#portfolio: main contributors
bycmykae · 2 months
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🍵☕️Caffeine Rush: A Coffee and Tea x Color speed run zine
Concept: Contributors will about 2 weeks to complete a mini piece that relates to the theme of coffee/tea, features one of the colors from our palette and incorporates one of our secret prompts.
Content Restrictions and Requirements
Prompts: 🤫 Our secret prompts will be revealed in the Discord server once the project begins to add to the challenge. We will have 4 prompts that your work should relate to. Our prompts are open to interpretation.
Rating: SFW, PG
Original Zine: Caffeine rush is an original zine. OCs are not necessary as work just has to feature coffee or tea and people are not a requirement.
Zine Specs: Free Digital Artists: 1748 x 757 px Writers: No Min or Max but you only have 2 weeks FAQ listed after the “Keep Reading”.
🍵 Schedule
Interest Check: September 01 - 14
Contributor Sign Ups: September 17 - 30
Finals Due: October 19
☕️ Moderators
@cmykae - graphics, design, social, org
@thelocalmuffin - all things writing, org
🍵 What is a zine? New to zines? Check out https://zinebaby.carrd.co/ for some general information. For this project, a zine is a digital PDF that will be released for free.
☕️ Who can participate? Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio needed.
🍵  What type of mediums are allowed? 
Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
Physical mediums like painting, clay, or embroidery is allowed as long as the contributor is able to crop and prepare files to zine guidelines. Please apply as an artist.
Chefs, baristas, and bakers are allowed to participate to create recipes using coffee/tea flavors, write about coffee blends, etc. Please apply as a writer.
Although short stories (fics) are most popular in zines; poetry or article styled writing is also welcomed.
☕️ Contributor Expectations:
Adhere to the guidelines
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🍵 Cover Artist Due to the nature of this zine (a speed run), we will not have cover artist applications.
☕️ Using our Color Palette: The main highlight of your work should be the one of the five colors provided. Artists: You only have to use ONE of our colors. It does NOT have to be monochromatic. You are NOT required to use all our colors. Writers: How you interpret and incorporate the color into your piece is up to you. 🍵 Is romance allowed? Coffee dates are okay! Please remember this zine is rated SFW, so nothing scandalous is allowed.
☕️ Can I draw digital merch? Although not a popular choice, artists are allowed to make digital merch. From social media assets to printable pages. If you are interested in making digital art, please apply as an artist. 🍵 Is it only Coffee and Tea? Anything made from coffee and tea is allowed as well. Fruit tea, Milk tea, Affogato, Iced Coffee, Tea Cookies, etc, etc.
☕️ Is fanart allowed? Yes, fanart will be allowed in this project. — - — - — - — 
Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through email or ask box
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hwsfemmephenomenon · 4 months
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Check out our preemptive FAQ here!
Without further ado, here are the answers to your questions from the interest check:
☆ I would like to apply to be an art mod, but my Hetalia fanwork is a bit old and not up to date with my current skill level? Can I submit some non-Hetalia fanwork for my mod portfolio?
If this is the case, submit any work you're proud of, regardless of its relevancy to Hetalia!
☆ What does "spread" and "page" mean?
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☆ Where do I sign up?
Contributor applications will be opening July 1, 2024. We’ll make a post with the link to the contributor apps at 3PM EST on July 1, but you’ll also be able to find a link to the apps on our Carrd when the time comes! Right now the button on our Carrd is a placeholder, but if you press it now, you’ll be rewarded with a cool and funky video :]
☆ Will page size/formatting guidelines be given?
Yes! At the moment, there are placeholder measurements in our info-doc. Proper formatting will be finalized before contributor apps open once we’ve onboarded our formatting mods and discussed what sizes are best!
☆ Can my contribution include multiple HetaGirls?
YES!!! Let them interact!
☆ Are ships allowed?
Yes! As of right now, our only restrictions are no Belarus x Ukraine and no NSFW content.
☆ How many contributors will you accept to the zine?
At the moment, we’re a bit unsure! This is both Soph and Arson’s first time hosting a zine so we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. As of right now, we may accept up to ~30 visual contributors and ~10 writing contributors, but those are estimates. We’ve gotten a ton of support for this zine, but we need to find our footing first! Ultimately, the final number of contributors will depend on what the mod team feels they can handle and how many applications we get!
☆ Why are you putting limits onto how Nyotalia characters can appear in the zine?
This zine originally came to be with the canon women in mind. We want the zine to focus on Ancient Egypt, Belarus, Belgium, Czechia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Seychelles, Taiwan, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Wy, as much of their canon material treats them as supporting roles to the male characters. We additionally would love to see submissions for Ancient Greece, Kenya, and Zimbabwe!
The Nyotalia characters are understandably very popular because they're a different take on the main cast. While we also love Nyotalia, we worry that very popular characters, like the main 8, will overshadow the characters we created this zine for in the first place. Nyotalia women are allowed in supporting roles because it would understandably be a little difficult for the writers if they were only limited to a specific set of 12-17 characters.
Some examples of work featuring Nyotalia characters would be:
A frying pangle fic where Hungary interacts with Nyo!Austria and/or Nyo!Prussia
A group illustration centering Vietnam’s interactions with Nyotalia ASEAN
An AmeBela illustration where Belarus interacts with Nyo!America
Some exceptions may be allowed on a case by case basis.
TLDR: You can draw Nyotalia women so long as they play a supporting role to one of the canon ladies.
☆ How many OCs will be allowed?
It depends on how many applications we receive! So long as they're a nation & aren't already canon to Hetalia, it's fair game. We want to see ladies from all over the globe!
☆ Why do you want more than one pitch?
We don't want to force people to make work they're disinterested in, but we also don't want there to be a disproportionate amount of material for one girl over another. As of right now, Hungary is in the most demand with 69.2% of responses, but Wy (34.6%) and Monaco (42.3%) have the least amount! We want to encourage more work for the more neglected ladies!
☆ Can I make more than one submission?
As of right now, yes! So long as everyone isn't doing more than one piece and if the contributor thinks they can handle two pieces during the time frame, we wanna see those HetaGirls!
More on this to come when acceptances roll out and we start working on pitches...
Got more questions? Submit them to our inbox!
Thank you all for the love and support you've shown the zine thus far!
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gf-seasons-zine · 7 months
Questions and Answers for
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Hi everyone! We've had some great questions come in, and while we're going over the Mod Application submissions (if you're interested and haven't applied yet, please apply here- Mod Applications close March 17th) we're happy to answer them!
This question is about the upcoming Contributor Applications (opening April 1)- we're so excited that you're excited!
Q: Hiya!! For our example piece (I’m a visual artist), would you prefer a fully rendered piece or just concept work? (like sketches and such)
I’m super excited to apply and I’ve drawn Gravity Falls characters before, but haven’t done any finished pieces yet so I wanted to ask!
Thanks!! <3
A:  Thank you for asking! <3
We would prefer a fully rendered piece so we can see your work in all its finished glory, please! It doesn’t have to be seasons related; just at least one piece must be Gravity Falls themed or featuring Gravity Falls characters and fully finished (whatever style that is in). We would particularly like to see your work of Ford, Stan, Mabel, or Dipper as the Pines family is the main focus of this zine.
The application will request a link to your portfolio, so if you have finished pieces that aren’t Gravity Falls related but you still want to show them off, we’d love to see them!
More specific application considerations and guidelines can be found on our carrd here: https://gfseasonszine.carrd.co/#apply
Thank you again for your question!
Stick around for more answers and announcements! Thank you all again for your interest and excitement!
Mods Berry and Jade
Want to join us to become a mod for this zine? Check out the application here!
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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butchfairyzine · 9 months
I'd like to follow up on that last ask about quality of examples. The majority of my finished colored work isn't sapphic but I'm so so interested in doing more of it, I'd be afraid that the lack of this might make it seem like I'm not an appropriate artist for this project at all. I had planned on sharing some in my application that are in theme as well but not the end quality I'd strive for. Does this sort of thing play into choosing the right contributors?
The three chosen artworks should be what you are most proud of, and if they reflect some of the themes and content for this zine (like butch people , fairies, or sapphics) then that is great! If it doesn't show those things, that is also acceptable. We want to see what pieces YOU choose.
Having an artist select 3 main pieces will show us what they think is important in their art, and if they also have an eye for curating their own work.
If those pieces pique our interest, we will also look at your social media link/s or portfolio link to see what other work you do.
We read each individual application, so you can also further explain why you have chosen each piece in the form too.
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p3reflect · 2 months
We've received so many questions about this project on our Retrospring! So let's show our hand, as they say.
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The sea of souls asked: Hello! A P3 tarot sounds like such a wonderful idea. Will contributor forms be looking for at least one Persona-related art piece?
Glad to hear that you think so! Having a Persona-related sample for the contributor application is highly preferable, but not necessary. As long as you feel the work you share is an accurate representation of what you would contribute to the deck, that is enough! We understand that not everyone will have a portfolio full of Persona artwork, and we'll be taking that into consideration as we process applications.
The sea of souls asked: hi !! this project sounds really exciting, just wondering if it will be for profit, nonprofit, or for charity?
A minimum of 50% of all profits from this project will be donated to provide aid to Palestine! We plan to divide funds evenly amongst creators, and each participant will have the option to donate either 50% or 100% of their portion to this cause. We will be announcing the specific charity at a later date; we would like to ensure that all contributors are in agreement regarding this
The sea of souls asked: hii! what exactly is this zine about? like, is the theme arcana or something?
This project will consist of a full tarot deck featuring illustrations of the cast of Persona 3, with a written compilation of short stories and prose about the main cast and other notable characters. The general theme is that of exploring the arcana as it relates to each character, but we encourage creators to branch into other interpretations as long as their assigned character remains the focus of their piece.
The sea of souls asked: Do I select all the characters that i would love to create an illustration for? Or am i limited to only select one of the list?
Please select as many characters as you would be excited to create for! Just be sure to select characters you feel confident that you would be happy to receive as an assignment.
The sea of souls asked: Around how many artists are you planning to accept onto the project?
Ideally, we'll have a total of around 50 contributing artists: 1 artist per character (47 characters total), and 3-5 merch artists. So if you are interested in contributing (and especially if you'd like to show your love for some of those less popular characters) be sure to fill out an application!
The sea of souls asked: If we apply for both a merch and card artist, would we be allowed to draw for both or will we be accepted as only one of those roles?
Thank you for being interested in joining! Artists will only be accepted for one role, so please keep this in mind as you fill out your application!
The sea of souls asked: Will the Compendium have spot art/artist collabs?
Due to the scope of this project, there are currently no plans for spot artist collaborations for the Compendium. However, we are planning to create decorations and other embellishments for the pages, and will work with writers in this regard!
The sea of souls asked: The character list had listed the FemC’s social links along with the MC’s social links in their respective arcanas. However, the form only shows the MC’s social links. If we choose, for example, Keisuke Fortune, would we still get to draw Ryoji on the same card or would that lock us in for just Keisuke?
Hi there! If you're referring to the artist application, then FemC's social links are included! However, please be aware that a small selection of characters are absent from the application (including Ryoji) because they have been claimed by our guest artists prior to applications opening. These guest artists were suggested to us during our interest check, so we hope you can look forward to those announcements in the coming weeks!
The sea of souls asked: If Ryoji is claimed by a guest artist but Keisuke is still an option, does that mean there will be two cards for each arcana that has two characters or are they suppose to share a card?
Yes, some arcana such as Fortune will have two cards: one for each character listed. This also means that the full count on the deck will be larger than a standard tarot deck, bringing the total to a whopping 87!
If you'd like to see some of the other questions we've answered, please take a moment to consult the cards!
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fragmentsoffatezine · 11 months
Could you give us an example of what you're expecting from a portfolio for artists, writers and alt creators? Details such as how many pieces, ideal word length (for writers), ideal level of complexity (for artists/cosplayers), etc?
Linking a full portfolio will be optional for all types of contributors, but we will be asking on the main application three of your strongest examples. Merch artists must demonstrate at least one merch design. Though it doesn't have to be a printed one, we'd like to see one designed in a template.
Artists should show full pieces with backgrounds, or have professional/portfolio grade photos or scans of their work. This will apply to our alt creators as well.
Writers should be able to showcase complete stories with strong grammar and structure. We are heavily considering characterization too, so a Ghost Trick example would be ideal. Word length for writers should be around 3k words or less.
Thank you so much for your question, Anon!
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trigunlovecorezine · 10 months
Following our interest check, here is a couple points on how we will progress with the zine:
1.) A majority of you indicated you were in favor of a charity project, as such, all proceeds made from this zine will go to charity; we figured a heart-health-focused charity would be a good fit for us; an exact announcement will follow!
2.) An addition to the zine featuring more mature content will be included in the zine; as such, the main zine will be fully SFW. The mature content will focus on pin-ups with the love-core aesthetic. The idea of a calendar is floating around, but the exact format of the pin-up addition will be revealed once our contributor team is assembled.
3.) To fit with the love-core theme, all written submissions will be in the form of poetry; applicants interested in the position will be asked to feature at least one(but preferably more) pieces of poetry(romantic or otherwise) in their portfolios. Spot artists will work with the writers to add visual context to their poems.
4.) Along with page, merch and spot artists, you will also be able to apply for the role of comic artist! Exact specifications for each position can be found in the "Contributor Requirements" section of our carrd.
Contributor applications will open on November 25th and last till December 31st! We look forward to reviewing your lovely works!
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out!
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sameeyeszine · 1 year
Will you accept creators for this zine regardless of whether or not they've drawn/written/created for ships you deem problematic?
This is a tricky question, and I’m going to do my best to answer it gracefully. As the individual reviewing the portfolio submissions, an applicant submitting material that I *personally* found triggering for consideration would put me in an uncomfortable position. This could also be an issue for fellow contributors- if you disagree with the direction of something that you’ve already committed to being a part of, it can feel difficult to disengage even if you have no strict obligation.
Additionally, I’ve stated previously that one of the main values of this zine is to promote respect towards the cultures and experiences that this franchise has drawn from, which are so often overlooked, maligned, or dismissed by both fans and licensed creators.
It’s ultimately up to each applicant to decide how they feel about the content guidelines outlined for this zine, but as an individual person who is not making a statement for the future of all media analysis and free speech rights or whatever else, if you think that what you want to make or submit in your portfolio goes against those guidelines, I would suggest looking for a different project.
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meriwether-zine · 1 year
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Curious on what shenanigans the boys have up their sleeves? Send us your questions from one of the social medias listed below and we'll quench your curiosity!
🌤️ https://retrospring.net/@meriwether_zine ✨ https://meriwether-zine.tumblr.com/ 📩 [email protected]
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Q: Hello! I was wondering who the finance and shipping moderator is for the zine! ^^
A: Hi! We currently don't have them as of now, but we will be opening moderator applications on the 25th of July! Please look forward to it~ ☁️🍃
Q: Hello! I’m not sure if you’re aware but there’s already an ongoing zine with the same kind of theme/concept. How will this zine be different aside from it being open to all application? /gen
A: Hello! We were not aware of another ongoing zine with similar themes as ours. Upon further research, we did find an ongoing project that you might be referring to. We would like to not publicly mention which it is as to not assume, but we make this zine with a focus purely on Modern AU retelling of the Anemo boys, with no ship being featured (platonic relationship of the boys). We are also aiming to feature both artists and writers. Depending on Interest Checks results, we would like to feature cosplayers as well! Hope that answers!
Q: Does contributor application require any prior experience of for-profit zine?
A: Contributors do not need prior experience of participating in a for-profit zine to apply!
As stated in our FAQs and Info Doc, everyone is welcome to apply regardless of whether you've participated in a zine or not.
You'll only need a strong portfolio, be above 18+ and have a Paypal account to be able to receive the compensation! You are able to opt out of the compensation and donate your amount, as well!
For more info, check out our FAQ and Info Doc here!
Q: Hello! I see that there is a finance mod listed on the carrd, but the mod application asks that shipping mods also handle production. Can you clarify what exactly are the roles of the finance mod and the production/shipping mod for this project? Would the finance mod not also handle production? (I.E. the ordering of merch)
A: Hello! Finance Mod will handle the technical side of things that surrounds the zine's finances such as calculating cost for production, shipping costs, taxes, bundle prices, breakeven goals, and keeping track of the zine's money and transaction. In other words, the Finance Mod will be in charge of the math. While Production/Shipping Mod will be in charge of the logistics side of things such as contacting the manufacturers, ordering from the manufacturers, quality checking all the goods and merchandise, packing the orders, and shipping the orders. All that involves producing the actual items will be handled by the Production/Shipping Mod. Both of these mods will work closely with each other as their scope of work will be deeply involved.
Q: It’s more so a question about updates; but I was wondering if there would be like a main Social media used? Like Twitter would be the most consistent in updates and Instagram is like a barely thing; I’m kinda experiencing this right now as I don’t have a Twitter but a zine I’ve been looking at mostly updates there and it’s hard to keep up with updates because of that.
A: We don't plan to have a main social media and (continue) we try to update consistently throughout all our socials! We're working on making a Q&A thread for both our Instagram and Tumblr to compile all the questions we've received from Retrospring and Google Forms.
Any updates will also be posted on all our social medias. Although for text only updates it's a bit hard to do so on Instagram, but we will try to post stories for any text updates and put them on our highlights! Hope this covers your concerns!
Our crew is very open for input and suggestions. We're still setting things up for our Q&A thread for Tumblr and Instagram so keep an eye out!
Q: If we click the option to work as a pitch hitter, does that mean we're only applying to be a pitcher or can we still get a spot as an artist/writer?
A: Hi there!
Yes, you're still primarily applying for the artist/writer position, even if you select pinch hitter! Those are simply for people who wish to be considered and contacted in the case of someone else having to drop out of the project.
Hopefully that helps!
- Meriwether Mod Team 🍃☁️
Q: are you guys choosing based on follower count? 😅
A: Hello! We will be judging applicants purely by skill. Follower count does not influence our decision
Q: What is required to submit in our contributor applications?
A: Hello! We will be judging applicants purely by skill. Follower count does not influence our decision
Q: Hi! I'm sorry I'm not sure if the question I had has been sent, or I may have sent it halfwritten! I hope I can send it again to make sure: are page artist contributor applicants allowed to have some sfw ship content in their samples/portfolios? I understand this zine is looking for applicants who can make sfw non-ship pieces for the zine. Thank you! A: Yes, you are allowed to have ship content in your samples and portfolio! We only require you to make a non-ship centered piece if you are accepted into the zine.
Q: Are different gender headcanons allowed? Like for instance I usually headcanon Venti as non-binary and Wanderer as trans. Is that alright?
A: Hello, yes we allow different gender headcanons! Though, we'll be leaning towards more masc presenting, androgynous, and/or gender neutral headcanons.
Q: Hello, for your writing contributor applications, I read that you require 3 samples of written work that fulfills the guidelines. However, in the form, I see that you've written "Please provide a portfolio containing 3-10 of your best pieces." Do we need more than 3 samples? Because I see that the "Portfolio" form section requires an answer. If we have already provided links for 3 samples in the previous sections, what are you expecting in the "portfolio" section? Will an ao3 link suffice or are you looking for a link to a google drive with the previous 3 samples included together? Apologies if I over-explained, I was just a bit confused. Thanks so much!
A: Hi! For writer apps, the required samples are 3 written works that fulfill the guidelines! These works are the ones we will look into first. Providing more than 3 best pieces (up to 10) is optional--you can showcase your best works here! As for portfolio, an AO3 link is sufficient. The portfolio is for us to see all the works you've done to better appreciate them. Hope that explains!
Q: Hello! I wanted to ask if any sort of genre is allowed for writing submissions (sfw, of course). like if all of my samples are only one type of fanfic (ex. shipfics only, reader-inserts only, platonic only, etc) is that okay?
I want to send in my portfolio, but most of my work is in another category as I've yet to upload any fics in the style which the zine will use ><
A: All sorts of genre are allowed, as long as they're SFW! We don't limit the portfolio to be non-ship, but if you have created a work that fits into our theme we would like to see that as well~ So, if you do have one, be sure to submit that along with your other samples!
Q: Hello. Is it possible for an account that posts nsfw to apply contribution? The samples and portofolio are completely sfw
A: That is indeed possible, as long as the samples and portfolio are completely SFW! If you happen to have any NSFW work in your portfolio, please don't forget to put a content warning or trigger warning for sensitive material. Thank you~
Q: hello..! i just wanted to ask why you want contributors to write a short intro about themselves and answer an optional "why do you want to apply" question. this makes it sound like you're expecting to also receive a cover letter and resume in order to be considered a role in this zine. it's a little questionable because as far as i know, zines are semi-professional, but they aren't (or shouldn't be) professional professional; it's a fun project that people collaborate on because they like the theme/subject. i could also be completely wrong and this just is the direction you want to take it, and in that case i do apologize 🙇 simply curious….!
A: Hello! We appreciate that you give a lot of thought and read our form thoroughly~ Like other zines, this zine is indeed a fun project! The short intro is meant for all applicants to introduce themselves so that we may get to know you--you are of course free to introduce yourself in a fun way! As for the optional question, it is optional, so you don't have answer it--though, you are free to include the reason you want to apply (we had a contributor joined to feed the community with more Heizou content)!
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wandersongzine · 2 years
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Some information about the zine! Text only below:
What is Wandersong?
Wandersong is a videogame created by Greg Lobanov in 2018 where you play as a funny little bard accompanied by their witchy best friend, Miriam! It's a wonderful game about the true meaning of identity. The purpose of this zine is to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the games release.
What is a "fanzine"?
A fanzine is a book (either physically, digitally, or both!) made by fans for the purpose of expressing their love of the media in question through art, writings, comics and other means
What will be in this fanzine?
This zine will feature various forms of art. It intends to show off the love and care the fans still have for this game. This zine and is intended to be a celebration and fun collaborative project between the Wandersong fandom.
Who is running the zine?
I am Rae, also known as @artsycatnip on twitter and @artseniccatnip on tumblr, and I will be the main point person/coordinator for this zine. I'm a graphic designer who graduated from the New York City College of Technology and previously worked at PEN America as a communications coordinator as well as other positions. This has been a passion project stewing in my head for almost an entire year, and I'm glad to finally be making way towards it!
How will the Zine be presented?
There will be a digital and physical version of the zine along with merch tiers, where artists will be placed regarding digital only vs physical will depend on the number of applications received
How will you pay for the zine costs?
Primarily we hope to cover production costs through selling the zine but if that can't happen please rest assured that no money will come from contributor pockets. I am taking full financial responsibility for the zine and the production costs, especially if unexpected costs arise, I will have costs/invoices/receipts readily available for contributors to see as this is a collaborative project!
How will you choose who is in the zine?
I've included in the application a place to link art/a portfolio. There are multiple categories to choose from with options to pick which is your most favorite to your least favorite
Can those under 18 apply?
Everyone is welcome to apply, but preferably people who are able to receive compensation for their work in some way are preferred, you must also be able to receive mail in order to mail the final zine to you! Please don't let it discourage you from applying, my DM's are open for any and all questions/concerned related to applying or the zine in general.
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uhhhhmanda · 1 year
I have been filling a document with notes on an aspirational (read: overambitious) project for months now and I've finally decided to get on with it. I don't know if there are many fans of the book/movie Cold Comfort Farm on tumblr but if you like you can follow the project's progress on my new sideblog, @coldcomfortfarmzine.
The zine's premise (read: conceit) is that Flora is back in London and either just starting working at or is trying to get on at a publishing house. As a portfolio project, she is making a magazine centered on her Sussex family, who are the main contributors. For instance, Adam Ramsbreath has written up (if one can call his scrawl writing) a few recipes, Amos has mailed in a fiery sermon, Meriam has plagiarized a pamphlet on the history and use of "little rubber bowler hats," Elfine has penned some of her signature poetry, and Seth has sent in a signed 8x10 glossy headshot.
This all sounds fun but it's going to be a ton of work (most of which I will enjoy, of course): I am learning a new piece of software for this, I have a lot of research ahead of me, and this means a lot of writing in styles that don't come naturally to me, as well as some challenging artwork! This means the project is going to take FOREVER (and I have things with actual deadlines I am supposed to be working on) but the process should be entertaining!
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bycmykae · 7 months
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Light Screen: A Pokemon x Color speed run zine
Concept: Contributors will about 2 weeks to complete a mini piece that relates to the theme, features one of the colors from our palette and at least one pokemon (or trainer) of their choice.
Content Restrictions and Requirements
Theme: 🤫 Our secret theme will be revealed in the Discord server once the project begins to add to the challenge. (The theme will be broad and open to interpretation)
Rating: SFW, PG
Characters: Should include one pokemon or established character in the Pokemon universe; no OC trainers or fanmade pokemon designs.
Zine Specs: Free Digital Artists: 1748 x 757 px Writers: FAQ listed after the “Keep Reading”; Follow our Twitter for more consistent updates.
🌈 Schedule
Interest Check: May 01 - May 14
Contributor Sign Ups: May 17 - May 31
Last day to join the Server: Jun 05
Finals Due: Jun 19
🌈What is a zine? New to zines? Check out https://zinebaby.carrd.co/ for some general information.
🌈Who can participate? Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio needed
🌈 What types of mediums are allowed? Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
🌈 Contributor Expectations:
Adhere to the guidelines
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🌈Cover Artist Due to the nature of this zine, we will not have a specific cover artist.
🌈 Using our Color Palette: The main highlight of your work should be the one of the five colors provided. Artists: Think hue-vember; you do not have to do a monochrome palette and you do not only have to use the given colors. Your piece simply has to highlight/heavily feature the specific shade of color provided. Writers: Focus on items that are the same shade of the color or even emotions evoked from looking at it. Feel free to just use words that describe the colors: "lavender", "sage", "sky blue", "mauve". You are free to interpret it how you want to as long as it's reasonable.
Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through email or ask box
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fastrepaircaree · 4 days
The show became a major hit, and Milano’s role in *Charmed* made her one of the highest-paid actresses on television during that time. According to reports, she earned an estimated $80,000 per episode in the later seasons of the show, contributing heavily to her growing fortune.
Alyssa Milano’s career spans more than three decades, and her net worth reflects a combination of talent, hard work, and smart financial decisions. From her early days on *Who’s the Boss?* to her iconic role in *Charmed*, and now her involvement in activism and business, Milano has proven herself to be a versatile and resilient figure in Hollywood.
Her financial success is not just limited to acting; her ventures into writing, activism, and entrepreneurship have also played a role in securing her status as a financially successful individual. As she continues to work in various fields, her net worth may continue to grow, reflecting the lasting impact she has had on both the entertainment industry and the world.
Alyssa Milano is a name that resonates with fans of television, film, and activism alike. From her breakout role on *Who’s the Boss?* to her long-standing success in *Charmed*, Milano has remained a prominent figure in Hollywood for decades. Beyond her acting career, she is also known for her activism, writing, and business ventures. All of these have contributed to her impressive net worth. In this article, we will explore how Alyssa Milano built her wealth and what her financial status looks like today.
### Early Career Success: The Start of a Lucrative Journey
Alyssa Milano was just a child when she began her career in the entertainment industry. She gained widespread recognition at the age of 10, landing the role of Samantha Micelli on the popular TV sitcom *Who’s the Boss?*, which aired from 1984 to 1992. The success of the show made her a household name, and her early acting career laid the foundation for her future earnings. 
At a young age, Milano was able to secure a significant amount of wealth, but her financial journey was only beginning.
### The *Charmed* Era: A Financial Windfall
One of the most significant boosts to Alyssa milano net worth came during her time on *Charmed*. The series, which aired from 1998 to 2006, followed three sisters who discover they are powerful witches. Milano played Phoebe Halliwell, one of the main characters. 
### Acting Beyond TV: Films and Other Projects
While Milano is best known for her television work, she has also made appearances in several films throughout her career. Some of her notable films include *Commando* (1985), *Fear* (1996), and *Hall Pass* (2011). Although her film career has not reached the same heights as her television roles, these projects have added to her overall wealth.
Additionally, Milano has made guest appearances on various TV shows and even worked as a producer on several projects, further expanding her income sources.
### Activism and Writing: Expanding Her Influence
Beyond acting, Alyssa Milano is known for her activism, particularly in areas related to women's rights, political activism, and environmental causes. Her involvement in the #MeToo movement garnered significant attention, but it’s important to note that her activism is driven by passion rather than financial gain.
Milano has also authored several books, including *Safe at Home: Confessions of a Baseball Fanatic* and *Hope: Project Middle School*. These books, while not major financial contributors compared to her acting work, reflect her versatility and influence in various fields.
### Business Ventures and Endorsements
Alyssa Milano has ventured into business as well, further contributing to her financial portfolio. She has a line of women’s sports apparel called *Touch by Alyssa Milano*, which is a successful clothing brand for female sports fans. This venture has proven to be profitable, adding to her overall wealth.
Milano has also had various endorsement deals throughout her career. These partnerships, while not as prominent as her acting career, have added to her financial success over the years.
### Personal Investments and Real Estate
Like many successful celebrities, Milano has made smart investments in real estate and other assets. Over the years, she has owned several properties, including a luxurious estate in Bell Canyon, California. Real estate is known to be a lucrative investment, and it is likely that Milano has benefitted from the appreciation of her properties’ value over time.
### Alyssa Milano’s Net Worth in 2024
As of 2024, Alyssa Milano’s net worth is estimated to be around **$10 million to $12 million**. This figure is a combination of her earnings from acting, business ventures, real estate investments, and other income streams. While Milano may not have the towering net worth of some of her peers in the entertainment industry, her wealth is a testament to her enduring success and adaptability across various fields.
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tmr-blogs2 · 2 months
Glycolic Acid Market Expected to Surpass USD 683.5 million by 2031
The market valuation of the Global glycolic acid market was measured in 2021, which accounted for about US$ 340 million. However, the forecast at market valuation by the end of 2031 is US$ 683.5 million with a moderate CAGR of 7.23%. This market advancement is subjected to various industrial forces acting positively on the subject market.
The food and beverage industry requires extensive cleaning of their equipment. The main reason behind this is to avoid food contamination due to germs. The glycolic acid helps the market to achieve the same with its easy solubility in a wide range of solvents. Thus, this proves to be the fundamental market driver for the subject market.
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The glycolic acid has positive effects on the texture of the skin. Apart from this, the cleaning efficacy exhibited by glycolic acid is more than any other solvent. Therefore, the cosmetic industry finds various applications, which creates a significant market force.
Key Findings from the Market Report
The global glycolic acid market can be segmented broadly into two categories. Based on the grade of the acid used, the most widely used grade is 70% glycolic acid.
Glypure 99 is the high-purity cosmetic grade glycolic acid used in various cosmetic products due to the high concentration of acid. It helps to clean the pores of the skin more effectively. Moreover, this grade of acid is more popular in dermatological skin care products, as many of these products require low water content, which is available in the acid.
Based on application, the healthcare sector vastly occupies the market segment. Various surgical instruments are cleaned with the help of glycolic acid.
Similar to the healthcare sector, various industrial instruments are also cleaned with the help of acid; therefore, the popularity of concentrated acid in the industry can be explained.
Various continents govern the Global glycolic acid market. However, Asia Pacific secures about 32.6% of the total market share. Due to this, it proves to be the largest market shareholder in the industry.
Due to the rising cosmetic market in North America, the demand for glycolic acid is higher in this region. About 30.1% of the entire market share is secured by the area.
The European continent also proves to be a significant contributor to the market. About 26% of the entire market share is secured by Europe.
In August 2019, Phibro Animal Health acquired Osprey Biotechnics. This strategic move helped the organization to innovate microbial products.
In February 2021, the French government subsidized METabolic EXplorer (METEX) with US $ 10.12, which helped the business establish and run a glycolic acid plant in France.
Chemours Company CC introduced Glyclean D in November 2021, which was designed specially as a disinfectant in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The global glycolic acid market contains fierce competition. Out of different organizations, Phibro Animal Health Corporation offers a wide range of vaccines, nutritional specialties, and many other products.
CABB Group GmbH operates in many verticals, including fine chemicals and custom manufacturing. The organization manufactures many acid chlorides, monochloroacidic acids, their derivatives, and thermoset additives.
Avid Organics produces various amino acids, disinfectants, carboxylic acids, and esters. This product portfolio helps the organization to operate under multiple verticals.
The Chemours Company
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
CABB Group GmbH
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC)
Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
CrossChem LP
Avid Organics
Zhonglan Industry Co. Ltd.
Water Chemical Co. Ltd
Hebei Chengxin Co. Ltd
Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Saanvi Corp
Market Segmentation
Personal Care & Cosmetics
Hair Care
Skin Care
Others (Including Nail Care, Dental Care)
Plant Growth Stimulation
Food Flavoring & preservation
PGA Manufacturing
Cleaning Agents
Oil & Gas
Leather Dyeing & Tanning
Others (including Biomedical & Drug Delivery and Gas Barrier Packaging)
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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apacbusinesstimes · 2 months
Mongolia’s Cashmere: Economic Contributions and Export Growth
Mongolia, known for its vast steppes and nomadic culture, is also a global leader in cashmere production. The cashmere industry is a cornerstone of Mongolia’s economy, contributing significantly to its GDP and providing livelihoods for a large portion of the population. Some of the other major and booming sectors of Mongolia include mining, IT startups, tourism, and energy. This article explores the growth of Mongolia’s cashmere industry, its economic impact, and the challenges and opportunities. For more market insights articles visit Apac Business Times 
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The Growth of the Cashmere Industry in Mongolia
Cashmere production in Mongolia dates back centuries, with the country’s harsh climate and unique goat breeds producing some of the world’s finest cashmere fibers. Traditionally, cashmere was a local business, used primarily for domestic needs. In recent decades, Mongolia’s cashmere industry has experienced growth, driven by increasing global demand for luxury textiles.
Key factors contributing to this growth include rising global demand, improved breeding practices, and government support. As consumers around the world look for high-quality, natural fibers, the demand for Mongolian cashmere has increased. Advances in goat breeding techniques have improved the quality and yield of cashmere fibers. Along with these, the Mongolian government has implemented policies and initiatives to support the cashmere industry, which includes subsidies, training programs, and infrastructure development.
Mongolia is the second-largest producer of raw cashmere globally, after China. The country produces approximately around 40% of the world’s raw cashmere. This raw cashmere is then processed into various products, including yarns, fabrics, and finished garments. Gobi Cashmere is the main production company in Mongolia accounting for 21% of world cashmere production as of 2006.
Economic Contribution
The cashmere industry is a significant contributor to Mongolia’s GDP which accounts for around 5%. The high value of cashmere products makes it a vital component of Mongolia’s export portfolio. The cashmere industry provides employment for a large segment of the Mongolian population. Approximately 30% of the country’s workforce is involved in cashmere production, either directly or indirectly. 
Cashmere production plays a crucial role in rural development. For many nomadic herder families, cashmere is the primary source of income. The industry also supports rural economies by providing stable income and reducing poverty levels in remote areas.
Challenges Facing the Cashmere Industry
Environmental Impact
Overgrazing by cashmere goats has led to the problem of environmental degradation in Mongolia. The ecosystem is threatened by desertification, which can reduce the land’s productivity and sustainability. Addressing this issue is critical for the long-term viability of the cashmere industry.
Quality Control
Maintaining consistent quality is a challenge in the cashmere industry. Variations in the quality of fiber can affect the reputation of cashmere on the global market. Implementing stringent quality control measures and certification processes is essential to ensure that Mongolian cashmere remains synonymous with luxury and excellence.
Market Competition
Mongolia faces stiff competition from other cashmere-producing countries, particularly China. Chinese manufacturers often have more advanced capabilities and can produce cashmere at lower costs. To stay competitive, Mongolian producers must focus on innovation, branding, and value addition.
The cashmere industry is a vital part of Mongolia’s economy, contributing a huge part to GDP, export earnings, and rural livelihoods. Despite facing challenges such as environmental degradation and market competition, the industry has seen substantial growth potential. By adopting sustainable practices, focusing on value addition, and adopting modern technology, Mongolia can strengthen its position in the global market of cashmere production. The future of the cashmere industry in Mongolia is growing, with opportunities to enhance economic impact and ensure sustainable development.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/mongolias-cashmere-economic-contributions-and-export-growth/
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