#portuguese education
How to say "I love you" in your partner's language - Part 1
English: I love you
Spanish: Te quiero / Te amo
French: Je t'aime
Italian: Ti amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Russian: Я тебя люблю (Ya tebya lyublyu)
Chinese (Mandarin): 我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
Japanese: 愛してる (Ai shiteru)
Korean: 사랑해 (Saranghae)
Arabic: أحبك (Ana bahebak)
Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ (Main tumse pyaar karta/karti hoon)
Greek: Σ'αγαπώ (S'agapo)
Turkish: Seni seviyorum
Dutch: Ik hou van jou
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
Bokmål: Jeg elsker deg
Finnish: Rakastan sinua
Polish: Kocham cię
Hungarian: Szeretlek
Nynorsk: Eg elskar deg
Dangme (spoken in Ghana): I suɔ mo.
We'll add more languages in the nest posts. Ask if you want to add your own language or different phrases. We're always open to feedback!
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nofatclips · 7 months
💬 TED-Ed on Fernando Pessoa - Lesson by Ilan Stavans 🎥 Directed by Héloïse Dorsan Rachet
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
I am eternally amazed at how sensitive the portuguese are at the subject of colonialism. The idea that we practised some sort of soft colonialism is so ingrained in our minds people will be fighting for their lives to defend this idea (which, btw, is still a remnant of Salazar's propaganda). Brazil's colonialism is such a hyper sensitive topic you can see the vein popping on the neck of the average Zé when someone even lightly mentions accountability. I dead ass remember my 7th grade teacher telling our class that Brazil's colonialism consisted of "jesuit priests playing music, which enticed the natives" and that was it (flutes too, to be precise, for some fucking reason) and everyone has just blindly believed this and refused to accept the actual horrible history we're a part of. Portuguese people will be fighting for their lives on technicalities. Say "The portuguese invented the slave trade" and Salvador over there will jump from under the table to explain that akshually african people were the ones to sell their own people as slaves!!! And askhually, slavery goes back for centuries!! You know what they mean, you know what needs to be discussed here, but my boy Salvador is on a mission. He doesn't even care that he's regurgitating fascist propaganda that was entirely built on ahistorical facts that specifically sought to promote colonialism and imperialism as a progressive idea, no, none of that matters. It matters that we are miserable people who will perpetually long for the past, look back on something utterly atrocious and willingly ignore the brutality of it, because we cannot come to terms with the fact that today we live in a country that's ripe with corruption, unlivable wages and high cost of living; we cannot come to terms with the fact that we did all this colonialism just to be a poor fucking country that's being exploited by digital nomads; in fact, we just cannot tolerate the idea that we're just a summer resort for americans and brits and have absolutely no economical relevance in the world, not even cultural, but hey, cultural meaning can be invented. So we look back, we wail and cry and look back at these centuries when we pillaged, enslaved and destroyed because at least we meant something, because we once divided the world in two with Spain, that's how big our balls were once, and because once people knew who we were, they our name beyond the one football player. We purposefully disregard the horrid shit. We coast through life without ever, ever acknowledging it ever existed. We're taught in school colonialism was soft core at best, tell some bullshit about some priests with flutes and be done with it, and then when someone finally confronts us for our history, on god, we'll be fighting with everything we have to prove to you that our colonialism was just fine, and we, white men of the 16th century, showed these countries the meaning of civilisation! Orgulhosamente sós, am i right bitches
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louiseacademia · 1 year
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today i decided to stay home, since i wasn't feeling well when i woke up. it was a good call, i needed rest and didn't wanted to risk an autistic burn out. i studied almost three hours (which is a lot to someone who struggles with severe executive dysfunction) and i'm really proud of myself! i studied african poetry, portuguese narrative and phonology, and Bolinha (my white cat) didn't wanted me to study. 🤍🎀
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ipaaciir · 2 years
Education system vocab
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English - German - (MX) Spanish - (BR) Portuguese
education system - das Bildungssystem - el sistema educativo - o sistema educacional
education - die Ausbildung - la educación - a educação
school - die Schule - la escuela (usually public) / el colegio (usually private) - a escola
preschool - die Vorschule - el preescolar - a pré-escola
elementary school - die Grundschule - la (escuela/educación) primaria - a educação primária
middle school - die Mittelschule - la (escuela/educación) secundaria - a educação secundária
highschool - das Gymnasium / das Abitur (?) - la (escuela/educación) preparatoria / el bachillerato - o ensino médio
college - die Fakultät - la facultad - a faculdade
university - die Universität - la universidad - a universidade
bachelor’s degree - der Abschluss - la licenciatura - o bacharelado
master’s degree - der Magister - la maestría - o mestrado
doctorate (PhD) - die Promotion - el doctorado - o doutorado
postgraduate degree - die Graduiertenausbildung - el posgrado - os estudos de pós-graduação
diploma - das Diplom - el diploma - o diploma
degree - der Abschluss - el título - o diploma
grade report - der Notenspiegel - la boleta de calificaciones - o boletim
grade/mark - die Note - la calificación - a nota
assessment - die Beurteilung - la evaluación - a avaliação
test - die Prüfung - el examen - o teste
certification - die Bescheinigung - la certificación - a certificação
certificate - das Zeugnis - el certificado - o certificado
grade - die Klasse - el grado / el año (escolar/académico) - o grau / a turma / o ano
Any corrections are appreciated! (especially for German)
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Call to Revolution and Table of Universal Brotherhood (Science, Labor and Art), by Jose Clemente Orozco (Muralism)
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papirouge · 2 years
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the irony of rehashing the same "Black French can't be french because they're from Africa" talking points as racists just because you're pissy muh colonizer country won a silly football match and thinking you're on the good side of the fence
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oldtimesnew · 6 months
The Baby's Kitchen
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Crónica Feminina, Nº 869, July 19 1973
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letterslaura · 8 months
Writing as an articulating axis and practices involving Educational Technologies
Coucou everyone! 
Today we are going to tackle a very important topic: developing writing skills in school. 
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What memories do you have of writing practices in school? In my case, it was always fun and natural, just because I was so eager to practice my writing skills, but we know that this may not be the reality for most children. When I was in school, the methods were pretty strict and mechanical, with very little room for imagination. In Portuguese we were taught (a lot of) fixed rules, systems, genres (not the cool ones) and structures, everything for the sake of Enem’s essay. In the English classes things were not so different. In a room full of people, with a diversity of confidence and enthusiasm, imagine trying to apply the same monotonous pattern. What could it lead to? This rigid approach to writing can turn it into a monster for students, a real struggle, especially when in another language. It should not be like this. Students should be encouraged  to see writing as a simple skill that helps us convey messages in the best possible way. And they should know that they are all capable of learning it!
Now, let’s move away from the past and take a look at what schools are teaching today. From the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), we can grasp how things should be done inside the classroom. Regarding writing practices in primary education, the BNCC states that writing is an essential competency that crosses many areas, not being restricted to language itself. In other words, writing practices in school should not focus only on language or on grammatical rules. Instead, it should aid students express their ideas and communicate adequately in the other disciplines as well. Could you spot the difference from the previous approach? I was so thrilled to read about how much has changed!
Further on, the BNCC stresses the relevance of integrating educational technologies into the writing practices, such as softwares, collaborative platforms, multimedia resources, etc. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources at our disposal and they can greatly enhance the teaching learning experience. This integration opens up a world of possibilities.
After that, according to Liberali, “social activities in second language teaching focuses the study on activities where the students interact with each other in determined and historically dependent cultural contexts.” (LIBERALI, 2009, p. 12). Educational technologies are able to facilitate social interactions with speakers of the target language (in this case, English) and there lie glorious opportunities to teach writing practices smoothly. 
One of my favorite writing activities (if not my favorite) was a movie review requested in the third period of the English discipline. Learning every aspect of an adjective was never so fun! In my opinion, it is a brilliant idea, since there are many interesting literary and linguistic aspects to be explored in a movie review and it can be done with just the amount of difficulty you want. How cool would it have been to write a review of "Finding Nemo" back in the day?
Movie reviews are also easily relatable, as everyone has a favorite movie, making it much easier for the students to connect and really engage with the proposal. To make the experience even more realistic, if the students' age group allow, it is also possible to introduce the Letterboxd website, according to the students' age group. In this site, they can read reviews of the movies they like and maybe even post their own later. In order to enrich the activity a little more, there can also be held peer reviews and presentations.
Another idea is to explore the world of comics! What Brazilian kid does not know Monica's Gang? Comics are very appealing for primary students, it is usually a genre that they are comfortable with and it really stimulates creativity. You can begin with reading and understanding the components of comic books, leaving the writing to the end. By creating setting and characters first, the story will be less difficult to write. It is important to get to know your students in order to pinpoint what activity would be a better fit to them.
Finally, there are plenty of writing resources online, which can be used to help students in their process. My favorites include: Thesaurus, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Linguee and Grammarly. These tools can give a little extra confidence to those embarking on the adventure of writing in another language.
Now that you know a little more about writing practices and educational technologies, make sure to leave a comment below with your own experiences. I want to know all about it! 
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cyberskeletical · 1 year
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Apothisexual is a microlabel on the Asexual Spectrum. It can be described as a person who’s sex repulsed. Some apothisexuals averse the idea of getting inside a sexual activity, but are fine with other people doing it. Some Apothisexual people don’t like the idea of sex in general.
Apothisexual é um rótulo dentro do aspecto asexual que se baseia em uma pessoa que tem repulsão sob sexo. Alguns Apothisexuais não gostam da ideia de serem envolvidos dentro de uma atividade sexual, mas não sentem problema em outras pessoas realizarem. Alguns, por outro lado, em geral não apreciam a ideia do sexo.
(Always remember that this is about YOUR experience in the comunnity, don’t feel uncomfortable in getting new ways to express yourself, you will always be valid!! ^__^)
(Sempre lembre que isso é sobre SUA experiência na comunidade, não se sinta inconfortável em achar novas formas de se expressar, você sempre será válido!! ^__^)
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cupuasu · 1 year
was looking at the school systems in latin america and i think our ministries of education should come together n decide some sort of standard fr bc what a mess
#if they could come together to make our car plate look the same ugly ass shit they should come together to do something useful as well#they should copy paste whatever finland is smoking for basic school n then steal whatever cuba is doing in high education#me personally if i could choose i'd divide the basic years in 4 phases#first (til 4yo) second (til 8yo) third (til 12yo) fourth (16yo)#which is similar to what we have but its divided evenly now. also they should make the school hours shorter#no fucking person should be sitting in a chair for over 6h#three months of vacation is a perfect number to be honest (december january july)#oh n we should actually have decent extracurricular activities OR we should b able 2 choose the classes we need#sure make a standard curriculum for ppl who dont know what theyre doing w their life but also let the rest of us bitches choose#i DID NOT need that many chemistry or biology classes. i was not interested then and im not interested now#and also that insane amount of math classes was unnecessary too. even if i use math in uni now#a perfect curriculum for me would be 25% language 25% history + geography 25% math 10% art or PE 5% sciences#these bitches had me doing 40% math 40% portuguese 20% all sciences + random philosophy#oh n while i think a test to get into university is good it should not be like a straight line bc every student is different#for example when i did ENEM the first time i was baffled on how insane the math and sciences part were#(i love the language history and geography part tho) like i think we should also be able to choose that#like when we sign up we say what uni and course we wanna take and then do a test that has nothing to do with it#we should be able to get a personalized test from the already existing database. for example#if im going to do architecture then my test needs more math physics and history. but not as much language geography and fuckass chemistry#even though i LOVE language and geography#wait this rant went too personal already. anyway change the schooling system#and also fix the way teachers are being taught to teach and also pay them better and fund better infrastructure#cos literally til when are politicians gonna put the tax money up their ass? girl you cant even give 30% to education? kill yourself <3#the way latin america will be stuck in the lower top 50 in education for the next decades is crazy
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what if. what if i learned spanish sign language instead of ASL or even. or even in addition to ASL. …..
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thepotentialof2007 · 2 years
Casa Amarela is an Education, Art and Social Support Center in Morro da Providência. It aims to collaborate in human and territorial development through art and culture, contributing to the possibility of reducing the social impact caused and maintained by the state's lack of assistance in the favela.
Casa Amarela operates through activities and classes led by educators, residents, activists, producers and artists from Providência, surrounding areas and other international locations.
Our space offers educational, artistic and cultural activities, professional and training courses. It collaborates with the construction of knowledge based on scientific evidence as a result of research and qualitative work, encouraging territorial appreciation and local culture. [x]
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primeviewprathamesh · 1 month
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The 10 Best Business School's in 2023
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louiseacademia · 1 year
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tomorrow i'll have a phonology exam and i'm kinda nervous about it. i've been studying a lot but still, i'm afraid i'll forget something important 😫 i'll try to use the cards method to memorize more.
note: those photos were taken yesterday during class! 💞
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ravenovni · 2 months
Y'all ever see someone claim something about a country's culture and the person doesn't necessarily seem ill intentioned but you just have to cringe real bad because they clearly don't know what the hell they are talking about?
I don't even remember the context I saw this in but sometimes I remember that time I saw a (non-Portuguese?) person claiming Portuguese people aren't racist against Brazilians.
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IIRC they were saying this in comparison to another ex-colonial country to claim that other country had a stronger racism problem
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Trabalho em vídeo para faculdade em 2024, uni activity in video of 2024.
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