#poorly drawn dragons
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Sorry for not having a Year of the Dragon MDZS artwork; Unfortunately, I can only picture Dragon LWJ in this particular flavour.
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grilledcheese-savage · 8 months
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Jaya Prime Empire au: Part 2
Tireless Work
Previous/Next Chap.
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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I made this based on where I currently am in Miitopia, that being Karkaton, in which Great Sage Longan joined my party (at least temporarily), and honestly I’ve grown really attacked to them
I realize I never mentioned the Great Sage before now, but I didn’t think it super important at the time. Also the Great Sage only shows up like once in the first area, twice in the second, and nonce in the third, they aren’t really that important until Karkaton
I’m gonna be so sad once Longan leaves
Also also, I don’t want to draw canon Longan again, at least not in this sketch style. Their design is so complicated and it just does not work with me
Granted I barely like drawing any of the semi new, post Millennial Tree premium tier Cookies since they all have complicated ass designs. I mean I’ll make an exception for the Ancients, but I will always try to cut corners on Pure Vanilla so I don’t have to draw his canon design
Also that’s Dark Choco’s current outfit in the game. At this point I might just stick with being a Princess since he rocks the outfits and honestly I don’t feel as hindered by the class right now. Still not the best but whatever
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Legend lifts a hand, waving slightly at the others. They start at the sight of him, curled against the dragon, head resting against its chest, and Warriors can see their eyes flicker to him, to the vet, back and forth and wondering. It's Four who eases first, stepping in close and looking up at him, curiosity rather than fear in his eyes.
“Made a friend?”
“Found an old one more like,” Legend drawls, smile off kilter as it tends to be, buck teeth showing just barely.
- excerpt from The Inner Warriors by @bokettochild (FlamingIdiot on AO3)
[thank you @lavafox628 for tagging the author! I couldn’t find her tumblr!]
One of my favorite Warriors-centric fics! I suck at drawing dragons but I had to give this scene a try cause I love the image of a dragon curled protectively around little Legends
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mintyjellyy · 6 months
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No talk only pSssSSsSHHhhhhHhHhHhhh
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sindumpster · 10 months
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A creature I doodled while whale watching. Lovingly referred to as “an abomination” whenever others asked what I was drawing.
Also made the rookie mistake of forgetting my sketchbook so. Drawn on the back of a kid’s activity sheet with a ballpoint pen and pencil that couldn’t erase. Unintentional but fun challenge mode lol
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twin-chains · 16 days
TC Zeldas pt 1
(Just some little nicknames and notes for the Zeldas I have so far, including their relationships with their respective Links)
A Link to the Past Zelda
Legend's Zelda is nicknamed Myth. As I mentioned in Legend's profile, Myth is his older half-sister by 4 years making her 26 years old. She's a perfectionist, a bit uptight, and often unsure of herself but also a kind, responsible, and just ruler. Myth ascended the throne around 21 years old and became queen, marrying Cedi of Gamelon and having a daughter nicknamed Luna. Princess Luna would be about 3 years old in the present (making Legend an uncle!!). Myth is fiercely protective of her family and can be quite distrusting of others beyond her kingdom.
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Myth and Legend have a weird relationship. Legend grew up outside the castle raised by his uncle while Myth was raised in the palace with the expectation of taking the throne so they already come from different backgrounds yet similar pressures on their shoulders. When they discovered their familial relation, they were surprised and delighted to get to know one another better. It took a little getting used to with the shared telepathic visions but they became decent friends. But they grew apart as Myth became queen and a mother while Legend was returning from Koholint. Or perhaps the estranged siblings never grew close as they thought in the first place and it simply became more evident as time went on. They care about each other, sure, and they wish they were closer but they don’t know how to be closer after all this time.
Myth envisioned this grand idea of how siblings should be including how they should know each other better and spend more time together. And she wants that with Legend but doesn’t know how to initiate that again after years of radio silence between the two siblings. She doesn’t even know if he wants that too or if they prefer their strained relationship as it is. Her and Cedi been sending Legend invitations to palace celebrations and events to start off small but he hasn’t accepted any of them. So for now, she just waits and he’ll make the first move when he’s ready/if he even wants to.
As for Legend, they haven’t told her (or anyone) about what went down in Koholint. He hasn’t even talked to her in-person for non-work related purposes since she got married and he left for Oracle of Seasons. They would often reach out to each other telepathically sometimes during his adventures overseas even though they were both busy with their duties. But once Myth had a daughter to raise on top of everything, their telepathic conversations became less frequent until they stopped completely. Then when Legend came back, he fell into a depression and avoided her, feeling like he couldn’t face yet another person he failed to save (even if things turned out alright in the end for Myth, it still weighs on his conscious). He is a bit disheartened they’ve drifted apart as siblings and tries to rationalize it by assuming Myth is just busy as a queen and a mother now and it’s better if he doesn’t distract her. But really, he just can’t look Myth in the eye without seeing another person he failed, especially since her and Marin look a lot alike too.
Open communication has never been their strong suit. So they both settle for being stilted siblings at best and the queen and her hero at worst. It’s like they would die for each other but couldn’t tell you the other’s favorite color.
Ok so I'm actually swapping TOTK Link and Zelda, so Tears will actually be Zelda's nickname from now on because Zelda is filling in for Link (unbeknownst to the rest of the Young Chain). As for Link, I might just call him Wild since that's the commonly accepted fan name for him and Champion is already reserved for the Age of Calamity Link. Might change it later though...
For now, Wild is still the self-sacrificing, bigender (he/she), amnesiac survivalist I envisioned him to be. She’s adjusted better to living a nice life in Hateno but doesn’t hesitate to explore or return to the forests when his heart aches for the call of the wilderness. Wild got some of his memories back and gets one every once in a long while but has since moved on to form new ones. As a side effect, she can still be forgetful at times and relies on the Sheikah Slate to record notes and photos. It even acts as a virtual diary.
But after she completed the dragon tear memories and discovered Dragon Zelda, he was torn with grief and reverence before obsessing over turning Tears into a hylian again. He scoured through old books, Zonai ruins, and even the fallen memories for any way to bring the her princess back. Finally, he stumbled on a forbidden dark ritual that allowed Wild to switch places with Tears. She couldn’t reverse draconification but they could swap their souls and it’d be close enough for Wild. He believes wholeheartedly that Tears deserves to live her life and can do a better job protecting and reconstructing the kingdom than Wild ever could. Her only regret is that she couldn’t propose to Tears like he was planning to, donning the cold silver ring on a chain around his neck instead.
Before TOTK, Wild and Tears were in love and living a domestic life together in Hateno Village. Tears would teach at the local school and work in the old Hateno research lab since Purah moved to what is now Lookout Landing. Wild would slay monsters, do some odd jobs for anyone, and cook delicious meals. Together, they would coordinate reconstruction efforts and aid in the development of New Castletown. And together they would laugh, dance, and hold one another in the night when the nightmares and memories get too much to bear alone. Things were peaceful, Wild was even planning on proposing until the regional phenomena began and malicious forces began stirring in Hyrule Castle.
Tears would wake up in the great sky islands, dazed and confused in the same garb as Wild wore when he performed the ritual. Of course, she didn’t come back quite the same. She retained some dragon-like features that she carefully tries to hide, and she is missing an arm! Later, Tears would discover what her knight had done, what Wild sacrificed for her yet again. She would mourn, not just her lost love, but also this constant cycle of self-sacrifice they find each other in. She would curse Hylia, the goddesses, and whoever she could think of for this cruel twist of fate she can never seem to escape from. But what else can they both do in the face of unsurmountable destiny? Tears wants Wild back but knows that re-performing the ritual would be futile. Instead, she has to finish Wild’s quest and afterward chooses to dedicate herself to her research and science to find a way to bring Wild back permanently without putting herself or her kingdom in jeopardy.
They’re like two star-crossed lovers with bleeding hearts, far too self-sacrificial for their own good. But they’d still do it over and over for the sake of protecting the peace of their kingdom.
Anyway, Tears' redesign is on the way and here's a dragon-y sneak peak:
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vices-aand-virtues · 2 years
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Another FR doodle: RiotLizard's Bubbles!
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I took a timelapse, which wouldn't upload here, so it's on YouTube instead.
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twilightarcade · 1 year
Have you ever had a dream when you
When you
When you um
my dreams are either borderline incoherent or the worst things on earth
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seasonalmiak · 1 year
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Trying to figure out what dragons might look like in my writing project. Kinda’ just bigger autonomous mecha, I think. Mostly all extinct or dormant, but some are floating around in low orbit, hanging onto asteroids.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So I talked about Frost Queen getting into the main story, and that a possible solution I could come up with being her just joining Dark Cacao in a story to recruit the dragons of his kingdom (assuming they do that), and my brain just kind of took that idea and started running with it, and it culminated in this
I personally like to read the text in a dramatic narrator voice
Also I don’t really know where the “Ice Cold Squad” bit came from, I just thought their names were too long and needed something else, and that’s what I did
Also my first time drawing Frost Queen. Her outfit wasn’t too bad, and I liked drawing her hair, but I did not like that crown. Also as to why Dark Cacao’s in that outfit and with no crown, well I thought since he’s going on a dragon recruiting trip, he probably wouldn’t bring his crown. And as for the outfit, well to be honest I just sort of started subconsciously drawing it. Also I thought “hey, Hollyberry’s got a different outfit than her normal one, give Dark Cacao one too (even though I just drew a pre-existing outfit)”, even though as I write this I realize that Dark Cacao’s outfit is a literal suit of armor and would probably be more suited for fighting than this one. The one excuse I can come up with for a new outfit is that the dragons’ domain is incredibly cold and he needs something better suited for it, as metal isn’t exactly going to keep him warm
But I mean honestly, maybe it’s because my brain has decided it’s interested in Frost Queen, and Dark Cacao is one of my hyperfixation characters, and/or it’s because I’ve recently seen quite a bit of content with Frost Queen and Dark Cacao, but I really want to see Frost Queen and Dark Cacao interact, and specifically the way I want them most to interact is just in a story where they have to work together, and it’s just them. I need to see how they interact, mostly because they both seem pretty similar in terms of personality, and that they both seem relatively antisocial and also dramatic. There’s some comedy potential with these two, along with dramatic potential
But yeah, enjoy them
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wyverndragonborn · 1 year
A creature
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tana-draws · 10 months
Lyra Wraith
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Figured I should upload some of my art, starting with some sketches of one of the four protagonists of my story, Lyra Wraith. She’s kind of a lot but I love her. For some context about her design she’s a made up species in the story’s universe that evolved from humans who altered their dna to mimic animal traits using magic, known very creatively as “Mimic Sapiens.” There are six types of genes that mimic six different animals, hers mimic Red Deer and Aerial Dragons (dragons are real in this universe and those are a in universe type, formerly known as Lunar Dragons but I changed the name.) She is six foot seven which is tall as fuck by human standards, and still tall (especially for a woman) by mimic standards but closer to normal. She is white, and also really pale even for a white person.
note that I am still workshopping her design, and the other protags (especially Penelope’s I have an idea for what she looks like but I find her insanely hard to draw.)
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staff · 4 months
Tumblr Tuesday: Year of the Dragon
Happy belated Lunar New Year, Tumblr! It's the year of the dragon, and your local Artists on Tumblr have been churning out the most incredible dragon art you could possibly imagine. Please enjoy these dragons!
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kyriemrmister · 1 year
askblogs are in vogue again.
i can't draw...
???? but the idea of a shiryu askblog is CALLING me
(i also want to make it open to crossovers because cringe culture means nothing to me anymore. you can kiss my fat dyke ass if you cringe at that lol)
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