#popular!phil masterlist
phanfictioncatalogue · 11 months
Popular!Phil Masterlist
Baby, They Ain’t Got A Clue (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Dan, the shy new kid in school, is asked to prom, but his date stands him up. Phil, the popular outgoing kid in school, is stood up by his date too.
Beauty And The Geek - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil are both fairly popular but in different clicks and the school ships them.
Blue-eyed Hottie - helloanonymouswriter
Summary: Everyday after school the ‘Blue-eyed Hottie’ stands outside and waits then gets a text before leaving again. Everyone in school fancies him and wonders who texts him every time.
Dance With Me - cocktailaunt
Summary: Popular!Phil wants to ask Shy!Dan to the school dance.
F L I R T (wattpad) - danandphilgaymes
Summary: Phil is popular: president of his fraternity, shortstop of the baseball team, he’s got it all figured out. But when Phil meets Dan, a flamboyant freshman in the theatre department, everything changes. Despite warnings from their friends, Dan and Phil can’t stay away from each other, but when these two worlds come crashing together, can they find a balance or will their differences pull them apart forever?
How Did I Survive So Long Without You (ao3) - Wholeheartedly755
Summary: Daniel Howell is a shy incoming Year 10 student to his town's secondary school, his mother is a single alcoholic who is verbally and physically abusive to her son. To Dan school is his escape, but starting a new secondary school is most definitely a scary prospect, but he hopes he can make the best of it and to hopefully make a friend.
Phil Lester is a very attractive Year 13 student who hates the attention he gets from all the girls at his school.
When Dan realizes he has the locker right next to the most attractive guy at school, and Phil sees the beautiful, shy Dan walking towards him, who knows what could happen.
Follow these two as they battle through the ups and downs of school together.
Imagine Living Like a King Someday - pianodan
Summary: Phil is a boarding school student, and he has pretty much everything. His dad owns the school, he’s pretty popular, has the best room, gets all the best treatment – he’s the King. Dan is a cleaner/phil’s personal maid there, and he isn’t as lucky. Some students are assholes to Dan, including Phil at first.
Lungs Filled With Flowers - botanistlester
Summary: Whenever Dan has a bad day, he always knows that Animal Crossing will be there for him no matter what. When he finds a friend code written on his desk, he immediately adds it into his DS, despite not knowing who it could be.
My Tunnel Loves a Deepthroat (ao3) - Iceprincessvictuuri (orphan_account)
Summary: Pastel!Dan had been trying to get Jock!Phils attention for the longest time.
Run Gay Boy Run (wattpad) - nopretendingnow
Summary: Phil’s a bad ass popular who’s kinda homophobic and Dan is a nerdy runner with more on his plate than everyone assumes.
The Heat Of The Water And The Heat Of Our Souls (ao3) - kuwuromi (aphrodeity)
Summary: Dan and Phil have been best friends for as long as either of them can remember. One night in a jacuzzi changes the entire dynamic of their relationship, starting with some fond memories of the past.
This Must Be Fake - amazingphilstolemyblog
Summary: basically loner!loser!dan has a huge crush on popular!soccercaptain!phil and basically from teenagers to adults. of course, some of the lyrics are changed to fit around this fic ( and this day and age ).
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil Lester is a bubbly, popular boy. Dan Howell is an angsty, emo teenager. They fuck in the nurse's office. Enjoy.
Took Me (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: In which Dan decides kidnapping Phil is a great idea.
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glimmerlofsea · 5 months
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : Alcoholism, a little sexual harassment, just Billy being a really caring boyfieee :3333
WC; 3,1k
#TALKISSA; Basically I don't know what the plot is... but apparently, you guys are Steve Harrington's twinsiee. Contrary to Steve's personality, you guys are innocent, naive, and just really whine 24/7. Came to the party, the party didn't go well, Steve left, and Billy suddenly arrived out of nowhere.
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Halloween is coming, but exams will never free the students of Hawkins to have fun. Today is the last day you take your exam—You hope to get perfect results according to your efforts to get good grades.
Different from Steve, who will only accept his exam results as they are, beside he wants to work straight away after graduating, not like you who wants to go to a good university where you can meet handsome guy and certainly not be sloppy like the guy in Hawkins.
Steve's personality with you is completely the opposite, even some students almost don't believe that you are Steve fucking Harrington's twin.
If Steve is a popular guy who has his own interest in attracting girls then you are 0% attractive. You don't care as much as Steve cares about his popularity. But that doesn't make Steve's affection for you change, he really loves you since when he was at home he felt like you were the only one who could accompany his loneliness. Likewise, vice versa with what you feel.
Your hair is always in the booth and you have bangs which are quite annoying to your eyes because you always have them twisted, but it's dumb that you still maintain your hairstyle. Steve told you several times to change your appearance so you could have a little fun in high school, but again and again you didn't care. You will just go through high school like the wind passes by.
Because of your innocence, people think you are just some kind of bookworm who is a study maniac, but no... They are all wrong.
You approached Steve who was already at his locker, your lockers were next to each other since Mrs. Johnson doesn't want the hassle of separating twins like you. And you love Mrs. Johnson because of it!
"How's your geography?" Steve asked you since the last subject of your test was geography.
You showed your cocky smile while flipping your hair back, making Steve groan in disgust because of your attitude,
"I bet I'll get more than a hundred—"
"Y/N!" You heard a girl who's calling your name, when you looked back you saw Tina running towards you while handing you a piece of paper, "Here, these are the results of your test, Mr. Phil said he was too lazy to check all yours so here are the results."
You smiled and grabbed the paper that Tina gave you, it had a big "0" written all over the paper in red ink. Steve held back his laughter and patted your back, because you felt he was underestimating you, you hit his stomach hard. Everyone has gotten used to it since then, it's like love-language between your relationship.
You coughed through your whimper, “Can a teacher do that?”
Tina shrugged her shoulders, she patted your shoulder, "Girl, your life is not for value all the time. If you keep trying and the results remain the same then it's a sign that you have to move on."
"Move on to what?" You asked sadly.
Tina showed a sly smile, she was a popular girl in Hawkins, different from the boys who had to bully to be popular—Tina didn't do that, yes maybe she just judged some people's clothes but not too much. That's what makes you like her and want to talk to her more.
She handed you two pieces of paper, you saw the words Halloween party at Tina's house which will take place in a few weeks.
"One for you and your brother." Tina said then winked at you. You smiled and said a simple 'thank you' before she left, not forgetting Steve who also said thank you.
You handed one paper to Steve, Steve ruffled your hair, "Cheer up, lil sissy."
You kept whining and tapping the back of your head repeatedly on the locker, "I'm not pretty, I'm not popular, I'm not good at anything."
With that Steve cupped your face, "Who said that?"
You showed your stupid face, "Um... Me?"
"Oh, God, I almost hit someone. If only a bunch of Billy Hargrove's gang said that I would really..." Steve explained as he showed the lump of his hand, his words were stopped by him telling you to look at the lump in his hand, as if to tell you that you should know that anyone who dares to mock you will get a gift from him.
You chuckled, “But who is Billy Hargrove?”
Steve's eyes widened, he threw his hands in the air again, "You don't know him? Good. That little shit always thinks everyone knows him."
Steve grabbed both of your shoulders, "Y/N. Never, like, ever find out about him or be curious about him, okay? Capisce?"
Before you could answer a voice joined your conversation, "I heard you mentioning my name, Harrington. Are you digging my vibe yet?"
You turned your body so that your body was leaning against the locker behind you, while Steve came face to face with the charming guy with curly hair.
Their gazes were intense, but the charming guy looked at you, making you smile awkwardly,
"I didn't see you there, Princess." He said leaning his arm on your side, did he just flirting with you in front of your brother?
"Get your hands off, Hargrove." Steve said.
You formed an O in your mouth, "Oh! So you're the Billy Hargrove?"
The charming guy— Or the one who now has a name, Billy Hargrove, showed his cocky smile, "The one and only." He said then took your hand for him to kiss right on the back of your hand.
You flinched so you just laughed awkwardly, "Super groovy, man. Like, totally friendly— Got it." You stammered your words while nodding.
Steve pushed Billy away and grabbed his collar, you widened your eyes trying to pull Steve away, while Billy raised his hands in the air, "Pretty brave, huh, Harrington?"
"Back off, or even step off from her."
You grabbed Steve's shoulder, "Steve, come on." You panicked because you saw Mrs. Joan, who was patrolling the corridors, was known as a killer teacher since rumors spread that she skinned her husband when she found out he was flirting with another woman. Just imagining it makes you shudder but on the one hand you don't believe the rumors.
Meanwhile, Billy showed his smile even more, showing his perfect row of teeth while licking his lips with his tongue— which made Steve's emotions even hotter, he touched you and Steve already hated him because of his presence.
Before Steve could land a blow on Billy you stopped him by hitting him on the head with your bag, making him groan and look at you, "What the fuck, Y/N?"
You don't look at him but in another direction while showing an awkward smile, "Hello, Mrs. Joan. No worries here. My brother and his buddy are just testing out the newest hoops moves." You looked at the two of them, "Right?"
When Steve frowned and was surprised at you— Billy just chuckled at your ridiculous behavior. You're interesting. For him.
Mrs. Joan couldn't stop staring at the three of you as she narrowed her eyes, you hit Steve's hand to signal him to say something, "Ah, yes, Mrs. Joan. You know, the tournament is approaching and Billy and I are just trying out new moves. Witnessed by my sister who was the jury."
Mrs. Joan didn't say anything and just walked past you, which meant you were completely safe.
You groaned and cursed Steve's name, "Don't you ever do that again! I've been blacklisted by her because I accidentally threw my book at her."
"Why did you throw it anyway?!" Steve snapped but not in an angry tone but surprised.
You shrugged your shoulders, "I had a nightmare, I saw Montley almost kissing me then woke up and was already throwing a book at Mrs. Joan."
Steve just shook his head while you heard Billy chuckle, Steve was about to walk towards him but Nancy called him, "Wait in the car park, understand?" Steve ordered which made you nod.
"And you," Steve said looking at Billy, "Don't you ever talk to her again."
"Yes, sir." Billy mocked which made you chuckle.
Steve immediately went over to Nancy, you gave him an awkward smile before leaving Billy in front of your locker, but his voice almost echoed throughout the corridor, "Wait."
You turned and raised your eyebrows, "I know you're Harrington, but can we get reacquainted?"
You chuckled as you hugged the book tightly in your hand, "I'm Y/N."
"And I'm Billy Hargrove." His reply showed a smile.
"I bet you don't want to get in trouble with my brother, so goodbye, Billy."
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Who said he didn't want to get into trouble with Steve? The day after that he continued to approach you without Steve knowing, starting from him saying he could teach you Geography or sharing weird experiences during class. And the strange thing is that you fell for his bait, you were caught with him more and more often when Steve wasn't in the same class as you.
And today is the long awaited Halloween party, you want to go, but you are hesitant. You don't know how to party— Hell, you've never even been to a party.
"I never go to parties, Steve!" You whined at him when he was actually wearing a costume for his party.
"You did!"
You raised your eyebrows, "What party?"
"Birthday party?"
You tightened your jaw and threw your pillow at him, "That's not the same thing, dumbass! Don't make me angry and cry at the same time."
Steve put himself next to you, "Come on, Y/N! How about the dress I bought you last year?"
"Carrie White dress?" Steve nodded, "Listen, if you don't want to show your face you can soak the dress in fake red blood, how about that?"
You threw another pillow at Steve, "Are you out of your mind?" You toss your hair, "I'll show them this shining face."
Steve chuckled, "That's my girl."
You groaned in disgust and made an ugly face, "Ewh, change that 'girl'." Steve just chuckled.
Not long after you two left the house to go to the party, Steve picked up Nancy. Nancy praised you for your appearance, and you were also impressed by Nancy's appearance which looked more innocent than your costume.
You wore a peach colored dress that Steve bought you last year, decorated with a crown accessory in your hair.
When you arrived at the party you felt like it was really wrong to wear a leg-length dress, Steve and you went your separate ways.
12:00 A.M Steve says you should be in the car after the party.
Along the path you walked to Tina's house, you kept lifting your dress so that people wouldn't tripped over it.
For those of you who have never been to a party, you think the party is too boring, just follow along with rock music which is not your taste and the sound of the Hawkins High School students fondling which makes you groaned in disgust.
You found your way to the park in Tina's backyard, that's where you heard lots of cheers and people surrounding someone. You weren't interested so you went back inside.
Seeing lots of girls holding small red cups made you wonder what was in them, you let go of your dress in your hands and approached one of the girls, "Excuse me, what is that?" You said a little shouting because the music was too loud.
The girl who seemed drunk just smiled stupidly at you, "You're Carrie White!" You just smiled and nodded, "Let me pour some blood on your dress so you can be a real prom queen."
Thinking it was a good idea you nodded in agreement, but to your surprise she brought a group of her girls to spill the drink all over you too. Makes you close your eyes when they freely spill the drink. You didn't feel angry, but just a little oppressed... But it was your fault that you agreed with the girl's idea.
After that you saw a red cup on the kitchen counter, you grabbed it and drank it since you were curious about the taste, plus you had never tried alcohol before. Yes, you did, but that was a long time ago.
After trying it, it feels like something stinging and irritating in your body, you try to shake your head to wake yourself up, someone appears in front of you, it's Montley, "Dude, did you drink the drink here?" His voice seemed like a ghost in your ears, you just laughed and nodded.
You raised the red cup in the air and started shouting, "LET'S PARTY FOREVER, FELLAS!"
You heard Montley cursing, then his friend came over, "Did she just swallow that drink?" Jake asked, Montley nodded.
"Shit. We're going to get beat up by Harrington. Montley, there's cocaine in that cup—"
Montley immediately covered Jake's mouth and stomped his foot, "If you close your mouth then that won't happen."
While you definitely felt happy at this party, you had never felt this happy! You turned to Montley, "Can I have some more?"
Montley shook his head and took the cup from you forcefully, making you purse your lips, but he didn't say anything and just left in front of you with his friends.
You started walking into the living room to party with the others, you really felt excited,
“What's in that drink?” You asked yourself as you danced, you smiled like a fool, "I want more."
You walked over to the place where there was a sack of the drink in a bowl. You rested your hands on the table, “One please.” You said to the guy guarding the place.
"Well, well, well, look who's here." You heard a guy make a sound.
You turned your head and saw Jason who was standing in front of you, he always made fun of you when you were in first year, you narrowed your eyes, "What do you want?"
"You look good in that dress." He said and walked closer to you, "But it would be better if you took it off." He replied then you felt a hand on your butt. You slapped him straight away,
Your slap voice was very loud, making several people there turn their attention towards you, "Get your hands off me."
Jason chuckled, feeling himself humbled by you, he gripped your wrist tightly making you wince, "You don't look good. I'll make you feel good."
He grabbed your waist and took you away from there, but you pushed him away as soon as you reached Tina's backyard, "Just leave me alone."
Jason had run out of patience, he wanted to grab you again but someone pulled you to stand behind him, that's where you saw a guy in a black jacket standing with his back to you, it was Billy.
"What's your problem, man?" Jason asked with concern.
"Don't you realize that just touching her is my problem?" Billy replied while licking his lips.
Jason laughed at his disbelief, "Why don't you focus on your own mess?" Jason wanted to grab you again but you didn't let him and latched onto Billy's large hand, you pointed at Jason, “He's a bad guy!” Your babbling without full awareness.
"Did he hurt you?" Billy asked you, making you look up and shake your head, "But he touched my ass!"
Billy clucking in annoyance and turned his gaze towards Jason, "Is that so?" he asked Jason.
Now Jason was the one clucking, "Fine, she's yours, bro."
Jason was about to leave but Billy held him back and broke his hand making Jason scream in pain, "You can't just leave, there's gotta be a lesson in this, right?"
"Let's go, Billy!" You exclaimed while clapping your hands at his action.
Billy let go of Jason and threw him far into the wet grass, he turned towards you, you gave him a thumbs up but he ignored it,
"Let me see your eyes." He said then opened your eyes, making you look at him with those innocent eyes. Your pupils dilated, Billy knew that was one of the effects of cocaine.
"Fucking Montley." Billy cursed, he removed his hands from your eyes,
You wonder, "What's wrong with him?"
"I heard he accidentally put a cup full of cocaine and water and a girl drank it. And he mentioned being afraid of getting beat up by Harrington and stuff like that."
You held your throat, “Did I swallow cocaine?” You asked in a sad tone.
"I think so. Come on, let's go to my car, let's freshen yourself up." Billy asked then took your hand.
You didn't move immediately, "I want Steve."
"Princess, it's a shame that your brother left because of his romantic problems. Just come with me, okay? I'll take you home, I promise."
You whine, "My throat hurts, I'm scared, it feels like I'm hallucinating, I don't know what I'm feeling— What's wrong with meeee?"
"That must be the effect." Billy muttered, not long after he carried you.
"Stay awake, okay?" Billy said to you who had rested your head on his chest.
He wasn't wearing any clothes, just a jacket, making you trace his body with your fingers, making Billy feel goosebumps all over his body, but he knew that this was just another version of you. Not the real you.
Billy noticed the small crown in your hair, he chuckled to himself, the nickname 'Princess' was really made for you.
Even with wet hair and a dress that has red stains on it, you are still charming and shining.
Several girls whispered when they saw Billy take you to his car, some of them were jealous, but also amazed that you, who have always been an 'innocent girl', knew how to charm a boy from far away California.
As soon as you got to Billy's car he put you in the passenger seat, he gave you water which you immediately drank until it was finished. You want cocaine or other types of drugs to disappear from you immediately.
You whined in Billy's car, "I haven't achieved anything. And I've tasted cocaine or whatever that is."
Billy chuckled, he tucked your hair behind your ear, "It'll be fine. I don't think you've swallowed too much since the effects only last a few moments. Just if there's something weird, tell me or your shit brother right away, okay?"
You nod, “Thanks for helping me from that creepy Jason and this.”
Billy smiled,
You got up from your passenger seat to lean over so you could give him a quick kiss on his cheek.
As soon as you wanted to return to your original position he held you and pulled you into a soft and slow kiss, which at least made you calmer in that situation. And it really has an effect. You hoped Steve wouldn't find out about this. About cocaine, or unexpected kisses— And your first kiss was Billy fucking Hargrove. Billy thinks that you really are a girl full of surprises.
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Author Note : I DON'T KNOW, this is suckss, but I really loooveeee it! ;D
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magicshopaholic · 2 years
Double Take (Hoseok x OC)
Summary: Years after telling the neighbourhood brat to get a life, Hoseok does a double take when he realises she’s no longer the skinny kid who worshipped him once upon a time.
Pairing: Hoseok x OC
Genre: Angst, unrequited love
Word count: 11.7 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Parental death, heartbreak, allusions to sex, mentions of alcohol
A/N: It's finally here! I've been waiting so long to finally put this on paper and to get Hobi's storyline up and running. Hope you enjoy one of my favourite OCs and her story. Since this is more of a prologue than anything else, it can be read standalone.
Tagging: @bbl32, @quarter-life-crisis2, @meirkive, @dreaming-with-happiness, @kflixnet (drop a message if you want to be added)
Listen to: “you can't hurry love” by phil collins
hoseok masterlist | main masterlist
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When Chaeyoung was a girl, the best person she knew was her older brother. Chanyeol was everything; he was smart, he was kind, he was fun and popular, he was one of the best tennis players in the school and didn’t so much as have a spat with anybody his entire life. He was perfect; in fact, if there was one weakness he had, it was his little sister.
Chaeyoung worshipped him. He was her protector, her best friend, her role model. Every time her parents told her to be more like Chanyeol, it annoyed her only to an extent because why wouldn’t all parents want their kids to be like Chanyeol? He was perfect. From birth to present day, Kang Chanyeol was perfect.
The shift was subtle but crept up on her quickly. Sometime around the time when Chaeyoung was in her last years of elementary school, her mind began to expand. She observed more, listened more, and even started to question herself, but it wasn’t until the middle school sports day that year that it hit her: if there was one person in the world who was cooler than her older brother, it was his best friend, Hoseok.
She would never forget that day. She’d been dragged along by her father and the Jungs to watch the middle-schoolers partake in various sports. She hadn’t been in a good mood; Chanyeol hadn’t been forced to come to her sports day because he had school, and enforcing the reverse had felt grossly unfair. Still, she’d huffed and silently watched the taller kids run around, begrudgingly cheered for her brother when he’d won his tennis trophy, and even taken pictures of various combinations of their family and friends.
By the afternoon, Chaeyoung was becoming tired and cranky. At six years old, she felt ridiculous sitting among adults all day while the other kids hung around with their friends. The day couldn’t end fast enough and when it was finally only the two hundred metre race that was left, she’d breathed a sigh of relief. All her irritation went out the window once the race began, however, and she’d found herself unexpectedly engaged in how close it was. When it ended with Jung Hoseok running through the ribbon, sweaty and victorious, it was like she was seeing a whole different person.
Chaeyoung had known Hoseok for what felt like her entire life. His family had moved to their street when she’d been five, a little over a year after her mother had died. There was the older sister; she looked like an angel the first time Chaeyoung saw her, descending the porch staircase to jog down to catch the school bus. There were the parents who were welcomed to the neighbourhood by her own father who was gardening while a loading truck was parked by their house.
“Chaeyoung! Come and say hello!”
She’d been startled, for she’d been waiting for her own school bus when her father called, but she’d walked over with the confidence of a five year old anyway - when she’d noticed him. A young boy, no older than her brother, was standing silently by his mother’s leg, but with a bright smile on his face. He was scrawny, and slighter than Chanyeol, but seemed taller. Chaeyoung was still staring at him when her brother joined them and when both boys ran into the back of the loading truck at Hoseok’s father’s request, Chaeyoung followed without a second thought.
“Is this yours?” Chanyeol had been asking Hoseok, a gameboy in his hand. Hoseok nodded, the same smile appearing on his face again.
“I got it for my birthday this year,” he’d volunteered almost apologetically, as though needing to provide an explanation for why he had it.
“Cool,” said Chanyeol, sounding impressed. “I just got one, too. For doing well on my exams.” He’d turned the video game in his hands. “Is this the X400? It’s supposed to have Level 12 of the Alien Invasion version…”
Chaeyoung had been watching Hoseok, how his eyes shone as he talked about his video game, how easily her brother had made a new friend. Most importantly, she’d recalled the moment Chanyeol had received the aforementioned gameboy - and how she’d received nothing, because her report card hadn’t been as good as his. She’d gone to bed angry and in tears that night, until her brother had sneaked into her room with his brand new present after everyone had gone to sleep and let her play with it until she’d had her fill.
But this was not the time to dwell on that. There was not a chance in hell that she would be left out of the group because of a gameboy, or lack thereof, and she’d needed to cement the first impression before that happened. So, without thinking about it, Chaeyoung had skipped forward and snatched the gameboy right out of her brother’s hands.
“I’m really good at Alien Invasion, too,” she’d begun to say, interrupting the conversation and starting Chanyeol. Hoseok had broken off mid-word and was staring at her, which made her lose focus for a moment, and somewhere in the commotion, the gameboy fell to the ground and broke in two.
“No!” Hoseok’s face had dropped and he’d rushed to her feet to pick it up, frantically picking up both pieces and turning them around in his hands. “What - what did you do?”
“I’m - I’m sorry,” she’d murmured, suddenly feeling very small and short between the boys as her brother stepped closer to Hoseok, calmly taking the smaller piece and looking for where to fix it. Chaeyoung had stood there, motionless, while Chanyeol calmly figured out how to slide the loose piece back on the game.
“There,” he said after a moment, shaking it gently to see if it was fixed. “I think it’s okay.”
Hoseok’s face had been white as a sheet as he confirmed it, pressing one of the buttons and swallowing thickly as she screen lit up. “Yeah,” he said finally. He’d looked up at Chanyeol, eyes wide and grateful. “Thanks, man.”
“No problem.” Her brother had then looked down at her and tilted his head. “Chae, you want to say sorry?”
She already had, but at that moment, Chaeyoung had obeyed him. “Oh - um, sorry.”
Hoseok had glared at her suspiciously. “It’s really expensive,” he’d blurted, his voice a little wobbly.
“I - I know. It was an accident.”
He’d looked like he wanted to say more, but her father’s voice had floated over to them then, informing them that their school bus had arrived. Both boys, as though they’d been doing it every day of their lives, walked out together like the cool, older nine year olds they were and Chaeyoung was left to trail behind them, boarding the bus just as the door closed behind her.
She’d been peering at the different seats, knowing that no matter what, she and Chanyeol would sit together. He always let her sit with him, even if his friends were there. “Oppa, where do you want to -” But she trailed off when she looked up, her chest feeling funny as she watched her brother introduce the new boy to his group of friends at the back of the bus. As the group mumbled their names and started chattering about mundane things, Hoseok took the seat next to Chanyeol.
It had taken a few seconds for Chaeyoung to realise that she’d have to find a seat of her own, for the first time in her life. Her eyes fell to the gameboy in Hoseok’s hands; he was still fiddling with it as he listened to the others talk to each other. His gaze had met Chaeyoung’s then, and his wide, friendly eyes immediately narrowed, letting her know he wasn’t about to forget what she’d almost done anytime soon. With a jerk, the bus began to move.
It didn’t take long for Hoseok to become an inevitable part of her life; he and her brother quickly became inseparable, and Chanyeol clearly thought highly of him. He fit in seamlessly at school, he was fun and loud and cheerful, and no one she’d met so far had a single bad thing to say about him.
The only person Hoseok seemed to get annoyed by, apart from his own sister sometimes, was his best friend’s sister. Chaeyoung had noticed how he rolled his eyes every time she tried to hang out with them, how she wanted to be included while they were playing video games or when they wanted to ride their bikes to school. At school, Chaeyoung watched her brother and Hoseok grow further and further away from her, both of them in different buildings of the school, in separate cafeterias and with completely separate groups of friends.
But it was a point of pride for her that despite Chanyeol’s growing popularity, she was still his sister. His friends knew it, her friends knew it - and the only person she allowed to be as close to him was Hoseok, only because he was Hoseok. 
At the sports meet, almost a year after the Jungs moved in next door, she felt like she knew what that meant. When she’d seen the waves of cheering for Hoseok when he won the final race, when she watched how his friends gathered around him, how her brother was the first one to hug him, it occurred to her how badly she wanted to be one of them. So, naturally, since no one stopped her, Chaeyoung ran down to the field with the other kids, ready to congratulate him.
She fought her way through, feeling just as proud of him as everyone else seemed to be. She’d known him for as long as she could remember, after all - he was family. With his damp hair, white jersey and infectious smile, it was like she was seeing the sun. He hadn’t seen her yet, though, but once she made it to the front of the crowd, he finally did. 
Chaeyoung didn’t think she’d ever forget the moment their eyes met. How, for a split second, the euphoria seemed directed at her and she felt stirrings in her heart she’d never felt before. Her legs moved automatically and she rushed to hug him, noticing only just before she reached him how his face went slack and his eyes went wide with horror. 
He stepped back the same moment she reached him, causing her to trip and fall onto him as they both crashed to the ground. It was sudden and unexpected, but Chaeyoung hugged him anyway.
“You were amazing!” she started to squeal, only to be roughly pushed away. She fell on her backside with a soft “oof!”, completely confused for a second until she looked up to see Hoseok scrambling to his feet. His expression was one of immense irritation, a direct contrast to what it was a minute prior, as he dusted his hands on his shorts.
“What are you doing, you weirdo?” he snapped, and it was only then that she realised the noise around her hadn’t died down - they just weren’t cheering anymore. They were laughing.
Chaeyoung sat there on the ground, motionless, too stunned to even cry. It wasn’t at all the reaction she was expecting, until she noticed how Hoseok, his face red, was backing away from the crowd as though trying to make himself invisible. It occurred to her only then what was happening; Jung Hoseok, the coolest boy she knew, was shy.
It made her stomach flutter, that she’d made him shy. Even though Hoseok only glared at her after that and wouldn’t even look at her when their families went out to dinner that night, Chaeyoung knew. She knew she’d seen something on Hoseok’s face she’d never seen before, and she was the only one who’d made him look that way. At six years old, Chaeyoung knew she was in love with Jung Hoseok.
Chaeyoung couldn’t remember her mother very well. She hadn’t been barely five when the aneurysm had suddenly been detected. There were some quick hospital visits, the walls white and the sheets crisp, before one evening, her father had come to both her and Chanyeol at the house of the neighbour who’d been babysitting them to tell them that their mother had died.
At the time, Chaeyoung hadn’t quite been able to comprehend it. All she knew was that her father was crying - her father - and Chanyeol was trying his absolute hardest not to. She’d sneaked over to her brother’s room that night to comfort him - after all, he did every time she cried - but when she’d reached the doorway and heard his muffled sobs, she’d broken down as well. It was that, even more than her mother’s sudden death, that had made her succumb to tears that night: the fact that for the first time in her memory, her brother - her tall, perfect nine year old brother - was crying.
As the years went by and Chaeyoung began growing up, she’d realised that losing her mother meant more than just the fact that she would have to dress herself for school. There were conversations with friends, playdates at others’ houses, even casual words between Jiwoo and her mother every time the Jungs came over for dinner, that would give Chaeyoung pause and make her wonder what exactly it was that was lacking in her life without a mother.
Of course, given that she hadn’t really known much about her mother, and remembered even less, there was only so much she could speculate about. Then, about four years after her mother’s death, their father had told them about Seoyoon. He’d been very nervous, she’d been able to tell, but everything he’d said after that made no sense to her at all. Next to her, Chanyeol hadn’t reacted much at all until the end, when he’d simply shrugged when their father asked them if they were okay.
“But what about mom?” Chaeyoung had blurted out, not even realising that from the moment the new lady’s name had left her father’s mouth, these had been the only words in her mind, going round and round on a loop.
Her father had tilted his head and looked at her sadly. “Mom…” He’d trailed off for a moment. “Mom will always be your mom. Nobody else will ever be able to take her place. Even in my life,” he’d continued, and he’d reached out and held Chanyeol’s hand, “no one will ever be able to replace her. But Seoyoon is…” He’d blinked rapidly for a few seconds. “At a certain age, sweetheart… it gets too hard to be alone.”
At the time, Chaeyoung had taken this to mean that this new woman, this Seoyoon, was something of a playmate, someone for her father to chat with on the phone and watch movies with once in a while. It still wasn’t the best feeling but she didn’t know how to put it into words, the feeling of seeing something slip through her fingers and being powerless to catch it. She’d looked up at Chanyeol, who was staring at the ground and finally nodded. A moment later, Chaeyoung nodded, too, for if her brother was okay with it, so was she.
When she went up to her room, she suddenly felt terribly lonely. It was too dark and she felt that if she were to cry as loudly as she could, no one would hear her, and no one would care. She thought of her mother, a face she only knew from pictures, a voice she scarcely remembered, and whose touch she could only imagine. She pictured her mother right beside her, understanding everything she was feeling and murmuring quietly, as quiet as the wind, that everything would be alright.
Call me if you need me.
It was one of the only things Chaeyoung had any memory of her mother saying, a vivid picture of her scribbling her cell phone number next to her husband’s on a piece of white card and tucking it safely inside Chaeyoung’s pocket. It was what she said now, sweetly, silently.
I will, Ma.
It was the first night she dreamed Ma into existence. 
Ma stayed after that. She felt like a mother whenever Chaeyoung thought about her, but better than all her friends’ mothers. She never told Chaeyoung to finish her vegetables, she always realised it was unfair when her father would compare her marks to Chanyeol’s, and she always, always took Chaeyoung’s side. When Chaeyoung was annoyed or angry, Ma would be there. Sometimes, even when she was happy, like when she made it onto the football team, Ma was there - not with the other parents in the stands, but right there next to Chaeyoung on the field.
She didn’t know whether to tell Chanyeol. On the one hand, she trusted him more than anybody else in the world - and wasn’t she his Ma, too? But when she tried to broach the topic of their mother once, when he’d been studying and she’d been bursting to tell someone, Chanyeol had been uncharacteristically abrupt with her.
“I don’t want to talk about this, Chae.”
He’d interrupted her when she’d been mid-sentence, and she’d fallen silent. He seemed to realise this, for a moment later he looked up at her and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I just… I really need to study for this test.” When she only nodded and said nothing, he continued. “Also, now that dad has… now that Seoyoon is here, I just don’t think it’s right to talk about mom.”
If Chaeyoung had been older, if she’d realised that her brother, too, was a child who was doing the best he could, she would have seen this statement as evidence that he was coping with the loss of their mother, just like she was. But in her nine year old wisdom, she took this to mean that Seoyoon was the reason no one could talk about her mother anymore.
Seoyoon was invited for dinner later that week, and again the week after that. After that it became more and more frequent, to the point that she was there when Chaeyoung and her brother returned home from school, and Chanyeol at least stopped seeming surprised.
A couple of months later, her father sat them down and told them his plan. He’d looked nervous yet hopeful, until relief washed over his face when Chanyeol gave him a small smile and nodded in assent.
He’s lying! Chaeyoung wanted to scream, but her voice wouldn’t work, not when her father turned to her and his expression changed from relief to anticipation, as though he was expecting a fight. Chaeyoung didn’t disappoint, and even though she knew he’d do what he wanted anyway, she bit the inside of her cheek and exhaled sharply.
“You promised you wouldn’t forget about mom,” was all she said and at nineyears old, it seemed like the crux of the issue. No matter how much her father tried to convince her he hadn’t, Chaeyoung knew that she, at least, would do everything possible to keep her mother with her.
Later that week her father finally pulled the plug and proposed to Seoyoon. The following weekend, he threw an announcement dinner with the Jungs from next door, where Chaeyoung watched this woman throughout. Her stepmother; this new woman who was sitting in her mother’s kitchen, laughing with her father and giving presents to her and her brother like she’d known them forever. 
Chaeyoung was too startled to do anything but quietly accept it and echo a thank you along with her brother. No one will ever be able to replace your mom, her father had promised. Chaeyoung didn’t know what that meant anymore; all she knew was that there were eight people in the room, four in each family, and that her mother was not one of them.
Sometime during dessert, when there was music playing and the adults were chatting with drinks in their hands, Chaeyoung slipped out of the front door and sat on her porch. Chanyeol was busy with something inside and, anyway, she had no interest in hanging around with him right now. It was rare but it happened, and right now she simply wanted away from all the music and energy.
It was a reasonably chilly night, and she involuntarily shivered when she sat down on the porch. It was quiet as she waited for Ma, and she closed her eyes in wait. A sudden rustling made her eyes snap open, followed by a groan.
Her heart instantly zoomed, which seemed to be the default reaction for her body every time Hoseok entered her mind space. She looked up to see him come into view, standing at the edge of the front yard.
“Yeah,” she said immediately, hearing the forced upward lilt in her own voice.
He sighed loudly. “Seriously? Are you following me again?”
Chaeyoung felt herself deflate. This, too, seemed to be a default reaction every time she entered his mind space. 
“No,” she mumbled. “What are you doing out here?” she asked after a moment.
“I lost my keychain this morning. I think I dropped it here.” He sighed, glancing at her begrudgingly. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen it? It’s a Manchester United one.”
Chaeyoung bit her lip. She knew which keychain he was talking about, for not only had she seen it, she had it. She’d seen it fall out of the side pocket of Hoseok’s backpack this morning when all three of them walked to the school bus. As usual, she’d been walking behind both boys, trying to keep up with their conversation as they chattered about something hilarious that had happened during their class field trip yesterday.
Every time she’d tried to interject, they either continued their conversation like they hadn’t heard her, or they would tell her to stop interrupting. When Hoseok finally snapped at her (“Can you please shut up for a second?”), she’d sulked but obliged, feeling rather annoyed again. The final nail in the coffin had been just before they’d been about to board, and a girl in the window - a beautiful, popular thirteen year old girl with pretty curls and blue ribbon - smiled out the window. Chaeyoung had followed her gaze and swallowed as she realised she was smiling at Hoseok - and he was smiling back.
Chaeyoung had felt her heart drop and her teeth grit. As she followed the boys into the bus, she’d spotted something shiny on the ground. Bending down to pick it up, she’d realised what it was and who it belonged to. Before she could talk herself out of it, she pocketed it, knowing that no matter who he smiled at, Hoseok’s favourite keychain with his favourite football team on it belonged to her.
“Nope. Haven’t seen it.”
Hoseok sighed loudly and dramatically, climbing the porch stairs and about to sit down, before apparently thinking better of it. He remained standing, as though afraid of being too close to her and while that would usually break Chaeyoung’s heart enough for her to cry herself to sleep, tonight she simply felt a dull throb and a whole lot of impatience for his snark.
“Why aren’t you inside?” he asked.
“I want to be outside,” she answered defiantly. 
“Chan’s talking to Cruella in there,” she muttered after a moment. The image of her brother, smiling and graciously welcoming Seoyoon into the family, made her sick. If she’d spent another moment in there, she swore she would’ve thrown up.
Hoseok scoffed. “Chan? Didn’t you get in trouble for calling him by his name?”
She flushed. “Not trouble. Just… it doesn’t matter, okay?” 
“Fine. Whatever.” There was a pause. “Did you just call her Cruella?” When Chaeyoung didn’t answer, he shrugged. “Chanyeol says she’s nice.”
“Well, bully for Chanyeol.”
“God, must you whine?”
“I hate this sweater,” she said, tugging at the brand new gift her father had made her put on. “And I have to wear it because she gave it to me.”
“So? I hate these pants but my mom made me wear them.” He shrugged. “That’s life.”
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. This was Hoseok’s new thing lately: that’s life. She didn’t know where he’d learnt it, but his eventual response to everything was “that’s life”, which irritated her beyond belief. He especially said it to her all the time, as though she was a child that needed reminding about the facts of the world, and it made her blood boil.
“She’s not my mom.”
“All moms are the same. Your mom would’ve told you to wear it, too.”
“You didn’t even know her,” she snapped. 
There was a few seconds of silence as Hoseok presumably processed this, including her unusual tone. “You’re right,” he said, his tone uncharacteristically sober. “Sorry.”
Chaeyoung grit her teeth and hoped she wouldn’t cry in front of him. She would look weak and any hopes of getting him to notice her would go straight out the window. Also, Ma wasn’t here yet and she would only cry to Ma.
“Chanyeol didn’t like her at first either.”
She didn’t know if she’d heard him correctly. “What?”
“Your… Seoyoon. Cruella,” he added, an awkward sort of smile appearing for a second. “Chan didn’t like her when she first got here.”
This was news to hear. “Really? He - he told you?”
“Yeah. Said she talked weird.”
It wasn’t on the list of things that annoyed Chaeyoung, but she took it. It didn’t escape her notice that Chanyeol had failed to mention this to her while confiding in Hoseok about it, but for now, it made her feel just slightly less alone. She turned around to look in through the window again.
“He seems to like her now,” she mumbled. 
“Maybe you will, too. Or he’s faking it.”
Chaeyoung snorted. It felt good to laugh for a moment, even if the situation sucked. “I hope he’s faking it.”
“Really? Why?”
She frowned. “Because… I don’t…” She didn’t know how to put it into words that she didn’t want to be the only one missing her mother. “I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t like her.”
“Then maybe you should try to like her.”
Chaeyoung bristled. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. “I don’t want to like her.”
“But why? I mean, aren’t you glad your dad is happy?”
The way he said it, it sounded like the most obvious thing in the world. But when Chaeyoung turned around to look inside again, for the first time all night, her gaze shifted from her brother to her father. There was something heartbreaking about how happy he looked, but Chaeyoung didn’t know just how to express that while it was a nice sight, it only made her miss her mother even more.
She said nothing, though, resolving only to keep Ma her secret forever. Her dad and brother didn’t need nor want Ma, and Chaeyoung was fine not sharing. 
Next to her, Hoseok sighed. “It’s cold. I’m going inside.”
All thoughts of her soon to be stepmother vanished. “Wait!” When he halted and turned around, eyebrows raised, her heart thumped against her ribcage. “Why - why are you being nice to me?”
Even in the darkness, she could see the hint of a blush on his face. But his next words wiped away any scenarios her imagination may have created. “You’re Chan’s sister,” he said, shrugging, his hands in his pockets. “I have to be nice to you.”
The day Hoseok left for Seoul, Chaeyoung thought she would die. 
Everyone was thrilled for him, it looked like. He was going to follow his dreams, they said. His parents seemed nervous but proud, his sister called from Australia, telling him to take care of himself. Even Chanyeol, who she’d thought would be distraught since he’d be losing his best friend, was irritatingly supportive.
“He’s going to be an idol,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing. They were at the dining table in their house, a week before Hoseok was meant to leave. “He’s meant for it. Haven’t you seen him dance?”
Chaeyoung stared at him, incredulous. Seen him? She lived and breathed him - of course she knew how he could dance, that he was meant to be an idol and whatnot. 
“That - that’s not my point,” she stuttered, her chopsticks feeling like water between her fingers. “How is he - his life is here. His school, his friends, his… everyone.”
Chanyeol, now sixteen, squinted at her. “He’ll make new friends. He’s good at that.”
“Yes, but he’s your best friend. Won’t you - won’t you miss him?”
He chewed his food thoughtfully. “I mean… sure. I guess. We’ll text and stuff.” He shrugged.
Chaeyoung blinked. “Text,” she repeated.
“Yeah. What’s the big deal? You’re acting like he’s dying.”
“Chaeyoung,” said Seoyoon, her voice soft and melodic, “it’s okay to miss him, too. He’s like family.”
She met her stepmother’s eyes. “Yeah. Not really what I was getting at.” 
Next to her, Chanyeol rolled his eyes, while her father said her name sternly. Seoyoon simply placed a hand on his arm and muttered “it’s okay”, while Chaeyoung was left to silently resent how, out of everyone at the table, including Ma, Seoyoon was the one who had the nerve to say it out loud.
It felt like the worst thing that could happen, and it felt directly targeted at her. His parents would always be his parents, his sister had already left for Australia a year ago, and Chanyeol was his best friend in the world. Chaeyoung was none of these things, however, and it felt like if he left now, he’d be gone from her life forever.
The first night, she cried for hours. It was as though she could feel his absence next door. She fell asleep gazing at a picture of she, Chanyeol and Hoseok on her nightstand, taken during a family trip to Jeju Island. The next day at school, she walked around like a war widow, with puffy eyes and her books clutched to her chest. At lunch, she sat surrounded by her friends, feeling like they would never understand, never know true heartbreak and true pain.
A week later, things were easier. Chaeyoung made the middle school football team, just like her brother had, and after-school practice meant less time to miss the love of her life. Then exams happened, and birthday parties, and before she knew it, it was next year.
Hoseok was forgotten by no one; the Jungs came over for dinner just as often as they did before, but only two kids out of four meant that the dinner was more for the adults to stay in touch than anything else. Chanyeol got busy with applying to colleges, while Chaeyoung, for the first time, had her life laid bare in front of her. With no Chanyeol and Hoseok to follow around, her own friends, her own studies and her own life were suddenly at the forefront.
Hoseok was still on her mind, though. She looked at the picture on her bedside table every night, kept his Manchester United keychain in her backpack, and told all her friends about the day she would date an idol. “He’ll become an idol and then he’ll come back,” she said, for it seemed incredibly obvious. Her friends, no strangers to her lifelong crush, were part supportive and part envious, which only thrilled thirteen year old Chaeyoung even more. 
Chanyeol was right about one thing, though. He and Hoseok texted - and only texted. She hadn’t a clue if and when they actually spoke, and she spent hours daydreaming about the day he’d call her, because as much as he pretended like he couldn’t stand her, one day he would surely wake up and realise how much he missed her. They were family, after all.
He finally did call one day - or rather, he was called. It was his seventeenth birthday, and they were at the Jungs’ house for lunch when Hoseok’s father decided to call his son, putting it on video as everyone said hello and wished him. The first thing that Chaeyoung noticed was how narrow his face was; it was unexpected, but he still looked as handsome as ever and she only hoped that he’d notice her new haircut, too.
It was chaotic; Hoseok was speaking hurriedly, saying he didn’t have much time. The phone was passed down from adult to adult, everyone wishing him and making typical grown-up comments about what a big man he was, living by himself in Seoul. The phone was then swiftly passed to Chanyeol, who simply stood up and began walking away into another room, going “Dude, you won’t believe what happened at Eunwoo’s party last week…”
Chaeyoung knew she had to wait before it was her turn - but it was just so hard. She was almost giddy with happiness; she’d missed him so much. There was so much she had to tell him and so much she wanted to know, including when he was planning to come back. But when five minutes passed and Chanyeol didn’t return, and the adults had moved to some boring topic of conversation, Chaeyoung decided to take matters into her own hands.
Hopping off her chair, she retraced her brother’s steps and found him in the pantry of the house, sitting atop a stool and laughing into the phone as he held it up in front of him. He caught her eyes above the phone and she tried to signal to him to give her the phone.
“- and it was… what?” He frowned before apparently catching on. “Oh, uh… do you, uh, want to talk to Chae? She -”
But Hoseok’s voice interrupted him, shrill through the speaker. “Oh, God, no.”
Chanyeol’s eyes flickered to his sister. “Hey, man -”
“Dude, no, not today. I’ve had a bad enough day so far,” he said, sounding more weary than ever. “Don’t make me talk to your sister right now. Let that be my birthday gift,” he quipped, clearly oblivious to how Chaeyoung stood behind the phone, frozen to the ground.
“Oh, um…” Chanyeol sighed, tilting his head sympathetically at his sister as Hoseok said a hurried goodbye. “Yeah, yeah… have a good day.” There was a beep and the call ended. Chanyeol took a few moments before meeting Chaeyoung’s eyes again.
“I don’t - I don’t understand,” she said, feeling like her voice wasn’t even hers, like it was coming from somewhere else. “Why - why doesn’t he want to talk to me?”
Chanyeol opened his mouth but seemed to think better of it, standing up and moving to walk past her. “Just ignore it. Come on, let’s go back -”
“No, wait.” She stopped him. “Tell me. I - I thought… I thought he missed home. You said he missed being home,” she repeated, hearing her voice tremble. “Why didn’t he want to talk to me?” And why did it look like you understood?
“Chae, just - just let it go, alright?”
“No! I’m his family! Why doesn’t he want to -”
“Because you’re telling everyone that you’re his family!” Chanyeol blurted, looking fed up. “Jesus, Chae! Everyone knows you have a crush on him, but you don’t have to make it so damn public!”
Her face reddened. “I don’t have a crush on -”
“Oh, please. It was okay when you were younger but then you started following him around school and stuff… come on, can you blame him for being embarrassed?”
Chaeyoung shook her head. Nothing he was saying was making sense. “What are you talking about? He wasn’t embarrassed, he was - he was shy. He didn’t -”
“Seriously?”  This time, even Chanyeol looked incredulous. “Chae, you told your friends that you were going to marry him when his crew won that inter-school competition in ninth grade. One of them told her older sister and suddenly everyone knew. You really thought that would make him shy?”
It took everything Chaeyoung had in her to not cry. “But - but he never said anything. He - he always…” But that wasn’t true. He said a lot of things. He was perpetually annoyed with her, and every time that she ever wondered why he was so sweet and sunny with everyone but her… it seemed she finally had an answer. “Why didn’t he ever tell me to stop?” she asked in a small voice.
“Because you’re my sister,” he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “What was he going to say?”
You’re Chan’s sister. I have to be nice to you. At the time, it was proof to her of how close their families were, of how they were family. But now she realised it was none of those things, just Hoseok admitting what he and everyone else apparently knew: were it not for his best friend, Jung Hoseok would have absolutely nothing to do with Kang Chaeyoung.
She found it hard to meet her brother’s gaze. There was a stinging on her lower lip where she tasted blood, and then a stinging in her eyes. It was a time in her life when she and Chanyeol weren’t as close as they once were, and she was faced with a sudden and irrational fear that if she cried right now, he would tell Hoseok about it.
Chanyeol took a step towards her. “Chae -”
She started to shake her head when they were interrupted, and she turned to see Hoseok’s father approaching the pantry. 
“There you two are,” he said cheerfully, sounding far too much like his son for Chaeyoung to handle. “I need my phone. Oh, Chanyeol, help me bring down the barbecue for tonight, come on…” He brushed past her and patted Chanyeol on the back, who nodded respectfully and made way for him. “Oh, Chaeyoung, your mother was asking where you were - there’s strawberry cream for dessert and she says it’s your favourite…”
Chaeyoung nodded in a daze, turning away from Chanyeol and walking out of the room. The dining area felt miles away and every step made her feel like she was on a treadmill. Finally, after what seemed like ages, she reached the dining table and took her seat. She ignored Seoyoon when she offered her dessert, her eyes on her empty plate the whole time. Even when Chanyeol returned and tried to get her to look at him, muttering “Chae? Are you okay?”, she simply nodded once but didn’t dare look at him.
That night, the first thing Chaeyoung did when she went to her room was take out the picture from the frame on her bedside table and slip it into one of her books. She hunted through every photo album she had and finally chose a picture of her with the rest of her football team, a group of thirteen year old girls holding up small gold trophies and grinning into the camera.
It felt like a step in the right direction, for if she needed to stop embarrassing Hoseok, it needed to begin right here in her bedroom. As she stared at the picture, trying to talk herself into liking it, into realising that these girls, her friends, were more important than a guy who wouldn’t even let her wish him a happy birthday, she felt the first sob wrack through her body.
She imagined what Ma would say. Ma didn’t appear to her like she did before; it was just her voice now, saying things that Chaeyoung wanted to hear. Right now, she imagined Ma would tell her that Hoseok hated her, that there was no point loving someone who hated her. He’s only nice to you because of Chanyeol, she said, her voice soothing and familiar. So why are you nice to him?
“Because he’s perfect,” she cried softly, feeling like her heart would break. She’d never felt this horrible, she knew. Even Chanyeol couldn’t make this better; in fact, he’d only made it worse. How long had he known? How could he have gone all this time, knowing what he did, and continue letting her make a fool of herself? Did he laugh about her with Hoseok? Did she embarrass him, too? 
She thought of her father, how he’d sigh at her every time she got into trouble at school. How he and Chanyeol would both give her a look when she didn’t fake it with the stepmother. Hoseok’s face as he rolled his eyes floated through her mind. It was a kick in the gut as she thought it: How many people was she disappointing at once? 
Bangtan Sonyeondan was a cool name. It was a fact, and even though Chaeyoung was very careful to not let it show on her face, their debut single was really cool.
Chanyeol’s class had long graduated by now. Chaeyoung, at fifteen, was at the peak of her school career so far. While she’d been initially wary of Chanyeol graduating, leaving her completely alone for the first time, it turned out to be just what she’d needed to step out of his shadow once and for all. No one had forgotten him, but they remembered just enough to know she was.
Everyone in the school knew when Hoseok debuted. It was a huge point of pride for the school that one of their former students was now an idol and for a good few weeks, every single person in the school was humming No More Dream. It was catchy as hell, and Hoseok was amazing in it - not that Chaeyoung was noticing.
Ever since the phone call that was not meant to be, Chaeyoung had attempted to distance herself from everything Jung Hoseok. It was the hardest thing in the world at first, but eventually real life took precedence over daydreams, studies took importance over doodling his name, and her real friends ended up being more fun to hang out with than a fictionalised version of him in her mind.
Once she’d managed to let him go, she’d been pleasantly surprised to find how much of a life she was able to have outside of him. It turned out that, for the most part, people seemed to like her. In one of her birthday cards, the most frequent words used by people was “fun” - she was fun, apparently. She wasn’t sure what exactly that meant, until one day in ninth grade when she’d convinced a few friends to skip a class. They’d gotten away with it, and she’d been hailed as “so fun”.
Life continued, fun and everything. Chanyeol left Gwangju for Seoul when he went to college and, she imagined, got back in touch with Hoseok. She still texted her brother reasonably often, whenever they had the time. Now that they’d reached a certain age and stage of their own lives, their initial relationship had started to become slightly more distant. 
It wasn’t something that even occurred to Chaeyoung except for in certain moments, like their mother’s birthday. On those days, she missed Chanyeol more than anything. To his credit, he was mostly there for her when she needed him, but to her credit, she tried not to need him too much.
A few months before her sixteenth birthday, Hoseok returned to Gwangju for three days. It was a huge deal, for he’d apparently had to negotiate a lot for even those days off. Chanyeol was back then, too, and naturally both families wanted to make the best of it.
Despite the fact that Chaeyoung, for all intents and purposes, was over her crush on Hoseok by now, it still evoked a sense of quiet excitement in her stomach. She didn’t seek him out, but she made sure not to leave her room until she was perfectly dressed and her hair was impeccable, ready to breeze past him without a care in the world, determined to show him how much she’d grown without him.
As it turned out, she didn’t see him that morning. She didn’t see him that evening after school, or that night. In fact, she didn’t see him all weekend; Hoseok seemed to have a ton of friends to visit, and he and Chanyeol were gone for practically the entire time.
Chaeyoung wished she’d just catch a glimpse of him - not because she missed him or anything, but because the longer it took to see him, the higher the anticipation got. She’d managed to put their last humiliating not-interaction to the back of her mind eventually, but the longer she waited to see him, the more she ended up reliving it.
On Hoseok’s last night, there was a dinner at the Jungs. Unlike the last time he left for Seoul, when no one knew what his future would hold, this time he was leaving as a successful debuted idol. The dinner, therefore, was more of a farewell party, with a few more of his friends invited, all of whom Chaeyoung remembered from school.
Chaeyoung tried her hardest to stay out of everyone’s way. She didn’t trust herself around Hoseok, particularly because now that he was here, actually in the flesh, she was begrudgingly being reminded of everything that she’d once loved about him.
Don’t go down that rabbit hole, Chae, Ma said, as Chaeyoung hovered near the kitchen, nibbling at her nails. Hoseok had brushed past her once or twice, giving her a perfunctory “hi” which only served to make her feel ridiculous, because it was clear that he wasn’t devoting even a fraction of the mind space to her that she was to him.
Towards the end of the night, given that it was a Sunday, Chaeyoung knew that she would be sent home soon. It was a school night and the older kids were chattering about going out for a while longer, so she knew that if she didn’t speak to Hoseok now, there would be no telling if she’d ever be able to get this out.
Finally, around ten pm, when she saw him go upstairs to his room, she followed him. She tried hard to ensure that no one saw her but when she finally reached his doorway, she realised that none of it mattered because she had no idea what to say.
Chaeyoung cleared her throat. “Hoseok oppa?” she said gingerly.
He whipped around, turning away from the bag he seemed to be packing. She didn’t fail to notice how his face fell when he realised who it was; she tried not to let that get to her. 
“Uh… what are you doing here?” he asked, sounding almost wary. His eyes darted around the room as though expecting to get caught by someone.
“I just wanted to say hi,” she managed, her heart racing. He looked… incredible. Nineteen became him. He looked thin but fit, and his hair was cut stylishly so it fell across his forehead. Swallowing, she continued. “And… I wanted to apologise.”
“Uh, okay - look. You’re in my room. Anyone can see you,” he informed her. “So you should probably -“ He gave her a knowing nod and gestured towards the door.
It stung, but she held her ground, stepping inside his room and shutting the door behind her. Leaning back against it, she exhaled. “Is that better?”
Hoseok’s look of pure horror was enough to tell her that it was, in fact, not better, but she’d had enough distractions now. 
“Look, I don’t need too much of your time. I just…” She looked at her feet, trying to find the courage to continue. “I wanted to… apologise,” she said finally.
Hoseok frowned. “For what?” he asked suspiciously.
“For… everything? I guess.” She swallowed, forcing herself to continue looking up at him. “It was brought to my attention a while back that I may have… embarrassed you.” She paused as the words settled around them, having said it out loud for the first time ever. “I know I was probably a bit annoying and I didn’t - I wasn’t very… cool.”
Hoseok looked more confused than anything now and she couldn’t blame him, for she didn’t think she was making any sense either. But he hadn’t asked her to leave yet, which was more encouragement than she could hope for. 
“Honestly, when I think back to some of the things I did…” She trailed off for a moment, shaking her head. “I cringe a little bit. Okay, that’s a lie. I cringe a lot.”
He nodded slowly, and she didn’t know if she’d imagined the fleeting look of amusement on his face. 
“So, anyway. I’m sorry.”
Huh. Chaeyoung didn’t know what else she was expecting, but his tone made it pretty clear that their heart to heart was over. “Okay, then. I’ll just… go.” She turned to open the door, only to see about four of his friends standing right outside. Chanyeol wasn’t one of them. They were clearly waiting for Hoseok, possibly giving him privacy because of the closed door, but the moment one of them spotted her, his eyes went wide.
“Oh, my -”
“Oh, God,” muttered Hoseok from behind her.
“Dude.” A second guy, Hyungmin, seemed to smile in slow motion, as though he was suddenly uncovering some huge joke. He nudged the first guy and snorted. “The happy couple is back!”
Chaeyoung wrinkled her nose. “What?”
But her voice was drowned out among the hoots, all loud and obnoxious. She turned back to Hoseok, possibly for an explanation, only to see him rolling his eyes before he suddenly glared at her.
“I don’t even know what she’s doing here,” he said stonily, and her heart skipped a confused beat.
“What? I -”
“Hey, Chan, get up here!” One of the other guys interrupted her, leaning over the railing and shouting into the house. “You’ll never guess who was in Hobi’s room - with the door closed!”
“Dude, he’s gonna kill him,” snickered Hyungmin, giving Hoseok a  mock-sympathetic look. 
“Alright, isn’t this joke, like, a million years old?” he asked, sounding thoroughly unimpressed.
“It was, but now she’s getting hot and all,” said the third guy, whom Chaeyoung only remembered as the one who was invited because he had a car. He gave her a side glance and raised an eyebrow. “Now it means all kinds of -
“Dude, what the fuck?” Hoseok groaned, while Hyungmin slapped his shoulder with the back of his hand and hissed, “She’s a kid.”
“Well, she doesn’t look like -”
“Chan is going to kill you if you don’t -”
“Hey, what’s going on up there?” Chanyeol’s voice floated up, interrupting everyone. “Are we leaving or what?”
There was a momentary pause when it seemed as though no one knew how to respond. Then Hoseok rolled his eyes and strode out of the room. “Come on, let’s go,” he muttered, and fortunately, his friends followed his lead. As he passed Chaeyoung, he glared at her.
“How do you manage to ruin everything?” he hissed. “I told you to get out of my room.”
“I - I know.” Chaeyoung heard her voice tremble. “I didn’t think they would -”
“Really? Because it’s so different from what they’ve been doing the last ten years?” He gave her another exasperated look, like she wasn’t worth his time. “Why can’t you just disappear?” he muttered, knocking into her shoulder as he left the room.
Chaeyoung stayed there for a minute, humiliated, her feet rooted to the floor. She didn’t know whether it was his friend’s comments about her, the way they were talking about her like she wasn’t right there in front of them, or whether, after all these years, Hoseok had finally told her the truth.
Why can’t you just disappear?
She glanced into his room again, her eyes running over the taped posters on the wall, the folded bed sheets, a set of clothes draped neatly over the chair. She’d come here in hopes of maybe moving past everything that had caused him to avoid her all these years. Now, she wished she hadn’t said anything at all. 
Chaeyoung rushed home after that, not wanting to wait for Seoyoon to croon over at her to do so. She didn’t think anyone even noticed; she ran out the front door, glad for the empty hallway from where she could hear everyone else in the dining room. The night was dark and chilly, and she hopped over the short fence to her front yard, slamming her door behind her before hurrying upstairs.
She wouldn’t cry this time, she vowed, even as she wiped angry tears forming of their own accord. She was sick of it, sick of everything. She was sick of those stupid friends Chanyeol still hung out with, she was sick of how Hoseok instantly became a different person when it came to her, she was sick of her stepmother, her family - but most of all, she completely sick of how, even after all these years, the things Hoseok said still had the ability to hurt her.
She hadn’t grown up at all, clearly. Nothing had changed. She would forever hold a candle for her brother’s best friend, even if, until two days ago, she’d been somewhat preoccupied by the fact that Nam Sehun from the other section had a rumoured crush on her. 
She looked up from where she was sitting at the corner of her bed when she heard a faint sound of laughter and a shout. Dragging her feet to the window, she saw a car pull out from the Jungs’ driveway, music emanating from it until it screeched to a sudden stop.
“Hurry up, man!” One of the guys shouted as another leapt out of the car, scurrying back to the house. The party must be over. Before she knew it, everyone else would be back home.
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and stepped away from the window, too tired to care. As she stripped and retrieved an old t-shirt and pajamas from the closet, she found herself feeling more and more stupid by the second. She’d made more of an effort than she’d realised apparently; even the bra she was wearing was something she’d purposely picked out, possibly in an effort to show Hoseok that she’d grown up - except it hadn’t worked, and the only person who seemed to notice it was Chanyeol’s creepy friend.
Pulling on her clothes, she trudged to the bed, ready to nurse another broken heart and fall asleep forever, when she heard a knock.
“Fuck,” she whispered, not in the mood to face her stepmother and her fake concern right now. The knock sounded again and she swore under her breath. “No one’s home,” she called, hoping she’d take the hint.
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s true,” said the voice outside, and Chaeyoung felt a jolt in her stomach. She walked over and opened the door gingerly to see Hoseok, quite possibly the last person she’d ever expected to see outside her room. It suddenly occurred to her how much taller he was; it vaguely intimidated her, until he bit his lip and sighed, looking at the floor.
Chaeyoung was about to ask what he was doing here, but something in his posture made her want to wait him out. So she continued standing there, one hand on her hip and the other on her door.
Hoseok’s eyes flickered up to her and he opened his mouth before he seemingly noticed something behind her. “A colour-changing lava lamp?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Is that a high school girl thing?”
She stared. “You’re wearing a snapback at night. Is that a Seoul thing?”
He paused before sighing and taking it off. “I knew it looked stupid,” he muttered, ruffling his messy black hair.
“No, it doesn’t,” she said automatically, wincing slightly at how desperate she sounded. It was too hard to think straight around him. “I - what are you doing here?” she asked, slightly nervous. “Aren’t you afraid your friends will see you in my room?”
“Uh, no. They’re downstairs.”
She nodded. “That’s… good thinking.”
There was an awkward silence where neither of them looked at each other and for the first time in her life, she wished Hoseok would leave her alone.
“Look, um…” Hoseok began slowly, as though every word was taking a great effort. “About before… I know you were just trying to apologise. I shouldn’t have…” He looked up, as though hoping for a prompt. When he received none, he sighed again. “I’m sorry.”
“Okay.” Chaeyoung nodded.
“Right.” After a moment, he spoke again. “Also… Joonho’s an ass.”
She bit her lip and folded her arms across her chest, a little protectively. “Yeah.”
“Anyway… I just came to say that.” He gestured vaguely behind him. “I should head.”
He turned around halfway before pausing again, squinting slightly at her. “You do understand why I got mad, right? I mean, this wasn’t just about tonight. But it’s like every time that you’re around -”
“Yeah, I understand,” she said quickly, gritting her teeth. The more she looked at him, the less it looked like he cared at all. He didn’t care. He had no idea how much she’d loved him when she was younger, he had no idea how much she regretted her behaviour now, and he had no idea how humiliating it was to stand here and realise that she had no idea who he was at all.
Hoseok looked a little taken aback at her interruption. “Oh? Okay. Uh, good, then.”
“I’m gonna go.”
“You do that.”
This time when he turned to leave, Chaeyoung stopped him. “Oppa, wait.” She went to her desk and rifled through a drawer, feeling the cool metal against her fingers before bringing out the object. “I think this is yours,” she said, handing it to him.
He extended his hand automatically, frowning as she dropped it into his palm. “Is this -” He squinted at it. “Oh, my God. This is my keychain.”
“Yeah.” She cleared her throat, feeling distinctly lighter all of a sudden. 
“I lost it years ago.” He looked up at her. “How - how did you find it?”
“Oh, I - I found it in a box of stuff, in the attic.” She shrugged and folded her arms across her chest again. “You must have dropped it here, I guess.”
“Wow.” He nodded, looking slightly more chipper as he shoved the keychain into his pocket. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” A sudden honk sounded outside and it felt like it was reverberating through her chest. “You should go.”
“Yeah.” He raised a hand halfway, like he was saying goodbye to someone he met in line at a bookstore. “See you around, Chae.”
“See you.” She stepped forward to shut the door, watching him walk out of her room and out of her house. Before she could lose her nerve, she spoke again. “The new single is… really cool.”
He was almost at the foot of the stairs when he stopped and looked up at her. For the first time in her memory, Hoseok smiled at her, a real, genuine smile. It was like the sun had come out, and as he thanked her and continued on his way, it occurred to Chaeyoung that it was quite possibly the only time she’d ever see it.
That night was the last time Chaeyoung saw Hoseok for several years. She heard from his parents that he barely had time to eat or sleep, let alone come back to visit his family. He did return for a weekend once, but she’d been away on a school trip with her football team at the time. Apart from that, Hoseok was as far out of her life as was possible.
When she was seventeen, Chaeyoung entered her first relationship. He asked her out by the water cooler after a week of rumours, and their tryst lasted a whole month until she broke up with him in the biology lab, feeling rather smothered by how he insisted on showing up at all her football practices. He didn’t take it well and responded with rumours of his own, following which Chaeyoung’s reputation began preceding her.
Her seventeenth birthday party took place a month before she graduated high school and since she was leaving Gwangju, an unexpected nostalgia caused her to invite every single person she knew. A month later she graduated along with her friends, partied for a week straight until she spent the rest of the summer waiting until she could leave for college in Busan. She did the same a year later for her eighteenth birthday, and since it occurred in the summer, all her friends were back in Gwangju and able to attend.
As it turned out, the only thing remaining that could ensure that Chaeyoung lived her own life with no ties to her brother was leaving Gwangju. In college, she had the opportunity to be who she was. Everyone was figuring it out, and she joined them. She paid attention to the classes she liked, spent nights in the library and in dorms as people quizzed each other, went on weekend trips, had boyfriends, joined college clubs - everything that gave her the satisfaction that she’d made the best out of her college years.
The most stressful time of those years came right at the end, when everyone was applying for jobs. After months of gruelling essays, internships and interviews, Chaeyoung managed to get what she considered her dream job. Her father wasn’t too certain about it; he said it didn’t “sound like a real job” but after her stepmother pitched in during their video call and persuaded him to give it a chance, he gave in.
Chaeyoung didn’t care; it gave her the same vibes as her favourite English movie, The Devil Wears Prada. Condé Nast wasn’t a magazine per se but her job wasn’t exactly that of a secretary either; the role simply said research and while she would’ve liked it to be a bit more specific - maybe columnist - she was willing to pay her dues, especially if it meant getting to live in Seoul, not wearing boring formal clothes to work and possibly working with some truly fancy brands like GQ or Vogue someday.
Moving to Seoul was less romantic than she’d expected; it was a busy, expensive city and no one had time to stop and take a breath, let alone help out a twenty-one year old who’d just moved to the city.
It’s all part of the experience, her inner voice said to her, the one she’d dubbed Ma when she was little. It was less of a coping mechanism and more of a conscience now, and it was what convinced her to move into an apartment in Hongdae with a senior she’d known back in college.
Sungmi was nice and all, but she intimated Chaeyoung a little bit. Her many piercings, her abrupt way of talking and her strange sense of humour always had Chaeyoung on edge. She also had this boyfriend who smelled perpetually of weed and had a cousin he frequently invited over, making it not the ideal living arrangement. Still, even Chaeyoung had to admit that despite the aesthetics, Sungmi had been living in Seoul by herself for nearly a year and was holding onto a good job at a catering company. Most importantly, she was offering her spare room at really low rent, something Chaeyoung was currently giving top priority to.
Plus, the best thing about Sungmi’s apartment was the parties.
“Get, um…” Sungmi moves away from the speaker and asks someone something. “Everything,” she says finally. “Just make sure there’s Absinthe and Bacardi in it and we’ll be good. I’m trusting you, Chaeyoung,” she adds knowingly, abruptly hanging up.
Faced with a plethora of bottles before her in the liquor store, Chaeyoung sighs. She isn’t even fully sure what this party is for, except that vodka and rum are required in large quantities. 
“Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder, I guess,” she mutters, holding the plastic basket up as she scans the shelves, feeling a strange sense of responsibility towards her older roommate’s expectations.
Meanwhile, Jung Hoseok is near the fridges, rattling off the different beer brands to Jimin on the phone.
“I feel like wheat beer,” says Jimin thoughtfully, “but think about the calories.” He pauses as someone says something at his end. “And Taehyung wants that fruity soju.” He whines as Taehyung says something else loudly. “Okay, specifically green apple.”
Hoseok stands there, motionless, as Jimin goes through a minor Friday evening crisis. “Got it. Now, Jimin, you have about thirty seconds to make your decision before I leave this place. Beer-less.”
The younger member sighs heavily. “Alright, just get me a six pack of Corona,” he says finally, as though with a huge effort. “It’s always safe.”
Hoseok closes his eyes and counts to five in his mind, hoping he won’t snap at Jimin for wasting his time debating some random Swedish beer before ultimately deciding on Corona. “Will do.” He hangs up.
Once he has everything, he goes through the list on his phone again, hurriedly making sure he has everything for everyone. As he reaches the end of the list, he realises there’s only one thing remaining.
He spots a clerk at the end of the aisle and looks away. He’s managed so far without being recognised; he’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible. He shuffles towards the spirits, peering at the names and hoping the bottle appears all of a sudden when finally - finally - he spots the green label, the only one of its kind.
“Thank god,” he whispers and reaches for it, the same time as another hand wraps around the bottle. He flinches and withdraws his hand immediately before turning to see the only other person in the entire liquor who could possibly need Absinthe.
Something clicks in Hoseok’s brain, like a track being slowed down in post-production. “Wait…”
She raises her eyebrows. “You really don’t recognise me?”
Hoseok chuckles. It’s too unbelievable. “Dude, I think I saw you at more family dinners than my sister. Wow, Chaeyoung,” he says, taking a step back to look at her. Is she taller? “You look… older.”
“I am. Significantly. And you look…” Chaeyoung frowns and bites her lip, as though searching for something. “… blonder.” She nods as he reaches for his cap and pulls it down further over his head, tucking the few loose strands under the cloth.
“Yeah, that’s… work.” There’s a few seconds of awkward silence that makes Hoseok uncomfortable. They were never friends, but he can’t remember ever being this… unsettled around her. It’s almost like she’s a work acquaintance he’s run into, not the kid he grew up next door to.
He realises he hasn’t said anything and immediately scrambles. “Uh, so… what are you doing here? Wait, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a liquor store. I mean, you’re - you drink?”
“Yeah… I’m twenty-one. Almost twenty-two.” She bites her lips and shakes her head. “I don’t know why I said that. I just turned twenty-one.”
It takes Hoseok a moment to process this. She certainly looks older…
“Wow. Twenty-one.”
“I know.” Chaeyoung looks around before her gaze lands on the bottle still in her hand. “Oh, you can have this.”
“Oh, that’s alright. I don’t need it.”
She raises her eyebrows. “No? You don’t need it for, like… a famous person party?”
He chuckles awkwardly. “Oh, no. A friend of ours, Nari, is coming over tonight and she was the only one who wanted Absinthe.”
“Oh, then you can take it for Nari.”
“Nah, she just wants to get hammered,” he replies, shaking his head. “That can be done with anything. She doesn’t get time off from her job so when she does, she likes to go all out and that includes, unfortunately, a lot of vodka, but I’m sure whiskey would do the trick just as -“ He breaks off when he notices Chaeyoung’s tilted head and slight frown.
“I’ll take it,” she says after a moment. “My roommate’s having a party tonight. Many people need to get hammered with this.”
“Roommate, nice. Wait, are you living in Seoul?”
She nods. “Yeah. Just moved here.”
Too much is happening for Hoseok to process in one trip to the liquor store. “You -“ He pauses. “Does Chanyeol know?” he asks in a low voice.
Chaeyoung chuckles. “Yeah, he knows. My dad knows, too.”
It’s the first glimpse he’s seen so far of the old Chaeyoung, the deliberate omission of her stepmother. But he knows better than to acknowledge it. “Wow, you - you really grew up.”
She gives him an odd look and opens her mouth to say something but then closes it, as though changing her mind. “I did,” she agrees.
Hoseok knows he should be saying something more, maybe offering something - for Chanyeol’s sake. But what is he meant to say to someone he can barely recognise? She’s actually taller, from what he can remember. Her hair isn’t in ponytails anymore and she’s standing differently, too, somehow…
But before he can wrack his brain for the right words, Chaeyoung takes a deep breath.
“I should go.” She holds up the bottle of Absinthe. “Thanks for this.”
“Oh, of course,” he says, nodding and stepping aside. As she brushes past him, he frowns again: is she wearing perfume? Chaotic, skinned-knee, football-playing Chaeyoung?
But the moment passes him and so does Chaeyoung. Before leaving, she raises a hand halfway. “It was nice running into you, Hoseok.”
“Yeah,” he says softly, watching her for a moment as he tries to put his finger on why everything seems so strange. His phone pings then, though, and he remembers the errand he was running. He needs to find an alternative to Absinthe now and move on from one of the more surreal experiences of his life.
He takes a couple of steps forward before something else clicks, and he can finally put his finger on at least one thing.
“Wait,” he says slowly, turning around but not even really trying to spot her near the check-out line. “What did you call me?”
Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to drop a review :)
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Bucky Barnes Playlist
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I have a really extensive playlist for Bucky and I’m just posting the top songs that I feel go perfectly with him
These are my Top Picks
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Holding Onto Smoke -Motionless in White
Catharsis -Motionless in White
Fix You -Coldplay
Candyman -Christina Aguilera
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked -Cage the Elephant
Little Lion Man -Mumford and Sons
Demons -Imagine Dragons
Monster -STARSET
I’ll be Good -Jaymes Young
It’s Been a Long, Long Time -Kitty Kallen
Broken -lovelytheband
Soldier -Samantha Jade
Roaring 20s -Panic @ the Disco
Hold On Til May -Pierce the Veil
Human -Rag’n’Bone Man
Lonely Dance -Set it Off
My Name (Wearing Me Out) -Shinedown
Already Gone -Sleeping at Last
Anti-Hero -Taylor Swift
Shattered -Trading Yesterday
Chivalry is Dead -Trevor Wesley
Run Boy Run -Woodkid
Control -Zoe Wees
The Devil Within -Digital Daggers
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Here’s a big portion of the rest of my Bucky Barnes Playlist
Disguise -Motionless in White
Another Life -Motionless in White
Masterpiece -Motionless in White
Porcelain -Motionless in White
Hello, Brooklyn -All Time Low
Monsters -All Time Low
Hey Brother -Avicii
Bad Reputation -Avril Lavigne
everything I wanted -Billie Eilish
Bad Guy -Billie Eilish
Insane -Black Gryph0n & Bassik
Have a Nice Day -Bon Jovi
Human -Christina Perri
Criminal -Britney Spears
Popular Monster -Falling in Reverse
Wrong Side of Heaven -5 Finger Death Punch
Kill of the Night -Gin Wigmore
Echo -Jason Walker
Monster -Imagine Dragons
Rise -Katy Perry
Part of Me -Katy Perry
Brother -Kodaline
All I Want -Kodaline
We Don’t Talk About Bruno -Encanto
Monster -Reckless Love
In the Stars -Benson Boone
Happier -Marshmello
That’s Just Life -Memphis May Fire
Carry on my Wayward Son (cover) -Neoni
I’m No Good -New Years Day
How You Remind Me -Nickelback
Apologize -OneRepublic
Counting Stars -OneRepublic
Try -P!nk
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty -Panic @ the Disco
The Only Exception -Paramore
No Way Out -Phil Collins
Strangers Like Me -Phil Collins
A Match into Water -Pierce the Veil
Holding on and Letting Go -Ross Cooperman
Play with Fire -Sam Tinnesz
Killer in the Mirror -Set it Off
Duality -Set it Off
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing -Set it Off
Treat You Better -Shawn Mendes
MONSTERS -Shinedown
Sick of it -Skillet
Rise -Skillet
Feel Invincible -Skillet
The Resistance -Skillet
Animal I Have Become -Three Days Grace
New Perspective -Panic @ the Disco
Here Without You -3 Doors Down
Iris -Goo Goo Dolls
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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projectvizion · 2 years
Kian's big ass Riddleshipping masterlist but every shipname aren't their names combined:
I made a masterlist of every student riddleship (that I'm personally comfortable with) but I made the shipnames unique.
You wouldn't see something like Suntree because that's their names but you'd see all of this as something like Sunkist because that's not a combination of their names.
There's no explanation for why the name is what it is, it's actually kind of hard to explain but it's very easy to understand why lol
(This isn't official either, it's just my personal fun list/shitpost!!)
Anyway, behold the list:
Sunnyside Up (Phil/Smiley)
Beaver Spit (Phil/Phred)
Hard boiled (Phil/Zack)
Poster Wall (Phil/5)
Detention (Phil/Richy)
Chillax (Phred/Zack)
Beaver Spit (Phred/Phil)
Class Clown (Phred/Smiley)
Loud Noise (Phred/5)
Weirdon'ts (Phred/Richy)
Sunnyside Up (Smiley/Phil)
Sunkist (Smiley/Zack) [made by daylilysmellbad]
Class Clown (Smiley/Phred)
Class Favorite (Smiley/5)
Model Student (Smiley/Richy)
Chillax (Zack/Phred)
Sunkist (Zack/Smiley) [made by daylilysmellbad]
Hard boiled (Zack/Phil)
Hotshot (Zack/5)
Thermostat (Zack/Richy)
Voting Hall (5/Richy)
Poster Wall (5/Phil)
Class Favorite (5/Smiley)
Loud Noise (5/Phred)
Hotshot (5/Zack)
Voting Hall (Richy/5)
Detention (Richy/Phil)
Model Student (Richy/Smiley)
Weirdon'ts (Richy/Phred)
Thermostat (Richy/Zack)
Micellaneous shit:
Riddicule (RS gang polycule)
Golden Hour (Smiley/Richy/Zack)
Eggspread (Phil Harem lmao??)
Primary (Phred/Smiley/Zack)
Bad Jokes (Phil/Phred/Richy)
Popular Kids (Phil/Smiley/5) [made bwessedookie]
This is honestly so far what I can think of lol, and again this is just for fun and a shitpost ngl. It's not official by any means and you're not obligated to use it (you can if you like it lol, who am i to stop you?)
I might change some in the future because some of these I'm not too keen on it but yeagh!
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themculibrary · 10 months
Fics With Titles That Start With A Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: May 13th, 2024
part one
A Clean Cut (ao3) - Brucenorris007 mj/peter T, 25k
Summary: Peter ended up outside Peter Pan Donuts without conscious effort. He convinced himself he could keep this much of the two people he loved the most.
Meanwhile, Michelle found herself wondering about a brown-eyed boy who left a mediocre donut shop looking like he'd lost something.
Adagio (ao3) - Lurkz pepper/natasha, pepper/tony, implied steve/tony T, 31k
Summary: It was supposed to be just an assignment. Falling for the person she was supposed to protect wasn’t really in the plan. But when do plans ever stay the same?
a different hue (ao3) - choi_kimmy steve/natasha G, 4k
Summary: "There will never come a day where he will forget the colours of Natasha’s eyes - they were every hue of the forest, gentle shades of green that reminded him of hope and home."
Or in other words; The law of the universe. Soulmates. You begin to see colours the moment your soulmate is born; that was the first half of the equation. You lose sight of colours the moment your soulmate dies; that was the second half of the equation.
Adjectives Assemble (ao3) - SugarFey maria/steve, carol/jessica, clint/natasha, kate/cassia M, 26k
Summary: Natasha wants to find that rare edition of The Master and Margarita before her rival at the Russian language bookstore does. Kate is distracted by the cute barista next door. Carol and Jessica dance around each other. Maria just wants to keep her business afloat without being bothered by pesky police officers or high school art teachers, no matter how polite they may be.
Another average day at Adjectives Assemble.
A Gram of Gold (ao3) - aftersoon (notboldly) clint/phil T, 11k
Summary: Pretending he was in love with his husband was easy. Pretending he wasn't in love with Clint was somewhat harder, however.
ah, but it’s cold outside (ao3) - Merideath darcy/steve T, 4k
Summary: Snow is falling thick and heavy in the fading daylight and Darcy presses closer to the glass to watch through the small patch not covered in a thick lacework of ice. She scrapes her nails on the ice, and shivers at the cold seeping into her fingertips.
AKA Bucky Barnes (ao3) - boombangbing bucky/jessica jones T, 8k
Summary: People don’t see what they’re not looking for.
A Little Favor (ao3) - NatRogers steve/natasha E, 138k
Summary: When Natasha decides she's ready to take on the next chapter of her life, she turns to a friend to ask for a little favor. It can't possibly get that complicated, can it?
All things being equal, I'd rather be in Philadelphia (ao3) - shinykari (meinterrupted) M, 8k
Summary: Darcy didn't sign on with SHIELD to be a hero. Too bad a group of bank robbers didn't give her a choice.
Along Came Two (ao3) - justanexercise maria/pepper/natasha E, 6k
Summary: Pepper Potts has been waiting a long time to meet her soul mates and of course they come with a lot of baggage and complications.
Alphas Initiative (ao3) - YukiRiikus_Reading_Room peggy/bucky, clint/steve, steve/bucky, pepper/rhodey/tony E, 10k
Summary: Steve's had a crush on the most popular Alpha at his university for as long as he can remember. But when Clint starts paying attention to him, Steve can't help but wonder if it's really love, or if it's just because he's an unknotted Omega...
A Marriage of Inconvenience (ao3) - WhinyWingedWinchester loki/tony, natasha/thor, odin/frigga M, 80k
Summary: Forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Loki of Aysgarth, Tony knows that he is not the ideal husband to the son of a king, but he still hopes that he might find true love with his husband like the stories he loves to read of adventures and happily-ever-afters.
Prince Loki, however, does not wish to be married, and he makes this clear to Tony even after their vows have been said before the priest. Life is no better for Tony in Castle Aysgarth than it was back in Iron Reach - he is as unwanted by Loki as he was by his father.
But slowly, things change. There is a steadily growing affection between them, something that might, perhaps, grow into more and Tony can only hope his love for Loki might one day be returned.
But then an assassin strikes unexpectedly, pirates attack, and Tony very well might be living an adventure from one of his books, but it looks like happily-ever-after might be too much to hope for.
A Minor Distraction (ao3) - orphan_account peggy/natasha E, 3k
Summary: Rumors about an organization experimenting with the super soldier serum bring Peggy Carter to Russia, where she meets a young factory worker named Natalia.
An Avenger and the Wasp (ao3) - bi_furious1 maria/hope, natasha/hope, ava/hope E, 9k
Summary: The Wasp wants something from the Black Widow. The Ghost wants the same thing from the Wasp. A brief interlude after the major events of ‘Infinity Whore’.
and the river flows beneath your skin (ao3) - Deisderium steve/bucky E, 114k
Summary: In which Steve and Bucky are forced to room together their senior year at boarding school, and accidentally soul bond to each other even though they kind of hate each other. All they have to do to get out of it is not kiss each other for a year so the accidental bond will fade. How hard could it be?
Anew. (ao3) - IViv tony/stephen M, 130k
Summary: In death, there was no glory, no redemption, no salvation.
Only darkness and ice—or that was what Tony thought. He closed his eyes in a Siberian bunker and opened them again on his 41st birthday, with War Machine flying into the distance.
A Shot Across The Bow (ao3) - Becassine, Call_Me_Kayyyyy (Cheeky9274) steve/bucky E, 18k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a Pirate Captain, and one accustomed to getting his own way. When fate drops Steve Rogers in his path one lonely evening in Tortuga, his life is forever turned upside down.
Aunt Patty (ao3) - baloobird ned/peter G, 6k
Summary: One of Ned's judgmental relatives, his great Aunt Patty, is coming over for dinner so Ned has his boyfriend, Peter, stick around in the hopes that she won't ask him any embarrassing or offensive questions.
Too bad that doesn't work.
a wizard falls in love with a muggle (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor draco/peter T, 3k
Summary: Draco decides to go to the muggle world when things get too much in the wizarding world after the Battle Of Hogwarts. There, he meets a boy named Peter Parker. A one night stand between them turns into something much more.
Awkward. (ao3) - boombangbing bruce/jane E, 48k
Summary: The accidental dating life of two awkward scientists.
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
little blade ; part two ↠
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↠ p!philza , p!tommyinnit , p!tubbo , p!ranboo , p!nihachu , p!hannahxxrose , p!captainpuffy , p!badboyhalo x fem!reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
↠ read part one first!
↠ @ochabby @kiritokunuwu @pyrotechnics84
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when you first joined the server you were almost immediately thrown into lore with techno’s (attempted) execution & all that
but out of canon, you became friends with a lot of people
of course phil is your internet father
what world would we be living in if he didn’t adopt you?
ever since mcc4 he’s kept tabs on you
then when you & techno really became good friends phil tried to become friends as well
in a “any friend of techno’s is a friend of mine” kind of way
phil thinks you deserve the world (you do btw) & does not deal with anyone talking shit about you
he has gone on many a rants about how the internet treats you- & other teenaged girls
he’s a mod in your chat & is fucking ruthless
mans has 0 mercy for anyone doing weird shit
he goes through ban appeals & it’s banned forever, banned forever, banned forever
he has no patience for anyone being weird about you or being mean to you
tbh you & tommy never really talked much one on one prior to the raccooninnit arc
in & out of canon you got a lot closer
tommy is a comically bad influence on you
but it’s funny bc you’re just like “no?” whenever he tries to get up to mischief with you
or you just tag along & he’ll try to pin the blame on you
(phil) stop bullying y/n, you fucking child
you & tommy are actually really good friends
when ranboo & tubbo started hanging out a lot more, tommy turned to you as another kid on the smp to be friends with
he hops in a vc w/ you during your streams & just chills
privately, you two have had many hours long calls just talking about stuff
cancel culture, the pressure of being a popular teenaged cc, how the hate you get is affecting you
y’all are really close & understand e/o really well
n e way
you’re part of the bench trio quartet
i don’t make the rules
you four are an unstoppable force of chaos
you & tubbo are wholesome in the least wholesome way possible
no i cannot describe your friendship any better than that it’s complicated everyone is confused
(tubbo) i’m going to burn down your house
(you) oh :(
(tubbo) with love :D
(you) :)
(tubbo) i am going to burn down your house tho
(you) D:
he teases you a lot & you’re just like “oh no ;(” but he would never actually do anything to upset you
he would feel so awful if he ever did & would apologize over & over for it
part of the reason he teases you so much is bc you let him
like you could easily just kill him anytime & totally own him but you don’t & that gives him a lot of power be careful
your & ranboo’s relationship consists of him being super gen z & you being concerned
(ranboo) haha bullying’s fun. i would know. i had a great childhood
(you) …you doing okay?
(ranboo) haha no *audible finger guns*
you really care about ranboo & do not let anyone speak badly about him
tommy & tubbo are too, but ranboo is such a genuinely good person & he’s open & vulnerable about it
you don’t want him getting hurt :(
you’d fight the sun for him okay :((((
& he’s super appreciative of you & is protective of you back
bc you’re so kind & soft for someone w/ such a big following & he just hates people hating on you for nothing
he has popped off on stream ranting about your antis
(ranboo) and i’d do it again
(you) boo, please, you’re gonna get canceled
(ranboo) AND I’D DO IT AGAIN
fans started doing the 3/4, 4/4 thing they do for sbi for you guys
you four are so chaotic together not even phil’s supervision can stop it
it’s mostly tommy or tubbo taking the lead w/ you & ranboo like “yay friends :D” & just doing whatever
ex.: tubbo joking that he’s going to burn down the bamboo forest, tommy agreeing to helping, them accidentally lighting some on fire, it spreading, y’all panicking, putting it out, then fleeing the scene of the crime
long distance friendship at it’s finest
& the final minor of the smp: purpled
you’re actually really good friends w/ purp
you’re comfortable w/ him & y’all can just chill & have fun & joke around whenever
he really enjoys playing bed wars w/ you
he’s made at least two bed wars youtube videos w/ you because you two play all the time together
you two are a criminally underrated duo
he would also totally brag about being friends w/ you to tiredtwt just saying
of course i can’t not mention hannah, niki, & puffy
you’re one of the girls of the smp & you will be included in the group chat where they make fun of the boys
they’re all super protective of you
like, even more than phil
if that’s possible
there was a brief period in time where nsfw mcyttwt stepped out of line with you specifically
& like yeah it’s all online, it’s all just drawings or videos or whatever, but there was just some really disturbing stuff written about you
you shouldn’t have but you read a little more than you should of & just got so scared
you called niki halfway to a panic attack just crying & scared
she calmed you down & comforted you, grounded you
let’s just say she was not pleased
“it’s one thing to sexualize me or other adults, even after they’ve said they don’t like it. it’s another to do that to a literal child. it’s disgusting. y/n called me sobbing bc she was so scared & didn’t know what to do. she is a sixteen-year-old girl; she shouldn’t have to worry about things like this!”
lots of other cc’s spoke up in your defense & those twitter users were quickly banned
now onto the most wholesome internet father-daughter duo to ever come into existence:
i’m talking about you & badboyhalo of course!
bad absolutely loves you
you don’t curse (on stream) & you just have a really wholesome vibe
you two are the same person, different fonts & it’s great
(bonus lore angst: you become good friends w/ bad in canon as well but he invites you to the red banquet where he plans to kill you, betraying you & making you join the pro-omelette side)
you become like the entire smp’s little sister
where tommy is the annoying little brother, you’re the baby sister who must be protected at all costs
seriously, even the members you’ve talked to maybe once adore you
(connor(eatspants)) y/n is so sweet. i’ve never really spoken with her but she is such a nice girl
(george(notfound)) she was popping off last stream. y/n was. she had like 100k viewers at one point. that’s incredible
((the)eret) “don’t steal from y/n, you don’t want her coming after you.” guys, i know how good y/n is at minecraft but she’s too sweet to actually canonically kill anyone
you also came to the uk when ranboo did so that’s fun
bench quartet meetup arc pog?
tommy’s been super hyped to meet you irl but he pretends it’s because he wants to prove he’s taller than you
it’s totally not because you’re like his best friend or whatever
imagine the chaos with you four streaming in one room together oh lord
the world ain’t ready for y’all to meet irl but it’s happening anyway
watch out world
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yoursecondfirstlove · 2 years
Mystery Mania p.5
(Y/n), a popular supernatural podcaster decides to cover the infamous town of Hawkins Indiana for her latest miniseries
Officer Phil Callahan interview, raw footage.
Officer Callahan sits in front of the camera, shuffling in his seat anxiously
Y/n: are you ready?
Callahan: yeah, yeah I think so.
Y/n: Officer Callahan, can you please describe the events of the night of Chrissy Cunningham’s death to the best of your knowledge?
Officer Callahan sits up, shuffling in his seat again as a he fixes his glasses.
Callahan: yes of course. The night Ms Cunningham died she went back to the Munsons residence with-with uh Mr Munson to purchase drugs. Jason Carver, Chrissy’s boyfriend, found out about her intent to buy from Mr Munson and showed up in his home minutes later, inebriated, and killed Chrissy, during which Mr Munson fled. Mr Carver left Chrissy’s body at the Munson residence and returned to a party the basket ball team was throwing.
Callahan looks off screen towards y/n, seemingly seeking approval.
Y/n: did Mr Carver have a past history of violence?
Callahan: Nothing we would have thought unusual, a few fights in school mainly.
We hear y/n hum in acknowledgment off screen.
Y/n: what about Eddie Munson?
Callahan: what about him?
Y/n: did he have a history of violence.
Callahan shakes his head
Callahan: he was usually in the receiving end of violence.
Y/n: how do you mean?
Callahan furrows his eyebrows
Callahan: Mr Munson isn’t exactly well liked by many people in this town, it may have been why he was pinned as a subject so easily. He uh- he was occasionally beat up on a little by some members of the high school basketball team.
Y/n: ever by Jason Carver?
Callahan nods
Callahan: Jason Carver was present for the majority of the attacks.
We hear paper shuffling off screen.
Y/n: okay jumping back a bit uh… the disappearance of Will Byers.
Callahan bites his lip and nods, uncomfortably.
Y/n: who’s body, exactly, was found in the lake for you to believe it was Will?
Callahan: I don’t know.
Y/n: you don’t know?
Callahan readjusts his sitting position for a few seconds, anxiously.
Callahan: we assume it was some kid from another town who just wandered pretty far out.
Y/n: you assume?
Callahan hums in agreement.
Y/n: did you never attempt to get in contact this this child’s family?
Callahan lets out a nervous breath.
Callahan: not that I know of.
Y/n: do you not think that child’s family would like to know? I mean, their child was buried in the grave of a different boy.
Callahan remains silent, scratching at his face nervously.
Y/n: how was the body identified?
Callahan: his mother was called in.
Y/n: and his mother confirmed it was Wills body?
Callahan grimaces.
Callahan: no.
Y/n: Joyce Byers told you it was not her child?
Callahan: yes.
Y/n: and you, seemingly, disregarded it?
Callahan: yes.
Y/n: why, exactly, did police choose to go against Joyce Byers word?
Callahan: Well… Joyce Byers, at the time, was hysterical, she was irrational and I mean- I saw the pictures it looked just like the kid, we didn’t even really need it identified anyway.
Y/n: I’m sorry, it looked just like him?
Callahan nods, clearly not seeing how worrying his statement was.
We hear more papers shuffling off screen as well as the sound of y/n clearing her throat.
Y/n: okay we’re going to move ahead now, was the source of the rotting crops a few years ago ever discovered?
Callahan: ah, nothing concrete but it was probably just those old farm crazies trying to sabotage each other.
Y/n: right…. What about the fire at the StarCourt Mall?
Callahan: I believe that was an electrical fire.
Y/n: Okay. Do you know why several people were found at star court at the time?
Callahan: what do you mean?
Y/n: well from reports it seems that around twelve people were found the when emergency services arrived at the site, was that ever explained?
Callahan: no, not to my knowledge.
Y/n: about half of these people were minors, correct?
Callahan: yes.
Y/n: and it was never thought to look into why minors were present in or around StarCourt Mall when it burned down?
Callahan sucks in his bottom lip and looks to the ground thoughtfully.
Callahan: Nope.
We hear more shuffling papers and mumbling off screen.
Y/n: okay I think that’s all I need, thank you for meeting with me Officer Callahan.
Callahan stands to shake y/ns hand
Callahan: it’s really no issue, I uh, I really love your stuff it was great meeting you.
Y/n: it was great meeting you too Officer.
Video ends
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Taglist: @555stargirl555 @live-the-fangirl-life @tpwkstiles @musicmoviestv @yourfavouritetransman @feminist-mina-harker @bubblegumfanfics
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tea-with-veth · 3 years
Teahound fic masterlist (the updated version)
Here it is folks! My fics! That I’ve done! pog! 
soldiers and spirits series: The first fic, and as he fell (you walked away) is a Minecraft Manhunt AU staring the muffinteers on a quest to collect a bounty on the elusive forest spirit, Dream. The second fic in the series, vengeance of the risen is still incomplete (and unfortunately will remain so for a bit yet) and is a follow-up adventure/political drama stuffed full of all my favorite troupes. 
a garden of thorns (Dream SMP one-shots) contains mostly character studies-- there’s lots of Tubbo and Tommy. 
and sometimes home simply means being together (sleepy boys drabbles) series has something for everyone, with one-shots full of fluff, angst, or both. It includes some of my most popular stories including: 
i'd shoot a demon for you son: Philza is a specialist at dealing with the paranormal and he’s got a big job tonight. Unfortunately, he also can’t find a babysitter. 
Dual Blades: A reflection on Technoblade and Philza’s friendship through the years, and it’s follow-up Starlit Dragons where Techno and Phil confront the aftermath of Wilbur’s death, and Phil’s destruction, both physical and emotional. 
The songs and stardust sons series also revolves Techno and Phil, and is in my ways a continuation of Dual Blades. It includes i was sleeping in the garden (when I saw you) a prequel explaining how Philza met his wife, got his wings, and became the Angel of Death, and wrapped up in pure gold (tenfold) a Technoblade origin story.
The heart of the series is the words of an emperor (verba amici) a 5+1 fic that continues to explore Techno and Philza’s friendship, starting with their first meeting to their rule during the Antarctic Empire, and the reunion during the Dream SMP era. 
Finally, the touch-tone telephone series: 
don't hang up yet, i'm not done is a modern AU where Tubbo, an ambitious young intern for a genetics research facility in London, discovers a strange creature kept prisoner in the laboratory, and is forced to confront his ideals while figuring out to protect his new friend, Ranboo. i'm rehearsing what to say (when the truth comes out) is a short, fluffy follow up that deals with the character’s struggles in the aftermath of the events of don’t hang up yet. i'll get it right (but maybe not tonight) follows Sapnap, Karl, Techno and Quackity as they go on a international adventure to find Dream, and some answers, in a buddy-cop style roadtrip tale.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Actor!Dan Masterlist
Act Naturally (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Phil has a quiet life studying film at university and some small dreams of being a director he’s mostly ignoring, but his whole life is turned upside down when his roommate signs him up for a game show and he meets the famously arrogant movie star Daniel Howell.
A Perfect Pair (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Dan, a struggling actor who works retail by day, and Phil, an ex-YouTuber-turned-porn-star, end up matched together on the new reality show, Perfect Pair.
all the world’s a stage (ao3) - croissantbleu
Summary: As an openly queer actor and a vocal activist for the community, Dan Howell wasn’t exactly surprised when a news outlet contacted him to offer him an interview and his picture on the cover of their Pride edition, but he wasn’t quite expecting what this interview, and this reporter, would lead to.
and we're out here in plain sight (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil's an optimistic author whose science fiction novel is well on its way to becoming a film. Dan's an actor whose cynism toward love is nothing short of infuriating. It takes a while, but they find something to agree on.
A Rose By Any Other Name (ao3) - gracilis
Summary: AU where Dan Howell is an actor and Phil Lester is a lot of things- hopeful and fearful included.
Bad Choices and Even Worse Boyfriends (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan Howell, most sought after English actor in the world, has had his relationship outed at a bar. He keeps faith that his boyfriend will come back eventually, though.
One day, he comes home to find a package that’s not addressed to him at his front door. It’s a manuscript for a book, and against his better judgement, he reads it. That’s when he meets author Phil Lester, strikes up a fantastic friendship and starts getting over his ruined relationship. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before his ex finds him again, and despite Phil’s mistrust of this man, Dan can’t help but want him.
Blue Tweets (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: At Dan and Phil’s high school, Dan is a talkative, popular teen actor, and Phil is a quiet daydreamer. Dan thinks Phil’s cute and constantly talks about him on his Twitter, danisnotonfire (no duh). What he doesn’t know is that Phil follows him, and starts to connect the dots.
class a klutz (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan’s an asshole who stars in high quality films and Phil’s just a clumsy idiot who has bad timing.
Connect the Dots (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: Dan’s a famous actor who gets a text from an unknown number one day, and Phil’s a movie reviewer who just wants to find his Adventure Time sweater. Dan has trouble connecting the dots when the unknown number continues to reply to him.
Don’t Ask Me How I’ve Been (Fake Happy) (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan Howell is an up and coming actor in a closeted relationship with a man who isn’t ready to admit his sexuality. Phil is their Uber driver for a very important awards show. Things don’t go exactly to plan, but maybe that’s a good thing?
Based on the short film “Papercut” by Omad Productions (Somewhat, I got carried away)
Don’t Smile At Me (ao3) - luckysam78
Summary: actor!dan meets swimmer!phil and he realizes that he didn’t know what love meant before he fell into those ocean eyes.
Glitch (ao3) - det395
Summary: Phil wrote a movie screenplay
I’d Be Surprisingly Good For You (ao3) - amazingphiw
Summary: Phil Lester is an under appreciated film editor working behind the scenes. What happens when he gets the chance to talk to movie star Daniel Howell at a party?
Daniel Howell is a mediocre actor who only gets supporting roles and never the lead. What happens when a film editor he admires starts talking to him at a party?
i jump for my phone every moment it lights up (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan left YouTube behind to become an actor, but years later when coronavirus hits and forces him into self-imposed quarantine he rediscovers an old passion of his - AmazingPhil. He hadn’t counted on becoming internet friends with him, or falling in love for that matter.
I Want It, I Got It (ao3) - Yiffandquiff (paradisobound)
Summary: Phil Lester was a worker for the BBC in London. Working in the advertising department, he was content being alongside his friend and fellow coworker PJ during every shift. However, the BBC is temporarily being used as a film set for a new movie starring Hollywood ‘It’ star, Daniel Howell. Being stuck as an extra on the set, Phil finds it’s hard to ignore the famous star. And maybe, just maybe, Dan finds it hard to ignore Phil as well.
In My Way (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Daniel Howell is 21 and Britain’s newest star. He’s just been cast in the much-anticipated film adaption of Last Man Standing, the popular teen fantasy novel with a huge fanbase hanging off his every tweet. In other words, Dan has made it big.
Phil Lester couldn’t care less. He’s a stressed out PHD student working part time at a bookshop while he struggles to get into post-production. He’s 26 and still lives in a tiny flat on the fifth floor of a building with a lift more broken than it is in use. He loves books, but he thinks big film adaptions screw with the plot too much.
Needless to say, Phil is less than impressed when Last Man Standing is getting filmed in his hometown. And he certainly doesn’t want anything to do with obnoxious, arrogant, so irritatingly perfect leading actor Daniel Howell.
Lights, Camera, Satisfaction (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan’s landed a dream acting role, working with a director he’s always admired but is now crushing on badly. And today, he has to shoot a love scene. What could go wrong?
The Director!Phil AU that actually several people asked for.
looking for a little bit of hope these days (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: when dan begun his acting career he imagined he’d have to face many difficulties. sharing a dressing room with the guy he has a crush on however, wasn’t one of them
Moral of the Story (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Dan Howell and Phil Lester are big names in Hollywood, but their relationship is not what it seems. After a break up, Dan takes the time to reminisce about the start of him and Phil, only to come to his own moral of the story.
My Juliet (ao3) - RyRyCaptain
Summary: Phil is a world-famous playwright, and he’s directing his newest play, Romeo and Juliet. Dan is an actor who luckily receives the part of Juliet.
Of Paparazzi and Succulents (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: Actor!Dan is running away from a mob of fans when he runs into a flower shop. There, he meets a quirky florist who has an absurd liking towards succulents, seeming to think they have feelings of their own.
(Shit) Maybe I Miss You (ao3)- localopa
Summary: dan’s an actor and phil’s a bbc radio 1 presenter. a film in colorado fucks things up.
Stage Lights and Sparklers (ao3) - husbants
Summary: When a friend from university asks Phil to direct his new musical on the West End, he is ecstatic. The only thing that would make him happier is if he got to direct musical sensation and actor, Dan Howell. As rehearsals begin, Dan and Phil realize that the drama might not end up being only on stage.
The Human Requirement to Breathe (ao3) - philsdrill
Summary: It’s a difficult life for Dan. Being famous and recognisable isn’t easy when you’re walking through a crowd of people… especially when you’re claustrophobic. Phil runs a coffee shop and an unusual customer ends up meaning more to him than he ever expected.
the last act of the show (ao3) - vvelna
Summary: Phil has made a living from faking relationships for nearly a decade. His new client is an actor named Dan Howell.
Visions, Voice, Person: The Soulmate Process (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Visions, Voice, Dreams lead up to meeting your soulmate. Dan is a West End actor and Phil is teacher leaving them to busy schedules, but they work it out. They are soulmates after all.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
I really love your Wanderer bits and bobs an was wondering if you had anything else? The idea is gold, kudos to anons for coming up with it and you for pulling it off.
hihi anon! the Wanderer pieces are actually very popular, and i'm happy that so many people enjoy them! i know philza is a huge comfort for most, so hats off to the anon who came up with it. i do have a few more tricks up my sleeve for him so i hope you enjoy <3
don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
c!Philza & [gn]Reader - Wanderer pt. 4
genre: /plat, immortal Phil & Reader, AU, headcannons, c!Phil, series, writer! Reader
warnings: none! (lmk if i missed something)
previous: pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 5
masterlist <3
There are periods of no contact. You and Phil don't always find your way back to one another, but neither of you minds, because at the end of the day you both know that it won't be the last time you see each other.
Imagine one day you two come across each other once again and you notice that his hair is longer and had flowers tangled throughout. AND YOU MEET MUMZA!
"Phil! You look great! How have you been?" "I've never been better actually. There's someone I want you to meet."
You tease him about the flowers. Some are bright and fresh, others are faded, not withering though.
Eventually, you two are in a clearing and he tells you to wait before disappearing into the brush.
You sit quietly, writing in your book, tuning your instrument quietly. Then you realize the forest has gone quiet, and you get to your feet quickly.
Then you hear a light humming coming from behind you. You turn and are met with a tall woman, seemingly gliding towards you. She wears a large hat with a veil surrounding her face and hair, and a dress that looks as though it contains the night and the stars that come with it.
"Hello, you must be Y/n. It's so wonderful to meet you, Phil has told me so many amazing things." Her voice is like silk, so soft and comforting, yet full of emotion.
"Thank you. Many I ask your name? Forgive me but it has been a time since Phil and I have spoken."
She giggles, "I understand. I'm Kristin."
Phil appears from behind her, "This is my wife."
"Wife?! By god's, I never thought you'd get married!" You laugh and hug Phil, then turn to Kristin. "He's a very lucky man."
After chatting for a few hours, Phil goes off to get some food and you and Kristin are left to yourselves.
"Do you think you could show me a song? If it's no problem?"
"Of course, actually now that you mention it, there's something I've been working on, kinda seems coincidental that I meet someone so similar..."
You take out your notebook, turning to a tattered page, and ready your instrument...
Ooh Angel, Oh heavenly darling,
How does one fall into your favor, how does one meet their maker?
Oh dear, you are so kind, as you lead them blind,
Oh dear you are so sweet, near them to a quick defeat.
How the flowers bloom, compared to the doom
That may follow too soon.
As you put down the instrument she just stares, both admiring your talent and purely focused on the words.
Phil comes back and you show him the song, Kristen giggling at his reactions.
Eventually, you have to part ways again, but at least you've made a new friend, one who is kind and just right for your oldest friends.
oh my gosh this got so long, I'm doing a part five, I'm so sorry-
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dreamy625 · 2 years
Masterlist of masterlists
These are all Steve Clark stories, sometimes featuring the other guys
This rockstar life masterlist (ongoing)
loml masterlist (complete)
Overture and beginners masterlist (complete)
Bubble - drabble
Contrary to popular opinion - ficlet
Just keep dancing like we're twenty-two
Total rock star - ficlet
Comfortember pt I
Comfortember pt II
Mystery machine - Halloween one-shot featuring the whole band
Up in smoke - Halloween ficlet
Tardy - drabble
Love and understanding
Wild oats
Something new
Beauty is pain - drabble
Nicotine, that’s for remembrance - one-shot for the anniversary of Steve’s death
Everyday without you in my heart - one-shot for the anniversary of Steve’s death
The ghost in the machine - Halloween one-shot
Creature of the night - Halloween drabble
Steve likes a Girl
The other c-word - one-shot inspired by Cirque de Phil by @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi
The course of true love - one-shot sequel to Just The Way You Are by @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi
Def Leppard headcanons
Why they each got left behind when travelling
Having hair and make-up done for photoshoots
Proposals (request)
The gang of boys at the back of the bus on a school trip
Checking up on you if they haven’t heard from you in a while (request)
Giving up smoking
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honeyapplepi · 4 years
The Fall of L’Manberg pt.3
warning: angst, swearing, violence, descriptions of injury, this one is a lot more lighthearted and is mostly just to put an end to the story, not proofread
Dream SMP realistic au
a/n (I put another one at the end so read that too): This took a lot longer than i initially planned, but I just couldn’t find the inspiration to write, but here it is. This does contain the headcannon that Techno is Phil’s son which is not cannon. Also sorry this is mostly dialogue, but hey character development yk. 
(PLATONIC) Dream SMP x gn!reader
masterlist | part one | part two
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You felt the wind against your body as it fell through the air. You were convinced this was the end, but were quickly proven wrong when your back hit the hard rocks of the ground beneath you. Looking back up at the place you fell, it was only a few feet above you, but while you fell it felt like a long drop to your death.
You felt a sting in your arm, but you were more worried about getting up. Once you stood, you looked around. You were deep in a trench and soon enough more TNT would come falling down. You needed to get out there quick.
You looked around looking for your bow and sword. Your sword was fine, but your bow laid crushed in the spot you fell to. It was still in one peice it was just broken in the handle.
“So, that’s what broke my fall,” you muttered quietly.
You looked around again before seeing a part of the rock you could climb. You quickly ran to it before started to climb up the rock. Once you were up and back onto the, for now, safe parts of the ground you gripped your sword.
Mostly everyone was gone. The battle had ended pretty quick especially when TNT was falling from the sky. Finally taking a moment you looked at your arm and noticed the bloody gash that was in your arm. Ripping apart your sleeve you wrapped it around your arm and tightened it. Once you were back in your village you could get it properly treated.
Finally, realizing it was time to go home you started to wonder which way you would take. No matter what it was a long ways away, but it was either through the nether or across the water. You didn’t have a boat or wood so nether it is.
You began walking towards where the community house was. You made sure to be careful not to fall again. Once you reached the portal you noticed Technoblade and Phil standing there.
“Hello, boys,” you greeted as you reached where they were standing. You were about to walk past them and i it the portal when Phil stopped you.
“Are you okay? you’re bleeding like badly,” Phil said revering to your makeshift bandage that was stained red.
“I’m fine. Look at him, he’s got blood all over him,” you said looking towards Technoblade.
“Not mine,” Technoblade said. “Maybe you should come with us, I can help patch you up,” Phil said.
“Nahh, i’m sure she’s fine, Phil,” Technoblade said not really wanting to house one of his enemies.
“Yeah, I’m good. There’s a doctor in my village i’ll be fine,” you said about to step through the portal.
“No way your village is way too far. Techno and I’s home is closer,” Phil insisted.
“why do you know where my village is?,” You asked knowing the only people who had ever been were Technoblade and Dream.
“Techno told me,” Phil answered.
“Awww, Technoblade. Are you talking about me to your dad,” you said mockingly with a smile on your face.
“I just complained about the long journey,” Technoblade answered.
“It’s settled. Y/N, you’re coming with us,” Phil said.
Now you were sitting in a chair in Technoblade and Phil’s kitchen with your arm on the table. Phil was cleaning up your cut while Technoblade stood in the corner watching you.
“Didn’t your father ever tell you it’s rude to stare,” you said looking towards the piglin.
“I’m making sure you don’t do anything,” Technoblade said continuing to keep his eyes on you. Phil grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around your arm.
“There, all set!,” Phil said. You stood up and grabbed your sword and bag of arrows.
“Then i’ll be on my way. Thank you, phil,” You said ready to leave, but not before being stopped by Phil again.
“No way, It’s late. You can stay the night and then you can leave after breakfast tomorrow,” Phil said. You’d don’t even have a chance to say no before Phil was leading you to an extra bed they had despite Technoblade’s complaints.
You had been trying to fall asleep now for the past hour and a half, but you just couldn’t. Your thoughts were too preoccupied with what had happened earlier.
Picking yourself up from the bed you quietly tiptoed downstairs and out the home. It was cold out, but you lived in a village that, although didn’t snow, did get pretty cold during the winter, so you weren’t to bothered by the weather. Plus you had put on an extra layer of clothing, so you wouldn’t freeze to death.
Sitting on Technoblade’s front steps, you placed your head on your hand. You wanted to apologize to Quackity, truly, after what happened. Seeing Quackity, and thinking back to everything that happened in a clear mindset you started to what you had done wrong. Though you had no idea how you would. 
Not long after you came out, you heard the door behind you open. You looked behind you thinking if it were anyone it was Phil, but were surprised to see the 6′2 piglin man standing behind you. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep,” you said turning back to look at the snowy plains. 
“Haha, very funny. What are you doing out here?,” Technoblade asked walking down the wooden steps. 
“Concerned are we?,” you said mockingly looking at Technoblade as he struggled to sit on the step right behind you. You looked towards Technoblade waiting for a witty response, but were met by nothing. 
“This isn’t as fun if you’re just gonna sit and mope around while I make fun of you,” you said frowning. 
“Shut up,” Technoblade rolled his eyes. 
“”shut up” okay what’s wrong?,” you asked completely directing your attention to the man behind you. 
“And you care because..?,” Technoblade said setting his eyes on the cobblestone tower which stood a good walk away. 
“Surprisingly, undue to popular belief, I’m actually a decent person,” you said being as genuine as you could with someone who you recognized as an enemy. 
“You’re a tyrannical maniac,” Technoblade answered sharply. 
“Was. Was a tyrannical maniac. Is it about that tower ‘cause no offense it kind of ugly, and aren’t you supposed to be hiding,” you said looking at the cobblestone tower. 
“Tommy built that tower,” Technoblade answered. 
“Oh,” you muttered. It didn’t take too much brain power to dissect the situation. Tommy was Technoblade’s brother and today Tommy was fighting for L’Manberg not against. “I’ve been there. Familial betrayal I mean, and I learned a while ago sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water,” you said. 
“Was there a moral to that statement or..?”,” Technoblade said clearly trying diffuse the awkwardness that was the situation. It was obvious neither you or Technoblade were good at comforting or talking about how you feel. 
“You’re a real asshole, you know that,” you said looking at him. 
“Also, it’s freezing can we go inside or do you wanna mope at the tower more?,” you said meaning it less as an insult and more of joking banter. 
“Yeah, we can go inside,” Technoblade said.
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a/n: I know that is is like really bad, but honestly I just wanted to get it done because it was stressing me out sm. So if you like hate it just imagine that it ended last chapter and Y/N died or something. 
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themculibrary · 11 months
Holidays Masterlist 2
part one
6 times starmora drank hot chocolate (ao3) - Z0ESC4PSHAW gamora/peter N/R, 5k
Summary: Different scenarios in which the guardians (mainly starmora) drink hot chocolate.
... Before Christmas (ao3) - von_gikkingen G, 1k
Summary: “So we... do this for the children?” Adam frowns, wondering if it can be really as simple as that. “Because they really like all the reminders of their mortality and monsters and... what was the other thing?”
“Witches,” Nebula says, sounding like a very tired designated adult who didn’t know how the hell they became dragged into this conversation. “The other thing was witches. Dark magic in general. Because why not, right? As long as we get to have candy while we remind ourselves all of those things exist and we’re only lying to ourselves about being safe from them.”
“Put like that I really don’t get how Christmas ever became the more popular one. All nice and wholesome and no jumpscares at all...” Rocket utters, shaking his head. “No one as much as mentions creepy things.”
cupid's aro (ao3) - ICA_4PAR T, 1k
Summary: Aromantic; experiencing little or no romantic attraction to anyone; not having romantic feelings.
or; Peter's journey of self-discovery,
Whumptober Day 2 - Alternate Prompt; Broken
dedicated to the one i love (ao3) - 18kiwis gamora/peter T, 6k
Summary: Gamora’s not the best chef. Okay, she’s downright awful, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
Or, 5 times Gamora (unsuccessfully) cooks and 1 time she doesn’t cook at all.
Halloween’s Fun Part (ao3) - endlesstwanted mantis/nebula G, 100
Summary: Nebula and Mantis spend quality time together joining another tradition of Earth.
How Not To Declare Your Love (ao3) - reona32 steve/tony E, 10k
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day and Steve wants to do some big gesture to declare his love to Tony. He decides to buy him a giant, 6 foot teddy bear. It doesn’t work the way he expects it to but it still ends with them as a couple. He’ll take what he can get...
I Put a Spell On You (ao3) - ohjustpeachy steve/tony G, 2k
Summary: Steve and Tony share a moment after a whirlwind Halloween party.
Just For You (ao3) - foggys_cupcake_girl yelena/kate G, 1k
Summary: Yelena wanted to go to an American cider mill. Kate wants to give Yelena anything she wants...but Yelena wants them both to be happy.
My Heart Melts Like the Snow (ao3) - fangirlSevera clint/phil, bucky/natasha T, 27k
Summary: Clint Barton, wandering contractor, Ren Faire archer, has finally put down roots. He's bought a house, lives close to his best friend, and has a proper boyfriend.
He's determined to have a traditional, merry Christmas and enjoy all the winter fun the Midwest can offer. He won't even let the occasional snow storm or the return of an ex ruin how well his life is going (much).
Peppermint Mocha (ao3) - im_squidward steve/tony G, 819
Summary: "You were fifteen minutes late for Starbucks?" Steve asked incredulously and Clint Barton, who sat in front of them with their friend Natasha Romanov, snorted and turned around to face the pair.
[or the one where Tony loves his coffee from Starbucks]
Spooky Feelings (ao3) - PumpkinDoodles sam/bucky M, 4k
Summary: Sarah has a Halloween tradition--and she is not going to let Bucky Barnes one up her, no matter how cute his smile is.
The Blue(y) Pumpkin Project (ao3) - OmegaSamWilson sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: OR
Sam’s son’s special interest in Bluey leads to an unexpected relationship.
Sam’s six year old runs into Bucky’s house during sensory friendly trick or treat; Bucky takes it in stride.
Trick or Treat (ao3) - Katieb18 steve/tony N/R, 6k
Summary: Peter loved Halloween, especially because it was one of the only times in the year that he was allowed sugary things. He couldn't wait to have so much that his tummy ached! Tony and Steve are not as excited as Peter. All they want is to come through this Halloween without having to deal with Peter post sugar rush. But such was the life of overprotective parents.
Unwound (ao3) - panofcheese bucky/tony G, 6k
Summary; 5+1+several other times Bucky knitted something for someone that usually isn't Tony but sometimes is, and one time Tony was Sick Of It.
(because I couldn't stick to my fic outline, sue me)
Somebody in the tower is knitting things, everybody in the tower is having a laugh at Tony's expense, and Tony Stark has Had Enough.
Valentine's Day (fanfiction.net) - DefrostingSteve steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony Stark woke up to find a note placed outside his door, and continues to find them for the rest of the day. It takes him longer than a certain someone expected for him to figure out who's written the notes, and why. Oneshot.
Wenceslas (ao3) - dragongirlG, velociraptorerin steve/bucky M, 17k
Summary: Steve is a short, skinny Brooklynite with a very stable, predictable life, which he built after losing his memories in a traumatic accident six months ago. He works from home on a steady stream of art commissions, goes to weekly trivia nights with his superhero friends the Avengers, and tries not to get bothered by the constant feeling that something is not quite right.
When Steve invites a homeless man with one arm to take shelter in his apartment during a December snowstorm, both of them enter a dreamscape that unravels the fabric of their memories and reveals the truth about their identities—and their relationship to each other.
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kierantierncy · 4 years
trying something new out here, (still getting to grips with how tumblr works, so bear with me please!)
requests for footballer imagines - open
below is the list of footballers that i write for:
 jack grealish
 tyrone mings
 ollie watkins
matty cash
scott mctominay
mason greenwood
daniel james
marcus rashford
brandon williams
mason mount
ben chilwell
christian pulisic
tammy abraham
billy gilmour
kai havertz
 james maddison
harvey barnes
 john stones
phil foden
 andy robertson
 trent alexander-arnold
 jordan henderson
 neco williams
 héctor bellerin
 kieran tierney
 declan rice
 jesse lingard
 harry winks
 dele ali
sander berge
max lowe
kean bryan
dominic calvert-lewin
ben godfrey
jadon sancho
giovanni reyna
the masterlist
this list is not final and can always be added to, so if your chosen baller isn’t listed, then please still request! i may come out with prompts and all that later on if this proves somewhat popular.
feel free to request through messages or asks, please no smut or anything uncomfortable to write.
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
Hey, y’all! Stories Update!!
Hey, y’all. So, I know I haven’t exactly been posting much on here lately. I’ve, in a way, taken a small break from writing my Negan/JDM stories for a bit. But, that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped writing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! I just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t stopped writing. In fact, I’ve been working on stories with @mychemicalimagines and @supernaturalwritingbunker. I decided I would let you know what they were, in case y’all wanted to go check ‘em out! If you love my Negan writing, feel free to check out these other stories I’ve worked on/been working on! They’re listed in alphabetical order, based on the first name then by the first name of the fic, unless otherwise stated (i.e. the Jasper Hale “You’re My…” Series). Stories we haven’t posted yet don’t have links, but everything else does. I’m hoping that I’ll get some more inspiration to keep writing for Negan here soon. We’ll see! Stay safe. Stay negative of Corona. Have fun! And as always, feel free to reach out and talk. I’m here. I just might not always reply back right away. 
*For the stories listed below, I’ve separated based on which blog it’s from, and whether it’s a movie or show fic. Beyond that. I’ve separated them based on which show or movie it is, and if applicable, I’ve indicated if it’s a series or not. I’ve included the title of the story, what it’s status is (finished, in progress, or on hiatus), how many chapters there are, and the relationship pairings. If it’s on hiatus, the main reason for that, unless otherwise indicated, is that we just aren’t quite ready to finish that particular story. It’s like having a kid, watching it grow, and then them being all grown up. You wanna hold onto that innocence for as long as you can. XD Another reason that they might be on hiatus is we just haven’t had any mojo for writing it. Now, for the “in progress” stories, we are still writing those, but, some haven’t been updated in awhile because they aren’t getting enough love for us to want to continue. If you read one of them, and decide you love it, please leave feedback so we can continue it for you!
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho@ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan @cladd716
Stories with @mychemicalimagines:
American History X: Derek Vinyard 1. Changed Forever - One Shot - Derek Vinyard x Reader
American Pie: Chris “Oz” Ostreicher  1. Slice of Pie - In Progress - 5 of 8 Chapters - Chris “Oz” Ostreicher x OFC (Jacqueline Levenstein)
The Breakfast Club: Andrew Clark 1. Fighting Brought Me to You - On Hiatus - 2 of ? Chapters - Andrew Clark x OFC (Emily Marksman)
Final Destination: Ian McKinley 1. Are We Friends? Nope...More - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 2. Together, We Can Survive Anything - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 3. Together, We’ll Survive Anything (Part 2)  - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader
Friday the 13th V: Roy:  1. Friday the 13th V: Roy’s P.O.V. 
Halloween:  Tommy Doyle Once A Month - One-Shot - Tommy Doyle x Reader
The Hangover: Phil Wenneck  1. Doctor’s Orders for a Hangover - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters & 1 bonus photos post) - Phil Wenneck x OFC (Emily Billings)
Harry Potter: Harry Potter 1. Loving the Boy-Who-Lived - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Harry Potter x OFC (Kelsey Weasley)
House of Wax: Nick Jones 1. Protected by Love - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters - Nick Jones x OFC (Melissa Felton)
IT: Ben Hanscom  1. Ageless Love - Finished - 12 of 12 Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Reggie “Belch” Huggins 1. A Bets a Bet - One shot - Reggie “Belch” Higgins x Reader
Richie Tozier 1. Richie...Married? - One Shot - Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader 2. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - One Shot - Teenage!Richie Tozier x Reader
Stanley Uris 1. Best Friend...Forever - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 2. Shower Caps - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 3. Our Fights Don’t Last Long - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader
IT: Chapter Two: Ben Hanscom 1. Forever Love - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Jumanji: Anthony “Fridge” Johnson 1. Welcome to the Jungle - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Anthony “Fridge” Johnson x OFC (Emily Gilpin)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Will Turner Pillaged Love - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Will Turner x OFC (Emily Swann)
Scream: Billy Loomis 1. All Just a Scary Movie - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Billy Loomis x OFC (Lindsey Prescott)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Punished by the Big O - One Shot - Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher (Contains Smut)
Twilight: Carlisle Cullen 1. Love As Old As Time - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Carlisle Cullen x OFC (Elizabeth Clarke)
Edward Cullen  1. Lost In Silence - In Progress - 1 of ? Chapters - Edward Cullen x OFC (Gabriella Swan)
Embry Call 1. Everything Changed - On Hiatus - 5 of ? Chapters - Embry Call x OFC (Hayley Uley) 2. Holly or Jolly? - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Embry Call x Reader 
Emmett Cullen 1. Girl Almighty - On Hiatus - 3 of ? Chapters - Emmett Cullen x OFC (Jade Stanley)
Jasper Hale: 1. She’s The Original - One-Shot - Jasper Hale x Reader 2. You’re My...Series (In Order) (MOST POPULAR) 2a. You’re My Monster - Finished - 8 of 8 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)  2b. You’re My Love - Finished - 7 of 7 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2c. You’re My Major - Finished - 6 of 6 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2d. You’re My Forever - Finished - 11 of 11 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)
Paul Lahote Imprinting Changes a Man - On Hiatus - 6 of ? Chapters - Paul Lahote x OFC (Melissa Black)
T.V. Shows:
Criminal Minds Derek Morgan 1. Stealing Hearts - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Derek Morgan x OFC (Dr. Lily Sanderson)
Spencer Reid 1. Eggnog - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Spencer Reid x Reader
FRIENDS  Chandler Bing  1. Coal - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Chandler Bing x Reader
NCIS Tony DiNozzo  1. Scared, But Safe - One-Shot - Tony DiNozzo x Reader
The Office: Jim Halpert 1. Happens Like That - On Hiatus - 9 of ? Chapters - Jim Halpert x OFC (Melissa Ford)
Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller 1. Patched...But Not Broken - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Jax Teller x OFC (Melissa Winston)
The Walking Dead: Negan “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” - One-Shot - Modern Santa!Negan AU - Negan x Reader (I know this is already in my masterlist, but it is a story I worked on with @mychemicalimagines, so I felt it only right to include it here!)
Rick Grimes 1. Always My World- In Progress - 7 of ? Chapter - Rick Grimes x OFC (Emily Walsh) 2. I Found You - One-Shot - RickGrimes x Daughter!Reader (non-romantic, paternal relationship ONLY)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 1. Baby Negan In The Making - One-Shot - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x OFC (Unnamed wife) 
Johnny Knoxville  1. In Sickness and In Health  - One-Shot - Johnny Knoxville x Reader
Stories with @supernaturalwritingbunker:
T.V. Shows:
Supernatural Dean Winchester 1. Apple Pie Life - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 2. Dinner Date with the Winchesters - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 3. Self-Esteem - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader  4. Published Before Editing - In Hiatus - 1 of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Emily Morgan) 5. Can’t Stop Loving You - ? of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Michaela “Mickey” Storm)
Sam Winchester 1. Take Back Home Girl - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader 2. Repeated Words - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader
Jensen Ackles 1. Social Media Love - Social Media!AU - 1 of 1 Chapters (18 Photos) - Jensen Ackles x OFC (Hazel Armstrong)
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