/ADWD suggests to me that Jaime’s abandoned the Lannister regime, despite how angry he is at Cersei. He still supports Tommen, and I will bet money that Jaime follows Cersei to CR after the wildfire explosion at the end of TWOW and that he eventually recognizes Myrcella as his queen in the beginning of ADOS.
And I don’t know what’s going to push Jaime over the edge, but I will bet money that Jaime will valonqar Cersei at Casterly Rock in ADOS. I think this is Jaime’s choosing, and I think he will actively choose Lannister toxicity. Strangling your sister/lover sounds like a pretty toxic thing to me, no? idk I could be wrong, who knows.
But I don’t see Jaime actively working to bring down the Lannister regime. idk what happens with Jaime after Cersei’s death, all bets are off once she dies, but at least right now, there’s nothing to me that suggests that Jaime recognizes that Tommen has no right to the Throne, that the Lannisters have no right to sieze Riverrun, no right to hunt the Blackfish, or that the entire government is corrupt, things which I think would be necessary for Jaime to distance himself from the evils of House Lannister?
(I think it’s Tyrion who is beginning to understand that the Lannister regime is wrong, he was the only one calling out Lannister bullshit even when he was in the middle of said bullshit. Tyrion hasn’t yet escaped from Tywin’s dark, toxic shadow, but I think it’s Tyrion who does that, not Jaime.) 
TLDR - nope, im like you, i dont get that vibe either. Maybe I’m wrong tho *shrug emoji*
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
epsidoe sevn
shoot me
i don’t understand why they gave the fake!Arya storyline ot Sansa i just DON’T it’s pointless and cruel
-Confirmed: Sansa gets bruised and raped by Ramsay. I’m paying attention bc i hate myself
-Sansa DRAGGING Theon’s psyche back 
-RIP Maester Aemon u were a g
-Sansa y u taunting the dude who, y’know, physically and psychologically abuses u? ur smarter than this girl
-RIP Old Maid
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Why she got the same name?
-one again i can’t see any fuckin breath even tho it’s snowin like a mofo
-it still amuses me, despite everything, that she’s taller than like everyone, but esp Ramsay
-oh, Stannis is actually a worse person in the show, how rare
-Gilly reclaiming her sexuality u go girl
-Tyrion managing to get away with beating the shit outta a dude bc everyone thinks it’s funny that a dwarf took down a full dude
-Dany forced a bro to marry her for politics, and she keeps a lover
-Daario is a Bad Influence
-Poor Tommen all stressed tf out
-Cersei’s like ‘my son loves his wife where did i go wrong?’
-LF tryna con Olenna
-Jorah with the YEARNING
-i got distracted again srynotsory
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idontknowiknow · 7 years
More game of thrones
It's the lion and the rose wedding and dang that was a sick burn on Jaime, Loras, lmaoooo
Also for a second when Cersei and Brienne were interact I got extremely excited and was all 'yessssss my girls bffs pls?' but alas Cersei's gotta accuse brienne of being in love with Jaime and I'm sad bc I'm all about the Sword Pals for them two. Cersei don't get all jealous just bc you can't have friends smh
This is possibly my fav of Margaery's outfits, they're all impressive but I'm generally not actually a fan. This wedding dress is NICE tho
Cersei pls just bc Margaery is bein really successful at the power play, you gotta REALISE how well she is trapping you into looking awful, please, stoppppppp, I love you but your pride is killing you, let the food go to the poor jfc
Hahahahaha sick burns from Oberyn too 'they call it the rich man's disease, a wonder you don't have it' lmao you're all so mean
It is incredible tho how many fuck yous Joffrey delivered with that dwarf play. A+ disrespect from Tyrion in response
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is awful
An awful but satisfying death all up (if someone is vomiting though do not lay him on his back???????? Extremely poor first aid)
End of Ep 2 and in the interval I will note that if there is any time that it's thematically appropriate to have an endless stream of gore running down your leg, it's gotta be while watching game of thrones. (Yesterday I fell over and grazed my knee; it's minor and doesn't hurt much but it's SUPER weepy. Not even blood, just... white blood cells??? I guess? I'm not a hundred percent sure what this liquid is but it's gross. And it's not scabbing, so since yesterday I've had a fun never ending river overflowing every bandaid and dressing and bandage I put on it. Now I've given up and am just dabbing it with tissues when it gets too annoying.)
I am already sad about shae ugh. Ok bring this next ep on.
I always forget about poor tommen
Fuck that extra extra unnecessary rape scene was horrific !??? I knew that was coming but???????????? Fuck????????? Anyway I do not hold that scene as canon and also I left the room
Overyn and Ellaria, depraved bisexuals and utterly iconic ❤️
Tywin arrives; 'would you like to sit on my sex bed? It's still warm' 'No thank you'
Update on my oozing and weeping: finally it's started scabbing around the edges. Nearly at 50% I'd guess. I'm sure it'll crack if I bend my knee too much. Also, probably infected a bit. Ah well, it'll heal eventually.
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 5 2019 Rewatch
We’ve reached the season that made me rage-quit a show that had once been my absolute favorite back in May of 2015! That means I’ve seen about half of these once four years ago. So... here we go. 
1. WHY is Maggy the Frog sexy?
2. WHY is there no mention of the valonqar? Were they already planning Bran? Did they not think we could handle a word in another language? WHAT?
3. That scene with Jaime and Cersei at Tywin’s body hurts but SHE KIND OF HAS A POINT ABOUT JAIME KIND OF ACCIDENTALLY BEING A TEENY BIT RESPONSIBLE THO (on the other hand how could he have knoooooown Tyrion was going to KILL DAD?)
4. So... Varys is an immigrant who cares more about Westeros than most people born there, yes?
5. That poor Unsullied JUST WANTED TO CUDDLE
6. Missandei being to shy to say something to the tune of “whatever it is you can do I’d like to do it with you” to Grey Worm is... impossibly sweet.
7. HOW DID ALLISER LIVE THROUGH THAT? Slynt living is also not fair. What a waste of space.
8. Stannis’ offer to the wildlings is fair... underestimating how unlikely Mance is to kneel, but fair.
9. Brienne is MEAN to Pod here! I guess the losing Arya thing broke her a bit.
11. Lancel’s actor BEEFED UP WOW
12. Margaery trying to watch out for her brother... what a good sister.
13. Daario 2 has a cute butt
14. Remember when Drogon got loose and Dany was worried that there was an ENTIRE DRAGON JUST FLYING AROUND SOMEWHERE?
15. Mance Rayder was a good person who cares about the Wildlings. All of them.
16. Jon putting that arrow into Mance’s heart while he was burning endeared Jon to me quite a lot.
1. Braavos is SO PRETTY! And the house of Black and White... so simple and stark. I love the architecture.
2. SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE FUCKING NIGHT?? Oh wait Podrick knows what Sansa looks like! What a sweet and useful boy.
3. Jeez Brienne intense much? Don’t frighten the girl.
4. “Why don’t you stay?  It’s dangerous on the road” is Littlefinger speak for “I am going to kill you in your sleep” and BRIENNE KNOWS IT.
5. So I wonder who in Dorne thought it was a good idea to send Myrcella’s necklace.
6. Jeez Cersei what do you want from Jaime? You wouldn’t LET HIM be a father to the kids.
7. Jaime offering to GO GET HER... and with Bronn! LANNISTER AND BRONN ROAD TRIP PART 2 HERE WE COME.
8. Today the part of Elia I will be played Doran and the part of Arianne will be played by Elia. it’s very confusing.
9. Doran’s casting is still SO GOOD.
11. I remember so little of Dany’s story from this part... Mossador seems cool but is he secretly loyal to the sons of the Harpy??? I remember something about her being ambushed? (I was right about the ambush, wrong about Mossador he was always loyal to Dany in his way.)
12. Barristan dropping some truth about the Mad King = GOOD
13. Varys being like DRINK LESS TYRION
14. Qyburn is more useful than ten Pycelles.
16. Shireen teaching Gilly to read is SO CUTE. And... Greyscale can be cured? The spread arrested? I thought Shireen just had a very slow moving case. How is she CURED?
17. Lyanna’s response to Stannis... your favs could never
18. His face when Stannis asks Jon if he wants to be legitimized is like ????
19. No one likes you Janos sit down
20. Sam’s speech for Jon... what impeccable delivery. Making them laugh at Slynt, making them remember how badass Jon is... smart boy.
21. Good to see you again Jaqen-no-one!
22. Why so PUBLIC with Mossador’s execution? What kind of idiocy is this READ THE ROOM DANY. And execute him QUIETLY as your advisers probably told you was a good idea.
23. Drogon’s like “wow this roof looks nice oh hai mom”
1. That interior of the house of black and white with the pool and all of the gods... so cool and creepy
2. HOW OLD IS TOMMEN ANYWAY?? What a sweet kid though.
3. The Queen off continues... and Margaery shoots herself in the foot. That was CERSEI TRYING TO BE NICE FOR HER SON’S SAKE. And you can SEE the moment Cersei’s like FUCK THIS IT’S WAR
4. OMG pooR traumatized Theon and EW flayed men
6. Littlefinger has clearly not met Ramsay fucking Snow. Otherwise nothing he says to Sansa here makes sense.
7. At least they had the decency to admit that Brienne had been nasty to Pod and have them actually start to develop a sweet friendship. And Brienne tells him the story of the ball and Renly :(
8. I like that we’re getting some Jon and Davos interaction. So much good hearted gruffness in one place!
9. Sansa’s arrival at Winterfell just... no
11. Ok that scene with the high septon and the prostitutes in the costumes of the Seven was kind of hysterical
12. Stay away from the high sparrow Cersei my love...
13. Wow, Jonathan Pryce, how did they get you for this? You’re better than this nonsense but getting to see you and Lena in a scene together is a gift.
14. Ok I jumped at Gregor rattling around on the table
15. So... Littlefinger hadn’t heard much about Ramsay, and the bastard is on his best behavior when LF comes to Winterfell. That answers some questions
16. Holy crap Tyrion is a child playing with the windows that roll up and down.
17. We get to see Volantis???? Coooool!
18. What is a red priestess doing preaching that Dany is the savior? Do they each have their own pet theories about who AA is?
19. Tyrion is terribly good at getting kidnapped.
5x04: Jaime and Bronn go to Dorne and there are some people pretending to be the Sand Snakes
1. The theme of this ep so far is “Lannister brothers on ships”
2. Jorah stealing the boat and throwing silver on the poor dude 😂
3. I... think I might not have seen this episode because I have NO MEMORY of that scene where Jaime tells Bronn he’s going to kill Tyrion if he ever sees him again. My heart.💔 (I found my tumblr archive form May of 2015, and I definitely HAD seen it. I think my brain just protected me from remembering this because it hurt too much. 
4. I want a million reaction gifs of Qyburn being done or clearly having Thoughts Not Expressed
5. Do you know WHY the Faith Militant was disbanded Cersei my love? Cersei who is the mother of three of her brother’s children? BECAUSE THE FAITH HAD ISSUES WITH THE ALL THE TARGARYEN INCEST. What in ALL SEVEN HELLS possessed you to rearm them that kind of power?
6. I still HATE that the show makes the Faith SO MUCH MORE HOMOPHOBIC than it is in the books.
7. I’m going full on Lannister here because me reaction to Margaery bursting in on Tommen was BACK OFF, TYRELL.
9. Jon writing to the Boltons for men even though he HATES THEM says a lot about him.
10. Mel just does a whole lot of sex magic doesn’t she...
11. I LOVE that we get a scene between just Stannis and Shireen where it’s obvious he loves her. And it makes me hate what happens later even more.
12. Sansa honoring Lyanna in the crypts is sweet. And LITTLEFINGER is the one who tells her the story of Lyanna and Rhaegar at Harrenhal?
13. Also how is Littlefinger assuming Sansa SURVIVES Stannis taking Winterfell from the Boltons?
15. I DEFINITELY HAVE NOT SEEN THIS. (Narrator’s voice: But she had)  I would have remembered Jaime saying he wanted to die in the arms of the woman he loves. (Narrator’s voice: But she didn’t, which didn’t bother her as much as it might have. It was like getting to see shippy scenes for the first time all over again.) 
17. Jaime being obsessed with not starting a war makes sense because he ALREADY DID IT ONCE AND THIS TIME DAD IS DEAD.
18. And on the other hand Elia wanting to START A WAR I AM SO ANGRY
19. Obarra getting tell the story about the spear is cool though
21. Poor not drunk as he would like to be Tyrion. He’s quick though with recognizing Jorah.
22. I’m trying to imagine younger Barristan protecting his idiot prince who liked singing in public and it’s kind of fun
23. Well this is clearly a trap. Also that many unsullied should have been able to WIPE THE FLOOR with those sons of the Harpy even in close quarters.
24. Barristan Selmy: WHAT A BADASS. He’ll be missed.
5x05: And now my watch was ended because D and D did something awful in the next episode. 
As I mentioned before, after I rewatched the whole season, I went back to my archive and found the last post where I talked about watching GoT when it aired first run, and it was about this episode. I just read it again for the first time and MY FEELINGS HAVE NOT CHANGED on many points. 
1. Letting Viserion and Rhaegar eat that Meereenese noble is something Aerys would have done and doesn’t make them love her any more likely to behave.
2. So... who is writing Maester Aemon about Dany?
3. Jon Snow, Breaker of Chains? I like that he frees Tormund and gives him reasons to follow him but lets the choice be his.
4. Grammar stickler Stannis is always good for a laugh.
5. Wait wait... Brienne was close enough to Winterfell to SEE IT OUT THE WINDOW??? What in all Seven Hells?
6. We needed a scene of Myranda and Ramsay talking about Sansa like I needed a dagger in the eye
7. Ok ok cool parallel of Sansa standing at the base of the tower looking a lot like Cat.
8. Holy shit did Sansa not know Theon was there before Myranda showed her???
9. Ramsay playing mind games with Theon making him think he’s going to hurt him... yikes
10. And forcing the two of them to interact in ways that he could control and make awful was... kind of smart
11. No Walda should not be telling people she’s pregnant... but how could she know that Ramsay was a danger to her unborn child? She seems a trusting sort.
12. Sam insisting that Gilly knows valuable things too is... so pure
13. This rewatch is turning me into a rampant Missandei/ Grey Worm shipper and I like it.
14. Dany’s outfit when she goes to see Hizdar in prison looks very Star Wars to me.
15. Jorah and Tyrion sailing through the Doom is still the DUMBEST shit.
16. The old city looks neat though. And that’s a fun poem.
17. AND A WHOLE ENTIRE DRAGON (are dragons homing pigeons?)
18. Tyrion’s face when he sees that dragon is still so great
19. STONE ZOMBIES ARE CREEPY and now Jorah has greyscale.
5x06: I want to just watch this episode and get it out of the way and at the exact same moment I NEVER WANT TO WATCH IT EVER. It’s Schroedinger’s Episode.
I know this is the episode with THAT SCENE. The reason that I finally stopped watching. Let’s just assume I’m going to be angry but also probably very affected by performances and extremely upset.
1. In the House Of Black and White, a curious child adores an open door....
2. Arya doesn’t hate the Hound. That she still does is a lie she tells to herself, and I THINK THAT’S INTERESTING. 
3. Well of course Jorah wouldn’t know about his dad’s death... :(
4. holy shit Arya making up lies on the spot to comfort that sick little girl before helping her KILL HERSELF
5. That is some SERIOUS MAGIC SHIT GOING ON with all those faces. That scene is exactly as creepy as it needs to be
6. Tyrion has some points about Dany having Targaryen crazy in her dna and how she hasn’t spent a day in Westeros...
7. Well... Tyrion found some people who think his cock is as magical as he does. To bad they want to sell it unattached.
8. Cersei is working out of Tywin’s office. Love it.
9. Wow Petyr... that’s a play for power. He gets the North, he gets Sansa...
10. Trystane Martell is SO CUTE. And I miss Aimee as Myrcella.
11. I LIKE TO IMPROVISE?? Like Indy??? Jfc Jaime
12. Wtf even was all that nonsense in the water gardens other than some cool fight choreography. (Have I mentioned how pretty the Water Gardens are? SO PRETTY.) 
13. The parallels between Cersei and Olenna and Tywin and Olenna in that office.... right down to the Lannister writing to make Olenna wait... fascinating.
14. Cersei did NOT expect the Sparrows to trot out Olyvar. Did she? She genuinely seemed surprised when he walked into the room.
15. Olenna thinks it’s Cersei’s fault anyway and that’s what matters.
16. Sansa’s dress is pretty and the Weirwood is pretty and everything else is awful and there was NO NEED FOR THAT SCENE. It didn’t tell us ANYTHING NEW ABOUT RAMSAY and what he’s capable of or shed any new light on Sansa or Theon it’s just gratuitous rape and psychological torture porn and it’s just gross.
1. Maester Aemon holding little Sam is the most precious thing. He will be missed. “Egg I dreamed I was old” 😢
2. Oof. That first scene in this ep between Sansa and Theon is ROUGH. She is so desperate and he is so brainwashed and the fact that she can be furious at him one moment and reminding him who he is the next... my heart was not meant to take this.
3. Is this scene supposed to mirror Sansa and Joffrey on the wall? IT IS only with more sophisticated mind games.
5. Stannis being like THIS IS OUT LAST CHANCE TO MARCH SOUTH AND NOT BE STUCK AT THE WALL. But... don’t people bop up there all the time after this? D and D probs forgot. 
6. So... Ghost has just decided he likes Sam and Gilly? He has good taste in people.
7. Dany is with Daario for a LONG time. I hadn’t realized how drawn out their thing was.
8. I AM A QUEEN NOT A BUTCHER no Dany you’re a bbq-er. Sigh. 
9. Tommen being helpless breaks my heart a bit. And that scene between him and Cersei is... devastating.
10. Myrcella is Sansa part 2... pretty and naive and at the mercy of the adults around her
11. what is the point of sand snake boobs here
12. How did I not know that Jorah ended up in the fighting pits?
13. Tyrion is a gift indeed.
14. Fucking puritans I cannot stand them (ask me about how I cursed Oliver Cromwell’s name in England a lot.)
15. I cannot wait to see Cersei keep her promise to that Septa. I do not think that was what I was supposed to take away from Cersei getting thrown in that cell but I’m over here like PAY THAT DEBT MY BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN QUEEN 👑
1. Tyrion’s intro to Dany about why he’s valuable makes me so angry. Not because I think it’s badly written, but because Tyrion tells her true things that she apparently didn’t internalize about devotion and wisdom.
2. Poor scaly Jorah... tossed out of Meereen.
3. Religious people who try to starve and torture confessions out of those they think have sinned need to DIE IN A FIRE. I am so done with the Faith.
4. Arya “Lanna” selling oysters is cool and all but now I want oysters.
5. Qyburn is a darling atheist and Cersei’s best ally in that place.
6. I HATE SANSA TELLING THEON SHE WOULD DO TO HIM WHAT RAMSAY DID I don’t care that she doesn’t know the extent of what Ramsay did to him it makes her look cruel and the VIEWERS KNOW and UGH GROSS 
7. Holy shit Sansa didn’t know Bran and Rickon were alive.
8. Theon insisting he’s Reek 💔💔💔
9. Tyrion and Dany’s interactions have got my attention. I’m cautiously here for them.
10. Do we know how things are going over in Slaver’s Bay by the end? Does anyone care?
11. Yes but Dany THE WHEEL HAS A PURPOSE. What do you propose to replace it with?
12. The question Olly brings up of “why ally with the people who slaughtered peaceful farmers? What keeps them from killing people on our side of the wall?” Is a good one, and I wish we’d gotten to see Jon argue sensibly for his solution more.
13. Wow did Tormund just kill Rattleshirt?
14. The leaders of the free folk are an interesting group. What is the woman’s name I wonder? Also I hate spiders but WHY DID WE NOT GET ICE SPIDERS.
15. Tormund gets it and likes Jon. It’s kind of sweet.
16. So... I’m calling that cool wildling leader woman isn’t going to last the episode. Ladies without names don’t get to bond with their kids that much if they’re going to live. <--It’s an awful burden being right all the time. 
17. Shit these wights are a lot more active than the old ones
18. Jon and the Night’s watch and the wildlings fighting alongside each other to give people time 👍
20. Of course she died because women are soft hearted and can’t deal with zombie kids.
21. Jon and the night king having an epic stare off before he raised the dead was kind of cool tho. Also I think Wun Wun the giant is nine kinds of awesome.
5x09: In which I am probably about to lose all respect I ever had for Stannis Baratheon.
1. So I forgot about Ramsay and thought Mel was lighting fires with her mind 🔥
2. Did... Alliser just give Jon a complement? A backhanded one?
4. Ok Show Ellaria pouring out wine rather than drinking with a Lannister is fun but NOT HER.
5. Also wherever they filmed that scene with Doran is SO BEAUTIFUL.
7. And he’s a fucking pedophile ew. Kill him good, Arya.
8. A girl thinks she just lied to Jaqen without him noticing.
9. You know who’s responsible for Oberyn’s death? OBERYN who volunteered and THE MOUNTAIN who killed him. Not Jaime or Tywin or ANYONE BUT THOSE TWO and anyone who actually saw it happen should KNOW THAT, ELLARIA
10. FEEL BAD WHEN SHIREEN ASKS TO HELP, STANNIS. that’s right feel bad
11. I can’t believe NONE OF THEM in that Baratheon army stopped Mel from BURNING A CHILD. Bystander effect?
12. Too little too late Selyse.
13. As of right now, he loses any moral superiority he ever had and I can’t wait to see Brienne shish kabob him
14. Jorah what is the PURPOSE of getting yourself in front of her at the pits?? (Dany’s dragon collar is badass tho)
15. And all of a sudden sons of the Harpy, who were apparently hiding those masks like guy fawkes masks at a protest...
16. TYRION SAVED MISSANDEI YES GOOD also that shot of Dany taking Missandei’s hand gave me feelings
1. The armchair theologian in me has questions about the reality of the lord of light given the timing of the snow melting enough that Stannis can movie his army. (My wife thinks Mel did some serious blood magic in this case that may or may not have involved any actual divine intervention)
3. I would feel worse for Selyse if she hadn’t been horrid to Shireen every single other second.
4. Yay they figured the Valyrian steel swords work. Sam is smart.
5. Jon’s “congrats on the sex, friend” face is priceless
6. Wow the sellswords took ALL THE HORSES. This means Stannis Baratheon, claimant to the throne, is WALKING.
8. Wow that’s gonna be a masacre. Yikes. I’d call Stannis brave for standing and fighting but he probs knew he had no chance of surrender with the Boltons.
10. I don’t know what Brienne is going to say when she kills Stannis but I would like to suggest “Renly Baratheon sends his regards”
11. Ok that was much more honorable.
12. Me to Ramsay: 🎶 “You’re going to get eaten by dogs AND I’M NOT SORRY.” 🎶 (my sis in law snorted from the other room at that)
13. No one told me Theon kills Myranda for Sansa yes good
15. Arya killing Meryn Trant is a special kind of horrifying I’m just bloodthirsty enough to cheer for.
16. Wait wait she just STOLE A FACE? It works for her without any permission?
17. Oh ok I see that wasn’t creepy at all.
18. ...and Ellaria just literally gave Myrcella the kiss of death what
20. Jaime trying to be dad and bonding with Myrcella (or trying to) is SO CUTE and the look on his face when she says SHE IS GLAD HE’S HER DAD AND SHE HUGS HIM KILL ME NOW
21. I can hear book Ellaria screaming from here. And I just killed about half a glass of wine for Myrcella.
22. Of course Tyrion speaks Valyrian that’s darling
23. The meeting of the “Find Dany Committee” is fascinating. Daario is kind of in control here??? But what he suggests makes sense???
24. What an adorable triumvirate of Tyrion, Missandei, and Grey Worm!
25. VARYS! Hiiiii! Tyrion is going to need you I have a feeling.
26. Aww look at Drogon’s little dragon nest poor wounded thing.
27. Now... was this Khalasar just passing by? Did they see the dragon and come to see what was up?
29. A girl lies well. Good one Cersei.
30. AND HAIR GROWS BACK. (She doesn’t get to say it here but I was screaming it internally) I kind of can’t wait for her to wildfire the lot of them. The Faith and the high sparrow and all of the self righteous assholes can go fuck themselves
32. THANK YOU QYBURN. When the necromancer is the most welcome sight ever... things have taken an odd turn (seriously though the genuine care he seems to have for her is touching???)
33. DOES DAVOS KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO SHIREEN Must not because Mel would be dead right now
34. Happy Ides of Winter Jon
35. Congrats dudes you killed a kid (ok fine a man) that was better than all of you
36. Glasses of wine consumed: Two BIG ones.
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blueagia · 7 years
game of thrones spoiler post
a warning if anyone forgot to blacklist :)
arya pulling this off rw 2.0 by herself is just as ridiculous as her cooking feats last season but i was prepared for inane writing this time so i cheered anyway
i am also prepared for a lot of “LOOK AT EVIL ARYA THE SERIAL KILLER” even though they made it a point that she only invited people involved in rw 1.0 and also made sure no one else drank.
you know what would convince anyone that bran was a stark if he had a fucking direwolf
sansa what are you doing. sansa this unsubtle shit is not in keeping with your previous character development in either books or show. also i hate your wig.
jon is solid tho
brienne/tormund continues to be hilarious and also completely unshippable
ahaha cersei. she thinks tommen betrayed her. she is being the crazy cersei i love. jaime please run
was that supposed to be Marwyn? he is not very Marwyn but he is ok i guess. poor sam this must be so frustrating when the end of the world is coming.
i dont want you jorah go away
aaahhh arya was thinking of killing them but i knew she wouldn’t when she started eating their food. also that one guy talking about how his dad has been on a boat forever and she gives him this wistful look and im thinking of Gendry ahahahahahahaha
i continue to be unimpressed with euron. he has moved on from making dick jokes at Theon’s expense to making hand jokes at Jaime’s expense. not exactly an upgrade. At least they made a point of establishing his hatred of the Ironborn.
ok the hound was pretty great. the callback to the house from season 3 (or 4?) was predictable but who cares. we get to see GRAVEDIGGER HOUND. its beautiful.
dany finally arriving in westeros and becoming relevant is pretty powerful. i really like dany but i’ve hated her story so far
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