devine-fem · 1 month
whew, i’m sorry but i have to say it. polyamory is an actual relationship dynamic, it’s not a tool to fix ship wars. shipping spaces are made for specific ships, the whole “put them all into a polycouple” thing will never work. it’s not functional or sensible. it forces unwanted ships into other people’s spaces. spideypool spaces should be for spideypool. poolverine spaces should be for poolverine. if you mix the two, the only thing that will happen is that it will cause more shipping wars.
not everyone is enclined to multiship, even though i am personally a multishipper, it does not mean i like every single ship, i still am allowed to have personal preferences.
please keep poolverine out of spideypool spaces and please keep spideypool out of poolverine spaces. if you truly want these three to be some sort of throuple then at least have authentic intentions and nuance behind why instead of doing it so mindlessly. only then is it at least fun for everyone. going into poolverine and seeing “what about spideypool?” is just as annoying as going into spideypool spaces and seeing “replace him with wolverine!” stop it.
the “he has two hands thing” is starting to annoy me tremendously. this is not the take you think it is. i know someone’s gonna read this and be like “let people have fun!” yes, that’s literally what i’m saying, let EVERYONE have fun. be mindful of other people.
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wicked-berry · 1 year
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Special Ops: Lioness 1x07
she gone-gone
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
the way tfp portrayed Ratchet's relationship with Optimus and his ultimate love and care for him is just unmatched to me. Ratchet's love for Optimus is completley unconditional, and he cares for him and dotes on him the way no one else can or will. And Ratchet doesn't expect anything back, he doesn't expect that love or care to be reciprocated or anything. The only thing he requires of Optimus is that Optimus just lives and unforutnately, Optimus couldn't do that at the end of everything.
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nofatclips · 3 months
Annecy 2024: Ouve, meu filho - Opening short film by Andrea Charra, Alexandre Boutier, Charlotte Portais, Charlotte Castaing, Maria Cheladze
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ryanthel0ser · 3 months
Everytime I think about Messmer I grow to love him even more, I think he's my favorite Elden Ring character now
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gabriestat · 22 days
d’you know incest’s legal in france? is it? (a week later) let's go to paris <- sam and dean should have done this too
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I was reading reviews for the new Witcher season and I came upon this got comparison:
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I hate what game of thrones final season did to Dany and her development. Thanks to their awful writing, she's remembered as the queen whose good intentions lead to bad actions. Which is injust to Dany's character in the books who is nothing like she's portrayed on the season 8.
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skltart · 6 months
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companion piece to this classic
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Matthew Chandler Fox 🎂 (b. July 14, 1966)
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castlephantom · 6 months
Whatever I think about Annette, I genuinely think how mentally strong she is during events in Rondo of Blood. She even holds a knife, even prepared to take her own life if Dracula turned her intro a vampire.
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devine-fem · 5 months
UGH. I just love writing Damian and Jon just talking to each other, I love showing how Jon would say something vs. how Damian says something. I love writing how Damian would feel about something and how Jon would. I love that even if it’s entirely different and from a whole different perspective they still bounce off of each other. I love exploring this dynamic in a non-platonic context where the drama is at a high and they can discuss their strengths, weaknesses and insecurities.
I love how Jon will feel so intensely and not be afraid to show it around Damian vs. Damian feeling even more and holding it in till it bleeds out at his most vulnerable. I love how different they feel about other people than they feel about each other. How yes, they are best friends and just friends but they always have felt differently about each other than they do their other friends AND THAT WITHIN ITSELF IS COMPELLING.
I love how much they feel for each other and how they see themselves in the other’s eyes. How similar and different they are. I love how Jon will float and Damian will freefall. I love how something will pull them both back and then propelled them forward. They way Damian shows Jon how to be a hero and Jon shows Damian how to be a kid. I love how Damian shows Jon what love has been and he stands firm and shows Damian what love can be. I love how Damian would kill for Jon but not die for him, I love how Jon would die for Damian but not kill for him. I love how Jon doesn’t condemn Damian for what he’s done but instead feel responsible for it and try to hold the pain for him. I love how Jon would jump up to defend him. I love how they both are shackled to the same destiny, I love how even if they hated each other they will be together forever because of said destiny. I love how they both feel split between worlds. I love how Damian bleeds but Jon can only hurt. I love how Damian gives Jon exactly what he needs to keep his head on straight and where that takes him. I love how maturity fluxuates between these two because they are both so annoyingly immature. I love how the idea of Damian doing wrong is so false to Jon that he feels like he must of had something to do with it and a lot of the time he does because of literal cosmic reasons.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
misc lore drop day 34/?
Thank you again to @jango-tango for the ask!!!!
What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
As I talked about yesterday, definitely his whimsy. As he gets older, he starts to consider it a weakness, a frivolity, something that needs to be given up if one wants to succeed in this world. But at the same time, that trait is what really endears him to other people. I think he gets in his head that a king must be a certain way, and really struggles to stray away from that ideal. But when he acts a bit silly and whimsical, that’s when people are like “ohhh he’s not such a bland guy actually!” He spends a lot of time skulking and being moody, and as I said, thinks that’s just a sign of being older and more mature. When in reality, him oppressing his whimsy is what is leading him to be upset all the time. 
To go along with the first answer, I think his commitment, especially to formality, would be considered a strength, specifically during the time period, but it negatively affects him and those around him. It can be twisted into a weakness because it deprives him of living a happy life sometimes. I think he really struggles to not constantly be committed to a specific image of a perfect king. It’s good for his rule and public image, but makes him come off as cold and inauthentic to those around him, which makes his unfamiliarity and outsiderness even worse. It would be one thing if he were an outsider but tried to adjust and get along but no. For the longest time, he insisted on sticking to his own rigid image. It’s definitely a strength to be able to be that committed, but it also gets messy when it starts making people perceive you in the exact opposite way because it’s so obvious it’s a mask, at least partially. 
His weakness that’s actually a strength is definitely his authenticity to himself. You might be like, isn’t it a good thing to be authentic? NO, not at this time. Like you can see with Fernando’s facade above, the ideal leader is usually considered aloof and above it all. Seb can just NOT do that, it’s so difficult to be serious. Though this eccentricness is really endearing, and gets him what he wants because people find it very sweet. This means even if he’s really bad at pretending to be something he’s not, it tricks people into thinking they’re getting one up on him. He can plot pretty well, like he is genuinely good at politics, just so "bad" at playing them. But again, his inability to play stereotypically well ends up working out for him anyways because people trust his authenticity, and don’t really think deeply about whether he might be double-crossing them or screwing them over. People look at him and his mannerisms and his innocent face and think, "noooo he would never do that!!" Oh yes he would.
His confidence is probably his strength that can be twisted into a weakness. One would think it’s a good thing to be confident and believe in yourself. But It puts him in a lot of difficult places when he doesn’t automatically get what he wants, because you can see it on his face when he is or isn’t happy with something. He’s just so self confident that it breaks him when things don’t actually work out the way he wants them to. That kind of self belief is a double edged sword because it’s great when everything works out, but absolutely shatters when there’s struggle or outright failure. It's important to remember that confidence in his case is moreso fueled by how he was raised to be rather than something he had to build up overtime on merit. Not that he isn't talented in many ways, but that he was taught he is perfect at everything.
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jwiqt · 2 months
What appeals to me in the Akam ship is not just the enemies to lovers trope, but it's two people who have lost to the point their only relationships are coworkers. I like the idea of exploring a relationship between two people that slowly see each other more and more, the spark being their shared past, to becoming friendly when crossing paths, to spending a night sharing a drink because neither want to admit they're sick of only sharing drinks with work friends.
They're both mature people who have been through a lot and have yet to put themselves before their work. If they reach a mutual understanding and go past the point of that one night on the roof, I'd like to think that their relationship dynamic has a lot of potential. I see two people who don't need to unload their baggage but two people who need someone to talk to as they walk with their baggage.
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 3 months
A voté 🗳
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girl-loser · 1 year
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We really got a two father one child family canonically in anime. Its still sinking in.
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twilektrekkie · 1 year
You know what's confusing as hell? Experiencing gender envy but also being attracted to the person causing said envy
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