#por Messi y por todos
marfian · 1 year
Guys you don't understand, Messi has suffered so much humiliation from everybody, both from people here in Argentina and the media, and foreigners.
This was his last world cup, his last dance. He is 35 years old and playing the way he does.
The entire team deserved this so much and we as a country are so proud, so happy. Literally, crying. Moreover considering everything that happened around the world cup with all the controversies with the media and certain people who dismissed latinamerican football.
Messiento feliz. Al final son medialunas, no croissants, ahre.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
frases y conceptos inherentemente divertidos para mí por alguna razón:
Que un país no pueda encontrar 11 tipos que sepan patear una pelota
ver el mundial por TV
irse a casa en fase de grupos
"Dios mío" en distintos idiomas europeos
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flash56-chase05 · 1 year
¿Que ya han pasado más de tres meses desde que terminó el Mundial? Sí. Pero, ¿que esta idea me lleva rondando desde la cena de Navidad y no había dado con la forma de plasmarla hasta este momento? En efecto.
Y prima más que llegue la inspiración que el hecho de que ya a nadie le importen estos hechos.
Irlanda, en el partido Inglaterra-Francia del último Mundial, apoyaba sin duda a Francia. ¿Por qué habría alguna duda, teniendo en cuenta que era el que se había ganado a pulso el apodo de peor hermano del mundo contra uno de sus aliados naturales?
Celebró que el primer gol lo marcase el equipo francés —aunque luego lo maldijese cuando Inglaterra tuvo una oportunidad para quedar empate—, y mascó la desesperación del equipo de su hermano y de este cuando llegó el segundo.
En el momento en el que terminó el partido, se levantó del sofá de un salto y le gritó una serie de maldiciones en gaélico a la televisión antes de recoger su móvil del reposabrazos y mandar un mensaje de celebración a Francia.
España había estado clavado en el otro extremo de sofá, sin mediar palabra durante todo el partido. Sus ojos habían estado saltando entre la pantalla e Irlanda a lo largo de los más de cien minutos que había durado.
Hacía un esfuerzo por alzar sus comisuras cada vez que Irlanda alzaba sus brazos, esbozaba aquella sonrisa presuntuosa y llevaba sus ojos hacia él. Esta de inmediato resoplaba y se volvía a dejar caer sobre el colchón, con un murmullo al que él no quería darle respuesta.
Se había pasado la mano por la frente en varias ocasiones, encontrándose siempre con aquel sudor frío.
Por supuesto, por simple cercanía, debería querer que ganase Francia en vez de Inglaterra. Sin embargo, el siquiera pensar en aquella posibilidad causaba una presión en su pecho.
(¿En qué momento Portugal había decidido perder y dejarlo en aquella encrucijada?).
Aunque, si algo tenía claro, era que Inglaterra no podía ganar. Por el bien del ánimo de Irlanda durante el resto del Mundial, que se comería las uñas y recurriría a todo tipo de ritos para que su hermano perdiese y no consiguiese el puesto de campeón.
Pero, ¿por qué tenía que ganar Francia? ¿Por qué ese partido necesitaba un vencedor y un perdedor? ¿Por qué debía ser la vida tan injusta?
España no se levantó del sofá cuando el partido terminó, sino que se limitó a frotarse la frente con los dedos y soltar un hondo suspiro.
—¿Qué te pasa ahora con Francia? —masculló Irlanda.
Casi podía verla con sus brazos en jarras y su nariz fruncida.
España chasqueó la lengua, sin alzar los ojos de su regazo.
—Sabes que no me termina de gustar que gane —musitó, y se reclinó para recoger el móvil del cristal de la mesa en la que tenía apoyados sus pies.
—Le acaba de ganar a Inglaterra.
Él se encogió de hombros y alzó su rostro hacia Irlanda.
Esta se encontraba justo como se lo imaginaba, y hubiese esbozado una sonrisa si su vista no se hubiese desviado hacia la pantalla tras ella, que no hacía más que mostrar el corrillo de jugadores franceses que no hacían más que abrazarse y jalear.
Casi podía atisbar la sonrisa de Francia, con sus labios fruncidos y sus cejas arqueadas de una manera que le hacía desear que hubiese perdido.
Y a la vez no, porque Inglaterra era... No era peor, pero a la vez sí. Inglaterra se merecía llevar casi sesenta años sin ganar ningún Mundial de fútbol, y mucho más teniendo en cuenta cómo se ponía cuando vencía en cualquier otra competición.
(Italia había sido una verdadera bendición hacía unos años).
Pero el mundo tampoco podía soportar que Francia ganase dos mundiales seguidos.
—Ya, pero...
Irlanda gruñó y se inclinó para agarrar el cuello de su botella de cerveza, para después bordear la mesa y el sofá a un ritmo furioso. Él apenas soltó más que un suspiro al escuchar el portazo a sus espaldas.
España sabía que ella tampoco soportaría el espectáculo de Francia durante los siguientes cuatro años si volvía a vencer. Y mucho menos cuando le había confesado que había estado a punto de reventarle una botella en la cabeza a las pocas horas de su victoria anterior.
Suspiró mientras apartaba sus pies de la mesa y llevaba sus ojos hacia el teléfono. Apretó sus labios y arrastró su dedo por la pantalla, debatiéndose en si desbloquearlo o no.
Al final lo tiró sobre los cojines del lado de Irlanda y se volvió a hundir en el respaldo del sofá.
—¿Quieres otra cerveza? —La voz amortiguada de Irlanda interrumpió por un momento sus pensamientos. España se arrastró hacia el borde del sofá y se puso de pie tras varios segundos—. España...
—Sí, sí, voy —respondió, a la vez que colocaba su mano sobre el pomo de la puerta.
Más le valía a Argentina no permitir que algo tan horrible ocurriese...
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quemirabobo · 1 year
Me muero, es tendencia en twitter "Soy leo"
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este señor. como puede ser tan tierno, OBVIO Q SOS LEO QUIEN NO SABRIA SAJKSJKAJKAS 💖💖💖💖💖💖😭😭😭😭
Imaginate que sos el tipo más conocido del mundo, campeón mundial, héroe nacional y te nace presentarte a la persona que te regaló algo, lo amo demasiado 🥺
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xweareworldclass · 1 year
It's been a long time since I opened this app, what year was 2022!
Louis made the best album I've ever heard, I saw him for the first time and Argentina was world champion.
hope my love comes back soon so we can sing to him "dale campeón"
Hola 2023
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pedrithink · 8 months
dream family ✩ pedri gonzalez
couple: pedri x reader! messi
request: im on my knees begging for a messi reader x pedri 🙏🏼 soc med au or oneshot i will take what i can get
face claim: olivia grivas
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NOW: Inter Miami CF Press Conference | Lionel Messi
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comments ⬇️
user1 messi showing all his support for pedri's relationship with his daughter, how nice to see him so happy enjoying life with his family.
user2 it’s actually a tragedy that we won’t get to see Messi and Pedri play together again, pretty sure that yn would love to watch this masterpiece too. her boyfriend with her father 🔥
user3 for messi, pedri is one of the best talents in world football. they enjoyed looking for each other in the short time they played together.
user4 @user3 bring them back please 😭
user5 messi's children are everything to him, so if he supports this relationship it's because he trusts pedri 🥺
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, and 3.772.872 others
ynmessi miami days with mom and dad 💕✨ estoy tan orgullosa de vós, papá. te quiero muchísimo! gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí y no sabes la inspiración que sos para mí. 💗💖💕💞
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antonelaroccuzzo mi niña hermosa, la mas linda y buena ❤️❤️ te queremos muchooooo 🥰❤️❤️
ynmessi @antonelaroccuzzo te quiero, má 💖
leomessi te quiero hija 😘❤️
ynmessi te quiero, pá 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
user1 your father is a LEGEND
user2 yn, what brand are your pants and top?
pedri 😍😍
ynmessi @pedri 💗🫶🏻
user3 guapaaaaas y el capitán más hermoso del mundo 😍 (pretties and the most beautiful captain in the world)
user4 la mujer y la hija del 10 no se mira (we cannot look at 10's wife and daughter)
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Liked by antonelaroccuzzo, pedri, and 3.447.972 others
ynmessi happiest birthday with my favorite people 💐 thank you for the love everyone - heart is so full 💝🥺
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antonelaroccuzzo siempre quiero verte feliz, mi niña 🥰
ynmessi @antonelaroccuzzo lo mismo, mamá. no puedo expresar o tanto qué te quiero 💝
user6 imagine having messi and pedri at your birthday party and at the same time them being your father and boyfriend! YN WON IN LIFE
user7 the way yn and pedri treat each other is so cute 😞
leomessi 😍❤️
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gavisfanta · 22 days
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summary: youre messis daughter and dating pedri while the world cup is happening
warnings: none
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the journey to qatar was amazing, now that I've spent the first three hours here I cant wait for the world cup to start.
Vamos Argentina y Vamos España 🇦🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇦
liked by pedri, garnacho7 and 967,929 others.
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@garnacho7 👏🏼👏🏼
@pedri ❤️🇪🇦
@random supporting two teams is insane
@random imagine having the problem that your bf plays for spain and your dad for argentina and you dont know who you'll support
@random thats my dream problem
@random I hope Messi can win it this year
@random can we please talk about how cute pedris smile is in the third picture??
@random why does she have the spanish passport if shes Argentinian??
@random she grew up in spain
@random Hala madrid
@random who is she?
@random shes Messi's daughter
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Esto acaba de empezar, sí, pero qué debut locos! Vamos España ❤️🇪🇦
(This has just begun, yes, but what a crazy debut! Let's go Spain)
liked by pablogavi, yourinsta and 4,629,729 others.
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@yourinsta guapoooo😍😍😍 (handsome)
@pablogavi simp
@pedri ❤️
@random LMAO
@random Pedri Potter
@pablogavi Hermanoooo looking good
@random hes soo fineee
@rodri so excited to play with you pedri ;)
@ferrantorres mágico
@random spain gon win the world cup
@random lets go spainnn
@sefutbol que chico 😍😍 (what a boy)
@marcosalonos pedriiii 😍😍
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Amazing game by spain as always, it was great to support you @pedri with @siramartinezc and lets keep going this way. Vamos España ❤️❤️
liked by pedri, pablogavi, siramartinezc and 2,690,628 others.
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@pedri red looks good on you amor ❤️ pinned comment
@siramartinezc 🇪🇦❤️
@pablogavi youre my favourite girlfriend of pedri
@yourinsta oh... thank you gavi...
@pedri gavi.
@anapelayoz mis chicas españolas favoritas 😍❤️ (my favourite spanish girls)
@antonellaroccuzzo 😍😍
@mikkykiemeney when are you coming to a game with me ? 😁😁
@yourinsta soon... maybe...
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Muchas gracias por todo, Luis. Por tu confianza y por tu apoyo desde el primer momento, y por haber creído y cuidado siempre a este grupo. No hemos lIlegado donde queríamos en este Mundial, pero seguro que el futuro te deparara nuevos exitos
Muchas gracias también a toda la gente que ha estado a nuestro lado. Por ellos y por la @sefutbol tenemos que pasar página y trabajar para dar alegrías a nuestro país de la mano de Luis De la Fuente. Su suerte será la nuestra. 🇪🇦
(Thank you so much for everything, Luis. For your trust and for your support from the first moment, and for having always believed and cared for this group. We haven't gotten where we wanted in this World Cup, but I'm sure the future will bring you new successes
Many thanks too all the people who have been by our side. For them and for the @sefutbol we have to turn the page and work to give joy to our country from the hand of Luis De la Fuente. Your luck will be ours.)
liked by sefutbol, yourinsta, leomessi and 4,920,672 others.
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Spain has been great and it's really unfortunate that we had to leave Qatar after this loss. I wish we could've went on further but I'm sure everyone is gonna take this as a challenge and win more trophies in the next 4 years. ❤️🇪🇦
liked by pedri, siramartinezc and 1,639,993 others.
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@pedri ❤️
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liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,662,829 others.
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@leomessi 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri ❤️
@random vamoooooo argentinaaaaaaa
@random france easy win
@random 😍😍
@random mbappe as world cup champion sounds better
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Tantas veces lo soñé, tanto lo deseaba que aún no caigo, no me lo puedo creer...
Muchas gracias a mi familia, a todos los que me apoyan y también a todos los que creyeron en nosotros. Demostramos una vez más que los argentinos cuando luchamos juntos y unidos somos capaces de conseguir lo que nos propongamos. El mérito es de este grupo, que está por encima de las individualidades, es la fuerza de todos peleando por un mismo sueño que también era el de todos los argentinos... Lo logramos!!!
Nos estamos viendo muy pronto... 🇦🇷🇦🇷
I dreamed it so many times, I wished it so much that I don't fall yet, I can't believe it...
Big thanks to my family, all my supporters and also to all those who believed in us. We prove once again that the Argentinians when we fight together and united we are capable of achieving what we set out to do. The credit is of this group, which is above individuality, is the strength of all fighting for the same dream that was also that of all Argentinians... We made it !!!
We're seeing each other very soon...🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷)
liked by fcbarcelona, yourinsta and 75,448,275 others.
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@fcbarcelona beautiful 😍
@enzofernandez CAPITÁN 👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@garnacho7 😍🇦🇷
@antonellaruccuzzo ❤️🇦🇷
@seleccionargentinaen "Lionel Messi has shaken hands with paradise"
@brycehall 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@lisandromartinez Mi capitán 👏🏼🇦🇷
@random lmao barca commented
@random poor Cristiano
@random G.O.A.T.
@random I call this history
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This has been an incredible and surreal time and I'm so so thankful for everyone I met during my time there and I am so happy that my native country won it.
Thank you Qatar and VAMOS ARGENTINA 🇦🇷
liked by leomessi, pedri and 3,662,268 others.
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@selecciónargentina "todos somos montiel"
@leomessi VAMOSSSSS 🇦🇷🇦🇷
@antonellaroccuzzo ❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri 😍
@433 that world cup was special...
@pablogavi pedri looks so handsome 😍😍
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argentina has been magical, thank you for sticking along @pedri ❤️
liked by pedri, leomessi, siramartinezc and 1,763,928 others.
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@pedri de nada amor ❤️😍
@leomessi 👍🏻
@random this is so dad of him 💀💀
@random MESSI
@mikkykiemeney so pretty 😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random i love her and pedris relationship
@random that first picture >>
@random argentina did well ngl
@random pedri in the first pic AAAA
@random Idk who I'm jealous of, her or Pedri
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mi equipo 🫶🏻🇦🇷
liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,091,669 others.
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@leomessi mi hija ❤️
@pedri beautiful girl 😍😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random undeserved
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back in barcelona, no better place then home 🫶🏻
liked by leomessi, pedri and 1,829,552 others.
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@pedri ❤️
@mikkykiemeney Home ❤️❤️
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cher-rei · 2 months
pablo gavi smau [ P.G ]
summary: a documentation of your life as the messi family's adoptive daughter leading up to a surprise relationship reveal
notes: posting this like this isn't based on my gavi fic that's in planning... the oc's name is sofía btw (translated spanish!!)
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liked by pablogavi and 2 234 563 others
fía.pérez la vida en este momento con mi chica favorita 💌 (life at the moment with my favourite girl) [tagged: aurorapaezg]
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aurorapaezg 😘 [liked by fía.pérez]
pablogavi dejar a mi hermana en paz desafío: ir (leave my sister alone challenge: go)
→ fía.pérez deja de ser celoso desafío: ve (stop being jealous challenge: go)
user guys I just saw two pretty best friends...
user when are gavi and sofía not arguing though, like can we be fr 😭
user they make it so easy to ship them and I'm so here for it
user it's over once when see antonela or messi in the comments 😔
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liked by anotenelarocuzzo and 1 172 111 others
fía.pérez ciro + fía = <3
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antonelarocuzzo mis bebés ❤️‍🩹 (my babies) [liked by fía.paréz)
leomessi mateo dijo que está mejor 😭 (mateo said that he's better)
→ fía.pérez en sus sueños 🙄 (in his dreams)
pablogavi ¿Y por qué no me invitaron??? (and why wasn't I invited???)
→ fía.pérez bueno, tal vez si hubieras respondido a mi llamada habrías (well maybe if you answered my calls you would've)
pedri los amantes se pelean (lovers quarrel)
→ fía.pérez sal de mis comentarios ahora mismo... (get out of my comments right now)
pablogavi @pedri me das asco. (you disgust me.)
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liked by pedri and 897 382 others
pablogavi exponiendo mi angel 🤭 (exposing my angel) [tagged: fía.pérez]
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fía.pérez estás muerto gavira. (you're dead gavira) [liked by pablogavi]
pedri ¿¿subtítulo?? (caption??)
ferrantorres ¿¿tu que?? (your what??)
user excuse me 😃
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liked by leomessi and 1 223 311 others
fía.pérez él realmente está aquí firmando las camisetas de todos mientras yo estoy allí 😒 (he's really out there signing everyone's shirt while I'm right there) [tagged: pablogavi]
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pablogavi puedes tener el mío en su lugar 😉 (you can have mine instead)
→ fía.pérez preferiría morir ☺️ (i'd rather die)
pedri los odio tanto a ambos (I hate you both so much) [liked by fía.pérez]
user I don't even know if I'm delusional anymore
→ user girl I'm just here for the vibes, they're too cute to leave
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liked by pablogavi and 1 722 111 others
fía.pérez el chico en la pantalla es algo lindo 👀 (the guy on the screen is kind of cute)
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aurorapaezg estás bromeando ¿no? (you're joking right?) [liked by fía.pérez]
pablogavi conozco a alguien que es al menos diez veces más lindo (I know someone who's at least ten times cuter)
→ fía.pérez ¿ah, de verdad? (oh really?) [liked by pablogavi]
ferminlopez @pedri hermano, ven aquí (bro get over here)
user we're getting closer!!!
user am I supposed to be screaming or crying rn??
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liked by fía.pérez and 891 199 499 others
pablogavi mi vista favorita 👀❤️‍🩹 (my favourite view) [tagged: fía.pérez]
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fía.pérez he visto mejores de cerca (I've seen better upclose)
→ pablogavi imposible mi amor (impossible, my love)
pedri ¿puedo finalmente dormir en paz ahora? (can I finally sleep in peace now?)
→ pablogavi nunca (never)
ferminlopez ¡¡vamos!! (let's gooo!!) [liked by pablogavi)
user screaming, crying, throwing up
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liked by leomessi and 2 321 112 others
fía.pérez mi niño bonito ❤️ (my pretty boy) [tagged: pablogavi)
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pablogavi ¡¡no es justo!! no puedes llamarme tu chico bonito tan casualmente (that's not fair!! you can't call me your pretty boy so casually)
→ fía.pérez por supuesto que puedo (of course I can)
antonelarocuzzo te tomo bastante tiempo (took you long enough)
→ fía.pérez fue un proceso ¿vale? 😭 (it was a process okay?)
pedri yo todavía te odio (I still hate you)
→ pablogavi nada nuevo (nothing new)
user is this what heaven feels like?
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iaeriy · 9 months
midnight (gavi x reader)
warnings- spanish speaking, smut & cussing
a/n- sorry for not posting! ive been distracted & depressed lately but, i had thought of this since i had seen gavi in a hoodie. but i’ll be posting a pedri fanfic maybe later on today or tomorrow, but enjoy! :”)
“hermosaa..” gavi whispered into your ear as his warm body pressed against yours, you grunted shuffling a bit on the bed. his eyes were barely opened as his movements caused you to move around as well. you kept quiet thinking he’d fall asleep, he rubbed his eyes as he looked at you at your body.
the blanket was covering your legs, your nipples almsot exposed due to the cold air filling the room, your messy hair, his shirt lifted to your stomach.
the boy gulped swallowing nervously as you felt a hand trace your stomach, you whined as you felt his cold touch against your stomach, “déjame dormir..” (let me sleep..) you said whispering as you turned around, your back now facing the poor boy.
he held your waist as he pushed you gently against his chest, as you felt his boner poke your asscheek, “go back to sleep..” you said as he started to grind himself against your pussy while nibbling on your neck, “please.. i want you..” he whispered into your ear rubbing your ass.
“it’s 2am.. i’m sleepy..” you said whimpering as you knew he was excited and he wouldn’t stop unless you gave him what he wanted, the bump was slowly growing as he kept up with his movements, “por favor.. te haré sentir bien..” he whispered as you felt goosebumps forming around your skin, he began to rub onto your nipples, pinching them and groping your tits as you moaned. “fine.. okay.” you said whispering as you gave in, you sat up as you straddled his straddled his waist, pushing your ass against his clothed boner.
he looked at your chest as you lifted his chin, “what is that little dumb brain thinking right now.. hmm?” you said as you started to trace your fingers to the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side, you looked down at his eyes as they were widened. you pressed your lips against his as he smiled syncing his lips against yours.
he held onto your ass as you continued to kiss him, his hands roaming around your torso to your chest as he groped onto your tit, you mewled into his mouth as you began to grind your hips against his crotch, feeling yourself get soaked underneath. he pushed himself up as you felt his crotch hit your clit, you moaned in between the kiss.
gavi sat up as he started to trace kisses down your jaw, biting and sucking on your skin as you let out cries of pleasure, you slid your hands under his hoodie as you placed your hands on the hem of his hoodie, lifting it over his head as he held your back before making his way to kissing you, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he bit down on your lip as you whimpered into his mouth before you slid your tongue into his mouth.
the two of you proceeded to kiss as he moved you down, placing you underneath while he towered over you, you slid your hands inside his black sweats palming and poking on his boner, he groaned in between the kiss as he moved his lips down to your neck, sucking and licking on it as he left his love marks. you breath started to hitch and started to become heavy as he found your sensitive spot, you ran your fingers down his back before moving your other hand off his boxers before he pulled away, chuckling at your breathing and the marks he left on you. “joder.. eres tan jodidamente hermosa bajo mis marcas..” (fuck.. you look so fucking gorgeous under my marks..) he said as he smacked your breast, you whined out loud feeling the stinging on your boob as it left a mark before he kissed your cheek before pulling off your panties down, “dios mío.. todo mojada para mí y ni siquiera te he tocado..” (my god.. all wet for me & i haven’t even touched you..) he said chuckling as you blushed feeling embarrassed until you felt him rub your folds, spreading your wetness around.
you arched your back as he continued to rub your clit in a pace that had you moaning underneath his touch, you pulled his sweats and boxers down as you watched his cock spring out, you began to stroke him slowly as his finger slipped inside of you. both moans escaping from your lips as the two of you looked at each other, holding eye contact as he added his finger middle finger inside your throbbing cunt. “fuck you’re so gorgeous..” he said as he leaned in kissing you, the two of you kissed while pleasureable moans & groans escaped from the two of you.
the two of you were fully naked as he towered ontop of you again, “i’ll be gentle.. okay?” you nodded your head hoping he actually meant it, usually he loses control and the two of you have sex like crazy due to how he’s obsessed with you. he held your thighs wrapping your legs around his waist before leaning in closer as he pushed himself inside of you. you arched your back feeling butterflies on your stomach as he began to thrust slowly into you. “te sientes tan bien a mi alrededor..” (you feel so good around me..) he said whispering against your ear as he groaned feeling you tighten around him.
you moaned at his thrusts, as each movement drove you crazy. he looked down at you as you looked at him, his pink cheeks even the small sweat on his forehead. you cupped his cheeks as you kissed him, muffling your moans when he started to thrust quickly into you. “mmmh.. you’re so..good at.. th-this bebé..” you said in between the kiss as he smirked before he found a spot you never knew about until now. you moaned loudly scratching his back as he groaned into your mouth, he was thrusting into you quickly hitting that same spot over and over again, your vision started to form black spots around.
both of you pulled away from each others lips, breathlessly from the kiss as he continued to pump himself in and out of you, you were enjoying every inch of his dick taking you in and out as you kept moaning uncontrollably as he held onto your hips thrusting harder, which made you gasp and making gavi stop, “que pasó?” (what’s wrong?) he said looking at you as you whined, “m-muévete de nuevo.. se siente muy bien..” (move again.. it feels so good..) you said as he thrusted harder again, you moaned loudly as he found your g-spot hitting it over & over again, gavi groaned loudly as he hasn’t felt this since. you never liked him going a little rough on you but this time, it didn’t matter.
he continued to thrust up into you as he held onto your breasts, you felt your climax coming as he leaned closer resting his forehead ontop of urs before he pushed himself deeper into you, you moaned louder as you arched your back before he kissed you again muffling your moans for the second time. he lifted your legs resting them on top of his shoulders before thrusting quicker than he was against you.
“i’m.. c-close..” you said between your moans as he looked at you nodding his head before starting to toy with your clit, you cried out in pleasure as you spasm all over his dick triggering him to cum inside of you. you looked at him breathing heavily as he collapsed on you, “that was.. worth.. the night..” he said panting as you giggled between your breathing playing with his hair as the room was filled with heatness and heavy breathing.
after the two of you calmed down, you were wrapped under gavis arm. “thank you for tonight hermosa..” he said kissing your forehead as you smiled before he wrapped the both of you in the blanket as the two of you fell asleep.
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latinotiktok · 7 months
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Peter Parker
-Spiderman. ya sabés
-Spiderman (Peter Parker). Por vibes y porque en cada maldita esquina de Latinoamérica hay un tipo vestido de spiderman. Qué sería de nosotres sin él
-El hombre araña, literal no hay trencito de la alegría o pelotero donde no aparezca, no importa la edad si le preguntas a alguien por un superhéroe te lo van mencionar. Es básicamente como Goku pero de cómics, hay publicidades y graffitis de él por todos lados, vas a una parrilla y lo tenés ahí pintado al spiderman en un pared preparando unos choris. Tenemos canónicamente? nuestro propio hombre araña (Julián 💙) y tengo fotos de un hombre araña con la camiseta de la selección festejando sobre un camión. (Disclaimer soy argentina 😅)
-homem-aranha, tem forte presença no carnaval de rua brasilero e claramente sabe dançar funk
Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
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didishawn · 1 year
World Cup (Pedri X Messi! Reader)
Insta Au
Warnings: lots of Spanish
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Liked by pedri, leomessi and 181,222 others
y/n_messi este mundial con peligro, me quedo sin novio o sin hermano, quiero la segunda o la tercera, sobretodo la tercera, lo siento amor @pedri
ver traducción: this world cup is dangerous, I either lose a boyfriend or a brother, I want the second one or the third one, mostly the third one, sorry love @pedri
gavi ¿qué pasa si hay una final entre España y Argentina y gana España? 🤔🤔🤔
ver traducción: what happens if there is a final in between Spain and Argentina and Spain wins? 🤔🤔🤔
y/n_messi vos atrevete a si quiera intentar ganarle a Argentina, a ver que te pasa, boludito
ver traducción: you even try to win against Argentina, and see what happens to you, dummy
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez and 98,756 others
y/n_messi una linda recompensa tras la derrota de ayer, Argentina sigue viendo hacia delante, mientras vean al lindo de mi novio, te amo, amor @pedri
ver traducción: a great reward after yesterday's loss, Argentina looks ahead, in the mean time, watch my beautiful boyfriend, I love you @pedri
pedri te amo, sigan confiando, argentinos
ver traducción: I love you, Argentinians keep on having faith
leomessi ayer fue duro, pero seguimos con la ilusión
ver traducción: yesterday was hard, but we keep on with the illusion
y/n_messi te amo hermano, sos un genio y sabemos que hay que confiar en vos y los demás chavones
ver traducción: I love you brother, you are a genius and we know to trust you and the rest
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, ansufati, ferrantorres and 60,122 others
y/n_messi hoy fue un mal día para España y los chicos, pero no por esto hay que estarse triste, ya que la derrota siempre acaba siendo un camino al éxito, todos mis amores a estos pibes a los que amo, sobretodo a vos, mi amor, sos el mejor
ver traducción: today was a bad day for Spain and the guys, but we don't have to be sad, a loss is a way towards success, all my love to this marvelous guys, specially to you, my love, you are the best
pedri tenerte al lado es lo que me mantiene cuerdo
ver traducción: you by my side is the one thing that keeps me sane
comments have been limited in this post
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez, gavi, kunaguero and 92,182 others
y/n_messi nosotros seguimos acá, Argentina a la final y a por la tercera!!! @pedri
ver traducción: we are still here, Argentina into the finals and towards the third one!!!
kunaguero uy, algo me dice a Leo no le gusta está foto, jeeeeeee
ver traducción: oh, something tells me Leo doesn't like this photo, jeeeee
y/n_messi sos un boludo
ver traducción: you are an idiot
kunaguero besás al Pedri con esa boca?
ver traducción: you kiss Pedri with that mouth?
leomessi cómo es eso de besos?
ver traducción: what is that about kisses?
y/n_messi vos andá pallá, bobo, acá no hay nada para que vos leas, solo tu noviecito siendo un tarado como siempre
ver traducción: you go away, idiot, there is nothing for you to read here, only your boyfriend being stupid as always
pedri la más linda
ver traducción: the prettiest one
leomessi cuidadito donde ponés la mano
ver traducción: be careful where you put your hand
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez, nicolasotamendi30, kunaguero and 183,122 others
Este mes ha sido sin duda el más difícil de mi vida, pero merece toda la pena por este mundial. Leo, mi hermano, la persona que más amo en este mundo, ya tenés todo con lo que siempre has soñado, ya no quedan dudas para aquellos quienes se negaban a verte como el mejor del mundo. Te amo a vos y toda la Scaloneta.
This month has been without doubt the hardest in my entire life, but it was all worth it. Leo, my brother, the person I love the most in this entire world, you already have everything you have ever dreamed about, there are no doubts left for those who have refused to see you as the best in the world. I love you and the entire Scaloneta.
kunaguero que todos los antimessi nos chupen la pija, pa, somos campeones!!!
ver traducción: everyone that is antimessi can suck our dicks, man, we are world champions!!!
y/n_messi kuni, pará, que te va a dar algo con todo ese chapín. Pero sí, váyanse a la poronga todos esos quienes no confiaban!!!
ver traducción: kuni, stop, you will have a stroke with all that champagne. But yes, go to hell those of you who didn't believe!!!
hater you are a joke, Kun Agüero, you are not World champion
y/n_messi of course he is world champion, you unhappy internet troll, go and touch some grass while kuni parties like the world champion he IS
leomessi esta copa también te pertenece a vos quien siempre ha estado a mi lado, lo mismo con el Kun, Gio y demás
ver traducción: this cup belongs to you who has always been by my side, the same goes for Kun, Gio and the rest
pedri hoy ha ganado el mejor del mundo y el mejor equipo, felicidades, chacho! @leomessi
ver traducción: today the best of the world has won as well as the best team, congratulations, dude! @leomessi
juliaanalvarez 🕷️😎
y/n_messi la araña que pica! felicidades juli!!
ver traducción: the spider that bites, congratulations juli!!
papugomez_official 3 estrellitas yaaa, que lindo sale el dibu, que hombre 😍
ver traducción: 3 stars noow, how cute the dibu looks, what a man 😍
emi_martinez26 cuidado que te como, que estaba re loco
ver traducción: be careful or I will eat you, that I was super crazy
y/n_messi @papugomez_official Beckham?
December 18th of 2022 has for surely been a long day when you and Pedri finally crash into you hotel room, waiting to have a small nap before he goes back to Spain, you to celebrate in Argentina of course.
"La próxima vez, seré yo quien ponga una nueva estrella en uno de las camisas que usas" (next time I will be the one to put one more star in one of the shirts you wear)
"¿Me insinuas que por vos me haré hincha de España y que le ganarás a mi amada Argentina?" (you are telling me that you will turn me into a Spain follower and that you will win against my beloved Argentina?)
"Obvio" (obviously)
"Sos un creído vos" (you are son arrogant)
"No le hables así a quien en cuatro años te hará celebrar una final del mundo otra vez" (don't talk like that to who will have you celebrating another World Cup final again)
You don't tell him you hope it's true, you love Argentina, but you still wish for the day tour boyfriend too becomes a world champion to arrive. In the mean time, you just cuddle on the shared bed and dream about the future, keeping in mind that you are a world champion.
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personwhowrites · 1 year
Hey! I hope this request isn’t cringy,, but can we get Alejandro x Fem!Reader where the Reader is not very feminine or dainty at all, and she prefers more masculine clothing and hobbies? Thank you so much <33
I love this idea! This so fucking amazing! Sorry it took me so long to write! Im also sorry for my English in advance! Sorry if I didn’t nail down your idea I was having so much writes blog in the half so it might of trailed off for a while.
My Alejandro
Alejandro Vargas x Fem!reader
Wc: 2.8k+
“That’s the Colonel..” Someone mumbles to you as you fix your messy hair. “Pay close attention.. to his movements and what he does.”
You look over and stare at slightly tall man, a nice looking smile planted on his lips. He had a somewhat going on beard. Your eyes met his, he stared for a moment before walking over with a man next to him. Following him like a lost kid who’s looking for their mom.
“Shit shit!” The person whispered looking other and fixing their uniform. “Did you stare to long?”
“Ladies.” The man says looking at you and the person next to you. “I’m Alejandro the C—“
“The Colonel” you say putting your hand out to shake his. He gives you smile and shakes your hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.”
“Pleasure all mine!” Alejandro says looking at you with a slightly sparkle in his eyes. “Welcome to La Almas, your forever home now.”
“Wouldn’t hate it in the world.” You respond looking at him more closely. “Im excited to work with you sir.”
“Please call me Alejandro, this here is Rodolfo or Rudy. Second in command.” Alejandro says moving his hand away from yours. “His a very good friend and will be with all of you new folks. Do you speak Spanish?”
“Si..” You say with pride in your eyes. “Es mi segundo lenguaje!” (It’s my second language)
Alejandro gives a chuckle and smiles. His dark brown eyes stare into yours, only to be interrupted by Rodolfo small sneeze.
“I’ll leave you with Rodolfo, I have to run down to see some old friends.” Alejandro says looking at Rodolfo. “Vuelvo en un par de minutos. Mantén a todos en el edificio oeste y no digas nada sobre por qué”. ("I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Keep everyone in the west building and don't say anything about why.")
Alejandro walks away as Rodolfo also walks the other direction. You stare at Alejandro as he walks away, he looks back to meet your eyes for a second before hopping in a vehicle.
Chug, it was the only word being yelled at around you and another person in front of you. You held tightly onto the beer bottle as the word kept being shouted around you. The person in front of you was half finished with the bottle of beer. Without thinking you started chugging down the alcohol, letting it slide down into your bloodstream. People began to clap as you chugged down every inch of the alcohol. You slammed the bottle down and wipe your lips, the smell of alcohol now rubbing on your hand.
“What’s going on here!” Alejandro yell silencing the building. “You two!”
You turn to look at him, god he looked hot in that lighting. You shook your head at the thought of him, he stared at you and the empty beer bottle displayed in front of you. It seem childish to be playing such games like these your first day, but you enjoyed it. Enjoyed racing against time and others, the thrill of hear claps and cheers.
“You drank all of that in one go?” Alejandro says slightly surprised before turning his attention back to the people that surrounded you. “All of you! Go head out and bring in the equipment from the truck.”
People quickly scattered outside with you following along. It was quite embarrassing to be caught doing that the first day there. Outside you spotted some men that look strange to your point. They didn’t have the normal uniform on, they had more advance uniform on. You stare at them for a moment. A man with a skull mask, a mohawk man, and a man with a strange hat that made you chuckle. You turn away from then and head off to a parked truck. There you spot another man wearing a cap with the England hat on it.
“Ayuda mi aquí” (Help me here) someone says in front of you handing you a bag. “Think you can carry it?”
“..Seriously?” You say slightly annoyed as they drop the bag in your arms. “This is light..hand me a couple more. I’ll come back to get more.”
“Light? Jesus woman what are you built out of.” They say with a chuckle before handing you more bags. “Take them back to the building.”
You nod as you place the bags in your hands. They were now slightly more heavy as you walked. You stay focus not noticing people glancing over. The men you spotted earlier are now talking to Alejandro, which they immediately stop talking as Alejandro stares at you.
“..Don’t hurt yourself!” Alejandro says stopping you in your tracks. “Are you okay?”
“I’m alright sir, it’s light for me.” You respond slightly looking over at him. “It’s nothing compare to what I usually lift.”
Alejandro gives you blank stare. You walk away quickly as someone calls your name. He watches you walk with ease.
“Alejandro what’s with the new folks.” Someone asks him making him look at them. “I noticed a lot of more people since the last visit.”
“Well, I thought I could need more hands keeping Las Almas safe.” Alejandro responds. “You out of all people should know why Price. Now come on, I’ll show you all where you can stay at as my people help carry stuff in.”
You come out the building and rush over to someone who’s struggling to handle some bags. Same amount as you, they give an nervous laugh when you help them. Alejandro looks over one last time in your direction before walking away.
The afternoon was really slow for your liking. Nothing much to do but walk, talk and somewhat eat. It annoyed the hell out of you, as the sun became brighter and worse on you and the people near. It wasn’t helping that Rodolfo was handing out hot stew out for lunch.
“Jesus they’re going to kill us off with this heat.” Someone says looking at the stew in front of them. “It’s too fucking hot for this shit.”
“Agreed..” You mumble wiping sweat away from your forehead. “This sucks really bad..”
You stare at the stew and take a deep breath. Sure it was burning hot, it just had been made, but your body wast hungry. You held the bowl of the stew, brining it up to your lips. You started drinking it, the burning liquid going down your throat. It burned you greatly, but your body needed the food more than anything. You finally stopped at the feeling of your tongue going numb.
“..The fuck..” the person from before says looking at you. “How the hell did that not hurt?”
“Who said it didn’t.” You say tearing up, the pain setting up. “Fuck!”
You dropped the bowl and hot up. Rodolfo looks over and stares at you for a moment, the bowl was empty now, your face was red. You covered your mouth and walk away quickly to find something cold for yourself.
It was a long time until you finally ease form the burning pain. You try to put your mind elsewhere while the burning feeling went down. You notice some scraps of metal and a welding tool. You look quickly for a mask that can protect your face and stop immediately hearing Alejandro voice getting closer to the building you stood in.
“Over here is the work shop.” Alejandro says opening the door. The men from before were with him. They seem more settled down. “Soap I heard you like to mess with stuff.”
“..in a good way or bad way?” Soap says looking around the building. “Oh! Hey!”
You place the scrap metal on the floor again and give him a nervous smile. You been caught in your worst moment, you couldn’t speak, it killed you to speak. Yet you wanted to be kind to them.
“Hello..” You answered making the others notice your presence.
You look away from them as their attention dragged to you. Soap gave a big smile seeing you spoke English. Alejandro quickly look over and saw the scrap metal in front of you.
“What are you doing in here.” Alejandro says crossing his arms in front of him. “..You should be eating with the others.”
“..I wasn’t so hungry, too hot out there too.” You mumble slight nervous. “I saw this place and.. I wanted to see it.”
“ ¿Entonces el metal enfrente de ti vas a hacer algo con el?” Alejandro says kneeling down to pick it up. “no puedes hacer muchas cosas con esto. Ve y agarra el metal que está al lado de la puerta”
1(So the metal in front of you is going to do something with it?) 2(You can't do many things with this. Go and grab the metal that is next to the door.)
“El metal está bien, puedo usarlo perfectamente.” You say looking at him. “No me gusta desperdiciar... además, la metalurgia es un pequeño pasatiempo que hago.”
1(The metal is fine, I can use it perfectly.) 2(I don’t like to waste…plus metalwork is a small hobby I do.)
Alejandro nods and gets back. He looks back at the men he brought to the building. He gives a chuckle looking at their confused faces. You pick up the metal in front of you and walk away from their sight.
“What was the all about?” Price asks looking at Alejandro. “All I understood was metal.”
“She was just wanting to work with the scrap metal with have in the shop.” Alejandro says looking aviejan for you. “Let’s just move on from here I still got plenty to show you all around.”
“Wait wait. What is she going to make with the metal?” Soap says grabbing Alejandro hand. “I’m interested.”
“Johnny.” A firm husky British voice says garbing soap away. “Let’s go.”
“ Come on tell me you aren’t interested in what’s going to be made.” Soap says looking at the person. “Ghost you have to be a little interested.”
“I’m not.” Ghost says grabbing soap out the building. “Now come on we are behind.”
Your encounters with Alejandro became more regular. It almost seem funny to him, how many times he has seen you around. Soon enough the finally has enough of the encounters and starts suspecting your following him.
“She isn’t following you Alejandro. She’s just all over the place lately.” Rodolfo says patting Alejandro back. “Mostly because a lot of people have quit and she’s been handing some stuff.”
“Do you don’t find it strange?” Alejandro says looking over at you. “..like she’s all over the place still.”
“Your just overacting.” Rodolfo responds looking at you too. “Her name is Y/n, try talking to her. Maybe you can focus more on your job after that.”
Alejandro watches as you head off to somewhere this time he makes sure to follow you. He sees your heading into a small building were material is store. You are too focused looking for something to even realize his standing behind you.
“Where is it..” you mumble looking through a small stash of wood. “Come on..I put it here a few hours ago..”
“Put what there?” Alejandro says making you jump and look at him. “Scared you y/n?”
“When did you come in..?” You mumble looking at him. “..wait you know my name?”
“Heard it around.” He responds leaning against the wall. “So you into woodworking too?”
“..Yeah, mostly everyone is lately.” You say crossing your arms. “Anyone can do it.”
“And you do metalwork too.. along with car mechanics?” Alejandro says easing a brow at you. “So many hobbies for you.”
“..I use to have a lot of free time.” You say softly feeling slight embarrassed. “Does it bother you?”
“No it doesn’t, it.. actually it interests me.” He says with a smile locking the door. “I saw the way you look at me since the first day you came here.”
“A look of respect?” You respond quickly looking at him. “I respect people around me Colonel. Everyone should.”
“You and me dinner tonight.” He says walking up to you. “..I wanna know more.. what fires you..to be so fucking determine to anything..”
You back up but, he quickly backs you into the wall. His hand slams next you, his other hand holds your chin. Loving your reaction Alejandro gets closer to you, both your bodies pressing against each other. Slight tensions between you and him becomes noticeably worse.
“So what’s your responds señorita Y/n..” He mumbles, looking at you soft lips. “Dinner with me tonight..”
“..Sure..” You respond finally after moments of silence. “..Why not..”
His thumb gently presses on your lips. You stare at him, his dark brown eyes yearning for something. Yet you can’t understand what he really wants. He leans closer to your face, lips inches from touching, his eyes not leaving them.
“See you tonight, be at my office at ten.” He says before backing up. “Wear something formal.”
His hands leave your personal space. He walks back to the door unlocking it and leaving you in the small building. Your heart races remembering his soft hand on your chin.
“..Did that just fucking happen..” You mumble now placing your hand over your heart. “Jesus fuck..”
You knock at his office door, your heart is pounding out of your chest. The tight blouse wasn’t helping ether as it display more of your body features you hide under that uniform. You hear his footsteps coming closer to the door, you turn around to leave. Just as he opens the door he chuckles seeing your back instead of you face.
“Que te pasa?” He asks looking at your back. Your shoulders were tense. “Having second thoughts?”
(What’s wrong with you?)
“No!” You quickly say turning to face the man. Jesus even out of uniform he looked hot. “I.. uh..”
“I thought you would wear a dress, but this is just fine.” He says with a smile looking at your red lipstick. “The red really brings out your eyes.”
You give a small nervous smile and look away from him. All thoughts of leaving have disappeared. He holds your hand for a moment and kisses it. His other hand remains behind his back, as if he was holding something.
“Here.” Alejandro says handing you a pink pastel rose. “This rose can’t compare to your beauty.. but it looks great in your hands.”
“..Thank you..” You mumble as he smiles at you. A smile you can never get tired of seeing. “..Well this was f—“
“Let’s go, I parted a section of the base for us.” Alejandro says grabbing your hand again and dragging you down the hall with him. “I hope you like spicy food.”
“I love it!” You say with a giggle keeping up with him. “I used to cook to much spicy food for my family, but they couldn’t handle it.”
“Ah..well I cook for us.” He says looking around in the dark moonlighting. “Come, it’s not far.”
You held his hand tightly and smiled. When arriving at the small spot hidden away from sight. You gasped, there was beautiful dinner displayed, rose petals around the table and a glasses of wine served for the two of you. This man was definitely over the top for just a dinner.
“Hope it’s not too much for you.” He says pulling the seat out for you. “Here.”
You sit down and he pushes the seat in. Then takes the seat across from you. You stare at him for a moment then the rose in your hand. It was beautiful.. the moonlight made it better. He looked amazing as the rays of the moon hit his elegant face. From the hair to the clothes he looked amazing. Alejandro chuckled making you realize you been staring for too long.
“Like what you see huh?” He says in a teasing tone that makes your whole body tremble. “Tell me about yourself.”
“..I..You’re so fucking hot.” You blurt out as he spits his wine out and burst out loud. “Shit! Im sorry!”
“No no! It’s just I never met a woman so.. open about her thoughts. Especially those thoughts.” He says wiping the wine off his hand. “..Sorry I got wine all over the place.”
“I’m so sorry I said that.. I wasn’t thin—“ you say stopping at he grabs your hand in the mostly gentle way possible known to people. “..Alejandro.. sorry I..”
“Mi amor.. you’re nervous aren’t you?” He says holding your hand gently. “Because I am too, you should have seen me in my office. Walking all over the place making sure I don’t ruin the roses in your beautiful hands.”
You gave a small smile and held his hands too. This was one of the most romantic dinner you even been part of. His dark brown eyes stare into yours, he leans slightly over the table to gets closer to you. Your heart races, it has been racing for the past couple minutes but you fear this time it’s loud.. loud enough for everyone in the world to hear.
“..Ever since the first time we encounter each other I haven’t been able to focus on my work.” He says calmly rubbing his thumb on your hand. “..You done something to me señorita..”
You remain silent as this man in front of you spills his love for you. Only for you only, he has enough of leaning over the table and gets up, dragging you with him.
“..Mi amor.. be mine forever.” He says placing his hands on your face. “Please.. I’m going insane not calling you mine.”
“Si..” You mumble holding his hand and give a small giggle. “I will be yours my Alejandro..”
He wastes no time kissing you. It was long and rough passionate kiss. His hands on your waist by the time you two pulled apart. Not so far away was a group of men watching. Cheering for the new found couple in Las Almas, a new found.. love in your life.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
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writers-vlogx · 1 year
yandere rafa kidnaps his ex from her wedding
(rafa is dramatic as fuck,you would have come if he had just asked)
Rafael caro quintero kidnapping you on your wedding day
Okay I can see this going one of two ways, the first being yall would have been dating before, but you broke up because you just couldn't stand seeing him hurt
And while it hurt you leaving him, you never stopped loving him. Neither did he stop keeping tabs on you, and eventually finds out your going to get married
The other way that I can see this going is your family doesn't know about him and decided to marry you to someone of their choice, and you ask him to come crash the wedding but for the sake of my own sanity it's gonna be the first option
You tried okay? You tried so hard to move on even if your heart ached, when you started seeing someone else it didn't feel right
You felt repulsed by him, but you had to because you had promised to never see him again.
When you came into his house that day, and decided to break his heart. You had told him you were tired of this, that you were tired of him
But that wasn't true "ya no puedo hacer esto Rafael, estoy cansada de todo esto, estoy cansada de tus cosas" No please look at me I'm sorry I hurt you! "Siempre es el negocio y no me contestas por semanas" No why do you look so hurt let me hold you I promise to never do that again "Honestamente estoy viendo a alguien más, alguien que si sabe que es amar" NO I didn't mean it please my heart only belongs to you I could never leave you!! "Así que, no me busques porfavor" amd with that you left, you left him behind and sometimes you think you might have left your heart right in front of that door along with him
You tried so hard to love again, but you couldn't; your heart didn't beat for anyone but rafa
And it seems unreal but time kept moving and when you least expected it; you were getting married
Ever since that day you left Rafael in that house, something inside him snapped
He became cold, when he was drunk he cried a lot and even when you told him to forget about you. He never forgot, instead he actually became obsessed with knowing where you were, with who and why
Felix became worried over him and tried to introduce him to other women, tried to get him to date but he was never interested; he wanted you and no one else
When he heard you were getting married? That was his breaking point
He refused to see you be anyone else's so he rounded up his people and got ready because he was having you, he didn't care whether you hated him or not
The day of the wedding came, everyone kept congratulating you and asking you how you felt, in truth however you felt nothing
You had imagined this moment many times, how he would look, where it would be and how joyful you would feel seeing him but this was not rafa and now it was too late to back out, so with dread you walked up to the altar ready to seal your vows, to lose your freedom
But that's when you heard it, men dressed in all black with guns shooting at the roof of the church and a man in front of all of them dressed exactly the same, but that voice...
You recognized who that was especially by the way he looked at you, he was angry
"TODOS AL SUELO, HIJOS DE SU CHINGADA MADRE, NO VA HABER BODA HOY NI NUNCA" with that he grabbed you by the wrist and before you could say anything else
He had shot the man in the head in cold blood, while his men kept everyone in their place, he started dragging you out of the church into a car that looked too familiar not to remember
When he finally got in the car you pulled his mask off to see him, his hair was messy, and he was sweating, a frown on his face
He opened his mouth as if to protest shu5 down whatever you had to say when you just kiss him, kissed him because of the nights that you spent without him, the days missing him and regretting leaving him, but out of anything else, you felt pain in how you broke his heart and walked out the door
You wanted nothing more than to feel him and never pull away, to beg him for forgiveness because you missed him so much it physically hurt
He thought you would be mad, furious even but you were the complete opposite, you held his face so delicately and smiled at him
"Hay no sabes cuanto te eh extrañando rafael, perdóname por todo te juro que nunca quise hacerte daño perdóname por favor" you were grabbing at his hands, face buried in his chest, like you needed to be as physically close as possible or you would vanish
"Oye calmada amor, no te disculpes porfavor, pero enserió como se te ocurre dejarme y irte con otro hijo de la chingada eh?" He understood you needed him, but he could still feel the anger inside him, because that man touched you, because he had the audacity to try to take what was his
" y a ti como se te ocurre ir y destruir una boda? Si no querías que me casara me pudiste haber dicho" you crossed your arms, but a smile gave it all away
You werent mad at him, and he wasn't mad at you, but you both had missed each other for the longest "ay ven aquí, me importa poco si te cansas de mi, me perteneces a mi y no voy a volver a dejar que te alejes de mi" he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead "ahora si vamos de aquí, okay amor" he looked down at you laying on his lap "I wouldn't want it any other way, mi rafa" somehow after all of this, it seemed it made yall stronger and just like he said, he won't let you escape again.
Okay whoever send me that thank you so much, made ya boi very happy, you know sometimes I hope rafa would be bi so I may imagine he would date me and love me 🤦🏻‍♂️
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cloudsspoke · 1 year
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" Yo estaba en la habitación de al lado de Cuti y Licha. Te levantabas y el pasillo era Londres. Abrías la puerta y había un humo increíble. Palo santo había por todos lados. Llegó un momento en que le dije 'Licha, pará un poco' " -- The story of La Banda del Palo Santo as told by Leandro Paredes
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IDK, it's either let these three share a room together or give them the connecting room.
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....Un error de uno hace que sea más chiquito, porque el otro lo banca o le dice no pasa nada. O porque el otro la arregla sabiendo que es un amigo - Lionel Scaloni on AFAStudio
Cuti - Licha: *happily slanders Molina*
meanwhile, Molina: *tries not to cry while thinking about Cuti - Licha*
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Cuti 🤝 Licha
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It just had to be that way. The first and only time Cuti, Licha, & Molina played as starters in this World Cup, Molina scored such an amazing goal which gave us this moment when the last players embraced him leaving only Messi, De Paul, Licha, and Cuti.
#TMI: (Probably) the first ever they played together as StartingXI was on this edition of CONMEBOL 2017 (Sub20) with Cuti being Cuti got his 2nd red card (after the 1st one happened exactly right on their 1st match 😂 )
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Our 98 Line ~
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Many people think Cuti's recent tattoo is a silhouette of their WC photo, but it's actually from the Finalissima one.
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Frequently seen together, DO NOT SEPARATE THEM EVER!!
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argentina, champions of the world! again! at last! and a nation will tango all night long. 36 years since maradona and mexico, here, finally, is a nation's new throng of immortals. scaloni will be feted, messi will be sainted. france this time denied, defied. lionel messi has conquered his final peak. lionel messi has shaken hands with paradise. the little boy from rosario, santa fe, has just pitched up in heaven. he climbs into a galaxy of his own. he has his crowning moment.
[¡argentina, campeón del mundo! ¡otra vez! ¡por fin! y una nación bailará tango toda la noche. 36 años desde maradona y méxico, acá, finalmente, está el nuevo grupo de inmortales de una nación. scaloni será agasajado, messi será santificado. francia esta vez, denegada, desafiada. lionel messi ha conquistado su cima final. lionel messi se ha dado la mano con el paraíso. el nene de rosario, santa fe, acaba de lanzarse al cielo. asciende a su propia galaxia. tiene su momento de coronación.]
[...] he was beautiful. he was the point of difference. he has always been the point of difference. unparalleled. and maybe today there will, of course, always, be those who argue, always be those who debate and the debate can rage on if you like, but as he falls in love with the object in the world that his heart most desired, it is hard to escape the supposition that he has rendered himself today the greatest of all time.
[él fue hermoso. él fue el punto de diferencia. siempre ha sido el punto de diferencia. incomparable. y tal vez hoy habrá, obviamente, siempre habrá aquellos que discutan, siempre habrá aquellos que debaten, y el debate puede continuar si querés, pero mientras él se enamora del objeto que su corazón más deseó en el mundo, es difícil escapar de la suposición de que se ha convertido hoy en el más grande de todos los tiempos.]
- peter drury, 18 de diciembre de 2022
feliz mes 💙🤍💙
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