#post s2e4
Moonlit Confessions
(ao3 link in title)
Blitzø visits Stolas in the hospital, but only when he thinks Stolas doesn't know.
The room was warm despite the evident starlight coming through the draped windows that usually signaled that Stolas should be chilly. He’d been in and out of sleep for the past several days, waking only long enough to eat if prompted or make a few observations about his surroundings. He had been able to relatively consistently remember that daylight=warm. Moonlight=cold, but if asked what day it was or even where he was, Stolas would likely be unable to answer without help. He wasn’t even sure he could answer if asked, he hadn’t spoken aloud in ages.
The magic he had used during the full moon had exhausted him of all his energy. He didn’t fight the sleep when it came, he knew his role right now was to rest: it was the only way he would heal. He also hadn’t tried to fight himself into wakefulness too often. Usually he awoke only to reposition himself or fix the arrangement of his blankets. This time as he awoke, however, Stolas found that he had a much more difficult time moving. There was something in his arms.
With just one eye squinting itself open, only able to see a blur of red with black and white stripes, Stolas reasoned that he was clutching to Impy, his unfortunately named beloved childhood stuffed doll. He still had the doll tucked away with his other possessions. He came out of storage on rare occasions when Stolas needed extra comfort, such as periods of illness. Curious, he thought. Nobody had come to bring him anything, he hadn’t remembered Impy being among his possessions while in hospital. It was with a movement of his good hand up to the imp’s head that he realized he was touching flesh and not fabric. Two more of the prince’s eyes blink open. With increased cognizance, Stolas realized that he could feel the rise and fall of the other’s chest as he breathed. When his eyes adjusted, he recognized the brand mark from the imp circus, tucked carefully under the Goetia’s chin. Blitzy was here.
It almost felt like a dream and Stolas was happy to convince himself of that, but the smell of booze that became apparent as Stolas became more awake settled him into reality. A disorienting reality, one he didn’t entirely know how to make sense of, but one that Stolas couldn’t help but take comfort from in this moment. Blitzy was here, all of the other details were negligible.
Stolas was warm, he realized, because Blitz had pulled the blanket up over them when he’d snuck into bed. He was having trouble moving because Blitz’s tail was wrapped around the two of them twice over. His face was buried in Stolas’s chest feathers and his arms were wrapped under Stolas’s, clutching to his back. While Stolas woke thinking he was holding onto something, he now realized that he was the object that was being held onto. Stolas tried to move, only slightly, but was stopped when he heard Blitz shift protectively and grumble in his sleep.
“No” It wasn’t an angry or upset no. It was quiet, a bit playful, concerned. “Shh, no jus’….no. Don’ move.”
Blitz was still very much asleep. Stolas found the concern that Blitz showed in his unconscious state endearing. He could feel his heart swell, there was no doubt he was blushing. Blitzy cared for him, even if it was just a quiet shushing in his sleep. How could Stolas do anything but oblige?
“Alright.” Stolas’s voice was no more than a whisper. His good hand rested atop Blitz’s head, scratching gently between his horns. He pressed his lips to the other’s forehead and kept them there in a prolonged, tender kiss. Stolas found it quite easy to drift back into sleep with Blitz tangled up in his arms.
Stolas awoke again hours later when the sun was starting to rise. Blitz was trying to sneak out of bed, and doing so rather successfully until he fell out of it. Stolas was still rather disoriented, he decided to stay laying still. He could hear Bliz standing up, he could hear him grumble and brush himself off, then silence for several moments.
“You’re still fucking sleeping” Blitzø’s voice was quiet, and just slightly fuzzy around the edges. Stolas wondered how much Blitz drank before breaking in here to still be inebriated in the morning. He wondered how much time had actually passed.
Blitz stumbled, he sighed. “You should’ve woken up to that. Or this. You should be awake right now going ~Oh Blitzy~ with your big stupid fucking eyes. You’re not supposed to….You shouldn’t...You’re not…” His voice almost cracked, but he stopped and swallowed before allowing that to happen. It was a few moments before he spoke again. “I didn’t know you could get hurt.”
Blitzø didn’t outright apologize, but Stolas understood what he was trying to say. The air hung heavy in the room, the silence clinging to both of them uncomfortably. Blitz’s breath hitched and Stolas could feel all of the air from his lungs leave as his chest crushed in on itself. Blitzy was crying. This was exactly the moment that Stolas wanted to reach out and pull Blitzø back into his arms and hold him, but he knew this was exactly the sort of moment Blitz would never let anyone else see. He knew Blitz would run the moment Stolas showed him affection. Stolas stayed as still as he could, he remembered his breathing, he remained “sleeping” while Blitz regained his composure.
“You look like shit, Birdie.” Blitz sniffed, Stolas imagined he was wiping away tears before they fell. Blitzy never let anyone see him show such vulnerability. Stolas wanted to believe that these emotions were fueled by more than whatever Blitz had taken before coming here. Stolas felt the blanket over him move. Careful hands pulled the blanket back up around him and tucked him in. “You can’t fucking die, okay? That’s an order.” Stolas could feel something hover over his face. He couldn’t tell if it was Blitzø’s hand or his lips. He never learned, nothing ever made contact.
Blitz’s boots click towards the exit. “If you do I’ll….I’ll kill you again.” Three more clicks. “Fuck!” His voice is a whisper, the boots clicked on down the hall. Stolas didn’t hear any more from Blitz.
Stolas didn’t sleep very well the rest of the day. His chest ached in a way he didn’t know how to categorize. He stayed tearful, he couldn’t decide if his tears were happy or sad. Both, he supposed. More of one than the other at times. Stolas had never been more conflicted in his life. How had he gotten here? He knew the answer, it was a reality of his own making, but that didn’t make it any less confusing.
He may not know how things would play out between him and Blitzø, but knew one thing: he was going to stay alive. He had to, Blitz had asked him to.
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creacherclown · 5 months
“Flint’s too macho” “Flint gives into toxic masculinity”
um… are we talking about the same dude that almost burst into tears when talking about what a good person he thinks his nerdy little boyfriend is?
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t4tails · 3 months
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atomicradiogirl · 5 months
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Given the hurt dumbass energy that both Blitz & Stolas have, they‘ll manage to have a major misunderstanding, if Stolas ever gets around to giving Blitz those Crystals to access the human-world.
The reason Stolas does it, is because he doesn’t want to force Blitz to be with him anymore, since he realised, that he probably won’t get his love reciprocated & that the thing they have is kinda not healthy for both of them (or I guess that’s what’s happening). And honestly, I don’t think he‘s wrong.
What I do think might become a problem, since at least one of them has communication issues, is that Blitz will probably take it the wrong way. Which means the Stolas-doesn’t-want-anything-to-do-with-me-anymore-way, since they won’t have to regularly see each other anymore. Especially now after he got seriously hurt after Blitz refused to help him.
Blitz might even take it as a confirmation, remember that he thought/thinks/is trying to convince himself, that Stolas is only interested in him sexually.
But they won’t talk about that right?
It‘d probably turn into a scene where Stolas gives him those Crystals like I got those for you so you don’t have to borrow my Grimoire anymore, which between the lines reads as I love you so I let you go/if you love me too you’ll stay anyways.
And Blitz might either just take them and say nothing & be hurt, or he‘ll get angry, take them and go. I can’t really imagine him saying no yet? I don’t know why. He might be like where is this coming from, but that seems slightly unlikely, and even if they have that conversation, I still suspect the outcome will be the same. Said outcome would probably be radio-silence between them, because they‘re both (as mentioned) hurt dumbasses (affectionately - cause I relate).
Stolas will be heartbroken & sad, because he’ll think that he was right, since Blitz just won’t talk to him anymore. As a result he might either be too scared (or smth) to text him or his texts will stay unanswered.
Blitz on the other hand will probably think, that him keeping a distance is what Stolas wants, but if Stolas texts him he‘ll be angry and irritated because why would he end our deal like that if he‘s just trying to sleep with me anyways or smth like that. But on the inside he‘ll be hurt and sad, because he lost yet another person, who was important to him.
Or at least that’s how I think it might go.
How would we get out of that? Honestly I’m not sure.
They might not. Which would be sad, because even though they‘re both fucked, I personally want them to be happy together.
Another scenario I could imagine is a rather emotional moment? Like Striker strikes (haha) again and this time Blitz is there to help and then they make up, or they both get captured and have like a moment or smth. Or they have to work together and afterwards there‘s a quiet moment.
Or, also a possibility, the others are so fed up with them, that they just set them up to talk/trick them into seeing each other. Lock them in a closet or whatever and just leave ‘em there until they figure it out or something. Sounds like an M&M thing to do.
Anyways, I think you get what I was trying to say. I was actually about to take a nap but then I saw a fanart of Stolas meeting up with Asmodeus and I binge watched Helluva Boss yesterday and now we‘re here. Just had to get this out of my system, I’ll leave it here if you don’t mind bye~
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oleander4 · 2 years
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Thomas Barrow & his teacup | Downton Abbey | S2 E4
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muninnhuginn · 11 months
Glancing at the Qian Jin-Xiao Li duo then at the Lu Guang-Cheng Xiaoshi one and realising that from what we know Qian Jin was originally the by-the-book type and even now is incredibly careful and thorough. Meanwhile, Xiao Li went along with the photo shop trio despite knowing how unbelievable it all seemed and was willing to arrange Lu Guang's safety in a less traditional way
Qian Jin especially in the past is much more aligned with Lu Guang personality-wise whilst the more flexible and intuition-based Xiao Li is more aligned with Cheng Xiaoshi
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aq2003 · 1 year
sorry i am still super sick and illnessed over percy and cass and i need to explode. percy who had been driven by nothing but grief and revenge for years and his soul slowly eaten by a demon bc he thought he had no one left to live for. cass who had spent years being manipulated by the briarwoods and resenting percy for leaving her behind bc that was easier than accepting that she had lost the last of her family. both of them having their grief and trauma being taken advantage of for so long and then both of them breaking free of it bc of the realization of "there are still people left in my life that care about me". they are all that's left of the de rolos and the one thing they can do is just be there for each other . like.,. fuck!!!!!! also percy couldn't kill delilah bc he already lost so much of himself to revenge (both in terms of his mind and his actual soul) but cass could bc she was so deprived of any ability to hit back against the people that hurt her . GOD. i'll never be normal about them and also i am always thinking about this shot specifically
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skibasyndrome · 7 months
Valentine's ball scene gifsets
Sooo, because of an idea by @darktwistedgenderplural (and for their cool new archive project @youngroyalsarchive) I'm going to try to collect as many gif posts about the beloved Valentine's ball scene in s2e4 as possible
"Young royals S2e4" by @atdawnweryd
"are there even words to describe it?" by @barrowsteeth
"Unhinged Simon 💜" by @books-books-smolderinglooks
"A moment between kisses" by @drs295
[no title] (Simon's & Wilhelm's relieved smiles) by @drs295
"That's Wille realizing that he's transformed..." by @maya-hawke
"Going from ☹️ to 😍" by @savethedots
"YOUNG ROYALS | 02.04" by @suledins
"YOUNG ROYALS | 02.04" by @suledins
"Young Royals episode 4 season 2" by @youngroyalscentral
I'll keep updating this, so please send me/tag me in/add any other gif posts about the scene (TM) you can find!
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eemoo1o-sunnyoo · 1 year
I’d just like to say, that the scene with Mac and Barbara after having sex is how I can imagine what it would be like if it was Mac and Dennis: one of them not enjoying it, Mac professing his feelings of adoration at the event—saying how wonderful it was—as Dennis briskly gets dressed before Dennis completely shuts him down, asking, “You’re not going to talk about your feelings and shit, are you?” Yeah, this is exactly how it’d go down.
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peytonsource · 6 months
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2x04 peyton sawyer icons
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creacherclown · 5 months
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sapphicspearopinions · 9 months
well styled lan fanart has spoiled me they farquadded himmm 😭
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dunewindart · 1 year
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cat!warren !!
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sonicskullsalt · 1 year
Fav things of TLOVM s2e4
(Spoiler alert, because I watched the campaign and might reference it)
Baby Trinket
What are you going to do? Raise a dann bear?
Kash trying to resurrect Vex, didn't think they'd put that in. Also great to see what the ritual looks like in the show. Also just Kash being the good guy, standing up for what's right.
Take me instead, you raven bitch!
the fate strings
The red stained calamity visions, facing off Purvan, giant gods in the sky (oh hi there, Everlight)
the fact that they managed to include the (not-)Beholder
Oh, just petrified? Really?
Pikelan 😍 I got you dammit, do not let go!
oh just Vax being a bad ass rogue! Especially riding up the tentacle and the best desktop background ever 🐦‍⬛
Le Punch (TM)
the pokeball (that Grog can't wait to get into)
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its-raining-brellies · 11 months
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