#post tybw
animepills · 1 year
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This Sunday, new information of BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2: The Separation will be revealed!
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suprememysticalbeing · 6 months
They had won....
It had been close, but once against the young Shiba hadn’t disappointed. He didn’t think Ichigo realized how crucial he had been to all his plans (and still was) since the beginning of his scheming centuries ago. Ignorance was a bliss sometimes... He even allowed himself to compliment him on the battlefield like the proud creator he was. That had been an indulgence; but who knows, maybe those little interactions were going to be enough to allow him a few seconds of free speech next time they meet instead of a Cero to the face. He would rather have him on his side than as an enemy, probably the only one that could still prevent his ascension if he so chooses.
With the decades remaining before his plan came to fruition, Ichigo was bound to discover the true nature of Soul Society and be horrified. His body was inevitably going to fail him before he reached old age (human weren't meant to hold reiatsu that powerful) and living in Seireitei would open his eyes to how awful the nobles’ reign was. His sense of justice was too strong. He wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye like all the other fools that were his friends. He was convinced that he wasn’t going to oppose him when it was going to get out of here. He never saw him as an antagonist anyways, much more like an unaware collaborator of his own transcendence to true immortality and godhood.
Another puppet was on the throne... for now.
He had all the time in the world yet again. Millenia even. Muken was so quiet, the perfect environment to go into Jinzen and reflect: integrating all the constituents of his soul together so they emerged as the perfect being they were meant to be. Convincing Kyoka Suigetsu to fuse with him had been a hard-won negotiation that lasted for months. They had been rightfully scared to lose their identity to the aggressive consciousness that was the Hogyoku.
Even if the overwhelmed-with-the-situation captains had noticed his increased strength when he had been fighting a few days ago, the fact that they put him back here meant they hadn’t caught on to his true long-term goal. Urahara had been blinded and counteracting the poison in his veins. He hadn't been as sharp as usual when he saw him last. He didn't even comment on how suspicious it was that he didn’t escape when he had plenty of opportunities to do so. Probably busy saving his Shihouin best friend as well. He had seen awfully distracted when he had redone his kido seal. Lucky him. Staying here unguarded was perfect. Central thought he was bound for 20 000 years, what a bunch of fools still. This iteration wasn't better than the last one.
Too bad he had been too weak to subdue the Hogyoku right away....
He almost lost himself to his overwhelming power once he started to evolve. Ichigo had weakened it enough so he could retain his sense of self. That also had been closed. What was the point of becoming stronger if he didn’t have possession of his faculties? He momentarily shuddered under the prospect of being an empty shell for the way-too-powerful gem. Kaname used to scowl at him often about his bad habit of using himself as his main test subject. Well, with high risk come high rewards. The past was the past.
It was only a matter of time... He was going to be King; it was inevitable...
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beatodog · 1 year
Zombietta fanart
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substituted-shinigami · 5 months
Learning to Breathe
(aka Please Remember To Put On Your Oxygen Mask Before Assisting Others)
Characters: Rukia, Renji, Byakuya, and some Fourth Division OCs, (RenRuki)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, some Angst, some Humor, Family
Rated: T (for mentions of medical tools such as needles and depictions of anxiety, but nothing is graphic or even really overly described. This story is more about the emotions than the medical drama)
Story Summary: Turns out purple eyes and short stature aren’t the only things that run in Hisana’s family, illness does as well. As Rukia and Renji try to help each other navigate through this new storm in their lives, will they remember to take time to breathe? (Rukia gets the same disease that killed Hisana (Bloodlines AU), Post TYBW, Post renruki engagement)
Click the link to read below or click here to read the story on AO3!
Epilogue: Safe At Last
AO3 chapter link
Chapter Summary: Attention Passengers, we have now (somehow) managed to arrive safely at our destination. Thank you for flying Stress Soul Society Airlines, your number one, and only, choice in airplane travel! We hope one day you will fly with us again! (An epilogue in which Rukia and Renji finally get their sandwiches. Oh, and they work things out with Byakuya too.)
“Now the real question is… how in the world do we handle my brother?” Rukia began around a huge mouthful of egg sandwich. In true chaotic style, when ordering her lunch, Rukia chose not to go with one of the “pre-picked” or “highly suggested” options from the bar’s menu, and instead went fully custom, simply picking out several ingredients that she liked, in this case, hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, ham, and cheese, and then just had them slapped together between two slices of interesting sounding bread, in this case ciabatta. (She tried to get two different kinds of bread too, but they wouldn’t let her.) However, while the flavors were good overall, it turned out kind of dry. She reached for a mayo packet. “He keeps pushing you so hard on this, and is convinced it is the correct way. I understand he’s grieving and trying to be supportive, but pushing his feelings onto you doesn’t help either of you!” Rukia snapped, squeezing the mayo packet onto her sandwich with a lot more force than was probably necessary.
Renji licked the sauce from his chicken bacon ranch sandwich off of his fingers, it was on a sesame seed bun and had honey mustard and extra bacon added, and thought for a moment.
“I think I have an idea for how to handle that actually…” he replied as he grabbed a french fry and dunked it into the ketchup. Rukia raised an eyebrow at him.
Later that evening, there was a knock on Kuchiki Byakuya’s home office door.
“Enter,” he said curtly without looking up. The door slid open, and Rukia and Renji were both bowing together in the entryway, “Come in. To what do I owe this visit?”
“Niisama, we require your assistance!” Rukia said as they entered the room. Byakuya’s head shot up.
“What is it? Is something amiss?” he asked quickly, his brows furrowing.
“No, nothing like that, Niisama,” she began, “But as you know, I’m in training for the captain’s exam. However, due to my current illness, some may see me as unfit to lead, and wish to dismiss me.”
“That’s ridiculous, even with the illness you are more than capable. The late Captain Ukitake served as a captain for hundreds of years with an illness,” Byakuya dismissed, as he went back to signing his paperwork. Rukia took a deep breath and let it out again.
“Be that as it may,” she stated slowly and deliberately, “it is still a concern. So in order to prove them wrong, I would like to be extra prepared for the exam. Therefore,” Rukia took another deep breath, “I would like you to train me, Niisama.” Byakuya paused in his writing, and gave his sister a pointed look.
“What about my venerable vice captain, Abarai Renji?” Byakuya asked dryly and a little suspiciously, “Has he not mastered bankai? Is he not capable?”
“Renji is very capable!” Rukia snapped defensively.
“Buuuut, I’m not a captain…captain,” Renji said, trying to get the bickering siblings back on track, “And as much as I would like to help, you would be more suited for the job. Plus, unfortunately, I’m going to be pretty busy.”
Byakuya narrowed his eyes at his second, "And why, pray tell, is that?”
“U-Um…well,” Renji stammered, before finding his voice again, “because of all our new recruits, of course, sir! Now that the reconstruction is well underway, we are finally building up the Sixth Division again, and I’ve barely had a chance to meet any of them!”
“So? You do not need to have a personal interaction with every one of your underlings.”
“He does if he’s going to be training them,” Rukia piped in, now that she had cooled down a little. Byakuya sniffed at that.
“We have other people who can do that.”
“Oh yeah?" Rukia asked, cocking an eyebrow, "And how’s that been going for you?” Byakuya pursed his lips and frowned. Rukia continued, “Besides, it’s not just the recruits he needs to socialize with, it’s people from the other squads too. During this time of reconstruction, it's important to keep up relations between squads, and Renji is very suited to do this.” Rukia didn’t say that Byakuya wasn’t very suited to do this. She didn’t have to.
“Perhaps,” Byakuya relented, “However, if Vice Captain Abarai is running around doing all of these tasks, then how will he, Renji, also be able to help you out as well?”
“Ah! But you see, that actually works in our favor, Niisama!” Rukia started excitedly, “After all, if I’m seen getting ready for the captain’s exam, but call on Renji for every little thing, then they may get the impression that I do not have the fortitude to be a captain. Therefore it is imperative that Renji helps me out less, so that way I can prove those who would vote against me wrong!” She finished triumphantly.
“Perhaps…” Byakuya said again more slowly, “However, what happens if you require his assistance, and he’s not there? What happens when you feel faint? If you fall, and cannot send out a hell butterfly?”
“We both have soul pagers, Niisama, I can always text him if I really need something,” Rukia stated matter-of-factly. Byakuya looked down as he neatly folded his hands on his desk. He sighed.
“I can see that this matter is very important to you…however, please keep in mind that you may not have as much time as you may think. Do you not wish to spend it together rather than chasing an uncertain future which may be devoid of each other?”
“We do not yet know the future, Niisama," Rukia said kindly, "And whatever it might be, we will be doing it together. But we don’t have to be physically together all the time in order to do that. And besides, as important as we are to each other, there are a lot of other people who are important to us too. Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Ishida, our divisions, the other vice captains, and you, Niisama, you are all important to us, and we want to spend time with all of you as well. That way, if anything were to happen, none of us will have any regrets.”
Byakuya was quiet for a moment before finally nodding, “I understand. I wish…I too wish to spend time with you...Rukia.” She smiled at him.
“As do I, Niisama, as do I.”
“It is settled then. I will train you, and Abarai will return to his odious task of socializing both within and without the Sixth Division, unless you truly find yourself unable to be without his personage. Is there anything else?”
“Um… Nope. That’s pretty much it,” Rukia shrugged.
“Good. You may take your leave then,” Byakuya finished, and went right back to work as if he hadn’t just had an emotionally trying experience. Rukia and Renji blinked, and turned to leave, when he piped up one more time, “Oh. One more thing.”
“Yes, Niisama?” Rukia asked, as they turned back around.
“If…If you ever need to go to the Fourth Division, for appointments or treatments, and Abarai is not available…and you need someone familiar to go with you…I can go if my schedule allows it…” Rukia's eyes opened wide.
“Oh! You don’t have to do that Niisama! I know how you feel about that section of the Fourth after…well…”
“Yes, however…” Byakuya began, as he put down his pen again, “As you said, we do not yet know the future…so perhaps it will be different this time…”
“Yes…Yes! Thank you, Niisama!” Rukia half coughed, half sobbed, “N-Niisama?”
“May I…hug you?”
Byakuya blinked, “Oh…I suppose…” He stood up. Rukia briskly walked over and wrapped her arms around him. Byakuya patted her back awkwardly. Renji, trying to remain professional, barely kept a smile off of his face. Byakuya, also trying to remain professional, barely kept from glaring at him.
Eventually, Rukia stepped back, wiping her eyes. Renji, as if trying to clear the air, coughed and said, “You know, we can also all do fun activities together too! Like go see a play at the theater or something.” At that, Byakuya's face visibly brightened.
“Ah! Yes! I just remembered. They are doing a rendition of Kanjinchō at the kabuki theater by the Fourth Division next Thursday. Do you wish to go, Rukia?”
“Oh? Well, yes! Thank you, Niisama!” Rukia nodded vigorously, still wiping her eyes.
“I suppose you can also come, Abarai Renji,” Byakuya said with a wave of his hand. Renji’s eyebrow twitched.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Although,” Byakuya thought aloud, “the play does occur just after dinner. Therefore, we may want to acquire our evening meal at a restaurant nearby in order to not be tardy.”
“Oh! Well in that case, Niisama,” Rukia began, as she shared a mischievous smile with her fiance, “we do know of this really great sandwich shop…”
Byakuya looked between the grinning pair with growing trepidation, "I'm sorry… A what?!?"
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
I haven't even fully developed this plot point yet, but in truth I wanted an excuse to draw my ~700 yr time skip design for Akon cause I love him lmaoo
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A familiar pink haired Zanpakuto had been preserved long after her Shinigami's death and experimented on by Mayuri Kurotsuchi, because the way she manifested herself was highly intriguing. The experimentation, plus the mental deterioration of a Shinigami existing without their master, caused her to lose her mind entirely and change her personality. She broke free from the lab, in an explosion that killed Mayuri. Now Akon has to pick up his previous Captain's mess, with Squad 12, including his daughter, by his side...
Without text:
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solitariusdeluna · 1 year
even if starrk lives away from hueco mundo now. it's still home to him. and he does go back when chance allows him to. wanting to see how things are and asking if there's anything he could do to help. plus lilynette decided she doesn't want to be with him and his lil family and is there more so.
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codename-freya · 1 year
@thorneprincess said: GUARDIAN : facing down a threat, sender pushes receiver back with an arm, moving to stand in front of them and protecting them with their own body. 😈
~*~ The petite blonde felt the air leave her lungs as she was pushed back, being protected by her friend. Her eyes were wide, panic in them. She wasn’t a fan of being protected by others yet she didn’t argue with Akiko. The girl wasn’t much like her old self these days. Her hair was ragged and short and she was so much more quiet than she had been.
Months away as a prisoner had changed some integral part of her. She was trying to get back to a sense of normalcy. She refused to show the weakness she felt whenever things got worse. Either way she was throwing herself into increasingly dangerous situations. Akiko seemed to have picked up on this, seemed to understand it.
Akiko was using her own body as a shield and Kaisa reached out, wishing she could pull her friend to safety. The situation they were in was her fault, not Akiko’s. She didn’t want her friend to be injured because of her.
“No!” Kaisa screamed, screeching, begging for Akiko to stop, “please! Don’t.”
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Her voice was desperate as she tried to pull Akiko back, trying to keep her safe.
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umbraria · 10 months
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BLEACH: FAVORITE SCENES 17/18 - Captain Kuchiki!
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katsuma6 · 6 months
"She's Busy Right Now"
Part 1.
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elyonholic · 9 months
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Ichigo and Orihime
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ydotome · 9 months
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Ichigo Kurosaki (黒崎 一護) - Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Episode 21
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suprememysticalbeing · 10 months
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beatodog · 1 year
Nemu Kurotsuchi fanart
Pose : Yae sakura
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Just a Talk in the Park (RenRuki)
(Genre: Humor/Fluff, Rated: G+ (someone is gored, but it’s not described))
Part of the "We Can't All Be Winners" anthology series of oneshots.
Chapter Summary:
In which Renji tries to explain to his girlfriend why it’s perfectly reasonable for him to be lying there, run through and half dead, in a park, without calling her about it…and fails. xD Post TYBWA but doesn’t contain spoilers.
Chapter available below!
Renji slowly cracked open his eyes. He felt terrible.
Where am I? What happened? And how did I get this freaking hole in my chest?! …Oh right…the battle…Ugh, Renji groaned.
Suddenly, he felt a gentle pulsing over his chest, soothing his wound. Renji looked up, and saw Rukia kneeling beside him, her hands aglow with the calming coolness of the healing kidō.
"Rukia…" he said softly, a small smile spreading its way across his face. He lifted his hand to cup her cheek, but Rukia gently shrugged him off with her shoulder, keeping her hands on her work.
"Not now, you dork, I'm trying to concentrate," Rukia said affectionately, squinting at her handiwork on his wound, "Rest now, we can make out later."
"Is that a promise?" Renji chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
"Yes, but more to the point, what the heck happened?! Orihime and I had been at the movies for all of two hours when I got your text. Then we came to the park and found this mess!" Rukia said, doing her best to gesture without moving her hands. The park was covered in slime and hollow guts. Rukia was going to have to call in an extraction team to get it all up. "Why didn't you call me, you idiot?!"
"I didn't want to pull you away from your hang out day with Orihime." Renji said, lacing his fingers behind his head now, to get a little more comfortable, "I know you two don't get to see each other very often, so I didn't want to take you away from that. Besides, the radar said it was just one hollow, and I had Ichigo with me. So, I figured we'd be fine."
"Uh huh. And how'd that turn out for you?"
"Hey, we killed it, didn't we? No harm, no foul."
"It's no harm, no foul because Orihime is a healing goddess, Renji! You were gored once, and Ichigo was gored twice. That's three gorings in one day, Renji!" Renji made a face at her.
"Ichigo got gored twice? Darn brat always trying to beat me at my record…"
"Oh yes, because that's what's important here." Rukia said, rolling her eyes, and then continued more slowly, "You should have called me, y’know? One big hollow or eight, I want to be fighting beside you, not… not doing this…"
"I know… I'm sorry."
"And it was a slime hollow, Renji, you know I love those!"
Renji chuckled a little at that, "I know, I know, I'm sorry! And hey, we both know the only reason you even like those hollows is because you can just freeze their slime and skate around, while the rest of us go slipping and sliding and bumping into each other like a couple of rabbits on a frozen lake."
“It’s not my fault, you all never learned how to ice skate.” Rukia sniffed.
“Uh huh, because that’s what’s important here.” He said, echoing her. Rukia grinned at him mischievously.
"So, how did you get this hole in your chest, anyway?"
"Well, I was fighting the hollow…" Renji began.
Rukia rolled her eyes, "Yes, I deduced that much."
"And I had just dodged out of the way of an attack…"
"Clearly not very well considering all the scratches on you."
"Shut up. Anyway, I had just dodged out of the way of an attack, successfully by the way, when I saw this kid who had apparently been hiding behind the tree that was behind me."
"Oh,” Rukia said more quietly, “So you got stabbed saving the kid?"
"Oh, no, that went fine. Ichigo held the hollow off while I dropped him off somewhere safer. You should have seen it, we were super cool. Anyway, on the way back, I…uh… slipped on some slime and got stabbed by the hollow."
"Seriously, Renji?!?!" Rukia exclaimed. She had to fight to not throw her hands up in the air at this.
"Whatever, it could have happened to anyone. Besides, I kept fighting, with a hole in my chest I might add, and eventually we killed it. So I sent you a quick text, and then, and only then, did I collapse and lose consciousness. No idea what Ichigo did. Where is Ichigo by the way?"
Rukia pointed with her eyes, "Over there being healed by Orihime. She can heal you both, but I wanted to close you up before I moved you."
Renji turned his head slightly to take a look. Ichigo and Orihime were on the other side of the park, close enough to see their expressions, but not hear their conversation. They were looking at each other softly. Renji smirked.
"Heh, healing up her man, I see. I don't know why they don't just- Ow!" Apparently, while Rukia had no time to kiss him, she had plenty of time to slap him.
"Leave them alone, " Rukia said, going back to her healing, "You know they like to take things slow. Besides," she said, looking at him fondly, "It's not like we have any room to talk."
"Yeah…" Renji agreed, warmly returning her gaze, "Yeah, you got me there."
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
I just wanted an excuse to draw my fic/au Akon design again because Akon spins around in my head like a microwave hot pocket
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anigst · 4 months
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something about ichigo's helpless/betrayed/tired look..
Bleach : Thousand-Year Blood War
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