#poor manatreed
thespoonisvictory · 7 months
sorry but I'm just tired!!! it's voiceoverpete and dream and cmc and manatreed and forever and fucking l for leeeee and all the other men I'm forgetting about or never knew about. It's about women feeling like an afterthought as addons on nearly every server and the women jokes and the girls getting talked over and the gay jokes because there aren't enough women on the server and you can't joke about things like that with them, anyway.
It's about the way women are treated by chat and by the wider twitch community. They are maternal figures or sex objects or poor baby angels who can't do anything wrong. They can be hot or they can be sweethearts but people won't post about them the same way as they do for their male favs. They aren't funny and they're bad at the game and we keep saying to support them, but there really hasn't been one half as popular as any of the big male ccs.
I'm not trying to downplay the singular awfulness of the wilbur situation, or distract from it. but I see people just trying to cut him and/or his friends out and go back to posting and it's like jesus christ, it's not going to fucking end. it's just not. and I'm glad that more people have started coming out and saying shit now, but I'm begging you to look at the writing on the walls.
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
for clarification, if the abuser you're referring to is cellbit, the abuse was a number of years ago, since then he has gone to therapy and openly said his behaviour was bad and has not had any allegations since, including having a new girlfriend. in this case, i've decided if we believe someone's beliefs and behaviour can change, and they display evidence of improved behaviour, i feel we should accept that changed behaviour.
yeah know i understand that but i was more talking about the situation surrounding it when it first happened . also it was compared to manatreed as if people didn’t go out of their way to dig that up about him and harass the victim of his potential abuse (bc it was never confirtmed although i do belive it was him) despite the fact she did NOT want it public and did NOT want to be involved in it and had people doxxing her in this situation to have the same ppl literally say ‘it’s not a big deal’ as people found out about the situation with cellbit for the first time and shared their disbelief and discomfort bc it’s not a good look for the fans . i’m not saying that people should ever forgive manatreed but the way they treated the poor girl who said she didn’t want it to be public and keep bringing her up after she asked people to stop and dream shared that she had asked everyone to stop JUST to prove quackity was better than dream rubbed me the wrong way like it is straight up weaponising the concept of dv and victims experiences. it also does not mean everyone is GOING to be comfortable with him despite the fact that he has worked on himself .
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cupcraft · 2 years
i'm genuinely so curious like how does it make any sense to call them damage control? first of all it was a month after the allegations, that's some pretty poor damage control if it's that late. but also damage control for who? dream's fans? they don't need damage control because the ones left don't see an issue with the situation anyway. people that dislike him? they're not gonna change their mind because of minecraft roleplay if they already don't like him. like this is just so silly
Damage control because dream didn't reach out for lore until this allegations happened. Dream's also had a pattern of behavior for damage control (during the manatreed situation he did dsmp lore instead of addressing it, and in another situation he went live and did the same thing). And i don't just dislike him btw he's had serious allegations against him around grooming incase you forgot and a history of other behavior that is also concerning.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Uh so shes talking about it tmr on twitch? My first reaction was WTF cuz this is an actual case and why would you talk about it and not take action immedietly?HUH
This is what's bugging me. Her boyfriend is for some reason put in this situation, she's used the r slur against someone who was defending Dream, she asked Keemstar to "use his voice and not be selfish", like???
It's not that I don't believe her or Dream, there are so many confusing things going on, but the facts that she's going live on Twitch to talk about this makes this whole situation so weird...
Also, someone said that "Dream is sweeping this whole situation under the rug, like he did with Manatreed".
The Manatreed situation was fake, it wasn't swept under the rug, it was delt with in a way that wouldn't hurt Manatreed. But, the poor man ended up doxed and scarred in the end.
And Dream isn't talking about it much because, if he is actually gonna get the law into this, he is not allowed to share anymore information
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mcytcat · 3 years
OKAY OKAY the fact that soooo many people ended up bullying a random person is really funny for some reason.
Manatreed is just a guy and everyone was like "OmG mAnatREed iS a anOGrAm fOr DreAmTeaM" and their just sitting there like '🧍' 'what'
anyhoo more stuff coming soon :p
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kattmeithmath · 3 years
thinking about doing what I should have done and just deleting Twitter
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avocant · 3 years
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divinemackerel · 3 years
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
last things i will say about this manatreed situation. how do you read that twitlonger and immediately jump to the conclusion “poor manatreed, we just cost an innocent guy a career” when dream explicitly never confirmed that. if anything he said he would never KNOWINGLY support an abuser (thank god) and that responding is hard to navigate because of doxes of him and his family. i wish people would be more respectful with their words and realize this was never confirmed to be a “fake accusations” case - and can you imagine being the victim, the person who has been MOST harmed first by the abuse in question and then by doxxers bringing it to millions of people, and seeing tweet after tweet saying “poor manatreed! we cost an innocent guy his career!” like that was the main takeaway at all?
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tyrala1 · 3 years
I think the thing that makes me the most sad about Manatreed is how he tweeted about being so happy that he's finally able to have a steady income after being poor and sometimes homeless
Now he's lost that
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warped-stem · 3 years
people on twitter are being weird again so like.
even if manatreed is just Some Guy that doesnt mean we get to be rude to him bc he's not dream. maybe he's an irl friend, or a cousin or brother or something.
doesnt matter, bc if he isnt dream, there's some poor dude getting harassed for not being who people want him to be.
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koopakeki · 3 years
Now that the manatreed situation has "calmed down" I wanna once again state my disdain for a certain demographic of dsmptwt.
Those where serious allegations and there was no way a bunch of kids playing detective would lead to a good outcome. And lo and behold, it did not.
They got Dream involved- FOR ZERO REASON- and forced him to out his drama to clear his name on a situation, HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH.
You forced Manatreed to end his online career after a day because he was so stressed out about this situation since how was he supposed to prove his innocence without doxxing himself (don't worry, dsmptwt did it for him anyways).
And worst of all, this poor woman's trauma has been spread around the Internet, across thousands of accounts for NO REASON. It would be one thing if it was the victim who came out to expose what happened herself, but that wasn't the case, this info was leaked by strangers. In fact, that woman had not been directly involved in this case- HER OWN CASE- at all. Even Dream tried to reach out to her but she clearly wants to be left alone.
I don't rant on Twitter, and I also don't like to involve myself in serious situations that have nothing to do with me, but I really had to get this out since I feel more at peace with the fandom here on Tumblr. But, everyday it's something new with dsmptwt, and it makes me embarassed to be a fan of Dream SMP at all.
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 years
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cupidlakes · 3 years
Everyone’s getting up in arms abt the situation and I feel like everyone’s forgetting the whole bbh thing that happened where it was just some horrible people lying for clout, in my opinion everyone should just take a breath and head outside for a bit and wait for them to talk about it calmly, there’s literally nothing to be gained by panicking (not directed at you but just about several posts I’ve seen floating around)
hmm well actually that’s making me think about how swift bbh was in shutting that down, he threatened legal action immediately which was very effective paired with the evidence/testimony being subpar and the timing which lead ppl to suspiciously believe cc’s were getting maliciously dragged under by those taking advantage of the jikishi situation
idk the semantics of suing people online for defamation or whatever but it’s reminding me how wishy washy manatreeds response was, quite honestly it made me angry but i do agree there’s nothing else we can do at this point it’s been brought to light, it’s extremely likely dream + manatreed knew eachother beforehand, it’s just a waiting game and i don’t think anyone should be burdening themselves with this like the victim never even decided to come out w/ this on their own which makes it doubly hard to affirmatively say we know anything, like we really don’t there could be so much more to this so i’m cautious! like manatreed isn’t getting my unwavering support any time soon but i also don’t want to dip into being excessively speculative
sidenote: i also think people are allowed to be disappointed by dreams response regardless of it all being true or not that was just poor, whilst also taking into consideration his history with certain.. people and forums, fear is blind sighting
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electracraft · 3 years
if this manatreed stream is anything other than the dteam losing their minds over this being some plot they’ve been building for months the same way they did over the nichael heist then i don’t want it
i know that the general consensus is that if manatreed was simply lore related it would feel like a let down but imagine for a second. manatreed is connected to the nichael heist and it's the key to it all. the dream team has the time of their lives screaming and laughing as they keep the kidnapped michael plot going with manatreed's help. the other streamers have already rejected this as canon. they don't care. joe biden subtweets them for their poor rp etiquette
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go-learn-esperanto · 3 years
Tubbo's chat is just “MANATREED” and then there is some poor soul saying "Who's Manatreed??"
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