#poseidon cant just kill him
phoenix--flying · 8 months
Poseidon is prepared to meet his son's new mortal bf. He's ready, he has observed how mortal parents act in situations like this and he promised Percy he won't freak the bf out by the mythological world. (Even if that promise had to come with Percy promising to sacrifice some of Sally's sevenlayer dip.)
Suffice to say, he does indeed freak the bf out.
In his defense, he hadn't expected Percy’s totally %100 percent mortal bf to be ex-general Alabaster Torrington.
Percy is very confused on why his father and boyfriend are glaring daggers at eachother while making passive aggressive remarks.
im giggling at this
Percy: Dad this is my boyfriend :D Poseidon: ... Al: bitchy little wave while he smiles and glares
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ladysqueakinpip · 3 months
not me lying wide awake at 5:30am on a sunday on my day off bc after almost a full year I finally FINALLY realized the implication of the end of remember them from the cyclops saga
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#that song has one of the most powerful ending crescendo sequences ive heard in maybe all of musical theater#so it. always felt incomplete after ALL that buildup during the I AM THE INFAMOOOUS#only to just drop to SILENCE. no music. no fanfare. just ODYSSEUS!#he doesnt even really sing it he just sort of... shouts it#and then its followed by the faintest sound of ocean waves#its poseidon. listening. THATS why athena said DONT#poseidon heard that declaration and came back to get him later#😬#i just looked up the lyrics for ruthlessness too and poseidon basically spells it out 😂#ive only listened to that song once or twice tho and i guess i wasnt too focused on the words#anyway i relistened to the songs on friday and theyve been rotating in my mind like a 7/11 hotdog#the whole cyclops saga especially is just.... so so good#they truly dont make music about bashing peoples heads in like they used to#the first 3 songs of the saga especially... oof#how they blend one into the other back to back and end up making like a 10 minute narration of events#the whole thing is so bone chilling#it gets my heartrate up lol#PLUS the theme of pain and vengeance bring more pain#EVERY time polyphemus says 'what gives you a right to deal a pain so deep'#and when odysseus says 'what good would killing do when mercy is a skill more of the world could learn to use'#rocking back and forth sobbing crying#remember them the next time that you DARE choose not to spare! remember them... remember us... remember me!#cant wait for everyone to turn their back on this musical in 5 yrs#like they did with hamilto.n#hamilto.n never stopped being good actually#yall are just embarrassed about being weird fanatics over people who rly existed
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karmaphone · 4 months
Percy Jackson fans when the show takes away Sally's explicit choice to kill her explicitly physically abusive husband
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posallys · 5 months
SOMETHING about they way sally and poseidon interact during that whole 3 minutes suggests that this isn't the first time they've seen and talked to each other. She's not surprised when he shows up--she knows he's going to, and to me, that means that he's done so before. The way poseidon responded when she asked if he wanted to talk to percy--the pain on his face suggests she's asked him that before, but he knows his answer has to be the same. The way it starts raining--a sign, one she knows because it's happened before. The way they're not looking at each other but they both WANT to, they're both trying to hold themselves back--it was too hard the last time. There are so many things said in between their words, so many things said with just the way they act. They're not uncomfortable, just cautious--they can't be found out, cant be seen together, cant let the gods know about percy, cant let percy know about himself or his dad or any of it because it's too soon what if i kill myself
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list of things that made me scream in pjo episode 3
Percy picking grover because he trusts him not to betray him!!! THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS OK
Luke still comes off as so likable and inconspicuous that whole convo he had with percy and the shoes i just
annabeth staring at the different flavors of candy in the gas station and not being able to pick and just buying all of them. Thats the annabeth we deserve
uncle ferdinand foreshadowing……………
When annabeth and percy start arguing in the woods and grover tries to change the subject by talking about his uncle and they both completely ignore him. I LOVE GROVER SO MUCH
the bickering in this episode is ON POINT by the way
like the stuff theyre arguing about makes sense. Yes i would be concerned about those things too
ESPECIALLY since theres such a focus put on trust (esp after percy learns that someone is going to betray him) and percy and annabeth are arguing about stuff theyve lied or havent told each other about???? Sorry that might be skipping ahead a bit but GOD is that the good stuff
i love that they changed how the three of them ended up going into auntie em’s because before it was a little concerning that none of them figured out it was medusa. Plus having a fury outside just adds to the tension a perfect amount i think, because it really traps them in there
all the discussion about the gods and what medusa talks to percy about in the kitchen - YES MAKE ME HATE THEM!! All of this is adding up to lukes motivations making so much sense in the end
ALSO!! Them harkening back to sallys line in the first episode when she tells percy that not all heroes look like heroes and not all monsters look like monsters - they brought it back so perfectly. Percy wanting to trust medusa because of what his mom said, medusa calling Poseidon a monster, ALL OF IT is so good
When theyre down in the basement and grover puts on the shoes and then just fucking. Flies away and disappears into the darkness yelling a little. and annabeth and percy just kind of helplessly watch him go before being like - welp i guess that plans not working. That was peak comedy
them using annabeths hat on medusa and then using it to kill alecto THEY WERE SO SMART FOR THAT!!! Also percy just the invisible severed head was a hilarious concept to me
when percy suggests burying the hat in the ground with the hat on to make sure no one bad finds it and annabeth just!!! Agrees!!! And then grover has to be like no that hats important to her its a gift from her mother!!! And then percys like well we’ll find another solution then. That whole scene was good yes i liked that
also annabeth revealing that grover was her protector too and percy asks about it and grover just changes the subject and doesnt answer. He is the KING of avoidance
also grover finally interrupting annabeth and percy when they start fighting and giving his whole speech about getting along. That wouldve felt a little cheesy and preachy and out of place from anyone else but considering grover tried to get them to sing the consensus song a few hours earlier i fully believe that he would say that
Why the fuck wasnt there a lin manuel maranda jumpscare warning. I couldve used one of those
but actually all the jokes in this episode were so on point. Like percy calling drachmas chuckie cheese tokens. And him arguing about voting on the bus. Anyways
10/10 episode i will be rewatching like eight times before next tuesday.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hello! I wanna request ror characters with sweet and kind reader who secretly holds then power of a powerful demon that could give any god a run fir their money.
Reader was meant to be the host of this demon and their personality and memories were meant to be forgotten as the demon took a hold of their body. But something went wrong and instead the demon became trapped while reader got its powers. Basically reader was tricked by their friend and was scarified to a cults deity but lived
Reader is basically an average person and just wants to live life gently but when the gods started to make a fuss and threatened humanity the gloves was off. Reader ends up takeing zeus odin and all the strong ones whose names I cant remember into a terror dimension and reminds them that there were many who would do anything to protect their love ones and reader is fully willing to become a demon and erase them from exsitance if the foolish gods push them enough.
-It was a secret you kept close, not wanting to lose anyone else to it, mainly because those closest to you betrayed you for the secret you held.
-You were the vessel for a very powerful demon, one whose name was long forgotten, something you had been ‘blessed’ with when you were back on earth after the gods fought this demon, sealing him away.
-They didn’t realize however, where they were sealing him, and you were blessed with the same powers and strength, and for a while, people worshipped you as a hero, as you would use those abilities to help others, which is all that you wanted to do.
-However, their adoration soon turned to fear, realizing that you were so different from them, and with fear came hatred and they drove you out.
-You traveled the world, your life prolonged due to what you housed, helping where you could, never staying in one place for too long.
-You had thought you found a safe place, people who respected your powers and abilities, and you gained friends, people you grew close to.
-Only for them to betray you just like the others, sacrificing you to the demon you held in your body. As that place that you thought was safe was a cult.
-You died and ascended to Valhalla, with the demon still a part of you, causing that cult to fall to ruin as they essentially killed the very being they were trying to worship.
-You were so happy in Valhalla, being able to live in peace, helping others, and nobody cared what you could do.
-Only a fair few knew what you could do, and you mostly kept to yourself, to not draw attention to yourself.
-When Ragnarok was announced, you were in tears, hearing how cruel the gods were, the same ones who put this demon inside of you, how they were willing to just wipe out humanity on a whim.
-This angered you, and the demon you housed, feeling your anger, offered his powers to you, willing to help you again.
-You and your demon had an agreement- you would willingly let him have control a few times a month to run around and have fun, and he wouldn’t hurt others while in control.
-He whispered in your ear, like he was there, “We can fix this- put those gods in their place. We won’t hurt them, just scare them a- just a little~” you knew his tone, he wasn’t planning on just ‘a little’ but you agreed, not willing to risk so many lives.
-When Ragnarok was about to begin, the gods who were going to be fighting had a meeting, going to discuss who was going to go first.
-A wave of power and dread seemed to flow over them and Zeus and Odin, who had been responsible for seal your partner away inside you, instantly stood, feeling that power.
-You entered, looking unassuming, looking just like a normal human and Poseidon stood, “Who dares enter this place?” your smile was soft, gentle, but your eyes were hard, “I have someone who would like to speak with you.”
-In a blink of an eye, they found themselves in a dark place, screams and terrifying visions everywhere as you approached, looking more demonic, a blend of both you and D/N.
-Your voice was no longer just your own, it was a blend of both, it sounded not only unsettling, but angry, “I have the power to destroy all of you now- thanks to your failure of making sure I was truly sealed. You have a choice- to end Ragnarok now or face your own destruction.”
-Being shown such terrifying images and feeling your power around them, nearly suffocating them, proving that what you said was true, was enough to make them quickly bend to your will.
-As soon as Zeus and Odin agreed, in another blink of an eye, they were back in the room, completely fine, and you looking normal, like a harmless little human.
-Eyes quickly went to you as you spoke, “Just because you fail to manage others doesn’t make it right for you to just get rid of them. Make it right.” With your last sentence you made the room tremble, just to make your point.
-You walked out, “Think they got the message?” the demon chuckled in your ear again, “Of course they did. Now let’s sit back and watch.”
-By lunchtime the tournament had been called off, much tot the shock of Brunnhilde and the warriors of humanity, but they seemed pleased to see that the gods were going to be gods now, proper ones- who were now going to manage humanity better.
-Many were none the wiser that you were the cause of this newfound peace. And the gods you had threatened kept eyes on you but were stunned to see what a gentle person you were, nothing unlike the demon they had fought years ago.
-You seemed to be one with the demon in your body- like you were two beings in one body, sharing it, but even if you looked like a harmless human- you were anything but, and they knew that they wouldn’t be able to fight back, even if they all joined forces and fought together- there was no chance of ever challenging you.
-However, keeping you happy seemed to be the simplest route, and they kept you happy by not threatening humanity and managing things better.
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rexspersonalhell · 1 month
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This tweet that is circulating around my dash has inspired me
One Piece Epic AU shit
So I made this like a list and some rambling
Sorry for misspelling, typed on my phone and I dont care that much for misspelling.
Also please add on what you think and what you would cast
Ares: Zoro
Aphrodite: Sanji
Hera: Robin
Apollo: Luffy, taking the part of apollo where he is the god of the sun and light, music and dancing, and healing in to account. His punches could count as archery in a sense 🤔
Hephaestus: Franky
Zeus: idk
Athena: okay, hear me out- Corazon.
He is shown to be smart in combat, it would make sense for him to be able to plan as well with his history of growing up with a marine admiral and then being with his brother’s crew. He is a hard-ass and sweet, he cares but also doesnt want kids to die doing stupid shit.
Though with the whole, Athena telling Odysseus to leave no mercy and to kill, that is a little out of character but I can picture it being a situation where it was what he was taught by the marines.
Odysseus: Law
Okay, this is not only because I wanted Athena as Corazon but because he just fits in my mind. He wants to be strong and meets Corazon. Wins his challenge and tricks him. He learns under him as he grows up and then goes to war, where he is forced to act due to a different god’s will.
He sails home with his crew and friends after they won the war, tries to show mercy as he tries to save the lives of those around him but it fails and he slips into the mind that he has to be the monster to keep his crew alive.
Now I have no idea who Penelope will be since idk who the hell he would marry and have a child with.
Polities will be Penguin since I hc he is more softer while Eurylochos will be Sachi since I hc he is the more tough one in a sense. With one gone they cant function as well.
I kind of want to make Poseidon, Doflamingo just for drama but he doesnt fit him as well. I mean, he is the god of the SEA, doffy cant be touched by water. The two of them care for their family in a twisted way but I dont think its actually that similar.
Posiden in the musical talks about how Odysseus shoulve killed his son instead of leaving him alive, basically saying that if he hadnt kept him alive then none of this wouldve happened since he wouldve never been told by his hurt son who injuried him.
While Doffy would find out who hurt his family, they were hurt and he will find out.
Thats about the extent of my rambling goes.
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Anyway, please enjoy an abridged list of the random thoughts I had while watching the PJO finale. Spoilers (duh)
I will not be fixing the spelling mistakes for a more authentic experience
This is making me way too happy
he said the word wrong (riposte) 😔
“whAt” -annabeth
He’s on the ground :(
he got stuck in a glue trap
Annabeth really clutched thyn pearls
That was sOoOoo cOoOOoL
Oh- he’s doing the doctor who thing
Ooo colors
Awww (where is he)
Okay, the helm is a helmet… Or like- an old scuba mask
Sashay away
Sand… on his face
They love each other
She’s so scared for him
Luke is spreading propaganda
I want to go to there
I’m so excited to see Zeus
Why is he sitting like that tho
He’s impertinent or whatever
Where is poseidon :(
His eyes so big
He’s my father he just doesn’t know it yet (I’m a child of Hephaestus, I have no clue what I was talking abt)
What the flip was that
“Everybody”? Really just left out half of the olympians
He zipped away
“The sea does not like to be restrained” (I just really like this line for some reason)
How did I just realize it’s person shaped
Stop it I’m gonna kill you rick
It looks like a pirate sword
I love how sympathetic they’re making him
This is great
“This isn’t you babe”
“I’m sorry”
He’s impertinent
I love Mr. D so much
She’s so pretty istg
I need to see him in the wedding dress
oh no, not the ominous music
I’m so excited for season 2 PLEASE
why does he talk like that
The mom ever
Grandpa >:(
Aw, they didn’t kill gabe :(
Haha… reddick
He’s silly, Silly in the way I wanna punch him in the face
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
(The mortal double is athonius)
OHHHHHHH ok ok 👌
in this scenario, percy probably had pushed anthonius into the elevator so he could escape while she stayed behind to hold the button while also fending off the monster army (i just cant see him cruelly ditching her by choice tbh). plus she's the type to sacrifice herself anyway
obviously, they're going to be murderously pissed that anthonius left her in tartarus. they don't even CARE if percy was the one who pushed him in, not even hades (the nicer one in the group) would care. anthonius is free, while their percy was left behind to suffer in the worst of hells.
they're not gonna kill anthonius for this, that is WAY too easy. with the combined cruelty of beelzebub, loki, and poseidon, they all probably worked together to ruin this poor boy's life.
once they got percy out of tartarus and she's safe, they'll take turns taking care of her and torturing anthonius. since this is during hoo, they'll target the members of the seven first. one by one they get killed off until he's the only one left. the quest to stop gaea fails since the seven's been reduced to one, and gaea quickly takes over. his home is ruins, olympus has fallen, his mother's probably faded away, mortals are dying. it's his worst nightmare come to life. when he finally dies, his soul gets stolen by hades or beelzebub so he'll go to ror's helheim where he finds everyone he loves being tortured in helheim. his mortal family, his friends; this whole time they've been tortured by the yanderes and now he's about to join them
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tempestaurora · 4 months
the take that poseidon killed gabe is just so stupidly bad. like I understand how the mixup happened but its still wrong. gabe killed gabe. gabe found a package not addressed to him, return to sender from "the gods". gabe who has been served divorce papers and who is now homeless since sally changed the locks, found a package. he saw it wasn't for him. he saw it was for percy. he opened it because why the fuck not he's a shithead and got nothing to lose. no one put it there to kill him, no one sent it to kill him. the gods as a group chose to send it back, otherwise it would say "from dad" or "from zeus" or whoever. (rip to sally girlbossing and killing gabe btw)
and do you wanna know why I hate this take so much? its a tiny bit because poseidon killing him is such a downgrade from sally doing it - its just all around worse. cant be with the lady, cant marry the lady because youve got a wife at home, but you sure can kill her ex after shes already started the divorce process?? dumb. but mainly its because we got extra time on medusa. we got to know how she was hurt (in a kid friendly retelling). because how it really went was a story of rape, and poseidon now using her head after he assaulted her and caused her to turn into a gorgon? isn't that one of the absolutely shittiest things tumblrs new blorbo could do? use the corpse of the woman he hurt and cursed and never cared about to hurt someone again, even if it was sallys ex?
bad take stop spreading it
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sn0wp1anets · 2 months
been having marauders pjo thoughts and just indulge me for a second
(this is kind of long so )
ive seen dionysus/aphrodite used for sirius' godly parent alot which i can understand its just not my personal hc i think while d + a are very powerful i dont think their characteristics? fit sirius that well idk
to me sirius seems closer to either a big 3 or athena kid but im kind of in between them and i havent fully decided
reasoning for zeus:
zeus is associated with having quite a strong sense of justice and honour- which i view as kind of a big characteristic of sirius' . hes also very naturally powerful which comes with being a big 3 kid. sirius is also prideful and stubborn which also aligns with my view of zeus. this isnt very relevant but zeus' children in the pjo series tend to have something kind of ironic about them? like thalia and her fear of heights. and i think contradicting nature vs nurture is very sirius, which is another reason i kinda like zeus for his godly parent. in myth, zeus' children are often vengeful to those who have dishonoured their loved ones, and do rash things for them: (e.g perseus to polydectes) and this reminds me of how he would literally kill for james, how he risked his life for harry, the prank, etc.
however zeus' children are also associated with leadership, while i dont think sirius is incapable of being a leader (hes very competent, intelligent and certainly could be), leadership does not feel to me like something he actively seeks or takes on. also to mesirius feels less flashy, more subtle than what you'd expect of one of zeus' children. idk tho!
reasoning for poseidon:
as the god of the sea naturally most people associate poseidon's actions and power as unpredictable and reckless- which is how many perceive sirius. and this is also evident sometimes in his actions. in the riordanverse, (in my personal opinion) poseidon's demigod children are probably one of if not the most powerful (or maybe its just percy...) which makes sense for sirius too. poseidon's children are described to be 'both noble and unbelievably cruel' which to me IS sirius. he is aware of his cruelty and harshness when he purposely hurts others , yet he is also very noble in some aspects. also im hesitant to liken sirius to theseus due to his very problematic actions and treatment of women but they are similar in many ways: being extraordinarily brave, having a sense of justice, strong yet spiteful at times.
(also fun fact cygnus was one of poseidon's children!)
i actually really like poseidon for sirius' godly parent i just feel like theres something missing that im not really sure abt LMAO
hades reasoning:
one of the most interesting parts of sirius' character is his innate potential for darkness and how he actively rejects it- this would be very interesting in a hades' child context because sirius is again born into the association of darkness and evil. another interesting part is that the perception of hades as evil is just? kind of off? he is the death god except not really- he's the god of the dead he kind of just rules over that realm he doesn't actually kill people thats thanatos. which is again something that would be super interesting for sirius.
on the other hand hades feels too stern and restricted for sirius- and yes i understand that demigods dont have the same personalities as their parents its just something im kind of concerned about. sirius seems a bit more carefree- like a poseidon child would be rather than hades. also i dont love the whole black family automatically being associated with hades thing i think its a bit too surface level.
athena reasoning:
i mean obviously sirius is one of the smartest characters in the series. this is evident in many many instances throughout his childhood and adult life. its also very effortless for him and i just cant imagine a sirius who intelligence doesnt come effortlessly to. hes quick, sharp and notices details and remembers things with clarity and can easily analyse situations he and other people are in and come up with logical and successful solutions- all of which make sense for an athena kid. also him being unafraid of conflict and combat is also very athena of him- i think too often athena is reduced to just being the smart goddess but she is a war goddess too which is so sirius. sirius enjoys being smart and uses it well- animagus+map. his intelligence is also used not just in a school+grades context which is also perfect for athena kids- they are not school nerds they are intelligent in many ways.
BUT i wanna be self indulgent and just let sirius embrace his full main character energy with a big 3 god 😭😭 like i dont actually have a valid reason for not making it athena im just...
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Spoilers. Duh. Book and show
Annabeth being there to witness the moment Luke tried to kill Percy is a FUCKING GAME CHANGER. To me, it says that Annabeth suspected Luke & made a plan to make both Percy and Luke think that she would be with Clarisse. When she intended to follow them and protect Percy if need be.
I’m not mad about it. It’s a big change. But it makes sense for her character. It will make her and Luke’s dynamic later in the series a little different. Maybe instead of Annabeth blindly wanting to believe that Luke is good and couldn’t possibly do evil things, it will be more nuanced. She knows he’s done horrible things. She’s seen it. But she still can’t help but remember who he used to be. She hesitates in key moments. Let’s him get away. He takes advantage of those moments and escapes. Not intentional on Annabeth’s part. She tries to be calculated. But her emotions get the better of her. I can see this working out quite nicely.
And it still allows her to be the one at the end, in heroes of Olympus, to be there, advocating for Luke. Telling Percy to give him the knife. OH THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD.
Okay but Walker Scobell is such a good fucking Percy Jackson
Leah Jeffry Savies is such. Good fucking Annabeth Chase.
And aryan is such a good fucking Grover Underwood.
Okay but the searchers license being a literal flower?? How are you gonna convince me that Grover wouldn’t anxiously eat it like he does tin cans??
I am so so fucking glad that we got the sword fight training scenes. We really needed them. The scene shifts of Percy fighting Ares and Percy training with Luke are spot on. And it sets up the friendship and mentorship with Luke & Percy even more. Making the betrayal so much worse. It build up perfectly.
Gods I wish we had a longer season.
Again with things being directly told to Percy. “You’re a leader among the halfbloods now,” Chiron tells him.
The bead at the end of the season when he’s leaving camp
And the fact that next year, all FOUR of them will return to that spot. Percy, Annabeth, Grover… and Thalia.
Annabeth’s hairstyle in the final scene was supers cute
The scene of Percy seeing his mom after she returns from the Underworld WAS SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND THEN KRONOS FUCKED IT UP. I love it. Chefs kiss.
Clarrise looked so fucking badass in her pan shot with her arms crossed. Like yeah she totally could’ve fucked some shit up with the gods
I love the beach scene with Percy v. Ares and how confused Annabeth is about the helm situation cuz she wasn’t there lmao
I kinda liked that Ares got cocky and kicked his opponent, the SoN of the FuCKinG SeA GOD into the OCEAN. Percy rolled through that little puddle and I screamed OH ITS OVER FOR YOU.
Walker’s micro expressions are fucking ICONIC AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE SCREEN RECORDS
Your honor I love them. Yes this post has devolved. No I won’t stop.
I gasped when Alecto was there at Montauk instead of Sally. But yeah. She showed up. I just forgot.
I love how Percy has just started calling people out on their shit. “You were always after the helm, weren’t you?” And telling Zeus he’s a shitty dad
OKAY BUT POSEIDON SHOWING UP TO PROTECT PERCY. I GASPED. I LOVE THIS CHANGE SO MUCH. it shows so much more compassion and gentleness of Poseidon. Yes in the books we get some glimpses. But the show isn’t holding back his favoritism.
okay but we were robbed of more Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl quips.
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andromythical · 4 months
"Look - You didn't ask to be a half-blood" OOH IM GAGGED. the swordfighting flashbacks??? "I warned you. If you're not careful, you'll find out who I am." OH THAT IS MY PERCY JACKSON RIGHT THERE!! THE WAVE GOING AROUND HIM????? HE SLASHED ARES' ACHILLES TENDON.... OH MY GODS. OHH HADES' HELM.. "tell Hades I expect him to do the same.... please." OHH THE ZEUS CONVERSATION IN THE CABIN ! "I'm done running from monsters. This is too important, I have to try." ANNABETH GIVIJG HIM HER NECKLACE IM SICKKK
"just to be clear, how sure are we we cant explain all of this in an email?" "Where's the glory in that? WOAH. OLYMPUS IS SO COOL???? I WOULD KILL TO LIVE THERE. ohh another Percy and Luke flashback.. THE SPIDER/DEMIGOD COMPARISON?? "Things that are small and scary.. get squished." HOLY SHIT. oh the council room is not at all as cool as I thought. r.i.p Lance Reddik, absolute legend 🫡 OHHH THIS IS SO GOOD THIS IS SOOOO GOOD. "BOY. the war proceeds, it ends with victory." oh wow. oh wowwee. "They obey, because theyre afraid." TOA REFERENCE?? OH MY GODS OH MU GODS POSEIDON SAVING PERCY IM THROWING UP IM ILL!! "Take your victory, just spare my son." number 1 dad alert?? THEY'RE SPEAKING ANCIENT GREEK??? WHAT?? THIS IS SO COOL??? "Make sure I never see this one again" uhm about that... "The sea does not like to be restrained" HE SAID THE LINE!!! HE SAID THE LINE!! ohh they both love Sally so much I'm dying. "Do you ever dream about mom?" ohhh I'm sobbing. THE LOOK ON PERCY'S FACE WHEN POSEIDONS HAND PULLS AWAY?? ARE THOSE THE STOLL BROTHERS?? OR CASTOR AND POLLUX?? ohh they're hugging. oooh they're strategizing. CLARISSE!! leave my girl ALONE!! "And you should be betrayed by one who calls you a friend" oh honeyyy :( HES FIGURING IT OUT. THE FIREWORKS LIGHTING LUKES SCAR?? "I didn't think you'd give them to Grover to wear." he likes Grover, he didn't want Grover to be hurt because he was his first proper protector, he lead him, Annie, and Thalia to safety, to camp, Luke DIDN'T WANT TO HURT GROVER. Ohh walker and Charlie's acting is insane... BACKBITER ??? ohh this is so good kid from the musical coded. "This isn't you!! 🥺🥺" Luke's face when Percy said he met Hermes is making me SOB. oh this fight scene is so sick... ANNABETH??? Luke's face?? HE WENT THROUGH THE GATEWAY?? I'm crying. "I don't think he does either, that's what scares me." OHHHH. "You are a leader in the eyes of your fellow half-bloods." HES TWELVE ??? 😭😭 "Percy?? That's your name??" Oh Dionysus I love you. ANNABETHS HAIR DEVOURED??? "And then some place like Disney world?" ANNABETHHH "just.. be a kid." OH MY GOD. GROVERS SEARCHING LICENCE?? "No ones bothered to check the seas!" WOO FORESHADOWING!! THE GROUP HUG :(( CRYING. SALLY!!!! the only mother and son duo ever. Ohh their acting is unreal. IT WAS A DREAM?? is that Kronos?? he's fucking ugly I can't even lie... OHH IT'S SALLY SHES REAL!! "grandpa:(" "don't call him that..." cry laughing. They're so precious to me :(((( BLUE PANCAKES!! I'm sick this is so perfect 😭😭 the brainrot is real.
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Poseidon character design & headcanons
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(hes so hot i cant)
Hes the oldest of Cronus' children.
When Cronus found out about the prophecy about one of his children killing and overthrowing him, he came to kill all his kids - Poseidon was 17 back then, and as the oldest sibling, he felt the obligation to protect the younger ones - he failed and Cronus killed all of them including him (Zeus resurrected them all after killing Cronus - but thats another story).
When he was trying to protect Hestia from Cronus, his father used his strength of a Titan and literally ripped his arm from his shoulder before killing him.
He made a magical artificial arm later after being resurrected by Zeus - it's made from bones (forearm) and ocean scrap. He could've made it look human, however he wanted to be dramatic.
Speaking of which, he's a total drama queen. He's overly protective of everyone and everything he loves and will indeed make fuzz about not being able to find his favorite mug.
Injuries form deep and visible scars on his body. His chest and stomach are scarred a LOT, aswell as his back.
The scar on his lip is from the time he fell as a child, he barely remembers it, but he doesnt mind because he can make up cool stories about how he got it.
He's not afraid of getting his hands dirty. If he needs to kill someone, he will kill them.
He indeed is traumatized by the time his own father killed him. He hates himself for not being able to protect his siblings. That's the reason he's protective, he wants to make it up to himself. He tries to be the father he never had - he loves all his children. Even though hes quite afraid of Polyphemus, he still sees him as his son.
He often has nightmares about what happened the night Cronus came to kill them. He doesn't tell anyone from the Gods though, he just sort of suffers alone.
He. Doesnt. Like. Zeus. Zeus is the youngest of them and Poseidon missed his whole childhood and teenage years - when Cronus killed Poseidon, Zeus was a baby and Rheia - their mother - hid him away and saved him. Zeus grew into a prideful man, which Poseidon cannot stand.
He's normally calm, but when something really pisses him off, he loses temper very easily.
He carved his trident himself and made it work with his artificial arm.
Yeah and he's bi. Like. The most openly bisexual man you can meet.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello my lovely author, welcome back can I request a yandere poseidon x amphitrite reader. Poseidon dont cheat because he only love the reader, only her, unlike in the greek mythology. He is obsessed, and protective over her. The reader wants to escape at his grasp but she cant. So when the ragnarok was announced, the reader always hoping someone can kill poseidon, and maybe ragnarok will her chance. You can continue if you want poseidon to be dead or not, making reader to suffer forever.
-At first, you were over the moon that you had been the one to catch Poseidon’s eye, he was one of the most highly desired bachelors in Valhalla, but always refused women when they tried to flirt with him.
-They day he asked you to marry him you became highly envied by all, women and men, jealous of your incredible luck.
-Poseidon started off as a wonderful husband, doting, loving, caring- he was ready to give you anything you desired just to see you happy.
-You ate up all of his attention, showering him in your own, overjoyed by his love for you, and he relished every single moment with you.
-However, after years of being together, you started to notice a difference in his love, he would get clingy and wouldn’t hesitate to threaten other men who would be looking over in your direction, always keeping you close with a hand around your waist or holding your hand tightly, as if you would be blown away if he wasn’t holding onto you.
-Then he started to isolate you, wanting you to stay home, trying to convince you that everyone out in the world was trying to hurt you, and he just wanted to protect you.
-You couldn’t even go and see your sisters as your husband knew they would take you away from him.
-Poseidon began to gaslight you, telling you that he’s just doing it to keep you safe, because he doesn’t want to see you hurt, and what kind of husband would he be if he allowed you, the love of his life, be hurt.
-When Ragnarok was announced, Zeus told Poseidon he was going to be fighting, which you saw as your chance to finally get away from him!
-You were forced to sit with Zeus during your husband’s fight, and while Zeus was his brother, Zeus could see the warped love Poseidon now held for you, and he was terrified for you.
-You watched on bated breath, your heart fighting you as you watched Kojiro manage to actually hurt your husband; on one side you love your husband, you adored him, but on the other hand, the man fighting out there wasn’t your husband, not anymore.
-When Poseidon was killed, you and Zeus were both stunned, seeing a human kill a god as your hands clapped over your mouth, watching the man you once loved fading away.
-He looked up at you with the last of his strength, seeing you crying heavily, and he smiled softly, seeing the love you had for him. It was love, but it was also relief knowing that you were finally free.
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nevraeldarya · 5 months
I have the craziest things to asked. Will Poseidonas fight Rhea if he learn Rhea is his opponent? and what happen to Bruh.. whatever that Valkyrie name is, when he learn she put Rhea as his opponent.
Will Hades help Poseidonas too?
They will fight till Rhea cant anymore and just tells him :
"I can't old man, you win"
Poseidon will role his eyes grab her and takes her to his palace.
This is in the case where he remembered cause I think you mean in case of like Reincarnation/Time Travel situation
In the case that Rhea was transported to Ragnarök thus Poseidon doesn't know her she won't step foot on that arena
She is bloodthirsty who loves to fight but at the same time she isn't an idiot.
She wont fight but will search to talk with Hades and explain the situation
He seems to be the only one who will listen without killing her, so with Hades there Poseidon will listen to her explanation and maybe maaaaybe be willing return her back to where she should or maybe Hades will do it himself.
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