#poor ri
neon-danger · 10 months
I said I was gonna download the game yesterday
And then I did not
Why did I not
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
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WIP: To Die Among the Stars
Words written: 2,359
Draft: first
Chapter: 11-13
What happened: While Zippy attends the daily biometrics meeting, Ri skips it to do one last fix on the ship. Both of them notice some suspicious behavior.
Comments: I managed to do an (EXTREMELY basic) outline for the rest of the plot, so I now know for sure what the remaining 3 major plot points are, when they occur, and the general shape of the twist at the end. A lot of the foreshadowing, hinting, etc will have to be added in the second draft but that's ok.
WIP: A Tangled Knot of Gold
Words written: 1,663
Draft: first
Chapter: prologue
What happened: Tlapil, at 7, is taken by their older cousin to a bard show that gives them words to speak for the first time. Also they like mud.
Comments: Yes, I should really stick to planning this one until I have at least a first draft of TDATS, but I got so excited to write tiny Tlapil that I couldn't resist.
Favorite excerpt (From TDATS):
Static. Static. Static. Static. Scritching. Static. Melting equations. More static. 
Wait. There was something there, beneath the layers of static. Something less normal than the calculations that wouldn’t stay still. A noise? He couldn’t remember. 
Static. Static. Static. Scritching. 
There! That was definitely a noise. Scratching, like mice. 
Not the only noise in the dark corridor, but something about it didn’t belong. He heard... 
Static. No, the static doesn’t make a noise. Focus. 
He heard breathing. Snoring. His ears weren’t augmented, but there were twenty bunks in the hall, and people made all sorts of noise into the silence. 
He heard the low, ever-present hum of the thruster engines. 
And he heard something scritching, or maybe scraping. 
He counted breath sounds. Nineteen. And his own made twenty. No one should be scritching. 
He didn’t move. There was no sound past the humming and the breaths. 
His bunk was hard but it was different than the one at the Center or the one back at Training. Different was good. 
He didn’t want to move. 
His mods—no his skin—felt cold out there. 
He did not need to care about a strange noise he already had to strain to remember. 
Were there mice in space? 
Obviously not. Why did he even think that?
Taglist: @hd-literature @blind-the-winds
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dlartistanon · 4 months
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Domestic mercs?
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foxinys · 1 year
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khaotunng · 5 months
Not the flashback of Songdo missing his chance in 2008 this is too painful PLEASE LET HIM BE HAPPY
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finniestoncrane · 8 months
people shouldn't be allowed to be mean to me. do you know how hard i spiral? it's a hazard to myself and others!!
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survivalistghost · 5 months
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dimplewonie · 2 months
i judt opened tje app to see an es em u tee of riki and now i feel sick
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hanyusan · 1 year
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@o6frog's yuzu art gives me flutters in my heart and i could not have clicked "buy" on this print faster if i tried. such beautiful colors and energy (and it also helps that the paper is a lovely texture); i can't stop looking at it!!
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vessalis · 4 months
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he's cute when he cries.
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bitchofdarkness · 10 months
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So I'm leaving out the side door. [Taylor Swift & Bon Iver - Exile]
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lungthief · 9 months
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isn’t this url soooooo Mark Antony coded
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foxinys · 2 years
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emoji coaching lessons with 2min
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ree-duh · 9 months
Everytime white women talk about how male celebrities can act as abrasively as they want and it’s fine and how it should be equal for women too I just have to sit back and think about the fact that the second a woc were to act like how ww act she would immediately be met with racist backlash because ww generally don’t think that women should be able to be as equally as nonchalant what they actually mean is they should be held equal to their white counterparts while woc should still be meek and greatful they’re even allowed at the table
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
totally obsessed with king the land and i need to rant about it somewhere and i figured this would be a fun place because i love your takes and can i start off by saying i've haven't seen someone as down bad as gu won in a really long while. to think he realized his feelings because he took a quiz a few weeks back and look at where he is now, confessing his love on a rooftop to the woman he falls in love with more and more every second.
ep 10 was honestly one of the most fulfilling romantic escape episodes i've ever seen in a show, like the locations were stunning, the chemistry was chemistrying like crazy and god the way won looks at sarang? the way he smiles so wholeheartedly? it's like she helped him rediscover what happiness and love feels like.
one thing i really loved from the earlier eps is how won always gives in and tries new things with sarang and realizes how much he enjoys it. also, the way sarang's grandma is such an important figure to both sarang and won now makes me so happy. i love how won takes all of her advice to heart and actually works on his communication.
i also absolutely loved how this week's eps focused on them just being in love and enjoying their dating era, the quality time and the constant need to touch each other and express their affection is something so precious. can't wait to see what's in store for them in the weeks to come. 🥹
i cannot tell you how honored i am to be the recipient of this little love letter to KTL bc you!!!! you get it anon!!!! i'm going to be addressing some of your points but i should warn you that it will be all over the place so i hope that doesn't confuse you once you get around to reading this sksksksk
first off, i think Won automatically gravitates towards Sa Rang's halmeoni bc in some ways she is that mother figure for him. we still haven't been told exactly what happened to his mother btw, but considering the age gap between him and his half-sister Hwa Ran you would think that after eomma "disappeared" (using that term for now) Hwa Ran would have stepped in. their relationship is so, so f*cked up, however, that she's never actually treated him as her actual sibling (as seen by her dangling the pocketwatch his mother gave him out the window/breaking it by letting it go. he still carries it around, even after all of that.) and so there is no love lost between the two of them. she has always viewed him as a competitor, someone to be wary against in her struggle for their father's company, and even though Halmeoni acts as if he is also one (for Sa Rang's hand) the way they interact says differently. (there's so much to unpack about why that is, namely the way that Gu Il Hoon treats his children and the lessons he's instilled in them, but that's not the point rn and i don't have energy to write that essay today)
so when Hwa Ran tells him not to try anything in terms of the company bc he won't be able to do anything substantial anyway, he listens, bc that fear has been bred into him. he's learned early not to expect anything akin to affection from her, learned that the only reason he's allowed to come so close is bc she knows his weaknesses (ep 3 publicity interview/panic attack anyone?) and uses them to keep him on a leash so he doesn't get in her way and he's tired. he says as much when he tells her '나 싸우고 싶지 않았어' — 'i didn't want to fight' during their convo in the lounge in ep 8 (have some slightly unrelated commentary on that scene here, although in the more recent eps after meeting Sa Rang he has begun to buck against her incessant emotional abuse). but when Halmeoni tells him to do something, he listens, bc he knows, instinctively, that whatever she's telling him is not going to sabotage his relationship with Sa Rang. she's not out to get him, and she does not loathe his entire existence—she is treating him like the grandson she does not have, and she in turn is the mother that he has been deprived of for so long.
(frankly i think the best way to describe Hwa Ran and Won's dynamic with the influence of their father coming into play is uh. 'but business is business! / and business runs in the family' from Amanda Palmer's Runs In the Family. fair warning the video is a bit all over the place and the lyrics may be triggering but i highly recommend listening to the song if you haven't already)
building off of that, i think Sa Rang is also another outlet of love for him that is making up for what he has lacked. the way she and her circle of friends, much like her halmeoni, treat him when he is around (even after a bit of a false start in the first episodes) is in contrast to his sister as well—it's implied, albeit not explicitly, that he has the tendency to attach himself to people other than her once they show him any kind of care (standing up for Sang Sik taking him with him from the internship after Sang Sik tried to help him adjust in case he got in trouble, for instance). he trusts them even if he doesn't say it, since he does not trust her, and in some ways the kind of fear he has around Hwa Ran has been rechanneled into the need to keep his eyes on Sa Rang, bc he is afraid he might lose her. and he does not want to lose her, bc he has loved someone, for once, almost as much as he has loved his mother. and so once he realizes that that is what it is he tries to tell her as much, every chance that he gets, and we get to see that in the touches and glances and the small things that he does, an opening up to her as best he knows how. i spoke more about that here, but one of the best comparisons to their relationship that i can think of (other than Mitski's Come Into the Water and KK's Aankhon Mein Teri that i have already made a post about) is this line from Lee Hae Ri's gorgeous song Maybe that she sang for the OST of Her Private Life ('어쩌면 그게 사랑 일지도 몰라 / 반복되는 일상 / 그 속에 나를 보듬어 준 네가 / 조용히 떨리는 심장이 말해 / 너를 보고 싶다고 말하래' — 'maybe it [this feeling] is love / you who've cared for me in my repetitive everyday life / my quietly trembling heart tells me to say that i miss you'), bc that is just Won telling Sa Rang in the pool in the gloriousness that is ep 10 that he missed seeing her face in so many words and God. God them!!!!! laying face down on the ground and sobbing they're too much for me
despite all of this i know something has to give in the upcoming episodes, though, and while i am not asking for heavy angst (no devastating messy breakup arc i am on my knees begging at this point) i do hope we get to explore more of that kind of dynamic between Sa Rang and Won and get a cathartic moment for him while we're at it. (if you're not going to send him to therapy to address his childhood trauma [possible panic attack trigger i see you in the ep 11 preview] then let the man cry ffs) looking forward to whatever they do as much as you are, anon <333
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finniestoncrane · 8 months
feel kind of terrible that my replies have a slower delivery rate than most postal services like i am sorry there’s only one of me and i have a great union so i can’t force myself to get back to you any sooner than 4-5 business days
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