#post TROS
msuolo · 8 months
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finding you one day.
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wizard-amulang · 2 years
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post TROS smuggler Hux and slave Kylo AU
They didn’t hope to meet each other alive
For Hux, this sudden encounter at the slave market was a little bit disappointing. He thought that his only weakness had finally sunk into oblivion and remained in the past forever. But it wasn’t. Of course, Hux couldn’t help but take pleasure in the idea that the cause of his muny suffering in the past would be his thing now
For Kylo that was salvation. Maybe, it would be unpleasant to meet a traitor-exlover for someone else. But when Kylo lost touch with the force, he became weak enough to cling to glimpses of the past. He was really blessed to see Hux
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solohux · 1 year
When Ben leaves Exegol with Rey and returns to the Resistance, he’s told that General Hux is dead. The pain and the grief are so strong that Ben runs into the forest before he can hurt someone, throwing his head back and screaming to the sky when he’s alone. A massive burst of his powers explode from him, knocking down trees for miles.
If a man falls and no one is around to hear him, does he make a sound?
He falls to his knees, sobbing. He begs Hux for forgiveness, for letting this happen. Hux is gone, and that means their unborn baby is too.
But Ben carries on. He tags along with the Resistance, taking more of a backseat than anything whilst they clear up the Final Order’s mess. He tattoos himself, writing Hux’s name in native Arkanis letters on his wrist, wanting a piece of Hux with him forever.
It’s 16 years later when Ben feels a disturbance in the Force. Nothing has happened for years; there are still tiny factions of the First Order dotted around but the New Republic reigns, and Ben is happy as a traveller across worlds, appreciating life.
He’s on a space station in the Inner Rim when he sees the news reports.
There are photos of a figure who looks remarkable like him from his past life, with long flowing black robes and a red, cross-guarded lightsaber. The holoreport freezes on the person’s face, and Ben feels his knees grow weak. The person is a young man, no older than 16 years, with mid-length dark hair and pale eyes, sharp cheekbones and a glare that could kill. There’s no doubt in Ben’s mind that this kid is the son of Armitage Hux…& Kylo Ren.
Ben has to find him and talk to him, find out the truth of where he comes from. If Hux is alive and this boy is their son then…then it changes everything. Ben sets off to the planet where the ‘Kylo Ren’ was spotted, hoping with every fibre of his body that he’s going to find Hux there.
Meanwhile, on a little planet in the far Outer Rim, 16 year old Elias is getting a telling off from his mother about going out dressed like his deceased father wielding his old lightsaber for everyone to see when they’re supposed to be in hiding. Oops.
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thebigreylotheory · 2 years
Call Of The Light - Page 6
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reylotoothpaste · 6 months
Okay guys I’m back on my Reylo bs five years later and I neeeed someone to talk to about it, esp with new interviews where Adam and Daisy are discussing what happened back then so if anyone wants to chat I’m down 😭😭🤣
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flilisskywalker · 7 months
Most recent rumor of New Jedi Order film is that Finn and Rey will have kids.
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oopsallreylo · 2 years
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halfbakedbeanz · 1 year
After Ben's death Rey becomes a workaholic. She throws herself fully at her work to avoid greiving and feeling the half of herself missing. She knows hes gone, but doesn't want to face the fact fully. It all boils over years later when someone approches needing directions to get around the newly rebuilt republic. he looks so similar to ben that she finds herself feeling sad and looking at him for to long. Her fortress she built around herself to protect against reality crumbles a little revealing the hole in her heart. Her need for him is still there, she wants to act like its not but can't help it. She needs him to be standing in front of her she needs to feel the comfort and the sense of home she felt on Exegol before it was ripped away without warning. But the stranger isn't ben, he isn't here she starts to feel the coldness again and lonelyness that ate away at her for years before he appeared.
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
Hear me out, okay.
In 10 ABY, when 'Ahsoka' is set, Ahsoka is only in her mid to late forties.
At the end of TROS (she's not dead, sorry, I'm not having it), she would be about seventy.
Which is definitely not to old too old to teach Finn some Force stuff. Former child soldier to former child soldier.
Elder Ahsoka teaches Finn some Force Stuff AU like right now plz.
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kylosbreedingkink · 1 year
Kylo, after everything, Snoke is dead, Palpatine is dead, the First Order is gone.
He's alone, well and truly, in a way he never has been before.
He sleeps, and for the first time, realises that sleep can be peaceful.
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writingwife-83 · 1 year
"Naboo" for Reylo 🦋
Hmm I think you’re skillfully brining back my HC from that ask you sent me the other day hehe! Nicely done and I hope you like this! 😉 (and your next prompt is coming shortly!)
Rey finally pulled her lips from Ben’s, their limbs still tangled together where they’d collapsed together among the supplies in the base’s storage locker. There was, objectively, nothing even remotely romantic about a sudden proposal while they were doing manual labor… and yet it absolutely was.
“You really will?” Ben questioned, his eyes searching hers, despite the fact that he could probably feel the truth of it even before the “yes” had left her mouth and she’d tackled him to the ground.
“Yes!” Rey repeated anyway, tears streaming by then as she gripped him even tighter than the day she’d finally found him again and brought him home.
“I know this wasn’t exactly special, but if you’re going to become my wife, I want that to be somewhere special.” Ben paused, and Rey could practically feel an idea take shape as he caressed her cheek and asked with a smile, “Have you ever been to Naboo?”
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(Yes, this is obviously them picnicking on their honeymoon 👆)
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msuolo · 10 months
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n e o n.
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pulpwriterx · 2 years
Even though I'm not leaving the bird app, I'm so excited to be back on Tumblr and all you guys are back here with me! I left in March 2022 because all the Reylos were gone and now we're all here, together! I am preparing a funny, fluffy smutty post-TROS fic for Tumblr only, just to welcome all of to my social media home since 2012. Please talk to me in the notes, too!
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virtie333 · 2 years
Planet X
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Since I skipped last week because I was so focused on my Life Day series, I thought I better make sure to remember my Sunday story share this week. They just keep getting longer and longer. I wanted Rey to have a solo adventure, but Poe managed to talk his way in somehow. I love writing all my stories, but this one really has a special place in my heart; I was super stressed during the time I was writing it, and it really pulled me through.
It also allowed me to essentially find closure for the Rey/Ben relationship. I've never tried to hide the fact that I was Reylo as well as Damerey throughout the movies, but that Damerey took control as soon as I started writing this series. After Kennera, I was completely and absolutely in love with Poe, but I still wanted one last scene between Rey and Ben. And so this ended my involvement in the Reylo ship. I've been devoted to Damerey ever since.
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thebigreylotheory · 2 years
Call Of The Light - Page 4
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Uncle Party Pooper....update next Thursday. Happy Fall!
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sassinake · 2 years
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Maybe this will help us move past...
No one's ever really gone.
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