#poor robert looks exhausted
bobbie-robron · 1 year
I just sat up all night praying that he won’t die.
Danny offers himself as help to Andy on the farm. It’s a new day and DI Keysell is once again keeping an eagle’s eye on Andy and Robert. Alan and Rodney check on Jack via Robert who is clearly exhausted at this point but Rodney manages to lighten the mood at least temporarily. Jack’s doctor easily persuades Keysell to leave the room post haste. Jack begins to stir.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
Construction Dog Co.
Each one of these dumb brutes belongs to me! They once had their own lives and careers, but I replaced all that with the blind obedience of a dog. My words dictate their reality, so they'll believe anything I say. That's why it seems perfectly normal for them to wait like this every morning. They'd kneel there all day if I let them, but they need to work eventually!
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"Get off your knees, dogs! Hop to work! It's the only thing you're good for!" I yell it with venom, but I relish seeing my words soaking in into their minds. With just a simple command, I've convinced them all that they are animals, good only for hard work and manual labor.
The men rush to their feet, scrambling to pick up where they'd left off yesterday. I don't bother understanding the minor details of their day to day responsibilities. I have different boys programmed to manage all that crap for me. I really only bother watching them sweat their days away.
Being the supervisor can get a bit boring, especially after hearing, "Thank you, boss. I love you, boss," for like the seventh time in a day. It kind of loses it's meaning after awhile.
That's why I often use them for entertainment. Watch this!
"Hey, you two!" I call, pointing at two sweaty workers nearby, "You're in love with each other. Make out!"
Despite being hot and exhausted, the two men drop their tools and perk up. When they meet each other's eyes it's like they're seeing one another for the first time. They practically slam their bodies together in a race to each other's throat, and within seconds the two guys are lost in a world of dirt, saliva, and lust.
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I do this with my men often, but who could blame me! I handpicked each one of them because they were strong and hot. If they're going to be hypnotized work slaves, then I need to enjoy how they look.
"You too aren't doing anything else but each other for the rest of the day," I command with a laugh, "Got it?"
"Yes, sir," their replies are moaned out between breaths.
A lot of my laborers were straight before they met me, but these two were creeps about it. I think I found them at the gym, hitting on girls between every set. I obviously enjoyed erasing their raunchy personalities. I find it even more enjoyable watching them grope and slobber over each other, knowing that those bodies would've never done that before I came along.
Those jagoffs are just the beginning of my day! I leave them after they've tumbled to the ground, humping each other like the dumb animals they are.
"You there!" I point to a different guy, quietly stacking blocks nearby, "Get over here and clean the floor as I walk. These Timberlands are brand new and I don't want mud on them."
"Yes, sir," the worker answers and rushes over, throwing himself to the ground before me.
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I chuckle and study the poor loser in front of me. With just a few short words, I have him scrubbing a place for me to walk like I'm his king. I scoff in disbelief when I finally recognize who the guy was.
"Wait, are you that jerk from the bank?"
"Yes, sir," he admits quietly, keeping his head lowered towards his work.
"Well shit, you've come a long way! Can you believe that a week ago you were some fancy banker who tried to deny me a loan?" I give his head a little nudge with the toe of my shoe, "This is a much better place for you...uh... Robert...or was it Roger?"
"Reggie, sir," he quickly corrects me.
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore," I scowl at him, "Forget your name. You're just a construction dog, now. Understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Who are you?"
"I'm...I'm just a construction dog." I can tell he believes it now, too. I'm probably the only one here that knows his real name, and I'll definitely forget it within a few days.
"Good boy," I pat him on the head, "Now, you're going to stay ahead of me and keep clearing the floor for me to walk."
Reggie mumbles "Yes, sir," and crawls forward to scrub away the dirt in my immediate vicinity. Continuing on my tour, the poor guy struggles to keep up on all-fours, but a good work animal must get used to that position.
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By the end of the day, my entire pack of men is sweaty and exhausted. I usually make them all work the maximum shift with no breaks, so it makes sense for them to be tired. Still, they are programmed to come and kneel before me, waiting to be dismissed. They're all a bit antsy for a rest, but I like to test their patience.
"Alright, boys. You're dismissed for the night."
With a collective groan, they climb back to their feet, marching off to the bunk house.
The bunk house is where I keep them when they aren't working. It might seem tight but each guy has enough room to sleep; although, I make them share because I don't want to purchase anymore bunk spaces. I don't really like to spend any money on them. They have access to the porta-john out back, but otherwise they aren't allowed to go anywhere else. I also only gave them the clothes they work in, so they sleep in them too.
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Needless to say, it stinks in there. Between the heat, body odor, unwashed clothes, and lack of showers, they've created quite the stench. I avoid their home as much as I can, but sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me. This is the first time I've seen it in weeks.
"Come on boys, don't look so glum!" I chastise them, "Smile! Act like you're happy to see me!"
I watch as a switch goes in each of their minds. Slowly, they snap out of their foggy eyed depression, and light up. The energy of the room transforms as reassuring smiles spread across each of their manly faces.
"That's better! You boys are a tight-knit team! You love each other!" I add, "You don't mind the back-breaking work, or the smell, or anything as long as you're together."
The men become even more at ease, relaxing into the arms of their coworkers. My heart is warmed a little, seeing them getting along with each other so well. They're acting like energetic little puppies now.
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I'm ready to leave them for the night. It's time for me to return to my luxury condo down the street, but before I do, I catch sight of one of my workers. An idea springs into my head.
"You, there. Come with me."
"Yes, sir," he answers, though he seems genuinely disappointed to be leaving his buddies.
I lead him outside and hose him off to remove at least some of the mud and sweat. We walk all the way to my apartment. Luckily, he's mostly dry by then so I take him inside.
"Is this going to take awhile, sir?" he asks nervously, "I'm pretty tired and my bedmate is going to sleep soon."
"Shut up and get on the bed," I command.
His mouth snaps shut and he obediently approaches my soft king bed, crawling onto it like I told him to. I sigh when I notice that the stupid oaf still tracked a lot of mud in. I'll have to make him clean it all up later.
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"Now, you aren't going to speak or move unless I tell you too," I instruct, "But you will realize that anything I do will be exactly what you want: no matter what I do..."
He gazes back at me numbly.
"Tell me you understand."
"I understand, sir," he instantly repeats.
Tonight is going to be a long night for him. Too bad he still has to wake up early and report to work. I'm already planning on sleeping in. I don't mind keeping my workers waiting for a few hours while I rest. It's my company after all, and they're just dogs for labor...
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poppykreslina · 3 months
Robert Hawkins info Post :
He was a big music fan, here’s a list of artists Rob liked.
1. MushroomHead
2. HIM band
3. BlackStreet
4. Misfits
5. Dr Dre
6. DMX
7. Lil wyte
8. Judas Priest
9. Dope
Anything besides country music
His close Friend he was living with at the time told me about the time when he seen Rob return to school after being sent away. He said “ So a couple years go by and l'm in computer class and he's just like heyyyy what's up man and I go holy shit Robby what's up like where have you been. And I remember him telling me he was like man I got sent away like I tried to kill my step mom because she was being a bitch I sprayed raid on her food. And to me at the time I was like kind of laughing like are you serious and just it sounded so stupid it was kind of funny and l'm just like wth hell but we started talking again just immediately picked up right where we left off we were laughing like hyenas never laughed so hard in my life”
“ We would tell jokes and stories and make fun of people and this time it was like we were best friends I'd see him in the halls and say hi but we never hung out out side of class”
His friend also told me about Kaci. The girl he cheated on like twice
“ I knew Kaci and we were talking and they met then rob asked me if Kaci could come over and yeah they hooked up in my basement lol
I could hear it and it was the funniest thing ever”
“ I remember when he got her too like I was jealous because I had a crush on her for the longest and she was hot she liked me but as soon as she met Rob she was just like omg he's the sexiest person I ever seen and I'm like who rob and you look at him and he's all feeble and like ohhh h-h-heyyyy”
“ My friends were there too and yeah... He put the work in on that poor girl
She was screaming his name and you just heard this smacking noise we were like damn rob”
The girl Rob threatened
“ So the girl that he threatened or whatever was his ex girlfriend and I don't know what they were arguing about but I think it was because he wanted to go back to his girlfriend Kaci he cheated on her with that girl and then he apologized to Kacie said he loved her and didn't want to be with the other girl and she flipped out or something and he just said like leave me alone or l'm gonna k*ll you
About Robs mom Molly
“ That's what really pissed him off too is his mom didn't want anything to do with him at all until she found out he was living with us and he even told me like man my mom's being all nice I think his mom was just jealous or she thought we had money or something but she tricked him into letting her back in his life and she let him borrow that jeep and he was so happy he's like man I finally got wheels my mom is talking to me then she did what she always did she turned in him told him how pathetic he was and that she wanted all her stuff back and that what did it. He couldn't handle it anymore and he snapped
Idk what that lady's problem is but shes evil”
Friend telling me what it was like when living with him
“ I just remembered like sitting down at the dinner table with him and my parents and we would be eating steak like regularly my dad always got good beef and grilled all the time he would always say how good everything was
And he like our dogs was always petting them”
Fake Fight Scene Vids
“We did like fake fight scenes and off roading four-wheeling we go to gun range film us shooting stuff we made a manikin and threw at people from inside the woods
I had this crappy purple truck but I cut the exhaust off it and put mud tires on it and we like tricked it out we put big huge stereo speakers in the back and black lights“
1. He was 5’7 (I asked a family member so don’t question it 😐)
2. He taught his sisters how to do the “blood” sign
3. His friends grandma made him a blanket and Rob said it was the best thing ever given to him. When the grandma passed away he even cried.
4. He had a stonery type voice lol
5. He would smoke a pack of cigarettes in one day
6. He worked at McDonald’s and Runza
7. Day before the shooting his friend tested out his gun while Rob was at work because he thought they were going to the shooting range the next day . When Rob found out about it he was furious telling his friend “you’re not supposed to touch that” going off on him.
Concerts Rob Went to
MushroomHead (2004)
Kottonmouth (2006-7??) Rob and His friend got kicked out of the venue because they were both caught smoking pot
All info found out by me
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winniemaywebber · 5 months
It's Been A Long, Long Time • Part 3
🌹 Uncle Rosie 🌹
read previous part here
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @archival-hogwash
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“Goodnight, you two!” you say as you watch your friends leave the room, Harry's arm wrapped around his wife. The look on their faces as they realize they get to share a bed for the first time in weeks because you're there to help sends a warm glow through your body. Happy to be here, yet missing home, you decide to call your Ma before it gets too late. The baby is dozing softly in the bassinet next to Croz's armchair and you tiptoe out of the room to ensure he isn't woken.
Dialing the number on the phone in the hall, you wait patiently.
“Rosenthal residence,” a voice says.
“Ma,” you reply, happy to hear her. “It's me. Just wanted to let you know I got here safe.”
“Well, I'm glad to hear it, Robbie. How are the Crosbys?”
“Oh, they're great, Ma. Being excellent parents just like I knew they would be. I'm helping em out tonight, making sure they get a good rest together.”
“That's wonderful, son. I'm glad you're there to help.”
“Me, too. Now, Ma,” you begin nervously. “If the baby wakes up…what do I do?”
“Robert,” she sighs, instantly exasperated. “Did you make your poor, dear friends think you had it handled?” You pause, nervous to respond.
“Y-yes,” you finally stutter out. “But they need their rest and I couldn't leave them exhausted like that and I–”
“Son, it's easy. Change the diaper, heat the milk.”
“R-right…easy,” you pause again, shifting from one foot to the other. “How do I heat it?”
“Leave it in the bottle and put that in a pot of boiling water on the stove. Keep an eye on it. Not too hot, you don't want to burn the little fella's mouth, now. You'll be fine. It'll be good practice for you when your time comes with Josephine.”
At the mention of her name, you hear a cheeky cackle in the background. You smile at the sound, your heart suddenly beating ten to the dozen at the thought of her beautiful smile, how her eyes crinkle whenever she laughs at one of your terrible jokes. 
“Did she come for dinner?”
“Yes, son. She's spending the night, too. Nobody to take her home and I don't want her getting a cab at this hour.”
“That's sweet, Ma. Thanks for taking care of her.”
“Hold on just a minute…” there's a pause on the other end of the line until you hear your mother attempting to whisper.
“He's with the baby…yes, he seems to be in over his head,” you hear her laugh.
“Ma!” you shout over the line, eyes squeezed shut. “Don't tell her!” With that, the baby begins to wail from the next room and you sigh. “Ma, I have to go. The baby.”
“Good luck, Robbie. Josephine sends her love.”
“And I send it right back. G'night.”
Placing the phone into its cradle, you rush along the padded carpet to tend to the baby. 
“Hey, hey buddy,” you say as you reach him, hands going to lift him from his bed. “How's it goin’?” You coo, hoping you're able to calm him easily. Stroking his head with your gentle hand, he seems to relax instantly. “Huh,” you say, carrying on the movement. “Piece of cake.” 
Not quite asleep yet, you carry the baby in your arms over to the record player. Flipping through the Crosby record collection with your free hand, you find one that catches your eye. “Now this,” you murmur to the small child in your arms, his big brown eyes - exactly like his father's - gazing up at you as you place the record on the player one-handed, “is good jazz, little Croz.” 
The sounds of Artie Shaw softly blare through the room, you sitting down in the armchair. 
“Did you know,” you begin, looking at the baby's sweet face. “Now, I dunno if your Pop told you this yet. But there was a mission where me and my crew were completely alone. I don't mind telling ya, kid, I was petrified - who are you gonna tell, after all?” You muse on that for a moment. “Okay, maybe you'll tell your father, but that's fine by me. Anyway, completely alone, nothing but blue sky in front of me and my co-pilot. All I could think to do was to hum along to this.” You carry on telling the story as the music swells, rambling on about how all you could think of was getting back to base in one piece, being able to be back home for your Ma and your sweet Josephine. 
“That's Aunt Jo, by the way, kid. The second I marry her, I'm bringing her to see you. She's dying to see you, pal, and your sweet mama. So was I. We best buddies now? What d'ya say? Uncle Rosie pass the test?” At that final sentence, the baby's eyes close and he's softly snoring on you, his head burrowing into your chest. You feel your heart swell, tears suddenly pricking your eyes. You think back to that New Year during the war, where you'd written to Josephine, promising her the world, whatever she chose. Holding your friend's sleeping infant in your arms makes you realize that you want life to look like this with her.
You lay the baby down in his bassinet, the music softly playing in the corner of the room helping to soothe him, and you make your way back to the telephone. Dialing the number for home, you wait as the line rings. 
Hello?” A voice, thick with tiredness and hoarse from laughter. “Robbie?”
"Darling,” you breathe out, the sound of her sweet voice almost making you fall to your knees. Composing yourself, you carry on. “I just wanted to say goodnight.”
“How's our nephew?” she coos, her voice up an octave. 
“He's fine, my love. Has eyes just like his Papa. Hair like his Mother. Angelic face just like his Aunt Jo.”
"Oh, stop,” she teases. “How did you get on in the end? Your ma said you sounded quite panicked.”
“It was fine. Pretty easy, actually.” You take a deep breath in, preparing yourself for what you're about to say next. “I just wanted to reiterate what I meant in that letter, that new year. Being here has made me realize it more. Jo, I want to give you everything. A family, a herd of kids. Anything you want.”
“Darling…” she murmurs. “Then hurry up and marry me. I'm impatient.” You laugh, switching the phone to your other ear. 
“Besides,” she carries on. “Judging by your panic, I think we should wait a little longer to talk about having kids.”
You sigh, playfully. “But we can still practice making ‘em, right?”
“Robert, your mother is stood right next to me.”
“Oh–uh…uh oh.” Luckily, you hear your sweetheart giggle as she struggles to come back to normal.
“I love you, darling,” she whispers. “Goodnight.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I'll be dreaming of you.” 
“And me. Bye, Robbie.”
The phone clicks as you hear a tiny cry from the living room, the record having ended. Putting the phone back in its place, you walk back to the room, excited to share more anecdotes with your new best friend. 
thank you to @ginabaker1666 and @sagesolsticewrites for reading this over and over to make sure it was PERFECT 🥰
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this because of an idea I had, I hope you like it!
It is a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x female!reader imagine.
Thank you @footprintsinthesxnd for proofreading and for the great vet nurse infos!
This is also kinda for her, but I hope you like it too!
Warnings: a sick dog (but treatable)
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd was about to enter the waiting room of a veterinary clinic on one of his rare days off because Ace, his beagle, was sick.
Bob hadn't been sleeping well because Ace had been coughing a lot, Bob had felt every sound his beagle made in his chest as well and felt bad for his furry companion.
Whereas he would have loved to spend the day with his fellow aviators at the beach and a bar, he loved his dog enough to cancel his plans and be there for him.
He hadn’t made an appointment because the cough had developed overnight but he had called the clinic and they said he could come by if he had time to spare, which he had already accepted beforehand.
Poor Ace looked exhausted, his nose was running, his breath had a wheezing sound to it, and his nose was warm to the touch, which in this case certainly wasn’t a good sign.
So Ace and Bob found themselves in the entryway of a vet clinic, to help Ace feel better.
Bob made his way to the front desk with Ace trotting absentmindedly by his side, not in the mood to give Bob a hard time as he usually did.
The aviator watched his dog instead of focusing on where he was going, so the moment his eyes went up to the receptionist his breathing stopped momentarily.
“Can I help you?” A kind and gentle voice sounded, but Bob was too mesmerized by your beauty to be able to focus.
His eyes were wide and his breathing was heavy once he was able to remember to breathe again.
“Ma’am?” He asked softly once he gathered himself, blinking repeatedly as he stared at you.
You were looking back at him the same way, a little starstruck and your pupils blown.
“I asked how can I help you?” You repeated, a smile appearing on your face and a heat making its way to your cheeks.
The owner of your little customer reciprocated the smile with a nervous chuckle, reaching up to fix the glasses resting on his nose, even if they were neatly placed on his face.
“Yeah, I… uhm…” Bob began before he cleared his throat, his eyes not quite able to stay focused on yours.
“My… Ace is sick, I’d love for someone to take a look at him?” He asked gently, and you smiled with a warm glow in your eyes that immediately calmed his nerves.
“Alright, Sir, do you have an appointment?” You asked gently, and he shook his head with a small grimace that showed how uncomfortable he felt.
“I… well, his cough developed overnight, but I called and am willing to stay here all day if need be,” he answered and his blue eyes met yours again, and while his eyelids fluttered slightly he didn’t break eye contact.
“Alright, and your name is?” You asked him with a pen in hand and you saw his Adam's apple bob with anxiety.
“Lieutenant Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd. And yours?” He asked automatically, and you had to suppress a laugh as you set your pen down.
You told him your first name with an amused smile on your face, your eyes slightly wide with curiosity at the beautiful, timid stranger.
“Well then, Lieutenant, please take a seat. We’re pretty busy today but as soon as there’s time we’ll fit Ace right in,” you told him.
“I… please call me Bob,” he said softly and you nodded quickly.
“You can take a seat, Bob,” you answered him with a kindness that made him admire you even more.
He took a seat in a chair that was just opposite the reception area and he glanced back at you, but you managed to busy yourself with the paperwork quickly enough so it didn’t look like you had been watching him sit down.
Bob quickly looked down to make sure his dog was alright before he leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs, waiting for time to go by.
You did the same while you worked, but you kept glancing at your stranger.
Bob was attractive, with his hair neatly combed back and his glasses placed meticulously on his face, he wore some jeans that hugged the muscles in his thighs and his white t-shirt also hugged his body beautifully in the right places, which you hadn’t been able to appreciate when he had been standing in front of you.
Now that he was seated you had the chance to watch him occasionally and you loved it, looking at him as often as you could allow yourself to.
Nevertheless, you took your work seriously, so you went in and out of the room repeatedly, following your usual work routine.
You didn't notice it at first but after a bit, you felt Bob’s eyes on you every once in a while, which only made you smile.
You focused on work but Bob was always at the back of your mind, but his presence just made you happier.
Every time you entered the room your eyes went to the beagle and his owner, and occasionally your eyes met and you shared an equally embarrassed smile each time.
After a few hours, there was finally time for Ace, whom you had heard coughing a few times throughout the waiting period.
When the time finally arrived a wide smile spread over your face and you moved closer to your bespectacled stranger.
“Bob, the doctor is finally ready for Ace,” you told him and relief flashed over his features for a second.
You lead the two of them into the examination room and the doctor made sure to see how Ace was doing, under the watchful eyes of you and Bob.
“Alright, Mr. Floyd, Ace here has a condition called ‘kennel cough’, it’s an infectious kind of bronchitis. Not to worry, with the right anti-inflammatory drugs it’ll go away quickly,” he told Bob, who gave him his full attention while his hand ran over Ace’s fur.
That was the moment for you to notice how good his hands looked, so strong and slim, with veins running up his forearms.
Your cheeks heated up at the thoughts and your eyes traveled up his body to find Bob looking back at you.
You immediately averted your gaze but you saw the smile that threatened to grow on Bob’s face and the way his eyes lit up at the attention you were giving him.
The doctor gave Ace a shot before he let him go and Bob helped him off the table, his muscles straining with the dog’s weight which you couldn’t help but notice.
You guided them both out of the room and back into the waiting area.
“Ace should be alright in a matter of days. It usually takes ten to fourteen days. Feed him this once a day with his food,” you said softly, handing him the box with anti-inflammatory.
There was a long silence as the two of you stood together, sharing a gentle look with wide eyes and heat in both your cheeks.
Your breath was less deep than usual and your eyes were caught in his, the longing silence droning on until he finally spoke up.
“Ma’am, would you…” He began and you chuckled, interrupting his question which he gladly let you.
“You know my name, why don’t you use it,” you suggested and he smiled, neither of you breaking eye contact even for a little bit.
“Right, yes,” he cleared his throat and addressed you, your name rolling off his tongue, “would you want to go out with me sometime? For dinner?”
Your already low breath caught in your throat but at the same time a wide smile spread over your face, which also sent a relief over his face.
“I get off at seven,” you said softly and you heard Bob let out a breath he was undoubtedly holding.
“I’ll be there,” he said softly and you nodded quickly, while a rush of relief running over his face.
You watched him walk out and felt a warm and tingling sensation in your stomach that you hadn’t felt in years.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @a-reader-and-a-writer @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bespinnn @kmsryles343 @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @tipsykeen @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @jewels98 @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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cornerofhell · 4 months
Mkay so:
Headcanons about Andy's dad, Robert (Bob) Barclay
- Met Karen in high school, and they got married shortly after they graduated.
- Grew up pretty poor, but managed to get out and met Karen.
- Worked in a factory to help the family.
- Was one of the best dads you'll ever meet, even when he was exhausted he'd come home and play with his baby boy.
- He and Karen were very close and he was at her beck and call when she was pregnant
- Was a fan of the name "Samantha" if Andy had been a girl.
- Died in a car crash shortly after Andy turned four.
- Andy looks almost exactly like him.
- Probably decked Chucky the moment he saw him in the afterlife.
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latibvles · 1 month
Poet you have now unleashed a monster in me as well with the Mouse Hole crossovers. I’m dying to hear more about all of it but for right now, I need more details about Lena and Andrew Haldane. Idc if it takes the least realistic aus but I need them together
WE ARE SHAKING HANDS ANON, I LIKE THE LOOK OF THEM AND LENA DESERVES NICE THINGS. LIKE THE HANDSOME MARINE CAPTAIN WHO'S WAR ENDED JUST A LITTLE TOO EARLY JUST LIKE HERS. We are pulling from The Pacific School of Andrew Haldane Survives His Headshot which isn't the craziest leap to make. I am after all the person who looked at the 100th and said "you know what they need to do? Ride dragons." So... not the craziest thing to suggest. More of Lena & Andy under the cut.
So Lena is... very clearly not from Massachusetts, but you know who is?
Crank who she is very good friends with. And Jo, who she is also very good friends with.
And so Lena Connolly, post-war mechanic, is on her way up to New England, possibly to help Jo get her stuff from her parents' place to move in with Rosie. Or maybe she's just coming up to say hi to her two favorite people after a while of not seeing them. Both things are very Lena, because as we all know: she's a team player.
Maybe the car Lena's got right now isn't the most reliable thing, but it's all she's got for right now — and she's good at fixing them. It should be able to last her from Brooklyn to Boston: a mere four hours, right? Right?
Wrong. Maybe she hits a pothole too hard on the way up or something. But something is definitely knocked out of place and so she has to pull over to fix it. Sputtering exhaust, the poor thing's on its last legs.
Will that stop her from getting all up under the hood to try and fix the problem herself? No.
Will that also stop Andrew Haldane, who's finally coming home after being stuck in the Hospital Carousel for months, from asking his brother to pull over to see what's going on? Absolutely not. Doubly so because this person is half bent over under the hood of the car.
All of which to say — Andy Haldane meets Lena Connolly with a smudge of oil on her cheek, and her hands, frizzy-haired and huffy. Maybe he's making heart eyes about it. Shut up. Anyways she immediately goes on prattling in irritation about what's wrong and how she can't fix it before catching herself.
Robert offers to drive to the nearest telephone to call a tow company. Lena has, well, her stuff in the car so she doesn't want to leave it. Andy Haldane is now volunteering to wait on the side of the road with a complete stranger 98% because it's the right thing to do and 2% because she's pretty.
if I had a dollar for every blonde pacific man I paired with a ginger I'd have two whole dollars which isn't a lot but—
I think it starts as small talk really; curiosity about how she knows so much about cars, which leads into her being a mechanic, which lends itself to "I used to work on the big birds," and "Really?" and "Flight Engineer, 100th Bomb Group" and "Captain, Fifth Marines."
They don't dive into the nitty gritty details. Lena doesn't ask about that pink scar tissue on his temple and the hair that's shorter than the rest of it. Andy doesn't ask about how one of her fingers is just that much shorter than the others.
But he does make her laugh to take her mind off the tragedy that is her current mode of transportation (more like the lack of it). He does offer to take her wherever she's going (which is more like Robert doing it, because Andy isn't quite ready to be driving yet. But he'll gladly sit in that passenger's seat).
"Do you always offer rides to strangers down on their luck on the side of the road?" and "I feel like if I answer that you're gonna poke a hole in it no matter what I say."
Did I mention he likes making her laugh? Did I mention he's definitely got a crush?
They do get to Jo's, eventually, after Robert comes back and late afternoon is ebbing into early evening. Jo's frazzled and she does not recognize Strange Blonde Man with her at the door but Lena assures her that she'll get the full story later.
Lena also isn't shy when she likes somebody, so Andy does in fact get the New York number and not just the Boston one.
Which Andy calls, when she gets back to New York — her dad picks up first though, and she's giggling and apologizing half-heartedly over the phone.
It's a lot of phone calling and sometimes letter writing until Lena comes back up again. Because I can't escape the friends-to-lovers allegations. I also just think that Andy and Lena first kiss at Cape Cod? Sign me up, quite frankly.
I also think that calling someone at 2am because you can't sleep because you are Haunted™ is a look and by a look I mean the Andy/Lena look. Maybe he can't drive all the way to The Bronx but he'll definitely take the train when she's having a particularly hard time in the bleak midwinter.
My kink is couples who kind of have their shit together but are also just a really good team as well as lovers can we tell yet? Because they make a very good team. And Lena has fully committed herself to getting grease stains on that man's cheeks for years to come
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im-out-of-it · 1 year
weekly rant about my fav family and the atrocious writing:
I’m rereading chain of thorns and I’m at that part. y’all know the part. where a certain someone should not have died and how unnecessary it was. I like how grace is all like “you can stop this lucie.” bitchhhhh, couldn’t you have said that- hmmm, I don’t know maybe before Tatiana came out? like it’s so unnecessary and I am not here for CC hating the lightwoods and making sure each one from every generation dies.
Max- like what was he, an eleven year old? GONE. poor little boy 😭😭😭
Benedict- ok dude had it coming but he’s still a Lightwood and he died. plus Will makes a joke about it to Gabriel as if it’s not Gabriel’s trauma? the fuck. gabriel deserves better plus he needed more page time!!!! Gabriel and Gideon lost a father but yes, let’s make jests about it.
Kit- poor, sweet Kit. did not deserve to die like that. but of course, she’s not going to kill off any herondales because my god, we couldn’t survive that. can’t have our golden eyed and insufferable boys die. what vexed me most about this is the way CC went about it. I get they’re in this war but someone who is family and is practically family to y’all just died!!! but ok let’s grieve James and Matthew who are very much alive. wouldn’t be a CC book if we didn’t focus on the herondales.
tatiana- deserved it but I did not like how it was Cordelia. it should not have been her who killed her. Gabriel loses a son because of her, Gideon loses a daughter, Anna, Thomas, little Alexander, and Eugenia lose their brother, sister, cousin. literally Thomas loses his best friend who is basically his parabatai and his sister within the same year ish. I’m not sorry because it should not have been Cordelia to kill this wench.
Barbara- poor Barbara 😭 just wanted to marry Oliver but no, guess she’s got to go too. I would have liked to see more of her.
I swear that I do not want Magnus and Alec go adopt another kid if CC is going to kill them off. I know she holds herondales to this high degree but STOP HURTING THE LIGHTWOODS. yes, they are the best characters. without them, the world would probably be doomed. (looking at you jace lol we know you would’ve died without Alec or Izzy.)
adding Robert. he gone too. she even kills all the lightwoods in Thule like what is her obsession with hating this wonderful family? this is why I would rather she stop with the series. these are some of my fav characters but her carelessness and her desire to put one family above everyone else and simply act like nobody else matters is exhausting. as you know, I adore the lightwoods but it’s so draining to see them being treated like this. the only ones who I was glad to see gone was Tatiana and Benedict. you’ll never see her kill off a herondale. Stephen does not count because he wasn’t really introduced, and the other members were barely in stories, just mentioned.
and it’s fine if she has a preference. I love the lightwoods so much but there’s a different with you killing off multiple members of a family and writing out your fav family as untouchable. ahhhh, poor kit. he died and only Thomas and Anna had emotions through it all. we don’t even get to see Gabriel’s or cecilys reaction. what the fuck. I don’t know what CC was feeling writing this but I would have honestly rather she waited until she felt like writing it. it’s not fair what happened to Kit or the family over and over again. I wish she would do better but that’s too high of a hope for CC.
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melanie-ohara · 8 months
Whumpuary2024 Masterpost
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As well as every story I've written this month I also want to include some Fun Stats! about my experience of the challenge, as well as a playlist of all the songs I used lyrics from in my titles. Here we go:
The stats:
Words written: 53,034 (!!!!!)
Stories released: 17
Longest story: Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful, 4,165 words, Mass Effect Andromeda
Shortest story: Like a Mouthful of Rain, 963 words, Original Work
Favourite story: Do You Want Me On Your Mind? 2,950 words, Baldur's Gate 3
Chocolate bars consumed: 20
Times cried while writing: four
Main prompts used: 27
Alt prompts used: 3
The stories:
These are all available on tumblr too, but for expedience and convenience these are all AO3 links. I'm also listing the song I used for the title, which wasn't something I was doing intentionally until the third story, at which point I figured it was better to lean into it and find songs that work for the characters I'm writing about rather than straining my poor brain to think of an original title.
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful
Mass Effect Andromeda, Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
Prompts: Snow, Captivity
Title stolen from Let It Snow by Ella Fitzgerald
My Heart Was Wired in Thorns
Baldur's Gate 3, Dark Urge (Sithla) & Wyll, Dark Urge & Lae'zel
Prompts: "Get away from me", Choking
Title stolen from Circus Bazooko by BRMC
In The Woods Somewhere and Take Yourself Apart For Me
Star Wars Ahsoka, Wolfwren (Sabine and Shin)
Prompts: Stabbed, Used as Bait, Lightheaded, "Help me"
Titles stolen from In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier and Haunt by BRMC
Hollow Yourself in the Mercy of Man
Original Work - Sci-fi
Prompt: Can't Move
Title stolen from Mercy of Man by Robert Levon Been ft. S.G. Goodman
Like a Mouthful of Rain
Original Work - Medieval
Prompt: Kidnapped
This one was hard to write. The previous day's story was such a failure in my eyes that I scrapped the planned second chapter and almost didn't write anything at all, until I threw this together at the last minute. I liked it quite a lot, in the end.
Title stolen from Revolver by Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
Alive, Just to Watch the Bruises Heal
Mass Effect, Shepard/Thane Krios
Prompts: Exhaustion, Old Injuries
This one got pretty dark, but it's something I've been thinking about for literally years. I'm not the first person to justify the ME1 scars not being in ME2, but I might be the first person to think about Shepard putting them back.
Title stolen from Bruises by Band of Skulls
I'm Not Here Looking For Absolution
Star Wars, Nitearmor (Bo Katan/The Armorer)
Prompts: "I didn't know where else to go", Bruises
It is genuinely surprising to me that this is the only smut I wrote for this month
Title stolen from Bedroom Hymns by Florence + The Machine
Like a Broken Sail
Dishonored, Billie Lurk
Prompts: Hostage, Muffled Screams
I really liked this one because I got to subvert the second prompt a little. I was looking forward to it for days before I got to write it
Title stolen from Future Starts Slow by The Kills
The Working of My Hands
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Emily of Rivington)/Lae'zel
Prompts: "Do you trust me?", Restraints
Title stolen from De Selby, Part 2 by Hozier
No Hope For Me, Your Last Serving Daughter
Original Work - Etagne Empire
Prompts: Desperation, Can't Stay Awake
This is a story about a character from my work-in-progress book, MYSTERIES IN THE LAND OF ICE.
Title stolen from Hope In The Air by Laura Marling
Do You Want Me On Your Mind?
Baldur's Gate 3, Nocturne/Shadowheart, Tav (Mellephora)/Shadowheart
Prompts: Memories, Forced to Watch
Another prompt I had fun subverting
Title stolen from Fuel to Fire by Agnes Obel
Rulers Make Bad Lovers
Dishonored, Emily Kaldwin/Wyman/Alexi Mayhew
Prompts: "You're awake", Unfair Fight
Title stolen from Gold Dust Woman by Copilot Music + Sound (originally by Fleetwood Mac)
See How Deep the Bullet Lies
Mass Effect, Shiara (Shepard/Liara)
Prompts: Left to Die, "I'm fine"
Title stolen from Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
I'll Be Your All For Now
Dishonored, Cecelia/Callista
Prompts: Sleep Deprivation, "Let me see"
These two are my number one rarepair, I love them
Title stolen from Echo by BRMC
Can't Touch You Now and A Soft Caress, As Cold As Death
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Calarisa)/Karlach
Prompts: Touch-starved, Aftermath
Titles stolen from Because the Night by Garbage & Screaming Females (originally by Patti Smith), and I Want to Live by Borislav Slavov ft. Ilona Ivanova
The songs I stole lyrics from
Here is a spotify playlist of all the music I used, most of which fit the stories or characters in them. They do not flow into each other at all and there's an over-abundance of BRMC (they're my favourite band, shoot me), but these are all songs I really love. Apart from Let it Snow. That's there because I didn't plan any of this.
Final thoughts
Whumpuary2024 is the first month-long challenge I've undertaken, and it was extremely hard and really rewarding. I aimed to average a thousand words a day and blew clear past that most days, and a few times I barely stumbled across the line as beaten and bloodied as the people I was writing about. I'm incredibly glad I did it and I will probably try again next year (though maybe not a prompt a day next time!). Thank you @whumpuary for the fun event and for randomly crossing my dash at a moment when I was feeling creative enough to sign myself up
If anyone made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you like the stories. It's not a secret that I'm adding a secret 18th story as a follow up to the Wolfwren series, but this is your special confirmation that it'll be out February the first and second
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Fixer Upper: A Long Day - Mechanic!Curtis x Reader
A/N: This is dedicated to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ as it was our conversation that inspire me to finally finish this wip that I was too tired to finish for months! Hope you enjoy this comforting Curtis
Summary: Curtis looks after you after a very long, tiring day at work
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist / AU Masterlist
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Walking into the break room you let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. When you reached your locker you rested your forehead against the cold metal fighting the urge to fall asleep right there and then.
“I think I might have actually died and come back as a zombie at hour 9” you hear Mollie say as she walks into the break room behind you.
You let out a weak snort of laughter lifting your head so you could look over at her “That was me at hour 7”
“Oh god yeah you had that Karen didn’t you? What happened in the end?” Mollie asks as she opens up her locker and pulls out her bag.
“Dr Roberts had to step in and you know she takes no shit,” you tell her, your head back resting against your locker.
“Did she do her worst-case scenario trick?” Mollie smirks knowingly.
“Oh yeah” you laugh nodding your head “threw in some Latin phrases too, Karen was quaking in her boots and finally let them do the procedure”
“What was even her problem to begin with? It's a simple minor surgery” Mollie asks as she shrugs on her coat.
“She didn’t like that Dr Roberts was a female, and demanded a male surgeon” you explain finally having the energy to open your locket and grab your bag and coat.
“Asshole” Mollie grumbles before smirking to herself “should introduce her to Mr Tanner”
You couldn’t help but snort with laughter at the idea of that “I would say that would be a match made in heaven but they both belong in hell so,” you say shrugging on your coat.
“Hell-born soulmates” Mollie chuckles as the two of you finally make your way out of the break room “So you got plans for the evening?”
“No I’m too exhausted to do anything, just gonna collapse on the couch and fall asleep,” you say shaking your head.
“Poor Curtis” Mollie smirks making you roll your eyes “I bet he wanted to get lucky tonight”
“Curtis knows well enough that after a 12-hour shift, I am dead to the world, he’ll probably just tinker in the garage for the evening while I get an early night,” you say shaking your head, wrapping your arms around yourself as you step out into the cold evening air.
“Ah, so that’s why I never hear you the day after,” Mollie says making you frown in confusion “You’re too busy getting busy” she smirks.
“You’re a nightmare” you state shaking your head.
“I don’t hear you denying it,” Mollie says in a sing-songy voice as she walks over to her car, you respond by just flipping her off while carrying on to your car “Love you!” She calls out.
“Love you too” you call back before climbing into your car.
The brief boost of energy you had gotten from stepping out into the cold evening air was completely depleted by the time you got home. Trudging into the house like a zombie. Jacques came running over to you instantly his whole body wiggling as he said hello.
“Hey buddy, yes hello,” you say tiredly, giving him a few pats.
“Hey, how was work?” Curtis asks as he appears from the kitchen.
“Urgh” you respond making Curtis chuckle as he walked over.
“Scale from one to ten how tired are you feeling?” He asks as he helps you take off your coat, hanging it up for you.
“Z” you mutter.
Curtis chuckles once more as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his embrace. You bury your face in his chest, breathing in his woodsy, smoky scent which was just distinctly him.
“It’s a good thing I already have dinner on the good, should be done in the next five minutes,” Curtis tells you, his large hand running up and down your back.
“Is it comfy food?” You mumble, your voice muffled by his chest.
“It’s mac and cheese so it's the definition of comfy food” Curtis chuckles “And afterwards I’ll run you a bath to soothe all the aches I know you’ll have and then we’ll stick on a movie you don’t care about falling asleep during and call it a night”
You let out a small hum “sounds amazing but I don’t think I have the energy to move past this point”
Curtis chuckles kissing the top of your head “not a problem sweetie, just hold on tight,” he says.
You were about to question what he meant but you didn’t get the chance. Squeaking in surprise when he bent down enough to hook his hands behind your knees, lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his skinny waist.
“And I’ll do all the moving,” he says kissing your cheek which with the added leverage was now level with his.
Curtis carried you into the kitchen before carefully setting you down at the table. He then bent down to untie the laces of your shoes and slowly slip them off. He put them out of reach of Jacques before cupping your cheek and softly kissing you.
“Relax, you more than deserved it,” he says pecking your lips once more as the timer on the oven goes signalling that dinner was ready.
You smile softly, resting your chin in your hand as you watched Curtis pull the mac and cheese out of the oven. He quickly served out two portions, placing your plate down in front of you with a kiss to the top of the table.
“Under the table Jacques” Curtis says as he sits down, Jacques running under the table and lying down so he was still in prime position for scraps but wouldn’t be staring you down.
You smiled over at Curtis as you tucked in, the mac and cheese being the perfect pick-me-up comfort meal, especially since Curtis had made it.
Once you had finished eating Curtis cleared up the plates, turning back to you he crouches down and moves your arms so they were around his shoulders. He murmured another “Hold on tight” as he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You giggle softly, kissing his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder as he carries you through the house. He takes you upstairs and into the bathroom settling you down on the counter as he moves to run you a bath.
“Let’s get these scrubs off,” he says as he turns back to you.
“Will you get in with me?” You ask reaching out to tug at his light grey vest.
A smile tugs at your lips “You’re supposed to be relaxing” he points out as he pulls off your scrub top.
“And I can’t think of a better way to relax” you smirk making him chuckle.
“Fine but no funny business” Curtis says with a knowing look.
You hold your hands up in surrender “I’ll keep my hands to myself as long as you do” you say making Curtis laugh again.
“Sure, now c’mon” he grins leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose.
You watch with a lazy smile on your face as Curtis undresses and climbs into the bath. Sliding off the counter you finish getting undressed yourself and climb in with him, letting out a moan as you sink into to warm water.
Once you were seated Curtis wraps his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your shoulder “Feel good?” He hums.
“So so good” you sigh happily, leaning back into his chest.
Curtis hums running his hands up your arms before resting them on your shoulder and begging to massage your neck and shoulders. You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your lips as he kneaded the knots away with his large skilled hands.
“Oh yeah right there” you moan, your head tilting forward to give him better access.
Curtis lets out a low chuckle, leaning forward to press a kiss to the back of your neck. He continues to massage you until all the knots were gone and you were practically slumped against him.
When the water began to cool you both climbed out, Curtis wrapping you in a warm fluff towel capturing your lips in his for a sweet kiss. You then got dressed into some comfy PJs and climbed into bed while Curtis went to make sure the house was all locked up.
When he returned he pulled you into his embrace and stuck on one of your favourite Disney movies. One that you’d seen so many times that you didn’t mind falling asleep during. Which was good because the cosy feeling that being in Curtis’ arms gave you meant it wasn’t long until you fell asleep in his arms. Curtis pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head as you dozed off.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this! and leave a comment to really make my day!
Lets have a chat!
Masterlist / AU Masterlist
I don’t have a tag list by follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notification to keep up to date!
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
But you’re not the only one to blame, are ya? If me and Katie… well, I could can understand it… after what we did. (Part 2.2)
Robert calls Katie about Andy being at the hospital and now he’s itching to not cover for Andy. DI Keysell continues to be just there, just waiting for the truth to be uncovered. I guess tragedy really does bring people together as Robert takes part of the blame for Jack’s shooting and the brothers end up hugging. Andy’s guilt ridden as nothing about the current situation is worth it and apologizes to Robert.
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steel-winter-rose · 1 month
[cont from x]
A sick irony it was, to be in the battlefield and seeing those droplets of blood splatter on the ground before her, the color of rubies, a painful reminder of the Prince that was slain, taken from her. Yet, somehow she survives once more, something that at point in her life felt was to punish her for the sins of her past, to live while those she loved perished, however perhaps it was that she needed to live to be able to guide the son whom never knew her, to regain their home from those who thought to steal and destroy it. The poor maester looked both exhausted and fearful when tending to the she-wolf’s wounds, all those nearby more than likely hearing the curses and threats that left her lips, to be knit picked and fussed over was never something the woman enjoyed, and with the pain felt the last thing she wanted was to be prodded and moved about. The sight of Jon has her attempting to sit up but quickly reminded why she was unable to, and leans back against the pillow, eyes shifting between him and the elderly man who soon left them to be alone and closing the door behind him. 
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“Such would not be the first time I have done so…” A wry chuckle follows when looking at him, reminded of when they once said the same when she birthed her son, they did not think she would survive the night given how much blood there was along with the fever; yet the Gods saw to it that she did. There is a brief silence at his question, head turning away when feeling her throat become dry and eyes burning with a building ushed moisture, trying to think of what to say, how to say it, never did she think there would be a chance to have this discussion and now that they were, she was a loss for words. “You need not correct yourself, Ned was a father to you, he raised you as his own.” Emotion seeps through when mentioning her beloved brother, the memory of his loss still fresh in her mind, only when he mentions her being ashamed of him does the mother now meet his gaze, her own sharp and almost scolding. “I was not ashamed of you, not even for a moment. You were my greatest joy, the one thing aside from your father that I loved most in this world” 
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“I made Ned swear to me that he would protect you, and so he did…because he loved you just as I do.” As painful as it was, she came to sit up, just slightly squeezing his hand that was in hers, looking at him now so that he could see the seriousness in her gaze, to convey just how true all her words were. “I did not hide you away out of shame, but out of love, because there was no other way…if you were to be with me then all would know who you truly were…Robert would have killed you in a single breath.” Hand trembled now, a hard knot forming in her throat before swallowing slowly, and her heart now echoed in her ears. “Because…your true father…was Rhaegar Targaryen.”
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Hello love!
"Have you seen Charlotte’s and Harry’s wedding episode from Sex and the City?
Well, something very similar happened at Rosie’s and Ruth’s wedding. Every single thing went wrong, but honestly, it’s Rosie and Ruth; you can't expect perfection.
Thankfully, they had already eloped in England, and the only one who knew was Abe, so this traditional wedding was just for show.
Anyway, back to the point. While Rosie and Ruth were dancing their final dance before leaving the venue, everyone was commenting on how in love they looked and guessing they were whispering sweet nothings to each other because they wouldn’t stop talking.
The actual conversation that went down during the dance:
Rosie: “My love, I can’t wait to leave; my feet are killing me.”
Ruth: “Oh yes, mine too! Are your shoes one size too small?”
Rosie: “Yes, they are! I can’t wait to take these off and soak in a hot bath.”
Ruth: “I can't wait to free whatever’s holding my hair up. And I'm starving—let's ditch this place and eat.”
Rosie: “I’m so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week. When we get home, we’ll strip off these torture devices, have a nice bath, and eat in bed.”
Ruth: “I’m exhausted too. My back is killing me, and these clothes are suffocating. I’m with you. Now, dip me for a dramatic finale, and let’s bounce!”
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Oh Nonny, you're absolutely right. I LOVE IT!! And this gif here above? Absolutely how I imagine Ruth and Rosie going back to their hotel and acting.
Because here's the thing....Ruth didn't particularly care for going to High School dances or proms. Her mother practically had to FORCE her to say yes to the poor boys who asked her. And she didn't particularly care for parties either—and she REALLY didn't enjoy Sarah or Alice's weddings. They were BORING in her opinion and she decided fairly early on, she wanted the entire thing (if she ever DID get married) to be as casual and low-key as it gets.
Robert Rosenthal, on the other hand, has been dreaming of a traditional wedding his entire life. And so has his mother. And so has Ruth's mother. So yes, he went with the elopement route because it was going to be the easiest way to appease Ruth—who just wore her JAG-Corp uniform and had the biggest grin on her face anyways. Are they doing the whole wedding when they get back for kicks and giggles so that their mothers can leave them be? Absolutely.
But the thing is....they've already been married for weeks, maybe even months by the time that Ruth, Rosie, or Abe is able to go home and actually let their families know. So it's not like the wedding was a big deal for them anyway. They're absolutely there for the socializing because it's polite and considered socially appropriate/correct. The minute that reception is over though? They are ducking out to go and eat food, swap court case stories in a shared bath, and then have a long night's sleep.
Which of course will be followed by sleepy morning sex haha.
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grandhotelabyss · 5 months
Irish literature has a special place as part of the British/English-Language canon, thanks largely to Wilde-Yeats-Joyce-Beckett, but which would you say are the best works and writers of Scotland and Wales?
I will unfortunately have to pass on Wales. I don't think I've read any Welsh literature except for the Mabinogion (selections) and Dylan Thomas (anthology pieces). And Raymond Williams, I suppose: not, however, my favorite critic. Surely Dylan Thomas is the most celebrated of Welsh writers, though. And Roald Dahl, but he's a blank to me.
I'm no expert on Scotland, either, but I appear to have read a reasonable amount of Scottish literature by accident. I have nothing non-obvious to say, however. There's their celebrated Enlightenment, first of all, with David Hume's urbane and skeptical review of the limits to our knowledge and Adam Smith's humane interest in the emotional origin and economic extension of what we're morally capable of. And Charlotte Lenox, looking forward to Austen's disenchantments with her Female Quixote. Then comes the counter-Enlightenment: Robert Burns's earthy testaments in dialect that presage Romantic verse and its lyrical ballads, Walter Scott's recreation of the vanquished clan-life that invents the historical novel, and perhaps above all Thomas Carlyle's thundering proto-fascist denunciations of modernity in a prose that destroys forever all rhetorical decorum and prepares the ways for everyone from Emerson to Melville to Lawrence. Modern myths at the fin de siècle: Robert Louis Stevenson giving us Long John Silver and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Arthur Conan Doyle coming through with Sherlock Holmes. And Peter Pan, too, though I've never actually read that, either play or novel—just caught its later refractions. Who in the 20th century? David Lindsay with his cult fantasy novel A Voyage to Arcturus, favorite of Frank Lloyd Wright and Harold Bloom and Alan Moore, which bored and horrified me so much. Muriel Spark, skeptical as Hume, inventive as Stevenson: I must read more of her. I must read more of Alasdair Gray, too, but I just recently enjoyed his enviably inventive Poor Things on account of the film. (And I must read more of Scott. And something of Smollett. And Scottish Boswell's life of English Johnson. I've read as much Adam Smith as I ever want to read, however.) Finally, I was a teen in the mid-to-late '90s, so, too old for Harry Potter and his semi-Scottish creator—that was kids' stuff, I thought, and still think—I spent my adolescent time instead poring over (as I have exhaustively mentioned) Grant Morrison and (as I may not have mentioned at all) Irvine Welsh. That's all this provincial American has to tell you about Scottish literature for now.
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EYES: avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact when nervous, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes move constantly during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking
HANDS: clasps behind back,  rests in lap,  fidgets with clothes,  twiddles thumbs,  chews at nails,  pushes back cuticles,  draws patterns on table/counter surfaces,  animated gestures while speaking,  only gestures to emphasize,  utilizes sign language,  speaks only through sign,   callouses,  scars,  smooth,  wrinkled,  worn,  soft,  delicate,  boney,  slender,  thick,  veiny,  touches others while speaking,  reaches out while laughing,  reaches out to comfort others,  reaches out to seek comfort,  places face in hands when exasperated,  places face in hands when exhausted,  places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed,  rests chin in hands,  taps fingers when impatient,  taps fingers when nervous,  taps fingers while thinking,  scratches scalp,  strokes chin,  rubs back of head,  toys with objects around them,  runs fingers over surfaces while walking by
MOUTH: chews lip, chews at inside of cheek,  licks lips,  bites tongue,  chews on straws,  resting frown,  resting smile,  neutral resting expression,  resting pout,  grinds teeth,  flexes jaw,  covers mouth when laughing,  covers mouth when shocked,  covers mouth when concerned,  hands to lips while thinking,  covers mouth when chewing,  chews with mouth closed,  chews with mouth open,  smirks,  grins,  subtle smiles,  wide smiles,  sad smiles,  intimidating smiles,  menacing grins,  openly smiles,  tries to suppress smiles,  bares teeth when angry,  lips quiver when emotional,  stutters,  speaks quickly,  speaks slowly,  good pronunciation,  poor pronunciation,  moderate pronunciation,  purses lips,  sucks in lips,  holds mouth open when shocked or confused
LEGS:  bounces leg when nervous,  draws knees to chest when sitting,  draws knees to chest as a means of comfort,  sits on knees,  sits with legs criss crossed,  sits with legs spread open in chairs,  crosses legs when sitting in chairs,  sits with one leg folded under the other,  places feet on furniture,  never places feet on furniture,  sits on counters,  sits on desks,  sits on tables,  sits on edge of seat,  sits hunched over with forearms on knees,  arches one knee up,  sits on the arm of chairs/couches,  feet on dashboard,  swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated,  wiggles toes when nervous,  wiggles toes as a general tick,  shuffles feet,  kicks foot into ground,  stomps feet,  loud footsteps,  quiet footsteps,  silent footsteps 
HAIR:  runs fingers through hair,  tugs at hair,  picks at scalp,  chews on hair,  twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  prefers hair out of face,  prefers long hair,  prefers short hair,  wears hair back,  keeps hair down,  smooths back hair,  plays with other’s hair while talking,  plays with own hair while talking,  strokes hair to comfort others,  likes having hair stroked for their own comfort,  braids others’ hair while talking,  braids own hair while talking,  flips hair out of face,  pushes hair out of face,  leaves hair alone even when falling into face
tagged by: @salvatoraes tagging: @fyrewalks (ROBERT), @wtsns , @lvebug , @snowinabottle , @artisanals (leo), @misquigley + VIEWERS LIKE YOU!
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
I just had some teeth removed so I’m exhausted, but I wanted to write a Chucky fanfic, so here we are :). It’s part thirteen of my Chucky transfers his soul into a human at the end of Seed au and it’s (fittingly) about teeth. Standard disclaimer for all fics in this au, until the twins are fourteen they’ll be referred to by he/him (Glen) and she/her (Glenda). In this fic, the twins are about five or six and are losing their first teeth.
The parenting books had said that this was a special time, a painful time even. Chucky and Tiffany had tried to learn the best ways to comfort and be there for their children when they lost their first teeth. Glen lost a tooth first, and it was pretty much standard procedure. He wiggled it a bit, and a few minutes later a single white tooth was sitting on top of his thumb. He cried a little at the amount of blood, but after Chucky told him that he looked like a soldier he was happy. He was even happier the next day when he found $5 under his pillow from the tooth fairy. But nothing prepared them for Glenda.
It all started when Robert Smith lost a tooth. Glenda was a little bit envious, but she was fine. Then it was Louise Wall, then Sammy Jones. Before they knew it, every other child had lost a tooth. Every child that is, except Glenda. And oh boy, that girl was competitive.
The first time Chucky and Tiffany walked past the bathroom and saw their daughter standing in front of the mirror trying to poke at all of her teeth, they shuddered. The next few weeks were going to be absolute hell.
Glenda’s second attempt to get a tooth to come out was repeatedly biting into apples. This wouldn’t have been much of a problem, all kids should eat healthy, right? The only downside was that Tiffany had arranged a family photoshoot at an orchard. She turned her back for just ten minutes to talk to the photographer and when she came back… every single one of the apples was gone. Glenda wasn’t even sorry. Chucky probably didn’t help the situation by laughing. 
Chucky walked down the hallway, humming under his breath. Today had been a good day, and the twins had been surprisingly quiet. That probably wasn’t a good sign, but he’d take the peace whilst he still could. Unfortunately, the quiet was shattered by the sound of Glenda and Glen shouting.
“Just do it Glen!”
“No, I don’t want to! How do you even know it’ll work?”
“It worked in the cartoon, just do it!”
There was a slam, then a crash. Then a scream.
“Ow! Mommy! Daddy! It hurts!”
The twins had tied one end of thread to Glenda’s tooth and the other end to a door handle. The only miscalculation in their plan was that a lot of the thread was tangled around Glenda’s feet. She tripped over it, face first onto the marble flooring. A split lip and a bruised eye. That was a fun trip to the hospital.
Normally (unlike Glen who was as good as gold) Glenda had to be bribed to go to the dentist. But today, she seemed surprisingly excited. She had a big grin on her face the whole way there, and she didn’t complain once. It seemed too good to be true… and it was. When the dentist asked if she had any questions at the end, Glenda beamed angelically and asked:
“Can you make my teeth fall out?”
Oh no.
“I’m sorry Glenda, but they have to fall out on their own. Of course, I could pull them out, but you don’t need that so I’m not going to-‘
Glenda threw a fit so bad that Tiffany had to find a new dentist. That poor man, even after years of therapy he never got over it.
At first it seemed like their troubles were over. Glenda proudly presented her parents with a tooth that she claimed had ‘fallen out’, and both Chucky and Tiffany were thrilled. But then Chucky noticed something. After carefully counting all of Glenda’s teeth and deducing that this tooth was not in fact Glenda’s, they made her tell the truth.
“Suzy Beech already lost one, and she looked kinda gap-toothed, I was just helping her out!”
Glenda had… ripped a tooth from another child’s mouth. That was a lot to process. Chucky and Tiffany used to be serial killers, and even they found that messed up. What could they even do in this situation? Should they return the tooth to the child? Throw it in the trash? There was no viable option. Eventually, they just let Glenda put it under her pillow. But unlike Glen, she only received  $2 and a strongly worded letter from ‘the tooth fairy’ about her actions having consequences.
That plan worked for about two minutes. Glenda recognised her father’s handwriting and somehow Chucky ended up forking over $3 so that her total would match her brother’s. He would have said no, but… Glenda was scary.
It finally happened. Glenda had been fighting some boy over a My Little Pony toy, and a tooth came out. In the ensuing brawl, Glenda knocked three of the boy’s teeth out, cackling just like her father. When Chucky saw what she had done, he knew that he should be admonishing her, but instead, he lifted his daughter onto his shoulders and proudly said:
“That’s my girl! This is why you’re my favourite!”
Glen (who had just came up to them) looked crestfallen. His bottom lip wobbled. 
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