#pos rant
junijupi · 8 months
it will never amaze me that the ULTIMATE secret to meeting people is just.. going somewhere repeatedly
and *talking to them.*
It's so weird. I go to art class every week, and have for weeks; Rarely speak to anybody there. But when I do-
Today I spoke to a very interesting man after drawing next to him in silence for far too long.
He studied at one of the most prestigious art colleges in the country, worked in the military as a paramedic in the Airforce for 11 years , all while honing his artistic craft. This guy dumped insane amounts of random wisdom onto me about life, art, the battlefield, and everything inbetween. He told me, he was so grateful for a place to express himself like this. He told me how awesome it was I was doing art at such a young age.
He told me, "keep at it."
Another person I met a bit ago- she used to study under a stained glass painter for years during the 80's. Her instructor , (who was a master of her craft,) was admitted to a psych ward because she would lick the mercury-paint off her brush in order to wet it.... multiple times a day. for *years* Lady never saw her instructor again after she was admitted. stopped doing stained glass painting shortly afterwards. got into pottery a bit, before stopping for 30 years. Just now got back into it- she's so eager and excited to learn. Love her.
A 50-60 year old woman who travelled the country, going to different art schools to hone her craft. Doesn't work. At the beginning of the semester, I disliked her greatly. But after working so diligently next to somebody for so long, a certain fondness was formed. We chatted mindlessly as our brushes created strokes down the canvas. She would recommend me good places to buy supplies, and I would lend her some of my paints if she ran out.
A man in his 20's, who I never spoke to until the very end of the semester. He and I would talk about our techniques, and our favorite movies and characters, despite the decade age gap. When the sky turned sour , thick, and smoky from wildfires, he and I would crack jokes about Blade Runner. He was so cool.
This older woman, a little bit clumsy, maybe mid 40's- Never touched a pencil in her life. I don't know much about her story, but I am currently helping her whenever I see she is struggling. It is small things, but it makes me happy to see her improving each and every week. Maybe it's teaching her how to correctly sharpen her pencil, maybe it's giving her an item she forgot.
Today, she wished me a happy week *and used my name*. Our interactions were minor, but she likely overheard the instructor speaking to me, and remembered it to wish me a nice day.
These are all such small things- But everything about them brings me life.
It's seeing all these different personalities, and not even realizing just how rich they truly are until you are knees deep into a riveting conversation with them.
I think this is the reason I do art.
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dollystuffs-chiori · 2 months
vc'd w my partners earlier and had amazing polycule date:33 it was super fun and chaotic <33
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sillyzter · 2 months
Was just watch some undertale fanmade projects on youtube and was realize how much these simple yet beautiful medias affect positivetely people lifes :]
Am think genuinely not would be even alive without the teachings was get from that game.
May sound corny but brain just held onto undertale and the whole determination thing so bad like SO SO SO bad to survive that we cry every time we get too deep into stuff about the game :]
Tysm Toby fox, your game saved our life [genuine]
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aerisbeloved · 1 month
as an aromantic, i throughly enjoy writing love letters. i love touch and skin and human connection, i love the grotesque nature of queerness, i love my silly friends, i love finding joy in simplicity. i love physical connection i love emotional connection, i am forever in love regardless of the level of reciprocation. i tell my friends i love them, even if they don’t/can’t always say it back. i want them to know they are loved, i would so much rather say i love you too much than too little. i am in love with fleeting moments and nature and art and photographs and just. living. there is so much beauty in life.
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vamp-kiddo · 1 month
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scuba-divers · 1 month
To me, YuB is honestly one of the most respectable YouTubers out there. As someone who watched him grow from like, 300k to over 1m subscribers, I say he WELL deserves all of that! He's a father of two, he's an ADHD icon and he doesn't try to act 'not ADHD' in his videos. He is openly a supporter of LGBTQ+, he's an AMAZING musician and songwriter, and he hasn't lost one bit of his personality since he was just a small/medium YouTuber, something that I unfortunately see happen to a lot of YouTubers and they grow bigger; they try and act more 'trendy', I guess is the word? They just kind of start to assimilate into the typical annoying loud=funny YouTuber that is targeted towards younger audiences. But YuB? Nah, he's staying as he is, bro is NOT letting fame get to his head. He's even vocalized his feelings and confusion about growing bigger and getting a larger audience and his struggles with ADHD and being a YouTuber, which is something that I could completely understand. He's just some guy, some dad, that happens to run a YouTube channel, and my respect for that has no boundaries.
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onyx-got-clowned · 11 months
I think the funniest thing to me, is how all the girls in gorilla tag, are so much more common, anytime i say “I’m a girl actually!” (But only cause it’s funny, or one of female presenting alters is currently fronting) someone else goes, “‘me too!” And it’s so funny hearing all the other boys in the lobby go ballistic, either being cool about it, or downright misogynistic😨
I’m one of the very few people on gorilla tag who I’m pretty sure are neurodivergent💀 I’ve had mild tic attacks on gorilla tag, forgetting to mute myself, and no one notices (thank god, cause the amount of questionable things i say is- interesting)
generally, the community is very 50/50 on how your gonna be treated, either you’ll make good friends and memories, and get off crying (happened one too many times)
I’ve gone onto gorilla tag, my username “music monkey” and would play my ukulele, I’ve gained crowds before, half the lobby vibing with me on that ledge in mountains, or playing my kazoo!
I’ve been playing gorilla tag since around February 2021, so I’ve seen the game go from the chillest vr game I’ve ever played, to not playing as much because some group of kids got an oculus for Christmas and choose to be toxic pissbabies.
there was this time, when i found this YouTuber, turbo alligator, he was a smaller YouTuber, i joined his discord, hopped in a code with him for a video, and got recognized TWICE! i was kazooy, in the second lobby, the YouTube Video was something along the lines of “gorilla tag is weird/strange” and we were playing sharks and minnows, i did not understand it what so ever, so i got tagged a bunch… but it’s such a good memory of mine :)
congrats on reading this entire post! I really love playing gorilla tag, it’s honestly one of my favorite escapes of reality, and tbh, the most memorable, i always try and make gorilla tag fun for everybody, always being kind and you should do the same <3 spread the kindness gorilla tag used to be ❤️
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planetpercy · 1 year
new heartstopper comic lets go !
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 10 months
I love that my brain writes songs it's so fun to person. I love to person!! I am full of whismy!!
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if0rgor · 10 months
I think me ranting about my artstyle was a blessing cus a little bit after that I started getting kinda satisfied w/ my art
I can kiiinda draw hands better
I need to practice full body drawings more but yeag
Everything is a little better now :3
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While I'm working on this whole ass essay thing, here's a happy thing;
My math teacher is the coolest person ever I swear to God.
None of my other teachers, at any of my schools, have ever given me modified assignments to help me out when I am struggling to learn the subject at hand.
She changed this. She noticed me struggling with math worksheets that didn't explain more about what I was learning.
She decided to make a copy of the assignment specifically for myself even putting my name on it, and writing notes about how certain things are done. And when it seemed I couldn't understand that, she'd come over and help me.
Sure, I'm a highschooler and should probably be getting better at this, but math has always been a subject that's hard for me to understand.
It's always been my mod that's subject.
My current math teacher changed that. Math is one of my current favorite classes, because I finally have a teacher who understands that I need a better explanation then the ones given.
Anyways that's it nightt
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sillyzter · 2 months
PLEASEEE stop saying it's bad to "heal for somebody else"...
Sometimes is some people's ONLY option :[
And that is ok and beautiful, maybe not ideal but if keeps you alive, I am proud already :]
As someone who once lived like that, and now is heal for own self.... it does get better
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lupincollective · 22 days
Fae is an awesome pronoun. I'm kinda jealous
omg thanks so much! silly neu rant below, feel free to ignore lol
we use they/it/fae because we've never really felt human if that makes sense? and we have so many nonhuman alters that it makes sense to us to use other Pronouns! we have a lot of neos as well but we don't use them as publically. if you're interested in talking about neos I would a million percent be so so down! -dex/⚙️
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angelgotblammed · 1 month
GUYS I GET TO SEE MY FUTURE WIFEY TOMORROW!!!! my tummy hurts every time I think abt it, that's how excited I am :D
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sufferingrelapsed · 2 months
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