#poor jarpad
bayerischephobic · 4 months
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walkingtalkinggone · 2 years
How could anyone remain on the fence after seeing this 😭😭😭
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i'm about to say something controversial but as much as i dislike jarpad as a person i think it's unfair to say he did a poor job bringing sam to life. he's not actor of the century, whatever, but his sam is complex and compelling. and he did not "stop acting after season 5", he was portraying a different person!! sam spent decades in the cage with lucifer, and he came out broken and battered and softened because he was traumatised! so later seasons sam is less aggressive, more passive, more subdued. it's not because jarpad/the writers forgot who sam is as a character, it's because the character changed. on purpose. as the result of all the crap he went through.
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
the tall one definitely seems to have some anger issues. i used to follow him on social media (because yay SAM!) but after the third (??) service worker doxxing (the hotel guy that he took that ridiculous photo of? the one where you could see Jarpad in the mirror taking the photo and glaring and the poor hotel guy just looking tired.) after that i was like nah, this guy is a dick. i'm out. i blocked him sometime later. i mean seriously. who does shit like that? what a karen. what a prick.
the fact that there is not just one time he's doxxed someone..... on top of the fact he got arrested for beating on his own employee whilst drunk, the fact that he's basically just a huge man child who never faces consequences or learns from his mistakes. i really just do not like him.
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saltygilmores · 7 months
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Anyone seen Jess lately? Eh, we already know what (who) he's been into this summer. But yeah that was definitely Jess. Winter, spring, summer, fall. even with a broken foot, Taylor Doose does not cease, yield, desist, nor take a break from his quest to line his pockets with the money of the citizens of Stars Hollow, under the guise of some sort of charity event. Fun! Let me guess, the Bridge again?
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Sounds like a good excuse for Jess Mariano to wear short sleeves and engage in some tonsil hockey underneath a tree.
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Mmm, Window Doritos. Luke and Lorelai still haven't made up. She's been avoiding him and the diner the entire freaking summer? There's no way. Without Luke providing her daily supply of supermarket Folger's, she would wither away and die.
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Scenes that take place outside of The Hollow are usually the most fun but I predict this is going to be lame. They got some early 2000's politicans to make cameos in this one, people I'm sure the 16 year olds watching this show when it aired (or ever) cared about.
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Who's this putz? *squints at nametag* Nice to meet you...James. He looks like a nice normal generically handsome dude, maybe for once Rory could stand to go on a date with a handsome dullard who won't kick up any leaves, kinda like that time Richard and Emily tried to hook Lorelai up with this guy's father.
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Paris Geller for President, Rory Gilmore as her first lady.
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You don't have a prayer with either of them Jamesy. Ohhhhh. James is JAMIE. Of course. I remember this generically cute, mass-manufactured piece of untoasted WonderBread now. The one who...takes Paris' virginity. Welp I guess I have to take back the whole "You don't have a prayer" thing then.
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Paris agrees to dinner plans with UTWB (Untoasted White Bread), not realizing she agreed to a date, and Rory has to tell her what happened, and when Rory is more knowledgable about dating and relationships than you are, you know you have work to do. So what we have here is a fine blend: one part Paris being unable to relate to people, one part confusion about her sexuality, a subject that this show will refuse to ever touch on, and one part realizing she agreed to a date with a boy who is a bottle of human Nyquil, throw this all in a blender and you've got a recipe for a Paris Geller nuclear anxiety attack.
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Kirk our neurodivergent king.
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You do not, don't lie to him like that. Lorelai did invent a vanishing cream though. She slathers it on every time she leaves work in the middle of the day. Lorelai: Don't cows eat hay? Kirk: Yes, but "Grass There" is a bad name. LOL, that got a good laugh out of me. We love you Kirk. Keep being you. Lorelai and Emily have a pointless debate on the phone about what date Rory was supposed to be arriving home, Lorelai says she's coming home on Saturday whereas Emily insists she was misled to believe she would be home in time for FND tomorrow. Jesus Christ, Emily. Can't you let that poor girl decompress and have some time to herself after being away from home all summer? Can you let her skip one FND? Rotten. Emily wants to know where Crusty is and Lorelai says Satan is "Away on business". "Away on Business"=In the firey shrieking depths of hell (Boston?) Emily wants her beloved Crusty to join FND tomorrow. I swear to god if I have to fast forward past yet another Crusty FND I'm gonna scream.
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No no no no. NO. Where is Alex? Bring me Alex! #SaltyIsAnAlexStan #PossiblyTheOnlyAlexStan
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JarPad has a real talent for making every thing Dean says sound so ominous and serial-killer like. Rory: That gives me three hours to look presentable. Should I go blond?
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He should want her to go blond because it'll be easier to conceal her identity when he kidnaps her and takes her on the run. Not only does Emily want to wrench Rory off her flight in mid air to force her into FND but she's agreed to meet Dean immediately after his plane touches down only 3 hours after her own?! Not only that, it's September 3rd, which means a new school year is starting next week, she's trying to talk Paris down from a nuclear anxiety attack and get her ready for her first date, I'd say that I don't know how Rory is acting so calm under all this pressure but we know she's bottling it up inside like a powder keg ready to explode and it's just a matter of time. Is this his home or a hotel room? It looks like a serial kiler's motel room on the side of abandoned highway. That chair is made of human skin. That's totally a serial killer's old tv, one where he holes up watching America's Most Wanted and grainy news reports about his own escape from justice. "My plane is arrving at 6" he says, unaware that the police tapped his phone lines. That shirt looks like something he took off of one of his victim's or bought from a dying K-Mart in some small town, where there's a cashier named Phyllis who's been working there for 30 years, he paid cash, tried to avoid looking directly into the store's security cameras, Phyllis just smacks her gum as she rings up his serial killer polo shirt, gallon of bleach, tarps and rubber gloves. To be fair, Jess threatens to murder Dean and dump his body in a ditch not long after he's already murdered Shane and fed her to the swans in this season. All the more reason Dean and Jess should call a truce, realize they have more in common than they think, and leave Rory alone.
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Whew. There's so much to unpack in just these two sentences. Just like all the dead bodies Dean Forester has to unpack from his trunk.
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That's what his victims say before he leads them to their demise. Rory has to hang up on Dean Wayne Gacy because Paris is melting down as her date with Nyquil approaches. Dean has to hang up because the SWAT team is about to bust down his door.
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Rory's reaction to Dean saying "I Love You". She doesn't say it back. Stay tuned for part 3.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Acting anon again. I agree it's cockiness. When he was younger he at least had a sincerity about him. They had to get it right or they'd get fired. Then come s8-9 and it's like... Haha you can't fire me you NEED me.
And to hear Jen talk about Dean and then Jared is like "Sam is the best" but he doesn't talk about Sam. Sam is a character to him and it shows. Dean is a person to Jensen and it shows.
I watched a good bit of Walker (before I could just not handle the poor writing) and I watch Big Sky.
Jared has a part in WRITING AND PRODUCING HIS CHARACTER and yet Jensen understands Beau far more than Jpad understands Walker and idek how that's possible.
Walker had potential but failed in so many aspects. While I watch Big Sky just for Beau and it's one of my favorite shows right now.
There's just a different caliber.
Well Jensen has taken what he was given in Supernatural and expounded on his craft, Jared is riding the high of being famous. He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor. He's that guy from supernatural. Jensen on the other hand, is a fantastic actor who knows what he's doing. That's why he can be in so many different things. No matter what show he's in he becomes popular. It's not because of Supernatural it's because of him. While I don't think anyone watched Walker that didn't come from Supernatural.
There's nothing wrong with watching a show after seeing the actors in supernatural. That's what I did for several of even Jensen stuff. But people love him even without ever seeing him as dean. Because he's that good of an actor.
Didn't mean to rant lol
No, no, please rant! I'm so beyond stoked that you wrote back; please keep doing so as long as you wish to!
And your points continue to be spot-on; the increased job security seems to have gone to his head in the worst possible way, and, at this point, he's acting for the fame and not famous for the acting. The only reason this might be sustainable is that, as you said, people from SPN will follow him to his new projects, and there are enough Sam stans that it might be halfway feasible. In any other person --- and, I want to say, in him, too, though his fanbase will probably prove me wrong --- this would be the pride before the fall. His hubris is definitely a character defect; it's just not clear if it's his classically Fatal Flaw.
But you're absolutely right about how they treat their characters. I've seen a ton of jokes about how Jensen's one of the biggest fangirls among us, and --- in addition to being funny --- they're just downright accurate; Dean is real in a way that Sam never seems to be for Padalecki. Praising Sam isn't about discussing Sam; it's a statement on Jarpad. Discussing Dean is less about Jackles than it is about Dean. And that difference causes there to be a world separating the two. I won't say it's impossible to act without believing, at some level, in the reality of one's character, but Padalecki definitely can't.
"He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor." I can't put this any better than you did, so I'm just gonna say: yes. A hundred times, yes.
And I also agree that there's not an issue with following actors to other shows. Frankly? I'm a touch obsessive. If I fixate on a character, I will follow that actor through their filmographies. I saw Jensen in Supernatural first, and have since watched --- solely due to his presence in the vehicle --- Dark Angel, some of Big Sky (though I haven't gotten to s3 yet, so idk if that counts), Ten Inch Hero, My Bloody Valentine, and Devour. The same is true with Misha, though I have access to less that he's been in: I basically could only watch 24 and the one episode of Monk he was in (and, even then, I'd seen the shows before because they've been family favorites for a while; I just hadn't known who Misha Collins was at the time). Both actors continued to be just as enjoyable --- just as skilled --- outside of their Supernatural roles.
However, I've watched the occasional Jarpad thing, too. I recently made some posts about one such film, which I hadn't realized he'd been in --- Cry_Wolf --- but I also intentionally watched Walker, House of Wax, and the Friday the 13th remake, just out of curiosity. Mainly, I was just curious whether my dislike for Sam was affecting my judgement, whether he'd gotten better outside of that environment. And he just hadn't. They were all utterly atrocious. To borrow my phrasing from an earlier post, his acting was forgettable at best and horrible at worst.
Long post already long: it's not a coincidence that Jackles has drawn massive interest from the general audience and not just the Supernatural fans. The Boys might have been the first example of this, but, as you point out, Big Sky has had a similar reaction. And, on the other hand, the only thing saving Padalecki from being a one-hit wonder (and I use the word "wonder" loosely) is that he's somehow managed to swing the loyalty of a very devout subset of the fanbase.
Anyway, I think it's my turn to apologize; this is, once again, a very long message... I hope it's not either oppressive or annoying; I'm just really enjoying the conversation. Thank you again, and all the best until next time!
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deanstits · 1 year
You ever remember that Sam is played by a total wet blanket piece of shit and just feel bad for him??? Poor Sam. I know ur pussy is tight, it's not ur fault jarpad can't portray that 💗💗💗
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cpopnatural · 1 year
11x2 Notes
-the fucking zombie plot is so ughhhhhh
-not the Cain clip
-Dean’s so good with babies……..
-They made Jenna sapphic which means we’ve hit our gay quota this season
-Sammy an Alka-Seltzer is not gonna help you
-maybe Sam takes longer to turn because his cells have tolerance from the demon blood
-actual actor man against cardboard face jarpad. He looks like he nicki minaj music video green screened
-“good morning handsome” that’s a hate crime
-poor poor Cas :(
-oh no he’s crying :(
-Billie I love that song you’re so cool
-the first mention of the Empty!!!!!
-“you’re unclean, in the biblical sense” holy shit I love you
-why were the four options to cut off left arm, right arm, nose, and dick
-Lee Madjoub Hannah I love you
-Dean’s like god. Not my fucking ex
-from this point forward if people want to kill Dean and Cas and Sam
-the anti Catholic rhetoric in this episode is insane
-Hannah’s sad brown eyes :(
-not the lobotomy machine again
-Cas sees a gay person in danger he immediately goes Hulk mode
-does killing Hannah count as fridging or bury your gays
-bible purification google search. holy oil
-“I’m way more of a Daphne” oh I bet
-not this Renesme shit
-this episode has everything. Sam fighting for his life. Cas being a pathetic sad little guy. Brown eyed Hannah. The introduction of the cooler Death. Priest Crowley being gay and homophobic bickering with his ex Dean
-“adorable little Dean”
-“I’m not your bloody sidekick!!!” So true Crowley
-not another redhead…
Gonna start rating these episodes with a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Bloodlines and 10 being The Man Who Would Be King
Rating: 8.5/10. Would be 9 if not for the weird Renesme stuff
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cooloddball · 3 years
Let’s talk about the Cockles sunset photos shall we?
Misha posted this collage
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Jensen posted this
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Jensen also talked about the moment during the j2 gold panel in 2015 after a fan asked him about them.
Disclaimer: I don’t know how to make gifs but I will link the minute marks so don’t worry. Major body language reading speculation wiith my tinhat on.
So a lovely fan asks Jensen about how high he had to jump to get that pose and Jensen smiles fondly, Jared smiles too.  That was so cute.
The fan keeps asking the question and Jensen has the biggest smile and his body is shaking with laughter but he’s trying really hard to conceal it to no avail.
Now what gets me here is Jared’s reaction. Seriously, look at him. What is this face? He’s like dude yeah, tell us. We need to know more.
The fan asks if they had to wait the entire day for the sunset and Jensen being the deflection king that he is, he said “yeah we sat there and it was a taster’s choice moment.” with the biggest grin on his face.
(For those who don’t know what a taster’s moment is, here’s a link. It is quite romantic so Jensen's choice of words was rather sus.)
Now, what makes me think that this was not just bros taking sunset photos is 1) Jensen’s defelcetion with humour as seen above and 2) Jared also trying to deflect Jensn’s deflection or maybe he was just trying to be part of the story, I honestly don’t know.  But he talks about how Misha and Jensen often jump up and down between takes and someone just took photos of them. 
Jensen doesn’t look happy with what Jared is saying. Not in a bad way but Jensen being the romantic he is and not wanting people to understand that no, these were not just bros goofing off but a beautiful romantic moment between him and Mish.
So he does what he needed to do and let his bro down by tellling the truth.He actually laughs like haha, no. Ouch!
Jared smiles uncomfortably because his joke just got debunked so he busies himself with fixing his mic and stops smiling.
Jensen starts telling the story of how it happened and he doesn’t remember something so he asks someone to the side. Jared doesn’t even know because he has a frown on his face and someone on the side tells Jensen where they were. It’s like Jared wasn’t there. IDK.
Aww the way Jensen says, “So I just put my arm around Misha and said we should just...we should like tweet it taster’s moment right now.”
Look how happy he is and look at Jared’s face. He’s like ‘what kinda gay shit is this bro’
Jensen continues and says, how they took the picture and then explains how somebody took the picture from the road blah blah blah. Now at that moment you can see Jared’s frown going like, ‘wait there’s more? wtf?’  there’s more of Jared being like ‘wtf dude? You don’t even remember what happened yesterday and you remember every detail of this shit?’ lol, his face is a journey and I am living for it.
I don’t know who Jensen keeps looking at on the side to confirm what happened. I think it’s Clif. (We need the tell all Clif)
Their smiles when jensen says Misha just happened to pick the one where Jensen looks like a ballerina
Here are gifs for that panel
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spnsmile · 3 years
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your jealous is showing
Jensen. Just Jensen (x)
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crownlessam · 3 years
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all these twenty years trying to fill the void // crack baby - mitski
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scoobydoodean · 3 years
I am FEEDING on drama my god. I hate watching everyone flip out. I love watching everyone flip out. I want to know WTF is going on too. I want to make an archive. This is a time.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 9, "Run Away Little Boy". Part 2
You can read my previous reviews here.
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If you have to keep repeating something out loud like this, it probably isn't true. Every time Rory or Lorelai say Rory's relationship with Dean is "a really good thing going right now", God plucks a whisker off a kitten. TWWGG= We Make Weird Metaphors.™
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The Time Traveler hath returned (after a stop for a quick shave, apparently). I forgot to add that in the middle of all this DL/Rory/Dean drama, Lorelai went on her date with TT and had fun but twas not meant to be but she was happy to discover she could Date Casually ™ after Max.
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A crystal clear Tomatos Sign spotting! Lorelai to Rory, who is stifling laughter: What? Say it! Rory: Nothing, I always wanted a little brother. Lol. And we have another scene for the Rory's Bizarre Food-Related Habits Hall of Fame. Rory picks up her burger and walks out of the diner without putting it into a to-go box. Is this the neatest burger ever that doesn't drip grease or ketchup? Like the time she walked out with a piece of French toast in her hand with no syrup dripping down her uniform? Luke's Diner Motto: Do You Think We're Made of To Go Boxes Or Something? Carry Your Own Food.™
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I kind of look like Lorelai right now after the suffering this episode has put me through. Lorelai apparently talked about Luke on her date with Time Traveler or at least has mentioned Luke on some other occasion. Time Traveler even knew about Rachel. STOP. EVERYTHING. A MIRACLE HAS JUST OCCURED IN STARS HOLLOW! LORELAI PAID FOR HER FOOD!
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Luke In My Gritty Gilmore Girls Reboot titled "The Hollow": "You are hereby banned from this establishment. Get the fuck out."
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God, Dean is so creepy. And not to say I'm an expert on Shakepeare, but Tristan reciting Shakespeare was...wow. That was some of the worst line reading I've ever heard, ChadMIchaelMurrayDietLogan.
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The lips are getting reaaaal thin!
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While looking straight at Dean, making Rory panic that he's about to tell Dean about their kiss, but he turns it around and pretends he was just talking about a scene from the play. Sneaky, disgusting, an absolutely vile piece of dog shit either way.
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Honestly if I were Rory the sweet release of death would be preferable to being alive and having to suffer these two Butts With A Capital B.
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Let's all Take Five and have an Ancient Cellphone Break.
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Lips are realllly thin. Practically invisible.
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I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this shit stain talking to Rory like this. How is this the fourth or fifth time I've suffered through this show? Why am I doing this to myself? Am I that masochistic? I'm in pain. Dean is such a piece of shit that I am concerned for Jared Padalecki himself, in the same way that Milo Ventimiglia's mother thought he had suffered some kind of unspoken childhood trauma because he played dark villains so believably. Are you ok, JarPad? How are you this believably awful?
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This is horrible. I want to shut it off. There are 9 minutes left in the episode. Ugggggggggh. Poor Rory. PUNCH HIM! PUNCH HIM! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! The next episode is the Bracebridge Dinner. My second favorite episode and a shining beacon of of light, joy, minimal drama, and Jess galore in his ugly brown winter coat. You can do this, TWWGG. You can do this.
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Oh my god my blood is just BOILING right now.
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Portrait of the author.
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Let's take turns. Something should absolutely fall on your head, but also, I really need something big to fall on mine right now. I would welcome the sweet, sweet unconcious state where when I wake up this episode is over and I'm watching The Bracebridge Dinner. (Context: Lorelai is annoyed because everyone is calling her a pedophile). (Because of her date with the Time Traveler, not because she's absolutely having an affair with 17 year old Dean Forrester). Luke is grumpy with her for going on a date with this guy. Jealous or something. Whatever. I'm tired of these men. Sure, Jess has not made any appearance in this episode yet. But with 5 and half minutes left to go, my pain and suffering is about to be rewarded in other ways. With one tiny scrap and one medium scrap to gnaw on and one big, big juicy hunk of meat. Justice, thy name is Amy Sherman Palladino! (and Chad Michael Murray leaving for another TV show). The small scrap:
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Lane's face while she's watching Henry. My girl is feeling things. Stirring, yearning, Un-Christian things. The medium scrap: Paris taking Diet Logan's part as Romeo to Rory's Juliet. Sweet. And the big one:
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Look at Dean creeping again in the background!!! But I'm so happy we're back down to only one clown instead of two!!!! Wait, there's still Christopher. Still two clowns left. God damn it. #ClownMath He's getting shipped off to military school lol he'll be eaten alive probably lol BYE
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Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya #BYE "Take care of yourself Mary." Ahahah I won't have to hear anyone call Rory a stupid nickname again because I'm not watching this show past season 4 ever again and I won't have to suffer through Full Calorie Logan calling her "Ace" yay!
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Ahhhh. *breathes in* Everything just feels...a little more right once more.
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A sea of confusion.
Dean: Did you and Paris actually kiss or was that just a stage thing? Shut up. The episode ends on a sweet little note of Luke & Lorelai talking about how they can rely on each other. Not even a drop of Jess in this episode. Not even a shot of him in the background cleaning the counters. Nothing, zip, nada. But... BRACEBRIDGE DINNER NEXT!
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
You know, the thing that really sticks out to me and makes me sick is how Jpeg hides behind depression to get away with this shit, and uses it as a scapegoat to excuse his behavior.
I have depression too. But I'm not gonna go and fucking DOX a service worker all bc they just happen to get my order wrong or whatever. Will I be mad and want to raise hell? Yeah, but will I want to reveal PRIVATE INFORMATION THAT NO ONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT so some sad and lonely fucking misfits can go around and send this person DEATH THREATS???!!!??? Absolutely fucking not. That shit is wrong on so many levels. As well as the other shit he's done. Like basically $€xually harass and m0l€$+ poor Misha which is also wrong on so many levels.
- ʀᴀᴍʙʟɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏɴ (•‿•)
So sorry for the delay; yesterday was a really shit day for me and I wasn't on Tumblr much as a result. Not in the right headspace, you know?
Which is fitting timing, actually, given the topic of your ask. I definitely agree. I'm sure other people know far more about mental health as a topic than I do, so I'll probably keep this short, but I have some degree of personal experience --- i.e. my own experiences, and those of my friends and family --- from which to draw. And JarPad keeps excusing his horrible treatment of service workers, friends, coworkers, etc. by pinning it on depression, without taking responsibility for his actions.
I always do my level best to not let my own struggles affect other people. If they inadvertently do, while I ask for a degree of understanding, I will also do as much as I can to take responsibility and apologize. And I'm just a random person. Padalecki very decidedly does not do that, despite the fact that, by virtue of his fanbase that he knows will send death threats to people, his actions are decidedly of the irrevocable type. (And that's not even counting his questionable, even more direct interactions with those he calls his friends.)
Thus, long story short... agreed.
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I watch 5×16 DAILY I swear to god. Its really the biggest cinematic masterpiece to date huh.
When Dean says "It’s okay, Mom. Dad still loves you. I love you, too. I’ll never leave you" I go literally insane.
When Sam talks about having his happiest memory being the night he left for Stanford, and he says the worst line of all time "i never got the crusts cut off my PB&J"
When they tell Ash that Jo and Ellen are dead??
The ENTIRE fucking fireworks scene? Makes me want to bawl. Dean is so HAPPY to be there with Sam
Dean's shaky voice when they see Mary again? And he tells her he loves her?? And she goes on to tell him she never cared about him
Actually the entire scene with Zachariah and Mary makes me want to bury myself alive
Also Dean calls it "home" and I pass away
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failbaby · 3 years
don’t buy into the anti-jared propaganda queen all three of them are equally horrible
Yeah I don’t even really know what’s going on nor do I care about any of those men, at all, but I can’t deny that Misha and Jared making spectacles of themselves on Twitter like a month apart, BOTH for engagement in fucking wincest of all things, in 2021, is absolutely hilarious
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