#popping this into the queue
james-p-sullivan · 11 months
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britomart · 1 year
girls will see the word library in a post and hit reblog
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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cacaocheri · 1 year
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:(( someone give him huggies
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preqvelle · 4 months
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I can see through the scars inside you
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May bat Copia seduce you in your dreams
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diagnosedaskiwi · 2 months
*trying to flirt* id believe you… by the way. yeah-about the-the time loop. id believe you about it. every time. do-did i ever do something embarrassing during the loops? did…. did we-uh…. did we fall in love during one of them?
*panicks and then immediately kills the person i was flirting with, restarting the time loop*
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lumen-tellus · 7 months
anyway, now that the cloud servers are gone rip - here is a (VERY LONG) selection of interesting names and sights i encountered during my one week in the deranged mpreg limsa chat cloud server:
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my personal favorites tho:
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vagueconfusion · 8 days
my last three (3) braincells
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filmnoirsbian · 4 months
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dailyfigures · 1 month
hi guys :3 i got a second job and the training period is kicking my ass so i'll sadly be less active for a little while. sorry about that but as always the queue will go on!
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bibliophilea · 6 months
So... this isn't the first time I've seen people being incredibly mean to a whole section of the phandom. It's the first time in a while I've seen a post this bad in the main "danny phantom" tag, though. I have Thoughts™ that have been stewing for a while. Thoughts™ that shouldn't be put in the tags of someone else's post.
I'm not going to link anything. These are just my thoughts, raised to the forefront by recent posts in the main tag.
TLDR: I have two main Thoughts™:
No matter what you ship, I welcome you to this phandom. The folks who openly despise real people for shipping fictional things do not represent all of phandom. Y'all deserve better than being called shitty names. Your ships do not make you a bad person, and I personally welcome you.
To y'all who keep trying to draw a line in the sand to define who is "degenerate" or whose work is "degenerate": the moment you draw that line, you create a way for others to shove people behind that line. And the folks who usually get shoved behind that line and called "degenerate" are lgbtqia+ folks, and (c)sa survivors. It's happened before on LiveJournal and FFN, and it's happening now, irl, with book bannings across the USA (and especially in Florida). The only way to protect lgbtqia+ folks and (c)sa survivors from this abuse is to not draw a line in the sand at all. Don't call folks "degenerate" for any reason, unless you're ready to have that finger pointed back at you by a larger and more negative movement.
If you desire fuller context, it's below the cut.
First: no matter what you ship, I welcome you to this phandom.
The views of hatred and disgust that pop up in this phandom don't represent all of phandom. No fandom is perfect, and we'll always see some form of the "logic of disgust" from some folks in any fandom. But no matter what you ship, and whether or not I personally ship it, I welcome you. You will find no disgust from me as I am now.
If you dig backwards into my blog, you might find some anti sentiment. My introduction to fandom was first FFN, and then tumblr, back when I was more of a black-and-white thinker. I'm pretty sure I experienced some form of shock when I really started digging in to the Wild West that is fandom. I don't know if I ever expressed this shock online. But none of you deserve to be called "degenerates" over liking whatever fictional content you like. Y'all are a part of phandom, too, and any attempts to erase you or deride you are wrong.
We shouldn't be drawing lines in the sand and throwing people behind those lines. That's dangerous.
Second: to y'all who keep drawing lines in the sand, please consider the broader context around you.
The moment you draw a line in the sand to delineate between you and your group of people, and "them" and their group of "degenerates", people find ways to shove other folks, including you and your folks, behind that line. Historically, both in fandom and outside of fandom, the folks who get shoved ALWAYS include lgbtqia+ folks, and (c)sa survivors. We saw this with the purging of LiveJournal. We saw this with the multiple purges of FanFiction.Net. We haven't seen this with ao3, as far as I know; but their stance seems to be very anti-censorship for fandom-historical reasons.
Outside of fandom, we are seeing this now. I'm doing my senior capstone project on book bans. According to PEN America's data, over the past school year alone, 154 counties in 34 states have banned 1557 books 3362 times overall. Over 40% of those bans come from Florida counties. And much of the "reasoning" behind these bans is the same logic of disgust that fandom applies to "problematic ships": They call it pornographic and pedophilia. They call it harmful and age-inappropriate. They largely target books about lgbtqia+ people and people of color. And this year, they've also targeted "books on physical abuse, health and well-being, and themes of grief and death" - expanding their censorship to "protect the children".
Censorship doesn't protect anyone. Instead, it prevents people from holding genuine conversations with real people about the censored material.
And if you're not ready to have that conversation, that's fine! You do you! But don't create an environment where other people can't have that conversation. That only breeds the sort of black-and-white thinking that leads to 1406 book bannings in the state of Florida.
This is just speculation on my part: but I reckon every single person who supports those bans would love to ban the same content you want censored. And they'd call for you and the content you love to be lumped in with them.
We all deserve better than that. So please stop drawing lines in the sand.
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piconoodle · 6 months
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watch wrestling. for the plot
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bebemoon · 6 months
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cassady and grace clover for pop magazine, ph. charlotte wales .
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
Undernovela perhapps?
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Error: My favorite! I even figured out how to turn on subtitles, but CC: [Sin and Toriel Singing] Error: they're not helpful >:[ Error: stupid unhelpful subtitles Fresh's glasses: HEYA
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monkeybebop · 3 months
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I love Lacho, wish gay people were real sigh…
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hiddencircus · 17 days
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DDLC GRAPHICS! | requested by anon
stills here! likes & reblogs are appreciated! | reblog if use 
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