#poor sally
lilislegacy · 7 months
Firefighter Percy! - Telling his mom
What if Percy wanted to become a firefighter? How would Sally Jackson react?
~3 to 4 minute read (short)
21 year old Percy Jackson sat at his old kitchen table in his parents’ New York City Apartment. Next to him was Annabeth, his girlfriend of almost 6 years. On the other side of the table sat his mother, Sally, his step-dad, Paul, and his 4 year old sister, Estelle, who was coloring.
Percy was nervous. He had something to tell his mom, and he had no idea how she was going to react. Annabeth told him it would be okay, but he truly just had no idea what to expect.
They’d gotten through dinner and were now talking and catching up. He loved his visits to New York. Him and Annabeth had considered moving back, now that they’re almost done with New Rome University, but they decided that they are going to get a place in New Rome. That is, assuming his mom doesn’t kill him tonight.
“Percy, you’ve been quiet tonight.” Sally glanced at him with concerned eyes. He hated how easily she and annabeth could read him. How do people do that?
He took a deep breath and sipped his soda. “Uh, yeah. I have something to tell you.” He felt Annabeth squeeze his hand from under the table.
Paul and Sally looked at him expectantly. Estelle continued to scribble in her coloring book, having no interest whatsoever in the conversation.
He glanced at Annabeth, and she gave him an encouraging nod. He took a deep breath. “Okay, here goes. I want to be a firefighter. I’m going to be a firefighter. Not forever. Just while I’m figuring out what I want to do with my life.” He looked her in the eyes. “I just- I can really help! I’m fire resistant. I can control water, so I can help put out fires more quickly. I’m tall and athletic. I’m really fast. I’m strong, too. And I think quick on my feet in dangerous situations. I’m perfect for the job, especially given my powers. I can really do good by this. And I- well- what do you think?” He looked at her with uncertainty.
Sally stared at him blankly, for what felt like several minutes, but was probably just a few seconds. Paul didn’t say anything either. He usually did this: waited to react until Sally did so first. When it came to Percy, he always followed her lead as his parent.
When his mom finally spoke, his stomach dropped at tone of her voice. If sounded like pain. No… worse. It was betrayal.
“You want to run into burning buildings? On purpose? Not becasue you’re forced to for a quest, but becasue you want to? You want to risk your life on a daily basis? You’ve survived all that you have and- are you trying to get yourself killed?”
His heart broke at the wounded look she was giving him. “I- No! No mom. I want to help people. I want to use my abilities for something good. And like I said, I can’t really be burned. I’m way safer than-
“I don’t care that you can’t be burned, Percy! You could die from smoke inhalation! Or toxic gasses! Things explode. Buildings collapse. I watched from right down the street as hundreds of firefighters ran into the towers and never came out. Firefights die! You could die, Percy!”
Percy felt sick. His heart raced. He couldn’t even look at his mom’s face. He all of a sudden felt guilt beyond belief. After all he’s been through - after all he’s put her through - he felt terrible about even considering it. How could he put her through any more than he already has?
The room was tense. Everybody was unsettled. And it was completely his fault.
“I won’t do it. I- I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I’ll call them tomorrow and tell-
“Oh be quiet.” Sally dismissed him. She seemed to be at war with her own emotions. “I said I didn’t like it, I didn’t say you shouldn’t do it.”
Percy was now confused. A feeling he was very familiar with, being the boyfriend of a daughter of Athena.
Sally looked at him, carefully considering her next words. “Is this something you really want to do?”
Percy looked his mom in the eyes, channeling every bit of sincerity and determination that he had. “Yes. I really think I need to do this, Mom.”
Sally closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She took a minute to compose herself, and seemed to be willing her mindset to change. He’d seen it before - when he had asked her for her blessing to bare the curse of achilles, all those years ago.
She let out a sound that was something between an exasperated sigh and a laugh. She shook her head in a way that said I should have expected nothing less from you.
“Well okay.” She said with a new - slightly forced - confidence and optimism. She reached across the table and took his hand, looking at him with a mix of emotions: uncertainty, fear, love, and tremendous pride. “You’ll be a firefighter, then.”
He squeezed her hand, and she gave him a small watery smile.
“I better get lots of pictures of you looking all handsome in your uniform.”
Annabeth laughed. “I’m already on it.”
Percy felt relief flood through him. Usually he would roll his eyes at that exchange, but he was so happy that he found himself smiling.
Paul chuckled and lifted his glass. “To Percy, and to his safety as he begins this new adventure.”
Everyone raised their glasses.
Estelle finally looked up from her coloring book and gave percy a very serious look. “Are you gonna get a polka-dot doggy?”
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perfectday1972 · 8 months
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via schulzmuseum
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bugglett · 4 months
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I decided to draw Sally Williams. Her story is so tragic, I feel bad for Sally. 🙁
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ajanonsworld · 1 year
"We met when it was raining."
"It's the same rain"
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
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Poor poppy, a three tiered cake is simply not big enough!
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lizaisdrawing · 5 months
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Collection of sketches, that I will possibly render later.
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l0ganberry · 6 months
Since I did Barnaby, why not do all the rest of the neighbors? (Including home)
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All of this started because of one simple and funny thing I did with Barnaby
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paper-starz · 6 months
Loved that new update. Have some doodles! ✨
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Dw guys I’m 200% sure Barnaby is gonna be a-ok 👌! Just ignore that “it’s a dog” thing…
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ukiiyostar · 7 months
hey while on the subject of Welcome Home, I'd like to talk about something I found interesting (tl;dr at the bottom)
so the team uncovered a toy telephone, one of those where you can dial the characters and they give you a pre-recorded answer, right?? But the thing about these pre-recorded messages is that they're supposed to reply to the kid, no matter what they're saying or if they're saying anything it at all, y'know? So it is incredibly interesting that the messages shown are that of the characters responding to silence.
the person on the phone says nothing, and the characters, upon hearing nothing, respond with "hello? hello are you there"s like any other person; they start talking as their character and when it becomes clear the person on our line isn't going to respond, they end the call
And here's where it gets more interesting, and it has everything to do with Eddie Dear
So you see, all the characters have different responses to the silent call before leaving: Barnaby tells a joke, Julie invents a game, Poppy thinks she might've broken the phone and tries to fix it (unsuccessfully), and Sally assumes they have stage-fright, just to name a few examples.
But then you hear Eddie's call
He starts off with the post office jingle and when no one answers, he tries singing the jingle again, this time a longer version and he quickly runs out of breath
It is then that he thinks to himself "maybe there's no one there"
He is the ONLY CHARACTER in the cast that even CONSIDERS this; and seconds later he is the ONLY ONE that begins to QUESTION the NATURE OF THIS CALL
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The other characters assume it's a prank call or some other excuse, but Eddie is the only one who wonders; the only one who begins to contemplate like "wait, why am in a call anyway?"
add this to other Eddie events like the santa commercial and homewarming...
I think he's actually waking up. hell, who's to say he isn't already awake? and this only makes me scared of what will happen to him.
speaking of which, I read another theory earlier that said that perhaps the reason this is all happening to him is that the Playfellow Workshop was planning on removing him from the show because they felt he was "insignificant" or simply didn't add anything other than being the mailman, and they slowly started removing his presence from the media (the way he's skipped on the santa's toys commercial thing and that other episode when wally and Barnaby go around asking everyone EXCEPT Eddie what homewarming is) until they could get rid of him completely.
what do you guys think?
tl;dr = looking at the toy phone responses, it's weird that they have a line replying to silence seeing as that's not the point of the toy, and also it's weird that Eddie Dear is the only character who, out of all the other responses, is the only one to acknowledge the odd nature of the call. my theory is that Eddie might be the next (assuming Wally and/or Home to be the first ones self-aware) to wake up from the puppet illusion, paired with another theory that the company was trying to remove Eddie from the show
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Halloween AU - Part 5
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Nothing to see behind that Spookdega Boodega (thanks boo!). Nope! Nothin at all! No confused sad buggies everyone is forgetting mysteriously at all, nope! >3>
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fantasy au whiteboard scribbles <3
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lilislegacy · 7 months
it’s the fact that when percy and annabeth graduate from their high schools, annabeth’s estranged family is gonna fly out to NYC
which means there will almost certainly be an awkward dinner with both families.
“hey we’re the chases, the family who neglected, gaslit, and emotionally abandoned annabeth. but we feel really bad and we’re trying to do better.”
“hey we’re the blofis-jacksons, aka the loving family of your daughter’s boyfriend who took her in and loved her as our own after you neglected, glaslit, and emotionally abandoned her.”
except none of them actually say it. they’re all just thinking it.
sally has major mom beef with them, paul is trying to be nice but is skeptical, frederick feels guilty and awkward, mrs. chase is flat out uncomfortable, the twins are causing absolute chaos, annabeth is a wreck, percy’s making jokes every 17 seconds to attempt to diffuse the tension, and baby estelle is just vibin
i feel like a lot of wine would be consumed
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lyeloudoodz · 1 year
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✨Life in plastic, it's fantastic as they say✨
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demigods-posts · 28 days
sometimes it's the grief that keeps you awake at night. that guides you out of your cabin and toward the docks. that places you careful on the edge and allows the water to rise just above your ankles. sometimes it's the helplessness that reminds you of how fragile life can be. of what a miracle it is that you're alive at all. of every time you wished you weren't. sometimes it's the gratitude that pulls you deep into the memory of when he saved you from that irreversible decision. of that late-night conversation about how you deserved to live a good life. of how he'd do anything to make sure you got that chance. sometimes it's the guilt that replays that phone call in your head. that reminds you of when you failed to return the favor. that eats you alive when you know he'd never hold it against you to save yourself every once in a while. that he'd be proud of you. sometimes it's the regret that rips you apart. that reminds of you that every breathe you take is one he won't get to. that let's the tears fall silent and slow. oh, what percy would do to spend one more day with jason.
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conchcreature · 1 month
I wish they still made in space sequels, this would have been funny af.
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Percy asking his mom why she’s “trying so hard to get rid of him” is my thirteenth reason seriously.
You’re telling me this woman is doing everything she can to protect him, because loves him more than anything and my poor sweet boy is here, thinking that she doesn’t even want him around.
And his little voice BREAKING when he says it ??? When i catch you Ricky
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